Petroleum Monopoly in Vietnam
Petroleum Monopoly in Vietnam
Petroleum Monopoly in Vietnam
Petroleum is an essential source of energy, a prerequisite fuel for many industries influencing the development
of each nation. Vietnam is one of the few exporters of oil, but also imports nearly 70% of petroleum products. In
a long period, Vietnam's petroleum market was almost free of fluctuations or crises or it could be said that
Vietnamese petroleum consumers was out of fluctuations of the international market. However, recent years, the
economy and consumers in Vietnam have been repeatedly exposed to the effects of price increases or poor quality
of products from suppliers by some reasons.
The global economic integration process in Viet Nam is deepening, widening and demanding the integration of
both the government and the petroleum business in Vietnam to be more realistic and objective. For the future
development of Vietnam's petroleum market in the period of international economic integration.
In order to have a deeper insight into this matter and to give more valuable solutions, I chose the subject of term
paper, namely: “Proposal to Vietnamese government about stabilizing the domestic petroleum market, thus
contributing to ensuring social security and sustainable growth”. The term paper consists of five chapters:
Chapter 1: The current status of petroleum market in Vietnam
Chapter 2: Causal analysis of the current status
Chapter 3: Related consequences to certain interest groups
Chapter 4: Propose key solutions to the government
Chapter 1. The current status of petroleum market in Vietnam
1.3. Petroleum price has intense volatility, sometimes against the trend of world price
Since late 2009, domestic petroleum prices have been operating under the market mechanism managed by the
Chapter 2. Causes of the current status of petroleum market in Vietnam
Chapter 3: Related consequences to certain interest groups
3.3. Affects to enterprises:
When the world price of petroleum surge suddenly will cause enterprises to import petroleum at high prices but
cannot raise the price to consumers too high because if the increase is too high. Therefore, enterprises have to sell
at low prices and suffer. As petrol prices are about to increase, to ensure the supply of petroleum, petroleum
distributors will suffer losses at the point of purchase by the principal at higher prices while the dealers are still
in stock. The amount of petroleum at lower prices has been purchased at the price of petroleum has not increased.
When the price increases leading the supply for the whole market also change (Figure 5).
Initially the economy at the equilibrium point: E0 (p0; y0).
As the price of petroleum in the world increased. Domestic oil
prices also rose, while petroleum was the input of most
economic sectors. It led to increased production costs, lower
total supply and shift to the left (AS1). This puts pressure on
prices from P0 -> P1. From here it can be concluded:
- The new equilibrium economy is E1 (p1; y1)
- Product output decreases, unemployment rises, inflation rises
When petroleum price is reduced, GDP increases. In contrast, when petrol prices increase, the input cost of
enterprises also increase, enterprises increase their selling prices. Families spend less money while having to buy
at higher prices, thus reducing spending. As a result, the economy produces less goods.
The positive factor of rising petrol prices is in the long run. Petroleum is a finite fossil fuel that burns off
greenhouse petroleum. Increasing petrol prices will stimulate businesses to find cheaper alternative materials,
change technology to save more.
If the price of petrol drops for a long time, the machines that harness solar, wind, and waves will not be able to
sell. The company cannot sell the money cannot re-study; slowing down the development of this industry.
In the open economy, if a country has a higher gross revenue from oil sales than the total purchase, the increase
in petroleum prices is beneficial and vice versa.
Chapter 4: Propose key solutions to the government
The government still has to control prices by the ceiling price (Apendix 1) with the import price of the next 15
days to calculate the base price. The current practice is still limited, subjective, affected by some factors outside
the market supply - demand when the time to calculate the price is too far, domestic prices sometimes does not
resemble the world price because of the use of the stabilization fund.
+ The government also needs to incorporate a policy of reducing production costs through the issuance of
standards for petroleum loss and reduction of input costs in the importation process, store, transport, wholesale,
retail, etc. in line with new technological advances
+ Encourage the reduction of import tariff by: long-term contracting, encourage FOB buying, large cargo capacity.
+ Reduce the cost of wholesale by: building upstream storage in each area, setting up new waste and depletion
norms suitable to each level of imported input.
+ Reduce retail costs by: building new freight losses instead of regulation 758, building new standards of loss in
retail, improve management regulations of agents.
- Subsidy policy
Appropriately use the Price Stabilization Fund: Only use that fund when world prices increase makes base prices
higher than current prices and the State requires enterprises to implement price stabilization; to curb price increase
or not increase the selling price, then at the same time with other financial instruments (flexible administration of
import tax), the Ministry of Trade has the official dispatch to enterprises to use the fund. The use of the fund is
not fixed but depends on the difference between the base price and the current selling price; economic and social
situation in the country (Appendix 3).
4.1.5. Complete the legal corridor: Strictly punish the violation of business ethics such as cheating,
smuggling, steal.
4.2. Improve the competitiveness along enterprises
Transform the oligopoly market model with a dominant firm into the Cournot-Nash model to increase competitive
abilities among enterprises. In this model, the oligarchs have a comparable market share. The government can
approach in two ways:
+ Split Petrolimex into two corporations. Then the petroleum market will have three companies with similar
market share. Petrolimex 1, Petrolimex 2, and PV Oil all occupy 30% market share. To be able to find a profit,
these three companies are forced to compete on price instead of clinging to a common price as today.
+ Set up barriers to control the expansion of Petrolimex's market share, while encouraging other petroleum
businesses to compete to expand their market share.
For example, it is possible for Petrolimex to always sell petrol at the price set by the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
Besides, the MoF allows other companies to sell competitively priced prices, which may be higher or lower than
those of Petrolimex.
Based on the price gap between small businesses and the standard price of the Petrolimex, the Ministry of Industry
and Trade will grant licenses to expand retail outlets to other small businesses at the corresponding level. With
this solution, after a certain time will appear one or two dominant companies and gain more market share. The
end result is that the market share of the oligarchs is about the same.
On the other hand, attracting foreign enterprises to be present in the domestic distribution market also creates a
healthy competitive driving force which forces every petrol and oil trading company to perfect and raise the
quality of its services to compete better and more efficient.
4.3. Increase in supply
- In the long run, the Government should take into account the possibility of importing crude oil, filtering to
supply output to other industries proceed to export (Figure 6).
- The government should establish or delegate the task of a
specialized agency to plan and evaluate the potential of
national energy resources. Its mission is to carry out research,
gathering and proposing strategic alternatives to the use of
national energy resources.
The tension in supply, demand as well as fluctuations in petrol prices are very important in Vietnam and around
the world because it greatly affects the factors in the economy. This term paper focuses on the current status of
the petroleum market in Vietnam, analyzes the causes and consequences and propose solutions to the
In general, the petroleum market in Vietnam is facing many shortcomings. From the fact that the market is in
deficit, the price fluctuates and tends to increase, the oligopoly market puts pressure on many components of the
Therefore, the state should take measures to improve its own tax, price and subsidy interventions as well as
appropriate management methods to stabilize the domestic petroleum market, thus contribute to ensuring social
security and sustainable growth.
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Appendix 1. Government intervention by Tariffs Policy
Appendix 2. Government intervention by Price Policy
Appendix 3. Government intervention by Subsidy Policy
- Taxation by output: The taxable amount is the variable cost. After tax, only the consumer is harmed because of
the price increase, which reduces the value of the consumer
(Figure 4).
- Taxation not by output (or fixed taxes): are fixed costs. When
the state taxes, consumers are not affected by the constant price
and output, but corporate profits fall in line with the taxable
amount (Figure 5).
Q shortage = Q2 - Q1
Setting a ceiling price can be counterproductive because
if the price level is too low, the enterprise may lose or stop
producing, causing a shortage of goods.