Compensation Administration Overview
Compensation Administration Overview
Compensation Administration Overview
The maintenance function that is most sensitive to conceptualize and operationalize is compensation asdministration. The
pay and benefits a worker receives are a yardstick of how adequately his needs, even including some non-material ones, are
met either directly or indirectly. To a great extent, his purchasing power sourced from his job emoluments determines the
type, level and extent of physical amenities, safety, security, affiliation, status he can procure and enjoy for himself, his
family and those he is responsible for. Compensation is a denominator of productivity and job worth. The question that
strikes a many worker when asked to engage himself in any work activity and a para-work assignments, “What's in it for
me?” usually baffles, if nor piques, a management that can not understand the ultimate meaning that the actual take home
pay carries for the worker. The life's accoutrements that he needs in the midst of high cost of living make the reward system
a matter for serious consideration. Its implications also to the orgnization and to the nation should moreover be recognized
by a rational management.
Compensation is the equivalent in any form that is given to individual for his work. This recompense is also called
job reward.
1.) Intrinsic Rewards are those related to the job itself like motivators of Herzberg. This rewards also include worker's
involvement in decision making, greater job freedom and discretion, more responsibility, interesting and
challenging work, opprtunities for personal growth and diversity of activities.
2.) Extrinsic Rewards refer to the components outside the job like pay. Robbins classifies extrinsic rewards as direct,
indirect and non-financial compensation. Under this rewards, “the most obvious form and the one that is probably
responsible for more gossip and disgruntlement than any other is direct compensation”.
Factors Affecting Compensation Administration Program
1.) Institutional Factors. The financial condition of the organization , size of the organization's work population,
management labor relations, internal politics, union demands and collective bargaining agreement in unionized
firms either facilitate or stymie program.
2.) Environmental Factors. The external environment may either be conducive or frustrating to the program.
Variables like standard and cost of living, labor supply and demand, reward structure of other organizations,
political and economic conditions in the country, national policies, laws, statutes and government regulations
affecting wages and salaries should be considered in determining the content packages of the program.
3.) Personal Factors. The values of the owners and managers influence their decision on the type, number and amount
of the compensation packages that are given to the employees. By the same token, the packages that the employees
want to receive are affected by their needs and values.
A plan has to be evolved in order to put the compensation administration program on a secure and stable footing. The
following steps may be followed in its formulation:
The Philippine manuals on the compensation administration program indicate the folllowing:
1.) What an organization is willing to pay, is able to pay and is compelled to pay?
2.) Types of benefit and manner of administration
3.) Determinants of rewards
4.) Pay information secrecy vs. openness
5.) Work Technology
6.) Individual or group benefits
Labor Code in the Philippines
Management-labor relations is and should be seen and taken in the context of the legal basis of the behavior of both the
management and labor in industry and government. This is the reason of the adoption by many countries of a labor code for
the passing of labor laws by their legislators. These provide the rules and provisions on how management-labor relations
shall be carried out.
Book I - Pre-Employment
Book II - Human Resources Development Program
Book III- Conditions of Employment
Book IV- Health, Safety and Social Welfare Benefits
Book V- Labor Relations
Book VI- Post Employment
Book VII- Penal Provisions, Preoccupations, Transitory and final Provisions
Rights of Workers
Tenure is the regular and permanent status given to a worker who has pass satisfactorily the probation period as set by
mangement. The right to security of tenure is a constitutional right which provides two (2) important features:
1.) A worker can be separated from the organization only for a just cause. Insubordination, job negligence,
retrenchment, labor saving devices are reasons for separation.
2.) Due process should be afforded the worker before he is separated from the organization.Information on his
performance should be given to him periodically, particularly that which shows consistent sub-standard
performance. Specific charges with evidence should be communicated in written form. The employees should be
given sufficient time and chance to defend himself.
Note: Workers who are retrenched and/or laid off are entitled to separation pay which is minimally pegged at fifteen (15)
days pay for every year of service with the company. The rate could be higher if covered by the CBA.
Labor Laws
The function of labor laws is to set up minimal standards under which organizations operate for workers. The figure below
pictures the extent to which minimal standards are set up vis-a-vis labor laws and maximum wages on one hand and the area
for collective bargaining and exploitation of labor on the other hand.
Labor laws in the Philippines, so far have covered the following items:
The cost of living allowance (COLA) has been a recent addition to the wages to cushion the impact on inflation. The
amount varies from one organization to another depending on its level of affordability.
4 Tips for Negotiating Compensation in the Workplace
There are some things in life that people avoid like the plague. Talking about money at work is one of them. Working in
human resources, it’s part of our jobs everyday but it can still be awkward and uncomfortable. Money is a sensitive topic for
many people and it can bring up emotions that aren’t typically expressed elsewhere at work. Additionally, you’ve likely
been asked questions that are difficult to answer or that you just don’t know how to handle. However, even with the difficult
nuances of compensation negotiation, it doesn’t have to turn into a situation you tell stories about for years to come.
Be prepared
If you’re concerned about being approached by employees with salary questions, you should be. It’s inevitable, so you
should already be prepared when the questions arise. You may not know exactly what the questions will be, but you should
at least have a plan for handling the situation. For instance, will you answer questions or will you need to relay the questions
to someone else? If it’s a new hire, is there any room for negotiation? It helps to do some general research and know what
employees may find when they do their compensation research.
T H E E N D!