Tucci 1935 A Propos The Legend of Nāropā
Tucci 1935 A Propos The Legend of Nāropā
Tucci 1935 A Propos The Legend of Nāropā
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A propos the Legend of N?ropa1
1 In " "
fact, one of the best commentaries upon the six laws is that by
Tson k'a pa.
* I think that the correct and not N?ropa
spelling of the name is N?rop? :
p? is the Prakritic form of p?da.
redaction of a most
popular rnam Car of N?rop?, the full title
:MVas grub m?am med Idan n?ro rnam par Var
being dpal pai
dri med legs bead bde c'en qbrug sgra. The author was dBan
ap'yug rgyal mts'an, who wrote it in bSam gli? in rDsa ri.
Of course, this is not the only biography of our Siddha :
another shorter rnam Car is included in the qP'ags yul
grub pai dbah p'yug dpal Teh N?ro g?is dan \ dgyes mdsad
Mar pa lots? \ rje btsun blad rDo rje bcas kyi rnam Var mdor
bsdus dan |mk'as grub Dvags po lha rjei rnam Var snan pai
ba dan adsam gli? mV a* gru k'yab pai rgyan bcas, and a third
one is the mK'as mc'og n?ro pah e'en gyi rnam Var. It is a
gtan qbebs.
p. 33,1. 12 : skyes mc'og pan e'en n? ro pa.
p. 35, 1. 7 : The verse is defective ; it should be : Va mal
pa yi gzugs su gnas.
Ibid., 1. 15 : mc'og tu gyur pa mi mjed qjig rten gyi k'ams
qdi yin la \ dei na? ?as Jcya? bcom pa dan Man pai gli? bzi
pa qdi yin |gli? bzi las kya? \gli? mc'og tu gyur pa.
p. 41,1. 5 : For rbe read sbe ; rtsis nan should be rtsis dan.
Ibid., 1. 14 : read bstan pai sgor.
p. 45, 1. 3 : For byas pai kyad read byas pas kya?.
p. 46, 1. 16 : rgyal po gtsah po yah should be rgyal po zas
gtsah y ab.
p. 48, 11. 1 and 17 : Instead of gtsah sbra and adra read
mystics will show this fact beyond any doubt. These, I think,
are the realia for which we must account if we would under
stand the Tantras.
Let us give some instances of the interpretation of the
text by Gr?nwedel ; they are only a few, but there is hardly
a page where his renderings could not, according to me,
be improved.
p. 34, 1. 16 :?
Ich bin ein Buddha, in meinem Geiste vollendet,
mein Wort ist das heilige Dharma,
ich bin die Gemeinde der M?nche (sa?gha) erhabener
Here, of course, reference is made to the triple essence of
" " "
N?rop? as being sku, gsuh, Cugs body ", word ", mind ",
viz. the three constituents, according to the Vajray?na, of
every personality, and in their wyra-aspect of the Buddhas.
My mind is the perfect Buddha, my word is the supreme
Law, my body is the holy Church.''
p. 37, 1. 19 : Aber es klappte nicht mit der Existenzform ;
da, als so ein Stillstand war durch Disharmonie bez?glich
einer Schwangerschaft in einem m?nnlichen Jahre, wurde
. . .
When the astrological connections did not agree, they
said to the emissary = as a]
(mts'ams sbyor pranidhi) [sent
. . ."
p. 38, 1. 4 : Der Geist hat die Zuflucht gefunden, ohne
Trug ist das h?chste Wesen ; gedeiht dann die Stimmung
zur h?chsten Erkenntnis (bodhi) infolge der Anlage, die einem
Wesen entspricht, das mit guter Absicht begabt ist, so tritt,
wenn der Wunsch besteht unter Herbeirufen des h?chsten
Gutes, der Schutzg?tter (istadeva), der Hexen (?lakin?s)
und religionsh?ter (dharmap?la) eine F?lle von Spenden
zu geben/'
It is clearer to translate as follows : Having taken refuge
in the triratna (a necessary introduction to every ceremony,
trisaranagamana, skyabs agro), since the three jewels
deceive, being in this way possessed of a pure mind, one
must, out of it, resolve to obtain the supreme illumination
(cittotp?du) ; then he must prepare abundant offerings in the
ceremony of evocation (?v?hana) of the Guru, the triratna,
the protecting God and the D?kin?."
p. 47. When N?rop? is invited by his parents to marry,
after many a refusal he yields, provided they find for him
" .
. .Without the noble master where could you
get the Buddha" ?
p. 74 1. 17 : Wenn du nicht mit dem Seh werte einer der
Geburt nicht mehr unterworfenen Eigenart, und zwar aus
einer Stimmung heraus, die jeder Sympathie fremd ist, den
fortlaufenden Faden des Kreislaufs (samsara) durchschl?gst,
wie k?nnte dir zuteil werden, den Lehrer zu finden ?
If you do not cut off with that sword which is the
(doctrine of) the Absolute Unborn the continuity of samsara,
whose essence is ..."
" "
p. 82, 1. 5 : Wirf das da ins Feuer und nahm dabei von
seiner Gewandschulter eine Laus, als vollgeh?uftes Mass zur
Liebe. Obwohl damit . . ."
gesagt sein sollte.
He took from the bosom of the beggar a handful of lice
(read spar mo instead of sprar mo) and told him to throw them
into the fire."
p. 84,1. 20 : Von jetzt ab musst du losgel?st sein von der
Pr?fung des Errungenen in einem Geiste, der das Innere
h?lt und nur Anteil nimmt an dem kommenden ?usseren
Now you must be freed from any discrimination as regards
the attachment to the external objects to be perceived
(gr?hya) and to mind as the internal perceiver (gr?haka)."
p. 86,1. 3 : Ich folgte der Prophezeiung der Hexe (cl?kin?),
warf von mir die Leitung der M?nchsgemeinde, die auf der
Grundlage meiner Predigt stand."
. . . I have forsaken the church which is the root of
the teaching."
p. 92,1. 11 : Ich verstehe jetzt, dass es n?tig ist, mit dem
reinen Wasser der Anleitungen den Nachwuchs des Nestes
der Erbs?nde, eines anderen Ichs, zu reinigen."
I have understood that it is necessary to remove the heat
(tsa gdun) of the moral impurities of oneself and of others
with the cooling water of mystic instructions."
p. 95, 1. 15 : So gew?hrte er ihm elf Zeichen der Zauber
macht des Gef?sses, elf der Geheimnisse, elf des Erfassens
For lam one must, of course, read rmi lam
smin dream ",
which has a great significance in the mystical process ; glum
mo is not Canrjik?, but the practice which develops the
internal heat, etc. I need hardly insist any longer upon the
rOyud Cams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gSa? ba ?dus pai rgya e'er bs*ad
pa sgron ma gsal bai t?ig don ji bzin abyed pai mc"an gyi yah agrel (vol. i
of the collected works of Tson k'a pa, fol. 13).
To sum up my views : it is quite possible that Mah?y?na
Buddhism and Lamaism have been, to a certain extent,
influenced by Manichaean doctrines ; but this fact must be
proved, and the way to be followed is not that shown by
Professor Gr?nwedel.