The Chemistry of Dimethyl Carbonate
The Chemistry of Dimethyl Carbonate
The Chemistry of Dimethyl Carbonate
The Chemistry of Dimethyl Scheme 1. Methylation and Alkoxycarbonylation Using DMS, CH3I,
and COCl2
Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali, Università Ca’ Foscari,
Dorsoduro 2137-30123 Venezia, Italy
Received October 30, 2001 Scheme 2. Methylation and Methoxycarbonylation Using DMC
Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) is a versatile compound that represents
an attractive eco-friendly alternative to both methyl halides (or
dimethyl sulfate) and phosgene for methylation and carbonylation
processes, respectively. In fact, the reactivity of DMC is tunable: Scheme 3. Enichem Synthesis of DMC
at T ) 90 °C, methoxycarbonylations take place, whereas at higher
reaction temperatures, methylation reactions are observed with a
variety of nucleophiles. In the particular case of substrates sus-
ceptible to multiple alkylations (e.g., CH2-active compounds and processes by the design of innovative and environmentally
primary amines), DMC allows unprecedented selectivity toward
mono-C- and mono-N-methylation reactions. Nowadays produced benign chemical reactions. Green chemistry offers the tools
by a clean process, DMC possesses properties of nontoxicity and for this approach.1
biodegradability which makes it a true green reagent to use in Green organic syntheses must meet, if not all, at least
syntheses that prevent pollution at the source. Moreover, DMC- some of the following requirements: avoid waste,2 be
mediated methylations are catalytic reactions that use safe solids
(alkaline carbonates or zeolites), thereby avoiding the formation
atom-efficient,3 avoid the use and production of toxic and
of undesirable inorganic salts as byproducts. The reactivity of other dangerous chemicals, produce compounds that perform
carbonates is reported as well: higher homologues of DMC (i.e., better as well as existing ones and are biodegradable, avoid
diethyl and dibenzyl carbonate), are excellent mono-C- and mono- auxiliary substances (e.g., solvents) or use eco-compatible
N-alkylating agents, whereas asymmetrical methyl alkyl carbonates
solvents (water or dense CO2), reduce energy require-
(ROCO2Me with R g C3) undergo methylation processes with a
chemoselectivity up to 99%. ments, use renewable materials, and use catalysts rather
than stoichiometric reagents.4
To focus on the more specific area of the replacement
Introduction of harmful and undesirable compounds, a relevant case
In the past decade, the public dialogue has increasingly is exemplified by methyl halides (CH3X, X ) I, Br, Cl),
addressed the environmental impact of the chemical dimethyl sulfate (DMS), and phosgene (COCl2), reagents
substances, an issue fully recognized as a major concern. used for methylation and carbonylation reactions, respec-
As a consequence, this awareness is pushing governments tively. For instance, Scheme 1 shows the methylation of
toward more severe laws for environment safeguards, phenol by CH3X and DMS to give anisole, and the
which although beneficial, are becoming burdensome on alkoxycarbonylation of an alcohol by COCl2. These toxic
industry budgets. To overcome the problem at the source, and waste-producing reagents have a valuable green
the chemical industry must develop cleaner chemical alternative in dimethyl carbonate (DMC).
Since 1980, with the development of gas liquid-phase
transfer catalysis (GL-PTC) as a new continuous-flow
Pietro R. Tundo graduated from the University of Bologna (chemistry, 1969). He
was a professor at the University of Torino (assistant, 1972-1983; associate 1983-
method for organic syntheses,5 our group has had a long-
1986) and at the University of Messina (1986-1989). Since 1989, he has been a standing interest in the use of DMC as an environmentally
Professor of Organic Chemistry at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He was a friendly substitute for DMS and CH3X in methylation
Research Associate, Senior Research Associate at the University of College
reactions and for phosgene in methoxycarbonylation
Station (Texas, 1979-1981), Postdam (New York, 1989-1990), and Syracuse (New
York, 1991-1922). He is the founder and president of the interuniversity Consortium reactions (Scheme 2).
Chemistry for the Environment (INCA, 1993). He is chairman of the IUPAC Inter- Among the specific advantages of DMC, and of alkyl
divisional Subcommittee on Green Chemistry and a member of the OECD Issue carbonates in general, is that their building block is CO2,
Team for the Sustainable Chemistry Program. He is the author of ∼150 scientific
papers and 25 patents on synthetic and mechanistic organic chemistry. He is an environmentally benign compound, which does not
the sole author of the book Continuous Flow Methods in Organic Synthesis. cause emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in
the atmosphere.
Maurizio Selva was born in 1962 and earned his doctoral degree (Laurea, cum
laude) in industrial chemistry in 1989 at the University of Venice. In 1992, he was This Account reports on the reactivity of organic
appointed researcher and joined the Department of Environmental Science at carbonates as alkylating agents, with emphasis on the
the University of Venice, where he is currently working. His research interests lightest term of the series, DMC. Under both continuous-
are in the field of organic synthesis, focused in the setting-up of both continuous-
flow and batch methods for the performing of reactions with low environmental flow and batch conditions, DMC can react with a number
impact; in particular, with the use of (i) nontoxic dialkylcarbonates as selective of nucleophilic substrates, such as phenols, primary
mono-alkylating and alkoxycarbonylating agents, and (ii) dense CO2 as a solvent/ amines, sulfones, thiols, and methylene-active derivatives
reagent. He is also involved in the study of new chemical methods for the
degradation of halogenated aromatic pollutants. He is the author and co-author * Phone: (39) 041-234 8642. Fax: (39) 041-234 8620. E-mail: tundop@
of ∼50 scientific papers.
706 ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH / VOL. 35, NO. 9, 2002 10.1021/ar010076f CCC: $22.00 2002 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 06/05/2002
Dimethyl Carbonate Tundo and Selva
Table 1. Comparison between the Toxicological and Ecotoxicological Properties of DMC, Phosgene, and DMS
property DMC phosgene DMS
oral acute toxicity (rats) LD50 13.8 g/kg LD50 440 mg/kg
acute toxicity per contact (cavy) LD50 > 2.5 g/kg
acute toxicity per inhalation (rats) LC50 140 mg/L; (4 h) LC50 16 mg/m3; (75 min) LC50 1.5 mg/L (4 h)
mutagenic properties none mutagenic
irritating properties (rabbits, eyes, skin) none corrosive
biodegradability (OECD 301 C) > 90% (28 days) rapid hydrolysis rapid hydrolysis
acute toxicity (fish) (OECD 203) NOECa 1000 mg/L LC50 10-100 mg/L (96 h)
acute toxicity on aerobial bacteria EC50 > 1000 mg/L
of wastewaters (OECD 209)
a NOEC ) Concentration which does not produce any effect.
Table 2. Some Physical and Thermodynamic Scheme 4. Nucleophilic Substitution on DMC by BAC2 and BAL2
Properties of DMC Mechanisms
mp (°C) 4.6
bp (°C) 90.3
density (D204) 1.07
viscosity (µ20, cps) 0.625
flashing point (°C, O. C.) 21.7
dielectric constant (25) 3.087
dipole moment (µ, D) 0.91
∆H vap (kcal/kg) 88.2
solubility H2O (g/100 g) 13.9
azeotropical mixtures with water, alcohols,
1. Properties of DMC
Many of the properties of DMC make it a genuinely green
reagent, particularly if compared to conventional alkylat-
ing agents, such as methyl halides (CH3X) and dimethyl
sulfate (DMS) or to phosgene used as a methoxycarbo-
nylating reagent (Scheme 1).
1. First of all, DMC is a nontoxic compound.6 Since the
middle 1980s, in fact, it has no longer been produced from product. Under these conditions, DMC can replace phos-
phosgene, but rather by catalytic oxidative carbonylation gene. (ii) at higher temperatures (usually T ) 160 °C),
of methanol with oxygen through a process developed by DMC acts primarily as a methylating agent: a BAL2
Enichem (Italy)7 and UBE.8 In addition to improving (bimolecular, base-catalyzed, alkyl cleavage, nucleophilic
procedural safety, this method of producing DMC avoids substitution) mechanism predominates where the nu-
contamination from phosgene and eliminates the need cleophile attacks the methyl group of DMC.
to dispose of byproduct inorganic salts. Some of the Of the two, only the methylation reaction is irreversible,
toxicological properties of DMC and phosgene and DMS because the CH3OCO2H that is formed decomposes to
are compared in Table 1. methanol and CO2.
2. DMC is classified as a flammable liquid, smells like Since both methylation and methoxycarbonylation
methanol, and does not have irritating or mutagenic generate CH3O-, both reactions can be conducted in the
effects either by contact or inhalation.9 Therefore, it can presence of catalytic amounts of base. This avoids the
be handled safely without the special precautions required formation of unwanted inorganic salts as byproducts and
for the poisonous and mutagenic methyl halides and DMS the related disposal problems. In principle, the methanol
and the extremely toxic phosgene. Some physicochemical produced can be recycled for the production of DMC.11
properties of DMC are listed in Table 2. In contrast, methylation with methyl halides or DMS, and
3. DMC exhibits a versatile and tunable chemical carbonylation with phosgene generate stoichiometric
reactivity that depends on the experimental conditions. amounts of inorganic salts.
In the presence of a nucleophile (Y-), DMC can react
either as a methoxycarbonylating or as a methylating 2. Reaction Conditions
agent (Scheme 4).10 The development of a new eco-friendly process is often
Although there is not always a clear cutoff between the associated with advanced reaction technologies, an aspect
two pathways of Scheme 4, it is generally observed that that sometimes imposes a careful balance between the
(i) at the reflux temperature (T ) 90 °C), DMC acts environmentally benign character and the economic/
primarily as a methoxycarbonylating agent by a BAC2 safety feasibility of the process itself. The use of super-
(bimolecular, base-catalyzed, acyl cleavage, nucleophilic critical CO2 (scCO2) is an example: scCO2 is among the
substitution) mechanism where the nucleophile attacks most attractive green alternatives to replace conventional
the carbonyl carbon of DMC, giving the transesterification solvents, although its handling requires high-pressure
Dimethyl Carbonate Tundo and Selva
toesters, alkylaryl sulfones, benzylaryl sulfones, and lac- with 0.5-5 mol % of PEG 6000; T ) 160-180 °C.
tones, either under continuous flow or in batch conditions.
2.1 Continuous Flow (c.-f.): Plug-Flow and CSTR and liquid phases. The methylated product is then con-
Reactors. Under GL-PTC conditions, a gaseous stream of densed and collected at the other end.
reagent and DMC flows over a catalytic bed usually Quantitative conversions are obtained from all the
composed of a porous inorganic material (usually corun- substrates listed in Table 3.4,16,17 Moreover, in the case of
dum in the form of a spherical extrudate of 1-3 mm of CH2-active compounds, the reaction proceeds with a
diameter), which acts as a support for both an inorganic monomethyl selectivity >99% (entries 4-5).
base (an alkaline carbonate) and a phase-transfer (PT) An example reaction is the methylation of phenol under
agent, such as phosphonium salts,13 crown ethers,14 and GL-PTC conditions (Figure 2).
poly(ethylene glycol)s (PEGs). These latter, in particular, In a typical experimental procedure, when a mixture
although less efficient than other PT agents, are desirable, of phenol (94 g, 1 mol) and DMC (2.0 mol) is made to
because they are thermally stable, nontoxic, and inexpen- flow over a 100-g catalytic bed composed of 95 wt % K2-
sive.15 CO3 g and 5 wt % PEG 6000 at 180 °C, pure anisole is
In a typical configuration, the c.-f. methylation reaction recovered with a 100% yield in 1 h (residence time ∼ 10
with DMC takes place in a plug-flow reactor made by a s).17a,b Pyrocatecol and hydroquinone can also be selec-
bed of K2CO3 coated with PEG 6000 (0.5-5% mol equiv) tively mono- or dialkylated under continuous flow condi-
and heated to 160-180 °C.5,16 A mixture of DMC and tions on a pilot plant scale.10
substrate (YH) is fed into the reactor where the base In Table 3, it should be noted, however, that hard
generates the reactive nucleophilic anion (Y-) from the alkoxide anions (RO-) react with DMC via a BAc2 mech-
substrate. The role of the PT agent is to complex the anism to yield exclusively transesterification products
alkaline metal cation, thereby increasing the basic strength (ROCO2Me) with no trace of methyl ethers (entry 3). Such
of the solid carbonate. As shown in the scheme of Figure a peculiar selectivity is presently under investigation.
1, the immobilized PT agent is in the liquid phase An alternative c.-f. methodology for DMC methylations,
throughout the reaction, and it allows the continuous was developed as well by using a continuously fed stirred
transfer of the products and reactants between the gas tank reactor (CSTR, Figure 3).18
Dimethyl Carbonate Tundo and Selva
FIGURE 2. C.-f. methylation of phenol in a plug-flow reactor under GL-PTC conditions. R, reagent’s reservoir; P, metering pump; T, thermostat;
C, condenser; P′, product store.
Scheme 5. Mono-C-methylation of Arylacetonitriles
a Weight quotient between the catalyst and the amine. bThe percent selectivity is calculated using the expression {[ArNHMe] + [ArNMe2])} × 100.
c34% of PhN(Me)CO2Me was a byproduct.
Scheme 8. Mechanism of the Mono-C-methylation of CH2-Active Compounds (X ) CN, CO2CH3) with DMC
It is noteworthy that in the case of methyl sulfones Under the same conditions (batch or GL-PTC) dis-
(ArSO2Me), the reaction proceeds with the homologa- cussed for CH2-acidic compounds, primary aromatic
tion of the methyl to an i-propyl group; that is, the amines also react with DMC. In this case, although the
methylation is still highly selective toward the substitu- reaction selectively yields the mono-N-methylated amines
tion of only two of the methyl protons. Aside from the with no dimethylated byproducts, sizable amounts of
synthetic results, this observation is relevant from the methyl carbamates (ArNHCO2Me) are formed.10,17c Much
mechanistic viewpoint, as will be clarified in the discus- better results can be gathered in the presence of zeolites,
sion of Scheme 8. particularly alkali metal-exchanged Y and X faujasites.
Dimethyl Carbonate Tundo and Selva
Scheme 9. Demethoxycarbonylation (k2) vs Methylation (k5) for Scheme 10. N-Methyl Oxazolinones from Oximes
CH2-Active Compounds
Scheme 12. Reactivity of C5-C7 Cyclic Oximes Scheme 15. Reaction of Benzylic Ketones with DMC
Scheme 19. Methylation of Phenols with Mixed Organic Carbonates ceeds with a complete methyl chemoselectivity and, most
(ROCO2CH3) importantly, with a mono-N-methyl selectivity (90-97%)
comparable to that achievable with DMC. As for DMC,
selectivity arises from a synergistic effect of the reactivity
Table 6. Reactions of Phenol with Different Alkyl of the carbonate and the amphoteric properties of the
Methyl Carbonatesa zeolite. In this case, however, a preliminary kinetic
products (%) investigation has been performed using alkyl- and alkoxy-
entry R time (h)b PhOCH3 PhOR substituted anilines, and it allows some general conclu-
1 Et 15 90 10 sions.39 This analysis indicates that the reaction selectivity
2 n-Pr 17 95 5 toward methylated anilines (ArNHMe) does not depend
3 n-Bu 15 97 3 on the polarity of the reaction solvent (when used),
4 CH3O(CH2)2O(CH2)2 20 >99
5 Bn 5 84 16 whereas a key role is played by the size of the zeolite
6 allyl 21 83 17 cavities. In fact, as the bulkiness of the substituents grows,
a T ) 120 °C, phenol (3.3 mmol)/K CO ,/3 ) 1:1.1:5. DMF (30
2 3
selectivity drops as well, because the diffusion of bigger
mL). b Time for complete conversion of the substrate. molecules into the cavities is more and more difficult to
Table 7. O-Methylation of Different Phenols by
a point that it becomes forbidden. For instance, from
Methyl 2-(2-Methoxyethoxy)ethyl Carbonatea aniline to p-butylaniline, selectivity decreases from 99 to
entry Ar conversion (%) yield (%) b purity (%) 90%, accompanied by a decreased conversion from 100
1 Ph 100 81 >99
to 9% (at comparable reaction times). Even more impres-
2 p-MePh 100 79 >99 sive is the drop with 3,5-di-tert-butylaniline whose size
3 2-naphthyl 100 83 >99 cannot fit the zeolite pores and yields a 82% selectivity
a T )140 °C, substrate/K CO /MEC ) 1:1.1:5 triglyme (50 mL). with 9% conversion.
2 3
b Isolated yields of O-methylated derivatives.
These results represent the first ever reported evidence
of a strict cooperation between the steric requisites of the
can be conceived as selective methylating agents, since
faujasite catalyst and the peculiar reactivity of an asym-
their reactivity is discriminated by the structure and the
length of the alkyl chain R. In addition, it is the R group metrical carbonate in inducing simultaneously high meth-
that imparts a practical advantage to the synthetic pro- yl chemoselectivity and mono-N-methylselectivity for
cedure: if heavy enough, it raises the boiling point of the primary amines.
carbonate so that methylation reactions are allowed at
ambient pressure. This overcomes one of the major Concluding Remarks: The Green Context and
operative drawbacks of batch methylations with DMC, Future Directions
that is, the need for pressure vessels. This idea was
In 1912, Giacomo Ciamician, the founder of organic
recently developed by our group in the investigation of
photochemistry, wrote: “On arid lands there will spring
the O-methylation of phenols (Scheme 19).37
up industrial colonies without smoke and without smoke-
Some results are reported in Table 6. As can be seen,
stacks; forests of glass tubes will extend over the plains
asymmetrical carbonates afford highly chemoselective
and glass buildings will rise everywhere; inside of these
methylation reactions, providing that R has at least three
will take place the photochemical processes that hitherto
carbon atoms (R g n-C3, entries 2-4). Yet, in the case of
reactive benzyl or allyl termini, the O-alkylation (forming have been the guarded secret of the plants, but that will
PhOR) competes significantly with the formation of ani- have been mastered by human industry which will know
sole (entries 5-6). how to make them bear even more abundant fruit than
Most satisfactory results can be obtained with the use nature, for nature is not in a hurry but mankind is.”40
of 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethyl carbonate [CH3O(CH2)2O- These concepts that a century ago were the property
(CH2)2OCOOCH3, MEC, entry 4] which allows O-methyl of fervid imagination and fantasy of enlightened scientists
selectivity up to 99% for different phenols (Table 7). but blurred to most of the people are in the present days
More recently, the use of MEC has been reported by fully recognized and consciously encoded by green chem-
us also in the methylation of primary aromatic amines istry. In fact, this sentence has a striking match with the
(p-XC6H4NH2, X ) H, Cl, NO2).38 In the presence of a NaY principles of green chemistry.1 Particularly, it foreshadows
faujasite and at atmospheric pressure, the reaction pro- the rejection of polluting industry; the use of renewable
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