This document discusses methods used to control the tightness of threaded joints. It describes 4 main methods: 1) Measuring the screw's prolongation/extension, which is the most exact but has an error rate of ±10%. 2) Measuring the screw-nut's turning angle, which is simple but imprecise within ±20%. 3) Measuring the threaded joint's torque using dynamometric or limit wrenches to ensure the necessary torque is reached. 4) Using load-indicating bolts, washers, or other specialized fasteners that directly measure the clamping force in the bolt. Proper tightness is critical for structural integrity and preventing damage to threaded joints.
This document discusses methods used to control the tightness of threaded joints. It describes 4 main methods: 1) Measuring the screw's prolongation/extension, which is the most exact but has an error rate of ±10%. 2) Measuring the screw-nut's turning angle, which is simple but imprecise within ±20%. 3) Measuring the threaded joint's torque using dynamometric or limit wrenches to ensure the necessary torque is reached. 4) Using load-indicating bolts, washers, or other specialized fasteners that directly measure the clamping force in the bolt. Proper tightness is critical for structural integrity and preventing damage to threaded joints.
This document discusses methods used to control the tightness of threaded joints. It describes 4 main methods: 1) Measuring the screw's prolongation/extension, which is the most exact but has an error rate of ±10%. 2) Measuring the screw-nut's turning angle, which is simple but imprecise within ±20%. 3) Measuring the threaded joint's torque using dynamometric or limit wrenches to ensure the necessary torque is reached. 4) Using load-indicating bolts, washers, or other specialized fasteners that directly measure the clamping force in the bolt. Proper tightness is critical for structural integrity and preventing damage to threaded joints.
This document discusses methods used to control the tightness of threaded joints. It describes 4 main methods: 1) Measuring the screw's prolongation/extension, which is the most exact but has an error rate of ±10%. 2) Measuring the screw-nut's turning angle, which is simple but imprecise within ±20%. 3) Measuring the threaded joint's torque using dynamometric or limit wrenches to ensure the necessary torque is reached. 4) Using load-indicating bolts, washers, or other specialized fasteners that directly measure the clamping force in the bolt. Proper tightness is critical for structural integrity and preventing damage to threaded joints.
"INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 22-24 April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia
Mozga, N. & Grinevichs, I.
Abstract: Practice shows that it is necessary threaded joint’s tightness for very to control threaded joint’s assembly responsible assembly units, for example, for tightness when mounting or due to the pitman screw joints. This category includes exploitation. If this condition is not provided the use of special load indicating bolts, load in necessary quality and tightness is indicating washers and the use of methods insufficient or too big, it may cause threaded which determine the length change of the joint’s damage. fastener. There are a wide number of ways The most popular methods for the threaded bolt tension can be indirectly measured. joint’s assembly control in machine When using long screw-bolts (threaded manufacturing are as following: studs) it is possible to measure the changes 1) measurement of the screw’s of the distance between screw-bolt’s end and prolongation; the corpus. In this case different 2) control of the screw-nut’s turning measurement indicators and samplers are angle; used. Sometimes in order to determine the 3) measurement of the screw-nut’s necessary tightness force when mounting and torque; when exploiting, screws (taps) with central 4) control of the yield. boring are used. In these borings special core Key words: screw joint’s; force control is inserted and the length of this core is methods; screws; tightness moment. chosen in such a way that if the full tightness is made then the frontal surface of the core is on the same level as the screw’s frontal 1. INTRODUCTION surface. Also special bolts have been designed which Because a threaded joint is very common in give an indication of the force in the bolt. assembly, it can be found in various units One such fastener is the Rotabolt which and devices. In order to guarantee necessary measures bolt extension by the use of a threaded joint’s assembly tightness, different central gauge pin which passes down a control methods are used and adapted centrally drilled hole in the bolt. Underneath depending on the various inner and outer the head of the gauge pin, a rota is retained factors. which is free to spin in a very accurately set gap. The fastener stretches elastically, whereas the gauge pin does not move since it 2. MEASUREMENT OF THE experiences no load. As tightening continues, SCREW’S PROLONGATION the bolt will stretch sufficiently to eliminate the gap and prevent the rota from being able The most exact results provide the to be rotated. This is the indication that the measurement of the screw’s prolongation. bolt is correctly loaded. Another proprietary This method is widely used when controlling fastener uses a similar method. The HiBolt uses a pin located centrally down the bolt as The experimental results that were made in does the Rotabolt except the pin is gripped laboratories and during exploitation showed by the slight contraction of the bolt diameter; that the error of control method which is the pin being locked when the correct based on the measurement of screw’s preload is reached. prolongation is ±10%. The extension which a bolt experiences can be measured either using a micrometer or by a more sophisticated means such as using 3. MEASUREMENT OF THE SCREW- ultrasonics. The extension can be related to NUT’S TURNING ANGLE preload either directly, by calibration, or indirectly, by calculation. If ultrasonic When controlling threaded joints tightness measurement is used then the end of the bolt using screw-nut’s turning angle shank and the head may require surface measurement method it is necessary to grinding to give a good acoustic reflector. follow the technical documentation where all For measurement of the responsible threaded necessary information concerning proper joints force also strand sensors are used turning angle for the concrete assembly unit which are fastened on the screw’s smooth is given. The method has been applied for part or poured into the screw’s central use with power wrenches, the bolt being drillhole. These strand sensors may be left tightened to a predetermined angle beyond there during the exploitation. Also very the elastic range and results in a small effective is pneumosensormetric method variation in the preload due, in part, to the which is based on the measurement of the yield stress tolerance. But using this control changes of the air consumption between method we must take into account that screw insert’s gap. during the tightness process the screw itself The use of load indicating washers is and some details have ductility widespread in structural engineering. Such characteristics. The advantage of this method washers have small raised pips on their is that it is not connected with friction forces surface which plastically deform under load. and that is why is not dependent from the The correct preload is achieved when a threaded joint’s individual characteristics. predetermined gap is present between the The main disadvantages of this method lie in washer and the underhead of the bolt. This is the necessity for precise, and, if possible, measured using feeler gauges. Generally experimental determination of the angle; also they are not used in mechanical engineering, the fastener can only sustain a limited but are, extensively, in civil engineering. number of re-applications before it fails. This If the threaded joint is used in very important method is rather simple but it cannot be used place, it is possible to guarantee the for short screws and it can provide the necessary tightness parameters using special preciseness only in the limits of ±20%. measurable shim and ring. These two elements are added to the joint in addition to two ordinary shims. The difference of height 4. THREADED JOINT’S TORQUE of measurable shim and the ring comprises CONTROL the necessary play. The tightness force of the threaded joint is guaranteed when the ring is In practice rather simple and in the same compressed until it cannot be turned around time effective is method which is based on its axis using special thin device which is the threaded joint’s torque control using inserted in one of the ring’s three holes. divided wrenches, for example, dynamometric wrenches or utmost limit wrenches. Controlling the torque which a moment can be measured in order to fastener is tightened to is the most popular guarantee the necessary threaded joint’s means of controlling preload. The nominal tightness. torque necessary to tighten the bolt to a Mechanical dynamometric wrenches are given preload can be determined either from constructed in such a way that with the usage tables, or, by calculation using a relationship of the special devices (flexible elements) the between torque and the resulting bolt screw joint’s tightness moment is measured tension. When a bolt is tightened the shank in each moment of the time. When the sustains a direct stress, due to the elongation necessary tightness moment is reached the strain, together with a torsional stress, due to further movements are ended. Using utmost the torque acting on the threads. Most tables limit wrenches the tightness moment is of bolt tightening torques ignore the torsional limited with the help of special couplings or stress and assume a direct stress in the friction limiters. Utmost limit wrench turns threads of some proportion of the bolts yield off or special light or sound signal is stress, usually 75%. For high frictional provided when the necessary screw joint’s conditions the magnitude of the torsional tightness moment is reached. stress can be such that when combined with The most accurate dc assembly systems use a the direct stress, an equivalent stress over torque transducer to continuously monitor yield can result, leading to failure. A more the dynamic torque delivered to the fastener consistent approach is to determine the during the tightening process. The controller magnitude of the direct stress which, when electronics monitor this dynamic torque combined with the torsional, will give an signal to control the precise shut-off point. equivalent stress of some proportion of yield. These systems usually include a method of The proportion commonly used with this data output to document joint quality. approach is 90%. Torque prevailing fasteners Documentation may not be required to error- (such as Nyloc, Cleveloc nuts etc.) are often proof the tightening process. Some lower used where there exists a risk of vibration cost options that do not require a torque loosening. The prevailing torque has the transducer include: effect of increasing the torsional stress in the Clutch Control: A mechanical clutch can be bolt shank during tightening. This affects the directly connected to a dc electric tool to conversion of the tightening torque into bolt control torque without the need for a torque preload and should be allowed for when transducer. This provides torque control determining the correct torque value for this comparable to pneumatic tools and can be type of fastener. But there is one calibrated to a reference torque control fundamental problem with torque tightening. standard. However, a mechanical clutch adds The majority of the torque is used to weight and size to the tool that can decrease overcome friction (usually between 85% and ergonomics. The wear of components 95% of the applied torque), slight variations requires periodic manual torque adjustment. in the frictional conditions can lead to large Basic Current Control: Another torque changes in the bolt preload. This effect can control method is to measure the power be reduced by the use of so called friction consumption of the motor. A controller stabilizers. These are substances which are monitors the electric current used by the coated onto the fasteners to reduce the motor, and when this current reaches a frictional scatter. predetermined level, the motor is shut off to There is a wide range of different torque complete the tightening process. However, control devices (mechanical and electrical) the flow of current into the motor is not with the help of which the necessary torque directly related to the torque delivered to the fastener. Many other factors can affect this transducer, the indicated torque can differ current measurement. As the temperature of substantially from the actual torque. the motor increases, less torque is produced Transducer Control: The simplest, most for a given amount of current. Shutting off direct, and most accurate torque control the tool at a preset current level will produce method measures dynamic torque using a less torque when the tool increases in torque transducer. Not including networked temperature with use. data collection can simplify the system: a Advanced Current Control: A simplified system confirms tightening to comprehensive software algorithm can within the specified torque limits. integrate several other factors to arrive at a more accurate estimation of torque using current control. Sensing the motor 5. YIELD CONTROL METHOD temperature allows compensation for the difference in torque output with changing This yield control method is also known temperature. Operating the system in a under the proprietary name "Joint Control “learn mode” on a specific test joint while Method". Very accurate preloads can be sensing the joint rate, and then reducing the achieved by this method by minimizing the tool’s speed to a level where the torque influence of friction and its scatter. The overshoot produced by the rotating inertia method has its roots in a craftsman's "sense becomes negligible, can help reduce the of feel" on the wrench which allowed him to effects of inertia and can reduce torque detect the yield point of the fastener with overshoot. But this is only effective on reasonable precision. With the electronic production joints that are consistently similar equivalent of this method, a control system is to the sample joint. When these systems are used which is sensitive to the torque gradient used on production joints of varying torque of the bolt being tightened. Rapid detection rates, they fail to meet expectations. And of the change in slope of this gradient when used on multiple joints of different indicates the yield point has been reached torque rates, they require a joint type and stops the tightening process. This is selector, which adds cost and complexity to achieved by incorporating sensors to read the fastening system. torque and angle during the tightening One of the basic requirements of the ISO process. Since angle of rotation and torque 5393 test method for torque capability over a are both measured by the control system, wide range of joints is that tools be tested on permissible values can be used to detect both hard and soft joints without any fasteners which lie outside their specification adjustment to the control system. Systems (having too low a yield for example). A that must “re-learn” or have control small degree of preload scatter still results parameters changed for either type of joint from this method due to the influence of will violate this basic requirement of this friction. The method detects the yield point industry-standard performance test. of the fastener under the action of combined Data to document process control capability tension and torsion. The higher the thread from current control systems usually is not friction, the higher the torsional stress, accepted. Current control data is merely a which, for a given yield value, results in a target, or a calculation based on a number of lower preload due to a lower direct stress. measured properties, not the actual dynamic The method has been used in critical torque delivered to the fastener. When applications, such as cylinder head and conn- compared to a reference master torque rod bolts, in order that consistently high preloads can be achieved (which can allow smaller bolts to be used). However, because 6. Ryezhimi ryezaniya myetallov. of the cost of the tools necessary to use this Spravochnik. / Pod ryedaktsiyey method (a hand wrench incorporating the Yoo.V. Baranovskogo. Izd. 3-ye, control circuitry costs many times more than pyeryerab. i dop. - a conventional torque wrench), widespread M.:«Mashinostroyeniye», 1972. – adoption of this method is unlikely. 408 s. 7. Анурьев В.И. Справочник 6. CONCLUSION конструктора-машиностроителя в 3-х томах, - М.: Машиностроение, 1980. 132. In conclusion it is necessary to stress the fact 8. that the appropriate method used for the control-threaded/114721 threaded joint’s force control can lead to the 9. http://www.metiz- cost decrease which are connected with manufacture and can save the necessary time that is used for the control process itself. hten.htm
AUTHORS 1. Gyel'fand M.L., Tsipyenyook Ya.I., Kooznyetsov O.K. Sborka ryez'bovih 1. Ivans Grinevichs soyedinyeniy. - M.: Riga Technical University Mashinostroyeniye, 1978. - 105 s. Smilshu Street 90, Daugavpils, Latvia 2. Mozga N. Optimizatsiya e-mail: tyehnologichyeskogo protsyessa Tel.number: +371654 41474 sborki na rotornih avtomatah. Avtoryefyerat dissyertatsii na 2. Natalija Mozga soiskaniye oochyenoy styepyeni Riga Technical University k.t.n.: Riga, Latviya, 2004. Ezermalas Street 6, Riga, Latvia 3. Obyertalina M.V. Podgotovka e-mail: opyeratsiy sborki ryez'bi.Sbornik 10. naoochnih statyey. – Pyenza.: PGOo, 2005 – 14 s. 4. Zatyazhka i stoporyeniye ryez'bovih soyedinyeniy: Spravochnik / G.B. Iosilyevich, G.B. Stroganov, Yoo.V. Sharlovskiy. – M.:Mashinostroyeniye, 1985. - 224 s. 5. Spravochnik tyehnologa mashinostroityelya. V 2-h t. / Pod ryed.A.G. Kosilovoy i R.K. Myeshshyeryakova. – 4-ye izd., pyeryerab. idop. - M.: Mashinostroyeniye, 1985. - 656s., 496 s.