Analysis of Process Parameters Effect On Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium 5083 and 6082
Analysis of Process Parameters Effect On Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium 5083 and 6082
Analysis of Process Parameters Effect On Friction Stir Welding of Aluminium 5083 and 6082
years that solves these welding problems. FSWed AA6082-T6 aluminum alloy. He welded
Although Metal Inert Gas (MIG) and Tungsten 4 mm thick plates with 1600 rpm tool rotation
Inert Gas (TIG) welding processes were and welding speed varying 40–460 mm/min. He
developed in 1940s and used in many industries, found that welding speed had a threshold points
there were still some joint problems that reduced for grain structure, yield stress and ductility that
joint efficiency under % 50.Welding processes reversed these properties behavior to the opposite
without reaching melting temperature or change side[3]. Palanivel R et al.(2012)studied effect of
of phases in the base material.FSW also made all tool rotational speed and pin profile on
aluminum alloys weldable that were once microstructure and tensile strength of dissimilar
considered unweldable or limitedly weldable. friction stir welded AA5083-H111 and AA6351-
Further, the reduced welding temperature made T6 aluminum alloys. He used pin profiles of
joints with lower distortions and residual Straight Square, straight hexagon, straight
stresses, enabling improved fatigue performance, octagon, tapered square and tapered octagon and
new construction techniques, and making three different tool rotational speeds and found
possible the welding of very thin and very thick that straight square pin profile with 950 rpm tool
materials. Even though FSW produced joints that rotational speed yielded highest strength[4].
were metallurgically, environmentally and Moreira et al.(2009) studied to characterize
economically better than other welding mechanical and metallurgical properties of
processes, owing to the typically high forces in friction stir welded butt joints of aluminum alloy
the process, FSW was usually practiced as a fully 6061-T6 with 6082-T6.For comparison, similar
mechanized process, increasing the cost of the and dissimilar material joints made from each
equipment compared to arc welding techniques, one of the two alloys were micro structurally
while reducing the degree of operator skill examined, and micro hardness, tensile and
required. Inspite of all of its benefits and studies bending tests were carried out. He found that AA
that has showed better performance than fusion 6082-T6 aluminum alloy revealed lower yield
weldings, FSW has not been still widely and ultimate stress as well as lowest hardness
commercialized around world, owing to lack of value[5].Raja Kumar et al.(2011) used 5 different
industry standards and specifications, design values for each of tool rotational speed, welding
guidelines and design allowable, informed speed, axial force, shoulder diameter, pin
workforce and high cost of capital equipment diameter and tool hardness parameters of FSW to
and licensing.FSW produces welds by using a understand influence of FSW process and tool
rotating, nonconsumable welding tool to locally parameters on strength properties of AA7075-T6
soften a work piece, through heat produced by aluminum alloy joints. He found that optimum
friction and plastic work, thereby allowing the parameters for providing maximum strength
tool to‘‘stir’’the joint surfaces. The tool serves properties of 315 MPa yield strength, 373 MPa
three primary functions, that is, heating of the of tensile strength, 397 MPa of notch tensile
work piece, movement of material to produce the strength, 203 HV of hardness and 77% of joint
joint, and containment of the hot metal beneath efficiency were 1400 rpm (tool rotational speed),
the tool shoulder. As of its invention, FSW 60 mm/min (welding speed),8 kN (axial
process has been found very interesting and force),with the tool parameters of 15 mm
widely studied. Many studies have been carried (shoulder diameter), 5 mm (pin-
out to understand and analyze the effect of diameter),45HRC(tool-hardness)[6].
process parameters and tool geometries on Kulekci_MK et al.(2008) studied effects of tool
microstructural and mechanical properties and rotation and pin diameter on fatigue properties of
formability of joints. Taban and Kaluc et friction stir welded lap joints of AA5754
al.(2007) successfully welded 6.45 mm thick aluminum alloy. Test results showed that
5086-H32 aluminum alloy with TIG, MIG and increasing one value while fixing other resulted
FSW processes, and their results has worse fatigue strengths[7].Kulekci_et
demonstrated that the tensile properties of FSW al.(2008)found that optimization of tool rotation
joints were more satisfactory than fusion welded and pin diameter were required to have better
joints[1]. Adamowski and Szkodo et al. (2007) fatigue performance. Sarsılmaz et al.(2012)found
investigated effect of process parameters on the that best fatigue performance was provided with
properties and microstructural changes in application of treated cylindrical pin profile,1120
Friction Stir Welds in the aluminum alloy 6082- rpm tool rotational speed and 250
T6 with 22 different parameters and found that mm/min[8].Ericsson and Sandstrom et
FSW welds is directly proportional to the tool al.(2003)studied influence of welding speed on
rotation and welding speeds [2]. Cavaliere et the fatigue of friction stir welds, and comparison
al.(2008)studied effect of varying welding speeds with MIG and TIG welded joints. According to
on mechanical and microstructural properties of the results, welding speed in the tested range,
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
representing low and high commercial welding joints and fulfill the deficiency of knowledge
speed, had no major influence on the mechanical about these alloys as dissimilar FSWed joints.
and fatigue properties of the FS welds while FS Also, we used different parameters from
welds showed better fatigue performance then previous studies to vary knowledge about both
MIG and TIG[9].Lombard H et al.(2008)used 11 similar and dissimilar alloy joints of FSWed
different values of combination of tool rotational 5083-H111 and 6082-T651especially in low
speed, feed and pitch values for optimizing FSW welding speed.
process parameters to minimize defects and (FSW) is a solid-state joining technique which
maximize fatigue life in 5083-H321 aluminum was invented at The Welding Institute (TWI),
alloy. Their study has demonstrated that UK, in 1991.The FSW has been found to be
rotational speed governs defect occurrence in this effective for joining hard-to-weld metals and for
5083-H321 aluminum alloy and that there was a joining plates with different thickness or
strong correlation between frictional power different materials. In the FSW process a non-
input, tensile strength and low cycle fatigue life. consumable rotating tool with a specially
Although there were many achievements in FSW designed pin and shoulder is inserted into the
of aluminum alloys and both 5083-H111 and abutting edges of work pieces to be joined and
6082-T651 aluminum alloys were studied widely traversed along the line of the joint, as shown in
as similar alloy FSWed joints, there were not Fig.1.As the tool travels, heat is created by the
enough studies about these aluminum alloys as contact friction between the shoulder and the
dissimilar alloy joints. In contradiction to their workpiece, and by the plastic deformation of the
wide usage in industry, especially in shipbuilding materials in the stir zone. The high strain and
industry, there was not enough knowledge about heat energies experienced by the base metal
these alloys as dissimilar welds. We aimed to during stirring causes dynamic recrystallization,
contribute to knowledge of friction stir welding which is the formation of new grains in the weld
of 5083-H111 and 6082-T651 as similar alloy zone.
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
Figure.3- Tools = 1, 2 Rectangular shape (20,22mm diameter) 3, 4 Circular shape (20, 22 mm Dia)
Friction Stir Welding was operated on and thickness of platess is 6mm.Tool are of four
CNC machine at R&D centre for bicycle & types having circular and rectangular with 20mm
sewing machine Focal point Ludhiana.Welding and 22mm shoulder diameter and tool tip (pin
tools were four types rectangular and circular diameter) length is 6mm.There are two rotation
with the diameter of 20mm and 22mm and tool speed 1050mm and 1250rpm (counter
tip (pin dia) is 6mm of mild steel. Plates of clockwise), and welding speed 55mm/min and
aluminium 5083 & 6082 cut into 16 pieces of 65mm/min. One sided welding is done by butt
each having length-160mm and bredth-80mm joint as shown fig-4
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
Figure. 4- A schematic illustration of FSW butt-joint, the two sheets has been represented
transparent to show the pin.
The most common testing machine used in refers to the fact that the machine must be able to
tensile testing is the UNIVERSAL TESTING generate enough force to facture the specimen.
MACHINE. This type of machine has two The machine must be able to apply the force
crossheads; one is adjusted for the length of the quickly or slowly enough to properly mimic the
specimen and the other is driven to apply tension actually application. Finally machine must be
to the test specimen. There are two types: able to accurately and precisely measure the
HYDRAULIC POWERED and guage length and forces applied; for instance, a
ELECTROMAGNETICALLY POWERED large machine that is designed to mesure long
MACHINES. The machine must have the proper elongations may not work with a brittle material
capabilities for the test specimen being tested. that experiences short elongations prior to
There are four main parameters–force, capacity, fracturing. Alignment of the test specimen in the
speed, precision and accuracy. Force capacity testing machine is critical, because if the
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
Tensile Strength
50 22‐rectangular
1050‐55 1050‐65 1250‐55 1250‐65
Rotational Speed
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
tensile strength
22mm Round
1050‐55 1050‐65 1250‐55 1250‐65
rotational speed/welding speed
Figure. 7- Tensile strength – rotational speed/welding speed of 22mm diameter round shape tool bar
IRACST- International Journal of Research in Management & Technology (IJRMT), ISSN: 2249-9563
Vol. 5, No.1, February 2015
rotation speed
Figure 8- Hardness no.–rotational speed/welding speed of 22mm Diameter round shape tool
bar chart
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