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A Gentle Introduction to MOSES

Rev A-2014

1. Getting started ......................................................................................................................... 5
Discussion: The Analysis ............................................................................................................ 6
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................... 8
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................... 8
2. Basic Stability ......................................................................................................................... 9
Bstab Questions ...................................................................................................................... 9
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................... 9
Wcomp Questions ................................................................................................................... 9
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 10
3. Compartment properties in static analysis ............................................................................ 11
Free Surface Moment files ........................................................................................................ 11
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 15
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 15
Static Open Valve Files ............................................................................................................ 15
Discussion: Data file ............................................................................................................. 15
Discussion: Command File ................................................................................................... 19
Questions............................................................................................................................... 28
4. Introduction to Automated Installation Tools ....................................................................... 29
Discussion I_STAB – Installation tools.................................................................................... 29
Discussion M_STAB – Stability specific tools ........................................................................ 33
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 36
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 37
5. Part Move and Weight definitions ........................................................................................ 38
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 39
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 40
Exercise C ............................................................................................................................. 40
Exercise D ............................................................................................................................. 40
6. Flexible barge modeling ....................................................................................................... 42
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 52
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 52
7. Converstion from SACS ....................................................................................................... 53
Discussion - the long way ......................................................................................................... 53
Discussion - the short way ........................................................................................................ 54
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 54

Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 54
8. Dynamic Flooding ................................................................................................................ 55
Sinking a barge ......................................................................................................................... 55
Jacket flotation .......................................................................................................................... 59
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 62
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 63
Exercise C ............................................................................................................................. 63
9. Frequency domain motions ................................................................................................... 64
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 65
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 65
10. Connectors for lifts and lowering ...................................................................................... 67
Single Tip Hook Assembly ....................................................................................................... 67
Tip Hook Assembly Using Two Separate Hooks ..................................................................... 69
Tip Hook Assembly Using Two Separate Hooks and a Spreader Bar ..................................... 71
Exercise A - up_lowr files .................................................................................................... 72
Exercise B - up_lowr files..................................................................................................... 73
11. Generalized springs used as fenders .................................................................................. 74
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 77
12. Catenary mooring line system ........................................................................................... 78
Preparation for Dynamic Analysis Discussion ......................................................................... 80
Dynamic Analysis Discussion .................................................................................................. 81
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 82
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 83
13. Two body motions analysis ............................................................................................... 84
Exercise A ............................................................................................................................. 90
Exercise B ............................................................................................................................. 90
14. Two body lift motions analysis .......................................................................................... 91
The data file .............................................................................................................................. 91
Finding equilibrium .................................................................................................................. 92
Dynamic Frequency Domain Analysis ..................................................................................... 98
Dynamic time domain analysis ............................................................................................... 101
Exercise A ........................................................................................................................... 105
Exercise B ........................................................................................................................... 105
Exercise C ........................................................................................................................... 106

15. Advanced Exercises ......................................................................................................... 107
16. Transportation analysis .................................................................................................... 108
Model data file tow_brg.dat and jacket.dat ............................................................................. 108
Native Commands : Setup ...................................................................................................... 109
Native Commands: Hydrodynamic Analysis.......................................................................... 113
Native Commands: Structural Solution .................................................................................. 114
Automated installation tools ................................................................................................... 116
Data file ................................................................................................................................... 116
Command file.......................................................................................................................... 117
Review the answers................................................................................................................. 118
Exercise A ........................................................................................................................... 121
17. Orienting the jacket to have one leg parallel to the barge sideshell ................................. 122
Exercise A ........................................................................................................................... 127
18. Launch analysis ................................................................................................................ 128
Exercise A ........................................................................................................................... 136
Exercise B ........................................................................................................................... 136
19. Automated launch ............................................................................................................ 137
20. Answers............................................................................................................................ 142
Getting started ......................................................................................................................... 142
BSTAB .................................................................................................................................... 142
WCOMP ................................................................................................................................. 142
Free Surface Moment .............................................................................................................. 143
Static Open Valve ................................................................................................................... 143
M_stab..................................................................................................................................... 143
Part move and weight definitions ........................................................................................... 143
Flexible barge modeling ......................................................................................................... 143
Dynamic Flooding .................................................................................................................. 144
Frequency domain motions ..................................................................................................... 144
Generalized Springs ................................................................................................................ 145
Catenary Mooring line system ................................................................................................ 147
Two body motions analysis .................................................................................................... 149
Two body motions analysis .................................................................................................... 151
Launch Analysis: .................................................................................................................... 153

A Gentle Introduction to MOSES
1. Getting started

The premise of the workbook is that simple engineering exercises will be presented, discussed,
and solved. The objective here is that familiarity with MOSES will gained so that the skills can
later be applied to real projects. Familiarity with MOSES includes familiarity with the reference
manual, the samples directory, the tests directory, the frequently asked questions section of the
web page, and the MOSES interface. Screen shots and figures are provided so that you can
compare with your working results At the end of most of the exercises a short exercise is
presented to the user. The answers are in the back section.
The purpose of this “Getting Started” section is to get the user familiar with how MOSES runs
and to get the user familiar with the layout of the workbook. The exercises will list the files
which are being used, as shown below, along with a discussion of why the commands and data
are presented. The file locations will be with reference to the “ultra” directory. Most MOSES
installations files are located directly under the c:\ directory. It is up to the user to determine
where his installations files are located.
Files for this exercise:
In this exercise we will become familiar with the file structure and run a simple analysis. At this
point, we are not interested in understanding every command, just the concept of menus.
For a list and discussion of the commands found in most examples please see:

A discussion and screen shots of the process are also presented at the following link:
If using Windows, you should double click on the file b_run.cif. The file b_run.cif should have
an icon that looks like a parabolic shape inside of a half rectangle. Once you double click the CIF
file, the MOSES window should appear and the analysis commands scroll by. This should take a
few seconds, at most. When the MOSES window disappears, there should now be a b_run.ans
and a b_run.dba directory.
The DBA directory is where the database is located. All of the files in this directory are for
computers, i.e. not for human eyes. The files in the ANS directory contain the answers (ANS is
short for answers).

At the conclusion of the MOSES analysis, we will normally look at the log and the out file,
which can both be found in the ANS directory. The log file is a log of the commands used to
perform the analysis. The log file is important because it shows the steps taken to arrive at the
results. The out file is the results of the calculations.
In most exercises, you will be asked to delete the ANS and DBA directory to recreate the
answers in the results file or to view the results after data has been changed. At other times, you
will be asked to "restart the run," this means you should access the existing database. You
"restart the run" by double clicking on the CIF file. You should not delete the ANS directory
unless you are asked to do so.

Discussion: The Analysis

In this analysis, a vessel is set at a draft and trim, the weight necessary to be at equilibrium is
computed, then three sets of hydrostatic calculations are reported.

Three things are done in this analysis:

1. The curves of form are computed with the section beginning with the command cform.
2. Stability righting arm and heeling arm curves are computed with the section beginning
with the command rarm.
3. Longitudinal strength is computed with the section beginning with the command equi_h.
Notice that the comments in the CIF file tell us we are entering the hydrostatics menu. Once
inside the hydrostatics menu, we can perform hydrostatic calculations. When MOSES is
working, if you look at the upper blue bar, you will notice that the words change from "Main
Menu" to "Hydrostatic Menu" and "Disposition Menu."
Notice that after each report command, there is an end command. After each calculation,
MOSES is in the disposition menu. When we ask MOSES to report, we are asking MOSES to
dispose of the results. Once we have finished reporting, we end that section of the calculations.
After each of the calculations, a plot is generated with the command plot. The numbers after the
command plot tell MOSES what variables to use as the ordinate and the abscissa. We can edit
this file and add the command vlist before or after the command plot to get a map of the number
to variable used.

Figure 1 - Hog case for basic run

Figure 2 - Sag case for basic run

Exercise A

Answer the following questions. The answers are found in the directory b_run.ans in the
out00001.* file.

1. What is the KML and KMT for a 12 ft draft?

2. What is the righting arm at 28 deg roll?
3. At what longitudinal location does the shear force cross the zero axis for the wave crest at
location 0.0 ?
4. At what longitudinal location does the shear force cross the zero axis for the wave crest at
location 200.0?

Exercise B
The number of stations defined effects the results. In the file b_run.dat change line 20 which now
plane 0 100 200 300 400 -rect 0 25 100
plane 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 -rect 0 25 100
Delete the b_run.dba directory.
Then re-run the analysis.
Did the graphs change?

2. Basic Stability

These are the files for a calculating the righting arm and heeling arm of a shoebox looking vessel
with a rectangular looking cargo. These files are intended as an introduction for stability

Files for this exercise:

There is a plethora of information on the website. The discussions and exercises hopefully will
also provide a good tour through the website.
The discussion for these two files are located at:
After you have read the discussion, see if you can answer the following questions:

Bstab Questions

1. For the Draft 7 ft with a KG = 5.5 ft what is the GML for CBRG180?
2. What is the Y radii of gyration (K-Y) for the mass distribution defined for the body

Exercise A

Change the top of the file to read:

&device -oecho no
If you look up the command &device in the user's manual, you will see that this option controls
part of the output.

What is different between this output and the original output?

Wcomp Questions

1. What is the maximum amount of ballast for compartment 4C?

2. What compartments are filled to 100%?
3. What is the area ratio at 12.5 degrees?

Exercise B
Add the following lines to wcomp.dat:
&describe body cbrg180
&describe part cargo
pgen cargo -cs_curr 1 1 1 -cs_win 1 1 1
plane 50 70 100 130 -rect 14 40 20
In the hydrostatic section of wcomp.cif, alter so that it reads:
$********************************************* stability trans.
RARM 2.5 10 -WIND 100
tank_capacity 5p 1

1. What is the free surface moment for compartment 5P?

2. What is the area ratio at 12.5 degrees?

3. Compartment properties in static analysis
In this section two sets of files are presented. Both of these sets of files are the result of a
frequently asked question. For most questions a simple several sentence answer will suffice.
For some questions an approach and discussion is needed. The topic for the first set of files is
gravity to meta-center calculations. The topic for the 2nd set of files is opening a compartment
valve as part of a static analysis.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/fs_mom.cif
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/fs_mom.dat
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/static_open.cif
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/static_open.dat

Free Surface Moment files

Let's start by reviewing the DAT file. Here we use the one of the barges from the barge library,
SMIT5. There have been three weights added to the barge. The location of the weights is set with
the points *wg1, *wg2, and *wg3. Notice that we specified which units we are using with the
&dimen statement. It is always a good idea to specify the units at the top of the file. Let's look
at the dimension statements in the CIF and the DAT file. This analysis will start using meters and
m-tons. The command in the DAT file tells MOSES to:

 Save the current dimensions (-save) then,

 Accept all future input as feet and kips (-dimen feet kips).

The last command in the DAT file (&dimen -remember) tells MOSES to return to the previous
(saved) dimensions. This is where MOSES returns to the saved dimensions meters and m-tons.
All of this might seem elementary, but by using the -save and -remember options, many errors
due to units can be avoided. This is one method for controlling the units, we will see other
methods through this workbook. The idea thou, is to have a method.
For this exercise, we will discuss the CIF file and the output it produces at the same time. It
would be a good idea to run the analysis and have the log and output file available. The CIF file
has many of the commands that we have seen before. The condition is set by &instate, then
some ballast water is put in the compartments with &compartment. Then, we make a selector
named ":tow" to pick six compartments for MOSES to work with. Notice that two of the
compartments we chose for MOSES to work with are also compartments that we have placed
water in.
A selector name begins with the colon (:) character. Just as in any language, there are special
characters in MOSES. In MOSES, the colon is a special character. The complete list of special
characters can be found at:
Selectors are a means to group a set of entities. Here we are going to use the selector or group
name to indicate which compartments can be used for ballasting.
Next, we ask for a report of the categories with &status cat. If we look at the out file, we see
that there are five categories that have been defined. There are the three weights we saw in the
DAT file and the barge comes with two categories of its own, FUEL and L_SHIP. (L_SHIP
stands for lightship).

Figure 3 - Category Summary

Please notice that the table header reads "Category Status for Selected Parts." For our analysis,
there is only one body and one part so we do not have to worry about getting confused. In later
exercises, we will be working with several parts so we need to read the table headers carefully to
fully understand their contents.
If you scan the CIF file, you will notice that there are titles added (first, second, third) in lines 28,
34, and 43. In the reports with the title "first," the barge is not in equilibrium. In the reports with
the title "second," ballast water has been added with the &cmp_bal command and the barge is
now in equilibrium. The commands &status b_w -hard and &status compart -hard produce the
tables titled "Buoyancy and Weight for SMIT5" and "Compartment Properties" in the output file.
For those with the page title "second," we have not specified a fill type, so the default of
"CORRECT" is used. For those with the page title "third," we have specified the fill type for
compartments 1PSS, 3PSC, 3SBC, 5PSS and 5SBS. Specifying the fill type was done with the
&compart -app_none :tow
If we read the manual, we find that -APP_NONE uses the correct CG when it is filled and uses
zero for the derivatives (no free surface correction). Now if we return to the buoyancy and
weight reports in the output we see that
GM is not reported in "first,"
GM is reported as 12.60 meters in "second,"

GM is reported as 12.80 meters in "third,"
The three pages from the output are shown below:

Figure 4 - Results of &status b_w when not in equilibrium

Figure 5 - Results of &status b_w with fill type "correct"

Figure 6 - Results of &status b_w with fill type "app_none"

Let's concentrate on the GM change between the second to the third case. If you remember from
your naval architecture class, free surface in the compartments reduces the metacentric height.
What is being shown here is that the third set in which we specified the compartments to with a
fill type of APP_NONE do not have a free surface moment correction.
Let's look briefly at the commands towards the end of the file. We have used the cform command
before to generate the curves of form. The curves of form include the displacement and the
distance from the keel to the metacenter (KM). Note that the curves of form are based strictly on
the hull geometry.
Also, toward the end of the command file we have tank_capacity. This command generates the
tables titled "Tank Capacities for XXXX" where the XXXX is the compartment name. The
columns we are interested in here are the Free Surf. Moment - Trans. and Long. If we review the
Buoyancy and Weight report, we see that the 3XXX and the 5XXX compartments are filled to
85%. The Tank Capacities report the free surface moment to be 562 for the 3XXX and 561 for
the 5XXX. We will work with 562 for the calculations here.
Calculating the free surface is simple enough. We should be able to verify the change of 0.2
meters. We know that Free Surface Correction is the Free Surface Moment divided by
Fs_cor = Fs_mom/displacement

So far, we have the free surface moment. For the displacement, we look at the buoyancy and
weight report to get the draft of 4.60 meters or we can look at the curves of form for the
displacement 11199.47 m-tons. This would be 10,929 m3. If we do the math, we find that each
compartment reduces the metacentric height by 0.05 meters. Since we have four compartments,

the metacentric height is reduced by 0.2 meters. And we see this is true. The difference between
the GM with (12.60 m) and without (12.80 m) free surface correction is 0.2 meters.
What else does this influence? The free surface correction also influences the righting arms. Here
the righting arms are reported and plotted. The reports titled "back to correct" include the free
surface correction. As you can see, the righting arm without the free surface correction has a
maximum value of 2.41 around 24 degrees. The righting arm with the free surface correction has
a maximum value of 2.33 around 24 degrees.

Exercise A
Change file fs_mom.dat line number 9 to read:
&dimen -dimen feet kips
Take out the &dimen -rem line in the data file.
Rerun the analysis and see what changed.

Exercise B
In the previous exercise, you turned on the wind model with the option -cs_cur and -cs_win. That
was for a barge that we modeled just for the exercise. Here we are using a barge from the barge
library. Go to:
1. What is the wind heeling area at 38 degrees.
And read how making the following alteration to the DAT file
&set v_cur 1
&set v_win 1
will turn on the wind and current part of the model.

2. After this change, what is the wind heeling area at 38 degrees?

Static Open Valve Files

This exercise is a continuation of how to work with compartments. Here the draft of a barge is
changed three times. The barge has three compartments and each compartment has a valve on the
outside shell at a different height. Once the valves enter the water, water is allowed to enter the
compartment. When the barge draft is decreased the water inside the compartment, up to the
height of the valve, is trapped inside. This will be the first exercise where we use sensors and
user defined macros.

Discussion: Data file

For this analysis a good part of the work is done in preparation as part of the data file. Let's start
by reviewing the DAT file. Here we use a very shoe box looking barge. The section that defines
the barge is the following.
&describe body test
pgen test -perm 1
plane 0 20 -rect 0 6 10
The command &describe body test creates a body, part, compartment and piece with the name of
"test". MOSES automatically creates an association to the part, compartment, and piece for
everybody. For now we are happy to know that there is a body with the name given, and that an
association with the part, compartment, and piece has been made.
The command pgen is short for "piece generator". The command &describe piece test could have
also been used before the pgen command. It is not necessary to have the &describe piece
followed by the pgen command. The pgen command and the end_pgen will be sufficient. The
option -perm 1 tells MOSES it is an outer shell, therefore it should be included in any
displacement calculations. The number following -perm is used as a multiplier for the calculated
displacement. In this case MOSES is to multiply the calculated displacement by 1.
This is the first time we will be defining compartments with flood and vent valves. The points
that will be used to locate the valves are part of the body. The naming of the points that will be
used to locate the valves is part of the body description. Here is what section looks like.
∗C1 5 10 2
∗V1 5 10 20
∗C2 10 10 3
∗V2 10 10 20
∗C3 15 10 5
∗V3 15 10 20
We need to first define the points before we use them in the compartment description. This file
is also heavily commented. Each of the point definitions is followed by a short description of
how it will be used. It is a good idea to try to pick names that will make the output easier to use.
Here each flood valve has a point with the letter "C" and each vent valve has a point with the
letter "V". This is just for convenience.
In the next sections the compartments along with the valves are defined. The same format is
taken for each compartment, so this discussion will focus only on the first.
&describe hole v1 v_valve -area 3.14158*5625 -point ∗V1
&describe hole hc1 f_valve -area 3.14158*5625 -point ∗C1
&describe compartment C1 -holes Hc1 V1
pgen -perm -0.95 -diftype none
plane 0 10 -rect 0 6 6
The first two lines associate the points with a valve. The manual reference for this command is at
the following link.
http://bentley.ultramarine.com/hdesk/ref_man/cmp_int.htm#&DESCRIBE HOLE
The first step is to define each hole and associate it with its intended use. For the vent valve we
are naming it "V1" and have used the type designation of "v_valve". The two options -area and
-point tell MOSES what area and location to use. These are options and if we did not use them
MOSES has defaults it would use. However, the location of the valve is important to our
analysis. It would be acceptable to leave the -area option out.
This is the first time we will be defining a compartment. The general format is similar to that of
defining the outer shell. Different options are used when we define the compartment. The holes
are associated with the compartment as part of the &describe compartment command. As part of
the pgen command we assign a permeability with the option -perm and designate its diffraction
type as "none" with the option -diftype. The rest of the definition should be a review of the pgen
command used earlier.
In the last of the model definition begins again with &describe body test. In this section we are
defining sensors at the valve locations. For each valve there will be one sensor. The manual
reference page for sensor definition is at the following link.
http://bentley.ultramarine.com/hdesk/ref_man/sensor.htm#&DESCRIBE SENSOR
The sensors are named with the letter "s" being added to the point name. Just as with the hole
definition the point is associate with each sensor. Here we use the option -signal s_type s_source
s_desired s_val s_b s_n. And the option -limits lim_l lim_u.
For the first option -signal the following is how the values are interpretted.
s_type = point
s_source = ∗c1
s_desired =
s_val = value
s_b = 3rd value
s_n =
The tricky part may be figuring out that s_desired was left blank. An acceptable input for
s_desired has to be a numeric value, when MOSES reads a word as the third entry it knows that
s_desired is not being set. Instead it sees that the word "value" is an acceptable input for s_val.
For the second option -limits it is easy to see the lower limit is -0.1 and the upper limit is 100.
This means that any time the third value of the point location is between -0.01 and 100 the sensor
value will be ".false.".
This section is repasted for compartment C2 and C3. Then a selector is defined.
&select :hole -select ∗C1 ∗C2 ∗C3
Selectors are a means to group a set of entities. Here we are anticipating needing information
about the three points. It will be much easier to ask for the information for the group with the
:hole name, instead of typing out all three points. This is a different use of selectors in
comparison to the free surface files. I am trying to show the diversity in uses.
In the next section we define a macro. Macros are used to create new commands. There are
many analyses where several configurations are examined and the same set of data is reported.
If a command that creates the desired output is used this saves us from human error. The
command that we will be creating is "checkloc".
The purpose of this macro is do three things:

1. to report the valve z location (3rd value of the point location),

2. report the value of the sensor, and
3. if the sensor is .true., open the valve.

The same sequence is done three times with a name change. We are going to review line by line
only for one set.
The first line:
&type ∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗
is meant to draw our attention.
The second line
&type alarm c1 &info(alarm_sensor sc1)
reports the value of the sensor. This will be either ".false." or ".true.".
The third line reports the global coordinate location of the point.
&type ∗C1 &point(coord ∗C1 -g)
The next set of commands are an if statement, therefore, we are going to treat them as a
&if &info(alarm_sensor sc1) &then
&compartment -open_valve c1 -percent c1 100
From two lines above we can see what the value of &info(alarm_sensor sc1) is. We will be able
to see if a ".false." or a ".true" we substituted for the middle section of this command. If a
".false." is substituted then nothing happens.
If a ".true." is substituted then, the command
&compartment -open_valve c1 -percent c1 100 is executed.
The manual page for this command can be found at the following link.
In order for a change in ballast water inside the compartment to occur we first have to tell
MOSES the maximum volume of the fluid in the compartment can be. The manual page states:
The change of fluid in the compartment occurs statically, and can be observed using &status
compartment. The maximum volume of fluid in the compartment is artificailly limited by that
specified using the add ballast options.
This is why after the -open_valve option we find the -percent option. the -percent option is
telling MOSES the maximum volume limit of fluid in the compartment.
This sequence of commands is done for each of the valves. The last command &endmacro tells
MOSES the macro definition has ended. The data file ends.

Discussion: Command File
The command file begins as many of the other files have. It sets the units for the analysis,
&dimen -dimen meters m-tons. This file shows how to define the specific gravity of water with
&default -spgwater 1.025. Then we tell MOSES we do not care to see an echo of the input
model as part of the output file. And finally we use the command inmodel to read in the model.
The command file is set up in sections. Each section is assigned an event number with the
command &event_store. After the inmodel the event number is 1. We use the macro "checkloc"
to check that location of the valves and the value of the sensors. The following is what you
should see in the log file as a result of the macro "checkloc".
alarm c1 .FALSE.
∗C1 5 10 2
alarm c2 .FALSE.
∗C2 10 10 3
alarm c3 .FALSE.
∗C3 15 10 5
We see that this is the location defined in the data file. This makes sense since after the inmodel
the body coordinate system origin is at the global coordinate system origin.
The next three commands shows further detail of the buoyancy and weight (b_w), the
compartments, and the valve hole data (v_hole). Remember the manual did say we could
observe the resulting change in ballast with the &status compartment command. The results of
these &status commands, confirm that the compartments are empty and the valve are closed.
Three figures are generated to get an understanding of the setup.

Figure 7 - Results of &status for event 1

Figure 8 - Compartment designation

Figure 9 - Default view with valve locations

Figure 10 - Compartments with valve locations

This gets us the comment that reads "Filling up C1 with sounding 2.2m". We have seen some of
the commands in this section. The title is set with &title Draft 2.2m. Then the condition is
changed with &instate tests -locate 0 0 -2.2 0 0 0 . The condition will be stored as event 2. And
we use our "checkloc" macro. In the log file we find:
alarm c1 .TRUE.
∗C1 5 10 -0.2000001
alarm c2 .FALSE.
∗C2 10 10 0.7999998
alarm c3 .FALSE.
∗C3 15 10 2.8
We see that the z values of the locations have changed. This makes sense, since we changed the
draft with the &instate -locate command. Since the valve in compartment C1 was opened we
need to check how much water is now in the compartment. We need to review the results of the
&status b_w commands. Here is the results associated with event 2.

Figure 11 - Buoyancy and weight report for event 2

Figure 12 - Compartments Report for event 2

We see changes in the buoyancy and weight report and in the compartment properties report. The
weight and the sounding of the ballast is included in both reports. In the compartment properties
report the value for fill type, ballast maximum and %full maximum has changed. Remember this
is establishing the artificial limit set with the macro. Here again is the quote from the reference
The change of fluid in the compartment occurs statically, and can be observed using &status compartment.
The maximum volume of fluid in the compartment is artificially limited by that specified using the add
ballast options.
The values in the "Hole Data" report do not change. This report is in the body system. We did
not expect a change, because we changed the location of the body with reference to the global,
not the body. The locations of the valves are not changing, nor are the areas or the friction
The last thing we do as part of this event is make a picture. This picture shows that the mean
water level is above valve V1 associated with point ∗C1. With the valve open and the water level
above the valve location, the water level is the same inside and outside the compartment.

Figure 13 - compartments with valve location and mean water line

This brings us to event 3. The same set of commands are used but with different values. Here
we are setting the draft for 5.2m. This means that all three valves will be below the water level.
Here are the results of the "checkloc" macro.
alarm c1 .TRUE.
∗C1 5 10 -3.2
alarm c2 .FALSE.
∗C2 10 10 -2.2
alarm c3 .FALSE.
∗C3 15 10 -0.1999997
We see that all three compartment have a sounding of 5.2m and each corresponds to an 86.67%
full. For compartment C1 which is larger, the weight of the ballast is also larger.

Figure 14 - Buoyancy and weight report for event 3

Figure 15 - Compartments report for event 3

This brings us to event 4. The same set of commands are used but with different values. This
time we are decreasing the draft. This means that when the valve exits the water, any ballast still
in the compartment is trapped. For event 4, the water level for compartments with the valve
above the water level should have ballast up to the valve.
alarm c1 .TRUE.
∗C1 5 10 -1
alarm c2 .FALSE.
∗C2 10 10 0
alarm c3 .FALSE.
∗C3 15 10 2
Here are the reports in the log file. For compartment C3 the water level is at the valve level. For
compartments C2 and C1 the water level outside the compartment is the same as inside the

Figure 16 - Buoyancy and weight report for event 4

Figure 17 - Compartments report for event 4

Please notice that for the fill type in the compartment properties report the valve is still open. We
did not close the valve, we just relocated the body so that the valve would be above the water
line. Here is the picture showing the water level and the location of the valves.

Figure 18 – Valve location event 4

This concludes the exercise on opening valves in a static analysis.

During the data file discussion I mentioned that the area of the valve is not needed for this
analysis. Comment out the valve areas and see if the results change.

4. Introduction to Automated Installation Tools

These files demonstrate how MOSES can evaluate stability criteria. For MOSES to evaluate
criteria it has to be taught to do that via a set of macro. MOSES comes with a set of macros that
evaluate stability criteria. The first set of macros presented here are part of the automated tools.
The second set of macros are dedicated to stability and therefore can check a various other
criteria. These files are intended as an introduction for stability criteria checking and as an
introduction to the automated tools.

Files for this exercise:

ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/i_stab.cif
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/i_stab.dat
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/m_stab.cif
ultra/hdesk/ runs/samples/hystat/m_stab.dat
The discussion for i_stab.cif and i_stab.dat are located at:
The discussion for m_stab.cif is located at:
The file i_stab uses the automatic installation tools to perform a stability analysis. The m_stab
files also use a macro. The m_stab files use the stability macros. The stability macros allow for
more control over the criteria.

Discussion I_STAB – Installation tools

The i_stab files are meant as an introduction to the automated installation tools. For this
example, we will be setting up the most simple of examples for a stability analysis. We are
really just interested in understanding a few sections of these two files. The full description of
the automated installation tools can be found at the second link listed above. If you go there, you
will see the files can be long and detailed. It is a good idea to read the manual sections that
correspond to the sections we discuss here. We will be working with the automated installation
tools in several of the exercises. By reading the manual presentation in sections, you will be able
to understand all of the tools much easier.
Let us start with the CIF file. At the beginning of the CIF file after the &device command, there
are five variables (launch, transportation, loadout, upend and lift). As implied by the name of the
exercise, we are really just interested in transportation stability. So, the only variable that has
been set to ".true." is "transportation."
&set launch = .false.
&set transportation = .true.

&set loadout = .false.
&set upend = .false.
&set lift = .false.

The other section of i_stab.cif that we want to familiarize ourselves with is commented with the
word "transportation." The section has an "if statement" so that the transportation calculations
are only performed if the "transportation" variable is set to ".true.", as we have done here.
This three line section is what we want to pay attention to for our transportation stability
inst_tran -wind 83.19 50 100 100 -draft 6 \
-trim 0.53 \
-damage 1s 2s 3s 4s 5s \
The analysis done here uses some defaults. The barge is set in a condition where the draft is 6 ft
and the trim is 0.53 deg. A phantom weight is added so that the system (barge plus cargo) is at
equilibrium, then the stability analysis is performed. The intact stability checks that the area
ratio be greater than 1.4 and that the range is greater than 40 degrees. The damage stability
checks the area ratio to be greater than 1. The stability analysis is done six times: one for the
intact and once for every damaged compartment listed after the option "-damage." The numbers
after wind specify the wind speed in knots for the different analyses (intact stability, damage
stability, vortex shedding, and structural analysis). For our exercise, we will use 83.19 knots for
intact stability and 50 knots for damage stability; for now that covers all of our interests for the
CIF file.
For the DAT file, we are going to start by discussing dimension. The only dimension statement
in both the command and data file is at the top of the data file. This means that the analysis
dimensions are controlled by this statement.
&dimen -dimen feet kips
This is a good opportunity to again talk about dimensions. In the box.dat file there are
dimension statements at the top and bottom of the file. The convention mentioned in the
Compartment properties in static analysis section is used in the box.dat file. In summary, we are
showing two ways to use the &dimension statement.
Now, go almost to the end of the file, lines 65 through the end.
$********************************************* define barge
use_ves cbrg180
$********************************************* nodes along legs

&SET port_nod = *ps *pb
&SET stbd_nod = *ss *sb
$********************************************* define jacket
model_in box box.dat 42 0 6.896 \
-PORT_NOD %port_nod \
-STBD_NOD %stbd_nod
$********************************************* connections
i_connector v_lway
Here, we tell MOSES to use one of the vessels, cbrg180, from the library. Next, we set two
variables "port_nod" and "stbd_nod." If you review the file box.dat, you will see that the four
points are at the bottom of the piece labeled "box." The point names are selected to help position
the box on the barge. The point names are the two characters after the ∗ symbol. The points that
begin with the letter "p" are on the port side and points with the letter "s" are on the starboard
side. The points that end with the letter "s" are at the stern while points that end with the letter
"b" are at the bow.
The next three lines tell MOSES to place the "box" model 42 ft from the bow with the midpoint
between the starboard and port points on the centerline and 6.896 feet vertically from the barge
deck. Normally the word following a "-" sign is an option. The –PORT_NOD and –
STBD_NOD options are the exceptions. The -PORT_NOD and -STBD_NOD options are
needed. These options tell MOSES to use nodes as listed. It is important that the node order be
from the stern to the bow. Or if we were to model a jacket for launch, the node order to be from
leading to trailing. The logic discussed in this paragraph is also presented in the reference
manual at the link sited above.
The last setting tells MOSES to place the box model on top of launchways. This will cause some
assumptions to be made.
For now, that is all we are going to discuss of the automated installation macros. Much of the
discussion presented here is also presented in the reference manual. Please read the sections in
the manual that pertains to the sections discussed here.
We will now be reviewing the log file. In this case, the log file tells you a bit more about what is
going on. It tells you the weight, center of gravity, and radii of gyration of the model "box."
The section below the inst_tran command tells us the results of the intact stability analysis. We
know from the log file that the analysis failed the range criteria, and it lets us know that the
ballast needed cannot fit in the barge. A snap shot of the log file is shown below.

Figure 19 - Messages in the log file

Now, let's look at the out file. This first section (through page 10) is part of the standard output
generated with the automated installation macros. The Model Size and Program Parameters let
us know a little about the problem we are solving. The External Piece Summary tells us a bit
about the barge CBRG180 piece MAIN and the piece BOX. We see that the barge does not
attract wind loads; and therefore, our stability may be underestimating the wind arm. The
Category Summary for Selected Parts tells us the same things that the log file did about the BOX
model. The Class Dimensions Summary, Material and Redesign Summary, and Class Section
Summary, tell us about the parts MOSES had to estimate. In the DAT file, we simply told
MOSES to put in a launchway as ~skidbm. MOSES did not have sufficient information to make
an appropriate model. There were messages about this in the log file, and here are the results.

For this analysis, we are doing stability and we do not care about the stress. In later exercises,
when we are doing a structural analysis, we will care more about these reports.
The next report, Restrain Summary, we do care about. Here is one way we can make sure that
the box was placed where we asked it to be placed. We can see that *PB and *SB were placed 42
feet from the bow, each is equidistant from the centerline (the midpoint between them is on the
centerline) and they are 20.89 feet from the keel. The first two are easy to check on, but what
about the 20.89 feet? If we go to:
we see that the depth of the barge is 14 ft (the distance from the keel to the deck). We told
MOSES to put the box 6.896 feet above the keel. So, we get 14+6.896 = 20.89 feet.
For the next several pages we get Righting Arm Results tables. The table headings let us know if
it is intact or damaged. The damaged cases include a line which reads "Compartment Flooded
are: XX" to indicate the damaged condition. Please notice that all of the roll columns begin with
the value 0. Also, please notice that table headers include a line that reads "Initial: Roll = X.xx,
Trim = X.xx deg." These initial values are the equilibrium position. The values in the Roll and
Trim columns are referenced to the initial values. For the results where 1s is damaged the
righting arm when the vessel is at (2-1.44=) +0.56 deg roll is 0.35 feet.
After the stability results are reports summarizing the configuration. If you recall, these are the
results of the &status command. The following associates the command with the table header:
&status configure Current System Configuration
&status b_w Buoyancy and Weight for CBRG180
&status force Forces Acting on CBRG180
&status compart Compartment Properties
&status category Category Status for Selected Parts
&status draft Draft Mark Readings
Table 1 - Command to report association

Discussion M_STAB – Stability specific tools

Let's first review m_stab.dat.
The command use_ves enables us to use a vessel from the vessel library.
Then, we define two nodes ∗bcg and ∗ccg. In MOSES, part of the geometry is defined with
nodes, and node names begin with the ∗ symbol. Please see the following link for a more
complete discussion on defining nodes:
Next, we define areas with their centers at *bcg and *ccg. Notice that the names given to the
nodes are your choice. Here bcg stands for "barge center" and ccg stands for "cargo center."
Point names can be up to 8 characters, but the "∗" counts as 1, so you choose the 7 characters
after the "∗."
The perpendicular area to the x direction and the area perpendicular to the y direction in different
lines are defined with the #area commands. The area perpendicular to the y direction is 180*7 ft2
for the barge and 80*75 ft2 for the cargo. The area perpendicular to to the x direction is 50*7 ft2
for the barge and 50*75 ft2 for the cargo. In the following exercises, you will be asked to verify
the above two statements.
Towards the end of the file, four more points are defined as non-weathertight points. That
concludes the DAT file.
The command file can be separated into three parts. The top portion contains many of the
standard set up commands we have seen in other sections. The 2nd part uses the stab_ok
command. The third part uses the kg_allow command. The discussion will be separated into
these three sections.
The commands in the CIF file should look familiar. We see two instances of the &status
command. In the first, "B_W" is reporting the buoyancy and the weight, and in the second
"nwt_down" the location of the non-weathertight points is being reported.
We already have learned that the command &instate sets the current condition. The command
&weight determines the weight so that the current condition is at equilibrium, and the command
HSTATIC puts us in the Hydrostatics Menu.
The two new commands are stab_ok and kg_allow. The command stab_ok asks MOSES, "Is the
stability OK?" The command kg_allow asks MOSES, "What is the allowable KG?"
The stab_ok macro is used twice. The first time is for intact stability and the second time is for
damage stability. Note that in the second time, we are damaging compartment 5p (see the option
-damage 5p). In both cases, we are checking that the intact area ratio be larger than 1.4 and that
GM is positive.
Now we will be reviewing the log and the output file.
The log file has the familiar buoyancy and weight report. The height of the non-weathertight
downflooding points is 13 ft. This stands to reason since they were defined at 20 ft above the
keel and the current draft was 7 ft.
Notice that for the stability results of the intact case two criteria are reported, and for the damage
case only one criterion is reported. This is because for the intact case two criteria were defined,
and for the damage only one was defined. Keep in mind when using this macro that MOSES
will only check what it is asked. MOSES does not have an automatic list of criteria to check.
That concludes the section of the file that uses the stab_ok commands. The rest of the file uses
the command kg_allow.
The documentation of the kg_allow command is at the same location as stab_ok. The kg_allow
command finds the allowable KG. That is to say it finds the maximum value of KG, the
distance from the keel to the center of gravity, that will satisfy the criteria specified. We have to
be careful about what center is being referred to. If you review the log file, you will see that
MOSES iterated many times and reports the allowable KG to be 20.93. If you review the out
file, you see that the subtitle reads VCG = 20.93 ft and the table header reads KG = 15.61. There
seems to be some confusion here. What is being referenced with VCG, and what is being
referenced with KG? Add the following before and after the kg_allow command:

&status categ -both

Now when you re-run that analysis, there will be two more Category Summary for Selected
Parts reports in the output, as shown below:

Figure 20 - Results before the kg_allow command

Figure 21 - Resuls after the kg_allow command

The report before kg_allow shows the weight &DEFWT with a ZCG of 5.00 ft, the report after
the kg_allow shows the weight &DEFWT with a ZCG of 17.12 ft, and the VCG of the barge
system at 15.95 ft. This answers the question from above. The lightship weight is not being
moved. All other weights (cargo, ballast, stores, equipment) are being moved by kg_allow. If
we want to know the allowable KG for the system, we have to somehow turn off the L_SHIP
As you can see it is important to put in the extra category reports to fully understand what results
are being presented.

Exercise A
Use the same wcomp files as in the Basic Stability exercise. Leave them as the ended after
Exercise B.
The following are excerpts from the CFR. Each unit must be designed:
1 to have at least 1 inches of positive metacentric height.
2 Area (a) > = K * (Area (B))
K = 1.4
Area (A) is under the righting moment curve between 0 and the second intercept angle
Area (B) is the area under the wind heeling moment curve to the second intercept
3 Area under the righting arm curve up to the angle
of maximum righting arm equal to or greater than 15 foot-degrees
Table 2 - Stability criteria as it appears in the CFR

The following is how they map to the options presented in the stab_ok:

1 The GM must be greater then IGM (or DGM) IGM > = 0.083
The area under the righting moment curve will attain a
ratio with the area under the wind heeling moment
2 curve of at least IRATIO (or DRATIO), with both IRATIO > = 1.4
measured at the lesser of the downflooding angle or
second intercept.
The area under the righting moment curve up to the
angle where the righting arm is maximum is at least
3 IARE@MARM > = 15
IARE@MARM (or DARE@MARM) ft-degree or m-
Table 3 - Stability criteria and option variable

Use a draft of 7 ft. Check the three criteria above for both the intact and damage stability.
1. Check intact stability for 100 knot wind. pass/fail ?
2. Check damage stability for 50 knot wind, damage compartment 5P. pass/fail ?

Exercise B
Find the allowable KG of the system. You are looking for an allowable KG for a 6 ft draft.
Check both intact and damage (comp. 5P) and for 0 and 45 degree yaw. Check for intact GM >
0, intact area ratio > 1.4, and damage GM > 0.
You will need the following command to turn off the category l_ship:

&apply -percent -cat l_ship @ 0

5. Part Move and Weight definitions

In MOSES there is a hierarchy of entities that make up a body. A body can be composed of
parts, compartment, pieces, and structural elements. It is important to understand how all these
items can fit together. This exercise shows how to define a part and how the loads from the part
are transferred to the body. This exercise also shows how the loading is distributed with the
&weight –compute command that has been used in previous exercises.

This is the first set of files that are from the tests directory. With the exception of the b_run files,
all the rest have been from the sample directory. In general the files in the samples directory are
better commented and they present a suggestion of command sequence for a given engineering
problem. In general the files in the tests directory are meant to only test one command. In the
tests directory the files are short with very little comments.

Files for this exercise:

Both of these files are rather short. Most of the discussion will focus on options for the
command we are already familiar with. We will start by discussing the DAT file. The first new
option we see is the -location and the -section being used with the command &describe body.
The reader can find the manual page that presents this command at:
http://bentley.ultramarine.com/hdesk/ref_man/bod_par.htm#&DESCRIBE BODY
We could have used the line continuation and placed both options after one &describe body
statement. Both methods are acceptable.
Let's discuss the -section option, even though it appears second in the file. The -section option
simply tabulates the section properties of the vessel. The first number is IE. The units would be
the large force - length squared (kips−ft2, mtons−m2, or KN−m2). Remember, I is in length4 and
E is in force per length squared. The second set of entries is the longitudinal location and the
section modulus at that location. Section modulus is in ft3 or meters3.
This establishes the properties of the barge. The -location option used prior to this simply tells
MOSES the longitudinal locations we want the results of the strength calculation reported.
The next new option is the -desc on the pgen command.
pgen -desc 'Exterior of Barge' -cs_curr 1 1 1 -cs_wind 1 1 1
Here, we are simply giving a bit of description to the part that is being generated. Remember,
PGEN stands for “piece generator”.
The last section may be new, but for those adventurous types that looked through the
transportation macros in more depth, this may be familiar. In the last section, we describe a part
that we name "cargo." As the name implies, it is just cargo, not very descriptive. The cargo is
simply a distributed weight. When we look at pictures, all we will see is the node. The weight is
at x = 0, y = 0, and z=0, and the weight is distributed from -0.5 ft to +0.5 ft. The distribution was
done with the -ldist option.
The other thing worth noting is that the part cargo is being defined within the body barge
coordinate system.
It is a good idea to run the analysis at this point. After running you will also have an answers
(p_m.ans) directory. In the answers directory you will have the pictures, the log, and the output
Now, we are ready to discuss the CIF file. The first new command is &describe part cargo -
move 200. We are moving the cargo from the location x = 0 to the location x = 200. Please note
that we did not move it transversely nor vertically. When we view pictures, we are going to have
to look at the keel to find the node belonging to cargo. In the log file you will notice that there is
a message, "INFORMATION: Part Connectors May Be Incorrect". This message appears any
time a part is moved via the command file. Moving parts that are connected to other items can
cause problems within the command file. Our analysis does not include connectors between the
parts. We are going to ignore the message.
We have seen the &weight -compute command. We are familiar with using the hstatic command
to enter the Hydrostatics Menu. This is the first time we see the moment command. The moment
command will calculate the shear and bending moments for the beam described for the barge.
The beam used for the barge were describe with the EI and S definitions above in the &describe
body -section command.

Exercise A
Here we have a similar structure, as with the RARM command we saw in Basic Stability
Exercise. The moment command does have options, but we are just using the defaults. Please
consult the manual to find out more about the options. It is assumed that the user can find this
manual page on the moment without there being a link provided here.
Let's review the new part of the output, specifically the Longitudinal Strength Results. Is the
shape of the curve what we expect? Let's also examine two simple force distributions to see
what is being presented.
First, let's evenly distribute the weight of the barge and the cargo weight along the entire length
of the barge. Since our barge is a long rectangular shape, the buoyancy force is evenly distributed
along the length of the barge.

1. Review the output of p_m. Make sure you have the shear and bending moments reported.
You might even want to have a plot of this.
2. Copy p_m.cif to testa.cif.
3. Add at the top of the file &device -auxin p_m.dat.
4. Add &status b_w after the equi_h command, to get bouyancy and weights acting on the
5. Run the file and review the log file.

You should see that the &weight command added 20589 kips at x= 200 ft, y = 0 ft, and z = 30 ft.

Exercise B
Copy testa.cif to testb.cif. Substitute the following for the &weight command.
&describe body barge
&describe part barge
∗bcg 200 0 30
#weight ∗bcg 20589 32 129 129

1. Comment out the &weight command in the CIF file.

2. Run this analysis.

Compare the results in the log file. Note the results with have a larger values. The plots do at
first glance appear to be the same, but when you focus on the values you see that the loading
conditions have to be different.
We are going to try several variations of the #weight command to see if we can figure out what
the &weight command is doing.

Exercise C

1. Copy the p_m.dat file to testc.dat.

2. Copy the p_m.cif file to testc.cif.
3. In p_m.dat, before the &describe part command, add the weight commands to read as
follows in the dat file:

*bcg 200 0 30
#weight *bcg 20589 32 129 129 -ldist 0 400
This again changed the shear and bending moments. Here we know that the 20589 weight is
being modeled as evenly distributed from bow to stern.
Do the shear and bending moment curves also show this?
What about the weight of the cargo?

Exercise D

1. Copy the testc.dat file to testd.dat.

2. Copy the testc.cif file to testd.cif.
3. Change the distribution of the cargo weight. See changes below:

*cen 0 0 0 #weight *cen 5000 -ldist -200 200

What this does is distribute the weight of the barge and the cargo evenly between x location -200
and +200.

Compare these results to the original results from p_m.cif. What is the distribution from the
&weight command?
The other point of the exercise is that the -ldist option follows the part system. This is also
presented in the FAQ at the following link.

6. Flexible barge modeling
This set of files serve as the introduction to structural analysis. We will be comparing the results
of the bending moment and shear calculations from traditional naval architecture to the results
from the structural analysis method. In the structural analysis method the barge is modeled as
one long beam.

Files for this exercise:

ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/how_to/long_str.cif

The top part of the dat file should be familiar. This is the section that stores the incoming units
and defines the outer shell of the barge. It begins with &describe body barge and ends with end
pgen. For this barge the bending moment and shear will be calculated at each station listed after
plane. This is because the -location was not used. The -section option is needed so that the
section modulous and IE can be used in calculations. For a review of the options used for a
classical naval architecture bending moment and shear calculations, please see the following
http://bentley.ultramarine.com/hdesk/ref_man/bod_par.htm#&DESCRIBE BODY
Figure fignum, shows the panel model created at the conclusion of the pgen command.
The next section we will describe the structural portion of the model. This begins on line 36, also
with &describe body barge.

The command on line 37 reads &default -nuse @. The @ is the wild character in MOSES. This
is the first time we see this command. The option is -nuse and the other common one is -use.
These are used to turn on, -use, or "not use" turn off, -nuse, the attributes. The attributes are
weight #dead, wind #wind, added mass #amass, drag #drag, and buoyancy #buoy. Using the @
sign means we are turning them all off. The reference for the attributes is at the following link.
http://bentley.ultramarine.com/hdesk/ref_man/bod_par.htm#&DESCRIBE BODY

Figure 22 - Isometric view of the model

Here we will be defining a class with the “~” character. Similar to the @ character, described
earlier, the ~ is a special character in MOSES. The ~ denotes class names. When we define the
class we will also be defining its properties. We are interested in the command on line 48,
~bardum pri (21000*2) 15000 -section 4.398e8 5.65e16 7.854e16 9.6304e16
The command can be found at the following link.
In the page for class structures we can find the general dimension of a PRI class. The values we
have used here for the PRI are the gross dimensions of the barge. We need to make sure that the
same section properties are used for the classical naval architecture method and for the structural
analysis method. In the structural analysis method we are interested in the IY term because this
is used for loading along the barge centerline in the global z-direction.
If we review the documentation for the &describe body command we see that EI is in terms of
bforce-m2 units. Since we are in meters and kNts this would be kNts-m2. If we review the
element properties documentation we see that for a class definition -section A IY IZ J α_y α_z use
mm4 for IY and IZ. What we know is that
IE = 113 ∗1011 kNts−m2
E = 200 ∗106

113 ∗1011 kNts−m2 m2
I= = 56,500 m4
200 ∗106 kNts

Which then gives us I = 5.65 ∗1016 mm4 . This is the value used for IY in the -section option.
This completes the section properties definition.

The rest of the structural model is a beam along the centerline. Our intention is to compare the
results to the results we will calculate with the traditional naval architecture method. We
therefore need to make a structural model with at least the same number of elements as the
number of stations used in the plane command. The structural model is shown here as a loop.
The loop begins with the command &loop and ends with the command &endloop. Before the
loop we have to initialize the "list" variable. The two other variables "num_beams" and "dist"
need to multiply out to the length of the barge. If there are going to be 80 beams then we need to
make them 5 meters in length. Meaning we cannot change "num_beams" without changing
Now back to the loop. Basically the loop makes the nodes then places a beam element between
each set of two nodes. Towards the bottom of the loop there is a section where the weight per
foot (16070 [kNts/m]) of the element is defined. Let's examine each command.
The opening of the loop command reads
&loop lll 1 &number(real %(num_beams)+1) 1 .
The format of the command is


In this case the "lll" is the index, 1 is the beginning value, 81 is the ending value, and the
increment is 1. Notice that the math 80 + 1 is done as part of the reading. We need 81 elements
because there are 80 elements, that means that the last element connects node 80 to 81. The first
variable is "kkk" for the beam number. The beams are going to be labeled by number from 1 to
80. Notice that the first time through the loop kkk = 0. But a beam does not get created until lll
is greater than 1. This is done via an if statement &if %lll .gt. 1. &then. So the first time
through the loop the only thing that really gets done is
kkk = 0
xl = 0
name = n00
last = ∗n00
in short, a node ∗%(name), "∗n00", is created. The second time through the loop
kkk = 1
xl = 5
name = n01
beam n01 ~bardum ∗n00 ∗n01
last = ∗n01
This similar pattern is repeated 10 more times until lll is greater than 11. When lll = 12
kkk = 11
xl = 55
name = n11
beam n11 ~bardum ∗n10 ∗n11
#elat n11 16070 0 0 0 0 -cat elat
last = ∗n11
This similar pattern is repeated while lll is less than 72. Once lll = 72 then the #elat definition is
taken out.
Once lll reaches 80 the loop finishes. The last command remembers the units that were in place
at the start of the file. Figure fignum shows the structural model of the barge.
In the structural model each element was defined with an element attribute command #elat. What
we are defining here is the weight per foot of each element. This complements the &default -
nuse @ command we mentioned earlier. Because the barge will get the buoyancy force from the
panel model generated with the definition using pgen, we do not want the structural elements to
also contribute to buoyancy. The manual page for the command #elat can be found at the
following link.

Figure 23 - Structural model

This concludes the model for this exercise. We have defined a model to be used with the
traditional naval architecture approach and the structural analysis approach.
Command File Discussion
The top section we have seen frequently. The first new section begins with medit. The
command medit enters into the model editor menu. The menu is exited with end. We are going
to add restraints for the structural analysis. In the data file we have added the weight. The weight
is a force in the negative z direction. When the vessel is placed in the water there will be
buoyancy forces in the positive z direction. For the structural solution to solve, we need to
restrain the ends.
Just like in the data file we first define the class. Here we are defining a linear spring with ~spr1
and ~spr2. We are defining the stiffness in the x, y and z directions for ~spr1. We are defining
the stiffness in x, y, z and rx for ~spr2. For the structural solution just one restraint in roll is
needed for a solution to be found. The restraints are connected to the first node and the last
node. In both cases the nodes are connected to the barge structural model at one end and to
ground at the other end.
This is all the model editing we have to do. It is a good idea to wait and model the restraints in
the command file. This way the model can be placed at the desired orientation, in our case the
proper draft, roll and trim, before any connectors to ground are added.

A picture is generated with the &picture iso command. There really is no good or bad reason to
place this command here. It is always a good idea to provide a picture of your system. The
author of the command file simply chose this as the place.
In the next set of commands we review the status up to this point, then we alter the mass
properties such that the system will be at equilibrium for this condition. This is in the lines that
are set off with the comment "compute weight". In this section we are going to also be
discussing the values in the log file. It would be a good idea to run the analysis and have the log
and out file available in the answers (ans) directory.
The first command &status config reports the status of the configuration. It summarizes the
location and the net force. The results show that the barge is at 12 m draft. The forces are
reported in the local body system. For this barge the origin of the body system is at the
intersection of the bow, centerline, and keel. The forces show that there is a net positive force in
the z direction and a net negative moment about the y axis. This stands to reason. We have only
defined a weight for the structural beam model of the barge. The positive z direction force tells
us that the buoyancy force is larger than the weight force. The buoyancy force is probably
located near amidships. This would create a negative moment about the body y axis.
When we review the results of the command &status force our above reasoning is validated. We
see that the inertia force is -6763 mtons. This means that in order for the sum of the forces in the
z direction to equal zero, a force equal to -6763 mtons would need to be added, or a weight of
6763 mtons would need to be added. Please be careful in interpreting the values in the "Inertia"
row. These values represent the inertia needed to put the system in equilibrium. When the
system is very near equilibrium the values in the "Inertia" and "Total" rows will be small.
Up to this point we have established that we are not in equilibrium. The command &weight -
compute bname zcg kx ky kz will get us in equilibrium. A word of caution is warranted here.
MOSES will place a weight on the xy plane where z = zcg. This weight will make the ΣF = 0 for
all three degrees of freedom and ΣM = 0 for all three degrees of freedom. There is no checking
to make sure the location of the mass is within the defined barge body. This command was also
part of the p_m files discussed as the first part of this exercise.
Now we check that the system is indeed in equilibrium with the command &equi is used. The
results of &equi show that the net forces and moments are 0. This is also confirmed with the
results of the &status force command. Here the results show the inertia and the total rows
having values near zero.
The next set of commands are there to further satisfy our engineering need to show the details of
the analysis. Also, for many projects the input values are part of the report. Knowing how to get
MOSES to report the input values as part of the output will help in validating the results.
&status b_w reports the status of the buoyancy and weight of the body. &status cat is short for
&status category. Recall that in the dat file the weight distribution we assigned to each beam
structural element was labeled as "elat". When we look at the "Category Status For Part Barge"
report we see the structural beams weigh 4.821E6 mtons labeled as ELAT and the weight added
6762 mtons labeled as &DEFWT. When the &weight -compute command is used the default is
to label the category as &DEFWT.
In the next section we also report more details on the model via the summary menu. This menu is
entered with the command &summary and ends with the command end. This reporting goes to
the output file. The first set of reports deal with class properties. This creates the "Class
Dimensions Summary", "Material and Redesign Summary", and the "Class Section Summary".
These are pages 3 to 5 of the output. When you review them you will see the values we used in
the data file to define the structural model.
The second command in the summary menu is compart_sum long. This creates the Vessel
Section Properties for Barge report. When you review the report you will see values we used in
the &describe body barge -section command in the data file.
In the next section labeled Traditional Long. Str. the same approach as was presented in the p_m
files is taken. The Hydrostatics Menu is entered with the hstatic barge command, and is exited
with the end command. The bending moment and shear is computed with the moment command.
This puts us in the Disposition Menu. In the p_m files all we did was make the standard report
with the command report. Here we also generate, see Figure fignum with the command plot 1 2
-rax -t_sub "Traditional Results". In this set of files we are interested in making a comparison.
So we have to somehow store the values for later use. This is what is done in the lines beginning
with the command set. Here a variable is being defined but is not exactly like the command
&set. The command set is only valid in the disposition menu and serves to store data that is
currently available for reporting. The following is the link to the manual page on the set

Figure 24- Traditional shear and bending moment results

The comments in the file tell us what is being stored. In variable “shr" we are capturing location
and shear values. In variable "bmom" we are capturing location and moment values. In varible
"defl" we are capturing location and deflection values. In the last comment store the data from
columns 1(location), 2 (shear), 3 (bending moment), and 5 (deflections) will be saved in the
answers directory as a comma separated file (file ending in csv).
The first end takes us out of the disposition menu. The second end takes us out of the
hydrostatics menu. This concludes the traditional naval architecture part of the analysis.
The structural analysis begins with the comment line "structural analysis". The first command is
necessary, although not obvious. We have to declare a name for the current environment. This
is a still water analysis meaning there are no environmental forces. The command &env none
makes an environment labeled "none" with zero environmental forces. With an environment
declared we can now perform a structural analysis.
The structural analysis menu is entered with the command struct and is exited with the command
end. Inside the structural analysis menu we first create a load case based on the current status
condition with the environment associated with "none". This is done with the command lcase -
static none. The structural solution is solved for with the command ssolve. Inside the structural
analysis menu the solved solution is calculated. We have to go into the structural post-
processing menu to report the values or to further manipulate them.
As part of the structural post processing we will be making the comparison of the traditional
naval architecture method to the structural analysis method. Before we start structural post
processing we need to further process the data we collected earlier. First there is sign change to
be made. In traditional naval architecture bending moment is positive for a sag case. In
structural analysis the bending moment is negative for a sag case. The two sections with loops,
set off by the the comment "change sign of traditional results to match coordinate system of
structural analysis" is where the signs are changed.
Before the loops are started, an initialization of the variable "n_shr" is performed. &set n_shr
simply make the variable "n_shr" exist. This variable is used in the loops. When the loops are
first started n_shr is empty. If it does not exist before it is used, it will cause errors.
Remember for these variables we kept two columns. For the variable "shr" we kept the column
for location and the column for the shear value. If you review the output report titled
"Longitudinal Strength Results" we have:
shr = 0 29979 5 90241 10 150503 . . . 400 29981
The loop that is being used here looks at the values in multiples of 2. Let's look at this loop
similar to how we looked at the loop in the data file.
The first time through
ppp = 1
chg = 29979
chg = -29979
xval = 0
n_shr = 0 -29979

The second time through

ppp = 2
chg = 90241
chg = -90241
xval = 5
n_shr = 0 -29979 5 -90241

The final time through

ppp = 81
chg = 29981
chg = -29981
xval = 400
n_shr = 0 -29979 5 -90241 . . . 400 -29981
A similar pattern is followed for the variable bmom creating the variable n_bmom. At the
conclusion we have changed the sign for shear and bending moment results from the traditional
naval architecture approach. Now we need to report the values from the structural analysis
method and compare them to the traditional naval architecture method.
To enter the structural post processing menu the command strpost is used. To exit the structural
post processing menu the command end is used. The first report generated is the deflections.
The command joint disp -local yes -file yes generates the "Joint Displacement" report in the
output file, and the top portion of the ppo00001.txt file in the answers directory. The command
rest -detail generates the "Restraint Load Detail", and the "Restraint Envelope Standard" reports
in the output file. The command beam load -file yes generates the "Beam Load Standard" report
in the output file and the bottom portion of the ppo00001.txt file in the answers directory. The
shear and bending moment values in this report are the ones we want to compare to, however,
they are not available in pre-formated tabular form. We need to issue the bmom_shr command
to have them available in the disposition menu so that we can save the values for later
After the bmom_shr command we are in the disposition menu. Earlier when we were in the
disposition menu we saved the value of interest into variables. Now we are going to add these
values to the ones already there. We add these with the command add_column -input CS X(1)
Y(1), X(2) Y(2) . . . . When we add our two columns we will input 1 for CS because the first
column in this table is distance. Which is the same concept as location that we saved earlier
when we were in the hydrostatics menu. I know the first column is distance because of the
results of the command vlist a few lines down, in the command file. In the log file, you can view
the column labels at the end of the column addition, more than a few lines down.
From the results of vlist we see we want to compare column 4 to column 8 and column 6 to
colum 9. The comparison plot for shear is shown in Figure fignum, and the comparison plot for
bending moment is shown in Figure fignum. The plots are also in the answers directory. You
will notice that for the shear comparison the structural analysis line is jagged. This was

expected. In the command file there is a message: "REMEMBER: the load is distributed but the
buoyancy is lumped at the nodes". The moment comparison is smoother but still off by the fact
the buoyancy is at the nodes.

Figure 25 - Comparison shear

Figure 26 - Comparison bending moment

Exercise A
Earlier we said that it is important that the panel model be the same length as the structural
model. It would be nice for MOSES to report check this and report it as an error if it did not
Add some checks so that when the length of the structural model does not equal the panel model
an ERROR is reported.

In the data file add after the panel model:

&set vlength = 400
In the data file add after the structural model:
&set str_len = &number(real %num_beams∗%dist)
&if .not. %str_len .eq. %vlength &then
&error ERROR Structural model length different from panel model

Exercise B
This exercise shows how to use some of the graphics options.

1. Restart the analysis.

2. From the main menu click on "Graphics".
3. From the sub menu click on "Picture Options".
4. This will bring up the Picture Options pop-up window.
5. On the "View" tab under Picture type select "Structural" and under Render Type select
6. On the "Misc" tab make sure the box next to "Show Water and World" is blank.
7. Then, first bring down the menu with "Show Deflected Shape:" and select "yes".
8. This will add a cell for "Deflection Multiplies". Input 100.

This brings up a structural picture of the barge with the deflection magnified 100 times.

7. Converstion from SACS
Here, we present the procedure to convert a SACS model to MOSES format and a suggested
method of checking that the conversion was done correctly. Two conversions are presented.
The first conversion is considered to be more rigorous and as a result is considered the long
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ tests/convert/sac_tpg.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ tests/convert/ck_sac.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ tests/convert/ck_sac.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ tests/convert/cnv_ck.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ tests/convert/jacket.sac

Discussion - the long way

Converting a model is a simple exercise. It is the checking that needs to be done carefully. If
you look at the sac_tpg.dat file, you will notice that the first line is a MOSES command and until
near the end, all of the commands are SACS commands. The MOSES command at the top
&convert sacs -jright 000 -cright 000
Please see the manual page on &convert for a more detailed explanation of the command and the
options. The last two lines of the file are END and &finish. The END command is the last
SACS command and the &finish command is the MOSES command. These two lines are all you
need in the data file to convert.
Now, let's look at the CIF file.
The CIF file has three lines. The first line is really not needed for the conversion to work, it is
put there to make the output easier to read. The command &device -oecho no tells MOSES not
to echo the data file to the output file. Please recall that in most of the previous exercises, the
output contained an echo of all that was read in with inmodel. This top section in the output can
get rather large. In general, -oecho should be set to no. The only time I set it to yes is if I am
You should be familiar with the last two lines.
These three lines are all that is needed to convert the SACS model to MOSES format. When you
run MOSES, the new MOSES model will be in sac_tpg.ans/mod00001.txt. This completes the
converting part of the process.
In order to check that the conversion was done properly, we need to look at the ck_sac.cif and
ck_sac.dat file. The check files are the minimal checks. Depending on the complexity of the
model or what its intended use is, other checks may be necessary. This exercise presents the
minimal checks.

DAT file, you will see that the first line is needed so that MOSES knows it is a body. These
checks are done with the intent of using the models in the installation macros. Since the
installation macros add the &describe xxx line to the model, I do not take the time here to add
this line to the mod00001.txt file. In general, I do not change the mod00001.txt file.
If you need to convert a file, it would be a good idea to copy these four files to your working
directory and then just change the SACS part.

Discussion - the short way

Now, take a look at cnv_ck.cif. This file is used to convert the SACS model found in jacket.sac.
This uses one of our macros and it makes all of the changes and creates the check files for you.
Run this CIF file and answer the following questions:

Exercise A

1. How much does LOADLC3 weigh?

2. Where is the center of gravity of the elements steel weight?
3. What is the total buoyancy?

Exercise B
Start with the sss.inp file in the samples/data directory. Convert the model and call it l_jack.dat.
You will need to add the command categ -brief to the section within the &summary.

1. Where is the center of gravity of the elements steel weight?

2. What is the total buoyancy?

8. Dynamic Flooding

The two sets of files are intended to complement one another. In the sink analysis, a barge
compartment is dynamically flooded. In the up_damage analysis, a tubular jacket leg
compartment is dynamically flooded. In both cases, the intent is to show how to model water
entering a compartment in the time domain. The potential uses for this set of commands are the
dynamic flooding during an upend and the accidental damage to a compartment.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/runs/ tests/compart/sink.dat
ultra/runs/ samples/how_to/up_damage.cif
ultra/runs/ samples/how_to/up_damage.dat

Sinking a barge
Let us begin with discussing the DAT file. We have two new parts of the barge defined here: the
draft marks and the valves.
The draft mark definition starts with the comment "*** draft marks." In real life, vessels have
vertical lines painted with numbers so that the draft can be easily read. We are going to make
several lines perpendicular to the xy plane. MOSES will use these lines to report the draft at that
location of the vessel.
In the file, we have put a total of four draft marks. Two draft marks at the bow and two at the
stern, two on the port side and two on the starboard side. The first step is to make the nodes. We
have employed a naming convention; the first character is "b" for bow, "s" for stern, the second
character is "s" for starboard, "p" for port, and the third character "b" for bottom and "t" for top.
Making a total of eight points for four lines. Following this convention, the point *bsb is a point
located on the bow starboard bottom.
To actually define the draft mark lines, we use the &describe body command again. This is a
three step process. You need to first define the body, then define the nodes to use for the draft
marks, then use the &describe body again to further add to the body description. Here we use
the -dmark option. Please notice that each draft mark requires its own -dmark.
For the dmark option, we need to name a bottom node and a top node. Again, we have employed
a simple naming convention: the first character is "b" for bow or "s" for stern, the second
character is "s" for starboard and "p" for port, and the third indicates if it is top or bottom. The
draft mark line must be defined from bottom to top. MOSES will measure from the first node
toward the second node. If you reverse the order, then you will be getting free board, not
The second new item we have added to the vessel description is the flood and vent valves. Flood
and vent valves are holes on the outer shell that allow water to enter or exit an assigned
compartment. This section starts with the comment “*** compartment.”

Here we define a node for the vent valve and label it *vent, and we define a node for the flood
valve and label it *flood. The defining of the nodes is, as done in earlier exercises, with the *
symbol. By using the command &describe hole, we are telling MOSES that these are holes on
the outer shell. For describing a hole, we tell MOSES its type, size, location, and a friction
factor. If we were simply doing a static analysis, we do not need to tell MOSES the diameter nor
the friction factor (this point was discussed in the Static Open Valve exercise). In this exercise
we will be doing a dynamic flood; we want the flow rate to be correct. So, we do need to make
sure the areas and the friction factors are correct.
Finally, the last step in defining the valves is to tell MOSES which compartment is assigned to
these holes. This is done with the -holes option on the &describe compartment command. This
finishes the data file. Now, on to the command file.
For the exercises up to this point, we have been discussing the command file before reviewing
the log and output files. For this exercise, it will be much easier if we discuss the log file and its
contents as we are discussing the commands as they occur in the command file. Please run the
analysis and create the log file so that the rest of this discussion can make sense.
We are familiar with the commands at the top of the CIF file from previous exercises. The first
new command we encounter is &parameter. The command &parameter sets many of the basic
parameters in MOSES. Please see the manual page for all of the available options.
This is the first time we are going to work explicitly with a process. In MOSES, a process has
events. We will be doing a time domain process. We need to tell MOSES how long to make the
process and how many events, or how big the steps are going to be. This is what is done with the
new &env command.
We need to define an environment because the flooding will be a time domain process. Usually
when you define an environment, the description will include wind, waves, and current. We are
only describing the total time and the time step, and we are naming the environment "null."
Please see the manual for all of the possible options.
The next command, &compartment we have seen before when we statically put water in
compartments. We are telling MOSES three things:
Option Description
-correct to calculate the CGs and the derivatives at each event in the simulation
-percent to empty the compartment to 0 percent
-dynam the compartment will be filled dynamically

The option –correct we have seen in the free surface exercise. This is the default for MOSES.
The other methods of modeling the ballast water are so rarely used that they will not be
discussed here. We have seen the option –percent option in various other exercises. The option
–dynam we have not seen. The option –dynam tells MOSES that when the time domain analysis
begins the compartment will be filled dynamically through the valves defined.

The placement of the commands &compartment with the -percent and with the -dynam options
should be placed immediately before the tdom command. If there are commands between the
&compart and tdom, you run the risk of water being added to the compartments unintentionally.
The tdom command is the time domain calculations. For dynamic ballasting, the starting
ballast and the flag to set the compartment to dynamic flooding have to be placed right
before the tdom command.
The actual time domain calculations are performed with the tdom command. Please note that the
tdom command is a Main Menu command and at the conclusion of the time domain, you are still
in the Main Menu. This is different from the frequency domain calculations where it is all
performed within the Frequency Domain Menu.
As mentioned earlier, a time domain analysis is a process. In order to view the results, we need
to be in the Process Post Process Menu, prcpost. For any analysis in which there is a process
and/or events, you will be able to use this menu. Since this is our first venture into this menu I
will use specific examples, but in general a process can have many different configurations. The
specifics that work in this example will probably have to be changed if you look at a different
In general, the sub-menu trajectory should be available for all of the analyses in which there is a
process. The other menus we will use here are generally only available for similar analyses.
The sub-menu draft works with the draft marks we described in the DAT file. For future analysis
in which you are interested in how the draft changes with events, you will need to describe the
draft marks similar to how we did here.
The sub-menu categories are tank_bal, hole_flood, tank_fld and are generally available when you
change the ballast arrangement during a process.
All of these commands get us to the disposition menu. There are standard reports for all of the
sub-menu categories. Here we ask for the standard report of all of them with the command
report. We ask for plots of the trajectories and the tank ballasting with the command plot.
Remember we can use the vlist command to determine what numbers to use with the plot
command. These two plots along with some bow views of the events follows.

Figure 27 - Z and RY motion of the Body Origin

Figure 28 - Compartment flooding in percentage

Figure 29 - Events during flooding

Jacket flotation
Again we are going to start with a discussion of the data file, up_damage.dat. The file can be
divided into the four sections:

 definition of the classes, all begin with the ∼ character

 definition of the beams, all begin with the word BEAM
 definition of the joints, all begin with the ∗ character
 definition of the compartment, section at the bottom with many occurrences of the
&describe command.

The first three sections are needed to describe a jacket. The format is similar to that which one
would get after translating a model from SACS format. In general, a jacket model is used when
structural detail is needed. Structural detail is a very broad term and can include anything from
weight distribution to joint can definition. For our analysis, it is sufficient that the jacket model
has structural members that have weight and buoyancy attributes.
When MOSES reads a data file with the command inmodel, it takes it awhile to process all of the
information. Notice that the BEAM definition which uses the joint definition is before the joint ∗
commands. It is acceptable for the definitions to be out of order in the data file. MOSES takes
the information, sorts it, then puts it together.

The compartment definitions are found towards the bottom of the file. The format is very similar
to what we found in sink.dat. This is the first time we are going to use the tubtank command to
describe a compartment. We are using the command tubtank to model the compartment defined
by the interior of the jacket legs. The jacket legs can be described as long cylinders. The
command tubtank is an easy and computationally efficient way to describe compartments that
are cylindrically shaped.
Notice that the compartments are described in SI units whereas the rest of the jacket is described
in feet and kips. The use of the &dimen command with the options -save and -remember make
the use of mixed units easy to handle.
Reading the model with the inmodel command gets us to the model edition section, medit. In this
section, we are redefining the part coordinate system. When we review the results, it would
make our life easier if roll was reported along the long axis of the jacket, and pitch was reported
along the axis at the base of the jacket and perpendicular to the long axis of the jacket. Up to this
point, we have not taken any effort to determine the location of the jacket coordinate system.
Instead, we are going to use the &describe part command to define the part system to fit our
The way we are going to use the &describe part command needs a bit of discussion. The
command implies that you are changing the part coordinate system. We need to be clear about
what the rules are with the naming convention. With a part system whose name is different from
the body, then only the part system is redefined. With a part system whose name is the same as
the body, then the body and the part system are being redefined.
When you read the manual page on the &describe part command, you will see that the order of
the nodes is important. We want the x-axis to be from the bottom of the jacket towards the top
so that roll is measured along the long axis. This means points 4 and 2 have to be at the base of
the jacket and points 1 and 3 at the top of the jacket. We next want y to be transverse on the base
of the jacket, preferably on the face floating at the water surface in the beginning event. If you
look at the following picture, you see the point selection *J4003 *J4001 *J8003 *J8001 will
result in the desired coordinate system. Figure 3 shows the locations of the points.

Figure 30 - Points used to redefine the part coordinate system

The commands used to create the picture are:

&select :ppp -select *j4003 *j4001 *j8001 *j8003
&picture top -render gl -water no -points :ppp -anotate points
The only thing you will need to do with the mouse is set the event to 1 with the slider bar and use
the up and down arrow keys to zoom in or out as desired.
This is all we need to do as far as editing the model. In the next set of commands, we get a
summary report of the compartments defined in the data file. We have seen the &summary
menu earlier when we discussed the allowable KG macros. Here we are asking for a
compartment report instead of a category report. As you can see, the &summary menu is a
prepared way of presenting summaries of the database. Following that, we use the &status
command to get the status of the compartments. We have seen the &status many times in the
other exercises.
In the next set of commands we find the initial floating position. This is the first time we see the
-guess option used on the &instate command. The pair of commands, &instate and &equi are
needed to find the equilibrium quickly. This is similar to the previous exercises where we first
set the body at a condition (draft, roll, trim), then found equilibrium. The &instate command
orients the body and the &equi finds the position where the sum of the forces and the moments
are very near zero. Please keep in mind that for all analyses, the program will find equilibrium in
a small number of iterations the closer it is to its equilibrium position. That is to say, we could
have also issued multiple &equi commands until the program found an equilibrium position.
This plan of action would eventually get us to the same position, however we would probably be
frustrated by then.

The results of the &equi command show that the jacket is in equilibrium with a slight roll and
slight trim. That is to say the body coordinate system is oriented at a 0.03 degree roll and a -0.89
degree pitch with respect to the global coordinate system.
In the next section, we report the position of the four points we used to define the coordinate
system. We are using the string function &points. String functions were introduced in the
Working with Compartments exercise and will not be further discussed here.
The only point in reporting the positions of the points is to assure ourselves that an equilibrium
position close to the one that we anticipated was found. In this section, we are reporting the
position in the body followed by the position in the global. The reported positions show that
there is a slight difference between the body coordinate system and the global coordinate system.
This is showing the difference resulting from the equilibrium roll and pitch.
The next command needs to be looked at a bit closely. Here we are asking for a report of the
status of the pressure on the defined holes, &status p_hole. Please note that this is the static
situation at the current event. All of the holes are going to show that their current state is open.
Their current state is in a static scenario. We have not told MOSES that we will be flooding
dynamically, nor that this is to be associated with an event.
The command &status v_hole produces a status of the valve data. The valve data reported is the
hole type, the location, the normal, the friction factor, and the area. Please notice that the
coordinate system being used here is our "new" coordinate system that was defined with the
&describe part command.
From this point forward, it should be similar to that which we discussed on sink.cif. In the next
command, we perturb the system a slight bit and report the position of the bottom of two of the
legs. We define an environment so that we can have a time to work with. Then, we open the
valve and see what happens. Even in the output we report many of the same quantities.
After you run it you will see in the log file that the simulation ended due to capsizing. If you
look at the movie, you will see that the jacket stays with a face near the waterline until near 65
seconds. Then, the jacket begins to roll until it rolls past 90 degrees and the program shuts it

Exercise A
Restart sink analysis and at the bottom window type the commands:
Hit "ENTER" at the end of each command. Note the title bar changes to show what menu you
are in. After entering the command vlist, we get a list with 24 entries. From the resulting list, we
know 1 corresponds to time and 7 corresponds to Z:TBRG. Z:TBRG is understood to be the Z
location of the barge coordinate system origin measured in the global coordinate system. This
helps you understand the numbers after the plot command. In the CIF file, the "-no" option is
used with the plot command. The "-no" option tells MOSES that there are no editing changes to
the plot that is to be produced.

1. What is associated with 9?

2. When you look at the plot in the sink.ans directory (gra00001.png).
o What is the legend on the x-axis?
o What is the legend on the left hand y-axis?
o What is the legend on the right hand y-axis (RAX)?
3. When you review the plot command in the manual, what command do you need to make
a plot with the independent variable to be labeled with "EVENT," the left hand axis
"Displ:TBRG" and the right hand y-axis to be labeled with "Bot. Clear:TBRG?"

Exercise B
The sink command file contains a section for reporting the tank flooding.
Add this section to the up_damage command file. When you review the output file for both sink
and up_damage you will notice that the columns for Extrnal Fl. Head, Internal. Fl. Head, and
Vlv Diff Head are blank for the active compartment. This is caused by the time domain ending
abruptly. When the time domain ends due to capsizing, MOSES interprets this as a failed
analysis and tries to bring attention to it. There is a message in the log file and this blank in the
report that specifically show what is happening with the dynamically flooded compartments.
In order to avoid this, the time allowed needs to change to something smaller than when it
capsizes. In the sink command file, change the environment command so that the time
simulation ends at 200 seconds. In the up_damage command file, change the environment
command so that the time simulation ends at 80 seconds.
&env null -time 200 1

1. Is there a change in the log file?

2. Is there a change in the Compartment Flooding Report?

Moral is, “when things look funny you need to investigate.”

Exercise C
In the up_damage command file, change the flooded leg to be leg 2, the one associated with
compartment "two." From the locations of the valves you should be able to determine that leg 2
is the leg not at the water surface. When this leg floods, the trajectory looks more acceptable to a
controlled upend procedure.

9. Frequency domain motions
In this set of files we introduce how to perform a frequency domain analysis that includes a sea
spectrum. This is also the first time we have a part with a different name from the body. There
are two sets of files that are reviewed here. The steps are essentially the same. In the second file
we show how to report the statistics.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/sea_keep/rao.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/sea_keep/rao.dat
The files rao.cif and rao.dat are discussed on the web page:
It is a good idea to read the entire section on sea keeping that is available on the web:
For this first exercise, we use the part as a cargo. In the next exercise, the parts will be held
together with connectors. Let's start by looking at the pcomp.dat file. In the Basic Stability
exercise, we used a part but it was input as a load group. In this file, we are again using the
cargo barge cbrg180 from the library. The new part is under the section labeled "add cargo."
This section begins with the command &describe part cargo. In MOSES, a part is defined within
the body coordinate system. Here the coordinate system references the barge origin. Please
recall that for the vessels in the vessel library, the origin of the coordinate system is the
intersection of the bow, the centerline, and keel. The command &describe part cargo simply
tells MOSES that we are going to describe a part and that MOSES should classify it
appropriately. A body can have many parts and each part can have its own name. Parts with the
same name as the body are referred to as "body parts." It is the intent to show through example
how to use body parts and how to use "regular parts", that is, parts with a different name than the
The part that we are going to describe will have a weight and a piece associated with it. The
weight is used to define the mass matrix and the piece is used to define the wind and current
areas to attract wind and current loads, respectively. It is not necessary to define the wind and
current areas in this manner.
Let's discuss the commands *, #weight, pgen, plane and end_pgen. The first item is defining the
point *car_cg. We need to somehow describe the geometry of our items (cargo) to MOSES. We
describe the geometry by a set of points. Then, we tell MOSES what we want at the points or if
we want to join the points to make a surface. Here we are describing the point where the center
of gravity of the cargo will be.
We define the weight of the cargo with the command #weight. To define the cargo, we need the
mass properties and the geometry description. The geometry description is essentially the piece

description. In this case, the piece is generated with pgen, piece generator. The commands
pgen, plane and end_pgen describe the geometry. Here we do not define points. We are
describing the geometry surface, much like a ship plan and let MOSES generate the needed
points. The numbers 65 to 115 tell MOSES the station locations. Remember, these stations or
PLANE are measured from the x = 0 location. In the models that came with the program this is
normally the bow of the vessel. The first plane will be at an X location of 65 feet from the bow.
The option -rect describes the station properties. There is only one station property so that all of
the stations will be the same. All of the stations will have a rectangular shape with the bottom of
the rectangle at Z = 15 ft, the top of the rectangle at Z = 30 ft, and the total beam 66 ft. If you
look up the format for the option -rect, you will see it asks for a ZTOP, ZBOT, and a BEAM. In
conclusion, we have a cargo shaped like a box with the mass properties of 1000 kips, radii of
gyration Kxx = 16 ft, Kyy = 16 ft, and Kzz = 20 ft.
Now, let's start talking about the CIF file. The first part of the CIF file is familiar to us. We know
how to put the barge at the desired draft and trim, we know how to put ballast in a compartment,
and we know how to review our setup with the &status command and options. We have
familiarized ourselves with the part designated as "stability trans" in the first three exercises.
We are going to discuss the general trend of the CIF file here in the workbook since the
commands in the CIF file can be explained by following the web page discussion on rao.cif.
Generating the hydrodynamic database is one part of the analysis that can take much computer
time. Strip theory in general is faster than 3D-Diffraction. The greater the number of panels
used to define a diffraction mesh, the greater the computer time needed to generate a
hydrodynamic database.
In the frequency response menu, most of the commands begin with the "fr" or "st" characters.
The commands that begin with "fr" compute frequency responses and the commands that begin
with "st" compute the statistics. What comes after the underscore tells MOSES what quantity we
are looking for. Here, we used "point" when we are interested in the frequency response at a
point. Please note that there is always an "fr" command (the responses have to be computed
first) before any statistics can be computed and reported.

Exercise A
Change the file cargo.dat so that line 11 reads:
pgen cargo $ -perm 0 -cs_cur 1 1 1 -cs_win 1 1 0
Compare the changes in righting arm results this change causes. If you look up the pgen
command in the manual, do the changes make sense?

Exercise B
The project has informed you that the transportation will now have two pieces of cargo. Leave
the current cargo where it is and add the second one with the following information:
1. The dimensions of the cargo: length 50 ft, width 66ft, depth 15 ft.
2. The CG is x = 142, y = 0, z = 20.
3. The cargo weight is 1000 kips
4. Empty compartments 4p and 4s

You are asked for an updated stability and RAOs.
This is the suggested addition to the DAT file. The answers in the answers section are based on
these changes:
&describe part cr_strn
*cr_strn 0 0 20
#WEIGHT *cr_strn 1000 16 16 20
pgen cr_strn -perm 0 -cs_curr 1 1 1 -cs_win 1 1 0
plane -25 -20 -15 -10 0 10 15 20 25 -rect 15 30 66
Changes to the command file.
&describe body cbrg180
&describe part cr_strn -move 142 0 0 0 0 0
&compartment -percent cbrg180 @0 \
3p 100 1.0255 3s 100 1.0255 \
1p 100 1.0255 1s 100 1.0255

Did the range change in the stability results? What is the range?

10. Connectors for lifts and lowering
The concept of a lift can encompass many different configurations. In this exercise we present a
few of those concepts. We vary the number of hooks and the number of bodies. The first set of
files shows one set of connectors between a hook (ground body) and a jacket body. The second
set of files show two sets of connectors between two separate hooks and one tripod jacket body.
The third set of files shows one set of connectors between a hook and a spreader bar, a second set
of connectors between the spreader bar and a deck, and then, separately, a third set of connectors
between a hook and the deck. This progression is also shown in the table below.
File Name Analysis No. Bodies No. Hooks
up_lower Lower 1 1
Upend 1 1
two_blk Lower 1 1
Upend 1 2
spread Lift 2 2
Table 4 - Progressive complexity of exercise

For both the up_lower and the two_blk analysis two processes are defined. In both cases a
process is generated for the lift and a second process is generated for the upending. These files
also show how to activate connectors when in use and deactivate connectors when not in use.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/samples/ install/two_blk.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/ install/up_lower.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/ install/up_lower.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/samples/ how_to/spread.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/samples/ how_to/spread.cif
In all three exercises a class definition is used to model the sling connectors. The line that begins
with a ∼ defines the class name. It is important that we understand the concept of class. This is
how MOSES associates elements with properties. Please review the entire section at:

Single Tip Hook Assembly

This set of files shows how to define a single tip hook assembly. The discussion for up_lowr.cif
is located at:
Below are some figures showing the process.
Figure 31- Isometric view of 4 pile jacket during lowering process

Figure 32 - Side view of 4 pile jacket during lowering process

Figure 33 -Upending with a single Tip Hook Assembly

Tip Hook Assembly Using Two Separate Hooks

This set of files shows how to use a sling assembly to lower a jacket into the water. Then a new
sling assembly is defined and used for upending.
This set of files shows how to define a single tip hook assembly. The discussion for two_blk.cif
is located at:
Here a single hook and assembly set is used to analyze the lowering of a tripod into the water.
The second processes uses two hooks to upend the tripod.

Figure 34 - Side view of tripod jacket during lowering process

Figure 35 - Isometric view of tripod jacket during lowering process

Figure 36 - Upending with a Two Hook Assemblies

Tip Hook Assembly Using Two Separate Hooks and a Spreader Bar
Finally the spread files show how to define a spreader bar for use in lifts .
The new part in this set of files is that the sl_elem class is used between the spreader bar and the
deck. In the two previous files the sling class was used. The sling class is for use in tip hook
assemblies, not for use between bodies.
When you review the log file you wll see, the list and trim is because center of gravity is not at
the geometric center. The results of the command &status b_w also show this. Two views of the
equilibrium position are shown in the following figures.

Figure 37 - Front view of deck lift

Figure 38 - Side view of deck lift

Exercise A - up_lowr files

Does the restraint report for event 1 of the lowering process agree with the connector force
magnitude report?

Exercise B - up_lowr files
The environment description includes the option "-mean yes". What changes in the Connector
Force Statistics report when this is changed to "-mean no".

11. Generalized springs used as fenders
These files show how to use generalized springs to model the connection between two bodies.
The two barges are positioned alongside each other (the centerline axes are parallel). Generalized
springs are used to define the fenders between the two vessels. A short command sequence to
test the fender definition is presented. The data file is two rectangular bodies. The user should be
familiar enough with the modeling language so as to not need this file explained.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/how_to/fender.cif
This is the first time we set the location of two bodies with one command. You can see that the
&instate command is used with two -locate options. The barge beams are 15.85 meters for body
barge and 27.3 meters for body tanker. The minimum distance between the two is 43.21
(15.85+27.3) meters. The instate command leaves the centerline of the body tanker at x = 0 and
y = 0 in the global coordinate system and leaves the centerline of the body barge at x = 180, y =
45.2 m in the global coordinate system. This definition leaves a 2 meter distance for the fenders.
This places the barge port side shell at y = 29.35.
For most commands, it is acceptable to have the list of multiple options. The same can be said
about the &weight command, which follows. These two commands have been discussed in
previous exercises. The only addition here is that we are using them to define properties of two
bodies instead of just one. This analysis progresses only through the static analysis, therefore it
is acceptable for the values for the radii of gyration to be left at 1.
The generalized springs (GSPR) are connectors which means we need to add to the model.
Therefore, we need to enter the model edit menu. We enter the model edit menu with the
command MEDIT.
As you may have guessed, some of the commands in the model edit menu that we have thus far
used in the data files will be used here to add to the model. The discussion here might seem a
repeat from earlier exercises. Because the generalized springs are an abstract concept I am
included some of the discussion again. The first command, which is familiar to us, is &describe
body. To define the points we use the ∗.
This file also comes with notes imbedded within the file itself. The first set of notes address
some assumptions about how the fenders are going to work. Here are the contents of the note:
$ Remember, when defining locations for fenders (compression only
$ gsprs), no force will be generated until the 2 nodes are touching
$ $ Fenders should be located at the waterline alongside the ship, so the
$ point defined should be outboard the vessel by the diameter of the
$ fender
$ Assume the fender is 2.05 meters in diameter, and B/2 is 27.3 so the
$ location of the fender point will be 27.3+2.05=29.35
$ For demonstration, I'm making a simple assumption that the tanker is
$ wall-sided. This may not be true.
We do need to address syntax here. In MOSES, the comment character is $. MOSES will
ignore all of the characters in the command after it reads the $ character. Please be aware that
some commands can be structured so that they occupy several lines of text, but when you view
them in terms of a command item, the lines are a continuation of the command. For example,
the &instate command we used earlier to define the location of both bodies occupies two lines.
A comment after the \ would tell MOSES to ignore the location option for the barge.
The note is telling us that the fender attachment point on the body tanker is located at y = 29.35,
or 29.35m on the starboard side. This also locates them at y = 29.35 in the global coordinate
system. These are all of the points that begin with the five characters ∗fent. In the next section,
we find the attachment points on the barge. These are all of the points that begin with the five
characters ∗fenb. The note is telling us that the fender attachment point on the body barge is
located at y = -15.85, or 15.85m on the port side. Because the body barge is not at the global
origin, this locates the barge attachment point at y = 29.35 in the global coordinate system. If
you take into account the x location of the body barge, you will see that the four attachment
points on the barge are defined at the same global location as the four attachment points on the
This leads us into the connector definition. Defining a connector consists of two steps: first, you
define the class, then you define the connector. For the fenders, we are going to be using
generalized springs which are listed under the Flexible Connector Classes. The manual page on
flexible connectors can be found at the following link:
The format and the use of the command that we are working with is:
∼ CLASS, GSPR, SENSE, DF(1), SPV(1), AF(1) . . . \
DF(n), SPV(n), AF(n),
∼ fend GSPR compression x 100 2000 y 1 2000 z 1 2000

The name of the class is ∼ fend. The ∼ is part of the name. We are defining a compression
element with a spring constant K = 100 mtons/m in the element x direction. The maximum
allowable force is 2000 mtons. In the element y and z, direction has a spring constant K = 1
mton/m and the maximum allowable force is 2000 mtons. Basically, the element has the x
direction as the strong axis, which means that we need to be clear about what the element x
direction is.
For the definition, we need to look a the CONNECTOR command.
By default, the element system is aligned with the body system of the body to which the first
node belongs. The use of the -EULER option changes the element system. For our setup, the first
nodes are the nodes associated with the body tanker. For the body tanker, the x is defined bow to

stern, the y is defined port to starboard, and the z is up from the keel. The origin is the
intersection of bow, centerline, and keel.
In the definition of our fender ∼ GSPR connectors, we are using the option -euler 0 0 90, which
means that the element x direction will be parallel and in the same direction as the body system y
direction. The notes within the command file also explain the system change.
This concludes the connector definition. Therefore, we exit out of the Model Edit menu with the
END_MEDIT command.
The remainder of the file tests our setup. The first report is a geometry report, &status
g_connector, to check the connection locations. This report tabulates the connection points for
each body in each body coordinate system. This report presents the location of the ∗fentX and
∗fenbX in the local body coordinate system.
In the rest of the commands, we move the barge along the global y axis and report the forces.
The force should increase when the distance between the barge and the tanker is less than 2.05m,
meaning that the connector is in compression. The force should remain at zero when the distance
between the barge and the tanker is larger than 2.05m, meaning that the connector is in tension.
Since we have defined our GSPR to be a compression element only, then it should be turned off
for any positive forces.
For all of these moves, we are going to be using the F = kx basic equation in the initial position
of x = 0. The force reported with the &status f_connect command shows that the force in each
fender is also zero. Every move is done in a set of four lines. The results of the four line
command are all placed in the log file. They are all similar to the first set. Therefore, only the
first set will be discussed in detail.
&type connector force - barge 1m towards tanker
&instate -move barge 0 -1 0
&status f_connector
The first &type writes a blank line. The second &type command leaves a short message in the
log file. The purpose of the message is to make the log file easier to read. If a group of tables are
presented one right after another and the only thing distinguishing them is the values, it helps to
leave a short message to keep track of why the values are different. The &instate command
moves the barge in the global y-axis. Some of the moves are in the negative direction; some of
the moves are in the positive direction. The last command &status f_connector reports the forces
in the connectors. For our case, it reports the forces in the fenders.
The first move decreases the distance between the two bodies. The barge is moved towards the
tanker by 1 meter. The forces on the connectors report show a force of 100 mtons. For the second
move, it again decreases the distance between the bodies. In the last three moves, it pulls the
barge away from the tanker. The last two positions report 0 mtons force in the connectors. The
second to last position is again for x = 0, the last position the connectors would be in tension.
The command file is exited with the &fini command.

Exercise A
Change the orientation of the barge such that the centerline of the barge is perpendicular to the
tanker centerline. Place the intersection of the barge centerline and bow at the tankers amidships,
keeping the 2.05m spacing for the fenders. Keep the draft for both vessels the same as in the
original files.
The four fender connectors are going to have to fit within the breadth of the barge at the bow.
Space the fenders with two on the port side, two on the starboard side. Place them 5 and 10
meters from the barge centerline.
You should be able to get the same compression forces as we had with the original files.
Remember that compression in the tanker coordinate system is going to be a positive x force, so
the use of -euler 0 0 90 stays.

12. Catenary mooring line system
This is a continuation of the connector exercises. In this exercise the b_cat connector is used to
model catenary mooring lines. The “b” in the name implies the catenary will connect to bottom.
In this analysis a spectral frequency domain analysis and a time domain analysis are done. This
combines the two motions analysis types that have been presented separately in previous
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/mooring/mp_moor.dat
For a general discussion of mooring analyses performed with MOSES please see:
This file shows many MOSES capabilities. This file is also discussed in detail on the website:
The workbook is a complement to the material presented on the website; it is not a substitute.
The material presented on the website covers the same file, but there are different aspects
presented here.
We will start by discussing the DAT file since it is rather short. The first new options we see are
the -cs_wind and the -cs_curr being used with the command pgen. The reader should be familiar
enough with the manual to find the manual page corresponding to pgen. Basically, we are telling
MOSES to compute the exposed wind and current area, and then compute the force based on
wind and current speed. If you would like a more detailed discussion, please see Wind and
Current Force of the verification document located at the following link:
That covers the new parts of the DAT file. Now for the CIF file.
The first new part is the section that begins with medit and ends with END_MEDIT. Medit stands
for "model edit." So, we are going to alter the model. For this exercise, there is only one body,
TBRG, in our model. When we edit the model, MOSES will default to TBRG. If we had more
than one body, we would have had to use the &describe body command to tell MOSES which
model we were editing.
The first thing we do is define four nodes *MLA, *MLB, *MLC, and *MLD. If you look at the
coordinates and look at the DAT file, you will notice that the four coordinates are at the four
corners of the barge. These four points will be the fairlead locations (where the mooring lines
are attached to the vessel).
Also, I want to clarify that 4000 ft is the starting length for MOSES. We may ask MOSES to
change the length depending on the tension, horizontal force, or another parameter. The 4000 ft
length can be changed, much as in real life, the mooring line length can be let out or drawn in.
Now we define the actual lines; a through h. There are two lines at each corner. Here as with
everywhere else, if you do not name an item, MOSES will provide a name. Instead of having

MOSES make up a name, we are using letters to name them. You are free to name them
whatever you like. There is an eight character limit.
That is the end of editing the model. All of these commands could have been placed in the DAT
file. I put them here because of habit. This separates the body model from the connector model.
This is because there is normally a need to reposition (as was done in this sample with the
&instate command) the bodies before the connectors are defined. The repositioning happens in
the CIF file, so the connectors are defined after repositioning the body in the CIF file.
The next section is commented with "Move Anchors." Earlier, we let the anchor simply fall into
the water so that they landed 20 ft horizontally from the vessel. Figure 39 shows what the
mooring system looks like at this point. The command &connector @ -a_tension 100 tells
MOSES to increase the horizontal distance from the vessel to the anchor and stop when the
tension at the fairlead is 100 kips. There are other entities which MOSES can use to stop the
change. Please see the &connector manual page.

Figure 39 - Mooring system before anchor location

Notice here that the length of the line, 4000 ft, is not going to change.
The next command, &type, is very handy. Basically, this command is to leave oneself messages
in the log file. In the days of slow computers, one would be sitting at the computer wondering if
any calculations were happening. If we were to stare at the screen wondering if the computer was
working for us, this message would let us know that it is. This is a very basic use. Later we will
be asking MOSES to give us more meaningful information about our analysis.

As you may have noticed, we try to make the CIF files a bit easier to read by leaving ourselves
messages. The first message was SET BASIC PARAMETERS, and now we have progressed to
Mooring Tables. We usually set these messages with a row of *s.
In this section, we are going to produce the characteristics of both the mooring system and a
single catenary mooring line. The other thing you may have noticed is that we change the left
hand margin depending if we are inside a menu. This is not required; it just makes it easier to
The first command CONN_DESIGN enters the Connector Design Menu. Once inside the
Connector Design Menu, we are going to create a table of the properties of the catenary mooring
line named A. Then, we are going to create a report of the properties of the mooring system
when the barge is moved in the 90 deg heading. Please see the manual for the specifics of the
This is the end of the modeling part of this example.
This is a good place to do Exercise A.

Preparation for Dynamic Analysis Discussion

Now that we are satisfied without setup, we still need a hydrodynamic database, environment,
and an equilibrium position before any dynamic analysis can be performed. The next section
has been commented as Frequency Domain and was discussed in previous exercises. Now that
we have a hydrodynamic database, let's get an environment definition and place the vessel at an
equilibrium position.
The next section has been labeled Find Equilibrium. The first command defines the
environment. The second command tries to find an equilibrium position. The environment
chosen name is TEST. Only a wave environment and time parameters have been defined. Please
see the &env command in the manual to see all of the other options available.
I have specifically written "tries to find equilibrium" because there is the possibility that MOSES
will not find equilibrium. You need to keep monitoring the log file and if equilibrium is not
found, then you need to examine the residuals. For very large bodies, there are times an
equilibrium is not found but the analysis can continue.
The reason we find an equilibrium position is that we need the mean static offset position. We
need the vessel to be placed in a position where the mooring system forces equal the mean
environmental force.
For this sample, at the conclusion of this section the vessel is at the mean static offset position.
When you are doing your own mooring analysis, you will need to stop MOSES here and verify
that the mean offset position is acceptable.
The next section has been labeled Define Report Points. Depending on what our task is, we may
be interested in all of the points or just a few points. For this analysis, we are just interested in
reporting what happens to the four fairlead points. So, we have told MOSES that the interest
points all begin with the two characters *M. The @ sign is the wild character in MOSES. Not
only is it the wild character, it also means that any number of characters can be substituted. All
of the MOSES special characters are discussed at:
Dynamic Analysis Discussion
The dynamic analysis portion of the file is separated into the linear frequency domain analysis,
the spectral frequency analysis, and the time domain analysis.
Now take out the &eofile used for the earlier exercise, and run the entire sample. The discussion
will include the CIF, log, and out files.
We are going to discuss the two types of frequency domain analyses here. Notice that the
frequency domain has its own menu(freq_response). Both the linear frequency domain analyses
and the spectral frequency domain analysis are done within this menu.
Let's talk about the Frequency Domain. There is also a discussion on the website at:
It is important that you understand the difference between the linear frequency domain analysis
and the spectral response analysis. We are not going to discuss the theory differences between
these two methods. If you would like more discussion on the differences, please read the
discussion at the following link:
For both the linear frequency domain and the spectral response analysis, we perform the
following steps:
1. calculate the response
2. summarize some of the calculations
3. report the frequency response
4. report the motion statistics at a point
5. report the connector force statistics
The main difference in commands is that for the linear frequency response we use the command
RAO, and for the spectral response we use the command sresponse with many more periods. In
both instances, fr_ is used to report the frequency response. So, fr stands for frequency response.
In both instances, st_ is used to report the statistics at a point and connector forces. S o, st stands
for statistics. Here, we only reported the motion statistics at a point and connector forces. There
are other statistics that can be reported. Please see the manual command index to get a listing.
Notice that each of these commands enter you into the Disposition Menu. MOSES will perform
the calculations, but if you do not ask for a REPORT, MOSES is not going to give you the
results. Also, notice that you need to END out of each disposition menu. You need to END out
of the Frequency Response Menu too.
Now, let's talk about the Time Domain. There is also a discussion on the website at:
You will notice that the command structure looks very different. The command TDOM is a
Main Menu command. Please refer to the manual for remarks on the -NEWMARK option. If
you examine the log file, you will see that there are twenty messages about the database being
saved. Having brought up the subject of databases, this naturally leads into questions about time
step choice, total time choice, and many others. Because a time domain simulation can be

performed on many configurations, it is difficult to address all of the possible answers one may
have on this subject. I would like to refer the reader to the FAQ on Time Domain:
In the frequency domain analysis, we had sub-menus to report the results. Here, there is a menu
for post processing of processes with events. Since the time domain is essentially a collection of
events, we will use the PRCPOST menu. We are going to report all of the results within sub-
menus of the PRCPOST menu. There are similarities to what we had done before. We will have
to issue a REPORT command to get the standard report within the Disposition Menu, and we
will have to end out of the Disposition Menu.
For the points disposition, we have 133 variables. The number of variables here will really
depend on how many points you are interested in. For the command points, it would be best to
always ask for the variable list, vlist, then choose the variables you are interested in reporting,
then rerun or restart the analysis. For an analysis with more bodies or more mooring lines, you
may want to first run the time domain for 10 seconds and get your variables, then run for the
proper length of time, and then review your output.
In the PostProcess menu, we have the command STATISTICS. In the frequency domain
disposition menus, there were the commands that began with the characters "ST" to report the
statistics. It is because the number of available variables can change with each analysis that a
standard set of column headings for the statistics report was not developed. The statistics
command uses the numbers listed by the command vlist. The Disposition Menu has other ways
to present the results. The most popular commands are extreme and plot. Please consult the
manual for these two commands.

Exercise A

Run the file. MOSES should end in interactive mode.

Type CTRL-G. This should bring up a tab in interactive mode, but the screen will be all blue.

This is because MOSES tries to put in all of the mooring system. Type
&picture starb -render gl -connector no

This creates a picture of only the barge.

&picture starb -reset
This changes the picture to a wire frame. The picture shows the barge and the mooring system.
The following picture is what you should get:

Figure fignum: Mooring set up for mp_moor analysis
Type CTRL-F to finish MOSES.
Now, let's test some of the descriptions I have written earlier.
Change mp_moor.cif to read:
CONNECTOR h -anchor 45 20 ∼wire *MLA END
&device -primary screen
Now, get a rendered picture as you did before.
You will see that the mooring lines fall straight to the bottom and that the anchor is placed about
20 ft from the fairlead. Since we have not yet told MOSES to move the anchors, this is exactly
what the picture should look like.

Exercise B
Change the anchor location in the bow lines so that the pretension is 70 kips. Change the
environment description so that the time step is 0.5 seconds.

1. Make a plot of event vs. FY:TBRG:TOTAL.

2. What is the extreme clearance for point *MLC?
3. What is the mean of the Z location of the barge?
4. Make a plot of event vs. force magnitude on mooring line B.

13. Two body motions analysis
Here we are going to analyze a tanker connected to a buoy via a hawser. This would be similar to
an offloading scenario. The buoy has the spread mooring system, is attached to the tanker via a
hawser. The tanker is allowed to weathervane around the buoy. This analysis is considered the
second part of the mooring analysis exercises.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/mooring/calm.dat
Most of the commands used for modeling in the data file have been discussed in earlier
exercises. The general arrangement of the commands in the cif file has also been presented
earlier. The discussion here is not going to be as detailed as in earlier exercises.
We will start by discussing the data file. Indeed many of the commands are similar. The buoy is
represented by a structural model made of beam elements. The vessel model is a panel model
created with pgen.
The buoy model starts with defining the weight, #weight, the added mass #amass, and the drag,
#drag attributes. For the extended, list of attributes please see the following link.
The displacement of the body buoy is defined by a tubular beam element. Two nodes, one at the
top (∗bb) and one at the bottom (∗bt) are defined. The command format is the same as the
structural model used for the long_str barge beam model, however, different values are used for
the options. That concludes the definition of the buoy body.
The barge model is similar to the other vessels we have seen. The attribute #tanker is new and
the use of the Cartesian coordinate system is new. The documentation for the attribute #tanker is
at the same location as the attributes used in the buoy model. Basically the option -cart is
followed by y,z pairs. The documentation for the -cart option can be found at the following link.
That concludes the discussion for the data file. Now, on to the command file.
The top of the command files begins as most of the command files have. In previous analysis we
have edited the model inside the model edit menu, medit. For this analysis we need to be careful
and make sure that any model editing is done on the body we specify. This is why there are two
&describe body commands within the model editing menu.
For the buoy, the command
&describe body buoy -md_force 1 0 0
is used. This means total mean drift force will not include radiation and Coriolis forces. The
documentation can be found at the following link.
For the buoy we are going to define the 8 fairlead points around the perimeter, and the hawser
connector. These are listed at ∗CAT1 to ∗CAT8. The hawser connection is listed as ∗TAUTB.
The mooring line description is similar to that used in the files mp_moor. Connectors do not
belong to a body. It is a good idea to keep them in the buoy section since they do connect the
buoy to ground. The new option -b_tension designates the breaking strength. That concludes the
buoy model edition.
A similar approach is taken with the tanker model. The same approach for the mean drift force is
taken. A node (∗TAUTT) is defined to connect the hawser. Finally the connector between the
tanker and the buoy is defined. Again, please remember, that a connector does not belong to a
body. It is presented here as part of the tanker description because we needed to define the
connection on the tanker before defining the connector.
Here are some views of what the system looks like at this point.

Figure 40 - System Isometric View

Figure 41- System Side View

Figure 42 - System Top View

Many of the commands in the sections labeled as "plots" and "set weight" are familiar to us. The
new command is
&connector taut -INACTIVE
This analysis is meant to simulate an offloading scenario. In real life the buoy will sit by itself
for a time. In real life the tanker will approach the buoy on its own. This means that each body
has to be in equilibrium independent of the other. The command takes out the hawser that we
have just defined between the two bodies. The other commands you will be familiar with is
altering the mass matrix so that for each body the six degrees of freedom are in equilibrium. The
reporting of the categories will show how the mass definition was changed.
At this point it is a good idea to run the analysis and have the log and output files ready for
We have seen the Connector Design CONN_DESIGN menu before. In this analysis we added
some plots. But essentially it is the same as that in the mp_moor files. We will be using the
Restoring Force table created with the MOVE BUOY 180 command. We will be referring to it by
the name "restoring force table". Here is a screen shot of the restoring force table.

Figure 43 - Force Report

After the connector design menu the hydrodynamic database is calculated. For many of our
mooring and flexible connector samples this is the standard approach. First make some checks
on the connector system, and then continue with the hydrodynamics.
The hydrodynamic database is calculated in the Hydrodynamics menu. Please note that the
hydrodynamics of the tanker are the only ones calculated. The body buoy is modeled as a
tubular which means that only Morison type forces will be calculated. Figure 44 shows the

section of the log file where the hydrodynamic database is calculated. The messages are only
about the tanker.

Figure 44 - Hydrodynamic Calculation Log

An environment that has waves, current and wind is defined with the command &env. This is
followed by some &status reports. Again you will find this approach in many of our samples. A
review of the mean forces is reported after the hydrodynamic database has been calculated and
the environment has been defined.

Figure 45 - Force report

The next step is to find the mean offset position. We could just start using the &equi command
until we achieve a position within tolerance. Or we could reposition the two bodies to position
that is near equilibrium.
We see that the tanker has a total environmental force of 54.55 m-tons in the positive x direction.
This force will be transmitted to the buoy via the hawser. Now, if we look on the Restoring Force
table we see that a force of 54.4 m-tons is also the excursion of the buoy 14.039 meters. We
know the excursion is not going to be exactly 14.039 meters. There is also a mean force from the
buoy that needs to be accounted for. Also the buoy will probably tilt. The section labeled "Set
Initial" repositions the two bodies so that they are near equilibrium. You can see how both bodies
are moved 13.87 meters in the positive x direction and both bodies are tilted. Also the command
&connector TAUT -L_HORIZONTAL %forc
sets the tension in the hawser to 51.2 mtons. Which is close to the 54 mtons that is expected.
When the &equi -omega 1 command is used, equilibrium is found in 5 iterations. This means our
repositioning was very close. When we report the configuration, the force, and the force in the
connectors we see that we are within tolerance for the equilibrium position. The reports are in the
output file. Remember we are looking at the row labeled "Inertia" for both bodies.
Just like the mp_moor analysis three dynamic analyses are performed: linear frequency domain
analysis, spectral frequency domain analysis, and time domain analysis.
Most of the reports reference the hawser connections. In two body analysis a great deal of
importance is placed on avoiding collisions. This is why the output is concentrating on the
positions of ∗TAUTT, ∗TAUTB and the tension in the hawser TAUT. In the time domain
analysis the command rel_mot is used. The relative motion between ∗TAUTT and ∗TAUTB and
∗TAUTB and ∗TAUTT is reported. This might at first glance look like we are doing the same
thing twice. It is a prudent measure to report the results from each point. The reference for this
command is at the following link.
In there we find that the results are expressed in the body system of the first point. This is
important to note. The results are dependent on what coordinate system is being used. For this
analysis it is very important to avoid collision. It is a good idea to look at the minimum distance
from several reference points.

Exercise A
What is the minimum distance based on the tanker coordinate system x-y plane?
What is the minimum distance based on the buoy coordinate system x-y plane?

Exercise B

1. Find the location of ∗tautt and ∗tautb at event 1.

2. Find the global position of the buoy and the tanker at event 1.
3. Change the relative motion section so that only the first 4 events are reported

Can you justify with geometry the difference in the two results?

14. Two body lift motions analysis
This set of files shows how to perform a sidelift motion and structural analysis. There is a
boom/hook/sling assembly defined to connect the two bodies, barge and jacket. The jacket is
held just above the water. The two body system is first put in static equilibrium, then the
dynamic analysis is performed in both the frequency and time domains. This is the first time a
structural analysis is included.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/how_to/sidelift.dat
Many of the steps shown are not necessary to perform the analysis. We use them to show the
many options the user has to check the status of the system and evaluate the configuration. The
discussion assumes that the reader has the command, data, log, and output file available.
For this exercise, we will:

 Check the motions of the barge and jacket .

 Check the jacket for slamming events.
 Check the tensions in the boom line and slings .
 Perform a structural analysis of the jacket at event 5 and the 2nd slam occurrence.

The data file

Many of the commands in this file will be familiar to the person that has worked all of the
exercises to this point. For the most part, this file is going to be discussed in general terms, with
some discussion on the new commands. If there is a command that is unfamiliar, please review
the earlier exercises or refer to the reference manual.

Data that we will need for the discussion of the command file are the general dimensions of both
bodies. The barge general dimensions are: length = 500 ft, breadth = 170 ft, and depth = 50 ft.
The general dimensions of the jacket are: bottom elevation width = 96 ft, top elevation width =
45 ft, and height (from bottom elevation to top elevation) 201 ft.

The top section of this data file has an extra body that is not used for the analysis, but is used for
visual guides. This extra body is named ZZZGLOBAXES. For right now, we are just going to
acknowledge that it exists.

Next, the barge is defined. First, the outer shell is defined; then a crane (using structural
elements), and finally some points of interest and a selector.

The last section is the jacket model. This is the same jacket model used in the up_lower sample.
Many of the commands used to make the model have been discussed earlier. The last two lines
also designate points of interest, this time for the jacket body.

Once the bodies are completely defined, we can begin setting up the analysis.

Finding equilibrium
The command file starts with the familiar commands that start a command file. The dimensions
are set and the model in the data file is read. The command file itself is heavily commented. The
discussion here is intended to complement the comments already in the file.

The first new command resets the coordinate system for the jacket part. This is done with
&describe part jacket -move 0 0 0 *j0501 *j1001 *j0503 *j1003

If you read the manual page on the command &describe part, you will see that the point order is
important for this command. Here we have PT1 (*j0501), PT2 (*j1001), PT3 (*j0503), PT4
(*j1003). The new part x-axis will be from the midpoint connecting PT4 and PT2 to the midpoint
connecting PT3 and PT1. The part z-axis is defined by the cross product of the new part x-axis
with the vector connecting PT4 to PT2. Finally, the new part y-axis is defined by the new x part
axis and the new z part axis and the right hand rule. Resetting the part axis for a part with the
same name as the body also resets the body axis. Now that we have reset the part and body
coordinate system, the reports that read "Reported in the Jacket Body System" will use this new
coordinate system.

We are going to keep referring to joint *J1001 to keep track of the jacket. It would be a more
complete analysis if we kept track of the whole lower plane. However, this is an example and we
are not going to present that level of detail.

For the points we have designated, the jacket part xy-plane has the face nearest the water. The
origin is at the midpoint of the vector between *j1003 and *j1001. The x-axis is from the origin
toward the top (towards midpoint of *j0503 and *j0501). The part z-axis is vertical and the y-
axis is generated from the right hand rule.

The location of these points on the jacket model can be seen in Figure 11. The commands used to
generate this view are shown below the figure:

Figure 46 - Iso view of points used to redefine the part coordinate system

&select :ppp -select *j0501 *j1001 *j0503 *j1003

&picture -90 -25 0 -render gl -water no \
-body jacket -points :ppp -anotate points
After reorienting the jacket, the next set of commands locates the bodies relative to each other.
When locating the jacket, keep in mind that we are now using the new jacket origin and
coordinate system. The &instate command is written on two lines, however with the line
continuation character "," it is all one command. The barge is set at a 20 foot draft, but its bow
centerline is kept at the global X-Y origin. The jacket origin is set 143 ft in the positive global x-
axis (143 ft aft of the barge bow); 200 ft on the positive global y- axis ( 200 ft starboard of the
barge centerline); and, finally, the origin (the midpoint of the vector between nodes *j1003 and
*j1001) will be 1 foot above the water level with a -9 degree pitch (the top elevation will be
pointing up).
Now that the bodies are positioned, we can define the connectors. The connectors are added in
the model editing menu which is entered with the command medit.
First, we define the classes. We will need classes for the boom line, the slings, and the hold-back
lines (tuggers). We define the classes ~boom and ~sling as having an outer diameter of 3 inches
and a length of 200 ft; and the class ~airt to simulate the hold-back lines. In this case, we will
simulate the hold-back lines with a small tug boat, but we will refer to it as an air tugger for this
In the next set of commands, two air tugger connectors are defined as connecting to the jacket
top at point *j0501. The values used in the -tug option indicate direction and length. Essentially
the combination of tugs are going to act in the 45 degree direction.

The next set of commands define the tip-hook assembly. The tip-hook assembly consists of a
boom line and four slings. First, we attach one end of the boom line to the boom tip and one end
of each sling to the appropriate point on the jacket. This is what is done with the five connector
commands defining boom: sling1, sling2, sling3, and sling4. Now, attach all 5 segments to a
common hook. This is much like attaching the hook hanging from the boom to the four slings
attached to the jacket. The attachment of the 5 segments is done with the assembly t-h_definition
At the end of the assembly t-h_definition command, there is the option -initial. From the manual,
we learn that using this option instructs MOSES to move the body so that the hook point is
directly below the boom point. So far, we have not checked the geometry to verify the designated
sling lengths will work with the position of the bodies. For now, the -initial option only places
the hook below the boom. We are not expecting the slings to be tensioned or slack.
Now that our connectors are defined, we can exit the model edit menu and complete the analysis
setup. To exit the model edit menu, we issue the end command.
Now that we are back in the Main Menu, our objective is to set the system in static equilibrium
in preparation for the dynamic analyses. The first thing we want to do in the main menu is check
the configuration. We do this with a series of &status commands:
&status config
&status cl_flex
&status g_connector
&status tip-hook
&status b_w
The results of these commands are shown in the log file. The config report (Figure fignum) will
show us the position and any forces in each body. When you first review the resulting table, you
will notice that the body ZZZGLOBAXES is listed and that all the values are zero. Since we are
interested in the values associated with the barge and jacket, we can see from the results that the
resultant forces and moments (N Force) are actually quite large. Our system is not in

Figure 47 - Results of &status config command

The next three reports (cl_flex, g_connector, tip-hook) show details of the connector classes,
connector geometry, and sling assembly geometry, respectively.

It is also a good idea to review the buoyancy and weight report. This is what is presented with
the results of the &status b_w command. This report shows the weights, buoyancies, and their
centers. From the results of &status b_w, we learn that the jacket weight is 1190 kips.

We are going to continue the search for static equilibrium and we will continue to produce these
tables until we are satisfied that all of the results can be explained.

In the next command, &connector &boom -l_tension 1000 we change the boom length until the
tension is 1000 kips. This is the maximum capacity of the crane. Right after changing the boom
line length, we ask for a report of the forces in the connectors &status f_connector. This shows
us that the force in the boom sling is 1000 kips.

However, the vertical force in the slings sums to 988 kips (310.7+310.7+183.3+183.3). Also, the
&status configuration table shows the jacket to be 188 kips out of equilibrium, which we know
the slings were not holding.

So, what's up? Notice that the forces are reported in the body coordinate system. Since the jacket
has a 9 degree pitch, Z_body is NOT parallel to Z_global. If we do the math, the force of the
jacket in the global z direction is 1190.63 * cos(9deg) = 1176.02 kips. This is where the 188 kips
net force comes from.

With the command &status tip-hook, we see what change was done to the boom length.
Originally, the boom length was defined as 200 ft. We see from the report that the length has
now been changed to 221 ft. This change resulted from the &connector &boom -l_tension

Now that the slings and boom line are set up, we need to make sure the barge is in equilibrium. If
we had compartments modeled, we could change our ballast configuration. However, since we
don't, we can add a weight. In the next command, &weight -compute we change the mass
properties of the barge so that it is in equilibrium in the current state. The current state includes
the lightship weight and CG location, the buoyancy force, and the force from the boom. After
this command, the report from &status config shows that the body barge is in equilibrium.

To verify that the sling assembly has not changed, we again report the forces in the connectors
with &status f_connector. We also ask for a report of the position of joint *J1001 to make sure
the jacket is out of the water.

At this point, we know that the body barge is in equilibrium but the body jacket is not. We are
going to let MOSES change the location (translation, and rotation) in our next attempt at finding
equilibrium. Before we do that, we need to turn off the airtuggers. We do this with two
command lines in the command file. It could be done with one. This way we get to see how to
make selectors with the wild character (@).

First, we make a selector :air with the command &select :air -select airt@. This will create a set
of items that begin with airt. The command &connector :air -inactive turns off (inactivate) the
airtuggers. This way, when we ask MOSES to find equilibrium for the jacket, only the sling
forces, the weight, and buoyancy of the jacket are used. Previously, we ensured that the barge is
in equilibrium. Now, we want to exclude the barge from any changes when the jacket is being
altered for equilibrium. The &describe body barge -ignore x y z rx ry rz tells MOSES to ignore
the barge when calculating equilibrium.

The command &equi will change the position (and orientation) of the jacket with the objective to
find equilibrium. This command makes 50 attempts at finding equilibrium. If equilibrium is not
found within tolerance, it will report a WARNING message. At the conclusion of the
equilibrium calculations, the command &status configuration produces a report which shows
that the jacket body is in equilibrium, but the barge body now is not in equilibrium. We also see
that the vertical position of the jacket has changed, moving the jacket into the water. Since part
of the jacket is in the water, the tension in the slings changes, which in turn causes a change in
tension in the boom line. Therefore, the results of the &weight -compute which were based on a
boom tension of 1000 kips are no longer valid. Now we see that the barge is out of equilibrium
by nearly 188 kips.

Since we are trying to analyze the case where the jacket is in the air, we need to check to verify
that the jacket is above the water. We can verify this by checking the location of one of the
jacket corners, specifically the location of *J1001. To make this check, we use the string
function &point(coordinate *j1001 -g). String functions actually query the database and return
the values asked. We need to ensure that we are telling MOSES what to do with the return
values. In this case, the command &type location of *j1001 = &point(coordinate *j1001 -g) tells
MOSES to put the results in the log file which shows "location of *j1001 = 155.8654 248.6527 -

4.199845." We can see from the coordinates of *j1001 that the jacket is not completely out of
the water.

In order to analyze the case with the jacket above the water, we are going to again change the
length of the boom sling. This is done with the &connector &boom -l_delta command. The
boom sling will be shortened by 8 feet. This should lift the jacket from the current -4 feet to a

First, we check that the boom sling has been changed by 8 ft. Earlier, the command &status tip-
hook reported 221.93 ft for the boom line length. We see that now after the change it is 213.93
ft. Next, we check the tensions on the slings with &status f_connector and find that the sling
tensions are very large. This is a result of the boom sling being shortened but the position of the
jacket not moving to accommodate the shortened length. The solution is to use &equi again so
that MOSES can reposition the jacket.

The results of &equi show that the jacket has been moved and that the barge is still out of
equilibrium by the same 189 kips. Next, we will check the position with the same string function
&point(coordinate *j1001 -g) that we did before. We see the results now show that the position
of joint *j1001 is not 4 feet above the water line, it is 1 foot above the water line. The reason for
this discrepancy is that when the jacket was moved (with the &equi command), it was moved in
all 6 degrees of freedom. In our previous results of &equi, the jacket pitch was -11.94 degrees
and now it is -13.62 degrees. Now that we have resolved the pitch question, we can conclude
that the jacket is above water as desired.

Now we will deal with the barge out of equilibrium issue. For this, we bring the barge back into
the calculations. To take the barge out of the calculations, we used the command
&describe body barge -ignore x y z rx ry rz. To bring the barge back into the calculations we use
the command &describe body barge -ignore. When the option -ignore is used and the space
after it is left blank, it turns on all of the degrees of freedom for that body.

The results of the next &equi command show that both the barge and the jacket are now in
equilibrium. Note that now the barge has a list to starboard (RX = -0.17 deg), and the jacket has
a list toward port. The same report is repeated with the &status config command. As before, we
also review the results from the &status b_w command. The results in these reports will not
include the force of the connectors (slings). We are NOT expecting the buoyancy force to equal
the weight.

And finally, we activate the airtuggers with the command &connector :air -active. Once we
have activated the airtuggers, we review the forces on the connectors again and find the force in
the boom line is 1184 kips. Since our crane capacity is 1000 kips, we are going to need a larger
crane barge. However, for the current lesson, we will assume that the crane is capable of
handling the loads.

Before ending the static analysis section, we plot some pictures. The three commands that begin
with &picture will save the views: starboard, bow, and top. Now, we get to talk about the body
ZZZGLOBAXES. In the starboard view of the system, you will see thick green arrows which

represent the X and Z axes. From the top view, you will see the X and Y axes so that the body
ZZZGLOBAXES acts as a visual reminder of the global system.

Figure 48 - Top view of configuration with global X and Y axes

Having those three views, we finish the static analysis portion of the command file.

Dynamic Frequency Domain Analysis

The dynamic analysis portion of the command file begins with the command hydrodynamics.
This command enters the Hydrodynamics Menu where the hydrodynamic database will be
computed. Some of the discussion is very similar to that in the Frequency domain motions
The database is a description of the panel pressures below the water surface. To generate the
pressure database we issue the command g_pressure. There are many options that can be used
with g_pressure, but we are using the bare minimum to complete a dynamic analysis. We
specify one environment heading and a very small number of periods. If this were a real world
project, both of these lists would be longer and the periods would not be evenly spread. Instead,
they would have a concentration around the peak period with an overall spread to cover the
energy of the expected wave spectrum.
In the log file after the g_pressure command, we see a very short report of what MOSES is
doing. We see that strip theory was used to make the calculations and that only 90 panels were
used. Depending on the shape and size of the vessel, we might be interested in 3d diffraction and
increasing the number of panels. Since this is an exercise, we are not going to do a study to
determine the best number of panels and the best hydrodynamic theory for our problem.
Now that we have a hydrodynamic database, we exit the hydrodynamic menu using end. We can
compute motions and forces. First, we will perform a frequency domain analysis. This is also

known as a linear analysis. All of the frequency domain analysis is done within the Frequency
Response Menu which is entered with the freq_response command. After we are finished with
the frequency analysis, we will exit the Frequency Response Menu with the command end.
You have to be careful about using the command end. This command is used to exit many of the
menus. Within the Frequency Response Menu, we will enter the Disposition Menu. We need to
make sure we keep track of the use of end so that we do not accidentally exit into a menu and
then have to re-enter the one just exited.
Within the Frequency Response Menu, the FIRST thing we do is calculate the response
amplitude operators. This is simply done with the command RAO. This command computes the
RAO but does not report them. MOSES will compute the RAOs at the body origin.
Once the RAOs are computed for each body, we have to tell MOSES which body we are
interested in before we ask for the report of the motion RAO. This is why there is an &describe
body bname before each of the fr_point commands. The log file shows that for each body, the
RAOs were reported at the local x = 0, y = 0, and z = 0 location (the body origin). Since these are
the default values, we are just showing the command order to report the different RAOs. We are
not trying to fully scrutinize the response. The command fr_point makes any necessary final
calculations to translate the motion RAOs to the point specified.
Notice that after each fr_point command, you are placed in the Disposition Menu. Within the
Disposition Menu, the command report generates the standard motions RAO report and puts it in
the output file. In the out file, you have two reports titled:
"M O T I O N R E S P O N S E O P E R A T O R S"
The third line of each report reads:
“Of Point On Body {body name} At X = 0 Y = 0 Z = 0"
where {body name} is either BARGE or JACKET. The reports show the calculated values for
the RAO of each degree of freedom. These values include both amplitude and phase. When we
review the results of fr_point, we see that the peak response of the barge for sway and heave
occurs at 11 seconds, while the peak response for roll and pitch occurs at 8 seconds. The peak
response of the jacket for sway occurs at 9 seconds, while the peak response for heave and roll
occurs at 8 seconds.
The reports of the JACKET RAOs are really response amplitude operators, they are not the
results of hydrodynamics on the jacket. The JACKET is being forced via the motion of the tip
hook and sling connectors.
For now, that is all we are interested in. Exit the Disposition Menu with the command end,
which puts us back in the Frequency Response Menu.
We next report the motions of the point designated in the fr_point command. We do this with
the command st_point -sea issc 90 10 4 -e_period 5 6 7 8 9 followed by report motion. This
command calculates the statistics of the body motions for a sea with an ISSC distribution, in the
90 degree heading to the vessel, with a 10 ft significant wave height, and a 4 second mean
period. The option -e_period instructs MOSES to consider the additional mean periods listed.
Again, we are placed in the Disposition Menu where we tell MOSES to report the motion
statistics (report motion) and exit the Disposition Menu (end).

In the out file, we can review the results of st_point. Here we have a report titled:
"M O T I O N S T A T I S T I C S"
Here the third line of each report reads:
"Maximum Responses Based on a Multiplier of 3.720"
This tells us on what statistic the maximum values are based. In this case, the maxima have a
multiplier of 3.72 which corresponds to A1/1000. The multiplier for other values can be readily
derived from the derivation of the Rayleigh distribution. They are also shown in the document
distribution (hdesk/documents/include/deals.pdf).
We see that motions for the barge increase as the wave period increases. For the jacket,
however, we see the motions are mixed. For sway, the largest motion is 9 seconds. For heave
and roll, the largest response is around 6 seconds. What catches our attention is that the
maximum dynamic response in sway is 69 ft. If you recall the beam of the barge is 170 ft, the
bottom elevation of the jacket is 96 ft. The jacket origin was placed 200 ft starboard of the barge
centerline. This leaves 69 ft of clearance. The report we are reading tells us that there is the
possibility of collision.
Following the motion reports, we next report the forces in the connectors. The connectors do not
belong to a body so it does not matter if the last &describe body command was for the jacket or
for the barge. First, we get the frequency response for the sling labeled sling1 (fr_cforce sling1).
Then, we get the frequency response for the boom sling (fr_cforce boom).
In the last set of commands, we ask for the statistics of the connector forces in the defined sea
state. This is done in the command st_cforce @ -sea issc 90 10 4 -e_period 5 6 7 8 9. Like the
motions, this calculates the statistics of the connector forces for a sea with ISSC distribution, in
the 90 degree heading to the vessel, with a 10 ft significant wave height. The mean periods of
the distribution that will be considered are those listed from 4 to 9.
When we review the results of fr_cforce, we see that the peak response occurs at 8 seconds. This
is in the out file table titled "Connector Force Response Operators." This means that a wave with
a mean period of 8 seconds will reinforce the response. By reviewing the connector force
statistics results of st_cforce, we see that the highest force is reported around the 8 second period.
These results are in the out file in the report titled:
"C O N N E C T O R F O R C E S T A T I S T I C S"
We want to review the statistics of the forces because the wave properties will change during any
operation. It is best to get the reactions to a set of expected waves. This also helps us check if
there are concerns with a change in the frequency of the waves during the operation.
Reviewing the manual, you will find that there are several commands that start with fr_ and st_.
The fr_ indicates the frequency response will be calculated. The st_ indicates the statistics that
are based on the frequency response will be calculated.
This concludes the frequency domain section of the command file. Next, we will look at a time
domain analysis.

Dynamic time domain analysis
In the frequency domain analysis, we could define the wave spectrum as part of the statistics
command. For the time domain analysis, we must define the environment with the &env
command. The format used is the same in &env and the option st_cforce -sea. We see that the
spectrum with an 8 second mean period wave is what will be used in the time domain analysis.
The option -time 100 0.2 tells MOSES that the time domain analysis will look at 100 seconds at
0.2 second intervals. The time interval chosen here is usually considered rather large, but since
this analysis is just an example, these values will not take long to compute.
The time domain analysis is performed with the command tdom. In the log file, you will see the
message, "Time To Set Up Convolutions." Then, MOSES reports when it saves the database and
where it is in the event sequence. The last message, "Simulation Terminated at Specified Time,"
tells us that the time domain analysis computations are finished. Note that MOSES has
performed the calculations for the time domain analysis and stopped. Reporting the results will
occur later in the analysis.
In the next three commands, we find when a slam occurred during the first 50 seconds. As an
input to the &slam string command, we need to know the name(s) of the parts that we want slam
information. For our analysis, this just happens to be the one part "jacket." We made a selector
here to show how selectors are used. The next line:
&type SLAM 1 to 50 seconds .2 sec increments
leaves a note in the log file to remind us of the start time, finish time, and time step. The final
&type SLAM = &slam(:lower 1 50 .2)
types into the log file the results of the string command &slam. This will leave a note and when
we review the log file, we see that slam events occurred at times 0, 20.2, 23.2, 28.2, 31.4, 36.8,
41.6, and 47.6. Now the question you are probably asking is, "Why is time 0 in the list?" If we
read the manual:
we see that the list is a set of pairs where some element of the selected part(s) is submerged
between e1 and e2. The result is the list of pairs where the part enters and exits the water. The
value 0 is part of the first pair; therefore, it gets reported.
Now we get back to the project requirements; for the structural analysis, we are to use the forces
at event 5 and the second occurrence of a slam event. We are going to interpret this as the
second event reported by the &slam command. We want MOSES to do this automatically for us.
During a project, many things can change and we certainly do not want to be running a lengthy
time domain analysis then half-post processing the results to get the event at the second slam,
and then restarting MOSES to finish post processing. Gathering the list of slam events is
considered post processing, however it is done in the Main Menu. For the rest of the post
processing of the the domain, we will be doing it in the Post Processing Menu.
This is where we can use variables and the string function &token. First, we set the variable
f_time to the string of times resulting from the &slam command. Then, we use the &token
command to pick the second value. At the end, the variable f_time will be set to 20.2. Now, we
are ready for post processing.
The majority of the post processing will be done inside the "Post Processing Menu" which is
entered with the command prcpost. What I mean by post processing is somehow getting
MOSES to only display the values in the database that are interesting to the project. During the
analysis, many items were added to the database. To name a few - (at each time event) wave
height, wave force, force on the connectors, position of each body, and velocity of each body.
By post processing, we are going to get MOSES to display the values the project wants to
In order to compare the time domain results to the frequency domain results, we need to get the
motions and the connector forces. We first get connector forces with the command conforce.
This command puts us in the Disposition Menu again. Then, we ask for the list of variable
names or column headings (vlist) that are available. In the log file, we see that there are 57 values
available: the events and 8 values for each connector. For now, 57 values are not too much to
work with. If we had needed to keep the list of variables to a more manageable size, we could
have made a selector to restrict the data to those in which we are interested. The format of the
command would be conforce :sname.
From the results of vlist we that see 1 corresponds to event number, 8 corresponds to magnitude
of airtugger 1, and 16 corresponds to magnitude of airtugger 2. The command which makes a
plot of the three values is `textstyleEmphasisplot 1 8 -rax 16 -t_main "Airtuggers" ...' . If you
recall, when we defined the airtuggers, we did not give them the ability to change magnitude.
So, our plot is going to be two straight horizontal lines.
Next, we plot the magnitude of the boom and the slings. For this plot, we will definitely see
some changes as the events change. Note that for both plots, the main title, subtitle, and axes
labels are defined. If this is not desired (say you are doing a quick check plot), then this could be
omitted and the option -no_edit used. The -no_edit option tells MOSES to use the default labels.
Once we have created the plots, we ask for the standard reports with the command report, then
exit the Disposition Menu with end. Now we are back in the Post Processing Menu.
The plot of the connector magnitudes shows that the sling tensions (right hand axis) can change
from 70 to 640 kips. We can compare the maximum number to the 629 kips reported via the
linear analysis. Reviewing the frequency domain report headers, we see that the 629 kips is
mean plus maximum. We know from our static analysis that the mean value for sling1 is 339
kips. This means that the dynamic portion is 290 kips (629 - 339 = 290). For a linear analysis,
the dynamic portion is added and subtracted, which results in a minimum tension for sling1 of 49
kips (339 - 290 = 49). Just comparing linear and non-linear analyses for the the maximum and
minimum sling1 tension values leads us to believe a linear analysis is not too bad.
Next, we compare the motion results.
We do a similar set of commands for the trajectory menu. We get the association of the numbers
with the column headings with vlist. We use this information to get a plot of the barge motions,
then we get a plot of the jacket motions. Review of the plots shows us something that we could
not see in the linear analysis. The system as defined does not have a mooring system. Therefore,
the system wanders in the negative y direction (it is being pushed by the 90 degree waves). The
range of motion of the barge is 60 ft and the range of motion of the jacket is 150 ft. We need to
look at the phasing of the two motions to see if there is a strong possibility of collision.

To monitor this we will use a variable named "bang." To begin the investigation, we are going
to make the assumption that a collision does not occur. So, we set the value of bang to .false.
In the next set of commands, we get relative motion information. This type of data was not
available in the frequency response section. The command rel_motion *ptn1 *pnt2 tells MOSES
to find the motion from the first point to the second point. We will be using the three edge points
that were designated as points of interest in the data file (&describe interest -associate *edge/).
Here it gets interesting because we are using a &loop command to cycle through the list. The
first time it will use edge = edge1, the second time it will use edge = edge2, and the third time
edge = edge3. On all three cycles, the distance to jacket node *j1003 will be measured in the xy-
plane of the barge. This means that if the barge has a slight roll, the xy-plane will have that
rotation and will not be parallel to the global xy-plane. We will produce a plot of the distance to
each edge point separately. Then we will produce a plot of the distances plotted together.
The results of vlist in the log file show that for each loop cycle the column (variable) names will
only differ by the 1, 2, or 3 after "edge." So, we can use the same column number to get the data
of interest. A review of the log file shows that column 5 is always the position magnitude and
column 1 is always events. We are using a new command set_variable. Up to this point, we have
been using the multi-menu form of the command &set to define variables. Here the command
set_variable makes the association with the data that is in the Disposition Menu. First, we are
going to find the minimum distance. It does not matter when the minimum distance occurred.
The command set_variable %edge -min 5 5 finds the minimum of column 5 each time the loop
cycles. For this discussion, we are going to refer to these as the collision variables. The first time
through the loop cycle the collision variable is "cedge1," the second time "cedge2," and the third
"cedge3." Individually these variables will be set to whatever the minimum value happens to be
for that time through the cycle.
The second set of variables are "redge1," "redge2," and "redge3." We will call these the distance
columns. One of these variables is filled each cycle. These variables are populated with the
string of values in column 5. We will be using them when we produce the plot of the three
distances together.
In getting the values for the "event," we do not need to cycle the name. The list of events is the
same regardless of what point is being referenced. It is inefficient to have the same values
recorded three separate times. I, however, was not willing to put in the extra keystrokes to make
the variable event be filled only once. I left the commands in the sloppy form here.
Back to investigating if the two bodies collide. In setting the collision variables cedge1, cedge2,
and cedge3, we were monitoring the distance on the barge xy-plane between the two bodies. If a
negative distance is recorded as a minimum, then a collision has occurred. We need a way to ask
MOSES if the value recorded for the collision variables is negative. One time is sufficient, we
do not care if it occurs multiple times. What we are going to record, or change, is the value of
"bang." Once the value of "bang" is changed to .true., we do not want it changed back to .false.,
and we do not care for it to be reset to .true. a second time.
First, we check the current value of "bang." If this value is .true., then we do not need to change
the value and can skip the checking. If the value of "bang" is .false., then we will check to see if
it needs to be updated.

Checking is done with the IF statement &if .not. %bang &then and ends with the command
&endif. Within the IF statement, we set the value of "bang" to the results of the &logical
statement. The logical statement simply returns either .true. or .false. In this particular instance,
we are asking MOSES to see if the value of the collision variable is negative (less than 0). If the
value of the collision variable is negative, then "bang" is set to .true. and the variable will not be
changed again in the loop cycles.
Before the loop cycle completes a plot of the relative position (still working with columns 1 and
5), the distance between the two points is made for each time through the loop. The command
&endloop tells MOSES where the cycle returns to the top, and for the last entry (edge3) the loop
cycle is exited.
We have put a great deal of effort into the collision values. We leave ourselves a note right after
the loop to let us know the result. I am referring to the three command lines that begin with
&type. Review of the log file shows that the values for the variables are substituted. We see
from the short message that the barge and jacket did not collide. We also see from our short
message that there was a minimum of 8.4 ft clearance between the two bodies. This is actually a
big deviation for the 1 ft clearance we determined with the linear analysis. If this were a real
project, we would have probably only used the linear response menu to make sure our setup did
not cause problems with the software, considered basic checks. The sling elements can go slack,
making them non-linear connectors, and therefore we should only consider the results of the non-
linear analysis.
In the next set of commands, we are going to be using the &buildg menu. This is where we
combine the three distance columns into one plot. Recall that we have created the variables
redge1, redge2, and redge3 as part of reporting the relative motions. These variables have been
populated with the string values representing the distance between the two points at each time
step. The main purpose of presenting the gathering of this data in the &buildg menu is to show
the set of commands to put this new table together. MOSES is a programming language and is
intended to be able to analyze many different types of configurations. MOSES comes with preset
formatted tables for the analyses considered common. Being able to use the &buildg menu is a
way to gather data and further process it for the uncommon configurations.
Before entering the Build Graph Menu, we need to know how many rows there are going to be.
We will of course let MOSES figure this out for us. Here is another instance where the use of
the string command &token(n string) comes in handy. The string command determines how
many tokens or entries are in the variable event and sets the variable "n" equal to that. We will
use &token several times in the Build Graph Menu, so it would be worth reviewing the format in
the manual.
By this time you have probably figured out that the command &buildg will put us in the Build
Graph Menu. The command with option &buildg -brief here is much like the command with
option plot -no. We are telling MOSES to just accept our input and not ask for verification.
Since we are using the -brief option, we are going to have to pay close attention to format. The
next four lines with commands (no comment character) are the labels for the column headings.
The next line is blank. It is important that the line immediately after the last column heading is
blank (the comment character is after the blank line). This is how we tell MOSES that the list of
column headings has ended. As the comment in the command file reads, the next set of
commands populates the table. We are using a loop again. We start with the first event and the
value for each edge associated with that event. The table is being populated one row at a time.
A row is populated each time through the loop. When the data input has been completed (jjj =
n), the loop is exited and we have another blank line. The blank line is important here also. This
is how we tell MOSES that the data input has finished.
When you review the log file for this section, you will see that this section of the log file is
blank. MOSES usually does not echo to the log file inside the &loop.
After the loop, we see the results of vlist are as we input in the lines above. Finally, we use the
plot command to make the plot with all four sets of data on one plot. Then, we exit the Build
Graph Menu with end.
The next command is just a message to ourselves to make sure we are in the Main Menu. We
will be doing a structural analysis to satisfy the final project requirement. The only way to enter
the structural solver is through the Main Menu, so we want to make sure that is where we are.
Inside the structural solver, we will need to specify which restraints to include in the structural
solution. Since we are only looking at the jacket structure, only the four slings attached to the
jacket are required. This is why we need to set the selector :restraint to only select the slings
attached to the jacket.
We enter the Structural Solver menu with the command structural. We tell MOSES which load
cases to use with the command lcase -process. Remember, we have set the value of f_time to the
second occurrence of a slam event, and the project requirement is to have a load case at time
event 5. In the next command s_rest, we tell MOSES which restraints to use for the structural
solution. This is followed by the command s_part which tells MOSES on which part to perform
the structural solution. If this had been a single body analysis, we would not have had to be so
specific with all of these commands. Finally, the commands reduce and expand perform the
structural analysis.
Like many processes in MOSES, we need to first perform the analysis, then ask MOSES to
report the results. So, we exit the Structural Solver Menu with the command end.
To post-process, we enter the Structural Post-Processer Menu with the command strpost. Once
inside the Structural Post-Processor, we ask for the results of the beam code check with the
command beam_post code_check and a summary of the restraint loads with the command
restraint loads. We see from the WS Beam Check Standard table that the loads created by event
5 dominated for many of the beams.

Exercise A
Perform statistics on the time domain connector force (boom and slings) results. Compare these
to the frequency domain results.

Exercise B
There is also a command p_min_dist. We need to make some changes for it to work. In the data
file in the barge definition (line 41) change it to read:
pgen barge -cs_curr 1 1 1 -cs_wind 1 1 1 -tanaka 0
In the data file add to then end
&select :jjj -select *j@

To the command file add the following to the end.
p_min_dist barge :jjj
stat 1 2
Compare the minimum distance to the one calculated earlier just keeping track of 3 points. Did
you notice this took the computer a long time to calculate?

Exercise C
Perform relative motions and slamming calculations/plots without loop or the &build_g menu.

15. Advanced Exercises
This is the advanced section of the workbook. It is assumed that the reader does not need to be
given a link to the commands in the MOSES reference manual.
It is assumed that the reader needs a discussion on the command structure.
The exercise discussions from here on will focus on why the commands chosen were put in the
order they are presented and what project questions were being addressed.
In this section, you will find commands where I refer to my own preferences. I have tried to be
careful and always say that "I prefer . . .," or "the only time I . . .," when I am expressing my
habits. I am being careful here because these are my preferences and they will not necessarily
apply to your situation or your preferences. Please feel free to change any settings I designate as
my preference.

16. Transportation analysis
This exercise presents a transportation analysis in two methods. The analysis is done with native
commands, and then the same analysis is done with the installation tools. The analysis done with
the installation tools is considered more complete. The objective in presenting both methods is to
show some of the steps that the tools are using, and to show that if you wanted to go "the long
way," you could. An effort is made to make the order of the output file reports in the native
command results mimic the order of the output file reports in the installation tools output file.
The output is presented in three general sections. The first section presents a summary of the
models. The second section presents the motions results. The third section presents the structural
analysis results.
For both analyses, we will be looking at the forces and structural solution of a square looking
jacket being transported on a rectangular barge. This is a rigid barge analysis. The jacket should
be placed 200 ft aft of the barge bow and 5 feet above the barge deck. There will be supports
between the barge and the jacket to transfer forces from the jacket to the barge.
The file also contains comments to explain what is being done. The discussion is meant as a
complement to those comments. This discussion assumes that the reader has the data, command,
log, and output files available. Many of the commands used have been discussed in previous
exercises. This discussion assumes the previous exercises have been read.
Files for this exercise:
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/install/tow_native.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/install/tow_brg.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/data/tow_jkt.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/data/env.dat
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/install/tow_auto.cif
ultra/hdesk/runs/ samples/install/tow_auto.dat

Model data file tow_brg.dat and jacket.dat

The same barge and jacket data files are used for both analyses. The barge data file conforms to
the requirements for being in the MOSES library. To see the requirements for being in the
MOSES barge library, please go to the following link:
This is a rectangular barge, length = 300 ft, width = 90 ft, and height = 20 ft. Only the outer shell
was included in the definition. It has five points defined with the name beginning with a *v. The
origin of the barge is at the intersection of the centerline, bow, and keel. The body has a name of
"tow_brg." You will see that in tow_brg.dat, line number 71, the command reads &descirbe body
%vname. In the file tow_brg.dat, you will need to return to line number 38 to see that the
variable "vname" has been set to "tow_brg."

The jacket is a space frame that looks like a square. The jacket is made up of 12 members (only
6 of them were named). There are eight points defined. A point used as part of a beam
definition becomes a node, and a node used to define more than one beam is a joint. The terms
"point," "node," and "joint" will be used interchangeably. For the jacket, all of the nodes\points
begin with "*d." There are a total of eight points defined to join 12 members. Only 6 of the
members were given names, all starting with "b." Point *db0 was set at the origin x = 0, y = 0,
and z = 0. The jacket is part of the body "tow_brg." In jacket.dat, line 6 reads &describe part

Native Commands : Setup

The file native.dat consists of two commands, &insert tow_brg.dat and &insert jacket.dat. When
we view the two files, we see that the order of files in native.dat is important. For this analysis,
there is going to be one body "tow_brg." The body tow_brg consists of two parts names,
"tow_brg" and "jacket." The body "tow_brg" has to first be established before any parts can be
added. This is why order is important in the file native.dat.
Now, we will discuss the command file. As with other files, the model is read with the inmodel
command. For this inmodel, we are using the -offset option. This tells MOSES to take out any
"extra" steel that is in the computer model that would not be in the real world. That is to say, the
tubular beams are defined from node to node. However, when they are welded the steel will
have to be offset due to the bracing needing to join the chord at the outer diameter. The distance
from the node to the chord outer diameter would be taken out from the computer model with the
-offset option.
When the models are read in their part coordinate systems are coincidental. What we want is for
the jacket to be placed somewhere on the barge deck. After the inmodel command, we place the
jacket origin within the barge coordinate system. This is done with the command &describe part
jacket -move 200 0 25 0 0 0. Remember that the joint *db0 was defined at the jacket origin. The
&describe command will put point *db0 at x = 200, y = 0, z = 25 without any rotations. The
jacket part x, y, and z axes are still parallel to the barge body x, y, and z axes.
In the next command, &instate -locate tow_brg 0 0 -10 000 0 0, we are placing the barge body
(tow_brg body which includes the tow_brg part and jacket part system) so that the barge
coordinate system is negative 10 ft in the z direction of the global coordinate system. More
simply stated, the barge is being put at a 10 ft draft.
So far, we have just moved the jacket with respect to the barge. We have not established any
connections between them. The vertical supports (cans) and the sea-fastenings (tiedowns) are
defined in the next set of commands. All of the cans and tiedowns are referred to collectively as
part connectors and are defined within the model edit, medit, menu.
For both cans and tiedowns, we will be using tubulars of outer diameter 20 inches and 1 in
thickness. We have defined two classes "~vert" and "~tiedown" to make labeling easier.
The definition of the vertical support (cans) connectors begins with the command &describe part
can pconnect. It is important that "pconnect" is included in this command. For the vertical
connectors, we have conveniently left points on both parts that line up vertically to connect.
Each of the four vertical cans is defined separately with the command pconnect. Basically, we
are telling MOSES to start with the jacket point and move in the negative z direction to find the
corresponding point on the barge.
Please note that for the can definition, we were explicit about which node on the jacket and
which node on the barge to connect.
At this point, we compute a weight (can be positive or negative) needed for the body system to
be in equilibrium. We confirm this weight calculation with the &equi command. Then, we
define this setup as event 1. This will be the setup used for the still water case later. This is
meant to represent the project after loadout but before the tiedowns have been welded.
The definition of the sea-fastenings (tiedown) connectors begins with the command &describe
part tiedown pconnect. Again, it is important that "pconnect" is included in this command. We
will be defining four tiedowns at each corner of the jacket. The tiedowns will have a general 45
degree pattern. On the connector definition, we are only specific about which node on the jacket
the connector is to attach. For the barge end, the wild character is used. This leaves the
connection at the barge end up to MOSES. MOSES is going to place the barge end of the
connector at 4 ft in the x direction, 4 ft in the y direction, and 5 ft in the negative z direction.
From this location, it will make a rigid connection to the nearest barge node. How MOSES does
this is also discussed in the user's manual. Please see the following link:
This is all of the model editing we will do. Exit the Model Editing menu with the command
In the next set of commands, we bring the barge body system (tow_brg, jacket, tiedowns, and
cans) into equilibrium. The command &weight -compute instructs MOSES to add a weight
(positive or negative) such that the sum of the forces and moments is within the default
tolerance. The weight will be added at 10 ft height from the keel, and the x and y location of the
weight will be determined by the moment needed. After this command, we confirm the system is
in equilibrium with the &equi command.
The summary of the input consists of pages 1 through 11. The tables presented in the output file
pages 2 through 9 are a result of the commands within the Summary Menu. We enter this menu
with the command &summary, and exit it with the command end.
In this next section of commands, we write several summary reports to the output file. The
objective we are trying to fill with these reports is to provide verification to the project that the
correct model was used and that we are providing them to parallel the output from the
installation tools. Using the command &rep_sel -part partname allows us to present the data that
is relevant just for the part we are interested in for verification. This makes the output easier to
read and hopefully reduces the questions from people reading our results.
For the barge, all that we report is a Piece Summary. This report provides a very short summary
on the vessel particulars. For the jacket, we report Category Summary, Wind Vortex Shedding,
and Beam SCFs.
For the transportation analysis, there is one body and two parts. If you review the output page 3,
and shown below in Figure 5, with title CATEGORY SUMMARY FOR PART JACKET
produced with the command compart_sum piece you should also see that the values are reported
in the part coordinate system. If you remember, the barge part coordinate system has its origin at
the intersection of the bow, centerline, and keel. The jacket has the part coordinate system origin
at point *db0, which right now is located at barge body location x = 200, y =0, z = 25. If you

look again at the table, you will notice the column headings indicate where the center of gravity
and the center of buoyancy are for each item. We want each part reported separately. The table
titled “Category Summary for Part p_name” is in the part system. If two parts have the part
origin at different body locations it would be difficult to present data for two parts in one table.
This is why we want to use the &rep_sel command for these reports.

Figure 49- Category summary screen shot

The next report is on classes. Classes do not belong to a part, so the reports titled Class
Dimensions and Material Redesign Properties show classes and material properties for the
jacket, the tiedowns, and the cans.
For the tiedowns, we have reports titled Beam Properties and Beam Ends. Both of these reports
are useful in verifying that the tiedowns are modeled as the project desires. The beam properties
summary is where we can verify that the tiedown orientation is as input through the use of the
member y-direction cosine matrix. For the beam ends report, we are given the location of each
end of the tiedown in the barge part coordinate system. Please note that we are paying special
attention to the part system designation for these reports. We want to be careful and provide
proper documentation.

Figure 50 - Tiedown properties screen shot

Pages 10 and 11 of the output are a summary of the SN curves that will be used for fatigue.
These are included as part of the first section summarizing the input. For our analysis, we are not
changing or adding to this list, but we still need to provide the curves that are used as part of the
output. Finally, we make four pictures showing the configuration as part of the input summary.
The four pictures are created with the &picture command.

Figure 51 - Isometriv view of transportationFigure 52 - Side view of transportationFigure 53- Bow view of
transportationFigure 54 - Top view of transportationNext, we perform a stability analysis. These are the
same commands that were used in previous exercises and will not be discussed here.
In the next section of commands, we produce a set of tables that summarize the system. Please
note that all of the values are reported in the barge coordinate system. The last Category
Summary reports in the barge part system. For this report, the structural model has the XCG at
225 ft from the bow. This makes sense because the jacket is located at x = 200 and the XCG in
the jacket part system is at x = 25 ft. The structural weight that is reported in the Category
Summary report on page 17 includes the jacket, tiedowns, and cans. Also, please note that the
command &weight added a negative value to achieve equilibrium. The weight added by
&weight is presented as &DEFWT.
That concludes the static analysis portion of the transportation analysis. Next, we do the
hydrodynamics and the structural analysis.
Native Commands: Hydrodynamic Analysis
Creating the hydrodynamic database has been covered in previous exercises. Basically, the same
set of commands are presented here. Please refer to the previous exercises for a discussion on
the commands.
The environments we are going to use need to be given a name. The easiest way to do this is in
the &data environment menu. We are using the same naming convention as that in the
installation macros. The first character is a letter designating a Hs and Tm pair, followed by
three characters designating the environment heading. Notice that the syntax used for
environments in the &data environment menu is the same syntax used for the &env command.
We are going to be using the same environment descriptions for the motions analysis and the
structural analysis. Defining them by giving them names, reduces any human error because they

are only defined once, it provides a clean way to write the commands, and they can be referenced
in the output.
After this, we enter the frequency response menu and calculate RAOs and report RAOs at the
system CG. When we calculate the RAOs at the jacket part CG, we do not ask for a report.
Then, we calculate the force response operators for the cargo (which happens to be the jacket)
and again we do not output the results. This is back to the idea that we are trying to produce the
same set of output as the installation tools do.
The next part where we report the G Force Statistics is where we do write reports. The reporting
of the G Force statistics is done in numerical and in graphical form. In the output file, the
statistics are listed just for the nine environments defined earlier. In graphical form, the period of
each of the environments is presented from 4 to 18 seconds. This second part is done with the -
e_period option.
This concludes the frequency response portion of the analysis. Next, we perform a structural
Native Commands: Structural Solution
Before we begin the structural analysis, we reset the active environment to "none" and we take
out the subtitle. This is done to keep the output easy to read.
The structural analysis presented in the native command file is the basic approach to a
transportation structural analysis. The installation macros contain a great deal of logic that better
represents the project progression. The default structural analysis performed with the MOSES
tools takes out the tiedowns for the still water case, makes any mean load cases to include the
mean wind force, and combines these cases with the dynamic portion.
For the analysis in the tow_native files, a much more limited set of load cases is presented. The
structural solver menu is used two separate times. The first time for the still water case, and the
second time for the wave environment load cases. We use the same procedure for both

 define the load case with lcase

 define the restraints to be used with s_rest, will leave blank
 define the parts with s_part to be included, this changes
 finally solve for the structural solution with ssolve

For both times through the structural solver, we leave the list of restraints to use blank. For this
analysis, we are using a rigid barge. The restraints needed to keep the jacket on the barge deck
plane are provided by the fact that the barge is rigid. We do not need to include any other
restraints since we are only performing a structural analysis on the jacket, tiedowns, and cans.
We define the "still water" case the first time through. This is meant to represent the stage after
loadout has finished but tiedowns have not been welded. To do this, the list after s_part contains
only "jacket" and "can" for this load case. The option -nonlinear is used. Many times the
connection between the jacket at the cans or tiedowns is not welded. There is a possibility that
there could be a temporary disconnect at these locations. This disconnect would make the
problem non-linear.

The second time through the structural solver, we define the RAO load cases. This just creates
the real and the imaginary cases for a regular wave and the headings. This does not combine the
RAO and the wave spectra. This time through the structural solver s_part has "jacket," "can,"
and "tiedown." This is because the dynamic loadcases are supposed to represent a situation
where the tiedowns have been added.
At the conclusion of the computation, we just know that we have done the computations. We
will have to go into another menu to get a report of the results. That is what is done with the
Structural Post Processing, strpost, menu. The first thing done in the post processing menu is to
combine the RAO load cases with the wave spectra, cases -spect. When we review the tables in
the output file, the load cases will have the names listed after the -spect option. This concludes
the computations for the structural strength analysis. The rest of the commands control the
contents of the output file.
First, we make a selector to include all of the spectral loadcases. Then, we report the multipliers
for the currently defined structural load cases. This is done with &status r_case. The first time
through, we report all of the available load cases. This first list is rather long because it includes
all of the cases created with the lcase -rao command. The second time through, we report only
the load cases we are interested in.
The results of the structural code check are presented in various forms in the last set of
commands. Usually a project wants to review the static stillwater case separately from the
dynamic load cases. Here, we present the results of the code check with the command beam
code -load stillw. In the next command beam code -load :load, we get the summary of the results
for all of the load cases. Only the case which resulted in the highest code checks is reported. For
our analysis, there is predominantly H090, but there are some H135 still listed. Just to show that
the other load cases are available, the last command beam code -load s135 presents the results of
the code check for only the S135 loadcase.
This concludes the strength check of the transportation. The last set of commands computes the
fatigue check.
To do fatigue, you need to give MOSES the environments and the duration of each environment.
For our tow, we have all of the information in a separate file named env. This file and its format
have basically been unchanged for a decade. You need to change the numbers to set the velocity
(vel), the total time (tim), and the length (len) variables. After that, you define the environments
with the first value being the length of time the transportation is exposed to the environment.
Usually the meteorologist will have this information. You will need to somehow put it into this
Remember, this file is inserted while we are in the structural post-processing menu. When we
end out of the duration menu with end_duration we can just create the fatigue load case with the
command cases. Then, when we return to the native.cif file, we just ask for the fatigue report
with beam fatigue.
After this, we exit the structural post-processing menu with the command end. The last thing we
do is create a picture of the structural solution. The command &picture iso -type struct -color
ratio creates a picture with the color of each member of the jacket indicating its value in the
structural analysis unity check.

This concludes the transportation analysis with all of the MOSES native commands. Next, we
are going to use the transportation tools to do the exact same analysis.

Automated installation tools

If you have not read the online documentation for the installation macros, please see the
following link:
Our discussion will start with the files from the download site, install.dat and install.cif. We are
going to start with the install.dat file.

Data file
The top part of the install.dat file sets many variables which are self-explanatory, wdepth is for
water depth, the SCFs to use are from Efthymiou, etc. The variable we are interested in is
"envdat" on line 51. This is the variable that tells MOSES where the environment duration for
fatigue is located. We want to use the same file "..dataenv.dat" which was used in the native
command analysis. We see that the value is already set to what we want, so we proceed.
The changes we are interested in making begin at line 66. We tell MOSES to use the vessel in
the current directory in the file tow_brg.dat. Remember, tow_brg.dat was created to conform to
the vessel library format. Therefore, this is all we need to tell MOSES when we use the tools.
The next two variables we set are the jacket starboard and the port nodes. If we review the
jacket.dat file, we see that nodes *db4 and *db2 have positive values in the y coordinate. When
we located the jacket on the barge with the native commands, we did not rotate the jacket in any
manner, so the nodes on the starboard side would have a positive y coordinate. This means that
nodes *db4 and *db2 were placed on the starboard side. The order that the nodes are placed in is
important for these two variables. The node listed first is conventionally known as the leading
edge. If we were to imagine that this jacket was to be launched, the nodes at the barge stern
would be at the leading edge into the water. We see that nodes *db3 and *db4 have the largest x
coordinate and would have been placed nearest the stern in the native command files. Therefore,
in our install.dat tool file, nodes *db3 and *db4 are listed first for the variables. To define the
port and starboard nodes we have:
&set port_nod = *db3 *db1
&set stbd_nod = *db4 *db2
This is just the first part in defining the jacket location and sea fastening. The command
model_in is next used to locate the jacket on the barge. Remember that in the native commands,
we also placed the jacket coordinate system origin at 200 feet in the x direction. The z
coordinate is what is different. Part of the barge library format is to input a variable "vdepth,"
which is the distance from the barge deck from the keel. Therefore, the distance used to locate
the jacket in the z direction is taken from the barge deck. In the native command file, we located
the jacket 25 ft from the keel, but for the transportation tools we will use 5 ft from the deck. The
two options used for the command model_in use the port and starboard nodes we just designated.
-port_nod and -stbd_nod have the syntax of options, however for this command they are
necessary, they are not options. Using the options -port_nod and -stbd_nod, we tell MOSES to
place nodes *db3 and *db4 nearest the stern of the barge, and place nodes *db4 and *db2 on the
starboard side, and nodes *db3 and *db1 on the port side of the barge. For now, that is all we
need for locating the jacket on the barge. Next, we will define the supports and sea fastenings.
The next set of commands looks very similar to those that we used in the native command file.
To define the support cans and the seafastening tiedowns we will be using the i_connector
command several times. Within the transportation tools, the i_connector command and the
designators used after it tell MOSES what part is being defined, the orientation, and the
connection points. The support cans are defined with the i_connector v_can command. Please
note that for the transportation tools, we were able to list all of the nodes that will be supported
on one command line. This is different from the syntax used in the native.cif file. The classes
are defined with the same command as in the native.cif file. MOSES knows to define a part with
a "CAN" name when a connector is defined using the designator v_can. The tiedowns are
defined with the lines that contain the pconnect command. These are basically the same
commands from the native.cif file with the command i_connector before the pconnect. MOSES
knows that when the command i_connector pconnect is used that a tiedown part is being defined.
This is all of the information that is needed to produce the same model as the native.cif file. In
the default install.dat file that is located in the download site, there are still several commands
after the tiedown definition. Since they are not needed for the comparison, we will not be
discussing them here.

Command file
There are few changes needed to the install.cif file to produce the analysis performed with
native.cif. Remember, this discussion assumes that you are starting with the install.cif file from
the download site.
The first set of changes are in lines 12 to 16. We are only interested in the transportation
analysis. This should be the only variable left with a value of ".true." Please note that the values
includes the "." before and after the letters. The values for launch, loadout, upend, and lift should
be set to ".false."
The other section we want to change are the options used on lines 33 to 36. In the native file we
used wave height and period pairs, 5 and 10, 4 and 11, and 6 and 12. In the native files, we had
to specify what headings to look at. In the installation tools, all we have to do is list the Hs and
period pair. The installation tools take care of making the environment descriptions for 8
headings (45 degree spacing).
The options -wind w_inctact w_damage w_vortex w_stuctural tell MOSES which wind velocity
to use for the different parts of the analysis. We tell MOSES to use 100 knot winds for intact
stability. We need a value for damage stability. Even though for our analysis we will not be
performing damage stability, a 40 knot wind will be used to check vortex shedding and 0 knot
winds will be used for structural analysis. The installation tools check vortex shedding by
default. We did not include wind when we defined our environments in the native command
analysis. That is why we are also not going to include wind and have used a 0 to indicate this.
The last two options -draft dd -trim tt tell MOSES which draft and trim to use. We want to make
sure we are using the same values as the native command files, 10 and 0.
That is all of the changes that are needed to the installation tool files. The tools take care of all of
the stability, hydrodynamics, and making load cases for us.
Review the answers
At this point, we have discussed the approach to the native command method and the installation
tools method. Some of the log and output file for the native command method was discussed
when the native command file was discussed. We are going to be mostly reviewing the results of
the installation tools method with some comparison to the results from the native commands
When we review the results in the answers directory, the first thing we notice is that the native
commands produced 9 graphic files and the tools produced 22 graphic files. The first five
graphics are the same. The first four are shown as Figures 5 to 9 in this workbook. The fifth one
is the results of the stability analysis. They are four views of the system and the results of the
stability analysis. For the tools results, the RAOs are presented in graphical form in graphic files
6 to 13 and in tabular form pages 25 to 32 of the out file. In the native command results, only the
tabular form of the RAO was produced in pages 18 to 20. Remember, in the native command
files we only looked at three environment headings, whereas the tools by default will examine
eight headings.
The graphs that we can compare are the force response curves. These would be graphics 6 to 9
in the native analysis and some of the figures shown in graphic files 14 to 21 in the installation
tools analysis. For the native commands analysis, we did 180 deg (graphic 6), 135 deg (graphic
7), and 90 deg (graphic 9). In the installation tools, they are done in a different order, but they
are graphics 18, 17, and 16. You should be able to keep track of them by the graphic titles.
When you compare the curves, you will see that so far we are getting the same answers for both
analyses types. You can also compare the numerical results in the output file. In the output file,
we reported the force response at the jacket CG for just the wave's height and mean period that
were specified. These are the tables with the title CARGO G FORCE STATISTICS. When
making your comparison, you will need to make sure that the information in the box outlined by
*s contains the same information.

Figure 55 - G Force statistice for 90 deg using the tools

Figure 56 - G Force statistics for 90 deg using the native commands

After the hydrodynamics results is where our analyses diverged. In the native commands we
made a still water load case, RAO load cases, then we just asked for the default combination of
RAOs and environment spectra for the spectral load cases. The report ALLOWABLE STRESS
MODIFIERS shows the allowable stress modifiers for the load cases. In the native command
method, we did not change it so the 10 load cases were left with a modifier of 1.00. The
corresponding table for the installation tools results is found on page 57. The table shows 24 load
cases for the tiedown members with an allowable stress modifier of 1.33. Page 62 shows the
loadcases for the dynamic (jacket, can, tiedown system) analysis.

The load case names used in the installation tools is explained in the file doc00001.txt. More
sorting and combining is done for the installation tools. If you open the doc00001.txt file, you
should be able to find the following explanation of the structural load cases.

For the structural analysis, the barge was assumed to be rigid, and the behavior of the structure
was considered under the action of 282 basic load cases. The structure will be checked for the

Case Mean Period, Sec.

H 5.0 10.00
S 4.0 11.00
V 6.0 12.00

Each of the above environments are used with the RAO load cases to produce spectral
cases. These were obtained by first integrating the product of a member load RAO
squared times the spectrum, then multiplying by a probability factor to obtain the
dynamic stress. Here, the probability of the average of the 1/1000th highest values was
used to compute the dynamic stress. These dynamic stresses are combined with the static
stresses to get two load cases for each spectrum and direction. These were named
LXXXAS and LXXXAC. Here, the naming convention is that the "L" in the name is the
letter corresponding to the spectrum defined above, "XXX" is the direction and "A" is a
process designator. The cases ending with "S" are the "normal" ones; they are the wind
cases plus the dynamic deviation times the sign of the mean. This governs most members.
In some cases, however, the mean of the member may be slightly in tension and the
compression cases will govern. Thus, the "C" cases are the "S" cases minus twice the
dynamic deviation. To check uplift, an additional spectral condition was used, LXXXAU.
These are the mean plus the dynamic deviation. A sequential structural solution was
performed. First, the system without tiedowns was solved for the still water case
(loadout). Then, the system with tiedowns included was solved for the other load cases.
The still water load case was combined with the other cases in the post processor so that
the effect of the tiedowns is felt only under dynamic loads. A separate section of the
program output is dedicated to the tiedowns. Here, beam internal loads and code checks
for only the tiedowns are shown. The beam loads have been condensed into an envelope.
In other words, each value presented is the maximum overall load case. The load cases
used for checking the tiedowns are simply the dynamic loads multiplied by two. This
assumes that no tension connection is developed between the tiedown brace and the
barge deck, and that the tiedowns are arranged as inboard/outboard pairs. In this
manner, tension that would have been developed in the tiedowns on one side of a support
is added to the compression in the tiedowns on the opposite side. Vertical support was
provided by support cans attached between the cargo and the barge deck. These
supports were modeled as beams and their loads are shown in the accompanying MOSES
output in the reports titled "BEAM LOADS" and "BEAM ENVELOPE." The first of these
gives the still water loads and the second gives the minimum and maximum overall load
cases. Since these are beam loads, the vertical support load is the axial load in the beam
and follows the standard convention where tension is positive. Therefore, any positive
axial loads indicate uplift in the support.
As you can see, the installation macros made special load cases to keep track of the load signs. In
this manner, we can ensure that any wave loads would increase the axial, shear, and bending
moment of a member, not decrease it. We did not take this precaution in the native commands
files. When you compare the results of the structural code checks, you will see that the results
are different. You will also notice that the installation macros have taken the extra effort to take
the tiedowns out of the section where the still water case is reported. In our native command file,
the tiedowns are reported as part of the still water case as having 0 loads.
When you look at the graphical representation of the structural results, you will also see different
colors. In the installation tools results the vertical members fail, this is in comparison to the
native command where the vertical members pass.
We tried to make the installation tools easy to use. The purpose of this exercise is to show a
comparison. A secondary purpose is to show the workings of the installation tools and show that
the installation tools provide a rigorous method. You are welcome to use whichever method you
prefer for your projects.

Exercise A
 Start with the deck from test files sac2 (see /ultra/hdesk/runs/tests/convert directory).
 Convert this file and transport the resulting deck on the Tidmar 251 (tdmar251.dat file).
 Take out the tiedowns that are translated with the model (elements with class T/D) \
 ut the trailing nodes *J3304 and *J3303 at 100 ft from the bow.
 Put the bottom of the legs 5 ft above the barge deck.
 Use tubulars of OD 48 in ID 1.375 in for the cans.
 Use tubulars of OD 36 in ID 1.375 in for the tiedowns.
 Use the nodes *j3107, *j3108, *j3104, and *j3103 for tiedown connections at the deck.
 The tiedowns should go to the barge deck and shell intersection.
 The tiedowns should span 11 ft longitudinally between the deck point and the barge touch
down point.
 Use the same env.dat for the fatigue data.
 The barge is to have a draft of 8 ft with a trim 0.57.
 Use the same winds and sea spectra.

The suggested cif and data files for this exercise are found in directory
/ultra/hdesk/runs/samples/install files tow_exer.cif, tow_exer.dat. The translated deck file is in
the directory /ultra/hdesk/runs/samples/data file dk_exer.dat.

17. Orienting the jacket to have one leg parallel to the barge
Project Specifications

 Use the jacket in file quad.dat

 Use meters and mtons for reporting
 Use the Julieb barge
 Support the jacket on nodes *J0101 *J0201 *J0301 *J0401 *J0105 *J0205 *J0305 *J0405
 For the cans use OD 920mm and thickness 30mm
 Place node *J0101 15 meters from the bow and 17.5 meters on the starboard side.
 Place leg with nodes *J0101 and *J0401 parallel to the barge side shell.
 The centerline of the leg is 1.5 meters above the barge deck
 For the tiedowns use OD 420mm and thickness 25mm
 Use 4 tiedowns evenly distributed around each can
 For structural analysis assume barge can take tension from tiedowns
 Use the following ballast arrangement

name %full name %full

2p 100 2s 100

3ap 100 3bp 100

3bs 100 4bp 100

4bs 100 5bs 60

5bp 100 6bp 100

6bs 100 8ap 100

8as 100 8c 100

 Use 3D diffraction to calculate the hydrodynamics

 Wind Values

 For intact stability use 100 knots

 For vortex shedding use 80 knots
 For structural analysis use 90 knots

 the environments to be used for calculating accelerations and structural analysis

name Hs Tm
D 1.7 10.5
F 2.3 8.9

G 1.2 7.0

Figure 57- Isometricc view jacket with leg parallel to sideshell

Many of the project specifications we have seen before. There are three new specifications to be

 The ballast arrangment

 Use 3D diffraction to calculate the hydrodynamics
 Place leg with nodes *J0101 and *J0401 parallel to the barge side shell.
For this exercise, a translation from SACS is not needed. The MOSES model is provided. We
will need to use a command file similar to ck_sac.cif to determine which nodes are at the top and
bottom of each leg. We will also need the ck_sac.cif file to determine the order of the nodes.
After clicking some we, find that the nodes at the ends of the legs are *J0101 and *J0401 we will
call LEGA, *J0105 and *J0405 we will call LEGB. The instructions call for LEGA nodes to be
parallel to the barge side shell with a positive y coordinate. This means that LEGB will be on the
port side. The nodes at the top of the jacket are *J0401 *J0403 *J0407 *J0405. The instructions
tell us the distance from the bow to node *J0101 is 15 meters. This means the top of the jacket
will be nearest the stern. To orient the jacket with one leg parallel to the centerline or sideshell,
we use the -orient option. This is the same option we used for the deck with odd number of legs.
The manual instruction for -orient are:

For a structure which is not symmetrical about the barge centerline, the orientation
scheme is different. Here, the -orient option is used. This option defines three nodes. The
first node is where the distance for positioning will be measured and is normally at the
bottom of the leg that is parallel with the deck edge, assuming the top of jacket faces aft.
The second node is along the leg from the first node, and the third node is on the other
side of the barge, usually along the horizontal level in line with the first node. Y is the
distance from the centerline of the barge to the first node, positive towards starboard.
Note that if one specifies starboard nodes and a negative Y then the jacket will be placed
under the barge.

Figure 58 - Side view of jacket with leg parallel to barge sideshell

Figure 59 - Bow view of jacket with leg parallel to sideshell

Notice we are using a negative sign and a port side node. This means our jacket will be on top of
the barge. The command to place the barge in install.dat should read something similar to:
$********************************************* barge data
$ use_ves julieb
$********************************************* structure data
&SET port_nod = *J0101 *J0201 *J0301 *J0401
&SET stbd_nod = *J0105 *J0205 *J0305 *J0405
$********************************************* define jacket
model_in quad quad.dat 15 17.5 1.5
-port_nod %port_nod
-stbd_nod %stbd_node
-orient *j0101 *j0401 *j0105
$********************************************* jacket/barge conn.

∼ tiedown tube 420 25
∼ vcan tube 920 30
v_can ∼ vcan %port_nod %stbd_nod
i_connector 4_tie ∼ tiedown %port_nod %stbd_nod

For the command file, all we need to do is add &set d_type = 3ddif before the inmodel
command. This will take care of the 3d-diffraction project specification.
The transportation part of the command file needs to use the -ballast option. We can make a
selector for all the compartments that will be filled to 100%. It should read: -ballast :full 100 5bp
95 6bp 95
Disscusion - Log and Output File
The big difference we are going to see for this analysis is in the run time. 3D-diffraction takes
substantially longer time in comparison to strip theory. This will be evident, as you wait for the
analysis, and in the log file MOSES reports every time it finishes the calculation for a wave
period. Here is what the log file looks like when it calculates a 3d-diffraction database:
Setting Pressure Name for JULIEB to D3.2


Time to Generate 494 Panels For JULIEB : CP= 0.50

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 1 : CP= 2.71

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 2 : CP= 2.70

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 3 : CP= 2.68

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 4 : CP= 2.70

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 5 : CP= 2.71

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 6 : CP= 2.85

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 7 : CP= 3.05

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 8 : CP= 2.75

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 9 : CP= 2.74

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 10 : CP= 2.73

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 11 : CP= 2.74

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 12 : CP= 2.78

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 13 : CP= 2.80

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 14 : CP= 2.87

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 15 : CP= 3.09

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 16 : CP= 3.21

Time For 3D Diff. 494 Panels, Freq. 17 : CP= 4.08

Setting Drift Name for JULIEB to D3.2


Time to Sum Pressures For 494 Panels on JULIEB : CP= 0.19

Time To Set Up Convolution : CP= 0.03

When we review the pictures and the tiedown ends we see that some of the tiedowns did not land
on the barge. Mathematically all the rigid connections are made and the analysis is completed.
We do need to make these visual checks on the pictures or the checks of the ends reporting to
make sure our situation is real.
Other than that, the presentation of the log and output file is very similar to those we have seen

Exercise A
If you look closely at the tiedowns located at the stern starboard side you will see that they do
not land on the barge. This needs to be corrected. We can use the i_connector xy_delta form of
the automated installation command to fix this quick.
Change the bottom of data file, where the tiedowns are defined, to read:
i_connector v_can ~vcan %port_nod %stbd_nod
i_connector 4_tie ~tiedown %port_nod ∗j0201 ∗j0301 ∗j0401
i_connector xy_delta ~tiedown -1.5 1.5 ∗j0101
i_connector xy_delta ~tiedown 1.5 -1.5 ∗j0101
i_connector xy_delta ~tiedown -1.5 1 ∗j0101
i_connector xy_delta ~tiedown 1.5 1 ∗j0101

18. Launch analysis
This exercise presents a launch analysis in two methods. The analysis is done with native
commands with a simple jacket model. Then a more real jacket model is used with the
installation tools. The analysis done with the installation tools is considered more complete.
The objective in presenting both methods is to show some of the steps that the tools are using,
and to show that if you wanted to go "the long way," you could. Many of the native commands
needed for the model summary reports were presented with the native transportation exercise.
The discussion on those commands will not be repeated here.
For the native launch commands the files are under the tests/install directory. They are
man_laun.cif, man_laun.dat, and ji_barge.dat. For the automated files we will use the same files
used in the automated transportation exercise.
A launch analysis is a two body problem. The jacket body slides off the barge body. Much care
needs to be taken so that the pre-launch condition is defined as the project desires. Most of the
discussion here for the "long way" concentrates on setting up the pre-launch condition.
For this exercise, a translation from SACS is not needed. The MOSES model is provided. There
is a restraint at the end of the file that is needed.
This restraint is needed so that the structural solution will solve.
We will need to use a command file similar to ck_sac.cif to determine which nodes are at the top
and bottom of each leg. We will also need the ck_sac.cif file to determine the order of the nodes.
This is a very basic jacket. The leg with nodes *J0006, *J0004 we will call LEGA, the leg with
nodes *J0003 and *J0001 we will call LEGB. Further lets designate nodes *J0006 and *J0003 as
the top of the jacket. This end of the jacket is the leading edge. Meaning it leads into the water.
Nodes *J0004 and *J0001 are the trailing edge. Meaning they go into the water last. Now back
to the command file.
The first part of the command file should be familiar to us. The new part is in the model editing
portion. You are familiar with the command medit from previous exercises. This is the first
time we will be defining a launchway assembly. The following is the link to the manual page for
the command assembly LLEG.
There is a second figure showing the tiltbeam geometry towards the bottom of the page, and is
shown here as

Figure 60 - Joints used in assembly LLEG command

Figure 61 - Tiltbeam geometry

The following table presents the legs in the various forms they will be labeled and associated.
Keep this table in mind when we are discussing the assembly lway command.
Label Leg A Leg B
Barge side starboard port
Leading node J1003 J1006
Trailing node J0001 J0004
Assembly list first last
Table 5 - Leg name association labels

We are going to discuss the needed data as it appears in the assembly lleg command. Near the
top of the manual page there is a top view of the launch barge assembly. From this sketch you
can see the map between the order of the nodes on the command and the location on the barge
assembly. Also, as part of the description we find that:

Here, ∗J(1) . . . ∗J(n) are the node names of the nodes along the launch cradle of the jacket, in order, where
∗J(1) is the first node which will enter the water and ∗J(n) is the last node which will enter the water.
This refers back to the leading edge and trailing edge. The rest of the paragraphs helps fill out
more of the command.
The launch cradle is considered part of the jacket that rests on the barge skidway. BODY_NAME(1) is the
body name assigned to the barge where the tiltpins are attached, and XB, YB, and ZB are the coordinates,
in the BODY_NAME(1) body system, of the begining of the skidway on the BODY_NAME(1). Here, the
skidway should be considered to be at the height of the jacket launch leg centerline above the barge origin.
Also, :B1(i) are the selectors for the nodes the BODY_NAME(1) which will be used for connecting the
jacket to the barge body.
We know our barge body name is "barge" but now we need to go to the figure towards the
bottom of the page to get a better idea of what values to put in for XB, YB, and ZB. From this
figure we see that XB, YB, and ZB are locating the trailing edge nodes on the barge. Please note
that they are locating the centerline of the launch leg. The values used in the command file differ
only by a sign on the YB value. The starboard side leg has a positive and the port side leg has a
The last part of the command requests a selector :B1(i), however we have put ∗B@T and ∗B@.
We could have used a selector to pick the top nodes on the barge, or we could have made a
selector to pick the nearest barge node. This is an advanced exercise, we see that for this
command it is acceptable to shortcut a selector for a search with a wild character.
The launch leg will search for the nearest barge node to make the connection. The launch leg
connector has to make this determination for each step during the launch. Each time the jacket
moves the connection points have to re-evaluated. Depending on the location of the jacket the
connectors are turned on and off. For the starboard leg it will look for the nodes ending in "T".
For the port leg it will include all the barge nodes. It will however pick nodes ending in "T",
because those nodes are at the top of the barge, and nearest the leg.
For the options -TPIN we need to concentrate on the lower figure. This option is locating the tilt
pin. Please pay close attention that "TPRIDEP" is to the centerline of the launch leg. XP, YP,
and ZP are in the barge, BODY_NAME, coordinate system. The last two options -FRICT and -
BEAM are for the coefficient of friction and the section properties of the tiltbeam.
We still need to establish the coordinate system for launch. Here we need to read the 2nd
paragraph under the Tiltbeam Geometry figure.
The order of the input of the ASSEMBLY LLEG command is important as it is used to establish
the launch coordinate system of the jacket. The axes of this coordinate system are set as follows:
The X axis is parallel to a line connecting ∗J(1) and ∗J(n), and is directed towards ∗J(1). The
jacket is launched in the positive X direction. The origin of the system is midway between the
trailing joints given on the first and last ASSEMBLY LLEG command, the Y axis is along the line
connecting the ∗J(n) on the last ASSEMBLY LLEG input with the ∗J(n) on the first one input. The
Z axis is determined from the right hand rule.
Remember the table at the begining of this discussion? It is the starboard leg that should be
defined before the port leg if the launch direction is towards the stern.
That concludes the model editing needed for launch.

In the automated method a section of the output is dedicated to reporting the model. Here we are
just going to report the summary of the restraints, and a short category summary of the jacket.
cat -part jacket
It is a good idea to run the analysis and have the log and output files available for discussion.
The restraint report contains some unexpected entries. We defined the launchway assembly with
the command assembly lleg, the first row of the report shows an element with name &LR1-001
and a class of &LRUNNER connected to to ∗J0006. A launchway connector is a really a
complicated connector. The ends of the connector on the barge have to change and eventually
remain turned off when the jacket enters the water. Having the user input all these connector
specifications would be very time consuming and prone to human error. This is the default
naming and numbering scheme done within MOSES.
The last row shows the spring restraint that was part of the data file. The Category Summary for
Part Jacket you should be familiar with. A similar report was presented as part of the
transportation exercise.
The next set of commands you may be mostly familiar with.
&INSTATE barge -condition 0 0 3
&weight -compute barge 10 32 0.29*330 0.29*330
&status config
&status g_lway
&picture side
The only new command is &status g_lway. This command generates the table Launch Way
Geometry that is found in the log file. When you review this file you will see many of the inputs
that were used in the
This is a good place to do Exercise A. If you want to look at the end of the section you have
enough information to do Exercise A.
The next command actually performs the launch.
This command performs the launch simulation. The log file contains a small summary of the
analysis, it is titled "Launch Events Summary". The options used are presented in the order that
they are used in the simulation. The option -WINCH tells moses to assume the winches can
move the jacket .5 m/sec until the jacket starts sliding. The log file shows that sliding occured at
0.5 seconds. Tip occus at 30 seconds and separation occurs at 37.25 seconds. The oscillations
are at 54.25, 60.25, 66.25 and 72.75 seconds. The simulations ends at 72.5 seconds because this
is the 4th oscillation and the option -MAXOSC told MOSES to stop before 5. The option -
MAXTIME which designates the final simulation times was not used. Had the oscillations taken
longer to occur the maxtime may have been reached.

In the log file, the table "Launch Events Summary" has columns "Time" and "Change in Time",
which seem to report at various intervals but not what is designated in the -TSTEP option. To see
the effects of th -TSTEP option we need to go to the output file. The report "Location of the
Origin of Selected Bodies" was produced by the commands:
If we focus on the "Event" column we see the time step increases in increments of 0.5 for the
first 30 seconds, or until tip. The time step increases by 0.25 seconds until 37.25, or until
separation. Then it goes back to increaseing by 0.5 seconds until the simulation ends. This is
what was specifiec by the option -TSTEP. The first value indicates the time step before tipping,
the 2nd value indicates the time step between tipping and separation, and the 3rd value indicates
the time step after separation. Each one of these time steps can be created into a load case and
used in a structural analysis.
Usually the time step between tipping and separation is lower than the others. This is becuase
during tipping a higher percentage of the jacket weight is being supported by the rocker arm. By
having more time events during this short time more load cases can be defined.
The command LAUP_STD produces a standard set of output for the launch analysis. This is
actually a quick way of producing LAUNch Process STanDard output. The reports it creates is
"Location of the Origin of Selected Bodies", "Velocity of the Origin of Selected Bodies", and
"Skidway Reacations" reports. It also creates the plots in the answers directory. These are the
plots that we have noticed many MOSES users find helpful in evaluating the launch process.
Certainly, knowing the bottom clearance is helpful, as shown in Figure fignum: Barge and Jacket
Clearance. Knowing the jacket slides off the stern instead of tipping off a side is helpful, as is
shown in
Figure 62 - Barge and jacket clearance

Figure 63 - Vertical Force at pin and trailing edge

In the next long section we solve the structural solution three different ways. The three ways are:
Approximate Solution, Better Solution Before Tip, and Combining Both. You might recall the
general format for the Structural menu from the Longitudinal Strength Part 2 exercise. Because
this is a two body body problem and becuase we are using launchway connectors we have a few
more commands.
In all three solutions we enter the structural menu with structral and exit the strucutral menu with
end. For all three solutions we create a short output in the structural post processing menu. We
enter this menu with the command STRPOST and exit it with the command end. The command
we are going to be focusing on is LCASE. It can be found at the following link.
For the structural solution we are going to focus on time steps: 0, 25, 30, 35, 37 and 40. Two
before tip, three between tip and separation, and one after separation.
For the approximate solution we have:
LCASE -lleforce 1. 2. 50 -process 0. 25 30 35 27 40
The manual tells us that:
Before tipping, a single distribution will be generated. After tipping, the distribution will be
composed of two trapezoidal distributions, each TBLEN (feet or meters) long, which are
symmetric about the tiltpin. The relative intensities at the pin and at the ends of each distribution
are goverend by the two parameters QBEG and QMID.
The load distribution between tipping and separation is respresented by the rocker arm load in
Figure fignum: Rocker Arm Lad Distribution.

Figure 64 - Rocker Arm Load Distribution

Figure 65 - Jacket Support Condition Before Tip

The manual tells us that:

If either SSOLVE -NONLINEAR or BODSOLVE is used for solving a launch, MOSES will create
connections modeling the launchway at each load case. The type of restraint supplied in the area of the
tiltbeam is dependent on the use of the -BEAM option of the LLEG command. This option defines the
bending stiffness and length of the beam. Before tipping, all jacket nodes between the two ends of the
tiltbeam will be restrained. In cases where this criteria does not yield at least two nodes, the node furthest
forward yet aft of the pin and the node furthest aft yet forward of the pin will be added to the others. The
selected nodes are then connected with compression only springs to the closest barge nodes. For the nodes
in contact with the barge proper, a nominal "stiff" spring is used. For those in contact with the tiltbeam, the
stiff spring is put in series with the bending stiffness of the tiltbeam at the proper location.
The load distribution represented by the use of LCASE in this manner is shown in Figure fignum:
Jacket Support Condition Before Tip and

Figure 66 - Support condition after tipping

As you can see we really need a compromise here. We need to combine both methods. This is
what is done in the "Combining Both" section.
LCASE -process 0. 25
LCASE -lleforce 1. 2. 50 -process 30 35 27 40
Notice that the output for each structural analysis is similar. For the approximate solution only
one restraint report is generated. Remember for the approximate solution only the ~SPRING
restraint is used. The table summarizes the value of this restraint for the five load cases
generated. For the other two methods each &LR element can be a restraint at each time step. A
separate table is needed to represent the restraints at each time step. This concludes the
discussion of the native files for launch. The following exercise concentrates on understanding
the output.

Exercise A
It is a good idea to take the values from the &status g_lway table and place them in their
corresponding location in Figure fignum.

Exercise B

Fill in the table with the values presented in the structural WS Beam Check Standard reports.
"BB tip" stands for Better Before Tip method.

Element Method Case Unity
HOR | 0068 Approximate
BB Tip
VER | 0074 Approximate
BB Tip

Table 6- Comparison of Structural Results

19. Automated launch

For the automated files (install.cif, install.dat, big_jack.dat, and env.dat), we are going to use the
installation files that are in the sample directory. They can be found at the following link.
The use of these files is also found at the following link.
These files are very similar to the tow_auto files in the transportation exercise. When you review
the general format of the install.dat file you will see that it is basically the same as tow_auto.dat.
The main difference is that now we are using a real jacket and therefore more nodes are needed
to describe the port_nod and stbd_nod variables. The other difference is that we are now using
i_connector v_lway instead of i_connector v_can. The command i_connector v_lway defines the
launchway assembly based on the nodes used with the option -port_node and -stbd_node. This
one command certainly saves us much typing.
The versatility of these files is that you can use them for launch, transportation, loadout, upand
and lift. You can run all 5 analysis successively or run a subset. For our discussion we are going
to only run transportation and launch. In the cif file we want to leave the value of the "launch"
and "transportation" variables to ".true.". This is lines 8 through 12.
&set launch = .true.
&set transportation = .true.
&set loadout = .false.
&set upend = .false.
&set lift = .false.
This will run the transportation and the launch analysis in one MOSES session. The automated
files will take care to define one body consisting of the barge and jacket part for the
transportation analysis. Separately, it will define a body jacket and a body barge for the launch
analysis. The final structural analysis results will report the worst offending loadcase. It will not
discriminate between a transportation loadcase or a launch loadcase, it simply reports the worst
offender. This helps in evaluating what part of the installation process is causing high unity ratio.
Here are a few views of the launch pre-condition.
For the launch portion of the cif file all we need is the INST_LAUNCH command and some of
the options. For the launch we are doing here we will be setting some of the same values we set
in the "long method", but with values appropriate for this barge and jacket.

Figure 67 - Side view of pre-launch condition

Figure 68 - Bow view of pre-launch condition

&if %launch &then

inst_launch -friction .06 -draft 5.49 -trim 2.95 \
-nonlinear -winch .5
Just like in the "long method" the friction and the winch speed are defined. For the "long
method" the condition of the barge was set with &instate -condition, here we are using the -draft
and -trim options. Please be careful and read the instructions. For this option the draft at
midships is being defined. The last option, -nonlinear, tells MOSES how to model the launch
way connector during the strctural analysis.
This is all that is needed in the automated method. Here are a fews of the standard plots that are

Figure 69 - Side view of tip event

Notice on the Rocker Arm Reactions plot that the port side leg leave the barge at a different time
than the starboard side leg. When we review the output Page 53, Skidway Reactions report, we
see that the difference is 1 second (108.5 - starboard side, 109.5 - port side). We would have to
present this to the project to determine if this second delay is acceptable.

Figure 70 - Side view of separation event

Figure 71 - Trajectory plot of two bodies

Figure 72 - Rocker arm reactions and distance from pin

20. Answers

Getting started
Exercise A
1 KML for 12 ft draft = 1117 ft, and
KMT for 12 ft draft = 75 ft
2 Righting arm = 17.84 ft for 28 deg roll
3 At longitudinal location near= 0, 400 and 200 ft
4 At longitudinal location near= 0, 400 and 200 ft
Note: Need to review table headers to understand what is being
Exercise B
Yes, the original shear and bending moment curves are a series
of straight lines. With this change they start looking like
Conclusion: The accuracy of the shear and bending moment
depends on the number of planes defined.

Questions on distributed files
1 379.30 ft
2 78.13 ft
Exercise A
The echo of the data file is not part of the file bstab.ans/out00001.txt .

Questions on distributed files
1 938.1 kips
2 5P and 5S
3 30.10

Exercise B
1 Trans = 170 ft4 Long = 227 ft4
2 Area ratio = 5.31

Free Surface Moment

Exercise A
The dimension do not change back to those specified in the command file with
“&dimen –dimen meters m-tons”.
Exercise B
1 Before 0.00 m2
2 After 0.31 m2

Static Open Valve

The answers do not change. For a static analysis the area of the valve is not important.

Exercise A
1 Passes
2 Passes
Exercise B
KG of system is 14.3 ft

Part move and weight definitions

The answers are part of the discussion within the exercise.

Flexible barge modeling.

The answers are part of the discussion within the exercise.

Converstion from SACS

Exercise A
215 KN
X = 0.0 y = -13.7 z = -45.9

47511 KN
Exercise B
X=11.2 y= -130.1 z=-13.1
1553 kips

Dynamic Flooding
Exercise A

1. 9 - RY:TBRG
2. x-axis, Event
3. left axis, Z:TBRG
4. right axis, RY:TBRG
5. plot 1 4 -rax 3 -no

Exercise B

1. Simulation Terminated Due to Capsizing has changed to Simulation Terminated at

Specified Time
2. out0001 column Intern. Fl. Head and Vlv Diff Head is blank for the one with total time
1200 sec column Intern. Fl. Head and Vlv Diff Head is full for the one with total time
200 sec

Exercise C

The command line before tdom should now read

&compartment -correct two -percent two 0 -dynam two

Frequency domain motions

Exercise A

1. Yes, the righting arm and wind arm have changed. Before the changes the righting arm
crossed zero the second time after 67 degrees. After the change the second zero crossing
is around 54 deg.
2. Yes, the draft and pitch changed. The draft is now deeper and the pitch is less.

Exercise B

Connector for lifts and lowering

Exercise A
You need to ask for a position report in the body system. This can be done with the following:

&instate –event 1
&status config

The body is at a pitch of 12.81 degrees. The sum of the vertical force on the slings connected to
the jacket is 988.5 kips, reported in the jacket body system. The vertical force on the boom is
950 kips, reported in the ground coordinate system. Trigonometry between the two coordinate
systems, results in 964 kips.

From the reference manual we see that the tolerance is about 1% of the body weight. The bod is
1415 kips, so the error would be about 14 kips. Which get us to the 950 kips reported for the
vertical force on the boom.

Exercise B

The report “Connector Force Statistics” is changed.

Maximum Responses Based on a Multiplier of 3.720 from
Mean + Maximum Responses Based on a Multiplier of 3.720

Generalized Springs

Exercise A

Copy the fender.cif command to another root name, for this exercise I will use f_exer.cif. Insert
the line &device -auxin fender.dat before the inmodel command so that you can use the same
data file fender.dat.

Change the &instate -locate command for the barge to the following
-LOCATE barge 171 29.35 -4.3 0 0 90

Change the attachments for the tanker body to the following locations.

*fent1 161 29.35 21.95
*fent2 166 29.35 21.95
*fent3 176 29.35 21.95
*fent4 181 29.35 21.95

Change the attachment for the barge body to the following locations.
*fenb1 0 10 4.3
*fenb2 0 5 4.3
*fenb3 0 -5 4.3
*fenb4 00 -10 4.3

Change the attachment point order and change the euler angle for the connectors.

connector f1 fend *fenb1 *fent1 -euler 0 0 180

connector f2 fend *fenb2 *fent2 -euler 0 0 180
connector f3 fend *fenb3 *fent3 -euler 0 0 180
connector f4 fend *fenb4 *fent4 -euler 0 0 180

Catenary Mooring line system

Exercise A

Exercise B

In mp_moor.cif file change

Change line 54 to read

&connector @ -a_tension 70

Line 79 to read:
&ENV TEST -sea issc 90 10 7.5 1 -TIME 300 .5

The section for post processing should now read:

CONFORCE -mag_define y x z

plot 1 30 -no
body_force -force @ -event 0 9999 1
plot 1 129 -no
statistic 1 116
statistic 1 2 6 7 8
REPORT LOCATION -event 0 9999 1
points -event 0 9999 1 -mag_define x y
extreme 1 69

2. Minimum 3.09, maximum 18.23
3. -9.09


Two body motions analysis

Exercise A:
The last section of the post processing commands needs to chang to the following:
rel_mot *tautt *tautb *tautb *tautt -even 0 20000 1 -mag x y
view 1 2 3 4 -hard -mag -rec 0 40
extreme 1 5
extreme 1 17

Event Name Value Comment

414.00 P-Mag *TAUTB 66.83 Minimum
543.00 P-Mag *TAUTB 68.63 Maximum

Event Name Value Comment

245.00 P-Mag *TAUTT 43.23 Minimum
407.00 P-Mag *TAUTT 68.68 Maximum

Exercise B:

1. Find the location of ∗tautt and ∗tautb at event 1.

*TAUTB 15.15 -0.00 2.71

*TAUTT 82.98 -0.00 15.74

2. Find the global position of the buoy and the tanker at event 1.

BUOY 13.74 -0.00 -3.12 0.00 13.58 0.00

TANKER 82.98 -0.00 -21.96 0.00 -0.00 -0.00

3. Change the relative motion section so that only the first 4 events are reported

*TAUTB -67.83 -0.00 -13.03

*TAUTT 62.87 0.00 28.60

Can you justify with geometry the difference in the two results?

Two body motions analysis

Exercise A:

Suggested Answer:

statistics 1 24 32 40 48 56 -hard

The statistics of the boom and slings are reported in the output file.

Remember to compare proper values. The period is 8 seconds. The frequency domain reports the
mean + maximum response so that should be compared to the "Maximum" and "Minimum"
values from the time domain. The output is shown below:
Frequency Domain
Period 8.00
-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
AIRT1 17.68 -103.97 -5.32 0 0 0 111.22 11.1223
AIRT2 27.21 13.19 -41.04 0 0 0 50.98 5.0982
BOOM 64.34 362.43 -414.90 0 0 0 1461.99 3.4472
SLING1 -159.49 -72.54 487.46 0 0 0 580.80 1.3694
SLING2 -25.66 297.68 403.66 0 0 0 517.05 1.2191
SLING3 359.63 -37.81 344.28 0 0 0 551.74 1.3009
SLING4 383.80 235.30 379.56 0 0 0 588.84 1.3884

Time Domain


-------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------

Mean 1151.32 335.45 340.27 336.33 346.28

Av Of 1/1000 Highes 1770.63 639.58 614.43 581.25 492.39
Av Of 1/1000 Lowest 379.77 73.58 77.51 126.03 150.18

We see that the magnitudes of all connectors are greater in the time domain.

Exercise B:

Jacket Crashed into Barge .FALSE.
Edge1 15.1818 Edge2 14.8312 Edge3 23.507

Minimum using the p_min_dist command is: 14.66

The two methods differ by less than 0.25 ft. Will the choice of points always lead to such close
correlation? Probably not. Better to take the time to set up the “p_min_dist” command.

Exercise C:
Suggested Answer:

&set bang = .false.

$ start off assuming it does not bang
rel_motion *edge1 *j1003 *edge2 *j1003 *edge3 *j1003 -mag x y
set_variable cedge1 -min 5 5
set_variable cedge2 -min 17 17
set_variable cedge3 -min 29 29
&set bang1 = &logical(%cedge1 .lt. 0)
&set bang2 = &logical(%cedge2 .lt. 0)
&set bang3 = &logical(%cedge3 .lt. 0)
&if .not. %bang &then
&if %(bang1) &then
&set bang = .true.
&elseif %(bang2) &then
&set bang = .true.
&else %(bang3) &then
&set bang = .true.

$ $ plotting - individual curves
plot 1 5 -t_sub "Relative Position"
-t_x "Time (sec)"
-t_left "Distance : *edge1 *j1003"
plot 1 17 -t_sub "Relative Position"
-t_x "Time (sec)"
-t_left "Distance : *edge2 *j1003"
plot 1 29 -t_sub "Relative Position"
-t_x "Time (sec)"
-t_left "Distance : *edge3 *j1003"
$ $ plotting - combined curves
plot 1 5 17 29 -t_sub "Relative Position" -
-t_x "Time (sec)"
-t_left "Distance to *j1003"
-legend 1 edg1
-legend 2 edg2
-legend 3 edg3

Launch Analysis:

Exercise B:

Element Method Case Unity

HOR | 0068 Approximate P0030.00 2.26
BB Tip P0030.00 2.18
Combined P0030.00 2.29
VER | 0074 Approximate P0030.00 0.17
BB Tip P0000.00 0.26
Combined P0000.00 0.26


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