Css 4th Quarter Exam
Css 4th Quarter Exam
Css 4th Quarter Exam
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III
1. It is a maintenance strategy that uses the actual condition of the asset to decide what
maintenance should only be performed when certain indicators show decreasing performance
or upcoming failure.
A. Planned maintenance B. Condition-based maintenance
C. Preventive maintenance D. Corrective maintenance
2. It can be described as maintenance of equipment or systems before fault occurs.
A. Planned maintenance B. Condition-based maintenance
C. Preventive maintenance D. Corrective maintenance
3. It is any variety of scheduled maintenance in an object or item of equipment.
A. Planned maintenance B. Condition-based maintenance
C. Preventive maintenance D. Corrective maintenance
4. Task is to identify, isolate and rectify a fault so that the failed equipment or systems can be
restored to an operational conditions within the tolerance or limits.
A. Planned maintenance B. Condition-based maintenance
C. Preventive maintenance D. Corrective maintenance
5. This will help lessen the attacks of viruses and increase the life span of your computer.
A. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area.
C. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
D. Treat your computer properly.
6. The guidelines reflect current knowledge and best practice for the use of computer so you can
achieve maximum efficiency and safety in your workplace.
A. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area.
C. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
D. Treat your computer properly
7. It refers to any kind of malicious code, objects or content that infiltrates your computer to act in
an undesirable manner.
A. Malware B. Data back up
C. Disk or File D. Hardware issues
8. Know your computer’s specifications and its limits.
A. Computer issues B. RAM issues C. Warning issues D. Usage issues
9. This will allow proper circulation inside the computer unit.
A. Schedule the use of computer for its longer life.
B. Place your computer in a well-ventilated area.
C. Design a monitoring, evaluating and updating plan.
D. Treat your computer properly.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III
11. It will enhance it’s speed and will create more disk space for files.
A. Back up your files B. Install or secure passwords
C. Delete temporary files D. Update anti-virus and spyware
12. It means creating a redundant copy of data so that in case anything happens to the original data
you have a spare copy.
A. Malware maintenance B. Data back up
C.Disk or File System maintenance D. Hardware issues
13. Regularly update your anti-virus for your computer protection against viruses.
A. Install or secure passwords. B. Back up your files
C. Delete temporary files D. Update anti-virus and spyware
14. Know that your computer is going to fail. You need to treat your computer as if it were a doomed
A. Computer issues B. RAM issues C. Malware issues D. Usage issues
15. Installing passwords makes your file smore secure.
A. Install or secure passwords. B. Back up your files
C. Delete temporary files D. Update anti-virus and spyware
16. When something is not working properly, either diagnose the problem yourself and fix it, to
prevent further damage or contact a professional and have them look at it for you.
A. RAM issues B. Hardware issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues
17.What is the diagnosis if the circuit breaker or fuse blown or there is a faulty wall outlet?
A. Turn off computer. Remove the cover of the system unit.
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself.
C. Plug device into socket and test.
D. Check the configuration program.
18. Run regular backup of your important files to other disks, computers, or an online backup service.
A. RAM issues B. Backup issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues
19.It can reduce performance and cause overheating.
A. Ram issues B. Computer issues C. Dust issues D. Warning issues
20. Make sure that your anti-virus software is updated to be able to scan unnecessary files that enter
your PC.
A. Computer issues B. RAM issues C. Malware issues D. Usage issues
21. Always take advantage of warranties. Get a warranty to protect your hardware.
A. Backup issues B. Hardware issues C. Warning issues D. Warranty issues
22. What is the diagnosis if the cause of the problem is Sector Not Found Error?
A. Corrupted system files.
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself.
C. Power connectors may be loose or not plugged in.
D. Loose installation of the RAM on the memory slot
23. What is the diagnosis if it is a memory problem, display card jumpers one not set correctly?
A. Corrupted system files.
B. Hard drive is likely bad itself.
C. Power connectors may be loose or not plugged in.
D. Loose installation of the RAM on the memory slot
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III
39. What is the solution if the hard drive cable is not connected properly.
A. Use anti-virus programs.
B. Check cable running form disk to disk controller on the board.
C. Check hard drive cable
D. Check the power connectors of the monitor and the system.
40. What is the solution if the cause of the problem is expansion card partially dislodged from
Expansion slot on the motherboard.
A. Run scandisk and having scandisk mark the sectors as bad.
B. Change the interrupt or RAM address on the new expansion card.
C. Using even pressure on both ends of the expansion card, press down firmly on expansion card.
D. Contact technical support.
41. What is the solution if the keys of the keyboard are jammed or defective?
A. Run scandisk and having scandisk mark the sectors as bad.
B. Change the interrupt or RAM address on the new expansion card.
C. Replace keyboard
D. Contact technical support.
42.What is the solution if the cause of the problem is computer virus?
A. Use anti-virus programs.
B. Check cable running form disk to disk controller on the board.
C. Check hard drive cable
D. Check the power connectors of the monitor and the system.
43. What is the solution if the monitor has no power?
A. Run scandisk and having scandisk mark the sectors as bad.
B. Change the interrupt or RAM address on the new expansion card.
C. Using even pressure on both ends of the expansion card, press down firmly on expansion card.
D. Contact technical support.
44.What is the solution if the screen saver is enabled?
A. Disable screen saver.
B. If possible, connect monitor to another system.
C. Check hard drive cable.
D. Run setup and select correct drive type.
45. What is the solution if CMOS setup has been changed?
A. Disable screen saver.
B. If possible, connect monitor to another system.
C. Check hard drive cable.
D. Run setup and select correct drive type.
46. What action you need to do if the problem of network is unplugged network cable?
A. Contact your ISP if you suspect your account has been blocked.
B. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III
49. What action you need to do if the problem of network is computer firewall malfunctions?
A. Contact your ISP if you suspect your account has been blocked.
B. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
C. Temporarily disable your installed or upgraded software firewalls to determine whether it may
be the cause of internet connection problems.
D. Check the router’s lights and console if possible to ensure it is running and responding properly.
50. What action you need to do if the problem of network is outside wireless signal range?
A. Confirm that the Wi-Fi channel number and encryption keys on your router have not recently
B. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
C. Contact your internet provider to verify whether they are experiencing an outage.
D. You should place the router at a height in some central location and away from other cordless
51. What action you need to do if the problem of network is wireless network configuration?
A. You should place the router at a height in some central location and away from other cordless
B. Release and renew your IP address. If your network uses static IP addresses, manually change
your IP to different number.
C. Confirm that the Wi-Fi channel number and encryption keys on your router have not recently
D. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
52. What action you need to do if the problem of network is blocked by service provider?
A. Contact your ISP if you suspect your account has been blocked.
B. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
C. Temporarily disable your installed or upgraded software firewalls to determine whether it may
be the cause of internet connection problems.
D.Check the router’s lights and console if possible to ensure it is running and responding properly
53. What action you need to do if the problem of network is broadband router or access point
A. Contact your ISP if you suspect your account has been blocked.
B. Check the computer and remove any malware that you will find. On Windows computers, try
resetting the network connection.
C. Release and renew your IP address. If your network uses static IP addresses, manually change
your IP to different number.
D. Check the router’s lights and console if possible to ensure it is running and responding properly.
54. What action you need to do if the problem of network are computer glitches?
A. Contact your ISP if you suspect your account has been blocked.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III
55. What action you need to do if the problem of network is network downtime?
A. Confirm that the Wi-Fi channel number and encryption keys on your router have not recently
B. Ensure your wired or wireless network hardware is switched on and plugged in.
C. Contact your internet provider to verify whether they are experiencing an outage.
D. You should place the router at a height in some central location and away from other cordless
Learning Competency: Inspect and test the computer systems and networks.
56. The practice of orderly storage so the right item can be picked efficiently (without waste) at the
right time, easy to access for everyone. A place for everything and everything in its place.
A. Sustain B. Set in order C. Standardize D. Sort E. Shine
57. Implementing behaviors and habits to maintain the established standards over the long term,
and making the workplace organization the key to managing the process for success.
A. Sustain B. Set in order C. Standardize D. Sort E. Shine
58. Setting up standards for a neat, clean workplace.
A. Sustain B. Set in order C. Standardize D. Sort E. Shine
59. Distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary things, and getting rid of what you need.
A. Sustain B. Set in order C. Standardize D. Sort E. Shine
60. Create a clean worksite without garbage, dirt and dust, so problems can be more easily identified
(leaks, spills, excess, damage, etc,)
A. Sustain B. Set in order C. Standardize D. Sort E. Shine
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Imus City
Cluster III