Omt Inf. 2017
Omt Inf. 2017
Omt Inf. 2017
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Introduction /p. 4
Annexes /p. 94
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transformative agenda, and take concrete actions
moving forward to ensure tourism is key in the
development potential implementation of the 17 universal SDGs.
2017 was a highly important year for the global tourism 4H_PTPaPUN[OLZVJPHSHUKLJVUVTPJILULÄ[ZVM
community. In late 2015, the United Nations General tourism, while minimizing any negative impacts on host
Assembly declared 2017 as the International Year communities and the environment, should remain at the
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Tourism and the SDGs
target 8.9:
Developing States and least developed countries from the
sustainable use of marine resources, including through
UNWTO in 2017
January April
• 17: UNWTO publishes its full-year results for • 4 and 11: The International Network of Sustainable
international tourist arrivals in 2016, recording growth Tourism Observatories (INSTO) welcomes two new
of 3.9%. members: the Sonoma County Observatory in
California, USA and the Waikato Tourism Monitoring
• 18: The 7th Investment and Tourism Business Forum Observatory in New Zealand.
for Africa (INVESTOUR) and a ministerial debate on
tourism resilience in the Middle East and North Africa • 12: UNWTO publishes its full-year results for
are held at the International Tourism Fair of Spain international tourism expenditure in 2016, revealing
(FITUR) in Madrid. total spending of US$ 1226 billion on tourism abroad
in 2016.
• 18: The 14th UNWTO Awards are held in Madrid,
recognizing tourism innovation in public policy and • 20: In Ethiopia, 21 African tourism ministers
governance, enterprises, NGOs, research and analyze the potential of Chinese outbound tourism
[LJOUVSVN`HUKMVY[OLÄYZ[[PTLL[OPJHS[V\YPZT to the continent as part of the UNWTO Regional
practices. Commission meeting for Africa.
• 6: The UNWTO Regional Commission for Europe
meets in Moldova. • 5: Partnering with the World Tourism Cities
Federation, UNWTO launches a project to develop
• 23: The 6th International Conference on Tourism an instrument that can measure city tourism
Statistics, held in Manila, ushers in a global performance.
commitment for an expanded statistical framework
to measure economic, social and environmental • 7: UNWTO’s results for international tourist arrivals in
sustainability in tourism - the Measuring Sustainable January-June 2017 reveal 6% growth over the same
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Tourism (MST) initiative. period of 2016, well above that of recent years.
• 26: At the Astana EXPO 2017 in Kazakhstan, • 9: Chengdu, China welcomes more than 1300
UNWTO holds the World Conference on Tourism delegates from over 130 countries for the 22nd
and Future Energy under
ergy un de the topic
er th
er opi ‘Unlocking
Unlocking low- UNWTO General Assembly (GA), where high-level
carbon growth opportunities’.
h opp
tu . discussions
scussi ns focused
dis cused
c tourism’s contribution to the
e on touris
• 14: The 22nd GA appoints Zurab PPololikashvili as
• 9: Repres ntatives from 115 UNW
WTO Member States
er St Secretary-General for 2018-2021.
take part in a crisis comm
ni course
training cou
at the UNWTO.T
O Themi Foundation
mis Fo
o d dation in
n Andorra. • 15 approves
5 and 16: The 22nd GA approve e the
transformation Code of Ethics for
ansformation of the Global Co
• 11: UNWTO publishes two reports with p partners
showcasing tourism as a driver of inclus
nclu economic
onomic ass well as the Chengdu Declara
Declaration on Tourism and
he SDGs.
• 27: UNWTO
NW TO marks World TTourism
ou Day 2017 by
sm D
August advocating
vocating sustainable tourism m as a development
• 9: The OECD Development Assistance an Committee the IY2017 and others held around the world.o d
includes UNWTO in its list of international
+ • 28: The mandate of the World Committeetee on
Assistance. Tourism Ethics is renewed until 2021.
• 22: As part of the IY2017, UNWTO launches a • 29: Argentina hosts the 2nd UNWTO Global
consumer-oriented campaign, ‘Travel.Enjoy.Resp Conference on Wine Tourism.
aimed at raising awareness of the cont
towards development.
sustainable tourism can make tow
October December
• 10: The 11th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends • 3: The 6th UNWTO Global Summit on Urban Tourism
and Outlook is hosted in Guilin, China under the PZOLSKPU2\HSH3\TW\Y4HSH`ZPH
theme ‘Sustainable Tourism: Beyond Being Green’.
• 11: UNWTO and UNESCO hold the 2nd World
• 30: From 2400 submissions, Katie Diederichs Conference on Tourism and Culture to advance the
wins UNWTO’s IY2017 travellers’ competition, SDGs, in Muscat, Oman.
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the world on how we can travel more sustainably. • 13: The UNWTO Headquarters hosts the 2017
Global INSTO Meeting.
• 19: IY2017
9: The IY 2017 closing ceremony takes place
ace in
S4HYRL[ Geneva, taking stock of achievements
eneva, tak nts to date and
in and private sector lleaders
rs gather for a looking
ki tto
o the future with the launch of a Tourism for
Su mm on ‘overtourism’. SDGs platform
S at
atform period
for the pe
p riod 2018-2030.
• 16: UNWTO
6 U NW
WTO and the
WT he European
E Travel Commission
hold an international seminar in Santiago de
Compostela on how to develop and manage
transnational tourism themes and routes.
• 27: Aiming
g to strengthen
g sustainable tourism
partnerships for job creation and inclusive growth,
UNWTO, the World Bank Group, the Inter-American
Development Bank and the Government of Jamaica
gather 1500 participants for a conference in
Montego Bay.
in numbers
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2017 was a record year for international tourism. International tourist arrivals
grew for the eighth consecutive year, a sequence of uninterrupted growth not
recorded since the 1960s. Destinations worldwide welcomed 1,323 million
international tourist arrivals, some 84 million more than in 2016.
International tourist arrivals
reached 1,323 million in 2017.
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Source: UNWTO World Tourism Barometer and Statistical Annex, March/April 2018
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Snapshot Report on European Union
Tourism Trends in the Short-Term Tourism
4,5(9LNPVU Trends
This report was developed with the contribution of 10 Aimed at monitoring the short-term evolution of tourism
JV\U[YPLZMYVT[OL4,5(YLNPVUYLÅLJ[PUN[OLPYRL` trends in the 28 countries of the European Union (EU-
opportunities, challenges, policies, strategies and long- 28), this bimonthly publication provides year-to-date
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UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends, 2017 Edition
The fourth UNWTO/GTERC annual report on • Regional and subregional cooperation in tourism is a
(ZPH[V\YPZT[YLUKZOPNOSPNO[Z[OLPUÅ\LUJLVM key feature of the overall economic integration and
technological developments, the digital revolution and sustainable development agenda in the Asia and the
regional collaboration, with its many challenges and 7HJPÄJYLNPVU
opportunities, on the rapidly growing tourism sector of
(ZPHHUK[OL7HJPÄJ • The regional tourism collaboration frameworks, both
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“Every day, more than 3 million tourists cross international borders. Every
year, almost 1.2 billion people travel abroad. Tourism has become a pillar
of economies, a passport to prosperity, and a transformative force for
improving millions of lives. The world can and must harness the power
of tourism as we strive to carry out the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development.” António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General
In December 2015, the United Nations General Assembly “Around the world, we have seen a rapid shift towards
declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism a more inclusive and green development approach.
for Development (IY2017).
Even as this trend poses challenges, it mainly brings
opportunities to the tourism sector. We celebrated
This important celebration came 50 years after the
International Tourist Year on Tourism - Passport to Peace that 2017 was designated by the United Nations
Ecotourism (2002). Development, which demonstrates that the economic,
This has been a unique opportunity to devote the entirety of
greater if it’s carried out hand-in-hand with sustainability
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together, we embark on a new global revolution: of
enlightened travellers and tourists that understand their
vital role in conservation of our environment – because
the Earth and humanity are one.”
Thematic Framework of
the International Year
economic growth
from tourism, creating decent jobs, reducing poverty,
providing opportunities for women and young people,
respecting and supporting the interests of local and
indigenous communities, and encouraging inclusive access
to tourism experiences for all.
protection and climate change
peace and security
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President of Colombia (2010-2018)
President of Costa Rica (2014-2018)
us to strengthen our drive to encourage more women
to lead sustainable tourism projects for their economic
Coleiro Preca,
President of Malta
Prime Minister of Samoa Chairman, China UnionPay
customs and traditional crafts, and plays a pivotal role in tourism infrastructure for visitors. We should create a safer
the preservation of our cultural heritage and is a force that and better environment for travellers, and it is important
promotes peace and understanding.” to improve tourism-related services including payment
/42PUN:PTLVU00 President, Federal Association
of the Bulgarians of the German Tourism Industry
raise awareness among the international population as well +L]LSVWTLU[WYV]PKLZH\UPX\LVWWVY[\UP[`[VYHPZL[OL
as institutions about the potential of tourism to promote awareness of our sector, but also reminds us to protect
culture, exchanges or the elimination of prejudices.” Mother Earth and preserve our natural resources for future
/,4Z,SPaH1LHU9LPK Chairman, Talal Abu-Ghazaleh
-PYZ[3HK`VM0JLSHUK Organization
“Tourism represents a vital force for peace and a factor “The focus this year on tourism is very important,
of friendship and understanding among the peoples of particularly to developing countries because there are so
the world, because of the direct contacts it engenders many touristic advantages in the developing world that are
IL[^LLUWLVWSLVMKPќLYLU[J\S[\YLZHUKSPMLZ[`SLZ¹ not widely known to the global community”.
President of Bahrain Authority for
Culture and Antiquities /LSSV2P[[`
Madrid, Spain
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dubai, UAE
Chittagong, Bangladesh
Roatán, Honduras
Chisinau, Moldova
Manila, Philippines
Chengdu, China
Doha, Qatar
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Montego Bay, Jamaica
Muscat, Oman
Geneva, Switzerland
1799 events;
65 sustainable tourism
73 knowledge reports.
Travel.Enjoy.Respect campaign: we can all make a *VU[YPI\[PVUZ[V[OLJHTWHPNU»Z]PZPIPSP[`PUJS\KLK!
The consumer-oriented IY2017 communications campaign,
Travel.Enjoy.Respect, was based around the recognition that • CNN displaying the IY2017 Video on-air and as an online
each journey changes us and the world around us, a world for banner during August, September and December
which we are all responsible.
• El Corte Ingles Viajes displaying the IY2017 Video in 200
The campaign focused on increasing awareness among the Spanish stores for a month, with total exposure estimated to
public, in particular among travellers, on their active role in have been 10 million views per week.
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Photo movement:
The Way Forward – Our Journey to 2030
The end of 2017 does not signal the end of the International Expected results:
Year, as the initiatives and actions initiated in 2017 should serve
as a roadmap for the global tourism community to embrace 0UJYLHZL[OLYLSL]HUJLVM[V\YPZTVUW\ISPJWVSPJ`ÄUHUJPUN
sustainable practices and maximize the engagement of travel framework and business operations.
and tourism in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.
• Strengthen the engagement of the private sector in the
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UNWTO has several initiatives aimed at maintaining the SDGs implementation along with the principles of the Global
momentum created within the sector from the activities and Code of Ethics for Tourism and their CSR strategies.
outreach conducted in 2017:
1V\YUL`[V» Conclusions:
This publication serves as a guide to how the tourism sector • Countries as well as businesses can drive genuine progress
can contribute towards the implementation and achievement in making tourism greener, fairer and more inclusive.
of the 17 SDGs over time. In particular, it aims to inspire
governments, policymakers and tourism companies to • The review of Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs) and
incorporate relevant aspects of the SDGs into policy and Mainstreaming, Acceleration and Policy Support (MAPS)
ÄUHUJPUNMYHTL^VYRZHZ^LSSHZI\ZPULZZVWLYH[PVUZ country roadmaps, as well as analysis of tourism
companies’ CSR activities, highlight despite wide public
and private sector recognition of the potential contribution
of tourism to the SDGs, links are not fully explored, the
actual impact of tourism operations has not been measured
consistently, and the most impactful tourism initiatives have
The content of the publication will be included in the o Financing the tourism sector to implement the SDGs
Tourism for SDGs interactive web platform, a combined
data centre and educational resource to be launched in It is important to consider the extent to which tourism
July 2018 for sharing good practices, innovative ideas and has been recognized as a force for development at an
recommendations for action, as well as to monitor progress international and national level. The International Year of
and results. Both the publication and the platform provide a Sustainable Tourism for Development has undoubtedly
roadmap and co-creation space for the tourism sector and contributed to wider awareness of tourism’s potential for
the SDGs contributions and implementation process from positive transformative change. The key challenge ahead of us
2018 to 2030. The platform, developed by UNWTO with the is to continue to strengthen this recognition and convert it into
Z\WWVY[VM[OL:^PZZ:[H[L:LJYL[HYPH[MVY,JVUVTPJ(ќHPYZ substantial and coordinated support for action.
substantive activities of the IY2017.
tourism in
the global
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Throughout 2017 UNWTO advanced the positioning of tourism as a priority
in national and international policies and the need for holistic and cross-
cutting tourism policies to support the sector.
UNWTO Priorities
World Tourism Day 2017:
Sustainable Tourism: a Tool for Development
and security challenges in recent years, tourism
remained resilient (...) This has sent a strong signal to
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Taleb Rifai
UNWTO Secretary-General (2010-2017)
;OLVѝJPHS>VYSK;V\YPZT+H`JLSLIYH[PVUPU+VOH • A panel session on ‘Tourism and the Planet’ outlining
NHPULKZPNUPÄJHU[TLKPHL_WVZ\YLHUKH[[LUKHUJL methods to measure and manage the impact of
Over 500 attendees joined the Prime Minister of Qatar, tourism in all its dimensions – economic, social and
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World Tourism Day 2017. Sustainable Tourism: A Tool for Development. 27 September, Doha, Qatar.
14th UNWTO Awards
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,\YVWL^LYLZLSLJ[LKHZÄUHSPZ[ZMVY[OL[O<5>;6(^HYKZ groups, as well as promoting sustainable tourism in many
for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism, from a total of 139 JV\U[YPLZVM(MYPJH(ZPH,\YVWLHUK3H[PU(TLYPJH
candidacies from 55 countries. The projects were presented
at the UNWTO Awards Forum on 15 January 2018 and the UNWTO Award for Innovation in Public Policy and
winners in the four categories - public policy and governance, Governance
research and technology, enterprises and non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) - were announced on 17 January 2018 Winner:
at the International Tourism Fair of Spain (FITUR) in Madrid. Tourism Training Talent (TTT), Turismo de Portugal (Portugal)
UNWTO Award for Innovation in Enterprises Second prize:
Strengthening Community Tourism in the Sierra Gorda, Grupo
Winner: Ecologico Sierra Gorda (Mexico)
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Ecotourism at Mangalajodi, Mangalajodi Ecotourism Trust Third prizes:
(India) Educating and empowering local communities for sustainable
tourism futures, The Sumba Hospitality Foundation (Indonesia)
Second prizes: IT.A.CÀ – Migrants and Travelers, Festival of Responsible
Community and Resilience: two villages tackle depopulation, Tourism, Associazione YODA (Italy)
Valle dei Cavalieri (Italy)
Three-Pillar Innovation Initiative, Balesin Island Club UNWTO Award for Innovation in Research and
(Philippines) Technology
Open Letter on Tourism and Global
Travel and Tourism Challenges
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(YHIPHU;YH]LS4HYRL[(;44PUPZ[LYPHS • investing in technology and innovations to enhance
Forum performance and improve competitiveness
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 24 April • policies to promote job creation and entrepreneurship
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Topic: tourism’s contribution to sustainable and inclusive • strengthening the sector’s institutional framework
• engaging and aligning key governmental players on tourism
Discussed: policy issues and targets
• empowering evidence-based decision making and • developing result-driven partnerships between local and
accurately measuring the contribution of tourism to current international stakeholders
and future economic growth
• enhancing the contribution of domestic tourism alongside and Security
international (especially intra-regional) tourism to sustainable
economic growth Madrid, Spain, 11-12 May
• challenges and opportunities for securing investment in Topic: integration of national security with tourism security,
tourism crisis communication and travel advisories
UNWTO & Arabian Travel Market (ATM) Ministerial Forum. Dubai, UAE, 24 April 2017.
Measures suggested: development of tourism experiences that engage and
issues: Strategic framework for the Global Caribbean
Tourism Recovery Team
1. the integration between tourism and security
Unity and cohesion were expressed in a special
2. support to the sector in setting crisis management meeting organized during the 22nd UNWTO General
plans and protocols Assembly to discuss how to support those destinations
3. travel advisories southern coast of Mexico.
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UNWTO/WTM Ministers’ Summit – ‘Over-Tourism: growth is not the enemy, it is how we manage it’.
In 2017, UNWTO signed Memoranda of Fundació Privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Understanding/Cooperation or agreements with actors (FPHSCSP)
including, but not limited to: Globaldit & idt
Federal Government of Ethiopia Hersonissos Municipality, Crete, Greece
Government of Colombia Hilton
Government of Jamaica Huzhou City, China
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tourism and
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climate change and advance all 17 SDGs. Throughout 2017 UNWTO continued to promote a
more sustainable sector.
Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the Sustainable
Development Goals
(ѝYTZ!the potential of the tourism sector in economic, 0UJS\KLZ! 21 articles that, among others, recommend
social and environmental terms: to governments “to develop an integrated and holistic
approach to tourism policy in order to leverage the
“tourism is a vital instrument for the achievement of sector’s positive impact on planet and prosperity”
the 17 SDGs and beyond as it can stimulate inclusive
LJVUVTPJNYV^[OJYLH[LQVIZH[[YHJ[PU]LZ[TLU[ÄNO[ Proposes: “to undertake national assessments on
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poverty, enhance the livelihood of local communities, tourism’s contribution and commitment to the SDGs
promote the empowerment of women and youth, and ensure the inclusion of tourism in inter-ministerial
protect cultural heritage, preserve terrestrial and SDG commissions and/or working groups, as well
THYPULLJVZ`Z[LTZHUKIPVKP]LYZP[`Z\WWVY[[OLÄNO[ as to enhance the contribution of tourism in SDGs
against climate change, and ultimately contribute to national strategies through the set-up of institutional
the necessary transition of societies towards greater frameworks and mechanisms that allow participation of
sustainability.” all stakeholders”.
UNWTO International Network
of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO)
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Since INSTO’s establishment in 2004 and up to the end of Five New UNWTO INSTO Sustainable Tourism
2017, 21 observatories (of varying types of destinations: Observatories in 2017
coastal, mountain, tropical, etc.) had been recognized by
UNWTO for their commitment to regular monitoring: nine in • Sonoma County Sustainable Tourism Observatory, USA
China,Ä]L in Indonesia, two in the United States of America Hosted by: Coalition to Observe and Advance Sustainable
(USA), one in Brazil, one in Croatia, one in Greece, one in Tourism (COAST)
Mexico and one in New Zealand. Monitors: Sonoma County, California
sustainable tourism along its cultural, environmental and then has the opportunity to become recognized nationally
economic dimensions. The core elements of sustainability as part of the Wonderful Indonesia Network of Sustainable
HYLMVYTPUNWHY[VM3H^VM ^OPJOTHUKH[LZ[OH[ Tourism Observatories (WINSTO). From there, the Ministry
“Tourism shall be intended to increase economic growth; of Tourism can propose that an STO performing optimally
improve welfare; eradicate poverty; overcome unemployment; within WINSTO become integrated within the UNWTO
preserve nature, environment and resources; promote culture; INSTO network, thus recognized internationally. INSTO is
raise the nation’s image; foster patriotism; and strengthen therefore both an incentive for national observatories to
international relationships”. The policy framework for tourism continuously improve their performance and an integral part
development also includes guidelines and standards rooted of national tourism policy. At present there are eleven national
in sustainability principles, and supporting the development VIZLY]H[VYPLZÄ]LVM^OPJOHYLTLTILYZVM[OL<5>;6
of national strategic tourism areas and destinations across 05:;6UL[^VYR;OLZLÄ]LHYLSVJH[LKPU[OLKLZ[PUH[PVUZVM
of Java, and Sanur on Bali.
Indonesia is promoting three main national policy instruments
to trigger action at destination level: :\Z[HPUHISL[V\YPZTJLY[PÄJH[PVU
Integrating observatories into regional and national of data relevant to tourism, as well as enhanced processing
WVSPJPLZHUKZ[YH[LNPLZPU4L_PJV abilities, into one platform named the National System of
Statistical and Geographical Tourism Information (SNIEGT).
Observatory (GTO), was established in 2008 and became an This platform is being developed by the government in
VѝJPHSTLTILYVM[OL<5>;605:;6UL[^VYRPU partnership with the National System of Statistical and
Geographical Information (SNIEG). SNEIG encompasses
are: such as the national consultative council, the national
subsystem of information and the National Statistics and
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• evaluation of the results of applying public policies The process of establishing this platform has helped the
Secretariat of Tourism to advance in:
decision making and planning • aligning the national tourism law with the SNIEG law
(supported by a consultative council)
• exchanging information between public and private entities
• establishing processes for generation, processing, analysis
• monitoring, measuring and verifying the evolution of the and spreading of statistical and geographical information
tourism sector in a destination
Noting that for Guanajuato – as for many destinations information management
around the world – a lack of reliable data at local level
continues to be one of the major challenges to more • training personnel at federal and state level
committed to working closer together with the producers of ;VHSPNU[OLTLHZ\YLTLU[LќVY[ZVM[OL.\HUHQ\H[V
the relevant data, including the Mexico Tourist Atlas and the observatory with SNIEG’s approach to creating informed
Secretariat’s statistical body Datatur. public policies and thus also the approach of the other
states, the Secretariat of Tourism has been working
One of the core beliefs guiding the INSTO network is the ^P[OYLSL]HU[Z[HRLOVSKLYZ[VKLÄULHJVTTVUSLNHS
idea of enhancing open knowledge sharing. In line with this basis, common procedures and methodologies, formal
philosophy the Mexican government decided to go beyond a communication channels, and most important of all,
.SVIHS05:;64LL[PUN Eighth meeting of the UNWTO Committee on Tourism
and Sustainability
Madrid, Spain, 13-14 December
Madrid, Spain, 18 January
sustainability in tourism at destination level Topic: the importance of measurement for sustainable
development of tourism
• regular monitoring of tourism impacts
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• the importance of fostering catalytic areas • Monitoring is essential to support their vision. It implies
continuous learning; it guides practice; and it supports the
• the role of circular business models for improving resource PKLU[PÄJH[PVUVMWYPUJPWSLZ[VHKOLYL[VHZ^LSSHZ[OLKH[H
management in tourism related to them.
• participatory approaches and local community satisfaction • Data needs to be tailored to the needs of the destination as
it tells the stories of the places and their people. Monitoring
LќVY[ZHUKSPURZIL[^LLUSVJHSTVUP[VYPUNLќVY[ZHUKNSVIHS becomes relevant when it integrates a holistic view of the
development goals destination.
• shared consumption and interconnected value chains • Data shall go beyond statistics to be understood by the
local population and integrated into their daily practice, as
sustainability has to be a daily practice.
Sustainable Tourism and Sustainable Development in
Central America
In 2017 and in response to a request by the United • The development of sustainable tourism in the region
Nations General Assembly, UNWTO undertook a survey ^PSSILULÄ[MYVTILPUNKYP]LUI`HUL]PKLUJLIHZLK
on sustainable tourism and sustainable development in approach to design informed policy decisions at
Central America with the participation of Member States national, regional and local levels.
and UN Members from the region.
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Results and recommendations: in measuring the sociocultural and environmental
impacts of tourism through non-traditional solutions
• Central American countries have continued to adopt and data sources, with an overarching goal of
new legislation and policies in support of sustainable advancing the national sustainable development
tourism development, promote poverty alleviation agenda beyond the tourism sector.
through tourism, enhance the protection of biodiversity
and cultural heritage and enhance community • The tourism sector in Central America is encouraged
development. to be part of the coordination, knowledge-sharing
and communication mechanisms for security and
• National strategies for disaster prevention in many emergency management at national and regional
Central American States engage the tourism sector levels, and to collectively promote an evidence-based
in monitoring and control mechanisms to ensure approach to develop measures for safe, secure
disaster preparedness at destinations. and seamless travel, which will enable government
agencies in the region to make relevant, informed
0[PZJY\JPHS[VWYLJPZLS`KLÄUL[OLYVSL[V\YPZTZOV\SK and coordinated decisions in areas such as travel
play in the sustainable development agenda of the facilitation.
Central American region, up to and beyond 2030.
• Continuous participatory processes involving all
• Integrating sustainable consumption and production stakeholders across all levels, through innovative
patterns in the tourism sector in Central America tools, such as participatory budgets, are strongly
requires, among other things, identifying and adopting encouraged, thereby ensuring the long-term
tourism planning approaches aimed at improving participation of local communities in the sustainable
[OLYLZV\YJLLѝJPLUJ`VM[V\YPZTZ[HRLOVSKLYZ development of destinations.
and destinations – such as the circular economy
approach promoted in the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable Tourism
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Sustainable Tourism
Governance in Asia and
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rate than in any other world region. Demonstrating one
of the most important aspects of sustainable tourism
development – that growth and sustainability are not at
odds – this report collected case studies of best practices
in sustainable tourism governance approaches from 13
These approaches have helped to realize tourism’s
potential to contribute to economic growth and improved
livelihoods in the region. UNWTO collaborated with
Key conclusions:
governance arrangements to be in place if it is to
provide opportunities for reducing poverty, providing
employment, and preserving cultures, heritage and
the natural environment.
the Development of
Sustainable Cruise
Tourism in
South-East Asia
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• visitor management
• environmental management
• conservation of natural and cultural heritage
• economic and community impacts
• governance
Tourism Exchange Center (APTEC) surveyed 16 and
visited four destinations in South-East Asia.
The 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme (SDG 12.1)
• climate change;
• waste management;
• local sourcing;
• sustainable land use;
• biodiversity protection; and
Implement the 10-year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable • decent employment.
Consumption and Production, all countries taking action, with
developed countries taking the lead, taking into account the • Increased the international visibility of its members’ activities
development and capabilities of developing countries. through the launch of the Annual Magazine, published
by the 10YFP Secretariat based at UN Environment, with
During its third year of operation, the 10YFP Sustainable support from the Republic of Korea
Tourism Programme continued serving as a collaborative
platform to bring together existing initiatives and partnerships, • Submitted an annual progress report through the 10YFP
and facilitate new projects and activities, to accelerate the shift Secretariat to the United Nations’ high-level political forum
to sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in tourism on sustainable development, convened under the auspices
as an implementation mechanism for SDG 12 with potential to of the Economic and Social Council
advance other SDGs.
• Disseminated, and promoted the exchange of, knowledge
across its members through:
The 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme is led by UNWTO
with the governments of France, Morocco and the Republic • A 10YFP cross-programme meeting to identify key
of Korea as Co-leads and in collaboration with the 10YFP priorities for action within the 10YFP framework and to
Secretariat at UN Environment. share lessons learnt from each programme’s Portfolio
of Work, as well as from collaboration and resource
mobilization, indicators of success and reporting, and
- The Present and the Future of Sustainable & International Symposium and Annual Conference of the
Responsible Tourism in Croatia 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme
Outcome: The Tourism We Want: the Kasane Call to Action on Eighth meeting of the UNWTO Committee on Tourism
Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainability
• to develop, promote, replicate and scale up the adoption Topic: inclusion of SCP into national tourism planning, following
of sustainable consumption and production practices that research undertaken into the plans of 81 distinct countries
energy and water and producing less waste and pollution, Conclusions:
to address the challenges of climate change and biodiversity
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Tourism and Cultural heritage
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Harnessing the Potential of Tourism to Historical 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue:
*VUÅPJ[:P[LZPU(K]HUJPUN7LHJL!9LÅLJ[PUNVU[OL ‘Advancing Intercultural Dialogue: New Avenues for
Past and Inspiring the Future /\THU:LJ\YP[`7LHJLHUK:\Z[HPUHISL+L]LSVWTLU[»
Project partners: UNWTO and the Flanders Department of Baku, Azerbaijan, 5-6 May
Aim: to support peacebuilding and peacekeeping while
contributing to sustainable development through ethical • the role of faith, religions, business, human security,
cultural heritage tourism development migration, sport, education and art in sustainable
development, preventing violent extremism and building
Ethical tourism centred around heritage can widen and trust and cooperation among cultures and civilizations
deepen intercultural understanding, and change the way
young and older generations think about war and peace • the conditions under which sustainable tourism can promote
while, at the same time, creating employment opportunities, cross-cultural understanding and peace in the context of
fostering local cohesion through heritage and identity, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
generating income for local communities and preserving
heritage. This project has set up a research consortium to • the nexus between tourism and peace
draft policy and ethical guidelines for tourism to historical
JVUÅPJ[YLSH[LKZP[LZ^OPJOHYLJ\YYLU[S`PUKL]LSVWTLU[ • where tourism can help to build trust and foster cooperation
among cultures
• how to build societies based on genuine respect for LUZ\YLLќLJ[P]LYLN\SH[PVUZHUKWSHUUPUNTLJOHUPZTZL_PZ[
everyone’s rights, including freedom of belief, equal to minimise the human-related loss of heritage assets and
opportunities and good governance, as well as an inclusive implement sustainable strategic development within or
framework of tolerance and respect for diversity associated with villages, towns and cities
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Examples of measures suggested: • organize tourism fairs and events in ACD countries focusing
on culture and heritage
• promote the utmost importance of intercultural
communication for sustained peace and security, as well as Conference on Sustainable Tourism
sustainable development in the Danube Region
• promote the role of tourism in enhancing intercultural and Belgrade, Serbia, 29-30 June
inter-faith dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding,
peace and security within the framework of the International Stretching through 14 countries from the Black Forest to
Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017 the Black Sea, and home to over 115 million inhabitants
of diverse cultures, traditions and ethnicities, the Danube
• encourage all stakeholders of intercultural dialogue region is bursting with tourism potential. In the framework
and sustainable development to actively contribute to of the International Danube Day, the 2011 EU Strategy for
international initiatives and activities in these areas, through the Danube Region (EUSDR) and the International Year of
international cooperation that emphasizes the importance Sustainable Tourism for Development, this conference looked
of leaving no one behind in the implementation of the at ways to create joint policies and strategies for sustainable
Sustainable Development Goals tourism development, investment and promotion in the region,
addressing skills development, sustainability, transnational
1st International Conference on Sustainable Tourism cooperation and innovation.
and Heritage Cities
Dialogue on sustainable tourism for development in
Siem Reap, Cambodia, 11-15 June world archaeological sites
• create a platform for ACD tourism collaboration among • creative or innovative approaches for sustainable
members, focusing on innovation and best practise to development of archaeological heritage tourism
ensure regional tourism development
• partnership models between international organizations,
LUZ\YLHKLX\H[LM\UKPUNHUKLќLJ[P]LJVVYKPUH[LK national and regional government, and private sector
governance for protection, revitalization and presentation of
heritage values contained within or associated with villages, • cases of archaeological tourism in Bahrain, Cambodia,
towns and cities, whether individual or inter-related Ethiopia, Italy, Jordan and Peru
International Congress on Religious Tourism and • the capacity of tourism to support the recovery of
Pilgrimage destinations
Fatima, Portugal, 23-24 November • promoting responsible and sustainable tourism management
at UNESCO World Heritage sites
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• principles are needed to preserve the spirit, authenticity This declaration calls upon signatories to:
and integrity of destinations when they are managed and
promoted, while making them accessible for all • chart a common course of action as to managing cultural
tourism in a responsible and sustainable way to 2030
• places of spirituality have the potential to drain part of their
[V\YPZ[ÅV^Z[VV[OLY[V\YPZ[H[[YHJ[PVUZPUHYLNPVU[OLYLMVYL • strengthen the synergies between tourism and culture and
with adequate promotion strategies; visitors could visit advance the contribution of cultural tourism to the 2030
lesser known areas and complementary places near holy Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 SDGs
• enhance the role of tourism and culture in peace building
by trends and economic crises than other sites and • promote responsible and sustainable tourism management
destinations of cultural heritage
2nd UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism • encourage a creative and innovative approach for
and Culture: Fostering Sustainable Development sustainable urban development through cultural tourism
Muscat, Oman, 11-12 December • explore links between culture and nature in sustainable
Aim: building and strengthening partnerships between the
tourism and culture sectors and enhancing their role in the
UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Urban Tourism
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6th Global Summit on Urban Tourism: ‘Sustainable and Discussed: the necessary changes for tourism to become
2\HSH3\TW\Y4HSH`ZPH+LJLTILY Conclusions:
often makes last-minute decisions and is well-connected Tianjin Workshop
and well-educated. Using data and technology allows urban Tianjin, China, 2 September
from them. Buenos Aires Workshop
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 26 September
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tourism in
a changing
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As globalization, technology, innovation and demographic change continue to
reshape the world, and tourists look for new experiences, the tourism sector
competitive sector.
Reinforcing Tourism Technology and Innovation
Competitiveness in Tourism
Tourism statistics are pivotal in: The rise of digital platforms supplying private tourism
products and services – often referred to as the ‘sharing
• advancing knowledge of the sector; economy’ or ‘collaborative economy’ – has been
welcomed by both travellers and the service providers.
TVUP[VYPUN[V\YPZTÅV^Z" However, it has also raised concerns among traditional
operators and destinations.
• promoting results-focused management; and
Drawing on the responses of a UNWTO survey, this
• highlighting strategic issues for policy decisions. YLWVY[ZLLRZ[VPKLU[PM`[OLZWLJPÄJVWWVY[\UP[PLZHUK
challenges it poses across destinations, how these are
Deriving from the most comprehensive statistical database ILPUNHKKYLZZLKHUK[OL^H`MVY^HYK0[VќLYZHNSVIHS
available on the tourism sector, UNWTO published overview of the current situation, impact and future
• Annual updates of its *VTWLUKP\TVM;V\YPZT:[H[PZ[PJZHUK areas of tourism – information, accommodation, transport,
@LHYIVVRVM;V\YPZT:[H[PZ[PJZ in 2017. Presenting data for food, and tourism activities.
196 countries from 2011 to 2015, the Yearbook focuses on
inbound tourism data by country of origin.
Technology and Innovation in Tourism
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1st UNWTO World Conference on Smart Destinations. Murcia, Spain. 15-17 February 2017.
Connecting Europe through Innovation International Seminar on New Technologies Applied to
Madrid, Spain, 24 March
Roatán, Honduras, 1 June
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changes brought on by the rapid digitalisation of the economy. Topic: We can refer to new technologies as the fourth
At the heart of this revolution lies the digital traveller, whose PUK\Z[YPHSYL]VS\[PVU0U^L^P[ULZZLK[OLÄYZ[YL]VS\[PVU
expectations and appetite for new experiences need to be with the arrival of steam power and mechanical production;
met with new products and increased connectivity. In order to in 1870 the second brought the division of labour, electricity
meet these challenges and remain competitive, stakeholders and mass production; and in the 1970s the third introduced
H[[LUKPUN[OPZOPNOSL]LSL]LU[^LYLPU]P[LK[VKLÄUL[OL us to electronics, information technology (IT) and automated
suitable conditions for the future of tourism, from sustainability production. This fourth revolution is that of digitization, Big
targets to information security and the use of big data. Data, virtual reality, and the Internet of things (IoT). It provided
the focus of this seminar, held in the framework of the 61st
Discussed: Meeting of the UNWTO Regional Committee for the Americas.
• how to stimulate innovation in tourism by connecting public- Discussed: the interaction of technologies with the value chain
private initiatives and sharing best practices of the tourism sector:
• how European tourism SMEs could integrate technology to • Tourism resources (natural and cultural heritage,
become more competitive in the global marketplace gastronomy, events, and sports activities)
Conclusions: competition, protecting consumers and ensuring safety
standards and coexistence with resident communities, as
• The fourth revolution is rapidly changing the tourism sector, well as compliance with tax or other obligations
putting consumers in the driver’s seat and imposing their
JYP[LYPH"[OL`OH]LZ[VWWLKHKHW[PUN[VL_PZ[PUNVќLYPUNZ • In short, these models are to be analysed from the
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such as safety and security, crisis and sustainability
management, competitiveness, and quality
International Seminar on New Technologies Applied to Tourism. Roatán, Honduras, 1 June 2017.
<USVJRPUNSV^JHYIVUNYV^[OVWWVY[\UP[PLZ» “The future of tourism is inextricably linked with the
capacity of the industry to integrate alternative
Astana, Kazakhstan – 26-27 June
energy technologies and form sustainable forms of
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• This will require substantial investment that takes into Taleb Rifai
account the imperatives of sustainability without hampering :LJYL[HY`.LULYHS>VYSK;V\YPZT6YNHUPaH[PVU
competitiveness. (2010-2017)
World Conference on ’Tourism and Future Energy: Unlocking low-carbon growth opportunities’
Astana, Kazakhstan – 26-27 June
used in the tourism value chain within a hierarchical structure, • Adventure Tourism
these has reinforced UNWTO’s normative role. The technical • Wellness Tourism
outputs and recommendations can be used by Members for • Medical Tourism
measuring, labelling and/or benchmarking. • Business Tourism (related to the Meetings Industry)
• Gastronomy Tourism
As an outcome of the work of the CTC the UNWTO General • Coastal, Maritime and Inland Water Tourism
Assembly, meeting for its 22nd session in Chengdu, China • Urban/City Tourism
in September 2017, adopted as recommendations some • Mountain Tourism
tourism types. They aim to provide UNWTO members and • Sports Tourism
other tourism stakeholders with a comprehensive, concise,
applicable, globally-relevant and harmonized understanding of The CTC will continue working on harmonizing concepts and
said concepts and tourism types. KLÄUP[PVUZYLSH[LK[Vº[V\YPZTKLZ[PUH[PVUJVTWL[P[P]LULZZ»
continuing to improve its list of identifying quantitative and
• Tourism Destination qualitative factors of ‘destination competitiveness’, which may
• Destination Management/Marketing Organization (DMO) be translated into guidelines to measure competitiveness,
• Tourism Product under two categories:
• Tourism Value Chain
• Quality of a Tourism Destination i) governance, management and market dynamics
• Innovation in Tourism ii) destination appeal, attractors, products and supply
• Competitiveness of a Tourism Destination
Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism
Partners: UNWTO and the Directorate-General for Internal setting, on better measurement, analysis, understanding and
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Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of management of the tourism sector
the European Commission
• to improve socioeconomic knowledge of the European [V\YPZTPU,\YVWL![OL;V\YPZT:H[LSSP[L(JJV\U[;:(»
Union (EU) tourism sector
Brussels, Belgium, 29-30 November
• to contribute towards economic growth, job creation, and
improving the competitiveness of the sector in the EU Discussed:
• the main elements for successful TSA implementation, from
Start date: 15 April 2016 technical requirements to institutional arrangements and
End date: 14 February 2018 political leadership
Conclusions: 3. Promotion of cultural tourism through the Western
Silk Road Tourism Development Initiative
• the challenges of TSA development in Europe have less
to do with technical expertise and more with resources, Aim:
communication, and political engagement
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• reliable, aggregated TSA estimates are key for strong Road destinations, located in the European region from the
tourism policy making, which aims to support a sustainable Caspian Sea around the Black Sea and along parts of the
and resilient tourism sector Mediterranean basin
• Two Western Silk Road capacity building workshops – The • Establishment of a Western Silk Road Working Group, open
(WYPS;OLZLJVUK^HZOLSKPU:VÄH)\SNHYPHVU1\UL and long-term viability of the project through active support,
)HZLKVU[OLÄUKPUNZVM[OLYLZLHYJO[OL^VYRZOVWZMVJ\ZLK participation and use of the outputs created
on joint training, the development of new tourism partnerships,
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and how to progress from theory to practice in developing the • Overlapping activities including the Western Silk Road
Western Silk Road as a transnational tourism route. Tourism Academic Network and Western Silk Road
University Challenge (see page 88)
European Travel Commission / UNWTO Handbooks
0UKPJH[VYZMVY;V\YPZT4HYRL[PUN Transnational Tourism Themes and
Evaluation Routes
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This Handbook provides a user-friendly, comprehensive Transnational themed tourism groups attractions and
and practical overview of performance indicators for services under a unifying topic for marketing purposes.
contemporary tourism marketing evaluation. It includes It can be a key source of regional cooperation among
a methodological framework and practical guidance on destinations and provide visitors with an immersive
how to use performance indicators to measure results experience that cuts across borders, through the
from marketing and promotional activities, and to evaluate discovery of entire regions with shared natural attractions,
business or destination impacts.
The Handbook is complemented with a number of best and organisations, along with destination management
practice case studies, and is aimed at an audience of organizations, practical guidance for developing and
national and destination management organizations WYVTV[PUN[YHUZUH[PVUHS[V\YPZTWYVK\J[Z[OYV\NOZWLJPÄJ
interested in digital marketing evaluation. frameworks and illustrative case studies. It was launched
in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in November.
YK,\YV(ZPHU4V\U[HPU9LZVY[Z*VUMLYLUJL Examples of measures suggested:
Tbilisi, Georgia, 4-7 April • identifying the current environmental, structural and market-
oriented challenges in sustainable tourism development
Topic: innovative strategies for sustainable mountain tourism and management of mountain destinations, in order to
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new markets and improving the positioning of mountain
Key conclusions:
business events.
Successful Practices and Solutions
China has emerged as the world’s fastest-growing the Chinese travel market and be equipped with
source market. It has been the top spender in fundamental knowledge of pragmatic marketing
international tourism since 2012. Chinese expenditure approaches and solutions, such as how to advertise
surged from US$ 13 billion in 2000, to US$ 55 billion in destinations in China, how to develop tailored
2010, to a staggering US$ 258 billion in 2017. products, how to engage with Chinese tourists and
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Key conclusions:
increasing Chinese arrivals and tourism revenues,
generating tremendous business opportunities for
international tourism destinations as well as local
tourism suppliers and service providers.
and Inclusive
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As globalization, technology, innovation and demographic change continue to reshape the
market changes towards a more competitive sector.
Travel and Tourism for All
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International Conference on Promoting Sustainable • All tourism stakeholders to recognize the role of tourism in
Tourism, a Tool for Inclusive Growth and Community contributing to a greater understanding and respect among
Engagement in Africa civilizations, cultures and religions, and thus to peace
institutions to recognize the potential of tourism to
Topic: UNWTO and the Government of Zambia organized this contribute to the 2030 Agenda, and to substantially increase
conference to raise awareness of the potential of tourism in investment in sustainable tourism development in Africa and
poverty alleviation and to induce transformative change in the beyond
Africa region
• UNWTO, as well as other international organisations, to
• strategies and approaches to develop sustainable tourism and to trigger changes in policies, business practices and
initiatives in the African continent consumer behaviour on the occasion of the International
Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 and
• the potential of sustainable tourism to lead policies to foster beyond
community inclusion
• how the sector could help achieve the SDGs and generate
*VUJS\ZPVU!;OL3\ZHRH+LJSHYH[PVU milestone in the Agenda 2030, towards
This document, which places sustainability at the core of achieving the Sustainable Development
tourism development and on national and international Goals, and in the recognition of tourism as
development agendas, was adopted unanimously by all an essential development pillar.”
Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of Zambia
It calls upon:
presentation of the VM4LNH,]LU[ZMVY
UNCTAD Report Tourism Development
on ‘Tourism for
0UJS\ZP]L.YV^[O»PU(MYPJH attracting visitors and drawing global attention to the
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
can be a catalyst for longer-term tourism development in
socioeconomic aspect.
Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: mobilizing resources for tourism development through
facilities related to the SDGs, including the UNWTO Tourism
Montego Bay, Jamaica, 27-30 November for Development Facility
Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism.
Montego Bay, Jamaica, 27-30 November
Tourism, Ethics and Social Responsibility
The Convention of Tourism Ethics will, it was agreed by 3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism
consensus at the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly, convert
the Global Code of Ethics into a binding document to advance Krakow, Poland, 27-28 April
the ethical components of tourism.
Topic: Enhancing the sector’s sustainability through shared
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Pascal Lamy
Chairman, World Committee on Tourism Ethics
Recommendations on International Standard for
the Responsible Use of Accessible Tourism and
Ratings and Reviews on Related Services
Digital Platforms
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on the
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In 2017 UNWTO continued to support countries
address their education and training needs in tourism,
as well as providing technical assistance in areas
such as tourism planning, marketing, statistics and
product development.
UNWTO Technical Cooperation
The UNWTO Technical Cooperation and Services Programme All missions and projects were successfully implemented,
(TECO) dedicates itself to supporting Member States develop thanks to active and constructive collaboration with national
and promote the tourism sector as an engine for socio- tourism administrations and other in-country stakeholders as
economic growth and poverty alleviation through creating jobs. well as our wide range of supporting partners.
Acting upon requests from Member States, TECO carries out Our main partners are the governments of our Member
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missions and long- and short-term projects with funding from :[H[LZ^OVHYL[OLTHPUILULÄJPHYPLZVMHWYVQLJ[\Z\HSS`
various major donor agencies or the countries themselves, active owners of its activities and deliverables, and in many
deploying world-leading technical experts. PUZ[HUJLZÄUHUJPLYZVM[LJOUPJHSJVVWLYH[PVUHJ[P]P[PLZ
UNWTO technical assistance covers many areas of interest In many cases, UNWTO also collaborates directly with
to Member States, focusing on the following main thematic governments at a sub-national level. For example, UNWTO is
areas: collaborating directly with the Chinese provinces of Shandong
and Yunnan to develop their respective marketing strategies,
• Policy and Strategy Development and with several of the United Arab Emirates (Ras Al Khaimah
and Umm Al Quwain) on their respective sustainable tourism
• Marketing and Promotion development strategies.
• Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and Tourism Statistics In terms of international organizations, our main partner
continues to be the United Nations Development Programme
/V[LS*SHZZPÄJH[PVU (UNDP), with whom UNWTO is currently implementing
projects in Algeria, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco and Republic of
• Human Resources Development Congo. In 2017, UNWTO also partnered with the World Bank
in Madagascar, the German Development Bank in Botswana
side of the private sector, the Chimelong Group generously
In 2017 the UNWTO Technical Cooperation and Services contributed to UNWTO projects and activities addressing
executed: sustainable tourism and wildlife protection in Africa and Asia.
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Guinea-Bissau – Evaluations on Tourism Strategy and Hotel Uganda – Kisiizi Falls Tourism Development
Zambia – Development of Cultural Centres for Community-
3LZV[OV¶2VTL9\YHS/VTLZ[H`Z Based Tourism
Master Plan
Zimbabwe – UNWTO General Assembly Park in Victoria Falls
Madagascar – Formulation of a Crisis Communication
Strategy Zimbabwe – Enhancing Participation of Youth and Women
in Tourism
Morocco – Establishment of a New System for Hotel
*SHZZPÄJH[PVU Zimbabwe – Tourism Development, Wildlife Conservation
Mozambique – SME Development for Tourism in Inhambane
Regional Project in Africa (Benin, DR Congo, Gabon, Guinea
Mozambique – Vocational Training in Maputo Conakry, Niger): Capacity Building Workshops on Tourism
Development and Biodiversity Protection in West and
Republic of Congo – Elaboration of a Sustainable Tourism Central Africa
Development Master Plan
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Honduras – Development of a System of Tourism Statistics Ras-al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates (UAE) –Needs
(Phase II) Assessment for Sustainable Tourism Development
Paraguay – Updating of the Tourism Master Plan UAE – Assessment of Tourism Statistics for the Compilation
of a TSA
Regional Project for Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)
Cambodia – Improving community-based tourism in Thala Countries – Tourism Statistics Needs Assessment (see page
Barivat 75)
<NHUKH¶2PZPPaP-HSSZ China – International
Tourism Development ;V\YPZT4HYRL[PUN
Strategy for Yunnan
Within the Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty
(ST-EP) framework, UNWTO supported the Ministry of
Tourism of Uganda in implementing a project aimed at
enhancing tourist activities at Kisiizi Falls. The falls are
located on the Rushoma River, near the main national The province of Yunnan is located in the Southwest of
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UNWTO Capacity Building Activities
• through annual capacity building workshops, to facilitate the • the potential of sustainable tourism in Algeria and the need to
development of tourism statistics in line with UN regional develop human capital
• to help countries understand and then progressively steps towards developing a TSA are improving measurement
implement Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) standards in their of inbound tourism, as well as accommodation (supply and
national systems of tourism statistics KLTHUKHUKJVUK\J[PUNPUKLW[OYLÅLJ[PVUVU[OLVW[PTHS
way to produce tourism statistics
• with these standards applied, improve the comparability of
tourism statistical data over time and between countries and National Conference on Tourism
regions of the world
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, 17- 18 July
UH[PVUHSZ[H[PZ[PJHSVѝJLZJLU[YHSIHURZHUKPTTPNYH[PVUVѝJLZ Aim: to gain support for the country’s tourism sector and raise
awareness of its tourism priorities
• The Blue Fund - an opportunity for ecotourism in the Congo
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• challenges faced by private sector operators in developing Aim: to provide participants with knowledge, skills, tools and
and managing tourism operations best practices in eMarketing strategy and implementation
UNWTO/Chimelong Programme on Wildlife and Tourism
UNWTO and the Guangdong Chimelong Group signed a The three-day training programmes aimed at raising awareness
partnership agreement to establish the UNWTO/Chimelong among the local population on the importance of biodiversity
Initiative on 19 May 2016, on the occasion of the First World conservation in the destination areas, and how to address
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Conference on Tourism for Development in Beijing, China. Both environmental issues while undertaking tourism activities. The
parties agreed to work together on the following objectives training also encouraged locals and tourism employees to act
related to sustainable tourism and wildlife protection: as champions of biodiversity conservation and environmental
protection in their regions, which will help ensure sustainable
• To advocate the SDGs through sustainable tourism with local income generation from tourism activities.
particular reference to wildlife conservation;
Each seminar gathered approximately 30 participants from
• To enhance the quality of human capital in sustainable KPќLYLU[HYLHZVM[OL[V\YPZTZLJ[VYYHUNPUNMYVTL_LJ\[P]LZ[V
tourism and wildlife conservation; employees of parks, hotels and tour operators.
• To encourage the tourism private sector to adhere Brazzaville, Republic of Congo, 17 July
to corporate social responsibility, especially in wildlife Kasane, Botswana, 6 December
In the framework of the UNWTO/Chimelong Programme and
Within the context of the agreement, a UNWTO/Chimelong [OLLќVY[ZVM<5>;6[VPU]VS]LTLKPHPUP[Z^VYR[^V[YHPUPUN
Workshop was conducted in Guangdong, China on 24-25 workshops were conducted that, together, resulted in nearly
March 2017 under the theme of poverty reduction and tourism 50 international and African journalists trained in sustainable
development. tourism and wildlife-related topics.
and Central Africa Tourism in the Republic of Congo. The second was held
during the International Symposium and Annual Conference
Pongara National Park, Gabon, 20-22 June of the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme (STP),
W National Park, Niger, 11-13 July ‘Empowering Tourism Destinations’ Sustainability through
+\IYtRH9LW\ISPJVM.\PULH5V]LTILY Innovation’ in Botswana.
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, 21-23 November
As well as the over 20 local journalists at each event,
With the sector’s rapid growth, tourism has become an international journalists from Africa Renewal, BBC, CCTV,
important pillar for local economies in many destinations in Channel Africa, DEVEX, El País, Forbes Afrique, Jeune
West and Central Africa. However, many destinations face (MYPX\L3VULS`7SHUL[9HKPV-YHUJLHUK?PUO\H5L^Z
JOHSSLUNLZPUZ\ѝJPLU[S`WYLZLY]PUN[OLPYIPVKP]LYZP[`HUK Agency attended to cover the workshops and participate in
X\HSP[`VMLU]PYVUTLU[^OPJOTH`HќLJ[]PZP[VYZH[PZMHJ[PVU visits showcasing the relevance of sustainable tourism in the
and ultimately result in smaller revenues from tourist-related host countries.
UNWTO.Themis Foundation
UNWTO Executive Education
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Mexico: Four training courses towards the part-time Masters Spain: Introduction for African Ambassadors to Tourism for
in Management of Tourist Destinations at the University of Diplomats – November 2017, onsite
Anahuac – July 2017, onsite*
Spain/Andorra: Practicum on Crisis Communication in
4L_PJV!*V\YZLVU:\Z[HPUHISL;V\YPZT:[YH[LNPLZMVY3VJHS Tourism – July 2017, onsite
Development – September 2017, onsite
Destination Management and Marketing (in collaboration with
GSTC) – March 2017, onsite
Programme on Digital Marketing in Tourism – November
2017, onsite
UNWTO/UNWTO.Themis Ghana – Sub-regional
– Practicum on Crisis Capacity Building Course
Communication in VU;V\YPZT4HYRL[PUN!MYVT
Tourism product to experience
The UNWTO Practicum programme was created to Digital technologies have introduced major changes
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strengthen the capacities of UNWTO Member States’ in tourists’ behaviour, tastes and models of
Z[HќPUHZWLJPÄJÄLSK^OPSLMHTPSPHYPaPUN[OLT^P[O[OL consumption. While services and goods increasingly
PUP[PH[P]LZVM[OLKPќLYLU[WYVNYHTTLZVM[OL<5>;6 become commoditized, more experienced and
and the UNWTO.Themis Foundation. digitally sophisticated consumers desire more unique
experiences. Businesses must respond by designing
0U1\S`HNYV\WVMVѝJPHSZMYVT<5>;64LTILY and promoting experiences to add value to the goods
States were hosted for one week in Madrid by and services that, in tourism, are instrumental in living an
UNWTO, during which they visited the Organization’s L_WLYPLUJLYH[OLY[OHUM\SÄSSPUNHULLK;O\Z[OLKLZPNU
Headquarters and were presented UNWTO’s of tourism experiences becomes key in developing the
programme of work, The group then travelled to Andorra [V\YPZTVќLYHUKJVUZLX\LU[S`PUKLZ[PUH[PVUX\HSP[`
for a three-day intensive training on creating capacity and competitiveness. Many destinations are embracing
to develop and implement crisis communications a new marketing approach with experiences and stories
strategies to build resilience at tourism destinations. at its heart.
crisis communications team, the development of
communications materials and ready-to-use templates ¸0UH[PTL^OLUI\ZPULZZLZHYV\UK
for each situation, and media relations were some of the the world are competing in highly
topics included in the training. commoditized markets, we in the tourism
Participants were encouraged to use the dedicated sector have also realized that in order
UNWTO Toolbox for Crisis Communications, which to remain relevant we must explore
aims to help in the three phases of any crisis - new approaches in order to deliver the
preparedness, management and recovery.
experience that our customers expect and
exceed their expectations.”
Elcia Grandcourt
Programme Director, UNWTO Regional Programme for
a quality assurance and improvement programme for tourism Universidad de Guanajuato (Guanajuato)
education worldwide. The programme awards the UNWTO.
criteria universally applicable to any institution. The criteria *LU[YVKL-VYTHJP}ULU;\YPZTV¶*,5-6;<93PTH
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
well as its degree of incorporation of the tourism sector and <UP]LYZPKHK:HU0NUHJPVKL3V`VSH3PTH
students’ needs, and whether an institution has taken steps
towards implementing the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. • Puerto Rico
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
• United States of America
AFRICA The George Washington University (Washington)
EUROPE • Turkey
Akdeniz University (Antalya)
• Austria Bogaziçi University (Istanbul)
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
• United Kingdom
• France Bournemouth University (Poole)
• Cyprus
Eastern Mediterranean University (Famagusta) 40++3,,(:;
Girne American University (Kyrenia)
• Jordan
• Italy Royal Academy of Culinary Arts (Amman)
University of Molise (Termoli) Ammon Applied University College (Amman)
University of Bologna (Bologna)
• Oman
• Kazakhstan Sultan Qaboos University (Muscat)
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty)
• United Arab Emirates
3H[]PH Amity University Dubai (Dubai)
• Macedonia
University of Tourism and Management (Skopje)
• Netherlands
NHTV Breda University of Professional Education (Breda) <5>;68\LZ[
• Portugal
Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies ;OPZJLY[PÄJH[PVUWYVNYHTTLWYV]PKLZYLJVNUP[PVU
(Estoril) to Destination Management Organizations (DMOs)
Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (Coimbra) who have shown quality and excellence in planning,
Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo (Viana do governance and management.
7VS`[LJOUPJ0UZ[P[\[LVM3LPYPH3LPYPH Throughout the programme, which lasts approximately
12 months, UNWTO and the UNWTO.Themis
• Serbia Foundation assist DMOs in improving strategic
Singidunum University (Belgrade) SLHKLYZOPWLќLJ[P]LL_LJ\[PVUHUKLѝJPLU[
governance, through tailor-made UNWTO.Themis
• Slovenia Foundation training programmes, in order to achieve
• Spain label for four years and can then apply for renewal.
Open University of Catalonia (online)
University of Valencia (Valencia) their governments being UNWTO members. The focus
is on DMOs at sub-national and local levels, but the
• Switzerland system is also applicable at national level. In 2017
<**9)YPN Punta del Este Convention Bureau (Uruguay) became
UNWTO and UNWTO.Themis Foundation pilot project.
UNWTO Silk Road Programme
Silk Road activities expanded in 2017, with UNWTO holding • People’s Friendship University, Russian Federation
its largest programme of events to date. Apart from two
ÅHNZOPWJHWHJP[`I\PSKPUNWYVQLJ[ZMVJ\ZLKVUKL]LSVWPUN[OL • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Eastern and Western sections of the historic routes, record- Russian Federation
breaking attendance was achieved at the annual Silk Road
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Programme events. Silk Road-related research was improved • University of Bologna, Italy
with the overall aim of developing marketing strategies aligned
with Member States’ interests and expectations. Additionally • University of Kerbala, Iraq
the Programme has been looking at the growing importance
of Silk Road maritime routes, especially within the Asia and • University of Valencia, Spain
* The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has established
Raising awareness on the tourism potential of the the European Interdisciplinary Silk Road Tourism Centre to
Western Silk Road function as a joint research hub supporting the work of the
Academic Network.
Prior to Silk Road Programme activities, information on
European heritage linked to the Silk Road was scarce, and the The UNWTO Western Silk Road University Challenge will
potential for transnational links between European heritages take place in Toulouse, France during the academic year
for tourism purposes was either unrecognized or restricted by 2017–2018. Students from the ISTHIA – Toulouse School of
a local branding approach. Identifying this available marketing Tourism, Hospitality Management and Food Studies at the
opportunity, and as part of the Western Silk Road Tourism University of Toulouse–Jean Jaurès will analyse the historical
Development initiative, the Silk Road Programme brought involvement of the French territories within the Silk Road
together Western Silk Road Member States and research network, assess the Silk Road’s impact on French culture, and
partners to develop the following: prepare an inventory of Western Silk Road heritage in France.
The research will result in a study containing proposals for the
Western Silk Road Tourism Academic Network development of potential thematic French and cross-border
routes, tourism products, and branding and sustainable
Aimed at: management strategies.
• supporting the development of transnational tourism Promotion of cultural tourism through the Western Silk
initiatives through joint research and practical tourism Road Tourism Development Initiative
intelligence (for details please see page 63)
• developing common Western Silk Road research Exploratory Research on the Tourism Impact of the 21st
methodology *LU[\Y`4HYP[PTL:PSR9VHK
• identifying key research areas/ topics This research is assessing the impact on tourism of China’s
21st-Century Maritime Silk Road project, a component of its
KL]LSVWPUNJV\U[Y`ZWLJPÄJ>LZ[LYU:PSR9VHKYLZLHYJO[V Belt and Road Initiative, and the tourism potential of Maritime
share results with project partners via a shared academic Silk Road thematic routes across Asia. Intermediate results
database presented during the Maritime Silk Road International Tourism
Festival in Fuzhou, China in November indicated that the six
• publishing Western Silk Road articles and research papers planned economic corridors of the Belt and Road Initiative,
spanning Asia, Africa and Europe, present great opportunities
• including the Silk Road in academic curricula for tourism and for maritime infrastructure development
through regional cooperation. Therefore it has potential to
Participants: favour the establishment of new maritime routes based on
the ancient Maritime Silk Road heritage, whose implications
• Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece* on thematic heritage tourism routes are worthy of deep study.
Final results will be presented during the Silk Road Ministers
• ISTHIA University of Toulouse, France Meeting at ITB Berlin 2018.
<UKLYZ[HUKPUN[OL0U[LYUH[PVUHS;YH]LSSLYZ»7YVÄSLHUK Results of TripAdvisor’s survey on Travel Trends for the Silk
Developing Tourism Intelligence for Almaty City, Kazakhstan Road 2017 include:
UNWTO, Visit Almaty and the tourism authorities of the City
of Almaty are assessing Almaty’s Silk Road tourism potential
through quantitative and qualitative research. In 2017, 70
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
2017 report. For the second consecutive year, TripAdvisor
conducted a specialized consumer survey assessing travel
preferences, habits and interests along the Silk Road of
15,711 respondents. The research highlights that among
top interest areas while travelling along the Silk Road are
visiting UNESCO World Heritage Sites, experiencing local
gastronomy and attending local festivals and events.
Together with the Graduate Tourism Programme of Monash Acclaimed as the ‘greatest route in the history of mankind’,
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University, Australia, UNWTO organized a meeting focused on modern-day travellers experience the Silk Road as a myriad
selling strategies tailored towards the millennial traveller. Tour of interconnected routes across various countries throughout
operators had the chance to receive instant feedback on their Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Hence, is it feasible to
tourism products and strategies from university graduates promote the Silk Road as an overarching tourism route? Is
attending the event. dividing the Silk Road into thematic tourism themes or cluster
regions the road to success? This seminar attempted to
Silk Road seminar for the Russian regions answer these questions, with input provided by travel writers
(Wanderlust Travel Media and Caravanistan), and specialized
Intourmarket, Moscow, Russia; 12 March tour operators (Wild Frontiers and China Tours) on the multiple
ways of marketing and travelling a transnational tourism route.
Topic: the potential for developing tourism itineraries and
products within the Russian regions of the Silk Road [O<5>;6:PSR9VHK;HZR-VYJL4LL[PUN
Discussed: how rich gastronomy, natural resources and Valencia, Spain, 20-30 November
intangible heritage will drive the development of Silk Road
tourism within Russia Topic: the importance of the Silk Road as a vehicle for
peaceful exchange and development
Conclusion: there is a need to continue working towards
establishing a trans-regional cooperation framework on Discussed: strategies and best practice for adapting the Silk
the Silk Road for the Russian regions in order to maximize Road to the challenges and opportunities of the globalized
potential and strengthen coherence tourism age
UNWTO Silk Road Training and Capacity Building VѝJPHSYLJLW[PVUZI`=HSLUJPHUH\[OVYP[PLZ
• masterclasses in gastronomy tourism and community-
Online and in Madrid/Valencia, Spain, 20-30 November based tourism
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between academia and the private and public sectors in tourism. Between
May 2016 and September 2017, membership grew from 469 to 516 bodies
representing public and private organizations, destinations, NGOs and
educational institutions.
UNWTO Networks
Shopping Tourism Network were both launched in 2015, destination and preserving the intangible cultural heritage of a
followed by the City Tourism Network in November 2016. region
3rd UNWTO World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism 2nd Global Conference on Talent Development in
San Sebastián, Spain, 8-9 May
Marbella, Spain, 8-10 October
Topic: regional experiences and the cultural and social
dimensions of gastronomy tourism Topic: to build awareness of the crucial importance of
attracting and retaining young talent for the development of a
Discussed: gastronomy tourism as a key resource in leading highly competitive sector
the collective commitment to sustainability, given its enormous
potential to mobilize a variety of sectors and resources Discussed: the decisive role of talent development and
Conclusions: destinations
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Algeria (1976) Ethiopia (1975) Nigeria (1975)
Angola (1989) Gabon (1975) Rwanda (1975)
Benin (1975) Gambia (1975) Sao Tome and Principe (1985)
Botswana (1995) Ghana (1975) Senegal (1975)
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Argentina (1975) Ecuador (1975) Peru (1975)
Bahamas (2005) El Salvador (1993) Trinidad and Tobago (2013)
Barbados (2015) Guatemala (1993) Uruguay (1977)
Bolivia (1975) Haiti (1975) Venezuela (1975)
Brazil (1975) Honduras (2001)
Chile (1975) Jamaica (1975) (ZZVJPH[L4LTILYZ
Colombia (1975) Mexico (1975) Aruba (1987)
Costa Rica (1995) Nicaragua (1991) Puerto Rico (2002)
Cuba (1975) Panama (1996)
Dominican Republic (1975) Paraguay (1992)
Afghanistan (1975) Japan (1978) Samoa (2015)
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Albania (1993) Kazakhstan (1993) Tajikistan (2007)
Andorra (1995) Kyrgyzstan (1993) The former Yugoslav Republic of Mace-
Armenia (1997) 3P[O\HUPH donia (1995)
Austria (1975) Malta (1978) Turkey (1975)
Azerbaijan (2001) Monaco (2001) Turkmenistan (1993)
Belarus (2005) Montenegro (2007) Ukraine (1997)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (1993) Netherlands (1976) Uzbekistan (1993)
Bulgaria (1976) Poland (1976)
Croatia (1993) Portugal (1976) (ZZVJPH[L4LTILYZ
Cyprus (1975) Republic of Moldova (2002) Flemish Community of Belgium (1997)
Czech Republic (1993) Romania (1975) Madeira (1995)
France (1975) Russian Federation (1975)
Georgia (1993) San Marino (1975) Permanent Observer
Germany (1976) Serbia (2001) Holy See (1979)
Greece (1975) Slovakia (1993)
Hungary (1975) Slovenia (1993)
Israel (1975) Spain (1975)
Italy (1978) Switzerland (1976)
Middle East
Bahrain (2001) Oman (2004) Special Observer
Egypt (1975) Qatar (2002) Palestine (1999)
Iraq (1975) Saudi Arabia (2002)
Jordan (1975) Syrian Arab Republic (1975)
Kuwait (2003) United Arab Emirates (2013)
3LIHUVU Yemen (1977)
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Regional Programmes and Working Groups in 2017
17th meeting of the Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
Madrid, Spain, 24-25 January
11th meeting of the Working Group on the International Convention on the ‘Protection of Tourists and the rights
Madrid, Spain, 28-29 March
Valencia, Spain; 30-31 March
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 24 April
3rd meeting of the Working Group on the UNWTO Draft Convention on Tourism Ethics
Madrid, Spain, 12-13 May
Chittagong, Bangladesh, 16-17 May
12th meeting of the Working Group on the International Convention on the ‘Protection of Tourists and the rights
Madrid, Spain, 14 June
Chengdu, China, 11 September
4th meeting of the Working Group on the UNWTO Draft Convention on Tourism Ethics
Chengdu, China, 11-12 September
Chengdu, China, 11 September
Chengdu, China, 12 September
Special meeting of the Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account
Chengdu, China, 12 September
Full list of 2017 publications (All publications in English unless otherwise stated)
3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism – Enhancing the Sector’s Sustainability through Shared Responsibilities
10YFP Sustainable Tourism Programme Annual Magazine 2016/2017 – Advancing towards a Clear North
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
Benchmarking Methodology for the Development of Sustainable Cruise Tourism in South-East Asia
Contribution of Islamic Culture and its Impact on the Asian Tourism Market
Measuring Sustainable Tourism: A call for Action – Report of the 6th International Conference on Tourism Statistics
New Platform Tourism Services (or the so-called Sharing Economy) - Understand, rethink and adapt
Penetrating the Chinese Outbound Tourism Market – Successful Practices and Solutions
Regional Conference on Investing in Tourism for an Inclusive Future: Challenges and Opportunities
Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals – Responsible tourism, a global commitment Interactive PDF (English/Spanish)
Enhanced Integrated Framework (with ITC and EIF)
UNWTO Annual Report 2016
UNWTO Financial Report and Audited Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 December 2016
UNWTO Secretariat Organizational Chart (May 2018)
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Secretary-General Communications
Deputy Secretary-General
Partnerships Administration UNWTO Culture
Regional Affiliate Statistics
for Members and Liaison Statistics
Departments and Social Committee
Development Finance Offices Responsibility
General Information & Competitiveness
and Digital Services Technologies
Committee on
Copyright © 2018, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Cover image: copyright © Rudra Narayan Mitra |, ID 73601506
${protocol}:// - Thursday, May 31, 2018 12:40:07 AM - IP Address:
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinions
whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Tourism Organization concerning the legal status of any country,
territory, city or area, or of its authorities or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
World Tourism Organization (2018), UNWTO Annual Report 2017, UNWTO, Madrid,
DOI: .
publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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For authorization of the reproduction of UNWTO works outside of Spain, please contact one of CEDRO’s partner organizations,
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For all remaining countries as well as for other permissions, requests should be addressed directly to the World Tourism
Organization. For applications see:
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