Prepared By: THAMARAIKANNAN Requested By: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Prepared By: THAMARAIKANNAN Requested By: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Prepared By: THAMARAIKANNAN Requested By: Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Requested By:
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Report Contents
List of Symbols ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Description ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Software Information ........................................................................................................................................ 5
T300_976 Laminate ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Materials ............................................................................................................................................................6
Laminas ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Laminates ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Plate Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................13
Plate Geometry .............................................................................................................................. 13
Bending ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Vibration ........................................................................................................................................15
Stability ......................................................................................................................................... 16
List of Symbols
Symbol Description English Units SI Units
A [A] extensional stiffness matrix for CLT lb/in N/m
[A] inverse extensional stiffness matrix
[A] in/lb m/N
for CLT
A Inverse [B] coupling stiffness matrix for CLT lb N
[B] inverse coupling stiffness matrix for
B 1/lb 1/N
B Inverse b (subscript)
Distance to extreme fiber from neutral
C in m
c (subscript) Denotes "core" material
CS Area Cross sectional area in² m²
CTcr Critical torque factor
CTE Coefficient of thermal expansion in/in/ºF m/m/ºC
CME Coefficient of moisture expansion in/in/%moisture m/m/%moisture
dCell Honeycomb core cell diameter in m
D [D] bending stiffness matrix for CLT lb-in N-m
[D] inverse bending stiffness matrix for
D Inverse 1/(lb-in) 1/(N-m)
DEN Density lb/in³ g/m³
Density of the core (not the density of the
DENc lb/in³ g/m³
material the core is made from)
+e, +eps Tensile strain in/in m/m
-e, -eps Compression strain in/in m/m
E Young’s modulus lb/in² Pa
Ec Compressive modulus of a core material lb/in² Pa
End area End area in² m²
Denotes "fiber" or "face sheet" for
f (subscript)
sandwich plates
G Shear modulus lb/in² Pa
gage Honeycomb core cell wall thickness in m
gam Shear strain in/in m/m
Core shear modulus in a sandwich plate,
GcL lb/in² Pa
Core shear modulus in a sandwich plate,
GcW lb/in² Pa
Area moment of inertia of a beam cross
I in⁴ m⁴
Polar moment of inertia of a beam/tube
cross section
K Thermal Conductivity Btu/(hr-ft-ºF) W/(m-ºK)
k (subscript) Denotes "curvature"
Plate length in the X-direction, Beam
L in m
m (subscript) Denotes "matrix"
%m Percent moisture content % %
N Resultant plate load lb/in N/m
NU Poisson's ratio lb/in N/m
P Concentrated point load lb N
p Uniform distributed load lb/in² Pa
+S Tensile strength lb/in² Pa
-S Compression strength lb/in² Pa
T Thickness of face sheets or core material in m
W Plate width in the Y-direction in m
W Point load on a beam lb N
w Distributed load on a beam lb/in N/m
X X-direction of coordinate system
x (subscript) X-direction
Y Y-direction of coordinate system
y (subscript) Y-direction
1 (subscript) Lamina 1-direction (i.e. fiber direction)
11 (subscript) Lamina 11-direction (i.e. fiber direction)
Lamina 2-direction (i.e. transverse to fiber
2 (subscript)
Lamina 22-direction (i.e. transverse to
22 (subscript)
fiber direction)
Lamina 12 shear direction (i.e. in plane
12 (subscript) direction), or for NU12 denotes deflection
in 2-direction due to load in 1-direction
For NU21 denotes deflection in 1-
21 (subscript)
direction due to load in 2-direction
Prepared By: THAM
Helius Composite Version 2016.0.110339.42
T300_976 Laminate
Name Value
Composite Type
Fiber Vf 6.00000E-01
Thickness (in) 5.00000E-03
E11 (psi) 1.95946E+07
E22 (psi) 1.34348E+06
E33 (psi) 1.34348E+06
G12 (psi) 8.92562E+05
G13 (psi) 8.92562E+05
G23 (psi) 4.46426E+05
NU12 3.14900E-01
NU13 3.14900E-01
NU23 5.04600E-01
CTE1 (in/in/F) -5.61111E-07
CTE2 (in/in/F) 1.45000E-05
CTE3 (in/in/F) 1.45000E-05
CME1 (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CME2 (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CME3 (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
+S1 (psi) 2.11030E+05
+S2 (psi) 5.65937E+03
-S1 (psi) -1.87969E+05
-S2 (psi) -2.99938E+04
S12 (psi) 1.10997E+04
+e1 (in/in) 1.08000E-02
+e2 (in/in) 4.21000E-03
-e1 (in/in) -9.59000E-03
-e2 (in/in) -2.23000E-02
e12 (in/in) 1.24000E-02
K1 (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
K2 (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
K3 (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
Density (lb/in3) 5.70826E-02
Lamina Thickness(in) Angle(deg.)
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 45
T300_976 5.00000E-03 -45
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 -45
T300_976 5.00000E-03 45
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
T300_976 5.00000E-03 90
T300_976 5.00000E-03 0
ABD Matrices
[A](lb/in) Matrix
9.70774E+05 1.25892E+05 5.25604E-13
1.25892E+05 9.70774E+05 4.34679E-11
5.25604E-13 4.34679E-11 1.72552E+05
[B](lb) Matrix
2.72848E-12 0.00000E+00 5.88144E-13
0.00000E+00 -6.53699E-12 4.02229E-13
5.88144E-13 4.02229E-13 5.96856E-13
[D](lb-in) Matrix
8.80766E+02 8.82508E+01 1.14850E+01
8.82508E+01 7.70510E+02 1.14850E+01
1.14850E+01 1.14850E+01 1.27134E+02
ABD Inverse
ABD Inverse Matrices
[A]Inverse(in/lb) Matrix
1.04773E-06 -1.35871E-07 3.10361E-23
-1.35871E-07 1.04773E-06 -2.63520E-22
3.10361E-23 -2.63520E-22 5.79534E-06
[B]Inverse(1/lb) Matrix
-3.11901E-21 -4.34787E-22 -3.29626E-21
-7.34841E-22 8.99025E-21 -2.24973E-21
-4.06893E-21 -3.45912E-21 -2.67063E-20
[D]Inverse(1/lb-in) Matrix
1.14963E-03 -1.30301E-04 -9.20840E-05
-1.30301E-04 1.31436E-03 -1.06965E-04
-9.20840E-05 -1.06965E-04 7.88367E-03
Q-Bar For Ply: 1 Angle(deg): 0.00
Material: T300_976
Properties - 2D
Title Value
Ex (psi) 9.54448E+06
Ey (psi) 9.54448E+06
Gxy (psi) 1.72552E+06
NUxy 1.29682E-01
NUyx 1.29682E-01
Exb (psi) 1.04381E+07
Eyb (psi) 9.12991E+06
Gxyb (psi) 1.52213E+06
NUxyb -1.13342E-01
NUyxb -9.91365E-02
CTEx (in/in/F) 6.60237E-07
CTEy (in/in/F) 6.60237E-07
CTExy (in/in/F) -4.95728E-22
CTExk (1/in/F) -1.18651E-20
CTEyk (1/in/F) 1.39357E-20
CTExyk (1/in/F) -1.18651E-20
Properties - 3D
Title Value
Ex (psi) 9.54516E+06
Ey (psi) 9.54516E+06
Ez (psi) 1.70028E+06
Gxy (psi) 1.72566E+06
Gxz (psi) 6.69494E+05
Gyz (psi) 6.69494E+05
NUxy 1.29621E-01
NUyx 1.29621E-01
NUxz 4.31683E-01
NUzx 7.68958E-02
NUyz 4.31683E-01
NUzy 7.68958E-02
CTEx (in/in/F) 6.60237E-07
CTEy (in/in/F) 6.60237E-07
CTEz (in/in/F) 2.10435E-05
CTEyz (in/in/F) 0.00000E+00
CTEzx (in/in/F) 0.00000E+00
CTExy (in/in/F) -4.78361E-22
CMEx (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CMEy (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CMEz (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CMEyz (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CMEzx (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
CMExy (in/in/%m) 0.00000E+00
Kx (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
Ky (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
Kz (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
Kxy (Btu/hr/ft/F) 0.00000E+00
Density (lb/in3) 5.70826E-02
Thickness (in) 1.00000E-01
Plate Analysis
Plate Geometry
W - Width (in) : 5.00000E+00
L - Length (in) : 5.00000E+00
Uniform Load / Simple Support
Length(in) = 5
Width(in) = 5
Weight(lb) = 1.42707E-01
Load(psi) = 1.00000E+00
Load at X(in) = 2.5
Load at Y(in) = 2.5
Max m = 10 Max n = 10
Deflection(in) = 4.36940E-03
X-Moment(lb-in/in) = 1.57292E+00
Y-Moment(lb-in/in) = 1.38406E+00
XY-Moment(lb-in/in) = -1.51612E-33
SSSS - Lowest Natural Frequency
Length(in) = 5
Width(in) = 5
Weight(lb) = 1.42707E-01
Freqcr(rad/sec) = 4.96212E+03
Freqcr(Hz) = 7.89746E+02
Uniform Compression - SSSS Buckling
Length(in) = 5
Width(in) = 5
Weight(lb) = 1.42707E-01
Max m = 1 Max n = 1
Ncr (lb/in) = 9.22340E+02