Alpha Protocol: Readme File
Alpha Protocol: Readme File
Alpha Protocol: Readme File
Readme File
For more information, news and updates, please visit the SEGA website at
Table of Contents
1) System Requirements
2) Installation
3) AutoPlay Menu
4) Begin Playing Alpha Protocol
5) Uninstall Alpha Protocol
6) Controls
7) Troubleshooting
8) Alpha Protocol web sites
9) Technical Support
1) System Requirements
Minimum System Requirements:
Operating System:
Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7
2.4+GHz Intel or 2.0+GHz AMD
1 Gigabyte of RAM (Windows XP)
2 Gigabytes of RAM (Windows Vista or Windows 7)
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 6 series (6800 GT or better)
ATI 1300 XT or better (X1550, X1600 Pro and HD2400 are below minimum system
requirements and are not supported)
Intel integrated graphics chips are not officially supported.
2) Installation
In order to play Alpha Protocol, you must first install the game on your computer's hard
Please note that you will need Administrator access in order to install the game.
Insert the Alpha Protocol DVD into your DVD drive. When the Launcher screen appears,
follow the instructions on the screen to being installing the game.
If the Launcher screen does not appear, double-click on the My Computer icon on your
desktop (or for Vista and Windows 7 users, press the Start button and select Computer),
then double-click the DVD drive containing the Alpha Protocol DVD. Locate and
double-click on setup.exe to launch the install program. Follow the instructions to
complete the installation process.
Once you have successfully installed the game, you are ready to play!
3) Launcher
The Launcher will appear any time the Alpha Protocol DVD is inserted into the DVD
drive (assuming the AutoPlay feature is enabled in your operating system):
Install- Install the game. Only available if the game is not installed yet.
Play - Begin playing Alpha Protocol.
Uninstall - Remove Alpha Protocol from your hard drive.
Readme File - View this readme file for additional information about Alpha Protocol.
Web Site - Go to the official Alpha Protocol game web site.
Note: You will need to have the Alpha Protocol DVD in your DVD drive at all times in
order to play.
6) Controls
Keyboard and Mouse Commands
Select Menu Option.....................................................................Mouse
Accept....................................................................Right Mouse Button
Move Forward....................................................................................W
Move Left...........................................................................................A
Move Backward..................................................................................S
Move Right.........................................................................................D
Fire......................................................................... Left Mouse Button
Aim Mode....................................................Hold Right Mouse Button
Activate / Throw Current Gadget...................................................... G
Use Active Skill................................................................................. Q
Use Cover / Interact With Object................................................ Space
Sprint........................................................................... Shift + A, S or D
Stealth / Crouch..........................................................................Control
Reload.............................................................. R or Mousewheel Click
Skill Radial...........................................................................................Z
Gadget Radial......................................................................................C
Weapon Radial.....................................................................................X
Weapon & Ammunition Select.........................Mousewheel Up/Down
Ability/Gadget/Weapon Hotkeys..............................Number Keys 1-9
(while radial is open)
Center Camera/Zoom with scope (if available).................................. F
Open PDA........................................................................................Tab
Open PDA Personal Dossier................................................................P
Open PDA Map/Mission Select.........................................................M
Open PDA Loadout............................................................................ I
NOTE: All controls are based on the default controls using the Keyboard and Mouse.
7) Troubleshooting
If you are having difficulty launching the game:
1) Close any other applications that are running on your PC, including system tray
2) Make sure that the latest DirectX 9.0 is installed on your system. You can find this at:
3) Make sure to update your graphic card and sound card drivers to the latest drivers
Please try updating your graphic card drivers before contacting technical support:
ATI Driver Downloads
NVIDIA Driver Downloads
By default, the saved game files for Alpha Protocol are located here:
Windows XP
C:/Documents and Settings/USER/My Documents/Alpha Protocol
(where USER is the logged in username)
9) Technical Support
If you experience any technical problems with your game that you are unable to resolve,
please contact SEGA Technical Support: