Ref. Title No. Ref. Title No
Ref. Title No. Ref. Title No
Ref. Title No. Ref. Title No
♦ 4-1 ♦
Ref. Title Page No. Ref. Title Page No.
1.10 Management Procedures 1-10 1.13.2 Contractor's Schedule of Plant and
Equipment 1-17
1.10.1 Commencement, Program and Progress 1-10
1.13.3 Provision and Use of Plant
1.10.2 Records and Measurements 1-11
and Equipment 1-17
1.10.3 Project Administration 1-11
1.13.4 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-17
1.10.4 Progress Photographs/ Videos 1-11
1.10.5 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-12 1.14 Contractor’s Temporary Works
1.10.6 Items in the Bill of Quantities 1-12 and Services 1-17
1.11 Submittals 1-12 1.14.1 Temporary Facilities 1-17 Generally 1-17
1.11.1 General 1-12 Temporary Site Facilities 1-18
1.11.2 Action Submittals 1-13
1.14.2 Scaffolding and False Work 1-18
1.11.3 Informational Submittals 1-14
1.14.3 Water Supply 1-18
1.11.4 Contractor's Review and Approval 1-14
1.14.4 Electricity Supply 1-18
1.11.5 Engineer's Action 1-14
1.14.5 Directional and Warning Signs 1-18
1.11.6 Record (As-Built) Drawings 1-15
1.14.6 Project Sign Board 1-18
1.11.7 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-15
1.14.7 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-18
1.11.8 Items in the Bill of Quantities 1-15
1.14.8 Items in the Bill of Quantities 1-19
1.12 Control of Materials and Standards
1.15 Commemorative Plaque and
for Sampling and Testing 1-15
Opening Ceremony 1-19
1.12.1 Storage of Materials 1-15
1.15.1 Commemorative Plaque 1-19
1.12.2 Handling Materials 1-15
1.15.2 Opening ceremony 1-19
1.12.3 Materials Supplied by Employer 1-15
1.15.3 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-19
1.12.4 Local Material Sources 1-15
1.15.4 Items in the Bill of Quantities 1-19
1.12.5 Sources of Supply and Quality
Requirements 1-16 1.16 Measurement and Payment 1-19
1.12.6 Certificates of Guarantee and Production
1.16.1 General Method of Measurement 1-19
Plant Inspections 1-16
1.16.2 Scope of Payment 1-19
1.12.7 Sampling and Testing Procedures 1-16 Sampling 1-16 Source Tests 1-16 Quality Control Tests 1-16 Control Tests 1-16 Check Tests 1-16 Precedence of Materials and Testing
Specifications 1-17
1.12.8 Unacceptable Materials 1-17
1.12.9 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1-17
♦ 4-2 ♦
1.1 Scope of Section hwy - highway
ht - height
1.1.1 Description H:V - horizontal:vertical
IEC - International Electrical Commission
1 This Section describes the general requirements IEE - Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK)
that apply to all sections of the Specification where ISO - International Organization for
relevant. All sections of the Specification are to be read Standardization
in conjunction with this Section. LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental
1.1.2 Standard Specifications Generally L.L. - liquid limit
L.S. - lump sum
1 The Standard Specification is generic. The
max - maximum
requirements of each section are intended to provide MCCB - molded case circuit breaker
sufficient information and instruction to the Contractor
min - minimum (or minute)
unless additional requirements are stated in the Special
MUTCD - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
Specification. Particular requirements are stated in the Devices
Standard Special Specification, which is to be read in
MV - Medium Voltage
conjunction with the sections of this Standard
N.C. - Normally Closed (electrical contact)
Specification. In the event of any conflict between this NEC - National Electrical Code (UK)
Standard Specification and the Special Specification, the
NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturers'
Special Specification shall govern.
Association (USA)
N.O - Normally Open (electrical contact)
1.1.3 Abbreviations, Title and Terms OS - Omani Standards
pav't - pavement
1 The following abbreviations used in the
P.C. - prime cost
Specification and on the Drawings shall have the
PCC - Portland cement concrete
meanings ascribed to them below:
PE - polyethylene
AASHTO - American Association of State Highway PFA - Pulverized fly ash
and Transportation Officials P.I. - plasticity index
ABS - Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene P.L. - plastic limit
ACI - American Concrete Institute PLMCS - Public Lighting Management and Control
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction System
AISI - American Iron and Steel Institute PTFE - Polytetrafluoroethylene
ANSI - American National Standards Institute PVC - polyvinyl chloride
API - American Petroleum Institute qty - quantity
ASTM - American Society for Testing and RC - reinforced concrete
Materials RCP - reinforced concrete pipe
AV. - average rdwy - roadway
AWG - American wire gauge ROW - right-of-way
AWS - American Welding Society SBSC - single bituminous seal coat
bit. - bitumen/bituminous SCM - Supplementary cementing material/s
BS - British Standard S.G. - specific gravity
BSSC - bituminous slurry seal coat SI - Système International D'Unités
BST - bituminous surface treatment Sta - Station (location along a survey line)
BS EN - British Standard harmonized with SWG - standard wire gauge (UK)
European Norm/ Standard TBSC - triple bituminous seal coat
CB - circuit breaker uPVC - unplasticized polyvinyl chloride
CBR - California Bearing Ratio VDE - Verband Deutscher Electrotechniker
conc - concrete wgt - weight
CIE - Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage
CISPR 15 - Limits and Methods of Measurement of
1.1.4 Units of Measurement
Radio disturbance characteristics of
Electrical Lighting and Similar Equipment Throughout the documentation units of measurement
DBSC - double bituminous seal coat are referred to by symbols as follows:
DIN - Deutsches Institute Fur Normalizieung nr - number
EN - European Norm/ Standard mm - millimeter/s
Equiv - equivalent cm - centimeter/s
FSS - Federal Standard Specification (USA) m - meter/s
GGBFS - Ground-granulated blast-furnace slag lin.m - linear meter/s
km - kilometer/s
♦ 1-1 ♦ - square millimeter/s 1.2 Project Works - square centimeter/s
sq.m - square meter/s 1.2.1 The Works
ha - hectare/s
cu.m - cubic meter/s 1 The Works comprised by the Project are as shown
gm - gram/s on the Drawings and defined in the Special Specification.
kg - kilogram/s Except where otherwise stated, the Contractor shall
t - metric ton (1,000 kg) construct and complete the whole of the Works and
ml - milliliter/s provide everything necessary for such construction and
ltr - liter/s completion.
Pa - Pascal/s
Mpa - Mega Pascal/s = N/ 1.2.2 Intent of Contract
N - Newton/s
kN - kilo Newtons 1 The intent of the Contract is to provide for the
construction and completion in every detail, and the
MN - mega Newtons
subsequent maintenance of the Works described. The
A - amperes
mA - milli amperes Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools,
equipment, transportation, supplies and facilities and
V - volt/s
shall carry out all Permanent and Temporary
W - Watt
kW - kilowatt 2 Works and all other items necessary for the proper
kj - kilojoule/s completion of the Works in accordance with all
C - Celsius (Centigrade) requirements of the Contract.
Hz - Hertz (Frequency) 3 Where the Specifications or Drawings describe any
rpm - revolutions per minute portions of the Works in outline only, and not in
km/h - kilometers per hour complete detail, the best current engineering practice
sec - seconds shall prevail and only first quality materials and
min - minute/s (or minimum) workmanship shall be used.
h - hour/s
mS - milli Siemens
1.2.3 Silence of Specifications
dB - decibel/s
dBA - decibels absolute The apparent silence of the Specifications, Drawings or
ppm - parts per million other Contract Documents as to any detail or the
in. - inch/inches (1 in. = 25.4 mm) apparent omission from them of a detailed description
ft - foot/feet (1ft = 0.3048 m) concerning any Works or requirements, shall be - square inch/inches regarded as meaning that current best engineering
sq.ft - square foot/feet practice shall apply and shall be to the approval of the
cu.ft - cubic foot/feet Engineer.
lb. - pound/s (weight)
psi - pounds per square inch 1.3 Project Site
gal - gallon/s (U.S.)
gal(Imp) - gallon/s (Imperial) 1.3.1 The Site
mph - miles per hour
HP - horsepower 1 The Site of the Works is as shown on the Drawings
USG - American gage and described in the Special Specification. The
Contractor will be given possession of such parts of the
1.1.5 Standards Site as are required to execute the Works in accordance
with the agreed Program or as are reasonably required
1 Reference to Standards and Codes of Practice shall for him to progress the Works.
be taken as those versions current at the date of issue of
the Tender Documents. 1.3.2 Contractor’s Work Areas
2 Where the Specification states that the
1 The Contractor shall make all necessary
recommendations of a Code of Practice or a Standard
arrangements, including payment if need be, regarding
must be complied with, then the recommendations
any land outside the Site that may be needed as work
become mandatory. Where there are alternative
areas. The Employer will not accept any liability in
recommendations the Contractor may adopt any of them
respect of such land.
unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer.
2 The Contractor shall locate and select sites outside
the right-of-way for the use of his plant and equipment,
and for siting his site offices, workshops, other
accommodation and Temporary Works, or any other
♦ 1-2 ♦
uses which are essential for execution of the Contract. 1.3.5 Items in the Bill of Quantities
The Contractor shall take the necessary measures for
using these sites and shall be responsible for all i. Soil investigation and report (L.S.)
expenses that may become due in return for such use.
Prior to using any land owned by public or private 1.4 Contractor’s Site Facilities
owners outside the Site, the Contractor shall obtain the
approval of the concerned authorities and the Engineer. 1.4.1 Contractor's Compound and
3 The Contractor, if so required by the Engineer, Buildings
whether before or after completion of the Works, shall
1 The Contractor shall establish a compound for his
remove his construction plant, properly clean and
facilities at a location to be approved by the Engineer. He
remove all debris from the site and shall, wherever
shall provide, furnish and equip as necessary, all
applicable, remedy all damage and pay all money due to
buildings and facilities as required for his own and
land owners in return for using their land.
Subcontractors' use; including but not limited to site
offices and mess rooms with appropriate sanitary
1.3.3 Site Survey and Investigation facilities; workshops, sheds and stores; site toilets,
1 Before commencing work on Site, the Contractor latrines and the like.
shall carry out a topographical survey of the Site, in
conjunction with, or as directed by the Engineer. This 1.4.2 Measurement and Basis of Payment
survey shall include such parts of the Site as the
1 The Contractor shall be paid a two stage sum for
Engineer may direct, to record the Site limits,
the mobilization and demobilization of his facilities equal
dimensions, ground levels, obstructions and other
to the Lump Sum in the Bill of Quantities. 60% of the
features and the survey shall establish base lines and
sum will be paid at the completion of the mobilization
points for future setting out and also record the basis for
and the remaining 40% on issuance of the Certificate of
re-measurement of excavation and earthwork, where
Completion for the Whole of the Works.
applicable. The Contractor shall submit the site survey
drawings to the Engineer for approval. 2 The Contractor shall be paid a monthly sum for
maintaining his facilities. No payment for maintenance
2 The Contractor shall inspect the Site to identify
of the facilities will be made beyond the end of the
obstacles above and below ground such as fences,
Contract period (after approved extensions of Time for
services, walls, paved areas, underground tanks, utilities
Completion have been included).
and pits, and shall record them on the site survey
drawing and photographically if instructed.
3 The Contractor shall carry out sub-surface and
1.4.3 Items in the Bill of Quantities
other site investigations as are necessary to verify any i. Mobilization and demobilization of Contractor’s
information provided to him by the Employer and to facilities (Lump Sum)
ascertain the nature of the ground and facilitate ii. Maintenance of Contractor’s facilities
execution of the Works. It is the Contractor's (type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
responsibility to verify the stability of side slopes in cut
areas by specialized staff. The Contractor, at his own 1.5 Engineer’s Facilities
expense shall execute any required site investigation
prior to cutting in the relevant areas. The proposal for
1.5.1 General
the site investigation program as well the final
recommendation shall be approved by the Engineer. 1 All facilities provided for the Engineer's and/or
Employer's staff shall remain available until three
1.3.4 Measurement and Basis of Payment months beyond the issuance of the Certificate of
Completion or until such earlier time as the Engineer
1 No separate measurement or payment will be may decide.
made, for any part of Sub-section 1.3 except as stated
2 All buildings, equipment and utilities provided by
below. All other work is considered to be subsidiary to
the Contractor shall remain the property of the
other sections and the costs are deemed to be included
Contractor and will be returned to him on completion or
in the prices for other items stated in the Bill of
when no longer required, unless stated otherwise in the
Special Specifications.
2 If the Engineer specifically orders that a sub-surface
soil investigation shall be done by the Contractor,
1.5.2 Site Facilities for the
payment will be made at the rate stated in the Bill of
Quantities for the complete work, including provision of Engineer/Employer:
all equipment, performance of tests and provision of a 1 The Contractor shall provide service and maintain,
report. and remove when instructed, the offices, other
accommodation, services, surveying equipment and
♦ 1-3 ♦
laboratory facilities for the use of the Engineer and 1.5.3 Computers for the Engineer
Employer as described below and in the Special
Specification. 1 The Contractor shall provide for the exclusive use
of the Engineer's staff, new PC equipment, original
2 Offices shall be of proprietary manufacture, of
licenses and peripheral hardware together with latest
insulated and weather tight construction, with lockable
versions of all associated Microsoft software (Excel,
entrances and operable windows, hard-wearing easy-
Word, PowerPoint and AutoCAD) Primavera and
clean surfaces and robust and secure fittings:
Antivirus programs with required regular updates and
- Incorporate sanitary facilities to the extent user licenses for software and accessories, necessary
required for the number and gender of cabling and workstation desks, all as detailed in the
personnel to be accommodated. Special Specification.
- Support on suitable foundations. 2 The Contractor shall service and maintain computer
3 The Contractor shall provide and maintain all equipment regularly and provide all associated
necessary services for the offices and facilities, including consumables, stationery and paper supplies as and
but not necessarily limited to the following: when requested.
- Heating and air-conditioning.
- Electric lighting and power. 1.5.4 Telephones for the Engineer /
- Water supply.
- Potable water supply. 1 The Contractor shall provide and maintain for the
- Drainage system. exclusive use of the Engineer's and/or Employer's staff,
appropriate and adequate telephone/fax facilities and
- Fire fighting appliances.
services as detailed in the Special Specification, for the
- Cleaning facilities and services and general duration of the project.
2 The Contractor shall pay for all connection, service
- Telephone. and user charges and costs arising in connection with
- Computers the provision of telephone/fax facilities for the Engineer,
including the cost of all local calls.
- Camera
3 The telephone/fax service shall provide a separate
- Thermometers
exclusive connection ensuring privacy of conversation
- Colored Photocopiers. for the Engineer.
- Fax machines.
4 The Contractor shall provide new furniture and 1.5.5 Car Port for the Engineer
equipment suitable for the intended user.
1 The Contractor shall provide a car port shade structure
5 All office accommodation and facilities, services
adjacent to the Engineer's offices, sufficiently sized and
and equipment shall be continuously available to the
arranged to accommodate a minimum of 10 vehicles
Engineer in full working order within four weeks of the
unless stated otherwise in the Special Specifications.
start of the mobilization period unless otherwise stated
The Contractor shall provide appropriate hard standing
in the Special Specifications, and before any permanent
and adjoining walkways, and submit detailed proposals
construction operations are commenced. However, the
to the Engineer and obtain approval prior to fabrication
Engineer may permit work to commence before the full
and erection.
facilities are available if adequate facilities are provided
by the Contractor. If the Contractor fails to provide the
required facilities he shall bear the cost of alternative
1.5.6 Cameras for the Engineer
arrangements made by the Engineer. 1 The Contractor shall provide for the exclusive use
6 Maintenance of the offices shall include supplies of of the Engineer's staff new cameras as detailed in the
pencils, pens, drawing paper, other stationery, survey Special Specification, each equipped with the following
pegs, brushes, paint and similar consumable materials, features:
as required by the Engineer. - Digital camera minimum 8 mega pixels
7 The Contractor shall submit fully detailed proposals - Auto focus (Not fixed) lens
for all facilities to the Engineer and obtain approval prior
- Self wind and rewind
to hire or purchase and delivery to the Site.
- Built-in flash.
8 The Contractor shall service and maintain and clean
the Engineer’s offices on a daily basis; provide all 2 The Contractor shall submit a proposal for approval
consumables and supplies as and when requested, prior to purchase.
including drinking water, gas and stocks for making tea
and coffee beverages.
♦ 1-4 ♦
1.5.7 Thermometers 1.5.12 Measurement and Basis of Payment
1 The following shall be provided on Site: 1 Provision of the Engineer’s office and other,
- Maximum and minimum thermometer for accommodation, furnished and equipped as specified,
measurement of atmospheric temperature. and provision of laboratory fully furnished and
operational as specified, shall each be measured and
- Thermometer/s for measurement of concrete,
paid for at the monthly rate per building stated in the Bill
asphalt and ground temperature.
of Quantities.
2 Maintenance of the Engineer’s office, other
1.5.8 Test Equipment accommodation, equipment and provision of the
1 The Contractor shall make available to the Engineer required services shall be measured and paid for
all test equipment required for carrying out tests on monthly during the period which the facilities are
materials, Plant or finished work required by the available in full working order.
Specification. 3 No payment for maintenance of the Engineer’s
office and accommodation will be made for any period
1.5.9 Inspection Facilities of delay beyond the Time for Completion or extended
Time for Completion if relevant.
1 The Contractor shall provide all ladders, access
4 Maintenance of the site laboratory and mobile site
lighting, facilities, etc. and such other assistance as the
laboratory shall be measured and paid for monthly and
Engineer may require enabling full access to inspect any
shall include for chemicals and other consumables. No
part of the works in a safe manner.
payment will be made for any period of delay beyond
the end of the Time for Completion or extended Time for
1.5.10 Surveying Equipment for Engineer Completion if relevant.
1 The Contractor shall supply and maintain a 5 If the Specification does not call for provision of a
separate set of surveying equipment and accessories in site laboratory, no separate payment will be made for
full working order for the sole use of the Engineer, and samples and tests on materials, the cost of which will be
shall replace any equipment and accessories whenever deemed to be included in the rates for the relevant items
directed by the Engineer during the progress of the work, in the Bill of Quantities.
as detailed in the Special Specification. 6 Provision and maintenance of surveying equipment
for the Engineer is measured as a monthly item for the
1.5.11 Laboratory whole period of the Contract.
7 No separate measurement or payment will be
1 The Contractor shall provide, furnish, equip,
made, for any other items in this Sub-section, including
maintain, staff and clear away on completion materials
computers, telephones, digital camera, thermometers,
testing laboratories in approved locations, manned by
test equipment, fax machine and colored photocopier,
suitably qualified personnel as detailed in the Special
inspection facilities and car port, all of which costs are
Specification, and shall carry out all site testing required
deemed to be included in the rates for other items stated
under the Specification or as directed by the Engineer.
in the Bill of Quantities.
2 The Contractor shall provide skilled technicians and
unskilled laborers of the types and numbers stated in the
Special Specifications. Personnel once assigned to the
1.5.13 Items in the Bill of Quantities
laboratory shall not be removed except at the direction, i Provision of Engineer’s office
or with the approval, of the Engineer. (type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
3 The laboratory shall be an approved weather tight ii Maintenance of Engineer’s office
air conditioned movable or stationary building or trailer (type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
as required by the Contract and shall be located on Site
iii Provision of surveying equipment
as agreed with the Engineer.
(type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
4 The Contractor shall provide and maintain the
laboratory equipment, apparatus and consumable iv Maintenance of surveying equipment (type)
supplies, including stationery and test forms, needed for (nr of units) (nr of months)
execution of all standard tests required by the Contract. v Provision of Engineer’s accommodation
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his (type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
approval within 15 days of the start of mobilization a vi Maintenance of Engineer’s accommodation
complete listing of the equipment, apparatus and (type) (nr of units) (nr of months)
supplies. The list shall include names of the
vii Provision of laboratory
manufactures, and descriptive literature shall be
(type) (nr of months)
attached as necessary or appropriate.
♦ 1-5 ♦
viii Maintenance of laboratory delineators, signal lights, traffic barricades and other
(type) (nr of months) facilities necessary for safe and efficient directing and
handling of traffic on or around the work site by
1.6 Control of Site diversions. Adequate safety zones and protective
barriers shall be provided around working areas.
1.6.1 Keeping Site Clear of Water 2 The Contractor shall draw up his proposals for
protection of traffic based on the provisions described in
1 The Contractor shall take all measures to keep the the Special Specification and after coordination with and
Site free from standing, flowing or tidal water, including approval of the Royal Oman Police and other Concerned
temporary drainage, pumping and dewatering if Authorities. The Contractor shall submit the proposals
necessary. with drawings and programs to the Engineer for his prior
1.6.2 Site Cleaning 3 Movement of equipment from the one part of the
Site to another along routes being used by the public Site Cleaning During Progress of Works
(whether public highway or diversions provided by the
1 All parts of the Site, and adjacent roads affected by Contractor) shall be in accordance with the Traffic
the Works, shall be maintained in a clean and tidy Regulations. Material falling on the road as a result of
condition throughout the Works. All waste and surplus operations shall be removed immediately.
materials and other rubbish resulting from the Works or 4 The Contractor shall provide flagmen with the sole
otherwise, shall be cleared away at intervals as directed duty of directing public traffic through or around the Site.
by the Engineer.
5 Sign faces for temporary signs shall comply with
2 If the Contractor fails to remove any surplus or the Highway Design Standards.
waste materials from the Site within 3 days after being
instructed to do so by the Engineer, these materials may
1.7.2 Maintenance of One-Way Traffic
be removed by others at the Contractor's expense.
1 Whenever it becomes necessary to operate one-way Final Clean Up on Completion
traffic along a section of road the Contractor shall
1 The entire Site shall be delivered up on completion provide a single-lane of not less than 3.5m wide and
of the Works, in a clean, neat and presentable new keep it permanently open for traffic. The length of any
condition, all as specified hereunder and as described in single-lane working shall not exceed 500m. If
the General Conditions of Contract. construction is going on at more than one adjacent
section, the Contractor shall organize the work in a way
2 Spoil tips, borrow pits and deposited materials
that results in the minimum amount of obstruction and
shall be trimmed and regularized to profiles and levels
delay to traffic. No two single lane working sections shall
as directed. Flow of water courses affected by the tips or
be closer than 1km.
pits shall be maintained without interruption and any
agreement concerning these sites, existing between the
Employer and the persons or authorities concerned, 1.7.3 Temporary Structures
shall be observed. Temporary traffic bearing structures shall be capable of
3 Temporary markings, coverings and protection carrying the same live loads as permanent structures.
shall be removed unless otherwise instructed by the
Engineer. 1.7.4 Haul Routes for Heavy Vehicles
1.6.3 Measurement and Basis of Payment 1 The Contractor shall prepare proposals for routes
to be used by heavy vehicles particularly for hauling fill
1 No separate measurement or payment will be materials. Routes shall where possible, avoid existing
made, for any part of Sub-section 1.6, all of which work roads and built-up areas. Signs shall be provided and
is considered to be subsidiary to other sections. The maintained to direct construction traffic to and from haul
costs are deemed to be included in the prices for other routes. Details of haul routes and signage shall be
items stated in the Bill of Quantities submitted to the Engineer for approval within a period
not exceeding one month prior to the commencement of
1.7 Control of Traffic and Access work in the relevant area and the signs shall be erected
prior to actual commencement of the work.
1.7.1 Maintenance and Protection of 2 Haul routes shall operate using one-way or two-
Traffic way traffic systems as required by the Engineer. If at
any time the Engineer considers that any section of the
1 In order to facilitate movement of traffic safely route needs repair work, the Engineer may withdraw his
through and around the construction area, the approval until the Contractor has executed the necessary
Contractor shall supply, erect and maintain signs, repairs to the Engineer's satisfaction.
♦ 1-6 ♦
3 If and where it is necessary for Contractor's plant or If, in the opinion of the Engineer, modification of the
vehicles to cross public highways and where required by lines or grade is required, before or after survey, the
the Engineer, all such crossings shall be equipped with Engineer will issue detailed instructions to the
manually controlled traffic lights. During extended Contractor who shall revise the setting out accordingly.
periods when the Contractor's plant is not using the 4 Setting out utility works shall be as shown on the
crossing, the traffic signals shall be switched off and the Drawings or as instructed on Site. Stake-out shall be
advance warning signs obscured. revised if, in the opinion of the Engineer, modifications
4 Stationary vehicles, equipment, huts, stockpiles of of line or grade are required.
materials, etc., shall be kept well clear of crossing points 5 The Contractor shall be responsible for preserving
so that persons using the highway and the haul road all existing stakes, marks and monuments and if any
shall have adequate sight distance at all times. construction stakes or marks are destroyed or disturbed,
the Contractor shall replace them at his own expense.
1.7.5 Measurement and Basis of Payment 6 The Contractor shall record details of all grid lines,
1 Maintenance and protection of traffic is measured existing ground levels, setting-out stations, bench marks
as a monthly item which is deemed to cover for all costs and profiles on the site setting-out drawing. This
of this Sub-section 1.7 and to be full compensation for all drawing shall be retained on the Site throughout the
labor, materials and equipment and any other costs, duration of the Contract and handed over to the
including laying and removal of road material, unless Engineer upon completion of the Works.
stated otherwise. 7 All dimensions and levels on the Drawings and the
2 Where diversions are required by the Engineer (or Site, shall be checked particularly the correlation
by the Royal Oman Police through the Engineer) to be between components and the work in place. Materials
surfaced with bituminous materials, the bituminous and components shall not be ordered, or work carried
surfacing, the sub-base shall be paid per cubic meters out, until discrepancies have been resolved with the
(cu.m), and the prime coat will be paid by square meter Engineer.
applied (sq.m).
1.8.2 Surveying Equipment and
1.7.6 Items in the Bill of Quantities Accessories
i. Maintenance and protection 1 The Contractor shall provide sufficient and suitable
of traffic (months) surveying instruments and other equipment and
ii. Supply and compacting of accessories for his own use in setting out and leveling of
sub-base on diversions where the Works, and also to enable the Engineer to check the
ordered by the Engineer (cu.m). setting out.
iii. Supply and compacting of 2 The accuracy of survey equipment and accessories
bituminous base course on may be verified at any time by the Engineer and any
diversions where ordered by unsatisfactory equipments/instruments shall be
the Engineer (cu.m). promptly calibrated or removed and replaced by the
iv. Prime coat (rate of application) (sq.m) Contractor at its own expense.
♦ 1-7 ♦
- Obstacles, above and below ground (other than execution of work pertaining to all utility adjustments,
utilities), which are required to be taken down, relocations and removals. The Contractor shall schedule
dismantled, demolished or excavated, relocated construction activities so as to avoid or minimize any
and removed, as appropriate. potential delays, inconvenience or damage to the Works
that may result from utility interference or the operations Existing Utilities of adjustment, relocations and removals.
1 Utilities shall include, but are not be limited to, 6 The Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding
existing water lines, gas lines, telephone lines, falaj, fiber and protecting all utilities and appurtenances
optics, wire lines, service connections, water and gas encountered during the Works. The Contractor shall be
and oil meters and valve boxes, light poles and masts, responsible for the costs of making good any damage
pylons, cableways, signals, and all utility appurtenances arising out of its own negligence.
within the limits of the proposed construction.
2 The costs of all work concerning verification and 1.8.4 Measurement and Basis of Payment
identification of existing utilities, including excavating 1 No separate measurement or payment will be made,
any trial pits, detection means, mapping detailing of for any part of Sub-section 1.8, which work is considered
drawings and co-ordination with respective authorities to be subsidiary to other sections. The costs are deemed
shall be fully borne by the Contractor to be included in the prices for other items stated in the
3 Utility diversions may be specified or directed by Bill of Quantities.
the Engineer to be carried out by the Contractor, or
alternatively the Employer may make arrangements for 1.9 General and Contractual
such works to be executed by other parties. Obligations
4 The Contractor shall:
i. Take into account that the diversion work 1.9.1 Health, Safety and Environmental
shall be carried out to the requirements and Program
approval of the utility authorities and/or
1 In addition to the requirements of the provisions of
under their supervision, and also, where
the General Conditions of Contract and other contract
required by the utility authorities, specialist
requirements, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer
diversion works shall be carried out by
the necessary safety personal protective equipment
accredited specialist contractors.
(PPE) in compliance with international standards
ii. Verify and identify the existing utilities by including but not limited to safety shoes, reflective vests,
excavating trial pits and other measures helmets, and safety harnesses, etc…, and shall submit
including detection means and shall liaise for the Engineer's approval, within 15 days after the
with the relevant authorities and map these effective date of the notice to proceed for the Works, a
utilities and prepare detailed and accurate proposed Safety Program covering the matters
existing utilities drawings, identifying the described below:
utilities that are in service and those that are
dead or abandoned. Submit these existing Health, Safety and Environmental Plan
utilities drawings, which shall be accurate
1 The Health, Safety and Environmental Plan shall
and detailed, giving location of utilities in
contain but not be limited to the following:
plan and section, with all pertinent data of the
respective utility, to the Engineer and to the i. Safety Policy and Strategy.
utility authority.
ii. Statutory and Contractual Framework for
iii. Work out and develop, in coordination with Safety.
the utility authority and the Engineer, the
iii. Management Safety Responsibilities.
approved utilities diversion schemes that will
be required to enable the execution of the iv. Safety Training and awareness.
work and also maintain continued operation v. Safety Reviews.
of utilities services in the area for the users. vi. Safety Method Statements.
iv. Provide superintendence for the execution of vii. Reporting and Investigation.
the utility diversions whether they are carried
viii. Contingency Arrangements.
out by the Contractor directly or by other
parties employed by the contractor. ix. Safety Inspections and Audits.
♦ 1-8 ♦
xiv. Compliance with current applicable national explosives and detonators are kept in proper and safe
and local environmental legislation and condition.
contractual environmental obligations. 4 Explosives and detonators shall always be
2 The Contractor shall take into account that the transported in separate special vehicles and kept apart
works under this Contract may be undertaken until the last possible moment. Metallic tools shall not
simultaneously with other contracts. The Contractor is to be used to open boxes of explosives.
coordinate safety procedures with the Engineer and Blasting Procedures
Safety Representatives from other contractors to
implement and maintain a common safety strategy. 1 Ensure that blasting is only carried out by
3 If in the opinion of the Engineer there is an experienced personnel. Priming, charging, stemming
infringement or breach in the approved Health and and shot firing shall be carried out with greatest regard
Safety Plan, the Engineer reserves the right to instruct for safety and in strict accordance with the rules and
the Contractor to undertake immediate corrective action regulations of the concerned authorities. Adequate
without any liability for any additional costs or time warning of blasting shall always be given and all
implication incurred by the Contractor in undertaking the persons confirmed as clear from the area before blasting
corrective action. takes place.
4 Upon the Engineer's approval of the Safety 2 Ensure that police and other concerned authorities
Program the Contractor shall, for the full term of the are kept fully informed of the blasting program so that
Contract, operate the Safety Program, maintain accurate they may be present when blasting takes place if they so
records of safety activities and accident, and submit require.
safety and accident reports to the Engineer on the 3 Ensure that explosive charges are not excessive,
approved forms. charged boreholes are properly protected, and proper
precautions are taken for the safety of persons and Health, Safety and Environmental property.
4 The Contractor shall prepare a survey report for the
1 The Contractor shall include within the Health, surroundings evident with photos for status before and
Safety and Environmental Plan the name of the after blasting.
company’s qualified Safety Officer. He shall also submit Explosives Inventory
the name and qualification of a Health, Safety and
Environment representative on site, responsible for the 1 The Contractor shall maintain an up-to-date
implementation of the Health, Safety and Environmental inventory of all explosives and explosive devices and
Plan on site. This site representative shall remain on site shall submit a monthly report to the Engineer, detailing
during operational working hours and shall coordinate the use of all explosives by date and location.
with the safety representatives of other package
Contractors. 1.9.3 Fire Precautions
2 Appointment of the site Health, Safety and
1 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to
Environment Manager will be subject to the Engineer’s
prevent personal injury or death or damage to the Works
or other property from fire. Fire fighting arrangements
shall be made as required by the concerned authorities.
1.9.2 Use of Explosives
2 Adequate and fully operational firefighting Control Measures equipment shall be furnished and maintained by the
Contractor in all vulnerable areas and as instructed by
1 The Contractor shall not use explosives without the the Engineer. Workmen shall be trained in the operation
express permission from the Engineer and controlling of such equipment and provision of fire fighting facilities
authority. The Contractor shall abide by all rules and
3 Adequate water for firefighting shall be available
regulations of the concerned authorities regarding
and outlets located so as to be readily accessible.
purchasing, transportation, storing, handling and using
the explosive materials. 4 All equipment shall be regularly tested and
properly maintained.
2 Explosives and detonators shall be stored in special
buildings as approved by the concerned authorities.
These secured buildings shall be located and clearly 1.9.4 Measurement and Basis of Payment
marked in English and Arabic "DANGER - EXPLOSIVES"
1 No separate measurement or payment will be
as approved by the Concerned Authorities. Explosives
made, for any part of Sub-section 1.9, which work is
and detonators shall be stored in separate buildings.
considered to be subsidiary to other sections. The costs
3 All possible precautions shall be taken against are deemed to be included in the prices for other items
accidental fire or explosion, and to ensure that the stated in the Bill of Quantities.
♦ 1-9 ♦
1.10 Management Procedures xi. Activities for Temporary Works to be
supplied and constructed and the dates for
1.10.1 Commencement, Program and supply, construction and removal
Progress xii. Dates for submission by the Contractor of
shop drawings/working drawings, samples
1 Commencement: After receipt of the Order to and the like and dates for approval by the
Commence, the Contractor shall inform the Engineer's Engineer, in accordance with Conditions of
Representative, at least 7 days in advance, of the Contract.
proposed date for commencing work on Site.
xiii. Dates for submission of the cross-sections.
2 Co-ordination: The Contractor shall co-ordinate the
xiv. Dates and times for work to be performed by
construction activities to assure efficient and orderly
other Contractors or for materials and plant
installation of each part of the Works. The Contractor
to be supplied by the Employer
shall co-ordinate construction operations included under
differing sections of the Specifications that are xv. Duration and earliest/latest dates for testing
dependent upon each other for proper execution. and commissioning plant and engineering
i. Where installation of one part of the work is
dependent on the installation of other xvi. Bar chart showing earliest dates and total
components, either before or after its own float of activities.
installation, schedule construction activities 4 Guidance: The Contractor shall abide by the
in the sequence required to obtain the best following:
results. i. The Engineer will guide the Contractor in the
ii. Where availability of space is limited or determination of the level of detail to
restricted by access or security, co-ordinate included in the CPN
installation of the different components to ii. Construction activities will not be scheduled
assure maximum accessibility at desired to exceed twenty-five (25) consecutive
times for required maintenance service and working days without the approval of the
repair. Engineer
iii. Make adequate provisions to accommodate iii. One day will be the smallest time unit used
items scheduled for later installation.
5 Hardware: The computer hardware shall be PC
3 Program: Unless stated in the Special Specification compatible.
that the Contractor may submit a program in bar chart
6 Computer Software: Project management software
form only, the Contractor shall provide for the Engineer's
shall be of the professional high-end type (i.e.
review in accordance with Conditions of Contract, a
"Primavera" project management software latest version
computer-based program in critical path network (CPN)
or of similar capabilities).
form, showing at least the following information:
7 Resource Schedules: The computer program used
i. Contract milestones (Engineer's Notice to
for preparing the program shall also be used for
Commence, Commencement Date, date for
preparation of resource schedules to be submitted to the
completion of Sections of the Works, date for
Engineer with the program. The resource schedules
completion of the whole of the Works, etc.)
shall show at least the following information:
ii. Duration of each construction activity in
i. Quantity of materials to be used for each
working days
iii. Earliest/latest start and completion dates for
ii. Numbers and classes of workmen to be
each construction activity
employed on the Site for each activity
iv. Free float time for each activity
iii. Numbers and classes of equipment to be
v. Total float time for each activity used for each activity
vi. Cost of each activity as Contract rates iv. Histogram for workmen by class and overall
vii. Duration and earliest/latest dates for classes
procurement of materials and plant v. Histogram for equipment by class and overall
viii. Duration and earliest/latest dates for activities classes.
to be performed by Subcontractors 8 Cash Flow Estimate: The computer program used
ix. Number of working days per week for preparing the program shall also be used to prepare
x. Number of working shifts per day for each the cash flow estimate to be submitted by the Contractor.
construction activity 9 Monitoring: The Contractor shall monitor progress
of the Works and the supply of resources and cash flow
compared with the program, schedules and estimate,
update the program with actual progress data monthly
♦ 1-10 ♦
and shall revise the program, schedules and estimate as 3 Co-ordination of Trades and Subcontractors: The
required by Conditions of Contract. Copies of revised Contractor shall co-ordinate the work of all trades and
program etc. and notices of actual and forecast delays Subcontractors so as to avoid delay and disruption or
and shortfalls shall be promptly given to the Engineer. abortive work. The Contractor shall provide all drawings,
10 Computer Program: The Contractor shall provide dimensions and other information required for the
the Engineer with a copy of the computer diskette of the proper execution of subcontract works and of associated
target program, updated and new target program, builder's work and accept responsibility for the accuracy
schedules and estimates. and fitness of subcontract works.
4 Quality Control: The Contractor shall prepare and
1.10.2 Records and Measurements submit for approval by the Engineer a proposal for the
quality control management of the project. This proposal
1 Labor Record: The Contractor shall provide each shall incorporate the requirements set out in B.S.5750 or
week a record showing the number and description of its equivalent and shall be incorporated into the
workmen employed each day on the Works including Procedures Manual and will form an integral part of the
those employed by Subcontractors. Contractor’s management procedures for the project.
2 Materials and Plant Record: The Contractor shall This proposal shall include, but not be restricted to:
provide each week a record showing the quantity and i. Provision and maintenance of a quality
description of all materials and plant delivered to the control program throughout the project,
Site complete with copies of delivery notes.
ii. Inspection and testing of products, both on
3 Equipment Record: The Contractor shall provide and off Site, by independent professional
each week a record showing the number, type and inspection and testing companies,
capacity of all Contractor's Equipment, excluding hand
iii. Provision of inspection and testing
tools, daily employed on the Works.
4 Daily Work Record: The Contractor shall provide
iv. Verification of affidavits and certificates that
each day a record showing activities performed and
selected material meets the specified
locations in which work has been carried out and any
other matter requested by the Engineer's Representative.
v. Maintenance of quality control
5 Monthly Report: The Contractor shall provide
documentation in accordance with the
monthly reports which summarize the daily and weekly
various procedures identified in these
reports and deliver to the Engineer's Representative not
later than one week following the end of each month.
5 Procedures Manual: The Contractor shall prepare and
6 Wages Books and Time Sheets: The Contractor
agree with the Engineer a Procedures Manual for the
shall keep accurate and proper wage books and time
administration of the Project.
sheets showing wages paid to and time worked by
workmen and, when required, produce such wage books
and time sheets for inspection by the Engineer's 1.10.4 Progress Photographs/ Videos
Representative. Separate records should be kept of 1 The Contractor shall submit each month progress
Omani and expatriate staff. photographs of at least five different subjects taken from
7 Climatic Conditions: The Contractor shall measure approved locations agreed by the Engineer. A minimum
and keep an accurate daily record of and submit to the of twenty photographs shall be taken each month and
Engineer's Representative at the end of each week: five (5) colored gloss prints of each provided to the
i. Air temperatures: maximum and minimum Engineer.
♦ 1-11 ♦
elevation or area of construction, as ii. Concurrent Review: Where concurrent
applicable. review of submittals by sub-consultants, the
4 Digital Images: Submit a complete set of Employer, or other parties is required, allow a
corresponding digital image electronic files with each maximum of thirty five (35) days for initial
submittal of prints. Identify electronic media with date review of each submittal of cross sections or
photographs were taken. as-built drawings, and fourteen (14) days for
all other submissions including shop
Digital image files shall be for the Engineer's and
drawings or working drawings.
Employer's free and unrestricted use.
iii. If intermediate submittal is necessary,
5 The Contractor shall, if requested by the Engineer,
process it in the same manner as the initial
submit progress videos as required.
iv. Allow Fourteen (14) days for processing each
1.10.5 Measurement and Basis of Payment
1 No separate measurement or payment will be 3 Identification: Place a permanent label or title block
made, for any part of Sub-section 1.10 except for the on each submittal for identification.
progress photographs and videos. All other activities
i. Indicate name of firm or entity that prepared
and submittals are considered to be subsidiary to other
each submittal on label or title block.
sections and the costs are deemed to be included in the
unit rates for other items stated in the Bill of Quantities. ii. Provide a space approximately 100 x 125 mm
on label or beside title block to record the
2 Progress Photographs will be measured and paid
Contractor's review and approval markings
as an item at each month of the construction period at
and action taken by the Engineer.
the unit rate in the Bill of Quantities
iii. Include the following information on label for
3 Videos will be measured and paid as an item at
processing and recording action taken:
each month of the construction period at the rate in the
Bill of Quantities a. Contract name.
b. The Employer's name.
1.10.6 Items in the Bill of Quantities c. Date.
ii. Provision of 2 sets of videos (type) (month) e. Name and address of the Contractor.
f. Name and address of subcontractor.
1.11 Submittals g. Name and address of supplier.
h. Name and address of manufacturer.
1.11.1 General i. Unique identifier, including revision
1 Submittals Schedule: Submit list of submittals and number.
time requirements for scheduled performance of related j. Number and title of appropriate
construction activities. Submittals shall include: shop/ Specification Section.
working drawings, as-built drawings, cross sections, k. Drawing number and detail references,
materials, testing, method statements and any other as appropriate.
required submittal in compliance with the Specifications
l. Other necessary identification.
and other Contract Documents.
4 Deviations: Highlight, encircle, or otherwise
2 Processing Time: Allow enough time for submittal
indicate and identify on submittals, deviations from the
review, including time for re-submittals, as follows.
Contract Documents.
Time for review shall commence on the Engineer's
receipt of submittal. 5 Additional Copies: Unless additional copies are
required for final submittal, and unless the Engineer
i. Initial Review: Allow a maximum of twenty
observes non-compliance with provisions of the Contract
one (21) days for initial review of each
Documents, initial submittal may serve as final submittal.
submittal of cross sections or as-built
drawings, and seven (7) days for all other i. For submittals requiring concurrent review,
submissions including shop drawings or submit one extra copy in addition to specified
working drawings. Allow additional time if number of copies to the Engineer.
processing must be delayed to permit 6 Transmittal: Package each submittal individually
coordination with subsequent submittals. and appropriately for transmittal and handling. Transmit
The Engineer will advise the Contractor when each submittal using a transmittal form attached to a
a submittal being processed must be delayed cover letter. The Engineer will discard, without review,
for coordination. submittals received from sources other than the
♦ 1-12 ♦
i. Cover Letter: On attached, numbered, b. Final Submittal: Submit four (4) copies,
separate sheet(s), prepared on the unless otherwise indicated. Submit
Contractor's letterhead, record relevant additional copies where copies are
information, requests for data, revisions required for operation and maintenance
other than those requested by the Engineer manuals. The Engineer will retain two
on previous submittals, and deviations from copies; remainder will be returned.
requirements of the Contract Documents, Mark up and retain one returned copy
including minor variations and limitations. as a Record (As-Built) Document.
Include the same label information as the 2 Shop and Work Drawings: Produce newly prepared,
related submittal. contract-specific, information, drawn accurately to scale.
a. Include the Contractor's certification Shop drawings should not be based on reproductions of
stating that information submitted the Contract Documents or standard printed data.
complies with requirements of the i. Preparation: Include the following
Contract Documents. information, as applicable:
ii. Transmittal Form: Use a form acceptable to a. Dimensions; in SI units unless
and approved by the Engineer. Provide otherwise indicated or directed.
locations on form for the following
b. Roughing-in and setting diagrams.
c. Schedules.
a. Contract name.
d. Compliance with specified standards.
b. The Employer's name.
e. Notation of coordination requirements.
c. Date.
f. Notation of dimensions established by
d. Destination (To :).
field measurement.
e. Source (From :).
ii. Sheet Size: Except for templates, patterns,
f. Names of subcontractor, manufacturer, and similar full-size drawings, submit shop
and supplier, as applicable. drawings on sheets at least A4 size, and no
g. Category and type of submittal. larger than A1 size, unless otherwise
h. Submittal purpose and description. approved.
i. Submittal and transmittal distribution iii. Number of Copies: Submit copies of each
record. submittal, as follows:
♦ 1-13 ♦
iii. Drawing number and detail references, as 1.11.4 Contractor's Review and Approval
appropriate, covered by subcontract.
1 Review each submittal and check for compliance
with the Contract Documents. Note corrections and field
1.11.3 Informational Submittals
dimensions. Mark with approval stamp before
1 General: Prepare and submit informational submitting to the Engineer.
submittals required by other Specification Sections. 2 Approval Stamp: Stamp each submittal with a
i. Number of Copies: Submit two copies of each uniform, approval stamp. Include Contract name and
submittal, unless otherwise indicated. The location, submittal number, Specification Section title
Engineer will not return copies. and number, name of reviewer, date of the Contractor's
ii. Certificates and Certifications: Provide a approval, and statement certifying that submittal has
notarized statement that includes signature of been reviewed, checked, coordinated and approved for
the Contractor, testing agency, or design compliance with the Contract Documents.
professional responsible for preparing
certification. Certificates and certifications 1.11.5 Engineer's Action
shall be signed by an officer or other
1 General: The Engineer will not review submittals
individual authorized to sign documents on
that do not bear the Contractor's approval stamp and
behalf of the company.
will return them without action.
2 Qualification Data: Prepare written information that
2 Engineer's Action: The Engineer's review is
demonstrates capabilities and experience of firm or
limited only to checking conformance with information
person. Include lists of completed projects with project
given and the design concept expressed in the Contract
names and addresses, names and addresses of
Documents. It is not conducted for the purpose of
engineers and employers, and other information
determining the accuracy and completeness of details,
dimensions or quantities, nor substantiating integrity or
3 Material Certificates: Prepare written statements compatibility, or confirming instructions for installation
on manufacturer's letterhead certifying that material or performance. The Engineer's approval does not in
complies with requirements. any way relieve the Contractor of responsibility for
4 Material Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a compliance with specified provisions and the Contract
qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard Document requirements.
form, indicating and interpreting test results of material 3 Action Submittals: The Engineer will review each
for compliance with requirements. submittal, make marks to indicate corrections or
5 Preconstruction Test Reports: Prepare reports modifications required, and return it to the Contractor.
written by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's The Engineer will stamp each submittal with an action
standard form, indicating and interpreting results of tests stamp and will mark stamp appropriately to indicate
performed before installation of product, for compliance action taken, as follows:
with performance requirements. i. Final Unrestricted Release: Where the
6 Compatibility Test Reports: Prepare reports written submittal is marked "APPROVED", the work
by a qualified testing agency, on testing agency's covered by the submittal may proceed
standard form, indicating and interpreting results of provided it complies with the Contract
compatibility tests performed before installation of Documents. Final acceptance of the work will
product. Include written recommendations for primers depend on that compliance.
and substrate preparation needed for adhesion. ii. Final-but-Restricted Release: Where the
7 Field Test Reports: Prepare reports written by a submittal is marked "APPROVED AS NOTED",
qualified testing agency, on testing agency's standard the work covered by the submittal may
form, indicating and interpreting results of field tests proceed provided it complies with both the
performed either during installation of product or after Engineer's notations and corrections on the
product is installed in its final location, for compliance submittal and the Contract Documents. Final
with requirements. acceptance of the work will depend on that
8 Product Test Reports: Prepare written reports compliance.
indicating current product produced by manufacturer iii. Returned for Re-submittal: Where the
complies with requirements. Base reports on evaluation submittal is marked "NOT APPROVED, REVISE
of tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a AND RESUBMIT", do not proceed with the
qualified testing agency, or on comprehensive tests work covered by the submittal, including
performed by a qualified testing agency. purchase, fabrication, delivery, or other
activity for the product submitted. Revise or
prepare a new submittal according to the
Engineer's notations and corrections.
♦ 1-14 ♦
iv. Rejected: Where the submittal is marked 1.11.8 Items in the Bill of Quantities
do not proceed with the work covered by the i. Provide as-built drawings, record
submittal. Prepare a new submittal for a drawings and record specifications and
product that complies with the Contract miscellaneous records as specified (Lump Sum)
4 Submittals not required by the Contract Documents 1.12 Control of Materials and
will not be reviewed and may be discarded. Standards for Sampling and
1.11.6 Record (As-Built) Drawings
1.12.1 Storage of Materials
1 Within 1 month of completion of each section of
the Works, the Contractor shall submit 3 copies of the 1 Materials shall be so stored as to assure the
relevant drawings showing all details of permanent preservation of their quality and suitability for the Works.
works as constructed. The Engineer will approve these Stored materials, approved before storage, may again be
as ‘As-Built’ drawings or instruct corrections as inspected prior to their use in the Works. Stored
appropriate. materials shall be located so as to facilitate their prompt
2 Record Drawings: Submit copies of record inspection.
drawings as follows: 2 Where materials are stockpiled on Government or
i. Initial Submittal: Submit two sets of plots private property, such sites shall be abandoned
from record CAD drawing files and the immediately upon consumption of all stockpiled
original marked-up record prints. The materials and the natural surface shall be restored as far
Engineer will initial and date one set of plots as practicable to the original condition by the Contractor
and mark whether general scope of changes, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
additional information recorded, and quality
of drafting are acceptable. The Engineer will 1.12.2 Handling Materials
return one set of plots and record prints
together with review comments, for 1 All materials shall be handled in such manner as to
preserve their quality and suitability for the Works.
completing, printing, binding, and final
Aggregates shall be transported to the Works in vehicles
which are constructed to prevent loss or undue
ii. Final Submittal: After incorporating the
segregation of materials after loading and unloading.
Engineer's initial submittal review comments,
submit original marked-up record prints set.
1.12.3 Materials Supplied by Employer
3 Submit sets of as-built drawings as follows:
One (1) set electronic format: (in CD-ROM) 1 The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials
furnished by the Employer and shall make good any
One (1) set of PDF format: (in CD-ROM)
shortages or deficiencies, from any cause whatsoever, or
One (1) bound sets of prints (A1 Size) any damage which may occur, after delivery of such
One (1) set of any other document/report about the materials.
project, Test results and any other
information/documents. 1.12.4 Local Material Sources
4 Record Specifications: Submit two (2) copies of
1 When material sources are not designated on the
record specifications, including addenda and contract
Drawings, or in other documents, the Contractor shall be
responsible for locating and providing suitable materials
5 Miscellaneous Records: Submit two (2) sets of from approved sources.
original miscellaneous records.
2 Any information provided in the tender documents
about sources of local materials is considered as a
1.11.7 Measurement and Basis of Payment guideline only and does not relieve the Contractor of his
1 No separate measurement or payment will be responsibility in respect of investigation and supply of
made, for any part of Sub-section 1.11 except for As- suitable materials as specified.
Built Drawings. All other submittals are considered to be 3 Materials, regardless of their source, shall not be
subsidiary to other sections and the costs are deemed to incorporated in the Works until approved by the
be included in the rates for other items stated in the Bill Engineer.
of Quantities
2 The As-Built Drawings shall be measured and paid
as Lump Sum (L.S.) in the Bill of Quantities.
♦ 1-15 ♦
1.12.5 Sources of Supply and Quality approved by the Engineer and engaged by the
Requirements Contractor.
2 After approval of any source of materials, the
1 All materials, including manufactured articles, and Contractor shall produce from such source only to the
machinery incorporated in the Works, shall meet all extent that materials produced are of substantially the
specified quality requirements and be approved by the same quality as the approved samples.
Engineer. Priority will be given to locally produced
3 The Engineer will periodically order retesting of
Omani material, where applicable.
previously approved sources to verify that they continue
2 The Contractor shall, before placing any purchase to conform to the Specifications and may order retesting
order for any materials intended for incorporation in the at the same or at a different laboratory from the one
Works, submit for approval a complete description of all performing the original source approval tests. If
such materials, names of the firms from whom he retesting indicates that a previously approved source no
proposes to purchase them and copies of all test reports longer conforms with the Specifications, the Contractor
verifying conformity with the provisions of the shall forthwith cease production from such source.
Specifications. Materials shall not be ordered without
the approval of the Engineer. When directed by the Quality Control Tests
Engineer or otherwise specified, the Contractor shall
1 Quality control tests for materials shall be
submit suitable samples for approval.
performed by the Contractor prior to submitting any
3 The Engineer shall have the right to retest all
materials to the Engineer for approval. The Contractor
materials which have been tested and accepted at the shall submit details to the Engineer of his quality control
source of supply after delivery to the Site and prior to
testing program.
incorporation into the Works and to reject any such
2 The Engineer may declare the Contractor's quality
materials which are clearly defective or, when retested,
control testing program unacceptable if frequent
do not conform with the Specifications.
rejections of submitted materials occur when subjected
to the project control tests.
1.12.6 Certificates of Guarantee and
Production Plant Inspections Control Tests
1 All shipments of materials shall be accompanied by 1 All control samples shall be taken jointly by the
a Manufacturer's Certificate of Guarantee or Test Engineer and the Contractor. Tests shall be performed
Certificate from an approved independent qualified in the site laboratory, or in situ as appropriate, under the
laboratory approved by the Engineer. All certified supervision of the Engineer.
materials delivered to the Site shall undergo additional 2 The Engineer may order retesting of any material if
laboratory testing if required by the Engineer. there has been a significant delay in the construction
2 Issuance of an invalid or erroneous Certificate of operations or if he determines that the material has
Guarantee shall be just cause for rejection of the deteriorated since its original acceptance. Material
materials without further testing. which does not conform to the Specifications will be
rejected and shall be removed from the Works and
1.12.7 Sampling and Testing Procedures replaced or corrected by the Contractor. The Engineer
may order additional testing to ascertain the extent of Sampling unacceptable material.
♦ 1-16 ♦ Precedence of Materials and Testing used items, the manufacturer's brochures, catalogues
Specifications and specifications.
1 All references to methods of testing or 1.13.3 Provision and Use of Plant and
specifications of AASHTO, ASTM and others will be
deemed to refer to the latest methods of testing as
specified in the Contract Documents. 1 The Contractor shall furnish all plant and
2 Unless otherwise specified, AASHTO methods of equipment listed in his schedule and necessary for
sampling and testing shall be adopted where available. construction of the Works. Such plant and equipment
In the case of absence of an appropriate AASHTO shall be delivered to the Site, inspected, and approved
specification, the ASTM or BS specification shall govern. by the Engineer prior to commencement of the particular
work for which it is intended. Any plant or equipment,
or part thereof, which becomes excessively worn or
1.12.8 Unacceptable Materials
defective shall be promptly repaired or replaced, as
1 All materials not conforming to the requirements of required by the Engineer.
the Specifications at the time they are used will be 2 The Contractor shall not remove from the Site and
rejected and shall be removed immediately from the Site shall not use for other projects any approved plant or
unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer. equipment without the permission of the Engineer.
2 If defect from rejected materials, has been
corrected, such remedied materials, shall not be used 1.13.4 Measurement and Basis of Payment
until Engineer’s approval has been given.
No separate measurement or payment will be made, for
any part of Sub-section 1.13, which work is considered to
1.12.9 Measurement and Basis of Payment
be subsidiary to other sections. The cost of the work is
No separate measurement or payment will be made, for deemed to be included in the unit rates for other items in
any part of Sub-section 1.12, which work is considered to the Bill of Quantities.
be subsidiary to other sections. The cost of the work is
deemed to be included in the rates for other items in the 1.14 Contractor’s Temporary Works
Bill of Quantities. and Services
1.13 Contractor’s Plant and 1.14.1 Temporary Facilities
Equipment General
1.13.1 General 1 The Contractor shall provide all Temporary Works
1 Plant and equipment used on the Works shall be of and services and Contractor's Equipment and tools
sufficient size and in such mechanical condition as to required for the efficient and safe execution of the Works,
meet the requirements of the Contract Documents and including but not limited to:
shall be available for use when required by the Engineer. i. Temporary roads, hard standings, sleeper
The Engineer may order removal and replacement of tracks and the like.
unsatisfactory plant or equipment. ii. Temporary fences, gates and barriers.
2 Wherever plant or equipment of a particular size or iii. Temporary offices, stores, mess rooms,
type is specified, the Contractor may request permission latrines and compounds.
to use an alternative type in place of that specified. In
iv. Scaffold, ladders, hoists, cranes and the like.
such cases, the Contractor shall furnish evidence to the
Engineer that the production of the plant or equipment v. Temporary screens, chutes, coverings, roofs
proposed is at least equal to that of the specified type. and rainwater pipes for protection of the
Works and personnel.
1.13.2 Contractor's Schedule of Plant and vi. Transport and vehicles on and off Site.
Equipment vii. Fixed and movable mechanical plant and
1 The Contractor shall submit together with his Tender,
viii. Small tools.
a detailed schedule of the numbers and types of plant
and equipment which he proposes to use on Site to ix. Temporary water and power supplies and
carry out the Works. The schedule shall contain full site lighting.
details for each item, including type, manufacturer, x. Temporary drainage.
model, identification number, year of manufacture, 2 Locations: The Engineer's approval shall be
number of years in use, and, for all new and previously obtained for the intended locations of all spoil heaps,
Temporary Works and services.
♦ 1-17 ♦
3 Standards and details: Temporary Works shall be including supplies for commissioning engineering
constructed to recognized standards and codes of services and Plant at required voltages.
practice so that they are fit for their purpose. Drawings 2 The Contractor shall make provision for temporary
and details of proposed Temporary Works shall be connections to the public electricity system and pay all
provided by the Contractor if requested by the Engineer. charges and/or provide generators. All temporary
Consent of such arrangements by the Engineer in no electric supply and distribution shall conform with the
way relieves the Contractor from his sole responsibility requirements of the concerned authorities.
for their sufficiency and safety.
3 The Contractor shall provide and maintain
4 Temporary works: Temporary Works and services adequate efficient lighting for execution of the work and
shall be maintained, altered and adapted and as for safety and security purposes. Without prejudice to
necessary cleared away on completion or when no his liability under the General Conditions of Contract, the
longer required. Contractor shall, with respect to the supply of electricity
for power or lighting, take all necessary precautions to Temporary Site Facilities
ensure the safety of his workmen and others.
1 Roads: Permanent roads, hard standings and
footpaths on the Site may be used provided they are 1.14.5 Directional and Warning Signs
adequately maintained and thoroughly cleaned and
made good after use and left in unimpaired condition. 1 The Contractor shall provide all signs required for
directing traffic and pedestrians around or through the
2 Trench crossings: Are to be provided for free and
Site and to provide information on location of facilities
safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians over pipe and
on the Site.
other trenches.
2 The Contractor shall provide warning and
3 Temporary site fence: The Contractor shall provide
informational signs required by law and good practice
suitable and secure temporary site fencing and gates
for the safety of all personnel.
where necessary or as directed by the Engineer. Design
of the fencing and gates, including location, construction
details, etc. is to be submitted to the Engineer for 1.14.6 Project Sign Board
approval prior to fabrication and erection.
1 Sign Boards: The Contractor shall provide suitably
sized project sign boards, bearing the names of the
1.14.2 Scaffolding and False Work Employer and Engineer together with any corresponding
logos, the name of the project, the name of the
1 The Contractor shall provide scaffolding and false
Contractor and such other names and information as the
work to facilitate carrying out construction of the Works
Engineer may request. The design and style of the sign
in the required sequence. Scaffolding and false work
boards shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
shall be properly designed and constructed specifically
prior to fabrication. Sign boards are to be written in
for the loads intended. Full details of the proposed
Arabic and English and erected at suitable locations as
arrangements shall be submitted to the Engineer for his
directed by the Engineer.
approval. Such approval, however, shall not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibility with regard to the 2 Each sign board shall be erected in a prominent,
adequacy of all scaffolding and false work used in the approved position. Sign boards shall be maintained in
Works. good order at all times and sign boards and supports
shall be dismantled and removed from the site upon
completion of the Works.
1.14.3 Water Supply
1 The Contractor shall be deemed to have carried out 1.14.7 Measurement and Basis of Payment
adequate investigations relating to the availability of
water for the purpose of the Works and to have 1 No separate measurement or payment will be
consulted and arranged with the appropriate authorities made, for any part of Sub-section 1.14 except for project
and taken into consideration all legal aspects. sign boards as stated below. All other work in this sub-
section is considered to be subsidiary to other sections
2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply
and the costs are deemed to be included in the unit rates
of sufficient clean, fresh water at all times during
for other items stated in the Bill of Quantities.
progress of the Works, including making temporary
arrangements for storing and distributing the water on 2 Each project sign board is measured as an item.
the Site. The rates shall include for design, fabrication, erection,
relocation if required, maintenance and removal.
1.14.4 Electricity Supply
1 The Contractor shall make his own arrangements
for the supply of all electrical power and all lighting and
electrical equipment required for execution of the Works,
♦ 1-18 ♦
1.14.8 Items in the Bill of Quantities 3 If the Contractor fails to measure any work, the
Engineer may, at his discretion, estimate quantities of
i. Provision, erection, relocation, such items for the monthly Payment Certificate or
maintenance and removal recommend that no payment be made for the items not
of project signboard (type) (nr). measured and quantities not computed until they are
properly measured and computed.
1.15 Commemorative Plaque and 4 All work shall be measured net and in accordance
Opening Ceremony with the General Conditions of Contract. The units of
measurement shall be in accordance with SI
1.15.1 Commemorative Plaque recommendations and the latest revision of ISO 1551.
The Contractor shall erect a commemorative plaque if 5 Structures shall be measured according to the lines
required by, and of the type and design described in, the shown on the Drawings, or as altered by direction of the
Special Specifications. The location shall be as shown on Engineer to meet site conditions.
the Drawings or agreed with the Engineer. 6 The term ‘lump sum’ when used as an item of
payment shall mean complete payment for the work
1.15.2 Opening ceremony described.
7 When a complete item or structural unit (in effect
At the location of the erected plaque the Contractor shall
‘lump sum’) is specified as unit measurement the unit
make arrangements for the opening ceremony, including
shall be taken to include all necessary fittings and
grading the designated area for the ceremony and for
car parking, spreading with suitable gravel, marking the
area with painted stones and colored ribbons and posts, 8 Cost of rental of plant and equipment is deemed to
erecting a temporary pavilion in the national flag colors, be included in the rates and prices for the relevant work.
providing armchairs for the presiding authorities and Only when specific plant is required to perform daywork
seats for the invited guests, and providing a microphone specifically ordered by the Engineer, will payment be
and adequate amplification equipment with suitable made. Payment shall be for the hours of actual working
power supply. The Contractor shall also provide time of the equipment and travelling time within the Site.
appropriate refreshment for the guests, including Omani Where plant and equipment has to be brought
halwa and coffee. specifically to Site to carry out work paid for under day
works, travel time and transportation to the site will be
1.15.3 Measurement and Basis of Payment
9 Manufactured Items
1 The commemorative plaque shall be measured as a
Whenever standard manufactured items are specified,
Lump Sum (L.S.) item in the Bill of Quantities.
such as fence wire, plates, rolled shapes, pipe conduit,
2 The Opening Ceremony shall be measured as a etc. and these items are identified by gauge, unit weight,
Lump Sum (L.S.) item in the Bill of Quantities. section dimensions, etc., such identifications shall be
deemed to be nominal weights or dimensions. Unless
1.15.4 Items in the Bill of Quantities controlled by tolerances in cited specifications,
manufacturing tolerances established by the industries
i. Supply and erection of
involved may be accepted by the Engineer at the
commemoration plaque (Lump Sum).
recommendation of the concerned authorities.
ii. Opening ceremony
including all facilities (Lump Sum). 10 Transport
Costs of haul or transport of any material or item is
1.16 Measurement and Payment neither measurable nor payable unless specifically
1.16.1 General Method of Measurement
1.16.2 Scope of Payment
1 The method of measurement and computations to
be used in determining quantities of materials furnished 1 The Contractor shall receive and accept
and of work performed shall be as defined in the Method compensation provided for in the Contract as full
of Measurement and Basis of Payment clause for each payment for supplying materials and for performing
Sub-section and in the Preambles to the Bill of Quantities. work under the Contract in a complete and acceptable
manner and for all risks, losses, damages or expenses
2 All field measurements of quantities for monthly
arising out of the nature or execution of the work subject
certificates and for final payment shall be made by the
to the provision of the Conditions of Contract.
Contractor in the presence of the Engineer. Original
copies of the field measurement notes, signed by the 2 For detailed information on the item coverage and
Contractor, will be retained by the Engineer. costs to be included in the unit rate of the Contractor, the
Contractor should refer to the relevant clauses of each
♦ 1-19 ♦
sub-section of the Specification and to the Preamble to
the Bill of Quantities and to the item descriptions in the
Bill of Quantities.
3 If the measurement and payment clause in the
Specification relating to a unit rate under the Contract
that the unit rate be considered compensation for certain
work or material essential to the item, this same work or
material will be neither measured nor paid for under any
other pay item appearing elsewhere in the Contract.
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