Fips 1402 Ig
Fips 1402 Ig
Fips 1402 Ig
Table of Contents
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 6
GENERAL ISSUES ..................................................................................................................................... 7
G.1 REQUEST FOR GUIDANCE FROM THE CMVP AND CAVP ........................................................................ 7
G.3 PARTIAL VALIDATIONS AND NOT APPLICABLE AREAS OF FIPS 140-2 .................................................. 11
G.4 DESIGN AND TESTING OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULES ........................................................................... 12
G.6 MODULES WITH BOTH A FIPS MODE AND A NON-FIPS MODE ............................................................... 15
G.7 RELATIONSHIPS AMONG VENDORS, LABORATORIES, AND NIST/CSE .................................................. 16
G.8 REVALIDATION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................... 16
G.10 PHYSICAL SECURITY TESTING FOR RE-VALIDATION FROM FIPS 140-1 TO FIPS 140-2 ........................ 30
G.11 TESTING USING EMULATORS AND SIMULATORS ................................................................................. 31
G.12 POST-VALIDATION INQUIRIES ........................................................................................................... 32
G.13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR VALIDATION INFORMATION FORMATTING ........................................................... 33
G.15 MOVED TO W.2 ................................................................................................................................ 48
G.16 REQUESTING AN INVOICE BEFORE SUBMITTING A REPORT ................................................................. 48
G.17 REMOTE TESTING FOR SOFTWARE MODULES .................................................................................... 50
SECTION 1 - CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION ......................................................... 52
1.1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE NAME ........................................................................................................ 52
1.2 FIPS APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION ................................................................................................ 53
1.3 FIRMWARE DESIGNATION .................................................................................................................... 54
1.4 BINDING OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM VALIDATION CERTIFICATES ................................................ 55
1.5 MOVED TO A.1 .................................................................................................................................... 57
1.6 MOVED TO A.2 .................................................................................................................................... 57
1.7 MULTIPLE APPROVED MODES OF OPERATION ...................................................................................... 57
1.8 MOVED TO W.13 ................................................................................................................................ 59
1.9 DEFINITION AND REQUIREMENTS OF A HYBRID CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE ........................................... 59
1.10 MOVED TO A.3 .................................................................................................................................. 60
1.11 MOVED TO D.1 .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.12 MOVED TO C.1 .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.13 MOVED TO A.4 .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.14 MOVED TO A.5 .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.15 MOVED TO A.6 .................................................................................................................................. 61
1.16 SOFTWARE MODULE ......................................................................................................................... 61
1.17 FIRMWARE MODULE ......................................................................................................................... 63
1.18 PIV REFERENCE................................................................................................................................ 66
1.19 NON-APPROVED MODE OF OPERATION .............................................................................................. 67
1.20 SUB-CHIP CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUBSYSTEMS .......................................................................................... 69
................................................................................................................................................................ 73
1.22 MODULE COUNT DEFINITION ............................................................................................................ 75
1.23 DEFINITION AND USE OF A NON-APPROVED SECURITY FUNCTION ....................................................... 77
SECTION 2 – CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES ........................................ 82
2.1 TRUSTED PATH ................................................................................................................................... 82
SECTION 3 – ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION............................................................ 84
3.1 AUTHORIZED ROLES ........................................................................................................................... 84
3.2 BYPASS CAPABILITY IN ROUTERS ........................................................................................................ 85
3.3 AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS FOR SOFTWARE MODULES ................................................................. 87
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
This Implementation Guidance document is issued and maintained by the U.S. Government's National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE), which
serve as the validation authorities of the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) for their respective
governments. The CMVP validates the test results of National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
(NVLAP) accredited Cryptographic and Security Testing (CST) Laboratories which test cryptographic modules
for conformance to Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS) 140-2, Security Requirements
for Cryptographic Modules. The Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) addresses the testing of
Approved Security Functions, Approved Random Number Generators and Approved Key Establishment
Techniques which are referenced in the annexes of FIPS 140-2.
This document is intended to provide programmatic guidance of the CMVP, and in particular, clarifications and
guidance pertaining to the Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2 (DTR), which is used by CST
Laboratories to test for a cryptographic module's conformance to FIPS 140-2. Guidance presented in this
document is based on responses issued by NIST and CSE to questions posed by the CST Labs, vendors, and
other interested parties. Information in this document is subject to change by NIST and CSE.
Each section of this document corresponds with a requirements section of FIPS 140-2, with an additional first
section containing general programmatic guidance that is not applicable to any particular requirements section.
Within each section, the guidance is listed according to a subject phrase. For those subjects that may be
applicable to multiple requirements areas, they are listed in the area that seems most appropriate. Under each
subject there is a list, including the date of issue for that guidance, along relevant assertions, test requirements,
and vendor requirements from the DTR. (Note: For each subject, there may be additional test and vendor
requirements which apply.) Next, there is section containing a question or statement of a problem, along with a
resolution and any additional comments with related information. This is the implementation guidance for the
listed subject.
Cryptographic modules validation listings can be found at:
• Cryptographic Module Validation Lists
Cryptographic algorithm validation listings can be found at:
• Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Lists
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
General Issues
The Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) and the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation
Program (CAVP) defines two types of questions: Programmatic Questions and Test-specific Questions. The
CMVP and CAVP define two types of requests: Informal Requests and Official Requests.
What is the difference between Informal Requests verses Official Requests? To whom should these questions
be directed? If an official reply is requested for a question, is there a defined format for these types of
Programmatic Questions: These are questions pertaining to the general operation of the Cryptographic
Module Validation Program or the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program. The CMVP and CAVP
suggest reviewing the CMVP Management Manual, CMVP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), the CAVP
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), CMVP Announcements and CMVP Notices posted on the CMVP and
CAVP web sites first as the answer may be readily available. The information found on the CMVP web site
provides the official position of the CMVP and CAVP.
Test-specific Questions: These are questions concerning specific test issues of the Cryptographic Module
Validation Program or the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program. These issues may be technology
related or related to areas of the standard that may appear to be open to interpretation.
General Guidance: Programmatic questions regarding the CMVP or the CAVP can be directed to either NIST
or CSE by contacting the appropriate points of contact listed below. The complete list of NIST and CSE points
of contacts shall be included on copy for all questions.
Vendors who are under contract with a CST laboratory for FIPS 140-2 or algorithm testing of a particular
implementation(s) must contact the contracted CST laboratory for any questions concerning the test
requirements and how they affect the testing of the implementation(s).
CST Laboratories must submit all test-specific questions in the RFG format described below. These questions
must be submitted to all points of contact.
Federal agencies and departments, and vendors not under contract with a CST laboratory who have specific
questions about a FIPS 140-2 test requirements or any aspect of the CMVP or CAVP should contact the
appropriate NIST and CSE points of contact listed below.
Questions can either be submitted by e-mail, telephone, and facsimile or written (if electronic document,
Microsoft Word document format is preferred).
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Informal Request: Informal requests are considered as ad hoc questions aimed at clarifying issues about the
FIPS 140-2 and other aspects of the CMVP and CAVP. Replies to informal requests by the CMVP are non-
binding and subject to change. It is recommended that informal requests be submitted to all points of contact.
Every attempt is made to reply to informal request with accurate, consistent, clear replies on a very timely
Official Request: If an official response is requested, then an official request must be submitted to the CMVP
and/or CAVP written in the Request for Guidance (RFG) format described below. An official response
requires internal review by both NIST and CSE, as well as with others as necessary, and may require follow-up
questions from the CMVP and/or CAVP. Therefore, such requests, while time sensitive, may not be
Request for Guidance Format: Questions submitted in this format will result in an official response from the
CMVP and CAVP that will state current policy or interpretations. This format provides the CMVP and CAVP
a clear understanding of the question. An RFG shall have the following items:
1. Clear indication of whether the RFG is PROPRIETARY or NON-PROPRIETARY,
2. A descriptive title,
3. Applicable statement(s) from FIPS 140-2,
4. Applicable assertion(s) from the FIPS 140-2 DTR,
5. Applicable required test procedure(s) from the FIPS 140-2 DTR,
6. Applicable statements from FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance,
7. Applicable statements from algorithmic standards,
8. Background information if applicable, including any previous CMVP or CAVP official rulings or
9. A concise statement of the problem, followed by a clear and unambiguous question regarding the
problem, and
10. A suggested statement of the resolution that is being sought.
All questions should be presented in writing. The provided information should include a brief non-proprietary
description of the implementation and the FIPS 140-2 target security level. All of this will enable a more
efficient and timely resolution of FIPS 140-2 related questions by the CMVP and CAVP. The statement of
resolution shall be stated in a manner which the CMVP and CAVP can either answer "YES" or "NO". The
CMVP may optionally provide rationale if the answer is not in line with the suggested statement of resolution.
When appropriate, the CMVP and CAVP will derive general guidance from the problem and response, and add
that guidance to this document. Note that general questions may still be submitted, but these questions should
be identified as not being associated with a particular validation effort.
Preferably, questions should be non-proprietary, as their response will be distributed to ALL CST laboratories.
Distribution may be restricted on a case-by-case basis.
NIST and CSE Points of Contact:
• National Institute of Standards and Technology – CMVP
• National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – CAVP
• Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE) – CMVP
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What information should be submitted to NIST and CSE upon completion of the CST laboratory conformance
testing in order for NIST and CSE to perform a validation review? Are there any other additional requirements
during report COORDINATION?
The following test report information shall be provided to both NIST and CSE by the CST laboratory upon
report submission. The ZIP file and files within the ZIP file shall follow all programmatic naming
conventions 1 and be submitted to the CMVP using the specified encryption methods.
a. Reference FIPS 140-2 Appendix C, FIPS 140-2 DTR Appendix C and the CMVP Implementation
Guidance for requirements.
b. The non-proprietary security policy shall not be marked as proprietary or copyright without a
statement allowing copying or distribution.
The validation report submission shall be output from the NIST provided CRYPTIK tool.
1. The RTF output from CRYPTIK shall be renamed to a DOC or DOCX file.
2. Shall include PIV Card Application certificate number reference as applicable.
3. Physical Security Test Report <pdf – mandatory at FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 Physical Security Levels
2, 3 and 4>
The laboratory's physical testing report with photos, drawing, etc. as applicable.
CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence
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The physical security test evidence shall be traceable to the DTR by specifying the appropriate TE for
each test described in the physical security test report.
Note: Separate billing information is no longer required as it is part of the CRYPTIK _vendor.txt output.
The PDF files shall not be locked. All PDF submission documents (except Security Policy) shall be merged
into a single PDF document in the following order: Signed Signature Page; General Vendor / Module
Information; Executive Overview with Section Summaries or Re-Validation Report with Assessments; Full
Report with Assessments; Physical Test Report as applicable; and Other as applicable.
The submission documents shall be ZIP’ed into a single file, encrypted (using the CMVP designated
application) and sent to the following NIST and CSE points of contact:
o CSE:
Once the electronic report submission document is received by the CMVP it will be placed in the report queue
in order received. Those reports marked to be listed, will appear in the weekly published Modules-In-Process
listing posted on the CMVP web site. The listing and the definition of the five stages of the Modules-In-
Process listing is found at:
During the COORDINATION phase the CST laboratory will address each CMVP comment and update any
applicable files as necessary in addition to providing a response and additional clarification as necessary in the
CMVP comments document. The laboratory will re-submit the report in its entirety as above (i.e. full report
submission) including the updated CMVP comments file.
Additional Comments
The naming convention for the submitted ZIP file, e-mail subject line, and files within the ZIP file is provided
to the CST Labs in a separate document CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence. Contact and for the latest version of this document. The CRYPTIK File I/O and
EMAIL function will generate the proper e-mail subject line name depending on the transaction.
An initial or preliminary review will be performed to ensure that the guidelines outlined in the CMVP
Convention for E-mail Correspondence document have been followed and that required signatures have been
included. During the initial review, the submission will not be checked for technical completeness. The report
information in the _vendor.txt file will be imported to the CMVP Tracking DataBase and billing information,
if applicable, will be sent to NIST billing. The weekly Modules-In-Process listing will be generated based on
this provided information.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Can a cryptographic module be validated only for selected areas of Section 4 of FIPS 140-2? Which areas of
Section 4 of FIPS 140-2 can be marked Not Applicable?
NIST and CSE will not issue a validation certificate unless the cryptographic module meets at least the
Security Level 1 requirements for each area in Section 4 of FIPS 140-2 that cannot be designated as Not
Applicable according to the following:
• Section 4.5, Physical Security may be designated as Not Applicable if the cryptographic module is a
software-only module and thus has no physical protection mechanisms;
• Section 4.6, Operational Environment may be designated as Not Applicable depending on the module
implementation (e.g. if the operational environment for the cryptographic module is a limited or non-
modifiable operational environment); and
• Section 4.11, Mitigation of Other Attacks is Applicable if the module has been purposely designed, built
and publicly documented to mitigate one or more specific attacks (RE: IG 11.1). Otherwise this section
may be designated as Not Applicable.
The CST laboratory shall provide in the validation test report the rationale for marking sections as Not
Additional Comments
If a section is Not Applicable, it will be identified as N/A on the module validation certificate entry. If
Section 4.6 is N/A, depending on the module implementation, configuration information may still be required
on the module validation certificate (e.g. a firmware module must provide the tested configuration).
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What activities may CST laboratories perform, regarding the design and testing of cryptographic modules?
The following information is supplemental to the guidance provided by NVLAP, and further defines the
separation of the design, consulting, and testing roles of the laboratories. CMVP policy in this area is as
1. A CST Laboratory may not perform validation testing on a module for which the laboratory has:
a. designed any part of the module,
b. developed original documentation for any part of the module,
c. built, coded or implemented any part of the module, or
d. any ownership or vested interest in the module.
2. Provided that a CST Laboratory has met the above requirements, the laboratory may perform
validation testing on modules produced by a company when:
a. the laboratory has no ownership in the company,
b. the laboratory has a completely separate management from the company, and
c. business between the CST Laboratory and the company is performed under contractual
agreements, as done with other clients.
3. A CST Laboratory may perform consulting services to provide clarification of FIPS 140-2, the
Derived Test Requirements, and other associated documents at any time during the life cycle of the
Additional Comments
Item 3 in the Resolution references "other associated documents". Included in this reference are:
• Documents developed by the CMVP for the Cryptographic Module testing program (e.g., CMVP and
FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance, CMVP FAQs, CMVP Management Manual, NVLAP
Handbook 150-17:2012, Cryptographic Module Testing).
Also, see IG G.9, regarding FSM and Security Policy consolidation and formatting.
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For a validated software or firmware cryptographic module, how may such a module be implemented so that
compliance with the validation is maintained?
The tested/validated module version, operational environment upon which it was tested, and the originating
vendor are stated on the validation certificate. The certificate serves as the benchmark for the module-
compliant configuration.
This guidance addresses two separate scenarios: actions a vendor can affirm or change to maintain a module’s
validation and actions a user can affirm to maintain a module’s validation.
This guidance is not applicable for validated modules when FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 Physical Security has been
validated at Levels 2 or higher. Therefore, this guidance is only applicable at Level 1 for firmware or hybrid
1. A vendor may perform post-validation recompilations of a software or firmware module and affirm the
modules continued validation compliance provided the following is maintained:
a) Software modules that do not require any source code modifications (e.g., changes, additions, or
deletions of code) to be recompiled and ported to another operational environment must:
i) For Level 1 Operational Environment, a software cryptographic module will remain compliant
with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any general-purpose computer (GPC) provided
that the GPC uses the specified single user operating system/mode specified on the validation
certificate, or another compatible single user operating system, and
ii) For Level 2 Operational Environment, a software cryptographic module will remain compliant
with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any GPC provided that the GPC incorporates
the specified CC evaluated EAL2 (or equivalent) operating system/mode/operational settings or
another compatible CC evaluated EAL2 (or equivalent) operating system with like mode and
operational settings.
b) Firmware modules (i.e. Operational Environment is not applicable) that do not require any source
code modifications (e.g., changes, additions, or deletions of code) to be recompiled and its identified
unchanged tested operating system (i.e. same version or revision number) may be ported together
from one GPC or platform to another GPC or platform while maintaining the module’s validation.
c) Hybrid modules (i.e. Operational Environment may or may not be applicable depending if the
controlling component is software or firmware) may be ported together from one GPC or platform to
another GPC or operating platform while maintaining the module’s validation provided that they do
not require any of the following:
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i) software or firmware source code modifications (e.g., changes, additions, or deletions of code) to
be recompiled and its identified unchanged tested operating system (i.e. same version or revision
ii) hardware components utilized by the controlling software or firmware is not modified (e.g.
changes, additions, or deletions).
The CMVP allows vendor porting and re-compilation of a validated software, firmware or hybrid
cryptographic module from the operational environment specified on the validation certificate to an
operational environment which was not included as part of the validation testing as long as the porting
rules are followed. Vendors may affirm that the module works correctly in the new operational
environment. However, the CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the
security strengths of the generated keys when so ported if the specific operational environment is not
listed on the validation certificate.
The vendor shall work with a CST laboratory to update the security policy and submit to the CMVP under
one of the available revalidation scenarios (see IG G.8). The update would affirm and include references
to the new operational environment(s), GPC(s) or platform(s). The module’s Security Policy shall include
a statement that no claim can be made as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of
the generated keys when ported to an operational environment which is not listed on the validation
2. Software or firmware modules that require non-security relevant source code modifications (e.g., changes,
additions, or deletions of code) to be recompiled and ported to another hardware or operational
environment must be reviewed by a CST laboratory and revalidated per IG G.8 (1) to ensure that the
module does not contain any operational environment-specific or hardware environment-specific code
3. If the new operational environment and/or platform is requested to be updated on the validation certificate,
the CST laboratory shall follow the requirements for non-security relevant changes in IG G.8 (1) and in
addition, perform the regression test suite of operational tests included in IG G.8 Table G.8.1. Underlying
algorithm validations must meet requirements specified in IG 1.4.
Upon re-testing and validation, the CMVP provides the same assurance as the original operational
environment(s) as to the correct operation of the module when ported to the newly listed OS(s) and/or
operational environment(s) which would be added to the modules validation web entry.
The vendor must meet all applicable requirements in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.10.
This policy only addresses the operational environment under which a software, firmware or hybrid module
executes and does not affect requirements of the other sections of FIPS 140-2. A module must meet all
requirements of the level stated.
IG 1.3 describes the difference in terminology between a software and a firmware module.
IG 1.9 describes the attributes and definition of a hybrid module.
A user may not modify a validated module. Any user modifications invalidate a modules validation. 1
A user may perform post-validation porting of a module and affirm the modules continued validation
compliance provided the following is maintained:
1. For Level 1 Operational Environment, a software, firmware or hybrid cryptographic module will remain
compliant with the FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any general purpose computer (GPC) or
A user may post-validation recompile a module if the unmodified source code is available and the module’s
Security Policy provides specific guidance on acceptable recompilation methods to be followed as a specific
exception to this guidance. The methods in the Security Policy must be followed without modification to
comply with this guidance.
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platform provided that the GPC for the software module, or software controlling portion of the hybrid
module, uses the specified single user operating system/mode specified on the validation certificate, or
another compatible single user operating system, or that the GPC or platform for the firmware module or
firmware controlling portion of the hybrid module, uses the specified operating system on the validation
certificate, and
2. For Level 2 Operational Environment, a software cryptographic module will remain compliant with the
FIPS 140-2 validation when operating on any GPC provided that the GPC incorporates the specified CC
evaluated EAL2 (or equivalent) operating system/mode/operational settings or another compatible CC
evaluated EAL2 (or equivalent) operating system with like mode and operational settings.
The CMVP allows user porting of a validated software, firmware or hybrid cryptographic module to an
operational environment which was not included as part of the validation testing. The user may affirm that the
module works correctly in the new operational environment as long as the porting rules are followed.
However, the CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of
the generated keys when ported and executed in an operational environment not listed on the validation
Additional Comments
Users include third party integrators or any entity that is not the originating vendor as specified on the validation
How can a module be defined, when it includes both FIPS-approved and non-FIPS approved security
A module that contains both FIPS-approved and non-FIPS approved security methods shall have at least one
"FIPS mode of operation" - which only allows for the operation of FIPS-approved security methods. This means
that when a module is in the "FIPS mode", a non-FIPS approved method shall not be used in lieu of a FIPS-
approved method (For example, if a module contains both MD5 and SHA-1, then when hashing is required in
the FIPS mode, SHA-1 shall be used.). The operator must be made aware of which services are FIPS 140-2
The FIPS 140-2 validation certificate will identify the cryptographic module's "FIPS mode" of operation.
For modules that support both FIPS approved and non-approved modes of operation, the certificate shall only
list what is used in the approved mode of operation (i.e. all approved and allowed algorithms implemented within
the module) while the Security Policy shall list what is used in both approved and non-approved modes (i.e. all
the approved, allowed, and non-approved algorithms implemented within the module).
The selection of "FIPS mode" does not have to be restricted to any particular operator of the module. However,
each operator of the module must be able to determine whether or not the "FIPS mode" is selected.
There is no requirement that the selection of a "FIPS mode" be permanent.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
What is the Cryptographic Module Validation Program policy regarding the relationships among vendors, testing
laboratories, and NIST/CSE?
The CST laboratories are accredited by NVLAP to perform cryptographic module validation testing to determine
compliance with FIPS 140-2. NIST/CSE rely on the CST laboratories to use their extensive validation testing
experience and expertise to make sound, correct, and independent decisions based on 140-2, the Derived Test
Requirements, and Implementation Guidance. Once a vendor is under contract with a laboratory, NIST/CSE will
only provide official guidance and clarification for the vendor's module through the point of contact at the
In a situation where the vendor and laboratory are at an irresolvable impasse over a testing issue, the vendor may
ask for clarification/resolution directly from NIST/CSE. The vendor should use the format required by
Implementation Guidance IG G.1 and the point of contact at the laboratory shall be carbon copied. All
correspondence from NIST/CSE to the vendor on the issue will be issued through the laboratory point of contact.
What is the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) policy regarding revalidation requirements
and validation of a new cryptographic module that is significantly based on a previously validated module?
An updated version of a previously validated cryptographic module can be considered for a revalidation rather
than a full validation depending on the extent of the modifications from the previously validated version of the
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module. (Note: the updated version may be, for example, a new version of an existing cryptographic module or
a new model based on an existing model.)
There are seven possible change Scenarios (1, 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5):
Scenario 1:
Scenario 1 includes the following options:
1) Administrative updates (e.g. updating vendor contact information.)
2) Modifications are made to hardware, software or firmware components that do not affect any FIPS
140-2 security relevant items. The vendor is responsible for providing the applicable documentation
to the CST laboratory, which identifies the modification(s). Documentation may include a previous
validation report, design documentation, source code, source code difference evidence, etc.
3) Post validation, approved security relevant functions or services for which testing was not available at
the time of validation, or security relevant functions or services that were not tested during the
original validation, are now tested and are being submitted for inclusion as a FIPS approved function
or service. The CST laboratory is responsible for identifying the documentation that is needed to
determine whether a revalidation is sufficient and the vendor is responsible for submitting the
requested documentation to the CST laboratory. Documentation may include a previous validation
report and applicable CMVP rulings, design documentation, source code, etc.
Modules with certificates on the Validated FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 Cryptographic Module List may be
submitted under any of the options listed.
Modules with certificates on the CMVP Historical Validation List may only be submitted under option 1. The
CMVP will not accept options 2 and 3 for modules with certificates on the CMVP Historical Validation List.
For options 2 and 3, the CST laboratory shall:
• review the vendor-supplied documentation and identify any additional documentation requirements.
• determine additional testing as necessary to confirm that FIPS 140-2 security relevant items have not
been affected by the modification.
• identify the assertions affected and shall perform the tests associated with those assertions by:
o reviewing the COMPLETE list of assertions for the module embodiment and security level;
o identifying from the previous validation report, the assertions that are newly tested;
o identifying additional assertions that were previously tested but should now be re-tested; and
o reviewing assertions where specific Implementation Guidance (IG) was provided at the time
of the original validation to confirm that the IG is still applicable.
Upon successful review and applicable testing as required, the CST laboratory shall submit a signed
explanatory letter that contains a description of the modification(s) and lists the affected TEs and their
associated laboratory assessment.
When the certificate is being updated, the CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the
modifications to the certificate. Deletions shall be marked using strikethrough and additions shall be
highlighted in yellow. This information shall be listed in the change letter.
For example:
Current Cert. #5000 Change Requested Cert. #5000
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When the module’s documentation is being updated, the CST laboratory shall use the following format for
listing the affected TEs and their associated laboratory assessment. This information shall be listed in the
change letter.
For example:
TE or SP Section Related Change
Module The module name and firmware versions have been updated from version 05 to
Information version 06.
TE.01.03.02 Updated to reflect the updated firmware version, 06.
References Updated security policy version number and added the vendor provided
document listing the differences between the original validation and the
The assessment shall include the analysis performed by the laboratory that confirms that no security relevant
items were affected. The letter shall also indicate whether the modified cryptographic module replaces the
previously validated module or adds to the latter. If new algorithm certificates were obtained, they shall be
A new security policy shall be provided for posting if the modifications cause changes to it or updates the new
services or functions that are now included in an approved mode of operation as a result of algorithm testing. If
the security policy represents multiple versions of a validated module or multiple validated modules, the
versioning information shall be updated in the security policy with text that clearly distinguishes each module
instance with its unique versioning information and the differences between each module instance.
For a scenario 1 revalidation, the CST laboratory shall submit, at a minimum, an encrypted ZIP file containing
the unsigned letter <pdf>, image of the signed letter <pdf> and the _vendor.txt file. If the security policy or
validation certificate are updated, the CST laboratory shall include the updated security policy <pdf> and draft
certificate <doc or docx or rtf>. The ZIP file and files within the ZIP file shall follow the CMVP Convention
for E-mail Correspondence and submitted to the CMVP using the specified encryption methods.
The CST laboratory may combine multiple scenario 1 revalidations into 1 submission provided ALL of the
changes are exactly the same for all certificates. If multiple security policies are updated, the submission shall
include a security policy for each certificate included in the submission.
Upon a satisfactory review by the CMVP, the updated version or release information will be posted on the
Validated FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module List web site entry associated with the original
cryptographic module. A new certificate will not be issued. The sunset date for the certificate will not be
Note: a scenario 1 submission will not be included on the CMVP MIP list.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
1. Alternative scenario 1A applies if there are no modifications to a module and the new module is a re-
branding of an already validated Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) module. The CST
laboratory shall check the OEM’s approval for rebranding and determine that the re-branded module
is identical to the OEM module. The test report submission shall include a letter requesting the
validation of the re-branded module and indicate the applicable documentation changes (e.g. vendor
name, address, POC information, versioning information, etc.).
2. Alternative scenario 1A applies if the module is a ported sub-chip cryptographic subsystem. Please
see IG 1.20 for detailed porting guidance.
For options 1 and 2, only modules with certificates on the Validated FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 Cryptographic
Module List may be used for scenario 1A modules. Modules with certificates on the CMVP Historical
Validation List shall not be used for scenario 1A modules.
The CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the information for the new certificate. This
information shall be listed in the change letter.
For example:
Current Cert. #5000 New Certificate Information
Hardware Version – 3.0 Hardware Version – AA
Firmware Version – 8.3 Firmware Version – XZ
Product Link – Product Link –
Vendor Name – Vendor A Vendor Name – Vendor B
The laboratory shall provide an updated security policy which is technically identical to the originally
validated security policy and describes the re-branded module.
For a scenario 1A revalidation, the CST laboratory shall submit, at a minimum, an encrypted ZIP file
containing the unsigned letter <pdf>, image of the signed letter <pdf>, the _vendor.txt file, the security policy
<pdf> and draft certificate <doc or docx or rtf>. The ZIP file and files within the ZIP file shall follow the
CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence and submitted to the CMVP using the specified encryption
NIST CR is applicable. A new validation certificate will be issued. The new validation certificate will inherit
the sunset date of the original certificate.
Note: a scenario 1A submission will not be included on the CMVP MIP list.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
The CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the information for the new certificate. This
information shall be listed in the change letter.
For example:
Current Cert. #5000 New Certificate Information
Firmware Version 3.1 Firmware Version 1.1
Operational Environments – Tested as meting Operational Environments – Tested as meeting
Level 1 with Windows Server 2008 R2 on a Dell Level 1 with Windows Server 2008 R2 on a Dell
OptiPlex 755, SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 on OptiPlex 755, SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 on
a Dell OptiPlex 755, CentOS 6.3 on a GigaVUE a Dell OptiPlex 755 (single user mode)
TA1 (single user mode)
Module Name – Module A Module Name – Module B
For a scenario 1B revalidation, the CST laboratory shall submit, at a minimum, an encrypted ZIP file
containing the unsigned letter <pdf>, image of the signed letter <pdf>, the _vendor.txt file, the security policy
<pdf> and draft certificate <doc or docx or rtf>. The ZIP file and files within the ZIP file shall follow the
CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence and submitted to the CMVP using the specified encryption
NIST CR is applicable. A new validation certificate will be issued with a reference to the new laboratory’s
NVLAP code. The new validation certificate will inherit the sunset date of the original certificate. The new
entry will only reference the new version that reflects the non-security relevant change. The validation entry
caveat will include the following text:
This validation entry is a non-security-relevant modification to Cert. #nnnn
Note: a scenario 1B submission will not be included on the CMVP MIP list.
Scenario 2:
Scenario 2 is for extending the module’s sunset date when a module has not changed. The module meets all of
the latest standards, implementation guidance and algorithm testing in effect at the time the module
revalidation package is submitted to the CMVP unless there is an implementation guidance transition that
affects reports that have been submitted.
The laboratory shall confirm the module has not changed. If there are any changes to the module, it is a new
module and must be submitted as a scenario 3 or 5.
Modules with certificates on both the Validated FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 Cryptographic Module List may be
used for scenario 2, as well as modules with certificates on the CMVP Historical Validation List.
Upon successful review and applicable testing to confirm the module has not changed and meets the latest
standards, implementation guidance and algorithm testing, the CST laboratory shall submit a signed
explanatory letter that contains a rationale for extending the sunset date and a statement from the vendor that
the module is still being supported by the vendor. It is permissible to include vendor contact updates as well as
updates to the security policy, where these updates are added to meet documentation requirements in the latest
implementation guidance. The security policy may also be updated to reflect SP 800-131Arev1 transitions,
where the changes are made in documentation only and no changes were made to the module. All changes to
the security policy shall be listed in the signed explanatory letter.
For a scenario 2 revalidation, the CST laboratory shall submit, at a minimum, an encrypted ZIP file containing
the unsigned letter <pdf>, image of the signed letter <pdf>, the _vendor.txt file, security policy <pdf> (even if
the security policy has not changed), draft certificate <doc or docx or rtf> and the test report <pdf>. The ZIP
file and files within the ZIP file shall follow the CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence and submitted
to the CMVP using the specified encryption methods.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Additional documentation (e.g. entropy report) may be required if implementation guidance requiring the
additional documentation has been published since the module’s original validation.
Upon a satisfactory review by the CMVP, the security policy will be posted on the Validated FIPS 140-1 and
FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module List web site and the sunset date will be extended 5 years from revalidation
Note: a scenario 2 submission will not be included on the CMVP MIP list.
Scenario 3:
Modifications are made to hardware, software or firmware components that affect some of the FIPS 140-2
security relevant items. An updated cryptographic module can be considered in this scenario if it is similar to
the original module with only minor changes in the security policy and FSM, and less than 30% of the modules
security relevant features1.
The CST laboratory is responsible for identifying the documentation that is needed to determine whether a
revalidation is sufficient and the vendor is responsible for submitting the requested documentation to the CST
laboratory. Documentation may include a previous validation report and applicable CMVP rulings, design
documentation, source code, etc.
Modules with certificates with Validation Status as Active or Historical are eligible for scenario 3 revalidation.
The CST laboratory shall identify the assertions affected by the modification and shall perform the tests
associated with those assertions. This will require the CST laboratory to:
a. Review the COMPLETE list of assertions for the module embodiment and security level,
b. Identify, from the previous validation report, the assertions that have been affected by the
c. Identify additional assertions that were NOT previously tested but should now be tested due to the
modification, and
d. Review assertions where specific Implementation Guidance (IG) was provided to confirm that the IG
is still applicable.
For example, a revision to a firmware component that added security functionality may require a change to
assertions in Section 1.
In addition to the tests performed against the affected assertions, the CST laboratory shall also perform the
regression test suite of operational tests included in Table G.8.1.
The CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the affected TEs and their associated laboratory
assessment. This information shall be listed in the beginning of the test report.
For example:
TE or SP Section Assessment
General The module’s name has been changed from ModuleA to ModuleB
1. Cryptographic Module 01.03.02 and 01.08.05 have been updated for clarification on how to bring
Specification the module in the approved mode of operation.
01.06.02, 01.08.03, 01.08.04, 01.08.07, 01.08.10, 01.13.01, 01.14.01 have
been updated to reference to the new security policy.
01.06.03 has been updated to mention the new test platforms.
For example, security relevant features may include addition/deletion/change of minor components and their
composition, addition/deletion of ports and interfaces, addition/delete/modification of security functions,
modification of the physical boundary and protection mechanisms. These changes may affect many TE's yet be
considered a minor change (<30%), or affect few TE's yet be a gross change (>30%).
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
6. Operational 06.04.01, 06.06.01 have been updated to reference to the new security
Environment policy.
06.05.01 has been updated to clarify that the module does not support key
06.07.01 has been updated to reference to the new files comprising the
06.08.02 has been updated to reference to the new module's file version
and naming.
06.05.01 has been updated to replace the DSA algorithm with RSA.
7. Cryptographic Key 07.01.01 has been updated to reference to the new security policy.
Management 07.02.01, 07.02.02 has been updated to clarify the RSA signature
verification mechanism available by the module replacing the DSA
07.03.01 has been updated to clarify that the module does not support key
07.13.01, 07.13.02 have been updated to the address IG 7.15.
07.23.01 has been updated to clarify that the SP800-90A DRBG
implementation is automatically seeded by the module.
8. EMI/EMC 08.02.01 has been updated to mention the new test platforms FCC
9. Self-Tests 09.06.02 has been modified to mention a new testing approach.
09.07.02 has been updated to add the transition from the operational state
to the error state.
09.09.02 and 09.22.07 have been updated to replace the term “kernel
module” with the term “kernel loadable component”.
09.07.01, 09.18.01, 09.18.02, 09.18.03, 09.22.01, 09.22.02, 09.22.05,
09.22.06, 09.24.01, 09.35.01, 09.35.02, 09.35.03, 09.35.04 have been
updated to replace the DSA signature verification with RSA.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
09.16.01 has been updated to update the last paragraph regarding the block
chaining modes.
09.16.02 has been updated to reflect the new KATs performed by the
09.20.01 has been updated for a new source code review.
09.22.03 has been updated to replace the DSA algorithm with RSA.
09.35.05 has been updated to modify the kernel component that was tested.
09.42.01 has been updated to remove ANSI CPRNG from the FIPS
approved algorithms.
09.43.01 has been updated to mention the DRBG which is the only
approved RNG for the module.
10. Design Assurance 10.01.01, 10.02.01, 10.02.02, 10.02.03, 10.02.04 have been updated to
remove CVS which has been fully replaced by GIT.
10.03.02, 10.23.01 have been updated to reference to the new security
policy document.
11. Mitigation of Attacks No change
The CST laboratory must provide a summary of the changes and rationale of why this meets the <30%
guideline. The CMVP upon review, may determine that the changes are >30% and shall be submitted as a full
report. The CST laboratory shall document the test results in the associated assessments and all affected TEs
shall be annotated as “re-tested.” The CST laboratory shall submit a test report as specified in IG G.2
describing the modification and highlighting those assertions that have been modified and retested (selecting
the re-tested option in CRYPTIK). Upon a satisfactory review by the CMVP, the updated version will be
revalidated to FIPS 140-2.
NIST CR is applicable. For a scenario 3 revalidation, the CST laboratory shall submit, at a minimum, an
encrypted ZIP file containing the _vendor.txt file, the security policy <pdf>, test report <pdf>, and draft
certificate <doc or docx or rtf>. The ZIP file and files within the ZIP file shall follow the CMVP Convention
for E-mail Correspondence and submitted to the CMVP using the specified encryption methods.
Upon a satisfactory review by the CMVP, the updated security policy and information will be posted on the
Validated FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module List. A new certificate will be issued and will
have a sunset date 5 years from the validation date.
Note: a scenario 3 submission will be included on the CMVP MIP list.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
d. The CST laboratory shall identify the assertions affected by the security-relevant
modification and shall perform the tests associated with those assertions.
e. The vendor is not required to address IGs that have been published since the original
f. If the fix to address the CVE is in the scope of an algorithm implementation, then this
algorithm shall be CAVS tested again to obtain a new CAVP certificate with the new
module version.
In addition to the tests performed against the affected assertions, the CST laboratory shall also perform the
following regression suite of operational tests.
TE.01.03.02 - The tester shall invoke the Approved mode of operation using the vendor provided
instructions found in the non-proprietary security policy.
TE.01.04.02 (levels 3 and 4) - The tester shall use the vendor provided instructions described in the
non-proprietary security policy to obtain the Approved mode of operation indicator.
TE.02.06.02 - To the extent that the cryptographic module design and operating procedures allow, the
tester shall cause the cryptographic module to enter each specified error state and verify that all data
output via the data output interface is inhibited.
TE.02.06.04 - To the extent that the cryptographic module design and operating procedures allow, the
tester shall command the module to perform the self-tests and verify that all data output via the data
output interface is inhibited.
TE.04.05.08 - The tester shall exercise the cryptographic module, causing it to enter each of its major
states of the Finite State Model.
TE.07.41.02 - The tester shall note which keys are present in the module and initiate the zeroize
TE.09.09.02 - The tester shall power-up the module and verify that the module performs the power-up
self-tests without requiring any operator intervention.
Because the changes to address the CVEs are considered security relevant, the CST lab must submit an
updated test report. The CST laboratory shall use the Scenario 3 table format for listing the affected TEs and
their associated laboratory assessment. This information shall be listed in the beginning of the test report.
Modules with certificates on the 140-2 Cryptographic Module List and on the CMVP Historical Validation
List may be used for scenario 3A modules.
NIST CR2 is not applicable. The laboratory shall submit a scenario 3A revalidation by using the 3SUB process
and e-mail transmittal code, but shall clearly indicate in the letter that this is a revalidation in response to a
CVE, and provide the relevant CVE number(s). The submitted package at a minimum shall consist of an
encrypted ZIP file containing the unsigned letter <pdf>, image of the signed letter <pdf>, the _vendor.txt file,
the updated security policy <pdf>, test report <pdf>, and draft certificate <doc or docx or rtf>. The ZIP file and
files within the ZIP file shall follow the CMVP Convention for E-mail Correspondence and submitted to the
CMVP using the specified encryption methods.
A new validation certificate will not be issued and the original sunset date will not be extended for modules on
the active list. Because the change to the module is to address a security-relevant CVE, the previous version of
the module is no longer considered validated and will be removed from the certificate; exceptions may be
made if the vendor shows how the CVE can be mitigated by policies included in the Security Policy, while still
adhering to the FIPS 140-2 standard.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Note: a scenario 3A submission will not be included on the CMVP MIP list.
A security-relevant CVE is one that affects how the module meets the requirements of the FIPS 140-2
Please note that ECR may still be applicable.
Scenario 4:
Modifications are made only to the physical enclosure of the cryptographic module that provides its
protection and involves no operational changes to the module. The CST laboratory is responsible for
ensuring that the change only affects the physical enclosure (integrity) and has no operational impact on the
module. The CST laboratory shall fully test the physical security features of the new enclosure to ensure its
compliance to the relevant requirements of the standard.
Only modules with certificates on the Validated FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 Cryptographic Module List may be
submitted under scenario 4. Modules with certificates on the CMVP Historical Validation List will not be
The CST laboratory shall submit a letter to the CMVP that:
a. Describes the change (pictures may be required),
b. States that it is a security relevant change,
c. Provides sufficient information supporting that the physical only change has no operational impact,
d. Describes the tests performed by the laboratory that confirm that the modified enclosure still provides
the same physical protection attributes as the previously validated module. For physical security
levels 2, 3 and 4, the laboratory shall submit an updated Physical Security Test Report.
An example of such a change could be the plastic encapsulation of the Level 2 token which has been
reformulated or colored. Therefore, the molding or cryptographic boundary has been modified. This change is
security relevant as the encapsulation provides the opacity and tamper evidence requirements. But this can be
handled as a letter only change with evidence that the new composition has the same physical security relevant
attributes as the prior composition.
The CST laboratory shall include a new security policy for posting if the modifications cause changes to the
areas addressed in FIPS 140-2 Appendix C. If the security policy represents multiple versions of a validated
module or multiple validated modules, the versioning information shall be updated in the security policy with
text that clearly distinguishes each module instance with its unique versioning information and the differences
between each module instance.
The CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the modifications to the certificate. Deletions
shall be marked using strikethrough and additions shall be highlighted in yellow. This information shall be
listed in the change letter.
For example:
Current Cert. #5000 New Certificate Information
Hardware Versions – AX12, AX13, and AX14 Hardware Versions – AX12, AX13, AX14 and
with FIPS kit AX00 AX15 with FIPS kit AX00
The CST laboratory shall use the following format for listing the affected TEs and their associated laboratory
assessment. This information shall be listed in the change letter.
For example:
TE or SP Section Related Change
TE.01.08.02 New version of the hardware. Added to Bill of Materials.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Additional Comments
A cryptographic module that is changed under change Scenarios 1, 1A, 1B and 4, must be listed on the
Validated FIPS 140-1 and 140-2 Cryptographic Modules List at the time of submission and must meet ALL
standards, implementation guidance and algorithm testing that were met at the time of original validation. A
module does not need to meet requirements that were added since the time of original validation. Modules on
the CMVP Historical Validation List are not eligible for revalidations under scenarios 1 (including 1A and 1B)
or 4. The only exception is to allow vendor contact updates under scenario 1.
A cryptographic module that is changed under Scenarios 2, 3 and 5 above, must meet ALL standards,
implementation guidance and algorithm testing in effect at the time the module report is submitted to the
CMVP unless there is an implementation guidance transition that affects reports that have been submitted. The
CST laboratory is responsible for requesting from the vendor all the documentation necessary to determine
whether the cryptographic module meets the current standards and implementation guidance. This is
particularly important for features/services of the cryptographic module that required a specific ruling from the
For example, a cryptographic module may have been validated with an implementation of KBKDF prior to
when KBKDF testing was available. If the same cryptographic module is later submitted for revalidation under
scenarios 3 and 5, this KBKDF implementation to be used in an approved mode of operation shall be tested
and validated against SP 800-108, and the cryptographic module must meet the applicable FIPS 140-2
requirements, e.g., self-tests.
If the overall Security Level of the cryptographic module is lowered, the module may be submitted as a 3SUB
with full testing on the individual section(s) that is being lowered.
If the overall Security Level of the cryptographic module is raised or if the physical embodiment changes, e.g.,
from multi-chip standalone to multi-chip embedded, then the cryptographic module will be considered a new
module and shall undergo full validation testing by a CST laboratory.
The sunset date for the module is determined based on the scenario.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
CMVP 27 05/25/2018
Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
AS.06.05 TE.06.05.01 x
AS.06.06 TE.06.06.01 x
AS.06.07 TE.06.07.01 x x x x
AS.06.08 TE.06.08.02 x x x x
AS.06.11 TE.06.11.02 x x x
TE.06.11.03 x x x
AS.06.12 TE.06.12.02 x x x
TE.06.12.03 x x x
AS.06.13 TE.06.13.02 x x x
TE.06.13.03 x x x
AS.06.14 TE.06.14.02 x x x
TE.06.14.03 x x x
AS.06.15 TE.06.15.02 x x x
AS.06.16 TE.06.16.02 x x x
AS.06.17 TE.06.17.02 x x x
AS.06.22 TE.06.22.02 x x
TE.06.22.03 x x
AS.06.24 TE.06.24.02 x x
TE.06.24.03 x x
AS.06.25 TE.06.25.02 x x
Section 7 - Cryptographic Key Management
AS.07.01 TE.07.01.02 x x x x
AS.07.02 TE.07.02.02 x x x x
AS.07.15 TE.07.15.02 x x x x
TE.07.15.03 x x x x
TE.07.15.04 x x x x
AS.07.25 TE.07.25.02 x x x x
AS.07.27 TE.07.27.02 x x x x
AS.07.28 TE.07.28.02 x x x x
AS.07.29 TE.07.29.02 x x x x
AS.07.31 TE.07.31.04 x x
AS.07.39 TE.07.39.02 x x x x
AS.07.41 TE.07.41.02 x x x x
Section 8 - EMI / EMC
As Required
Section 9 - Self Tests
AS.09.04 TE.09.04.03 x x x x
AS.09.05 TE.09.05.03 x x x x
AS.09.09 TE.09.09.02 x x x x
AS.09.10 TE.09.10.02 x x x x
AS.09.12 TE.09.12.02 x x x x
AS.09.22 TE.09.22.07 x x x x
AS.09.35 TE.09.35.05 x x x x
AS.09.40 TE.09.40.03 x x x x
TE.09.40.04 x x x x
AS.09.45 TE.09.45.03 x x x x
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
AS.09.46 TE.09.46.03 x x x x
Section 10 - Design Assurance
AS.10.03 TE.10.03.02 x x x x
Section 11 - Mitigation of Other Attacks
Appendix C - Cryptographic Module Security Policy
As Required
G.9 FSM, Security Policy, User Guidance and Crypto Officer Guidance
May a CST laboratory create original documentation specified in FIPS 140-2? The specific documents in
question are the Finite State Model (FSM), Security Policy, User Guidance and Crypto Officer Guidance.
A CST laboratory may take existing vendor documentation for an existing cryptographic module (post-design
and post-development) and consolidate or reformat the existing information (from multiple sources) into a set
format. If this occurs, NIST and CSE shall be notified of this when the validation report is submitted. Additional
details for the individual documents are provided below.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
In addition, a CST laboratory must be able to show a mapping from the consolidated or reformatted FSM
and/or Security Policy back the original vendor source documentation. The mapping(s) must be maintained by
the CST laboratory as part of the validation records.
A CST laboratory may create User Guidance, Crypto Officer Guidance and other non-design related
documentation for an existing cryptographic module (post-design and post-development). If this occurs, NIST
and CSE shall be notified of this when the validation report is submitted.
Additional Comments
Source code information is considered vendor-provided documentation and may be used in the FSM and/or
Security Policy.
FIPS 140-2 IG G.2 specifies that all report submissions must include a separate physical security test report
section for Levels 2, 3 or 4.
Questions have been asked regarding re-validation test reports where a previous separate physical security test
report may not have existed or evidence such as images, etc. had not been provided with the original validation
test report. What should the CST laboratory provide if the physical security requirements have not changed?
If a previous separate physical security test report did not exist for the module undergoing re-validation testing
and the physical security features of the module have not changed, the CST laboratory must compile the
physical security test evidence that has been maintained from their records from the original tested module and
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
create and submit a new separate physical security test report. If the records no longer exist because they were
generated outside the period of the CST laboratories record retention period specified in the quality manual,
then re-testing shall be required to provide such evidence. It is not required that a CST laboratory perform re-
testing simply to create new photographic images that may not have been saved or generated during the
original testing
Additional Comments
If the CST laboratory was not the original testing laboratory and therefore does not have access to the previous
test records, then the module shall be re-tested to be able to provide such evidence. Without the prior records,
the new CST laboratory cannot make a determination that the physical security has or has not changed.
Vendors of cryptographic modules use independent, accredited Cryptographic and Security Testing (CST)
laboratories to have their modules tested for conformance to the requirements of FIPS 140-2. Organizations
wishing to have testing performed would contract with the laboratories for the required services. The Derived
Test Requirements (DTR) document describes the methods that will be used by accredited laboratories to test
whether the cryptographic module conforms to the requirements of FIPS 140-2. It includes detailed
procedures, inspections, documentation and code reviews, and operational and physical tests that the tester
must follow, and the expected results that must be achieved for the cryptographic module to satisfy its
conformance to the FIPS PUB 140-2 requirements. These detailed methods are intended to provide a high
degree of objectivity during the testing process and to ensure consistency across the accredited testing
An emulator attempts to “model” or “mimic” the behavior of a cryptographic module. The correctness
of the emulators' behavior is dependent on the inputs to the emulator and how the emulator was
designed. It is not guaranteed that the actual behavior of the cryptographic module is identical, as many
other variables may not be modeled correctly or with certainty.
A simulator exercises the actual module source code (e.g., VHDL code) prior to physical entry into the
module (e.g., an FPGA or custom ASIC). From a behavioral perspective, the behavior of the source code
within the simulator may be logically identical when placed into the module or instantiated into logic
gates. However, many other variables exist that may alter the actual behavior (e.g. path delays,
transformation errors, noise, environmental, etc.). It is not guaranteed that the actual behavior of the
cryptographic module is identical, as many other variables may not be identified with certainty.
May a CST laboratory tester use module emulation and/or simulation methods to perform cryptographic
module testing?
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
There are three broad areas of focus during the testing of a cryptographic module: operational testing of the
module at the defined boundary of the module, algorithm testing and operational fault induction error testing.
1. Operational Testing
Emulation or simulation is prohibited for the operational testing of a cryptographic module. Actual
testing of the cryptographic module must be performed utilizing the defined ports and interfaces and
services that a module provides.
2. Operational Fault Induction
An emulator or simulator may be utilized for fault induction to test a cryptographic module’s
transition to error states as a complement to the already allowed source code review. Rationale must
be provided for the applicable TE why a method does not exist to induce the actual module into the
error state for testing.
3. Algorithm Testing
Algorithm testing utilizing the defined ports and interfaces and services that a module provides is the
preferred method. This method most clearly meets the requirements of IG 1.4.
If this preferred method is not possible where the module’s defined set of ports and interfaces and
services do not allow access to internal algorithmic engines, two alternative methods may be utilized:
a. A module may be modified by the CST laboratory for testing purposes to allow access to the
algorithmic engines (e.g. test jig, test API), or
b. A module simulator may be utilized.
When submitting the algorithm test results to the CAVP, the actual operational environment on which
the testing was performed must be specified (e.g. including modified module identification or
simulation environment). When submitting the module test report to the CMVP, AS.01.12 must
include rationale explaining why the algorithm testing was not conducted on the actual cryptographic
FIPS 140-2 conformance testing that is performed by the accredited Cryptographic and Security Testing (CST)
laboratories and validation of those test results by NIST and CSE provide a level of assurance that a module
conforms to the requirements of FIPS 140-2 and other underlying standards.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Once a module is validated and posted on the NIST CMVP web site, many parties review and scrutinize the
merits of the validation. These parties may be potential procurers of the module, competitors, academics or
If a party performing a post-validation review believes that a conformance requirement of FIPS 140-2 has not
been met and was not determined during testing or subsequent validation review, the party may submit an
inquiry to the CMVP for review.
What is the procedure and process for submitting an inquiry for review and how is the review performed? If a
review is determined to have merit, what actions may be taken regarding the module's validation status?
An Official Request must be submitted to the CMVP in writing with signature following the guidelines in IG
G.1. If the requestor represents an organization, the official request must be on the organization’s letterhead.
The assertions must be objective and not subjective. The module must be identified by reference to the
validation certificate number(s). The specific technical details must be identified and the relationship to the
specific FIPS 140-2 Derived Test Requirements assertions must be identified. The request must be non-
proprietary and not prevent further distribution by the CMVP.
The CMVP will distribute the unmodified official request to the CSTL that performed the conformance testing
of the identified module. The CSTL may choose to include participation of the vendor of the identified module
during its determination of the merits of the inquiry. Once the CSTL has completed its review, it will provide
to the CMVP a response with rationale on the technical validity regarding the merits of the official request.
The CSTL will state its position whether its review of the official request regarding the module:
The CMVP will review the CSTLs position and rationale supporting its conclusion.
If the CMVP concurs that the official request is without merit, no further action is taken.
If the CMVP concurs that the official request has merit, a security risk assessment will be performed regarding
the non-conformance issue.
How are the various fields in a FIPS 140-2 validation provided to the CMVP for validation?
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
The CST laboratory shall use the CMVP supplied CRYPTIK tool to document the module test information.
The test report information is presented to the CMVP for review and validation as indicated in IG G.2.
These instructions describe how the information shall be formatted to appear on the NIST CMVP validation
web page via entry into CRYPTIK.
Laboratory Information
1. Lab Name - the name of the CST laboratory. Please include any registration marks or special characters 1 3F
2. NVLAP code [nnnnnn-n] - the code assigned by NVLAP to the CST laboratory
Vendor Information
1. Vendor Name - the name of the vendor (including Corp., Inc., Ltd., etc.) that developed the cryptographic
module. Please include any registration marks or special characters1.
Examples: AcmeSecurity, Inc.
Acmeproducts(R), Ltd.
AcmeSecurity, Inc. and Acmeproducts(R), Ltd.
The FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Vendor Listing is an alphabetical list of vendors who have implemented
validated cryptographic modules. It is desirable that the vendor name be consistent on validation
certificates issued for modules from the same vendor. The listing can be found at:
2. Address - the street, building, post office box, suite, etc. components of the vendor's address
3. City - the city of the vendor's address
4. State / Prov - the state or province of the vendor's address
5. Postal Code - the postal code of the vendor's address
6. Country - the country of the vendor's address
7. Web Site - generally the vendor's main URL. Do not include the prefix http://
8. Product Link – a URL that may be specific to the module or products which utilize the module. Do not
include the prefix http:// or duplicate the Web Site URL.
9. POC1 - the primary vendor point of contact which may include phone number, fax number and email
10. POC2 - the secondary vendor point of contact which may include phone number, fax number and email
Module Information
1. Module Name(s) - the complete name of the cryptographic module. Do not include the version number
with the name unless by vendor choice. The name of the cryptographic module shall be consistent with IG
1.1 and the name found in the security policy and test report. Please include any registration marks or
special characters2.
Examples: Crypto Acceleration Token
Secure Cryptographic ToolKit™
Best Crypto©
If the test report represents multiple modules, list all module names.
The special symbols may not translate to the _vendor.txt properly. The special symbol may be indicated as
follows: (R) for ®, (C) for ©, (TM) for ™, etc.
The special symbols may not translate to the _vendor.txt properly. The special symbol may be indicated as
follows: (R) for ®, (C) for ©, (TM) for ™, etc.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
(Hardware Version: [XYZ1, XYZ2, and XYZ3 with components 1234, 1235, 1236]
and [ZYX1, ZYX2 and ZYX3 with components 1234, 5123, 6123]; Firmware
Version: 1.0; Hardware)
Hardware module contains multiple hardware versions that have additional
corresponding components that are included (AS.01.08) or excluded (AS.01.09).
(Hardware Version: P/N 5432, 7654, and 4321; Firmware Version: 1.0; Hardware)
Version will be changed to plural during the posting by the CMVP
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3. PIV Certificate [#nnnn] - When a module implements a validated PIV application, the application
validation certificate type and number shall be included. Additional information relating to PIV
versioning can be found in IG 1.18.
4. Certificate Caveat - This caveat may be modified or expanded by the CMVP during the validation
process. Cryptographic modules may not have a caveat if the module only has a single FIPS approved
mode of operation.
Examples: <no caveat>
The module can only be installed and operated in an approved mode of operation
(i.e. FIPS mode).
The <tamper evident seals> and <security devices> installed as indicated in the
security policy
Installation of the referenced components required for the module to operate in an
approved mode of operation.
When operated in FIPS mode and initialized to overall level 2 per security policy
The module can be initialized to operate at different overall levels.
Example: A module can be initialized to either support level 2 role-based
authentication or initialized to support only level 3 identity-based authentication.
When operated in FIPS mode with module [module name] validated to FIPS 140-2
under Cert. #xxxx operating in FIPS mode
The module’s validation is bound to another validated cryptographic module.
Example: A software cryptographic module which requires services from another
validated software cryptographic module operating in the same operational
environment. Application services are available from either module.
This module contains the embedded module [module name] validated to FIPS
140-2 under Cert. #xxxx operating in FIPS mode
If the module incorporates an embedded validated cryptographic module.
Example: A software cryptographic module which is compiled with a privately
linked validated software cryptographic module operating in the same operational
environment. Application services are only available from the module indicated on
the certificate.
Example: A hardware cryptographic module which has embedded within its
physical boundary a validated cryptographic module.
When operated in FIPS mode and utilizing a Trusted Path as specified in the
security policy.
If a module uses the mechanisms of a trusted path at level 3 or higher to input or output
plaintext CSPs. Please refer to IG 2.1.
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The protocol(s) <TLS, SSH, …> shall not be used when operated in FIPS mode
If the module implements a KDF from NIST SP 800-135rev1 and this KDF has not been
validated by the CAVP. Please refer to IG D.11.
5. Type - the module type is one of the following: Hardware, Firmware, Software, Software-Hybrid or
Firmware-Hybrid. If a module is hardware with embedded software and/or firmware, the modules type
is simply labeled Hardware.
6. Overall Level [n] – the overall level of the crypto module. This value is the lowest value of the individual
7. Section Level(s) [n] - for each of the 11 areas, include the specific level. For FIPS 140-2, the Operating
System security level, the physical security level and Mitigation of Other Attacks level may not be
applicable and if so, shall be marked as N/A.
If a module meets level 3 physical security and also has been tested for EFP and/or EFT, this shall be
annotated on the certificate as: Level 3 +EFP or +EFT or +EFP/EFT
Note: If FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 is level 3 with EFP/EPT, this is selected in CRYPTIK by selecting level 3
for FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 and selection of the optional EFP/EFT button. CRYPTIK will then present the
appropriate set of assessments. However, the generated draft certificate and _vendor.txt will not reflect the
optional EFP/EFT annotation. Currently this must be added manually during validation posting.
8. Operational Environment - the specific operational environment(s) or configuration(s) that was
employed during testing by the CST laboratory shall be specified for all module types. (e.g. software,
firmware, hardware and hybrid). This shall match the information in the test report in AS.01.08. The
operational environment includes both the operating system(s) and the tested platform(s).
For a software cryptographic module at security level 1, the caveat “(single-user mode)" shall be included.
For Java applets, the Java environment (JRE, JVM) version shall be specified for all security levels. For
multiple operating environment entries, separate each with a semi-colon; do not use "and".
Examples: Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 running on a Dell Optiplex Model 4567;
Sun Solaris Version 2.6SE running on a Sun Ultra SPARC-1 workstation;
Microsoft Windows XP with SP2 running on an HP Pavilon 4.5;
HP-UX 11.23 running on an IBM RISC 6000RB2 (single-user mode)
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
If the firmware module's physical security meets FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 levels 2, 3 or 4, the hardware
platform shall include applicable specific versioning information.
Example: Crypto Unit (Hardware Version: 1.0) with Little OS® Version 3.7b
The following example for a firmware-hybrid cryptographic module; the certificate shall specify the
operating environment (hardware platform and operating system) that was used for testing.
Example: BlackBerry 8700c with BlackBerry OS Version 4.2
The operational environment includes both the operating system(s) and the tested platform(s). The
operating system may also represent virtual environments. Virtual environments are run by computer
software, firmware or hardware called a hypervisor. Native hypervisors run directly on the host computer.
Hosted hypervisors run on a conventional operating system.
• For a Type 1 (or native) hypervisor, the OE listing shall include the platform, guest OS and
hypervisor using the following format:
Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <Guest OS> on <hypervisor> running
on <platform>
An example is “Windows XP on VMWare ESX 5 running on a Dell Optiplex 5460
• For a Type 2 (or hosted) hypervisor, the OE listing shall include the platform, guest OS, hypervisor
and host OS using the following format:
Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <Guest OS> on <hypervisor> on <Host
OS> running on <platform>
An example is “Windows 7 on Oracle VM VirtualBox on Oracle Solaris 11 running on a HP Model
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
For multiple certificate entries, the term “Cert” shall be pluralized (i.e., Certs), an “and” shall be placed
between the last two certificate numbers and there shall be a “#” in front of each number.
Examples: Triple-DES (Certs. #118 and #133);
SHS (Certs. #103, #115 and #119)
If the module supports symmetric key wrapping, one of the following annotations shall be used,
depending on the approved wrapping algorithm:
SP 800-38A Addendum
Cryptographic Key Generation; SP 800-133 and IG 7.8
Component Validation List; CAVP CVL
Deterministic Random Bit Generator; SP 800-90A
FIPS 186-2 or FIPS 186-4
FIPS 186-2 or FIPS 186-4
Includes Truncated HMACs per IG A.8
Key Agreement Scheme; SP 800-56A (original publication)
Key Agreement Scheme; vendor affirmed to SP 800-56A revision 2
Key Agreement Scheme; vendor affirmed to SP 800-56A revision 2
Key Agreement Scheme; vendor affirmed to SP 800-56B
Key Based Key Derivation Function; SP 800-108
Key Transport Scheme; SP 800-56B
Password Based Key Derivation Function; SP 800-132
FIPS 186-2 or FIPS 186-4
FIPS 186-4 and FIPS 202. RSA signatures with only the SHA-3 hash functions.
FIPS 202
Only decryption is approved for Skipjack
Shall specify the underlying Triple-DES algorithm certificate number with the “vendor affirmed” caveat.
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KTS (Triple-DES Cert. #50; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of
encryption strength) – an implementation has been tested for its compliance with three-key
Triple-DES TKW and this mode of the Triple-DES is used for key wrapping. Triple-DES
cert. #50 shall be listed separately on the approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #100) – an implementation has been tested for its compliance with AES
KW and/or AES KWP and this mode of AES is used for key wrapping. AES cert. #100 shall
be listed separately on the approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #200) - has been tested for its compliance with AES GCM (or any other
authenticated encryption mode) and this mode of AES is used for key wrapping. AES cert.
#200 shall be listed separately on the approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #300) - has been tested for its compliance with both AES KW and AES
GCM and each of these two modes of AES may be used for key wrapping. The AES cert.
#300 shall be listed separately on the approved line. Each tested AES mode, KW and GCM
(and any other) will be shown in the AES algorithm certificate. The security policy shall
explain how each applicable mode of AES is used for key wrapping.
KTS (AES Cert. #700 and HMAC Cert. #200) - Example of CAVP testing of disjoint AES
encryption and HMAC authentication with appropriate strength. AES cert. #700 and HMAC
cert. #200 shall be listed separately on the approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #750 and HMAC Cert. #250; key establishment methodology provides
192 bits of encryption strength) - Example of CAVP testing of disjoint AES encryption
and HMAC authentication where an AES wrapping key may be of lower length than
wrapped key. AES cert. #700 and HMAC cert. #250 shall be listed separately on the
approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #300 and HMAC Cert. #355; key establishment methodology provides
128 or 192 bits of encryption strength) – a combination of AES in any mode and message
authentication using HMAC is used for key wrapping. There is a range of AES key lengths.
AES cert. #300 and HMAC cert. #355 shall be listed separately on the approved line.
KTS (AES Cert. #400 and AES Cert. #10; key establishment methodology provides
between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) - a combination of AES in any mode
and message authentication using AES CMAC is used for key wrapping. AES certs. #10 and
#400 shall be listed separately on the approved line.
NOTE 1: The AES or the Triple-DES algorithm certificate will provide information on the length of
the wrapping key. To make a decision if this length is sufficient to avoid adding a strength caveat, one
has to know the range of the possible lengths of the wrapped keys. AS.07.19 requires that the
wrapping key used in key transport be equal or of greater strength than the wrapped key. If the
strength of the largest key that can be established by a cryptographic module is greater than the
comparable strength of the implemented key establishment method, then the module certificate and
security policy shall be annotated with, in addition to the other required caveats, the caveat "(key
establishment methodology provides xx bits of encryption strength)"1 for that key establishment
method as allowed in IG 7.5 – Strength of Key Establishment Methods. No strength caveat is required
if the wrapping key used in key transport be equal or of greater strength than the wrapped key. This
applies to both approved KTS, or allowed key establishment methods (see section 10 of this IG G.13
for allowed key establishment methods). A similar caveat is used when a key is established using a
key agreement protocol that might cause the resulting cryptographic strength of the key to be less than
the key length in bits.
NOTE 2: The strength of an HMAC key and the size of the hash output are not reflected in the
computation of the equivalent encryption strength.
While this caveat only has a single encryption strength claimed, other examples included in this IG G.13
indicate that the strength caveat may have a range, depending on the key sizes used for the key establishment
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
10. Allowed algorithms1 - cryptographic algorithms that are not approved but are allowed to be used in a
FIPS approved mode of operation.
All allowed algorithms shall be identified in the security policy and listed on the validation certificate.
Allowed algorithms shall be listed in alphabetical order on the certificate.
All non-FIPS approved and not allowed algorithms shall be listed in the security policy but NOT on the
certificate. A non-FIPS approved implementation may exist for what appears to be an approved algorithm
where a CAVP validation or the requirements of FIPS 140-2 (e.g. self-test) are not met. These non-FIPS
approved implementations are considered non-approved and non-compliant and shall be described in the
security policy as “non-compliant” so that it is clear the algorithm implementation shall not be used in an
approved mode of operation.
Through June 30, 2017, section 10 of this IG (Allowed algorithms) will be labelled Other algorithms on the
certificate and will include allowed and non-approved algorithms. Starting July 1, 2017, section 10 of this IG
(Allowed algorithms) will be labelled Allowed algorithms and will only include allowed algorithms. Starting
July 1, 2017, non-approved and non-allowed algorithms shall only be listed in the security policy.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
For the non-FIPS approved key establishment schemes refer to IG's D.8 and D.9.
For algorithm implementations that have both approved and non-approved and not allowed (e.g. RSA)
components, the approved component shall be listed on the FIPS approved line and the non-approved and
not allowed component shall be listed only in the security policy. The security policy shall indicate all
uses of the algorithm.
NOTE: Encryption strengths represented on a validation entry are based on algorithm key sizes in bits
only. As indicated above the calculation of the encryption strength based on key size is performed per IG
This is the allowed but non-SP-800-38F-compliant key unwrapping, where the key used in key transport is of
equal or greater strength than the unwrapped key and therefore the strength caveat is not required.
Only the untested shared secret computation primitive is implemented. This is allowed in an approved mode
of operation.
No claim of compliance with SP 800-56A DLC or KDF computation. allowed in an approved mode of
Composite of two disjoint tested components (DLC and KDF) which forms key agreement. Allowed in an
approved mode of operation but the composite is not tested by the CAVP.
No claim of compliance with SP 800-56A DLC or KDF computation. allowed in an approved mode of
operation. Shall use the “EC Diffie-Hellman” annotation not the ECDH notation.
Composite of two disjoint components (tested DLC and vendor-affirmed KDF) which forms key agreement.
Allowed in an approved mode of operation but the composite is not tested by the CAVP.
May be allowed in an approved mode of operation when used as part of an approved key transport scheme
(e.g. SSL v3.1) where no security is provided by the algorithm.
The module does not support RSA key wrapping but does employ RSA key unwrapping with no claim of
compliance with any testable component of SP 800-56B. Allowed in an approved mode of operation.
No claim of compliance with any testable component of SP 800-56B. Allowed in an approved mode of
operation. If the module supports both RSA key wrapping and unwrapping in this way, or just key wrapping
alone, the certificate shall only include a “key wrapping” entry without a separate “key unwrapping” entry.
A component of SP 800-56B is tested but the composite is not tested by the CAVP. Allowed in an approved
mode of operation.
This is the allowed but non-SP-800-38F-compliant key unwrapping, where the key used in key transport is
of equal or greater strength than the unwrapped key and therefore the strength caveat is not required.
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7.5. The effective encryption strength may be less depending upon the amount of available entropy. See
IG 7.14, IG 7.15 and this IG for additional guidance and applicable caveats.
In the following key establishment examples, the strength caveat does apply (i.e., the security strength of
the key establishment scheme implemented by the module can be less than that of the agreed or wrapped
If the module supports, for a particular key establishment method, a single strength, then the caveat shall
state the strength provided by the keys.
Examples: Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits
of encryption strength)
RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of
encryption strength)
RSA1 (key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of
encryption strength)
EC Diffie-Hellman2 (shared secret computation provides 192 bits of encryption
If a module only implements two specific key sizes for Diffie-Hellman, then:
Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 or
128 bits of encryption strength)
If a module implements a key establishment scheme with several key sizes for Diffie-Hellman, RSA or
EC Diffie-Hellman then only the range end points are indicated:
Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between
112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)
RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 130 and 180
bits of encryption strength)
EC Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides
between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)
If a module implements a key establishment scheme of several key sizes and also less than 112 bits of
strength, then only the approved range end points are indicated.
Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between
112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)
If a module supports a key agreement algorithm such that the shared secret computation portion of the key
agreement is tested for its compliance with SP 800-56A and issued a CVL certificate, then an example of
the certificate annotation would be:
EC Diffie-Hellman (CVL Cert. #17, key agreement; key establishment
methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength)
If, in addition, the module states compliance with another part of the key agreement protocol, then this
also shall be caveated in the certificate. For example:
The module does not support RSA key wrapping but does employ RSA key unwrapping with 2048-bit
Do not claim “key agreement” when documenting a shared secret computation (not the full key-agreement
scheme) using the FFC or ECC technology.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
If the module supports only a portion of the key establishment scheme and this portion was tested for its
compliance with its associated standard (i.e. SP 800-56A, SP 800-56B, SP 800-135rev1, etc.) and issued
a CVL certificate, then the FIPS approved Algorithms line would include the CVL certificate but the
Allowed algorithms line would not include the key establishment scheme, since the CVL certificate covers
the implementation. For example, if the module only implements the shared secret computation of the
Diffie-Hellman scheme, and this was CVL certified to comply with SP 800-56A, then the CVL certificate
would be listed on the approved algorithms line but the Diffie-Hellman would not be listed in the Other
Algorithm line.
If the module supports a key establishment scheme such that part of the scheme has a CVL certificate, but
the CVL certificate does not cover all of the curves or key sizes that the scheme implements, then these
would be split into separate entries on the certificate - one with the approved CVL reference, and the other
without. For example:
EC Diffie-Hellman (CVL Cert. #842, key agreement; key establishment
methodology provides 128 or 192 bits of encryption strength); EC Diffie-Hellman
(key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 or 256 bits of
encryption strength)
If the module supports the key unwrapping algorithms that are not compliant with SP 800-38F then this
shall be annotated in the certificate. For example:
AES (Cert. #300, key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides 128 or
192 bits of encryption strength)
Triple-DES (Cert. #114, key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides
112 bits of encryption strength)
All other uses of AES MAC are non-compliant and shall only be listed in the security policy (as non-
Note: In all cases, the CMVP report reviewer must ascertain the correctness of the added caveat(s) and the
most accurate wording and the best interpretation to give to the Federal users.
If the Allowed algorithms field is not applicable, mark the field as N/A.
For non-FIPS approved algorithms that have names similar to approved security functions, they are
considered non-approved and non-compliant and shall be listed in the security policy but NOT on the
certificate. They shall be described as “non-compliant” in the security policy so that it is clear the
algorithm implementation shall not be used in the approved mode of operation.
Non-deterministic random number generators used to seed a DRBG shall be called NDRNG and listed on
the Allowed algorithms line.
11. Embodiment Type - the cryptographic module shall be specified as one of the three types: Multi-chip
Standalone, Multi-chip Embedded, or Single-chip.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
At the start of the 21st century, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began the task of
providing cryptographic key management guidance, which includes defining and implementing appropriate
key management procedures, using algorithms that adequately protect sensitive information, and planning
ahead for possible changes in the use of cryptography because of algorithm breaks or the availability of more
powerful computing techniques. SP 800-57, Part 1 was the first document produced in this effort, and includes
a general approach for transitioning from one algorithm or key length to another. SP 800-131Arev1 provides
more specific guidance for transitions to the use of stronger cryptographic keys and more robust algorithms.
How will the validation of the cryptographic algorithms and cryptographic modules be affected during the
transition as specified in SP 800-131Arev1?
1. Useful Terms
1.1 New Validations, Already Validated Implementations and Revalidations
The CAVP and CMVP, along with the accredited CST laboratories, have been in existence since 1995.
Consequently, a large number of implementations have been tested and validated under these programs,
and the number of new implementations that are validated continues to increase every year. The CMVP
conducts revalidations of already-validated module implementations whenever changes are made to the
module implementations or when new operational environments are added to an existing validation. These
changes may require the validation of new implementations and/or the retesting of already-validated
algorithm implementations.
• New Implementations refers to the cryptographic algorithms or modules that have not been
validated by the CAVP or CMVP, respectively.
For algorithm implementations, new implementations are the algorithm implementations that are
to be tested or are currently under test by an accredited CST laboratory for which the algorithm
test results will be submitted to the CAVP.
For cryptographic modules, new implementations refer to cryptographic modules that are either
new modules or the revalidation of modules under IG G.8 Scenarios 3 and 5. These modules are
either not yet tested, or are currently under test by an accredited CST laboratory for which the
test report will be submitted to CMVP.
• Already-Validated Implementations are algorithm or module implementations that have already
been tested by a CST laboratory and validated by the CAVP or CMVP.
Cryptographic module validations reference at least one approved algorithm implementation.
These references are to algorithms that have been validated by the CAVP, algorithms for which
standards may not have existed at the time of the CMVP validation, or algorithms for which
CAVP validation testing was not available at the time of the module validation. Some algorithms
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
continues to be valid. Therefore, the CMVP will flag validations that have been partially revoked
by the CAVP; this flag may be removed by the voluntary submission of an appropriately-updated
security policy by the vendor that addresses the transition issue.
o If all algorithm validations for a module are revoked, the module validation will be revoked, and
the validation listing will be annotated to indicate the revocation. For historical purposes, the
annotated entry in the validation listing will be retained.
o It is the user’s responsibility to determine that the algorithms and keys lengths utilized by their
system are in compliance with the requirements of SP 800-131A. All questions regarding the
implementation and/or use of any module located on the CMVP module validation lists should
first be directed to the appropriate vendor point-of-contact (listed for each entry).
o As appropriate, the CMVP will only modify the module validation entry information; however,
the security policy provided with each module validation will not be modified except by vendor
request. The CMVP encourages vendors to submit updated security policies with appropriate
revisions. Updated security policies may be submitted directly to the CMVP; the updated policies
will be placed on the CMVP web site, and the updated security policy and the validation listing
for the associated module will be annotated to indicate the update.
o Cryptographic modules revalidated under scenarios 1 and 4 of IG G.8 will be treated as already-
validated implementations.
3. Validation of Cryptographic Algorithms and Cryptographic Modules by Use Categorization
SP 800-131A addresses the use of cryptographic algorithms and key lengths during given time periods,
categorizing them as acceptable, deprecated, legacy-use and disallowed. These categorizations affect the
validation of new implementations and the status of already-validated implementations.
Cryptographic algorithms and key lengths that are categorized as acceptable, deprecated or legacy-use
shall be validated for Federal government use.
3.1 Acceptable
New algorithm validation submissions and new module validation submissions will be accepted by the
CAVP or CMVP, respectively, through December 31st of the end-year indicated, if an end-year is
provided, or with no date restriction if an end-year is not provided.
Already-validated algorithm or module implementations will remain valid during this period.
No additional requirements are placed on the cryptographic modules revalidated under scenarios 1, 2 and
4 of IG G.8.
3.2 Deprecated
In general, new algorithm or module validation submissions will be accepted for validation by the CAVP
or CMVP, respectively, through December 31st of the end-year for the deprecation period.
Already-validated algorithm and module implementations will remain valid through December 31st of the
end-year of the deprecation period.
3.3 Legacy-Use
The legacy-use categorization is intended to allow the processing of already-protected information –
information for which the protection was originally applied using an algorithm or key length that was
acceptable, or deprecated at the time of applying the protection, but is now disallowed for that purpose.
New algorithm and module validation submissions will be accepted for validation by the CAVP or
CMVP, respectively, until disallowed.
Algorithm and module validations for already-validated implementations will remain valid for processing
already-protected information only.
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Example 1: After December 31, 2015, two-key Triple DES decryption can be validated, while two-key
Triple DES encryption will not (see Section 4.5).
Example 2: After December 31, 2013, implementations that verify digital signatures that were generated
using 1024 bit RSA keys can continue to be validated, even though the generation of signatures using this
key length will no longer be validated.
3.4 Disallowed Algorithms and Key Lengths
New module validation submissions and submissions for the revalidation of modules containing only
algorithms and key lengths that are disallowed for their purpose will not be accepted for validation by the
CMVP; submissions containing one or more algorithms and/or key lengths categorized as acceptable,
deprecated, or legacy-use will continue to be accepted for validation.
4. The Remaining Use of FIPS 186-2
Implementations of domain parameter generation, key pair generation and digital signature generation as
specified in FIPS 186-2 are no longer validated by the CAVP or CMVP.
Cryptographic algorithm and module implementations that perform domain parameter validation, public
key validation and digital signature verification may be tested by the CST labs for conformance to FIPS
186-2 (or parts of FIPS 186-2) and submitted for validation, subject to the following conditions.
• CAVP: The CAVP will accept test results from the CST labs of cryptographic algorithm
implementations of FIPS 186-2 (or parts of FIPS 186-2) that contain testable key lengths permitted by
FIPS 186-2 that are categorized as either acceptable or legacy-use as specified in SP 800-131Arev1.
• CMVP: New modules (3SUB and 5SUB submissions) and already-validated modules containing
digital signature processes conforming to FIPS 186-2 that have algorithm validations issued by the
CAVP may be validated or revalidated, as appropriate.
5. Documentation Requirements for CMVP Validations
Module security policies submitted for new validations and (optional) updated security policies provided
for already-validated implementations shall either include or make a reference to the transition tables that
will be available at the CMVP Web site ( The data in the tables
will inform users of the risks associated with using a particular algorithm and a given key length.
This documentation requirement applies to all new validation submissions made three months after the
publication of this IG. This requirement also applies to revalidation submissions, Scenarios 3 and 5 of IG
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NIST Cost Recovery (CR) is currently levied on all 1A, 1B, 3 and 5 submissions. Currently, the CR process is
initiated upon receipt of the report submission and typically adds an average of 60 days to the validation
Can the CR process be initiated before the report submission?
The following requirements shall be met in order to initiate the CR process before the report submission.
• The lab sends an IUTA indicating the correct number of modules, overall security level and
submission type. The IUTA can be submitted without requesting that the module be placed on the
Implementation Under Test (IUT) list. The IUTA must be successfully processed by the NIST CMVP
automated system. (This includes 1A and 1B submission types.) When the submission is successfully
processed, the lab will receive an automated response, “Thank you for your submission”.
• At any time after the lab receives the automated response to the IUTA, the lab has the option to send
an IUTB to initiate the CR process before submitting the report. When the IUTB is successfully
processed, the lab will receive an automated response, “Thank you for your request. The cost recovery
process for this submission has been initiated.” Changes to the overall security level and submission
type will not be accepted.
o If the lab sends an IUTB for a 1SUB, it is assumed that it is a 1A or 1B and CR applies.
o If the lab sends an IUTB and then needs to cancel the invoice, the lab must send an IUTC.
When the IUTC is successfully processed, the lab will receive the automated response,
“Your request has been received and will be processed. If there are any issues in cancelling
the invoice, you will be notified.”
▪ Only unpaid invoices can be cancelled.
o No files are required for an IUTB or IUTC. Only a properly formatted subject line is
• When the cost recovery process starts, no changes to the Security Level or Submission Type will be
• When the invoice is paid, there are no refunds regardless of when the CR process is initiated.
• If a report has not been received by 90 days after the IUTB was accepted, the module will be moved
to On Hold and removed from the IUT list. The module can be automatically removed from On Hold
and placed on the Modules In Process (MIP) list by sending the report.
If the lab chooses to not send an IUTB, the CR process will initiate upon receiving the report submission.
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Section 4.1.2 of Cryptographic Module Validation Program Management Manual
(, Last update 07 Mar 2017) states that the
testing of the Cryptographic Module can be performed either by providing the cryptographic module to the
laboratory or preparing it for testing at the vendor’s facility. This testing requirement is clear for a hardware
module which has self-contained operational environment and can only be physically located either in the
laboratory or at the vendor’s facility for testing. For a software cryptographic module that relies on an
operating environment outside of the module's logical boundary, the CMVP Management Manual is unclear
whether it is permissible for the testing to be performed by providing the compiled binary code as software
cryptographic module to the laboratory but preparing its operating environment for testing at the vendor’s
Modern day networking enables the testing and deployment of software remotely on a General-Purpose
Computer (GPC) that is either not necessary or even not possible to be physically accessible by the human
operator. A vendor may have satellite development centers or remotely working developers who test their
software on GPCs located elsewhere via the corporation private intranet. Laboratory personnel conducting
testing at the vendor’s facility may still end up utilizing an operating environment that the tester does not have
physical access to and control over. Traveling to the vendor’s facility and then performing the test on its
remote operating environment not only costs time and money but also does not make a technical difference on
the test results in comparison to performing the test on the same remote operating environment directly from
the laboratory, as long as the network connection (e.g. VPN connection, SSH connection) between the local
test console and the remote test operating environment provides the same level of security as testing onsite.
The operational testing requirements of FIPS 140-2 should be able to use these technologies in a way that is
practical and secure for all parties involved. This IG is intended to address the needs for testing a software
module on a remote operating environment while obtaining the equivalent assurance as if the test were
performed at the vendor’s facility.
Under what conditions can a software cryptographic module be tested on a remote operating environment?
A software cryptographic module shall only be tested on a remote operating environment if the following
conditions are met:
1. A software cryptographic module is provided by the vendor to the laboratory and its boundary and
version is verified on screen against the Security Policy.
2. The network access to a remote test operating environment shall be authorized and controlled by the
vendor. A 3rd party cloud system such as Amazon Web Services shall not be used. The tester must
have control of the operating environment during testing. The lab’s network must be connected to the
vendor’s network via a secure VPN connection or SSH connection. If a tester wishes to work offsite
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per Lab Bulletin LB-96-2016 then the tester must connect to the lab’s network before connecting to
the vendor’s network to test the module.
3. The operating environment information (e.g. operating system name and version, processor family,
hardware platform model) as required by IG G.13 shall be obtained and verified against the operating
environment information listed on the CAVP algorithm certificates for this module.
4. The tester must initialize, install, and start-up the module while connected to the remote operating
5. If a test harness is used, it shall be reviewed or written by the lab. It shall be verified to have been
maintained properly with no vendor manipulation prior to its execution. The test results on the remote
operating environment shall be captured and transmitted back to lab without the risk of being
modified. The tester shall verify the test harness runs properly on its operating environment. The
tester must verify the integrity of the testing session as well as the completeness and accuracy of the
test results.
6. The vendor may provide assistance to obtain evidence of test results such as printing out reports,
taking screenshots or restarting the operating environment as a means to recover from the induced
error state of the cryptographic module.
7. The remote testing shall cover the same set of FIPS 140-2 requirements including but not limited to
the following list, as if the operating environment were local to the tester:
a. The services listed in the module Security Policy can be invoked and verified by the tester.
b. For a software module to be validated at Level 2 or 3 for FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3, the role-
based or identity-based authentication shall be performed and verified by the tester.
c. The failure of self-tests and the subsequent transition to an error state where module data
output interfaces are inhibited can be observed and verified by the tester.
d. The single-user requirements of AS.06.04 can be verified for Level 1 software module.
e. Entropy can be effectively analyzed and an entropy report can be generated by the lab.
8. The test report shall document how the above conditions are met.
The vendor must provide a signed affirmation letter to the lab describing the remote testing process and access
control mechanism that allows the lab to perform the test on the remote operating environment and protects the
integrity of the test results. The lab shall provide a signed letter to the CMVP stating that the module had been
tested remotely, affirming that the vendor provided their affirmation letter, stating what TEs were tested
remotely, and explaining how the requirements of this IG were met during the remote testing.
Additional Comments
1. It is the responsibility of the tester to determine if a module is eligible to be tested remotely. If the
tester cannot demonstrate a test requirement during remote testing, then the module shall not be fully
tested remotely. If the tester wishes to test a subset of test requirements remotely, the remaining test
requirements shall be tested onsite.
2. Rule #2 and Lab Bulletin LB-96-2016 are subject to change.
3. The tester must be able to confirm that the operating environment exactly matches the agreed upon
test environment, including any virtual environments used. A Virtual Machine may not be used in
lieu of an OS, unless the VM has been agreed to be part of the test environment and will be listed on
the certificate.
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How shall the name of a cryptographic module relate to the defined cryptographic boundary?
The provided name of the cryptographic module (which will be on the validation certificate) shall be
consistent with the defined cryptographic boundary as defined in the test report.
It is not acceptable to provide a module name that represents a module that has more components than the
modules defined boundary. If it is desired to have a name that does represent a larger entity, then the
cryptographic boundary must be consistent. All components residing within the cryptographic boundary must
either be included (AS.01.08) or excluded (AS.01.09) in the test report.
Additional Comments
Example: The provided name of a cryptographic module is the Crypto Card. However, the defined
cryptographic boundary in the test report is a small black encapsulated component placed in one corner of the
card. The named card also has additional components that were not referenced (e.g. batteries, connectors). If
the defined boundary in the test report specifies ONLY the black encapsulated component, it is clearly NOT the
Crypto Card. A unique different name shall be provided to be consistent with the defined boundary. To
represent the entire card, the boundary must be redefined and must include all the components and address
them properly (include/exclude).
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Approved mode of operation: a mode of the cryptographic module that employs only approved security functions
(not to be confused with a specific mode of an approved security function, e.g., AES CBC mode).
Are there any operational requirements when switching between modes of operation, either from an approved
mode of operation to a non-approved mode of operation, or vice versa?
CSPs defined in an approved mode of operation shall not be accessed or shared while in a non-approved mode
of operation. CSPs shall not be generated while in a non-approved mode.
Note: An approved DRBG may be used in a non-approved mode. However, the approved DRBGs seed or seed
key shall not be accessed or shared in the non-approved mode.
Additional Comments
Preventing the access or sharing of CSPs mitigates the risk of untrusted handling of CSPs generated in an
approved mode of operation.
a module may not generate keys in a non-approved mode of operation and then switch to an approved
mode of operation and use the generated keys for approved services. The keys may have been
generated using non-approved methods and their integrity and protection cannot be assured.
a module may not electronically import keys in plaintext in a non-approved mode of operation and
then switch to an approved mode of operation and use those keys for approved services.
a module may not generate keys in an approved mode of operation and then switch to a non-approved
mode of operation and use the generated keys for non-approved services. The integrity and the
protection of the approved keys cannot be assured in the non-approved mode of operation.
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Cryptographic module: the set of hardware, software, and/or firmware that implements approved security
functions (including cryptographic algorithms and key generation) and is contained within the cryptographic
Firmware: the programs and data components of a cryptographic module that are stored in hardware (e.g.,
ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM or FLASH) within the cryptographic boundary and cannot be dynamically
written or modified during execution.
The operational environment of a cryptographic module refers to the management of the software, firmware,
and/or hardware components required for the module to operate. The operational environment can be non-
modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in ROM, or software contained in a computer with I/O devices disabled),
or modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in RAM or software executed by a general-purpose computer).
A limited operational environment refers to a static non-modifiable virtual operational environment (e.g.,
JAVA virtual machine on a non-programmable PC card) with no underlying general purpose operating system
upon which the operational environment uniquely resides.
If the operational environment is a limited operational environment, the operating system requirements in
Section 4.6.1 do not apply.
How shall a software cryptographic module running on a limited operational environment be designated as?
If the Operational Environment is a limited operational environment, and is indicated as NA on the certificate,
then the cryptographic module shall be designated as a firmware module.
Additional Comments
The reference tested OS must be indicated on the validation certificate for all software and firmware
cryptographic modules. It will be referenced on the CMVP validation list web page as follows:
For an overall Level 2, 3, or 4 module or where FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 Physical Security is Level 2, 3 or
4, the reference hardware platform with appropriate specific versioning information used during
operational testing shall also be listed. The certificate caveat shall minimally indicate: When operated
only on the specific platforms specified on the certificate
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For JAVA applets, the tested JAVA environment (JRE, JVM) and operating system need to be specified
for all Security Levels.
Per IG G.5, porting of software modules is only applicable to modules operating on a General-Purpose
Computer (GPC) and when the Operational Environment is applicable. The module’s validation will be
maintained if no changes are made to underlying source code.
If the operational environment is not applicable, a firmware module at overall Level 1 (with FIPS 140-2
Section 4.5 Physical Security at Level 1) and its identified tested OS together may be ported from one platform
to another platform while maintaining the module’s validation (IG G.5). For firmware module’s that are JAVA
applets, the firmware module, its identified tested OS, and the tested JAVA environment (JRE, JVM) must be
moved together when porting from one platform to another platform in order to maintain the module’s
For all other cases, the validation of the cryptographic module is not maintained if ported.
Cryptographic algorithm implementations are tested and validated under the Cryptographic Algorithm
Validation Program (CAVP). The cryptographic algorithm validation certificate states the name and version
number of the validated algorithm implementation, and the tested operational environment.
Cryptographic modules are tested and validated under the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
(CMVP). The cryptographic module validation certificate states the name and version number of the validated
cryptographic module, and the tested operational environment.
The validation certificate serves as a benchmark for the configuration and operational environment used during
the validation testing.
What are the configuration control and operational environment requirements for the cryptographic algorithm
implementation(s) embedded within a cryptographic module when the latter is undergoing testing for
compliance to FIPS 140-2?
For a validated cryptographic algorithm implementation to be embedded within a software, firmware or
hardware cryptographic module that undergoes testing for compliance to FIPS 140-2, the following
requirements must be met:
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1. the implementation of the validated cryptographic algorithm has not been modified upon integration
into the cryptographic module undergoing testing; and
2. the operational environment under which the validated cryptographic algorithm implementation was
tested by CAVS must be identical to the operational environment that the cryptographic module is
being tested under by the CST laboratory.
Additional Comments
1. What are examples of an operational environment change?
If an implementation has been tested on an X-bit processor (e.g. 32-bit, 64-bit), can a claim be made
that the implementation also runs on different bit size processors?
No. An example: An algorithm implementation was tested and validated on a 32-bit platform. This
was used in a previous 32-bit version of a software module that was validated for conformance to
FIPS 140-2. Now the software module is undergoing testing on a 64-bit platform. This software
module cannot operate on a 32-bit platform without change. In this case the operational environments
are not the same; therefore, the algorithm implementations must be re-tested on the 64-bit platform.
Memory size, processor frequency, etc. are not relevant.
2. If an implementation has been tested on one processor, can a claim be made that the implementation
also runs on a different processor when it is submitted for module testing?
The answer to this question is dependent on the security assurance Level of the module validation and
on whether or not the two processors are architecturally compatible or not.
If the module is being validated as a Level 1 validation and the two processors are architecturally
compatible platforms, the answer is Yes. For example, if a Level 1 software module is undergoing
testing under Windows 2000 on a DellGatewayPro PC, but the algorithms were tested on Windows
2000 IBMHPClone PC, the algorithm validations do not need to be re-tested as both the
DellGatewayPro and IBMHPClone PC's are considered General Purpose Computers (GPC).
If the two processors are not architecturally compatible, then algorithm validation tests need to be
rerun on both processors. For example, a firmware module is undergoing testing on a BlueLiteing
processor running Handy OS v5.0. The underlying algorithm implementation was tested on a SlowJoe
Processor running Handy OS v0.2. In cases such as this, the algorithm firmware implementations
must be re-tested.
If a Level 2 software module is undergoing testing under an evaluated operating system (OS) and
specific platform identified by the evaluation and there is no extensibility provided, the underlying
algorithm implementations must be tested under the exact same operational environment (platform
and OS).
3. If an algorithm implementation has been tested on one operating system, can a claim be made that the
implementation also runs on another operating system when it is considered for module testing?
No, the algorithm implementation must have been tested on every operating system claimed by the
software module at Level 1. The algorithm certificate may include other operating systems as well,
but they are not relevant to the module under test. For example, if a Level 1 software module is
undergoing testing under Windows 2000, Windows 98 and Linux, the underlying algorithm
certificates must indicate at a minimum that the algorithms were tested under Windows 2000,
Windows 98 and Linux.
Another example: A vendor may re-use algorithm implementations between like operational
environments. However, if the algorithm implementation testing was only performed on Windows
2000, and the algorithm implementation is to be re-used in a software module undergoing testing
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under Windows XP, the algorithm implementations must be re-tested under Windows XP.
4. Who is responsible for finding out what operational environment (processor, operating system) the
algorithm implementation is tested on if the testing is done by the vendor and not the CST Lab?
If algorithm testing is not performed directly by the CST Lab (i.e., if test vectors are provided to the
vendor), the CST Lab is responsible for asking the vendor to supply the operating environment
(processor and/or operating system) on which they ran the algorithm implementation and with which
they generated the RESPONSE files. It is the CST Labs’ responsibility to verify that the results in the
RESPONSE files were generated using the specified operating environment.
5. If an algorithm is implemented in HDL on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device and
there is no underlying "OS" implemented in the FPGA, can the algorithm implementation be
classified as firmware and, when validated, ported as is to other FPGAs and still be considered
No. We do not validate HDL (which is equivalent to source code). The algorithm implementation
would be validated in the FPGA as hardware.
Once the FPGA device is validated, one could take the HDL on this FPGA and reuse it in creating a
new FPGA. If this were done, the algorithm implementations would need to be validated on the new
hardware because they would be considered as new hardware implementations.
6. Additional information regarding operational environment can be found in the CAVP FAQ GEN.12.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.1 does not preclude a vendor from implementing more than one approved mode of
operation in a cryptographic module. An approved mode of operation (IG 1.2) employs the set of approved
security functions which are associated with the set of services and CSPs implemented in the module. A
module may be designed to employ multiple defined approved modes of operation, where each defined mode
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employs a subset of the module’s approved security functions, services and CSPs. An example of a module
with multiple approved modes of operation is one where the module supports a primary mode that employs all
of the approved security functions, services and CSPs of the module to personalize or setup the module, as
well as a secondary mode which employs only a subset of approved security functions for normal operation
and use.
May a module implement more than one defined approved modes of operation, each employing a defined set
or subset of the approved security functions? What are the requirements for a module to implement more than
one approved modes of operation?
A cryptographic module may be designed to support multiple approved modes of operation. For a
cryptographic module to implement more than one approved modes of operation, the following shall apply:
• the security policy shall contain the following information describing each approved mode of
operation implemented in the cryptographic module:
o the definition of each approved mode of operation;
o how each approved mode of operation is configured;
o the services available in each approved mode of operation;
o the algorithms used in each approved mode of operation;
o the CSPs used in each approved mode of operation; and
o the self-tests performed in each approved mode of operation;
• upon re-configuration from one approved mode of operation to another, the cryptographic module
shall reinitialize and perform all power-up self-tests associated with the new approved mode of
o at a minimum, power-up self-tests shall be performed on the approved security functions
used in the new selected approved mode of operation as specified in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9
including AS06.08 in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6.1 (if applicable), and
o power-up self-tests shall be performed in the new selected approved mode of operation
regardless if it had been performed in a prior approved mode of operation.
To confirm the correct operation of the several defined approved modes of operation, the tester shall:
• verify the documentation describing each approved mode of operation;
• use the vendor provided instructions described in the non-proprietary security policy to invoke each
approved mode of operation;
• verify that, for each approved mode of operation, only the security functions employed for that
approved mode of operation are accessible and that security functions not implemented for that
approved mode of operation are not; and
• verify that the requirements of AS.01.03 and/or AS.01.04 are met for each approved mode of
Additional Comments
CSPs may be shared between multiple approved modes of operation
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Cryptographic module: the set of hardware, software, and/or firmware that implements approved security
functions (including cryptographic algorithms and key generation) and is contained within the cryptographic
Software: the programs and data components within the cryptographic boundary, usually stored on erasable
media (e.g., disk), that can be dynamically written and modified during execution.
Firmware: the programs and data components of a cryptographic module that are stored in hardware (e.g.,
ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM or FLASH) within the cryptographic boundary and cannot be dynamically
written or modified during execution.
physical boundary of the GPC or operating environment. A hybrid cryptographic module implemented as
disjoint hardware and software components is defined as a Software-Hybrid. A hybrid cryptographic module
implemented as disjoint hardware and firmware components is defined as Firmware-Hybrid.
e.g. cryptographic hardware accelerator cards, cryptographic hardware chip(s), etc.
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Software: the programs and data components within the cryptographic boundary, usually stored on erasable
media (e.g., disk), that can be dynamically written and modified during execution.
The operational environment of a cryptographic module refers to the management of the software, firmware,
and/or hardware components required for the module to operate. The operational environment can be non-
modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in ROM, or software contained in a computer with I/O devices disabled),
or modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in RAM or software executed by a general-purpose computer).
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If the operational environment is a modifiable operational environment, the operating system requirements in
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6.1 shall apply.
AS.01.01: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The cryptographic module shall be a set of hardware, software,
firmware, or some combination thereof that implements cryptographic functions or processes, including
cryptographic algorithms and, optionally, key generation, and is contained within a defined
cryptographic boundary.
AS.01.08: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the hardware, software, and firmware
components of the cryptographic module, specify the cryptographic boundary surrounding these
components, and describe the physical configuration of the module.
AS.01.09: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify any hardware, software, or firmware
components of the cryptographic module that are excluded from the security requirements of this
standard and explain the rationale for the exclusion.
AS.01.14: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the design of the hardware, software, and
firmware components of the cryptographic module. High-level specification languages for
software/firmware or schematics for hardware shall be used to document the design.
AS.06.02: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the operational environment for the
cryptographic module, including, if applicable, the operating system employed by the module, and for
Security Levels 2, 3, and 4, the Protection Profile and the CC assurance level.
AS.09.22: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) A software/firmware integrity test using an error detection code (EDC)
or Approved authentication technique (e.g., an Approved message authentication code or digital
signature algorithm) shall be applied to all validated software and firmware components within the
cryptographic module when the module is powered up.
AS.09.34: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) If software or firmware components can be externally loaded into the
cryptographic module, then the following software/firmware load tests shall be performed.
AS.14.02: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The cryptographic module security policy shall consist of:
a specification of the security rules, under which the cryptographic module shall operate, including the
security rules derived from the requirements of the standard and the additional security rules imposed
by the vendor.
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▪ The physical boundary of a software module is the platform which the software and operating system
reside per AS.01.01 and AS.01.06.
▪ The logical boundary of a software module is the defined set of software components that implement
the cryptographic mechanisms. The logical boundary is wholly contained within the physical
▪ All components of the cryptographic module shall be defined per AS.01.08 or excluded per
▪ FIPS 140-2 Section 4.2 defines the physical ports and logical interface requirements. A software
modules logical interface shall be defined. If applicable, physical ports that map to logical interfaces
shall be defined.
▪ FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 may be marked not applicable (NA) for a software module.
▪ The power-up approved integrity test shall be performed over the defined software image(s) within
the cryptographic module logical boundary (RE: AS.01.01 and AS.01.06) per AS.06.08.
▪ The loading of software within the defined logical boundary shall meet AS.09.34-35 and guidance in
IG 9.7.
Firmware: the programs and data components of a cryptographic module that are stored in hardware (e.g.,
ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM or FLASH) within the cryptographic boundary and cannot be dynamically
written or modified during execution.
The operational environment of a cryptographic module refers to the management of the software, firmware,
and/or hardware components required for the module to operate. The operational environment can be non-
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modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in ROM, or software contained in a computer with I/O devices disabled),
or modifiable (e.g., firmware contained in RAM or software executed by a general-purpose computer).
A limited operational environment refers to a static non-modifiable virtual operational environment (e.g.,
JAVA virtual machine on a non-programmable PC card) with no underlying general purpose operating system
upon which the operational environment uniquely resides.
If the operational environment is a limited operational environment, the operating system requirements in FIPS
140-2 Section 4.6.1 do not apply.
AS.01.01: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The cryptographic module shall be a set of hardware, software,
firmware, or some combination thereof that implements cryptographic functions or processes, including
cryptographic algorithms and, optionally, key generation, and is contained within a defined
cryptographic boundary.
AS.01.08: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the hardware, software, and firmware
components of the cryptographic module, specify the cryptographic boundary surrounding these
components, and describe the physical configuration of the module.
AS.01.09: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify any hardware, software, or firmware
components of the cryptographic module that are excluded from the security requirements of this
standard and explain the rationale for the exclusion.
AS.01.14: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the design of the hardware, software, and
firmware components of the cryptographic module. High-level specification languages for
software/firmware or schematics for hardware shall be used to document the design.
AS.05.01: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The cryptographic module shall employ physical security mechanisms
in order to restrict unauthorized physical access to the contents of the module and to deter unauthorized
use or modification of the module (including substitution of the entire module) when installed.
AS.06.02: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify the operational environment for the
cryptographic module, including, if applicable, the operating system employed by the module, and for
Security Levels 2, 3, and 4, the Protection Profile and the CC assurance level.
AS.09.22: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) A software/firmware integrity test using an error detection code (EDC)
or Approved authentication technique (e.g., an Approved message authentication code or digital
signature algorithm) shall be applied to all validated software and firmware components within the
cryptographic module when the module is powered up.
AS.09.34: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) If software or firmware components can be externally loaded into the
cryptographic module, then the following software/firmware load tests shall be performed.
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AS.14.02: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The cryptographic module security policy shall consist of:
a specification of the security rules, under which the cryptographic module shall operate, including the
security rules derived from the requirements of the standard and the additional security rules imposed
by the vendor.
How is a firmware cryptographic module defined?
IG 1.3 defines the firmware module designation, referencing, versioning and porting guidance. Additional
▪ The physical boundary of a firmware module is the platform which the firmware and operating
system reside per AS.01.01 and AS.01.06.
▪ The logical boundary of a firmware module is the defined set of firmware components that implement
the cryptographic mechanisms. The logical boundary is wholly contained within the physical
▪ All components of the cryptographic module shall be defined per AS.01.06, AS.01.08 or excluded
per AS.01.09.
▪ FIPS 140-2 Section 4.2 defines the physical ports and logical interface requirements. A firmware
module’s logical interface shall be defined. If applicable, physical ports that map to logical interfaces
shall be defined.
▪ FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 is applicable for a firmware module.
▪ For Level 1the firmware module shall prevent access by other processes to plaintext private and
secret keys, CSPs, and intermediate key generation values during the time the firmware module is
executing/operational. Processes that are spawned by the firmware module are owned by the module
and are not owned by external processes/operators. Non-cryptographic processes shall not interrupt
the firmware module during execution. The firmware shall be installed in a form that protects the
software and firmware source and executable code from unauthorized disclosure and modification.
Note: These requirements cannot be enforced by administrative documentation and procedures, but
must be enforced by the firmware module itself.
Required Vendor Information - Firmware Module (Level 1 only)
VE.05.01.01: The vendor shall provide a description of the mechanism used to ensure that no other
process can access private and secret keys, intermediate key generation values, and other CSPs, while
the cryptographic process is in use.
VE.05.01.02: The vendor shall provide a description of the mechanism used to ensure that no other
process can interrupt the cryptographic module during execution.
VE.05.01.03: The vendor shall provide a list of the cryptographic firmware that are stored on the
cryptographic module and shall provide a description of the protection mechanisms used to prevent
unauthorized disclosure and modification.
TE05.01.01: The tester shall perform cryptographic functions as described in the crypto officer and
user guidance documentation. While the cryptographic functions are executing, the same or another
tester shall attempt to access secret and private keys, intermediate key generation values, and other
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TE05.01.02: The tester shall perform cryptographic functions as described in the crypto officer and
user guidance documentation. While the cryptographic functions are operating, the same or another
tester shall attempt to execute another process.
TE05.01.03: The tester shall attempt to perform unauthorized accesses and unauthorized
modifications to software and firmware source and executable code.
▪ The mechanisms that define, control and manage the non-modifiable or limited operational
environment shall be identified per AS.06.02 and are considered security relevant mechanisms.
▪ The power-up integrity test shall be performed over all non-excluded firmware image(s) defined
within the cryptographic module boundary (RE: AS.01.01 and AS.01.06) per AS.09.22.
▪ If the Section 4.5 physical security is Level 1, the loading of firmware within the defined logical
boundary shall meet AS.09.34-35 and guidance in IG 9.7.
▪ If the Section 4.5 physical security is Level 2, 3 or 4, the loading of firmware within the defined
physical boundary shall meet AS.09.34-35 and guidance in IG 9.7.
A hardware cryptographic module may have an embedded PIV card application component that has been
validated by the NPIVP. The PIV card application validation is a prerequisite to the module validation. For
module validation, the PIV card application shall be tested on the module to be validated (i.e. same operational
How should a PIV card application component that is included as a component of a cryptographic module be
referenced on the module validation entry?
The cryptographic module validation entry shall provide reference to the PIV card application component(s)
validation certificate number.
The PIV card application validation entry shall include the following information:
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2. the name of the cryptographic module the PIV component was tested on, and
3. the complete versioning information of the module including the PIV component(s)
(IG G.13).
The cryptographic module’s versioning information shall include the complete versioning information of the
module including the PIV component(s). Each PIV component(s) name shall be clearly distinguishable as a
PIV component.
IG G.13 defines how the PIV Certificate number is referenced on a module validation.
Additional Comments
If a PIV card application component will be used on different cryptographic module operating environments,
the PIV card application shall be tested and validated by the NPIVP on each of the unique operating
environments employed.
Approved mode of operation: a mode of the cryptographic module that employs only approved security
A cryptographic module shall implement at least one approved security function used in an approved mode of
operation. Non-approved security functions may also be included for use in non-approved modes of operation.
The operator shall be able to determine when an approved mode of operation is selected. For Security Levels 1
and 2, the cryptographic module security policy may specify when a cryptographic module is performing in an
approved mode of operation. For Security Levels 3 and 4, a cryptographic module shall indicate when an
approved mode of operation is selected.
Are there any operational requirements when switching between an approved mode of operation to a non-
approved mode of operation, or vice versa?
A cryptographic module may be designed to support both an approved mode of operation (IG 1.2), multiple
approved modes of operation (IG 1.7) and a non-approved mode of operation. For a cryptographic module to
implement an approved mode of operation (one or more) and a non-approved mode of operation, all applicable
requirements of FIPS 140-2 shall apply with specific attention to the following areas:
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AS.01.03: The operator shall be able to determine when an Approved mode of operation is selected.
AS.01.04: For Security Levels 3 and 4, a cryptographic module shall indicate when an Approved mode
of operation is selected.
AS01.12: Documentation shall list all security functions, both Approved and non-Approved, that are
employed by the cryptographic module and shall specify all modes of operation, both Approved and
AS03.14: Documentation shall specify the services, operations, or functions provided by the
cryptographic module, both Approved and non-Approved, and for each service provided by the module,
the service inputs, corresponding service outputs, and the authorized role(s) in which the service can be
AS04.02: The cryptographic module shall include the following operational and error states: User states.
States in which authorized users obtain security services, perform cryptographic operations, or perform
other Approved or non-Approved functions.
AS14.07: The security policy shall specify; all roles and services provided by the cryptographic module.
• instructions for the operator for the configuration to an approved or non-approved mode of operation;
o when in the operational state can the module alternate service by service between approved and
non-approved modes of operation
• list all security functions employed by the module in both approved and non-approved modes of
operation; and
• list all roles and services, operations or functions provided by the cryptographic module in both
approved and non-approved modes of operation;
o for non-approved service names that reference approved terms, references or functions, the
caveat “(non-compliant)” shall be appended to the service name to alleviate misinterpretation of
approved services; and
o keys or other parameters associated with non-approved services do not need to be provided.
If the module is configured during power-up initialization to operate only in an approved or non-approved
mode of operation;
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• a power-on reset shall be performed to re-configure the module during initialization from a non-
approved mode of operation to an approved mode of operation or vice versa; and
• the conditional self-tests in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.2 are not required when in a non-approved mode of
operation with the following exception;
o the module shall not allow the loading of software/firmware components as addressed in FIPS
140-2 Section 4.9.2 Software/Firmware load test (i.e. AS.09.34).
Additional Comments
This implementation guidance is a further clarification of the FIPS 140-2 clauses and of existing
implementation guidance.
Increased levels of integration in IC design, such as ASIC, FPGA or System-on-Chip (SoC), have been
developed with heterogeneous computing characteristics. Heterogeneous computing may include multiple
processors or functional engines, with isolated security subsystem designs that may be re-used in multiple
configurations or generations of products.
What is a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem, and what are the requirements for initial validation? Once
validated, how can the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem be re-validated if modified? How can a non-modified
sub-chip cryptographic subsystem be ported and reused on other single-chip implementations?
The following terminology is used in the context of this IG:
HDL – Hardware Design Language; examples are Verilog and VHDL.
Security relevant – relevant to the requirements of FIPS 140-2.
Soft circuitry core – an uncompiled hardware subsystem of an ASIC, FPGA or SoC.
Hard circuitry core – a fixed or precompiled hardware subsystem of an ASIC, FPGA or SoC.
For a hardware module, the minimum defined physical boundary in FIPS 140-2 is a single-chip. For single-
chip hardware modules a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem may be defined as the set of hard and/or soft
circuitry cores and associated firmware which represents a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem boundary of a
single-chip hardware module. The sub-chip cryptographic subsystem is integrated on the single-chip which
may contain other functional subsystems (e.g. processor(s), memory, I/O and internal bus controls, sensors,
etc.) and associated firmware. Upon fabrication of the complete physical single-chip, the HDL will be
transformed to a gate or physical circuitry representation which may or may not retain a definable internal sub-
chip cryptographic subsystem boundary
1. Initial validation or security relevant re-validations
(3SUB or 5SUB)
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internal and external with respect to the subsystem boundary single chip clocks shall be
accounted for properly.
• Depending on the level, the requirements for Cryptographic Key Establishment and Key Entry and
Output (FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.4) shall be applicable at the defined sub-chip cryptographic
subsystem boundary.
o If Key establishment and Key Entry and Output occur across the physical boundary of the
single-chip embodiment, AS07.29 and AS07.30 shall apply.
o Transferring Keys/CSPs including the entropy input between a sub-chip cryptographic
subsystem and an intervening functional subsystem for Levels 1 and 2 on the same single
chip is considered as not having Key Establishment and Key Entry and Output crossing the
boundary of the sub-chip module per IG 7.7. Nevertheless, the above Note 2 for the ports
and interfaces is applicable for the transferring of Keys/CSPs as well. That is, the tester shall
provide a rationale in the physical security test report explaining risks and mitigations to the
malicious act by such intervening subsystems.
▪ Fore Level 3 and Level 4 modules, key establishment is ED / EE as stated in
IG 7.7.
• Versioning information shall be provided for the
o physical single-chip including any excluded functional subsystem firmware (shall be
specified in the OE field of the validation),
o the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem soft and hard circuitry cores, and
o the associated firmware.
• Processor sub-functions outside the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem boundary but within the
physical boundary such as a processor, memory macros, I/O controllers, etc. may be excluded under
AS01.09. However, the data paths used to meet either AS02.16 and AS02.18 or AS02.17 and
AS02.18 shall not be excluded.
2. Non-security relevant re-validations associated with changes within physical boundary
(1SUB and 4SUB): Existing IG G.8 guidance is applicable.
3. Sub-chip cryptographic subsystem porting
The sub-chip cryptographic subsystem may be ported to other single-chip implementations which may be
different chip technologies, and/or different non-security relevant functional subsystems.
A sub-chip cryptographic subsystem that was previously validated in a single-chip can be ported to other
single-chip constructs as a 1SUB/4SUB submission to the CMVP. The following is applicable to validate
this new single-chip module as a 1SUB/4SUB:
• The laboratory shall verify that there are no security relevant changes in the sub-chip cryptographic
• If an entropy source is contained within the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem, a new entropy
estimate shall be provided;
Note 1: A new entropy estimate may not be required, if the entropy is collected outside the sub-
chip cryptographic subsystem, depending on changes to the entropy source or the subsystem
housing it. Please refer to IG 7.14 and IG 7.15 for details on entropy estimates and applicable
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Note 2: Single chip embodiments may implement a NDRNG or a DRBG linked to a dedicated
entropy source (NDRNG) inside the physical boundary. Such cases may be implemented (a)
inside the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem or (b) in two or more sub-chip cryptographic
subsystems. The case (b) represents multiple disjoint sub-chip cryptographic subsystems (see 4 of
this IG).
• Approved security functions shall be retested and validated by the CAVP if implemented in a soft
circuitry core recompiled in a different part configuration.
Note 3: If the original algorithm testing was performed as stated in IG G.11 in a module simulator,
and there is no change to the soft-core, no additional algorithm testing is required.
• Operational regression testing (Table G.8.1) shall be performed on the new sub-chip cryptographic
subsystem after fabrication (transformation of the HDL to a gate or physical circuitry representation);
• FIPS 140-2 Section 4.2 shall be addressed for the new single-chip module for all Security Levels
within this Section.
• FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 shall be addressed for the new single-chip module at Security Level 1.
• FIPS 140-2 Section 4.8 shall be addressed for the new single-chip module for all Security Levels
within this Section.
• FIPS 140-2 Sections 4.10.1 and 4.10.4 shall be addressed for the new single-chip module for all
Security Levels within this Section.
• A new Security Policy shall be provided for the new single-chip module.
• A new validation certificate will be issued. Versioning information shall be provided for
o the new physical single-chip
o non-security relevant single-chip functional subsystem firmware if applicable,
o the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem soft and hard circuitry cores (which are unchanged
from the original validation), and
o the associated firmware.
The testing laboratory shall submit a 1SUB/4SUB test report for the ported updated sub-chip
cryptographic subsystem to the CMVP. NIST Cost Recovery fee for scenario 1A is applicable.
4. Multiple disjoint sub-chip cryptographic subsystems:
Disjoint sub-chip cryptographic subsystems may exist on a single-chip. Each shall be separately validated.
Transferring Keys/CSPs including the entropy input between two disjoint sub-chip cryptographic
subsystems on the same single chip for Level 1 and Level 2 modules is considered not having Key
Establishment and Key Entry and Output crossing their sub-chip cryptographic subsystem boundary per
see IG 7.7.
• For Level 3 and Level 4 modules, key establishment is ED / EE as stated in IG 7.7.
Alternatively, plaintext CSPs may be shared directly between two disjoint sub-chip cryptographic
subsystems via a Trusted Path (IG 2.1). In this scenario, the following porting rules shall apply:
a. If the two sub-chip modules that are connected by a Trusted Path are ported together, it is considered
security relevant and the testing lab shall submit a 3SUB or a 5SUB.
b. If only one of the sub-chip modules that are connected by a Trusted Path is ported, then the testing lab
shall verify that the trusted path is no longer functional and may submit a 1SUB/4SUB.
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c. If only one of the sub-chip modules that are connected by a Trusted Path are ported and it is
connected to a new sub-chip module, then it is considered security relevant and the testing lab shall
submit a 3SUB or a 5SUB.
Additional Comments
This IG does not apply to single-chip implementations that do not contain sub-chip cryptographic subsystems,
i.e. there is only one boundary which is the physical boundary.
If the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem enters an error state, the FIPS 140-2 requirements are applicable at the
boundary of the sub-chip cryptographic subsystem; not at the boundary of the single-chip.
As chip fabrication technology advances, additional real estate is becoming available for single-chip processor
manufacturers to add acceleration functions to support complex cryptographic algorithms. When these
functions are added, the CMVP, the CAVP and the Cryptographic Technology group at NIST will determine if
the acceleration function is simply a mathematical construct and not the complete cryptographic algorithm as
defined in the NIST standards.
If the function is deemed the complete cryptographic algorithm, then FIPS 140-2 defines the component to be
security-specific hardware and complete documentation of the entire component, including HDL, shall be
submitted to the testing laboratory when under test. This type of implementation is considered a Processor
Algorithm Implementation (PAI) function. If the module has been designed to run with and without the
security-specific hardware, the resolution below under Software/Firmware Module may apply.
If the function is deemed a mathematical construct and not the complete cryptographic algorithm as defined in
the NIST standards, then FIPS 140-2 does not define the component to be security-specific hardware and
complete documentation of the entire component, including HDL, is not required. This type of implementation
is considered a Processor Algorithm Acceleration (PAA) function.
What are the currently known processor chips that include Processor Algorithm Acceleration (PAA) and
Processor Algorithm Implementation (PAI) functions to support complex cryptographic algorithms and how is
it indicated on the validation certificate?
If a cryptographic module is designed to utilize a processor chip that includes PAA and/or PAI, the part
number or version of the processor chip shall be included in TE.01.08.02. A module that utilizes such
processor hardware may or may not be defined as a hybrid module.
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Software/Firmware-Hybrid Module: If the software or firmware component of the hybrid can only support a
cryptographic algorithm by exclusively utilizing the PAA or PAI capability, then the module shall be defined
as a Software/Firmware-Hybrid Module Embodiment (IG 1.9).
• Module versioning information shall include the part number or version of the processor chip.
• Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <OS> running on <platform> with PAA
• Module versioning information shall include the part number or version of the processor chip.
• Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <OS> running on <platform> with PAI
Software/Firmware Module: If the software or firmware component of the module can support a
cryptographic algorithm natively or by utilizing the PAA or PAI capability if available, then the module shall
be defined as a Software/Firmware module Embodiment, unless there are other reasons to designate the
module as hybrid.
• Algorithm certificates; the accelerated algorithms shall be tested in both native execution and PAA
• Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <OS> running on <platform> with PAA;
<OS> running on <platform> without PAA
• Algorithm certificates; the algorithms shall be tested in both native execution and PAI execution.
• Operational Environment: Tested as meeting Level 1 with <OS> running on <platform> with PAI;
<OS> running on <platform> without PAI
Known PAAs:
• Intel Processors – Xeon, Core i5, Core i7, Core M and Atom with Westmere, Sandy Bridge, Ivy
Bridge, Haswell, Broadwell, Skylake, Kaby Lake micro-architectures: PAA = AES-NI
o Accelerator sub-functions for AES implementations
• AMD Processors - Opteron, Athlon, Sempron, FX, and A series with Bulldozer, Piledriver,
Steamroller, Jaguar, Puma micro-architectures: PAA = AES-NI
o Accelerator sub-functions for AES implementations
• ARM Cortex A series, R series, Qualcomm Snapdragon, Apple A series processors, Samsung
Exynos with ARMv7-A and ARMv8-A micro-architectures: PAA = NEON or Cryptography
o Accelerator sub-functions for AES and SHA implementations
• IBM Power Processors 8, 9: PAA = Power ISA
o Accelerator sub-functions for AES and SHA implementations
Oracle: Oracle SPARC T series, M series: PAA = SPARC
o Accelerator sub-functions for AES, DES, and SHA implementations
Known PAIs:
• IBM CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF)
o Full implementations of AES (ECB, CBC), SHA
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Additional Comments
NOTE1: AES.2 in the CAVP FAQ gives requirements for both types of implementations.
NOTE2: Please reference IG 1.9 regarding hybrid definition and requirements.
NOTE3: The processor manufacturer may provide a device driver to support use of the processor algorithm
accelerator. The device driver shall not provide any additional functionality to the PAA.
NOTE4: The implementation of complete algorithms, partial cryptographic modules, or full cryptographic
modules as a component of a single-chip, or multiple of any of the above as components of a single-chip, is
addressed in the Sub-Chip Cryptographic Subsystems IG.
NOTE 5: Please contact the CMVP to address new PAA or PAI implementations to make a determination
whether they are full cryptographic functions or not.
NOTE 6: If the PAI security function appears on the list of known PAIs, its HDL is not required for validation
of software modules using it.
The CMVP allows multiple modules to be validated on a single certificate. However, the separation of these
modules in the report is not always clear.
How does the vendor or lab determine what the module count is for a particular validation?
Determining the module count for a validation depends on the type of report; that is, if it is Software,
Hardware, Firmware, or a Hybrid.
• For a software module, its binary package(s) compiled from its source code is the Implementation
Under Test (IUT). The same source code may result in different sets of binaries when it's compiled
for the different target platforms. The module count shall be the number of distinct sets of binaries.
o If a software module was validated on software version 1.0, and this source code package
was compiled on three operating environments of the same family (e.g. iOS 8.0 running on
iPhone5, iOS 9.0 running on iPhone5, and iOS 9.1 running on iPhone5) resulting in a single
binary set, the module count is “1”.
o If a software module was validated on software version 1.0, and this source code package
was compiled on two operating environments (e.g. iOS 9.0 running on iPhone5 and Android
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4.0 running on a Galaxy Nexus) resulting in two separate sets of binaries (each set forming
the logical boundary of the module), the module count is “2”.
o If a software module was validated on software version 1.0 and software version 2.0, and
these source code packages were compiled on four operating environments (e.g. iOS 9.0
running on iPhone5, iOS 9.1 running on iPhone5, Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1 running on
Windows Phone 8.1, and Android 4.0 running on a Galaxy Nexus), where two of the
environments are of the same family (iOS 9.0 and iOS 9.1) resulting in six separate sets of
binaries (software versions 1.0 and 2.0 each map to three distinct sets of binaries), the
module count is “6”. In this case, a single iOS binary maps to both iOS 9.0 and 9.1, a single
Microsoft Windows Phone binary maps to Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1, and a single
Android binary maps to the Android 4.0, resulting in three distinct binaries for each software
version (1.0 and 2.0), for a total of 6.
• For a hardware module report, the module count can be determined by the physical boundary of the
module and understanding the components that are either tested individually and have their own
boundary, or the boundary encompasses multiple components and these are tested collectively.
o If the boundary of the module consists of one hardware component with other hardware
components within it, with each having its own hardware version number listed in the
certificate (such as tamper seals, service processing cards, switch fabric, core switch blades,
control processor blade, power supplies, fan kits, filler panels, management modules,
network modules), then the module count shall be the number of ‘base’ modules which
support the components within it.
▪ If a hardware module report contains a switch (Series 1500, P/N 1010) which can
optionally support four additional network modules for uplink ports (P/Ns 10, 20,
30, 40), then the module count is “1” (the switch being the ‘base’ component).
▪ If a hardware module report contains a router with three separately tested part
numbers (Series 2000, P/Ns 10, 20, 30), and each router can be configured to use
service processing card A (P/N 100) or service processing card B (P/N 101), along
with tamper seal TAMP1 (P/N 500), then the module count is “3” (the routers, each
part number – 10, 20 and 30 - being a ‘base’ component).
▪ If a hardware module report contains a series of four switches and two chassis-
based switches (all running either the same firmware, or firmware with non-security
relevant differences), and within the boundary of each of the chassis-based switches
is a common control processor blade, four different core blades, fiber channel (FC)
port blades, an optional extender blade, a power-supply and a tamper seal, then the
module count is “6” (the switches being the ‘base’ component: four switches and
two chassis-based switches).
o If the report has several hardware modules that are individually tested and independent from
one another, each having their own cryptographic boundary (flash drives, hard drives, single
chips, multi-chips, etc.), but have slight hardware differences (shape, capacity storage,
number or type of ports, etc.), then each of the independent hardware pieces shall contribute
to the module count.
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▪ If a hardware module report contains two hard drive series with five separately
tested configurations [Series SSD1 (P/Ns 128, 256, 500) and SSD2 (P/Ns 1000,
2000)], each with their own cryptographic boundary, the module count is “5”.
▪ If a hardware module report contains three switch series with eight separately tested
configurations [Series 6000 (P/Ns 100, 101, 102), 7000 (P/Ns 200, 201) and 8000
(P/Ns 300, 301, 302)], each with their own cryptographic boundary, the module
count is “8”.
o If the hardware module report contains multiple firmware versions tested (with non-security
relevant differences) on the same hardware platform, then the module count shall reflect the
number of hardware modules only, not the number of firmware versions that are running on
▪ For example, if a hardware module includes two hard-drives (one being a 250GB
drive and the other being a 500GB drive), and each of these drives map to four
firmware versions (with non-security relevant differences), the module count is “2”
to reflect the hardware platforms.
• For a firmware module, the firmware package itself shall be considered a separate module, regardless
of the number of hardware platforms it was tested on.
o If a firmware package was validated as firmware version 1.0, and this package was tested on
two hardware platforms (e.g. hardwareX version 1.0 and hardwareY version 2.0), the
module count is “1”.
o If a report includes firmware version 1.0 and firmware version 2.0, then the module count is
“2”, regardless of the number of hardware platforms these packages were tested on.
• Since hybrid modules (firmware-hybrid or software-hybrid) are dependent on both the
software/firmware and the hardware components, the module count shall be the total number of
configurations that are possible that map to a single module boundary.
o If a firmware-hybrid includes hardware version 1.0 and firmware version 3.1, the module
count is “1”, since there is only a single combination of these two components.
o If a firmware-hybrid includes hardware versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2, and firmware versions 1.1
and 1.2, and each of the hardware version can map to either of the firmware versions, then
the total combination is equal to “6” (3 hardware versions times 2 firmware versions).
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
FIPS 140-2 Glossary:
Approved: FIPS-Approved and/or NIST-recommended.
Approved mode of operation: a mode of the cryptographic module that employs only approved security
functions (not to be confused with a specific mode of an approved security function, e.g., DES CBC mode).
Approved security function: for this standard, a security function (e.g., cryptographic algorithm,
cryptographic key management technique, or authentication technique) that is either
a) specified in an approved standard,
b) adopted in an approved standard and specified either in an appendix of the approved standard or
in a document referenced by the approved standard, or
c) specified in the list of approved security functions.
FIPS 140-2 Section 3 Functional Security Objectives:
The security requirements specified in this standard relate to the secure design and implementation of a
cryptographic module. The requirements are derived from the following high-level functional security
objectives for a cryptographic module:
• To employ and correctly implement the approved security functions for the protection of sensitive
• To protect a cryptographic module from unauthorized operation or use.
• To prevent the unauthorized disclosure of the contents of the cryptographic module, including
plaintext cryptographic keys and CSPs.
• To prevent the unauthorized and undetected modification of the cryptographic module and
cryptographic algorithms, including the unauthorized modification, substitution, insertion, and
deletion of cryptographic keys and CSPs.
• To provide indications of the operational state of the cryptographic module.
• To ensure that the cryptographic module performs properly when operating in an approved mode of
• To detect errors in the operation of the cryptographic module and to prevent the compromise of
sensitive data and CSPs resulting from these errors.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7 Cryptographic Key management:
Encrypted cryptographic keys and CSPs refer to keys and CSPs that are encrypted using an Approved
algorithm or Approved security function. Cryptographic keys and CSPs encrypted using a non-Approved
algorithm or proprietary algorithm or method are considered in plaintext form, within the scope of this
IG 3.5 Documentation Requirements for Cryptographic Module Services:
FIPS 140-2 Section 2.1 Glossary of Terms does not provide a definition of service. However, the standard does
give a few examples to illustrate the intended use of the term Service. Encryption, authentication, digital
signature and key management are mentioned as examples of cryptographic services on page iv. Origin
authentication, data integrity and signer non-repudiation are listed as the services provided by a digital
signature. Show status and self-tests are mentioned in Section 4.3 as examples of services that do not affect the
security of the module.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
A service is any externally operator-invoked operation and/or function that can be performed by a
cryptographic module.
The term non-approved security function is not defined in the FIPS 140-2 Glossary of Terms, but is cited in
multiple places in the standard, DTR and IG. It is central to the correct interpretation of IG 1.2 and IG 1.19.
How is non-approved security function defined, and how is it interpreted in relation to IG 1.2 “FIPS Approved
Mode of Operation” and IG 1.19 “Non-Approved Mode of Operation”?
Definition of non-approved security function
FIPS 140-2 is concerned specifically with approved and non-approved security functions: the term non-
approved security function must be defined relative to functions that claim security, rather than all
functionality outside the set of approved security functions. The term security is not defined in the Glossary of
Terms, but, within the scope of FIPS 140-2, is determined based on the Section 3 Functional Security
Objectives, and the specific Section 4 Security Requirements derived from those objectives.
Security Function: A cryptographic algorithm, cryptographic key management technique, or authentication
technique that supports a claim of security and meets the objectives stated in FIPS 140-2 Section 3.
FIPS 140-2 also uses the term Cryptographic Algorithm, defined next for consistency with FIPS 140-2 and for
convenience in this IG.
Cryptographic Algorithm: An algorithm whose intended function is encryption/decryption, key establishment
(inclusive of key generation), message authentication, message digest generation, digital signature
generation/verification, or random number generation.
Annexes A, C and D provide the definitive current set of approved cryptographic algorithms. A cryptographic
algorithm that is not listed in one of the FIPS 140-2 Annexes (A, C or D) is non-approved.
A non-approved security function is any function within the scope of the module that relies on a non-approved
cryptographic algorithm to support a claim of security.
Primitive computational and logical operations (e.g. addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, AND,
NOT, OR, and XOR) are used in cryptographic algorithms but are not themselves cryptographic algorithms.
A non-approved cryptographic algorithm or proprietary cryptographic algorithm is not a security function if
processed data can be treated as plaintext without violating the Objectives stated in FIPS 140-2 Section 3, the
applicable requirements in FIPS 140-2 Section 4, or the security rules specified in the module’s Security
Relationship of non-approved cryptographic algorithms and the modes of operation
Non-approved security functions shall not be used in the approved mode of operation; however, non-approved
cryptographic algorithms may be used in the approved mode of operation if the non-approved algorithms are
not a security function. If a non-approved cryptographic algorithm is used by the module in the approved mode
but is not a security function, the algorithm shall be included in the list of non-approved algorithms in the
Security Policy with the caveat “(no security claimed)” appended to its name.
A non-approved cryptographic algorithm shall not share the same keys or CSPs that are used by an approved
or allowed algorithm for any cryptographic operation in either the approved, or non-approved mode, as this
counters Section 3 Security Objectives by potentially releasing sensitive data and/or CSP(s). A non-approved
cryptographic algorithm may still access or modify a CSP in the approved mode (under strict conditions laid
out in this IG), as long as the CSP is not used as part of a cryptographic operation, such encryption/decryption,
key establishment (inclusive of key generation), message authentication, message digest generation or digital
signature generation/verification. The only exception to the rule explained in the first sentence of this
paragraph, is the use of a non-approved cryptographic algorithm that utilizes an approved DRBG for any
purpose such as key establishment, stand-alone random number generation, hashing, data obfuscation, etc.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
Despite access and modification of the state of the DRBG CSP(s) by a non-approved algorithm, this is allowed
in both the approved and non-approved modes of operation. See the examples below for more information.
Possible example scenarios of non-approved cryptographic algorithms in various modes of operation
Example scenarios of non-approved cryptographic algorithms allowed in FIPS mode
1. Use of a non-approved cryptographic algorithm to “obfuscate” a CSP
For purposes of storage or certificate formatting (e.g. PFX), a module might:
• XOR a CSP with a secret value
• Encrypt or decrypt a CSP using a proprietary or non-approved cryptographic algorithm.
• Store authentication data using MD5 or using HMAC-SHA-1 with a weak HMAC key
• Format certificate data using a non-approved PKCS #12
As noted in Section 4.7, “Cryptographic keys and CSPs encrypted using a non-approved algorithm or
proprietary algorithm or method are considered in plaintext form, within the scope of this standard.”
All Section 4 requirements must be satisfied when considering the CSP in plaintext form:
• The report description of CSPs must correctly describe the form of the CSP.
• The module must support zeroization of any CSPs stored internally in the forms described
• If the obfuscated CSP is imported or exported, the module must meet the requirements for
plaintext CSP import or export.
This conclusion is consistent with IG 7.16 Acceptable Algorithms for Protecting Stored Keys and
2. Use of an approved, non-approved or proprietary algorithm for a purpose that is not security relevant
or is redundant to an approved cryptographic algorithm
a. Use of MD5 in the TLS 1.0 / 1.1 KDF
SP 800-135 Rev1 Section 4.2.1 describes the use of MD5 in conjunction with SHA-1 in the
key derivation function, concluding that the TLS 1.0/1.1 KDF may be used within the
context of the TLS protocol (with provisions for validation of the companion approved
functions, SHA-1 and HMAC).
This use of MD5 does not conflict with the security of the approved security functions.
b. Storage device use of a PRF (e.g. XTS AES) for memory wear leveling (a technique for
prolonging the service life of some kinds of erasable computer storage media). For best
results, a method with good statistical properties (i.e. a PRF) may be used for wear leveling,
redundant to any other encryption or decryption performed by the module. This use of an
algorithm is not for a security purpose; it is to prolong memory life.
c. A secure channel operated over an insecure communications channel
Consider a module whose purpose is to provide end-to-end secure communications over an
insecure communications channel. That channel may be plaintext or some method which
provides insufficient security, assumed to provide no greater security than plaintext.
Specifically, assume the module communicates over a normal, unprotected Ethernet,
provides approved end to end encryption, decryption and message authentication, as well as
initial authentication of the peer node, and meets all FIPS 140-2 Section 4 requirements. This
module can be validated.
Consider the same scenario but with wireless communications over WEP, WPA, WPA2 or
similar, where the purpose of the module is a remedy for insecure communications media.
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The module must communicate with a WAP using the communications protocols the WAP
provides. If the channel is treated as plaintext, and the module provides secure channel
services that meet all FIPS 140-2 Section 4 requirements, to deny validation to such a
module because the communications media uses non-approved functions defeats the purpose
of the module, and is contrary to the intent of the CMVP as a program.
d. Non-approved cryptographic algorithm that uses an approved DRBG for cryptographic
The module uses a non-approved cryptographic algorithm to “obfuscate” a CSP for RAM
storage. The key used for “obfuscation” is derived via an approved DRBG. By doing this,
the DRBG changes its state, and therefore the DRBG CSPs are modified. Despite the
modification and use of the DRBG CSPs within a cryptographic operation, this is allowed
because the DRBG is the exception to the rule laid out in this IG.
3. Use of a non-approved cryptographic algorithm as part of an approved algorithm that claims security
a. Use of GHASH within AES GCM
Although GHASH, alone, is a non-approved hashing function, it is used within an approved
AES GCM algorithm, and is therefore permitted, even if the vendor claims security on this
algorithm. However, if the vendor claims security on this function, then it shall not be used
in the approved mode for any independent operation outside of the approved algorithm.
Example scenarios of non-approved cryptographic algorithms not allowed in any mode
1. Non-approved cryptographic algorithm that share the same key or CSP as an approved algorithm
a. A DES algorithm is encrypting data using a DES key K1. This key is a part of a Triple-DES
key K = (K1, K2, K3) which is a CSP, as it may be used by an approved Triple-DES
algorithm. The value E = DESK1 (data) is sent outside the module’s boundary. An attacker
can easily break the single-DES encryption and recover K1, which will lead to the disclosure
of the Triple-DES key K.
b. Suppose a module generates, in full compliance with FIPS 186-4, a key pair for an approved
RSA signature algorithm. However, the module also has a non-approved RSA signature
algorithm not claiming any security. This non-approved RSA signature algorithm could use
the same RSA key to generate its “signatures”. These non-approved signatures may be
broken by an attacker and the signing key may be recovered, allowing the attacker to use this
key to sign what they want.
The reason the above two examples are prohibited is because they do not follow the above
rule which states: “A non-approved cryptographic algorithm shall not share the same keys
or CSPs that is used by an approved or allowed algorithm for any cryptographic operation in
either the approved, or non-approved mode”. Even if the vendor claims no security on these
non-approved algorithms, they are still not allowed.
Additional Comments
The vendor must provide clear documentation and reasoning as to why the non-approved cryptographic
algorithms can be used in an Approved Mode, i.e. not being used to meet the requirements of FIPS 140-2
sections 3 and 4. It is at the discretion of the CMVP to determine if such usage of an algorithm fits within the
guidance laid out in this IG.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
The implementation of a trusted path protects plaintext CSPs during the input or output from a cryptographic
module when protections by cryptographic mechanisms are not employed (e.g. key establishment methods in
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7).
For example:
- AS.02.16: (Levels 3 and 4) The physical port(s) used for the input and output of plaintext
cryptographic key components, authentication data, and CSPs shall be physically separated
from all other ports of the cryptographic module or AS.02.17 must be satisfied.
- AS.02.17: (Levels 3 and 4) The logical interfaces used for the input and output of plaintext
cryptographic key components, authentication data, and CSPs shall be logically separated from
all other interfaces using a trusted path or AS.02.16 must be satisfied.
- AS.02.18: (Levels 3 and 4) Plaintext cryptographic key components, authentication data, and
other CSPs shall be directly entered into the cryptographic module (e.g., via a trusted path or
directly attached cable).
- AS.07.33: (Levels 3 and 4) If split knowledge procedures are used, plaintext cryptographic key
components shall be directly entered into or output from the cryptographic module (e.g., via a
trusted path or directly attached cable) without traveling through any enclosing or intervening
systems where the key components may inadvertently be stored, combined, or otherwise
processed (see Section 4.2).
How is a trusted path described when the connection (i.e. the source or destination of the path) is not under the
direct control of the cryptographic module?
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If a cryptographic module utilizes the mechanisms of a trusted path at Level 3 or higher to input or output
plaintext CSPs (i.e. cryptographic methods are not employed), in addition to the requirements specified in the
FIPS 140-2 DTR, the Security Policy shall specify and document:
The cryptographic module validation certificate shall provide a specific caveat regarding the use of the trusted
path, e.g.
When operated in FIPS mode and utilizing a Trusted Path as specified in the Security Policy.
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From FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3:
An operator is not required to assume an authorized role to perform services where cryptographic keys
and CSPs are not modified, disclosed, or substituted (e.g., show status, self-tests, or other services that
do not affect the security of the module).
From FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.3:
Authentication mechanisms may be required within a cryptographic module to authenticate an operator
accessing the module, and to verify that the operator is authorized to assume the requested role and
perform the services within the role.
What are the services that do not require an operator, in the approved mode, to assume an authorized role and,
therefore, not be authenticated, as required if Security Level 2, 3, or 4 is claimed for Section 4.3?
If a Security Level 2 or above is claimed for Section 4.3, an operator in the approved mode shall be authenticated
when assuming a role for all services utilizing approved security functions, with the following exceptions:
(a) The hash algorithms which are specified in FIPS 180-4 and FIPS 202;
(b) The deterministic random number generators which are specified in SP 800-90A rev1. If the
DRBG service is provided to an authenticated operator, the entropy source seeding the DRBG
shall be completely contained within the boundary of the cryptographic module;
(c) Digital signature verification, as specified in "Digital Signature Standard”, FIPS 186-2 and FIPS
(d) Authentication procedures used for authenticating the operator and/or initialization procedures to
setup the operator's authentication credentials; and
(e) Show status, self-tests, or other services that do not permit an operator to modify, disclose or
substitute CSPs and do not affect the security of the module or the security of the information
being protected by the module.
Additional Comments
1. The reason for the stated exceptions is that the referenced algorithms do not create, disclose or modify
the module’s CSPs.
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2. FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3 talks about “authorized” roles. For the purposes of this IG, an authorized role
is any defined role. Some of these defined roles may require an operator to get authenticated before
the operator is authorized to assume the role.
3. Performing any service requires an assumption of a role. This IG clarifies under what conditions some
of the roles may remain unauthenticated. When the FIPS 140-2 standard states (see the Background
section above) that an operator is not required to assume an authorized role to perform certain
services, this means that while the module may be validated at Security Level 2 or above in Section
4.3, a defined role may not require an authentication of an operator for the role to perform these
4. It is stated in (e) in the Resolution section that an unauthenticated service may not, at Security Levels
2 and above, cause a modification of the module’s CSP. There exists an exception to this rule. An
approved DRBG may be called from an unauthenticated role, or even from a role that includes the
non-approved services. Each execution of a DRBG may result in a modification of the DRBG’s secret
state parameters, which are the module’s CSPs (see IG 14.5). This indirect modification of the CSPs
is permissible because it does not result in the weakening of the CSPs or in a loss of their secrecy.
5. The zeroization of all of the module’s unprotected keys and CSPs performed as required in Section
4.7.6 of FIPS 140-2 is not viewed as a “modification” of these parameters. Therefore, the
corresponding zeroization service may be called from an unauthenticated role.
A router is a particular type of cryptographic module where bypass is typically applicable but has some unique
attributes. Typically, a router has an internal IP address table that contains entries for known addresses as well
as instructions specifying routing destinations and whether the packets are to be encrypted or passed in
plaintext. In addition, if an unknown IP address is found, a router may “drop” the incoming packet or pass it to
a predetermined address unchanged (e.g. default gateway).
Is the cryptographic module subject to the bypass requirements of FIPS 140-2 if packets with an unknown IP
address are either dropped or re-directed to a predetermined address (e.g. default gateway)?
The bypass requirements of FIPS 140-2 are not applicable if packets with an unknown IP address are dropped
Packets with an unknown IP address that are re-directed to a predetermined address (e.g. default gateway) are
bypassing the module’s encryption and the bypass requirements of FIPS 140-2 are applicable.
This IG is also applicable to cryptographic modules that are offering an exclusive bypass capability or no
bypass capability at all.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
A cryptographic module may implement authentication mechanisms to authenticate an operator accessing the
module and to verify that the operator is authorized to assume the requested role and perform services within
that role. Depending on the security level, a cryptographic module may support role-based or identity-based
Can a software module (IG 1.16) rely on the authentication mechanisms employed in the operating
environment rather than implemented explicitly by the software module within the software modules logical
If a software cryptographic module supports either role-based or identity-based authentication, the
authentication mechanisms shall be implemented within the logical boundary of the module with the following
• If FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6 Operating Environment is validated at Level 2, 3, or 4, the authentication
mechanisms employed in the operating environment may be used to meet the FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3
authentication requirements. If role-based authentication is claimed in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3, then
the operating environment shall satisfy either the role-based or identity-based requirements in FIPS
140-2 Section 4.3. If identity-based authentication is claimed in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3, then the
operating environment shall satisfy identity-based requirements in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.
o If the operating environment requires special configuration settings to satisfy the selected
authentication method in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3, the configuration settings shall be defined
in the Security Policy, and the Security Policy shall indicate that the Crypto Officer Role is
responsible for ensuring the configuration settings are properly set for the module to operate
in an approved mode of operation.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
AS03.16: (Levels 2, 3, and 4) Depending on the security level, the cryptographic module shall perform at
least one of the following mechanisms to control access to the module: role-based authentication or
identity-based authentication.
AS03.17: (Level 2) If role-based authentication mechanisms are supported by the cryptographic module,
the module shall require that one or more roles either be implicitly or explicitly selected by the operator
and shall authenticate the assumption of the selected role (or set of roles).
AS03.19: (Level 3 and 4) If identity-based authentication mechanisms are supported by the
cryptographic module, the module shall require that the operator be individually identified, shall
require that one or more roles either be implicitly or explicitly selected by the operator, and shall
authenticate the identity of the operator and the authorization of the operator to assume the selected
role (or set of roles).
A module may implement separately defined operator roles which have different authentication claims. For
example, the Crypto Officer (CO) role implements identity-based authentication while the User role
implements role-based authentication (Case 1). In another example, the CO role implements role-based
authentication while the User role does not implement any authentication (Case 2). There is also a possibility
of the CO and User roles each supporting role-based as well as the identity-based authentication (Case 3):
some of the operators who are assuming a given role are authenticated using the role-based credentials, while
others, who will also assume this role, pass an identity-based authentication. Are these implementations
compliant with the requirements of Section 4.3 of FIPS 140-2, and, if so, at what security level?
For the above scenarios, it is assumed that approved security services are included in each assumed role.
Should there be an exception to the operator authentication requirement when the approved security functions
do not affect the security of the module?
Following are the resolutions for the three scenarios from the Question/Problem section above.
1. The first case (Case 1) is compliant to FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3 because for the purposes of the FIPS 140-2
validation, identity-based authentication is considered to be meeting the role-based authentication
requirement. Both the CO and the User operators get authenticated to access the approved security
services. The section security level is 2 because it is the lower of the two authentication methods
The security policy shall identify all roles, and for each role, the authentication method (i.e. either role-
based or identity-based).
2. In the second case (Case 2) the module is compliant to FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3 level 2 only if the
unauthenticated User role does not call any services that affect the module’s security. See IG 3.1 for the
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definition of such services. Otherwise, FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3 is annotated at level 1 and only the level 1
assertions are addressed.
3. The Case 3 scenario is also compliant with FIPS 140-2. The vendor can claim compliance with Section
4.3 only at security level 2. The test report addresses each role at security level 2. The security policy shall
explain how the authentication may be performed for each role.
Additional Comments
1. IG 3.1 addresses authenticated roles for approved security services and non-authenticated services.
2. In Case 3, the module can only be validated at level 2 in Section 4.3 because the role-based authentication
is also available to the module.
3. Other mixed cases are also possible. There is sufficient information in this Implementation Guidance to
determine how to treat each of these cases and what will be the overall security level of the module’s
validation in Section 4.3. For example, the User role can have both a role-based and an identity-based
authentication, while the Crypto Officer role always requires an identity-based authentication. As shown
above, such module is validated at security level 2 in Section 4.3, unless the User role only calls the
services that are exceptions identified in IG 3.1 as not affecting the module’s security. If the latter case,
the module’s Section 4.3 may be validated at security level 3.
4. When the module supports both the role-based and the identity-based authentication, either within the
same role (as in Case 3 above) or by the different roles (as in Case 1), the testing laboratory, when writing
the Test Report, shall select the “Identity Auth.” option in the Module Information form. This will require
the testing laboratory to address in the Test Report both the level 2 (role-based) and the level 3 (identity-
based) assertions.
From FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.2 and Appendix C:
AS03.07: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Services shall refer to all of the services, operations, or functions that can
be performed by the cryptographic module.
AS03.08: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Service inputs shall consist of all data or control inputs to the
cryptographic module that initiate or obtain specific services, operations, or functions.
AS03.09: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Service outputs shall consist of all data and status outputs that result
from services, operations, or functions initiated or obtained by service inputs.
AS03.10: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Each service input shall result in a service output.
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• the services, operations, or functions provided by the cryptographic module, both Approved
and non-Approved, and
• for each service provided by the module, the service inputs, corresponding service outputs, and
the authorized role(s) in which the service can be performed.
AS14.07: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) The security policy shall specify: all services provided by the
cryptographic module.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.2 Roles, Services, and Authentication lays out requirements for service inputs, service
outputs, correlation between inputs and outputs, and access control on the services by authorized roles as stated
in the Background section above. Nevertheless, it does not specify what operations or functions that can be
performed by the cryptographic module are considered as services. The statement that services shall refer to all
of the services does not answer the question what is considered as a service and must be documented in a security
FIPS 140-2 Section 2.1 Glossary of Terms does not provide a definition of service. However, the standard does
give a few examples to illustrate the intended use of the term Service. Encryption, authentication, digital
signature and key management are mentioned as examples of cryptographic services on page iv. Origin
authentication, data integrity and signer non-repudiation are listed as the services provided by a digital
signature. Show status and self-tests are mentioned in Section 4.3 as examples of services that do not affect the
security of the module.
What is the definition of service in the context of FIPS 140-2? What is the expected level of granularity to specify
a service in order to meet the referenced requirements? Do all services need to be documented in the security
policy, including the services that are not security-relevant or not specified in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.2?
Services of a cryptographic module are the top-level operations and/or functions that represent the module’s
main functionality provided through its external interface. The services that are commonly provided by a
cryptographic module are among Encryption, Digital Signature operations, Key Derivation Functions, Key
Establishment Schemes, Message Authentication, Random Number generation, Secure Hashing, User
Authentication, Self-tests, key Zeroization, Show Status, Protocol Handshake, Signature Operations, etc.
FIPS 140-2 states unambiguously that all services need to be documented in the module’s Security Policy. This
applies to the following groups:
1. services that use approved (i.e. including allowed) security functions and mechanisms that are
available for use in an approved mode of operation,
2. services that do not use any security functions (i.e. approved or non-approved), but are described in
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.3.2 (e.g. Show Status service),
3. services that use non-approved security functions or mechanisms and therefore not available for use
in an approved mode of operation,
4. services that may perform actions that are not addressed in the above bullets. An example of such
service would be “image manipulation.”
The security policy shall list each service individually that belongs to groups 1 to 3, as per AS14.07. When
reporting cryptographic services in group 1, IG 14.1 provides the guidance for level of detail.
For services that belong to group 4, the security policy shall either list them individually in the same manner as
all other services, or provide a reference to separate external document where these services are documented.
A reference shall include the document name, version number, release date and how the document can be
publicly acquired (e.g. a provided URL).
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
The description of each service shall address the requirements in FIPS 140-2 Appendix C.3.2.
All module security functions listed in AS01.12 shall map to at least one defined security service.
Additional Comments
A service is any externally operator invoked operation and/or function that can be performed by a
cryptographic module. A service shall correspond to a specific task or callable function to be performed by the
Services provided by a software module are not required to have one-to-one correspondence to the API
functions implemented by the module. A service (e.g. Random Number Generation) may invoke a group of
API functions. On the other hand, an API function may provide different services (e.g. symmetric encryption
vs. asymmetric encryption) depending on the different values of some or all of its input parameters. A vendor
may choose to document services in terms of API functions if appropriate. Nevertheless, API functions are not
required to be the only way to specify services.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Cryptographic modules typically require the use of heat dissipation techniques that can include the use of fans,
ventilation holes or slits. The size of these openings in the modules’ enclosure, or the spacing between fan
blades, may allow the viewing or possible probing of internal components and structures within the
cryptographic module.
How do the opacity requirements of FIPS 140-2 affect the design of the heat dissipation techniques on those
cryptographic modules at Security Level 2? Should the cryptographic module prevent probing through the
ventilation holes or slits at Security Level 2?
The following are the physical security requirements for multi-chip stand-alone module at Security Level 2
pertaining to opacity and probing:
• the embodiments that are entirely contained within a metal or hard plastic production-grade enclosure
that may include doors or removable covers (Security Level 1 requirement); and
• the enclosure of the cryptographic module shall be opaque within the visible spectrum.
Probing Requirements
Probing is not addressed at Security Level 2. Probing through ventilation holes or slits is addressed at Security
Level 3 (AS.05.21).
Opacity Requirements
The purpose of the opacity requirement is to deter direct observation of the cryptographic module’s internal
components and design information to prevent a determination of the composition or implementation of the
A module is considered “opaque” only if it cannot be determined by visual inspection within the visible
spectrum using artificial light sources shining through the enclosure openings or translucent surfaces, the
manufacturer and/or model numbers of internal components (such as specific IC types) and/or design and
composition information (such as wire traces and interconnections).
Component outlines may be visible from the enclosure openings or translucent surfaces as long as the
component’s manufacturer and/or model numbers, and/or composition and information about the module’s
design cannot be determined.
All components within the boundary of the cryptographic module must meet the opacity requirements of the
standard. Excluded non-security relevant components do not have to meet these requirements.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Additional Comments
Note: Visible light is defined as light within a wavelength range of 400nm to 750nm.
What level of testing and scope of testing should be applied when testing tamper evident seals?
If a module uses tamper evident labels, it shall not be possible to remove or reapply a label without tamper
evidence. For example, if the label can be removed without tamper evidence, and the same label can be re-
applied without tamper evidence, the assertion fails.
Conversely, if any attempt to remove the label leaves evidence, or removal and re-application leaves evidence,
or the label is destroyed during removal, the assertion passes. This means that the CST laboratory shall have to
use creative ways (e.g. chemically, mechanically, thermally) to remove a label without evidence and without
destroying the original label, and be able to re-apply the removed label in a manner that does not leave
Additional Comments
It is out-of-scope for an attacker to introduce new materials to cover up evidence of the attack.
FIPS 140-1 was developed by a government and industry working group composed of both operators and
vendors. The working group identified requirements for four security levels for cryptographic modules to
provide for a wide spectrum of data sensitivity (e.g., low value administrative data, million dollar funds
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
transfers, and life protecting data) and a diversity of application environments (e.g., a guarded facility, an
office, and a completely unprotected location). Four security levels are specified for each of 11 requirement
areas. Each security level offers an increase in security over the preceding level. These four increasing levels
of security allow cost-effective solutions that are appropriate for different degrees of data sensitivity and
different application environments. FIPS 140-2 incorporates changes in applicable standards and technology
since the development of FIPS 140-1 as well as changes that are based on comments received from the vendor,
laboratory, and user communities.
The use of a validated cryptographic module in a computer or telecommunications system is not sufficient to
ensure the security of the overall system. The overall security level of a cryptographic module must be chosen
to provide a level of security appropriate for the security requirements of the application and environment in
which the module is to be utilized and for the security services that the module is to provide. The responsible
authority in each organization should ensure that their computer and telecommunication systems that utilize
cryptographic modules provide an acceptable level of security for the given application and environment.
The importance of security awareness and of making information security a management priority should be
communicated to all users. Since information security requirements vary for different applications,
organizations should identify their information resources and determine the sensitivity to and the potential
impact of losses. Controls should be based on the potential risks and should be selected from available
controls, including administrative policies and procedures, physical and environmental controls, information
and data controls, software development and acquisition controls, and backup and contingency planning.
FIPS 140-2 does not specify the required strength of the approved security functions that may be implemented
within a cryptographic module at each security level. Allowable strengths are addressed in IG 7.5. Therefore, a
Level 1 module may implement the same security strength of an encryption function as a Level 4 module.
The four physical security levels of FIPS 140-2 are focused on the protection of the modules CSPs by the
module itself independent of the environment the module is deployed. Therefore, selection of a security level
is greatly influenced by the environment the module is to be deployed. At a Level 1 security level, which does
not itself provide physical security protection, in the right environment, may be an acceptable solution because
the environment provides the required physical security protection features.
A software cryptographic module is not subject to the physical security requirements of this standard. The
following resolution assumes the host platform is not subject to the physical security requirements of FIPS
What are the assumptions that have defined the protection, attack types and operator roles in the FIPS 140-2
physical security requirements for which a cryptographic module itself provides at each security level?
Level 1
Protection Provided:
No physical protection of CSPs; access assumed
Hardware: probing and observation of components assumed.
Software: access to operating environment, applications and data assumed.
User Assumptions:
*Value or sensitivity of data protected by the module is assumed negligible in an unprotected environment.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Attack Type:
Passive attack to gain immediate access to CSPs and data held by the module.
The module provides correct operation of security functions and services. Protection of the plaintext
CSPs and data held within the module is provided by the operator of the module (e.g. the environment
the module may be used). If the module is used in an unprotected environment, then the module
should not hold or maintain unprotected plaintext CSPs or data.
Level 2
Protection Provided:
User Assumptions:
*Value or sensitivity of data protected by the module is assumed low in an unprotected environment.
Attack Type:
Active attack to gain immediate access to CSPs and data held by the module.
The module provides correct operation of security functions and services. Protection of the plaintext
CSPs and data held within the module is provided by the operator of the module (e.g. the environment
the module may be used). The operator of the module is aware by tamper evidence that internal
information may be compromised. If the module is used in an unprotected environment, then the
module should not hold or maintain unprotected plain-text CSPs or data which have a moderate or
high value.
Level 3
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Protection Provided:
User Assumptions:
Attack Type:
Moderately aggressive attack to gain immediate access to CSPs and data held by the module.
The module provides correct operation of security functions and services. Protection of the plaintext
CSPs and data held within the module is provided by the operator of the module (e.g. the environment
the module may be used) and by the physical protection mechanisms of the module (e.g. strong
enclosure, tamper response for covers and doors, deterrent of probing). The operator of the module is
aware by tamper evidence that internal information may be compromised. An attack is pre-meditated
but will be of moderate difficulty. If the module is used in an unprotected environment, then the
module should not hold or maintain unprotected plain-text CSPs or data which have a high value.
Level 4
Protection Provided:
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Penetration of the module’s enclosure from any direction had a very high probability of being
detected resulting in immediate zeroization of plaintext CSPs or severe damage to the module
rendering it inoperable.
Non-direct attacks prevented.
Software: logical access protection of the cryptographic modules unprotected CSPs and data is
provided by the evaluated operating system at EAL4.
User Assumptions:
Attack Type:
Aggressive attack to gain immediate access to CSPs and data held by the module.
The module provides correct operation of security functions and services. Protection of the plaintext
CSPs and data held within the module is provided by the operator of the module (e.g. the environment
the module may be used) and by the physical protection mechanisms of the module (e.g. strong
enclosure, tamper response for covers and doors, complete envelope of protection and penetration
detection resulting in immediate zeroization of plaintext CSPs, voltage and temperature assurance).
The operator of the module is aware by tamper evidence that the module was attacked. The module
shall zeroize all unprotected CSPs before an attacker can compromise the module. An attack is pre-
meditated, well-funded, organized and determined.
Additional Comments
*Discussion of the value of the data protected by the module does not consider physical protection provided by
the operator to supplement the minimum physical security requirements of each level in FIPS 140-2. As an
example, a user of Level 1 module may add “guards, guns, vaults and gates” surrounding the module and
therefore may be comfortable in protecting more valuable information.
Attack times of low and moderate are subjective and depend on the experience and skill of an attacker and
techniques employed. FIPS 140-2 Derived Test Requirements and FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Implementation
Guidance provide further guidance for the tester for each security level.
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Background - References
AS.05.28: (Single-Chip - Levels 3 and 4) Either the cryptographic module shall be covered with a hard
opaque tamper-evident coating (e.g., a hard opaque epoxy covering the passivation).
TE05.28.02: The tester shall verify that the coating cannot be easily penetrated to the depth of the
underlying circuitry, and that it leaves tamper evidence. The inspection must verify that the coating
completely covers the module, is visibly opaque, and deters direct observation, probing, or
AS.05.39: (Multiple-Chip Embedded - Levels 3 and 4) the multiple-chip embodiment of the circuitry
within the cryptographic module shall be covered with a hard coating or potting material (e.g., a hard
epoxy material) that is opaque within the visible spectrum.
TE05.39.06: (Option 1 - Utilize a hard opaque material) The tester shall verify by inspection and from
vendor documentation that the module is covered with a hard opaque material. The documentation
shall specify the material that is used. The tester shall verify that it cannot be easily penetrated to the
depth of the underlying circuitry. The tester shall verify that the material completely covers the module
and is visibly opaque within the visible spectrum.
AS.05.52: (Multiple-Chip Standalone – Levels 3 and 4) the multiple-chip embodiment of the circuitry
within the cryptographic module shall be covered with a hard potting material (e.g., a hard epoxy
material) that is opaque within the visible spectrum.
TE05.52.02: (Option 1 – Covered with a hard opaque potting material) Encapsulate within a hard,
opaque potting material. The tester shall verify from vendor documentation and by inspection, if
internal access is possible, that the circuitry within the module is covered with a hard opaque potting
material. The documentation shall specify which potting material is used and its hardness
What kind of testing is expected to be performed at Level 3 to verify that the hard coating or potting material
that encapsulates the circuitry is hard?
Within the scope of FIPS 140-2, the term hard is defined as:
Hard / hardness: the relative resistance of a metal or other material to denting, scratching, or bending;
physically toughened; rugged, and durable. The relative resistances of the material to be penetrated by another
Test methods shall be consistent with IG 5.3 that addresses a moderately aggressive attack at Level 3.
The test methods shall at a minimum address the hardness characteristics of the epoxy or potting material as
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Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
1. Attempts to penetrate the material by an instrument (e.g. awl, pointed handheld tool, etc.) using a
moderately aggressive amount of force to the depth of the underlying circuitry. The use of a drilling
or grinding motion is out-of-scope.
2. The use of an instrument with a moderately aggressive amount of force to pry or break the material
away from the underlying circuitry (e.g. insert a pry instrument at the boundary of the epoxy or
potting material and another material/component (e.g. PCB board)).
3. The use of a moderately aggressive amount of flexing or bending force to crack or break the material
away from or expose the underlying circuitry.
During testing the module should be consistently assessed to determine if serious damage has occurred (i.e. the
module will either cease to function or the module is unable to function).
The manufacturing method which is used to apply the epoxy or potting material shall be reviewed to
determine if voids or pockets may exist that could create an exposure or weakness. The above testing shall
exploit those areas.
Module hardness testing shall be performed at the vendors specified nominal operating temperature for the
module and at the vendors specified lowest and highest temperature that the module will not be damaged (e.g.
during storage, transportation/shipping, etc.). If no specification is provided, hardness testing shall be
performed by the laboratory at ambient temperature.
The Security Policy shall (AS.14.05) specify the nominal and high/low temperature range that the module
hardness testing was performed. If the module hardness testing was only performed at a single temperature
(e.g. vendor provided only a nominal temperature or the vendor did not provide a specification), the Security
Policy shall clearly state that the module hardness testing was only performed at a single temperature and no
assurance is provided for Level 3 hardness conformance at any other temperature.
At Level 3, testing methods at all embodiments (single-chip, multi-chip embedded and multi-chip standalone)
shall not consist of drilling, milling, cutting, burning, melting, grinding or dissolving the epoxy or potting
material, in order to gain access to the underlying circuitry. These types of "attacks" are addressed by Level 4
physical security and are consistent with FIPS 140-1 Implementation Guidance IG 5.7.
Additional Comments
While the above test methods may be applicable at Physical Security Level 3 for a module which is protected
by a strong enclosure or includes doors or removable covers, this IG does not specifically address those test
AS.05.60: (Level 4) The cryptographic module shall either employ environmental failure protection
(EFP) features or undergo environmental failure testing (EFT).
EFP/EFT is a Level 4 Physical Security requirement. Can a module that only claims Level 3 physical security
also claim EFP/EFT?
A module that has been designed only to meet Level 3 physical security in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 can
augment the Level 3 requirements with the Section 4.5 EFP/EFT requirements.
The CMVP provided test reporting tool (CRYPTIK) was modified to allow this scenario where FIPS 140-2
Section 4.5 is claimed at Level 3 and the “EFP/EFT” option is selected in the Module Information panel. This
requires the testing laboratory to address both the Level 3 physical security requirements and the Level 4
EFP/EFT assertions while keeping the overall section annotated as Level 3.
Historically, for a FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 validated software cryptographic module on a server to meet the
single user requirement of Security Level 1, the server had to be configured so that only one user at a time
could access the server. This meant configuring the server Operating System (OS) so that only a single user at
a time could execute processes (including cryptographic processes) on the server. Consequently, servers were
not being used as intended.
AS.06.04 states: “(Level 1 Only) The operating system shall be restricted to a single operator mode of
operation (i.e., concurrent operators are explicitly excluded)”. What is the definition of concurrent operators in
this context? Specifically, may Level 1 software modules be implemented on a server and achieve FIPS 140-2
validation? (Note: this question is also applicable to VPN, firewalls, etc.)
Software cryptographic modules implemented in client/server architecture are intended to be used on both the
client and the server. The cryptographic module will be used to provide cryptographic functions to the client
and server applications. When a crypto module is implemented in a server environment, the server application
is the user of the cryptographic module. The server application makes the calls to the cryptographic module.
Therefore, the server application is the single user of the cryptographic module, even when the server
application is serving multiple clients
Additional Comments
This information must be included in the non-proprietary security policy.
FIPS 140-2 states (Section 4.6 Operational Environment) “A limited operational environment refers to a static
non-modifiable virtual environment (e.g., a JAVA virtual machine on a non-programmable PC card) with no
underlying general purpose operating system upon which the operational environment uniquely resides.”
Does the FIPS 140-2 statement mean that a smart card implementing a non-modifiable operating system (e.g.,
like the ones currently used today in most smart cards) that accept and run JAVA applets (whether validated or
not) is a limited operational environment?
The CMVP cannot issue a general statement that applies to all JAVA card modules since functionality and
design can vary greatly from module to module. The determination is left to the CST laboratories, which have
the complete module documentation available to them. In general, however, a JAVA smart card module with
the ability to load unvalidated applets post-validation is considered to have a modifiable operational
environment and the Operational Environment requirements of FIPS 140-2 are applicable.
A JAVA smart card module having a modifiable operational environment which either:
b) loads only applets that have been tested and validated to either FIPS 140-1 or FIPS 140-2,
could be considered to have a limited operational environment and have the FIPS 140-2 Operational
Environment requirements section of the module test report marked as Not Applicable.
The validated JAVA smart card cryptographic module must use an approved authentication technique on all
loaded applets. The module shall also meet, at a minimum, the requirements of AS.09.34, AS.09.35, AS.10.03
and AS.10.04, as well as any other applicable assertions. Validation of the cryptographic module is maintained
through the loading of applets that have either been tested and validated during the validation effort of the
smart card itself or through an independent validation effort (i.e., the applet itself has its own validation
certificate number).
The security policy of the validated smart card module must state whether:
• The module can load applets post-validation, validated or not (Note: if the module can load non-
validated applets post-validation, the security policy must clearly indicate that the module’s validation
to FIPS 140-1 or FIPS 140-2 is no longer valid once a non-validated applet is loaded);
• Any applets are contained within the validated cryptographic module and, if so, must list their name(s)
and version number(s).
Additional Comments
The name(s) and version number(s) of all applets contained within a validated cryptographic module shall be
listed on the module’s certificate and CMVP website entry.
Depending on how assertions AS.06.10, AS.06.21 and AS.06.27 are read, they could be interpreted as the OS
upon which the module is running on has to meet ALL of the listed PPs in Annex B at EAL2, EAL3 and EAL4
respectively. This is because of the plural at the end of the “Protection Profiles”.
Must the OS upon which the module is running on has to meet ALL of the listed PPs in Annex B at EAL2,
EAL3 and EAL4 respectively?
No, the requirements should be interpreted to read as follows:
• For AS.06.10:
an operating system that meets the functional requirements specified in a Protection Profile listed in
Annex B and is evaluated at the CC evaluation assurance level EAL2
• For AS.06.21, the first sentence:
an operating system that meets the functional requirements specified in a Protection Profile listed in
Annex B.
• For AS.06.27, the first sentence:
an operating system that meets the functional requirements specified in a Protection Profile listed in
Annex B.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6.1 states that “A cryptographic mechanism using an approved integrity technique (e.g.
approved message authentication code or digital signature algorithm) shall be applied to all cryptographic
software and firmware components within the cryptographic module.”
What is an approved integrity technique, as specified in AS.06.08, and when must be it performed?
An approved integrity technique is a keyed cryptographic mechanism that uses an approved and validated
cryptographic security function. This includes a digital signature scheme, an HMAC or a MAC. Approved
security functions are listed in FIPS 140-2 Annex A.
The approved integrity technique is considered a Power-Up Test and shall meet all power-up test
FIPS 140-2 Annex D provides a list of the FIPS approved key establishment techniques applicable to FIPS
PUB 140-2.
The commercially available schemes referred to in FIPS 140-2 Annex D are concerned with the derivation of a
shared secret, or, as it is sometimes called, “the keying material.” The IEEE 802.11i standard describes how to
derive keys from a secret shared between two parties. It does not specify how to establish this commonly
shared secret.
Assuming that the shared secret is established using a key establishment technique specified in Annex D, can a
cryptographic module use the 802.11i key derivation techniques to derive a data protection key, a key
wrapping key and other keys for use in a FIPS approved mode of operation?
Implementations of the IEEE 802.11i protocol operating in a FIPS approved mode of operation must meet the
following requirements:
1. To derive a data protection key, a key wrapping key and other keys for use in a FIPS approved mode of
operation, the following requirements shall be met:
a) the shared secret (the keying material) shall be established using a FIPS approved method specified in
FIPS 140-2 Annex D; and
b) the key derivation function shall be implemented as defined IG 7.10.
2. The data protection method defined in the 802.11i protocol shall be AES CCM, which is an approved
security function for use in a FIPS approved mode of operation as specified in FIPS 140-2 Annex A.
3. The keying material may be established via manual methods as specified in FIPS 140-2. The key
derivation function as defined in IG 7.10 may then be applied.
Amendment 6: IEEE 802.11Medium Access Control (MAC) Security Enhancements, IEEE P802.11i/D10.0,
April 2004. Section Pairwise Key Hierarchy.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.6 states that “The cryptographic module shall provide methods to zeroize all Plaintext
secret and private cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module.”
Are cryptographic keys used by a module ONLY to perform FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9.1 Power-Up Tests (e.g.
cryptographic algorithm Known Answer Tests (KAT) or software/firmware integrity tests) considered CSPs
and is zeroization required under FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.6?
Cryptographic keys used by a cryptographic module ONLY to perform FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9.1 Power-Up
Tests are not considered CSPs and therefore do not need to meet the FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.6 zeroization
FIPS 140-2 AS.07.19 states that “Compromising the security of the key establishment method (e.g.,
compromising the security of the algorithm used for key establishment) shall require as many operations as
determining the value of the cryptographic key being transported or agreed upon.”
SP 800-57, Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General (Revised) (March 2007), Section 5, Sub-
Section 5.6.1, Comparable Algorithm Strength, contains Table 1, which provides comparable security
strengths for the approved algorithms.
1. Column 1 indicates the number of bits of security provided by the algorithms and key sizes in a particular
row. Note that the bits of security are not necessarily the same as the key sizes for the algorithms in the
other columns, due to attacks on those algorithms that provide computational advantages.
2. Column 2 identifies the symmetric key algorithms that provide the indicated level of security (at a
minimum), where 3TDEA is specified in SP 800-67, and AES is specified in FIPS 197. 3TDEA is TDEA
with three different keys.
3. Column 3 indicates the minimum size of the parameters associated with the standards that use finite field
cryptography (FFC). Examples of such algorithms include DSA as defined in FIPS 186-4 for digital
signatures, and Diffie-Hellman (DH) and MQV key agreement as defined in SP 800-56A, where L is the
size of the public key, and N is the size of the private key.
4. Column 4 indicates the value for k (the size of the modulus n) for algorithms based on integer
factorization cryptography (IFC). The predominant algorithm of this type is the RSA algorithm. RSA is
specified in ANSI X9.31 and the PKCS#1 document. These specifications are referenced in FIPS 186-4
for digital signatures. The value of k is commonly considered to be the key size.
5. Column 5 indicates the range of f (the size of n, where n is the order of the base point G) for algorithms
based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) that are specified for digital signatures in ANSI X9.62 and
adopted in FIPS186-4, and for key establishment as specified in ANSI X9.63 and SP 800-56A. The value
of f is commonly considered to be the key size.
For example, if a 256 bit AES is to be transported utilizing RSA, then k=15360 for the RSA key pair. A 256
bit AES key transport key could be used to wrap a 256 bit AES key.
For key strengths not listed in Table 2 above, the correspondence between the length of an RSA or a Diffie-
Hellman key and the length of a symmetric key of an identical strength can be computed as:
If the length of an RSA key L (this is the value of k in the fourth column of Table 2 above), then the
length x of a symmetric key of approximately the same strength can be computed as:
ln( 2) (1)
If the lengths of the Diffie-Hellman public and private keys are L and N, correspondingly, then the
length y of a symmetric key of approximately the same strength can be computed as:
y min( x, N / 2) , (2)
where x is computed as in formula (1) above.
What does FIPS 140-2 assertion AS.07.19 mean in the context of SP 800-57?
The requirement applies to the key establishment methods found in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.
If a key is established via a key agreement or key transport method, the transport key or key agreement method
shall be of equal or greater strength than the key being transported or established. For example, it is acceptable
to have a 2048-bit RSA key (112-bit strength) transported using an AES key.
If the apparent strength of the largest key (taken at face value) that can be established by a cryptographic
module is greater or equal than the largest comparable strength of the implemented key establishment method,
then the module certificate and security policy will be annotated with, in addition to the other required caveats,
the caveat "(Key establishment methodology provides xx bits of encryption strength)" for that key
establishment method. For example, if a 256 bit AES is to be transported utilizing RSA with a value of k=2048
for the RSA key pair, the caveat would state "RSA (key wrapping, key establishment methodology provides
112 bits of encryption strength)".
Furthermore, if the module supports, for a particular key establishment method, several key strengths, then the
caveat will state either the choice of strengths provided by the keys while operated in FIPS mode, if there are
only two possible effective strengths, or a range of strengths if there are more than two possible strengths. For
example, if a module implements 2048 and 3072-bit public key Diffie-Hellman with the private keys of 224
and 256 bits then the caveat would state “Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology
provides 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength)". The security policy shall provide details about the non-
compliant key sizes. If, on the other hand, a module implements, in support of a key wrapping protocol, the
RSA encryption/decryption with the RSA keys of 2048, 4096 and 15360 bits, then the caveat would say “RSA
(key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength)”.
These caveats provide clarification to Federal users on the actual strength the module is providing even though
Table 2 below states that the strength is sufficient.
Additional Comments
SP 800-57, Recommendation for Key Management – Part 1: General (Revised) (March 2007) also provides
the following information in Section 5.6.2:
Table 2 provides recommendations that may be used to select an appropriate suite of algorithms and key sizes
for Federal government unclassified applications. Between 2011 and 2030, a minimum of 112 bits of security
shall be provided. Thereafter, at least 128 bits of security shall be provided.
1. Column 1 indicates the estimated time periods during which data protected by specific cryptographic
algorithms remains secure. (i.e., the algorithm security lifetimes).
2. Column 2 identifies appropriate symmetric key algorithms and key sizes: 3TDEA are specified in SP 800-
67, the AES algorithm is specified in FIPS 197, and the computation of Message Authentication Codes
(MACs) using block ciphers is specified in SP 800-38.
3. Column 3 indicates the minimum size of the parameters associated with FFC, such as DSA as defined in
FIPS 186-4.
4. Column 4 indicates the minimum size of the modulus for IFC, such as the RSA algorithm specified in
ANSI X9.31 and PKCS#1 and adopted in FIPS 186-4 for digital signatures.
5. Column 5 indicates the value of f (the size of n, where n is the order of the base point G) for algorithms
based on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) that are specified for digital signatures in ANSI X9.62 and
adopted in FIPS 186-4, and for key establishment as specified in ANSI X9.63 and SP 800-56A. The value
of f is commonly considered to be the key size.
The algorithms and key sizes in the table are considered appropriate for the protection of data during the given
time periods. Algorithms or key sizes not indicated for a given range of years shall not be used to protect
information during that time period. If the security life of information extends beyond one time period
specified in the table into the next time period (the later time period), the algorithms and key sizes specified for
the later time shall be used. The following examples are provided to clarify the use of the table:
a. If information is encrypted in 2005 and the maximum expected security life of that data is only five years,
any of the algorithms or key sizes in the table may be used. But if the information is protected in 2005 and
the expected security life of the data is six years, then 2TDEA would not be appropriate.
b. If a CA signature key and all certificates issued under that key will expire in 2005, then the signature and
hash algorithm used to sign the certificate needs to be secure for at least five years. A certificate issued in
2005 using 1024 bit DSA and SHA-1 would be acceptable.
c. If information is initially signed in 2009 and needs to remain secure for a maximum of ten years (i.e., from
2009 to 2019), a 1024 bit RSA key would not provide sufficient protection between 2011 and 2019 and,
therefore, it is not recommended that 1024 bit RSA be used in this case. It is recommended that the
algorithms and key sizes in the "Through 2030" row (e.g., 2048 bit RSA) should be used to provide the
cryptographic protection. In addition, the signature must be generated using a hash algorithm of
comparable or greater strength, such as SHA-224 or SHA-256.
Given different configurations of cryptographic modules, how can a modules key establishment and key entry
and output states be easily mapped to the FIPS 140-2 Section 4.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces,
Section 4.7.3 Key Establishment and Section 4.7.4 Key Entry and Output? Are there any special considerations
for Sub-Chip Cryptographic Subsystems (IG 1.20)?
Using the following guidelines, first determine how keys are established to a module. Once the establishment
method is determined, the Key Entry format table will indicate the requirements on how keys shall be entered
or output. The following is based on the requirements found in FIPS 140-2 in Sections 4.2 and 4.7.
CM: a FIPS 140-2 validated Cryptographic Module
GPC: General Purpose Computer
EXT: a validated Cryptographic Module which lies external or outside of the physical boundary. See the
CM software physical boundary diagram for an example.
INT: a validated Cryptographic Module which lies internal or inside of the physical boundary. See the CM
software physical boundary diagram for an example.
App: a non-validated non-crypto general purpose software application operating inside of the boundary in
regard to the reference diagrams CM software physical boundary.
The following illustration provides reference to the above Key Establishment table.
Distribution (Establishment)
Manual Electronic
1 2 3 4
Key Establishment
Smart Cards, Token, Diskettes and
Key Loaders Key Transport or Key Agreement
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
P/KT: May be Plaintext or by Key Transport
KE: Key Establishment
KT/SK: Key Transport or Plaintext Split Knowledge (via separated physical ports or via trusted path)
At Levels 3 and 4, plaintext key components may be entered either via separate physical ports or logically
separated ports using a trusted path. Manual entry of plaintext keys must be entered using split knowledge
procedures. Keys may also be entered manually using a key transport method. If automated methods, a key
establishment method shall be used.
Additional Comments
This IG reaffirms that keys established using manual transport methods and electronically input or output to a
cryptographic module may be input or output in plaintext at Levels 1 and 2.
Level 1 Software – General Purpose Operational Environment
AS.06.04: (Level 1 Only) The operating system shall be restricted to a single operator mode of operation
(i.e., concurrent operators are explicitly excluded).
AS.06.05: (Level 1 Only) The cryptographic module shall prevent access by other processes to plaintext
private and secret keys, CSPs, and intermediate key generation values during the time the
cryptographic module is executing/operational. Processes that are spawned by the cryptographic
module are owned by the module and are not owned by external processes/operators.
AS.06.06: (Leve.1 1 Only) Non-cryptographic processes shall not interrupt the cryptographic module
during execution.
A Software Cryptographic Module (SCM) requires the use of an underlying General Purpose Computer (GPC)
and Operational Environment (OE) to execute/operate. A SCM is conceptually comprised of two sub-
elements: a Physical Cryptographic Module (PCM) and the Logical Cryptographic Module (LCM) boundary.
The LCM is executes/operates within the PCM. The LCM is the collection of executable code that
encompasses the cryptographic functionality of the SCM (e.g., dll’s,. exe’s). Other general-purpose application
software (App) (e.g., word processors, network interfaces, etc.) may reside within the PCM. Therefore, the
PCM encompasses the following elements: GPC, OE, LCM and App. The LCM relies on the OE and GPC for
memory management, access to ports and interfaces, and other services such as the requirements of AS.06.04,
AS.06.05 and AS.06.06. The LCM has no operational control over other App elements within the PCM of the
SCM. The SCM, which is comprised of all the various sub-elements (GPC, OE, LCM and App), is restricted to
a single operator mode of operation, such that the single operator has a level of confidence in the SCM
environment as a whole. The CMVP views the non-LCM elements (GPC, OE and App) as implicitly excluded.
Example: If the LCM generates keys, it must use a FIPS approved RNG. That key may be stored within the
PCM but must meet AS.06.05 unless the LCM wishes the key to be exported. If exported, refer to Table 1 for
the key establishment and key entry requirements. If a key is generated outside of the LCM, then the
generation method is out-of-scope but the key must be imported per Table 1 requirements.
It is the burden of the operator of the SCM to understand the environment the SCM is running. If that
environment is not acceptable, then there are alternative solutions (hardware cryptographic modules and/or
Level 2, 3 or 4 software cryptographic modules) that should be considered.
If the operating system requirements of AS.06.04, AS.06.05 and AS.06.06 cannot be met, then the SCM
cannot be validated at Level 1. The vendor provided documentation shall indicate how these requirements are
met (AS.14.02). These requirements cannot be enforced by administrative documentation and procedures, but
must be enforced by the cryptographic module itself.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.2 states that “… approved key generation methods are listed in Annex C to this
standard. If an approved key generation method requires input from an RNG, then an approved RNG that
meets the requirements specified in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.1 shall be used.”
There exists a NIST standard for key generation, SP 800-133. This standard, however, does not include the so-
called post-processing, which, instead, has been documented in the FIPS 140-2 IG 7.8. The post-processing
has been used very infrequently by the vendors. The remaining key generation methodology is adequately
addressed in SP 800-133.
Why have two separate documents (IG 7.8 and SP 800-133) to illustrate an almost identical functionality?
The vendor has an option to perform a qualified post-processing that would apply to U, an output of an
approved DRBG, before the updated value of U is passed to the SP 800-133-compliant portion of the key
generation process. The post-processing methodology is not shown in SP 800-133 and, therefore, not
addressed in IG D.12.
Qualified Post-Processing Algorithms
The value of U in the SP 800-133 key generation mechanism is the output of an approved DRBG. As
explained earlier, this DRBG output may be further modified by applying a qualified post-processing
algorithm before it is used to compute the secret value K. When post-processing is performed on DRBG
output, the output of the post-processing operation shall be used in place of any use of the DRBG output. This
output from the post-processing operation becomes the new U.
Let M be the length of the output requested from the DRBG by a consuming application, and let RM be the set
of all bit strings of length M. When the output is to be used for keys, M is typically a multiple of 64; however,
these algorithms are flexible enough to cover any output size. Let RN be the set of all bit strings of length N,
and let F: RN {0,1, … , k-1} be a function on N-bit strings with integer output in the range 1 to k, where k is
an arbitrary positive integer. Let {P1, P2, …, Pk} be a set of permutations (one-to-one functions) from RM back
to RM. The Pj’s may be fixed, or they may be generated using a random seed or secret value. Examples of F
and Pi are given below.
Let r1 be randomly selected from the set RN (i.e., r1 is a random N-bit value), and let r2 be randomly selected
from the set RM (i.e., r2 is a random M-bit value). Both r1 and r2 shall be outputs from an approved DRBG,
such that N M. (The case r1 = r2 is permissible.) The post processor's output is the M-bit string PF ( r ) (r2 ) .
The apparent complexity of this post-processing should not be of any concern to vendors and testing
laboratories. The post-processing step is optional. Vendors are not encouraged to design the post-processing
into the cryptographic modules.
Examples of F(r1) used for Post Processing
using a hashing algorithm and a fixed key in the HMAC computation. In this case, k could be as large
as 2outlen, or as small as 1, where outlen is the length of the hash function output in bits. (Having a
single permutation, while permitted, would certainly not require the use of a keyed hash to “choose”
it. On the other hand, k = 2 might make sense in the right application.)
Note that in both of these examples, the k permutations are selected with (nearly) equal probability, but this is
not a requirement imposed by this post-processing algorithm.
Examples of Pi used for Post-Processing.
Depending on the requirements of the application, the Pi may be very simple or quite complex. The security of
the key generation method depends on the Pi being permutations.
1. An example of a very simple permutation Pi is bitwise XOR with a fixed mask Ai: Pi ( r2 ) = ( r2 XOR
Ai ), where r2 and Ai are M-bit vectors. Continuing this example, if there are four such masks (k = 4),
the simple function F(r1) that maps r1 into an integer represented by the two rightmost bits of r1 (say,
‘01’ corresponds to 1, ‘02’ corresponds to 2, ‘03’ corresponds to 3, and ‘00’ corresponds to 4) could
be used to choose among them. Then the post-processor’s output PF ( r ) (r2 ) would be r2
AF ( r ) . Note that in this example, 2 N M, where N is the length of r1 , and M is the length of r2 .
[This should not be confused with the XORing defined in equation (1) above. The equation in (1) is
applied after each of the U and V values is calculated, including any qualified post-processing, if
2. A more complex example would be the use of a codebook to affect a permutation. For example, Pi ( r2
) = Triple-DES(keyi, r2 ) could be used on a DRBG whose outputs were 64-bit strings. Similarly, Pi (
r2 ) = AES(keyi, r2 ) could be used to effect permutations on a DRBG with 128-bit outputs.
Suppose that there are ten 256-bit AES keys (k = 10). Let F( r1 ) = SHA256( r1 ) mod 10. Then the post-
processed output PF ( r ) (r2 ) would be AES(keySHA256(r1) mod 10, r2 ) . Note that in this case, 4 N M,
where N is the length of r1 , and M is the length of r2 (the minimum length of r1 is determined by the
modulus value 10, which is represented in binary as 4 bits).
A similar example, but one with a much larger value for k, (e.g., k = 2128), might use keyi =
SHA256(128-bit representation of i). Let F( r1 ) = SHA256( r1 ). The output PF ( r ) (r2 ) of the post-
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.6 states “A cryptographic module shall provide methods to zeroize all plaintext secret
and private cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module.”
A module shall provide methods to zeroize all plaintext permanent, temporary and ephemeral CSPs within the
module. These methods may be operational (i.e. a callable service invoked by the operator of a module), or
methods commonly referred to as procedural zeroization methods. What are acceptable methods?
The zeroization methods required in AS.07.41 are operational or procedural methods that will provide an
operator of a module a method to zeroize all permanent, temporary and ephemeral plaintext CSPs. This shall
be done with a level of assurance that the CSPs cannot be easily recovered. However, this shall not include
methods of recovery that require substantial skill and methods that may be employed by governmental or other
well-funded institutions. As an operational or procedural method, the time necessary to perform the zeroization
shall be reasonable based on the method employed.
o For software modules, a procedural method may include the uninstallation of the cryptographic
module application, and reformatting of and overwriting, at least once, the platform’s hard drive or
other permanent storage media. Only performing the procedural uninstallation of the cryptographic
module application is not an acceptable method.
o For space-based modules, a procedural method that relies on the de-orbit destruction is acceptable
only if the vendor of the module provides analysis that indicates the components where plaintext
CSPs may reside have a high probability of destruction and non-recovery.
o All procedural or operational zeroization methods shall be performed by the operator of the module
while the operator is in control of the module (i.e. present to observe the method has completed
successfully or controlled via a remote management session). If the method is not under the direct
control of the operator, then rationale shall be provided on how the zeroization method(s) are
employed such that the secret and private cryptographic keys and other CSPs within the module
cannot be obtained by an attacker.
o Except for space-based modules, physical destruction of the module is not considered an acceptable
zeroization method.
Additional Comments
TE07.41.03: is revised as follows:
TE07.41.03: The tester shall initiate zeroization and verify the key destruction method is performed in a
sufficient time that an attacker cannot access plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys and other
plaintext CSPs while under the direct control of the operator of the module (i.e. present to observe the method
has completed successfully or controlled via a remote management session). If the method is not under the
direct control of the operator, then rationale shall be provided on how the zeroization method(s) are employed
such that the secret and private cryptographic keys and other CSPs within the module cannot be obtained by an
When a key is shared between two entities, it may be necessary to derive additional keying material using the
shared key. SP 800-108 provides Key Derivation Functions (KDFs) for deriving keys from a shared key; in SP
800-108, the shared key is called a pre-shared key. The shared key may have been generated, entered or
established using any method approved or allowed in FIPS mode.
Note that IG D.2 contains key establishment methods, and includes KDFs that are used during key agreement
to derive keying material from a shared secret, which is the result of applying a Diffie-Hellman or MQV
primitive. The keying material may be used as a key directly or to derive further keying material.
IG 7.2 defines IEEE 802.11i KDFs that may be used to derive further keying material.
Where do the KDFs from SP 800-108 fit in the key establishment process, and under what conditions can
these KDFs be used in FIPS mode? Are there any other allowed methods for deriving additional keys from a
pre-shared key?
All key derivation methods listed in SP 800-108 will be allowed in FIPS mode if the Key Derivation Key K I ,
as introduced in Section 5 of SP 800-108 has been generated, entered or established using any method
approved or allowed in FIPS mode.
Note that the KDFs described IG 7.2 are included in SP 800-108, thus making IG 7.2 obsolete.
Other KDFs that are allowed for key derivation from shared keying material are:
1. The KDF specified in the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) defined in RFC 3711.
Additional Comments
A key hierarchy as specified in Section 6 of SP 800-108 may be used.
FIPS 140-2 Annex A lists the approved security functions for FIPS 140-2. For asymmetric key digital
signature standards, references address RSA signature generation, verification and key generation. Some of
these referenced RSA standards include the specification of the RSA key generation procedure while others,
such as RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and RSASSA-PSS only define the requirements for signature generation and
verification. These latter references do not address the generation of keys used in signature generation and
What methods for RSA key generation may be used when the module claims compliance with the RSA
signature standards that do not explicitly address an RSA key generation method?
If the module performs signature verification only, then the module does not need to possess a private RSA
key and therefore does not need to generate it. The RSA public key parameters might be entered into the
module or loaded at the time of manufacturing.
If the module performs an RSA Signature generation then the RSA private and public keys may either be
loaded into the module (externally or pre-loaded at the time the module is manufactured) or generated by the
module. If the module generates RSA signature keys then this key generation procedure shall be an approved
method. The approved methods are described in FIPS 186-4 or ANSI X9.31. The module’s RSA Signature
CAVP algorithm certificate shall indicate that the RSA key generating algorithm has been tested and validated
for conformance to the methods in FIPS 186-4 or ANSI X9.31.
Additional Comments
The Transition End Date is based on IG G.15 FIPS 186-2 to FIPS 186-4 Validation Transition Plan Clause
2.2.b: Conformance to FIPS 186-2 after December 31, 2013.
This Implementation Guidance does not address RSA key generation for use in the approved key
establishment protocols. The user should follow the requirements of SP 800-56B.
Section 4.7 of FIPS 140-2 states that “compromising the security of the key generation method (e.g., guessing
the seed value to initialize the deterministic RNG) shall require as least as many operations as determining the
value of the generated key.” TE.07.13.02 further states that “The tester shall determine the accuracy of any
rationale provided by the vendor. The burden of proof is on the vendor; if there is any uncertainty or
ambiguity, the tester shall require the vendor to produce additional information as needed.”
There are some module designs where it may be impossible to know how much entropy has been supplied for
key generation. For example, a module designed as a software library with an API allowing the caller to supply
random buffer to use as a seed for random number generation, the module would be passively accepting the
entropy “infusions” from third-party applications. From such module’s perspective, it is only possible to talk
about the number of bytes/bits size of the received random filed, not of the amount entropy in it. Does it mean
that the requirement in AS.07.13 cannot be tested and therefore the module cannot be validated?
To be fair, in this case the module is not necessarily non-compliant with AS.07.13; it is just impossible to
determine within the scope of the CST lab testing the module would be compliant in all possible deployments.
This Implementation Guidance weighs this and similar issues and shows how to identify the cases when
compliance with that entropy requirements of FIPS 140-2 cannot be directly verified by the testing labs and
how to inform the user of potential weakness or lack of assurance for the true strengths of the cryptographic
keys generated by such modules.
When is it necessary for the module to provide the evidence of the amount of generated entropy?
How to handle the case when the amount of generated entropy is sufficient to meet the minimum key strength
requirement (112 bit) but not necessarily sufficient to account for an apparent strength of the generated keys?
What information shall the testing laboratory provide in the test report submitted to the CMVP? What
information shall be included in the module’s certificate and the Security Policy to indicate the various forms
of compliance with the AS.07.13 requirement?
We identify the main “logical” cases and for each case indicate whether the module can be validated and what
certificate caveat, if any, shall be used.
1. The module is either generating the entropy itself or it is making a call to request the entropy from a
well-defined source.
Examples include
(a) A hardware module with an entropy-generating NDRNG inside the module’s cryptographic
What is required: (i) the testing lab shall corroborate the entropy strength estimate as provided
by the vendor, (ii) the Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits of entropy
generated by the module for use in key generation.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys employed in an
approved mode is less than 112 bits then this module cannot be validated.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys is at least 112 bits
while the module generates keys with an apparent cryptographic strength greater than the amount
of the available entropy, the following caveat shall be included in the module’s certificate: The
module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy. The
apparent cryptographic strength of a key is addressed under the Additional Comments below.
(b) A software module that contains an approved RNG/DRBG that is seeded exclusively from one or
more known entropy sources located within the operational environment inside the module’s
physical boundary but possibly outside the logical boundary. For instance, a software library on a
Linux platform making a call to /dev/random for seeding its DRBG.
What is required: (i) the testing lab shall corroborate the entropy strength estimate of the
sources as provided by the vendor, (ii) the Security Policy shall state the minimum number of
bits of entropy requested per each GET function call.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys employed in an
approved mode is less than 112 bits then this module cannot be validated.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys is at least 112 bits
while the module generates keys longer than the amount of available entropy, the following
caveat shall be included in the module’s certificate: The module generates cryptographic keys
whose strengths are modified by available entropy.
(c) A software module that contains an approved RNG/DRBG that issues a GET command to obtain
the entropy from a source located outside the module’s physical boundary.
What is required: (i) the testing lab shall corroborate – to the extent it is possible, given that the
entropy source is not subject to this module’s testing and validation – the entropy strength
estimate as provided by vendor, (ii) the Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits
of entropy requested per each GET function call, (iii) the following caveat shall be added to the
module’s certificate: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys.
If the claimed amount of obtained entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys
employed in an approved mode is known to be less than 112 bits then this module cannot be
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys can be at least 112
bits while the module generates keys with an apparent cryptographic strength greater than the
amount of the available entropy, the following caveat shall be included in the module’s
certificate: The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available
2. The module is passively receiving the entropy while exercising no control over the amount or the
quality of the obtained entropy.
Examples include:
(a) A hardware module with an approved RNG/DRBG inside the module’s cryptographic boundary.
The approved RNG/DRBG is either seeded via a seed loader from outside the module’s
cryptographic boundary or the seed is pre-loaded at factory.
What is required: (i) the Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits of entropy
believed to have been loaded and justify the stated amount (from the length of the entropy field
and from any other factors known to the vendor), (ii) the following caveat shall be added to the
module’s certificate: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys.
If the amount of claimed entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys employed in
an approved mode is known to be less than 112 bits then this module cannot be validated.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys can be at least 112
bits while the module generates keys with an apparent cryptographic strength greater than the
amount of the available entropy, the following caveat shall be included in the module’s
certificate: The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available
(b) A software module that contains an approved RNG/DRBG that receives a LOAD command (or
its logical equivalent) with entropy obtained from either inside the operational environment
within the physical boundary of the module or, via an I/O port, from an external source that is
outside the physical boundary.
What is required: (i) the Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits of entropy
believed to have been loaded and justify the stated amount (from the length of the entropy field
and from any other factors known to the vendor), (ii) the following caveat shall be added to the
module’s certificate: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys employed in an
approved mode is known to be less than 112 bits then this module cannot be validated.
If the amount of entropy used to generate the module’s cryptographic keys can be at least 112
bits while the module generates keys with an apparent cryptographic strength greater than the
amount of the available entropy, the following caveat shall be included in the module’s
certificate: The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available
3. The module uses a hybrid approach to obtaining entropy for key generation. Some entropy is
passively received while the module is exercising no control over the amount or the quality of the
obtained entropy. Another portion of the entropy is obtained when the module is either generating the
entropy by itself or is making a GET call to request the entropy from a well-defined source inside the
module’s physical boundary. For instance, a software library on a Linux platform may be making a
call to /dev/random for seeding its DRBG while it is also providing an API allowing the calling
application to supply an additional random buffer to use in seeding its DRBG.
What is required: The testing lab shall examine the design of seeding the DRBG from multiple
sources and corroborate an entropy strength estimate as provided by vendor; the lab will need to
understand the work of the NDRNG within the operational environment and be able to verify
vendor’s claim about the amount of entropy loaded into the software cryptographic module.
If the review of the design of seeding the DRBG reveals that the entropy data obtained passively can
only add to the entropy obtained actively and the module will block the seeding until a minimal
threshold amount of actively obtained entropy is reached, then
The Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits of entropy that can be guaranteed to
be actively obtained and, in addition, shall state the number of bits believed to have been loaded,
and justify the stated amounts (from the lengths of the entropy fields and from any other factors
known to the vendor).
If between the active and passive entropy calls the module cannot possibly accumulate at least
112 bits of entropy when generating cryptographic keys then this module cannot be validated.
If the amount of entropy obtained actively may be less than 112 bits then the following caveat
shall be added to the module’s certificate: No assurance of the minimum strength of generated
If the amount of entropy obtained actively to generate the module’s cryptographic keys is known
to be at least 112 bits and the module generates keys with an apparent strength greater than the
amount of the available actively obtained entropy, then the following caveat shall be included in
the module’s certificate: The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified
by available entropy.
If the review of the design of the DRBG seeding reveals that the entropy data obtained passively can
preempt the seeding of the DRBG in a way that causes the module to unblock the seeding even when
the minimal threshold amount of entropy obtained actively has not been reached at any time when the
caller uses the API for supplying the passive data, then
The Security Policy shall state the minimum number of bits of entropy believed to have been
loaded and justify the stated amount (from the length of the entropy field and from any other
factors known to the vendor).
If the module cannot possibly accumulate at least 112 bits of entropy when generating
cryptographic keys then this module cannot be validated.
The following caveat shall be added to the module’s certificate: When entropy is externally
loaded, no assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys.
Additional Comments
1. Unless the design of the module falls under the case for which a specific caveat is explicitly allowed
under a particular scenario described in this Implementation Guidance, the vendor may not use the
caveat. In particular, the vendor cannot use the No assurance of the minimum strength of generated
keys caveat and get their module validated if the scenario that applies to this module requires an
explicit estimation of the generated entropy.
2. If a software module’s design requires entropy estimation then the module’s Security Policy shall
contain a statement that if porting to an untested platform is allowed then when running a module on
such an untested platform the “No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys” caveat
applies regardless of what caveat, if any, is applicable to the original validation.
3. This implementation guidance only covers the applicability of entropy estimation and the way to
document the amount of the available entropy. The actual methodology for entropy estimation is
addressed in IG 7.15.
4. The “apparent” key strength referenced in this Implementation Guidance refers to the key strength
corresponding to the length of the key alone, without taking into the consideration any other factors
such the amount of the available entropy or the methodology used when generating or establishing
this key.
Thus an AES key has the apparent strength equal to its length; a three-key Triple-DES key has the
apparent strength of 168 bits (even though there exist the man-in-the middle attacks that reduce the
strength of this key to 112 bits); an RSA 2048 and 3072 private keys have the apparent strengths of
112 and 128 bits, correspondingly; a DSA or a Diffie-Hellman private key has the apparent strength
of half of its bit length (even though the overall algorithm strength is largely determined by the size of
the public key); an ECDSA or an EC Diffie-Hellman private key has the apparent strength of half of
its bit length; an HMAC key has the apparent strength equal to its bit length.
Test Requirements
The vendor and tester evidence shall be provided under TE.07.13.01 and TE.07.13.02.
There are some cases of modules incorporating third-party hardware entropy sources that may not meet all
documentation and test requirements set forth in this IG due to a lack of cooperation from the third-party
vendor or other legal constraints. To allow adequate time to adapt to the documentation and test requirements
in this IG to vendors that use third-party hardware sources, until December 31, 2016 the CMVP allows vendor-
affirmation by the vendor of the module in lieu of full testing of the entropy source. The vendor-affirmation
statement must be signed by a corporate officer of the company sponsoring the validation and contain an
estimate of the assumed amount of entropy from the third-party and a stated assumption of residual security
risks that may result from the incomplete testing of the third-party entropy source. The laboratory must include
this vendor affirmation in the entropy report for the tested module. Note that the CMVP expects all
laboratories and vendors to work in good faith to test the entropy sources fully and resort to this provision only
in extreme cases. The CMVP reserves the right to consider a limited number of special cases by vendors who
may be able to substantiate a hardship case as the result of the December 31, 2016 deadline. The CMVP will
work with them on a case-by-case basis to minimize the negative impact.
Section 4.7 of FIPS 140-2 states that “compromising the security of the key generation method (e.g., guessing
the seed value to initialize the deterministic RNG) shall require as least as many operations as determining the
value of the generated key.” TE.07.13.02 further states that “The tester shall determine the accuracy of any
rationale provided by the vendor. The burden of proof is on the vendor; if there is any uncertainty or
ambiguity, the tester shall require the vendor to produce additional information as needed.”
Note that the FIPS 140-2 standard is not asking to compare the length of the seed of a random number
generator to the length of a generated key. The question is about comparing the numbers of operations that are
required to guess the seed and to determine the key. These numbers depend on the amount of entropy produced
by the source that generated the seed.
As of the last modified date of this IG, standards do not yet exist for the embodiment or construction of an
entropy source or the mechanisms to gather entropy.
As of the last modified date of this IG, test methods do not yet exist for determining the conformance of an
entropy embodiment, construction or a gathering mechanism.
As of the last modified date of this IG, statistical methods to determine the conformance of an entropy
embodiment, construction or a gathering mechanism have not been standardized.
The FIPS 140-2 DTR states the tester shall verify that the vendor provided documentation that provides
rationale stating how compromising the security of the key generation method (e.g., guessing the seed value to
initialize the deterministic RNG) shall require as least as many operations as determining the value of the
generated key. The tester shall determine the accuracy of any rationale provided by the vendor.
What information shall the testing laboratory provide in the test report submitted to the CMVP? How should
the tester determine the accuracy of any rationale provided by the vendor?
This IG must be used together with IG 7.14 Entropy Caveats that shows various scenarios for reporting the
relationship between the amount of gathered entropy and the apparent (that is, length-based) strength of the
cryptographic keys established by the module. Depending on the applicable scenario, as explained in IG 7.14
Entropy Caveats, an entropy estimate may or may not be required. If entropy estimation is required, the testing
laboratory and the vendor shall follow the directions given in this IG.
The testing laboratory shall provide the following documentation as a PDF addendum to the submitted test
report to meet the requirements of AS.07.13 and AS.07.16:
1. A detailed logical diagram shall illustrate all of the components, sources and mechanisms that
constitute an entropy source. These components may include the Linear Feedback Shift Registers
LFSRs, noisy diodes, thermal sampling, entropy service calls from other FIPS 140-2 validated
modules, clock readings, memory cache hits, as well as various human-induced measurements, such
as the time intervals between the keystrokes, mouse movements, etc.
3. (Optional but strongly recommended) Results of statistical testing using an appropriate set of tests.
The statistical testing may either be performed by the testing laboratory or by the vendor. The
explanation of the test results shall include the assumptions that have been made, how many bits of
data have been collected, what the p-value (or an equivalent parameter) of the test is, and what
numerical values were obtained to demonstrate that the test results supported the vendor provided
rationale. Typically, it takes several statistical tests to obtain a reasonable estimate of entropy. Some
tests establish the degree of confidence in the independence of the observed values. Other tests may
examine the short and long runs of bits and again, check the behaviors of these runs for their
consistency with the claimed properties of the tested source. NIST SP 800-22-rev1a and the current
draft of NIST SP 800-90B may be used as informative guidance. The rationale shall be
mathematically sound and consistent with vendor claims of the strengths of the generated
cryptographic keys.
The CMVP will determine during the report review if the information provided in the testing laboratory’s test
report is acceptable. During the report review coordination process the testing laboratory may follow up with
additional details to support the previously provided rationale.
This IG may be rescinded or modified when standards are published and conformance testing developed for
entropy security strength testing. A suitable transition period will be granted to vendors.
Additional Comments
1. If the module is using a non-deterministic RNG approved for use in classified applications as allowed
in Section 4.7.1 of FIPS 140-2 then provided entropy is assumed to provide N bits of entropy based
on the length N of the entropy field (unless the vendor chooses to state that a smaller amount of
entropy has been received).
2. Following are some examples of the heuristic analysis of entropy that the testing laboratory may
The vendor may say that 6 bits of entropy are gathered by measuring the time intervals between the
human touches of the keyboard; 10 bits of entropy come from the decimal fraction in the value of the
time of day when a certain event took place, another 10 bits come from the timing or frequency or
another property of software interruptions measured by the module. These are all reasonable estimates
for a wide range of devices although their validity can only be accepted by the CMVP in the context
of the particular module being validated. If the time of day is measured, for example, every 3 seconds
or less frequently, it can be argued that if this time is represented as hh:mm:ss.zzz, where zzz is the
decimal fraction of a second measured up to the third decimal point (thus three “z” in the above
expression), then the zzz values of different measurements are nearly independent and each can take
1,000 different values, thus yielding approximately 10 bits of entropy. The independence of clock
measurements at different frequency is very important. The best case is when the module has different
time sources, entirely independent down to the hardware. If the time measurements were taken every
0.5 seconds or so, then the three digit zzz values would not be independent and therefore the 10-bit
entropy value could not be claimed. In this case, the CMVP would accept a claim of 7 bits of entropy.
The reason is that if the time measurements are taken every 500 milliseconds as in this example, then
the values made out of the second and third “z” after the decimal point are ‘almost’ independent (and
there are 100 of them) and the first z has some randomness in it as well, so the resulting variability of
the zzz values is somewhat similar to having 128 equally likely scenarios (100 plus a little more
thanks to the first z) and this is leading to the 7 bits of entropy. The CMVP may even accept a claim
of 8 bits of entropy in this case if a slightly more sophisticated argument is made to support such a
If the entropy is generated by a physical device, again a heuristic argument should be made. If this
device is a radioactive isotope such that the average decay rate is known and the random value is the
number of atoms that have decayed in a particular time period, the lab should state some known facts
about the mean rate of the decay and also about either the distribution or at least about the variance of
the number of the decaying atoms and give a rough estimate of the generated entropy. Note that in
this scenario, not all outcomes (numbers of the decayed atoms) are equally likely, the values around
the mean come with the highest probability, an IID claim (that the random variables are Independent
and Identically Distributed) most likely cannot be made and therefore the vendor should either use the
“min-entropy” estimate for the non-IID sources or come up with another reasonable and statistically
sound estimate of generated uncertainty.
If the entropy is generated by oscillating rings, the vendor will need to explain the design of the
random noise generator. The design description in may serve as an example. However,
to compete the description of the entropy source from the referenced presentation, the vendor still
needs to explain, at least heuristically, how the jitters are measured, how these measurements are used
to generate the seed value for an approved RNG or DRBG and how much entropy the seed value
carries. A special consideration shall be given to the speed of generating bits and the frequency of
recording the results in claiming their independence.
If the RNG is reseeded frequently, the overall entropy increases if the lab can make a reasonable
heuristic claim of the independence of the individual entropy values. Obviously, if the entropy comes
from the minute value in the time of day and the module measures this time value every second, there
is not much uncertainty in the minute field after the first measurement. The decaying isotope is,
however, going to continue to decay independently (in some sense, and after adjusting by the number
of the remaining atoms) of its history and therefore in this case the entropy values can be added
without providing any further justification.
If the entropy is coming from an operational environment of the module, then again, some analysis
should be made of the source of entropy. If this source is the /dev/random or the /dev/urandom
function in one of the common operating system (OS), the justification of the generated entropy
(possibly, provided by the vendor of the OS) will be required. In addition, the lab may refer to an
independently published analysis of dev/random and dev/urandom. See, for example, “The Linux
Pseudorandom Number Generator Revisited,” Lacharme at al. 2012,
( .
The /dev/random justification is the easier of the two. This OS entropy source will satisfy a request
for a random value only when it believes it has collected “enough” entropy; that is, when its own
estimate of the collected entropy is such that a module’s request can be met. For example, if the
module needs to generate a 128-bit AES key and therefore the module requests 128-bits of entropy
then the dev/random call would block until it is able to generate this much entropy. This, the module
cannot generate the aforementioned AES key until enough entropy is gathered and the call to
/dev/random returns.
In case of the /dev/urandom request, the call to this OS entropy generator is non-blocking. The data
obtained from the non-blocking call is not guaranteed to possess the desired amount of entropy. How
can the vendor provide the assurance that the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 AS.07.13 assertion are
To meet these requirements, the vendor must first demonstrate that the initial call (that is, the first call
after the module has been powered up or instantiated) to /dev/urandom returns the claimed amount of
entropy. A possible way to achieve this is to analyze the sequence of events that precedes this initial
call. If, for example, this sequence includes several restarts of the module and if each of these restarts
includes several events that are measured and that provide the desired uncertainty, then a heuristic
claim about the entropy in the initial call can be made. These events may include the times between
the restarts, the measurements of an operator activity during the restarts (mouse clicks, etc.), the
values stored in certain memory locations that are known to be unpredictable during the restarts. The
events accumulated in one restart are accumulated to the events from previous restarts and persisted
on the system for later use. This argument has a good chance of succeeding for the stand-alone
modules; the embedded modules normally do not require multiple restarts so the use of dev/urandom
in such modules is harder to justify.
If the vendor can justify having the desired amount of entropy returned on the first call to
/dev/urandom, then the vendor can continue to claim that at least this much entropy (not necessarily
independent of the initial entropy of the first call) is generated on each subsequent call. To see this,
suppose that the OS collects a pool A with 256 bits of entropy prior to returning the first
/dev/urandom request. Suppose that the request is returned in the form of E1 = SHA256(A). The
module can then claim that the keys generated using the entropy received from the /dev/urandom call
possess 256 bits of entropy. If, however the request is returned in the form of E1 = SHA1(A), then E1
possesses only 160-bits of entropy.
Suppose now that the OS generates the entropy pool B between the first and the second /dev/urandom
calls. The field returned by /dev/urandom to the module is E2 = SHA256(B||SHA256(A)). (A
particular implementation may use a different formula for E2, but again with a dependency on both B
and SHA256(A).) As long as B is not an empty field and is not a function of SHA256(A) then
regardless of the amount of entropy in B this returned field E2 contains at least 256 bits of entropy.
Therefore, keys generated from the randomness in the second /dev/urandom call also possess at least
256 bits of entropy (not necessarily an independent entropy from the first call.) Similarly, if E2 =
SHA1(B||SHA1(A)) would result in E2 containing 160-bits of entropy.
Note that the entropy estimates in the above example cannot be added automatically. That is, because
B and A are not necessarily independent, one cannot claim that E1 || E2 contains more entropy than
either E1 or E2 alone. if, A could only be shown to possess 128 bits of entropy and B could not be
demonstrated to have any specific new entropy amount independent of A (a typical scenario when
running /dev/urandom multiple times) then the entropy collected from E1 and E2 (that is, from the
first and second calls to /dev/urandom) would only amount to 128 bits, not 256 bits.
3. Here is a possible way to estimate the generated min entropy that the CMVP will allow until a further
notice. This is a dramatic simplification of one of the methods proposed in the current draft of SP
800-90B. This method of entropy estimation, if shown by the lab or the vendor to be applicable to a
given module, would be allowed prior to the publication of SP 800-90B and during the transition
period that would follow. At some point in the future, the CMVP would expect all vendors to comply
with SP 800-90B.
This method would only apply if unprocessed (non-whitened) noise sources (and any conditioning
components, if applicable) are IID (independent and identically distributed random variables). See
Section 9.1.1 of the August 2012 draft of SP 800-90B or any Statistics textbook for an explanation of
this notion. The sources do not have to produce the uniform distribution of the outcomes: the
probabilities of different outcomes may be different. However, the probability distributions are
identical between the sources (or between the different consecutive readings of each source’s random
output) and these probabilities do not depend on the outcomes of other events generated by these
The August 2012 draft of SP 800-90B shows the sequence of statistical tests that would allow the
vendor to test if the noise sources are indeed IID. These tests are quite complicated. Furthermore, if
the tests support the IID assumption the draft SP 800-90B standard presents a complicated and,
arguably, a very conservative method of estimating the min entropy.
The alternative this IG offers is for the vendor to present the heuristic arguments in favor of the IID
assumption. Any reasonable argument will be considered by the CMVP and if the sources are truly
IID it should not be difficult for the vendor and the lab to make such arguments.
Once the IID assumption has been accepted (or, in a more formal way, the IID hypothesis has not
been rejected) the vendor may estimate the min entropy as follows (compare this to the algorithm in
Section 9.2 of the August 2012 draft of SP 800-90B.)
Find the probability pmax of the most common outcome among all the possible events generated by
the noise source. If this probability is already known, then use it. (Give the justification to why this
probability is what it is claimed to be.) If pmax is not known, then, following the draft of SP 800-
90B, take a dataset with N samples and count the occurrences of the most common value in the
dataset. Again, following the draft of SP 800-90B, count the number of occurrences of this most
common value in the dataset and denote the result Cmax . Set pmax Cmax / N .
The SP 800-90B draft then tells how to establish the 99% confidence interval for pmax and then
compute the min entropy estimate based on the upper bound of this confidence interval. However, at
this time the CMVP will accept a far less conservative and simpler-to-compute estimate of min
entropy from the value of pmax itself. Simply set H log2 ( pmax ) and use this value H as
the entropy. For example, if the most common event happens with the probability 1 / 2 , the
estimated min entropy is 128 bits regardless of the probabilities of the occurrences of other less
frequent events generated by the same source.
4. This IG applies to the generation of both symmetric cryptographic keys and seeds that serve as the
starting points for the asymmetric algorithm key generation (such as the RSA keys). Once the analysis
of the generated entropy has been made according to this IG, the TE.07.16.01 and TE.07.16.02
assessments, using SP 800-133 or IG 7.8, shall show how the generated keys can be assured of
possessing sufficient entropy to account for the target key strength.
Test Requirements
The vendor and tester evidence shall be provided under TE.07.13.01 and TE.07.13.02.
Rules for key storage are described in some general terms in FIPS 140-2. The standard, however, does not list
any Approved or allowed methods for encrypting keys or CSPs stored within the cryptographic module.
In Section 4.7.5 of FIPS 140-2 it is stated that “cryptographic keys stored within a cryptographic module shall
be stored either in plaintext form or encrypted form.” What does this mean? The above statement may appear
to indicate that there are no requirements on key storage inside the module. However, the zeroization
requirement does apply to “all plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module.”
Keys and CSPs that are cryptographically protected are not plaintext and are exempt from this requirement.
Therefore, it is necessary to know what constitutes, in this context, an acceptable “protection” of stored keys
and CSPs.
In particular, it should be made clear whether the encryption of a stored key or a CSP using a symmetric-key-
encryption algorithm such as AES or the Triple-DES needs to satisfy the same requirements that apply to the
protection of the cryptographic keys that are transported in and out of the module. The latter requirements and
methods of meeting them are described in SP 800-38F.
Keys and CSPs may be stored within a module in any form – encrypted or unencrypted. To make a claim that
keys and CSPs are stored encrypted, or, more precisely, “protected”, the module shall protect them using one
of the following algorithms:
• An AES or a Triple-DES encryption using any approved mode of AES or the Triple-DES as defined
in Annex A of FIPS 140-2
• An RSA-based key encapsulation that may either comply with the requirements of SP 800-56B or be
allowed by IG D.9.
• An approved hash algorithm for a CSP such as a password that does not need to be recovered but is
used to check if it matches any other values.
The requirements of SP 800-131A for the encryption and key encapsulation key sizes apply if a stored key or
CSP is claimed to be protected.
Additional Comments
1. Even though this guidance does not mandate the use of authenticated encryption algorithms from SP
800-38F it is highly recommended vendors adopt them because these algorithms are specifically
designed to protect the confidentiality and the authenticity/integrity of cryptographic keys.
2. The AES and Triple-DES algorithm implementations used to protect stored keys and CSPs shall be
tested by the CAVP.
3. It follows from this IG and IG D.9 that if the AES or the Triple-DES encryption is used then the
requirements for encrypting stored keys and CSPs are different from those when keys are transported
in and out of the module. It is, however, strongly recommended that the rules of IG D.9 are followed
in this case as well.
If an RSA-based key encryption (encapsulation) is used to protect keys and CSPs the requirements
are the same regardless of whether or not the protected key or CSP leaves the module’s boundary.
4. If the AES or the Triple-DES encryption is used to protect a stored key, the key encryption key may
be established as shown in SP 800-132.
The One Time Programmable (OTP) memory is a form of digital memory where the setting of each bit is
locked by a fuse or antifuse. It provides a flexible, field-programmable alternative to Read Only Memory
If OTP is used within a module, how can the module meet FIPS 140-2 zeroization requirements? Are there
specific zeroization requirements for OTP implementations?
OTP can be used for storing plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module.
However, the module shall be implemented in the following way in order to meet FIPS 140-2 zeroization
1. Given that the OTP should be writable during module operation, the module shall provide the
operator with the ability to zeroize all of the keys and CSPs stored in OTP by overwriting the
memory with 0s or 1s. This will likely decommission the module but will prevent attackers from
gaining knowledge of secret data stored within the OTP.
2. After OTP keys have been zeroized, the module shall recognize the zeroized value as invalid and
restrict the use to this value. This might be by using an additional bit that is flipped, or else code that
knows the zeroization value is invalid such as an integrity value that is not correct after zeroization.
3. OTP storage of data is more likely than other types of data storage to have integrity values associated
with the information. Therefore, any integrity value on the OTP shall be treated as a CSP (and thus
subject to zeroization) unless the vendor demonstrates that it does not leak information about the
original key. This follows the definition of a CSP in that a key is considered a CSP if disclosing or
modifying it could compromise the security of the module. Therefore, if integrity values are stored
on the OTP, the tester or vendor shall either have the ability to zeroize these values, or provide
evidence to the CMVP that disclosure or modification of these values would not compromise the
security of the module or the values in which the integrity values are protecting.
Additional Comments
Once data is fused onto the OTP, the process is irreversible. Therefore, keys and CSPs that are stored on the
OTP are unlikely to be modified, written to, or stored during module operation. This makes the data that is on
the OTP prior to module operation likely intended for long time term use and unchanged throughout the
lifetime of the module. Regardless, the zeroization requirements explained in this IG applies.
Section 9 – Self-Tests
Several keyed hashing algorithms are FIPS-approved (e.g. HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA2, HMAC-SHA3,
KMAC) and have different levels of complexity that determine the power-on Know-Answer-Test (KAT)
What are the KAT requirements when implementing keyed hashing algorithms in FIPS mode?
IG 9.11 has been published on August 7, 2017. This Implementation Guidance allows the user not to perform,
under the conditions stated in IG 9.11, any of the KATs for the approved algorithms implemented by the
module. When the KATs are required by IG 9.11 then, to use any HMAC in the approved mode, the module
shall perform at least one KAT of any approved HMAC implemented in the module to self-test all other
approved forms of HMAC used by that module (this includes, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA2 and HMAC-
SHA3 with all approved SHA2 and SHA3 hash functions).
Even if the module is not taking advantage of the IG 9.11 provision allowing it not to perform the known-
answer tests, the vendor may still consider the information in IG 9.1 when deciding if only one HMAC self-
test needs to be performed. We show in the Additional Comments below that under our assumptions the
HMAC known answer tests with different hash functions only help verify the correct padding in the HMAC
and that the padding strings are not very different from each other, thus the additional HMAC self-tests add
very little information about the health of the module.
The decision to perform only one HMAC KAT does not absolve the module from the requirement to self-test
the different hash functions, as applicable. Please see IG 9.4 and the text in the Additional Comments below.
Additional Comments
1. As stated in IG 9.3, if an HMAC is used as the approved integrity technique to verify the software or
firmware components as specified in AS.06.08, a KAT is not required for either the HMAC-hash or
the underlying hash, where hash stands for any approved hashing algorithm.
2. The reason for requiring only one HMAC self-test when various approved forms of HMAC (that is,
the HMACs using the different hash functions including SHA3) are employed by the module is that
one HMAC KAT tests everything except for some details of the padding mechanisms pertaining to
the HMACs using the other approved hash functions. For example, consider the module
implementing both HMAC-SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA-1. Suppose the module performs an HMAC-
SHA-256(K,m) self-test. If this test passes, this assures (per IG 9.2) the health of the SHA-256
implementation. SHA-1 needs to be self-tested separately. If the module does not have an HMAC-
SHA-1 self-test, then SHA-1 will need to be self-tested either directly or by means of self-testing
another approved high-level algorithm that employs SHA-1. We assume that SHA-1 has been self-
tested and explain why it is not necessary to further perform an HMAC-SHA-1 self-test.
The successful KAT for HMAC-SHA-256 checks the correctness of the following value:
H(K1||H(K2||m)), where K1 is the HMAC key K (padded with the zero bits on the right to get to the
SHA-256 block size (512 bits)) XORed with the 512-bit value (written here in the hexadecimal
format) Hex(5c5c…5c), K2 is the similarly padded value of K XORed with the 512-bit value
Hex(3636…36) and H is SHA-256. For HMAC-SHA-1, a KAT would have tested H(K1||H(K2||m))
with SHA-1 as H. As we are assuming that SHA-1 has been self-tested separately, the only error that
may possibly occur when computing HMAC-SHA-1 is in the padding being different due to the
different output lengths of SHA-256 and SHA-1.
The first expression is self-tested successfully. In the second expression, K1 and K2 are the same as in
the first one, while SHA-1 is self-tested separately and hence can be trusted to operate as designed.
The paddings in the two expressions are slightly different. However, the module has been tested by a
CST lab and has undergone an integrity test upon a power-on. It is safe to assume that as the module
passes the applicable self-tests and correctly perform the HMAC-SHA-256 padding, it is also very
likely to continue to properly perform the HMAC-SHA-1 padding. The last block in each of the
above bit strings consists of 64 bits and is used to represent an output length of the hash function in
the HMAC. For example, the output length of SHA-1 is 160 = 128 + 32, thus requiring two binary
1’s separated by a 0.
3. The difference in the padding mechanism would be more significant when comparing the HMAC-
SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA-512, due to the different length of the Blocks (512 and 1024 bits,
correspondingly). However, again, when one HMAC is self-tested, performing a KAT for the other
one only results in testing the correctness of the padding mechanism.
5. It is not required to perform a KAT for the Triple-DES MAC, as long as the underlying Triple-DES
algorithm is self-tested.
Core cryptographic algorithms are often embedded into other higher cryptographic algorithms for their
operation in FIPS mode (e.g. SHA-1 algorithm embedded into HMAC-SHA-1 and DSA). IG 9.11 lists the
conditions when a cryptographic module that implement FIPS-approved algorithms performs the Known-
Answer-Tests (KATs) as part of their power-up self-tests. However, when the cryptographic module performs
a KAT on the higher cryptographic algorithm, the embedded core cryptographic algorithm may also be self-
If an embedded core cryptographic algorithm is self-tested during the higher cryptographic algorithm KAT, is
it necessary for the cryptographic module to implement a KAT for the already self-tested core cryptographic
algorithm implementation?
It is acceptable for the cryptographic module not to perform a KAT on the embedded core cryptographic
algorithm implementation if;
1. the higher cryptographic algorithm uses that implementation,
2. the higher cryptographic algorithm performs a KAT at power-up and,
3. all cryptographic functions within the core cryptographic algorithm are tested (e.g. encryption and
decryption for AES).
Additional Comments
If the cryptographic module contains several core cryptographic algorithm implementations (e.g., several
different implementations of SHA-1 algorithm) and some are not used by other higher FIPS-approved
cryptographic algorithms (and are therefore not self-tested), then the cryptographic module must perform a
KAT at power-up for each of those implementations.
AS.06.08 requires that a cryptographic mechanism using an approved integrity technique shall be applied to
all cryptographic software and firmware components within the cryptographic module. AS.09.16 requires that
a cryptographic algorithm test using a Known-Answer-Test (KAT) shall be conducted for all cryptographic
functions of each approved cryptographic algorithm implemented by the cryptographic module and used in
FIPS mode of operation.
Must a cryptographic module implement a separate KAT for the underlying cryptographic algorithm used in
the approved integrity technique?
A cryptographic module may not implement a separate KAT for the underlying cryptographic algorithm used
for the approved integrity technique if all the cryptographic functions of the underlying cryptographic
algorithm are tested (e.g. encryption and decryption for Triple-DES).
The software/firmware integrity check using an approved integrity technique is considered a KAT since the
cryptographic module uses itself as an input to the algorithm and a known answer as the expected output.
EX: If HMAC-SHA-1 is used as the approved integrity technique to verify the software or firmware
components, a KAT is not required for either the HMAC-SHA-1 or the underlying SHA-1 algorithm.
EX: If Triple-DES MAC is used as the approved integrity technique to verify the software or firmware
components, a KAT is still required for the underlying Triple-DES as the integrity checking may not use both
the Triple-DES encrypt and decrypt functions.
EX: If RSA is used to verify the signature of the software or firmware components, a KAT is still required for
the underlying RSA as the integrity checking would not use the RSA signature generation function. However,
a KAT for the underlying SHA-1 hashing function is not required.
The cryptographic module shall perform the following power-up tests: cryptographic algorithm test,
software/firmware integrity test, and critical functions test.
Cryptographic algorithm test. A cryptographic algorithm test using a known answer shall be conducted for all
cryptographic functions (e.g., encryption, decryption, authentication, and random number generation) of each
approved cryptographic algorithm implemented by a cryptographic module. A known-answer test involves
operating the cryptographic algorithm on data for which the correct output is already known and comparing the
calculated output with the previously generated output (the known answer). If the calculated output does not
equal the known answer, the known-answer test shall fail.
Cryptographic algorithms whose outputs vary for a given set of inputs (e.g., the Digital Signature Algorithm)
shall be tested using a known-answer test or shall be tested using a pair-wise consistency test (specified below).
Each approved cryptographic function implementation to be used in a FIPS approved mode of operation shall
implement a cryptographic algorithm test. The cryptographic algorithm test is a health check of the algorithm
implementation performed at power-up or on demand.
What Known Answer Tests (KATs) are required for the symmetric-key algorithms that perform an invertible
(encryption / decryption) operation? What are the minimum requirements placed on KATs for SHS algorithms
and higher cryptographic algorithms implementing SHS algorithms so that they can be used in FIPS approved
mode of operation? What qualifies as a KAT for an asymmetric-key algorithm whose output does not vary for
a given set of inputs? Which approved algorithms allow the use of a pair-wise consistency test in lieu of a
KAT? What are the minimum requirements placed on a pair-wise consistency test (for public and private keys)
if performed at power-up or on demand?
Following is a subset of algorithm KAT specific implementation guidance:
- if the module implements the encryption function, the module shall have an encrypted value pre-
computed, perform the encryption using known data and key, and then compare the result to the
pre-computed value;
- if the module implements the decryption function, the module shall have a decrypted value pre-
computed, perform the decryption using known data and key (the data could be the encrypted
value computed during the encryption test), and then compare the result to a value that was pre-
computed value.
Note1: The SKIPJACK algorithm can only be used for decryption in FIPS approved mode so only a
known-answer for decryption is required.
• if the module implements a SHS function, the following shall be the minimal requirements for SHS
• if the module implements a HMAC function, a KAT for HMAC is required and shall be performed
with the HMAC function using at least one of the implemented underlying SHS algorithms.
• if the module implements an approved RNG or a DRBG algorithm then a KAT is required and shall
be performed for each implemented algorithm. The values, such as seed and seed key that normally
contribute to the “randomness” of an RNG or DRBG, shall be preset and used in the calculation of an
output of the RNG or DRBG, which shall then be compared to the pre-computed result.
• for each public key digital signature algorithm (RSA, DSA and ECDSA), a KAT shall be performed
using at least one of the schemes approved for use in the FIPS mode. For example, if an RSA
signature algorithm is self-tested using an X9.31-compliant scheme, it is not necessary to perform any
additional known-answer tests for the implementations of the digital signature compliant with
RSASSA-PSS or RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, even if these schemes are also supported by the module.
- if the module implements digital signature generation, the module shall have an RSA digital
signature pre-computed, generate an RSA digital signature using known data and key, and then
compare the result to the pre-computed value;
- if the module implements digital signature verification, the module shall have an RSA digital
signature pre-computed (which could be the output of the RSA digital signature generate test),
and using a known key, verify the signature by comparing the recovered message with its target
The only exception to the above requirement is when the module implements the RSA Probabilistic
Signature Scheme (PSS) only. In this case, per the provision of Section 4.9.1 of FIPS 140-2, the RSA
digital signature algorithm may be tested using a pair-wise consistency test, since the algorithm’s
output may vary for a given set of inputs. If the module implements at least one approved RSA digital
signature algorithm that has a fixed output value for a given input, an RSA KAT using the pre-
computed values shall be performed.
Note2: an RSA KAT shall be performed using both the public and private exponents (e and d) and
the two exponents shall correspond [that is, d * e = 1 (mod (LCM (p-1, q-1)))]. The public exponent e
used in this RSA KAT shall be chosen from the public exponent values supported by the module.
Note3: an RSA KAT shall be performed at a minimum on any one approved modulus size that is
supported by the module.
Note4: The CMVP will not validate RSA digital signature algorithms as approved in modules that
implement a pair-wise consistency test in lieu of a KAT at power-up (other than the above exception
for PSS only) as represented in new test reports received after the Transition End Date of December
31, 2012.
• for algorithms whose output vary for a given set of inputs such as DSA and ECDSA, they shall be
tested either,
- as a KAT similar to RSA for signature generation or verification if the randomization parameter
is fixed, or
- as a pair-wise consistency test. This test does not require the comparison of the intermediate
result (the generated signature) to a known value.
Note5: a KAT or pair-wise consistency test for DSA shall be performed at a minimum on any one
approved modulus size that is supported by the module.
Note6: a KAT or pair-wise consistency for ECDSA shall be performed at a minimum, on any one of
the implemented curves in each of the implemented two types of fields (i.e., prime field where GF(p),
and binary field where GF(2m)).
Additional Comments
This IG is consistent with IG 9.1 Known Answer Test for Keyed Hashing Algorithm.
IG 9.2 Known Answer Test for Embedded Crypto Algorithms applies.
Self-tests for SP 800-56A schemes are addressed in the IG 9.6.
If the module implements asymmetric key generation, the conditional (FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9.2) pair-wise
consistency test is applicable. No power-up test is required to test the key generation function even if such
function is implemented by the DSA, ECDSA, or the RSA Digital Signature algorithm(s) supported by the
Rationale: The purpose of a KAT is to perform a health-check of the cryptographic module to identify
catastrophic failures or alterations of the module between power cycles and not that the
implementation is correct. The implementation verification is performed during the cryptographic
algorithmic testing and validation.
Power-up tests shall be performed by a cryptographic module when the module is powered up. All data output
via the data output interface shall be inhibited when the power-up tests are performed.
What is the initialization period and what module activities are allowed to occur during that period?
The initialization period is the period between the time power is applied to the module (after being powered
off, reset, rebooted, instantiated, etc.), and the time the module completes the power-up tests and outputs status
(success or failure) indicating that the module is ready or not to perform operational cryptographic functions
and services. The module may perform many activities during this period (i.e. before, during or after the
power-up tests are performed) prior to the output of status and the module becoming operational. The
cryptographic module is not considered to be in a FIPS approved mode of operation during the initialization
During the initialization period, the module:
• shall perform all the power-up tests required by FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9 including AS.06.08 in FIPS 140-2
Section 4.6.1 (if applicable). When completed, the results (i.e. indications of success or failure) shall be
output via the "status output" interface; (status output may be implicit or explicit);
• shall perform all the necessary internal services required to properly initialize or instantiate the module in
conjunction with performing the power up self-tests;
• may receive data and control input via the data input interface or control input interface (e.g. may receive
data and control requests for approved services that the module may act upon once the initialization period
is completed);
• shall inhibit all data output via the data output interface except:
the module is allowed to output, when requested, non-security relevant module identification
information, or module identification information. The module shall prevent the output of any
plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys or CSPs that are contained within the module.
If applicable, the security policy shall describe the outputted information and the services performed during
the initialization period.
Once the initialization period is completed (which includes the power-up tests), the module would transition to
the operational state and may start providing approved cryptographic functions and services (if operating in an
approved mode of operation).
Additional Comments
Rationale: One can consider the services performed to properly initialize or instantiate the module and the
exchange of non-security relevant information in conjunction with the power-up tests to be part of the power-
up initialization sequence (e.g. a modules handshake during the powering sequence).
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.9 states that “… A cryptographic module shall perform power-up self-tests and
conditional self-tests to ensure that the module is functioning properly. Power-up self-tests shall be performed
when the cryptographic module is powered up. Conditional self-tests shall be performed when an applicable
security function or operation is invoked (i.e., security functions for which self-tests are required).”
SP 800-56A is different from other cryptographic algorithm standards in regard to the cryptographic algorithm
test because the standard does not describe an algorithm but instead describes a scheme consisting of steps
utilizing existing algorithms (i.e., DSA, ECDSA, SHA, RNG, etc.). Therefore, defining the self-test
requirement is different. The self-test requirement does not directly address the correct implementation of the
scheme as this is addressed by CAVP validation testing. The self-test defined in SP 800-56A instead addresses
the major underlying mathematical functions.
What power-up or conditional self-tests are required when a cryptographic module implements an approved
SP 800-56A-compliant scheme?
The following SP 800-56A power-up self-tests shall be performed:
1. Primitive “Z” Computation KAT. A Known Answer Test (KAT) shall be performed on the
underlying mathematical function(s) which use modular exponentiation for an FFC-based key
establishment protocol (per SP 800-56A, Section or point multiplication for ECC-based
protocol (per SP 800-56A, Section
The mathematical function can be either the computation of g x (mod p ) for an FFC scheme or the
point multiplication hxP on an elliptic curve in the usual notation. The value of p used in a self-test
shall be in the range supported by the module. The elliptic curve point multiplication shall be
performed on one of the NIST-recommended curves supported by the module.
The value of x in the self-test shall be chosen to make the computations non-trivial. In the FFC case, x
shall be chosen such that g x p . In the case of the elliptic-curve-based computations, the value of x
shall be greater than 1.
The self-tests shall consist of performing the calculations and comparing their result to a pre-
computed value. In the case of an elliptic curve self-test, it is sufficient to compare the x-coordinate of
the computed point to its expected value.
2. Key Derivation Function (KDF) KAT. A KAT shall be performed on the SHS function which is used
for the KDF function(s) used (per SP 800-56A, Sections 5.8.1 and/or 5.8.2).
1. Conditional Tests for Assurances. Necessary conditional tests shall be performed on Assurances
used in a given SP 800-56A scheme. Assurances are specified in SP 800-56A Sections 5.5.2, 5.6.2
and 5.6.3 and will vary based on the implementation.
2. Conditional Tests on Prerequisite Algorithms. A pair-wise conditional test shall be performed for
every key pair generated by the module for use in an SP 800-56A-compliant protocol. If a key pair
already passed a pair-wise consistency test because the pair could be used in another algorithm
implemented by the cryptographic module, the key pair does not have to be retested for the purposes
of being used in the SP 800-56A protocols.
If the module’s validation certificate claims, by referencing a CVL algorithm certificate on the approved
algorithms line, a partial compliance with the requirements of SP 800-56A by only implementing either one or
more of the SP 800-56A primitive(s) or by computing a shared secret Z, then only a power-up test that is
named above ‘Primitive “Z” Computation KAT’ is required. No conditional self-tests are necessary
Additional Comments
Separate guidance may be provided in the future for implementations that do not claim conformance to SP
Test Requirements
The vendor and tester evidence shall be provided under AS.09.27.
AS.09.34: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) If software or firmware components can be externally loaded into the
cryptographic module, then the following software/firmware load tests shall be performed.
How is this conditional test applicable for a hardware, software or firmware module?
• For a hardware module, this requirement is applicable if software or firmware can be loaded within
the defined physical boundary of the module.
The logical boundary of a software or firmware module includes all software and/or firmware that is
associated, bound, modifies or is an executable requisite of the validated software or firmware module.
• For a software module, this requirement is applicable if software can be loaded within the defined
logical boundary of the module.
For a software module or a firmware module where FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 physical security is Level 1, if the
loaded software or firmware image is a complete replacement or overlay of the validated module image, this
requirement is not applicable (NA) as the replacement or overlay constitutes a new module. The new module
requires validation for conformance to FIPS 140-2 and is addressed as a 3SUB (IG G.8 (3)) or 5SUB (IG G.8
(5)) validation.
Note: The operator should zeroize the validated modules CSPs prior to the complete replacement or overlay of
the validated module image.
The loading of non-security relevant software or firmware is addressed as a 1SUB (IG G.8 (1)) validation
submission and the loading of security relevant software or firmware is addressed as a 2SUB, 3SUB or 5SUB
(IG G.8) for validation. At a minimum, FIPS 140-2 Sections 4.10.1, 4.10.2 and Appendix C shall be
Additional Comments
Procedural or policy methods or statements can-not substitute for the FIPS 140-2 requirement for a
software/firmware load test if the module has the capability to load software or firmware whether in an
approved or non-approved mode of operation.
This requirement is not applicable if a module
1. has the capability to only load software or firmware during the pre-operational initialization (IG 9.5)
of the module,
2. is configured to operate only in a FIPS approved mode of operation when operational,
3. the loading of software or firmware is inhibited while operational. (i.e. non-functional without
transitioning through a new power-off, power-on re-initialization cycle), and
4. all CSPs are zeroized prior to loading the software or firmware during the pre-operational
AS.07.04: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) If a cryptographic module employs Approved or non-Approved RNGs
in an Approved mode of operation, the data output from the RNG shall pass the continuous random
number generator test as specified in Section 4.9.2.
AS.09.29: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Conditional tests shall be performed by the cryptographic module when
the conditions specified for the following tests occur: pair-wise consistency test, software/firmware load
test, manual key entry test, continuous random number generator test, and bypass test.
Does an SP 800-90A-compliant DRBG have to satisfy the Continuous Random Number Generator Test
(CRNGT) requirement specified in AS.07.04 and AS.09.41?
How should the CRNGT requirement be interpreted for all other RNGs?
While AS.07.04 and AS.09.41 state that RNGs employed in an approved mode of operation shall perform a
CRNGT as specified in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, there are alternative ways in which this requirement to
“perform a CRNGT” can be interpreted.
The simplest way to meet this requirement is to implement, for each RNG used in an approved mode, an
explicit test as described in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, AS.09.42 and AS.09.43. However, the same or the
generally equivalent assurance of the RNG “not being stuck” can be achieved when performing different tests
and taking into account other evidence. There are several considerations that lead to an alternative
1. Before any random numbers are generated the module must successfully pass an integrity test. While
this requirement was always present and had to be supplemented by the CRNGT, the advancement in
the reliability of modern technology makes it extremely unlikely that an RNG/DRBG, tested by an
accredited lab, will fail (get stuck on one output value); especially, after an integrity test was passed at
module’s power-up.
2. The DRBGs are particularly safe as they must pass certain health tests independent of the FIPS 140-2
CRNGT requirement. While it is possible to construct a scenario when a DRBG passes its health tests
but fails a CRNGT, the SP 800-90A health test requirements provide an additional, strong assurance
that the DRBG does not have a catastrophic failure. Conversely, just because a DRBG passes the
CRNGT it is not a guarantee this generator is working properly – see item 3 below. At the time of the
publication of FIPS 140-2, there was no SP 800-90A standard and no DRBG mechanisms available,
so the assurances these advancements offer could not have benefited the introduction of a different
CRNGT in the standard. The state of technology is different now.
3. It can be argued that if the CRNGT on a tested DRBG is performed according to the method
described in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, this test would do more harm than good. Indeed, a true
random number generator will, with certain probability, generate two identical outputs one after
another. FIPS 140-2 treats this as an error condition. When correcting this condition, the module
introduces an unnecessary bias among the DBRG outputs. At the same time, the CRNGT does not
guard against other possible symptoms of a random number/bit generator getting stuck: for example,
the DRBG can be generating the string ABABABABAB…, and this condition would not be
identified by the CRNGT.
4. Similar concerns do apply if the CRNGT from Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2 is performed on the output
from non-deterministic RNG (NDRNG). The statistical properties of the NDRNG output depend on
the amount of entropy in the noise sources incorporated by the NDRNG. Therefore, a test that takes
into account this dependency can adapt better to the characteristics of a particular NDRNG and avoid
altering the bias in the output than the inflexible CRNGT. The Repetition Count Test (RCT) has the
capability to take into account the statistical properties of the NDRNG while protecting against
catastrophic failures that cause the NDRNG to become “stuck” on single output value for a significant
period. The RCT is defined as follows:
Given assessed min-entropy H of a noise source, the probability that the source
generating n identical samples consecutively is at most 2-H(n-1). (See a proof in the
Additional Comments area below.) The test raises a trigger, if a sample is repeated more
than the cutoff value C, which is determined by the acceptable false-positive probability
> 0 (that is, the probability that the entropy source is functioning normally, but at a
certain time would produce a string of C consecutive identical samples) and the min-
entropy estimate H. The cutoff value of the repetition count test is calculated as:
log 2
C = 1
This value of C is the smallest integer satisfying the inequality 2-H (C-1), which ensures
that the probability of obtaining a sequence of identical values from C consecutive noise
source samples is no greater than . For example, for = 2-30, an entropy source with H =
7.3 bits per sample would have a repetition count test cutoff value of 1+30/7.3=6.
Given a dataset of noise source observations, and the cutoff value C, the test is performed
as follows:
1. Let A be the current sample value.
2. Initialize the counter B to 1.
3. If the next sample value is A, increment B by one.
a. If B is equal to C, return error.
a. Let A be the next sample value.
b. Initialize the counter B to 1.
c. Repeat Step 3.
This test's cutoff values can be applied to any min-entropy estimate, H, including very
small and very large estimates.
In view of the considerations stated above, the requirement to pass the CRNGT is interpreted as follows.
The SP-800-90A-compliant DRBGs are not required to perform the test as described in AS.09.42 and
The NDRNGs shall perform either the RCT as described above or the CRNGT as described in AS.09.42 and
All other random number generators approved for use in an approved mode shall perform the CRNGT
precisely as described in AS.09.42 and AS.09.43.
The cryptographic module’s Security Policy shall say, for each random number/bit generator that can be used
in an approved mode whether the CRNGT, as described in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, is performed.
Additional Comments
1. If the design of the cryptographic module is such that the approved RNG or DRBG is only seeded
(seed and seed key) once from an NDRNG after cryptographic module power-on and never re-seeded
(seed and seed key) until the module is powered-off, and the NDRNG is not used for any other
function or purposes, then the module does not need to implement the CRNGT on the output of the
2. The RCT test may only be used if a min-entropy estimate exists for the output from the NDRNG.
3. One may think of the RCT as a generalization of the CRNGT, which can be viewed as a RCT with a
cutoff value C=2.
log 2 H
From formula (1) it is clear that C=2 if and only if 1 , or 2 = p1 , where p1 is
the highest probability (given the entropy estimate H) of an occurrence of a given sample value
amount the outputs of the NDRNG. If a vendor decides to require a smaller false positive probability
than the test will not report an error until there are more than 2 consecutive sample repetitions (6 in
the example in this IG.)
To further demonstrate that the RCT test is compliant with the requirements of Section 4.9.2 of FIPS
140-2, one can note that the requirements in AS.09.42 and AS.09.43 do not address the maximum
sample size generated by a NDRNG. A vendor who chooses to implement the RCT test may, after
selecting the parameter and estimating the rate of min-entropy per bit, demonstrate the module’s
compliance with FIPS 140-2 by combining the outputs from that generator into longer samples that
become the effective sample size of the outputs from the new “NDRNG”. The resulting new
“NDRNG” would have the larger samples, say 64 bits or larger, and the vendor may claim that this
“NDRNG” produces more than 30 bits or entropy per sample. Then, taking into account the
recommended value of = 2-30, formula (1) yields C=2, which is precisely equivalent to performing a
CRNGT. A vendor who would want to pursue this approach for complying with Section 4.9.2 of FIPS
140-2 would just need to determine the parameters and H and define the new NDRNG with the
corresponding sample size.
4. To establish formula (1) and show how it relates to the characteristics of a particular NDRNG one
may consider a noise source with assessed min-entropy H and prove that the probability of generating
p2 , … , pk be the
C identical samples consecutively by such a source is at most 2-H(C-1). Let p1 ,
probabilities of the possible outcomes from sampling the NDRNG, with p1 p2 pk . Note
that the probability of producing C consecutive samples of outcome i is pi C . Then the probability P of
producing any C consecutive identical samples is
5. It is very important to use the same entropy estimate H in determining the cutoff value C for the RCT
as the estimated entropy for determining the size of output buffer from the NDRNG to use in seeding
a DRBG with sufficient strength for generating cryptographic keys. In other words, it is not
acceptable to use a low entropy estimate H1 in order to compute a large C for the RCT applied to the
NDRNG but use a different larger estimate H2 to determine how many samples of the NDRNG output
would be needed to derive a seed for a DRBG.
AS09.30: (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) If a cryptographic module generates public or private keys, then the
following pair-wise consistency tests for public and private keys shall be performed.
AS09.31: (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) If the keys are used to perform an approved key transport method, then
the public key shall encrypt a plaintext value. The resulting ciphertext value shall be compared to the
original plaintext value. If the two values are equal, then the test shall fail. If the two values differ, then
the private key shall be used to decrypt the ciphertext and the resulting value shall be compared to the
original plaintext value. If the two values are not equal, the test shall fail.
AS09.33: (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) If the keys are used to perform the calculation and verification of digital
signatures, then the consistency of the keys shall be tested by the calculation and verification of a digital
signature. If the digital signature cannot be verified, the test shall fail.
1. When does the pair-wise consistency self-test need to be performed upon the generation of a (private,
public) key pair?
2. Which of the two self-tests listed in the AS09.31 and AS09.33 needs to be implemented if, at the time of
a key pair generation, it is not yet known if the newly-generated keys will be used in the digital signature
or key establishment applications?
There is no explicit requirement in FIPS 140-2 for the pair-wise consistency tests for keys used in the key-
agreement schemes. AS.09.30 talks about performing the pair-wise consistency tests if the module generates
public or private keys, but when this requirement is spelled out in detail, in AS.09.31 and AS.09.33, the
requirement applies only to the key transport schemes and to the signature algorithms, not to the key
agreement schemes. The versions of SP 800-56A include various tests for the generated keys. Section
of SP 800-56A Rev2 shows the applicable pair-wise consistency tests. No additional tests (that is, not listed in
the SP 800-56A documents) are required by FIPS 140-2 for the key pairs used in the discrete-logarithm-based
key agreement schemes.
The provisions of this Implementation Guidance apply only to the RSA-based key schemes, where the
requirements of AS.09.31 and AS.09.33 are applicable. These include the RSA signature and the SP 800-56B-
compliant key transport (encapsulation) schemes.
1. Timing of the Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test
The pair-wise consistency self-test shall be performed after the generation of a pair (private and public) of
keys and before the intended use in the RSA-based asymmetric-key cryptography.
2. Choice of the Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test
If it is known at the time when the (private, public) RSA key pair is generated whether the keys will be
used in a digital signature algorithm or to perform a key transport, then the choice of a pair-wise
consistency test shall be consistent with the intended use of the keys. That is, if a key pair has been
generated for use in the computation and the verification of a digital signature then the pair-wise
consistency of the keys shall be tested by the calculation and verification of a digital signature on a
message as described in AS09.33. If a key pair has been generated for use in an approved RSA-based key
transport scheme, then the test shall be performed as described in AS09.31.
If at the time when a key pair is generated, it is not known whether this pair of keys will be used in the
RSA digital signature or the key establishment applications then a pair-wise consistency self-test
described either in AS09.31 or AS09.33 may be performed on this key pair.
Additional Comments
This Implementation Guidance does not introduce any new requirements not already present in FIPS 140-2. It
allows a more relaxed interpretation of the self-test requirement by saying that in one specific case there is a
choice how a pair-wise consistency test can be performed.
FIPS 140-2 sets the following power-up test requirements for cryptographic modules:
AS09.08: (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) Power-up tests shall be performed by a cryptographic module when the
module is powered up (after being powered off, reset, rebooted, etc.).
AS09.09: (Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4) The power-up tests shall be initiated automatically and shall not require
operator intervention.
TE.09.09.02: The tester shall power-up the module and verify that the module performs the power-up
self-tests without requiring any operator intervention.
Software modules may be implemented as applications or libraries. Applications and libraries are
fundamentally different from each other with respect to the way the Operating System (OS) loader manages
the operational control once the corresponding software module is loaded into memory. The OS loader
automatically transfers control over to the application but does not do this in the case of a library unless the
library is specifically instrumented to request a transfer. Therefore, an application naturally starts to execute its
instructions automatically and without intervention after it is loaded but a library cannot unless it is specifically
designed for this. This means that applications may easily satisfy the power-up test requirements for
cryptographic modules but libraries need special care.
There are different types of software libraries with respect to the way they are intended to be linked and used
by an application: static, shared and dynamically loaded (dynamic). This guidance is applicable to all library
How can modules implemented as software libraries meet the power-up test requirements in AS09.09?
FIPS 140-2 treats software applications used by an operator on a computing platform as acting on behalf of
that operator. An application that links a software module library is considered a user of the module. As a
result, any direct run-time action taken by the application on that module is considered to be an operator
A software module library shall be designed with a mechanism that forces the OS loader to transfer control
over to the library immediately after loading it. The designed mechanism shall ensure that the transfer results
into an automatic execution of a library function or a designated library code block without any intervention
from an application and before the control is returned back to an application initiating the load. The power-on
self-tests of the module shall be triggered from within that library function or code block. This execution
paradigm satisfies AS09.08 and AS09.09 for a validated module.
Note1: While under control of the library function or code block, the determination of whether the module is a
validated module may be performed. This may require the examination of data parameters indicating the
module configuration. These parameters shall be set by the Crypto Officer during the module setup and
initialization procedure. The Security Policy shall contain the detailed setup procedure with the specific
instructions for establishing these parameter values. If the determination performed by the module while under
the control of the library function or code block invoked by the OS loader is that the module is validated, then
the power-on self-tests shall be initiated.
Note2: In modern operating systems, libraries may execute in user-space or in the OS kernel. A module
implemented as a kernel library/extension shall utilize a mechanism that forces the kernel to transfer control
over to the library/extension immediately after loading it. Most operating systems allow kernel extensions and
provide specific mechanisms for implementing them, including the definition of a default entry point (DEP). If
a DEP mechanism is provided, it is recommended that the kernel extension shall use it to initiate the power-on
tests. This applies also to libraries used by other OS services (daemons) that are executing on behalf of the OS.
Note3: If a cryptographic software module is implemented as a static library with a DEP to satisfy the power-
up self-test requirements, it shall also perform its runtime integrity check in memory by identifying and
verifying the library’s object code data and text segments in order to comply with AS.09.13 without including
the application into the module boundary. This also applies to shared or dynamic libraries that are loaded when
it is impossible to verify the integrity of the library file image.
Note4: The module library shall be compiled appropriately so that the execution of constructor/destructor
routines is not suppressed. If the operating system provides mechanisms to change the OS loader behavior and
prevent the automatic invocation of the DEP to meet AS09.09, the tester shall verify that such mechanisms are
specifically disallowed in the crypto officer and operator guidance subject to AS10.23 and AS10.25.
Note5: This guidance also applies to software-hybrid modules when the software part is implemented as a
Additional Comments
Dynamically loaded (dynamic) libraries are loaded at times other than during the startup of an application
using them. Shared libraries are loaded by the application when it starts. In contrast, static libraries are
embedded into the executable of the application at link time. Most compilers allow the definition of a DEP for
software libraries, even for static ones. The presence of a library DEP forces the OS loader to call the DEP
when it loads the library on behalf of the application linking it. The DEP is executed automatically and
independently of the application code before the OS loader hands control back to the application. The OS
loader utilizes a standard mechanism for invoking the DEP, which is agnostic of the library programming
interface and completely independent of the application code. These nuances are important because while a
cryptographic module is allowed to intercept calls to a service when the power-up tests are running and
suppress any output of results until the tests complete, a module is not allowed to initiate the tests from within
that service. In other words, a software module implemented as a library shall not rely on calls inside any
function exported as a supported service to initiate the power-up tests. Only a function or a block of code, e.g.
static blocks in Java, that is automatically invoked by the operating environment, e.g. the OS Loader, may
initiate them.
Here are some examples for how a default entry point in a software module implemented as a library may be
// Do thread-specific initialization.
// Do thread-specific cleanup.
// Perform any necessary cleanup.
return TRUE; // Successful DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH.
Note6: Static constructors, i.e. DEP-equivalent mechanisms, exist also for C++ and .NET libraries and
libraries implemented in other object oriented languages. To substitute for DllMain or to define a DEP in a
.NET library, one could employ a static constructor on the exported class to invoke the initialization code. The
default constructors of static C++ objects are executed automatically upon loading the library containing them.
Similarly, Java provides static code blocks that are executed automatically when the Java Virtual Machine
class loader loads the class.
Note7: The OS loaders of some operating systems do not provide a DEP mechanism for software libraries. In
such cases the module shall utilize the available programming language capabilities to implement a DEP-like
initialization as described in Note6 above. If the module is written in a procedural language, such as the C
programming language, to avoid a complete rewrite in an object-oriented language, a judicious switch to a
different compiler should be considered. For example, switching to a C++ compiler and placing the original C
code inside extern “C”{} brackets, would enable static objects with the desired properties for the module.
Test Requirements
The vendor and tester evidence shall be provided under VE.09.09.01, TE.09.09.01, TE.09.09.02 and
AS.09.16 requires that a cryptographic algorithm test using a Known-Answer-Test (KAT) shall be conducted
for all cryptographic functions of each approved cryptographic algorithm implemented by the cryptographic
module and used in FIPS mode of operation.
How should the “all” in AS.09.16 be interpreted? One possible interpretation is that each time the module is
powered-up, a separate known answer test is performed for each approved algorithm supported by the module.
However, given the serious burden this requirement imposes on the module in terms of the amount of time
spent before any data can be output by the module, it will be desirable to reduce the number of these tests if
some other indication of the health of the module could be presented at the time of the module’s power-up.
A certain reduction in the number of KATs has already been implemented. IG 1.7 allows the module to
perform only those KATs that apply to algorithms in the Approved mode of operations chosen at power-up.
Various IGs in Section 9 of the FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance show that if the module successfully
passes some other tests then performing a KAT for a particular algorithm may be unnecessary.
Can the number of KATs be further reduced given the knowledge that the module passed its
software/hardware integrity test which is anyway required when the module contains any software or
The module shall pass a complete set of power-on self-tests (an integrity test and the KAT for all approved
algorithms in the chosen approved mode of operation per IG 1.7) upon the module’s installation/configuration
in each operational environment. Once the module has passed this initial set of power-on self-tests, in any
subsequent restarts if the module passed a software/firmware integrity test, then the module need not perform a
KAT for any approved algorithm supported by this module; however, no approved algorithm can be executed
by the module without first having performed a self-test prescribed for this algorithm. The software/firmware
integrity test is mandatory for every restart of the module.
The module shall still provide an operator with the capability to request the execution of the KATs for all
approved algorithms supported by the module at any stage of the module’s lifecycle.
If the module and its algorithm implementations have been tested by an accredited testing lab, this already
provides strong guarantees that all algorithms produce the correct results. If, further, the module’s
firmware/software integrity has been tested, and all KAT succeed at the module’s first start-up in the same
operational environment, then it is all but impossible that a particular algorithm implementation running in the
same operational environment has been corrupted. Thus, performing the KATs at each subsequent start-up, at
the same time when the module’s integrity test is performed, does not add to the assurance of the module’s
ability to correctly perform the cryptographic operations. While the FIPS 140-2 standard does require that all
algorithms are tested by a KAT at power-up, it can be argued that this requirement is met by the combination
of lab testing, the testing upon the initial installation of the module on the platform of use which includes the
power-up integrity test and the full set of KATs, and the software/firmware integrity test at each power-on of
the module.
This IG does not apply to Hardware Modules with no firmware present. Any such module is required to
perform the power-on self-tests for all approved algorithms defined for an approved mode selected for a given
Additional Comments
1. This Implementation Guidance does not change the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 standard. The FIPS
140-2 requirement AS09.16 continues to apply. The current guidance gives the vendor a choice of how a
known answer test may be conducted. The tests may be performed either by a direct computation of a
cryptographic function and comparing the result of said computation to a pre-computed value, or by
claiming one of the exceptions from this rule already specified in several other IGs, or – an option
introduced in this Guidance – by observing and claiming that the successful passing of the known answer
tests is already guaranteed by the module being tested initially and executing a software/firmware integrity
test at each power-on.
2. If a pair-wise consistency test may be used in lieu of a known answer test, this guidance applies and the
use of this test is not needed when the guidance says that an execution of the corresponding known answer
test is not required.
3. The module is required to have the capability to perform the applicable power-up tests on demand for the
approved algorithms implemented in the module.
4. To take advantage of the provisions of this IG, the module shall know whether a particular power-up is
performed when the module is first installed or configured in a new operational environment. If the
module needs to use a parameter that “remembers” that the module has already been installed in a given
environment and the algorithms have been self-tested, then this parameter’s value shall be treated the
same as a public key, in which case the integrity of this parameter is assured by the module.
In the absence of a parameter that keeps track of the earlier execution of the power-up self-tests, the
module’s operator may make the determination if the power-up algorithm self-tests need to be performed,
based on the operator’s knowledge of the history of performing these tests in each environment. If neither
the module itself nor the operator is able to determine if this is the first time the module is instantiated in a
given environment, the module shall perform all of the applicable algorithmic power-up self-tests for the
approved algorithms implemented in the module.
AS.09.22 requires that a software/firmware integrity test using an error detection code (EDC) or approved
authentication technique (e.g., and approved message authentication code or digital signature algorithm) shall
be applied to all validated software and firmware components within the cryptographic module when the
module is powered up.
Some cryptographic modules running in a limited Operational Environment include an operating system and
hardware drivers together with applications, which results in a large installation binary image (e.g. a few
Gigabytes installation image for a network appliance). Some other modules may not have a large (in terms of
its bit size) firmware image, but they run on a resource-constrained platform (e.g. smart cards with a low
processor speed). In both cases, an integrity check, even if it is using an EDC, takes such a long time to
complete that it significantly slows the power-up process and renders the devices with such FIPS validated
modules useless. This raises a problem of how the integrity test required in FIPS 140-2 should be performed in
a reasonably short time for modules containing firmware.
How should the “all” in AS.09.22 be interpreted? One possible interpretation is that each time the module is
powered-up a firmware integrity test is performed on the entire image of the firmware. This technique is
unacceptably slow for some devices, as indicated above. It will be desirable to reduce the amount of firmware
image subject to the integrity check while still maintaining the evidence of the integrity of the module’s
firmware. Sampling is the method commonly used in various industries to reduce the testing space while
maintaining an acceptable level of assurance.
Will sampling methods be acceptable in a firmware integrity test?
The module may choose to perform the firmware integrity test either on the whole firmware image or it may
use a sampling method.
The first time an integrity self-test is performed upon the installation or reconfiguration of the module or upon
a factory reset, the integrity test shall be performed on the entire firmware image. Then for a firmware
integrity test at each subsequent power-on, the integrity test is performed on a portion of the firmware that will
be chosen by a sampling method. This speeds up the operations significantly. Furthermore, by using a
sampling method to determine which portion of the firmware is tested on each application of an integrity test,
all parts of firmware will get tested after the integrity tests are performed sufficiently many times. Therefore,
it can be claimed that the test does apply to all cryptographic firmware components within the module, thus
literally meeting the requirements of AS.09.22.
Suppose that the firmware has been divided into n portions labeled as P1, P2, …, Pn, where 1 ≤ n ≤ 20 and
bitsize(Pi) ≥ 100,000 for 1≤ i ≤ n. Each time when an execution of an integrity test is required, the module
samples, either deterministically or randomly, the integers between 1 and n to select the portion of the
firmware which will be integrity-tested.
module shall be able to generate this small amount of entropy at the time of each invocation of the integrity
check, including at power-up.
When a firmware integrity test is performed, the random number generator is called to select an index j
between 1 and n and then the module performs an integrity test on the portion Pj.
Additional Comments
1. A firmware integrity test is a health test only. It is not designed nor is it intended to guard against the
targeted attacks. The cryptographic module will have other means of defense – commensurate with
the module’s Security Level – to protect against the deliberate attacks.
2. In the event of an integrity test failure, recovery from the error state shall require that the module
perform an integrity check of the entire firmware as was done in the initial installation of the module.
If the integrity check of the entire firmware is successful, the module may return to running an
integrity check using sampling either via the deterministic or the random method described in this IG.
3. The module shall be designed to perform, at the request of an operator, an integrity test on its entire
firmware image.
4. A natural partition of the module’s firmware may contain more than 20 files or bitstrings. The vendor
may group some of these portions together to meet the requirement of having no more than 20 Pi ’s for
the purpose of performing the integrity test using sampling.
5. If the random sampling method is used, the testing lab shall provide to the CMVP the design of the
random number generator ϒ along with the rationale for why this random number generator is
suitable for its purpose and how its entropy is generated from the environment; especially, when ϒ is
invoked at the power-up. The vendor’s analysis of the collected entropy shall to be clear and logical;
however, it does not need to meet the scrutiny of the analysis of the module’s NDRNG that generates
the entropy used for key generation.
6. This is an example of a random number generator that may be used to provide the entropy for the
random sampling. It can be assumed that the module has a built-in clock and can measure time. At
each power-up, the module will record the time and compute a number based on the last three decimal
digits of the time’s reading. That is, if the time is 13 hours, 51 minutes and 6.533146 seconds, the
RNG will output the number m=146. If only the millisecond precision is available and the recorded
time is 13 hours, 51 minutes and 6.533 seconds, the output is 533. The power-ups should not occur
very frequently, so the outputs can be considered independent.
Take the output from the previous step (e.g., 533) and mod it by the number of the portions of the
firmware (e.g., 20) and increase it by 1: (533 mod 20) + 1 = 14. Then perform the integrity test on the
portion P14.
7. The upper bound (20) on n and the lower bound (100,000) on the bit size of each portion Pi in the
subdivision of the module’s firmware image have been chosen to assure that a significant part of the
module’s firmware is integrity-tested at each power-up of the module.
8. The tester shall document how the module meets each shall statement in this IG in the Assessment for
9. The sampling method presented in this IG applies only to the cryptographic modules with a limited
operational environment. The software modules, typically operating on a GPC with a modifiable
operational environment are expected to operate with a sufficiently fast processor that will assure the
execution of the full integrity test within an acceptable time limit.
Software/firmware integrity test. A software/firmware integrity test using an error detection code (EDC) or
Approved authentication technique (e.g., an Approved message authentication code or digital signature
algorithm) shall (per AS.09.22) be applied to all validated software and firmware components within a
cryptographic module when the module is powered up. The software/firmware integrity test is not required for
any software and firmware components excluded from the security requirements of this standard (refer to
Section 4.1 of FIPS 140-2).
What is the definition of “non-reconfigurable memory”? Is software or firmware located in non-
reconfigurable memory subject to the AS09.22 software/firmware integrity test?
Non-reconfigurable memory shall be defined as a memory technology that stores data using a mechanical
means (e.g. masked ROM, CD-ROM) that will never change once manufactured.
The software or firmware integrity test is not required for executable code stored in non-reconfigurable
memory. This code is considered hardware. Therefore, the provisions of IG 9.11 Reducing the Number of
Known Answer Tests do not apply in that if an integrity test is not performed on the non-reconfigurable
memory area of the module, and if any of the approved cryptographic algorithms are implemented in this area,
then the power-on self-tests shall be performed on these algorithms.
Additional Comments
The reason for the above definition on what constitutes non-reconfigurable memory is that most common read-
only memory technologies (e.g. OTP, PROM, WORM, CD-R) store data using a chemical change or electrical
charge that is subject to degradation over time. This IG does not apply to such cases where degradation is a
factor, and the memory would still be subject to the integrity test. However, IG 9.12 Integrity Test Using
Sampling provides strategies for reducing the burden of the integrity test.
AS.11.01: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) If the cryptographic module is designed to mitigate one or more specific
attacks, then the module’s security policy shall specify the security mechanisms employed by the module
to mitigate the attack(s).
When is this section applicable?
If a cryptographic module has been purposely designed, built and publicly documented to mitigate one or more
specific attacks, this section is applicable and AS.11.01 shall be addressed regardless if the vendor of the
module wishes to address the claim or not. Mitigation mechanisms may address both invasive (physical) or
non-invasive mechanisms. The testing laboratory, upon inspection of the modules design and documentation
(both proprietary and public), shall verify the implemented mitigation mechanisms and/or mitigations claimed
by the vendor as specified in AS.11.01.
Example: FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 Level 2 is claimed. However, the vendor states that module design includes a
switch that will cause zeroization of CSPs if some part of the module is opened or penetrated. Since this is not
required at Level 2, for the vendor to claim this feature, it shall be addressed in FIPS 140-2 Section 4.11 as an
additional mitigation mechanism.
What is the level of detail that the non-proprietary security policy must contain in order to describe the
cryptographic service(s) implemented by a cryptographic module?
When presenting information in the non-proprietary security policy regarding the cryptographic services that
are included in the module validation, the security policy shall include, at a minimum, the following
information for each service:
• The service name
• A concise description of the service purpose and/or use (the service name alone may, in some
instances, provide this information)
• A list of approved security functions (algorithm(s), key management technique(s) or authentication
technique) used by, or implemented through, the invocation of the service.
• A list of the cryptographic keys and/or CSPs associated with the service or with the approved security
function(s) it uses.
• For each operator role authorized to use the service:
o Information describing the individual access rights to all keys and/or CSPs
o Information describing the method used to authenticate each role.
The presentation style of the documentation is left to the vendor. FIPS 140-2, Appendix C, contains tabular
templates that provide non-exhaustive samples and illustrations as to the kind of information to be included in
meeting the documentation requirements of the Standard.
Additional Comments
FIPS 140-2 requires information to be included in the module security policy which:
• Allows a user (operator) to determine when an approved mode of operation is selected (AS.01.16).
• Lists all security services, operations or functions, both approved and non-approved, that are provided
by the cryptographic module and available to operators (AS.01.12, AS.03.07, AS.03.14, AS.14.03).
The only exception is services that belong to “group 4” defined in IG 3.5.
• Provides a correspondence between the module hardware, software, and firmware components
• Provides a specification of the security rules under which the module shall operate, including the
security rules derived from the requirements of FIPS 140-2. (AS.14.02)
• For each service documented in the module Security Policy, specifies a detailed specification of the
service inputs, corresponding service outputs, and the authorized roles in which the service can be
performed. (AS.03.14, AS.14.03)
See also the definitions of Approved mode of operation and Approved security function in FIPS 140-2.
What is the level of detail that the non-proprietary security policy must contain that describes the security
mechanism(s) implemented by the cryptographic module to mitigate other attacks?
The level of detail describing the security mechanism(s) implemented by the cryptographic module to mitigate
other attacks required to be contained in the security policy must be similar to what is found on advertisement
documentation (product glossies).
VE.14.01.01 specifies the requirement for the vendor to provide in the security policy a diagram or image of
the physical cryptographic module.
While the requirement is vague when applied to a software, firmware or hybrid cryptographic module, it is
intended as well to clearly illustrate the logical boundary of the module as well as the other logical objects and
the operating environment with which the module executes with.
For a software, firmware or hybrid cryptographic module, what are the requirements of the logical diagram
contained in the security policy as specified in VE.14.01.01?
The logical diagram must illustrate:
• the logical relationship of the software, firmware or hybrid module with respect to the operating
environment. This shall include, as applicable, references to any operating system, hardware components
(i.e. hybrid) other supporting applications, and illustrate the physical boundary of the platform. All the
logical and physical layers between the logical object and the physical boundary shall be clearly defined.
Additional Comments
The logical diagram must convey basic information to the operator of the cryptographic module about its
relationship respective to the operating environment.
The logical diagram could be a subset of the block diagram specified in AS.01.13.
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5, Physical Security, addresses specific requirements at Level 2. This IG addresses the
following two requirements:
1. a module shall be constructed in a manner to provide tamper evidence, and
2. a module shall have an opaque tamper evident coating or enclosure.
IG 5.1 provides guidance on opacity and IG 5.2 on testing of tamper evident seals. Many module
implementations are constructed in a manner where the operator of the module is required to install or affix
items such as tamper evident seals or security appliances (e.g. baffles, screens, etc.) to configure the module to
operate in the approved mode of operation. In addition, the operator may over the life-cycle of the module,
modify some of the non-security relevant aspects of the module that would require the removal and
replacement of tamper evident seals or security appliances.
What specific information shall be included in the test report, certificate and Security Policy when a module
validated at Physical Security Level 2 has tamper evident seals or security appliances that the operator will
apply or modify over the lifecycle of the module?
The following specific information shall be included in the test report, certificate and Security Policy to meet
the relevant assertions:
1. If the module is shipped unassembled, then AS.14.03 shall be addressed with appropriate detail.
2. In addition to other applicable caveats, the certificate caveat shall include as applicable the following:
(The <tamper evident seals> and <security devices> installed as indicated in the Security Policy)
Note: After reconfiguring, the operator of the module may be required to remove and introduce new
tamper evident seals or security appliances.
f. There shall be a statement in the Security Policy stating:
The <tamper evident seals> and <security devices> shall be installed for the module to operate in the
approved mode of operation.
g. The Security Policy shall identify the operator role responsible for:
▪ securing and having control at all times of any unused seals, and
▪ the direct control and observation of any changes to the module such as reconfigurations where
the tamper evident seals or security appliances are removed or installed to ensure the security of
the module is maintained during such changes and the module is returned to a FIPS approved
h. If tamper evident seals or security appliances can be removed or installed, clear instructions shall be
included regarding how the surface or device shall be prepared to apply a new tamper evident seal or
security appliance.
Additional Comments
If a cryptographic module requires more than one tamper evident seal to be applied, the Physical Security Test
report that is submitted to the CMVP for review shall address the testing of each tamper evident seal
individually if the surface topography or surface material is different between different sets of seals.
The FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module Security Policy shall specify all cryptographic keys and CSPs
employed by the cryptographic module.
Which are the critical security parameters that determine the security of the SP 800-90A DRBG mechanisms?
The entropy input string and the seed shall be considered CSPs for all the DRBG mechanisms.
During the instantiation of a DRBG the initial state is derived from the seed. The internal state contains
administrative information and the working state. Some values of the working state are considered secret
values of the internal state. These values are listed below:
1. Hash_DRBG mechanism
The values of V and C are the “secret” values of the internal state.
2. HMAC_DRBG mechanism
The values of V and Key are the “secret values” of the internal state.
3. CTR_DRBG mechanism
The values of V and Key are the “secret values” of the internal state.
Additional Requirements
1. The SP 800-90A requires that the internal state is protected at least as well as the intended use of the
pseudorandom output bits requested by the consuming application. SP 800-90A further requires that
the DRBG internal state is contained within the DRBG mechanism boundary and shall not be
accessed by non-DRBG functions or other instantiations of that or other DRBGs.
TE.01.15.01 shall specify how the above requirements are met.
2. In the case of the CTR_DRBG the test report shall indicate if a derivation function is used during the
instantiation and reseeding. If the derivation function is not used, the test report shall explain how the
module meets the SP 800-90A requirement of having another approved DRBG or an entropy source
provide full entropy to the CTR_DRBG.
3. The following assessments: AS07.09, AS07.14 and AS07.23 are no longer applicable, as the only
approved random number generators (not otherwise approved for classified applications) are the SP
800-90A-compliant DRBGs. The DRBGs do not use the seed key parameter.
The Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) validates every SHS algorithm implementation:
SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512. Several higher cryptographic algorithms use those SHS
hashing algorithms in their operation.
What are validation testing requirements for the SHS algorithms and higher cryptographic algorithms
implementing SHS algorithms for their use in FIPS approved mode of operation?
To be used in a FIPS approved mode of operation:
• every SHS algorithm implementation must be tested and validated on the appropriate OS.
• for DSA, RSA, ECDSA and HMAC, every implemented combination must be tested and validated on
the appropriate OS.
The algorithmic validation certificate annotates all the tested implementations that may be used in a FIPS
approved mode of operation.
Any algorithm implementation incorporated within a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module that is not tested may
not be used in a FIPS approved mode of operation. If there is an untested subset of a FIPS approved algorithm,
it would be listed as non-approved and non-compliant on the FIPS 140-2 validation certificate.
The NIST FIPS 186-4 standard allows (in Section 6.1.1) the use of the non-NIST-Recommended curves in the
ECDSA algorithm in the approved mode. Similarly, the NIST SP 800-56A Rev2 standard allows (in Section the use of the non-NIST-Recommended curves in the elliptic-curve-based key agreement methods, EC
Diffie-Hellman and ECMQV. IG D.8 further allows the use in the approved mode of non-approved methods
(that is, not compliant with SP 800-56A or SP 800-56A Rev2) in the key agreement schemes1; these non-
approved but allowed methods may utilize the non-NIST-Recommended curves.
What are the rules for using the non-NIST-Recommended elliptic curves in the ECDSA signature algorithm
and the ECC-based key agreement schemes the approved mode of operation?
The CMVP allows the use of non-approved elliptic curves in the approved mode of operation providing:
the algorithm implementation shall use approved underlying algorithms, such as the message digests,
the security policy shall list all approved and non-approved curves that are implemented,
the security policy shall indicate the associated security strength for all non-approved curves that are
implemented. The vendor shall check that the curve is not singular; provide to the CMVP the
information about the curve’s underlying field (which shall be either of a prime order or of the order
2m, where m is prime) and about the number of points on the curve; present the factorization of the
number of points on the curve into a large prime n and a co-factor h as shown in FIPS 186-4; verify
that h is within the limits established in Table 1 of Section 6.1.1 of FIPS 186-4; check that the curve is
non-anomalous (the number of points on the curve is not equal to the size of the field), and that the
MOV condition is met for all B ≤ 100. See ANS X9.62 or the ECC textbooks for details, and
if an algorithm (ECDSA or KAS) is listed on the certificate’s approved line, the algorithm
implementation shall have been CAVS-tested and validated for at least one NIST-Recommended
A cryptographic module shall implement at least one approved security function used in an approved mode of
operation. Non-approved security functions may also be included for use in non-approved modes of operation
or allowed for use in an approved mode of operation. Documentation shall list all security functions, both
This provision stays in effect until the 2017 transition documented in SP 800-131A Rev1 is fully
approved and non-approved, that are employed by the cryptographic module and shall specify all modes of
operation, both approved and non-approved. The vendor shall provide a validation certificate for all approved
cryptographic algorithms. The tester shall verify that the vendor has provided validated certificate(s) as
described above.
For approved security functions, approved random number generators or approved key establishment
techniques specified in FIPS 140-2 Annexes A, C, and D, if CAVP testing is not available, can the approved
methods be used in FIPS mode, and if so, how shall it be tested and annotated on the module validation
certificate and security policy?
As new methods are published and approved, they will be added to the relevant FIPS 140-2 Annexes. The
annexes may reference FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance for methods allowed in lieu of approved
1. If new approved methods (e.g. NIST FIPS, Special Publication, etc.) are added to the Annexes which
provides a new method that did not exist before (e.g. key establishment), until such time that CAVP
testing is available for the new method, the CMVP would continue to:
allow methods as provided by guidance (untested and listed as non-approved but allowed in FIPS
mode); and
allow the vendor to implement the new approved method (untested, listed as approved and
allowed in FIPS mode with the caveat vendor affirmed).
a. a transition period (e.g. n months) would be provided for new test reports received by the CMVP:
▪ during the transition period, a new approved method would either be listed as approved
with a reference to a CAVP validation certificate, or as vendor affirmed if testing was
not performed; and
b. when the transition period ends, for newly received test reports:
▪ only approved methods that have been tested and received a CAVP validation certificate
would be allowed. All other methods would be listed as non-approved and not allowed
in an approved FIPS mode of operation.
c. the vendor could optionally follow up with testing of un-tested vendor affirmed methods and if
so, the reference to vendor affirmed would be removed and replaced by reference to the
algorithm certificate. If there are no changes to the module, this change can be submitted under
IG G.8 Scenario 1 If the module is changed, this change can be submitted under IG G.8
Scenarios 1, 3 or 5 as applicable.2
2. If new approved methods (e.g. NIST FIPS, Special Publication, etc.) are added to Annexes which provides
a new method commensurate with those that currently exist (e.g. a new symmetric key algorithm, RNG,
DRBG, hash, digital signature, etc.), until such time that CAVP testing is available for the new method,
the CMVP would:
allow the vendor to implement the new approved method (untested, listed as approved and
allowed in FIPS mode with the caveat vendor affirmed)
a. a transition period (e.g. n months) would be provided for new test reports received by the CMVP:
▪ during the transition period, a new approved method would either be listed as approved
with a reference to a CAVP validation certificate, or as vendor affirmed if testing was
not performed.
b. when the transition period ends, for newly received test reports:
▪ only approved methods that have been tested and received a CAVP validation certificate
would be allowed. All other methods would be listed as non-approved and not allowed
in an approved FIPS mode of operation.
c. the vendor could optionally follow up with testing of prior un-tested vendor affirmed methods
and if so, the reference to vendor affirmed removed and replaced by reference to the algorithm
certificate. If there are no changes to the module, this change can be submitted under IG G.8
Scenario 1. If the module is changed, this change can be submitted under IG G.8 Scenarios 1, 3
or 5 as applicable 1
3. The Cryptographic Technology Group at NIST may determine that prior methods may be retroactively
disallowed and moved to non-approved and not allowed in a FIPS mode of operation (e.g. DES). A
Federal Register notice would be published with a transition period to allow migration from the no longer
approved or allowed method.
4. For all approved methods, all applicable FIPS 140-2 requirements shall be met (e.g., key management,
self-tests, etc.)
Additional Comments
Vendor Affirmed: a security method reference that is listed with this caveat has not been tested by the CAVP,
and the CMVP or CAVP provide no assurance regarding its correct implementation or operation. Only the
vendor of the module affirms that the method or algorithm was implemented correctly.
The users of cryptographic modules implementing vendor affirmed security functions must consider the risks
associated with the use of un-tested and un-validated security functions.
Test Requirements
Until the FIPS 140-2 DTR and CRYPTIK tool are updated and released, please provide the following
information under VE.01.12.01 and TE.01.12.01.
Required Vendor Information
VE.01.12.03: The vendor shall provide a list of all vendor affirmed security methods.
VE.01.12.04: The vendor provided nonproprietary security policy shall include reference to all vendor
affirmed security methods.
TE01.12.03: The tester shall verify that the vendor has provided the list of vendor affirmed security methods
as described above.
TE01.12.04: The tester shall verify that the vendor provided documentation specifies how the implemented
vendor affirmed security methods conform to the relevant standards.
SP 800-38D was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on December 18, 2007. SP 800-38D requires that “the
probability that the authenticated encryption function ever will be invoked with the same IV and the same key
on two (or more) distinct sets of input data shall be no greater than 2-32”.
One difficulty of testing the module’s compliance with this requirement comes from the fact that each module
is tested independently while SP 800-38D demands that the probability of the (Key, IV) pair collision between
all modules at all times should be sufficiently low to ensure cryptographic strength.
How shall a cryptographic module satisfy these requirements?
An AES GCM key may either be generated internally or entered into the cryptographic module.
Techniques for generating an IV that are acceptable for the purposes of FIPS 140-2 validation are listed below.
1. Construct the IV in compliance with the provisions of a peer-to-peer industry standard protocol whose
mechanism for generating the IVs for AES GCM has been reviewed and deemed acceptable by the
appropriate validation authorities and subject to the additional requirements established in this
guidance. The current list of acceptable protocols is shown below:
a. TLS 1.2 GCM Cipher Suites for TLS, as described in RFCs 5116 , 5288 and 5289
Similar to the allowances shown above for the TLS implementations, the module may demonstrate its
compliance with the rules for IPSec compliance in one of the following two ways.
i) The operations of one of the two parties involved in the IKE key establishment scheme shall be
performed entirely within the cryptographic boundary of the module being validated. The testing
laboratory shall check the module implementation and verify that the two keys established by
IKEv2 for one security association (one key for encryption in each direction between the parties)
are not identical and abort the session if they are; or
ii) The laboratory shall check the IPSec protocol implementation that relies on the module being
validated against an independently developed instance of IPSec with IKEv2, verify that a session
is successfully established, which implies that the two keys established by IKEv2 are derived
correctly, and the following condition shall be met:
The module’s implementation of AES GCM is used together with an application that runs either
inside or outside the module’s cryptographic boundary. This application negotiates the protocol
session’s keys and the value in the first 32 bits of the nonce (see below).
Note that in RFC 5282 the term for what is called an IV in SP 800-38D and in this IG is “nonce”,
while the term “IV” in RFC 5282 refers only to the last 64 bits of the “nonce” field. In other words,
IPSec requires four octets of salt followed by eight octets of deterministic nonce. Whether an
implementation is using the i) or the ii) path to meet the compliance requirements, the construction of
the last 64 bits of the “nonce” (the IV in RFC 5282) for the purposes of FIPS 140-2 validation shall
be deterministic (e.g., using a counter) and satisfy one of the IV restoration conditions defined in
Scenario 3 of this Implementation Guidance.
The implementation of the management logic for the last 64 bits of the “nonce” (the IV in RFC 5282)
inside the module shall ensure that when the IV in RFC 5282 exhausts the maximum number of
possible values for a given security association (e.g., a 64-bit counter starting from 0 and increasing,
when it reaches the maximum value of 264 -1), either party to the security association that encounters
this condition triggers a rekeying with IKEv2 to establish a new encryption key for the security
association – see RFC 7296. A statement to that effect shall be included in the Security Policy and
Validation Test Report.
MACsec protocol IV generation
A typical implementation of the MACsec protocol includes the components shown in Figure 1 below.
The generation and management of IV’s for the GCM cipher suites in the MACsec protocol is
distributed among the three components. For the purposes of a FIPS 140-2 validation, the
cryptographic functionality relevant for MACsec in each component shall be validated as a separate
module. The requirement in Section 9.1 in SP 800-38D to contain the IV “generation unit” within a
module boundary is satisfied by the composition of the Peer, Authenticator and optional
Authentication Server modules. All modules – Peer, Authenticator, and, if applicable,
Authentication Server, should be validated (or re-validated) after this Implementation Guidance
takes effect, so that they all comply with the applicable requirements of this IG. While all modules are
validated separately by the CMVP, each module’s Security Policy shall tell what this module’s role is
in the MACsec protocol, explain what the module does in support of the IV generation for the
MACsec’s use of AES GCM, and state that when supporting the MACsec protocol in the approved
mode, the module should only be used together with the CMVP-validated modules providing the
remaining <Peer, Authenticator, …> functionalities.
RADIUS Authentication
Peer Authenticator over IPsec Server
802.1AE or TLS
Encrypted Encrypted
Link Link
The implementation of the deterministic non-repetitive counter management logic inside the module
shall ensure that when the counter part of the IV exhausts the maximum number of possible values
for a given session key (e.g., a 32-bit counter starting from 0 and increasing, when it reaches the
maximum value of 232 -1) the encryptor shall abort the session.
Further, at least one of the IV restoration conditions shall be satisfied for the deterministic non-
repetitive counter.
The IV restoration conditions are as follows (for additional details, see Section 9.1 of SP 800-38D):
(1) The module’s memory shall be set in such way that it will reset to the last IV value used in
case the module’s power is lost and then restored. (This condition is enforced by the module and
shall be tested by a testing lab.)
(2) There will be a human operator who will reset the IV to the last one used in case the module’s
power is lost and then restored. (This condition is not enforced but shall be stated in the module’s
Security Policy, under the “User Guide” heading.)
(3) In case the module’s power is lost and then restored, a new key for use with the AES GCM
encryption/decryption shall be established. (This condition may or may not be enforced but shall
be stated in the module’s Security Policy, under the “User Guide” heading.)
A statement explaining how the deterministic IV generation is performed and how the IV restoration
conditions are met shall be included in the Security Policy and Validation Test Report.
NOTE. The module does not need to comply with any particular Scenario (1 – 3) shown in this section of the
IG. Meeting the rules of any one of these Scenarios, whether protocol-dependent or not, when generating the
IVs for AES GCM is sufficient. The Security Policy shall explain the rules under which the module must
operate in compliance with this Implementation Guidance.
4. If an implementation does not meet the requirements of any of the Scenarios 1 through 3 explained
above in this Implementation Guidance, the vendor may present their own proof of the compliance
with the SP 800-38D requirement stated in the Background section of this IG. The burden of proof is
on the vendor. The testing laboratory shall review the proof and verify its correctness. Each proof will
be examined by the CMVP reviewers who will make the final determination of the proof’s validity.
Additional Comments
1. This Implementation Guidance does not introduce any new requirements. On the contrary, the
purpose of this Implementation Guidance is to relax some of the SP 800-38D requirements. This
relaxation is needed because SP 800-38D imposes some system-wide requirements, including those
that concern the probabilities of the (key, IV) pair collisions. The compliance with such system-wide
requirements cannot be tested within the scope of the CMVP program where each module is validated
In some Scenarios allowed by this IG, the (key, IV) collision probability is calculated as it applies to
one module. To reconcile this interpretation of the SP 800-38D requirement with the security goals
stated in SP 800-38D, the module needs to operate within the certain limits established by this
Implementation Guidance. One possibility is for the module to comply with the specific confines of
the known industry protocols. If this is the case, the reliance on the properties of the protocol allows
the CMVP to modify the rules of SP 800-38D without introducing any security risks or exposures.
Scenarios 2 and 3 in the Resolution section are protocol-independent.
2. When the module uses a (non-protocol-specific) deterministic IV construction, the name field
provides an assurance that the IVs are not repeated even when they are generated independently by
different modules, possibly manufactured by different vendors. If this name field is only 32 bits long,
then it is barely sufficient to provide for the 2 different values. Operators of the modules that use the
32-bit long names need to ensure that there is no possibility of name collisions in the systems they
operate. When it is not possible to control the name assignment (as in the case when a session that
uses an AES GCM encryption runs over a network managed without a central control over the names
of the modules) then a 32-bit field may be insufficient. In such cases, it is highly recommended to
switch to 64-bit or even 96-bit long names and limit the number of encrypted blocks under the same
key to 2 .
3. As stated in this Implementation Guidance, if the entire IV is generated randomly, the length of the
random field shall be at least 96 bits. The reason for it is that with 2 possible AES GCM
encryptions under the same key, the probability of having at least one (key, IV) collision (i.e., an IV
collision, as the key stays the same) can be estimated to be of the order of 2 . However, to maintain
the same probability of collisions in the case of a 64-bit random field, one would have to reduce the
maximum number of AES GCM encryptions with the same key to only 2 .
4. Including the module’s name in the IV field does not amount to a passphrase-based key derivation.
The IV is not a key. Their cryptographic properties are different.
5. The methods presented in this IG apply to the module’s generation of an IV parameter for the AES
GCM encryption. When an IV is used for decryption, the responsibility for the IV generation lies with
the party that performs the AES GCM encryption therefore none of the SP 800-38D requirements and
none of the Scenarios presented in this Guidance are applicable to the module performing the
6. Some proprietary implementations of MACsec allow the static configuration of a pre-shared key for
the Security Association Key (SAK) used by the protocol. The static configuration of a pre-shared
SAK shall not be used in the approved mode of operation.
7. If any of the IETF or IEEE documents referenced in this IG become obsolete or get updated by
another IETF RFC or an IEEE standard, then the new document number shall be considered the
replacement of the number listed in this Guidance.
The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) function is used by the message sender to produce a
value, called the MAC, which is formed by condensing the secret key and the message input. The HMAC
function may use any approved hash algorithm. HMAC is documented in FIPS 198-1.
Some internet protocols such as IPsec and SSH use HMAC-SHA-1 and truncate the MAC to 96 (leftmost) bits.
Other implementations use HMAC-SHA-384 truncated to 192 bits. Some other truncations may also be
considered by implementers.
Can a truncated HMAC be used in the approved mode?
According to SP 800-107rev1, published August 2012, the truncated forms of an approved HMAC are the
approved algorithms if an HMAC output is truncated to its leftmost bits with 32 . In particular, HMAC-
SHA-1-96 and HMAC-SHA-384-192 are approved algorithms and can be used in the approved mode of
operation. This includes their use as an approved integrity technique required in Section 4.6.1 of FIPS 140-2
and as an approved authentication technique when performing the software/firmware load test described in
Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2.
Additional Comments
1. In compliance with the transition requirements specified in SP 800-131Arev1, any key for a full-length-
output HMAC or a truncated HMAC that possesses less than 112 bits of strength shall not be used in
approved mode.
2. When a truncated HMAC is used in the approved mode, the corresponding full-output HMAC shall have
a CAVP algorithm certificate. The module’s validation certificate needs to show this CAVP certificate and
does not need to reference the truncated HMAC. The use of the latter shall be shown in the module’s
security policy.
3. The security of the truncated HMAC values is addressed in SP 800-107rev1. The permission to use in the
approved mode an HMAC output truncated to (the minimum of) 32 bits does not contradict the
requirement of SP 800-131Arev1 of providing at least 112 bits of equivalent encryption strength. The
cryptographic strength of HMAC depends primarily on the strength of the HMAC key. See SP 800-
107rev1 for details.
4. While SP 800-107rev1 allows the truncation of HMAC to its leftmost bits with 32 , that Special
Publication discourages the HMAC truncations to less than 64 bits. For the purposes of the FIPS 140-2
validations, it is the 32-bit requirement that will be enforced.
5. HMAC-SHA-3 is subject to the same truncation rules as the other HMACs that utilize the approved hash
XTS-AES is approved in SP 800-38E by reference to IEEE Std. 1619-2007. The IEEE standard specifies a
key, denoted by Key, that is 256 [or 512] bits long; Key is then parsed as the concatenation of two AES keys,
denoted by Key_1 and Key_2, that are 128 [or 256] bits long. Sec. D.4.3 (pp. 31-32) explains that XTS-AES
differs from the generic XEX construction (due to Rogaway) in that Key_1 = Key_2 for XEX but not for XTS-
AES. Annex D of the IEEE standard is labeled as informative, not normative and there are no other
requirements on the generation of Key otherwise in that standard.
Misuse of XTS-AES with a class of improper keys results in a security vulnerability. An implementation of
XTS-AES that improperly generates Key so that Key_1 = Key_2 is vulnerable to a chosen ciphertext attack
that would defeat the main security assurances that XTS-AES was designed to provide. In particular, by
obtaining the decryption of only one chosen ciphertext block in a given data sector, an adversary who does not
know the key may be able to manipulate the ciphertext in that sector so that one or more plaintext blocks
change to any desired value. Rogaway illustrates the attack for disallowed parameterizations of XEX (without
fully exploring its consequences) in Sec. 6 of his 2004 paper Efficient Instantiations of Tweakable
Blockciphers and Refinements to Modes OCB and PMAC, available at
Key_1 and Key_2 are intended to be distinct keys, and they must each be generated pseudo-randomly to
comply with approved key generation guidelines. The module shall check explicitly that
Key_1 ≠ Key_2, regardless of how Key_1 and Key_2 are obtained. See section Additional Comments below
for further implementation considerations. In addition, the CST testing lab shall document in TE.01.12.01 of
the Test Report how the module meets the above requirement.
Additional Comments
This interpretation of the IEEE standard is consistent with the requirements on the generation of secret keys for
other NIST approved cryptographic algorithms, namely, from a cryptographically strong pseudorandom source
or approved KDF and with support from a good entropy source.
The check for Key_1 ≠ Key_2 shall be done at any place BEFORE using the keys in the XTS-AES algorithm
to process data with them. This allows for choosing an appropriate place for implementing the check,
anywhere from within the algorithm boundary to the module boundary.
SP 800-38G was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on April 6, 2016. IG A.3 was added on January 25, 2007.
Until CAVP testing for SP 800-38G is available, IG A.3 is applicable. SP 800-38G contains the description of
two methods, FF1 and FF3, for format-preserving encryption.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-38G, which sections of the standard need to be addressed and what are
the documentation requirements?
Vendor affirmation for SP 800-38G, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for
Format-Preserving Encryption includes
1) validation testing for the underlying encryption function (AES),
2) documenting in the module’s Security Policy the selection of the format-preserving algorithms: FF1,
FF3, or both,
3) documenting in the module’s Security Policy the lengths of the following parameters from SP 800-
38G: radix, minlen, maxlen, and, for the FF1 scheme, maxTlen. The value of maxTlen may not exceed
232 – 1,
4) an affirmation of the implemented algorithms’ compliance to the functions (FF1, FF3) specified in SP
Additional Comments
1. SP 800-38G requires that the underlying encryption function used in the format-preserving
algorithms is an approved block cipher operating on the 128-bit blocks of data. As of June 2016, and
for the foreseeable future, the only such function is the AES algorithm. The length of an AES key
may be 128, 192, or 256 bits.
2. The module’s validation certificate shall include an entry for the AES algorithm that has been tested
and is being used as an underlying encryption function in the format-preserving algorithms. The AES
algorithm certificate shall show the validation of the mode of AES that has been used as an
underlying block cipher (encryption function) in format preserving encryption.
It is sufficient to test the underlying AES encryption function in any approved mode of AES that uses
this underlying encryption engine.
3. No special acronym is required in the validation certificate to annotate the module’s compliance with
SP 800-38G. Use “AES” as with any other approved mode of AES.
4. The vendor shall document the SP 800-38G-compliant format preserving encryption in the list of the
vendor affirmed security methods in TE.01.12.03 of the Test Report. In TE.01.12.04, the vendor shall
demonstrate how their implementation complies with the appropriate provisions of SP 800-38G; in
particular, with the requirement that the radix, minlen, maxlen and, if applicable, maxTlen parameters
satisfy the constraints defined in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of SP 800-38G for FF1 and FF3,
correspondingly. If the FF1 scheme is used, the validation Test Report shall also show the possible
byte lengths t of the tweak used by this module.
A.11 The Use and the Testing Requirements for the Family of Functions
defined in FIPS 202
FIPS 202 was published in August 2015 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on September 17, 2015. This
standard includes the specifications for the SHA-3 family of hash functions: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-
384 and SHA3-512, as well as for the two extendable-output functions, SHAKE128 and SHAKE256. CAVS
testing for all of these functions became available on January 29, 2016.
1. Are there any limitations on the use of hash functions defined in FIPS 202 in the CMVP-validated
cryptographic modules?
2. What are the validation testing requirements for the FIPS 202-compliant algorithms and the higher-
level cryptographic algorithms that are using the functions defined in FIPS 202? In particular, how to
address the case when CAVS testing is available for a higher-level cryptographic algorithm when this
algorithm uses the hash functions defined in FIPS 180-4 but there is still no testing when the same
higher-level algorithm uses the FIPS 202 functions?
3. Which self-tests are required for the FIPS 202-defined functions?
1. To be used in the FIPS approved mode of operation, the SHA-3 hash functions may be implemented
either as part of an approved higher-level algorithm, for example, a digital signature algorithm, or as
the standalone functions. The SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 extendable-output functions may only be
used as the standalone algorithms.
2. The validation, testing and the certificate documentation requirements are as follows.
a. Every implementation of each SHA-3 and SHAKE function shall be tested and validated on the
appropriate OS.
b. If any of the SHA-3 hash functions are used as part of a higher-level algorithm and the CAVS
testing that supports SHA-3 is available for this higher-level algorithm, then, upon the expiration
of a transitional period defined when such CAVP testing becomes available, to use the higher-
level algorithm in the approved mode the vendor shall obtain a CAVP certificate for this
algorithm. If the vendor does not obtain such a certificate, then the higher-level algorithm that
uses the SHA-3 functions may not be used in the approved mode and shall not be listed on the
module’s validation certificate.
c. If any of the SHA-3 hash functions are used as part of a higher-level approved algorithm and the
CAVS testing that supports SHA-3 is NOT yet available for this higher-level algorithm or the
transitional period has not yet expired, then to use this higher-level algorithm in the approved
mode the vendor shall claim the vendor affirmation for this algorithm. This shall be
accompanied by obtaining the CAVS certificates for the SHA-3 functions used in the higher-
level algorithm. If the module implemented the same higher-level algorithm with a FIPS 180-4
hash function and there is a corresponding entry on the approved line of the module’s validation
certificate, then the vendor affirmation of the same algorithm using SHA-3 does not need to be
shown separately on the certificate’s approved line but shall be documented in the module’s
Security Policy.
d. Until CAVS testing for a higher-level algorithm with the SHA-3 hash functions is available, IG
A.3 is applicable.
3. The self-test requirements.
a. At the minimum, the cryptographic module shall perform a known answer test for one of the
functions defined in FIPS 202: SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, SHAKE128 and
SHAKE256, no matter how many of these functions the module may be designed to use. A
known answer test for a hash function may be performed as part of the known answer test of a
higher-level approved algorithm.
b. If a SHA-3 hash function is used as part of a higher-level approved algorithm that is tested by the
CAVP, then the module shall perform a known answer test for this higher-level algorithm. No
additional power-on self-tests for any of the FIPS 202-compliant functions implemented by this
module are required.
c. If a SHA-3 hash function is used as part of a higher-level approved algorithm that is vendor
affirmed but not tested by the CAVP or the transitional period has not yet expired, then the
module shall perform a known answer test either for the higher-level algorithm or for one of the
SHA-3 hash functions this higher-level algorithm uses.
d. No conditional self-tests are required in support of the FIPS 202-compliant algorithms.
Additional Comments
1. The reason for requiring a known answer test for only one of the FIPS 202-compliant hash functions
is that all of these functions, including SHAKE128 and SHAKE256, rely on the same underlying
Keccak-p permutation. Note that this is different from the SHA-1 and SHA-2 self-test requirements
where separate self-tests are needed for SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512, if the module is designed to
use these hash functions.
2. If the module implements several Keccak-p permutation engines, a self-test shall be performed for
more than one implementation of the FIPS 202-defined functions so that each permutation engine’s
implementation is self-tested.
3. Examples for how to annotate the use of the FIPS 202 algorithms in the module’s validation
a. SHA-3 (Cert. #55). This demonstrates that one or more of the following functions: SHA3-224,
SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512, SHAKE128, SHAKE256 is implemented in the module and
tested by the CAVP. There is no separate acronym for the SHAKE functions.
b. RSA (SHA-3 Cert. #55, vendor affirmed). This is the case when the implementation of the
RSA signature algorithm supported by the module uses only the SHA-3 hash functions, and no
CAVP testing is available for the configuration of the RSA algorithm that uses the SHA-3 hash
functions (or if such testing is available but the transitional period announced upon the
introduction of this testing has not yet expired.)
c. DSA (Cert. #200). [No change from the existing notation.] The module’s DSA algorithm
implementation(s) may use both the FIPS 180-4 and the FIPS 202 hash functions. One entry in
the module’s validation certificate is sufficient. The Security Policy shall indicate that the use of
the DSA with the SHA-3 hash functions is vendor affirmed if the CAVP testing for the DSA that
uses the SHA-3 hash functions is not yet available.
4. The future updates of this Implementation Guidance will keep track of the testing availability status
for the approved higher-level algorithms that might use the SHA-3 hash functions.
SP 800-38A was published in December 2001. This standard defines several approved modes of AES: ECB,
CBC, CFB, OFB, and CTR. In a further development, in October 2010, NIST published an Addendum to SP
800-38A to expand the definition of the Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC). The reason for writing this
Addendum was that the version of the AES CBC mode in the original publication of SP 800-38A assumed that
plaintext consisted of a whole number of the 128-bit-long blocks of data. When this requirement was not met,
Appendix A of SP 800-38A showed how to “pad” a partial block of plaintext to its full 128-bit size (the length
of an AES encryption block). Unfortunately, this also resulted in an expansion of the ciphertext.
The 2010 Addendum to SP 800-38A introduces three different modes of making the complete 128-bit
plaintext blocks when performing the AES CBC encryption. These modes are: CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2 and
CBC-CS3. As explained in the Addendum to SP 800-38A, the “CS” notation stands for “ciphertext stealing”,
meaning that the bits needed to make all plaintext blocks complete are taken from one of the ciphertext blocks.
These three modes do not require the ciphertext expansion.
The Addendum to SP 800-38A was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on November 24, 2010. Until CAVP
testing for the three modes introduced in the Addendum to SP 800-38A is available, IG A.3 is applicable. The
current Guidance explains the rules for vendor affirmation when any of the three AES modes, CBC-CS1,
CBC-CS2 and CBC-CS3 are used in the approved mode.
To claim vendor affirmation to the Addendum to SP 800-38A, which sections of the standard need to be
addressed and what are the documentation requirements?
The entire text of the Addendum to SP 800-38A is applicable. To simplify the notation on the module’s
validation certificate, if the module supports any of the three modes of AES: CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2 and CBC-
CS3 and the module’s validation certificate already includes an AES entry on the approved line with an AES
algorithm certificate showing that testing has been performed for the CBC mode of AES, then no additional
entries on the module’s certificate are needed. If the module’s certificate does not show an AES algorithm
entry that includes the CBC mode, then a separate vendor affirmation entry AES-CBC-CS shall be included in
the module’s certificate, even if the module’s certificate already shows an AES algorithm certificate on the
approved line.
The Security Policy shall show vendor affirmation to the applicable modes: CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2 or CBC-
CS3. The Test Report shall list these instances of vendor affirmation in the applicable assessments.
An entry AES-CBC-CS (vendor affirmed) may be required on the approved line. It is not necessary to
specify in the module’s certificate which of the AES CBC ciphertext stealing modes (CS1, CS2, or CS3) are
implemented. The details will be provided in the module’s Security Policy and the Test Report.
Additional Comments
1. There are several ways that the documentation requirements for vendor affirmation to the CBC-CS1,
CBC-CS2 and CBC-CS3 modes of AES could be addressed. One solution would not require any new
entries in the module’s certificate. However, this would misinform the user when the module
implemented the AES CBC ciphertext stealing modes and the vendor affirmed the implementation’s
compliance with the Addendum to SP 800-38A. Another alternative would be to always require a
vendor affirmation entry if any of the three modes in questions were supported in the approved mode.
This Guidance shows a compromise solution that relies on the explanations in the module’s Security
Policy and the Test Report with an exception of an unlikely case when the module supports one of the
AES CBC ciphertext stealing modes, but not the AES CBC mode defined in SP 800-38A. In this
case, a separate vendor affirmation entry in the module’s certificate is highly informative and is,
therefore, required.
2. If the module supports one of the approved modes of AES in the approved mode then it is necessary
to perform the AES known answer tests for both the encryption and the decryption functions, if both
functions are supported. The known answer tests may be performed using any approved mode of AES
shown in the module’s validation certificate. This requirement applies even if the module’s
implementation does not include any tested AES modes and the module’s only approved modes of
AES are the vendor-affirmed AES CBC ciphertext stealing modes addressed in this Guidance.
3. The use of the CBC mode with or without the ciphertext stealing requires the presence of an IV
parameter. The requirements on the IV for its use in the CBC-CS1, CBC-CS2 and CBC-CS3 modes
of AES are the same as those when the IV is used in the AES CBC mode. Specifically, the IV does
not need to be secret but must be unpredictable. See Appendix C of SP 800-38A for the precise
meaning of the unpredictability in this context.
SP 800-67rev1 was published in January 2012 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A in February 2017. SP 800-
67rev1 added a requirement prohibiting users from performing more than 232 64-bit data block encryptions
under the same three-key Triple-DES key. In an earlier version of SP 800-67, this requirement was a “should
not” rather than a “shall not” statement. In compliance with SP 800-67rev1, NIST on July 11, 2017, placed on
the Computer Security Division’s Website a document that explained the rationale for this restriction on the
number of the Triple-DES encryptions using the same key.
Then, in November 2017, NIST published SP 800-67rev2, which further tightened the restriction on the
number of the Triple-DES encryptions with the same key. Per SP 800-67rev2, one key shall not be used to
encrypt more than 220 64-bit data blocks. This version of the SP 800-67 standard was added to FIPS 140-2
Annex A in January 2018.
How shall the aforementioned evolving requirement on the limit of the number of the Triple-DES encryptions
with the same key be enforced? In particular, how can a user of a validated cryptographic module be confident
that other modules are not performing the Triple-DES encryptions with the same key thus, possibly, exceeding
the overall limit on the number of such encryptions?
Each validated module shall have a limit of either 220 or 216 64-bit data block encryptions with the same
Triple-DES key.
The limit of 220 encryptions with the same Triple-DES key applies when keys are generated as part of one of
the recognized IETF protocols. To use this provision, the Security Policy shall say which of the IETF
protocols governs the generation of the Triple-DES keys and list the IETF RFC(s) where the details of this
protocol, relevant to the generation of the Triple-DES encryption keys, are documented. A proof of the
implementation’s compliance with the referenced protocol is not required.
If a key is not generated as part of a recognized IETF protocol (or, at least, no such claim is made by the
vendor) then a further restriction on the number of encryptions with the same Triple-DES key is necessary, to
avoid a “system-wide” violation of the overall limit on the number of encryptions with the same key. This
limit is 216 encryptions by each validated module.
For modules validated at Security Levels 1 or 2 in Section 4.1 of FIPS 140-2, the requirement limiting the
number of encryptions with the same key may be enforced by policy. If this approach is taken, the module’s
Security Policy shall state that the user is responsible for ensuring the module’s compliance with this
For modules validated at security levels 3 or 4 in Section 4.1 of FIPS 140-2, the module shall enforce this
requirement. See an Additional Comment below for an example of how this may be done. The Security Policy
shall explain how the module performs the enforcement.
Additional Comments
1. If an encryption key is generated as part of an IETF protocol implementation, there is a strong reason
to believe (even though the module’s compliance to the protocol is not tested by the CMVP) that the
same key will not be used by any entity except for the two parties that are involved in the encryption
session that required the generation of this key. Therefore, if each module performs no more than 220
encryptions with the same key, then system-wide the number of the Triple-DES encryptions with that
key will usually be limited to 220 or, in the worst possible case, if the module’s partner in this session
can also perform the encryptions with the same key, to 221. While 221 exceeds that stated limit, for the
purposes of compliance with this IG, this solution is acceptable.
2. If an encryption key is not generated as part of a known protocol, then it is impossible to tell, in the
general case, how many modules may use this encryption key. The limit on the number of same-key
Triple-DES encryptions is set at 216. If the number of modules using this key for encryption is no
greater than 16 then the overall limit of 220 will not be exceeded. In the highly unusual scenario when
more than 16 modules share the same key, it is likely that at least some of these modules will not
perform the number of encryptions that is close to the allocated maximum (216). Even if they did and
the total number of same-key encryptions exceeded 220, it would be difficult for the attacker to
increase the chances of success when the encryptions are performed by the unrelated modules.
3. Here is an example of how the module may enforce this requirement when having Section 4.1
validated at Security Levels 3 or 4. The module will have a counter associated with each Triple-DES
encryption key. When the counter reaches a certain value, the key can only be used for the decryption
An easier solution would be for the module to have only one counter that will be increased by one
every time the module performs a Triple-DES encryption. When the counter reading reaches the
prescribed threshold, the module blocks all Triple-DES keys stored in the module at that time from
being used to perform encryption. Of course, in this case the new Triple-DES encryption keys would
need to be generated more often.
If the encryption counters are used in an implementation, then, in the case when the module’s power
is lost, the module may have a mechanism to restore the counters, or it may establish all new Triple-
DES keys upon the restoration of power.
4. An earlier version of this Implementation Guidance contained a relaxed form of this requirement: the
module was required to comply with the limit of 232 Triple-DES encryptions established in SP 800-
67rev1. This earlier version of the IG has established a transition period for modules being validated
at Security Levels 3 and 4 in Section 4.1 of FIPS 140-2 to have this requirement enforced by the
module. The new, tighter requirement of SP 800-67rev2 takes effect during this period, so here is an
updated transition schedule. The effective date refers to the date of a CST laboratory’s original
submission of the module’s test report.
• Effective immediately, the Security Policy of the module shall state the limit (220 or 216, as
explained in this Implementation Guidance) on the number of the Triple-DES encryptions
with the same key.
• If a vendor is claiming a Security Level 3 or 4 for Section 4.1 of FIPS 140-2, the module
shall enforce the following limits on the number of the Triple-DES encryptions with the
same key:
o Effective May 10, 2018, the 232 limit, if the key is used within an IETF protocol; the
228 limit, otherwise.
o Effective May 10, 2019, the 220 limit, if the key is used within an IETF protocol; the
216 limit, otherwise.
The Security Policy shall explain the method of the module’s enforcement of the appropriate
limits on the number of the Triple-DES encryptions.
5. The provisions of this IG apply to the Triple-DES key wrapping the same way as to the data
6. The provisions of this IG apply only to the three-key Triple-DES encryption. The use of the two-key
Triple-DES encryption for the protection of sensitive data is no longer allowed.
A.14 Approved Modulus Sizes for RSA Digital Signature and Other Approved
Public Key Algorithms
The FIPS 186-4 digital signature standard was published in July, 2013. This standard specifies three possible
RSA modulus sizes for signature generation and verification: 1024, 2048 and 3072 bits. Because of the
transition to the stronger algorithms and key sizes, as documented in SP 800-131A Rev1, the 1024-bit RSA
modulus may now be used in the approved mode for signature verification, but not for signature generation.
SP 800-131A Rev1 provides only the lower bound, 2048 bits, for the RSA modulus size used in signature
generation. Does this imply that the RSA modulus sizes other than 2048 and 3072 may be used to generate the
RSA signatures in the approved mode? In particular, is the use of the 4096-bit modulus approved and, if so,
what are the testing requirements for the RSA key generation if the key pair used in the RSA signature
algorithm is generated by the module?
When performing an RSA signature generation, a module may use any modulus size greater than or equal to
2048 bits. At least one of the RSA modulus lengths supported by the module for RSA signature generation
shall be 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits. The RSA signature algorithm implementations shall be tested by a CST lab
for all implemented RSA modulus lengths where CAVS testing is available. If there is no CAVS testing for the
generation of RSA keys of a particular size, then the requirement of IG 7.12 to obtain a CAVS certificate for
the RSA key-generation algorithm does not apply to this key size.
Some of the RSA key generation methods described in Appendix B.3 of FIPS 186-4 rely on the use of the
auxiliary primes p1, p2, q1 and q2 that must be generated before the module generates the RSA primes p and q.
Table B.1 in FIPS 186-4 specifies, for RSA modulus lengths of 2048 and 3072 bits only, the minimum bit
lengths and the maximum total length of the auxiliary primes. When implementing the RSA signature
generation algorithm with other approved RSA modulus sizes, the vendor shall use the limitations from Table
B.1 that apply to the longest RSA modulus shown in Table B.1 of FIPS 186-4 whose length does not exceed
that of the implementation’s RSA modulus. The minimum number of the Miller-Rabin tests used in primality
testing shall be consistent (based on the entries in Tables C.2 and C.3 in FIPS 186-4) with the bit sizes of p, q,
p1, p2, q1 and q2 taken from Table B.1, as described above. Hence, for the 4096-bit RSA modulus, the bit size
of each auxiliary prime p1, p2, q1 and q2 is greater than 170 and, if the target prime-testing error probability is
2 100 , then the minimum number of the Miller-Rabin tests when generating and testing each of these primes
is 27.
For example, when generating primes for the 4096-bit RSA modulus, the p and q primes shall be of 2048 bits
each and the auxiliary primes shall be longer than 170 bits. The required minimum numbers of the Miller-
Rabin tests are obtained from the bottom lines (those showing the 3072 modulus) of either Table C.2 or Table
C.3 (for the target primality-testing error probability of 2-128 or 2-100, respectively) of FIPS 186-4.
The use of the approved hash functions in digital signatures is documented in SP 800-131A Rev1, Table 9.
The choice of a hash function may affect the security strength of the RSA signature algorithm.
Per IG 9.4, Note3, an RSA known-answer test for signature generation may be implemented for any approved
RSA modulus size supported by the cryptographic module; that is, any implemented RSA modulus size of at
least 2048 bits.
When performing an RSA signature verification, a module may use a 1024-bit modulus, in addition to each
RSA modulus size approved for use in signature generation.
Additional Comments
1. This Implementation Guidance is concerned with a description of the approved modulus sizes (and,
therefore, the approved key sizes) for the RSA digital signature algorithm only. For completeness,
here is the status of the approved and allowed key sizes in other asymmetric-key-based algorithms
and schemes. For the key agreement and key transport schemes, the status is expected to change upon
the implementation of the transition announced in SP 800-131A Rev1.
a. RSA-based key transport (encapsulation) schemes. The modulus sizes of 2048 and 3072 bits,
are approved per SP 800-56B. All modulus sizes of 2048 bits and higher are allowed. It is
strongly recommended that if an allowed scheme uses the auxiliary primes p1, p2, q1 and q2,
the limits on the minimum sizes of these primes and on their maximum total size are the
same as those stated in the main body of this IG for the auxiliary primes used in the RSA
digital signature algorithm. The required numbers of the Miller-Rabin tests when testing the
candidate primes are also the same as what is stated in the RSA digital signature case.
b. DSA signatures. The approved bit sizes of the primes p and q used in the DSA algorithm are
given in Section 4.2 of FIPS 186-4. Of these sizes, only the following pairs (2048, 224),
(2048, 256) and (3072, 256) can be used in the approved mode for signature generation. For
signature verification, these primes’ sizes and the (1024, 160) pair are approved. There are
no ‘non-approved but allowed’ DSA versions. While SP 800-131A Rev1 says that any size
of p no smaller than 2048 bits and any size of q no smaller than 224 bits are acceptable for
DSA, no sizes other than those listed in FIPS 186-4 for DSA may be used.
c. FFC-based key agreement schemes. Table 1 in SP 800-56A shows the following three sets
of the sizes of the p and q primes used in the FFC-based key-agreement schemes: FA: (1024,
160), FB: (2048, 224) and FC: (2048, 256). Of the three, only FB and FC are currently
approved, each resulting in the 112-bit strength in the established symmetric keys. In
addition, any FFC-based scheme with the bit size of p no smaller than 2048 and the size of q
no smaller than 224 is allowed in the approved mode.
d. ECDSA signatures. Digital signature generation and verification algorithms shown in FIPS
186-4 are approved, as long as the chosen elliptic curves are acceptable for their specific use.
That is, all NIST-recommended curves are approved for signature verification. All but the
following three NIST-recommended curves that provide less than 112 bits of encryption
strength: P-192, B-163 and K-163, are also approved for signature generation. In addition,
the use of any curve with the domain parameters generated in compliance with the rules
specified in Section 6.1.1 of FIPS 186-4 is approved for signature verification. The use of
these curves is also approved for signature generation, if the bit length of n, as shown in
Table 1 in FIPS 186-4, is least 224. It is vendor’s responsibility to demonstrate that a non-
NIST-recommended curve meets these requirements.
e. There are no ‘non-approved but allowed’ ECDSA versions.
f. ECC-based key agreement schemes. Approved, if the scheme is compliant SP 800-56A or
SP 800-56A Rev2 (see IG D.1-rev2) and the elliptic curve used would meet the requirements
for the ECDSA signature generation as shown above. Without the verified (through CAVS
testing or vendor affirmation, per IG D.1-rev2) compliance to one of the revisions of SP
800-56A a scheme is allowed to be used in the approved mode if the vendor demonstrates
(per FIPS 186-4 or ANSI X9.62, as applicable) that the elliptic curve used in a key-
agreement scheme and the associated domain parameters provide at least 112 bits of
g. RSA-based key agreement and DLC-based key transport schemes. These schemes are rarely
used. There exist only the approved versions, no ‘non-approved but allowed’ ones. See SP
800-56BRev1 and SP 800-56ARev2 for the detail explanations of these schemes and the
security strength considerations.
2. When implementing a key agreement scheme (or a shared secret computation as part of a key
agreement scheme), the vendor shall indicate in the module’s Security Policy whether the scheme is
of the Diffie-Hellman or the MQV variety. If a key agreement scheme (FFC or ECC-based) is
documented on the module’s certificate’s non-approved line, the vendor is encouraged to state there if
this is a Diffie-Hellman or an MQV scheme.
SP 800-185 was published in December 2016. This standard includes specifications for several algorithms that
are based on the SHAKE and KECCAK[c] constructions defined in FIPS 202. The functions are:
• cSHAKE128
• cSHAKE256
• KMAC128
• KMAC256
• TupleHash128
• TupleHash256
• TupleHashXOF128
• TupleHashXOF256
• ParallelHash128
• ParallelHash256
• ParallelHashXOF128 and
• ParallelHashXOF256.
Of these, cSHAKE128 and cSHAKE256 are the modifications of SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 defined in
FIPS 202. These modifications allow the use of the customization strings, one of which is a function-name bit
string with all of the function names defined by NIST. Another is the user-defined customization string (the
“S” parameter in the SP 800-185 notation.)
TupleHash and ParallelHash are the new hash function families based on the cSHAKE construction. The
KMACs are the versions of the keyed message authentication mechanism also defined in terms of the
cSHAKE use. The security strength of each algorithm (assuming that a KMAC key is sufficiently strong) is
128 or 256 bits, as indicated in the algorithm’s name. The KMACs and all of the hash functions defined here
have a variable output length. The output length parameter may either be built into the computational
procedures itself (in the KMAC, TupleHash or ParallelHash functions without XOF in the name) or the
computations may be independent of the desired output length but the output string would end once the desired
length is reached (if XOF is present in the name of the function).
To claim the vendor affirmation of the correct implementation of all or some of the functions defined in SP
800-185, which sections of the standard need to be addressed and what are the self-test and the documentation
IG A.11 specifies the KECCAK family of sponge functions and defines the SHA-3 and SHAKE hash
functions that are based on KECCAK. CAVS testing is available for the SHA-3 algorithms with the 224, 256,
384 and 512-bit output lengths and for the SHAKE128 and SHAKE256 hash functions. IG A.11 further
addresses the anticipated use of the SHA-3 by the existing high-level algorithms such as HMAC, RSA, etc.
SP 800-185, on the other hand, introduces the new families of algorithms, which are based on the cSHAKE
functions also defined in SP 800-185. Some of these algorithms – the KMACs - can be viewed as “high-
level”, while the others are the new hash functions. The roles and the uses of these algorithms will likely be
different and hence the algorithms will require the separate certificate annotation.
To claim the vendor affirmation to the SP 800-185 standard for any subset of the cSHAKE, TupleHash and
ParallelHash functions listed above, the vendor shall
1. Obtain a CAVS certificate for the applicable underlying SHAKE128 and/or SHAKE256 functions,
2. Verify that the cSHAKE functions are implemented in compliance with SP 800-185,
3. If the vendor affirmation is claimed for any of the TupleHash and ParallelHash functions, verify their
implementations’ compliance with SP 800-185,
4. If applicable, explain in the Security Policy the rules for setting the user-customized strings “S” in the
hash functions for which the vendor affirmation is claimed,
5. Place the following entry into the module’s validation certificate: SHA-3-Customized (SHA-3 Cert.
#nnn, vendor affirmed), and
6. Individually list in the Security Policy all algorithms named in the Background section of this
Implementation Guidance for which the vendor affirmation is claimed. The vendor is responsible for
making security claims commensurate with the choice of the SP 800-185-compliant hash functions (128
or 256 bits of security.)
To claim the vendor affirmation to the SP 800-185 standard for any subset of the KMAC functions listed
above, the vendor shall
1. Obtain a CAVS certificate for the underlying SHAKE128 and/or SHAKE256 functions,
2. Verify that the cSHAKE functions are implemented in compliance with SP 800-185,
3. Verify the KMAC implementations’ compliance with SP 800-185 for all versions of KMAC where the
vendor affirmation is claimed,
4. If applicable, explain in the Security Policy the rules for setting the user-customized strings “S” in the
hash functions for which the vendor affirmation is claimed,
5. Place the following entry into the module’s validation certificate: KMAC (SHA-3 Cert. #nnn, vendor
affirmed), and
6. Individually list in the Security Policy all functions named in the Background section of this
Implementation Guidance for which the vendor affirmation is claimed. The vendor is responsible for
making security claims commensurate with the choice of KMACs. If the KMAC’s key strength is smaller
than the security strength indicated in the KMAC function’s name (128 or 256), document in the Security
Policy the reduction in the strength of this message authentication algorithm.
No self-tests are required to claim the vendor affirmation for the algorithms defined in SP 800-185. A self-test
is required to the underlying SHAKE128 and/or SHAKE256 algorithms defined in FIPS 202, as their
implementation and testing is a pre-requisite for the vendor affirmation of the SP 800-185-compliant
algorithms and, therefore, the self-test requirements of IG A.11 apply.
Additional Comments
1. At this time, there are no approved or allowed high-level algorithms using the SP 800-185-compliant
SP 800-56A was originally added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on January 24, 2007. Its publication was followed
by a release, on December 24, 2008, of a CAVS version containing tests for (most of the features of) the
algorithms in that version of SP 800-56A. As of March 24, 2009, all newly submitted modules claiming to
contain the SP 800-56A-compliant key agreement schemes were required to be tested.
The second revision of SP 800-56A, denoted SP 800-56A-rev2, was published in May 2013. There are several
important differences between the two versions of SP 800-56A, the main one being that SP 800-56A-rev2
incorporates the use of many additional key derivation functions (KDF’s) into the key agreement schemes.
These are the KDF’s documented in SP 800-135rev1 and SP 800-56C.
Some vendors would like to claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A-rev2 while others may continue testing
their modules to the original version of SP 800-56A and receiving the KAS certificates not yet available for
the modules’ compliant with SP 800-56A-rev2. How does this co-existence of two different versions of SP
800-56A along with two different methods of claiming the module’s compliance get administered by the
Further, to claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A-rev2, what sections of the publication need to be
Vendors may continue testing their modules’ implementations of key agreement schemes to the original
version of SP 800-56A, for which a CAVS test is currently available. While it is possible that an
implementation compliant with the first release of SP 800-56A will also be compliant with SP 800-56A-rev2,
no testing to SP 800-56A-rev2 is available and therefore no claims can be made of the tested compliance to SP
800-56A-rev2. The KAS certificates showing compliance with the original version of SP 800-56A will
continue to be issued until a further notice.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A-rev2, information contained in the following sections in that
standard that are supported by the implementation under test (IUT) shall be implemented:
Section Finite Field Cryptography (FFC) Full Public Key Validation Routine (if FFC is
Section Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Full Public Key Validation Routine (if ECC is
Section 5.7 DLC Primitives (the Diffie-Hellman or the various ECC MQV primitives)
Section 5.8 Key Derivation Functions for Key Agreement Schemes (any function from the
newly expanded list of key derivation functions)
Section 5.9 Key Conformation, if the implementation supports it (see also the scheme-specific
key confirmation information in various parts of Section 6)
Section 6 Key Agreement (any of the schemes presented in this section)
Note the change in section numbering from the original publication of SP 800-56A.
Additional Comments
1. The requirements specified in SP 800-56A-rev2 depend on several NIST approved security functions.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A-rev2, the underlying security functions used by an IUT
shall be tested and validated prior to claiming vendor affirmation. These include:
3. There is no guidance provided to claim vendor affirmation to the DLC-based Key Transport schemes
from SP 800-56A-rev2.
4. To claim vendor affirmation with SP 800-56A-rev2, the implementation shall comply with the
requirements of SP 800-131A. That is, the key lengths and the Mac Tag and Mac Key lengths (if key
confirmation is supported) must be appropriate to guarantee at least the 112-bit security strength.
Thus the FA and EA domain parameters shall not be used in an approved mode. See Tables 8 and 9
in SP 800-56A-rev2 for the minimum lengths of the key confirmation parameters.
5. Once CAVS testing to SP 800-56A-rev2 becomes available, and after passing of a suitable transition
period, there will be no need to issue any more KAS certificates with testing performed to the original
version of SP 800-56A.
Furthermore, there will be no more CVL certificates issued to show that the shared secret
computation was performed as required in SP 800-56A (whether the original version of the standard
or SP 800-56A-rev2.) The reason being is that with the addition of all of the key derivation functions
from SP 800-135rev1 and SP 800-56C to SP 800-56A-rev2, there is no good reason to implement
the shared secret computation as in SP 800-56A-rev2, but to not implement at least one of the SP
800-56A-rev2 key agreement schemes in its entirety. Therefore, in order to receive the credit for the
SP 800-56A-rev2-compliant shared secret computation the vendor will have to obtain a KAS
Until testing to SP 800-56A-rev2 is available, vendors may claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A-
rev2 along with the applicable key derivation function CVL certificates.
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples.
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per
the IG G.13 annotation requirements.
Required Vendor Information
The vendor shall provide evidence that their module implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
Cryptographic modules may use various methods for establishing keys within a cryptographic module. These
methods include the use of symmetric and asymmetric key establishment schemes within protocols to establish
and maintain secure communication links between modules. FIPS 140-2 Annex D provides a list of approved
key establishment techniques for establishing keying material that are applicable to FIPS 140-2.
What are all the types of key establishment within a cryptographic module, and what are the approved and
allowed methods for each type that may be used in the approved mode of operation?
Key establishment is the process by which secret keying material is securely established either within the
module or between two or more entities. This IG lists all types of methods for key establishment that may be
performed in an approved mode of operation. The specifics of each type of key establishment are addressed in
the corresponding IGs that this IG references. Therefore, this IG serves as an umbrella IG for the approved and
allowed key establishment methods.
The following are the six types of methods that may be used in the approved mode for the establishment of
keys within a cryptographic module.
Key agreement is a method of electronic key establishment where the resulting keying material is a function
of information contributed by two or more participants, so that no party can predetermine the value of the
secret keying material independently from the contribution of any other party. Key agreement is performed
using key agreement schemes. The approved schemes for key agreement that may be implemented within a
cryptographic module are referenced in Annex D of FIPS 140-2 and further discussed in IG D.8, which also
lists the Allowed key agreement schemes.
Key transport is a method of electronic key establishment whereby one party (the sender) selects a value for
the secret keying material and then securely distributes that value to another party (the receiver). Key transport
is performed using key transport schemes. The approved schemes for key transport that may be implemented
within a cryptographic module are referenced in Annex D of FIPS 140-2 and further discussed in IG D.9,
which also lists the allowed key transport schemes.
Key generation is the process for generating cryptographic keys within a particular cryptographic module.
The approved methods for key generation are listed in IG 7.8.
Key entry is a method for key establishment where the key is manually or electronically entered into the
module. It does not include the key transport schemes described earlier in this IG.IG 7.7 provides further
information about mapping key entry and output states to the FIPS 140-2 requirements.
Key derivation is a method for deriving keys from the certain parameters using the approved key derivation
functions. One possibility is to derive a key from an already existing related key as described in SP 800-108.
Another is to derive a key for storage applications only, in compliance with SP 800-132.
Pre-loading of a key is a method by which a manufacturer of the module can establish a key within the
module. A key pre-loaded by the manufacturer is available when the module is first powered-on.
Additional Comments
This IG does not address key establishment for use in authentication techniques.
The key establishment method(s) that involve key agreement or key transport used by the cryptographic
module shall be listed under AS.07.21.
While some IGs referenced from this IG list various Key Agreement and Key Transport methods as either
approved or allowed, it is important to keep in mind that the strength of these methods may be weaker than the
strength of the transported or agreed-upon key. In this case, the resulting strength of the key should be properly
documented. See IG 7.5 for ways to calculate the strength of the established key, and IG G.13 for the proper
way to caveat the possible loss of the established key’s cryptographic strength in the module’s certificate.
The correct functioning of public key algorithms depends, in part, on the arithmetic validity of the public key.
Both the owner and the recipient of a public key need to obtain assurance of public key validity before using
the key for operational purposes after key establishment. Public key algorithms for key establishment are
specified in SP 800-56A and SP 800-56B. Methods for obtaining assurance of public key validity are provided
in Section 5.6.2 of SP 800-56A, and in Section 6.4 of SP 800-56B.
The key establishment schemes in SP 800-56A are specified using either static (long term, multi-use) keys or
ephemeral (short term, single use) keys or both. The keys used in the SP 800-56B schemes are generally long
term (i.e., static) keys.
Since a static key is normally used for a relatively long period of time, and a number of methods are provided
for obtaining assurance of public key validity either by the owner or recipient directly, or by using a trusted
third party, the process of obtaining the assurance is not too onerous. However, methods for obtaining this
assurance for ephemeral keys are more limited, since a trusted third party is normally not available for
obtaining the required assurance. The owner of an ephemeral public key generates that key, and obtains
assurance of ephemeral public key validity by virtue of generating the key as specified in SP 800-56A (see
Section; Note that this section applies to the owner assurances of both Static and Ephemeral public key
validity). However, the recipient of an ephemeral public key must obtain the assurance by performing an
explicit public key validation process.
Public key validation requires a certain amount of time to perform, which can significantly affect
communication performance. Can this process be omitted if at least some of the security goals (i.e.,
authentication of the public key owner and the integrity of the ephemeral key) are fulfilled by other means?
The owner or a recipient of a static public key shall obtain assurance of the validity of that public key using
one or more of the methods specified in SP 800-56A or SP 800-56B, as appropriate. The owner of an
ephemeral public key shall obtain assurance of the validity of that key as specified in SP 800-56A. Explicit
public key validation of an ephemeral public key is required as specified in SP 800-56A by a recipient, except
in the following situation; in this case, explicit public key validation of the ephemeral public key by the
recipient is optional:
1. The ephemeral public key was generated for use in an FFC dhEphem key agreement scheme or an
ECC Ephemeral Unified Model key agreement scheme, and
2. The key agreement scheme is being conducted using a protocol that authenticates the source and the
integrity of each received ephemeral public key by means of an approved security technique (e.g., a
digital signature or an HMAC).
Protocols that satisfy #2 above and, therefore, may omit the explicit ephemeral public key validation process
• Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol,
SP 800-56B was published August 2009 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on October 08, 2009. Until CAVP
testing for SP 800-56B is available, IG A.3 is applicable. SP 800-56B includes information beyond the
specifications of the key establishment algorithm itself; i.e. instructions to the implementer to aid in the
implementation of the algorithm.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56B, what sections of the publication need to be addressed?
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56B, the vendor first needs to specify what parts of SP 800-56B are
supported by the subject implementation. These parts include some (at least one) or all of the following: RSA
key pair generation, public key validation, a key agreement scheme, and a key transport scheme.
Information contained in the following sections that are supported by the implementation under test (IUT)
shall be implemented:
Section 6.3 Either Section 6.3.1 or Section 6.3.2 or both (if RSA key pair generation is
claimed). This further requires the implementation of information contained in
Section 5.4 (Prime Number Generators).
Section 6.4 Either Section 6.4.1 or Section 6.4.2 or both (if public key validation is claimed)
Section 8 If a key agreement scheme is claimed
Section 9 If a key transport key is claimed
Section 5.9 Approved key derivation functions. This section applies if a vendor affirmation of
either a key agreement or a key transport scheme is claimed
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples (KAS or KTS).
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per the IG
G.13 annotation requirements.
Required Vendor Information
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
Additional Comments
1. The components in SP 800-56B shall only be used within the SP 800-56B protocol.
2. The requirements specified in SP 800-56B depend on several NIST approved security functions, such as,
SHA, DRBG, and the FIPS 186-4 key pair generation for RSA. While validation testing for SP 800-56B
concentrates largely on testing the algorithm unique to SP 800-56B, other supporting security functions
may not be thoroughly tested by the testing in SP 800-56B, when such testing becomes available. The
validation tests for these supporting security functions are found in the validation test suite for this specific
function. Therefore, these supporting security functions shall be validated as a prerequisite to SP 800-56B
vendor affirmation.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56B, the underlying security functions used by this IUT shall be
tested and validated prior to claiming vendor affirmation. These include:
The RSA algorithms used in the key wrapping and key agreement schemes described in SP 800-56B
require the known-answer tests. The module shall have an RSA encryption pre-computed and then, while
performing a power-up self-test, the module shall perform the RSA encryption again and compare the
newly-generated result to the pre-computed value.
The module shall also have a separate known answer for the RSA decryption by starting with a given
value representing an RSA encryption (which could be either pre-computed or generated during a power-
up test described earlier in this paragraph) and decrypting this value using the RSA algorithm. The result
of said decryption operation is compared to a pre-computed result. If the module performs only one of the
RSA encryption operations, say, either the wrapping or the unwrapping of a cryptographic key, then only
the self-test that is attributable to this operation is required. If a key-agreement scheme from SP 800-56B
is implemented then again only the RSA operations required by that scheme need to be tested using a
known answer test.
While it may appear that the requirements for the RSA encryption and the RSA decryption (corresponding
to the key wrapping and key unwrapping schemes) known answer tests are identical, they are not. The
RSA encryption known answer test consists of checking the value of M (mod N ) , while the RSA
decryption known answer test consists of checking the value of M (mod N ) , where (e, N) is the RSA
public key with e taking one of the values allowed in SP 800-56B, and d is the RSA private key consistent
with the public key (e, N). The e and d values shall be valid public and private key exponents,
SP 800-132 was published December 2010 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on January 04, 2011. Until
CAVP testing for SP 800-132 is available, IG A.3 is applicable. This Special Publication defines the methods
and the applicability for password-based key derivation.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-132, what sections of the publication need to be addressed and what are
the applicable documentation requirements?
The entire text of SP 800-132 is applicable. In Section 5.4 of that Special Publication, two options are given
for deriving a Data Protection Key from the Master Key. The vendor shall specify in the cryptographic
module’s Security Policy which option is used by the module. If the module is designed to support both
options, then this shall be stated in the Security Policy.
The strength of the Data Protection Key is based on the strength of the Password and/or Passphrase used in key
derivation. SP 800-132 does not impose any strictly defined requirements on the strength of a password. It
says that “passwords should be strong enough so that it is infeasible for attackers to get access by guessing a
password.” Therefore, the vendor shall document in the module’s Security Policy the length of a
password/passphrase used in key derivation and establish an upper bound for the probability of having this
parameter guessed at random. This probability shall take into account not only the length of the
password/passphrase, but also the difficulty of guessing it. The decision on the minimum length of a password
used for key derivation is the vendor’s, but the vendor shall at a minimum informally justify the decision.
The vendor shall also document the acceptable values of other parameters used in key derivation, see Section
5.3 of SP 800-132.
Further, the vendor shall indicate in the module’s Security Policy that keys derived from passwords, as shown
in SP 800-132, may only be used in storage applications.
The vendor shall comply with all “shall” statements in SP 800-132. These refer to but are not limited to the
length of the salt parameter and the use of the approved hash functions, encryption algorithms and random
number generators.
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples (PBKDF).
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per the IG
G.13 annotation requirements.
Required Vendor Information
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation complies with the requirements of SP
800-132 and of the documentation requirements of this Implementation Guidance. This shall be
accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
Additional Comments
1. While the wording in IG D.9 specifically prohibits using password-based key establishment methods in
FIPS mode, this does not contradict the statements in SP 800-132 and in this IG, since SP 800-132 allows
the derived keys to be used only for storage applications. The key establishment addressed in IG D.9
shows how to establish a key used for protecting sensitive data that may leave the cryptographic module.
Cryptographic modules may implement various key establishment schemes to establish and maintain secure
communication links between modules. Key establishment includes the processes by which secret keying
material is securely established between two or more entities. Keying material is data that is necessary to
establish and maintain a cryptographic keying relationship. These schemes are classified into key agreement
schemes and key transport schemes. Key transport is addressed in IG D.9; this IG addresses key agreement.
Key agreement is a method of key establishment where the resulting keying material is a function of
information contributed by two or more participants, so that no party can predetermine the value of the secret
keying material independently from the contribution of any other party. Key agreement is performed using key
agreement schemes.
What are the approved and allowed key agreement techniques that can be used in an approved mode of
There are currently six scenarios for the full or partial key agreement schemes that are allowed in a FIPS
approved mode of operation. Of the following six scenarios, the first four scenarios apply when a key is
established (i.e. key agreement) and last two scenarios when only the primitive is implemented (e.g. in a
software toolkit):
1. CAVP KAS Certificate
2. approved SP 800-56B-compliant RSA-based key agreement scheme
3. non-approved but allowed per this IG (a primitive as defined in SP 800-56A with a KDF specified in this
IG or a SP)
4. non-approved but allowed legacy implementation
5. approved (compliant with SP 800-56A) primitive only
6. non-approved (not compliant with SP 800-56A) primitive only
NIST has specified key agreement schemes in SP 800-56A using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography (DLC) and
in SP 800-56B using Integer Factorization Cryptography (RSA). The latter is a new technology and at this
time it is only allowed in the approved mode of operation if fully compliant with the key agreement provisions
of SP 800-56B. The remaining part of this IG deals with the details of the DLC-based key agreement schemes.
Scenario 1 requires compliance with SP 800-56A, as demonstrated by a KAS certificate. Each scheme in SP
800-56A consists of several elements:
• A primitive (i.e., an algorithm) that is used to generate a shared secret from the public and/or private
keys of the initiator and responder in a key agreement transaction. The shared secret is an
intermediate value that is used as input to a key derivation function.
• A key derivation function (KDF) that uses the shared secret and other information to derive keying
• An optional message authentication code (MAC) that is used for key confirmation or implementation
validation. Key confirmation is a procedure that provides assurance to one party (the key
confirmation recipient) that another party (the key confirmation provider) actually possesses the
correct secret keying material and/or shared secret.
• The rules for using the scheme securely. The rules specified in SP 800-56A include criteria for
generating the domain parameters and asymmetric key pairs used during key agreement, methods for
obtaining the required assurances, and specifications for performing key confirmation.
Scenario 2 is addressed in SP 800-56B.
Scenario 3 addresses any implementations of DLC key agreement schemes which do not completely conform
to SP 800-56A but claim conformance to SP 800-56A primitives. The module’s DLC key agreement scheme
shall include:
One or more of the primitives specified in SP 800-56A. Domain parameters and key sizes shall conform
to SP 800-56A. A CVL algorithm validation certificate for a DLC primitive is required, and
the KDFs shall conform to any of the following:
• One of the key derivation methods shown in SP 800-56C, or
• The KDFs specified in SP 800-135rev1. Each KDF shall have a CVL certificate and may be
used only in a protocol where it is specifically allowed.
If key confirmation is claimed for a key agreement scheme, one or more of the key confirmation methods in
SP 800-56A shall be used.
An implementation shall conform to the key agreement rules specified in SP 800-56A, with the possible
exception of the format of the KDF (see above).
Scenario 4 applies when the module implements a key agreement scheme which is not compliant with either
the SP 800-56A primitives or the KDF standards listed in Scenario 3 or both. Such implementations are
allowed in the approved mode subject to the requirements of IG D.11.
Scenario 5 requires compliance with one or more of the key agreement primitives specified in SP 800-56A.
Domain parameters and key sizes shall conform to SP 800-56A. A CVL algorithm validation certificate for a
DLC primitive is required.
Scenario 6 is self-explanatory.
Note that all implementations are subject to the transition rules of SP 800-131A. After the transition period,
the use of the non-compliant algorithms shall not be allowed in the approved mode.
Additional Comments
This IG does not address key establishment techniques other than those used for key agreement.
The key establishment method(s) used by the cryptographic module shall be listed under AS.07.21.
FIPS 140-2 certificate annotation examples for the key agreement schemes can be found in IG G.13.
Cryptographic modules may implement various key establishment schemes to establish and maintain secure
communication links between modules. Key establishment includes the processes by which secret keying
material is securely established between two or more entities. Keying material is data that is necessary to
establish and maintain a cryptographic keying relationship1. These schemes are classified into key agreement
schemes and key transport schemes. Key agreement is addressed in IG D.8; this IG addresses key transport.
Key transport is a method of key establishment whereby one party (the sender) selects a value for the secret
keying material and then securely distributes that value to another party (the receiver). Key transport can be
provided using either symmetric or asymmetric techniques.
What are the approved and allowed key transport techniques that can be used in an approved mode of
Symmetric and asymmetric algorithms are used to provide confidentiality and integrity protection of the
keying material to be transported. Key transport includes some means of key encapsulation or key wrapping
for the keying material to be transported. Key transport shall be performed using the appropriate key lengths
classified as acceptable, deprecated or legacy-use as specified in SP 800-131Arev1.
Key Encapsulation is a class of techniques whereby keying material is encrypted using asymmetric
(public key) algorithms; integrity protection is also commonly provided. The amount of keying
material is usually limited by the practicality of performing the encryption operation. The key used
for key encapsulation is called a key encapsulation key, which is a public key for which the associated
private key is known by the receiver.
Key Wrapping is a class of techniques whereby keying material is encrypted using symmetric
algorithms; integrity protection is also commonly provided. The key used by the key wrapping
algorithm to wrap the key to be transported is called a key wrapping key, which is a key that must be
known by both the sender and the receiver.
Approved methods for key transport.
• Employing an approved RSA-based key transport scheme, as specified in SP 800-56B.
• Employing a key wrapping key, shared by the sender and receiver, together with an approved
symmetric key-wrapping algorithm to wrap the keying material to be transported. Approved key
wrapping algorithms are specified in SP 800-38F. One method is to use AES in either the KW or
KWP mode, or Triple-DES in the TKW mode. Another is to use a previously approved authenticated
symmetric encryption mode, such as, AES GCM, for key wrapping. Yet another approved key-
wrapping technique is a “combination” method: use any approved symmetric encryption mode, such
The state existing between two entities when they share at least one cryptographic key.
as AES ECB, AES CBC, Triple-DES TECB, etc. together with an approved authentication method
(for example, HMAC or AES CMAC). The entire wrapped message shall be authenticated.
The symmetric key encryption algorithm, and, if applicable, the authentication algorithm, used for
key wrapping shall be tested and validated by the CAVP, and the algorithms’ certificate numbers
shall be shown on the module’s certificate. If the security strength of the key wrapping algorithm and
the wrapping algorithm’s key can be lower than that of the (potential) security strength of the
wrapped key, then the resulting security strength of the wrapped key is the security strength of the key
wrapping key and algorithm, and shall be shown on the module’s certificate in accordance with IG
Allowed methods for key transport.
The SP 800-131A transition document, published in November 2015, has stipulated that the non-approved key
encapsulation and key wrapping would be disallowed after December 31, 2017. However, since an updated
version of SP 800-56B has not been published in time for this transition, the use of the non-SP-800-56B-
compliant methods for key encapsulation continues to be allowed (as long as the RSA keys are at least 2048
bit long), until a new transition date for this method of key transport is announced.
The transition to the mandatory use of the SP 800-38F-compliant methods for key wrapping has taken place on
December 31, 2017, as it has been announced in the November 2015 version of SP 800-131A. Key wrapping
is not allowed, if the algorithm does not meet the requirements of SP 800-38F.
The following key un-encapsulation/unwrapping methods for key transport are allowed, for use in the
approved mode.
• Any RSA-based key decryption algorithm that uses an RSA modulus that is at least 2048 bits long.
• A key unwrapping using any approved mode of AES or two-key or three-key Triple-DES.
The use of these algorithms by the module for key transport shall be annotated on the certificate’s allowed
algorithm line as shown in IG G.13.
Additional Comments
1. This IG does not address key establishment mechanisms other than those used for key transport.
2. The key transport method(s) used by the cryptographic module shall be listed under AS.07.21.
3. The module’s compliance with the approved key transport techniques shall be annotated on the
validation certificate’s FIPS approved Cryptographic Algorithms line as KTS.
4. As the SP-800-38F-compliant schemes are comprised of the algorithms that have been tested and
issued the CAVS validation certificates, no vendor affirmation of this key transport scheme in the
module’s validation certificate is required. See IG G.13 for details.
It is the tester’s responsibility to verify that when using the “combination” method described above
the entire message gets authenticated.
5. As of January, 2018, there is no CAVP algorithm test for a full SP-800-56B-compliant key transport
scheme; until such test exists, this compliance will be indicated in the module’s validation certificate
as vendor affirmed for KTS.
6. SP 800-131A is in the process of being revised. This revision will address the new transition
guidance and the new transition dates for the non-approved key encapsulation methods in light of the
upcoming publication of SP 800-56B revision 2.
7. The key wrapping used in many industry protocols, such as TLS and SSH are likely to be compliant
with one of the provisions of SP 800-38F. If a module implements such a protocol then the key
transport shall be documented as a KTS.
SP 800-56C was published November 2011 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on December 20, 2011. Until
CAVP testing for SP 800-56C is available, IG A.3 is applicable. This Special Publication defines the methods
and the applicability for password-based key derivation.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56C, what sections of the publication need to be addressed and what
are the applicable documentation requirements?
The entire text of SP 800-56C is applicable. The Randomness Extraction shall be performed as shown in
Section 5 of SP 800-56C and this step shall be followed by Key Expansion using the key derivation functions
defined in SP 800-108, as it is shown in Section 6 of SP 800-56C.
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation complies with the requirements of SP
800-56C and of the documentation requirements of this Implementation Guidance. This shall be
accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify that the vendor chose a MAC function appropriately for the targeted security
strength, as shown in Tables 1, 2, and 3 of SP 800-56C.
Additional Comments
No self-tests are required to claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56C.
The cryptographic modules may implement various protocols known in the security industry. The examples of
such protocols are IKE, TLS, SSH, SRTP, SNMP and TPM, listed in SP 800-135rev1. These protocols usually
include a complete or partial key establishment scheme and, sometimes, an encrypted session that uses the
newly-established key to protect sensitive data.
In the past, the Security Policy may have made references to modules’ support of such protocols. The CMVP
did not provide guidance to how and under what conditions the protocol references should be documented.
Therefore, the supporting claims may be inconsistent from module to module and may not reflect the relevance
of these protocols to the algorithms approved for or allowed for use in the FIPS 140-2 approved mode of
operations. Nor did these claims reflect the level of the CAVP algorithm testing performed. In some cases, a
test was available for a portion of the protocol, such as a key derivation function (KDF). However, the testing
was not performed and the module’s support for the corresponding protocol in the approved mode would still
be claimed. In other cases, the generic description of a protocol contained several distinct key establishment
schemes, such as in the TLS v1.1 protocol that could utilize either the RSA key transport (key encapsulation)
scheme or the Diffie-Hellman key agreement scheme to establish a secret value known to the two parties in the
protocol. By simply claiming the module’s protocol support it may not be clear which components are
compliant to FIPS 140-2.
What are the module documentation requirements to show support for the protocols which have their key
derivation functions listed in SP 800-135rev1?
FIPS 140-2 and its Annexes do not address protocols. Only the cryptographic algorithms (such as, for
example, AES or DSA) and schemes (such as the key agreement schemes from SP 800-56A or the RSA-based
key encapsulation schemes) that are approved and allowed may be used in the approved mode of operations.
These algorithms and schemes are referenced in the FIPS 140-2 Annexes.
The protocols’ KDFs described in SP 800-135rev1 are well-defined and are viewed as algorithms, not
protocols within the scope of a FIPS 140-2 validation. The CAVP testing for such KDFs is available. The
testing laboratories shall determine if any of the KDFs implemented in the module are the same those
described in SP 800-135rev1.
There are four possible implementation and documentation cases as follows:
1. If the module implements a KDF from SP 800-135rev1 and this KDF has not been validated by the
CAVP, then the module’s certificate shall not list this function. The module’s Security Policy shall
make it clear that the corresponding protocol shall not be used in an approved mode of operation. In
particular, none of the keys derived using this key derivation function can be used in the approved
2. If the module implements a KDF from SP 800-135rev1 and this KDF has been validated by the
CAVP, then the module’s certificate shall list the KDF on the FIPS-approved algorithm line as a
CVL entry. If the module’s Security Policy claims that the module supports or uses the corresponding
protocol, then the Security Policy shall state that no parts of this protocol, other than the KDF, have
been tested by the CAVP and CMVP.
3. If the module does not implement any KDFs from SP 800-135rev1 but the module’s Security Policy
claims that the module supports or uses parts of the corresponding protocol(s) then no entry on the
certificate’s approved or allowed algorithms lines is required. As in the case considered above (2), the
Security Policy shall state that this protocol has not been reviewed or tested by the CAVP and
This situation may occur when a module implements a portion of a protocol, e.g. not including the
KDF, and it is the calling application’s responsibility to perform the entire protocol.
4. If the module does not implement a KDF from SP 800-135rev1 and the module’s Security Policy
makes no claims that the module supports or uses any of the protocols named in SP 800-135rev1 then
the rules explained in this IG do not apply. The module may implement a (non-SP 800-135rev1) key
establishment scheme if it meets the applicable requirements of IG D.8 and IG D.9.
Additional Comments
The use of KDFs described in NIST SP 800-108 and NIST SP 800-56C are out scope for the purposes of this
The FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance D.2 defines various methods for key establishment within the
cryptographic module. These methods include key agreement, key transport, key generation, key entry and key
derivation from other keys.
Key generation is a process of securely deriving a cryptographic key from various input sources. These sources
shall include an output from an approved random number generator located within the physical boundary of
the cryptographic module that is deriving the key. In December 2012, NIST published SP 800-133 that showed
how to derive symmetric cryptographic keys and the seeds used when generating private keys for the
asymmetric-key algorithms. SP 800-133 was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on February 26, 2014.
To claim the vendor affirmation to SP 800-133, what sections of the publication need to be addressed?
To claim the vendor affirmation to SP 800-133 the vendor shall generate the module’s symmetric keys and
seeds used for generating the asymmetric keys using methods described in Section 5 of SP 800-133. If a key-
generating method involves an XOR, as in formula (1) of SP 800-133, this step and the nature of the
parameters U and V shall be explained in detail by the vendor.
Note that the four examples in Section 5 of SP 800-133 are informative, not normative. The vendor may either
affirm that the module follows one of these examples, or demonstrate that the module uses a different method
to meet the independence requirement for U and V. The requirement that U is an output of an approved
Random Number/Bit Generator (updated, possibly, using a qualified post-processing method, as explained
below) is normative.
The module may further generate a symmetric key or a seed used in generating the asymmetric keys as shown
in Section 7.6 of SP 800-133, provided that
(a) At least one of the component keys K1, … , Kn is generated as shown in Section 5 of SP 800-133 with
an independence requirement of Section 7.6 met, and
(b) None of the component keys K1, … , Kn is generated from a password.
(c) The module may perform the qualified post-processing, explained in IG 7.8, to the output U of an
approved DRBG before passing this updated value of U to the key generation process.
Vendor affirmation to SP 800-133 is required for all methods covered by this IG; that is, when a symmetric
key or a seed for asymmetric key generation is generated starting with a random bit string. The module’s
validation certificate shall have a CKG entry only if the module is generating keys for the symmetric-key
algorithms. Vendor affirmation to the seed generation compliance with SP 800-133 shall be addressed in the
Security Policy.
Only one CKG entry is required for the module’s certificate, even if the module employs multiple key-
generation methods. The Security Policy shall provide the details of each method.
Additional Comments
1. If the module directly uses an output U from an approved DRBG as a symmetric key or as a seed to be
used in the asymmetric key generation, then it is not necessary to explain that this technique is equivalent
to XORing of U and V where V is a string of binary zeros. The Security Policy shall state that the
resulting symmetric key or a generated seed is an unmodified output from a DRBG.
Test Requirements
Code review, vendor documentation review, and mapping of the module’s key generation procedures into the
methods described in SP 800-133.
D.13 Elliptic Curves and the MODP Groups in Support of Industry Protocols
Various industry protocols employ key establishment techniques. These techniques commonly use the Diffie-
Hellman schemes, utilizing either the Finite Field or the Elliptic Curve cryptography. Over the years, the
protocols developed a notation of their own to define the sets of the Diffie-Hellman domain parameters and the
specific elliptic curves. This notation is often different from the corresponding terminology used in
FIPS 186-4, SP 800-56A and in the FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance. This results in difficulties when
establishing a module’s compliance with the CMVP validation requirements and in understanding the key
establishment scheme’s encryption strength as expressed in the terminology adopted for the FIPS 140-2
Implementation Guidance.
It is therefore necessary to establish an unambiguous correspondence between the Finite Field Diffie-Hellman
domain parameters as defined in SP 800-56A and those documented as the specific Modular Exponential
(MODP) Diffie-Hellman groups used in various publications such as the IETF RFCs. Similarly, a mapping has
to exist between the NIST Recommended Curves defined in FIPS 186-4 (and referenced in SP 800-56A) and
those commonly used in various industry protocols.
1. What is the relationship of the Diffie-Hellman domain parameters used in SP 800-56A and those defined
by the MODP groups?
2. To which NIST recommended curves do the curves used in various industry protocols correspond?
The MODP Diffie-Hellman groups used in industry protocols such as the Internet Key Exchange protocol
(IKE) employ the so-called “safe” primes; that is, p = 2q + 1. This makes them, at present, non-compliant with
SP 800-56A, which defines a different relationship between the p and q primes. Future updates of SP 800-56A
will address the use of these groups. Until the expiration of the transition period defined in SP 800-131Arev1,
the vendor may use these groups’ parameters in the allowed key agreement schemes. The values of p and g
(the group’s generator) are defined, for each MODP group, in the IETF RFC 3526.
The SSLv.2 protocol, as defined in RFC 4253, employs the “diffie-hellman-group14-sha1” key exchange
method, which is based on the use of the 2048-bit MODP group.
The elliptic curves used in certain industry standards and the corresponding NIST Recommended Curves are
listed in Table 2. Entries in the same row refer to the same elliptic curves under the different names. Absence
of the equivalent entries is indicated by ‘-‘.
FIPS 186-4 and SP 800-56A TLS (RFC 4492, SP 800-52) IKE v2 (RFC 5903)
P-224 secp224r1 -
P-256 secp256r1 secp256r1
P-384 secp384r1 secp384r1
P-521 secp521r1 secp521r1
K-233 sect233k1 -
K-283 sect283k1 -
K-409 sect409k1 -
K-571 sect571k1 -
B-233 sect233r1 -
B-283 sect283r1 -
B-409 sect409r1 -
B-571 sect571r1 -
Table 2. The correspondence between the elliptic curves defined in different standards
All curves listed in Table 2 may be used either in the approved key agreement schemes (if all other applicable
requirements are met) or in the allowed schemes. See IG D.8 for more information.
Additional Comments
1. For the purposes of this Implementation Guidance, an industry protocol is any widely-recognized
protocol that might be supported by the cryptographic modules being validated for compliance to
FIPS 140-2. The MODP groups and the various elliptic curves shown in this Implementation
Guidance as protocol-specific have been defined in the IETF RFC publications.
2. This Implementation Guidance does not discuss the Oakley Groups. The reader may refer to the IETF
RFC 2409 for more information.
3. While FIPS 186-4 is a digital signature standard, some of its provisions also apply to the key
establishment standards, such as SP 800-56A.
4. The SP 800-56A notation in this Implementation Guidance refers to the latest publication of the
standard: NIST Special Publication 800-56Arev2.
Withdrawn Guidance
FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7 states that “compromising the security of the key generation method (e.g., guessing the
seed value to initialize the deterministic RNG) shall require as least as many operations as determining the
value of the generated key.” To comply with this requirement TE.07.13.02 states that “The tester shall
determine the accuracy of any rationale provided by the vendor. The burden of proof is on the vendor; if there
is any uncertainty or ambiguity, the tester shall require the vendor to produce additional information as
A module implements AES-256; the module generates an encryption key to be used with the AES-256
algorithm; the only entropy available to the module is a 160 bit RNG seed that is loaded into the module before
the module becomes operational. The RNG does not get re-seeded during the key generation. How can this
module comply with the key generation requirements of AS.07.13 when the generated key has insufficient
entropy commensurate with the key length?
This problem is similar to the key establishment requirements of AS.07.19. Legacy key establishment methods
would often reduce the encryption strength of the established key. This scenario was addressed by the
introduction of a caveat on the module’s validation and annotated in the Security Policy that would clearly
state the minimum and maximum security strengths of the established keys. With this additional caveat, the
module can be validated by the CMVP.
Similar, the requirement of AS.07.13 can be met by defining the true cryptographic strength of each key
established by the module (using one of the key establishment procedures addressed in IG D.2). The strength
of each key generated by the module shall be documented in the Security Policy and reflected in the testing
laboratories test report submission in addition to all other required key characteristics. If AS.07.13 is not met
by all keys generated in the module, the modules validation shall include the following text added to any other
applicable certificate caveats as a separate sentence:
The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by available entropy
If a key is generated within the module’s cryptographic boundary using an approved RNG, the entropy
limitation would be the only constraint on the key’s encryption strength. If the key is established using a key
agreement or a key wrapping algorithm has a strength limitation based on the entropy estimates, then this shall
be taken into account when documenting the encryption strength of the established key.
For example, if an AES key is established using an EC Diffie-Hellman algorithm and the strength of the EC
Diffie-Hellman key establishment is known to be between 112 and 192 bits but the entropy used in the
generation of an Elliptic Curve private key does not exceed 160 bits, then the Security Policy and the test
report shall state that the encryption strength for the AES key is between 112 and 160 bits.
The precise format of how the entropy-limitation-induced strength limitations will be annotated in the Security
Policy and the test report is not addressed at this time. However, both the Security Policy and test report shall
clearly annotate the entropy-limitation-induced strength for each key.
If the amount of entropy estimated is insufficient to support at least 112 bits of security strength, then the
associated algorithm and key shall not be used in the approved mode of operation.
Test Requirements
The vendor and tester evidence shall be provided under TE.07.13.01 and TE.07.13.02.
FIPS 186-3, Digital Signature Standard, was approved in June, 2009 to replace FIPS 186-2. FIPS 186-3 was
updated with some minor modifications and was replaced, in July, 2013 with FIPS 186-4. This IG outlines the
details of a transition from FIPS 186-2 to FIPS 186-4.
FIPS 186-2 specified the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for the generation and verification of digital
signatures, and adopted ANSI X9.31 for the generation and verification of digital signatures using the RSA
algorithm, and ANSI X9.62 for the generation and verification of digital signatures using the Elliptic Curve
Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). Two additional techniques for the generation and verification of digital
signatures using RSA were approved in FIPS 140-2, Annex A: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and RSASSA-PSS;
both are specified in Public Key Cryptography Standard (PKCS) #1, version 2.1, RSA Cryptography Standard.
FIPS 186-4 includes the DSA specification from FIPS 186-2, and adopts the RSA techniques specified in
ANSI X9.31 and PKCS #1 (i.e., RSASSA-PKCS1-v1.5 and RSASSA-PSS) and ECDSA as specified in ANSI
X9.62. FIPS 186-4 also increases the key lengths allowed for DSA, provides additional requirements for the
use of RSA and ECDSA, and includes requirements for obtaining the assurances necessary for valid digital
signatures and new methods for generating key pairs and domain parameters (see SP 800-89). While FIPS
186-2 contained specifications for random number generators (RNGs), FIPS 186-4 does not include such
specifications, but requires the use of an approved random bit generator, such as one specified in SP 800-90A,
for obtaining random bits.
Transitioning from the validation of implementations of FIPS 186-2 to the validation of implementations on
FIPS 186-4 is complicated by a planned transition to the use of key lengths for digital signature generation that
provide higher security strengths. The transition schedule is provided in SP 800-131A. IG G.14 addresses the
validation and revalidation issues associated with this transition, as well as the status of the validation of
already-validated implementations.
This IG contains the transition rules specific to the validation to the FIPS 186-2 and FIPS 186-4 standards.
These transition rules apply to both the cryptographic algorithm validations and the cryptographic module
validations that are conducted by the CAVP and CMVP, respectively.
1. CAVP Validation Testing
Cryptographic algorithm and key lengths that are categorized as acceptable, deprecated, restricted or
legacy-use in SP 800-131A shall be validated for Federal government use.
The CAVP is currently testing the following digital signature-specific functions for FIPS186-4; the
validation of auxiliary functions (e.g., hash functions and RNGs) is discussed in IG G.14, with reference
to SP 800-131A.
• DSA: domain parameter generation and validation, key pair generation, public key validation,
and digital signature generation and validation.
• ECDSA: key pair generation, public key validation, and digital signature generation and
verification; only the NIST-recommended curves are used as domain parameters for testing
• RSA: key pair generation, public key validation, and digital signature generation and verification;
RSA has no domain parameters.
For FIPS 186-2, the set of current CAVP tests is different:
• DSA: domain parameter validation, public key validation and digital signature verification.
• ECDSA: public key validation and digital signature verification; only the NIST-recommended
curves are used as domain parameters for testing ECDSA.
• RSA: public key validation and digital signature verification; RSA has no domain parameters.
The parameter sets that can be tested for DSA, ECDSA and RSA are presented in Table 1 below, along
with an indication of the applicable standard (FIPS 186-2 or FIPS 186-4). For DSA, the key length is
commonly considered to be the value of L. For ECDSA, the key length is considered to be the bit length
of n. For RSA, the key length is considered to be nlen, which is the bit length of the modulus n. Note that
the following testable parameter sets are subject to the transitions provided in SP 800-131A:
• DSA: L = 1024, N = 160,
• ECDSA: the B-163, K-163 and P-192 elliptic curves
• RSA: nlen = 1024 and 1536.
Also note that in FIPS 186-4, e = 3 and 17, and nlen 1024, 2048 or 3072 are not specified, so these
values will not be tested during FIPS 186-4 validation. The value of nlen = 1024 will be tested for public
key validation and signature verification purposes only.
See FIPS 186-4 for the precise meanings of L, N, nlen and e for the specific digital signature algorithm.
Table 1. CAVP-testable parameter sets for DSA, ECDSA and RSA
Modulus length Public exponent value
(L, N)
(nlen) (e)
L = 1024, N = 160 nlen = 1024
Both FIPS 186-2 and Both FIPS 186-2 FIPS 186-2:
FIPS 186-4 and FIPS 186-4 e = 3, 17, 216 + 1
recommended curves
L = 2048, N = 224 nlen = 1536
FIPS 186-4 only FIPS 186-2 only
nlen = 2048
L = 2048, N = 256
Both FIPS 186-2
FIPS 186-4 only
Both FIPS 186-2 and and FIPS 186-4 FIPS 186-4:
FIPS 186-4 216+1 e < 2256, where
nlen = 3072
L = 3072, N = 256 e is odd
Both FIPS 186-2
FIPS 186-4 only
and FIPS 186-4
nlen = 4096
FIPS 186-2 only
a. Cryptographic algorithm and module implementations may be tested by the CST labs for
conformance to FIPS 186-4 (or parts of FIPS 186-4) and submitted for validation. An
example of an algorithm or module implementation that conforms to only part of FIPS 186-4
might be an implementation that performs key pair generation, but does not perform domain
parameter generation or validation, or an implementation that performs signature
verification, but not signature generation.
CAVP: The CAVP will accept from the CST labs test results of cryptographic algorithm
implementations of FIPS 186-4 (or parts of FIPS 186-4) that contain testable parameter sets,
with key lengths that are categorized as either acceptable, deprecated or legacy-use as
specified in SP 800-131A. The testable parameter sets are listed in Table 1 above. Only
implementations of those testable parameter sets whose key lengths are classified as either
acceptable or deprecated in SP 800-131A may be validated for domain parameter generation,
key pair generation and digital signature generation. Implementations of domain parameter
validation, public key validation and digital signature verification may be validated at any
testable key length. Further information about the validation of implementations containing
key lengths categorized as deprecated or legacy-use is provided in IG G.14.
CMVP: The CMVP will accept from the CST labs test reports of cryptographic modules
containing implementations of FIPS 186-4 (or parts of FIPS 186-4) for which the
cryptographic algorithms and testable parameter sets have been validated by the CAVP.
Further information about the validation and revalidation of modules containing key lengths
categorized as deprecated or legacy-use is provided in IG G.14.
a. After December 31, 2013, implementations of domain parameter generation, key pair
generation and digital signature generation as specified in FIPS 186-2 are no longer
validated by the CAVP or CMVP. Already-validated implementations remain valid, subject
to the key length usage restrictions specified as disallowed in SP 800-131A.
As time and resources permit, the following actions will be taken by the CAVP or CMVP for
already-validated implementations of these functions:
CAVP: Algorithm validation listings for already-validated implementations that contain one
or more testable key lengths permitted by FIPS 186-2 that are disallowed will be annotated
to indicate the key lengths that are disallowed. If an already-validated implementation only
supports testable key lengths permitted by FIPS 186-2 that are disallowed, the algorithm
validation will be revoked. Complete validations and parts of validations using testable key
lengths that are categorized as acceptable will remain valid.
• If an algorithm validation listing has been annotated to disallow some, but not all,
of the testable key lengths (i.e., only part of a validation is disallowed), the
module’s CMVP validation certificate will not be changed.
CAVP: The CAVP will accept test results from the CST labs of cryptographic algorithm
implementations of FIPS 186-2 (or parts of FIPS 186-2) that contain testable key lengths
permitted by FIPS 186-2 that are categorized as either acceptable or legacy-use as specified
in SP 800-131A.
CMVP: New modules (3SUB and 5SUB submissions) and already-validated modules
containing digital signature processes conforming to FIPS 186-2 that have algorithm
validations issued by the CAVP may be validated or revalidated, as appropriate.
SP 800-90 was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex C on January 24, 2007. FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance, IG
A.3, was added January 25, 2007. Until CAVP testing for SP 800-90 is available, IG A.3 is applicable. SP
800-90 includes information beyond the specifications of the deterministic random bit generation (DRBG)
algorithms themselves, e.g., stricter entropy requirements, and assurance.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-90, what sections of the publication need to be addressed?
To claim vendor affirmation, the vendor shall affirm compliance with the following three sections of SP 800-
90, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators:
The vendor is not required to meet the requirements in Section 8, including the entropy requirements in
Section 8.6. Entropy requirements are addressed in AS.07.13.
Additional Comments
The requirements of SP 800-90 depend on several NIST approved security functions, for example, SHA, AES,
and three-key Triple-DES. The validation testing for these supporting security functions is found in their
corresponding validation test suites and, therefore, they shall be validated as a prerequisite to SP 800-90
vendor affirmation.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-90, the following supporting security functions, if used, shall be tested
and validated:
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to the
specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review. The
tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 specifies 2-key Triple-DES as the core symmetric algorithm in its deterministic
random number generator.
Is it acceptable to use other FIPS approved symmetric algorithms as the ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 RNG
core algorithm?
In addition to 2-key Triple-DES, it is acceptable to use the following FIPS approved symmetric algorithms as
the ANSI X9.31 RNG core algorithm:
• 3-key Triple-DES
CAVS testing is available for the 2-key Triple-DES, 3-key Triple-DES and AES. Until CAVS testing is
available for RNG testing using SKIPJACK, for module testing purposes, the core cryptographic algorithm
SKIPJACK shall be validated and the RNG implementation will be marked as “vendor affirmed”.
Additional Comments
FIPS 140-2 Annex C has been updated to include reference to the NIST RNG specification for implementing
3-key Triple-DES and AES with ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4.
An RNG may employ a seed and seed key and a Date/Time vector for its operation. FIPS 140-1 IG 8.7
provides a basis for the requirements related to the ANSI X9.31 RNG seed, seed key and Date/Time vector.
The document titled NIST Recommended Random Number Generator based on ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4
using the 3-Key Triple DES and AES Algorithms allows for the use of Triple-DES and AES.
1. In the case where an RNG employs a seed and seed key, how does AS.07.09 apply?
2. In the case where an RNG employs a Date/Time vector, what, if any, additional attributes apply?
1. AS.07.09 specifies that the seed and seed key shall not have the same value.
During initialization of the seed or seed key, the initialization data provided for one, shall not be provided
as initialization data to the other. The seed or seed key or both may be re-initialized prior to each call for a
random data value.
2. The Date/Time vector shall be updated on each iteration or call to the RNG. In lieu of a Date/Time vector,
an incrementer may be used. The Date/Time vector or incrementer shall be a non-repeating value during
each instance of the module’s power-on state.
Additional Comments
ANSI X9.31 specifies that the seed shall also be kept secret. As such, the seed is considered a CSP and shall
meet all the requirements pertaining to CSPs.
The seed key is sometimes referred as the RNG key; the key used by the underlining encryption algorithm(s)
implemented by the RNG.
FIPS 140-2 defines a random number generator as follows: Random Number Generators (RNGs) used for
cryptographic applications typically produce a sequence of zero and one bits that may be combined into sub-
sequences or blocks of random numbers. There are two basic classes: deterministic and nondeterministic. A
deterministic RNG consists of an algorithm that produces a sequence of bits from an initial value called a
seed. A nondeterministic RNG produces output that is dependent on some unpredictable physical source that is
outside human control.
AS.07.07: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Nondeterministic RNGs shall comply with all applicable RNG
requirements of this standard.
AS.07.10: (Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4) Documentation shall specify each RNG (Approved and non-
Approved) employed by a cryptographic module.
SP 800-90A addresses deterministic RBGs and nondeterministic RBG definitions. Draft SP 800-90B
addresses entropy testing.
Approved RNGs are referenced in FIPS 140-2 Annex C. At the time of this IGs publishing, the only approved
RNGs referenced are deterministic. Non-approved nondeterministic RNGs (NDRNG) implemented in a
cryptographic module may take various forms or implementations. The followings are examples:
• ring oscillator;
• noisy diode;
• transistor thermal noise;
• gathering or sampling of different nondeterministic machine states;
• gathering or sampling of different nondeterministic user actions (e.g. mouse movements, etc.);
• function calls to operating system provided services (e.g., /dev/rand); etc.
A NDRNG may collect entropy from one or many sources (e.g. sampling from a single physical noise source
or from many sources such as the time between various operator actions and the time of day, etc.) and the
number of random bits collected may be different each time.
What defines a nondeterministic RNG (NDRNG) and what are the requirements that apply to it?
Any hardware, firmware or software construct that collects or samples bits from single or multiple sources
within the modules defined boundary and converts this collection into a single random stream of bits to be
used as a seed input for an approved RNG or as random input bits for other processes shall be defined as a
NDRNG within the scope of FIPS 140-2.
All the requirements of FIPS 140-2 Section 4.7.1; the self-test requirements specified in FIPS 140-2 Section
4.9; and the conditional Continuous Random Number Generator Test (CRNGT) addressed in IG 9.8 shall
apply to an NDRNG implemented in a module. The NDRNG shall be identified in the security policy and
fully described in the test report. The description shall include all entropy sources and applicable smoothing
SP 800-38D was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on December 18, 2007. IG A.3 was added January 25, 2007.
Until CAVP testing for SP 800-38D is available, IG A.3 is applicable. SP 800-38D includes information
beyond the specifications of the Galois/Counter Mode itself; i.e., uniqueness requirements on IVs and keys.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-38D, what sections of the standard need to be addressed?
Validation testing for SP 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter
Mode (GCM) and GMAC includes validation testing for the authenticated encryption function and the
authenticated decryption function. To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-38D, information contained in the
following sections that are supported by the implementation under test (IUT) shall be implemented:
Additional Comments
1. The GCM functions in SP 800-38D require the forward direction of an approved symmetric key
block cipher with a block size of 128 bits. Currently, the only NIST-approved 128-bit block cipher is
the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm specified in Federal Information Processing
Standard (FIPS) Pub. 197. The validation testing for the forward direction of this supporting
algorithm, the AES Cipher (Encrypt) function, is found in its corresponding validation test suite and,
therefore, shall be validated as a prerequisite to SP 800-38D vendor affirmation.
2. The SP800-38D Self Tests required in cryptographic module implementations shall consist of a
known answer that validates the correctness of the GCM elements, GCM mathematical components
and GCM specifications of the two GCM functions, namely, the authenticated encryption function
and the authenticated decryption function.
3. Section 8, Uniqueness Requirement on IVs and Keys, and Section 9, Practical Considerations for
Validating Implementations, contain requirements for module validation, which is conducted by the
CMVP. Therefore, Section 8 and Section 9 are outside of the scope of algorithm validation.
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per
the IG G.13 annotation requirements
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
The Transition End Date for those elements of FIPS 186-3 DSA which CAVP testing is currently available [if
not supporting the generation and validation of provably prime domain parameters p and q and canonical
generation and validation of domain parameter g] is: October 02, 2009.
With the March 31, 2010 CAVP release of CAVS 9.0, testing for all elements of FIPS 186-3 DSA are
available. For the new and final set of elements, the transition end date is: June 30, 2010
With the May 27, 2010 CAVP release of CAVS 10.0, testing for all elements of FIPS 186-3 ECDSA are
available. The transition end date is: August 27, 2010
With the March 03, 2011 CAVP release of CAVS 11.0, testing for all elements of FIPS 186-3 RSA are
available. The transition end date is: June 03, 2011
Vendor Affirmation for FIPS 186-3 DSA Domain Parameter Generation and Validation for provable
primes p and q and verifiable canonical generation of the generator g
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-3 DSA generation of provably primes p and q:
1. The vendor must affirm that the method of FIPS 186-3 A. is used to generate provable primes
p and q.
2. 2. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this DSA
implementation and report the validation number.
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-3 DSA verifiable canonical generation of the generator g:
1. The vendor must affirm that the method of FIPS 186-3 A.2.3 is used for verifiable canonical
generation of the generator g.
2. 2. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this DSA
implementation and report the validation number.
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-3 DSA validation of provable primes p and q:
1. The vendor must affirm that the method of FIPS 186-3 A.1.2.2 is used for validation of provable
primes p and q.
2. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this DSA
implementation and report the validation number.
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-2 DSA validation when the canonical generation of the generator g
was used:
1. The vendor must affirm that the method of FIPS 186-3 A.2.4 is used for validation of g where the
verifiable canonical generation of g was used.
2. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this DSA
implementation and report the validation number.
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-3 ECDSA, the following shall be affirmed:
1. For all ECDSA implementations, the assurances listed in FIPS 186-3, Section 3 and 3.1 shall be
defined. If Signature Validation is implemented, Section 3.3 Assurances are also required.
a. The vendor shall affirm that at least one of the methods in FIPS 186-3 Appendix B.4 is used
to generate d and Q, the private and public keys.
b. The implementation must support at least one of the NIST curves in FIPS 186-3 Appendix
c. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying RNG or DRBG implementation
used by this ECDSA implementation and report the validation number.
a. The vendor must run the FIPS 186-2 ECDSA PKV tests and report the validation number.
a. The vendor shall affirm compliance with FIPS 186-3 Section 6.4.
b. The vendor shall affirm compliance with FIPS 186-3 Appendix B.5 for generation of the
Per-message secret number.
c. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this
ECDSA implementation and report the validation number.
a. The vendor shall affirm compliance with FIPS 186-3 Section 6.4.
b. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this
ECDSA implementation and report the validation number.
To claim vendor affirmation for FIPS 186-3 RSA, the following shall be affirmed:
1. For all RSA implementations, the assurances listed in Section 3 shall be defined.
a. The vendor shall affirm that at least one of the methods in FIPS 186-3 Appendix B.3 is used
to generate the key pairs.
b. The vendor shall affirm that at least one of the modulus lengths 1024, 2048 or 3072 bits is
supported by the implementation. Note, the length of the modulus is dependent on the
generation method selected. See FIPS 186-3 Appendix B.3.1.
c. The vendor shall affirm that the public exponent e shall be selected with the following
i. The public verification exponent e shall be selected prior to generating the primes p
and q, and the private signature exponent d.
ii. The exponent e shall be an odd positive integer such that 216 < e < 2256 .
d. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying SHA implementation used by this
RSA Key Pair Generation implementation and report the validation number.
e. The vendor shall affirm that the length in bits of the hash function output block shall meet or
exceed the security strength associated with the bit length of the modulus n (see SP 800-57).
f. If the RSA parameters are randomly generated (i.e., the primes p and q, and optionally, the
public key exponent e), the vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying RNG or
DRBG implementation used by this RSA implementation and report the validation number.
a. The vendor must run the ANSI X9.31 RSA validation tests and report the validation number.
(Note that the specification in FIPS 186-3 Section 5.4 concerning the extraction of the hash
value H(M)’ from the data structure IR’ is tested in the ANS X9.31 RSA validation testing
b. The vendor shall affirm that at least one of the modulus lengths 1024, 2048 or 3072 bits is
supported by the implementation.
c. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying RNG or DRBG implementation
used by this RSA implementation and report the validation number.
a. The vendor shall confirm that implementations that generate RSA key pairs use the criteria
and methods in FIPS 186-3 Appendix B.3 to generate those key pairs.
b. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying approved SHA implementation
used by this implementation and report the validation number.
c. The vendor shall confirm that only two prime factors p and q shall be used to form the
modulus n.
d. The vendor shall use the CAVP to validate the underlying RNG or DRBG implementation
used by this RSA implementation and report the validation number.
e. If PKCS #1 Version 1.5 is implemented, the vendor must run the PKCS1.5 validation tests
for Signature Generation and/or Signature Verification and report the validation number.
f. If PKCS#1 Version PSS is implemented, the vendor must run the PKCSPSS validation tests
for Signature Generation and/or Signature Verification and report the validation number.
g. If PKCS#1 Version PSS is implemented, the vendor shall confirm that the implementation’s
salt length (sLen) satisfies 0 <=sLen<=hlen, where hlen is the length of the hash function
output block.
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples.
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per
the IG G.13 annotation requirements.
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
SP 800-38E, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The XTS-AES Mode for Confidentiality
on Block-Oriented Storage Devices, was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex A on January 27, 2010. Until CAVP
testing for SP 800-38E is available, this IG is applicable. SP 800-38E approves the XTS-AES mode as
specified in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc (IEEE) Std. 1619-2007, subject to one
additional requirement on the lengths of the data units. That is, the data unit for any instance of an
implementation of XTS-AES shall not exceed 220 blocks.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-38E; what sections of the IEEE standard and the NIST Special
Publication need to be addressed?
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-38E, the information contained in the following sections that are
supported by the Implementation Under Test (IUT) shall be implemented:
a. For XTS-AES Encrypt: the validation referenced shall include an AES mode of operation that
uses the forward cipher function.
b. For XTS-AES Decrypt: the validation referenced shall include an AES mode of operation that
uses the forward and inverse cipher function (i.e., AES-ECB or AES-CBC).
2. The XTS-AES key sizes supported: XTS-AES-128 (256 bits) AND/OR XTS-AES-256 (512 bits).
3. The block sizes supported: complete blocks only OR complete and partial blocks
5. Provide assurance that the length of the data unit for any instance of an implementation of XTS-AES
shall not exceed 220 blocks.
6. Provide assurance that the XTS-AES key shall not be associated with more than one key scope.
Additional Comments
Bullets 5 and 6 above satisfy the shall statements included in SP 800-38E and IEEE Std 1619-2007 that
are not testable by the CAVP.
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the FIPS approved
algorithm entry as follows:
When CAVP CAVS testing is available, the annotation will simply change to:
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to the
specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review. The tester
shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
With the December 24, 2008 CAVP release of CAVS 7.0, the Transition End Date for the vendor affirmation
to one of the complete key agreement schemes from SP 80056A was: March 24, 2009.
With the April 12, 2011 CAVP release of CAVS 11.1, testing for the SP 800-56A primitives have become
available. As of July 12, 2011, all new module submissions to the CMVP that claim to implement the SP 800-
56A primitives shall be tested by the CAVP (Per IG G.13 will be represented as a CVL validation).
SP 800-56A was added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on January 24, 2007. FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance,
IG A.3, was added January 25, 2007. Until CAVP testing for SP 800-56A is available, IG A.3 is applicable.
SP 800-56A includes information beyond the specifications of the key agreement algorithm itself; i.e.
Instructions to the implementer to aid in the implementation of the algorithm.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A, what sections of the publication need to be addressed?
Validation testing for SP 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using
Discrete Logarithm Cryptography includes validation testing for the key agreement schemes and key
confirmation. To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A, information contained in the following sections that
are supported by the implementation under test (IUT) shall be implemented:
Section FFC Full Public Key Validation Routine (if implement FFC)
Section ECC Full Public Key Validation Routine (if implement ECC)
Section 5.7 DLC Primitives
Section 5.8 Key Derivation Functions for Key Agreement Schemes
Section 6 Key Agreement
If key confirmation is supported by the implementation, the applicable information contained in the following
section must be implemented:
Additional Comments
1. The components in SP 800-56A shall only be used within the SP 800-56A protocol. This includes the
full public key validation routines, the DLC primitives, the key derivation functions, the key
agreement functions, and the key confirmation functions.
2. The requirements specified in SP 800-56A depend on several NIST approved security functions, for
example, SHA, DSA, ECDSA, etc. While validation testing for SP 800-56A concentrates on the key
agreement and key confirmation components, other supporting security functions are not thoroughly
tested by the testing in SP 800-56A. The validation testing for these supporting security functions are
found in the validation test suite for this specific function. Therefore, these supporting security
functions shall be validated as a prerequisite to SP 800-56A vendor affirmation.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-56A, the underlying security functions used by this IUT shall
be tested and validated prior to claiming vendor affirmation. These include:
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples.
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per
the IG G.13 annotation requirements.
Required Vendor Information
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation implements the sections outlined above
completely and accurately. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall verify the rationale provided by the vendor.
SP 800-108 was published October 2009 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on January 04, 2011. Until CAVP
testing for SP 800-108 is available, IG A.3 is applicable. This Special Publication defines the methods for
deriving additional keying material from the already-established symmetric keys.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-108, what sections of the publication need to be addressed and what are
the applicable documentation requirements?
The entire text of SP 800-108 is applicable. The cryptographic module may support key derivation using the
key derivation functions from Section 5.1, Section 5.2 or Section 5.3 of SP 800-108. The module may
implement any combination of these KDFs. This choice and the corresponding capabilities of the
cryptographic module shall be clearly stated in the module’s Security Policy.
The module’s Security Policy shall state the possible range of the cryptographic strengths of the keys derived
using the SP 800-108 methodology. The instructions for how to determine this strength are in Section 7 of SP
The vendor shall comply with all “shall” statements in SP 800-108. These refer to but are not limited to the
sizes of the parameters used in the KDF computations and the possible uses of the derived keys.
Refer to IG G.13 for annotation examples (KBKDF).
Derived Test Requirements
Upon the following successful review, the CST Lab shall affirm by annotating the algorithm entry per the IG
G.13 annotation requirements.
Required Vendor Information
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation complies with the requirements of SP
800-108 and of the documentation requirements of this Implementation Guidance. This shall be
accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
Additional Comments
No self-tests are required to claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-108.
SP 800-135rev1 was published December 2011 and added to FIPS 140-2 Annex D on April 23, 2012. Until
CAVP testing for SP 800-135rev1 is available, IG A.3 is applicable. This Special Publication defines the
recommendation for existing application-specific key derivation functions.
To claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-135rev1, what sections of the publication need to be addressed and
what are the applicable documentation requirements?
The vendor shall provide evidence that their implementation complies with the requirements of SP
800-135rev1 and of the documentation requirements of this Implementation Guidance. This shall be
accomplished by documentation and code review.
The tester shall review the vendor’s evidence demonstrating that their implementation conforms to
the specifications specified above. This shall be accomplished by documentation and code review.
Additional Comments
No self-tests are required to claim vendor affirmation to SP 800-135rev1.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
[Docket No. 040602169-5002-02]
Announcing Approval of the Withdrawal of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 46-3, Data
Encryption Standard (DES); FIPS 74, Guidelines for Implementing and Using the NBS Data Encryption
Standard; and FIPS 81, DES Modes of Operation.
With the withdrawal of the DES cryptographic algorithm, how does the DES and DES MAC algorithms get
listed on the FIPS 140-2 validation certificate?
The DES transition period ended on May 19, 2007. DES and DES MAC are no longer approved security
functions and shall be listed on the FIPS 140-2 certificate as non-approved algorithms.
Change Summary
New Guidance
o 12/04/17: 9.13 Non-Reconfigurable Memory Integrity Test
o 12/04/17: 9.12 Integrity Test Using Sampling
o 12/04/17: A.15 Vendor Affirmation for the SP 800-185 Algorithms
o 08/07/17: G.17 Remote Testing for Software Modules
o 08/07/17: 1.23 Definition and Use of a non-Approved Security Function
o 08/07/17: 9.11 Reducing the Number of Known Answer Tests
o 08/07/17: A.14 Approved Modulus Sizes for RSA Digital Signature and Other Approved Public Key
o 05/10/17: A.13 SP 800-67rev1 Transition
o 05/10/17: D.13 Elliptic Curves and the MODP Groups in Support of Industry Protocols
o 11/15/16: 1.22 Module Count Definition
o 11/15/16: 7.17 Zeroization of One Time Programmable (OTP) Memory
o 11/15/16: A.12 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation to the Addendum to SP 800-38A
o 08/01/16: A.11 The Use and the Testing Requirements for the Family of Functions defined in FIPS
o 06/17/16: A.10 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation to SP 800-38G
o 05/10/16: G.16 Requesting an Invoice Before Report Submission
o 12/28/15: A.9 XTS-AES Key Generation Requirements
o 08/07/15: 7.14 Entropy Caveats
o 08/07/15: 7.15 Entropy Assessment
o 08/07/15: 7.16 Acceptable Algorithms for Protecting Stored keys and CSPs
o 08/07/15: D.1-rev2 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-56A-rev2
o 08/07/15: D.12 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation to SP 800-133
o 03/02/15: 1.21 Process Algorithm Accelerators (PAA)
o 03/02/15: 1.20 Sub-Chip Cryptographic Subsystems
o 03/02/15: A.8 Use of HMAC-SHA-1-96 and Truncated HMAC
o 07/25/13: 3.5 Documentation Requirements for Cryptographic Module Services
o 07/25/13: 9.9 Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test When Generating a Key Pair
o 07/25/13: 9.10 Power-Up Tests for Software Module Libraries
o 07/25/13: D.11 References to the Support of Industry Protocols
o 05/02/12: 9.8 Continuous Random Number Generator Tests
o 05/02/12: 7.13 Cryptographic Key Strength Modified by an Entropy Estimate
o 05/02/12: 7.12 Key Generation for RSA Signature Algorithm
o 05/02/12: 7.11 Definition of an NDRNG
o 05/02/12: 3.4 Multi-Operator Authentication
Modified Guidance
o 05/25/18: IG G.8 Revalidation Requirements – Removed the “2 year” limitation on 3sub
revalidations, which stated that modules on the historical list could not be submitted as a
3sub if the module’s sunset date exceeded 2 years. Now, modules that are Active or
Historical are eligible for scenario 3 revalidation without this limitation.
o 05/25/18: IG 9.11 Reducing the Number of Known Answer Tests – Changed the “type” of the
parameter that “remembers” that self-tests were run successfully on a specific environment,
from a CSP, to something that is treated the same as a public key, in which case the
integrity of this parameter is assured by the module.
o 03/27/18: IG G.8 Revalidation Requirements - Updated to add Alternative Scenario 3A (allowing
vendors to submit module revalidations based on CVE patches).
o 03/27/18: IG G.13 - Instructions for Validation Information Formatting - Updated to add clarification
on how to document the binding module algorithm certificate. The same rules that apply to
an embedding module also applies to a binding module.
o 03/27/18: IG 9.1 Known Answer Test for Keyed Hashing Algorithm – Updated to align with IG 9.4
and IG 9.11. Also, added clarification on HMAC self-testing with additional examples and
o 03/27/18: IG 9.2 Known Answer Test for Embedded Cryptographic Algorithms – Updated to align
with IG 9.11. Also, removed obsolete material (such as self-testing the embedded
algorithms by means of the RNG KATs where the RNGs are no longer approved).
o 03/27/18: IG A.13 SP 800-67rev1 Transition – Updated to incorporate the latest requirements for the
published SP 800-67rev2 standard; namely, a module has a limit of either 220 or 216 64-bit
data block encryptions with the same Triple-DES key (as opposed to 232 or 228 from SP
800-67rev1). The transition guidance is explained in this updated IG.
o 01/19/18: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Removed non-SP-800-38F
compliant key wrapping methods from the allowed algorithm listing per SP 800-131A
transition. Added allowed non-SP-800-38F compliant key unwrapping examples.
o 01/19/18: D.9 Key Transport Methods – Removed non-SP-800-38F compliant key wrapping
methods from the allowed algorithm section per SP 800-131A transition. Added two
additional comments for clarity on SP 800-131A transition and KTS implementations.
o 12/04/17: A.9 XTS-AES Key Generation Requirements – added text requiring the CST testing lab to
document in TE.01.12.01 of the Test Report how the module meets IG A.9.
o 12/04/17: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – added a caveat example when a
module implements a DRBG but does not meet IG 7.14 and IG 7.15 requirements.
o 12/04/17: A.5 Key/IV Pair Uniqueness Requirements from SP 800-38D – added bullet 4 in scenario 2
requiring the module to meet IG 7.15 for the strength of the IV.
o 12/04/17: G.8 Revalidation Requirements - added notes about which scenarios should be included on
the MIP list. Also updated scenario 2 to allow for modules on the Historical list to be
validated via this scenario.
o 12/04/17: Revised IG for grammatical and formatting inconsistencies.
o 08/07/17: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – added example for Truncated
HMAC and moved virtual environment information to Section 10: Operational
o 08/07/17: 3.1 Authorized Roles – added Additional Comment to explain an exception to the rule that
prohibited a CSP modification by a service called from an unauthenticated role at Levels
o 08/07/17: 14.1 Level of Detail When Reporting Cryptographic Services – clarified the requirement
that all security services were listed in the Security Policy.
o 08/07/17: 14.4 Operator Applied Security Appliances – minor updates including addressing the
confusing dates in the header.
o 08/07/17: 14.5 Critical Security Parameters for the SP 800-90 DRBGs – updated to remove the text
that used to discuss the relationship between this IG and AS07.13 which is not relevant
here. Also, made it clear that the FIPS 140-2 requirements on the “seed key” parameter was
no longer applicable as none of the approved DRBGs used this parameter.
o 08/07/17: A.2. Use of non-NIST-Recommended Elliptic Curves – updated to allow new key sizes for
RSA, DSA, and the corresponding key-establishment algorithms.
o 08/07/17: A.5 Key/IV Pair Uniqueness Requirements from SP 800-38D – updated to include MacSec.
o 08/07/17: A.11 The Use and the testing Requirements for the Family of Functions defined in FIPS
202 – updated to reflect testing available in CAVS.
o 08/07/17: A.13 SP 800-67rev1 Transition – added transition dates that were originally only published
in an email.
o 08/07/17: D.2 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – modified key entry description and added
pre-loading of a key.
o 06/13/17: 9.9 Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test When Generating a Key Pair – the scope is limited to
the pair-wise consistency tests for keys used in RSA signature and RSA key transport
schemes and removed “allowed” provision.
o 05/10/17: G.8 Revalidation Requirements – added definition for scenario 2.
o 05/10/17: G.13 Validation Certificate Formatting – removed non-approved algorithms from the
validation certificate, added examples for key establishment and included formatting
instructions for virtual environments.
o 05/10/17: G.14 Validation of Transitioning Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths,
7.5 Strength of Key Establishment Methods,
A.11 The Use and the Testing Requirements for the Family of Functions defined in FIPS
D.8 Key Agreement Methods,
D.11 References to the Support of Industry Protocols
removed references to certificate formatting for non-approved algorithms.
o 05/10/17: 3.1 Authorized Roles – addressed relationship between authorized roles and operator
o 05/10/17: 3.4 Multi-Operator Authentication – resolve a conflict between IG 3.1 and IG 3.4.
o 05/10/17: A.8 Use of a Truncated HMAC – updated text, clarified examples and incorporated SP 800-
107rev1 for all uses of a message authentication code.
o 05/10/17: D.9 Key Transport Methods – updated to explain that all approved key transport schemes
shall use the KTS acronym and to allow an unwrapping of a key past the 2017 transition
o 04/25/17: D.12 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation to SP 800-133 – clarified some of the
o 04/17/17: 1.21 Processor Algorithm Accelerators (PAA) & Processor Algorithm Implementation
(PAI) – add PAI where an accelerated function to support cryptographic algorithms is
deemed to be the complete cryptographic algorithm and updated the list of known PAAs
and PAIs.
o 02/06/17: 1.20 Sub-Chip Cryptographic Subsystems – updated 1.20 and 7.7 to resolve the asymmetric
treatment of CM software and CM hardware.
o 02/06/17: 7.7 Key Establishment and Key Entry and Output – updated 1.20 and 7.7 to resolve the
asymmetric treatment of CM software and CM hardware.
o 02/06/17: D.11 References to the Support of Industry Protocols – clarified items 2 and 3.
o 12/21/16: G.8 Revalidation Requirements – incorporated sunset validation policy and removed
scenario 2.
o 12/21/16: 1.8 - moved to W.13
o 11/15/16: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Added example for IG A.12,
added HMAC-SHA-1-96 examples and corrected a KAS example.
o 11/15/16: 3.5 Documentation Requirements for Cryptographic Module Services – Updated to reduce
the burden for documentation for some modules (e.g. IPSec VPN or PKCS#11 module).
o 08/01/16: G.9 FSM, Security Policy, User Guidance and Crypto Officer Guidance Documentation –
added source code information is considered vendor-provided documentation and may be
used in the FSM and/or Security Policy.
o 08/01/16: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – FIPS algorithms shall be listed in
alphabetical order; Other algorithms shall be listed with allowed algorithms in alphabetical
order first, followed by non-approved algorithms in alphabetical order.
o 05/10/16: G.2 Completion of a Test Report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSE -
updated the file types, removed requirement for Report Overview.
o 05/10/16: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – updated FIPS approved
algorithm examples and non-approved random number generator description.
o 05/10/16: 14.5 Critical Security Parameters for the SP 800-90 DRBGs – removed Dual_EC_DRBG
o 05/10/16: D.4 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation for SP 800-56B – updated RBG to DRBG,
removed hash algorithm examples, fixed fonts for the equations and removed the exception
o 05/10/16: 7.6 – moved to W.5
o 05/10/16: 7.11 – moved to W.6
o 05/10/16: A.4 – moved to W.7
o 05/10/16: A.6 – moved to W.8
o 05/10/16: A.7 – moved to W.9
o 05/10/16: D.1 – moved to W.10
o 05/10/16: D.5 – moved to W.11
o 05/10/16: D.7 – moved to W.12
o 01/11/16: G.14 Validation of Transitioning Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths – update
references to FIPS 186-4, define legacy use of 186-2 and other post RNG transition changes
o 01/11/16: 7.5 Strength of Key Establishment Methods - update references to FIPS 186-4 and other
post RNG transition changes
o 01/11/16: 7.8 Key Generation Methods Allowed in FIPS Mode - update references to FIPS 186-4 and
other post RNG transition changes
o 01/11/16: 7.12 Key Generation for RSA Signature Algorithm - update references to FIPS 186-4 and
other post RNG transition changes
o 01/11/16: D.4 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-56B- update references to FIPS 186-4
and other post RNG transition changes
o 01/08/14: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Updated and corrected examples
based on SP 800-131A transition effective 01-01-2014.
o 01/07/14: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Removed old report submission process information
o 01/07/14: G.3 Partial Validations and Not Applicable Areas of FIPS 140-2 – Minor editorial updates.
o 01/07/14: G.4 Design and testing of cryptographic modules – Updated "other associated documents"
o 01/07/14: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Updated examples based on SP
800-131A transition effective 01-01-2014.
o 01/07/14: G.14 Validation of Transitioning Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths – Updated
based on SP 800-131A transition effective 01-01-2014.
o 01/07/14: G.15 Validating the Transition from FIPS 186-2 to FIPS 186-4 – Updated based on SP 800-
131A transition effective 01-01-2014.
o 07/25/13: D.8 Key Agreement Methods – Resolution section has been updated.
o 07/25/13: D.9 Key Transport Methods – Resolution section has been updated.
o 06/07/13: G.8 Revalidation Requirements – Added Alternative Scenarios 1A and 1B.
o 12/21/12: G.5 Maintaining validation compliance of software or firmware cryptographic modules –
Included reference to the impact to the generated key strength assurance when porting, and
vendor Security Policy updates.
o 12/21/12: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – For all embodiments, the OE
shall be specified on the validation entry.
o 12/21/12: G.14 Validation of Transitioning Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths – Addressed
two-key Triple-DES requirements.
o 12/21/12: D.8 Key Agreement Methods – IG updated to address SP 800-135rev1
o 06/29/12: 7.7 Key Establishment and Key Entry and Output - References to key encryption changed
to reference Key Establishment methods (e.g. Key Transport and Key Agreement).
o 06/20/12: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Added transition date for report submissions using CRYPTIK integrated review process.
o 06/20/12: 1.19 non-Approved Mode of Operation – Re-written to associate with existing clauses in
FIPS 140-2 and this Implementation Guidance.
o 06/20/12: 7.12 Key Generation for RSA Signature Algorithm – Added Transition End Date.
o 06/20/12: 9.4 Known Answer Tests for Cryptographic Algorithms – Added Transition End Date in
reference to NOTE4.
o 05/02/12: 1.19 non-approved Mode of Operation – Modified resolution when annotating non-
approved services.
o 05/02/12: 1.7 Multiple Approved Modes of Operation – Modified resolution and additional comments
o 05/02/12: 1.2 FIPS Approved Mode of Operation – Modified resolution and additional comments
o 05/02/12: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Added annotation note regarding
EFP/EFT when Section 4.5 is Level 3.
o 04/23/12: D.7 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-135rev1 – Transition end date of
06/23/2012 added and updated reference to SP 800-135 Revision 1.
o 04/23/12: D.6 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-132 – Algorithm validation acronym
reference updated.
o 04/23/12: D.5 Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-108 – Transition end date of
06/23/2012 added and algorithm validation acronym reference updated.
o 04/23/12: D.2 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Completely revised as an umbrella IG for
approved and allowed key establishment methods.
o 04/23/12: A.3 Vendor Affirmation of Cryptographic Security Methods – Removed caveat examples
and replaced with referenced to IG G.13.
o 04/23/12: 9.6 Self-Tests When Implementing the SP 800-56A Schemes – IG expanded and
clarifications added.
o 04/23/12: 9.4 Known Answer Tests for Cryptographic Algorithms – IG revised and expanded.
o 04/23/12: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Updated 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th and
10th bullets.
o 04/23/12: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Added clause to 3rd bullet regarding physical security test evidence traceability to DTR.
Added 5th bullet regarding table templates.
o 04/23/12: G.1 Request for Guidance from the CMVP and CAVP – Updated CSEC contact.
o 07/15/11: G.3 Partial Validations and Not Applicable Areas of FIPS 140-2 – Modified in regard to
new IG 11.1.
o 07/15/11: G.6 Modules with both a FIPS mode and a non-FIPS mode – Clarification that all
implemented algorithms shall be referenced on the validation certificate.
o 07/15/11: G.8 Revalidation Requirements – Added security policy requirements for revalidation
Scenarios 1 and 4.
o 07/15/11: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Added examples for CVL and
o 07/15/11: 1.4 Binding of Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Certificates – Added examples of an
operational environment change.
o 07/15/11: D.1 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-56A – Modified the testing for
o 07/15/11: D.2 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Modified the transition text and key
agreement guidance.
o 05/11/11: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Corrected format of examples.
o 03/03/11: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Changes relative to the release of CRYPTIK v8.6b
o 03/03/11: G.13 Instructions for Validation Information Formatting – Changes relative to the release of
o 03/03/11: A.2 Use of Non-NIST-Recommended Asymmetric Key Sizes and Elliptic Curves –
Updated for consistency with recent standards.
o 03/03/11: A.6 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Standard
– Transition end date for FIPS 186-3 RSA is defined.
o 01/03/11: D.2 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Change NIST CSD CT Group Contact to
Mr. Tim Polk.
o 12/23/10: 9.6 Self-Tests When Implementing the SP 800-56A Schemes – Requirements changed.
o 08/02/10 G.8 Revalidation Requirements – For scenarios 1 and 4 added clarification on required
submission documents sent to the CMVP.
o 06/15/10: 5.4 Level 3: Hard Coating Test Methods – Removed reference to environmental conditions
other than temperature and added Security Policy requirements.
o 06/10/10: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Updated submission and billing information requirements.
o 06/10/10: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Additional caveat
o 06/10/10: 1.3 Firmware Designation – Updated platform versioning requirements if physical security
is Level 2, 3 or 4.
o 06/10/10: 5.4 Level 3: Hard Coating Test Methods – Modified temperature testing limits and removed
testing methods using solvents.
o 06/10/10: 7.5 Strength of Key Establishment Methods – Added reference to draft SP 800-131.
o 06/10/10: A.6 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Standard
– Updated with transition end date for ECDSA.
o 04/09/10: A.6 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Standard
– Updated with transition end date.
o 04/09/10 A.7 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of NIST SP800-38E – Updated with
transition end date.
o 03/19/10: 1.9 Definition and Requirements of a Hybrid Cryptographic Module - Updated the
annotation for software-hybrid and, firmware-hybrid modules.
o 03/19/10: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate - Added examples for
software-hybrid and firmware-hybrid modules.
o 01/27/10: 7.2 Use of IEEE 802.11i Key Derivation Protocols
Guidance updated in regard to references to SP 800-56A and IG 7.10.
o 01/27/10: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate
Removed PIV Middleware reference. Added XTS-AES annotation reference.
o 10/21/09: To align Implementation Guidance that is associated with underlying algorithmic standards
referenced in FIPS 140-2 Annexes A, C and D, the following algorithm specific IGs have
been moved to new IG Annex sections:
Moved IG 1.5 to IG A.1, IG 1.6 to IG A.2, IG 1.10 to A.3, IG 1.11 to IG D.1, IG 1.12 t IG
C.1, IG 1.13-15 to IG A..4-6, IG 7.1 to IG D.2 and IG 7.3 to IG C.2
o 10/20/09: G.1 Request for Guidance from the CMVP and CAVP – Updated contact information.
o 10/20/09: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSEC –
Minor editorial changes.
o 10/20/09: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Added FIPS 186-3
and SP 800-56A annotation examples.
o 10/20/09: 1.11 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of SP 800-56A – Added reference to the
annotation requirements in IG G.13.
o 10/20/09: 1.15 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature
Standard – Added transition information and reference to the annotation requirements in IG
o 10/20/09: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Added transition information.
o 08/31/09: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Added references to DTLS.
o 08/04/09: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Added additional
certificate annotation examples.
o 08/04/09: 1.10 Vendor Affirmation of Cryptographic Security Methods – Additional certificate
annotation examples.
o 08/04/09: 1.15 CAVP Requirements for Vendor Affirmation of FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature
Standard – Certificate annotation examples.
o 08/04/09: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – For Key Agreement; removed the KDF
specified in the SRTP protocol (IETF RFC 3711). For Key Transport; added reference to
o 03/10/09: G.1 Request for Guidance from the CMVP – Updated NIST POC.
o 03/10/09: G.5 Maintaining validation compliance of software or firmware cryptographic modules –
Updated references to firmware and hybrid modules.
o 03/10/09: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Updated examples.
o 03/10/09: 1.9 Definition and Requirements of a Hybrid Cryptographic Module – Updated to include
hybrid firmware modules.
o 03/10/09: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – For Key Agreement; added the KDF
specified in the SRTP protocol (IETF RFC 3711) is allowed only for use as part of the
SRTP key derivation protocol. For Key Transport; wrapping a key using the GDOI Group
Key Management Protocol described in the IETF RFC 3547.
o 07/09/08: 1.10 Vendor Affirmation of Cryptographic Security Methods – Updated examples of
certificate algorithm notation.
o 06/25/08: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Updated file naming
convention syntax
o 05/22/08: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Updated reference
for symmetric key wrapping annotation
o 02/07/08: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Updated AES Key Wrap URL.
o 01/24/08: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSE –
Added reference to CMVP comments document.
o 01/24/08 G.8 Revalidation Requirements – Added reference to the CMVP FAQ in change scenario 1.
o 01/16/08: G.13 Instructions for completing a FIPS 140-2 Validation Certificate – Added reference for
listing multiple operating systems, and reference for symmetric key wrapping annotation.
o 01/16/08: 1.8 Listing of DES Implementations – Updated to reflect the ending of the DES transition
o 01/16/08: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols
o 01/16/08: 9.4 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests for SHS Algorithms and Higher Cryptographic
Algorithms Using SHS Algorithms – Added RSA KAT requirements regarding the
relationship of the exponents.
o 11/08/07: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSE –
Added clarification on output type of draft certificate.
o 10/18/07: Updated links
o 07/26/07: Minor editorial updates.
o 06/26/07: 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols – Updated to reflect the publishing of SP 800-
o 06/26/07: G.8 Revalidation Requirements – Additional guidelines for determining <30% change for
Scenario 3.
o 06/22/07: G.2 Completion of a test report: Information that must be provided to NIST and CSE -
editorial changes for clarification.
o 06/22/07: G.8 Revalidation Requirements - editorial changes for clarification.
o 06/14/07: 3.1 Authorized Roles
End of Document