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Discuss the impact of Caribbean migrants on the U.K and North America.
2007- Caribbean migrants in the U.K and North America have had a limited
impact on the societies. Present arguments for or against this statement
2006- Describe 4 ways in which Caribbean Society and culture impact upon the
economies of extra-regional countries.
Due to extensive migration especially since the beginning of the 20th century,
it is true to say that the caribbean has influenced and contributed to the societies
and cultures of North America and Europe. However many argue that the
'outward influence of the region' is more limited than the inward impacts created
by the legacy of colonialism and the current hegemony (total control ) of
globalisation. That is, although we have made an impact on the wider world it is
not as great as the impact of the Wider world on us the Caribbean! This is due to
them having more resources and money.
Since the mid 19 century (1850) Caribbean migrants had mostly travelled and
settled outside the region in North America (Canada and the USA) and Europe
(Britian, France and Holland). The reasons for migration have varied from
travelling to seek jobs opportunities and access to better health, education and
recreation amentities, to seeking political asylum(Cubans and Haitians).
There are areas that we have impacted within their countries, these are politics,
economies and labour, festivals, music, cuisine, religion (rastafari).
Visa and citizenship related policies and laws are usually implimented in host
countries to regulate the number and nature of the immigrants flowing in.
Migrations policies stand out as the main effect, Canada for example has
imposed ridged prequalifications criteria for Caribbean nationals and Visas are
now required for Caribbean nationals who want to enter that the country. The
USA has also changed and reinforced their own migration policies to deal with
the influx of Caribbean migrants. One such interesting policy was the wet foot dry
foot policy that was extended towards Cuban and Haitian refugges. This no
longer obtains however if found on dry land they could become citizens, if found
in water on transit, they would be returned.
Cubans living in the US are highly politically active. In the 2012 presidential
elections 70% of latino voters supported democrat's Barack Obama. but florida's
Cuban American voters spilt with 49% supporting obama and 47% in favour of
mitt Romey of the republican party. In North America second generation Shirely
Chisholm was the first black woman to run for congress and win. Also Colin
Powell second generation jamaican was US secretary of state under George
Bush, Eric Holder became the first black attorney general of the USA second
generation parents were barbadians.
Migrants went to Florida to pick oranges and other fruits. They were migrant
labourers who worked on farms picking apples. In the USA domestics from the
Caribbean worked for very low wages. Caribbean people also migrated to
Canada and the USA as nurses and artisans. Skilled workers also migrated to
canada and the USA in the 1960s period and beyond. The impact- they filled the
vacuum in key states where labour was needed eg new york.
2006- Describe 4 ways in which Caribbean Society and culture impact upon the
economies of extra-regional countries.