Ansi SPS 1.1
Ansi SPS 1.1
Ansi SPS 1.1
Scaffolding, Shoring
& Forming Institute, Inc.
1300 Sumner Ave
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2851
This Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute standard may
be revised or withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the
Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute require that action
be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later
than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of
Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute standards may
receive current information on all standards by calling or
writing the Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute.
Foreword .............................................................................................................................. v
1. Scope and Application .................................................................................................. 1
2. Definitions...................................................................................................................... 1
3. Design & Use ................................................................................................................. 1
4. Material Requirements................................................................................................... 2
5. Manufacturing Requirements......................................................................................... 2
6. Marking & Labeling....................................................................................................... 2
7. Test Procedures ............................................................................................................. 3
Foreword (This foreword is included for information only and is not part of ANSI/SSFI SPS1.1-, Standard Requirements
and Test Methods for Testing and Rating Portable Rigging Devices for Suspended Scaffolds.)
The following standard has been formulated by the Suspended Powered Scaffolding Engineering
Committee of the Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute, Inc. as an assistance and guide to the
manufacturers, purchasers, and users of rigging devices.
SSFI recognizes the need to periodically review and update this standard. Suggestions for
improvement should be forwarded to the Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute, Inc., 1300
Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, 44115-2851. All constructive suggestions for expansion and
revision of this standard are welcome.
The existence of a Scaffolding, Shoring & Forming Institute (SSFI) standard does not in any
respect preclude any member or non-member from manufacturing or selling products not
conforming to this standard nor is the SSFI responsible for the use of this standard.
At the time this standard was approved, the following were members of the SSFI Suspended
Powered Scaffolding Section:
SafeWorks/Power Climber/Spider
365 Upland Drive
Tukwila, WA 98188
2.3 Cornice Hook – A curved support device for 3. DESIGN & USE
suspended scaffold equipment that is normally point
loaded and transfers the suspended load to the 3.1 General Design and Use Requirements
building or structure.
3.1.1 All rigging devices shall be designed to
2.4 Failure – Load refusal, breakage, or satisfy the test requirements specified in section 7.
separation of component parts.
3.1.2 All suspension scaffold support devices such
2.5 Outrigger Beam – A support device for as outrigger beams, cornice hooks, parapet clamps
suspended scaffold equipment that consists of a and hooks shall rest on surfaces capable of
beam that extends out from the edge of the building supporting at least 4 times the load imposed on
or structure. Counterweights or engineered them.
equivalent prevent the beam from overturning.
3.2 Stability
2.6 Outrigger Carriage – A stationary or rolling
outrigger beam support system usually consisting of 3.2.1 Carriages shall have a maximum height to
a front fulcrum carriage and a rear counterweight base ratio of 2 to 1.
carriage. The carriage may be engineered scaffold
frames, or part of an outrigger beam system. They
may incorporate jacks on the fulcrum carriage to
apply the load to the structure.
5.1 All mechanical connections (bolts, pins, etc.) e. “Design tested to ANSI/SSFI Standard
shall be of a secure type to prevent loosening during SPS1.1.”
use. When welding is employed for structural
connections, the welding shall be done by an 6.3 Outrigger Beams
American Welding Society certified welder for that
particular process. For foreign manufactured 6.3.1 Outrigger beams shall be marked
equipment, when welding is employed for structural permanently or shall have a corrosion-resistant data
connections, a registered professional engineer shall tagb or label securely attached to the beam, readily
ascertain that weld designs employ weld visible to interested persons. The marking(s),
configurations, materials, sizes, and processes that tag(s) or label(s) shall bear the following
are listed by the American Welding Society. A information:
United States registered professional engineer shall
review foreign manufactured equipment to ensure a. Rated load and size restrictions.
that it complies with this standard.
b. Name of manufacturer.
c. Notice that tieback is required.
6.1 Parapet Clamps and Hooks
d. Counterweight chart or formula.
6.1.1 Parapet clamps and hooks shall be marked
permanently or shall have a corrosion-resistant data e. “Caution - Before use comply with
tag or label securely attached to the clamp or hook, manufacturer’s instructions.”
readily visible to interested persons. The
marking(s), tag(s) or label(s) shall bear the f. “Design tested to ANSI/SSFI Standard
following information: SPS1.1.”
a. Rated load and maximum reach. 6.4 Beam and Column Clamps
b. Parapet use and size restrictions (min./max. 6.4.1 Beam and column clamps shall be marked
opening of clamp/hook). permanently or shall have a corrosion-resistant
data tag or label securely attached to the clamp,
c. Name of manufacturer. readily visible to interested persons. The
marking(s), tag(s) or label(s) shall bear the
d. Notice that a tieback or tiedown is required. following information:
e. “Caution - Before use comply with a. Rated load and size restrictions.
manufacturer’s instructions.” b. Name of manufacturer.
d. “Design tested to ANSI/SSFI Standard
c. “Caution - Before use comply with SPS1.1.”
manufacturer’s instructions.”
d. “Design tested to ANSI/SSFI Standard
SPS1.1.” In order to validate the design and construction of
a particular rigging device, at least one copy of
6.5 Trolleys the device must be destructively tested. The copy
selected must be of “typical” materials and
6.5.1 Trolleys shall be marked permanently or fabrication, with no special attention paid during
shall have a corrosion-resistant data tag or label its manufacture.
securely attached to the trolley, readily visible to
interested persons. The marking(s), tag(s) or CAUTION: The testing process described
label(s) shall bear the following information: herein may result in catastrophic failure of the
device. Care must be taken to protect
a. Rated load and size restrictions. personnel and property during the testing.
c. “Caution - Before use comply with This test shall be used to test rigging hooks which are
manufacturer’s instructions.” intended to be supported at only one point (point
d. “Design tested to ANSI/SSFI Standard
SPS1.1.” 7.1.1 Test Preparation and Setup
c. “Caution - Before use comply with Using the loading device, increase
manufacturer’s instructions.” the load on the cornice hook to 500 pounds (2.22
kN). Hold for at least one (1) minute, then
measure and record “D” (Loaded Hook Opening
- LHO). 7.1.3 Test Interpretation Increase the load on the cornice By dividing the maximum load the
hook in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until the hook can withstand for five (5) minutes by its
load applied is two (2) times the rated load. rated load, the factor of safety is determined. As
Measure and record “D” at each increment. required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at
NOTE: During the application of load, elastic or least four (4). If it is, the hook has passed this
plastic deformation is occurring. Apply the load test.
gradually, at approximately 500 pounds/minute
(2.22 kN/min), to allow the deformation to keep 7.2 Parapet Hook Test
pace with the load.
This test shall be used to test any rigging hook At two (2) times rated load, hold which is designed and constructed to be used on
for five (5) minutes after the first measurement, parapets (not point loaded). If the hook is also
then re-measure and record “D.” Verify that designed to be used in a point loaded condition,
there has been no reduction in the load as then the testing of 7.1 must also be performed.
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase
the load back to two (2) times rated load, then If the hook being tested is designed for use with a
recommence the five (5) minute wait. stand off bracket, then the testing shall include the
bracket, with the bracket set at its maximum Reduce the load on the cornice designed stand off condition.
hook to 100 pounds (0.44 kN), then measure and
record “D.” 7.2.1 Test Preparation and Setup Increase the load on the hook Determine the test load to be
gradually until two (2) times rated load is re- applied to the parapet hook. As a minimum, this
achieved. There is no need to pause and take will be four (4) times the rated load of the hook.
measurements during this step. Once the two (2)
times rated load reading is reached, measure and Determine the maximum load that
record “D”. the parapet fixture will be subjected to. Design
and fabricate a parapet fixture which will safely Increase the load on the cornice withstand this load.
hook in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until the
required test load is achieved. Measure and Obtain the remainder of the
record “D” at each increment. equipment needed to perform the test: load cell,
loading device, measuring device, and weights
CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity of for the anchor. Ensure that the load cell and
the hook, you may be approaching catastrophic measuring device used are calibrated for the
failure. Pay close attention to how the hook is range of the testing.
reacting to prevent sudden failure and the
possibility of personal injury or equipment Set up the test in a manner similar
damage. to Figure 2. At the test load, hold for five (5) 7.2.2 Test Process
minutes after the first measurement. Verify that
there has been no reduction in the load as Using the loading device, apply 100
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase pounds (0.44 kN) of load (as measured by the
the load back to the test load, then recommence load cell) to the parapet hook.
the five (5) minute wait. Failure to hold the load
for at least five (5) minutes indicates that the As indicated on Figure 2, take
hook is yielding, resulting in a test failure. measurement “D” to the nearest 0.030”
(0.80mm). Record this value as the Nominal Reduce the load to zero and de-rig Hook Opening (NHO) on Table 2.
the test apparatus. Note that the test hook should
never be placed in service, regardless of its Using the loading device, increase
condition following this test. The application of the load on the parapet hook to 500 pounds (2.22
the test load has, by definition, “failed” the hook. kN). Hold for at least one (1) minute, then
measure and record “D” (Loaded Hook Opening 7.2.3 Test Interpretation
- LHO). By dividing the maximum load the Increase the load on the parapet hook can withstand for five (5) minutes by its
hook in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until the rated load, the factor of safety is determined. As
load applied is two (2) times the rated load. required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at
Measure and record “D” at each increment. least four (4). If it is, the hook has passed this
NOTE: During the application of load, elastic or test.
plastic deformation is occurring. Apply the load
gradually, at approximately 500 pounds/minute 7.3 Parapet Clamp Test
(2.22 kN/min), to allow the deformation to keep
pace with the load. This test shall be used on any parapet clamp. Test
procedure shall include the parapet clamp set to the At two (2) times rated load, hold minimum throat opening and maximum reach as
for five (5) minutes after the first measurement, prescribed by the manufacturer.
then re-measure and record “D.” Verify that
there has been no reduction in the load as This test does not apply to applications in which the
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase load is applied in a direction other than vertical. For
the load back to two (2) times rated load, then applications in which the load is applied to the clamp
recommence the five (5) minute wait. in a direction other than vertical, refer to Section 1.3
of the standard. Reduce the load on the parapet
hook to 100 pounds (0.44 kN), then measure and 7.3.1 Test Preparation and Setup
record “D.” Determine the test load to be Increase the load on the hook applied to the parapet clamp. As a minimum,
gradually until two (2) times rated load is re- this will be four (4) times rated load of the
achieved. There is no need to pause and take clamp.
measurements during this step. Once the two (2)
times rated load reading is reached, measure and Determine the maximum load that
record “D”. the parapet fixture will be subjected to. Design
and fabricate a parapet fixture which will safely Increase the load on the parapet withstand this load and will not deflect during
hook in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until the testing.
required test load is achieved. Measure and
record “D” at each increment. Obtain the remainder of the
equipment needed to perform the test: load cell,
CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity of loading device, measuring device, and weights
the hook, you may be approaching catastrophic for the anchor. Ensure that the load cell and
failure. Pay close attention to how the hook is measuring device used are calibrated for the
reacting to prevent sudden failure and the range of the testing.
possibility of personal injury or equipment
damage. Set up the test in a manner similar
to Figure 3. At the test load, hold for five (5)
minutes after the first measurement. Verify that 7.3.2 Test Process
there has been no reduction in the load as
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase Using the loading device, apply 100
the load back to the test load, then recommence pounds (0.44 kN) of load (as measured by the
the five (5) minute wait. Failure to hold the load load cell) to the parapet clamp.
for at least five (5) minutes indicates that the
hook is yielding, resulting in a test failure. As indicated on Figure 3, take Reduce the load to zero and de-rig measurements “D” and “E” to the nearest 0.030”
the test apparatus. Note that the test hook should (0.80mm). Record these values as the Nominal
never be placed in service, regardless of its Deflection (ND) and Stand Deflection (SD),
condition following this test. The application of respectively, on Table 3.
the test load has, by definition, “failed” the hook.
ANSI/SSFI SPS1.1-1/03 Using the loading device, increase
the load on the parapet clamp to 500 pounds Reduce the load to zero and de-rig
(2.22 kN). Hold for at least one (1) minute, then the test apparatus. Note that the test clamp
measure and record “D” (Loaded Deflection - should never be placed in service, regardless of
LD) and “E” (Stand Deflection - SD). During its condition following this test. The application
the conduct of this test, the Stand Deflection of the test load has, by definition, “failed” the
should not change, with the exception of normal clamp.
measurement variations.
7.3.3 Test Interpretation Increase the load on the parapet
clamp in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until By dividing the maximum load, the
the load applied is two (2) times the rated load. clamp can withstand for five (5) minutes by its
Measure and record at each increment. NOTE: rated load, the factor of safety is determined. As
During the application of load, elastic or plastic required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at
deformation is occurring. Apply the load least four (4). If it is, the clamp has passed this
gradually, at approximately 500 pounds/minute test.
(2.22 kN/min), to allow the deformation to keep
pace with the load. 7.4 Outrigger Beam Test At two (2) times rated load, hold This test shall be used to test outrigger beams, either
for five (5) minutes after the first measurement, stationary or rolling. Test procedure shall include the
then re-measure and record “D” and “E.” Verify outrigger beam reach and load set to the worst case
that there has been no reduction in the load as load condition (such as, but not limited to, maximum
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase overturning moment, shear, torsion, back span
the load back to two (2) times rated load, then bending moment, buckling) allowed by the
recommence the five (5) minute wait. manufacturer. Reduce the load on the parapet 7.4.1 Test Preparation and Setup
clamp to 100 pounds (0.44 kN), then measure
and record “D” and “E.” Determine the test load to be
applied to the outrigger beam. As a minimum, Increase the load on the clamp this will be four (4) time the rated load of the
gradually until two (2) times rated load is re- beam.
achieved. There is no need to pause and take
measurements during this step. Once the two (2) Determine the maximum load that
times rated load reading is reached, measure and the Outrigger Test Fixture will be subjected to.
record. Design and fabricate an Outrigger Test Fixture,
which will safely withstand this load and not Increase the load on the parapet deflect during testing.
clamp in 500 pound increments (2.22 kN) until
the required test load is achieved. Measure and Determine the maximum moment
record at each increment. that the outrigger beam will be subjected to.
Multiply this figure by 1.5 and then divide by the
CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity of outrigger backspan length. This amount, in
the clamp, you may be approaching catastrophic pounds (kg), is how much counterweight should
failure. Pay close attention to how the clamp is be applied to the back of the beam to prevent it
reacting to prevent sudden failure and the from overturning.
possibility of personal injury or equipment
damage. Obtain the remainder of the equip-
ment needed to perform the test: load cell, At the test load, hold for five (5) loading device, measuring device, and weights
minutes after the first measurement. Verify that for the anchor. Ensure that the load cell and
there has been no reduction in the load as measuring device used are calibrated for the
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase range of the testing.
the load back to the test load, then recommence
the five (5) minute wait. Failure to hold the load Set up the test in a manner similar
for at least five (5) minutes indicates that the to Figure 4.
clamp is yielding, resulting in a test failure.
7.4.2 Test Process reacting to prevent sudden failure and the
possibility of personal injury or equipment Using the loading device, apply 100 damage.
pounds (0.44 kN) of load (as measured by the
load cell) to the outrigger beam. At the test load, hold for five (5)
minutes after the first measurement. Verify that As indicated on Figure 4, take there has been no reduction in the load as
measurements “D” and “E” to the nearest 0.030” indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase
(0.80mm). Record these values as the Nominal the load back to the test load, and then
Deflection (ND) and Stand Deflection (SD), recommence the five (5) minute wait. Failure to
respectively, on Table 4. hold the load for at least five (5) minutes
indicates that the beam is yielding, resulting in Using the load device, increase the test failure.
load on the outrigger beam to 500 pounds (2.22
kN). Hold for at least one (1) minute, then Reduce the load to zero and de-rig
measure and record “D” (Loaded Beam the test apparatus. Note that the test beam should
Deflection - LBD) and “E” (Stand Deflection - never be placed in service, regardless of its
D). During conduct of the test, the Stand condition following this test. The application of
Deflection should not change, with the exception the test load has, by definition, “failed” the beam.
of normal measurement variations.
7.4.3 Test Interpretation Increase the load on the outrigger
beam in 500 pound (2.22 kN) increments until By dividing the maximum load the
the load applied is two (2) times the rated load. beam can withstand for five (5) minutes by its
Measure and record at each increment. NOTE: rated load, the factor of safety is determined. As
During the application of load, elastic or plastic required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at
deformation is occurring. Apply the load least four (4). If it is, the beam has passed this
gradually, at approximately 500 pounds/minute test.
(2.22 kN/min), to allow the deformation to keep
pace with the load. 7.5 Beam and Column Clamp Test At two (2) times rated load, hold This test shall be used to test beam and column
for five (5) minutes after the first measurement, clamps used for support of suspended scaffolds.
then remeasure and record “D” and “E”. Verify Test procedure shall include the clamp and load
that there has been no reduction in the load as in the most unfavorable position (shear or
indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase bending) as allowed by the manufacturer.
the load back to two (2) times rated load, then
recommence the five (5) minute wait. 7.5.1 Test Preparation and Setup Reduce the load on the outrigger Determine the test load to be
beam to 100 pounds (0.44 kN), then measure and applied to the clamp. As a minimum, this will be
record “D” and “E”. four (4) times the rated load of the clamp. Increase the load on the beam Determine the maximum load to
gradually until two (2) times rated load is which the test fixture will be subjected. Design
reachieved. There is no need to pause and take and fabricate the test fixture, which will safely
measurements during this step. Once the two (2) support this load and will resist deflection.
times rated load reading is reached, measure and
record. Obtain the remainder of the
equipment needed to perform the test: load cell, Increase the load on the outrigger weights for the anchor, tensioning device.
beam in 500 pound increments (2.22 kN) until Ensure that the load cell used is calibrated and
the required test load is achieved. Measure and rated for the range of testing loads. Ensure that
record at each increment. the tensioning device used is rated for the testing
CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity of
the beam, you may be approaching catastrophic Set-up test similar to Figure 5.
failure. Pay close attention to how the beam is
7.5.2 Test Process 7.6 Trolley Test Using the tensioning device, apply This test shall be used to test trolleys used to support
100 lbs. (0.44kN) of load (as measured by the suspended platforms or other devices used to support
load cell) to the clamp. The load shall be applied people. If the trolley has a range of flange sizes, it
to the most unfavorable position to achieve shall be tested in its most unfavorable position,
maximum stress to the component. The clamp generally the widest width. If the trolley is specific to
shall be tested at its widest opening and its a shape or profile, it shall be tested with that profile
smallest as allowed by the manufacturer. used as support. For applications in which the trolley
is intended to be loaded at any angle other than Using the tensioning device, vertical, it shall be tested at the maximum angle
increase the load on the clamp to 500 pounds allowed by the manufacturer.
(2.22 kN). Hold for at least one (1) minute.
7.6.1 Test Preparation and Setup Using the tensioning device,
increase the load on the clamp in increments not Determine the test load to be applied to
to exceed 50% of rated load until the load the trolley. As a minimum, this will be four (4)
applied is two (2) times the rated load. NOTE: times the rated load of the trolley.
During the application of load, elastic or plastic
deformation is occurring. Apply the load Determine the maximum load to which
gradually to allow the deformation to keep pace the trolley test fixture will be subjected. Design
with the load. and fabricate a trolley test fixture which will
safely withstand this load. Increase the load gradually, in
increments not to exceed 50% of rated load, until Obtain the remainder of the equipment
the test load is achieved (minimum four times needed to perform the test: load cell, loading
rated load). device, and weights for the anchor. Ensure that
the load cell is calibrated for the range of testing.
CAUTION: Depending on the capacity of the
clamp you may be approaching catastrophic Set-up the test in a manner similar to
failure of the clamp. Pay close attention to how figure 5.
the clamp is reacting to avoid sudden failure and
the possibility of personal injury or equipment 7.6.2 Test Process
damage. Affix the trolley to the beam or support At the test load, hold for five (5) profile as instructed by the manufacturer, paying
minutes. Verify that there has been no reduction attention to any clearances required between the
in load as measured by the load cell. If wheels and the flange.
necessary, increase the load back to the test load,
and restart the five (5) minute timing. Failure to Using the loading device, apply 100 pounds
hold the test load for five (5) minutes indicates (0.44kN) of load (as measured by the load cell) to
that the clamp is yielding resulting in test failure. the trolley. Reduce the load to zero and de-rig Using the loading device, increase the load
the apparatus. Note the test clamp should never on the trolley to one half (½) of its rated load. Hold
be placed in service, regardless of its condition for at least one (1) minute. Increase to rated load.
after the test. The application of the test load
has, by definition, “failed” the clamp. Using the loading device, increase the load,
in increments not to exceed 50% of rated load, to
7.5.3 Test Interpretation two (2) times its rated load. Hold for five (5)
minutes. By dividing the maximum load the
clamp can withstand for five (5) minutes by its Increase the load gradually, in
rated load, the factor of safety is established. As increments not to exceed 50% of rated load, until
required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at the test load is achieved (minimum four times
least four (4). If it is, the clamp has passed this rated load).
CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity
of the trolley, beam, or profile, you may be Using the tensioning device, apply a 100
approaching catastrophic failure. Pay close lb. (0.44kN) load (as measured by the load cell) to
attention to how the trolley is reacting to the tank top roller. Measure the reach. The tank
prevent sudden failure and the possibility of top roller shall be tested at the maximum reach
personal injury or equipment damage. allowed by the manufacturer. At the test load, hold for five (5) Using the tensioning device, increase the
minutes. Verify that there has been no reduction load on the tank top roller to one half (1/2) its rated
in the load as indicated by the load measuring load. Hold for at least one (1) minute. Increase the
device. Failure to hold the load for at least five load to rated load.
(5) minutes indicates that the trolley is yielding,
resulting in test failure. Using the tensioning device, increase the
load on the tank top roller in increments not to Reduce the load to zero and de-rig the exceed 50% of rated load until the load applied is
test apparatus. Note that the test trolley should two (2) times the rated load.
never be placed in service, regardless of its
condition after the test. The application of the At two (2) times rated load, hold for five
test load by definition “failed” the trolley. (5) minutes after the first measurement. Verify that
there has been no reduction in the load as indicated
7.6.3 Test Interpretation by the load cell. If necessary, increase the load
back to two (2) times rated load, then recommence By dividing the maximum load the the five (5) minute wait. Check the reach of the
trolley can withstand for five (5) minutes by its tank top roller.
rated load, the factor of safety is determined. As
required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be at Increase the load gradually, in increments
least four (4). If it is, the trolley has passed the not to exceed 50% of rated load, until the test load
test. is achieved (minimum four times rated load).
7.7 Tank Top Roller (Pin Style) Test CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity of the
tank top roller, you may be approaching
This test shall be used to test the pin style tank top catastrophic failure. Pay close attention to how the
roller used to support suspended scaffolding. tank top roller is reacting to prevent sudden failure
and the possibility of personal injury or equipment
7.7.1 Test Preparation and Setup damage. Determine the rated load and maximum At the test load, hold for five (5) minutes.
reach for which the equipment is rated. The Verify that there has been no reduction in load as
minimum test load will be four (4) times the indicated by the load cell. If necessary, increase
rated load. the load to maintain the test load and then restart
the five (5) minute timing. Failure to hold the test Determine the maximum load to which load for five (5) minutes indicates that the tank top
the test fixture will be subjected. Design and roller is yielding, resulting in test failure.
fabricate the test fixture so that it will safely
support test, tieback and rim loads. Reduce the load to zero and de-rig the
apparatus. Note that the test tank top roller Obtain the remainder of the equipment should never be placed in service, regardless of
needed to perform the test: Load cell, tensioning its condition after the test. The application of the
device and weights for the anchor. Ensure that the test load by definition “failed” the tank top roller.
load cell used is calibrated and is rated for the
range of testing loads. Ensure that the tensioning
device used is rated for the testing loads Set-up test similar to Figure 6.
7.7.3 Test Interpretation measurement reading, “D”. By dividing the maximum load the tank Increase the load gradually, in
top roller can withstand for five (5) minutes by increments not to exceed 50% of rated load, to
its rated load, the factor of safety is established. two (2) times the rated load. Take measurement
As required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be reading, “D”.
at least four (4). If it is, the tank top roller has
passed this test At two (2) times the rated load,
hold for five (5) minutes after the measurement
7.8 Outrigger Carriage (Rolling And Stationary) Test reading and take a second measurement reading,
“D”. Verify that there has been no reduction in
This test shall be used to test the outrigger support the load as indicated by the load cell. If
carriages (stationary or rolling) used for the support necessary, increase the load back to two (2) times
of outrigger beams. the rated load and recommence the five (5)
minute wait.
7.8.1 Test Procedure and Setup Increase the load gradually, in Determine the maximum rated increments not to exceed 50% of rated load, until
fulcrum load of the outrigger support carriage. the test load is achieved (minimum four times
The minimum test load shall be four (4) times the rated load). Take a measurement reading, “D”,
rated fulcrum load. at each increment. Determine the maximum load to CAUTION: Depending on the actual capacity
which the test fixture will be subjected. Design of the carriage, you may be approaching
and fabricate the test fixture so that it will safely catastrophic failure. Pay close attention to
support the maximum load. how the carriage is reacting to prevent sudden
failure and the possibility of personal injury Obtain the remainder of the or equipment damage.
equipment needed to perform the test: load cell,
measuring device and weights or ram. Ensure At the test load, hold for five (5)
that the load cell used is calibrated and is rated minutes. Verify that there has been no reduction
for the range of testing loads. Ensure that the in load as indicated by the load cell. If
ram used is adequately rated for the test load. necessary, increase the load to maintain the test
load then recommence the five (5) minute wait. Set up the test similar to Figure 7. Failure of the carriage to hold the test load for
The bearing area shall simulate the outrigger five (5) minutes indicates that the carriage is
beam bearing area. yielding, resulting in test failure.
7.8.2 Test Process Reduce the load to zero and de-rig
the apparatus. Note that the carriage should Assemble the carriage per never be placed in service, regardless of its
manufacturer’s instructions. Separate tests shall condition after testing. The application of the
be conducted if the carriage is used in both test load has, by definition, failed the carriage.
stationary and rolling applications.
7.8.3 Test Interpretation Using the loading device, apply 100
pounds (0.44kN) of load (as measured by the By dividing the maximum load the
load cell) to the carriage bearing member. carriage can withstand for five (5) minutes by its
rated load, the factor of safety can be determined. Using the measuring device, take an As required by 29 CFR 1926, this value must be
initial measurement reading, “D”, to the nearest at least four (4). If it is, the carriage has passed
0.030” (0.80mm). this test.
Table 1. Cornice Hook Test Data
Test Date:______________________________
Table 2. Parapet Hook Test Data
Test Date:______________________________
Table 3. Parapet Clamp Test Data
Test Date:______________________________
Table 4. Outrigger Beam Test Data
Load Rating of the Outrigger Beam pounds (The load at the maximum allowed moment)
Test Date:______________________________
Table 5. Beam and Column Clamp Test Data
Test Date:______________________________
Test Date:______________________________
Test Date:______________________________
Table 8. Outrigger Carriage Test Data
Measure “D”
100 pounds
½ Rated Load pounds
Test Date:______________________________
Trolley or Clamp
Load Cell
Loading Device