Carbonate Diagenesis

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Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

Questioning carbonate diagenetic paradigms:

evidence from the Neogene of the Bahamas
L.A. Melim a; , H. Westphal b , P.K. Swart c , G.P. Eberli c , A. Munnecke d
Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455, USA
Institut fu«r Geologie und Pala«ontologie, Universita«t Hannover, Callinstr. 30, 30167 Hannover, Germany
RSMAS, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy., Miami, FL 33149, USA
Institut fu«r Geologie und Pala«ontologie, Universita«t Tu«bingen, Herrenberger Str. 51, 72070 Tu«bingen, Germany

Received 8 May 2000; accepted 20 September 2001


Carbonate diagenetic models have been heavily influenced by numerous studies of exposed Quaternary
limestones. As a result, meteoric diagenesis is often assumed to be the principle means of altering aragonite-rich
sediments into calcitic limestones. However, these models are limited by the scarcity of examples of aragonite-rich
sediments buried in seawater that have never been influenced by meteoric fluids. The Bahamas transect cores
recovered originally aragonite-rich sediments deposited in deep water beyond the easy reach of meteoric waters and
provide an opportunity to test current diagenetic paradigms. The Bahamas transect consists of seven cores drilled in
the prograding western margin of Great Bahama Bank. The two proximal cores (Clino and Unda) were drilled on the
platform top and recovered shallow-water platform to reef facies overlying deeper margin and proximal slope facies.
The five distal cores were drilled by ODP Leg 166 in up to 660 m of water and recovered carbonate slope facies. All
studied sections are Neogene to Pleistocene in age. Diagenetic environments were identified based on petrographic
and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations, XRD mineralogy, carbon and oxygen stable isotopic data,
and trace elements. The upper 100^150 m of the two proximal cores were altered in meteoric to mixing-zone
diagenetic environments but all other intervals were altered exclusively in marine pore fluids during seafloor, marine-
burial, and deep-burial diagenesis. Several of the findings of this study question current carbonate diagenetic
paradigms. These include: (1) large-scale sea level lowstands may not have chemically active meteoric lenses as we
found no meteoric alteration at the 3120 m elevation of the latest Pleistocene lowstand. Rather, phreatic meteoric
diagenesis appears restricted to within W10 m of the land surface. (2) Mixing-zone diagenesis includes aragonite
dissolution and minor LMC cementation but does not show the cavernous porosity or dolomitization predicted by
mixing-zone diagenetic models. Current models are based on coastal mixing zones, which do not appear to be
applicable to these more inland, and perhaps more typical, locations. (3) Marine-burial diagenesis produces a mature
limestone with fabrics formerly considered diagnostic for meteoric diagenesis such as moldic porosity, aragonite
neomorphism, blocky calcite spar and calcite microspar. However, oxygen stable isotopic data (average N18 O = +1x)
indicate alteration in marine pore fluids only. The character of marine-burial diagenesis is partially controlled by the
nature of the sediment being altered. We have identified two end-member styles, an open-system style characterized by
dissolution of aragonite without significant cementation and a more closed-system style with aragonite dissolution

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.A. Melim).

0025-3227 / 02 / $ ^ see front matter B 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 5 - 3 2 2 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 8 9 - 4

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28 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

accompanied by calcite cementation. The sediments examined were deposited well above the aragonite compensation
depth, so seawater entering the sediment is saturated with respect to aragonite. The under-saturation needed to drive
diagenesis is likely the result of bacterial oxidation of organic matter using sulfate. (4) Microspar forms in these
sediments as a cement based on petrographic and SEM examination of partly to completely altered samples. This
contradicts the common assumption that microspar forms by aggrading neomorphism of micrite. (5) Strontium
content of sediments altered in marine pore fluids can show an extreme range of values, formerly thought to indicate
different environments. The opportunity to finally examine the diagenesis of aragonite-rich sediments buried in
seawater challenges current diagenetic paradigms and emphasizes the importance of integrated studies. B 2002
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Bahamas; carbonate diagenesis; marine-burial diagenesis; meteoric; microspar; calcite cement; mixing zone; strontium;

1. Introduction slope to platform top deposits on the other side

was closed in 1990 by the cores Unda and Clino
Previous work on the diagenesis of metastable of the Bahamas Drilling Project (Ginsburg,
carbonates (aragonite and high-Mg calcite) has 2001a). The cores 1003 to 1007 of ODP Leg 166
focused mainly on surface sediments from shallow completed the Bahamas transect along a single
marine tropical environments (for a review see line from the platform top to the basin (Fig. 1).
James and Choquette, 1983, 1990b). Because The relatively young age of the sediments cored,
Neogene to Quaternary sea-level £uctuations covering the Recent to Miocene, allows for exam-
have led to meteoric in£uence on most young ining early diagenetic features in all diagenetic
shallow-water sediments, carbonate diagenesis zones with little later diagenetic overprint.
has long been thought to be dominated by mete- Here we present a synopsis of diagenetic studies
oric alterations. More recent research, however, of the Bahamas transect cores conducted during
has demonstrated that the conditions under which the past 10 years. During this time, several thou-
those sediments have been altered are neither rep- sand thin sections from Unda, Clino, 1003, 1005
resentative for the all of Earth’s history, nor for and 1007 have been examined, the carbonate min-
deeper-water tropical settings (for an overview see eralogy of several thousand samples was deter-
Bathurst, 1993). mined with the XRD, carbon and oxygen stable
Periplatform carbonates adjacent to modern isotopes have been measured for a similar number
tropical carbonate platforms are characterized of samples, and several hundred samples have
by high fractions of bank-derived aragonite and been investigated with scanning electron micros-
high-Mg calcite (James and Choquette, 1983). Pri- copy (SEM). Our investigations have covered
or to 1985, when ODP Leg 101 took place, most large parts of the transect with detailed studies
information on carbonate diagenesis of platform focused on the Miocene of the ODP cores and
slopes was drawn from piston cores (e.g. Schlager the entire recovered intervals of the BDP cores.
and James, 1978; Mullins, 1983, 1986; Mullins et The present synopsis is based on published ar-
al., 1985). Studies of Saller (1984) and Schlager et ticles (Melim et al., 1995, 2001a,b; Melim, 1996;
al. (1988) are some of the few earlier investiga- Melim and Masaferro, 1997; Munnecke et al.,
tions based on deep cores. In 1985, ODP Leg 1997; Westphal and Munnecke, 1997; Westphal,
101 o¡ered a ¢rst opportunity to study diagenetic 1998; Swart, 2000; Swart and Melim, 2000; West-
alterations of periplatform sediments in deeper phal et al., 1999b, 2000) and new, yet unpublished
cores from the lower slope to toe-of-slope of the studies.
Bahamas (Dix and Mullins, 1988a,b, 1992; Eberli, In the ¢rst part of this paper we will describe
1988; Freeman-Lynde et al., 1988; McClain et al., and characterize the diagenetic zones of the slope
1988). The spatial link between the toe-of-slope to of Great Bahama Bank and describe the di¡erent
deeper slope sediments on one side, and the upper styles of marine-burial diagenesis found along the

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Fig. 1. Site map of the Bahamas transect showing Bahamas Drilling Project drill sites Unda and Clino and Ocean Drilling Pro-
gram Leg 166 sites 1003 to 1007. Location of seismic line (Western Geophysical Line and westward extending seismic line, see
Fig. 3), along which the drill sites are located is also shown. (From Eberli et al., 1997a.)

transect. In the second part, we will address the Great Bahama Bank (Fig. 1; Eberli et al.,
paradigms that are questioned by these new ¢nd- 1997b; Ginsburg, 2001a,b). The transect extends
ings. from the present day platform top westward into
the adjacent Santaren Channel (30 km from the
present day platform margin) where cores were
2. Lithofacies drilled in water depths of up to 660 m (Fig. 2).
The lithofacies drilled along the Bahamas transect
The Bahamas transect drilled the Neogene plat- represent a variety of facies from shallow, reef-
form to slope sediments of the leeward side of dominated to deep water hemipelagic sediments

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30 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

rich in planktic foraminifers. This summary of Kenter et al., 2001; Westphal et al., 1999a). The
lithofacies is largely derived from published light-gray wackestones, with their shallow-water
work (see Beach and Ginsburg, 1980; Eberli et composition, are interpreted as highstand shed-
al., 1997b; Eberli, 2000; Betzler et al., 1999, ding when the carbonate factory of Great Baha-
2000; Westphal, 1998; Kenter et al., 2001; and ma Bank was £ooded and active (Betzler et al.,
Manfrino and Ginsburg, 2001). 1999; Eberli, 2000; Kenter et al., 2001). The dark-
The upper portion of Great Bahama Bank is gray wackestones form during either lowstand or
composed of shallow-water ramp, platform and as condensed intervals during transgression (Betz-
reefal facies. Great Bahama Bank is currently a ler et al., 1999; Kenter et al., 2001). Turbidites
£at-topped platform but seismic and core studies form during all sea level positions (Betzler et al.,
revealed an older ramp pro¢le that evolved into a 1999; Bernet et al., 2000; Eberli, 2000) with great-
£at-topped platform during the Pliocene (Beach er amounts during highstands (Bernet et al.,
and Ginsburg, 1980; Schlager and Ginsburg, 2000).
1981; Beach, 1982; McNeill et al., 1988; Eberli When the western margin of Great Bahama
and Ginsburg, 1987, 1989). Skeletal packstone to Bank changed from a ramp pro¢le in the Lower
grainstone typi¢es the ramp facies whilst the plat- Pliocene^Miocene to more of a platform bank in
form facies are characterized by shallowing-up- the Upper Pliocene^Pleistocene, the composition
ward packages of peloidal to skeletal wackestone of the sediments on the bank top changed to pe-
to grainstone and/or coral framestone (Beach and loidal (Beach and Ginsburg, 1980; Beach, 1982)
Ginsburg, 1980; Kenter et al., 2001; Manfrino which led, in turn, to more peloidal sediments on
and Ginsburg, 2001). Subaerial exposure horizons the slope (Westphal, 1998; Rendle et al., 2000;
are common, particularly in platform facies Kenter et al., 2001). The slope facies is composed
(Beach and Ginsburg, 1980; Beach, 1995; Man- of highstand deposits of monotonous ¢ne-sand to
frino and Ginsburg, 2001). silt-sized skeletal and peloidal grains, interrupted
The deeper forereef and deeper margin facies by intervals of coarse-grained skeletal sands inter-
forms a transition from the bank top to the upper preted as lowstand deposits (Eberli et al., 1997b;
slope. This facies was recovered in cores Clino Kenter et al., 2001; Westphal, 1998; Head and
and Unda and is characterized by platform-de- Westphal, 1999). The aragonite-rich intervals in
rived ¢ne-grained skeletal to mixed skeletal and cores Clino and Unda and ODP sites 1003,
non-skeletal wackestone to grainstone that alter- 1004, 1005 and 1007 all begin near the base of
nate with coarse-grained intervals. Both ¢ne- and the Upper Pliocene seismic sequence d (Fig. 2;
coarse-sand intervals are very similar in grain Eberli, 2000; Eberli et al., 2001; Kenter et al.,
composition (60% non-skeletal and 40% skeletal 2001). In Clino and Unda, margin progradation
grains ; Kenter et al., 2001). Unlike the shallow- placed skeletal reef to platform facies above the
water facies, these deeper water deposits do not peloidal interval whilst the more distal ODP sites
contain subaerial exposure horizons. Instead remained peloidal to the present (Eberli et al.,
phosphatic hardgrounds and ¢rmgrounds punctu- 1997a, 2001; Eberli, 2000; Kenter et al., 2001;
ate the succession (Kenter et al., 2001; Melim et Manfrino and Ginsburg, 2001), with important
al., 2001b). consequences for diagenetic potential (Melim et
The majority of the Bahamas transect is in al., 1995; Rendle et al., 2000).
slope to basin facies. In the Lower Pliocene^Mio-
cene there are three main lithofacies found: (1)
light-gray wackestones to packstones character- 3. Geochemical data
ized by shallow-water bioclasts ; (2) dark-gray
wackestones characterized by increased pelagic 3.1. Mineralogy
components; and (3) grainstones to packstones
with shallow-water bioclasts interpreted as turbi- The mineralogy data are presented in Figs. 2
dites (Eberli et al., 1997a; Betzler et al., 1999; and 3. The data for cores Clino and Unda are

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Fig. 2. Mineralogy, seismic sequences, and diagenetic zones of the Bahamas transect superimposed on Western Geophysical Line and seismic line westward (location of seismic line is shown in Fig. 1). Compiled from Eberli et al., 1997a,b; Melim et al., 1995, 2002b; Kramer et al.,
2000 and this study; with additional XRD data from T. Frank.

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Fig. 3. Carbonate mineralogy and stable oxygen and carbon isotopes in BDP cores Unda and Clino. Note parallel trend from
negative to positive oxygen and carbon isotopes. This shift is interpreted as the transition from meteoric to marine-burial diagen-
esis. (After Melim et al., 1995.)

from Melim et al. (1995); the ODP Leg 166 data 3.2. Stable isotopes
are from site chapters in Eberli et al. (1997a) aug-
mented by unpublished data from P. Swart and T. The bulk rock stable isotopic data for core Cli-
Frank. The upper shallow-water facies in Clino no and Unda are presented in Fig. 3. There are
and Unda are mainly low-Mg calcite (LMC) three distinct intervals: (1) the upper portion of
with minor aragonite near the top of both cores both cores (Clino 0^110 m; Unda 0^80 m) with
(Fig. 3). The Miocene reef is extensively dolomi- negative carbon and oxygen isotopic composi-
tized (Fig. 3). The deeper water facies in all cores tions; (2) a transition interval where the isotopic
are characterized by LMC with minor aragonite values progressively shift downcore toward posi-
and/or dolomite except for an aragonite-rich in- tive isotopic compositions (Clino 110^145; Unda
terval in Clino at W220^360 mbmp and the upper 80^130 m); and (3) the rest of both cores with
100^150 m of ODP Leg 166 cores (Fig. 2). Site positive compositions (Fig. 3; Melim et al., 1995,
1006 has greater aragonite at depth than the other 2001b; Melim and Masaferro, 1997). Dolomite-
cores (Fig. 2). rich intervals have more positive oxygen isotopic

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genetic environments. We have identi¢ed meteor-

ic, mixing-zone, and phreatic-marine diagenesis.
In addition, the phreatic-marine environment
can be divided into sea£oor diagenesis, marine-
burial diagenesis, and deep burial diagenesis. We
describe each of these before discussing the impli-
cations of these results for existing carbonate dia-
genetic paradigms.

4.2. Meteoric diagenesis

The meteoric diagenetic zone occurs in the

upper 100^150 m of cores Clino and Unda. It
is characterized by complete alteration of an
aragonite-rich original sediment to a low-Mg
calcitic limestone (Figs. 3 and 4; Melim and
Masaferro, 1997; Melim et al., 2001b). Bulk
rock isotopic data show depleted carbon and oxy-
gen values average N18 O = 33.0 R 0.7x; N13 C =
31.6 R 1.7x), typical of meteoric diagenesis
(Fig. 3; Melim et al., 2001b). Grainstones to
packstones typically have neomorphism, micrite
envelopes, and blocky calcite spar cements (Plate
IA). Minor meniscus cements are also found. Fi-
Fig. 4. Schematic of contrasting styles of marine-burial dia-
ner grained wackestones to mudstones have been
genesis of a skeletal grainstone depending on the permeabil-
ity of the surrounding sediment. (A) Starting sediment. (B) altered to dense micrite and microspar, often with
Open-system marine-burial diagenesis in intervals with high moldic porosity. Laminated crusts, root casts, cir-
permeability. Aragonite is dissolved and is removed from the cumgranular cracking and blackened grains docu-
system, leaving a highly porous, poorly cemented limestone ment subaerial exposure surfaces (caliches)
consisting predominantly of low-Mg calcite. (C) Closed-sys-
(Manfrino and Ginsburg, 2001; Melim et al.,
tem marine-burial diagenesis in intervals with lower perme-
ability. Aragonite grains are either dissolved or replaced by 2001b).
neomorphic spar. Blocky calcite spar occludes most porosity.
(After Melim et al., 1995.) 4.3. Mixing-zone diagenesis

Directly underlying the meteoric diagenetic

compositions (up to 4x; Melim et al., 2001b) as zone, there is a 40^50 m transition interval where
dolomite in these cores in enriched approximately the oxygen isotopic values gradually shift from
3 permil relative to calcite (Swart and Melim, negative values characteristic of meteoric diagen-
2000). esis to positive values (average N18 O = +0.9x)
indicative of marine phreatic diagenesis (Fig. 3;
Melim et al., 1995, 2001b). The top of this inter-
4. Diagenesis along the Bahamas transect val occurs at di¡erent depths in Clino and Unda
but in both cases begins approximately 10 m be-
4.1. Introduction low the deepest subaerial exposure surface (Fig. 3;
Melim and Masaferro, 1997). We interpret this
As might be expected from such a wide range transition interval as forming in a marine^mete-
of depositional environments, the sediments of the oric mixing-zone during development of the over-
Bahamas transect have altered in a variety of dia- lying subaerial exposure surface.

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Plate I. Photomicrographs of thin sections from the Bahama transect cores. (A) Shallow-water grainstones altered to low-Mg cal-
cite with blocky spar, moldic porosity (mostly ¢lled) and micrite envelopes. This sample has negative oxygen isotopic values indi-
cating diagenesis in meteoric pore £uids. Location Unda, 58.8 mbmp. (B) Upper slope grainstones to packstones with extensive
moldic porosity and micrite envelopes but only minor dogtooth and overgrowth cementation. This sample has positive oxygen
isotopic values, indicating diagenesis in marine pore £uids. Location Unda, 443.53 mbmp. (C) Upper slope peloidal grainstone
with microspar matrix, neomorphism, blocky spar cementation and moldic porosity. This sample has positive oxygen isotopic val-
ues, indicating diagenesis in marine pore £uids. Location Clino, 225.56 mbmp. (D) Skeletal grainstone altered in the open-system
style of marine-burial diagenesis. Aragonitic skeletal grains are dissolved forming moldic porosity, with or without micrite enve-
lopes. Minimal cementation. Interval 166-1005A-36X-1, 20^22 cm; depth 296.3 m. (E) Skeletal grainstone altered in the closed-
system style of marine-burial diagenesis. Aragonitic skeletal grains are often neomorphosed to pale yellow blocky calcite and pri-
mary and secondary pores are nearly complete occluded by blocky calcite spar. The result has very low permeability. Interval
166-1003B-56X-1, 28^32 cm; depth 522.68 m.

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In core Clino, the mixing-zone also displays a dence for sea-£oor lithi¢cation includes phosphat-
change in mineralogy (Fig. 3). The meteoric zone ized and blackened surfaces, borings, and re-
is entirely low-Mg calcite as is much of the mix- worked pebbles in overlying units (Eberli et al.,
ing-zone interval. Near the base of the mixing 1997a,b; Melim et al., 2001b).
zone, 5^10% aragonite occurs (as N18 O reaches
0x) and 2^5% dolomite marks the top of 4.4.2. Marine-burial diagenesis
the underlying marine diagenetic zone (N18 O = The majority of the Bahamas transect recov-
+1x; Fig. 3). In core Unda, the mixing-zone ered upper slope to lower slope facies, almost all
overlaps a ¢rmground with penecontemporaneous of which were exclusively altered in marine pore
dolomite that predates the deposition of the over- £uids (Fig. 2). This diagenesis in marine pore £u-
lying shallow-water facies (Melim et al., 1995; ids mimics many aspects of diagenesis in meteoric
Swart and Melim, 2000). This earlier dolomite pore £uids, most notably by producing a mainly
obscures the mineralogic and isotopic changes low-Mg calcite limestone with blocky spar, neo-
through the mixing-zone interval (Fig. 3). How- morphism, microspar and moldic porosity. We
ever, as in Clino, the platform interval is entirely term this diagenesis marine-burial diagenesis (Me-
low-Mg calcite with negative stable isotopic lim et al., 1995) to distinguish it from both the
values and the underlying upper slope facies well-documented near-surface marine diagenesis
is low-Mg calcite with minor amounts of dolo- characterized by hardgrounds and/or marine ce-
mite and aragonite and positive stable isotopic mentation (e.g. James and Choquette, 1990a) and
values. deeper burial diagenesis characterized by compac-
Petrographically, the mixing-zone interval is tion, pressure solution, and late cements (e.g.
characterized by extensive moldic porosity, blocky Scholle and Halley, 1985; Choquette and James,
or dogtooth cements, and micrite or microspar. 1990).
Cementation is relatively minor compared with Whilst the meteoric diagenetic environment has
the amount of dissolution present. negative stable isotopic values (Fig. 3), the ma-
rine-burial environment in cores Clino and
4.4. Marine phreatic diagenesis Unda has positive stable isotopic values (Fig. 3;
average N18 O = +0.9 R 0.3x; N13 C = +3.0 R 0.9x;
4.4.1. Sea£oor diagenesis Melim et al., 1995, 2001b; Melim and Masaferro,
Rare examples of isopachous cement occur in 1997). Oxygen isotopic values are mainly a func-
the platform facies that probably formed during tion of water composition and temperature (An-
sea£oor diagenesis (Melim et al., 2001b). More derson and Arthur, 1983). Given the relatively
signi¢cant and widespread sea£oor diagenesis oc- short core distance over which the transition oc-
curs as marine hardgrounds found in all cores curs, temperature alone cannot account for the
(Eberli et al., 1997a,b; Melim et al., 2001b). Evi- approximate 4x shift in N18 O (Melim et al.,

Plate II. SEM micrographs of samples from the Bahamas transect cores. All samples are polished and slightly etched prior to
gold coating. (A) Upper slope sample with tight mosaic of microspar cement with engulfed aragonite needles. Location Clino,
256.18 mbmp. (B) Undeformed dino£agellate cyst in cemented limestone from the upper slope. Spherical preservation of the cyst
implies early lithi¢cation. Clino, 497.89 mbmp. (C) Uncemented layer from the upper slope consisting largely of platform-derived
aragonite needles. Note poor preservation of aragonite needles that points to partial dissolution of these metastable constituents
(sample is not etched!). Location Clino, 253.14 mbmp. (D) Turbidite from the lower slope of the Bahamas transect that shows
aragonite needles enclosed in tight microspar cement. This diagenetic style is reminiscent of cemented samples from the upper
slope. Interval 166-1007C-34R-3, 125^129 cm; depth 623.30 m. (E) Sample from dark layer shows foraminifer tests that collapsed
due to mechanical compaction. Interval 166-1007C-21R-5, 03^08 cm; depth 499.50 m. (F) Fine-grained, uncemented matrix of
dark, compacted layer. Note presence of coccoliths. Interval 166-1005C-23R-2, 19^23 cm; depth 591.39 m. (G) Detail of cocco-
lith-rich matrix of dark layer with high micro porosity. Interval 166-1007C-21R-5, 3^8 cm; depth 499.50 m. (H) Light layer with
microsparitic cementation and moldic porosity. Interval 166-1003C-2R-1, 65^69 cm; depth 416.25 m.

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2001b). Therefore, the change must re£ect most common in Unda because the sediments in
changes in the N18 O composition of the water this proximal core are coarser grained (Kenter et
from a meteoric to marine composition (Melim al., 2001). In the core 1003 and 1005, the seismi-
et al., 1995, 2001b). Frank (2000) and Frank cally transparent interval that coincides with seis-
and Bernet (2000), also found positive N18 O values mic sequence f is very poorly lithi¢ed (Shipboard
for Miocene samples in sites 1006 and 1007 and Scienti¢c Party, 1997a,b; Anselmetti et al., 2000)
interpret them to support alteration in seawater but the near absence of aragonite (Fig. 2) attests
during early burial. to extensive alteration. On closer examination,
There are two basic styles of marine-burial dia- moldic porosity is abundant showing near com-
genesis that appear to be controlled by the per- plete dissolution of aragonitic (and presumably
meability of the surrounding sediments (Melim et high-Mg calcite) skeletal grains without signi¢cant
al., 1995, 2001b; Melim and Masaferro, 1997). cementation (Plate ID). The high secondary po-
Although we de¢ne two distinct styles herein rosity without cementation requires wholesale ex-
(Fig. 4), it is important to recognize that a com- portation of aragonite out of the system (hence,
plete gradation exists between the two end mem- open-system diagenesis), presumably into the
bers. In addition, up to 100% dolomite is present, ocean. Some of the calcium carbonate might be
particularly in core Unda (Fig. 2). For this paper, taken up by cementation of ¢ne-grained beds, but
we will restrict ourselves to the calcium carbonate the intervals altered with this open-system style of
portions; see Swart and Melim (2000) for a dis- marine-burial diagenesis are not associated with
cussion of the dolomite. su⁄cient cemented beds to account for the
amount of aragonite dissolved. This contradicts, High-permeability intervals at least for this interval, the suggestion of Kramer
Skeletal grainstones to packstones start with et al. (2000) that the pore £uids in Leg 166 are in
relatively high porosity and permeability (Enos situ, as substantial £ow is required to remove the
and Sawatsky, 1981). This allows easy movement dissolved components.
of pore £uids and results in an open-system style
of marine-burial diagenesis characterized by ex- Low-permeability intervals
tensive secondary porosity and minimal cementa- Most of the slope facies along the transect are
tion (Melim et al., 1995, 2001a). Aragonitic skel- ¢ne-grained packstones to wackestones with inter-
etal grains are dissolved forming moldic porosity, bedded turbidite grainstones (Eberli et al., 1997a;
with or without micrite envelopes (Plate IB,D). Betzler et al., 1999; Kenter et al., 2001). The over-
The micrite rims probably formed prior to depo- all ¢ner grain size, as compared to the open-sys-
sition in the deeper water environment since they tem intervals described above, produces lower
are much less common than in shallow-water fa- permeability (Melim et al., 2001a) and a di¡erent
cies. Nevertheless, some micritization in the slope style of marine-burial diagenesis characterized by
environment cannot be excluded. Aragonitic pe- a more closed-system recycling of calcium carbon-
loids are either dissolved or preserved, forming ate.
the 5^10% aragonite common in these intervals The variable lithology in the slope facies pro-
(Fig. 2). Aragonitic peloids resist dissolution duces variable styles of marine-burial diagenesis
more than do aragonitic skeletal grains. The rea- within the context of a generally closed system.
son is unknown, but perhaps organic coatings of The greatest di¡erence is between a peloid-domi-
some kind isolate the peloids from the pore £uids. nated interval (Upper Pliocene seismic sequence d
Cementation is limited to minor dogtooth to ¢ne in Clino and Unda; Upper Pliocene to Recent
blocky calcite spar and traces of overgrowth ce- seismic sequences a, b, c and d in 1003, 1005
ments (Plate IB). As a result, cementation is min- and 1007; Shipboard Scienti¢c Party, 1997a,b,c;
imal and lithi¢cation is poor. Eberli et al., 1997b; Eberli, 2000) and more skel-
This style of alteration is found in all of the etal to peloidal intervals deeper in the cores (Ship-
Bahamas transect cores except site 1006 but is board Scienti¢c Party, 1997a,b,c; Eberli et al.,

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1997b; Eberli, 2000; Kenter et al., 2001). In the found in these samples is a cement (Munnecke et
peloid-rich interval, the easily deformed soft pe- al., 1997).
loids compacted very early resulting in relatively The more compacted, dark-gray pelagic-derived
high microporosity (average 36% in Clino) but packstones to wackestones do not contain molds
very low permeability (average 3 md in Clino) and have a coccolith-rich matrix without aragon-
(Melim et al., 2001a). This very low permeability ite needles (unlike the light-gray beds that contain
slowed, or perhaps even stopped, £uid movement both). Despite the lack of aragonite needles, the
and partially protected the sediment from al- dark-gray beds contain higher amounts of ara-
teration. As a result, the peloid-rich interval has gonite than surrounding light-gray beds. The
a high aragonite content (Shipboard Scienti¢c dark-gray beds also have higher clay content
Party, 1997a,b,c; Rendle et al., 2000), even where (Betzler et al., 1999). Compaction is seen in bro-
it is deeper in Clino (Figs. 2 and 3; Melim et al., ken pelagic foraminifera, squished infaunal pel-
1995, 2001b; Eberli et al., 1997b). This aragonite lets, deformed burrows and palynomorphs (Betz-
consists of well-preserved aragonite needles that ler et al., 1999; Melim et al., 2001b; and own new
the bulk of which are thought to have composed observations). Cement of any kind is very rare.
the peloids (Westphal, 1998; de Mol et al., 1998; Based on their coarse grain size and lack of
Rendle et al., 2000). matrix, the interbedded turbidite grainstones
The light-gray, shallow-water derived, skeletal probably started with high permeability (e.g.
to peloidal packstones to wackestones that com- Enos and Sawatsky, 1981). They do not, however,
prise the majority of the ODP cores and the deep- show the same open-system style of diagenesis
er portion (below 368 m) of Clino also altered that characterizes the generally higher permeabil-
with a closed-system style of marine-burial dia- ity intervals (Melim et al., 1995, 2001b). Rather,
genesis. Aragonitic skeletal grains are either dis- they contain extensive blocky spar cementation
solved or altered to neomorphic calcite spar. The and aragonite neomorphism (Plates IE and IIA)
molds are usually partially to completely ¢lled similar to the cemented layers in the low-perme-
with ¢ne blocky calcite spar. Pelagic foraminifera ability intervals in upper slope settings (Clino).
commonly show overgrowths. Celestite is com- The degree of cementation in these beds requires
mon in trace amounts as either a cement or re- some local importation of calcium carbonate as
placement of aragonite. Compaction in the light- almost all primary and many secondary pores
gray beds is highly variable. Although Betzler et are ¢lled. In the case of the grainstones inter-
al. (1999) describe them as uncompacted in the bedded with aragonite-rich peloidal interval, ad-
ODP sites, palynomorphs in 1003 and 1007 jacent peloid beds are more altered than those
show minor compaction. In Clino, these beds farther away indicating they acted as donor
vary from uncompacted (Plate IIB) to extensively beds. Presumably nearby beds acted in a similar
compacted (Westphal et al., 2000). This variability fashion in the more skeletal-peloidal intervals.
of the light-gray beds is in contrast to the dark-
gray beds that always are strongly compacted 4.4.3. Deep-burial diagenesis
(Betzler et al., 1999). The transition from marine-burial diagenesis, a
The matrix of the light-gray packstones to relatively near-surface process, and deep-burial
wackestones and the more altered portions of diagenesis is very di⁄cult to pinpoint. However,
the peloidal interval is calcite microspar. Espe- compaction gradually increases with depth in the
cially in samples from the upper slope sites (Mun- ¢ner-grained intervals. For example, cracked and
necke et al., 1997; Westphal, 1998), but also less broken pelagic foraminifera are common in the
commonly from the deeper settings (Kenter et al., dark-gray beds in the Miocene of Clino and Leg
2002), SEM examinations revealed that the micro- 166 cores but absent in the Upper Pliocene (Eberli
spar encloses aragonite needles (Plate IIA,D) and et al., 1997a; Betzler et al., 1999; Kenter et al.,
exhibits sharp boundaries towards larger compo- 2001; this study). In addition, pressure solution
nents. These features indicate that the microspar seams are present below W1000 m in sites 1003

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42 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

and 1007 (Shipboard Scienti¢c Party, 1997a,b). Melim and Masaferro (1997) document a similar
Below 300^350 m, minor celestite-¢lled fractures mixing-zone between 32 m and 77 m in a core
were found in lithi¢ed intervals of Clino, Unda from Key West, Florida (Florida Geological Sur-
(Melim et al., 2001b) and sites 1003, 1005, and vey core Stock Island). In addition, the top of the
1007 (but not 1006) (core descriptions in Eberli mixing-zone occurs W10 m below the deepest
et al., 1997a). subaerial exposure surface recovered in all three
The latest Pleistocene sea-level lowstand was
5. Questioning paradigms 3120 m (Fairbanks, 1989). The water table fairly
closely tracks sea level in carbonate islands (Vach-
5.1. Limitations on lowstand meteoric diagenesis er, 1988). Therefore, if the latest Pleistocene sea-
level lowstand had a chemically active meteoric
The upper portion of Great Bahama Bank was lens, we should ¢nd meteoric diagenesis at and
extensively altered by meteoric diagenesis during below this depth. Instead, 3120 m is near the
Pleistocene and older sea-level lowstands (e.g. top of the mixing zone in Clino, near the base
Williams, 1985; Beach, 1995). Considering the of the mixing zone in Unda, and over 40 m below
large-scale sea-level falls of the Pleistocene the base of the mixing zone in Stock Island (Me-
(down to 120 m; Fairbanks, 1989), the potential lim, 1996; Melim and Masaferro, 1997). Appar-
exists for meteoric alteration well below the plat- ently, the latest Pleistocene sea-level lowstand
form top (Beach, 1995). Earlier deep core borings produced no phreatic meteoric diagenesis. There
found meteoric alteration to 5000^6000 m is aragonite present at this depth in Unda (Fig. 3;
(Spencer, 1967; Meyerho¡ and Hatten, 1974; also in Stock Island; Melim, 1996; McNeill et al.,
Walles, 1993). However, these deep cores were 1996; Melim and Masaferro, 1997), so the diage-
drilled on the platform top where shallow-water netic potential is still there. We cannot say there
deposition with periodic emergence has been the was not a phreatic lens, only that any lens present
rule since the Cretaceous (Spencer, 1967; Meyer- left no diagenetic signature behind. In addition,
ho¡ and Hatten, 1974; Walles, 1993), thus mak- there is no diagenetic record from any sea-level
ing it impossible to determine burial depth during lowstand that reached to similar depths (below
meteoric alteration (Melim and Masaferro, 1997). 32^77 m in Stock Island). Melim (1996) proposed
The Bahamas transect cores, on the other hand, two factors that could lead to a diagenetically in-
extend beneath the shallow-water facies into active lens at greater depths: (1) the greater per-
underlying upper to lower slope facies deposited colation distance allows the water to reach satu-
below possible subaerial exposure (see Eberli et ration prior to entering the lens, and (2) the large
al., 1997a,b; Ginsburg, 2001a). The two proximal distance exceeds the reach of soil-derived organic
cores recovered the transition from shallow-water matter, known to drive diagenesis within meteoric
platform facies into upper slope facies, thus allow- lenses (Smart et al., 1988; McClain et al., 1992).
ing a test of the models for maximum burial If large-scale sea-level lowstands are not re-
depth of meteoric diagenesis. sponsible for major phreatic diagenesis, the ob-
The lower limit of meteoric in£uence can be served alteration must occur at other times, pre-
de¢ned in Clino and Unda based on the stable sumably when the meteoric lens occurs closer to
isotopic data. If we take the most generous de¢- the surface. Since the top of the mixing zone oc-
nition, the base of the mixing-zone, then meteoric- curs 10 m below the ¢rst subaerial exposure sur-
in£uenced diagenesis extends to 145 m in Clino face, we interpret the deepest meteoric diagenesis
and W130 m in Unda (Fig. 3; Melim, 1996). If to the ¢rst exposure of each core location, not to
we take a more literal de¢nition, the top of the later, perhaps larger, sea-level lowstands. In these
mixing-zone, then meteoric diagenesis only ex- cores, the limit of pure meteoric diagenesis is
tends down to W110 m in Clino and W80 m in W10 m below the land surface. This is consistent
Unda (Fig. 3; Melim, 1996). Melim (1996) and with modern hydrogeochemical studies in the

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L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53 43

Bahamas (Halley and Harris, 1979; McClain et rence of marine isotopic values (N18 O = +1x). In
al., 1992) and with the thickness of many modern other words, dolomite occurs within the marine-
Bahamian meteoric lenses (Vacher and Wallis, burial diagenetic zone but not within the mixing
1992; Whitaker and Smart, 1997). McClain et zone.
al. (1992) cautioned against using distribution of The coastal-mixing zone is likely not a good
meteoric fabrics to interpret paleophreatic lens analog for the deeper-mixing zone for two rea-
distribution as their results showed alteration sons: (1) £uid £ux is much higher through the
only in the upper portion of the lens. Our results coastal-mixing zone because of discharging
extend that caution as larger sea-level low- groundwater (Sanford and Konikow, 1989); (2)
stands may not be recorded at all (Melim, 1996). the proximity to the land surface allows input of
organic matter from the surface, shown by Smart
5.2. Characteristics of mixing-zone diagenesis et al. (1988) enhance dissolution. In addition, the
coastal environment is a much more hydrochemi-
Current models of mixing-zone diagenesis are cally complex region where groundwater discharg-
based on studies from coastal regions near ing from the meteoric lens mixes not only with
groundwater discharge points (Hanshaw and seawater but also with freshwater in¢ltrating
Back, 1980; Smart et al., 1988; Ward and Halley, from the surface. Given these signi¢cant di¡eren-
1985) or from islands with small, areally restricted ces, it should come as no surprise that the ex-
(1^10 km diameter) phreatic lenses (Budd, 1988; tended mixing-zone environment shows di¡erent
Anthony et al., 1989). Also of interest, however, is diagenesis.
the behavior of mixing-zones developed during
sea-level lowstands when entire carbonate plat- 5.3. Marine-burial diagenesis mimics meteoric
forms are exposed. Various workers have pro- diagenesis
posed that patterns recognized on islands and in
coastal regions can be projected through time and Petrographic fabrics are frequently used for de-
space to predict diagenesis such as cavernous po- termining the diagenetic environment of carbon-
rosity and/or dolomitization in extended mixing ate rocks, although most workers recognize the
zones (e.g. Badiozamani, 1973; Humphrey and need for additional geochemical lines of evidence.
Quinn, 1989; Beach, 1995). Features that are characteristic of the phreatic
The results from Clino and Unda do not sup- meteoric environment include aragonite dissolu-
port either of the existing models for mixing-zone tion (molds), neomorphism, blocky spar (also
diagenesis. Whilst dissolution does occur, it is fab- known to form during burial), microspar, and
ric-selective dissolution of aragonite grains essen- isopachous equant cements composed of low-Mg
tially identical to that found in the underlying calcite (Folk and Land, 1975; Flu«gel, 1982; Tuck-
marine-burial diagenetic zone. The only exception er and Wright, 1990; James and Choquette,
is that mixing-zone diagenesis is more e⁄cient at 1990b). Several workers have identi¢ed aragonite
removing the last few percent of aragonite that dissolution accompanied by blocky spar cementa-
marine-burial diagenesis usually leaves untouched tion in deep marine sediments, and attributed it to
(Fig. 3). Cavernous to vuggy porosity does not deep, cold undersaturated waters (i.e. below the
occur within the mixing zone, although it is com- aragonite compensation depth; Halley et al., 1984;
mon in the overlying meteoric diagenetic zone Freeman-Lynde et al., 1988; Dix and Mullins,
(Melim et al., 2001a,b). 1988a,b; Frank and Bernet, 2000) or to deep me-
Dolomite, on the other hand, is completely ab- teoric £ow (Enos, 1988). Workers in shallow-
sent from the mixing zone (Fig. 3). The earlier water environments, therefore, have continued to
sea£oor dolomitization in Unda obscures this re- assume that these fabrics equal meteoric diagene-
lationship. In Clino, lacking this earlier dolomite, sis; in some cases even when the isotopic evidence
the ¢rst occurrence of trace amounts of dolomite was equivocal (e.g. Mutti, 1995).
downcore is an excellent proxy for the ¢rst occur- Results from cores along the Bahamas transect

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44 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

show that all these petrographic patterns also can (e.g. Clino), we reject a model that cannot explain
and commonly do form in marine pore £uids, at all of the marine-burial diagenesis observed.
depths well above the aragonite compensation Marine-burial diagenesis is intermediate be-
depth. Petrographic characteristics display pat- tween sea£oor diagenesis (with essentially unal-
terns identical to those long thought to identify tered seawater; James and Choquette, 1990a;
phreatic meteoric diagenesis. Neomorphic Hali- Tucker and Wright, 1990) and deep burial dia-
meda, aragonite leaching (moldic porosity), mi- genesis (typically including compaction and alter-
critic envelopes, blocky spar, dogtooth spar, and ation with evolved pore £uids; Scholle and Hal-
microspar cements have been observed along the ley, 1985; Choquette and James, 1990; Tucker
transect down to the toe of slope (Melim et al., and Wright, 1990). In order for marine-burial dia-
1995, 2001b; Westphal, 1998, and own new ob- genesis to start, saturated seawater must be driven
servations). Stable isotope analyses showed, how- to undersaturation with respect to aragonite.
ever, that these features formed in marine pore Once this occurs, the di¡erent solubility of ara-
£uids and were never in£uenced by meteoric £uids gonite and high-Mg calcite compared to low-Mg
(Fig. 3; Melim et al., 1995). In addition, the dis- calcite could sustain the reaction going until all of
tance from the platform margin makes it unlikely the aragonite is consumed (Budd, 1988; James
that meteoric water could reach the deeper slope and Choquette, 1990a). Thus, the reaction may
sites ; our data indicates it did not. Limestones in start at very shallow sub-surface depths and con-
the Clino and Unda completely altered by marine tinue into the deeper burial environment until the
pore £uids occur within 100^150 m of sea level supply of metastable minerals such as aragonite
(and 75 m in the Stock Island Core, Florida) ; well and high-Mg calcite becomes exhausted. Our data
above not only the modern aragonite compensa- indicate just such a transition but leave open the
tion depth ( 6 4000 m; Droxler et al., 1988) but question of where ‘early’ starts.
any possible ancient aragonite compensation The new ¢ndings that many fabrics are not un-
depth. equivocal indicators of the meteoric environment
The diagenetic environment responsible for this should caution us not to entirely rely on petro-
alteration has been termed the ‘marine-burial en- graphic evidence for interpretations of the fossil
vironment’ (Melim et al., 1995, 2001b). Marine- record but to base interpretations on additional
burial diagenesis occurs after sea£oor diagenesis evidence such as subaerial exposure surfaces or
and before deeper burial processes such as pres- geochemical evidence. Although most of the inter-
sure-solution. Since seawater above the aragonite vals studied were upper to lower slope facies, the
compensation depth is saturated with respect to base of Unda (443.49^452.94 m) is interpreted as
aragonite, some mechanism must be identi¢ed to deeper shelf to platform (Kenter et al., 2001) and
drive marine-burial diagenesis. We suggest the was also altered during marine-burial diagenesis.
chemical environment responsible for dissolution So marine-burial diagenesis is probably not lim-
and reprecipitation in the marine-burial realm is ited to deeper water facies. We speculate that
triggered by microbially induced decay of organic many ancient successions have been interpreted
matter. Elevated CO2 levels initiate aragonite dis- with a bias towards meteoric diagenesis and
solution and reprecipitation of the calcium car- need to be re-evaluated.
bonate as calcite cement, resulting in early chem- The similarity of fresh water diagenesis and
ical and mechanical stabilization of metastable shallow marine-burial diagenesis is caused mostly
carbonates. This interpretation disagrees with by the fact that the dominant source for carbon-
that of Frank and Bernet (2000) who suggest ate cement is the selective dissolution of sedimen-
the aragonite compensation depth was shallow tary aragonite: Generally, the shape and minera-
enough in the Miocene to allow undersaturated logical composition of calcium carbonate pre-
waters into 1007 and 1006 (despite this requiring cipitates strongly depends on the Mg/Ca ratio of
a change of more than 3000 m). Considering the the precipitating £uid (Folk, 1974; Given and
similarity of 1007 to substantially shallower cores Wilkinson, 1985). Fresh water has a low ratio

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L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53 45

and thus the precipitates are composed of calcite freshwater in¢ltration, the micrite crystals start to
characterized by a typical blocky shape. Seawater grow until they reach microspar size. Folk’s
normally has a higher Mg/Ca ratio and thus the theory, however, fails to explain why, e.g., chalk
precipitates (aragonite and/or high-magnesian cal- remains unaltered when it is exposed to meteoric
cite) are typically elongated (along the c-axis) or diagenesis (James and Choquette, 1983), and it
needle-shaped (Folk, 1974; Given and Wilkinson, o¡ers no explanation for the source of the calcium
1985). The microspar crystals and also the sparitic carbonate required for the lithi¢cation of the
cement in the coarse grained limestones show a limestones.
blocky fabric. Principally, four sources for the With SEM, Lasemi and Sandberg (1984) recog-
carbonate are possible : (a) fresh water ^ this nized in Pleistocene aragonite-dominated carbon-
can be excluded by the stable isotope data; (b) ate muds from the Bahamas and South Florida,
marine-derived pore water ^ such waters have a that microspar can form as a cement during me-
high Mg/Ca ratio and thus their precipitates teoric diagenesis. Calcite crystals with mean diam-
should be elongated rather than blocky ; (c) pres- eters between 5 and 15 Wm (microspar) are pre-
sure solution ^ unrealistic in the shallow burial cipitated within the sediment, and small carbonate
realm; (d) selective dissolution of aragonite ^ sup- grains (e.g. aragonite needles) are engulfed in
ported by the common association of moldic po- these microspar crystals.
rosity. This dissolution would shift the pore water SEM examinations of the ¢ne-grained slope de-
geochemistry towards low Mg/Ca ratios because posits along the Bahamas transect revealed strik-
aragonite is a very Mg-poor carbonate phase. The ing textural similarities to the Pleistocene samples
resulting pore water would be ^ to some extent ^ of Lasemi and Sandberg (1984) (Munnecke et al.,
similar to fresh water and thus the precipitates 1997; Westphal, 1998). Based mainly on the tex-
(blocky spar, microspar) are very similar in shape, tural observations, it is thought that microspar
resulting in the above mentioned overestimation cement formed by a process that is fundamentally
of fresh water diagenesis in the geological record. di¡erent from the process of aggrading neomor-
phism proposed previously (Folk, 1959, 1965,
5.4. Microspar as a cement 1974). The microspar crystals form a tightly ¢tted
mosaic engul¢ng undeformed components and
Petrographic observations, that matrix micro- aragonite needles of the matrix, indicating that
spar crystals enclose aragonite needles (Plate they represent an early cement that has lithi¢ed
IIA,D) and exhibit sharp boundaries towards the pristine aragonite-dominated carbonate mud
larger components, and that samples cemented (Fig. 5; Munnecke et al., 1997). Moreover, the
by microspar are uncompacted, indicate that the process for microspar formation presented here
microspar found in these samples is a cement explains why calcitic bioclasts show sharp bound-
(Munnecke et al., 1997; Westphal et al., 2000). aries with the microspar matrix. Aggrading neo-
These ¢ndings are in contradiction to the widely morphism (recrystallization) fails to explain this
accepted interpretation that microspar is the texture. Additionally, recrystallization from low-
product of recrystallization (Folk, 1959, 1965). Mg calcitic micrite to microspar is energetically
On the basis of light microscopic examinations, highly improbable. Once a stable low-Mg calcitic
Folk (1959, 1965) suggested that microspar forms composition is reached, little driving force re-
by recrystallization from a previously lithi¢ed mi- mains for recrystallization (Veizer, 1977; Steinen,
crite (‘aggrading neomorphism’). In his model, 1978; Sandberg and Hudson, 1983).
Mg-ions, that are released into the pore water In contrast to the Pleistocene samples of Lase-
during early diagenetic alteration of high-Mg cal- mi and Sandberg (1984), the Pliocene sequences
cite to low-Mg calcite, form an ‘Mg-cage’ around from Clino were lithi¢ed in the marine-burial en-
the micrite crystals and thereby inhibit growth of vironment. The textural features observed suggest
these crystals (Folk, 1959, 1965). When the Mg- that microspar cement sensu Lasemi and Sand-
ions are removed from the pore water, usually by berg (1984) not only occurs in meteoric diagenetic

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46 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

organic forms of LMC and dolomite, Sr is ex-

cluded from crystal structure. Hence in an open
system the Sr concentration of the ¢nal diagenetic
product will be dictated by the Sr/Ca ratio in the
solution and the distribution coe⁄cient of the
mineral in question (Veizer, 1983). The distribu-
tion coe⁄cient is de¢ned as the ratio of the trace
element to calcium in the mineral divided by the
same ratio in the solution.

Sr=Ca ðmineralÞ
DSr ¼
Sr=Ca ðfluidÞ

In the case of seawater the DSr for aragonite is

approximately unity, meaning that there is no ac-
tive accumulation or discrimination of the ele-
ment into this phase. In contrast the DSr for or-
ganic LMC is 0.12 and for inorganic LMC is 0.05
(Kinsman, 1969; Veizer, 1983). The DSr for dolo-
mite is also about 0.016 (Vahrenkamp and Swart,
1994) and is dependent upon the stoichiometry of
the dolomite. In the past, low Sr concentrations in
carbonates have been taken as an indicator of
Fig. 5. Reconstruction of microspar cement development in alteration in a freshwater regime (Land and Ep-
aragonite-dominated carbonate mud. (A) Unlithi¢ed arago-
stein, 1970; Gross, 1964). High Sr concentrations
nite needle mud. (B) Beginning of precipitation of microspar.
(C) Completely cemented sediment. (D) Empty pits in micro- have been suggested in cements produced in hy-
spar resulting from dissolution of aragonite needles. (E) Ma- persaline environments (Land and Hoops, 1973;
ture microsparitic limestone (after Westphal, 1998; Mun- Veizer et al., 1978). Although such generalities are
necke et al., 1997; Munnecke and Samtleben, 1996). not completely without merit, data on the chem-
ical composition of pore waters from ODP and
DSDP show that marine waters can show a wide
environments, but also can be formed during ma- variety of Sr/Ca ratios, which would ultimately,
rine-burial diagenesis. Thus, similar to other ce- result in a range of Sr concentrations in diagenetic
ment types and to many diagenetic features, the carbonates formed in these environments. In an
environmental signi¢cance of microspar is limited open system, the Sr concentration of LMC
(Munnecke and Samtleben, 1996; Munnecke et formed at 25‡C from a solution of actively circu-
al., 1997; Westphal, 1998). lating seawater is about 500 ppm. In deep sea
pelagic sediments which overlay basalts, alteration
5.5. Strontium content as an indicator of diagenesis of the igneous rocks produces pore £uids with
very high Ca2þ concentrations (50^60 mM) result-
Strontium is incorporated into the structure of ing in £uids with low Sr2þ /Ca2þ which in turn
both calcite and aragonite, substituting for Ca in result in the precipitation of cements with low
the crystal lattice. Generally speaking aragonite Sr concentrations (Baker et al., 1982). In closed
has higher concentrations of Sr (7000^9000 ppm), systems una¡ected by basalt alteration, Sr ex-
while HMC and LMC (1000^4000 ppm) have cluded during the recrystallization process can
lower values (Milliman, 1974). During the recrys- build up to high concentrations resulting in dia-
tallization of aragonite, HMC, and LMC to in- genetic calcites and dolomites with very high val-

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L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53 47

ues. Meteoric £uids percolating through a young diagenetic regimes. A particularly good example is
metastable carbonate terrain can also have highly the Sr measurements made on dolomites form
elevated Sr2þ /Ca2þ ratios, as the recrystallization Clino below the hardground at 586.3 m. At this
of the carbonates preferentially excludes Sr from locality Swart and Melim (2000) reported that the
the calcite structure. Hence the notion of using concentrations of Sr increased from around 250
the Sr concentration of the diagenetic carbonate to 1300 ppm over a depth of about 100 m. How-
as an indicator of the speci¢c type of environment ever the ¢rst 20 m below the hardground surface
of diagenesis must be considered within other evi- which represented a hiatus of about 2 Myr
dence. showed an absence of signi¢cant geochemical gra-
An example of closed system diagenesis leading dients, in essence a fossil £ushed zone. The re-
to elevated Sr concentrations in diagenetic carbo- duced thickness of this zone in comparison to
nates occurs within the pore £uids of periplatform the modern £ushed zone suggests a di¡erent hy-
sediments deposited on the margin of Great Ba- drological regime at this time. Swart and Melim
hama Bank, where dolomites attained Sr concen- (2000) calculated the Sr/Ca in the pore £uids
trations as high as 2000 ppm (Swart and Melim, which might have accounted for this increase
2000) and celestite is common (Melim et al., and determined that Sr concentrations in the low-
2001b). Previous to such ¢ndings, concentrations er dolomites predicted a reduction in the sulfate
as high as these values would have been inter- concentration. A dramatic comparison to these
preted as re£ecting formation in an evaporite en- trends in the geochemistry of the dolomite below
vironment. Examples of the types of changes in the 586.3 m hardground in Clino is evident in the
the Sr/Ca ratio of the pore £uids, which might be 100% dolomitized in Unda. In Unda the dolo-
expected as a result of closed system, are evident mites all have concentrations which might ex-
in the data reported by Eberli et al. (1997a) and pected as a result of dolomitization from an
Kramer et al. (2000). These studies of pore £uids open system involving seawater.
from sediments cored during Leg 166 show an Hence, as in the case of petrographic fabrics,
interval of relatively constant Sr concentration established truisms governing the concentration of
to a depth of 50 mbsf overlying an interval in Sr in diagenetic carbonates have been challenged.
which the Sr concentration steadily increases. Relatively low concentrations of Sr in both dolo-
The absence of geochemical gradients indicates mites and calcites can be produced in open-system
either an absence of recrystallization or active cir- marine diagenetic environments, whereas high
culation of seawater within this interval. Below concentration can be produced in closed-system
this upper £ushed zone, the concentrations of Sr environments. Therefore, although freshwater en-
steadily increase as a result of carbonate recrystal- vironments can produce diagenetic cements with
lization. The upper concentrations of Sr which low Sr concentrations, these values are not diag-
can be attained during this process is dictated nostic.
by the solubility of the mineral celestite (SrSO4 )
(Baker and Bloomer, 1988; Swart and Guzikow-
ski, 1988). In the absence of signi¢cant sulfate 6. Conclusions
reduction a maximum of 600 WM of Sr could be
added to the pore £uids, which in turn would The Bahamas transect o¡ered an unusual op-
produce calcite cements with Sr concentrations portunity to study early diagenesis of aragonite-
of 3000 ppm. Higher concentrations of Sr in the rich carbonate sediments altered in a spectrum of
pore £uids, up to 4 mM, were reported in the diagenetic environments from meteoric through
drilling of sediments on Leg 166 and are associ- mixing-zone and into the marine-burial to deep-
ated with the oxidation of organic material by burial environments. Although some overprinting
sulfate reduction. does occur, in general these di¡erent environ-
Trends in the Sr concentrations of diagenetic ments altered distinct portions of the Bahamas
carbonates can be a clue to past hydrologic and transect, allowing each to be characterized. The

MARGO 3048 11-6-02 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart

48 L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53

results question a number of current diagenetic also typical for freshwater. Such low ratios lead to
paradigms that have been broadly applied beyond precipitation of typically shaped equant calcite
their original parameters. Speci¢c new ¢ndings crystals (blocky spar, microspar). On the basis
include: of our ¢ndings, the current practice of routinely
(1) Large-scale sea level lowstands do not al- assigning these fabrics to the meteoric diagenetic
ways have a chemically active meteoric lens. Ex- environment has to be questioned. Without inde-
amination of bank-top cores at the depth of the pendent evidence of meteoric diagenesis (such as
latest Pleistocene lowstand revealed no evidence caliche horizons, vadose fabrics or stable isotopic
of meteoric diagenesis. Rather the deepest mete- data) these fabrics cannot be used to unequivo-
oric diagenesis present appears to correlate to the cally identify any speci¢c diagenetic environment.
¢rst time each core location was subaerially ex- We further suggest that possibly some older stud-
posed. In this case, the active meteoric lens ex- ies based on the interpretation of these features
tended W10 m below the land surface indicated should be revisited.
by a subaerial exposure horizon. Thus, any model (4) Microspar is a primary cement lithifying
that uses meteoric diagenesis to track sea level aragonite-dominated mud. Microspar does not
risks missing the large sea-level events. form by aggrading neomorphism from recrystal-
(2) Meteoric-marine mixing zones in these cores lized micrite. Rather, it forms as a cement be-
are characterized by aragonite dissolution and mi- tween and around aragonite needles, that are later
nor LMC cementation. Contrary to existing mix- dissolved. Microspar cementation can occur very
ing-zone models, vuggy to cavernous porosity is early in marine-burial diagenesis, prior to detect-
absent and dolomite does not occur. Current mix- able mechanical compaction.
ing-zone models are based on data from coastal (5) Strontium content of sediments altered in
mixing zones where £ow rates are higher, surface marine pore £uids can show an extreme range
organic matter is common, and mixing relations of values, formerly thought to indicate di¡erent
are complex. The inland position of Clino and environments. Very high values form in closed-
Unda during sea-level lowstands produces a dif- system marine-burial diagenesis as Sr released by
ferent style of mixing-zone diagenesis ; one per- aragonite dissolution accumulates in the pore £u-
haps better suited to general application as the ids. Relatively low values, on the other hand, oc-
coastal zone is very narrow compared to the com- cur during open-system marine-burial diagenesis
plete extent of the mixing zone beneath a meteoric where the Sr is £ushed from the system. Sr values,
lens. therefore, must by used with caution when inter-
(3) Marine-burial diagenesis mimics meteoric preting diagenetic environment.
diagenesis. Many diagenetic features thought to In conclusion, we would like to emphasize the
be indicative of phreatic meteoric diagenesis also need for integrated studies that do not depend on
occur in the marine-burial environment. These any single form of data (e.g. petrography, iso-
features include blocky spar, moldic porosity, topes) as similar fabrics are produced by a num-
neomorphism and microspar. The character of ber of di¡erent diagenetic environments.
marine-burial diagenesis is partially controlled
by the nature of the sediment being altered. We
have identi¢ed two end-member styles, an open- Acknowledgements
system style characterized by dissolution of ara-
gonite without signi¢cant cementation and a more We thank the shipboard party of ODP Leg 166
closed-system style with aragonite dissolution ac- for their descriptions and assistance with sampling.
companied by calcite cementation. The similarity BDP cores Unda and Clino were collected with
of marine-burial and meteoric fabrics are caused funding from the United States National Science
by selective aragonite dissolution in the shallow Foundation under Grants OCE 891-7295 and
marine burial realm shifting the pore water geo- OCE 910-4294 to R.N. Ginsburg and P.K.S.,
chemistry towards the low Mg/Ca-ratios that are from the Industrial Associates of the Comparative

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L.A. Melim et al. / Marine Geology 185 (2002) 27^53 49

Sedimentology Laboratory of the Rosenstiel Bathurst, R.G.C., 1993. Microfabrics in carbonate diagenesis:
a critical look at forty years in research. In: Rezak, R.,
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences and
Lavoie, D.L. (Eds.), Carbonate Microfabrics. New York,
from the Swiss National Science Foundation. pp. 3^14.
Diagenesis research on the BDP cores was Beach, D.K., 1982. Depositional and diagenetic history of
supported by United States Department of Energy Pliocene^Pleistocene carbonates of northwestern Great Ba-
grant DE-FG05-92ER14253 to G.P.E. and P.K.S. hama Bank: Evolution of a carbonate platform. Ph.D. Dis-
and by the German Science Foundation (DFG) sertation, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 210 pp.
Beach, D.K., 1995. Controls and e¡ects of subaerial exposure
grant We 2492 to H.W. and earlier Re 1051 to on cementation and development of secondary porosity in
John Reijmer. Additional work was supported by the subsurface of Great Bahama Bank. In: Budd, D.A.,
JOI-USSAC grants to P.K.S. and G.P.E. We are Saller, A.H., Harris, P.M. (Eds.), Unconformities and Po-
grateful to the many colleagues who contributed to rosity in Carbonate Strata. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Mem. 63,
this study by collaborations and numerous discus- 1^33.
Beach, D.K., Ginsburg, R.N., 1980. Facies succession of Plio-
sions, including Robert N. Ginsburg (University cene^Pleistocene carbonates, northwestern Great Bahama
of Miami, Miami, FL, USA), G. Michael Gram- Bank. Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull. 94, 1634^1642.
mer (Texaco EpP, Houston, TX, USA), Martin J. Bernet, K.H., Eberli, G.P., Gilli, A., 2000. Turbidite frequency
Head (University of Cambridge, UK), and John and composition in the distal part of the Bahamas transect.
In: Swart, P.K., Eberli, G.P., Malone, M.J., Sarg, J.F.
Reijmer (Geomar, Kiel, Germany). Reviews by A.
(Eds.), Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Col-
Immenhauser (Vrije Universiteit, The Nether- lege Station, TX. Ocean Drill. Prog. Sci. Results 166, 45^
lands), N.P. James (Queen’s Unversity, Canada) 60.
and J.J.G. Reijmer (GEOMAR, Germany) are Betzler, C., Pfei¡er, M., Saxena, S., 2000. Carbonate shedding
gratefully acknowledged. The SEM micrographs and sedimentary cyclicities of a distally steepened carbonate
were acquired in the SEM Lab of Kiel University ^ ramp (Miocene, Great Bahama Bank). Int. J. Earth Sci. 89,
many thanks to Christian Samtleben, Ute Schuldt, Betzler, C., Reijmer, J.J.G., Bernet, K., Eberli, G.P., Ansel-
and Werner Reimann for their support. metti, F.S., 1999. Sedimentary patterns and geometries of
the Bahamian outer carbonate ramp (Miocene^Lower
Pliocene, Great Bahama Bank). Sedimentology 46, 1127^
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