2 Marks ATD
2 Marks ATD
2 Marks ATD
40. If in the equation PVn = C, the value of n = then the process is called _______
Constant Volume process
45. What is the difference between steady flow and non – flow process?
During the steady flow process the rate of flow of mass and energy across the
boundary remains constant. In case of non – flow across the system and boundary.
COP HP = =
COP of Refrigerator
COP ref == =
11. Name two alternative methods by which the efficiency of a Carnot cycle can be
(i) Efficiency can be increased as the higher temperature T2 increases.
(ii) Efficiency can be increased as the lower temperature T1 decreases.
19. Define change of entropy. How is entropy compared with heat transfer and
absolute temperature?
The measure of irreversibility when the energy transfer takes place within the
system or between system and surrounding is called as change of entropy. It is simply
known as unaccounted heat loss.
3. Find the saturation temp and latent heat of vaporization of steam at 1 Mpa.
From steam table of 1 Mpa or 10 bar
Saturation temperature, Tsat = 179.88°C
Latent heat of vaporization, hfg = 2013.6 kJ/kg
by hf.
11. Define triple point and critical point for pure substance.
Triple point: Triple point is the state where all the three phases i.e. solid,
liquid and vapour to exist in equilibrium.
Critical point: It represents the highest pressure and temperature at which the
liquid and vapour phases coexist in equilibrium. At the critical point the liquid and
vapour phases are indistinguishable i. e. Liquid directly converted in to vapour.
13. Determine the condition of steam of 2 bar whose entropy is 6.27 kJ/kg.
From steam Table at 2 bar Sg = 7.1268 kJ/Kg K
Since entropy of given steam of pressure 2 bar is less then entropy of dry steam at that
pressure, the steam is in wet condition.
14. Determine specific enthalpy and specific entropy of 120° C saturated steam.
From steam table at 120° C
Specific enthalpy, hg = 2706 kJ/kg
Specific entropy, sg = 7.1293 kJ/kg K
15. Define efficiency ratio.
The ratio of actual cycle efficiency to that of the ideal cycle efficiency is
termed as efficiency ratio.
16. Find the mass of 0.1 m3 of wet steam at a temperature of 160° and 0.94 dry.
From steam table at 160° C
Vg = 0.30676 m3/kg
Specific volume of wet steam = x.vg = 0.94 × 0.30676 m3 / kg
= 0.2884 m3 / kg
Mass of steam, m = =
m = 0.35 kg.
17. One kg of steam at 10 bar has an enthalpy of 2500 kJ /kg. find its quality.
h = 2500 kJ /kg
h = hf + x ×hfg
At 10 bar from steam table
hf= 762.6kJ/kg hfg= 2013.6kJ/kg
2500= 762.6=x × 2013.6
x= .826
22. Name the different components in steam power plant working on Rankine cycle.
Boiler, Turbine, Cooling Tower or Condenser and Pump.
23. What are the effects of condenser pressure on the Rankine Cycle?
By lowering the condenser pressure, we can increase the cycle efficiency. The
main disadvantage is lowering the back pressure in rease the wetness of steam.
Isentropic compression of a very wet vapour is very difficult.
26. Why reheat cycle is not used for low boiler pressure?
At the low reheat pressure the heat cycle efficiency may be less than the
Rankine cycle efficiency. Since the average temperature during heating will then be
29. Explain the term super heated steam and super heating.
The dry steam is further heated its temperature raises, this process is called as
superheating and the steam obtained is known as superheated steam.
8. Explain the construction and give the use of generalized compressibility chart.
The general compressibility chart is plotted with Z versus Pr for various values
of Tr. This is constructed by plotting the known data of one of mole gases and can be
used for any gas. This chart gives best results for the regions well removed from the
critical state for all gases.
9. What do you mean by reduced properties?
The ratios of pressure, temperature and specific volume of a real gas to the
corresponding critical values are called the reduced properties.
= and =
Tds = Cv dT + T