Intro To Decision Analysis
Intro To Decision Analysis
Intro To Decision Analysis
Introduction to
Decision Analysis
After studying the material in Chapter 19, you should be able to:
Sales (1 million $5.00) $5,000,000 0
Production (1 million $4.50) $4,500,000 0
Selling (5% of sales) 250,000 0
Overhead (1% of sales) 50,000 0
Profit $ 200,000 0
alternative, the decision is straightforward: The $200,000 profit associated with accepting
the offer exceeds the $0 profit associated with not accepting the offer; therefore, the offer
should be accepted.
As this example shows, once a certainty model has been specified, the best decision is
evident. By “best decision,” we mean the alternative course of action, using all available
information, that best satisfies the decision criterion. In the Econoprint Company example,
the decision criterion was highest profit. Given that the decision model displayed in
Table 19.1 utilized all available information, the best decision was to accept the offer.
Because this is a certainty environment, the decision will result in an outcome of $200,000
profit. Thus, in a certainty environment, the best decision will always be associated with
the best outcome.
Business EAGLE LUMBER COMPANY Consider the Eagle Lumber Company in Glenns Ferry,
Application Wisconsin. About 3 weeks ago, the manager received 4,000 board feet of 2-inch-by-6-inch
tongue-and-groove knotty pine, which is used primarily for walls and ceilings. The prod-
uct is hard to get because the supplier makes only a limited quantity each month. The
wholesale price for the recent shipment was $360 per 1,000 board feet. Two days after
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receiving the material, a customer came in and bought the entire shipment for $450 per
1,000 board feet. However, the customer wanted Eagle Lumber to store the material for
8 weeks.
Two weeks later, another customer arrived and wanted to purchase as much 2-inch-by-
6-inch tongue-and-groove knotty pine as possible for immediate use. The only stock on
hand at the lumber company at the time was the 4,000 board feet, which had already been
sold. After seeing the paid-for knotty pine, the new customer asked whether the manager
would consider selling him the 4,000 board feet now and replacing the material before the
previous customer returned to pick it up in about 7 weeks.
In a certain environment, the decision would be relatively easy. If the lumber could be
replaced at a known price before the first customer returned, the manager could resell
the material and both customers would be happy. If the lumber could not be replaced before
the first customer returned, the second customer would be turned away. Unfortunately, the
decision environment facing Eagle’s manager is not one of certainty. For one thing, he does
not know whether he will be able to replace the stock within 7 weeks. Furthermore, if he is
able to replace the material, he does not know exactly what the cost will be. Therefore, he is
uncertain about what price to charge the second customer. He is also uncertain about
whether the first customer will arrive early to take his material. As you can see, a seemingly
simple situation is actually quite complex due to the uncertainties involved.
The decision analysis techniques presented in this chapter do not eliminate the uncer-
tainty associated with a decision, but they do provide a framework for dealing with the
uncertainty. These techniques help you make good decisions under certain conditions, but
good decisions don’t necessarily result in good outcomes. For instance, suppose after con-
sidering all available information that the best decision is not to sell to the new customer.
Then, a week later, the original customer calls to say he will be 6 weeks late picking up the
material. If the manager had known this, he could have sold the materials to the new cus-
tomer and received the additional profit. Thus, the best decision at the time did not result in
a good outcome.
This concept of decision analysis is contrary to how many people view situations.
The tendency is to look at the outcome and, if it is not good, we second-guess our decision.
However, if we have properly used all available information in making the decision, it was
a good decision. Decision makers must realize that in an uncertain environment, in which
they don’t have total control over the outcomes of their decisions, bad outcomes will
sometimes occur. Decision makers must also continually remind themselves that there is a
difference between a good decision and a good outcome. The goal of decision analysis is
to focus on making good decisions, which in the long run should result in an increased
number of good outcomes.
Not all decisions require the use of decision analysis; the complexity of the decision
situation usually determines the usefulness of decision analysis. The more complex the
decision, the greater the potential benefit from decision analysis. Several factors affect the
complexity of a decision, including the number of alternatives available to the decision
maker, the number of possible outcomes associated with each alternative, and the general
level of uncertainty associated with the decision. For example, marketing decisions regard-
ing product design, product pricing, and distribution are very complex, and decision analy-
sis tools can be helpful to the decision maker. Of course, any decision involving product
design or pricing also involves other areas in an organization, including production and
Another characteristic of situations in which decisions can be aided by decision analy-
sis is that they often extend to multiple functional areas of an organization. Production
decisions, including process design, aggregate planning, and facilities planning, all lend
themselves to decision analysis because of their complexity and long-term importance to
the organization. Such financial decision areas as capital budgeting, project financing, and
pension investing clearly can benefit from the application of decision analysis.
The types of decisions mentioned here are only a few of those in which decision analysis
can be effectively applied. Throughout the remainder of this chapter, we will present further
examples in which decision analysis can be used to aid business decision making.
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Decision Criteria
When you are faced with choices between two or more options in a business situation, you
are required to make a decision. Unless you are willing to flip a coin, “draw straws,” or use
some other random method, you will need to establish some basis for making the decision.
The criteria on which the decision is to be made need to be established. Then, ideally, you
will perform an analysis of the decision situation and make the “best” choice by weighing
each decision option against the criteria you have established.
Business FISHER FABRICATION Fisher Fabrication has been in business for 10 years in eastern
Tennessee. The company was started by two brothers who had worked in the electronics
industry in Texas and California. They wanted to get back to where they grew up, and they
saw that many electronics companies were beginning to subcontract their assembly work,
particularly on small-volume items. They saw an opportunity to get into the subcontracting
business and decided to move back home. They found a dedicated workforce and soon
employed 150 people.
The brothers concentrated on manual assembly of limited-volume items such as spe-
cial equipment for oil exploration, vehicles, and military contracts. Business had been
extremely good until 2 years ago, when revenues began to decline slightly. By contacting
past customers, the brothers determined the drop in sales was due to the increasing use
companies were making of surface-mounted components, something the Fishers were not
able to do by hand.
This finding made the brothers realize their company must invest in a surface-mount
machine, but they were uncertain about the extent of the investment needed. Initial
research led them to identify three potential courses of action (alternatives):
Obviously, the alternative the Fishers should select depended on the future revenues
generated by the new equipment. Consequently, the Fishers identified three potential direc-
tions that they believed the demand for surface-mounted components could take. In decision
States of Nature analysis terminology, these three demand levels are referred to as states of nature. For the
The possible outcomes in a Fishers, the states of nature were
decision situation over which the
decision maker has no control. S1: Rapidly increasing demand due to the capability of the surface-mount equipment
S2: Moderately increasing demand
S3: Slight increase in demand as more businesses added their own surface-mount
The Fishers wanted to base their investment decision on yearly profit values, but as we
can see, there were three potential profit levels, due to the three states of nature, for each
CHAPTER OUTCOME #2 alternative. The outcome that is associated with any combination of a particular state of
nature and an alternative is called a payoff. Because the brothers’ decision involved three
Payoff alternatives and three states of nature, they had nine possible payoffs to consider, as shown
The outcome (profit or loss) for any in the payoff table (Table 19.2).
combination of alternative and state
In order to decide among the three alternatives, the Fishers had to have some basis for
of nature. The payoffs associated
comparison, so they established decision criteria. There are two main categories of deci-
with all possible combinations of
alternatives and states of nature
sion criteria: nonprobabilistic and probabilistic. Nonprobabilistic criteria are used when
constitute a payoff table. either the probabilities associated with the possible payoffs are unknown or the decision
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Note: These values are the Fishers’ estimates of the profit associated with each combination
of alternative and state of nature.
maker lacks confidence and/or information with which to assess probabilities for the
various payoffs. Probabilistic criteria incorporate the decision maker’s assessment of the
Maximax Criterion probability of each state of nature occurring.
An optimistic decision criterion for
dealing with uncertainty without
using probability. For each option, Nonprobabilistic Decision Criteria
the decision maker finds the Several specific decision criteria fall into the nonprobabilistic category. One of these is the
maximum possible payoff and then maximax criterion. For the Fisher brothers, using this criterion would mean making a
selects the option with the major investment in surface-mount equipment, because that was the alternative with the
greatest maximum payoff. highest possible payoff, $6,000,000 per year (Table 19.2). The maximax criterion might be
Maximin Criterion chosen by optimistic decision makers.
A pessimistic (conservative) If we are not optimistic, we might select the alternative whose worst possible outcome
decision criterion for dealing is better than the worst possible outcome from any other alternative. This pessimistic (or
with uncertainty without using conservative) criterion is called the maximin criterion. For the Fishers, using the maximin
probability. For each option, criterion would mean selecting the small-investment alternative, because its worst outcome,
the decision maker finds the $1,200,000 was better than any other alternative’s worst outcome.
minimum possible payoff and A disadvantage of the maximax and maximin criteria is that they use only one value
selects the option with the
from the payoff table to make a decision. In analyzing the decision situation, the brothers
greatest minimum payoff.
may have been interested in determining how much damage making the wrong choice would
cause. For instance, suppose they decided on the medium-investment alternative and later
CHAPTER OUTCOME #2 found that the market for surface-mount capability had expanded greatly. The medium-
investment decision led to a $2,500,000 yearly profit, but given perfect hindsight, the best
decision of making a large investment would have earned $6,000,000. The difference
Opportunity Loss between the actual payoff and the optimal payoff for a given state of nature is an opportunity
The difference between the loss; in this case, it is $3,500,000. If the Fishers decided to use the minimax regret criterion,
actual payoff that occurs for a they would need to know the value of the opportunity loss.
decision and the optimal payoff The minimax regret criterion considers the results of selecting the “wrong” alterna-
for the same state of nature. tive. The first step is to construct an opportunity-loss, or regret, table by finding, for each
Minimax Regret Criterion state of nature, the differences between the payoff for the best decision and the payoffs for
A decision criterion that considers all the other alternatives. Table 19.3 shows how this is done. The next step is to find the
the results of selecting the
“wrong” alternative. For each state
of nature, the decision maker finds
the difference between the best TABLE 19.3 Fisher Fabrication: Opportunity-Loss Table
payoff and each other alternative
and uses these values to construct
Demand (States of Nature)
an opportunity-loss table. The Alternative S1 Large Increase S2 Moderate Increase S3 Small Increase
decision maker then identifies the
A1 Large Investment $ 0 $1,000,000 $3,800,000
maximum opportunity loss for each
alternative and selects the A2 Medium Investment 3,500,000 0 2,200,000
alternative with the minimum of A3 Small Investment 4,000,000 3,500,000 0
these maximum values.
Note: The values in this table were found by subtracting each column value in Table 19.2 from the
largest value in that column.
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maximum regret for each alternative. These values are shown in Table 19.4. The minimax
regret criterion now requires selecting the minimum of these maximum regret values.
Using this criterion, we would choose the medium-investment decision, because the maxi-
mum opportunity loss of $3,500,000 is lower than the maximum opportunity loss for either
of the other two alternatives.
Observe that all three criteria lead to different decisions; therefore, the brothers would
determine which criterion best described their decision-making philosophy and use it to
help them decide on their level of investment.
The maximax, maximin, and minimax regret decision criteria are examples of non-
probabilistic decision criteria. Nonprobabilistic criteria do not take into account the proba-
bility associated with the outcomes for each alternative; they merely focus on the dollar
value of the outcomes. The criticism of nonprobabilistic decision criteria is aimed at their
failure to include important information about the chances of each outcome occurring.
Decision analysts argue that if the payoff probabilities are known or can be assessed, a
probabilistic decision criterion should be employed.
Expected Value
E(x) ∑ xi P( xi ) (19.1)
xi The ith outcome of the specified alternative measured in some units,
such as dollars
P(xi) The probability of outcome xi occurring
k Number of potential outcomes
∑ P( xi )1 (19.2)
0 P(xi) 1 (19.3)
Equation 19.1 shows that the expected value is the sum of the weighted outcomes for a
specified alternative. This means that if the alternative is repeatedly selected, over the long
run the average outcome will equal E(x), the expected value.
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x P(x)
$10 0.50
$5 0.50
When applying the expected-value criterion, the best decision is to select the alterna-
tive with the highest average payoff or the lowest average loss. In Example 19-1, the stock
purchase example, the best decision, using the expected-value criterion, is to purchase the
stock, because $2.50 $0. The advantage of the expected-value criterion is that it takes
into account the information contained in the probabilities.
Expected value is the decision criterion around which the techniques of decision analy-
sis are built and is the one emphasized throughout this chapter. The disadvantage of the
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expected-value criterion is that it does not take into account the decision maker’s attitude
toward risk. For instance, in the first case for the stock purchase example, the expected value
was $2.50. Clearly, on the basis of expected value we buy the stock, because $2.50 $0.
However, if we purchase stock under these same conditions, we could lose $5. Depending
on how averse we are to this outcome, we might decide not to participate after all.
19-1: Exercises
Skill Development 19-6. Given the following decision table:
19-1. In decision analysis, what is the difference between
a good decision and a good outcome? Do good States of Nature
decisions always produce the “best” outcome?
S1 S2 S3 S4
Why or why not?
19-2. What is the goal of decision analysis? Alternatives A1 170 45 60 100
19-3. Varsity Contracting has recently started negotiating A2 30 190 175 65
to provide custodial service for a local manufac- A3 145 50 120 110
turer at several facilities in the area. The manufac-
A4 40 80 10 70
turer has offered to contract for Varsity’s services
at the rate of $0.10 per square foot per month.
To provide nightly custodial service for the a. Use the maximax criterion to determine which
100,000-square-foot plant, Varsity would have decision alternative to select.
to hire two more workers at $8.00 per hour. b. Use the maximin criterion to determine which
The new service would require 8 hours per night, decision alternative to select.
5 nights a week. Supplies would cost $200 per c. Use the minimax regret criterion to determine
week, and overhead would be charged at 20% which decision alternative to select.
of the labor cost. 19-7. The probabilities assessed with the states of nature
Given the information presented here, what in the previous problem are
decision environment exists? Why do you think P(S1) 0.1, P(S2) 0.2, P(S3) 0.4, P(S4) 0.3
so? Would you recommend that Varsity sign this
Using these probabilities, determine which alterna-
contract? Explain your reasoning?
tive to select using the expected-value criterion.
19-4. Given the following decision table:
Business Applications
States of Nature 19-8. Larry Jacava is considering producing a novelty
item for golfers that will be sold through pro shops.
S1 S2 S3
Larry has decided on a selling price of $3.50 for
Alternatives A1 150 80 20 the item. The item’s variable cost of production is
A2 60 40 45 $2.00 per unit, with fixed costs of $3,750. Larry
A3 240 70 10 has marketed his product to local pro shops and
believes the demand for the item will be either
2,000 units, 3,000 units, 4,000 units, or 5,000 units.
a. Use the maximax criterion to determine which a. Set up the payoff table for Larry’s decision.
decision alternative to select. b. Determine the number of units that Larry should
b. Use the maximin criterion to determine which produce using each of the following criteria:
decision alternative to select. 1. maximax criterion
c. Use the minimax regret criterion to determine 2. maximin criterion
which decision alternative to select. 3. minimax regret criterion
19-5. The probabilities assessed with the states of nature 19-9. Sal De Carlo is the manager for food sales for
in the previous exercise are Coyote Stadium. For each home game, Sal must
P(S1) 0.3, P(S2) 0.2, P(S3) 0.5 decide how many hot dogs to have available for
sale. The number of hot dogs sold depends on the
Using these probabilities, determine which game’s attendance. Sal pays $0.75 for each hot dog
alternative to select using the expected-value and $0.15 for each hot dog bun. Hot dogs are sold
criterion. to fans during the game for $1.75. Any leftover hot
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dogs are sold to the mens’ dorms for $0.25 a piece. b. Use the maximin criterion to arrive at the
Sal estimates that demand for hot dogs for next appropriate decision and the associated payoff.
week’s game will be either 10,000, 15,000, 20,000, Contrast this decision with one made using the
or 25,000. maximax criterion instead.
a. Set up the payoff table for Sal’s decision. 19-12. Referring to the previous exercise, suppose the
b. How many hot dogs would Sal order if he used marketing manager at Cooke Collectibles has ana-
each of the following criteria? lyzed the possible demand levels and subjectively
1. maximax criterion assessed the following probabilities for them:
2. maximin criterion
3. minimax regret criterion Demand Level Probability
19-10. A real estate investor in a medium-sized western 20,000 0.10
city is considering three investments: an apartment 40,000 0.30
building, a strip mall, and an office building.
60,000 0.40
Returns from each investment alternative depend
80,000 0.20
on future population growth. The investor has
developed three growth scenarios showing the rev-
enue from each investment alternative along with
Use the expected-value criterion to arrive at the
their probabilities of occurrence. This information
best decision for Cooke and the associated
is shown in the following table:
expected value.
19-13. The Special Occasions Company, a nationwide
distributor of flowers and greeting cards, has just
Growth Probability Apartment Mall Office
contracted with Global Floral to purchase up to
Slow 0.20 $75,000 $15,000 $200,000 500,000 dozen red and yellow roses for sale in the
Average 0.30 10,000 30,000 50,000 week before Valentine’s Day. Special Occasions
High 0.50 150,000 75,000 100,000 supplies flower shops and other retail outlets from
regional distribution centers throughout the coun-
try. The problem now facing the company is how
For the given payoff matrix, what is the best
many dozen roses to buy. If the company doesn’t
decision and its associated payoff using each of
buy enough, it loses potential business; if it buys
the following?
more than are demanded, it loses the costs of pur-
a. the maximax criterion
chasing and shipping these unsold roses. Any
b. the maximin criterion
unsold roses are given to local hospitals and retire-
c. the minimax regret criterion
ment homes or are disposed of at the area landfill.
d. the expected-value criterion
The contract calls for a basic payment of
19-11. Cooke Collectibles produces fine porcelain minia-
$150,000 plus $5 per each dozen roses bought by
tures representing famous people and historical
Special Occasions. The company’s accounting
events. To avoid production and scheduling prob-
department has determined that the cost of shipping
lems, Cooke’s policy is to make all copies of a
the roses from Global Floral’s greenhouses aver-
figure in one production run. In the event that the
ages $1.50 per dozen. The marketing department
demand for any figure exceeds the number pro-
has estimated the demand (in dozens) for roses, and
duced, each customer’s money is returned along
its probability distribution, as follows:
with a coupon good for $10.00 toward the purchase
of another Cooke miniature. If the company makes
Demand Level Probability
too many figures, the extras are sold to a discount
outlet, which agrees to hold them for 6 months, for 100,000 0.10
$50 each. This price is half the variable production 150,000 0.40
cost of a figure. 200,000 0.20
Cooke Collectibles has recently agreed to pay 225,000 0.20
$200,000 for the rights to produce a miniature 250,000 0.10
representing a famous singer. The company plans 1.00
to sell the figures for $250 each. The marketing
department predicts that actual demand will equal Assuming the roses sell for an average of $18 per
one of these possible demand levels: 20,000; dozen, set up the payoff table and use the expected-
40,000; 60,000; or 80,000. value criterion to find how many dozen roses
a. Set up a table showing the payoffs for all combi- should be purchased for the next Valentine’s Day
nations of production and demand. sales and the associated expected profit.
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Exercises 19-14, 19-15, and 19-16 refer to Baker a yearly $100,000 payment and the construction of a
Enterprises, a produce wholesaler that supplies building at an average cost of $250,000. Duckland
fruits and vegetables to local grocery stores and plans to keep the franchises for a year and, if the
restaurants, which has just received notice that a businesses are successful, it should be able to sell
frost in Florida will have a serious impact on this them for $600,000 each, including the buildings. If
winter’s orange harvest. If Baker’s buyer waits until the operations are not successful, Duckland will close
the time he normally buys Florida oranges, the price them down and sell the buildings for $150,000.
could be very high. Consequently, Sara Baker, the a. Use the maximax decision criterion to determine
owner, has decided to enter into a contract now. how many franchises Duckland should purchase
The Florida supplier will guarantee any quantity and the associated profit.
of oranges this winter, but only on the following b. How many franchises should Duckland pur-
terms: chase if the maximin decision criterion is used?
Determine the accompanying profit for this
Fixed finder’s fee $10,000 decision criterion as well.
Fewer than 1,001 boxes $3.00 per box c. Suppose Duckland Enterprises has three options
1,001 to 5,000 boxes $2.80 per box for constructing the buildings for its franchises.
More than 5,000 boxes $2.50 per box One option is to construct the buildings as
originally planned, at a cost of $250,000 each.
The sales manager has identified the following A second option is to build smaller facilities in
possible demand levels for boxes of oranges this established malls, with building expenses totaling
winter: 500, 1,000, 2,000, 4,000, and 7,000. The $150,000 each. If the mall operations are not suc-
expected selling price will be $9.00 per box, and cessful, Duckland can recover $100,000 of the
unsold boxes will be given away. $150,000 building cost; and if they are success-
19-14. Set up a payoff table for this decision problem and ful, they can be sold for $500,000 each. A third
use the minimax regret decision criterion to deter- option is to construct larger buildings, at a cost of
mine how many boxes of oranges Baker Enterprises $400,000 each. If successful, these operations can
should buy and the accompanying profit. be sold for $1,000,000 each; and if they are not
19-15. The managers at Baker Enterprises have discussed successful, the buildings can be sold for $200,000
the situation and, on the basis of their past experi- each. Construct a payoff table describing these
ence with orange sales, have assessed the following new alternatives for Duckland Enterprises.
probabilities for each possible demand level: d. Determine how many franchises Duckland
should acquire under each building-cost option
Demand Probability described in part c, and determine the associated
profit. Provide separate answers using the
500 0.15
maximin and maximax decision criteria.
1,000 0.20
e. Referring to part c, suppose Duckland
2,000 0.20 Enterprises assesses the following probability
4,000 0.30 distributions for the number of successful
7,000 0.15 franchises at each building-cost level:
$150,000 $250,000 $400,000
Incorporate these probabilities into your analysis
Number P(Success) Number P(Success) Number P(Success)
and determine the “best decision” for Baker
Enterprises, as well as the expected profit for this 0 0.05 0 0.06 0 0.09
decision, using the expected-value criterion. 1 0.10 1 0.10 1 0.15
19-16. Sara Baker has found an alternative supplier of 2 0.15 2 0.20 2 0.25
Florida oranges. The new supplier will not charge 3 0.25 3 0.40 3 0.40
a finder’s fee but will charge $4.50 per box regard-
4 0.30 4 0.12 4 0.07
less of the quantity purchased. If Sara Baker
decides to buy from the new supplier, how many 5 0.15 5 0.12 5 0.04
boxes of oranges should she buy in order to maxi-
mize expected profit? Which supplier should she For each building alternative, use the expected-
choose? Explain. payoff criterion to determine the optimal number
19-17. Duckland Enterprises is considering bidding on one of franchises to purchase and the expected payoff.
or all of the first five franchises offered by a popular Then determine which building-cost level
Japanese fast-food operation. Each franchise requires Duckland should use for its franchises.
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Demand x 50 60 70 80 90
Demand x 50 60 70 80 90
P(x) 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.25
Step 3 Assign appropriate revenue and cost values and establish the
payoff function.
The fixed cost of setting up to cook the meals is $120, variable costs
amount to $1.50 per meal, and the selling price is $3.70 each. With this
information, we find the payoffs associated with different production
levels by using the following equation:
Payoff $3.70(s) $120 $1.50(p)
s number of units sold
p number of units produced
Step 4 Construct the payoff table.
The payoff when production is 50 and demand is 50 is
Payoff $3.70(50) $120 $1.50(50) $10.00
Likewise, if 70 meals are prepared and 90 are demanded, the payoff is
(Notice that even though demand is 90, sales are limited to 70 because
only 70 were produced.) The payoffs associated with all combinations of
production and demand are displayed in the following payoff table. The
demand levels are labeled “states of nature,” because demand is outside
the control of the decision maker.
Payoff Table
Demand (States of Nature)
Production 50 60 70 80 90
50 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10
60 25 12 12 12 12
70 40 3 34 34 34
80 55 18 19 56 56
90 70 33 4 41 78
Step 5 Add the probabilities to the payoff table and compute the expected
value for each production decision using Equation 19.1.
The expected values are computed by summing the payoffs times the
probabilities. For example, the expected payoff for a production level
of 80 meals is
E(payoff) $55(0.05) $18(0.10) $19(0.20)
$56(0.40) $56(0.25)
Therefore, in the long run, the deli manager can expect to make $35.65 if
she prepares 80 meals of broiled chicken and potato salad. The other
expected values are computed in a similar manner.
Step 6 Determine the best decision using the expected-value decision criterion.
From Step 5 we see that if the decision criterion of highest expected
payoff is used, the best decision is to prepare 80 meals. This production
level has a higher expected payoff than any other alternative at $35.65.
However, on any single day, the actual payoff from this level could be
either $55, $18, $19, or $56. This means that for any single situation,
the best decision might not give the best outcome. Thus, there is a cost of
being uncertain about which demand level will occur.
knew in advance how many meals would be demanded, she could select
the production level that would maximize the payoff in each case. For
example, if she knew the demand was going to be 70, she would decide to
prepare 70 meals, for a profit of $34.00. If she knew demand would be 90,
she would decide to prepare 90, for a profit of $78.00.
To compute the expected value under certainty (EVUC), we first
assume we know what the demand will be for each day. Therefore, we are
able to achieve the optimal decision each time. To determine our overall
expected profit, we multiply the probability of each demand level times
the payoff associated with the best decision given that demand level
occurs. Therefore, if the deli manager had perfect information (certainty)
about what the demand was going to be for each day, her expected payoff
would be computed as follows:
EVUC $10(0.05) $12(0.10) $34(0.20)
$56(0.40) $78(0.25)
With perfect information, the deli would make, on average, a profit of
$49.40 per day.
Step 8 Compute the cost of uncertainty.
We determined in Step 6 that the expected payoff for the best decision
under uncertainty was $35.65. The expected cost of uncertainty is the
difference between the expected payoff given perfect information and
the expected payoff under uncertainty. This is
Expected Cost of Uncertainty $49.40 $35.65 $13.75
The expected cost of not having perfect information for this decision
situation is $13.75.
Another term for the cost of uncertainty is the expected value of perfect information
(EVPI). For Example 19-2, the EVPI is $13.75. This is the most the manager would be
willing to pay for perfect information about the meal demand on any weekday. Any infor-
mation that is not perfect would be worth less than $13.75 per day.
19-2: Exercises
Skill Development b. Find the expected value of perfect information
19-18. Consider the following payoff table, in which the for these alternatives.
probabilities associated with each state of nature 19-19. Consider the following payoff table, in which the
are in parentheses: probabilities associated with each state of nature
are shown:
States of Nature States of Nature
S1(0.2) S2(0.1) S3(0.4) S4(0.3) S1 S2 S3
Alternatives A1 170 45 60 100 Probabilities 0.5 0.2 0.3
A2 30 190 175 65 Alternatives A1 145 55 80
A3 145 50 120 110 A2 130 65 100
A4 40 80 10 70 A3 110 80 120
a. Convert the payoff table to an opportunity-loss a. Convert the payoff table to an opportunity-loss
table. table.
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b. Find the expected value of perfect information c. How much would Sal be willing to pay for
for these alternatives. perfect information about the number of hot
dogs that will be demanded during next week’s
Business Applications game?
19-20. Refer to Exercise 19-9 in Section 19.1 concerning 19-21. Refer to the Cooke Collectibles exercise (Exercise
the number of hot dogs that Sal De Carlo should 19-11) in Section 19.1. How much would Cooke be
order for next week’s football game. Suppose that willing to pay for perfect information about the
Sal has assigned the probabilities shown here for number of miniatures representing a famous singer
the different demand levels: that it should produce?
19-22. Refer to the Special Occasions Company exercise
Demand Probability
(Exercise 19-13) in Section 19.1. How much
10,000 0.20 should the company be willing to pay for perfect
15,000 0.25 information in order to determine how many dozen
20,000 0.30 roses it should order for the next Valentine’s Day
25,000 0.25 sales?
19-23. Refer to the Baker Enterprises exercise (Exercises
a. Set up the payoff table for Sal’s decision con- 19-14 to 19-16) in Section 19.1. What is the maxi-
cerning the number of hot dogs to order. mum amount that Baker should pay for perfect
b. What are the expected values for each decision information to help it determine how many boxes
that Sal can make? of oranges to order?
E X A M P L E 1 9 - 3 Decision-Tree Analysis
TRY PROBLEM 19.24 Bighorn Oil Company Bighorn Oil Company has leased the drilling rights on a
large parcel of land in Wyoming that may or may not contain an oil reserve. A competi-
tor has offered to lease the land for $200,000 cash in return for drilling rights and all
rights to any oil that might be found. The offer will expire in 3 days. If Bighorn does not
take the deal, it will be faced with the decision of whether to drill for oil on its own.
Drilling costs are projected to be $400,000. The company feels that there are four possi-
ble outcomes from drilling:
1. dry hole (no oil or natural gas)
2. natural gas
3. natural gas and some oil
4. oil only
If drilling yields a dry hole, the land will be basically worthless, because it is located in
the badlands of Wyoming. If natural gas is discovered, Bighorn will recover only its
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drilling costs. If natural gas and some oil is discovered, revenue is projected to be
$800,000. Finally, if only oil is discovered, revenues will be $1,600,000.
Decision-tree analysis can be used to help make the decision using the following
Step 1 Grow the decision tree.
The decision tree is developed by organizing the decisions and events in
chronological order. In this example, the initial decision to be made is
whether to accept the lease. The tree is started as
Do not drill
Now, if Bighorn decides to drill, there are four possible events that could
occur. These are shown on the decision tree.
Do not drill
Oil only
When finished, the decision tree should show all the decisions and events.
Outcome Probability
Dry hole 0.20
Natural gas 0.40
Gas and oil 0.30
Oil only 0.10
Do not drill
Step 4 Fold back the decision tree and compute the expected values for each
We need to compute the expected value for each decision alternative. This
is done starting from the right side of the tree and working back to the left.
We first determine the expected value for the Drill branch as follows:
As we fold back the tree, we block all decision alternatives that do not have
the highest expected value. This is shown in the decision tree as follows:
$0 Do not drill
Note that we always select the decision with the highest expected payoff.
In this example, the best decision is to lease the land and accept the
$200,000 payment because it exceeds the $160,000 expected value of
the not-lease option.
The value of decision-tree analysis is that a tree helps you to visually structure the
decision problem and to systematically analyze the decision alternatives. Decision-tree
analysis also provides a way for you to take into account future decisions when making the
most current decision. The Bighorn example was a very simple one that could have easily
been handled without a decision tree. The following application is a little more compli-
cated, and you should see the advantage of using decision-tree analysis.
Demand Probability
4. The fixed production costs for the hardcover book will be $700,000 before any
copies are printed, and the cost of printing and binding is $16.00 per copy. The num-
ber of copies to be printed can match any projected demand. The wholesale selling
price of the hardcover book will be $24.00.
5. For paperback publication, the following demand distribution has been assessed:
Demand Probability
6. The fixed costs for paperback publication are $400,000, the printing and binding
costs are $2.00 per copy, and the wholesale selling price is $8.00 each.
7. The accuracy of the book’s content will be known only after the book has been pub-
lished and sold.
8. The editor has assessed the probability that the manuscript will get a favorable
review from the editorial board as 0.80.
The decision in this case is complicated by the many uncertainties involved. In situa-
tions such as these, a decision tree can be used to provide a framework to help make the
decision. The following steps are used to develop and apply a decision tree to a decision
problem such as the one the Harris Publishing Company is facing.
Step 1 Growing the Tree
The decision tree is developed by starting with the initial decision facing the
publisher: Sign the contract or don’t sign the contract. Figure 19.1 shows
the beginnings of the decision tree. The box represents a decision fork, the
point at which a decision must be made.
If the publisher does not sign the contract, the issue is settled. There are
no further branches on that side of the tree. However, if the contract is signed,
other branches are needed. Keep in mind that the decision tree is a model of
the decision in which alternatives (decisions) are followed by the outcomes
(events) that they influence. Usually, but not always, the ordering of alterna-
tives and outcomes follows a chronological sequence. Thus, if the contract
is signed, the next step is the review by the editorial board. The outcome of
this review is considered an event and is not within control of the company,
because it is determined by how well the book is written. A small circle is used
to designate an event fork on the decision tree, as is shown in Figure 19.2.
Don’t Sign
Harris Publishing
Decision Tree: Phase 1
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Don’t Sign
Harris Publishing
Decision Tree: Phase 2
Decision Event
Don’t Sign
Harris Publishing
Decision Tree: Phase 3
Decision Event Decision
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Don’t Sign
Harris Publishing
Decision Tree: Phase 4
100,000 Copies
50,000 Copies
Don’t Sign
Harris Publishing
Decision Tree: Phase 5
100,000 Copies
Not Accurate
Not Accurate
Review Accurate
50,000 Copies
Not Accurate
Not Accurate
Decision Event Decision Event Event
decision tree. The decision tree should reflect the decision problem as accu-
rately as possible before any further analysis is performed using the tree.
Step 2 Assigning the Probabilities
The decision tree contains a number of event forks, represented by small
circles. The branches leaving these event forks represent possible outcomes
from an uncertain event. To make full use of decision-tree analysis, proba-
bilities must be assigned to each of these event branches. These probabili-
ties can come from classical assessment, relative frequency of occurrence
or, most likely, subjective assessment.
In the Harris Publishing Company example, the probabilities were sub-
jective assessments by the executive editor, based on her experience and the
available information. We can summarize these as follows:
1. The probability that a manuscript review will be favorable is 0.80; unfa-
vorable, 0.20.
2. If a hardcover edition is printed, there is a 0.40 chance that demand will be
100,000 copies and a 0.60 chance that demand will be 1 million copies.
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Don’t Sign
100,000 Copies Suit
Not Accurate
No Suit
Contract Suit
Not Accurate
Favorable No Suit
Review Accurate
Not Accurate
Paperback No Suit
Not Accurate
No Suit
Decision Event Decision Event Event Event
Don’t Sign
Review 0.8
100,000 Copies Suit
0.2 0.9
0.2 Not Accurate 0.1
No Suit
Contract Suit
0.8 1,000,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
Favorable No Suit
Review Accurate
50,000 Copies Suit
0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
Paperback No Suit
1,500,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
No Suit
Decision Event Decision Event Event Event
but in this text we will limit our definition of cash flows to dollars.) The
cash flows are displayed on the tree branches indicating the time at which
they will occur. Unlike probabilities, which are assigned only to events, cash
flows can occur for both decisions and events. For Harris Publishing
Company, the first cash flow will occur when the author signs the contract.
This will be an expense of $400,000. Figure 19.8 shows this as $400
(amounts are in thousands) directly above the Sign Contract branch. The
Don’t Sign Contract branch has a cash flow of $0, indicating that if this
decision is made, there will be no change in the company’s asset position.
The editorial review is done by salaried staff members. Thus, we can
treat this cost as part of administrative overhead and not assign any cash
flows to the review branches in Figure 19.8. When the decision to publish
hardcover or paperback books is made, a fixed expense occurs. The expense
is $700,000 for hardcover and $400,000 for paperback. These cash flows are
displayed in Figure 19.8.
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Don’t Sign
Unfavorable –$500
0.8 –$200
–$400 100,000 Copies Suit
$0 –$2,100
$800 0.2
$0 0.9 –$1,800
0.2 Not Accurate 0.1
Hardcover $0
–$700 No Suit
–$400 Accurate
0.6 $4,900
0.8 –$2,000
Contract $8,000 Suit
0.8 0.2
$0 0.9 –$1,800
Not Accurate 0.1 $0
$0 $6,900
Favorable No Suit
Review Accurate
0.8 –$40
50,000 Copies Suit
$300 0.2
$0 0.9 –$1,800
Not Accurate 0.1
–$400 $0
Paperback No Suit
0.7 $7,000
0.8 –$1,200
$9,000 Suit
1,500,000 0.2
$0 0.9 –$1,800
Not Accurate 0.1 $0
No Suit
Next, we assign the cash flows associated with the demand levels for
hardcover and paperback. For example, if the hardcover decision is selected
and demand is 100,000 copies, the following cash flow will occur:
This $800,000 cash flow is shown in Figure 19.8. You may be wondering
what happened to the author’s royalties. These are to be paid only when the
book’s accuracy has been verified. For purposes of this decision, this is the
same as paying the author when the books are sold and having him return
the money if the book proves to be inaccurate.
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If the hardcover book sells 1,000,000 copies, the cash flow will be
Likewise, if the paperback option is selected, the cash flow associated with
50,000 copies will be
Don’t Sign
Unfavorable –$500
Review 0.8
–$400 100,000 Copies Suit
0.2 0.9
0.2 Not Accurate 0.1
Hardcover –$300
No Suit
0.6 $4,900
Contract Suit
0.8 1,000,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
No Suit
Review Accurate
50,000 Copies Suit
0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
Paperback No Suit
0.7 $7,000
1,500,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
No Suit
This expected value is displayed inside the oval between the two event
branches. We use the same procedure to find expected values for all Suit/No
Suit event branches, as shown in Figure 19.10. (Note: All dollar amounts are
in thousands.)
Next, we determine the expected value of the event Accurate/Not
Accurate in each instance in the tree where the event appears. To illustrate,
we will use the event emanating from the Hardcover, 100,000 Copies
branch. The expected value is
EV $500(0.80) $1,920(0.20) $784
This value is shown in the oval between the two event branches. Note that in
computing the expected value, we used $1,920, the expected value of the
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FIGURE 19.10
Don’t Sign
Unfavorable –$500
Review 0.8
–$400 100,000 Copies Suit
–$784 –$2,100
0.2 0.9
0.4 –$1,920
0.2 Not Accurate 0.1
Hardcover –$300
No Suit
$3,587.52 $2,672
$3,587.52 0.6 $4,900
Contract Suit
$4,976 $5,100
0.8 1,000,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
Favorable No Suit
Review Accurate
50,000 Copies Suit
–$856 –$2,300
0.2 0.9
0.3 –$2,120
Not Accurate 0.1
$4,584.40 –$500
Paperback No Suit
0.7 $7,000
$6,916 Suit
1,500,000 0.2 0.9
Not Accurate 0.1
No Suit
Suit/No Suit event. This value was multiplied by the 0.20 probability that
the content of the manuscript will not be accurate. The 0.80 chance that the
manuscript will be accurate is multiplied by $500, because that is the
expected value of the Accurate branch.
The expected value of the Accurate/Not Accurate event emanating from
the Hardcover, 1,000,000 Copies branch is
EV $4,900(0.80) $5,280(0.20) $4,976
This value is also shown in Figure 19.10, in the oval between the two outcome
branches. The same methodology is used in the lower portion of the tree. This
process of moving from right to left is what we mean by “folding back the tree.”
We continue by determining the expected values of the demand events.
For instance, the expected value for the demand event emanating from the
Hardcover branch is
EV $784(0.40) $4,976(0.60) $2,672
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This value is also the expected value of the Hardcover decision branch.
This means that the expected value of the hardcover alternative is $2,672
(actually $2,672,000).
The expected value for the demand event emanating from the
Paperback decision branch is
EV $856(0.30) $6,916(0.70) $4,584.40
This value is the expected value of the Paperback decision alternative. Because
$4,584.40 $2,672, the best decision is to select the paperback option if the
editor reaches that decision point. She would expect a net payoff of $4,584.40
(actually $4,584,400) from the paperback decision. Note that the hardcover
decision branch is blocked, indicating that it is not the best decision.
The final step in the fold-back process is to determine the expected
value of the review event. We again multiply the appropriate cash flows by
their probabilities.
EV $400(0.20) $4,584.40(0.80) $3,587.52
Thus, as shown in Figure 19.10, the expected value is $3,587.52, which is the
expected value of the Sign Contract branch. This means that if the company
signs the publishing contract, its expected payoff is $3,587.52 (actually
$3,587,520). Because this value exceeds the $0 expected payoff for the Don’t
Sign Contract branch, the best decision is to sign the contract. If the editorial
review is favorable, then publish in paperback. (Notice that the Don’t Sign
branch is blocked, indicating that this alternative won’t be selected.)
This example demonstrates the use of a decision tree to help in making a
decision under uncertainty. The decision tree provides a framework for ana-
lyzing alternatives and dealing with uncertainties. The decision reached is the
best decision given the expected-value criterion. However, as we indicated
earlier, the best decision does not always lead to the best outcome. For
instance, if the contract is signed and the book is published in paperback,
demand may be only 50,000 copies and, worse yet, the contents might not be
accurate. If this chain of events occurs, a lawsuit will be filed. Harris
Publishing would lose $2,300,000 on the deal. Remember, a “bad outcome”
can occur from this one-time decision. But then again, an extremely good out-
come could occur if the demand for the book is 1.5 million copies, the book
proves inaccurate (no royalties are paid), and no suit is filed. The payoff under
this scenario is $8,200,000. The expected-value criterion takes into considera-
tion all the possible payoffs and the probabilities of those payoffs occurring.
This example illustrates an important virtue of decision-tree analysis. That is, the tree
allows future decisions that have an influence on the current decision to be systematically
considered. Chronologically, the decision about whether to publish in hardcover or paper-
back comes after the initial decision of whether to sign a contract. However, the decision
of whether to sign is made only after the expected profits associated with publishing in
hardcover and paperback are determined. In this case, the editor decided to publish in
paperback because her analysis indicated the contract should be signed. The ability to use
projected future events to help make a current decision is a natural part of the fold-back
Sensitivity Analysis In a decision problem such as the one facing Harris Publishing
Company, uncertainty in the events is measured by the probabilities assessed for each event
outcome. The expected-value criterion utilizes these probability assessments. But a question
that arises when decision analysis is applied is how sensitive is the decision to the probabilities
being assessed. For instance, the company might want to know how much the probability of a
favorable review would have to change to make not signing the contract the best decision.
To answer this question, refer to Figure 19.10. Instead of using 0.80 for the probabil-
ity of a favorable review, let the probability be p. Then the probability of an unfavorable
review is 1 p. We next solve for p such that the expected value of the Sign Contract alter-
native (now $3,587.52) is the same as the expected value of the Don’t Sign Contract alter-
native, which in this case is $0.
0 4,584.40p 400(1 p)
0 4,584.40p 400 400p
400 4,984.40p
400/4,984.40 p
0.08025 p
Thus, the probability of a favorable report would have to decrease from 0.80 to less than
0.1 in order for the best decision to be not to sign the contract. This means the decision is
quite insensitive to the probability assessed for a favorable editorial review, and there is
probably no need to investigate this assessment any further.
Another question might be: How sensitive is the decision to publish the softcover
book to the probability assessment associated with the number of hardcover books that
might be sold? That is, how much higher than 0.60 would the probability of selling 1 mil-
lion copies have to be before the best decision would be to go with the hardcover books?
The approach to answering this question is essentially the same as before. We let p the
probability of selling 1 million copies and 1 p be the probability of selling 100,000
copies. We then solve for p such that the expected payoff for hardcover is equal to that for
paperback: $4,584.40 (see Figure 19.10). We solve for p as follows:
The probability of selling 1 million books would have to be higher than 0.9320 for the best
decision to be to publish a hardcover book. When this is compared with the current assess-
ment of 0.60, we see the decision is not very sensitive to this probability assessment.
Depending on how much information and thought went into the original probability
assessment, there does not appear to be a need to allocate substantial resources to study the
hardcover-demand issue further.
Sensitivity analysis can also investigate how much a cash-flow value would have to
change before the decision would change. The method for determining the sensitivity of
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a cash-flow item is the same as for a probability. Let the cash-flow value in question equal x,
and then solve for x such that the decision branches have the same expected payoff. When
sensitivity analysis indicates that the resulting decision is sensitive to a probability or cash-
flow value, you will want to spend extra time studying this factor before arriving at the
final decision.
19-3: Exercises
Business Applications with the three states of nature possible, along with
19-24. Tom and Joe operate a rock quarry that provides the projected drill revenues:
local stone for landscaping. They currently have an
offer for $50,000 to sell the quarry. They are hesi- Drill Revenue
tant to sell because they believe there will be an Water Temperature Probability (in Millions)
increase in demand in the next 2 years that would High 0.4 $5
improve their financial situation. If they decide to Medium 0.4 3
keep the quarry, the current buyer would be willing Low 0.2 1
to pay $30,000 in 2 years, regardless of the situa-
tion. Tom and Joe think there is a 60% chance of an
If the company extends the lease in order to sell
increase, at which point they would operate at a
the property later without drilling, the sale price will
profit of $75,000 or sell the quarry to a new buyer
be determined by the demand for electricity. The fol-
for $60,000. If demand does not increase, they
lowing chart lists the probabilities associated with the
would operate at a profit of only $10,000. Use a
three levels of demand and the projected sale prices:
decision tree to determine what they should do.
19-25. Vegetable Farms is a small, family-operated ranch Demand Probability Sale Price (in Millions)
that sells produce to local markets. The owners are
currently trying to decide whether they should High 0.3 $2.5
expand their operation next year. Because this is a Medium 0.6 2.0
fairly new business, the owners have assessed the Low 0.1 1.5
following demand levels and probabilities: high
(probability 0.50), medium (0.30), or low (0.20). Use a decision tree to diagram Aquatech’s
The payoffs they expect for each demand/acreage possible solutions and determine which option
scenario are listed. Use a decision tree to help management should choose.
decide whether to expand the farm. 19-27. Paradise Springs is in the position of having to
decide what size cross-country ski resort to build.
DEMAND The majority owners are adamant that a resort be
built and that future plans for the resort should be
ACREAGE High Medium Low
determined by revenues generated during the first
Expanded $100,000 $40,000 $40,000 2 years of the project.
Same size 50,000 40,000 30,000 The developer has the option of building a
small complex now and later expanding, if demand
19-26. Aquatech currently holds the lease to a site with warrants, to a large complex or build a large com-
good potential for geothermal development to gen- plex now. The expansion project would increase the
erate electricity. Aquatech is now looking at three size of a small complex to that of a large complex
options for the site: (1) sell the rights to the prop- and could be completed in the off-season to allow
erty for $1.5 million; (2) extend the lease for 25 the resort to function as a large resort the second
years at a cost of $0.5 million, with the possibility season. The costs of construction are as follows:
of selling later; or (3) extend the lease and drill
exploratory wells at a total cost of $2 million. Size Cost (in Millions)
If the company decides to extend the lease in Small $2.0
order to drill, future revenue from the site would be Expansion (2nd year) 1.5
determined by the temperature of the water. The Large 3.0
following chart lists the probabilities associated
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The developer believes that demand for the Expected Annual Revenues
resort will be either high or low and thinks there (in Millions)
will be a 50–50 chance the resort will be popular in
Size High Low
its first season. If demand is high the first year, she
feels there is a 60% chance the resort will be popu- Small $2 $1
lar its second season. If demand is low, she would Large 3 2
not want to expand. She feels if demand is low the
first year, there is a 70% chance it will remain low Revenue figures do not include the costs of
for the second season. The expected annual rev- construction. Use a decision tree to determine
enues for the resort are as follows: which size the resort should develop.
Key Terms
Certainty 892 Maximin criterion 896 States of nature 895
Decision tree 905 Minimax regret criterion 896 Uncertainty 893
Expected-value criterion 897 Opportunity loss 896
Maximax criterion 896 Payoff 895
Chapter Exercises
Business Applications Hatchman currently makes an injection unit that it
Exercises 19-28 through 19-31 refer to the following sells to automobile manufacturers for $200. The operating
situation. profit (revenue – direct manufacturing costs) for this unit is
Hatchman Electronics makes specialized fuel-injection $90. The company estimates that the probability is 80%
units for automobile engines. The company is currently that demand for this product will continue, at the same
completing its 5-year strategic plan. A major component of price, for the next 5 years. But if a competitor introduces a
this plan involves analyzing the following situation. better unit, the selling price will be dropped to $140 to
GROEMC19_0132240017.qxd 2/5/07 4:39 PM Page 921
a cash-flow item is the same as for a probability. Let the cash-flow value in question equal x,
and then solve for x such that the decision branches have the same expected payoff. When
sensitivity analysis indicates that the resulting decision is sensitive to a probability or cash-
flow value, you will want to spend extra time studying this factor before arriving at the
final decision.
19-3: Exercises
Business Applications with the three states of nature possible, along with
19-24. Tom and Joe operate a rock quarry that provides the projected drill revenues:
local stone for landscaping. They currently have an
offer for $50,000 to sell the quarry. They are hesi- Drill Revenue
tant to sell because they believe there will be an Water Temperature Probability (in Millions)
increase in demand in the next 2 years that would High 0.4 $5
improve their financial situation. If they decide to Medium 0.4 3
keep the quarry, the current buyer would be willing Low 0.2 1
to pay $30,000 in 2 years, regardless of the situa-
tion. Tom and Joe think there is a 60% chance of an
If the company extends the lease in order to sell
increase, at which point they would operate at a
the property later without drilling, the sale price will
profit of $75,000 or sell the quarry to a new buyer
be determined by the demand for electricity. The fol-
for $60,000. If demand does not increase, they
lowing chart lists the probabilities associated with the
would operate at a profit of only $10,000. Use a
three levels of demand and the projected sale prices:
decision tree to determine what they should do.
19-25. Vegetable Farms is a small, family-operated ranch Demand Probability Sale Price (in Millions)
that sells produce to local markets. The owners are
currently trying to decide whether they should High 0.3 $2.5
expand their operation next year. Because this is a Medium 0.6 2.0
fairly new business, the owners have assessed the Low 0.1 1.5
following demand levels and probabilities: high
(probability 0.50), medium (0.30), or low (0.20). Use a decision tree to diagram Aquatech’s
The payoffs they expect for each demand/acreage possible solutions and determine which option
scenario are listed. Use a decision tree to help management should choose.
decide whether to expand the farm. 19-27. Paradise Springs is in the position of having to
decide what size cross-country ski resort to build.
DEMAND The majority owners are adamant that a resort be
built and that future plans for the resort should be
ACREAGE High Medium Low
determined by revenues generated during the first
Expanded $100,000 $40,000 $40,000 2 years of the project.
Same size 50,000 40,000 30,000 The developer has the option of building a
small complex now and later expanding, if demand
19-26. Aquatech currently holds the lease to a site with warrants, to a large complex or build a large com-
good potential for geothermal development to gen- plex now. The expansion project would increase the
erate electricity. Aquatech is now looking at three size of a small complex to that of a large complex
options for the site: (1) sell the rights to the prop- and could be completed in the off-season to allow
erty for $1.5 million; (2) extend the lease for 25 the resort to function as a large resort the second
years at a cost of $0.5 million, with the possibility season. The costs of construction are as follows:
of selling later; or (3) extend the lease and drill
exploratory wells at a total cost of $2 million. Size Cost (in Millions)
If the company decides to extend the lease in Small $2.0
order to drill, future revenue from the site would be Expansion (2nd year) 1.5
determined by the temperature of the water. The Large 3.0
following chart lists the probabilities associated
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Develop the payoff table that reflects these states of consumer products it buys from a manufacturer in
nature. Singapore. The first plan involves contracting with
19-39. Given the payoff table developed in Exercise 19-38, a television shopping channel and is projected to
what decision should the company’s managers have a monthly cost of $200,000. East Coast’s
make if they wish to maximize the expected marketing director has analyzed this alternative
payoff? and, after a joint meeting with the shopping
19-40. The manager of the Pink Flounder restaurant must channel’s manager, believes that the following
decide how many orders of its special butter- probability distribution for additional profit
broiled catfish to make for Thursday’s lunch spe- generated is accurate:
cial. The orders must be made in advance, because
the restaurant guarantees lunchtime service in less Increased
than 15 minutes and the catfish special takes 45 Increased Revenue Probability Revenue Probability
minutes to prepare. Each order costs $3.50 to pre-
$120,000 0.10 260,000 0.20
pare and is sold for $7.00. Any leftover orders can
be used in the restaurant’s fish gumbo, for a sav- 150,000 0.10 290,000 0.10
ings of $1.50. People who order catfish after it has 200,000 0.20 320,000 0.10
run out are given a free catfish dinner on their next 230,000 0.20 1.00
visit. Sales records from past Thursdays indicate
that demand should have the following probability The second marketing alternative—to rely on
distribution: advertising in airline magazines and newspaper
inserts—is projected to have a monthly cost of
Demand Level Probability $120,000. However, the marketing director thinks
that this approach would not be as effective for
3 0.10 generating added monthly revenue as the shopping
4 0.30 channel approach. This is reflected in the following
5 0.25 probability distribution:
6 0.20
7 0.10 Increased Revenue Probability
8 0.05 $70,000 0.10
9 or more 0.00 90,000 0.10
1.00 110,000 0.25
140,000 0.25
Develop a payoff table for the Pink Flounder’s 170,000 0.20
decision problem. 200,000 0.10
19-41. Referring to Exercise 19-40, how many orders of
catfish should be prepared on Thursday?
19-42. In Exercises 19-40 and 19-41, you used the expected-
Because of the fear of “overkill,” the company
value criterion to determine the optimal number of
has decided not to try both approaches simultane-
catfish orders to prepare. Convert the table you used
ously. However, the managers did agree that if the
in making your decision to an opportunity-loss table.
print-advertising approach is chosen and results in
Make the appropriate decision using the opportunity-
$90,000 or less in added revenues, they can switch
loss table. What is the EVPI? What is the expected
to the shopping channel for an additional cost of
cost of uncertainty?
$20,000. They assume that the probabilities would
19-43. In Exercises 19-32 to 19-35, you constructed a pay-
not be affected, but all profit projections will be
off table and used expected values to determine the
reduced by this cost.
appropriate number of condominiums for Far
a. Set up the appropriate decision tree for this
Horizons to build in Maine. Convert this table to an
opportunity-loss table. Using expected opportunity
b. Using the criterion of maximizing the expected
loss as the decision criterion, determine how many
increase in net revenues, what marketing strat-
units should be built. In this case, what is the EVPI?
egy should be chosen?
Suppose for $10,000 someone offered to sell the
company perfect information about demand. Would Exercises 19-45 through 19-47 refer to the follow-
the information be worth that price? Explain. ing situation.
19-44. East Coast Imports is considering two alternative The Grimm Group presents in-house training
advertising and marketing plans for a new line of seminars to organizations throughout the United
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States. The company currently presents seminars a company that supplies baseball items to be sold
on three topics: quality control, material manage- at major league parks and at sports souvenir stores.
ment, and just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing. The The Sports Connection has offered to contract to
quality control seminar costs each participant $500, buy 300,000 baseball hats for $3.00 each. The
and the Grimm Group’s gross margin (revenue – company’s production capacity is 500,000 hats.
direct expenses) is 40% of this amount. The mater- The problem facing Major League is whether to
ial-management seminar costs $450 for each accept this offer or to attempt to independently
attendee and also has a 40% gross margin; the JIT sell all its baseball hats. If the demand for hats
seminar costs $600 and has a 35% gross margin. is high, the company will be able to sell hats for
After 5 years of expansion, attendance at the semi- much more than $3.00 each, but if demand is
nars has declined more than 10% in the past year. low, the hats will have to be sold for much less
The revenues from the three operations last year than $3.00.
were quality control, $1,200,000; material manage- At least two uncertainties exist that will affect
ment, $900,000; and JIT, $1,400,000. the demand for hats. First, if the league races are
At the yearly forecasting meeting, Graciela tight, the demand will be high; clear leaders early
Grimm, the company’s founder, projects that if no in the season will lead to low demand. Second,
changes are made in marketing philosophy, rev- if the players strike this year, demand will be
enues will be stagnant this year. She is, however, reduced. Using available information on injury
considering two options that should increase levels and team-strength analysis, Major League’s
demand for the three seminars. The first option is executives estimate a 60% probability that the
to incorporate a computer simulation game as part league races will be tight. In addition, the execu-
of each seminar. Projections indicate that adding tives estimate the probability of a strike this year to
this type of game will increase the demand for the be 30%. Assuming the two events, tight races and a
quality control seminar by 10% and the demand for player strike, are independent, the following table
the other two seminars by 15% each. Adding a shows the possible selling prices for the company’s
game will increase the cost associated with each hats and the associated probabilities:
seminar participant by $50; but because the market
is very competitive, the company will have to hold League Race
the line on the price change. The second option is
to offer 3-day training seminars on the same topics Player Strike Tight Not Tight
but at 60% of the price of the 5-day seminars. No $5.00 $2.50
Unfortunately, the cost of presenting the 3-day
p 0.42 p 0.28
seminars will be reduced by only 20% from the
cost of the original seminars. The president esti- Yes $4.00 $2.00
mates the demand for the shorter seminars this p 0.18 p 0.12
year will generate revenues equal to 50% of the
revenues realized from each 5-day seminar in the 19-48. Assuming Major League will sell its entire output,
past year. Also, adding the shorter seminars will should it accept the Sports Connection’s offer if it
reduce the projected demand for the original wishes to maximize its expected revenue?
seminars to 75% of last year’s level. 19-49. Suppose Major League’s executives believe the
19-45. Develop a decision tree describing the Grimm company will be able to negotiate the following
Group’s decision situation. deal with the Sports Connection: The contract price
19-46. Assuming President Grimm is risk-neutral for this for hats will be reduced to $2.70 per hat; Major
decision, what alternative would you recommend? League will commit to delivering 150,000 hats at
19-47. An initial market survey of the acceptance of simu- this price, with the option of supplying the remain-
lation games indicates they are so popular that ing 150,000 hats at $2.70 each after it determines
there is a 70% chance the Grimm Group will be whether the players will strike. This decision must
able to raise the price of the seminars by enough to be made before the status of the league races is
maintain its previous margins without affecting the known.
demand. Incorporate this new information into This proposal, if made, will require the services
your previous problem analysis. of legal counsel, with a fee estimated to be $25,000.
Exercises 19-48 through 19-51 refer to the Major Determine the decision tree describing this situation.
League Corporation, which makes sports-related 19-50. Should Major League make the proposal? Base
items at a plant in South Carolina. Before the your recommendation on expected values.
baseball season, the company was approached 19-51. Assume you are the purchasing manager for the
by representatives from the Sports Connection, Sports Connection. If you receive the proposed
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offer, would you recommend that it be accepted if whether the geologic structure is favorable for the
your only other alternative is to buy 300,000 base- presence of oil. Unfortunately, the test is not per-
ball hats on the open market? Assume that you fect. Suppose Gregston’s managers have deter-
have assessed the same probabilities as Major mined the correct structure will be found 70% of
League regarding league races and player strikes. the time when the reading is positive. Recent
Base your conclusions on expected costs. industry evidence with the test has shown a correct
19-52. New Age Marketing is considering two alternative structure will be found 40% of the time when the
advertising plans for a client. The first plan uses reading is negative. Further, records show that
radio and television commercials that will cost when this test was conducted in this region in the
$100,000. The account executive estimates a 40% past, 40% of the time the reading was positive.
chance that the client’s revenues will increase by However, records also show that oil is struck for
$80,000, a 25% chance that revenues will increase only 10% of all holes drilled worldwide.
by $110,000, and a 35% chance that revenues will The test will cost the company $400,000 to per-
increase by $120,000 as a result of this advertising form, and the cost of drilling the hole is $2 million.
approach. If Gregston does drill and hit oil, there are three
The second plan is to use newspaper and maga- possible outcomes:
zine advertisements, at a cost of $20,000. However,
print media are thought to be less effective than Oil Outcome Revenue Probability
radio and television. The account executive esti-
mates the chances are 20% that this plan will Small find $ 2 million 0.40
increase revenues by $14,000, 50% that revenues Medium find $ 5 million 0.40
will increase by $30,000, and 30% that revenues Large find $10 million 0.20
will increase by $40,000.
If the newspaper and magazine option is chosen, Considering this information, what decision
New Age can later take the radio and TV option, should Gregston make? Base your decision on
but expected revenue will decline by $10,000 from expected profits.
what it would have been had that been the first 19-54. In Exercise 19-53, Gregston’s managers did not
choice. The account executive has indicated that it take into account the fact that they had already paid
would not be feasible to try the newspaper and mag- $500,000 for the drilling lease. What, if any, effect
azine approach after first choosing radio and TV. does this new information have on the decision fac-
Use a decision-tree approach to determine what ing the company? Discuss.
decision(s) the New Age agency should make. 19-55. Referring to Exercise 19-54, how sensitive is the
19-53. The Gregston Corporation has purchased a petro- decision to the probability assessment that the
leum lease tract in the Pacific Ocean that may tester will give a positive reading in this region of
contain extensive oil deposits. Drilling a dry hole the ocean? That is, how much would this probabil-
would be very expensive, so Gregston’s managers ity have to change in order to change the decision
are considering conducting a test to determine that Gregston will make?
CASE 19.1
machine, which can be leased for $1,000,000 per year, is Rockstone purchases gemstones at a cost of $15,000
guaranteed to cut stones successfully 90% of the time. each. A successful cut yields four diamonds that can be sold
Although Hans Marquis has an excellent reputation, at an average price of $35,000 each. Harry Winkler, sales
Rockstone International cannot be sure about his success and purchasing manager, reports that his projections for the
rate because of the extreme secrecy among people in the next year indicate a need for 100 stones to be cut.
diamond business. Hans claims that his success rate is 95%, R. B. Randall knows there must be a way to decide
but he has been known to exaggerate. Rockstone executives whether to hire Hans Marquis or lease the new cutting
have made the following assessments, based on all the machine.
information they could obtain:
0.97 0.10
0.95 0.40
0.90 0.30
0.85 0.10
0.80 0.10
CASE 19.2
Hadden Materials and makes for gas heaters. By using this tester, Hadden could
determine before shipping whether the component would
Supplies, Inc. work. This was one sales call that really got Mark and
Mark Hadden and his son, Greg, began Hadden Materials Greg’s attention, and the sales representative agreed to
and Supplies, Inc., in the mid-1980s. Both Mark and Greg bring a unit by for a trial the next morning. Greg called their
had had successful careers with major U.S. corporations, largest customer and made arrangements to “test the tester”
but after several years of talking about it they came to the at the customer’s plant the next afternoon.
conclusion that they wanted to work together in their own Over the next 2 days, Mark, Greg, and the Tech-Notics
business. They also decided that they wanted to be in man- sales representative tested 400 components. Of these, 320
ufacturing, where they could take advantage of their previ- tested positive, indicating that they would turn out to be
ous experience and business contacts. good, however, of the 320 that tested positive, 72 ended up
From the beginning, Mark has run the production shop actually being defective. In addition, of the components
and Greg has concentrated on sales. About 2 years ago, they that got a negative reading, 8 were found to be good:
got a contract to make an electronic component for natural Although the testing device was not perfect, the Haddens
gas heaters. At first they made this part exclusively for one were still encouraged.
company, but about 6 months ago they started making the The sales representative explained that her company
same component for other heater manufacturers. The com- preferred to lease the testers, with a financial arrangement
ponent is produced in large volume and sells for $30. The that called for the lessor to pay $3 per test. (The tester had
variable production cost per unit is $13, making this a very an automatic counter.) If the unit were sold outright, it
profitable product for the company. would cost $6 million. Mark and Greg realized that there
However, until recently there was no way to determine was no way that they could afford to purchase the unit, so
whether a component would work properly until it had that option was immediately eliminated. However, they
actually been installed in the heater unit. Whenever the were interested in the lease plan and told the sales represen-
heater manufacturer found a defect, Hadden Materials and tative they would call her soon with their decision.
Supplies would refund the full $30 plus pay a penalty of As Mark and Greg conferred over lunch, they estimated
$10. Although the company has made major improvements the heater component would remain in production for about
in its quality control program, this particular component is 2 more years. During that time, they could expect orders for
very difficult to build and to have work properly. As a about 100,000 units. They also agreed that if they leased the
result, the defect rate has been approximately 25%. tester, they would use it to test every component that they
A week ago, the company was approached by a repre- built. As Greg said, “Why should we lease it if we don’t use
sentative of Tech-Notics, Inc., who said her company had a it!” They also concluded that if an item tested negative, it
device for testing components such as the one Hadden would be scrapped and not shipped.
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