Chromatographic Peak Integration
Chromatographic Peak Integration
Chromatographic Peak Integration
Manual Integration
Assessment Forum
January, 2008
Bob Di Rienzo
DataChem Laboratories, Inc.
Melinda Jacobson
City of Phoenix
Discussion Topics
9 What Is It
9 Areas of Concern
9 Requirements
9 Documentation
What is Manual Integration?
Peak integration is the process used by
chromatographic software to determine
peak area or height used for quantitation.
What is Manual Integration?
The software may be configured to perform
“Automatic Integration” through
defined integration parameters.
What is Manual Integration?
“Manual Integration” is the process employed by the
data user to integrate peak height or area by manually
setting the baseline using chromatographic software.
Why Do We Need To Do It?
Chromatography Problem 2:
Coelution of Target Compounds/Shoulders
Why Do We Need To Do It?
Chromatography Problem 4:
Negative Peaks
Why Do We Need To Do It?
Chromatography Problem 5:
Rising or Falling Baselines
Why Do We Need To Do It?
Chromatography Problem 6:
Excessive Peak Tailing
Why Do We Need To Do It?
Chromatography Problem 7:
Integration of Hydrocarbons
Areas of Concern
9 (Manual Calculations, Peer Review, and Data Integrity)