Tafsirs Etc - Quran Verse 44
Tafsirs Etc - Quran Verse 44
Tafsirs Etc - Quran Verse 44
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verse 44.3
Verse 3 Go
Indeed We revealed
it on a blessed night,
the Night of
Ordainment (laylat
al-qadr), or the eve of
the middle of
Sha‘bān, in which it
was revealed from
the Mother Book,
from the seventh
heaven to the heaven
of this world. Indeed
We have been
warning, We have
been causing
[people] by it to have
fear [of God].
Indeed We revealed
it on a blessed
night"He said:God
sent the Qurʾān
down as a whole on
the Night of Great
Merit (Laylat al-Qadr)
to the House of Might
(bayt al-ʿizza) in the
heaven of this world,
from the Preserved
Tablet in the hands
of the recording
angels (malāʾik
safara). It was then
sent down to the
spirit (rūh)̣of
Muha ̣mmad, which is
the blessed spirit
(rūh ̣mubārak), and
thus He called the
Night of Great Merit a
blessed night (layla
mubāraka) due to the
[spiritual] link
between one
[descent of] blessing
and the other. His
words, Exalted is He:
Ibn Al Kathir
(The month of
Ramadan in which
was revealed the
Qur'an) (2:185). We
have already quoted
the relevant Hadiths
in (the Tafsir of)
Surat Al-Baqarah,
and there is no need
to repeat them here.
َ إﻧﱠﺎ ُﻛﻨﱠﺎ ُﻣﻨ ِﺬر
ﯾﻦ ِ ِ
(Verily, We are ever
warning.) means,
telling them what is
good for them and
what is harmful for
them, according to
Shari`ah, so that the
proof of Allah may be
established against
His servants.
ﯿﻢ ﻜ
ِ َ ﻓِﯿﮭَﺎ ﯾُ ْﻔ َﺮ ُق ُﻛ ﱡﻞ َأ ْﻣ ٍﺮ
(Therein (that night)
is decreed every
matter, Hakim.)
means, on Laylatul-
Qadr, the decrees
are transferred from
Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuz to
the (angelic) scribes
who write down the
decrees of the
(coming) year
including life span,
provision, and what
will happen until the
end of the year. This
was narrated from
Ibn `Umar, Mujahid,
Abu Malik, Ad-
Dahhak and others
among the Salaf.
(Hakim) means
decided or
confirmed, which
cannot be changed
or altered. Allah
ُ اﻟﺴ ِﻤ
ﯿﻊ َر ْﺣ َﻤ ًﺔ ﱢﻣﻦ ﱠرﺑﱢ َﻚ إِﻧﱠ ُﮫ ُھ َﻮ ﱠ
ض ر ْ َت َواﻻﱞ ـﻮ ﻤ
َ ﱠ
اﻟﺴ ﱡ
ب ﱠ
ر ﻢ
ُ ﯿ ﻠ َ
ﻌ ْاﻟ
ِ ِ ِ
َو َﻣﺎ ﺑَ ْﯿﻨَ ُﮭ َﻤﺎ
The meaning of
taking an oath by
"the lucid Book" has
been explained in
E.N. 1 of Surah
Zukhruf. Here also
what has been sworn
by is that
Muhammad (upon
whom be Allah's
peace) is not the
author of this Book
but "We", and this
Book by itself is
enough to provide a
proof of this.
Furthermore, it has
been said chat the
night in which it was
sent down was full of
blessings. That is,
the foolish and
ignorant people, who
have no idea of their
own well-being or
otherwise, regard the
revelation of this
Book as a disaster
for themselves and
are deeply anxious
as how to get rid of it.
But, as a matter of
fact, the Hour when
"We" decided to
send down this Book
to arouse the
heedless, was highly
blessed for them and
for all mankind
Some commentators
have expressed the
opinion that the
meaning of sending
down the Qur'an in
that night is that its
revelation began
during that night,
and some others
think that the whole
of the Qur'an was
transferred from
Umm alKitab and
entrusted to the
bearers of Revelation
(angels), and then
revealed to the Holy
Prophet as and when
required and
demanded by the
occasion and
circumstances during
23 years. As to what
actully happened
Allah alone has the
best knowledge.
In Surah AI-Qadr,
this same thing has
been expressed
thus: `The angels
and the Spirit (Angel
Gabriel) descend in it
with every decree, by
the leave of their
Lord." This shows
that it is such a Night
in the Divine
administration of
Allah in which He
decides the destinies
of the individuals and
nations and countries
and entrusts His
decisions to His
angels, who then
implement them
accordingly. Some
among whom Hadrat
`Ikrimah is most
prominent, have
been involved in the
that this is the 15th
night of Sha'ban, for
in some traditions it
has been said that
the destinies of
people are decided
during that night. But
Ibn 'Abbas, Ibn
`Umar, Mujahid,
Qatadah, Hasan
Basri, Sa' id bin
Jubair, Ibn Zaid, Abu
Malik, Dahhak and
many other
commentators are
agreed that this is
the same night of
Ramadan, which has
been called lailat-ul-
qadr, for the Qur'an
itself has stated this,
and where any
Qur'anic statement
exists, no other view
can be formed on the
basis of random
reports. Ibn Kathir
says, "The traditions
that Imam Zuhri has
related from 'Uthman
bin Muhammad that
destinies are decided
from one Sha`ban to
the next Sha`ban is
an indirect tradition
and such traditions
cannot be cited as
against the clear
texts of the Qur'an. "
Qadi Abu Bakr Ibn
al-`Arabi says: "No
Hadith in respect of
the 15th of Sha'ban
is reliable, either in
respect of its merit,
or about this that
decisions with regard
to the destinies are
taken in it; therefore,
they do not merit
attention, (Ahkam ul-
The object of
mentioning these two
attributes of Allah in
this context is to
warn the people of
the truth that He
alone can give
correct knowledge for
He alone knows all
the realities. Not to
speak of one man,
even if all men join to
determine a way of
lift for themselves,
there can be no
guaranty of its being
the right way, for
even the whole of
mankind together
cannot become all-
hearing and all-
knowing. It does not
lie in its power to
comprehend all
those realities whose
knowledge is
essential for
determining a correct
way of life. This
knowledge is only
with Allah: He alone
is All-Hearing and
Therefore, He alone
can tell what is
guidance for Man
and what is
falsehood, what is
the Truth and what is
wrong, what is good
and what is evil.
The Arabs
themselves admitted
that Allah alone is
the Lord (Master and
Providence) of the
Universe and of
everything in it.
Therefore, it has
been said to them: "If
you arc not admitting
only verbally but are
really conscious of
His being the
Providence and are
convinced of His
being the Master,
you should admit
that: (1) It is the very
demand of His
Mercifulness and
Providence that He
should send a Hook
and a Messenger for
the guidance of man;
and (2) it is His right
as the Master and
your duty as His
servants that you
should obey every
Guidance and submit
to every Command
that comes from Him.
There is a subtle
allusion in it to this:
"He was also Lord of
those of your
ancestors who took
other gods besides
Allah; they had not
done the right thing
by giving up their
real Lord and serving
others that you
should be justified in
imitating them and
regard their conduct
as an argument for
the soundness of
your creed. They
ought to have served
only Him, because
He alone was their