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S H RU B S Florida

Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Adam’s Needle 8a-9b H Spring White 5' Evergreen Flowering accent or specimen plant with rigid leaves that have filamentous edges and spiny tips. Flower stalks usually take several years to appear.
Yucca filamentosa

Apple, Seven-year 10a-11 H All White 8' Evergreen Informal flowering hedge or buffer plant with shiny leaves, showy fragrant flowers and fruit that attracts wildlife. Excellent seaside plant.
Genipa clusifolia (= Casasia clusifolia) Year

Bahama Coffee 10b-11 M Spring - White 4' Evergreen Informal hedge or foundation plant with very dark green glossy foliage. Red fruits are attractive to wildlife. Can form suckers.
Psychotria ligustrifolia Summer

Bay Cedar 10b-11 H All Yellow 10' Evergreen Round densely leafed accent or screening plant. Prefers dry sandy well-drained sites, but is tolerant of most site conditions. Excellent plant for coastal areas.
Suriana maritima Year

Beach Elder 9-10b H All Green 3' Herbaceous Small multi-stemmed accent plant with fleshy leaves and suckering roots that help stabilize loose soils. Excellent for coastal areas. Inconspicuous flowers.
Iva imbricata Year Perennial

Beautyberry 8-11 L Spring - Pink 4'-6' Deciduous Commonly used as an understory plant for added color. Brilliant display of bright purple berries that will attract birds year round. Flowers also attract butterflies.
Callicarpa americana Summer

Black Torch 10a-11 H All White 8' Evergreen Informal screen or privacy hedge with a dense rounded form when planted in full sun. Shiny black fruits are attractive to wildlife.
Erithalis fruticosa Year

Blueberry, Shiny 8a-11 L Spring White 2' Evergreen Small accent or foundation plant that also is suitable for mass plantings. Small glossy leaves. Edible fruit that are attractive to wildlife. Spreads by runners.
Vaccinium myrsinites and Pink Small Tree

Buckthorn, Tough 8b-9b H All White 20' Evergreen Large barrier, background or screening plant with small leaves and large edible purple berries. Prefers well-drained sandy soils. Thorny.
Sideroxylon tenax (= Bumelia tenax) Year

Buttonbush 8a-10a L Summer White 8'-12' Deciduous Excellent plant for poorly drained sites or around a lake or pond. The foliage is dark green and very shiny. The fragrant blooms attract butterflies and bees. Poisonous.
Cephalanthus occidentalis

Caper, Jamaican 10b-11 H Spring Pink and 9'-16' Evergreen Popular flowering shrub or small tree with a uniform, shape and growth habit. Dark green glossy leaves with slightly rusty undersides. Showy, fragrant flowers.
Capparis cynophallophora White

Cassia, Bahama 10a L Fall - Yellow 1'-3' Evergreen Dwarf accent plant that is suitable for mass plantings. The dark green foliage and the large showy flowers contrast nicely. Adds a tropical feel to the garden.
Senna mexicana var. chapmanii Winter Attracts butterflies.

Christmas Berry 8a-11 H Summer - White and 7' Evergreen Specimen or accent plant with fleshy, needle-like, grayish green foliage and bright red berries in winter. Grows naturally in salt marshes and salt flats.
Lycium carolinianum Fall Lavender

Coral Bean 8a-11 H Spring Red 15' Deciduous Flowering accent or barrier plant with elongated spikes of tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds. Colorful fruits split open in the fall to expose poisonous seeds.
Erythrina herbacea

Cotton, Wild 9-11 H All Yellow 6'-12' Evergreen Showy yellow flowers form seed pods filled with fluffy white to rusty cotton. State-listed as endangered in the wild. Occasional pruning will strengthen branches
Gossypium hirsutum Year and improve root system.

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Apple, Seven-year Caper, Jamaican

Genipa clusifolia Capparis cynophallophora
Bahama Coffee Bay Cedar Beautyberry Buttonbush Christmas Berry Coral Bean
Psychotria ligustrifolia Suriana maritima Callicarpa americana Cephalanthus occidentalis Lycium carolinianum Erythrina herbacea

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Eastern Gamagrass 8a-11 M Spring - Reddish- 4'-6' Herbaceous Large clump-forming accent or groundcover plant with dark green arching leaves. Prefers moist planting sites, but tolerates most planting conditions.
Tripsacum dactyloides Fall gold Perennial

Elderberry 8a-11 L Summer White 10'-15' Deciduous Large screening or barrier plant with glossy jagged edged leaves, fragrant flowers and black edible berries that attract wildlife. Typically multi-stemmed.
Sambucus canadensis

Firebush 10a-11 M All Orange - 3'-10' Evergreen Flowering informal hedge, accent or specimen plant with red tinted pale green leaves and showy tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds.
Hamelia patens Year Red

Florida Flame Azalea 8a-9b L Spring Yellow - 6' Deciduous Vase shaped medium textured specimen or mass planting with showy fragrant flowers that appear before the leaves in spring. Will not flower in deep shade.
Rhododendron austrinum Orange

Florida Gamagrass 10a-11 M Fall Gold 2' Herbaceous Small dense clump-forming groundcover, with long, glossy light green leaves. Prefers damp rich soils, but is tolerant of most planting sites. Inconspicuous flowers.
Tripsacum floridanum Perennial

Florida Privet 8a-10b H Spring Green 10' Evergreen Large fine-textured informal hedge or screening plant, with dense, small leaves and green to black fruit that attracts birds. Excellent plant for coastal areas.
Forestiera segregata

Florida-Anise 8a-10a L Spring Red - 8'-10' Evergreen Large screening or background plant with an upright growth habit, fragrant showy flowers and aromatic anise-scented leaves. Prefers wet sandy soils.
Illicium floridanum Purple

Gallberry 8a-10a M Spring White 6'-7' Evergreen Medium-sized screening, foundation or background plant with an open informal growth habit. Showy black fruit for birds in winter. Inconspicuous flowers.
Ilex glabra Produces suckers.

Green Cocoplum 10b-11 M All White 12'-15' Evergreen Relatively pest-free plant that can be used as a formal or informal hedge with dense, ovoid glossy foliage. Edible purple fruits are attractive to wildlife.
Chrysobalanus icaco Year Inconspicuous flowers.

Holly, Dwarf Yaupon 8a-10a H Spring - White 3' Evergreen Small compact groundcover with small dark green leaves and reddish new growth. Maintains a compact form when planted in full sun.
Ilex vomitoria ’Nana’ Summer Inconspicuous flowers. Poisonous.

Inkberry 10a-11 H Summer White 3'-5' Evergreen Sprawling groundcover with succulent glossy leaves and glossy black fruits. Excellent plant for coastal or dune areas. Rare.
Scaevola plumieri

Lyonia, Rusty 8a-10b L Spring White 10'-15' Evergreen Large screening, background plant or small tree with rusty pubescence on the leaf undersides and small, urn-shaped fragrant flowers. Prefers most acidic
Lyonia ferruginea soil conditions.

Maidenbush 10b-11 H Spring Green 9' Evergreen Can be used as an informal hedge, background or screening plant. Tolerates most planting conditions. Excellent plant for coastal areas.
Savia bahamensis

Marlberry 10a-11 H Spring - White 10'-20' Evergreen Understory plant commonly used to provide screening or background. Tolerates varying soil conditions. Fragrant flowers and black fruits are attractive to wildlife
Ardisia escallonioides Fall but poisonous to humans.

Myrsine 8b-11 H All White 15' Evergreen Shrubby upright growing specimen, screening plant or small tree with inconspicuous flowers and small black berries that attracts wildlife. Tolerates most
Rapanea punctata Year planting conditions.

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Eastern Gamagrass Elderberry Firebush Gallberry Green Cocoplum Holly, Dwarf Yaupon Marlberry Myrsine
Tripsacum dactyloides Sambucus canadensis Hamelia patens Ilex glabra Chrysobalanus icaco Ilex vomitoria ‘Nana’ Ardisia escallonioides Rapanea punctata

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Oakleaf Hydrangea 8a-9b L Spring White 5'-6' Deciduous Upright suckering plant commonly planted in mass or as a specimen plant. Showy flowers and exfoliating bark. Large oak-like leaves provide excellent fall color.
Hydrangea quercifolia

Pinxter Azalea 8a-10a L Spring Pink - 10' Deciduous Large specimen or screening plant with a suckering growth habit and showy fragrant flowers. Requires an acid soil to perform well.
Rhododendron canescens White

Possum Haw 9a-9b L Spring White 6'-12' Deciduous Large background or screening plant with an open crown, masses of showy flowers, red fall foliage and small berries that attract wildlife.
Viburnum nudum

Red Tip Cocoplum 10a-11 L All White 12'-15' Evergreen Commonly used for hedges, screens or buffers. Edible purple fruits are attractive to wildlife. Dense burgundy red foliage persists year-round. Inconspicuous flowers.
Chrysobalanus icaco ‘Red Tip’ Year

Sea Lavender 9b-11 H Winter - White 3'-5' Evergreen Mounding specimen plant with distinctive silvery gray foliage. Prefers sandy well drained soils. Excellent plant for coastal areas. Endangered.
Argusia gnaphalodes (= A. volubilis) Spring

Silver Buttonwood 10b-11 H All Purple - 20' -25' Evergreen Large screening, specimen plant or small tree with a vase shaped crown, silvery leaves and attractive bark. Excellent plant for coastal areas. Inconspicuous flowers.
Conocarpus erectus var. sericeus Year White

Simpson Stopper 9-11 H All White 8'-25' Evergreen Densely branched and leafy hedge or small tree with masses of fragrant white flowers and bright orange berries that attract birds. May bloom intermittently all year
Myrcianthes fragrans Year after weather extremes. When used as a hedge, frequent pruning limits flowering.

Softleaf Coffee 10-11 M All White 6-9' Evergreen Understory or specimen plant with dull gray-green foliage and attractive red berries that attract wildlife. Prefers deep shade.
Psychotria sulzneri Year

Spanish Bayonet 8a-10b H Spring White 12'-14' Evergreen Upright clump-forming accent or security screening plant with dark green ridged leaves with sharp points and showy flowers. Prefers well-drained soils.
Yucca aloifolia

Spicewood 10b-11 M Spring - White 15'-20' Evergreen Commonly used as a hedge or small tree with colorful fruit, and fragrant foliage, create interest year round. Attracts wildlife. Inconspicuous flowers.
Calyptranthes pallens Fall

Swamp Mallow 8a-10b L Spring - Red 5'-6' Perennial Large accent or specimen plant with an erect growth habit and showy flowers that attract hummingbirds. Prefers wet planting sites.
Hibiscus coccineus Summer

Sweetspire, Virginia 8a-11 L Spring - White 4'-7' Semi- Small accent plant with tassels of tiny fragrant flowers and glossy dark green foliage that may turn reddish in color with cooler temperatures.
Itea virginica Summer evergreen May produce suckers.

Tetrazygia 10-11 L Spring - White 8'-10' Evergreen Flowering accent or specimen plant with glossy dark green leaves, showy flowers and black-blue berries that attract birds. Prefers well drained soils.
Tetrazygia bicolor Summer

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Sea Lavender Silver Buttonwood

Argusia gnaphalodes Conocarpus erectus var sericeus
Red Tip Cocoplum Simpson Stopper Spanish Bayonet Swamp Mallow Tetrazygia
Chrysobalanus icaco ‘Red Tip’ Myrcianthes fragrans Yucca aloifolia Hibiscus coccineus Tetrazygia bicolor

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Tropical Sea Oxeye Daisy 10a-11 H All Yellow 3' Evergreen Considered a spreading groundcover rather than a shrub. Prefers well-drained soils, which makes it well adapted for beach strands. Showy flowers.
Borrichia arborescens Year

Varnish Leaf 9a-11 H Summer White 6' Evergreen Large hardy accent, hedge or foundation plant with shiny leaves and showy winged fruit.
Dodonaea viscosa

Walter's Viburnum 8a-10a L Spring White 12'-15' Evergreen Large formal or informal hedge with showy flowers and red to black edible berries that attract wildlife. May form thickets, which provide nesting habitat.
Viburnum obovatum

Wax Myrtle 8a-11 H Spring - Green 20' Evergreen Large screening or specimen plant with fragrant leaves and waxy blue-green berries that attract wildlife. Typically multi-stemmed. Inconspicuous flowers.
Myrica cerifera Summer

White Indigo Berry 10a-11 H All White 8' Evergreen Hardy specimen or foundation plant with stiff somewhat spiny branches, small fragrant flowers and showy white berries on female plants.
Randia aculeata Year

Wild Coffee 10a M Spring - White 5' Evergreen Multi-stemmed screening or understory plant with glossy dark green leaves and bright red berries that attract wildlife. Excellent for shady locations.
Psychotria nervosa Summer

Wild Olive 8a-9b L Spring White 15' Evergreen Large background or screening plant with showy fragrant flowers. Prefers a well drained moderately fertile soil.
Osmanthus americanus

Wild Rosemary 9a-9b M Spring - Pink 4' Evergreen Aromatic foliage. Flowers attract insects. Prefers well-drained sandy soil.
Conradina canescens Fall

Wild Sage, Buttonsage 10a M All White and 6' Evergreen Shrub with small coarse leaves. Will tolerate some shade. Flowers attractive to butterflies. Dark blue berry. Excellent specimen for coastal areas.
Lantana involucrata Year Yellow

Yellow Anise 9a-9b L Spring Yellow 15' Evergreen Multi-stemmed hedge, screening plant or small tree with dense foliage, distinctive flowers and fragrant olive green foliage. Tolerates shady sites. Rare.
Illicium parviflorum

Yellow Necklace Pod 10a-11 H All Yellow 6'-8' Evergreen Loose-growing background or specimen plant with showy yellow flowers that attract butterflies and humming birds. Bean shaped seed pods are poisonous.
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata Year

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

White Indigo Berry Wild Coffee Wild Sage, Buttonsage Yellow Necklace Pod
Randia aculeata Psychotria nervosa Lantana involucrata Sophora tomentosa var. truncata

Walter’s Viburnum Wax Myrtle

Viburnum obovatum Myrica cerifera

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Alder, Yellow 9-11 H All Yellow, 2'-4' Evergreen Drought-tolerant, non-woody shrub. Showy flowers open only during mid-day. May be pinched back to increase fullness.
Turnera ulmifolia Year White

Alocasia, Elephant Ear 10b-11 L Summer Green 2'-10' Herbaceous Irregular-shaped specimen or accent plant with large tropical-looking leaves. Many species and varieties with different characteristics are available.
Alocasia spp. Perennial Poisonous.

Angel’s Trumpet 8-10b L Spring - White, Pink, 8'-12' Evergreen Flowers are fragrant, showy inverted bells. Do not over water. May be propagated from cuttings. All parts of the plant are extremely poisonous.
Brugmansia x ‘candida’ Summer Yellow

Anise-Tree 8-10b L Spring Yellow and 15' Evergreen Large screening or background plant with fragrant, upright, leathery, olive green anise-scented foliage. Relatively pest-free plant. Inconspicuous flowers.
Illicium anisatum Green

Arbor-vitae, Oriental 8-10b L N/A N/A 20' Evergreen Large buffer or screening plant with a dense tightly compacted form and conical growth habit. Dark green foliage is arranged vertically. Inconspicuous flowers.
Platycladus orientalis Conifer

Azalea Hybrids 8-10a L Spring White, Pink, 4'-6' Evergreen Showy understory, foundation or specimen plant with dark green foliage and a rounded or spreading form. Requires well-drained, mildly acidic soils.
Rhododendrom spp. Red, Purple Many varieties available.

Barberry, ‘Crimson Pygmy’ 8a-9a M Spring Creamy 3'-5' Deciduous Colorful barrier or accent plant with dense dark crimson foliage, thorny stems and colorful red-orange berries visible in the fall. Tolerates exposure.
Berberis thunbergii, ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ White

Barberry, Wintergreen 8-9b M Spring Yellow 5' Evergreen Dense barrier or background plant with spiny dark green foliage, purplish when young or grown in full sun. Black-blue berries in the fall. Very spiny stems.
Berberis julianae

Beach Naupaka INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Scaevola sericea

Bird of Paradise 9-11 M Spring - Orange and 5'-6' Evergreen Fan-like clump of long-stalked, blue-green leaves. Striking inflorescence suggests a bird in flight. Slow growing. Best in full sun and rich, moist soil.
Strelitzia reginae Summer Blue May be divided into new plants, which may not bloom for 7-10 years. Inconspicuous flowers; bracts provide long-lasting color.

Blue Porterweed 9-11 H All Evergreen Drought-tolerant, constant blooms attract butterflies. May spread by seed beyond garden beds. Small blue flowers grow along slender spikes at branch tips.
Stachytarpheta urticifolia Year May be damaged or killed by frost.

Bougainvillea, Paper Flower 10-11 H All Many 8' Evergreen Colorful specimen or barrier plant with a dense wispy form when grown as a shrub. Inconspicuous flowers; persistent bracts provide intense color.
Bougainvillea glabra Year Vining Requires frequent pruning to maintain shrub form. Very thorny.

Butterfly-Bush 8-10b M Winter - White, Pink, 8'-10' Evergreen Large flowering accent or background plant with showy fragrant flower clusters that attract butterflies. Requires a hard pruning in the fall.
Buddleja davidii Spring Red, Purple

Caricature Plant 10b-11 L Spring - Red 5' Evergreen Upright accent or border plant, grown for its attractive pink and green foliage. Inconspicuous flowers. Suitable for coastal locations. Needs consistent moisture.
Graptophyllum pictum Fall Poisonous.

Catclaw Mimosa INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Mimosa pigra

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Alder, Yellow Alocasia, Elephant Ear Angel’s Trumpet Azalea Hybrids Bird of Paradise Blue Porterweed Bougainvillea, Paper Flower Caricature Plant
Turnera ulmifolia Alocasia spp. Brugmansia x ‘candida’ Rhododendrom spp. Strelitzia reginae Stachytarpheta urticifolia Bougainvillea glabra Graptophyllum pictum

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Century Plant, Maguey 9a-11 H Summer - Yellow 6'-8' Succulent Spiny succulent commonly used as a specimen or in rock gardens. Blooms once and dies within 10 years, however, young plants arise from base. Many
Agave americana Fall Perennial different cultivars available.

Chenille Plant 10b-11 L All Red 5' Evergreen Crimson flower spikes up to 18 inches long are produced most of the year. Needs partial sun and regular moisture. May be propagated by cuttings.
Acalypha hispida Year Mites, scale and mealybugs may be problems.

Chinese Privet INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Ligustrum sinense

Copperleaf 10b-11 H Spring - White 8' Evergreen Upright border or accent plant with dense, irregularly shaped bronze-copper colored foliage. Good seaside plant. Inconspicuous flowers.
Acalypha wilkesiana Fall

Coral Ardisia INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Ardisia crenata

Crape Jasmine 10b-11 M Spring - White 8' Evergreen Flowering background or specimen plant with a dense round symmetrical form, shiny leaves and fragrant (especially at night), showy flowers.
Tabernaemontana divaricata Fall

Crinum Lily 9-11 M Spring - White 5' Herbaceous Large clump-forming specimen or accent plant with long fleshy light green leaves and showy fragrant flowers. Many cultivars available. Poisonous.
Crinum asiaticum Summer Perennial

Croton 10a-11 M Summer White 8' Evergreen Rounded irregularly shaped accent or specimen plant with colorful foliage. Inconspicuous flowers. Can become leggy over time. Many cultivars available.
Codiaeum variegatum
Daisy, African Bush 10b-11 L All Yellow 3' Evergreen Low-growing rounded flowering shrub suitable for accent or mass plantings. Irregular leaf shape also adds interest. Becomes leggy with age.
Gamolepis chrysanthemoides Year

Day Jessamine INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Cestrum diumum

Downy Jasmine 10b-11 L Spring - White 4'-5' Evergreen Sprawling, low-growing foundation or hedge plant that requires frequent pruning to maintain shrub form. Can also be trained on a trellis. Showy flowers.
Jasmine multiflorum Fall

Firecracker Plant 10b-11 H All Red 4'-5' Evergreen Flowering vase-shaped specimen or accent plant with wispy almost leafless stems and long tubular flowers that attract butterflies. Excellent cascading plant.
Russelia equisetiformis Year Spreading growth may be troublesome.

French Hydrangea 8-9b L Spring - Blue, Red, 5' Deciduous Round compact flowering shrub with coarse textured foliage and showy flowers that change color depending on the pH of the soil. Many cultivars available.
Hydrangea macrophylla Summer White, Lavender

Gardenia 8a-10a L Spring White 6' Evergreen Rounded specimen shrub with an open irregular growth habit, showy fragrant flowers, and dense shiny dark green foliage. Requires well drained soils.
Gardenia augusta Many cultivars available.

Ginger, Shell 10a-11 M Summer - White, 8' Herbaceous Large clump-forming specimen or accent plant with dense, long, waxy dark green leaves that give a ginger odor when crushed and showy flowers clusters.
Alpinia zerumbet Winter Yellow Perennial

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Croton Downy Jasmine

Codiaeum variegatum Jasmine multiflorum
Gardenia Ginger, Shell
Century Plant, Maguey Chenille Plant Copperleaf Crinum Lily Gardenia augusta Alpinia zerumbet
Agave americana Acalypha hispida Acalypha wilkesiana Crinum asiaticum

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Glorybush 9b-10b L Spring - Purple 10' Evergreen Open irregularly shaped specimen shrub or small patio tree with pubescent dark green foliage and showy flowers. Prefers well-drained soils.
Tibouchina urvilleana Fall
Golden Dewdrop 9b-11 M Spring - Blue, 12'-14' Evergreen Flowering background plant with an upright form and showy flowers that attract butterflies. Tolerates most soil conditions. Yellow fruit is poisonous.
Duranta repens Fall White

Green Pittosporum 8-11 H Summer White 6'-8' Evergreen Round, irregularly shaped hedge, foundation, or screening plant with glossy green leaves clustered at the tips of branches. Inconspicuous flowers.
Pittosporum tobira

Hawthorn, Indian 8a-11 M Spring White, Pink 4' Evergreen Typically a low-growing accent shrub with an open irregular growth habit, showy flowers, ridged dark green foliage and small black berries present in the fall.
Rhaphiolepis indica Often declines in zones 9b-11.

Heliconia 10b-11 L Spring- Red, Yellow 7' Non-woody Well-drained moist soils. Feed regularly with palm fertilizer. Cut spent flower canes to the ground. Every few years, divide clump when growth slows.
Heliconia spp. Summer Bracts provide long-lasting color. Flowers are inconspicuous.

Hibiscus 10a-11 M All Many 8'-10' Evergreen Open upright specimen or screening plant with showy flowers and glossy green leaves. Tolerates most soil conditions. Many varieties exist. Commonly
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Year attracts white flies and aphids.

Holly, Burford or Chinese 8a-9b L Spring White 8'-15' Evergreen Large dense screening or specimen plant with drooping branches, spiny dark green leaves, and red berries in the fall that attract wildlife. Inconspicuous flowers.
Ilex cornuta ‘Burford’

Holly, Japanese 8-9b L Spring White 8'-10' Evergreen Rounded hedge or background plant with dense foliage. Male and female plants necessary for berry production. Inconspicuous flowers. Many varieties available.
Ilex crenata

Honeysuckle, Cape 10b-11 M Spring Orange, 6'-8' Evergreen Rambling plant with soft feathery foliage, tubular flower clusters, requires frequent pruning to retain shrub form. Will vine nicely on fence posts or trellis.
Tecomaria capensis and Fall Red, Yellow

Juniper, Chinese 8a-10b M N/A N/A 6' Evergreen Many different varieties and cultivars available with varied growth habits. Requires well-drained fertile soil. Cannot be pruned severely. Often declines
Juniperus chinensis in zones 9b-10.

King’s Mantle 10b-11 M All Purple 5' Evergreen Upright flowering specimen or hedge plant with showy flowers. Requires well-drained soils and frequent pruning to retain desired shape.
Thunbergia erecta Year

Littleleaf Boxwood 8-10a L Summer White 4' Evergreen Compact densely foliated formal hedge or foundation plant with stiff leathery medium green leaves. Many cultivars available. Inconspicuous flowers.
Buxus microphylla ‘Japonica’

Nandina/Heavenly Bamboo INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Nandina domestica

Natal Plum 10b-11 H Spring - White 10' Evergreen Round foundation or screening plant with dense branching and foliage, showy fragrant flowers, spiny stems and large red semi-edible fruit.
Carissa macrocarpa Fall

Night-Blooming Jessamine 10a-11 M Spring - White 10' Evergreen Sprawling specimen plant with showy fragrant flowers appearing only at night. Fragrance can be overpowering. White fruits and foliage are poisonous.
Cestrum nocturnum Summer

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Glorybush Hawthorn, Indian Juniper, Chinese Natal Plum

Tibouchina urvilleana Rhaphiolepis indica Juniperus chinensis Carissa macrocarpa
Green Pittosporum Heliconia Hibiscus
Pittosporum tobira Heliconia spp. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

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S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Oleander 8a-11 H All White, Pink 15' Evergreen Upright multi-stemmed screening or barrier plan with showy flower clusters. Excellent plant for coastal areas. The entire plant is very poisonous.
Nerium oleander Year

Peregrina, Jatropha 10b-11 M All Red 8' Evergreen Flowering multi-trunk specimen or accent plant with a semi-compact shape and irregularly lobed leaves. Tolerant of most planting conditions. Poisonous.
Jatropha integerrima Year

Philodendron, Split Leaf 9-10 L Summer White 3'-5' Herbaceous Round accent, mass planting or foundation plant with a loose open form. Many cultivars with different characteristics available. Inconspicuous flowers.
Philodendron selloum Perennial

Pineapple Guava 8b-10 M Spring White - 12'-14' Evergreen Flowering hedge, foundation, specimen plant or small tree with dense foliage, showy flowers and edible fruit. Leaves are gray-green with silvery undersides.
Feijoa sellowiana Reddish

Plumbago 10a-11 M Spring - Blue, 5' Evergreen Sprawling foundation or hedge with dense foliage, showy flower clusters and soft pubescent leaves. Heavy surface shearing will revive the plant color.
Plumbago auriculata Fall White

Podocarpus, Yew 8a-11 M N/A N/A 35' Conifer Upright specimen, screening, framing plant or small tree with dense foliage and a narrow, symmetrical columnar growth habit. Tolerates most well-drained soils.
Podocarpus macrophyllus

Poinciana, Dwarf 9a-11 M Spring - Orange, 9' Evergreen Upright loosely branched specimen, semi-screening plant or small tree with showy flowers and feathery light green leaves. Tolerates poor planting conditions.
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Fall Yellow, Red Poisonous.

Red Ixora 10b-11 M All Yellow, Red, 5' Evergreen Compact foundation, hedge or specimen shrub with dense foliage and showy flower clusters. Requires well-drained fertile soil. Many cultivars available.
Ixora coccinea Year Pink

Red Powderpuff 10a-11 L Winter Red, White 15' Evergreen Round multi-trunked specimen shrub or small tree with showy flowers and attractive red fruit. Prefers sandy soils. Requires occasional shearing to maintain shape.
Calliandra haematocephala

Rose 8-10b L All Many 10' Evergreen Colorful specimen or group plantings with an upright or vining form depending on variety, thorny stems and fragrant flowers. Requires moist, well-drained soil.
Rosa spp. Year

Rose-of-Sharon 8-9b L Summer - Many 10' Deciduous Upright, bushy specimen, accent or hedging plant with showy flowers and lustrous foliage. Prefers fertile well-drained soils. Blooms on new growth.
Hibiscus syriacus Fall

Sasanqua Camellia 8-9b L Fall White, 15' Evergreen Upright hedge, screening, specimen plant or small tree with dense foliage, showy fragrant flowers and glossy dark green leaves. Prefers acid soils.
Camellia sasanqua Pink, Red

Schefflera, Dwarf 10a-11 M Summer White 10' Evergreen Rounded multi-stemmed foundation or informal hedge with dense glossy leaves and flexible stems. Performs well in low light areas. Inconspicuous flowers.
Schefflera arboricola

Shoebutton Ardisia INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Ardisia elliptica

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Oleander Peregrina, Jatropha Red Powderpuff

Nerium oleander Jatropha integerrima Calliandra haematocephala
Plumbago Rose Schefflera, Dwarf
Plumbago auriculata Rosa spp. Schefflera arboricola
Podocarpus, Yew Red Ixora
Podocarpus macrophyllus Ixora coccinea

56 57
S H RU B S Florida
Common Name/ Hardiness Watering Salt Light Flower Flower Typical Growth Plant
Scientific Name Range Needs Tolerance Range Season Color Height Rate Type Comments
Snail Seed 9a-10b L Summer Yellow 13' Evergreen Coarse textured barrier, screening or hedge plant with a weeping growth habit. Tiny flowers are inconspicuous. Poisonous leaves.
Cocculus laurifolius

Snow Bush 10b-11 L Summer White 6' Evergreen Rounded clump forming specimen or accent plant with fine textured variegated foliage and red berries. Requires pruning to deter weediness.
Breynia disticha

Strawberry Guava INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Psidium cattleianum

Surinam Cherry INVASIVE NON-NATIVE PLANT. See Plants Not Recommended for Landscaping (pages 15-17).
Eugenia uniflora

Sweet Olive 9a-9b L Fall - Winter White 20' Evergreen Upright and rounded multi-trunked specimen plant with small, extremely fragrant flower clusters and deep green foliage. Prefers well-drained soils.
Osmanthus fragrans

Texas Sage 8a-10b M Summer Lavender 5' Evergreen Compact low hedge or specimen plant with showy bell shaped flowers and gray-green foliage. Requires well-drained sites. Full sun for best flowering.
Leucophyllum frutescens

Thryallis 10b-11 M Spring - Yellow 5' Evergreen Round compact specimen or border accent plant with showy flowers and light green foliage that turns bronze in the fall and winter. Brittle stems can be a problem.
Galphimia gracilis Fall

Ti Plant 10b-11 M Fall White 5' Evergreen Slender, upright single trunked accent or specimen plant with long narrow purple to pink leaves. Tolerates shady conditions. Many varieties available.
Cordyline terminalis

Tibouchina 10b-11 L Spring - Purple 6' Evergreen Round specimen or border plant with an irregular growth habit, showy flowers and dark green pubescent leaves. Prefers well-drained soils.
Tibouchina clavata Fall

Viburnum, Sandankwa 8a-10b L Summer White 6' Evergreen Compact foundation or hedge plant with dense leathery dark green leaves and small fragrant flower clusters. Tolerates shady locations.
Viburnum suspensum

Viburnum, Sweet 8a-10b L Spring White 8-10' Evergreen Dense, upright stoutly branched screening, foundation, hedge plant or small tree with large coarse dark green leaves and fragrant flowers. Tolerates shady locations.
Viburnum odoratissimum

Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow 10b-11 M Spring - White, 8' Evergreen Dense, upright multi-trunked specimen or foundation plant with showy fragrant flowers. Tolerates most planting conditions.
Brunfelsia grandiflora Fall Purple, Blue

WATERING NEEDS Low Medium High LIGHT Full Sun Partial Sun Shade GROWTH RATE Slow Medium Fast Note: soil moisture and light listed in order of plant preference

Sweet Olive
Osmanthus fragrans
Texas Sage
Leucophyllum frutescens
Snow Bush Thryallis Ti Plant Viburnum, Sweet Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow
Breynia disticha Galphimia gracilis Cordyline terminalis Viburnum odoratissimum Brunfelsia grandiflora

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