A Novel Method For Determination of Polyester End-Groups by NMR Spectros
A Novel Method For Determination of Polyester End-Groups by NMR Spectros
A Novel Method For Determination of Polyester End-Groups by NMR Spectros
Received 7 October 2004; received in revised form 18 April 2005; accepted 19 April 2005
An efficient, convenient and quantitative method for characterising polyester end-groups is described. We have found that trichloroacetyl
isocyanate (TAI) reacts rapidly and quantitatively with both carboxyl [C(O)OH] and hydroxyl (OH) chain ends to form derivatives that can
be readily determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy. The TAI capped end-groups give rise to characteristic imidic NH resonances in a normally
clear region of the 1H NMR spectrum [dw10–11.5 for C(O)–O–C(O)–NH–C(O)CCl3 from C(O)OH, dw8–9 for O–C(O)–NH–C(O)CCl3
from OH]. The method has been successfully applied to quantitative determination of the end-groups of a wide variety of oligomeric
polyesters. It has also been applied to higher molecular weight polyesters including commercial, bottle grade, poly(ethylene terephthalate)
(PET) and PET based copolyesters (e.g. PETG).
Crown Copyright q 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Scheme 2.
A.R. Donovan, G. Moad / Polymer 46 (2005) 5005–5011 5007
Table 1 Table 2
n and acid numbers for a sample of Eastman 9663 using
Correlation of M Imidic proton 1
H NMR chemical shifts of various TAI derivatised
various techniques polyesters
Scheme 3. For acid end capped XZOH, YZRDOA, hydroxyl end capped XZNPG, YZH.
spectra of oligoesters synthesised with the design of being molecular weight calculated from the end-group concen-
alcohol end capped (i.e., excess diol used in the synthesis) tration (assuming polymer only has hydroxyl and carboxyl
show a single imidic hydrogen resonance at approximately d end-groups and neglecting the presence of cyclic oligomers)
8.5. Where more nearly equimolar quantities of diacid and was 31,350 which is consistent with a value calculated from
diol monomers were used in the synthesis both peaks were the intrinsic viscosity of 0.82 (Table 1).
observed in the spectrum. An example is provided in Fig. 1. Even though TAI has been used previously for the
The methodology thus allows for both the quantitative and quantitative determination of hydroxyl moieties in small
qualitative analysis of both hydroxyl and carboxyl polyester molecules and hydroxyl terminated polymers, it remained
end-groups by 1H NMR spectroscopy. necessary to determine that the reagent reacted quantitat-
The method has also been applied to commercial ively with both acid and hydroxyl end-groups in polymer
polyesters such as PET (Fig. 2), PETG (a PET based samples.
copolyester also containing 1,4-cyclohexanedimethanol It can be seen from Fig. 3 that there are a number of
units) and Crylcoat [low molecular weight P(IPA-co- changes in the spectra which clearly show that the reagent
NPG)]. PETG and Crylcoat are amorphous and freely has reacted quantitatively with all of the OH end-groups.
soluble in CDCl3 at room temperature. PET is insoluble in The signal (a) at d 1.0 is attributable to the geminal methyls
CDCl3. To enable dissolution, the PET sample was first of the -IPA-NPG-H end-group. Upon reaction with TAI this
rendered amorphous, by rapid thermal quenching, and then signal disappears completely and a new signal appears at d
dissolved in tetrachloroethane-d2 at 140 8C. The sample was 1.1 close to that of the geminal methyls of the -IPA-NPG-
cooled to ambient temperature before addition of TAI (no IPA- repeat unit. The signal (b) at d 3.4, due to the terminal
precipitation of PET occurred). Application of the method methylene, of the -IPA-NPG-H end-group shifts to d 4.2.
to Eastman 9663, a PET homopolymer, and analysis of the The new signal (d) at d 8.5 is attributable to the imidic
H NMR spectra indicated the carboxyl and hydroxyl end- hydrogen of the derivatised end-group and the integral of
groups were in a 21:79 ratio. The peaks attributed to the 0.117H is consistent with a quantitative reaction when
derivatiszed carboxyl (a) and hydroxyl (b) end-groups are compared to for example signal (b) where the methylene
discrete from the terephthalate aromatic signal at d 8.1. Due CH2 has an integral of 0.223H. These values are within
to the low concentration of end-groups in PET samples 1024 experimental error of G5%.
scans were required for adequate signal to noise. Integration Derivatisation of acid end capped IPA-NPG (Crylcoat
of the end group signals vs. the signals attributable to the 2988) with TAI yields a singlet in the NMR spectrum at wd
backbone aromatic hydrogens enabled calculation of the 11.65 (b). No other diagnostic changes are observed in the
concentration of the hydroxyl (COH) and carboxyl end- spectrum upon addition of the reagent (Fig. 4).
groups (CCOOH). The value of CCOOH was in accord with a A portion of the 1H NMR spectrum of an acid end capped
value determined by titration. The number average IPA-NPG oligomer (Crylcoat 2988) recorded in CF3-
COOD/CDCl3 is shown in Fig. 5. In this solvent system
the end-groups attributable to the H(a) of the NPG-IPA-H
Fig. 4. Portion of 1H NMR spectrum (32 scans) of TAI derivatised acid end Fig. 5. Portion of 1H NMR spectrum (32 scans) of acid end capped IPA-
capped IPA-NPG (Crylcoat 2988). NPG (Crylcoat 2988) recorded in CF3COOD/CDCl3.
5010 A.R. Donovan, G. Moad / Polymer 46 (2005) 5005–5011
Table 3
Comparison between various NMR techniques for end-group quantification
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