This document contains a list of 49 Spanish vocabulary words along with their English translations. The words cover topics related to school, personality traits, and common expressions. Some examples included are "amable" which means kind, "reconocer" meaning to recognize, and "talento" meaning talented. The full list provides vocabulary for describing school activities, clubs, and responsibilities as well as people's characteristics.
This document contains a list of 49 Spanish vocabulary words along with their English translations. The words cover topics related to school, personality traits, and common expressions. Some examples included are "amable" which means kind, "reconocer" meaning to recognize, and "talento" meaning talented. The full list provides vocabulary for describing school activities, clubs, and responsibilities as well as people's characteristics.
This document contains a list of 49 Spanish vocabulary words along with their English translations. The words cover topics related to school, personality traits, and common expressions. Some examples included are "amable" which means kind, "reconocer" meaning to recognize, and "talento" meaning talented. The full list provides vocabulary for describing school activities, clubs, and responsibilities as well as people's characteristics.
This document contains a list of 49 Spanish vocabulary words along with their English translations. The words cover topics related to school, personality traits, and common expressions. Some examples included are "amable" which means kind, "reconocer" meaning to recognize, and "talento" meaning talented. The full list provides vocabulary for describing school activities, clubs, and responsibilities as well as people's characteristics.
2. A mí me tocó... I got... 41. responsable responsible 3. aparecer to appear 42. Se me hace tarde I'm running late 4. ¡Chévere! cool 43. simpático nice, pleasant 5. chistoso funny 44. talentoso talented 6. colaborar to collaborate 45. tal vez maybe 7. el consejo estudiantil student council 46. tener confianza to have confidence 8. convencer to convince 47. trabajador hard-working 9. el coro choir 48. traducir to translate 10. darse prisa to hurry up 49. vago lazy 11. dedicar to dedicate 12. depender to depend on 13. desaparecer to disappear 14. enseguida right away 15. establecer to establish 16. estricto strict 17. estudioso studious 18. fascinante fascinating 19. fenomenal phenomenal 20. fijarse to notice 21. hacerse miembro to become a member 22. harto fed up 23. insoportable unbearable 24. lgualmente me too 25. merecer to deserve 26. motivado motivated 27. nacer to be born 28. ¡No es justo! it's not fair 29. ¡No hay quien lo/la aguante! No one can stand him/her 30. la nota note/grade 31. obedecer to obey 32. organizado organized 33. orgulloso proud 34. la orquesta orchestra 35. parecerse to look like 36. Pasándola getting by 37. pertenecer to belong 38. prestar atención to pay attention 39. rápido fast