Trading Life Level in Forex Trading. PDF
Trading Life Level in Forex Trading. PDF
Trading Life Level in Forex Trading. PDF
There are far too many bodies within the world of Forex who sell the dream
to a poor soul unaware of the inner workings. You should always keep in
mind that victory within this is market is never a straight road. There will be
times when you may doubt yourself, but with a thorough plan and trading
journal there is no situation that you cannot overcome. It is important for
you to be honest with yourself and evaluate your weaknesses and
transform these into strengths. This will come with time.
If you are solemn in your strive to achieve consistency then brace yourself
for a rocky road. Forex is uniquely rewarding, you will reach levels of self-
development that many fields of work cannot provide.
Making money in the FX market is not smooth sailing; it requires hard work,
dedication and persistence. During your journey you will come across
archives of promises and web pages attempting to lure traders of all levels
into the dark. Although experienced traders are cautious of this, the
temptation for a novice trader may be too much for them to handle. You
must remember that technical analysis is the ruler of Forex. If you choose
to rely upon an external training source, ensure they hold their own archive
of market breakdowns and successful analysis. Signal selling is also a
popular promise, which can be clarified by a Google search. Be sure to
conduct your research!
Typically offering email or text alerts, signal sellers supply traders with both
buy and sell recommendations, ‘signalling’to the subscriber when a trade
should be executed. They may also provide a target and stop loss price
and usually come at a monthly subscription fee.
Amateur traders are easily enticed by the idea of having their trades
‘handed’ to them. Nevertheless you should be particularly wary of signal
providers who fail to put a face to their business. Unfortunately there are
numerous scams online that deviously collect money and vanish without
delivering what they promise. Other signal scammers may operate by
recommending suitable trends now and again, before disappearing after a
devastating loss.
With the influx of Forex-related services across the Internet, it has become
increasingly simple for any individual to regurgitate signals from an
uncertified provider. For instance, Jimmy establishes and without great difficulty he is able to purchase
bulk Forex signals from Johnny over at in order
to forward these on for profit. Who is to say that these signals are reliable?
That’s right, no one!
Despite this, a small minority of genuine signal providers with the intention
of delivering a quality service does exist!
In the history of Forex, many ‘trading systems’ have come into market
existence promising consistency. Fortunately for us, the market variably
experiences periods of a dynamic nature, thus resulting in the expulsion of
a large majority of these automated systems.
Software that analyses the Forex market for you, does not exist.
Furthermore, a fair few systems claiming to assist with the buying and
selling of currency pairs are frequently based on historical chart data and
mathematical formulas. If you seek guidance you should do so from
accomplished traders with a successful performance record.
A popular scam enacted a few years prior to today was the manipulation of
the bid and ask spreads of a currency pair as well as the commission
transacted through a broker. Spread and commission vary according to the
particular currency pair. You must be watchful of offshore retail brokers
who are not regulated by the CFTC, NFA or their nation of origin.
In the past, there have been numerous cases of unlawful computer
manipulation along with firms taking off with money belonging to clients.
Most of these episodes historically occurred within the United States.
Although these deceitful conmen were caught, there are undoubtedly more
out there.
Trading is not for everybody; some will never be able to comprehend the
dynamics of the market and are simply not built to open a chart. These
individuals will even fail to trade with a tested strategy due to their weak
trading psychology and damaging frame of mind dictating when to pull the
Before trusting your funds with a broker, you must run background checks
and in your research you will look out for the following:
Are they licensed?
Do they have any legal actions pending against them?
Are there any complaints of withdrawing funds made by previous or current
clients? If there are, this could be a tell-tale that their pot of liquidity may be
liquidating itself!
Once you are satisfied with a particular broker, go ahead and test the
waters with a mini account, depositing just £500 or £1000. Trade this for
four to six weeks and then attempt to withdraw the funds. If all goes well,
you can be confident to deposit more funds.
Last but not least, never make the mistake of handing your trading account
to any online entity or fall into the common pit of PAMM managed
accounts, which offer 2000% or more return on your investments each
month! Whilst searching for a broker or trading system you must remain
skeptical of promises or promotional material guaranteeing a high level of
Understand however, the Internet can be a cynical place for any business
across the globe. It is far too easy for someone to post content online
slating another. So when we do come across forums, articles and other
forms of negative comments referring to brokers, we must remember the
sheer amount of traders out there who fail to make a profit. A great deal of
these disgruntled traders will proceed to post content online blaming
brokers for their own failed trading strategies. Thus, when we research a
potential Forex broker, we must separate fact from fiction.
The missing piece to the puzzle is your ability to balance your emotions
with your mental processes. Failing to achieve this will result in you not
being able to make money in the long-term or consistently.
Trading strategies are not universal. Every trader has distinct
characteristics and therefore they may be more suited to one strategy over
another. For instance, long-term trading is convenient for traders with
patience, whereas restless traders prefer intraday trading.
Clarity and organisation are two aspects that will positively affect your
trading. By organised, we mean having a detailed trading plan and a
thorough trading journal. Making use of these on a regular basis is a must.
You need to think and treat Forex as though it is a business; not a trip to
your local casino. Be calm and calculated in all of your interactions and you
should have no problems keeping the emotional trading demons at bay.
Trading the currency market is far from a team sport. This is a one-man
band, people! You may stumble across forums and groups on the Internet
where ‘traders’ can pool their ideas together. However, you should avoid
these because every trader works differently. Trader A could be analysing
a five minute chart and aiming for 10 PIPs, while trader B is analysing a
daily chart aiming for 100 PIPs.
You could be in a great position where you are ready to take advantage of
your accurate analysis and a fantastic trade setup, until you view another
trader’s chart in a forum, which is displaying an opposite bias. At this point
the seed has been planted and you may lose confidence in yourself and
your abilities. You will not find a professional profitable trader lurking in
forums jumping from strategy to strategy.
Losing Trades
Whether you are operating from your bedroom or on Wall Street, you will
always encounter losses. You win some and lose some; it is in the job
description! A trader who places 100 trades could lose 20 trades in a row.
Stay grounded and disciplined when it comes to keeping your risk tight.
Losing Money
Unfortunately, 90% of traders who lose money also lose their confidence.
These are the traders who become entrapped into paying for bogus Forex
services and some even go to the desperate lengths of allowing others to
trade on their behalf. Again, we stress that there are individuals out there
with not even two cents to their name who claim that they can help you. Do
not be fooled! Avoid allowing desperation to cloud your judgements; your
will and drive is all that you need.
Immediately after a trade closes you will most certainly feel quite emotional.
You could be confident from a trade that panned out well or you could be
suicidal or desperate to regain your loss. The easiest way to avoid
emotional trading is to do something else than trading! Do not stay awake
all night in front of your computer screen!
A good night’s rest is vital for your trading success over time. It is important
that you spend the majority of your time doing something other than
trading, something that you enjoy. This could be going to the gym,
socialising with your friends, working on a talent or absolutely anything that
is not trading-related! The point is, checking your charts every five minutes
is only going to have an adverse effect on your emotional body and will not
increase your chances of becoming profitable.
This mentality is by far the fastest way to lose a large portion, if not all, of
your account equity. Capital preservation is crucial; it is not about how
much you profit in FX, but how much you lose! A serious Forex trader will
be mindful that they could potentially lose any trade they place.
Too often it takes a string of losses and a painful experience to realise that
less is more. Rather than the quantity, focus on the bigger picture and the
quality of your trades. Create a solid routine, which includes 'cooling down'
periods. For example, once you close a trade in profit or loss do not look at
that pair until the next day to reduce the chance of any emotional errors.
Trading is a game, which requires psychological balance and non-
What Next?
Now that you have worked your way through Practice Pips and
graduated, you’re probably wondering what to do now.
We would personally recommend that you open a Demo
account with your chosen broker. If you are unsure on which
broker to use, please see the Which Broker topic. You should
implement the learning you have taken on board throughout
Practice Pips and now start building your strategy.
Further Education
Which Broker