CPChain - Drugledger

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The paper proposes a blockchain system called Drugledger to improve drug traceability and address issues with traditional centralized solutions like data authenticity, privacy, and system resilience.

Traditional centralized drug traceability systems have issues with data authenticity as the server could easily modify traceability data, impairing stakeholders' business privacy and data accuracy. They also lack system resilience. Drugledger aims to address these problems.

Drugledger reconstructs the service architecture by separating it into three independent components to ensure data authenticity and privacy. It also uses a p2p architecture to improve system resilience compared to traditional centralized solutions.

Drugledger: A Practical Blockchain System for

Drug Traceability and Regulation

Yan Huang, Jing Wu, Chengnian Long
Department of Automation, School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Key Laboratory of System Control and Information Processing,
Ministry of Education of China, Shanghai 200240, China

Abstract—Drug traceability system is essentially important for keep track or trace of the drug transaction flow through
public drug security and business of pharmaceutical companies, different stakeholders along the drug supply chain. It should
which aims to track or trace where the drug has been and where provide reliable information about the flow for stakeholders
it has gone along the drug supply chain. Traditional centralized
server-client technical solutions have been far from satisfying and patients, especially that of drug production origin for anti-
for their bad performances in data authenticity, privacy, system counterfeit purpose. Or, at least it could be used to bind the
resilience and flexibility. responsibility of drug security to the relevant stakeholders for
In this paper, we propose a scenario-oriented blockchain sys- government regulation. Furthermore, the privacy of traceability
tem for drug traceability and regulation called Drugledger, which data in the system is required to be protected as much as
reconstructs the whole service architecture by separating service
provider into three independent service components and ensures possible, especially that of statistical information (e.g. pro-
the authenticity and privacy of traceability data. Drugledger is ductivity, quantity of sale, etc.) of drugs that have been past
more resilient than traditional solutions with its p2p architecture. the stakeholder. Moreover, the system needs to provide useful
Furthermore, Drugledger could efficiently prune its storage, APIs for stakeholders to flexibly integrate into their own ERP
achieving a finally stable and acceptable blockchain storage. (Enterprise Resouce Planning) system.
Besides, algorithms reflecting the real drug supply chain logic
(e.g. package, repackage, unpackage, etc.) are designed based on Currently, the mainstream technical solution (e.g. [1, 26,
the expanded UTXO workflow in Drugledger. To our knowledge, 36]) adopts a centralized client-server architecture similar to
it is the first systematic work from both a technical and practical what was done in China. And patients or stakeholders query
perspective on how blockchain system could be designed for drug the server to verify the authenticity of the drug they bought or
traceability and regulation. to track or trace the information flow along the drug supply
chain. Several problems existed in this centralized scheme.
First, the raw drug information uploaded to the server could
Drug traceability is essentially important for patients’ be easily obtained and modified by the service operating entity,
health, business operation, and government regulation. With which directly impairs the stakeholders’ business privacy and
a reliable drug traceability system, patients and stakeholders the data authenticity. Second, the centralized server is more
of the drug supply chain (for description convenience, in vulnerable to Denial of Service attack and the resilience heav-
this paper we refer stakeholders to only enterprises along ily depends on the technical ability of operating entity. Third,
the supply chain (e.g. manufacturers, packagers, wholesalers, in this architecture, integrating the drug traceability system
pharmacies and hospitals), not including patients) could conve- with the stakeholders’ own ERP system is not flexible with
niently know where the drug has gone or has been. Indeed, the limited and specific APIs provided by the service provider.
drug traceability has also become more and more a compulsory This paper presents Drugledger, a fully scenario-oriented
mandate by governments around the world [11, 29, 39]. For blockchain system for drug traceability and regulation. It
example, the U.S. Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA) reconstructs the whole service architecture, ensures the both
[39], which was signed into law on November 27, 2013, authenticity and privacy of traceability data, and meanwhile
requires that an electronic, interoperable system should be achieves a finally stable blockchain storage with time going
built to identify and trace prescription drugs as they are by. Algorithms reflecting the practical workflow of drug supply
distributed in the United States. In China, for approximately chain have also been presented.
8 years, stakeholders above had been required to upload the The design of Drugledger follows several principles. First,
drug information of individual pharmaceutical products to the Drugledger blockchain system should truly reflect the practical
official designated IT system whenever there are drugs in or drug transaction logic of the supply chain, especially that of
out of their warehouses (which was suspended in Feb 2, 2016 drug package, repackage, unpackage, and order cancelling,
for the stakeholders’ concern about their data privacy and the etc. Second, Drugledger should guarantee both authenticity
fairness of the system operated by a company which also has and privacy of the stakeholders’ traceability information ,
its pharmaceutical business [31]) since many untrusted parties from different drug supply chains
Generally, a drug traceability system should be able to coexist in the same blockchain network. And this should be
achieved without losing resilience of the blockchain system. II. R ELATED W ORK
Third, the data storage of the blockchain system should not
A. Blockchain Background
be continuously increasing without end, which guarantees the
scalability in storage with time going by. Finally, Drugledger, Blockchain, which is also called distributed ledger, origi-
should be able to counter Sybil attacks [8]. nates from the famous decentralized cryptocurrency of bitcoin
Following these principles, Drugledger is designed. First, [25] where it serves as the underlying core technology. Gen-
to better reflect the cyber-physical characteristics of the track- erally, a blockchain system could be viewed as a distributed
and-trace system, Drugledger uses an expanded UTXO-based system implemented with a group of replicated state machines
transaction model tailored to the drug supply chain to construct [28] in a peer-to-peer network. The transaction is the basic
the whole workflow, including drug package, repackage, un- behavior unit of blockchain, which could be generally defined
package, and drug transaction cancelling, manufacturing, drug as the transfer of some digitalized asset that maybe have
arriving and leaving, etc. Specially, Drugledger implements its meaning in reality. Historical agreed transactions form
the corresponding mechanisms of package, repackage, and un- the current configurations of the replicated state machine.
package, which is of great significance not only for traceability New transactions can be replicated and finally delivered to
in a drug level but for tracing the whole drug supply chain the blockchain system by executing the corresponding group
originating from the pharmaceutical raw materials. of replicated state machines, usually including executions of
Second, Drugledger seperates the service provider into three some consensus algorithm and external validity of transac-
independent roles, namely, certificate service provider (CSP), tions [6]. Organizations of transactions in a local replica can
query service provider (QSP), and anti-attack service provider vary depending on concrete implementations and consensus
(ASP). Stakeholders in Drugledger compute a proper one- mechanisms, the mainstream of which is in the form of linked
way cryptographic function (e.g. cryptographic hash of SHA- list of blocks where a block contains transactions in a period.
256) of the properly encoded raw information certain level Another recently remarkable form of transaction organization
packages of drugs so as to get the irreversible metadata. This is to use the direct acyclic graph (i.e. DAG) [17].
metadata will be added to the Drugledger blockchain in the Academic research on blockchain has not come so long
form of blockchain transaction across every replica as both though the field has attracted an increasing number of excel-
proof of existence of physical drug transaction and more lent researchers. Currently, works on blockchain are mainly
importantly traceability index in Drugledger. Furthermore, focused on the security, efficiency, and scalability of consensus
indexes of different package levels could be correlated based protocols with an emphasis on the application of cryptocur-
on the aforementioned UTXO workflow, especially that of rency or general purpose blockchain, and have increasingly
package, repackage, and unpackage. This way, Drugledger treated it in a more formal way learned from established
manages to separate drug traceability query service from its practice in areas of distributed systems and cryptography [13,
data modification while ensuring data authenticity and privacy. 18, 27]. In the industry, more self-claimed general purpose
Besides, Sybil attacks could also be effectively countered. blockchain platforms are being developed attached with the so
Third, in Drugledger, we do not seek for general purpose called smart contact programmable module, such as Ethereum
schemes for storage pruning, but only focus on pruning [9], Hyperldger Fabric [16], etc.
performance of the specific scenario, which we believe will be Blockchain is promising to bring several beneficial changes
better optimized. After being fully acquainted with the drug to the drug track-and-trace industry. First, drug traceability
supply chain scenario, we propose to prune the blockchain system based on blockchain could efficiently prohibit the
based on the drug expiration date and give the corresponding modification of data, ensuring the authenticity. Second, the
algorithm so that the blockchain could finally achieve a stable security and resilience of the system could be enhanced for
storage, which seems to have been ignored in the blockchain utilizing such a p2p architecture. Finally, blockchain makes it
academic community which cares more about universality than easy for stakeholders to integrate necessary information into
usability and feasibility. their ERP system, since they will have full access to their data
This paper is organized as follows. Related works on flow.
bockchain-based drug traceability system are first presented
in Section II, where the blockchain background is also B. Traceability of Drug Supply Chain
given. Sections III then describes detailed technical design Currently, few technical and practical works could be
of Drugledger from four aspects, namely, service provider publicly found on combining drug traceability system with
seperation, expanded UTXO-based workflow, drug package, blockchain, but there are some general discussions. For ex-
repackage and unpackage, and scenario-oriented storage prun- ample, Mettler et al. [24] generally proposed the possibility
ing. After that, Section IV discusses implementation and of using blockchain to fight counterfeit drugs in the phar-
evaluation of Drugledger. Finally, we conclude the paper in maceutical industry. Kurki [19] disscussed the benefits and
Section V. guidelines for utilizing blockchain in the drug supply chain.
Archa et al. [3] shared their insights of combining the GDP
IoT framework with Tendermint [32] blockchain for drug
supply chain traceability but gave few technical details on
how they implement the practical workflow with blockchain. Drugledger is a system for drug traceability and regulation
Bocek et al. [4] said they had built a prototype of drug supply that integrates blockchain with drug supply chain. The cyber-
chain traceability system based on Ethereum smart contract physical characteristic should be considered when designing
[9], without giving concrete design of the worklfow. such a system. That is, there are two different and asyn-
chronous flows of drugs that should be taken into account
C. Traceability of Universal Supply Chain. when designing Drugledger: physical flow of real drugs along
Despite of few works on the specific drug traceability the drug supply chain, and corresponding information flow
area, traceability research for universal supply chains or other that goes through the Drugledger network in the form of
specific supply chain scenarios is available, which is necessary blockchain transactions.
to be introduced here. Tian [33, 34] proposed to use blockchain
to track and trace agri-food with a conceptual framework
given and make comparative analysis of the advantages and

disadvantages to the traditional solutions of centralized archi- !

tecture. Lu et al. [23] shared their experience of developing


OriginChain with a consortium architecture based on smart Supplier(s) Manufacturer Wholesaler Distributor
(Primary) Pharmacy or Hospital Patient

contracts for product traceability, in which some valuable

general design questions are discussed (e.g. storage of data off-
chain or on-chain, data privacy, regulation compliance, etc.).
But it gives few concrete details on how they implement their Packager
Wholesaler Distributor

supply chain workflow, which is addressed in Drugledger. Li et

al. [21] proposed a framework based on hybrid p2p network Fig. 1. A drug supply chain example [37]
and blockchain data model for tracking the real-time status
of the shipment with a focus on the traceability of truckload In this section, we will first present the service provider
transportation stage. To be strict, it is not a blockchain based separation mechanism which constructs the whole service
system, since the p2p network (sub-network) for producing a architecture of Drugledger and ensures traceability data au-
private ledger was created on demand for once only between thenticity and privacy. Then the basic workflow in Drugledger
two end-to-end nodes of cooperating stakeholders and would is detailed and the corresponding algorithms are given. After
then be terminated after the cargo movement was completed. that, we address how Drugledger implements mechanisms
Toyoda et al. [35] proposed a product ownership management of package, repackage, and unpackage, which are of great
system for anti-counterfeits in the post supply chain based on significance for the real transaction logic and complete trace-
Ethereum smart contract, where it designed Manufacturers- ability. Finally, a scenario-oriented storage pruning algorithm
Manager Contract for managing the information of manufac- is discussed, which achieves a finally stable and acceptable
tures like enrollment of a new company and ProductsManager blockchain storage, enhancing its scalability. A basic illus-
Contract for managing products information like enrollment tration of Drugledger on its service architecture and basic
of a new product. As a general framework, it gives the basic workflow could be found in Fig. 2, where Other Nodes refer
product ownership logic at the Ethereum smart contract level to other stakeholders not in the same drug supply chain as the
for proof of concept, without considering much the practical one illustrated, and which will be further detailed in the next
needs of various scenarios (like package and unpackage), subsections.
and how to protect the commercial data privacy when using
public smart contract and reduce the system storage, which A. Service Provider Separation
are otherwise addressed in Drugledger. For traditional centralized server-client solutions provided
by some third-party service provider (i.e. some technical
III. D ESIGN OF D RUGLEDGER operating company), one of its drawbacks is the inability
A typical drug supply chain scenario can be seen in to separate the function of query from that of data access
Fig.1. The basic components include supplier, manufacturer, and modification, which naturally raises stakeholders’ concern
wholesaler distributor, packager, pharmacy, hospital, and also about their data privacy and the authenticity of track-and-trace
patients. Here, for accuracy, we define drug transaction in a information. The key lies in the double roles of the only service
drug supply chain as the physical flow of drugs from one provider, who is on one hand the query service provider for
stakeholder to another stakeholder or from one station to both the stakeholders and also the patients, and on the other
another station of the same stakeholder (e.g. drug flow from hand the unique administrator which could obtain the complete
manufacturer to wholesaler distributor, or from agency A to production information and also modify the data uploaded by
agenecy B of the same wholesaler distributor). Accordingly, the stakeholders.
we still define Drugledger transaction as transfer of digitalized Drugledger reconstructs the service architecture by separat-
asset as in Section II.A. Here, the digitalized asset corresponds ing the service provider into three independent parts, namely,
to the physical drug and Drugledger transaction maps to the certificate service provider (CSP), query service provider
drug transaction in a physical suppy chain. (QSP), and anti-attack service provider (ASP), as seen in
2) Query Service Provider (QSP): In Drugledger, every
node can be a query service provider and stakeholders in
the same drug supply chain are free to register one or more
of the many query service providers they want to cooperate
Blockchain with. The QSP could thus correlate stakeholders’ public keys
Drugledger TXi with physical identities in real world (e.g. a hospital name).



#20000 #20001 #20002 Other Nodes First, for packages of drugs, they all have been encoded with
necessary drug information (i.e. raw data) into the barcode

or the RFID label attached to them, according to some
standards (e.g. GS1 standard [15]). Second, for stakeholders
in Drugledger, they are required to add the cryptographic
Manufacturer Distributor Pharmacy hash (e.g. SHA-256) of the above encoded raw data (obtained
Node Node Node
A drug Reader Reader Reader Reader Reader by scanning the barcode or the RFID label) as metadata
Suppy Chain
to Drugledger transaction, whenever a corresponding drug
transaction happens. The metadata will be used as future
Manufacturer Drugs Distributor Drugs Pharmacy
index for quering the service provider for the whole track
and trace information of drugs relating to certain stakeholders.
Finally, the QSP could thus provide the traceability service
Fig. 2. Drugledger service architecture and basic workflow for certain package of drugs by first searching the Drugledger
replica for all transactions relating to the package metdata, and
then interpreting them according to the Drugledger transaction
workflow discussed in later sections. Therefore, the traceability
Fig. 2. This seperation ensures the authenticity and privacy
data privacy is protected while guaranteeing the commercial
of stakeholders’traceability data, without sacrificing resilience
service delivery and not losing resilience of the Drguledger
of the blockchain system.
blockchain system.
1) Certificate Service Provider (CSP): An PKI (Public Key 3) Anti-attack Service Provider (ASP): Drugledger sets the
Infrastructure) service operated by CSP is embedded into role of anti-attack service provider for supervising exceptional
Drugledger which requires only nodes with valid certificate activities in the network to keep it functioning properly.
could participate in Drugledger. It could be used to counter For instance, an ASP may detect that some stakeholders in
Sybil attacks where malicious nodes may create quantities Drugledger have been abusing transactions that apparently go
of fake names and execute many meaningless or malicious beyond its business scale. Different from certificate service
transactions. Furthermore, illegal pharmaceutical stakeholders provider, ASPs do not have the right to directly revoke sus-
are also banned to participate in Drugledger. The stakeholder’s picious stakeholders’ access to Drugledger or make possible
real identity information is not included in the Drugledger economic punishment, but will report relevant details to CSP
certificate. Instead, its public key in the Drugledger network which will decide on the following actions. In this sense, ASP
will be recorded in the certificate. For specific participant in is more like anti-virus software for a operating system (i.e.
Drugledger, it could have multiple authenticated pulic keys, Drugledger system) of specific version in a modern computer.
which increases the difficulty of possible malicious commer- Furthermore, concrete detecting mechanisms are very adaptive
cial analysis. Moreover, concrete roles of the stakeholders and will keep evolving according to Drugledger dynamics and
(manufactures, wholesaler distributors, etc.) are also verified the corresponding possible attacks on Drugledger network.
and added to the certificate for supporting diverse potential More importantly, Drugledger do not aim to be some decen-
scenarios, such as countering attacks of flooding quantities of tralized platform but focuses on being a feasible drug trace-
fake drug production transactions in Drugledger network and ability system combined with necessary technologies or tech-
forcing stakeholders to deal with these meaningless transac- niques. Setting the role of ASP is innovative and significant,
tions. which contributes to the sustaining availability of Drugledger.
Participants’ identity privacy is protected in the sense that Anti-attack services could be operated by competent technical
other parties not cooperating with them cannot manage to companies which provide technical support services and could
get the real identity information through Drugledger network. charge for them.
Besides, stakeholders in the same supply chain do not or
not need to rely on this to build any mutual trust (consider B. Expanded UTXO-Based Workflow
the physical scenario of drug supply chain business where The most important aspect that should be considered when
cooperators apparently know each other offline). The certifi- designing such a system is the cyber-physical characteristic
cate service provider could be the drug supply chain regulator of the drug traceability system, which shares both charac-
(i.e. FDA in U.S., CFDA in China) or some other designated teristics of the drug track-and-trace information flow through
operating entity, and this could be embedded in a modular way the Drugleder network and also drug transaction flow of real
for Drugledger. world. In terms of this, Drugledger uses the expanded UTXO
transaction model [2] to construct the whole workflow. The basic workflow for production, departure and arrival of
In bitcoin system, a transaction is a transfer of bitcoin from drugs is described in Algorithm 1.
one owner to the other, which is implied by the transaction
data structure in Fig. 3. The field of transaction output signifies Algorithm 1 Basic Drugledger transaction procedure for drug
production, arrival, and departure along the drug suppy chain.
1: procedure I NITIATE BASIC TX
Block header: previoush block hash Merkel root timestamp version 2: type ← TYPE
Transaction: input output version
3: // TYPE could be Production, Arrival, or Departure
4: utxos ← SynchronizeUTXO()
Transaction output: amount locking script version
5: // stakeholders synchronize the node to get UTXOs
Transaction input: unlocking script transaction hash output index version 6: // availabe to “spend”
7: rawdata ← ReadDrugPackage()
Fig. 3. Bitcoin transaction and block header [2] 8: // read the encoded drug package to get the raw data
9: metadata ← SHA256(rawdata)
how many bitcoins have been transafered to which owners 10: // get the metadata in possible Drugledger transactions
(i.e. public keys), in which the right to spend the bitcoin is 11: // by cryptographic hash of SHA-256
expressed in locking script. Only the one being able to produce 12: hutxo, utxoptri ← GetUTXO(utxos, metadata)
the right unlocking script (e.g. public key verification script) 13: // check if there is corresponding utxo to metadata
can spend the bitcoin value existing in the unspent transaction 14: // in above utxos
output (UTXO). The locking script and the pointer to the 15: if hutxo, utxoptri == hnull, nulli&&
transaction containing the UTXO should thus be included in type ! = P roduction then
the field of transaction input. 16: return false
Drugledger expands the transaction model above to the drug 17: // utxo == null means that the package just read is not
supply chain, as illustrated in Fig. 4. The fields of metadata, 18: // in the Drugledger system. if it is not for the first
type, lifetime, block lifetime are newly added, in which lifetime 19: // time production, then wrong operation, return
and block lifetime will be detailed in subsection D. The field of 20: isvalid ← ValidQuery(metdata,pidman,pidpre,QSP)
type refers to different kinds of Drugledger transactions which 21: if isvalid == false then return false
maps to corresponding drug transactions in drug supply chain. 22: // if the package of drugs exists, query for QSP
Drugledger tailors the expanded UTXO model to drug supply 23: // to verify the manufacturer physical identity pidman
chain scenario in several ways. 24: // and the previous stakeholder physical identity pidpre
25: // this is optional, if cooperators are trusted
26: tx ← CreateTX(metadata,utxo,utxoptr,viddl,type)
Block header: previoush block hash block lifetime Merkel root timestamp version
27: // if all is well, “spend” the utxo and create the
Transaction: type input output version
28: // transaction as in Fig 4, viddl is the public key of
Transaction output: metadata lifetime locking script version
29: // next stakeholder in Drugledger network
Transaction input: unlocking script transaction hash output index version
type { Production, Departure, Arrival, Package, Repackage, Unpackage, Cancelling, StoragePruning }
30: Gossip(tx) // gossip the transaction for consensus
31: return true
Fig. 4. Drugledger transaction and block header
Third, misbehaviors on the transaction in such a permis-
First, most transactions in Drugledger blockchain are cor- sioned Drugledger system can be cancelled, by adding an
responding to the physical drug transaction process, as seen additional “payee” (i.e. current owner of the drugs) in the
in Fig. 2. It records the corresponding ownership transfer of transaction. This happens if and only if it has not been “spent”
drugs of different-level packages. Stakeholders are required to by the original “payee” which has initiated transaction to ver-
initiate Drugledger transactions which take as input the previ- ify the ownership transfer of drugs. This is very realistic and
ous “unspent” transaction output belonging to corresponding important when carefully considering the practical business
stakeholders, whenever there are drug transactions accordingly scenario of the drug supply chain, for example, when the
(e.g. reaching or leaving the warehouse). The Drugledger public key of the next owner is lost or wrong public keys
transactions can only be initiated again by the authenticated are added to the transaction.
stakeholders which have valid private keys. Finally, in some circumstances where drugs need to be
Second, the transactions above are initiated for two main packaged, repackaged or unpackaged, the workflow above
purposes. One is for declaring that the drug has left or arrived cannot work and new mechanisms need to be introduced to
the warehouse (e.g. TX5 and TX9 in Fig. 2). This is because solve the problem, which are described in the next subsection.
the information flow in the Drugledger is not synchronized
with the physical flow of drugs. And the other is for the C. Drug Package, Repackage, and Unpackage
first-time production (i.e. TX1 in Fig.2) from an authenticated In a practical drug supply chain scenario, the drug track-
manufacturer where drugs are packaged in a minimum level. and-trace workflow is more complex than what is described in
Fig. 2, since there are different levels of packages of drugs. For
example, from the manufacturers’ production of drugs with i j k
a minimum package level, to the patients’ consumption of Package { UTXOpl ,UTXOpl , } TXO pl+1 version
drugs also with a minimum package level, there are processes
Fig. 6. Drugledger package transaction (simplified)
of drug package, repackage, and unpackage, which make the
basic workflow disscussed in subsection B more complicated,
as illustrated in Fig. 5. More importantly, it also makes the
repackager itself, with a new metadata added to the repackage
track and trace more difficult, since the same drug can be
transaction output. The new metadata is obtained by comptut-
expressed in different Drugledger transactions with different
ing cryptographic hash (SHA-256) of the newly added package
metadata standing for various level packages.
raw data. Besides, it is necessary to check whether there was
a package transaction which packaged drugs of previous level
unpackage unpackage
package into the current destroyed package. This is to avoid
possible manmade mistakes, like mixing low-level packages
not in the same current detroyed package. The repackage
(destroyed procedure is described in Algorithm 2.

unpackage Algorithm 2 Repackage under the situation of ruined package
of current level.
Manufacturer Packager A Packager B Pharmacy Patient
1: procedure R EPACKAGE
2: type ← TYPE
Fig. 5. Package, repackage, and unpackage in drug supply chain. 3: // TYPE = Repackage
4: utxos ← SynchronizeUTXO()
In Drugledger, mechanisms of package, repackage and un- 5: rawdatacur ← ReadDrugPackage()
package are proposed to keep the UTXO-based basic workflow 6: // read current destroyed package
still effective. The basic idea is to realize processes of package, 7: metadatacur ← SHA256(rawdatacur)
repackage and unpackage as the inherent Drugledger trans- 8: hutxo, utxoptri ← GetUTXO(utxos, metadata)
actions which transfer drugs to the current stakeholder itself 9: rawdatapres ← ReadDrugPackage()
(which we call package transaction, repackage transaction and 10: // read all packages of previous level in the
unpackage transaction). After that, the basic UTXO workflow 11: // destroyed package, obtaining corresponding raw data
discussed in subsection B can still function as before. The 12: metadatapres ← SHA256()
relations between different metadata of various level packages 13: result ← IsCorrelated(metadatacur, metadatapres)
are recorded in the Drugledger blockchain, so that we could 14: // verify correlation between packages in Drugledger
still keep track or trace of the whole drug supply chain. 15: if result == f alse then return false
Since drug package, repackage or unpackage happens after
16: CreateT X(metadatanew, utxo, utxoptr, viddl, type)
the arrival of drugs of current package level (i.e. Arrival trans-
17: // metatanew is caculated from the newly added
action in Drugledger), we do not need to repeat the validation
18: // package that replaces the current destroyed package
steps executed in Alogrithm 1 when initiating corresponding
19: return true
transactions. The metadata of next level package (computed
as in Section III.A) is added to the corresponding transaction
outputs. In addition, the unpackage process also influences the func-
For package transaction, where drugs of certain package tion of track-and-trace in Drugledger, since the metadata of
level need to be reorganized as a whole in a higher-level the lower level package can only be traced before the unpack-
package, it is created by spending the multiple “unspent” age stage based on the expanded UTXO transaction model.
transaction ouputs which stand for the multiple current-level Unpackage transaction is thus proposed to solve the prob-
packages of drugs and setting the next owner to the packager lem. Similar to package transaction, unpackage transaction is
itself in the transaction output, as illustrated in simplified Fig. created by spending the “unspent” transaction output corre-
i j sponding to currentl level packages of drugs and producing
6. U T XOpl and U T XOpl refer to current unspent transaction
outputs corresponding to package i and package j of drugs the multiple transaction outputs with metadata of lower-level
with package level pl. T XOpl+1 k
refers to the transaction packages of drugs in the current level package, as illustrated in
output corresponding to the next level package k of drugs simplified Fig. 7. Similar to repackage transaction, unpackage
with package level pl + 1. Therefore, the information flow
can be traced with the interrelation reflected in the package
i j k
For repackage situation, where there are some destroyed Package UTXO pl {TXOpl-1 ,TXOpl-1 , } version
packages of drugs, the repackage transaction is realized by
spending the UTXO of detroyed package of drugs to the Fig. 7. Drugledger unpackage transaction (simplified).
transaction will also go through the same validation process will not be used again in the future. The following block then
to verify the correlation between metadata of transaction input becomes the oldest block (“genesis block”), which is different
and those of transaction outputs. from cryptocurrency like bitcoin in which there is only one
kind of transaction and every transaction may be used in the
D. Scenario-Driven Storage Pruning
future for either balance calculation or validation and thus has
The problem of continuous increasing storage has been a an indefinite lifetime. The Drugledger pruning transaction (i.e.
general bottleneck of blockchain system, for which valuable TX7 in Fig.2) is initiated only by the CSP with certificate
approaches (like bitcoin SPV (Simplified Payment Verifica- verification once a block is expired or sometime long after
tion [25], and Ethereum state tree pruning [10]) have been that. After the local pruning operation, those expired drugs
proposed. These approaches, however, still cannot stop the cannot be traced in Drugledger with a complete information
increasing storage. flow and will thus be taken invalid. The process is detailed in
In Drugledger, the practical scenario of drug supply chain Algorithm 3.
is carefully investigated for potential optimization, where the
expiration date of drugs is taken into account to optimize the IV. I MPLEMENTATION AND E VALUATION
workflow. It is shown that the drug expiration time (shelf A. Implementation
life) is usually less than 5 years as a result of business Currently, we are developing a prototype of Drugledger
reproduction and government regulation requirement [12] [30] mainly with C++ in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. The main modules
[38], which means the transaction in Drugledger could have its of Drugledger include certificate module, storage module,
lifetime. Considering the length of the blockchain is linearly communication module, consensus module and Drugledger
growing with time, the block lifetime in Drugledger could transaction logic module. Some popular open source libraries
then be optimized to the maximum lifetime of production are used in the current working prototype, like Crypto++ R
transactions (type = Production) in it. For blocks without [7], LevelDB [20], libevent [22], Boost [5], etc. The commu-
production transactions in it, the block lifetime is thus defined nication module uses gossip to implements a p2p network.
as 0. Therefore, the block can be pruned after the expiration The consensus module is implemented temporarily with algo-
or some time long after that if necessary, which contributes to rithms from Algorand cryptocurrency [14], where it limits the
a finally stable and acceptable blockchain storage. There are participation of final byzantine consensus process (i.e. BA?)
circumstances where the expiration date of a specific drug is to a small committee selected by cryptographic sortition and
extremly long (like some kinds of Chinese traditional drugs), thus improves its transaction throughoutput. Users in Algorand
which greatly increases the block lifetime. In this situation, are weighted by their balance, whereas Drugledger weights
we currently choose to ban transactions of those drugs in its user based on the number of valid transactions in the past.
Drugledger or just to simply ignore these drugs when pruning This is reasonable in the sense that stations of large companies
Drugledger. process more pharmaceutical transactions regularly, take more
risks, and thus should share more reputation in proposing a
Algorithm 3 Storage pruning in Drugledger.
1: procedure P RUNE S TORAGE
2: type ← TYPE B. Evaluation
3: // TYPE = StoragePruning 1) Practicality: The first and foremost requirement for drug
4: timestampgen ← GetTimestamp(genesisblock) supply chain traceability system should be its practicality,
5: // timestamp of the current begining block which seems to have been ignored in related works in Section
6: timestampnew ← GetTimestamp(latestblock) II. Drugledger is designed for practical drug supply chain
7: // timestamp of the newly added block traceability and regulation. First, Drugledger gurantees the
8: // or some blocks away from it for security commercial sustainable service delivery by reconstructing the
9: lif etimegen ← GetLifetime(genesisblock) service architecture while protecting the data privacy and
10: // get the block lifetime in block header authentication. Second, as a blockchain solution, Drugledger
11: blockage ← (timestampnew - timestampgen) first raises and tackles problems of package, repackage, and
12: if blockage < lif etimegen then return false unpackage which exert great influece on the traceability of
13: drugs in a practical drug supply chain. Finally, Drugledger
14: CreateT X(metadata, null, null, null, type) first proposes the scenario-orientied optimization in decreasing
15: return true blockchain storage with drug expiration date, which achieves
a finally stable and acceptable storage.
The pruning transaction in Drugledger will be recorded 2) Security: Drugledger is designed to be a permissioned
in the blockchain before the local block pruning operation blockchain system for countering Sybil attacks. Certificate ser-
is executed. The security and resilience of Drugledger are vice provider controls the access of participants to Drugledger.
still maintained, since those blocks are pruned forward from Nodes not in a drug supply chain or stakeholders with bad
the beginning and the transactions (i.e. the past Drugledger commercial reputation in drug supply chains are therefore
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