Wildfire™ 2.0
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Table Of Contents
Pro/CABLING ................................................................................................. 1
Configuring Pro/CABLING.............................................................................. 3
align_cable_bundles .................................................................................. 4
autoroute_path_param_name..................................................................... 4
auto_xml_on_retrieve................................................................................ 4
auto_xml_on_save .................................................................................... 4
cable_int_portions_for_clr .......................................................................... 4
display_internal_cable_portion.................................................................... 4
display_thick_cables.................................................................................. 5
full_hlr_for_cables..................................................................................... 5
harn_tang_line_display .............................................................................. 5
multipoint_location_count .......................................................................... 5
pro_spool_dir ........................................................................................... 6
pro_cbltrm_dir.......................................................................................... 6
update_pre_16_cable_layers ...................................................................... 6
fan_with_network ..................................................................................... 6
Table Of Contents
To Reference a Diagram............................................................................10
To Create Subharnesses............................................................................18
To Modify Spools......................................................................................23
Table Of Contents
To Remove Spools....................................................................................25
Table Of Contents
Subconnectors ....................................................................................38
To Designate a Component as a Connector ..................................................38
To Autodesignate Connectors.....................................................................39
About Subconnectors................................................................................41
To Write a Terminator...............................................................................46
To Rename a Terminator...........................................................................47
Table Of Contents
Manual Routing........................................................................................56
To Split Cables.........................................................................................60
Table Of Contents
To Remove Locations................................................................................72
Table Of Contents
To Modify a Bundle...................................................................................78
Autorouting to Splices...............................................................................82
Autorouting Networks..................................................................................84
Table Of Contents
Use the Pro/CABLING module to define 3D cable harnesses in Pro/ENGINEER
assemblies. In Pro/CABLING, you can route cables concurrently with the design and
assembly of electrical and mechanical components.
Use CABLING > Harness > Create to create a new harness part. The harness
part is a .prt file and is a part of the assembly, but cannot be opened as a
separate part. A harness part cannot be opened in the Part mode. For
manufacturing output, the part is extracted from the assembly and represented
as flattened.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
The new harness is the active harness or work harness as shown in the lower
right corner of the graphics window. You can create more than one harness in an
assembly. Only one harness is active at a time. You can only select and edit cable
entities of the active harness in the cabling assembly. Any item you create is
saved to the active harness.
Use CABLING > Logical Ref to read in a file if you are using a logical reference
from Pro/DIAGRAM or another formatted wire list. A logical reference can pass
spools, wires, and cables with preset parameters and values from the diagram to
the cabling database.
Use CABLING > Spools > Create to either add new spool definitions to the
database or read them in from your logical reference. Use Create > From
Logical to bring in selected spools from the logical reference that you have
• Designate Components
Use CABLING > Feature > Create > Wire or Cable to add wires and cables to
the harness. These wires and cables are added to the database and not physically
added to the design. If you are importing a logical reference, you can use the
From Logical command to import cables, else you are prompted to type a new
wire or cable name. If you are importing a cable, the conductor properties of the
cable are also imported, if they are not then you must define them.
If you are routing manually, you can begin adding a routed cable to the harness
as soon as you have created it in the database and defined its conductors. Use
the CABLING > Route command to define a point-by-point path of locations
that the cable follows as it is added. Locations can be fixed, offset, or dependent
on other locations, to capture the design intent of the cable in case of changes in
the assembly. Offsetting a part of the network, offsets all the locations on the
Alternatively, you can use autorouting for larger wire lists. To autoroute, use the
CABLING > Network Ops command to add a network of locations between the
components that will be connected by the harness. When the network is
complete, you can autoroute the entire wire list.
Configuring Pro/CABLING
• Default and available variables or values. All default values are in italics.
Note: After you set the configuration options, all settings take effect immediately in
the current Pro/ENGINEER session.
4. Clear the Show only options loaded from file box to see all configuration
options or to see configuration options that are available for the current session.
6. Select a Cabling-specific configuration option from the list or type the valid
configuration option name in the Option box.
7. When you select a configuration option from the list, its corresponding value
appears in the Value box. Modify this value.
Type a new value to be assigned to the configuration option in the Value box.
8. Click Add/Change. The configuration option and its value appear in the list. The
status of the configuration option changes to .
Note: The Add/Change option is enabled only when you change the
configuration option name or the value of an existing configuration option or type
a value for a new configuration option.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Note: It is recommended that you set the Pro/CABLING configuration options before
starting or opening a new cabling assembly.
Aligns or unaligns newly created bundles at a point where they meet or branch out.
By default, the bundles are aligned. If not, ensure that this option is set to yes
before creating a network.
Note: Only the new bundles that are created after setting this configuration option
will be aligned.
Sets the wire parameter to be used while selecting a path during autorouting.
no, yes
Automatically loads Cabling Logical Reference from a XML file when retrieving the
cabling assembly.
no, yes
no, yes
no—Global clearance check for internal cable portions is excluded.
yes—Global clearance check for internal cable portions is included.
no, yes
If yes, internal cable portions are displayed for wires that have been manually set to
yes in the Cable Paths Setup dialog box for each individual splice and custom
component. This option can be overridden in the Environment dialog box.
no, yes
full, partial, none
If set to partial or none, some lines that should be hidden behind cables are visible
in the wireframe mode. Using the Model Display dialog box, under the Edge/Line
tab, you can set the Cable HLR options for the current session.
full—Removes hidden lines from view when cables hide other geometry. Use when
the Display Style is Hidden Line in the Environment dialog box.
partial—Cables hide other non-interfering cables except when cables route
together between same locations.
none—Display hidden lines (faster) that should be hidden behind cables or wires.
Note: Effects of using this configuration option are visible only in the hidden-line
display mode. Helps speed up the display of hidden lines, but at the loss of some
yes, no
Display the tangent lines between the segments of a cable in the Thick Cable Display
Specifies the maximum number of cable locations to allow in one feature. To create
locations as features, set this configuration option to 1. To limit the number of
locations in one feature, set to a number between 2 and 100. The suggested number
of locations in one feature must range from 10 to 20. If you set the number of
locations to be greater than 1, then up to the specified number of locations are
created in one feature. Features with multiple locations are automatically created
during routing.
Note: If a single feature has several locations, you can only suppress or reorder
them all together.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
<home directory>
Sets the default directory from which the spools are retrieved by default. Use the full
path name, for example: /home/users/spools.
The current working directory is the default directory.
<home directory>
Sets the default directory from which terminators are retrieved by default. Use the
full path name, for example: /home/users/terminators.
The default is the current working directory.
no, yes
Updates the pre-release 16.0 harnesses.
If yes, automatically updates the harnesses containing cables routed prior to Release
16.0 when retrieved to comply with new display standards.
yes, no
Use the following options from the Environment dialog box to change the
Pro/CABLING display settings:
• Thick Cables or Centerline Cables—Shows cables with true width or as
centerlines. Centerline shows the cable’s centerline with defining location points.
Mass property calculations are performed using the correct thickness regardless
of the display state.
• Internal Cable Portions—Determines if all cable portions inside the splice and
custom components are displayed.
Note: You can also access these options directly from the menu bar.
• Use Fast HLR (Hidden Line Removal)—Displays hidden lines while spinning and
reduces time to compute HLR.
Note: The display style must be set to Hidden Line in the Environment dialog box.
Note: You can also access the Thick Cables, Centerline Cables, and Reference
Designator options directly from the menu bar in the Cabling mode.
1. Click View > Display Settings > Model Display. The Model Display dialog
box opens.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
• None—Hidden lines are displayed and the overall display process is faster.
Cables are hidden by other objects, but do not hide other objects or hidden
cables within the harness. This is the most recommended method.
• Partial—Similar to Full, but does not perform calculations within the harness.
1. Click Tools > Environment. The Environment dialog box opens.
2. Click View > Display Settings > Model Display. The Model Display dialog
box opens.
4. Under Display, select Internal cable portions. The internal cable portions
routed through splices and components are globally displayed for wires that have
Show set to Yes in the Cable Paths Setup dialog box
1. Click Tools > Environment. The Environment dialog box opens.
Command Description
ref_des_display Sets whether the reference designator is to
be displayed or not:
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
To Reference a Diagram
1. Click CABLING > Logical Ref > Ref Diagram. The Open dialog box opens. The
REF DIAGRAM menu also appears.
o Full Diagram
o Chosen Layers
3. Select a diagram from the Open dialog box and click OK to reference the full
provide the name of the diagram to be referenced. If no layers are present in the
diagram, Pro/CABLING displays an appropriate message. Else, Pro/CABLING
fetches a complete list of layers that are available in the referenced diagram and
displays them in the Layer Sel menu.
5. Select one or more layers to be referenced from the list of layers available in the
referenced diagram or select Select All to select all the available layers.
• Wires and Cables—The logical end connections of a wire or cable are matched
and the cable and wire parameters are compared. A wire is said to be matched if
it runs between the same connectors and pins, has the same name, and has the
same parameters with the same values. Wires are identified by the names.
You can use the Matched and Alphabetical commands from the LOGICAL REF
menu to display the details of the missing, unmatched, or matched items, in
alphabetical order.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
! Rails
ATTACH T1 4 T2 4
ATTACH T1 3 T2 3
ATTACH T1 2 T2 2
ATTACH T1 1 T2 1
! comment
ATTACH <from conn or comp name> <from pin name> <to conn or comp name>
<to pin name>
ATTACH <from rail name> "" <to conn or comp name> <to pin name>
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
ATTACH <from conn or comp name> <from pin name> <to conn or comp name>
<to pin name>
1. Click CABLING > Logical Ref > Export. The WIRELIST EXP menu appears.
2. Click one of the following options to write logical information of the wires,
connectors, and components in your assembly to a Routed System Designer XML
wire list file, PTC Neutral wire list file, or the Mentor Graphics Format wire list file,
respectively, for analysis purposes in other systems:
o RS Designer
o PTC Neutral
o Mentor Graph
3. In case of Mentor Graph file output, the output wire list file is written to the
current directory. To write this file to another directory, at the prompt, type the
Note: Pro/CABLING can output a wire list as a back annotation file for export to the
Mentor Graphics application.
1. Click CABLING > Logical Ref > Import. The WIRELIST IMP menu appears.
2. Click one of the following options to import logical information of the wires,
connectors, and components in your assembly from a Routed System Designer
XML wire list file, PTC Neutral wire list file, or the Mentor Graphics Format wire
list file, respectively:
o RS Designer
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
o PTC Neutral
o Mentor Graph
3. If you select PTC Neutral, you can either select a Routed Systems Designer
created .xml file or a Neutral Wire List .nwf file using the Open dialog box. If
you select Mentor Graph, you can select any Mentor Graphics file.
4. Click OK.
To Create a Harness
1. Click CABLING > Harness > Create.
2. At the prompt, type a new harness name and press ENTER. The harness part is
created and added to the model tree. The newly created harness becomes the
active harness.
To Modify a Harness
2. Click CABLING > Set Up. The HARN SETUP menu appears.
4. Click Done.
• Name—Sets up a name for the harness. The NAME SETUP menu appears:
o Component
o Feature
o Detail Item
o Other
• Report Defs—Sets default values for cable type locations as From/To in report
o Cable Jacket
o Cable Shield
o Cable Pin
o Show Current
To Delete a Harness
1. Select the harness part to be deleted from the assembly or from the model tree.
2. Click Edit > Delete. The harness part is removed from the assembly and all
cabling data in the harness part is lost.
Note: Use the Delete command only when you want to completely remove a
harness and start over or if you have created a harness part and never used it. If
you do not delete a harness part, it appears as a part in the Bill of Materials.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
2. Select the harness name you want to set as the working or active harness.
To Copy a Harness
1. Click CABLING > Harness > Copy Harness. The Open dialog box opens.
2. Select the harness that you want to copy and click Open. The Open Rep dialog
box opens.
3. Select the required representation and click OK. The selected harness with its
corresponding assembly is displayed in a separate window.
The Copy Harness dialog box opens and the Select menu appears.
5. Once you have selected all connectors, specify a new harness name in the Copy
Harness dialog box and click OK.
2. All datum features support harness design. Click an appropriate command from
the following to specify the datum types.
o Plane
o Axis
o Point
o Coordinate System
o Sketched Curve
o Curve
Refer to the Part Modeling module for details on how to create different datum
To Create Subharnesses
1. Click CABLING > Harness > Create. You are prompted to name a harness.
4. Select the name of the subharness that you want to set as the default
Use the CABLING > Set Up > Report Defs command to assign names to the
following objects for use in Pro/REPORT:
• Cable Jacket—Name for unshielded cable type locations
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
3. Under Add Item, you can select Ref Model. The REFERENCES menu appears
with a list of available reference models.
6. If you do not want to add more reference models to the family table, click OK in
the Family Table <harness_name> dialog box.
2. Click Tools > Family Tab. The Family Table <assembly_name> dialog box
5. When you have completed adding the required number of instances, click OK.
You can modify the assembly instance in the assembly family table to include the
harness part instance.
Creating Spools
About Spools
A spool has a unique set of parameters and values that are passed to the wire or
cable when a wire or cable is created. Each wire and cable in the design must be
created from a predefined spool. The spool, when defined, is saved within the
assembly and can be written to a text file with the .spl extension. You can reference
this file in a new diagram or cabling designs.
The types of spools are:
• Wire spools—You must set wire spool parameters such as NAME and TYPE. The
name of the wire spool must be unique. The TYPE parameter is set to WIRE to
differentiate it from a cable spool. Other common but optional parameters
defined in the wire spool are COLOR and WIRE_GAUGE. The parameter,
MIN_BEND_RADIUS is automatically generated. This parameter provides values for
calculations in Pro/HARNESS.
• Cable spools—Cable spools have parameters that are similar to those required
for wire spools. You must set the NUM_CONDUCTORS parameter to define the
number of insulated conductors in the cables that are created from the spool.
Assign an appropriate integer value to the NUM_CONDUCTORS parameter.
• Sheath spools—Sheath spools are created for bundles. You must set the sheath
spool parameters such as SHEATH_TYPE and PRESHRINK_INNER_DIAMETER. Other
common parameters are NAME , TYPE, and UNITS. The parameters,
MIN_BEND_RADIUS and WALL_THICKNESS are automatically generated.
• Setting the pro_spool_dir configuration option allows you to specify a directory
from which spools can be read. If you do not specify a directory, the current
working directory is the default.
• You can retrieve the spool parameters using the Pro/REPORT table and also use
these parameters to display the wire or cable labels.
• If you create spool files in a text editor outside of Pro/ENGINEER, the name of
the spool file must be identical to the spool name in Pro/ENGINEER. You can also
save a spool file in the ASCII format to be retrieved for use in other diagrams or
a Pro/CABLING assembly.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
To Create a Spool
1. Click CABLING > Spools > Create. The CREATE SPOOL menu appears.
2. Select one of the following filters to specify the type of spool that you want to
Select the required spools from the list and click Done Sel to copy spool
parameters from the referenced diagram. You can select one or more wire
or cable spool names from the list or click Select All to select all the
available spools.
Note: If the logical data is imported from a wire list, the From Logical
command is available for wire creation only. This is because the imported
wire list format does not support cables.
If you use CABLING > Spools > Create > From Logical, Pro/CABLING
automatically creates all spools associated with the created cables and wires. The
information that is used to create these spools is taken from the logically
referenced data from which the wires and cables were created.
If the cabling assembly does not have a reference to a diagram or a wire list,
select a spool from which the cable or wire draws its characteristics.
3. To create a new spool for a wire, cable, or sheath, at the prompt, type a new
spool name and press ENTER. The Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
6. Click View > Columns . The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.
7. Add the required parameters to the spool, click Apply, and then OK.
8. When finished, click File > Save or File > Save As to save the file to disk.
To Modify Spools
1. Click CABLING > Spools > Edit. The Select Spools dialog box opens.
2. Select one of the following filter to specify the type of spool to be modified:
o All Spools
o Wire Spools
o Cable Spools
3. Click a spool name from the spool list. You can filter the spools by spool type or
number of conductors.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
5. Modify the required spool parameters, click Apply, and then OK.
• Use CABLING > Spools > Read to read in spool parameter data from a
previously created spool that was saved to disk. This file must have a .spl
• Use CABLING > Spools > Write to write the selected spool parameter data to
your current directory. These files have a .spl extension.
To Rename Spools
1. Click CABLING > Spools > Rename. The Select Spools dialog box opens.
2. Select one of the following filters to specify the type of spool to be modified:
o All Spools
o Wire Spools
o Cable Spools
3. Click a spool name from the spool list. You can filter the spools by spool type or
number of conductors.
4. Click OK in the Select Spools dialog box. You are prompted for a new spool
5. At the prompt, type a new spool name and press ENTER. The spool is renamed.
Note: If you have renamed spools using the Select Spools dialog box, all wires or
cables in the Pro/CABLING assembly reference the renamed spool. If the assembly
logically references a diagram, then renaming a spool in the diagram and updating
the logical reference also causes the corresponding spools in the assembly to be
renamed. Use CABLING > Logical Ref > Update to overwrite the existing cabling
spool parameters with the modified spool parameters of the logically referenced
In a comparison between an assembly and a logically referenced diagram, if a spool
in the assembly has the same parameter values as the spool in the logically
referenced diagram, then both these spools are recognized to be the same.
To Write Spools
1. Click CABLING > Spools > Write. The Select Spools dialog box opens.
2. Select one of the following filters to specify the type of spool to be modified:
o All Spools
o Wire Spools
o Cable Spools
3. Click a spool name from the spool list. You can filter the spools by spool type or
number of conductors.
4. Click OK. The selected spool file is output to the directory from where you started
the Pro/ENGINEER session or to the Spool Dir directory, if you have set the
pro_spool_dir configuration option.
To Remove Spools
1. Click CABLING > Spools > Remove. The Select Spools dialog box opens.
o All Spools
o Wire Spools
o Cable Spools
3. Click a spool name from the spool list. You can filter the spools by spool type or
number of conductors.
4. Click OK. If the spool has cables referencing to it, you are prompted to confirm
the deletion.
5. Click Yes at the prompt, the selected spools are deleted successfully.
To List Spools
1. Click CABLING > Spools > List to view the list of spools in the diagram or
cabling assembly. The INFORMATION WINDOW opens listing the spools and the
spool type.
2. Click File > Save As to save the spool information to the required location.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
replaced with the new color. You can change the color of a cable in the design
without editing the spool. Use the Appearance Editor dialog box to set a color for
the cables without editing the spool. All the segments of the selected cable take the
new color. Any new segments you create for this cable after setting a new color will
use the new color. However, the spool remains unedited. The COLOR value for the
spool is overridden at the design level.
2. Click CABLING > Spools > Create > From Logical. The REF SPOOL menu
3. Select the spools that you want to add to the cabling file or click Select All to
add all spools.
Note: If you use From Logical, Pro/CABLING automatically creates all spools
associated with the created cables and wires. The information used to create these
spools is taken from the logically referenced data from which the wires were created.
2. Click Cable to create a cable or Wire to create a wire and associate parameters
with it. If the assembly has no reference to a diagram, you are prompted to
specify a new cable name. The SPOOL NAMES menu appears.
3. Select an existing spool from which the cable or wire draws its characteristics or
create a new spool. A new wire or cable is created.
1. After creating or activating a harness part, click CABLING > Feature > Create.
The CABLE FEAT menu appears.
2. Click Cable to create a cable or Wire to create a wire and associate parameters
with it. If the assembly has a reference to a diagram, the CREATE CBL menu
3. Click From Logical, select one or more wire or cable names from a list of names
generated from the diagram or wire list displayed in the REF CABLE menu, and
click Done Sel to select the referenced cable or wire.
Click Enter Name to create a cable or wire without using referenced information
from a diagram or wire list and type a name for the cable or wire when
Note: If the logical data is imported from a wire list, the From Logical command
is available for wire creation only. This is because the imported wire list format
does not support cables.
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2. Click in a cell in the COND STRIP_LENGTH column and click Insert > Insert
Row After. A new row is added to the table.
3. Type the required strip length in the new cell in the COND STRIP_LENGTH
column. This column is reserved for the strip length parameter value.
4. Identify a valid object and parameter that you want to associate the strip length
with. The valid objects are COND, SPOOL, CONN, or PIN. Depending on the object
that you specify, you can select a parameter from the list for the second cell.
5. Add new columns to refine the selection. For example, in the following table, the
strip length value 0.5 is assigned to all pins that have the term name, GND, and
have 18-gauge wires.
6. Click File > ExportTable to save the strip table file to disk.
7. Click Execute to update all the connector parameters with the valid strip
information. The Execute command updates all wire parameters with an
AUTO_ASSIGN value of the STRIP_LENGTH parameter set to true.
Note: Strip table files are run every time you regenerate a cabling assembly.
8. Click OK.
Adding Components
About Components
In Pro/CABLING, components are divided into the following types. All components
referenced by a 3D harness can be assembled into a flattened harness assembly for
the selected 3D harness.
• Connector—A part or assembly that serves to connect the harness electrically
into a piece of equipment or another harness. You must designate a part as a
connector, and define one or more c-systems to use as an entry port before you
can route the wire or cable to it. Wires or cables need not end at a connector,
they can be ended in space. However, if you move the connector in the assembly
and you want the cable to move with it, you must route the wire or cable to a
connector entry port.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
o Designation
o Diameter
o Logical From
o Logical To
o Physical From
o Physical To
o Length
o You cannot access or show component parameters in the Model Tree because
they are stored differently from the normal parameters.
• Splices can use all connector parameters, but the TYPE parameter value is
where, entryport1 and entryport2 are the entry ports on the connector through
which the wire enters and exits. Multiple entries of the LINK connector parameter
can be used to indicate multiple links between entry ports in a splice.
For example, a splice with a connector parameter, LINK ENTRY_2 ENTRY_7; links
ENTRY_2 and ENTRY_7 so that when you route a wire to the ENTRY_2 entry port, the
wire can automatically be continued from the ENTRY_7 entry port. If a wire is routed
through a splice, the information is not displayed in the wire list.
For splices and custom components assembled in Release 20.0 or later releases, all
the entry ports are considered to be automatically linked, without using the LINK
In the Show group, you can set and modify the visibility of cable paths inside a
o Yes—The internal segment for a cable is displayed between the entry and
exit location in the 3D view.
o No—The wire display terminates at one entry port and resumes at another
entry port. This option is selected by default.
• The minimum bend radius is ignored for internal segments. Pro/CABLING
assumes that the selected path is the shortest path that maintains tangency
between the entry and exit z-axis unless the internal path has and shows
manually added locations.
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• Pro/HARNESS cannot flatten loops. However, it can flatten the internal portions of
splices and components even if they form a loop. Pro/HARNESS can also flatten a
virtual loop.
5. Click OK.
2. Select the cabling component you want to modify. The MOD CONN menu
3. Click Internal Portions. The Cable Paths Setup dialog box opens.
Note: You can modify internal portions of a inline connector, splice, or a custom type
of component.
2. Click CABLING > Components > Attach to Harn > Add. The SELECT dialog
box opens.
4. If the component references multiple locations, select a location along the axis on
the component at the routing location. The component is attached to the flat
5. Click OK.
2. Click CABLING > Components > Attach to Harn > Mod Location. The
SELECT dialog box opens.
4. Select a location to which you want to attach the component and click OK. The
attachment location of the component is modified.
2. Click CABLING > Components > Attach to Harn > Remove. The SELECT
dialog box opens.
3. Select one or more components to remove from the flat harness and click OK.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
• In-line connectors—This is a pair of male and female connectors that break the
cable into two physical cables but maintain signal continuity between them. The
connector assembly must have an assembly-level coordinate system on either
side representing an entry point and an exit point. When placed on an existing
cable it splits the cable into two separately named entities. The length of each
entity is calculated from the entry or exit location point. To add internal lengths,
use the entry port parameter int_length on the component.
2. In the Open dialog box, select a part or assembly and click Open. You can select
a part that has only a surface or datum curve or atleast a datum coordinate
system to define the entry ports. The selected part or assembly appears in the
Component Window and its name appears in the Model Name box.
4. Click Edit > Find in the Component Window to select a coordinate system
from the model or directly select the coordinate system in the model that is
displayed in the Component Window. The selected coordinate system appears
in the Entry Port box of the Place Component dialog box.
5. Select the component type. If you select the Custom component type, you
cannot select a reference designator.
7. Select an existing location for the component placement in the Cable Location
11. Click Done or Quit. The Cable Paths Setup dialog box opens.
12. Use the Cable Paths Setup dialog box to select the paths that each cable takes
inside the component or splice. Initially, all items are shown as routed to or
through the attachment location.
• Whole cables cannot enter the component while individual conductors exit the
components. Bundles must stop at the last location that is common to all cables.
A new bundle that is manually created cannot continue after the component
unless all cables in the bundle enter and leave together.
• If the item goes into a component and does not stop at an entry port, it must
come out as itself, and not as part of a cable or bundle. Items that go in and
continue must exit as well.
3. Use the SELECT dialog box to select one or more components to delete and click
Done in the SELECT FEAT menu.
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2. In the Open dialog box, select a part or assembly and click Open. You can select
a part that has only a surface or datum curve or atleast a datum coordinate
system to define the entry ports. The selected part or assembly appears in the
Component Window and its name appears in the Model Name box.
4. Click Edit > Find in the Component Window to select a coordinate system
from the model or directly select the coordinate system in the model that is
displayed in the Component Window. The selected coordinate system appears
in the Entry Port box of the Place Component dialog box.
7. Select an existing location for the component in the Cable Location box.
Note: If you insert multiple splices at a location using this procedure, you cannot
modify the orientation of the individual splices. To modify the orientation of the
splices, insert single splices and not multiple splices.
2. Select a part or assembly and click Open in the Open dialog box. The selected
part or assembly appears in the Component Window and its name appears in
the Model Name box.
4. Click Edit > Find in the Component Window to select a coordinate system
from the model or select a model name from a list of all coordinate system in the
model. The selected attachment entry port appears in the Entry Port box of the
Place Component dialog box.
6. Select an existing reference designator or create a new one. If you do not specify
a reference designator, the part name is used as the reference designator.
8. Select an existing location for the component in the Cable Location box.
11. Click Done or Quit. You are prompted to name one of the new wires that you
have created. The new wire is highlighted.
12. At the prompt, type a new name for the wire. The other section of the wire is
highlighted and you are prompted to name it.
13. At the prompt, type a name for this section of the wire. You are prompted to
select another entry port on the splice.
14. Select the second entry port on the other side of the connector assembly. A new
location is created for the exit point.
15. If there are any locations inside the connector, manually delete them.
Note: Cable lengths are calculated from the originating terminals to the inline
connector's coordinate system of the entry port. To add internal lengths, use the
component entry port parameter, int_length, on the inline connector.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Designating Connectors
Pro/CABLING also supports the concept of subconnectors. An example of
subconnectors would be the ports in a PC case. The logical reference refers to the
case as a connector and uses a node or pin for each port.
In a 3D assembly, the case is referred to as a connector and the parts assembled to
the case representing the ports are designated as subconnectors.
Note: The coordinate systems for the entry ports must be defined in the part before
the part is designated as a connector in the Pro/CABLING mode.
You can change the designation of a connector by designating it again or by
modifying it. When you undesignate a connector, you must strip it of all connector
data. Use Undesignate/Designate to replace all information in the connector
2. Select the part or subassembly geometry that you want to represent or designate
as a connector. The DES CONN menu appears.
3. Click Logical Ref to select a component from the components defined in the
logical reference diagram.
Click Enter Name. You are prompted for a filename (.con) to read connector
parameters from. At the prompt, type the name and press ENTER. If you do not
specify a filename, the connector is defined using the default values. When the
connection is defined, you can modify parameters or entry ports.
Specify the entry ports, that is, the coordinate systems where cables enter the
After the part is designated, you can route wires or cables to it.
To Autodesignate Connectors
1. Click CABLING > Components > AutoDesignate. The Auto Designator
dialog box opens.
3. After matching a component with a diagram connector, use the editing tools for
parameters and entry ports from the Auto Designator dialog box.
To Undesignate a Connector
1. Click CABLING > Components > Undesignate.
3. Click Done/Return.
2. Select one or more connectors to modify and click OK. The Electrical
Parameters dialog box opens. The selected connectors appear in the left panel
in a tree navigation format.
3. Click the plus sign for a component to expand the component you want to edit.
The parameters of the pins and entry ports are displayed in the right panel.
4. Under Display For, click Components, Pins or Entry Ports to show the
parameters associated with them.
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3. Select the splice that you want to redefine. The MOD CONN menu appears.
6. Click OK in the Place Component dialog box. The splice is repositioned to the
new location.
To Replace a Connector
1. Select the connector you want to replace.
2. Click Edit > Replace. The Replace Comp dialog box opens. You are prompted
to select the components to replace.
7. Click OK.
Using Subconnectors
About Subconnectors
When you attach a subconnector to a connector, the entry port information on the
subconnector is associated with the parent connector.
A 3D assembly may have components designated as connectors, but no entry ports.
The entry ports for these connectors may be on separate parts or subassemblies on
the assembly, for example, a PC case and its serial and parallel connectors.
Subconnectors are necessary when a Pro/DIAGRAM file represents the PC case as
one reference designator, and the connectors as pins. In the 3D assembly, if each
serial or parallel connector part is assigned as a subconnector of the case part, the
logical reference searches the subconnectors for entry port names listed in the
diagram connector's pin information.
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2. Select the component that will receive the subconnector. The MOD CONN menu
• To remove the subconnector, click Remove SubConn.
2. Select the parent component and click OK. The Electrical Parameters dialog
box opens.
6. In the Value box, type a new value or select the entry port name from the list.
7. Repeat this procedure for each pin. Subconnector entry ports are assigned to pin
numbers on the parent connector:
3. Click MOD CONN > Entry Ports. The ENTRY PORT menu appears.
6. Type the length and press ENTER. The PORT TYPE menu appears.
7. Select WIRE, ROUND or FLAT as the port type. Wire denotes a single wire
whereas, round or flat refer to the packing for cables. You cannot route a cable to
a wire entry port.
You can also use the Autodesignate dialog box to designate the entry ports.
8. Continue to define all the entry ports. When finished, exit the command
When you have designated one or more coordinate systems as entry ports on a
connector, the parameters EP_TYPE (round, flat, wire) and INT_LENGTH (integer)
are added for each at the entry port level of the connector in the Electrical
Parameters dialog box.
2. Select one or more connectors with the pins you want to associate. The
Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
4. If no column are displayed, click View > Columns to add the required
5. In the Value box, for each pin, type the name of the coordinate system you want
to associate with the pin as a value for the ENTRY_PORT parameter or select the
entry port name from the list.
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3. Click MOD CONN > Entry Ports > Add/Modify. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Click OK. You are prompted to assign new values for the internal length and the
wire, flat, and round designation for all selected entry ports.
2. Type the required terminator name values in the first column as shown in the
table below.
3. Use the remaining columns to set the criteria for the term_name assignment.
Asterisks mean that the value applies to all values of the parameter in the
column header. For example:
mil_14324 conn_A 18 *
mil_14587 conn_B * copper
The terminator value mil_14324 is assigned to all pins that have 18 gauge wires
of any material, using the conn_A part model. The mil_14587 value is assigned to
all pins on connectors that use the conn_B part model that uses a copper
conductor of any wire gauge.
4. After specifying the required parameter constraints in the terminator table, click
6. Click Execute to update all the connector terminator parameters. The term_name
parameter with the appropriate value is attached to each pin that meets the set
To Create a Terminator
1. Click CABLING > Terminators > Create.
2. At the prompt, type a new name for the terminator. The Electrical Parameters
dialog box opens.
3. Click View > Columns. The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.
4. Move parameters back and forth from the Not Displayed to the Displayed
windows as necessary.
5. If required, define a new parameter by typing the parameter name in the Name
box and clicking >> to move it to the Displayed window. The new parameter is
added to the current list with Nonexistent as the value. This means a value has
never been assigned. You can change the value for a single parameter or for
multiple parameters.
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6. Click Apply and then OK in the Model Tree Columns dialog box.
7. Assign a value to the new parameter in the Electrical Parameters dialog box.
To Read a Terminator
1. Click CABLING > Terminators > Read. The Open dialog box opens.
2. Select the terminator that you want to read from the disk.
3. At the prompt, type Yes if you want to overwrite the existing terminator.
To Modify Terminators
1. Click CABLING > Terminators > Edit to modify the terminator parameters. The
Select Terminators dialog box opens.
2. Select the required terminator or all the terminators from the list and click OK.
The Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Modify the value of the required parameter in the Electrical Parameters dialog
box and click OK to apply the changes.
• Use CABLING > Terminators > Read to read in terminator parameter data
from a previously created terminator that was saved to disk. This file must have
a .trm extension.
• Use CABLING > Terminators > Write to write the selected terminator
parameter data to your current directory. These files have a .trm extension.
To Write a Terminator
1. Use CABLING > Terminators > Write to write the terminator parameters to
the disk. The Select Terminators dialog box opens.
2. Select the required terminator or all the terminators from the listed that you want
to save to the disk and click OK.
3. Modify the value of the required parameter in the Electrical Parameters dialog
box and click OK to apply the changes.
• Use CABLING > Terminators > Read to read in terminator parameter data
from a previously created terminator that was saved to the disk. The file must
have a .trm extension.
• Use CABLING > Terminators > Write to write the selected terminator
parameter data to your current directory. These files are given a .trm extension.
To Rename a Terminator
1. Use CABLING > Terminators > Rename to rename the terminator. The Select
Terminators dialog box opens.
2. Select the required terminator from the list and click OK.
3. At the prompt, type a new terminator name and press ENTER. The terminator is
To Remove a Terminator
1. Click CABLING > Terminators > Remove. The Select Terminators dialog box
2. Select the required terminator from the list and click OK. The selected
terminators are removed from the diagram or cabling assembly.
A list of all the terminators used and the quantity of these terminators is
displayed in the embedded browser.
o &
o &harn.term.qty
o &harn.term.<User Defined>
The report symbols available to retrieve complete terminator information for the
cabling assembly are:
o &
o &
o &
o &<User Defined>
Where <User Defined> is the parameter defined by you as per your requirement.
Note: Use CABLING > Terminators > List to view the list of terminators in the
diagram or cabling assembly.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
• Updating the parameters from logical reference data for any matched spool,
cable, or wire
You must change the offset dimension manually to ensure that the cable does not
interfere with the surface as the diameter at the location increases. Either make
the surface offset larger to raise the cable above the surface, or change the
location offset back to Free Height, and let Pro/CABLING do so.
• If the bundle parameter, THICKNESS, is less than the sum of the thickness of all
its packed components, Pro/CABLING issues a warning.
• Changing the thickness of a spool does not automatically update the THICKNESS
parameter of a bundle created from the cables referencing the spool. To update
the bundle thickness, you must regenerate the harness part from the CABLING
menu. This is valid for regular cables as well.
You can add columns to the Model Tree that display the status of a particular
feature, the type of feature, or information about a feature (such as parameters).
Feature parameters can apply to any feature in an object, while model parameters
apply only to an entire model.
Note: You can use the Wire, Cable, or Sheath spool parameters to define the shape
of the cabling objects, such as wires and cables. For example, THICKNESS,
MIN_BEND_RADIUS, and so on.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
6. Click View > Columns. The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.
7. Move parameters back and forth from Not Displayed to Displayed windows as
8. If required, define a new parameter by typing the parameter name in the Name
box and clicking >> to move it to the Displayed window. The new parameter is
added to the current list with Nonexistent as the value. This means a value has
never been assigned. You can change the value for a single parameter or for
multiple parameters. If you click <<, the parameter name in the Displayed
window is moved to the Not Displayed window and removed from the current
list of parameters.
9. Click Apply and then OK in the Model Tree Columns dialog box.
10. Assign a value to the new parameter of any object in the Electrical Parameters
dialog box.
11. To delete a parameter, select the parameter that you want to delete in the right
panel of the dialog box and click Delete Parameter.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
3. To ensure that you select a correct cabling object, click or Edit > Find, and
select the required object.
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Select the wires, cables, components, or connectors that you want to modify.
4. Click OK in the SELECT dialog box. The Electrical Parameters dialog box
5. Under Display For, select appropriately to show or hide the parameters display
for different levels of the tree in the left panel. For example, for a component,
pin, conductor, entry port, and so on.
6. Select the parameter you want to edit in the right panel of the dialog box.
7. Type a new value for the parameter in the Value box and press ENTER. The new
value for the selected parameter appears in the right panel of the Electrical
Parameters dialog box.
Note: Both the cable or wires and bundles cannot be displayed together in the
Electrical Parameters dialog box.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
3. To ensure that you select a correct cabling object, click or Edit > Find, and
select the required object.
Select the wires, cables, components, or connectors that you want to modify.
4. Click OK in the SELECT dialog box. The Electrical Parameters dialog box
5. Under Display For, select appropriately to show or hide the parameters for
different levels of the tree in the left panel. For example, for a component, pin,
conductor, entry port, and so on.
6. In the right panel of the dialog box, click multi-select for the object type that
you have selected. If a parameter for the object has any nonexistent values, you
can change all values, including nonexistent values, to the new value or ignore
the Nonexistent values.
If the column has any nonexistent values, you can choose between:
7. Type a new value for the parameter in the Value box and press ENTER. The new
value for the selected parameter appears in the right panel of the Electrical
Parameters dialog box.
8. Click Apply and then OK. All values in a column for a selected object are
changed to the new value.
Note: Both the cable or wires and bundles cannot be displayed together in the
Electrical Parameters dialog box.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
4. Click OK in the SELECT dialog box. The Electrical Parameters dialog box
7. In the right panel of the Electrical Parameters dialog box, select the specific
pin name and the parameter value that you want to edit. Values for most
columns are As Is. This means that values differ for the same pin name across
8. Type a new value for the parameter in the Value box and press ENTER. The
values for the selected parameter are updated across all listed connectors for the
specified pin.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
4. Click OK in the SELECT dialog box. The Electrical Parameters dialog box
7. In the right panel of the dialog box, click multi select to the right of Common
Pins and above the parameter you want to edit. A prompt appears above the
tree headings. Values for most columns are As Is. This means that values differ
for the same pin name across connectors.
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8. Type a new value for the parameter in the Value box and press ENTER. The
values for the selected parameter are updated across all listed connectors for the
specified pin.
2. Click Parameters from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
3. Select a cable or wire that you want to modify. The cable or wire must have both
from and to connectors.
4. Click OK in the SELECT dialog box. The Electrical Parameters dialog box
5. Click Flip Cable Ends to flip the from/to connectors of the selected cable.
2. Select the features of the Pro/CABLING assembly that you want to view in the left
pane of the Pro/CABLING window.
3. Click OK to apply the changes and close the Model Tree Items dialog box.
4. Click Settings > Tree Columns. The Model Tree Columns dialog box opens.
6. Type a parameter name in the Name box at the bottom left of the dialog box or
select a parameter name from the list of available parameters and press ENTER.
The new parameter is added to the Displayed list.
7. Click Apply and then OK. The dialog box closes and the new parameter column
is added to the model tree.
8. If required, add more columns to the model tree to display the status of a
particular feature.
The value of a parameter evaluated in your cabling assembly can be placed as a note
in drawings of 3D or flat harnesses. You can attach the note to a connector, bundle,
cable, or wire with or without a leader.
A parameter can be included in the note by adding ¶m_name:att to the note
where param_name is the name of the parameter whose value you want to use in the
note. The parameter value must exist before the note is created. By default, the
value of the parameter that is extracted is based on the item to which the note is
If you attach &name:att as a note to a cable, the name of the cable appears in the
note. However, if you want a specific type of parameter to be used, add
_param_type to the note, where param_type is the type of parameter you want to
use. For example, you can use the name of a spool used for a wire in a note by using
the note, &name:att_spool. Attaching this note to a wire shows the name of the
spool that was used to create the wire instead of the name of the wire itself.
Cabling Parameters
The following is a list of cabling parameters arranged by object.
Component Parameters
REF_DES (Text String)
MODEL_NAME (Text String)
NUM_OF_PINS (Integer)
TYPE (Text String)
CONN_PLUG (Text String)
USER_DEFINED (Text String)
OBJ_TYPE (Text String)
Connection Parameters
NAME (Text String)
SPOOL (Text String)
REF_DES_FROM (Text String)
ENTRY_PORT_FR (Text String)
REF_DES_TO (Text String)
ENTRY_PORT_TO (Text String)
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Pin Parameters
SIGNAL_NAME (Text String)
SIGNAL_VALUE (Text String)
ENTRY_PORT (Text String)
TERM_NAME (Text String)
PIN_NAME (Text String)
CABLE_NAME_# (Text String)
COND_ID_# (Integer)
TERM_PIN_ID (Integer)
Bundle Parameters
NAME (Text String)
SPOOL(Text String)
Conductor Parameters
WIRE_NAME (Text String)
AUTO_ASSIGN_TO (Text String)
COLOR (Text String) (If a string matches the string present in View > Colors and
Appearance, cables are displayed in that color.)
LINESTYLE (Text String) (solidfont, dotfont, and so on)
Routing Cables
Using autorouting, you first lay out a default backbone or network of locations where
you want the main trunk of the harness. Like cables, the network is associated with
the current working harness. The network location points have the same properties
as location points used in interactive routing. Additionally they can be assigned
priorities by connection to better define the paths for the autorouter.
Networks are by default harness-specific, but you can elect to share a network
across harnesses, if one network will define a suitable path for two harnesses.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
When you have added the network, use the Cabling > Route menu to select cables
to route, then use the Autoroute subcommand to complete the routing.
Manual Routing
To add cables interactively, you first select the cable or cables you want to route,
then you use the cursor to add locations along the path of the cable. The first and
last locations are usually entry ports on connector components.
Locations along the path of the cable can be free or dependent. Free locations move
when you move the cable. Dependent locations associate the cable with an offset
from a component, so if the component dimensions are edited, the cable length or
position is edited accordingly. Cables that you route are added to the current
working harness. Use the commands on the Cabling > Route menu to start the
interactive routing process. In the following figure, the individual conductors of a
cable routed to entry ports represent pins.
In the following figure, all conductors of a cable are routed to one entry port.
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2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
This command lets you control the shape of the routed cable. The settings are
stored with the assembly and are recalled from one routing operation to the next,
and for all harnesses, until you change the setting. The settings are applicable
only for the current Pro/ENGINEER session.
When you route the cable using straight conditions, the cable appears more as a
line/arc combination with straight line segments and connecting splines
alternating as close to arcs as possible. However, smooth routing is used by
default when straight conditions cannot be maintained.
The Round or Flat type of grouping does not control the grouping of individual
items within a bundle routed through a location; that is determined by the
bundle-type parameter value.
6. Select the appropriate shape of the routed cable and click Done/Return to
establish the shape of the cable's cross section.
1. Click CABLING > Route. The CABLE SEL menu appears. The SELECT dialog
box also opens.
2. Select a wire.
3. Click OK to complete your cable selection. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and
ADD CBL SEL menus appear.
o Remove selected or all cables currently being routed from the set. Use the
Add command to create a new set before routing.
You can select conductors from several cables before choosing and routing
wires. Use the multiple selection operations, for instance, you can select
conductors from several cables before choosing and routing wires.
To filter your selection for routing using the ADD CABLES menu, you can:
o Limit your choice of cable selection to only those cables or wires not yet
completely routed (that is, attached to two connectors with a continuous
length of cable).
o You can select entire cable features for routing or select individual cable
conductors for routing if they have been defined individually in the cable
o Select existing wires, cables, bundles, or cable conductors to add to the set
and a location that will select all items routed through the location.
If you select the Create command, you are prompted to create a new wire
or cable. After choosing either Wire or Cable, you can continue creating
the new feature as if you had chosen CABLE FEAT > Wire or CABLE FEAT
> Cable. Wires or cables created now are automatically added to the set of
cables you select to route.
The Create command allows you to remove all the cables in the set to
select a completely new set of cables to route without leaving the CBL
ROUTE menu or remove the selected cables.
If the current set contains more than one wire or cable, you can create a
bundle from any of the cables in the current set. The current set remains
active until you change it or end the routing process.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
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5. Click the Change Cbls command from the CBL ROUTE menu.
6. Click the Add or Remove command from the CABLE SEL menu.
To Split Cables
1. Click CABLING > Modify. The MOD CABLE and MODIFY menus appear.
2. Click Split Cable from the MOD CABLE menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
4. Select a location at which you want to split the cable and click OK. The harness is
5. At the prompt, type different names for the two separate cables. The cable is
successfully split into two separate cables at the selected location.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
3. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Click Done Sel in the CABLE SEL menu. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
6. Route to a network location that is used by the cable that you want to follow.
7. Click Follow Cable and select the cable to follow the same path as an existing
8. To ensure that you follow the correct cable, click or Edit > Find, and select
the required cable.
9. Select another location on the cable that you are following. The cable being
routed is now automatically routed upto this second location through all the
intermediate locations that the cable being followed goes through.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
3. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Click Done Sel in the CABLE SEL menu. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
6. Click Along Axis and select an axis to route the cable along an existing axis.
When you select the Along Axis command as the first routing command for a
segment, you are prompted to select the direction in which the cable is to be
7. To ensure that you select the correct axis, click or Edit > Find, and select
the required axis. The Along Axis command creates two locations at the
endpoints of an axis in one step. The cable is tangent to the axis at the locations.
This guarantees that the cable entity passes through the hole normal to the
surfaces. (The assumption is that the axis is in a hole.)
If a cable must pass through a hole but does not have to be tangent to the axis,
you can create a Free location and select the axis. Only a single location on the
axis is created.
Note: If you want to route through clamp-down clips, these parts should be
created with an axis and assembled first. Then, route from axis to axis. This
method guarantees a smooth trajectory through the parts.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
3. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Click Done Sel in the CABLE SEL menu. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
6. Click Offset Axis. You are prompted to select an axis and wire/cable direction.
7. To ensure that you select the correct axis, click or Edit > Find, and select
the required axis. The wire/cable is created along this axis and keeps the offset
from the surfaces that define the axis placement.
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"V" shape
When creating an axis using two surfaces, the selected surfaces are considered a
boundary for the cable. The cable moves perpendicular to those surfaces and keeps
no interference and no clearance.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
3. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Click Done Sel in the CABLE SEL menu. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
The path and the sources of the new cable follow the selected cable.
Each cable selected for routing is routed along a path of the same shape as the
source cable. If the source cable has a fixed length, the newly-routed cables have
the same fixed length. If a portion of the source cable has a fixed length, the
corresponding portion of the newly-routed cables have the same fixed length.
The copied cable starts at one of its designated entry ports. It goes through
locations offset from the entry port's coordinate system; these locations are
offset from each other by the same amount as the source cable's locations are.
If any cables cannot be completed you are prompted about the problem.
1. Click CABLING > Modify. The MOD CABLE and MODIFY menus appear.
2. Click Length from the MOD CABLE menu. The CABLE LENGTH menu appears.
3. Click Fix. You are prompted to select locations that are the endpoints of the
4. Select the two required locations on the cable to apply a fixed length to a
segment. The system displays the current length of the segment which you can
accept or modify. You can then use this dimension in a relation.
• Use CABLING > Modify > Length > Show to display the dimensions of a fixed
length cable.
• Use CABLING > Modify > Length > Change to modify the value of a fixed
length cable.
• Use CABLING > Modify > Length > Free to remove the fixed length constraint
of the cable so that the cable no longer has a fixed length.
2. Click Utilities > Evaluate. The Evaluate Expression dialog box opens.
To calculate the current length of any segment of a cable or bundle, use the
following syntax:
cable_len ("cable_name",location_id1,location_id2)
To calculate the length for the complete cable from end to end, use the following
cable_len ("cable_name",-1,-1)
4. Click Evaluate. The length of the cable or bundle is displayed in the Result box.
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You can automatically place wires in a bundle during manual routing, thus reducing
the number of picks required to clean-up the routing, and simplify the display of the
When you select CBL ROUTE > Cable Env and check the Rt in Bndls checkbox,
manually routed wires behave the same way as autorouted wires. If wires are
manually routed using FOLLOW CABLE along a path occupied by a bundle, these
wires are automatically added to that bundle. If more than one bundle exists along
that path, you are prompted to select which you want to use.
2. Click Cable Portion and select the bounding locations of the portion to be
3. If more than one cable is routed through the selected locations, a DEL CABLE
menu appears that contains a list of all the cables that are routed through the
selected locations.
4. Select the cables to be deleted from the menu, and a check mark appears next to
the selections.
Note: Deleting a location using Del Feature deletes all children (cables and
bundles that are routed through the location).
5. If you want to remove a location from the harness but not delete the cable, or to
remove a single wire or wires from a location, use CABLING > Location >
6. When you select a cable to delete, the first entity that appears is the cable
segment. If you want to delete the entire cable, use Edit > Find and select the
cable you want to delete.
Note: If you delete all cable or bundle portions from the assembly, this still does
not remove it from the list of available cables that can be routed. The cable or
bundle feature still exists.
2. Use the Information Type options and the associated options to set up an
information readout. When you have set up the query, click Apply.
3. If you choose any one of the harness options say, Individual or Partial, the
HARNESSES menu appears with a list of existing harnesses in the part. Select
the harness whose information you want to display, the INFORMATION WINDOW
Using this procedure, you can get the name, conductor contents, and highlight the
path of any selected cable or harness feature.
4. Select whether you want to check the clearance along the whole cable feature by
Cable or only for a segment by choosing Single entity.
5. Select a cable from the assembly. If you chose the Cable command in the
previous step, the entire harness is used to measure clearance. If you chose the
Single entity command in the previous step, the segment you select is used to
measure clearance.
6. You can select the Whole subasm, Whole part, and Surface commands as
items to measure clearance From and/or To. You can select a harness part using
the Whole Part command.
7. When you select a harness part with the Whole part selection type,
Pro/CABLING calculates the clearance between the entire harness part and the
other selection (such as a second harness part) in the same way an individual
cable is chosen with the Cable command.
9. Click Compute. The clearance between the selected items is displayed in the
Results box. If you click Info, an INFORMATION WINDOW opens with the
clearance results displayed in the window.
Note: You can determine the clearance between cables, and between cables and
assembly members.
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Note: You can include harness parts in the global clearance checking process. The
checking of harness parts does not include the checking of interferences between
cables within a harness part. The check is between the entire harness part and other
parts, such as assemblies and harness parts.
2. Select the items to route. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL SEL
menus appear.
4. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
5. Select the wire or cable to route conductors from and click OK. The SEL
CONDUCTORS menu appears.
6. Check the boxes for the conductor or conductors you want to select an entry port
for. To route a wire to an entry port, check the wire before you proceed. If you
want to route more than one wire to an entry port, check the multiple boxes.
7. Click Done Sel, and CABLE SEL > Done Sel. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
8. Click Entry Port and identify the connector and entry port you want to connect
to. A location is established on the entry port.
9. Click Location and click on the location at the end of the cable segment, where
you want the conductor to come from. The conductor is routed to the entry port.
Repeat from step 1 for each separate conductor you want to route.
In the following figure, individual conductors are routed to different entry ports.
Using Locations
About Locations
Locations are points, similar to datum points, that cables follow during routing. The
locations describe the offsets and fixed points of the cable's path through an
assembly. Use the locations to capture the design intent in case of changes to the
assembly's dimensions. You can assign dimensions and constraints to capture the
design intent of the cable and harness if changes are made to the assembly.
Locations are also required for autorouting. When you define a path, multiple wires
and cables can follow the path during autorouting. Two kinds of location points are:
• Free—You can place a free location as a point on any surface, curve, axis, or
network segment. It is automatically offset by 0.6 of the radius of the cable or
cables passing through the location. Free locations on curves, axes, or other
cable entities are always centered on the entity and tangency is not constrained.
• Dependent—A dependent location has the same default offset and directional
values as the free location, but you are prompted for a dimension from the
previously specified location, and an offset from a second selected surface. When
the reference entity is moved, the locations move with it.
Use the dependent location when you must route along a complex surface, when
the cable must follow a straight line as seen from the top or side view. If you
must move the cable, you can move only the reference location, and the
dependent locations move with it.
An offset location is similar to a dependent location, but lets you define the
location relative to three dimensions. Other location types place the path along a
selected axis or parallel to a channel. Use an Offset location to place cables in a
tight passage or cramped volume; the cables move relative to assembly
geometry. You can use the Offset command to create locations relative to a
global coordinate system, but you should avoid this exclusively because the
resulting trajectory has no reference to the assembly and does not capture your
design intent. As with Dependent type locations, Offset locations cannot be used
as a starting point for routing a cable set.
After specifying locations of any kind, you can optionally attach a width constraint
to them for the cable to be routed through the location.
2. Click Free. Use the pointer to make a new free location as a reference for the
Dependent location.
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5. Click or Edit > Find to select an edge, axis, or curve. You are prompted to
select a reference for the second direction.
6. Similarly, select an edge, axis, or curve for the second direction. The location is
installed where you clicked in step 3.
3. Select a straight curve or cable portion, axis, edge, or channel. The OFFSET
menu appears.
Note: To modify the dimensional value of the offset, choose CABLING > Modify
and then select the location. Click Regenerate to view the results.
o Specify From—Specify the point you are offsetting from. Note that this
point need not refer to the location from which you are routing. The
commands in the Specify From menu are:
Previous Loc—(default) The new locations are offset from the previous
location. The previous location is highlighted. You can use the Reset Loc
command to specify the location to be referenced before you start creating
the offset location.
Select Pnt—The new locations are offset from a selected datum point or
edge or curve vertex.
6. After specifying reference directions and origins, select Make Locs from the
This begins the creation of offset locations based upon given references. An
arrow appears for each direction. Type the offset value for each as required. After
every three offsets, a new location is created. The command is modal, that is,
you can continue to enter offset values using the current directions.
7. When you are finished entering offsets, or want to specify a new direction or from
point, press ESC. This exits the prompt and you can begin again with Step 1.
o Pt/Vtx/Csys
o Free
o Dependent
o Use Dir
o Offset
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Note: Use CABLING > Location > Reroute to reroute locations to other
1. Click CABLING > Location > Redefine. The SELECT dialog box opens.
2. Select a location along an axis that you want to redefine. You are prompted to
move all the wires, cables, or bundles to another axis instead of redefining the
selected location.
3. At the prompt, click Yes. You are prompted to select an another axis.
4. To ensure that you select the correct axis, click or Edit > Find, select the
required axis, and click OK. The DIRECTION menu appears. You are prompted
to define the required direction for the selected axis.
5. Click Flip to specify the reverse direction of the arrow. The selected end of the
new axis is highlighted.
6. Click Okay to accept the direction of arrow. The harness is regenerated and the
cables and wires are autorouted to follow the new direction that you have
• You can switch between Flat and Round to indicate the grouping of cables as
they pass through locations.
• You can modify the rotation of a location with the Rotate command on the MOD
3. Select one or more locations to show its dimensions. You can select any number
of locations.
4. After they are displayed, you can select the dimension and type a new value in
the box.
o Free location—The offset from the surface. If you modify this dimension
directly, free locations will not automatically maintain their relative distance
off the surface as they change thickness.
o Use Dir location—The offset dimension from the previous location in the
direction of the reference.
Note: Alternatively, you can also use CABLING > Location > Free Height to
adjust the height of the location to the thickness of the cables.
3. Select a location and click OK. The current diameter is displayed at the prompt.
4. Accept the current diameter or type a new maximum diameter for the selected
location or locations and press ENTER. The selected locations are now constrained
to the specified diameter. If adding wires to the cables passing through these
locations results in a violation of the constraint, the wires are not added and you
are notified of the violation.
Use the MAX DIAMETER menu to remove the limit on the maximum diameter
for items routed through locations or from all locations in the active harness.
To Move a Location
1. Click CABLING > Location > Move. The MOVE LOC menu appears.
2. Click Move to select a location to move, select a different point on the current
surface, and position it using the SELECT dialog box. Use Discard to undo any
relocated positions. When the new positions have been defined, click Update to
regenerate the new path.
Click Drag to select a location and visibly drag the location along current
direction to a new position. Click to select a new placement and middle-click to
cancel. Drag allows you to make small adjustments in a rubberband view by
selecting a location on the surface or axis.
Note: Movement in either move or drag mode depends on the location type and any
directional constraints associated with it. You can not move fixed length segments
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beyond the length constraint. If you drag a parent location, the child locations follow
2. Select a flat location to modify packing, the Modify Packing dialog box opens.
3. Modify the Cable name or Thickness and set the other settings appropriately.
You can cut and paste items in the list of items at that location to modify the
shape of the flat grouping. When you select an item in the list, the item is
highlighted in Pro/ENGINEER.
4. Click Apply to preview the visual changes to the packing in your assembly
without making them permanent and OK to close the dialog box.
1. Click CABLING > Location > Add. You are prompted to select a point on a
2. After selecting a point, click the type of location from the ADD LOCATION menu.
You are prompted to select a point to add a location between existing locations
on previously routed cables.
3. Click to select a point on a curve or surface. You are prompted to define the
necessary constraints for the location type.
2. If you specify the setting as 0.0, the location nodes are displayed, but do not
Note: Modifying the size of the location nodes is helpful when printing drawings.
To Remove Locations
1. Click CABLING > Location > Remove. The LOC REMOVE menu appears and
the SELECT dialog box opens.
Click ItemsFromLocs to remove multiple items from multiple locations. Use the
SEL CABLES menu to select all the items passing through the selected locations
and click Done Sel. Select another location and click OK in the SELECT dialog
box. To remove the items and the locations, you are prompted to click YES at the
Note: Any location except a Use Dir or Connector location can be removed as long
as at least two locations remain to define a cable segment. A location with children
cannot be removed.
About Channels
Channels are conduits for defining direction, or for terminating cables to a conductive
strip (as a ground or as part of the live circuit). Channels are also the basis for
modifying cables using cross sections. You can remove an existing channel with the
Remove command.
To Define a Channel
1. Click CABLING > Channel > Add.
5. Select the geometry representing the channel. You can select a surface for a
conductive surface and a straight edge, axis, or curve to establish the direction.
3. To use the direction of the channel, edge, or axis to route parallel to, click Use
Dir and select the channel as the reference.
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Note: The method to create a loopback in the channel, that is, change direction is to
add a Free location on the surface and then continue with more Use Dir type
locations selecting the channel.
3. Select a point through which the cross-section must pass. You are prompted to
confirm the selection point.
4. Click Yes. The model appears in a drawing window. You are prompted to select
the top edge to orient the cross-section.
5. When you select the top edge, the model orients to the cross-section of the
channel. Use the Zoom dialog box to zoom in or out of the view and click OK in
the dialog box.
6. Use the CABLING > Location > Move. The MOVE LOC menu appears. Use
these move commands to move locations in the cross-section.
Note: The location must be routed such that there are no other locations that lock
the location into a specific place, such as an Offset or Dependent location.
Using Bundles
About Bundles
A bundle is a sheath feature containing one or more cables, wires, or other bundles
that pass through the same location. Bundles are created from sheath spools. You
can also create a bundle without a SHEATH spool. They have thickness, color, and
minimum bend radius parameters of their own. In lists of cables or wires, bundle
names are marked by an asterisk.
You can add cables to a bundle after they are routed or create the bundle as
unrouted, add the cables to it, and then route the bundle (and all its cables) at once.
To sheath wires that branch from the bundle in a T-junction, you can add a branch
bundle at a selected location along the main bundle. The following figure displays a
single bundle with two branch bundles.
Branch Bundles
Branch bundles allow cables to leave a bundle in sheathed branches. Use the
following ways to determine the branch location:
• Select a existing location on the original bundle, or
• If cables diverge in two directions, select both the locations where the cables
diverge from the original bundle and find a midpoint between the two locations.
• While creating bundles before routing, it is not necessary to create a bundle to
route multiple cables at the same time.
• The minimum bend radius of bundled wires is the larger of one-half of the bundle
diameter or the largest min_bend_radius of any component of the bundle.
• Flat—Packs the cable together in a flat grouping. This corresponds to the FLAT
value for the BUNDLE_TYPE parameter. The bundle diameter is equivalent to the
total thickness of each individual component of the bundle.
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2. At the prompt, type a new name for the bundle. The GROUPING menu appears.
3. Select the grouping type that is the way the bundle components are packed
together in the bundle. The bundle diameter is equivalent to the total thickness of
each individual component of the bundle.
The SPOOL NAMES menu appears, listing all sheath spools available in this
cabling assembly.
4. Select an existing sheath spool to be used to sheath the new bundle or create a
sheath spool for the bundle being created. If you select None, it specifies that no
sheath spool should be used for this bundle. The bundle is created from default
parameters. When you have assigned a spool, the BUNDLE OPTS menu
5. Select a set of cables for this bundle and click OK in the SELECT dialog box.
6. At the prompt, type the file name to read bundle parameters from.
7. Click Along Path. The SELECT dialog box opens. You are prompted to select two
locations defining the extents of the sheath.
8. Select the two locations. If any cables branch from the path between the two
selected points, you are prompted to specify whether to include the partially
routed cables in the bundle. Partially routed cables in this case are the cables
that diverge from the bundle path. If the path contains cables that you want to
include in the sheath as branches, type Yes. If you want these cables to be
outside the bundle, type No. You are prompted for a parameter file to read into
the new bundle.
9. At the prompt, type a file name containing the bundle parameters and press
Enter. You can modify these parameters later. The new bundle is created. You
can add a bundle sheath feature to a group of cables that share the same path.
To share a path, cables use the same location. In thin Cable mode, a single line
marks the path of the bundled cables. In thick Cable mode, the sheathing is
2. At the prompt, type a new name for the bundle. The GROUPING menu appears.
3. Select the grouping type that is the way the bundle components are packed
together in the bundle. For a Flat grouping type, the bundle diameter is
equivalent to the total thickness of each individual component of the bundle.
The SPOOL NAMES menu appears, listing all available sheath spools.
4. Select an existing sheath spool for the new bundle, click Create to create a new
sheath spool or None to specify that the bundle does not have any sheathing.
When you have assigned a spool, the BUNDLE OPTS menu appears.
5. Click Unrouted.
6. Select a set of cables and bundles that are not yet completely routed.and click
OK in the SELECT dialog box. A dialog box opens with a list of cables and
8. At the prompt, type a file name containing the bundle parameters and press
ENTER. You can modify these parameters later.
The new bundle is created in the database and appears as a selection when you
are adding items to be routed.
4. Select the grouping type to specify the way the bundle components are packed
together in the bundle. For a Flat grouping type, the bundle diameter is
equivalent to the total thickness of each individual component of the bundle.
The SPOOL NAMES menu appears listing all available sheath spools.
5. Select an existing sheath spool for the new bundle, click Create to create a new
sheath spool or None to specify that the bundle does not have any sheathing.
When you have assigned a spool, the BUNDLE OPTS menu appears.
6. Click Branch. You are prompted to define the extents of the branch.
a. Select the two locations on the main bundle defining the extents of the top
of the "T" connection. (Locations 1 and 2 in the figure below.) When you
have selected the two locations, you are prompted to select the third
location, defining the end of the branch. (Location 3 in the figure below.)
b. Select the third location, Pro/Cabling places a new location on the main
bundle midway between the extents you defined, and draws the proposed
branch bundle as a centerline. You are prompted to enter parameters for
the new branch bundle.
c. At the prompt, type the parameters or press ENTER to use default
parameters, the new branch bundle is created.
o If cables enter the branch from one direction:
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a. Select the location where the cable leaves the path, then click OK. You are
prompted to select the location to be used as the outer extent of the
b. Select the location, Pro/Cabling draws the proposed branch bundle as a
centerline. You are prompted to enter parameters for the new branch
c. At the prompt, type the parameters or press ENTER to use default
parameters, the new branch bundle is created.
7. Click Done/Return.
Note: Use this procedure to add a branch bundle to a regular bundle, where cables
leave the shared bundle path. You must use Along Path to create the main bundle
before you create the branch.
To Modify a Bundle
1. Click CABLING > Modify. The MOD CABLE and MODIFY menus appear.
Click Yes to extract all cables and remove the bundle itself. After
extracting, the cables are left routed, running parallel to the bundle.
5. Select the appropriate bundle using the Search Tool dialog box.
6. Click Apply and then OK or click OK to apply and close the Search Tool dialog
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4. Select a bundle to query. The bundle contents are displayed in the INFORMATION
2. To ensure that you select the correct bundle, click or Edit > Find, select the
required bundle, and click OK. The MOD BUNDLE menu appears.
3. Click Extract. The SEL BUNDLES menu appears. All the wires and cables inside
the selected bundle are available for selection.
4. Select the wires and cables that you want to extract or click Select All to select
all the wires and cables.
5. Click Done Sel to extract the selected wires and cables or all the wires and
cables from the selected bundle.
About Autorouting
Before autorouting the cables or wires, you must establish a logical reference to a
Pro/ENGINEER diagram file or a wire list text file in a supported format. Cabling
depends on the information in the wire list for the from-to connection information
that associates conductors and cables with individual entry ports (pins) on
connectors. In a logically referenced diagram, the ENTRY_PORT pin parameter must
be assigned to the corresponding coordinate system in the selected Cabling
assembly. If the ENTRY_PORT parameter is not defined in the logically referenced
diagram, the wires or cables cannot be autorouted.
After establishing a logical reference, you must set up a network using the CABLING
> Network Ops command. The network is defined by location points that are not
routed. You can specify location priorities in the network, for example, allowed or
disallowed, as needed for the network locations. Optionally, you can define paths
within the network and assign specific cables to them.
You can accept or reject the resulting routing. In case of errors in your autorouting
procedure, the failure information for the wires, cables, or incomplete conductors is
saved in the autoroute.fails file.
Use the CABLING > Network Ops > Route > Autoroute command to route the
selected wires or cables between their from and to connectors. The wires
automatically follow the shortest path through the network that you set up.
Note: You can use autorouting to complete a harness part without a logical
reference if you manually route a small piece of each cable from its last location to
its terminating connector. This establishes the connection of the wires, cables, or
cable conductors with the pins or connectors. The logical reference method is a faster
3. Use the Cabling > Route commands to add cables and wires to the routing set
as you would for manual routing. The CABLE SEL, ADD CABLES, and ADD CBL
SEL menus appear.
4. Click Select from the ADD CBL SEL menu. The SELECT dialog box opens.
6. Click Done Sel in the CABLE SEL menu. The CBL ROUTE menu appears.
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8. Click Rehighlight to display the autorouted cables in your assembly. The wires
and cables that you have added are highlighted.
10. Click More Info. The INFORMATION WINDOW opens and prompts you to look at
the autorte.fails file information. This error file contains the following
o Wire number
o Suggested fix
Autorouting Bundles
Bundles by themselves cannot be autorouted as they do not extend completely from
connector to connector and thus have no From or To logical information. If you select
a bundle for routing and attempt to autoroute, the bundles are not autorouted. Use
the Route Wires command on the RMV BNDLE menu to autoroute the items
contained in the bundle, but not the bundle itself.
If you select the Ignore Wires command on the RMV BNDLE menu, the contents of
the bundle are not autorouted.
Autorouting to Splices
If you designate a splice as the connector for a wire, autorouting routes the wire to
the splice as it routes to any connector.
If the splice is not assembled, you can autoroute the wire with one connector and
one required location, and later insert the splice at the required location.
Autorouting Failure
IF... THEN...
Autorouting fails, some of the items may Regenerate these items and
have failed or been in a state of failure autoroute again.
before the autorouting
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
If the routing of the wire segments fail upon regeneration, fix the failure using
Resolve options, or fix it before regeneration.
Autorouting Networks
You can copy a network or network branches at a specified offset distance from the
original network. The original locations forming the network are copied at the offset
distance. The existing network portion is also copied at the new locations.
Network Properties
When you add network locations, you can also assign priorities to them to further
define the autorouting process.
Network bundles and sheathing are created in the same way as other bundles,
except that they exist along a branch of the network. Pro/CABLING does not
automatically create bundles for the network, but you can assign bundles and
sheathing to network segments even if no wires are present yet.
Sheathing on the network can be used for space planning for the harness in early
stages of the design.
Type Description
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
1. Click CABLING > Network Ops. The NETWORK OPS menu appears.
o Required Loc
o Primary Loc
o Secondary Loc
o Disallow Loc
o Reset All
If you click the Required Loc command, the REQD LOCS menu appears. Select
one of the following options:
Select—Select locations through which all autorouted cables must pass. You can
have multiple required locations of this type.
Optimize—System finds the shortest paths with at least one common location
for autorouted items. This location becomes a required location after autorouting
so that you know the location that was selected. This removes all previously set
required priority locations.
Put on Wire—System finds the best and shortest paths with a common location
on a selected wire. This location becomes a required location after autorouting so
that you know the location that was selected. This removes all previously set
required priority locations.
Click Reset All to reset all network locations used for autorouting to the default
primary location.
Note: Modifying the location priority only affects subsequent autorouting operations.
Previously autorouted wires are not affected.
1. Click Cabling > Network Ops. The NETWORK OPS menu appears.
2. Define the tangency of the network branch by using one of the following
Flip Direction—Flips the direction of the network branch at the selected location
or locations and also fixes the tangency direction.
Clear Fixed Tangency—Clears the fixed tangency for the selected location or
Clear All—Clears the fixed tangency from all the network locations. The branches
revert to the shape defined by the system, depending on the geometry of the
main network segment.
3. Select the network branch location or locations for which you want to modify the
tangency direction.
• If assembly references are updated, so does the network shape.
• To delete a network segment, use the CBL ROUTE > Del Portion command. If
you delete a network, the cable locations remain and the cable/network color
To Copy a Network
1. Click CABLING > Network Ops > Route > Offset.
4. Click Specify Portion to select a portion of the cable that you want to copy
using the SELECT dialog box.
6. Click Make Locs to begin the creation of offset locations based on the given
7. An arrow appears for each direction. Type the offset value for each of the three
directions. A new network is created that is offset from the original.
8. To create another network at a different offset value from the original network,
click Make Locs again.
9. When you have finished creating copied networks, and want to return to the CBL
ROUTE menu, click Done/Return.
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• The copied network offset locations are parametric with the existing network
locations. If the distances between the locations of the original network are
changed, the distances between the locations of the copied network change
• The offset between the original network and the copied network is controlled by a
single dimension that can vary.
• You can use Modify > Make Indep to make the dimensions of each copied
location independent of the network.
• If the original network is deleted, the copied network is not deleted as the copy is
independent of the original network.
3. Type a value for the fan_with_network variable in the Value box. Type Yes if
you want to see the network in flat harness else, type No.
4. Click Add/Change.
2. When you select the harness, the model is regenerated and the locations in the
shared network are available to the current harness. To directly connect networks
across shared harness parts, use the Connect command. To undo the sharing,
use the Unshare command.
When you define a path, you are prompted to name it. The name is attached to the
path as a note.
To associate a cable or wire with the path, attach a parameter named use_path to
the cable or wire and use the path name as the value.
If a path conflicts with other network location priorities, maximum diameter
restrictions, or other autoroute restrictions, the autorouting of the wire fails.
Autorouting the wire fails, for example, if the specified path contains disallowed
As a network path acts like any other cable, you can modify it so that some portion
of the path may no longer be on the network. If both ends of a path are on the
network, autorouted cables follow the path (leaving the network and returning). If
only one end of a path is on the network, that path is ignored.
5. At the prompt, type a name and press ENTER. The path is created and the name
is attached to a note on the path.
6. To extend or remove the path, click Network Ops > Extend Path or Network
Ops > Rename Path.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Tie Wraps
A tie wrap is used to hold one cable or several cables together. The representation
for the tie wrap is as follows:
• In centerline cable display, a circle with a circumference that corresponds to the
length of the tie wrap.
Tie wraps have no required parameters. However, if you specify a name during tie
wrap creation, Pro/CABLING implements it as a parameter in the parameter file. You
can also assign user-defined parameters to tie wraps using the Electrical
Parameters dialog box.
Tape Feature
Use this cosmetic feature to show where wires are taped to a thicker portion of the
harness in the cabling assembly. The tape feature is located at a single location
whereas tape sheathing is wrapped around entire bundle segments of the harness.
As in other cabling features, each tape feature has its own set of feature parameters.
Tape features have three required feature parameters:
Markers represent shrink wrap tubing that is placed on a cable during the
manufacturing process to identify the cable for assembly, maintenance, and repair
purposes. Pro/CABLING represents markers as cylindrical features around the
selected cable with a name tag to identify the marker. The tag switches on and off
with the display of the datum point.
The only required feature parameter is NAME. Pro/CABLING automatically includes the
value of this parameter in the parameter file when you specify the name of the
marker during creation. You can also assign user-defined parameters to markers.
Marker dimensions are assigned when you create the markers.
To Create a Marker
1. Click CABLING > Feature > Create > Marker.
2. At the prompt, type a new marker name. The marker name can have a maximum
of 31 characters.
3. Select a point or location on the segment of a cable or wire to use as the center
for the marker on the cable. The marker length is displayed at the prompt.
o Type the new marker length, if you want to change the existing length.
4. Click to accept the existing value or type a new marker expanded diameter
value. The marker reduced diameter value is displayed at the prompt.
5. Click to accept the existing value or type a new marker reduced diameter
value. The cable cosmetic is created successfully.
Note: The thickness of the marker is assigned automatically. You can modify the
expanded diameter, reduced diameter, length, and position along the selected cable
with the Modify > Mod Dim commands.
Note: The maximum possible length is twice the distance from the point you
selected to the closest segment end.
3. Select an existing tape spool on which to base the new tape feature.
4. Click Create, if a tape spool does not exist yet or you want to create a new tape
5. At the prompt, type a unique name for the tape spool. The SPOOL NAMES menu
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
7. If you click Create, at the prompt type a new name for the spool. The Electrical
Parameters dialog box appears with the default spool parameters.
10. At the prompt, type the number of times the tape is to wind around the cable or
set of cables. The default is 2 times.
11. Select a cable location to use as center for the new tape feature. Pro/CABLING
wraps all items at the selected location with the tape feature.
Note: There are no dimensions to modify in a tape feature, as the size is determined
by the tape spool parameters. You can modify the tape feature using the Electrical
Parameters dialog box only.
3. Select a location or point on the segment of the cable to use as a center for the
tie wrap. The selected segment of the cable is highlighted. The dimension that
locates the tie wrap is created automatically from the start of the cable portion,
and all other dimension values are assigned.
o If a location is chosen, the tie wrap wraps around all cables at that location.
The default tie wrap dimension values are assigned automatically as follows:
o LENGTH—cable thickness * pi
Note: The tie wrap length is not used to calculate the tie wrap diameter.
Note: The Datum Point display must be set in the Environment dialog box to
display the tape, tie wrap, and marker labels and the location where they are placed.
2. Select the required cosmetic feature (tie wrap, tape, or a marker) you want to
edit and middle-click. The Electrical Parameters dialog box opens.
3. Edit the parameters of the required cosmetic features using the Electrical
Parameters dialog box.
2. Select the export format in the Type box. The Export Environment dialog box
for the selected environment opens. If the functionality is supported in the
selected format:
o Select Export Cable Surfaces to export the cables as surfaces (as seen in
thick Cable mode.)
Select neither to exclude any cabling geometry information from the export.
3. Click OK.
Pro/Report Parameters
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
3. Click Add Model to add a new part or assembly to the drawing. The selected
model becomes the default or current model.
4. If you have added multiple parts or assemblies, click Set Model to set the
required harness part or flat assembly as the current model.
The report parameters in the following table use cond to refer to all wires and cable
conductors in a harness and run to refer to all wires and cables in a harness. The
term from/to indicates that the parameter exists for both From and To direction.
The User Defined category indicates that you can specify user-defined parameters
and also system parameters.
For example, although & is not specifically defined, you can
specify &<User Defined> and type the system parameter color.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
the assembly
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
assembly member
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
&asm.mbr.connprm... 3D assembly/Flat NA
Note: The Cable Info attribute is available only when you select at least one cable
parameter in the repeat region.
To assign a different model to a region:
1. Click Table > Repeat Region. The TBL REGIONS menu appears.
Glossary of Terms
Term Definition
Connectors Connectors are parts that have parameters you can use to
define the beginning and end of cables. You must designate
a part as a connector, and define one or more coordinate
systems to use as an entry port before you can route the
wire or cable to it.
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Through Added along the length of the cable and will not split the
Splice cable.
Spools A spool is similar to an actual spool from which you roll off
an amount of cable or wire, as needed. Spools are
collections of parameters like color, gauge, and so on that
you reference when you create individual wires and cables.
When you edit the spool, the edits are passed to the wires
or cables that were created from it.
A Parameters................................52
Cabling - Help Topic Collection
Cables....8, 22, 26, 27, 59, 60, 63, 71, Marker ......................................91
modifying dimensions of........ 92, 93
Cabling Bundles
Cabling Cosmetic Features ....... 89, 92
adding along a routed path ....64, 76
Cabling Custom Components
adding cables to ........................ 78
redefining placement ..................40
Overview .................................. 74
Cabling Custom Components ..........40
Cabling Bundles.......................76, 78
Cabling Dimensions
Cabling Channels
fix length ..................................27
Conduct.................................... 73
measure between locations.... 27, 63
Direction................................... 73
modify ......................................27
Ground..................................... 73
modifying ..................................70
Overview .................................. 73
Cabling Dimensions ................. 27, 70
Cabling Channels .......................... 73
Cabling Display Environment
Cabling Components
setting up................................... 6
autorouting ............................... 82
Cabling Display Environment ........... 6
editing parameters for ................ 32
Cabling Entry Ports
Types ....................................... 29
assigning to pins ........................43
Cabling Components ................29, 32
connector parameter...................42
Cabling Conductors
designating entry ports ...............43
defining in the cable spool........... 55
routing wires .............................42
routing individual conductors .55, 57,
Cabling Entry Ports.................. 42, 43
Cabling Geometry
Cabling Conductors ..................55, 66
exporting ..................................93
Cabling Connectors
Cabling Geometry .........................93
autodesignating ......................... 39
Cabling Glossary ......................... 101
changing designation.................. 39
Cabling Locations
replacing .................................. 40
adding locations to routed cables..72
Cabling Connectors ..................39, 40
Cabling Locations .. 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, assigning a terminator ................48
creating ....................................45
Cabling Networks
modifying ..................................46
about ....................................... 84
reading .....................................46
assigning location priority ........... 85
removing ..................................47
controlling path ......................... 86
renaming ..................................47
copying a network ..................... 87
using .................................. 45, 47
modifying network locations ...86, 87
writing ......................................46
sharing between harnesses ......... 88
Cabling Terminator Table ......... 44, 45
Cabling Networks.....................86, 88
Cabling Wirelists
Cabling Parameters
exporting ..................................15
flip cable ends ........................... 52
importing ............................ 10, 15
for components ......................... 30
Cabling Wirelists ..................... 10, 15
list of parameters ...................... 53
Configuration File Options
modifying ...................... 32, 39, 49
about configuring Pro/CABLING ..... 3
Pro/REPORT .........................93, 94
cabling configuration options.. 4, 5, 6
specifying parameter values ..49, 50,
Configuration File Options ............... 3
to display.................................. 52
Datum Features
updating ................................... 11
creating for harness parts............18
wire strip .................................. 28
Datum Features ............................18
Cabling Parameters. 11, 28, 30, 39, 48
Cabling - Help Topic Collection