04 Face2Face Starter Tapescripts

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Recording Scripts

p Molina. 3
A r How do you spell that? KATEWhat's the answer to question 1?
sue Hello, my name's Sue. What's your P M-O-L-I-N-A. Pedro?
name? r Thank you, Pedro. Welcome to the class. peono I'm sorry I don't know.
vrnto Hello, I'm Mario. r Thank you. r Magda?
s Nice to meet you. urcor lt's Brazil.
tt You too. r That's right. Good.
B HAsANExcuse me. How do you spell
r,crr Hello. What's your first name, please? 'Brazll'?
ADAMHi, Meg.
vlcol lt's Magda. K B-R-A-Z-I_L.
vrc Hi, Adam. How are you?
x How do you spell that? H OK. Thankyou.
I I'm fine, thanks. And you?
m M-A-G-D-A.
v I'm OK, thanks.
x Thanks. What's your surname?
t"t lt'sJanowska. ANswERsl British a Chinese c Brazilian
o American
A r And how do you spell that?
A What'syour homenumber? M J-A-N-O-\M-S-K-A.
B It's 020 7599 6320. K J-A-N-O-W-!K-A. Thank you, I'm + I'm British.
A 020 7599 6320. Magda. Welcome to the class. You're t You're a student.
B Yes,that'sright. w Thankyou. He's + He's Chinese.
2 She'sr She'sBrazilian.
B It's t It's American.
A What'syour mobile number? xlre Hello. What's your first name, please?
B It's 07655 421769. HA5ANlt's Hasan.
A 07655421769. r How do you spell that? I'm not + I'm not American.
u H-A-}A-N. You aren't t You aren't a teacher.
B Yes,that'sright.
r Thanks. And what's your surname? He isn't + He isnt from Beijing.
A Thanks.
She isn't + She isn't Australian.
c s Yousef.
It isn't t It isn't a Mercedes.
I What'syour phonenumberin Madrid? K OK. How do you spell that, please?
s lt's 00 34 9L 53267 53. H Y-O-U_S-E-E
r Y-O-U-FE-E Thank you, Hasan. AMYBen, do you want to see some photos
r 0 0 3491. . .
e ... 53267 53.
Welcome to the class. .of my friends?
H Thank you. srN Sure.
e OK. Thankyou.
A OK. This is a friend from Germany.
ETD @ g What's his name?
first namet What'syour first name,please?
rvel Where are you from, Stefan? I Karl. He's a doctor.
surname; what's your surname?
STEFANI'm from Russia. And vou? e Oh, OK.
spell that , How do you spell that?
e I'm from Turkey I And, um, this is my friend Steve. He's a
@ I B Is he American?
Where iare you from? | I'm from Russia. I
vlcol Excuseme. A Yes,he is. He's from Washington. And,
And yor
you? I I'm from Turkey
rrrr Yes, Magda? er, this is my friend Claire.
@ M What does'answer' mean? B That's a nice photo. Where's she from?
ANSWERS za) Ed) +c) r I ask a question, you say the answer. A She'sfrom France. But she's a teacher in

r Her name's
M I'm sorry I don't understand.
r OK. Question - What's your first name?
London now.
B Really? Hmm. She'sbeautiful.
Juliette Binoche. She'sfrom
France. z His name's Daniel Craig. He's Answer - It's Magda. A Yes,she is - and she'smarried.
from the UK. r Her name's Nicole Kidman. u Oh, OK. I understand. Thankyou. B oh.
She'sfrom Australia. + His name'sWill 2 A And this is my friend Daniela. She's from
Smith. He's from the USA. 5 Her name's PEDRoExcuse me. Italy.
Pen€lope Cruz. She'sfrom Spain. o His rlrr Yes,Pedro? B Is she a musician?
name'sJackie Chan. He's from China. p What's'Lipiz' in English? A No, she isn't. She'san actress.
x Pencil. B Oh, OK. Is she married?
1uv z yi ag j +b v s ar 6ei z bp et d p Can you repeat that, please? A Um, no, she'ssingle.
9uq 1 0vw r Pencil. B Really? What's her phone number?
p Pencil. A Ben!

rlre Hello. What's your first name, please? r Good.

peono lt's Pedro. Mr + Mr Brown lMrs + Mrs King I
r What's your surname? Ms ; Ms King lMs + Ms RobertsI
Miss + Miss Roberts
Recording Scripts
No, she's43. Her husbands name is \ick
A What's your first name, please? and he's a doctor. And I think hes a ven-
Good morning, Mr Brown. What's your surname? good father.
MRBRowNGood morning, Amanda. Are you married? And these are their two children - our
What's your nationality? grandchildren. This is Anne, our
What's your address? granddaughter. She's14, and she'sa ven
MRBRowNGood afternoon, Mrs King. What's your mobile number? good musician. And this is our grandson
MRsKtNc Good afternoon. What's your email address? Kevin. He's 11 - oh no, he's 12 nor*-.lts a
c very nice photo, I think.
Good evening, sir. EE filn
MRBRowNGood evening.
woMAN I Good morning, Tony. zb) ge) +c) sa) ed)
rouv Good morning, Mrs Blake.
MRBRowNThank you very much. Good
w1 Oh is this your cat?
night. a) seventeen pounds b) seventy p
r Yes,his name's Charlie. c) a hundred dollars d) twenty-one euros
wArsn Good night, sir.
w1 How old is he? e) thirty-five cents f) twenty-one dollars
at bfl dot com + william dot brown at b f I
r He's thirteen. fifty d three euros seventy-five h) seven
pounds sixty
dot com
MAN1 How old is your house, Tony?
at yahoo dot com + frank moon one two
roNY lt's a hundred years old, I think. I
three at yahoo dot com
M1 Oh, right. A Excuse me. How much is this watch?
at webmail dot net t anna roberts at
webmail dot net 3 B It's twenty-five pounds.
at hotmail dot co dot u k + katy dot king ronv And thisis Emily 2
six at hotmail dot co dot u k woMAN2 Hello, Emily. I This is very nice. How much is it?
HeIIo. a lt's sixty-four dollars.
wz How old are you? 3
roruv Good morning. Welcome to the
e I'm nine. A How much are the pens?
nine2five Employment Agency. My
name's Tony. 4 a They're seventy p.
AMYNice to meet you. MAN2 Is that your car? I OK. Two, please.
T You too. OK. First, one or two questions. ToNYYes,it is. 4
What's your first name, please? Mz How old is it? I These bags are beautiful. How much
A It3 Amy. T It's twenty-one years old. are they?
r And what's your surname? Mz Wow! e They're forty-eight pounds fifty.
n Foley. ) I OK, thank you.
r OK, um, how do you spell that, please? roNY Bonnie ... come here ... good girl. )
A F-O-L_E-Y. woMAN3 What a nice dog. How old is she? a They're nice.
r F-O-L-E-Y. Thanks. Are you married? r She'sseven. Or forty-nine, in dog years! B Yes,but they're very expensive.
I No, I'm single.
r And what's your nationality?
firn I How much are they?
z is aold 4ar e 5 I 'm e They're ninety-five euros.
n l'm British. r Oh ...
OK ... Right. What's your address?

It's 9 Whedon Road, Manchester,Ml1 1 We aren't Italian, we're Spanish. f'Fltl

2 You're a very good teacher. a coffee I a cappuccino I an espressoI a tea I
a mineral water I a Coke I an orange juice I
T How do you spell Whedon'? I They're in a small hotel.
a croissant I an egg sandwich I a cheeseand
A W-H-E-D-O-N. + He's a doctor and he isn't married.
tomato sandwich
T So that's 9 Whedon Road, Manchester, 5 I'm an actor and she'sa musician.
Mrr 6JZ. 6 lt's a verv old citv.
Yes, that's right. I
T OK, thanks. Right, er, next question. AsslsTANT Can I help you?
t Nick is Fiona's husband. z Kevin is Nick's
What's your mobile number? cusToMER 1 Yes,two cappuccinos,please.
son. 3 Fiona is Kevin's mother. 4 Anne is
A It's 07866 642339. Fiona's daughter. s Nick is Anne's father. A Sure. Anything else?
T 07866. . . e r... 6 Anne is Kevin's sister. 7 Nick and Fiona cl Yes.A croissant,please.
A 642339. are Kevin and Anne's parents. A Eat in or take away?
T OK, thanks. And what's your email ct Eat in, please.
address? @ n OK, that's ... five pounds eighty-five,
MARvI'm Mary and this is Sid, my husband.
A It's amy.foley@hotmail.co.uk. please.
I'm 65 and Sid is 64 - like the Beatles song!
T So that's, er, amy.foley@hotmail.co.uk. ct Thankyouverymuch.
This is a photo of our daughter Fiona and
A Yes, that's right. her family. Fiona's a teacher at a big school a You're welcome.
T OK, thanks a lot. Right, um, what kind in Manchester. She's43 now. or is it 44?
ofjob do you want?
AssrsrANrHi, can I help you? this + this map i How much is this map? like, likes , play,plays'start, starts'
cusroMER z Er, yes, an espressoand an egg these + thesepostcardst How much are finish, finishes have, has'study, studies
sandwich, please. thesepostcards? love, loves i go, goes eat, eats
I Sure.Anything else? that + that box of chocolates, How much watch, watches : drink, drinks read, reads
cz No, that'sall, thanks. is that box of chocolates?
l Eat in or take away? those + those batteries + How much are ToM Here you are, Carol. A cheesesandwich
cz Take away,please. those batteries? and a cappuccino.
l OK, that's,um, three pounds seventy-five, cARot Thanks a lot, Tom. Oh look, there's
please. ANSWERS 2 tissues 3 f.5.45 +postcards Nadine!
cz Thanks a lot. s r wo 6f 1 0 . 6 5 r Whos Nadine?
n You'rewelcome. c She works in the mobile phone shop with
me. Nadinel Hi!
Excuse me.
xaornr Hello, Caroll How are you?
Can I help you? Do you have any maps of London?
Yes,two cappuccinos,please. c I'm fine, thanks. Nadine, this is my
Yes,they're over there.
Sure.Anything else? brother Tom.
How much is this map?
Yes,a croissant,please. lr's f.4.75. n Nice to meet you, Tom.
No, that'sall, thanks. How much are thesepostcards? T You too. So, um, you work in the mobile
Eat in or take away? They're 50p each. phone shop with Caro-.
Eat in, please. Can I have that box of chocolates,please? ru Yes,that'sright. But I don't work in the
Take away,please. Sure.Anything else? week, only at the weekend.
OK, that'sf5.85, please. Yes,this birthday card, please. r What do you do in the week?
Thank you very much. No, that'sali, thanks. ru I'm a student at the university.I study
Thanks a lot. OK, thats f 10.65. English and Italian.
You'rewelcome. Here you are.
r Oh, OK. Where are you from?
Thanks a lot.
ru I'm from Germany. From Frankfurt.
Thanks very much.
rtou What food and drink does my family r And where do you live in Manchester?
like? Weli, my husband Nick and I like a lot N I live near the university with two other
of the same things. We love coffee,but we I students.
like it black, not white. And we drink a lot woMAN Excuseme. c Do you like Manchester?
of tea - it's very good for you, they say.And N Yes,I do. The people are nice and there
Vltt Yes?
food, well, we don't eat meat, but we eat a
w What time is it, please? are a lot of things to do here.
lot of fish.
v lt's twenty to three. r What do you do in your free time?
Our children, Anne and Kevin, well, they
like eggs,and they eat a lot ofpasta. And w Thank you. I I play tennis and, er, I go to the cinema a
they're children, so they love chocolate,of lot. And what about you, Tom? Are you a
course! student?
r No, I'm a waiter. I work in a restaurant
rrornrco Yes?
called the New Moon.
ANswERs z live s have + don't have s What time is your English class?
N Oh yes, I know it. Its in Cross Street,isn't
s don't live o work z study a like F It's at half past eight. r ti
ANNoUNcER And the time is now six o'ciock.
1 Do you go to the cinema? chicken salad vegetablelasagne. burger
Here is today'snews, read by Graham
z What food do you like? and chips, mushroom pizza apple pie and
s Where do you go shopping? cream : fruit salad i chocolateice cream ,
+ Do you play computer games? 4
strawberry ice cream , vanilla ice cream .
sopHtEGoodbye, Colin. a bottle of mineral water i still sparkling
coLlN Bye, Sophie.Seeyou at quarter to a Coke r an orangejuice I a coffee , a tea
Where do you live? twelve tomorrow.
What music do you like?
s Yes,seeyou.
Do you go to concerts? Listening Test (seeTeacher'sBook)
Do you like Mexican food? 5
Do you go to the cinema? TEACHEROK, thats it. Thanks a lot. Seeyou
What food do you like? on Wednesday at two thirty. 2 are 3 's 4 are 5 's 6 are 7's 8 are
Where do you go shopping? sruDENrsOK. / Seeyou. / Bye. / Cheers./
Do you play computer games? Thank you.
Yes,I do. SusANWell, here we are, Isabel. Come in.
No, I don't. Welcome to my home.
ANs wERbs) 7 . 4 5 c ) B . l 5 d ) 9 . 0 0 e ) 1 2 . 4 5 tsABEL Thanks, Susan.Oh, what a beautiful
f ) 5. 30 g ) 6 . 1 5 h ) 7 . 3 0 flat!
aL4.75 a 50o c L6.95 D L3.59 s Thanks a lot.
I Do you like living here?
s Yes,I do. It's a nice road and the people Tz Yes,please.Where'sthe Thermae Bath
are very friendly. spa? I
I That's good. Are there any shops near A lt's in Hot Bath Street. a Do you like dlncing?
here? Tz Car. you show me on this map? g *s, I l6veit.
s Yes,there are. In this road there's,um, a n Yes,o[ course.Here it is. It's about five
small supermarket,a chemist'sand a post
mrnutes away.
office. A Do you like Mad6nna?
rz Thank you very much.
t Is there a bank? e Y€s,I like her a I3t.
s No, there isn't. But there'sa cashpoint at 3
1 a
the post office. And there are a lot of uooq
^a mornrng. n Do you like shBppmgfor cl6thesl
banks in the centre of Bath, of course. Hell6.CanI h8lp you? B N6, I hareir.
Ie s, p le a se .
t OK. Are we near the city centre?
Do you hive a mip of the city cEntre?
s Yes,it's only two miles from here. rt r a r ta o r Do you like -J6hnnyo8pp?
Yes,or course.Hereyou are.
t Oh, right. And can I get to the centre by | i , ?
s Gs, I l6ve him.
-r. y ou. H
-.. d w m r i c h i s i t ?
train? ar
Its a pouncl. 5
s No, there isn't a station near here, but, WhEn is the R6man Biths Mus€um 6pen? A Do you like so'ap6peras?
um, there are buses to the city centre It's 6pen from nine a.m. to du" p.-. B N3, I hite them.
every ten minutes. The bus stop'snear Is it clBsedon M8ndays?
the post office. rra I a a ra 6
r\o, Its open every Clay
I Thats good to know. And what about Wh€res the ThErmaeBith Spi? r Do you like d6gsl
placesto eat? rla
rts ln not batn 5treet.
ha r
e Y€s,but they ddn't tike m€t
s Well, there aren't any good restaurants Can you sh6w me on this mip?
rt a ,r . ?
near here, but, um, there are some very Ies, oI course. rlele lt IS.
t I can pliy the guitir. z You cin't co'ok.
nice restaurantsin the centre. It's abo'utdue a*iy.
r a a r 3 He can pliy blsketball. + She cin't drive.
I Great! Maybe we can go out for dinner rnanK you very
-ra mucn.
s We cin't spe'akFr8nch. o They can sing
this evening.
very well.
a soodidea.Right,thisis your ANswERs z of : Here you are. 4 is it s lt's
' I;:jli"
6 afternoon z is a from 9 to 10Is it
MRsJoNEsHello, Maria. My name'sPatricia
11 day 12help tr Where's 14in 15map
16Here it is. Jones.Nice to meet you.
TheresJan_exp8nsivemirke t.
ar r r ar r. MARIA YOU tOO.
l nere are s o m e o t d n u l t d t n g s.
vns I Right, we want an au pair to help us
T h erJisn't an a-irport.
LrsAMy favourite colour is pink and this is with our two children, Ella and Daniel.
There iren't any mus€ums.
my favourite dress.I love this coat too, v OK. How old are they2
Is there a p6st 6ffice?
and theseshoes.I have about ... about
r€s.thEeis. - MRsJ Ella'selevenand Daniels nine.
thirty pairs of shoesat home, but I never
\3. therJlsn't. v Right.
wear trainers. I don't think they look
.rre therJlny tticg 6ta caferl ^^^l ^* -:-l- 15.
MRsJ So, I have some questionsif thats
ta Suuu urr 6rr
:es . t nere ar e .
rnro I usually wear jeans, a T-shirt and, um,
\5. theriiren't. v Of course.
these trainers. My clothes are usually
blue or black, and I never wear brown. MRsJ Can you cook?
I Oh, and this is my favourite jacket, this M Yes,I can. I love cooking. I often cook
black one. It's about five years old and I dinner for my family at home.
sABEL Good morning.
love it! MRsJ Thats good. Can you drive?
rssrsrANrHello. Can I help you?
wAYNEI love shopping for clothes and I M Yes,I can.
Yes,please.Do you have a map of the
have about ten suits at home. I always vns I OK, great.And can you speak German
city centre?
wear a suit and tie for work, and, er, this or French?
. \-es.of course.Here you are.
is my favourite shirt, this blue one. But I M Um, I can'tspeakGerman ... but I can
Thank you. How much is it? never wearjeans. They don't look good speak French well.
r lts a pound. on me.
MRsJ Oh, great.The children both stud,v
,-lh. OK. Here you are. Thank you very votlcn I usually wear a skirt for work, like French. And what about free time
much. today,and I love wearing jumpers when activities?Can you swim?
2 it's cold. And these are my favourite
v Yes,I can.
lisisrANTHello. Can I help you? boots. I wear them all the time. But, um,
MRsJ And can you play tennis?
-:iRtsr 1 Er, yes, piease.When is the but I never wear dresses.I don't like
them. t't No, I can't. Sorry I don't like sport veq'
Roman Baths Museum open? much.
' Ils open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MRsJ Thats OK. What about music? Can
-- ls it closedon Mondays? My fivourite cBlour is pink. you play the piano?
.. .. 1
r \.r. its open every day. I nls ]s my lavounteJacKet.
- r 'i
v No, I can't. But I can sing and I can plav
-' Thanksa lot. ThEseare my flvourite bo'ots. the guitar.
Whit's your fivourite c6lour?
3 rrrr Or .a .. a
Wh6's your ldvouritedctor?
-:-ilsT 2 Good morning.
tis s--ANrHello. Can I help you?
vns I Oh, that'sgood. Daniel plays the A No, I don't. My husband alwaysdoes that
guitar too. Maybe you can help him. t OK, the last question. Do you download I
t,t Yes,of course. music from the Internet? A Whats the date today?
vns; OK, one last question. A No, I don't. I don't have an iPod. a lt's June 22"d.
v Yes,Mrs Jones? t OK, thanks very much, that'sgreat. I Thanks a lot.
vns 1 When can you start? I No problem. Bye.
a Whens your birthday?
zmu se um gm us eum 4bank
A Nsw ERs I was at the W6rld Cip Final. e March 30th.
s bank We were ne'ar the 6peia Ho'use. I Really?That's my birthday tool
a r. a . .a r r
I ne sta(ltllm wasn t lull.
a I a ra
a ,,.r 4 , r a
r nev weren t verv naDDV
- me. Wneres tne museumi n When's your wedding anniversary?
I was very young at tne tlrne.
Excrlseme. ls therea bink ne?rhEre? B lt's on October 3'd.
1a , ? | a
It was a gre'atmitch!
^a alo n g t n l s r o a o a n o tu r n le lt. a . ,,4 ,,4
I t was a l a n l a s l l cl \ e w Y e a r ! I Oh, thats next w eek.
r. - r ? . r r . ? ,
uo arongtnls roao ano turn rrgnt.
There were some amlzing Iireworksl 4
rra ! a
I nat s ^41
rarK 5
treet. oa.o
I ne concertwasnt very long.
. , ?, n When do you start your new job?
The musEumis on the right, n8xt to the th€arre.
a On April l't.
The bink is on the l8ft, Bpposite the stition.
It's Sver thEre, ne?r the cinema. rnteuo Rajeet,are you busy on Saturday? I Really?Er ... good luck!
RAJEET Yes,I am, sorry. Its my wedding
annlversary. sAM Happy birthdayl Twenty-oneagain!
A Nsw ERs2h ere 3rig ht + on 5near
r Oh, happy anniversary! HETEN Thanks_a lot.
OWhere's 7 over 8 next to S near tO along
tt right rz hotel n Thanks a lot. Its amazing that my s Heres_apresent for you.
wedding was ten years ago. u Ooh, thank you. Oh, what an_amazing
F Was it in London? dressl Its_a beautiful colour too. Oh,
send emails : receiveemails I buy concert R No, it wasn't.It was in Mumbai, in India thanks,Sam.I love it.
tickets I buy theatre tickets i watch videos r Really? s I'rn pleasedyou like it. So, what shall we
watch TV programmes i listen to the radio ; do this_evening?
n Yes.Gita was born in the UK, but her
chat to friends I chat to family buy things fathers parentslive in Mumbai. H Oh, I don't know. Do you have any
sell things I book flights I book holidays ,
r And how old were you on your wedding good_ideas?
download music day? s Let'shave dinner_at your favourite
n I was 34 and Gita was 27. restaulant.
INTERVIEwER Excuseme? r Oh. Was it a big wedding? H You mean_Antonio's?No, I don't think
nltce Yes? R Yes,it was. There were three hundred so. We were there a week ago.
I Can I ask you some questionsabout the people there. s Yes.-OK. Why don't we go to the
Internet? r Oh, wow! Were all your family at the cinema?
A Yes,sure. wedding? u Maybe.but we go to the cinemaevery
n No, they weren't. My brother was in week.
I Thanks very much. OK, do you send and
receiveemails? Australia,so he wasn'tthere.(Oh.) But s Hmm. I know! Let'sgo to the theatre.We
my parents and my two sisterswere there. never do that.
I Yes,of course.I get a hundred ernailsa
day at work! r And was there p^rty after the wedding? H Yes,that's_agood_idea.Do you know
^ what's on?
I Right. And do you buy concert or theatre n Yes,there was - for three days!
tickets online? r Three days?!That's amazing! s Well, there's a new play on_at the Grand
n Yes,there was fantasticIndian food and Theatre.People say thaLits very good.
n Yes,I do.
a lot o[ dancing. I was very tired at the end! H Great! Let'sgo to that. Where shall we
t OK. Do you watch videos or TV
F I'm sure you were. So what are your rneet?
programmeson the Internet?
plans for Saturday? s Let'smeeLat the theatre.Its_in_Old
n Yes,all the time. I love YouTube.It's my
Street,near the rnuseum.
favourite website.
n Oh yes-I know where it_is. What time
t OK, thanks. And what about the radio? wnere was the weddlngi
Do you listen to the radio online? tra arr a t- ^ ?
shall we meet?
now olo were Kaleet
ano urtai- s About seven_o'clock.Then we can
n Er, no, I don't. H6w miny pe'oplewere at the w8dding? have a drink first.
I Do you chat to friends or family online? WhEre was Ra.je-ets brdther?
H Yes,good idea.
n Yes,sometimes.My sister lives in New Was he at rhe w8dding?
Yes,ne was. s Right, time to go. Seeyou this_evening,
York and we chat online every week.
t OK. Do you buy and sell things online? N6, he wlsn't. -irll

Were they at the wadding? H Bye.Havea goodday.

I Yes,I buy DVDs on Amazon and sell !t

them again on eBay. Yes,tney were.

NO,tney werent.
t And do you book flights or holidays a , . Whit shallwe d6 this--Evening?
--,1 ^l
wnere was Glta Dorni ...r a ra . a !
online? Whi don-twe gd to the'-
5ne was born rn tne -,'
uK. .4 . a r r a
rr,1 a r a Lets go to tne tneatre.
wnen were you Dorn{ r a t a r !a
Ies, tnats_a goocl_roea.
I was b6rn in nineteen e'ightysEven.
Viybe. 1 Did you stiy in a hotEl? i Oh, yes,please.Um. th;rnksren ::-.1-:
-16,t dSnt think s6.
rrrr a a
c N6, we didnt. palult sister lives in D Great.Wesleysgoing to be there.tri...:::.
\vneresnallwe meel( -
Liverpool, so we stayedwith hEr. L O h . . . e r . . . m a 1 'b eI 'm b u s r - tr n!;r ::i :'.
LEts me'et at the thEatre.
? - , ,, . 1 And whit did you dB on Sfinday? w Ha ha, very funn1.!
Whet time shall we me?tl-
rr a a i ra r c w8ll, er, in the m6rning we visited the t-Anyway, I'm going to go to the cinem-:
-lDout seven o clocK_
Be'atlesmus€um. ThEn in the afterno'on this evening.Do you want to crrmel
we w8nt to the Civern Clirb,whErethe w Maybe. What are you going to seei
ceoncr What shall we do tomorrow evening, Be?tles{irst pliyed. Thit was amizing!
L Well, it's called ...
Jessica? I WBw! Did you gB to Liverpool by train?
JEsstcAWhy don't we go to the cinema? c Y€s.we aia. ttt 6nlv thre'e ho'urs from
c No, I don't think so. L6ndon. r Whit are you g8ing to d6 n€rt s'eeklnC'
1 Re'ally? z what are you g8ing to d6 ifter cllssl
I OK. Let'sgo to that Indian restaurantin g WhEn are you g6ing to dB your
Old Street. c Y€s,wh! d6n't you gB s8metime?
c Yes,that'sa good idea. Where shall we I Y€s,mlybe. it's, um, *if.r birthday ,.,r. ? o.
4- What time are you g6ing to g€t rip
meet? n€xt weekEndand we-y d6n't hive anv plins.
J Let'smeet at the restaurant. c H€y, lo'ok at the time! We'relite for w6rkl
s Wh€re are you g8ing to hive dinner
c OK. What time shall we meet? tom6rrow Svening?
' ,.,r a
6 wnere are you golng [o go on nolloa\'
a. a ! ar. !
J About quarter to eight.
T a a r? r
Twd retrirns to Liverpool, ple'ase. aaa
c Great! Seeyou there! WhEn do you w?nt to cSmebick? next yeari
Tomdrrow €veninq.
oft. rtritt ,,i.r"-ty-1hre'"po'unds f6rty, ple'ase.
a) three hundred and sixty-five b) nine ANswERs zholiday ltwo 4cburse
H€re are vour ti;kets.
hundred and ninety-nine c) seventeen s S e p t e m b e ro j o b z e x a m B d a y
Thinks. Wtrit ti*et the n€xt tra'in?
thousand d) sixty-two thousand, four -.i.dls;$t
There's 6ne at nine serrente?n. I *...orq:
hundred e) two hundred and fifty thousand rro a rrar.r ,
Which olitform?
_ nave a goocl no[oay!
f) one million, two hundred thousand ? a r ra
rlatlorm srx.
^r.. 'Tr
rnanK s a l ot.
g) eighteenmillion .,4 a ! a
Whit time does it arrive in Liverpool? Havea gooctJourney!
At twElvetw8nty-nine. Hive a go'od dly!
a r ra a a
r nanKsa lot. bye. rro r r r,
a) 30,000 b) 125,000 c) 150,000 d) I,500 nave a gooo weeKeno!
rr. - o ,, ? , ,
e) 177,500 f) 70,000,000 Have a gooo Drrtnoay!
rra - o r ?
nave a goocl ume!
ANSW ERS ZTha t s 3 y o u r 4 n e x t 5 a t
Se'eyou in SeptEmber.
risit, visited I watch, watched i play,played i oW hic h z doe s e A t s a l o t
Ies, seeyou.
a a ar
hate, hated I walk, walked I work, worked i )ee
- you rn two weeKs.
o a
live, lived ; want, wanted i love, loved I -)eea you next montn.
weslev Heilo, Liam.
talk, talked I start, started i finish, finished Se'eyou on M6nday.
luav Hi, Wesley.
Go'od ltrck with your exim.
w Busy day? -rnanKs
r a a r
ra very mucn.
t I liked your photos. I like your photos. t- Yes,Mondays are always busy. You? t r ra | |
-uooo lucK wltn your new
a .a r
z We live in Spain.We lived in Spain. w Yes,we had a lot of new customerstoday. Go'odlfick with your Engfsh tEst.
3 They arrived at ten. They arrive at ten. And it's going to be difficult without Darla. Go'od lick with your nEw scho'ol.
+ We talk every day. We talked every day.
t- What do you mean? -',
s I want to go home. I wanted to go home. ,i:YfffI
w Don't you know? Darla's going to move
6 They played football a lot. They play A
to Australia next month.
football a lot. ALANWhat are you going to do after work?
t- Australia?! Really?
onnLr Yes,this is my last week at the bank. renny I'm going to have dinner with friends.
CARoLTNE HEllo,Jimes. Did you hive a go'od t- Wow! I didn't know that. Why Australia? A Have a good timel
week8nd? o My husband,Justin, is going to work for r Thanks a lot.
trvrs Hi, Ciroline. y€s, t did, thinks. a travelcompanythere. A Seeyou tomorrow.
t didnt 96 o'ut, I stiyed ar h6me all L OK. And what about you? What are you K Yes,seeyou. Byel
*eekEnd and wltched TV. whit abour going to do? B
1'o'u?Whlt did yo'u d6? o I don't know I'm going to look for a job stD I'm going to go on holiday next rveek.
c Pa'uland I w€nt to Liverpool. when I arrive.
,. . i 4tt Really?Where are you going?
J Un, grea u u l o y o u n a v e a g o o d' tr m e (
w Are you going to sell your flat in London? s To Bodrum, in Turkey.
c \€s, we aia. ttt u uEry interesti"s .iry o No, we're not. My two sistersare going
- J Have a good holiday!
with some beiutiful brr'ildingr.
to live there. s Thanks. Oh, and good luck n'ith vour
I Whit did you dB there? t- That's a good idea. Are you going to have new job.
c w€li, um, on Siturday we wilked a party before you leave?
. r ! ! ,.'
aro-undthe city and I to'ok a l6t o[ 1 Thanks a lot.
o No, butJustin and I are going to have .-"{Fry4&
ph6tos.And in the €veningwe w8nt . r l Ei &
dinner with some friends in a restaurant
o'ut [o, dinner at u uSty niie Chinese next Saturday You knoq to say goodbye. Listening Test (seeTeachersBook)
rEstaurant. Er, would you like to come, Liam?

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