Mitral Regurgitation

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Comprehensive assessment of qualitative and quantitative parameters, along with the
use of standardized nomenclature when reporting echocardiographic findings, helps to
better define a patient’s MR and guide surgical/interventional decision making.

Clinicians Can Use the ACC MR Echo Reporting Checklists to:

1. Improve and standardize echo reporting within and across practices
2. Reference expert advice on assessing and integrating qualitative and quantitative
parameters to determine the mechanism, etiology, and severity of a patient’s MR.

The Tables Below Include:

• A brief overview of the approach to using qualitative and quantitative
echocardiographic parameters as part of an assessment of a patient’s MR
• A list the descriptors of MR mechanism and severity that should be included in
standardized echocardiographic reports
• Expert advice on the strengths, weakness, and indications of individual parameters
as part of an integrative echocardiographic assessment

All advice in this document is derived from the 2017 Expert Consensus Decision Pathway on the Management
of Mitral Regurgitation. The Pathway includes additional advice on these as well as other topics relating to
the management of mitral regurgitation. The information and advice in this tool are meant to support clinical
decision making. They are not meant to represent the only or best course of care, or replace clinical judgment.
This tool was developed as part of ACC’s Emerging Mitral Regurgitation Clinical Care Initiative which was
supported by Founding Sponsor Abbott Vascular.

To provide feedback on this tool, please fill out our feedback survey here.

November 2017
©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Assessing MR Mechanism and Etiology

• The identification of MR mechanism and etiology is most commonly achieved by transthoracic echocardiography (TTE). If image quality
is poor with TTE, transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) may often be needed to define anatomy and function more precisely. TEE
may identify lesions such as vegetations or flail segments not detected by TTE.

• Mitral valve morphology, LV and LA volumes, and LV size and systolic function are used together to classify the mechanism and etiology
of MR.

• Mitral valve morphology should be carefully assessed in multiple views using B-mode imaging to evaluate structure and motion and
color flow Doppler (CFD) to localize the origin of MR jet(s).

• Careful measurement of LV and LA volumes and of LV dimensions should be performed according to American Society for
Echocardiography guidelines for chamber quantification.

Assessing MR Severity
• Evaluation of MR severity requires a comprehensive TTE study and assessment whereby multiple parameters are evaluated and
integrated to form a final determination of MR severity. This should include assessment of these parameters listed in the tables
below, and consideration of the strengths and limitations of those parameters (described in further detail in the 2017 ASE Guidelines
for Assessment of Native Valve Regurgitation). It is important to emphasize that no single echocardiographic parameter has the
measurement precision or reproducibility to serve as the sole arbiter of MR severity.

• It is also crucial to record blood pressure, estimated LV systolic pressure in the presence of aortic stenosis or LV outflow obstruction,
heart rate, and rhythm at the time of TTE and to incorporate them when grading MR severity.

• alculation of EROA, a marker of lesion severity, as well as RVol and regurgitant fraction (RF), is strongly recommended for assessing
MR severity. They can be measured by several techniques, including the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) method, volumetric
methods, and 3D imaging. It is crucial to recognize the technical limitations and imprecision of each method and the overlap of values

• In secondary MR, Symptoms, pulmonary congestion on exam or chest x-ray, elevated brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) or N-terminal-
pro-BNP (NT-pro-BNP), and adjunctive findings on TTE or TEE, such as LV or LA dilation and systolic blunting of the pulmonary venous
flow pattern, may be due to the underlying cardiomyopathy and therefore are less helpful in grading MR severity.

• After an initial impression of MR severity is formed, one should next consider whether LA and LV sizes are normal and whether the MR
is holosystolic. For example, if one assesses MR as severe on the basis of a large CFD jet, but LA and LV sizes are normal and the MR is
limited to late systole, the initial impression is most likely an overestimate. One should consider common reasons for overestimation of
MR, such as high MR driving velocity and MR duration limited to very early or very late systole.

• When multiple specific parameters for mild or severe MR align with the initial impression of MR severity, MR can be correctly
graded with high probability of being accurate. Fortunately, this scenario is relatively common in practice, especially with the
finding of mild MR and a structurally normal mitral valve; however, when different parameters are discordant among themselves
or with clinical findings, MR severity should be considered uncertain and further testing pursued. In such cases, TEE may be
sufficient to define leaflet pathology and quantitate MR severity, although it may underestimate MR severity during general anesthesia
due to favorable loading conditions. CMR is generally more accurate and reproducible for quantitating RVol and RF as well as LV
volumes and LVEF.

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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205


Blood Pressure:

Heart Rate:



Leaflet Morphology
Structurally normal • Mitral leaflet morphology abnormalities should be described and reported
Nonspecific thickening in detail (diffuse vs focal, size, leaflet location).

Focal calcific or nodular • TEE may identify lesions such as vegetations or flail segments not
thickening detected by TTE, especially in cases of poor image quality.
Diffusely calcified • If the mitral apparatus is structurally normal, significant MR is likely to be
Myxomatous secondary. In such cases, the mechanism of MR still needs to be
Vegetations identified.

Tumor • When using valve morphology for assessing severity

Clefts • Strength:
– Some morphological abnormalities, such as a flail leaflet with
Perforation torn chords, severe leaflet retraction without visible coaptation,
or leaflet destruction and perforation due to endocarditis, are
specific markers of severe MR.
Cordal Morphology
• Weakness:
Ruptured chordae:
– Other findings are nonspecific.
Anterior mitral leaflet
Posterior mitral leaflet

Redundant chordae:
Anterior mitral leaflet
Posterior mitral leaflet

Annulus Size and Morphology

(commissure-commissure and
anterior-posterior measurements)
Calcified (location and extent)

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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Leaflet Mobility

Redundant, no prolapse
Systolic anterior motion (SAM)
Anterior mitral leaflet
Posterior mitral leaflet

Flail: Anatomic localization: • Flail leaflets or ruptured papillary muscles are usually specific for severe MR.
• Occasionally patients with flail leaflets only have moderate MR by
A2 integrative assessment.
• Rare patients with flail leaflet may experience sudden cardiac death. Early
P1 referral of the patient with flail leaflet might be considered.
Posteromedial commissure
Anterolateral commissure

Prolapse: Anatomic localization: • A common mistake in clinical practice is to misconstrue anterior leaflet
A1 override as prolapse.

Posteromedial commissure
Anterolateral commissure

Restricted or Tethered Leaflets

Anterior mitral leaflet

Posterior mitral leaflet

Mitral Stenosis


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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Carpentier Classification
Normal Leaflet motion (Type I) • May be seen in primary MR due to endocarditis, perforation, or clefts, or in
secondary MR due to pure annular dilation.
Excessive Leaflet motion (Type II) • Most commonly seen with mitral valve prolapse or flail leaflet.

Restricted leaflet motion • Classic for rheumatic mitral valve disease, radiation- or drug-induced injury,
(Type IIIA): during systole and or other inflammatory conditions

Restricted leaflet motion • Typical of MR secondary to ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy

(Type IIIB): during systole only, • The posterior leaflet is often severely tethered and the anterior leaflet
e.g. ischemic etiology overrides it but does not move above the annular plane.
This finding should not be equated with anterior leaflet prolapse or with
mixed-etiology MR.

Submitral Morphology
Thickening • Morphology abnormalities should be described and reported in detail by
Calcification size and location.


MR Mechanism
Primary • Defined by principal involvement of the leaflets and/or chordae tendineae
in the pathologic process (e.g., myxomatous disease, endocarditis).

Secondary • Functional - characterized by incompetence due to adverse changes in

Dilated Cardiomyopathy left ventricular size, shape, or function with or without annular dilatation
(e.g., ischemic cardiomyopathy)
Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
• Atrial functional - secondary to pure annular dilation in patients with
Other severe LA dilation. Most commonly seen in persistent or long-standing
persistent AF or in restrictive cardiomyopathies, such as that due to
• Most patients with secondary MR have a dilated LV with global or regional
wall motion abnormalities with systolic tethering of the leaflets, annular
dilation, or both; however, isolated regional wall motion abnormalities,
particularly in the inferobasal or posterobasal segments, may cause
severe secondary MR despite preserved LV function and dimensions.

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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Mixed • Due to both primary and secondary causes. Examples of mixed pathology
–Untreated primary MR eventually results in irreversible LV dilation/
dysfunction in which both leaflet prolapse and tethering may coexist
–Patients with long-standing secondary MR due to ischemic heart
disease or atrial fibrillation who subsequently rupture a chord
–Patients with mitral valve prolapse who have a myocardial infarction
or develop a cardiomyopathy

MR Jets • When using Regurgitant Color Flow for assessing severity

Single • Strengths:
Multiple – Easy to use;
– evaluates spatial orientation of MR jet;
MR Jet Duration – differentiates mild vs. severe
(CW Doppler and frame-by-frame • Weaknesses:
analysis of color flow Doppler)
– Subject to technical and hemodynamic variation;
Holosystolic – can be underestimated with wall-impinging jets;
Early systolic – image quality-dependent
Midsystolic • When using Jet Profile –CW to assess MR severity
Late systolic • Strengths:
Bimodal – Simple, readily available;
CW Doppler density – easy assessment of MR timing
• Weaknesses:
MR Jet Direction – Qualitative;
Centrally directed – complimentary timing;
Eccentric – complete signal difficult to obtain in eccentric jet;
Posteriorly directed – gain dependent underestimated with wall-impinging jets;
Posterolaterally directed – image quality-dependent
Laterally directed • If the jet direction is eccentric, but the mechanism uncertain, TEE is
indicated to clarify leaflet pathology and motion.
Anteriorly directed
• High-velocity MR jets, such as occur with hypertension, aortic stenosis, or
Anteromedially directed
LV outflow tract obstruction, will make MR appear worse on CFD, which
Medially directed should be recognized by the interpreting physician.
• Low-velocity jets (e.g., 4 m/s) suggest high LA pressure and low LV
pressure and therefore indicate severe MR with hemodynamic
compromise (assuming proper alignment of the continuous wave (CW)
Doppler beam with the MR jet.)
• In addition to jet driving velocity and eccentricity, CFD jet size is affected
by multiple other technical and hemodynamic factors. Thus, both U.S.
and European guidelines recommend that MR jet size assessed by CFD
not be used alone to assess MR severity.

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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Pulmonary Vein Flow Profile

Normal • When using pulmonary vein flow to assess MR severity
Systolic flow blunting • Strengths:
Systolic flow reversal – Simple;
Number of veins exhibiting – systolic flow reversal is specific for severe MR
systolic reversal • Weaknesses:
– Influenced by LA pressure, atrial fibrillation;
– not accurate if MR jet directed into the sampled vein;
– absence does not rule out severe MR

Mitral Inflow Profile

E dominant pattern • When using Peak Mitral E Velocity to assess MR severity
A dominant pattern • Strengths:
– Simple, readily available;
– A-wave dominance excludes severe MR
• Weaknesses:
– Influenced by LA pressure/compliance, LV relaxation, MV area,
and atrial fibrillation;
– complementary data only;
– does not quantify MR severity

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Vena Contrata
Vena Contrata width (mm) • When using vena contracta width to assess MR severity
• Strengths:
– Quick and easy to use;
– independent of hemodynamic and instrumentation factors;
– applies to eccentric jets;
– can differentiate mild vs. sever MR
• Weaknesses:
– Not applicable to multiple jets;
– intermediate values require confirmation;
– mall measurement errors can lead to big changes;
– 2D measure of a 3D structure;
– limited lateral resolution
Vena Contrata area (cm2)

Threshold values specific for MR

EROA > 0.4 cm2 • EROA and RVol thresholds that define severe MR should account for LV
Regurgitant volume > 60 mL/beat volumes and ejection fraction.

Regurgitant fraction > 50% • It is recognized that the accepted EROA threshold for severe MR (>0.40
cm2) can be lower in patients with secondary MR and elliptical orifices,
emphasizing the need for an integrative assessment of severity.
• In secondary MR, the shape of the regurgitant orifice is often markedly
crescentic, leading to underestimation of EROA by the PISA method
because the latter assumes a circular orifice. This inaccuracy can be
ameliorated by 3D PISA measurements or direct 3D measurement of

Mitral valve area (cm2):

2D planimetry (Biplane) • For patients with coexisting rheumatic or degenerative mitral stenosis or
3D planimetry (Multiplane for planning edge-to-edge clip
Reconstruction) • When using PISA to assess MR severity:
Pressure half-time • Strengths:
Continuity equation – Can be applied to eccentric jets (when angle-corrected);
PISA – not affected by etiology of MR;
– quantitative;
– provides both lesion severity (EROA) and volume data (RVol);
– flow convergence at Nyquist limit of 50-60 cm/s alerts reader
to significant MR

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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

(using PISA to assess MR severity, cont’d)

• Weaknesses:
– Not valid with multiple jets;
– provides peak flow and maximal EROA;
– interobserver variability;
– errors in radius measurement are squared;
– multiple potential sources of measurement error

Mean transmitral Doppler Gradient: • Input concurrently recorded during CW Doppler acquisition
mm Hg @ heart rate

Left atrial size

Left atrial dilation • When using LA and LV size to assess MR severity
Left atrial volume index: mL/m2
• Strengths:
– Enlargement sensitive for chronic severe MR;
Left ventricular size – important for outcomes;

End diastolic LV dimension – normal size virtually excludes severe chronic MR

End systolic LV dimension • Weaknesses:

and/or – Enlargement seen in other conditions (nonspecific);

End diastolic volume/volume index – may be normal in acute severe MR

End systolic volume/volume index • LV or LA dilation in chronic primary MR is most often a consequence of
the MR and a strong clue that the MR is severe. Exceptions could occur if
a patient with long-standing mitral valve prolapse and mild MR develops
Left ventricular function
an ischemic or nonischemic cardiomyopathy. On the other hand, when
Ejection fraction (normal > 60%) MR is primary and LV and LA size are normal, severe MR is very unlikely.

Global LV dysfunction
Regional LV Dysfunction
(detail wall motion)

Right ventricular size

(tricuspid annular and midventricular

Right ventricular systolic function


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©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

Tricuspid annulus

Tricuspid valve regurgitation


PA systolic pressure:
mm Hg

Estimated RA pressure:
mm Hg

November 2017 10
©2017, American College of Cardiology B17205

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