Orobas - The Mighty Goetia Prince
Orobas - The Mighty Goetia Prince
Orobas - The Mighty Goetia Prince
Dr Soul
Who is Orobas
Contacting Orobas
If you are so judgmental I suggest you stop reading immediately but if you do
have open minds and adventurous spirit then read on and you will be amazed
that the junks you know about demons and the spirit world are more of what I
call “Mass Media Propaganda”.
The word Demon is a corrupt spelling of the original Greek word “DAEMON” (in
ancient Greek belief) it refers to a divinity or supernatural being of a nature
between gods and humans. an inner or attendant spirit or inspiring force.
From an education standpoint this has nothing to do with evil as most people
will think. However, evil does exist but I for one belief we can unify the two
halves and create harmony between these two worlds in ourselves this is the
purpose of spiritual evolution where no evil nor good exist but all serving to the
glorification of God Almighty the supreme father of all things and grand
architect of the universe.
Don’t be surprised I mentioned God here because I believe in him as you will
see later. God names are used for evoking as well as expelling spirits if you are a
Christian or a Jew. I believe in Satan also as this is the other aspect of God.
Now where does the evil association with demons came from?. The answer is
simple they are spirits - raw universal force that can do both good and ill as the
same time and the art of magic have been polluted by twisted minds of men to
cause havoc instead of striving toward the “great work” and helping their
neighbors .
Who is Orobas?
This section will give reference from different sources and latter on I will give
you personal note on him and a simple exercise to work with him as well.
From Tikaboo
“He is a great and Mighty Prince, appearing at first like a Horse; but after the
command of the Exorcist he putteth on the Image of a Man. His Office is to
discover all things Past, Present, and to Come; also to give Dignities, and
Prelacies, and the Favour of Friends and of Foes. He giveth True Answers of
Divinity, and of the Creation of the World. He is very faithful unto the Exorcist,
and will not suffer him to be tempted of any Spirit. He governeth 20 Legions of
From the Luciferian Goetia by Michael Ford
“He inspires divination and brings impulses or intuition regarding things of the
past, for instance if a horrible occurrence happened at a spot or area. Orobas
brings the connection of the living and the dead. He brings also the favor of
friends and foes, and is very faithful and respectful to the sorcerer when
summoned. He will not trick the magician and will provide quick answers unto
that which he governs.”
Orobas answers questions and gives one power and control over others.
He protects one from the persecution of evil spirits and also from one’s
He detests deception of any kind, so avoid lying or trying to play this particular
demon, the end might not be pleasurable for you if you try.
Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Capricorn
December 22nd-26th
Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
Planet: Saturn
Metal: Lead
Plant: Broom
Candle color: Orange
Element: Earth
Rank: Prince
Orobas is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits
It seems odd that Orobas, the all-knowing demon often summoned by occultists
for his ability to help gain personal wealth and power, should make his
appearance as a crippled horse. Known as the fifth-fifth Spirit of the Goetia,
Orobas holds the rank of prince and supposedly has twenty legions of demons
under his command. While he appears at first as a horse, it is said that he can
change into the form of a man at the conjurer’s request. The reason Orobas is
popular among kings and money brokers is that Orobas supposedly has
knowledge of all things past, present and future. When summoned, it is said he
is faithful to the conjurer and gives true answers to questions about anything
asked of him.
It is said that many of the most powerful and evil politicians, kings and rulers of
the world have sold their souls directly to Orobas. In exchange he leads them to
the wealth and power they seek. He also leads military commanders to victory
in the battlefield. With a demon like that in your corner it is easy to understand
how a person might gain great wealth and power during a single lifetime. Some
refer to him as Lucifer’s oracle.
While Orobas is considered a powerful demon with the ability to kill anyone
that attempts to trick or deceive him, he is probably among the safest of the
Goetia Spirits to be dealt with because they say he deals fairly and faithfully to
all that deal the same way with him. If you keep this demon in your pocket, you
never want to cross him. The only thing you lose in this relationship is your soul.
There is a story among demonologists that Orobas was among the demons that
joined Lucifer during the great angelic rebellion in heaven. As the story is told,
Orobas and his legions were driven from heaven by the archangel Michael.
Before he could flee, Michael charged Orobas, cut off his wings and speared
him in the gut with a holy lance. When he appears, the scar from that wound
still can be seen in the belly of the figure of the horse.
He also manipulates human thoughts at will and can cause two people to fall in
love. He is also well versed in other forms of mental persuasion [1].
Source: https://blackwitchcoven.com/demonology/demons-to-worship/orobas/
By now you must have gotten an idea of how fascinating this spirit is. Basically
the Lesser Key of Solomon is a book that contain the 72 spirits that King
Solomon himself of the old testament evoked and worked with during his time
and this may come as a surprised to many Christian who have never thought
that as closer to God and so loved by God, this wise and great king could work
dark magic to foster his reign and even building of the great Holy Temple is
Jerusalem at that time.
I have a naughty feeling that the wisdom that was asked may have been one to
control the great spirit of creation since these spirits as old as creation hold
great key to the mysteries and certainly true Prince Orobas hold one great key
that I have benefited from immensely.
My Personal Experience and Encounter
I would not call myself an adept but certainly I have had romance with great
mystical and occult practices yet I still feel I have much to learn as my life
progresses. Maybe because I am not one that like to limit myself to a mystical or
magical tradition as with experience I have come to realize that all religion, all
mystical or magical tradition have a meeting point.
It came to a point in my life where I needed some drastic change. I was tired of
playing it safe and hoping things will get better. I was not doing too bad myself
buy I really needed to push my luck a little further. Well, things where really not
moving the way I would have wanted them.
As a matter of fact I had dreams, goals and aspiration You should know the
feeling when you don’t have enough and somebody needs your assistance not a
good one I must say. But at this point when I need to make good for myself,
things just seems to come to a half and this caused me depression I swear.
I live in a country where the energies are really dense and some times it take
more than just prayer and visualization to get things done. In fact Nigeria is a
tough place and if you are here you know what I mean. It should not come as a
surprise that most Nigeria youth give in to crime and blood thirsty rituals just to
make ends meet a constant battle of spiritual energies goes on daily. If you ask
me, hard work can fail you here sometimes.
I have been studying the goetia for more than 3 years without attempting any
experiment because of fear of demon and all that. Besides the ritual setup can
be time and resource consuming. No wonder in times of old you need to be
wealthy and intelligent to do ceremonial magic. You honestly cannot do
ceremonial magic without proper preparation little ritual such as lesser
banishing ritual r pentagram (a must learn), Lesser banishing ritual of Hexagram,
Middle pillar and more. They all need to come in to make an effective session.
Several partial successes came along as I began practicing Goetia magic but that
was too discouraging. I have always done planetary spells using candles and
cabalistic correspondences and they have been helpful though. But this time I
need real and drastic improvement.
First was the lesser banishing ritual of hexagram followed by lesser banishing
ritual of the hexagram, Preliminary evocation (HGA Ritual), middle pillar ritual
and finally the evocation and welcoming of Mighty Orabas.
I am a very energetic person I though I was to feel the flow of energy through
the room and my body but that was not the case here. There was this stillness
in the room maybe this was necessary to facilitate the telepathic
communication that was to take place between I and Orobas. I after chanting
his enn and three times and reciting a simple evocation for same three times I
decided to ask for a sign that he was here and I clearly heard in my head that he
has been waiting for me and this made me smile because my communication
with this prince was more than I really though and this was a cool thing to me.
I told him the reason I called him and he made a request that I place an egg on
his seal for seven days to enable him start his works. To be truly honest this was
very ridiculous as to what does a so called “western spirit” have to do with an
African style of spirituality, not hat egg was totally an African thing but it is used
very often here in the African Traditional Religious practices. Spirits knows no
time and space and they all exist beyond our human comprehension.
I told him I was to write an ebook in this honour and promote his seal and he
said “That was fine by me” but he insisted on the egg been place on his seal and
I agreed. As if he knows me so well; he said I should ask any question as I have
many questions to ask and I told him that will be for another session with him. I
did as him to give me a sign between the next full moon and so many amazing
things happened the next week that follows
He ended the conversation saying he was going to start by removing limitation
and this amazed me deeply and I finally thanked him for coming and politely
licensed him to return to his abode.
The next week that follows was full of jobs here and there. Unexpected calls
came in and I was able to have some sort of financial ease which I actually
requested anyway and this was the sign that he gave me and I knew that was
I cannot rely put all experience I have had with him on paper but this spirit is a
faithful one who will not allow harm to come to a magician and will do what is
required of him so long the end of the bargain is kept.
My Hymn to Orobas
Contacting Orobas
A simple way to contact Orobas will be as follows. Without going through the
sophisticated way which I used he personally told me I can get through to him
using his ENN that is a simple call/chant to create a psychic connection to his
Draw his seal on a white paper and Stare for some few minutes and chant the
following for at least 3 times and wait for his presence.
You can ask for a sign and observe once you can feel or hear, simply proceed
with your request to him his office is listed the page that is title who is orobas.