04 Face2Face Starter Tapescripts
04 Face2Face Starter Tapescripts
04 Face2Face Starter Tapescripts
p Molina. 3
A r How do you spell that? KATEWhat's the answer to question 1?
sue Hello, my name's Sue. What's your P M-O-L-I-N-A. Pedro?
name? r Thank you, Pedro. Welcome to the class. peono I'm sorry I don't know.
vrnto Hello, I'm Mario. r Thank you. r Magda?
s Nice to meet you. urcor lt's Brazil.
tt You too. r That's right. Good.
B HAsANExcuse me. How do you spell
r,crr Hello. What's your first name, please? 'Brazll'?
ADAMHi, Meg.
vlcol lt's Magda. K B-R-A-Z-I_L.
vrc Hi, Adam. How are you?
x How do you spell that? H OK. Thankyou.
I I'm fine, thanks. And you?
m M-A-G-D-A.
v I'm OK, thanks.
x Thanks. What's your surname?
t"t lt'sJanowska. ANswERsl British a Chinese c Brazilian
o American
A r And how do you spell that?
A What'syour homenumber? M J-A-N-O-\M-S-K-A.
B It's 020 7599 6320. K J-A-N-O-W-!K-A. Thank you, I'm + I'm British.
A 020 7599 6320. Magda. Welcome to the class. You're t You're a student.
B Yes,that'sright. w Thankyou. He's + He's Chinese.
2 She'sr She'sBrazilian.
B It's t It's American.
A What'syour mobile number? xlre Hello. What's your first name, please?
B It's 07655 421769. HA5ANlt's Hasan.
A 07655421769. r How do you spell that? I'm not + I'm not American.
u H-A-}A-N. You aren't t You aren't a teacher.
B Yes,that'sright.
r Thanks. And what's your surname? He isn't + He isnt from Beijing.
A Thanks.
She isn't + She isn't Australian.
c s Yousef.
It isn't t It isn't a Mercedes.
I What'syour phonenumberin Madrid? K OK. How do you spell that, please?
s lt's 00 34 9L 53267 53. H Y-O-U_S-E-E
r Y-O-U-FE-E Thank you, Hasan. AMYBen, do you want to see some photos
r 0 0 3491. . .
e ... 53267 53.
Welcome to the class. .of my friends?
H Thank you. srN Sure.
e OK. Thankyou.
A OK. This is a friend from Germany.
ETD @ g What's his name?
first namet What'syour first name,please?
rvel Where are you from, Stefan? I Karl. He's a doctor.
surname; what's your surname?
STEFANI'm from Russia. And vou? e Oh, OK.
spell that , How do you spell that?
e I'm from Turkey I And, um, this is my friend Steve. He's a
@ I B Is he American?
Where iare you from? | I'm from Russia. I
vlcol Excuseme. A Yes,he is. He's from Washington. And,
And yor
you? I I'm from Turkey
rrrr Yes, Magda? er, this is my friend Claire.
@ M What does'answer' mean? B That's a nice photo. Where's she from?
ANSWERS za) Ed) +c) r I ask a question, you say the answer. A She'sfrom France. But she's a teacher in
r Her name's
M I'm sorry I don't understand.
r OK. Question - What's your first name?
London now.
B Really? Hmm. She'sbeautiful.
Juliette Binoche. She'sfrom
France. z His name's Daniel Craig. He's Answer - It's Magda. A Yes,she is - and she'smarried.
from the UK. r Her name's Nicole Kidman. u Oh, OK. I understand. Thankyou. B oh.
She'sfrom Australia. + His name'sWill 2 A And this is my friend Daniela. She's from
Smith. He's from the USA. 5 Her name's PEDRoExcuse me. Italy.
Pen€lope Cruz. She'sfrom Spain. o His rlrr Yes,Pedro? B Is she a musician?
name'sJackie Chan. He's from China. p What's'Lipiz' in English? A No, she isn't. She'san actress.
x Pencil. B Oh, OK. Is she married?
1uv z yi ag j +b v s ar 6ei z bp et d p Can you repeat that, please? A Um, no, she'ssingle.
9uq 1 0vw r Pencil. B Really? What's her phone number?
p Pencil. A Ben!