Trusted Evidence For Confident Clinical Decisions: Resources For Medication, Disease, and Toxicology
Trusted Evidence For Confident Clinical Decisions: Resources For Medication, Disease, and Toxicology
Trusted Evidence For Confident Clinical Decisions: Resources For Medication, Disease, and Toxicology
When It Matters Most, You Can’t For clinical decision support, it delivers
Afford Information Gaps consistent, high-quality information
Micromedex® Clinical Knowledge is the that sets the industry standard for
single source solution for the clinical everyday use as well as in the most
resources that pharmacists, clinicians, and difficult situations.
managers of clinical care use and trust.
You get both standard-level and
The Industry’s Most Thoroughly
expanded evidence — within context
Researched, Comprehensive Data
— so clinicians can get to answers
In critical situations, Micromedex
quickly. Components include robust drug
Clinical Knowledge Suite always
information the entire staff routinely
delivers. Our unparalleled in-house
Only Micromedex Clinical uses, such as dosing and interactions,
editorial process references the most
Knowledge is: as well as the evidence that the most
clinically relevant evidence available.
ፚፚ Evidence-based for more than experienced clinicians need in difficult
It is aggregated, filtered, and synthesized
40 years. or unusual situations, including off-label
to virtually eliminate any gaps in
ፚፚ Trusted in more than 5,000 hospitals uses and specialty populations.
information. The result is information
and healthcare institutions in
that is consistent in format, presentation,
83 countries. The at-a-glance Micromedex Rating
and context; and relevant, current, and
ፚፚ Used for toxicology content in System helps clinicians readily identify
uniform across the patient continuum.
100 percent of U.S. Poison Control the strength of key factors needed in
Because it is evidence-based, it can
Centers, and most centers around making treatment decisions — strength of
support Meaningful Use objectives.
the world. evidence, efficacy, and recommendation.
ፚፚ Integrated into nearly 2,000 provider The Micromedex Rating System is
EMR systems. the result of thousands of man-hours
– Micromedex drug information reviewing medical literature to provide
is on the list of statutorily an easy-to-use guide that supports fast,
named compendia in the U.S. informed decision-making.
Medicaid program and is used to
determine a “medically-accepted
indication” of an off-label drug.
ፚፚ Used in most of the U.S. accredited
Schools of Pharmacy and many
more worldwide.
Micromedex Clinical Knowledge
Integration Options:
Delivery Options:
ፚፚ Web 2.0
ፚፚ Intranet
ፚፚ Mobile native applications
ፚፚ Tablet native applications
ፚፚ Mobile/tablet via web
Micromedex Medication Management
With the most thorough content in its The product is available modularly to ፚፚ IV Compatibility for
class, Medication Management provides a provide clinicians access to detailed Medication Safety
true end-to-end solution that has become evidence-based content to support Featuring Trissel’sTM 2 data, this tool
a trusted single source of drug and confident, informed decisions. pinpoints potentially dangerous
medication recommendations. Featured topics include: combinations and helps clinicians
interpret conflicting compatibility
Among the measurable improvements that ፚፚ Drug Information for results by identifying contributing
this product can help you achieve are: Medication Safety factors such as physical compatibility,
ፚፚ Improved patient outcomes Right at the point of care, clinicians storage, study period, container, and
ፚፚ Reduced adverse events can utilize our proprietary chemical stability.
ፚፚ Reduced infections resource that includes fully
ፚፚ Management of drug shortages referenced, unbiased content
ፚፚ Cost savings associated with covering dosage, therapeutic use,
above benefits cautions, comparative efficacy,
Delivery of Medication
Management is made
TRUSTED more flexible and
convenient with free
INFORMATION mobile applications
for iPhone®, iPod®
touch, iPad,™ and
Android.™ *
*When available
ፚፚ Pediatric and Neonatal Evidence while helping deliver prescriptions
for Patient Safety faster to patients. You can also make
This content delivers an unparalleled decisions based on cost because you
scope of information on commonly have drug pricing at your disposal.
used medications, nutritional
supplements, and substitutes in the ፚፚ Alternative Medicine
neonatal and pediatric population. The Our information provides a single
patient- and indication-specific drug- source guide for integrating herbal
dosing tool helps clinicians accurately and other alternative therapies
prescribe, calculate, formulate, that the patient may be using with
and administer essential drugs and conventional medicine to provide a
parenteral nutrition. This saves time, full range of options.
boosts confidence, and improves
outcomes for the challenging neonate ፚፚ Global Drug Information
and pediatric populations. Through Redbook, Martindale, Index
Nominum, the Italian Dialogo sui
ፚፚ Formulary Solutions Farmaci, and the United Kingdom
Save time in managing and distributing electronic Medicines Compendium.
your formulary information. They
eliminate the need for formulary books
and fulfill all distribution guidelines,
For greater efficiency,
Micromedex Disease
and Condition
Management is
offered directly at
the point of care,
fully integrated
in your Hospital
Information System.
Micromedex Disease
and Condition Management
Micromedex Toxicology Management delivers precise, essential data through a the effects of drugs, industrial
identifies and provides ingredient single screen at the point of care to ensure chemicals, physical and environmental
information for hundreds of thousands the fastest access to critical answers. agents, and a compilation of scientific
of commercial, pharmaceutical, and reviews on teratogenic effects.
biological substances, including more To accelerate treatment, reduce errors, and ፚፚ Access to the TOMES® industrial
than 1,700 detailed management/ enhance outcomes, the product features: chemical database for safe medical and
treatment protocols discussing clinical ፚፚ Summary and in-depth information disposal management of chemicals and
effects, treatment, range of toxicity, on exposure identification and hazardous materials in the workplace,
differential diagnoses, pitfalls, and more. management. including assessing and implementing
ፚፚ Product listings, exposure assessment onsite solutions for chemical spills,
Relied on by 100 percent of U.S. Poison and management for potential poison exposures, and explosions.
Control Centers and thousands of sources including household products,
emergency departments in the U.S., drugs, chemicals, and plants.
Micromedex Toxicology Management ፚፚ Data on reproductive risks including
Micromedex Clinical Knowledge
From routine drug content to specialty statistics reports, new release training, *** Only available in select geographies
patient populations to off-label uses, outside the U.S. Some service offerings
and 24x7 support.*** may not apply for all products
Micromedex provides everyday
references every clinician can rely
on, plus the specialized content even
experienced clinicians need in difficult
or unusual situations.
Truven Health Analytics delivers unbiased information, analytic tools, benchmarks, and services to the healthcare industry. Hospitals, government
agencies, employers, health plans, clinicians, and life sciences companies have relied on us for more than 30 years. We combine our deep clinical, financial,
and healthcare management expertise with innovative technology platforms and information assets to make healthcare better by collaborating with our
customers to uncover and realize opportunities for improving quality, efficiency, and outcomes. With more than 2,000 employees, we have major offices
in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Chicago; and Denver. Advantage Suite, Micromedex, ActionOI, MarketScan, and 100 Top Hospitals are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Truven Health Analytics. | 1.800.525.9083
©2012 Truven Health Analytics Inc. All rights reserved. All other product names used herein are trademarks of their respective owners. CDS 11218 1012