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Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84

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Performance analysis of heat pipe radiator unit for space nuclear power
Chenglong Wang, Jing Chen, Suizheng Qiu, Wenxi Tian, Dalin Zhang ⇑, G.H. Su
Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China
State Key Lab. of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Shaanxi Key Lab. of Advanced Nuclear Energy and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Heat pipe radiator, featured with remarkable advantages in heat transfer efficiency and inherent safety
Received 7 September 2016 with small specific mass and little weight, are widely adopted to the heat-rejection system for space
Received in revised form 10 November 2016 nuclear power reactors. In this paper, physical and numerical models are developed to obtain the startup
Accepted 14 January 2017
and transient behaviors of radiator unit with a potassium (K) heat pipe covered by fin under space envi-
ronment. The heat transfer limit theory is adopted as criteria for heat pipe operation success. Numerical
results indicated that according to the internal vapor flow regimes, the K heat pipe startup could be
divided into three distinct stages. The K heat pipe started up from frozen state successful and rapidly until
Heat pipe radiator unit
Space nuclear power reactor
the expected operation state is reached. Among the different heat transfer limits, only the sonic limit due
Heat transfer limits to choked flow restricts the K heat pipe during the second stage. Overall, for the heat-rejection system of
Startup and transient performance space nuclear power reactor, the heat pipe radiator unit can effectively radiated waste heat to the space
environment in 5 min and responses fast under transient conditions.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction from 1983 to 1994 develops more advanced space nuclear reactor
technology, which consists of a fast spectrum reactor coupled to
As the further development of the outer space exploration and thermoelectric energy conversion units (Truscello and Rutger,
exploitation, the space power systems with longer life and higher 1992).
reliability are strongly needed to support future exploration mis- Owing to the low efficiency of thermoelectric conversion
sions to the planets’ surface, for example, searching natural (5–25%), considerable waste heat must be dissipated by the heat-
resources He-3 on Moon. Power requirements for these space mis- rejection system to maintain reasonable temperature distribution
sions range from 10 s to 1000 s kWe for up to 15 years without and stable operation of power system (Yuwen, 1980). The heat-
dependence on solar energy (Tournier and El-Genk, 2006). Other rejection system is space-constructible radiator system composed
traditional power such as chemical energy and fuel cells are lim- of coolant loops and radiator heat pipes. Due to no atmosphere
ited in space environment, whereas the space nuclear power reac- at outer space, heat radiators for space nuclear reactors cannot rely
tor is an excellent option. Space nuclear power reactor can operate on the terrestrial heat transfer mechanism such as conduction and
continuously independent of the solar energy and has lighter convection. Thus it must be able to radiate enough heat to space
weight, higher power density, simpler structure. What is impor- environment (Bieger and Ma, 2011).
tant, it can provide sustainable and reliable electricity for up to The application of Liquid Metal Heat Pipes (LMHP) to heat radi-
15 years. Over the past 50 years, much attention has been devoted ators has drawn much attention to the advanced space nuclear
to the space nuclear power technology. The former Soviet Union power programs. The Heat Pipe Radiator (HPR) has strong relation-
successively launched several thermionic conversion reactors ship with safety operation of space nuclear power reactors. The
including TOPAZ reactors from 1960s. After that, the United States startup performance of the LMHP plays a very important role on
has carried out space nuclear power program since the first space- the HPR normal operation (Shengyun et al., 2009). Generally
deployed reactor system SNAP-10A in 1965. The SP-100 program speaking, heat pipes are always in transient status during different
conditions such as reactor shutdown, power change and uninten-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an tional accidents. Having a better understanding of the startup
Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710049, China. and transient heat transfer behaviors of the LMHP is of great
E-mail address: (D. Zhang). importance to the utilization of HPR (Tilton et al., 1988), as well
0306-4549/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84 75


a evaporation or condensation coefficient Greek symbols

Av cross-sectional area of the vapor space, m2 a convective heat transfer coefficient, W/(m2K)
Cp volumetric heat capacity, J/(m3K) c ratio of specific heats
Dh heat pipe outer diameter, m e emissivity
Ef energy factor ews porosity of wick structure
F friction factor k mean free path, m
g gravitational acceleration, m/s2 l dynamic viscosity, Pa/s
h enthalpy, J/kg q density, kg/m3
hfg latent heat of vaporization, J/kg r surface tension, N/m
Hv height of the vapor space, m rmax maximum relative error
L length, m t specific volume, m3/kg
m_o evaporation or condensation rate per unit area, kg/ / angle of inclination, deg
(m2s) w potential energy
M relative molecular weight
Mf momentum factor Subscripts
K permeability of the heat pipe wick, m2 a heat pipe adiabatic section
k thermal conductivity, W/(mK) av average
Nu Nusselt number cap capillary
P pressure, Pa co heat pipe condenser
Pe Peclet number eff effective
Ph distance between two heat pipe centers, m ent entrainment
Q eV heat input at the heat pipe evaporator by convection, W eV heat pipe evaporator
Q rad radiation power of the heat pipes radiation unit, W f coolant NaK
Qv axial heat transport rate by vapor, W int liquid-metal interface of heat pipe
r coordinate direction, m l liquid working fluid of the heat pipe
rc effective capillary radius, m m maximum
Rev Reynolds number based on the diameter of vapor space rad radiation
Ru universal gas constant, J/(molK) son sonic
t time, s v ap vapor
T temperature, K V vapor in the heat pipe
T vapor transition temperature, K w heat pipe wall
V velocity, m/s ws heat pipe wick
W width of the vapor space, m
X quality of vapor Abbreviations
z heat pipe axial location, m HPR Heat Pipe Radiator
LMHP Liquid Metal Heat Pipe

as to lay a solid foundation for the optimal design of future high- transient behaviors of the LMHP in the heat pipe radiator of space
power space nuclear power reactors. In addition, heat transfer lim- nuclear power reactor.
its are of great significance to the startup, operation and design of This paper focuses on the performance analysis of the startup
heat pipes (Qu, 2011). Since heat pipes are fully enclosed devices, and transient characteristics of heat pipe radiator unit and its pos-
many intuitional results on operating parameters related to the sible heat transport limits under space radiation environment.
internal flow and heat transfer conditions could not be obtained Finite difference method is adopted to solve the heat conduction
by experimental method. Hence, numerical simulations are neces- equations for the fin attached on the heat pipe condenser. Finite
sarily adopted to focus on the internal operating characteristic of element method is adopted to solve the high temperature K heat
heat pipes in HPR. pipe heated by secondary coolant (NaK) of space nuclear power
The startup of LMHP from a frozen state contains very compli- reactor. The governing equations are programed by FORTRAN code
cated physical phenomena and mechanism, involving numbers of to obtain the distributions of the temperature, pressure, velocity
non-linear mass and heat transport and exchange process coupled and other key operating parameters. The present paper firstly
with flow dynamics (El-Genk and Tournier, 2011). Cotter firstly describes the heat transfer and internal flow characteristics of
proposed general heat pipe theory in 1965 and divided heat pipe the heat pipes radiator unit during the reactor startup. Secondly,
startup into three basic transient modes (Cotter, 1965). After this operation constraints about K heat pipe startup are discussed
theory, many experiments of the startup or transient operation of and analyzed. Finally, the transient response and heat transfer per-
LMHPs have been conducted by researchers to validate with Cot- formance of the heat pipes radiator unit are simulated in detail.
ter’s theory (Deverall et al., 1972; Tolubinskii et al., 1978; Tilton
et al., 1988; Ponnappan and Chang, 1994; Dickinson et al., 1998;
Glass et al., 1999). Besides these experiments, numerical models 2. System description of HPR unit for space nuclear power
and codes about heat pipes simulation have been developed reactor
(Levy, 1971; Brovalsky et al., 1976; Costello et al., 1986; Jang,
1988, 1995; Seo and El-Genk, 1988; Cao and Faghri, 1992, 1993; 2.1. Space nuclear power reactor
Tournier and El-Genk, 1996). Although significant advances have
been made for the development of heat pipe, it is noteworthy that Various conceptual designs of space nuclear power reactors
only a limited number of investigations focus on the startup and have been developed over past several decades. The baseline
76 C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84

design of SP-100 is adopted as reference in this paper. As shown in HPR, half area of heat pipe condenser is covered by copper fin.
Fig. 1, in each subsystem, the dual TherMoelectric-ElectroMagnetic The copper fin is 0.4 mm in thickness and 30 mm in length, con-
(TE-EM) pump is employed to circulate both primary and sec- necting all the heat pipes as a whole heat transfer part. Detailed
ondary coolants. Heat generated in the reactor core with control heat pipe parameters are listed in Table 1.
drums is removed by liquid lithium circulating in the primary cool-
ant loop, then flow into TE power converter to generate the elec-
tricity (EL-Genk and Seo, 1990). Meanwhile, the secondary 3. Numerical modeling and predictions
coolant NaK transports the rest of the thermal power to the heat
pipe radiator, where the waste heat is rejected into space by radi- 3.1. Convective heat transfer model for secondary side coolant
ation. Due to the high temperature need for TE power converter
(>500 K), all the reactor loops are in the high temperature filed. The flowing NaK in the coolant duct of HPR transports the waste
Eutectic alloy NaK-78 is selected as the primary and secondary heat to the heat pipe evaporator by forced convection. Cess and
coolant for several kinds of space nuclear power reactor such as Grosh (1958) assumed inviscid potential flow and constant
Russian TOPAZ and American SNAP-10A. (Tournier and El-Genk, temperature of the cylinder surface, which has been validated by
1995; El-Genk, 2009). experimental studies of liquid metal external flow (Ishikawa and
Leipziger, 1971), and the theoretical equation for the average
Nusselt number is derived as follows:
2.2. Heat pipe radiator unit
 1=2  1=2
w P h  Dh 1=2
The radiator, using heat pipes as main heat dissipation compo- Nu ¼ 0:718 ½PeV;max ð1Þ
nents, consists of coolant ducts, support rings, liquid metal heat Dh Ph
pipes and fins. Compared with traditional liquid metal radiator,
heat pipe radiator is a better choice because of its inherent redun- Dh V max qc C p;c
dancy and high heat transfer efficient with little weight. Heat pipe
ðPeÞV;max ¼ ð2Þ
is long-lived without moving parts, noise, vibration and can be
operated in low and no gravity environment as a result of where Pe is the Peclet number, w is the potential energy, Ph is the
capillary-force driving flow of the working fluid. Furthermore, distance between two heat pipe centerlines, and V max is the velocity
the utilization of parallel heat pipes provides high system reliabil- of coolant in the narrowest flow channel.
ity without failures propagation and single-point failures. It has a The total heat transfer is below:
great significance to study the transient characteristics of heat pipe
radiator. Fig. 2 shows the detailed structure of HPR system. It can X

be seen that HPR system contains many heat transfer units. Each
Q eV ¼ aAeV;i ðT f  T eV;i Þ ð3Þ
unit consists of a high temperature potassium heat pipe and cov-
ered fin to enhance heat transfer. Heat from secondary coolant where i is the node number of heat pipe evaporator, AeV;i is heat
(red region in Fig. 2) is transported to the heat pipe evaporator transfer area of ith heat pipe evaporator, and T eV;i is the wall tem-
by forced convection, and then transported to heat pipe condenser perature of ith heat pipe evaporator.
by wick and vapor space. Finally, Heat is rejected to the space envi-
ronment by radiation from covered fin.
Table 1 lists the designed parameters and materials of the K 3.2. Heat pipe model
heat pipe of SP-100 space reactor power system (EL-Genk and
Seo, 1990). The heat pipe evaporator section is 0.155 m in length. Based on the work of Wang et al. (2013), the heat pipe heat
The condenser section exposed to the space environment is transfer model consists of three conjugate heat transfer regions,
0.58 m in length. In order to enlarge the heat transfer area of as briefly shown in Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2.

Fig. 1. Schematic of SP-100 space nuclear power reactor.

C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84 77

Fig. 2. Structure schematic of HPR system.

Table 1  2
Parameters of HPR unit. p M l
T P ð8Þ
Parameters Value 2  104 Ru qD
Heat pipe evaporator length Lev (m) 0.155 First stage: free molecular flow regime.
Heat pipe condenser length Lco (m) 0.58 Initially the working fluid potassium is in the solid state and the
Heat pipe total length L (m) 0.735
vapor flow belongs to free molecular flow. Thus the liquid-vapor
Outer radius (cm) 1.651
Wall thickness (cm) 0.0508
interface could be set as adiabatic boundary condition.
Radius of vapor space (cm) 1.521 Second stage: transition flow regime.
Wick average porosity 0.65 As a part of continuum flow develops in the heat pipe vapor
Heat pipe working fluid Potassium space, the following expression given by Collier (1981) is adopted
Fin material Copper
to simulate vaporization and condensation at the liquid–vapor
Fin thickness (mm) 0.4
Fin length (mm) 30 interface:
Fin emissivity 0.9  rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 
2aews M Pint Pv
m pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi  pffiffiffiffiffiffi ð9Þ
2a 2pRu T int Tv
3.2.1. Heat pipe wall and wick where the subscript of int denotes the liquid-vapor interface. Then
Due to the very small velocity of liquid potassium flow in the the axial heat transport rate Q v of the heat pipe vapor can be
wick and also high thermal conductivity of liquid metal, it is then obtained, Q_ ¼ hfg  m
_ o .Third stage: continuum flow regime.
assumed that influence of the liquid flow in the wick is negligible Continuum flow exists in the entire vapor space. The vapor flow
and the heat conduction model is employed in the wick. The is supposed to be quasi-steady, compressible and one-dimensional
unsteady, two-dimensional heat conduction model is applied to laminar flow with consideration of temperature drop. The govern-
the heat pipe wall and wick. The governing equation is give as ing equations of vapor density, quality, velocity, pressure, and tem-
follows: perature are as follows:
@T i 1 @ @T i @ @T i dq 1 dX q tv X q Ru T dP
C p;i ¼ rki þ ki ; i ¼ 1; 2 ð4Þ ¼  2 ðtv  tl Þ þ —1 ð10Þ
@t r @r @r @z @z dz t dz P hfg M dz

T i ¼ T out t<0 ð5Þ ("  # )

dX v t2 1 V 2 X q tv Ru T dP FV 2
¼  þ 1 
where T out is the environment temperature, and i = 1, 2 denotes the dz ðtv  tl ÞV 2 Mf P t2 hfg M dy 8DtM f
heat pipe wall and wick, respectively. In addition, equivalent volu-
t2 _0
metric heat capacity and thermal conductivity are processed for the 
wick region (Jun and Hong, 2000) as:
ðtv  tl Þ HV
C p;eff ¼ ews C l þ ð1  ews ÞC p;s ð6Þ
dV tm_ 0 Vðtv  tl Þ dX q VX q tg Ru T dP
kl ððkl þ ks Þ  ð1  ews Þðkl  ks ÞÞ ¼ þ þ —1 ð12Þ
keff ¼ ð7Þ dz H t dz P t hfg M dz
ððkl þ ks Þ þ ð1  ews Þðkl  ks ÞÞ
h i
E V2 V2
2hfg þ ðtv ttl Þ ðh0  h þ f2 þ 20 Þ  E1 tfg 8D  ðtvt2 tl Þ
Mf m h FV 2
dP  Ef
where the subscript of ws represents wick structure, l represents VH 8D
liquid state, s represents solid state. ¼   f

dz ðtv tl Þ 1 hfg M f hfg X q tv Mf ðtv tl Þ C p Ru T 2

t þ E V2  E t2 1  h M  E
Ru T
f f P fg f t2 h M P fg

3.2.2. Vapor flow model ð13Þ

Different mathematical models are adopted to simulate three
vapor flow regimes during heat pipe startup. The vapor transition dT Ru T 2 dP
temperature from free molecular flow to continuum flow is ¼ ð14Þ
dz hfg MP dz
derived as follows (Jang, 1988):
78 C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84

where the subscripts of l and v represent saturation liquid and 3.3.3. Entrainment limit
vapor, respectively. The entrainment limit arises when the shear stress exerted by
The vapor flow and heat transfer are coupled with the heat pipe the vapor at the liquid-vapor interface in the wick overcomes the
wall and wick by heat and mass exchange at the liquid-vapor inter- liquid surface tension force. In such case, waves are generated on
face. All above governing equations of these regions are solved the free surface of the liquid working fluid with fast vapor flow.
simultaneously in order to acquire the reasonable results. The interaction between the liquid and vapor phases increases
with the vapor velocity. Finally, along with separative interfaces
3.3. Heat transport limit of heat pipe forming on wave peaks, the vapor carries away liquid droplets into
reversed vapor flow back to the condenser, thus preventing the liq-
Although the heat pipe has an excellent performance of heat uid from replenishing the evaporator wick. The entrainment limit
transfer, there are a series of limitations to heat transport. Physical is determined by the following expression:
factors restricting the heat pipe heat transfer are capillary force,
sonic speed, and entrainment phenomenon. Three heat transport rq 0:5
limits (the capillary limit, the entrainment limit and the sonic Q ent;m ¼ Av hfg v ð20Þ
limit) are considered for the liquid metal heat pipe owing to the
high operating temperature (Rohaniar and Tien, 1973).
where z ¼ 2r hs is defined by Chi (1976) and r hs is the hydraulic
3.3.1. Capillary limit radius of the pore in the wick.
The capillary operation limit is encountered when the maxi-
mum capillary capability of the porous wick cannot overcome
the combined liquid and vapor pressure losses along the heat pipe.
3.4. Fin model
The capillary pressure head for circulating the heat pipes working
fluid will be higher if increases the liquid surface tension and
Since the fin length is much larger than its thickness as listed in
decreases the radius of the liquid-vapor meniscus in the surface
Table 1 and the copper has high thermal conductivity, the heat
pores of the wick. When the capillary limit occurs, liquid cannot
transfer of the copper fin can be assumed to one dimensional heat
be pumped to the surface. Dry-out will occur and the heat pipe
conduction model coupled with heat radiation. The fin geometric
may be overheated. The expression for the capillary limit (Chi,
view factors for the heat radiation calculations are (1) from fin
1976) can be written as:
outer surface to the environment f 01 (2) from fin outer surface to
 ql gDv cos / þ ql gLh sin / heat pipe condenser f 02 (3) from fin inner surface to the upper
Q cap;m ¼ ð15Þ and lower ends of the radiator cavity f i1 (4) self-radiation of the
ðF l þ F v ÞLeff
fin inner surface f i2 . The fin governing equation can be expressed
Leff ¼ 0:5LeV þ La þ 0:5Lco ð16Þ as:

ll 2
ðf o1 e þ f o2 e þ f i1 e þ f i2 eÞrT 4fin ðf o2 e þ f i2 eÞrT 4con
Fl ¼ ð17Þ d T fin
KAws ql hfg ¼ 
2 kfin  bfin kfin  bfin
ðf v Rev Þlv ðf o1 e þ f i1 eÞrT 4out
Fv ¼ ð18Þ  ð21Þ
2Av r 2hv qv hfg kfin  bfin

where r c is the effective capillary radius, Fl and Fv are friction

coefficients for the liquid and vapor, respectively, and ql gLh sin / where T fin and T con are the temperatures of fin elements and heat
represents axial static pressure of the liquid. pipe condenser, respectively. T out is the environment temperature.

3.3.2. Sonic limit

The heat pipe has a constant diameter and the steam acceler-
3.5. Numerical solution
ates due to the adding steam in the evaporation section, and decel-
erates for the vapor condensation in the condensation section. At a
Based on above mathematical models of heat pipe and fin, the
somewhat higher temperature choking at the evaporator exit may
finite element method (FEM) is employed for the heat pipe wall
limit the total power handling capability of the pipe. When the
and wick to discrete the governing equations. The one-
steam reaches the sonic velocity in the evaporation section, critical
dimensional vapor flow model is used to simulate the central vapor
flow will occur. Changes in the condenser heat rejection rate can-
flow and the Runge-Kutta method is applied to solve the first-order
not be transmitted upstream to the evaporator section. It means
differential nonlinear equations. In addition, the finite difference
the further reduction in the condenser temperature and pressure
method (FDM) is applied to the fin calculation. The governing
will not increase the vapor flow rate, but will cause the vapor
equations are solved separately for each region and coupling is
velocity to become supersonic in the condenser section. The sonic
implemented at the interface between each region. Fig. 3 shows
limit, is always dominant at low temperature, should be avoided.
the two-dimension mesh scheme of the heat pipe.
The heat pipe sonic limit can be expressed as (Deverall et al.,
In the present paper, HPR unit performance analysis code is
developed by FORTRAN 95. Fig. 4 presents the brief calculation
cv Ru T o flowchart of the code. The K heat pipe is initially in the ambient
Q son;m ¼ Av qo hfg ð19Þ temperature. It absorbs the heat at heat pipe evaporator from sec-
2ðcv þ 1ÞM
ondary loop coolant by force convection. Meanwhile, it radiates the
where T o is the vapor temperature at the beginning of the evapora- energy to the space. During the heat pipe startup, three types of
tor, qo is taken as the saturation density corresponding to T o . hfg is heat transport limits are predicted to determine the operating state
the latent heat of potassium, M is the molecular weight of the vapor, of the heat pipe. Then the governing equation of the fin is solved to
cv is the vapor specific heat ratio, Rv is the ideal gas constant complete a time step calculation.
C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84 79

Fig. 3. Two-dimensional mesh scheme of heat pipe.

Fig. 5. Comparison of numerical results and the experiment data.

Fig. 4. Flowchart of HPR unit analysis code.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Validation of HPR unit model

Due to pure conduction model of the fin, it has no need to valid

this model. The experiment results conducted by Guangren et al.
(2014) are adopted to validate the K heat pipe model. In this exper-
iment, the K heat pipe had an evaporator and an adiabatic section
of 200 mm in length, respectively. Changeable heat flux was added
on the heat pipe evaporator and the condenser section was cooled
by thermal radiation during vacuum startup. Detailed description
of experiment apparatus and settings can be found in the work
by Guangren et al. (2014). Fig. 5 shows the comparison of the cal-
culated results and the experiment data during the heat pipe
Fig. 6. Wall temperature distribution of the heat pipe during startup.
startup. It can be seen that the numerical results of the axial wall
temperature profile are in reasonable agreement with experimen-
tal data. The maximum relative error rm is 15.5% occurring before Fig. 6 shows the axial temperature distribution at outer wall
the potassium melting in the condenser section. When heat pipe is during heat pipe startup. From Fig. 6, during the first stage of
fully active, absolute values of rm are all within 2%. Overall, the 0-144 s, the wall temperature at the evaporator increases rapidly
developed heat pipe model is valid for the HPR unit analysis code. exceeding the melting temperature (336 K) of potassium. A very
large axial temperature gradient exists between the evaporator
4.2. Startup simulation and condenser, which indicates that the K heat pipe does not effec-
tively work. Owing to the free-molecule flow regime in the vapor
The startup of the K heat pipe is initiated with the applied space and extremely low heat and mass transfer rate through the
convective heat transfer coefficient a and coolant NaK temperature liquid-vapor interface, external wall temperature is still in the
T f linearly increasing from 1500 W/(m2K) and 301 K to initial temperature 300 K. Since a continuum vapor flow region is
14052 W/(m2K) and 817 K, respectively. established in partial of the evaporator at 144 s, the vaporization
80 C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84

and condensation of potassium at the liquid-vapor interface are difference in the entire fin is about 80 K, the fin achieves an aver-
significant so that heat is mainly transported by phase change with age temperature of 760 K. It effectively radiates heat to the sur-
a continuum flow front moving toward the condenser. Wall rounding environment.
temperatures increasing at the condenser section is obviously From all above analysis, the HPR unit successfully startups from
accelerated. Until continuum flow prevails in the vapor space, most the frozen state to the steady state in about 5 min. Next, the
of the K heat pipe performs actively, except near the end of the detailed performance analysis of HPR unit would be conducted.
condenser. About 243 s, as continuum flow is developed in the Fig. 10 presents the average temperature variations of heat pipe
entire vapor space, the K heat pipe becomes near-isothermal and evaporator, liquid-vapor interface, condenser and fin. Initially, no
the entire length of the condenser participates in effective heat evaporation occurs at liquid-vapor interface, large temperature
rejection to space environment by radiation. The K heat pipe could gradients exist between heat pipe evaporator and other three loca-
be considered to startup from the frozen state completely and suc- tions. Since the heat begins to be transferred to the condenser
cessfully. However, because of continued heat transfer from cool- through the liquid-vapor interface at 144 s, temperatures at the
ant NaK to the evaporator, the entire heat pipe temperatures interface, condenser and fin sharply rise. When the steady state
raises further until a steady state condition is reached at about is established at about 310 s, the average temperature of the evap-
320 s. orator reaches about 807 K. The K heat pipe shows excellent
Fig. 7 shows temperature variations of the K heat pipe at six isothermal performance that a small temperature difference of
axial locations during startup. The wall temperatures at the evap- 5.7 K exists between the evaporator and condenser. In addition,
orator increase linearly resulting from the linearly rise of the NaK the average temperature of the fin is 49.6 K lower than that of
coolant temperature, whereas those at the condenser exhibit a the heat pipe condenser.
steep rise due to phase change when the vapor is in the transition Fig. 11 shows the heat transport limits variation during startup.
flow regime.The variation of average vapor temperature in the K After 144 s, with a region of the continuum flow existing in the
heat pipe during startup, as well as the applied heat load at the heat pipe, the heat transported by vapor Qv increases, whereas its
evaporator as a function of time, are shown in Fig. 8. After 144 s, value is equal to the sonic limit, which indicates that the sonic
continuum flow has been established at the part of evaporator sec- limit is encountered in K heat pipe and a maximum power differ-
tion, while in the rest regions the vapor is still in free-molecule ence of about 200 W exists between Qv and the heat added on the
flow. As evaporation at the liquid-vapor interface continues, the heat pipe evaporator Qev. Since most of the input heat is utilized to
continuum vapor flow moves forward. Continuous heat input into the vaporization of potassium, the condenser and fin temperatures
the evaporator wall and wick leads to the increase of the average are still low so that the radiation power Qrad is significantly lower
vapor temperature. Until continuum flow exists in the vapor space than Qv. As the continuum vapor flow prevails, most part of the K
over the entire heat pipe length at 243 s, the average vapor tem- heat pipe performs active. At 243 s, energy is mainly transported as
perature rises relatively rapidly and then suddenly slows down latent heat, the sonic and entrainment limits variation features
to reach steady state of 802.6 K, as T f of the coolant NaK and the with a sharp increase and the capillary limit increases slowly. It
related convective heat transfer coefficient a keep constant at can be seen that Qv. is below far away from these limits. It shows
about 300 s. a large safety margin at the third startup stage. It is noteworthy
Fig. 9 shows the temperature distribution of fin during the that Qev decreases by the weakened convective heat transfer, thus
startup. The fin temperature increases rapidly owing to heat trans- slowing down the Qv at the beginning of the third stage, and then
fer from the fin root section connected with the heat pipe con- Qev rises at 260 s. The radiator completely works after 243 s, radi-
denser between 144 s and 243 s. At 244 s, the fin has presented a ating more heat away owing to the increasing surface tempera-
good isothermal performance. With a temperature increase of heat tures of partial condenser and fin, which indicates that the quasi
pipe condenser, temperature of the fin root continuously goes up. steady state is reached.
The radiation power of the fin increases rapidly and temperature Overall, the heat pipe startup could not be threatened by the
gradient between the fin root and adiabatic end gradually enlarges entrainment and capillary limits. The radiator unit reaches the
after 244 s. At the steady state, although the largest temperature expected operation with sufficient safety margin and radiates
1112 W heat to the space environment at steady state. Although
the sonic limit could not make the heat pipe dry-out, the K heat
pipe should be designed with attention to the sonic limit to meet
the startup demand of the space nuclear power reactors.
Fig. 12 shows the detailed vapor key parameters distribution
during the third stage. Since continuum vapor flow exists in the
entire K heat pipe after 243 s, the vapor temperature, density and
pressure decrease along with the evaporator slightly while
increases along with the condenser, which is contrary to the veloc-
ity variation. These are because in the evaporator, a large amount
of potassium evaporating leads to acceleration of the vapor, while
the pressure decreases and accordingly the vapor temperature
drops mildly consistent with relationship of Eq.(14). These param-
eters present opposite varying trends at the condenser resulting
from the condensation of potassium. In addition, pressure cannot
recover completely at the condenser due to friction loss. The drop
of vapor pressure in the K heat pipe is so small. That is the main
reason why the K heat pipe has good isothermal performance.
From the Fig. 12, the vapor temperature and density variations
are significant at the third startup stage. That is due to the obvious
compressibility of vapor. With time goes by, the compressibility of
Fig. 7. Wall temperatures variations at different axial locations along the K heat vapor weakened, key parameters distribution becomes more
pipe. uniform.
C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84 81

Fig. 8. Variations of key parameters during startup.

Fig. 9. Fin temperature distributions during startup.

Fig. 10. Temperatures variations of heat pipe evaporator, liquid-vapor interface, Fig. 11. Heat transport limits variation during startup.
condenser and fin.

4.3. Performance analysis of HPR unit temperature of coolant NaK to change the heat input for the pur-
pose of simulating space nuclear reactor power change transients,
Heat pipe operation reaches steady state about 5 min. After the detailed temperature variations are shown in Fig. 13. For tran-
that, two transient operating conditions are simulated by varying sient condition 1, the temperature of coolant NaK Tf increases to
82 C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84

Table 2
Parameters of HPR unit with different heat loads.

Tf of coolant NaK/K Tv, av of the heat pipe/K (Tev,av  Tco,av)/K Qrad/W

772.7 764.3 5.2 911.1
812.7 802.6 5.7 1112
852.7 840.7 7 1341.4

(a) Temperature and density distribution

(b) Velocity and pressure distribution

Fig. 12. Vapor key parameters distribution in the K heat pipe.

Fig. 13. Temperature variations under two transient conditions.

852.7 K, the average temperatures of the heat pipe evaporator,

condenser and the fin also increase. When a new steady state is
reached, the heat pipe and the fin operate at 842 K and 787.6 K,
respectively. For transient condition 2, the decrease of Tf causes
less heat added on the heat pipe, the average temperatures of
the heat pipe evaporator, condenser and the fin decrease to
768 K, 762.8 K and 728.5 K at 355 s, respectively. Furthermore,
since the temperatures of the K heat pipe and the fin reach the Fig. 14. Vapor parameters variations under two transient conditions.
C. Wang et al. / Annals of Nuclear Energy 103 (2017) 74–84 83

steady state in about 25 s, the HPR unit has a fast transient  The HPR unit applied to the space nuclear power reactor has
response when changing the heat load.Table 2 presents key param- good heat transfer performance and fast response under
eters of HPR unit with different heat loads. With an increase of the transient conditions. With a variation of 40 K in the operating
coolant NaK temperature Tf, the operating vapor average tempera- temperature T v ;av of the K heat pipe, the radiation power Qrad
ture T v ;av increases from 764 K to 840 K. The HPR unit releases increase about 20%. The equivalent thermal conductivity of
waste heat of 911.1 W, 1112 W and 1341.4 W to the space environ- the K heat pipe can be as high as 82255 W/(mK), showing a
ment. The radiation power Qrad, which is proportional to the fourth remarkable heat transfer performance of HPR unit in space
power of the fin surface temperature, increase about 20% with T v ;av nuclear power reactor system.
varying 40 K. In addition, the temperature drop between heat pipe
evaporator and condenser ðT eV ;av  T co;av Þ, increases with the
operating temperature T v ;av . From the equation keff ¼ Q v leff = Acknowledgement
AðT e;av  T c;av Þ, (Jun and Hong, 2000), it can be derived that the
equivalent thermal conductivity keff of the K heat pipe can be as Financial support for Chenglong Wang is provided by China
high as 82255 W/(mK). It is several orders of magnitudes higher Initiative Postdocs Supporting Program (BX201600124) and the
than that of a metal rod. Thus, HPR unit in space nuclear power Chinese National Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 91326201and
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