Llama Llama is making valentine's day cards and gifts for friends, including cards to give in person and some to send. The gifts include fancy glitter heart cards for Mama and yummy chocolate hearts for Llama, as well as candy, flowers and cards showing love for friends.
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Llama Llama is making valentine's day cards and gifts for friends, including cards to give in person and some to send. The gifts include fancy glitter heart cards for Mama and yummy chocolate hearts for Llama, as well as candy, flowers and cards showing love for friends.
Llama Llama is making valentine's day cards and gifts for friends, including cards to give in person and some to send. The gifts include fancy glitter heart cards for Mama and yummy chocolate hearts for Llama, as well as candy, flowers and cards showing love for friends.
Llama Llama is making valentine's day cards and gifts for friends, including cards to give in person and some to send. The gifts include fancy glitter heart cards for Mama and yummy chocolate hearts for Llama, as well as candy, flowers and cards showing love for friends.
Make a card for every friend. Some to give . . . and some to send. Fancy glitter-heart Yummy chocolate for Mama. heart for Llama! Candy, cards . . . and flowers, too! llama llama, I love you!