Is Measurement
Is Measurement
Is Measurement
8.2 In all cases where supports rings are provided on 9.2 Measurement of Apparatuses (Insulated)
vessels or vertical pipes for rigid materials, the Surfaces
insulation shall be stopped short about 5 mm from each
9.2.1 Basic parameter in work measurement considered
ring, and the space between the insulation and the ring
being a flat surface, a set of diagrammatic presentations
filled with a flexible insulation material.
are furnished on various possible shapes which may be
8.3 On horizontal pipes and vessels insulated with rigid encountered in field, with the factors to be applied to
insulation material or thermal insulating cements. account for extra materials for such items of work (see
expansion joints or contraction breaks filled with Fig. 13 to Fig. 26). The formulae for calculation of the
flexible insulating material shall be provided at suitable conventional surfaces are indicated against each figure.
intervals. The main symbols appearing in said figures/formula
8.4 Flexible Thermal Insulations do not normally are the following:
need expansion joints or contraction breaks. Mineral L,L I = lengths relevant to straight parts of
wool rigid sections used at temperatures not exceeding insulations included between the
230°C also do not normally need expansion joints. references defined, case by case, in
the typical exemplifications, in m;
8.5 Where sheet metal is used as the finish, the joints
over the expansion joints or contraction break shall C, C l = circumferences measured on the
not be secured with screws or pop rivets. external surface of insulation, in m;
X = conventional equivalent lengths of
8.6 All other finishing materials shall be carried over insulated parts having irregular
expansion joints or contraction breaks without a joint. shapes, in m;
y = increased coefficients of insulated
parts having irregular shapes, in m;
9.1 General Z = height of the dished end; and
D,D l = conventional external diameter of
Insulation work consists of providing all materials
insulated apparatuses, in m, obtained
required for the system which includes the required
by the following formula:
quantity of insulation material, support system for
insulation and the cladding, finishing and other
D (or D,) = D; + 2T
ancillary items like wire-netting, securing devices like where
bands, screws, etc, along with other needs like labour D, = external diameter of the apparatus, in m; and
required for carrying out the task.
T = nominal thickness of insulating material
While performing this work over each unit area of provided by mechanical (finishing
insulation work, certain overlaps, cutting wastage, etc, excluded), in m.
are involved, all of which are to be provided by the 9.2.2 Any mode of measurement other than the above
installer. Plane areas such as in ducts, Boiler walls, may also be adopted, if agreed to between the purchaser
etc, are considered as Flat Surface where such extra and the applicator.
material needs would be minimum. Actual work in field
would consist of many different situations-curved 9.3 Measurement of Piping Surfaces
surfaces like tanks, cylindrical vessels, domed/dished
9.3.1 Insulated Piping Outside Diameter
ends of such vessels, etc, which would involve larger
elements of such efforts, apart from additional work The outside diamerer of the insulated piping, to be taken
with longer labour deployment, when compared to into account when calculating the insulating surface,
work on a flat surface. shall be the theoretical conventional diameter
determined according to the following formulae:
In cylindrical surfaces, although the inner perimeter
may be less than the outer, the quantity of insulation where
materials required to carry out work would correspond D = outside diameter of insulated piping, in mm;
to the larger perimeter - a block type/preformed
material requiring cutting and shaping from the larger
D; = outside diameter of bare piping, in mm;
sized starting material, while a flexible material is taken D1 = outside diameter of tracing pipe,
to cover the larger perimeter and applied with higher corresponding to 20 rnm (conventional
and higher compression as we proceed towards the value), in mm; and
inner surface. Hence, all insulation work is measured T = thickness of insulation material provided by
on the larger (outer) surface. the design (finish excluded), in mm.
IS 14164 : 200t;
FIG. 13 CL
CL+ -4- y
FIG. 14
y= 1.27 where Z < D/3
y= 1.75 whereZ~D/3
FIG. 15
Y = 1.27 where Z < D/3
y= 1.75 whereZ~D/3
IS 14164 : 2008
CL+ - - Y
FIG. 16
Y= 1.27 where Z < D/3
Y = 1.75whereZ ~ D/3
CL+ - - ' Lm.Y +
FIG. 17
C, L, + ---t-
Y= 1.2 and
Y, = 1.27 where Z < D/3
Y, = 1.75 where Z;::: D/3
IS 14164 : 2008
C (L + Xa + Xb + Xc)
FIG. 18 Xa= 1
Xb = 0.5
Xc = 0.5
CL + C, (L, + Xa) + - - Y
c 2
FIG. 19 where
Xa= 0.5
Y = 1.27 where Z < D/3
Y = 1.75 where Z?: D/3
c CL + C + C, Lm.Y
FIG. 20 +--- - - - - 2
I+III---j C.
Y= 1.2
IS 14164 : 2008
CL + D' Y
D 2 1C
FIG,21 C,L, +-4- y
L .1
FIG, 22 CL + D 1C
For G< 3 m
FIG, 23
CL+ G2 rc ,y
where y= 1.5
IS 14164 : 2008
CL + D n y
FIG. 24
y= 1.27 where Z < D/3
y + 1.75 where Z~ D/3
CL + D n y
FIG. 25
T 4
where Y= 1.27
D 2n
CL + -4- Y + C, + ~.r,
IS 14164 : 2008 Hot and cold insulation with sheet metal finish: etc) shall be converted to equivalent straight piping
lengths, according to Table 2.
D ==De + 2T
9.3.3 Measurement criteria of L lengths relevant to Traced piping hot service insulation with sheet NB < 50 mm piping is given in Fig. 27.
metal finish:
9.3.4 Measurement criteria of L lengths relevant to
NB ~ 50 mm piping is given in Fig. 28.
NOTE - For areas having non-circular section (for example 9.3.5 Calculation of Surface to be Insulated
square section) the above formulae are still valid. considering
D as equivalent diameter. Insulation ofsingle piping
(M) (M) (M) (M) (M) (m) (M) (M) (M) (M)
(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)
:0; 40 0.5 0.35 0.70 0.20 0.20 1.80 2.50 1.08 1.50 0.20
~ 50 to 85 0.6 OAO 0.70 0.20 0.20 1.90 3.00 1.14 1.80 0.60
~ 100 to 150 1.00 0.65 0.70 0.20 0.20 2.00 3.50 1.12 2.10 0.60
~ 200 to 350 lAO 0.85 0.75 0.20 0.20 2.50 4.00 1.50 2.40 0.60
~ 350 to 500 1.50 0.90 0.85 0.30 0.20 2.70 4.50 1.62 2.70 0.60
~ 600 1.70 1.05 1.10 OA5 0.20 3.00 6.00 1.80 3.00 0.60
IS 14164 : 2008
.> EQUIPMENT Bundle of piping insulated together is shown may also be adopted, if agreed to between the purchaser
in Fig. 29. and the applicator.
9.3.6 For protection of insulated pipelines, running 10 INFORMATION REQUIRED
close to the ground, from mechanical damage, due to
foot traffic and/or from corrosion due to moisture from 10.1 The purchaser shall provide the contractor with
ground, any hardsetting compound and/or water the appropriate information under each of the following
proofing treatment is/are provided, such items of work headings to enable the contractor to make a
are to be measured separately. compressive offer/quotation.