Assignment II
Assignment II
Assignment II
Assignment 2
Due date:
Week 13 (week starting ; 21st September 2009)
This assignment is worth 15% of the total marks for the DBMS1 subject.
What is Expected
This is a group assignment. Good DBMS class projects can vary dramatically in complexity,
scope, and topic. The only requirement is that they be related to theory we have studied in this
class and that they contain some elements of research and that you do more than simply develop
a database that someone else has described or architected.
Project Overview
For this assignment, you will create a relational database based on your E-R design (from
assignment 1). You will write the table definitions in SQL, populate the tables with some test
data, and then demonstrate to your client that your database can answer a set of queries.
Learning Outcomes
• To transform ER Diagram into the Relational Schema which could be used as the basis
for the implementation of the DB.
• Gain familiarity with Structured Query Language (SQL).
Translate your ER diagram to the appropriate Relational Schema. To do the translation, use the
procedure discussed in lectures.
Use the CREATE TABLE command to implement the relations (tables) in the Database. Specify
each relation, its attributes, and its attribute types. In your table definitions, include the
appropriate PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY, UNIQUE, and NOT NULL clauses to denote the
constraints of your relational schema.
For each relation in your database, create an execution script file containing commands to add
few records of "realistic" data. Make sure at least you have 10 records in each relation.
The material you turn in should be clearly formatted and delineated, and should include
comments for any aspects that are not clear. Poorly assembled or documented material will not
receive full credit, even if it is correct.
For this part of the assignment the following need to be turned in.
• A README text document with information on your student ID, name, project title, date
of submission, lab group, a list and description of the files you are submitting, and any
other information that will be useful for the grader.
• *.SQL Database File(s) fully functional and usable using database software.
This assignment requires a substantial amount of work. Students are advised to start working on
the assignment as from week 8. The theory required to complete the assignment is discussed
every week in lectures, tutorials, and labs. You need to apply the knowledge gained during the
week to complete your assignment.
You are required to submit the completed Assignment on the due date during your relevant lab
All group members in each group are required to demonstrate their project work to the evaluator
on the date of evaluation.