Medical Terms
Medical Terms
Medical Terms
- A fibrous band of scar tissue holding parts together that are normally separated
○ Abnormal union of an organ or part to another - ex a bump
Amniotic fluid - a clear fluid that surrounds the fetus in the amniotic fluid
- Its primary functions are to suspend and protect the growing fetus, allow freedom of
movement, maintain constant temperature, and aid normal development of the fetal
- Doctors can collect samples of amniotic fluid to identify fetal chromosomal abnormalities,
state of health, and maturity
Atrophy -
- A decrease in size of an organ or tissue; it is wasting away
- Atrophy may result from death and resorption of cells
Biopsy -
- a tissue sample removed from the body for microscopic examination, usually to establish
a diagnosis
Carcinoma - a malignant tumor
- It occurs in epithelial tissue (skin) and may infiltrate local tissues or produce metastases
(secondary growth arising from the primary growth in a new location)
- Low water content in the body
- Fluid intake fails to match fluid loss
Hematoma -
- a swelling (collection) of clotted blood caused by bleeding from a blood vessel
- The major airways of the lungs that diverge from the windpipe
- If you have a problem with one side of the bronchus, the lung will collapse
Cerebrum - brain
- Covered in a skull -> medically called cranium
Capillary - blood vessels that connect the smallest arteries with the beginnings of the smallest
- Arteries break down into capillaries
- Think of the artery as a big truck bringing supplies and it cant go any further - so everyone brings
their bicycles to get supplies
- A substance or agent that produces cancer of increases the risk of developing cancer in humans or
Cardiogram -
- A record of the electrical activity of the heart waves
- An EKG can figure out if you have a heart attack
- If you go to a doctor and complain of chest pain they should perform this test on you
○ An abnormal depression could indicate an impending heart attack
Carotid Artery
- Large arteries on the side of the neck
- Provides blood supply to the head and neck
- If the artery becomes blocked, it can become calcified and hardens (becomes sclerotic) if
the blockage breaks apart and goes to the brain people can get a stroke depending on
what is blocked
Carpal - wrist
Catheter - a small tube made of rubber plastic used to cleanse or drain part of the body
Cyanosis - a dark blueish coloration of the skin and mucus membrane dur to deficiency of
- Sign of something happening with the heart or the lungs
Ecchymosis - blood in the sub (under) cutaneous tissues - black and blue
• When the blood pours out it becomes blue and black ( same thing as a hematoma )
Ectopic -
• Abnormal position or displacement
Gastro-enterologist - physician who specializes in diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract
Grand mal seizure - the firing mechanisms in the brain are misfiring
• Epileptic convulsion
• Usually their tongue is
• Electrotherapy used to be a form of
Petit Mal seizure - not manifested by a lot of symptoms
• People are frothing at the mouth, choking
Anesthesiologist -
• Physician specializing in the science of anesthetics during operation
• One of the areas where these is a lot of malpractice b/c if he gives you too much
anesthesia you will die
• One of the most important persons during the operation
Chiropractor - one who treats the nervous system by treating nerves and tissues of the affected
• Make sure they are doctors because otherwise they might mess something up
EENT specialist - doctor who specializes in diseases of the eye, ear, nose, throat
Gastro-enterologist - physician who specializes in diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract
Mastitis - inflammation of the breast - more prominent in women but men and women can get
Leukemia - a disease of the bone marrow characterized by abnormal increase in white blood
• Think of the bone marrow as a factory
• In the blood you have red blood cells carry oxygen
• White blood cells - abnormal shaped cells (soldiers)
• Platelets
○ We don’t know what causes it? It can't really be treated
Orthopedist - physician skilled in the treatment of the joint spine and misoskeletal spine
• he branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and correction of injuries or
disorders of the skeletal system and associated muscles, joints, and ligaments,
Peptic ulcer - erosion of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract caused by hydrochloric acid
• In the body we have this thin area and sometimes you have an erosion of it (due to
alcohol, bleeding ulcers, sometimes if you are not accustomed to spicy foods)
○ Cause of hydrochloric acid and phlegm
ALL THE ORGANS ARE CONTAINED IN A SAC IN THE BODY -protrusion of an organ of part
through the wad of cavity
• Sometimes the bowl goes into the groin - the wall breaks