One New Man NT
One New Man NT
One New Man NT
Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2003 by William J Morford
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ISBN 978-1-935769-08-8
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LUKE 102
JOHN 166
ACTS 211
1 PETER 406
2 PETER 413
1 JOHN 417
2 JOHN 423
3 JOHN 424
JUDE 426
FRONT COVER: The Hebrew letters spell Ehyeh, the word spoken by God to
Moses in Exodus 3:14 when He said “’I AM Who I AM.’ (Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh)
and He said, ‘Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, “The Lord God of your
fathers, I AM (Ehyeh), has sent me to you.’”
“To the Israelites in bondage, the meaning would be; ‘Although He has not yet
displayed His power towards you, He will do so; He is eternal and will certainly
redeem you.’” A number of modern Jewish translations say, “’I will be what I
will be;’ meaning ‘no words can sum up all that He will be to His people, but
His everlasting faithfulness and unchanging mercy will more and more manifest
themselves in the guidance of Israel.’” (The Pentateuch and Haftorahs, Edited by
Dr. J. H. Hertz, C. H., Late Chief Rabbi of the British Empire)
This, the Fourth Edition, also the seventh printing of The Power New Testament,
is greatly expanded from the first six printings. The Fourth Edition has more
than 1,700 footnotes and a 105 page Glossary. Although William J. Morford was
responsible for the translation of the Greek text, a number of others contributed
to the completion and accuracy of the work.
Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, now of Synagogue Beth El in Ponte Vedra, Florida,
spent many hours with me to bring understanding and Jewishness to numerous
passages that are often glossed over or even misunderstood. Rabbi Ben-Yehuda
is a Conservative Jewish rabbi who patiently answered many questions and
revealed a number of Hebrew idioms and Jewish customs. He has a thorough
knowledge of the New Testament, so he made a considerable contribution to this
Two Biblical scholars assisted with this translation. They are:
Arnold Gause, Ph.D., a Greek scholar of Columbia, SC, who tutored
Rev. Morford for two years, then continued to give advice.
Henry M. Evans, Ph.D., of Monroe, Louisiana, who for a period of
six months met with Rev. Morford nearly every week, reviewing
difficult passages, sharing books from his personal library, and giving
encouragement and advice.
A very dedicated friend, Dr. Waldo Nickel, reviewed the first printing,
word for word, comparing The Power New Testament with more than twenty
other translations, making voluminous notes and suggestions. Many of those
suggestions have been used, making this 4th Edition even more readable than the
earlier editions.
Several people helped by commenting at different stages in the preparation of
the First Edition of this translation. Special thanks go to: Pastor Kathy Tolleson
who proof read the entire manuscript; Rev. Shirley Wine, who commented on
Matthew and several Epistles, and several others who made appropriate comments
from less intensive scrutiny; and most of all I thank my wife, Jeanie, for all the
time she gave to this project, discussing various passages and proofing many
times. Jeanie went to be with the Lord in February, 2006.
situations, but this translation uses “high priests” in these cases.
This translation has as its goal to be a very readable text that flows from one
book to another while preserving much of the Jewish flavor, especially the
Jewishness of Jesus, and much of the power that is in the Greek and Hebrew
expressions. The people who have worked on this translation all believe that by
the laying on of hands we have all the gifts of the Spirit of the Living God, the
King of the Universe, and that God is the same today as when He created the
universe, and He will remain the same for eternity.
The editors of the Greek text cite many Old Testament Scriptures throughout
the text, so the majority of Scripture references given in the text are from the
Greek text used for this translation. All of the references from the Apocrypha are
from the Greek text and are given here for those who use the Roman Catholic
There was no punctuation, nor were chapter or verse numbers in the original
manuscripts. Even the present Greek text does not have quotation marks, but
proper placement of the marks is taken from the context of a passage. See
Manuscript in Glossary. See Chapter and Verse Numbers in Glossary.
1 (v.13) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
2 (v.17) The tense used in the Greek tells us to walk in repentance every day, even though
we know we have been sanctified and made righteous by the blood of the Lamb. This is because
we have not been perfected, but are to strive to be better today than we were yesterday, as we
become more like Him. See Eph 5:1.
3 (v.21) The Greek text has Iakob, which is written Jacob in English.
4 (v.23) His teaching here is about the Father, the kingdom being a reference to the Deity
and His love.
5 (v.24) The Greek word kakos literally means evil.
being tormented and being possessed by demons and being moonstruck1 and
paralytics, and He healed them. 25. And huge crowds followed Him from Galilee
and Dekapolis2 and Jerusalem and Judea and the other side of the Jordan.
The Sermon on the Mount
(Mt 5:1-7:29)
5.1. And when He saw the crowds He went up on the mountain, and after
He sat down His disciples came to Him: 2. then opening His mouth He taught
them saying,
The Beatitudes
(Lk 6:20-23)
3. “Blessed are the repentant,4
1 (v.37) These are literally “Yes yes and no no.” See Double Yes in Glossary.
2 (v.38) This does not mean you are to take out the eye of someone who has knocked out
an eye. See Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.41) This is a Roman mile, one thousand paces.
4 (v.43) “Hate your enemy” was from heathens, since it is not found in the Tanach (OT),
oral law, or Rabbinic writing.
5 (v.1) Doing righteousness is doing good deeds. See Mitsvah in Glossary.
6 (v.2) Tsedekah, see both Mitsvah and Righteousness in Glossary.
Teaching about Prayer
(Lk 11:2-4)
6:5. “And when you would pray, you must not be like the hypocrites,
because they love to pray in the synagogues and standing on the street corners,
so that they would be revealed to people: truly I say to you, they are receiving
their reward. 6. But when you would pray, you must go into your secret room
and after you lock your door pray to your Father, to the One in secret: then your
Father, the One Who sees in secret, will reward you. 7. And when you pray,
you should not babble as the heathens, for they think that they will be heard
because of their many words. 8. Therefore you should not be like them: for your
Father knows what need you have before you ask Him. 9. Therefore you must be
praying in this way:
‘Our Father,1 Who is in the heavens:
Your name must at once be made holy:
10. Your kingdom must now come:
Your will must be done right now,
as in heaven also on Earth:
11. You must now give us today the things necessary for our existence:2
12. You must right now forgive our sins for us, in the same manner as
we have completed forgiving everyone of everything, big
and little, against us:3
13. And do not lead us into temptation,4
but You must now rescue us from the evil one.’5
14. For if you would forgive all other people their transgressions, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you: 15. but if you would not forgive all other people,
neither will your Father forgive your sins.”6 (Col 3:13)
Teaching about Fasting
6:16. “And when you would fast, do not become sad, gloomy like the
hypocrites, for they render their faces so that fasting would be revealed to people:
truly I say to you, they are receiving their reward. 17. But when you fast you
must anoint your head and wash your face, 18. so that you would not reveal
fasting to men but to your Father in secret: then your Father, the One Who sees
in secret, will reward you.”
1 (v.9) Our Father was a common opening for prayer, based on Is 63:16 and Ho 11:1.
2 (v.11) The Greek word translated “necessary for our existence” is found only in Mt 6:11
and Lk 11:3. The meaning is not certain. See Daily Bread in Glossary.
3 (v.12) We can only speak this way to God, saying “You must..” as Jesus is teaching,
when we have covenant relationship with Him. See Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary.
4 (v.13) This could also be translated trial.
5 (v.13) The Doxology in some translations of the Lord’s Prayer was added in the fifth
century. See Lord’s Prayer in Glossary for understanding of this prayer.
6 (v.14 & v.15) This admonition is a basic requirement for a relationship with God. See Sin,
Forgiveness of in Glossary.
Treasure in Heaven
(Lk 12:33,34)
6:19. “Do not gather treasures on the Earth for yourselves, where moth
and rust are destroying and where thieves break in and steal: (Sir1 29:11) 20. but
build up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys
and where thieves do not break in and do not steal: 21. for where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be.”
The Light of the Body
(Lk 11:34-36)
6:22. “The eye is the lamp of the body. Therefore if your eye would be
healthy, your whole body will be light: 23. but if your eye would be evil,2 your
whole body will be darkness. Therefore if the light which is in you is dark, how
great must the darkness be.” (Pr 22:9, 28:22)
God and Wealth
(Lk 16:13)
6:24. “No one is able to serve two masters: for he will hate the one and
will love the other, or he will be devoted to one and he will despise the other. You
are not able to serve God and wealth.”
Care and Anxiety
(Lk 12:22-34)
6:25. “Because of this I say to you, stop being anxious for your life, what
you would eat or what you would drink, or what you would put on your body.
No indeed! Is life not more than food and the body more than clothing? 26. You
must consider the birds of the sky that do not sow and do not harvest and do not
gather into a storehouse, and your heavenly Father feeds them: are you not worth
more than they? 27. And who of you if you are anxious is able to add one single
hour upon his age? 28. And concerning clothing, why are you anxious? You
must observe the lilies of the field, how they grow: they do not labor and they do
not spin: 29. but I say to you that Solomon in all his glory did not dress himself as
one of these. 30. And if God clothes the grass of the field this way, which is here
today and tomorrow is cast into a furnace, will He not much more clothe you,
little faiths? 31. Therefore you should not be anxious saying, ‘What could we
eat?’ or, ‘What could we drink?’ or, ‘What should we wear?’ 32. For the heathens
are striving for all these things: for indeed your heavenly Father knows that you
need all these things. 33. But you must continually seek first the kingdom of
God and His righteousness, then all these things will be provided for you. 34.
1 (v.19) The book of Sirach, from the Apocrypha. See Appendix for the listing of Apocry-
phal references.
2 (v.23) An evil eye is a Hebrew idiom for stingy or greedy. See Dt 15:9, Pr 23:6, 7 and
Therefore do not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious of itself:
each day’s trouble is enough for that day.”
Judging Others
(Lk 6:37,38, 41,42)
7.1. “Do not judge, so that you would not be judged: 2. for in which
judgment you judge, you will be judged, and in the measure in which you
measure, it will be measured to you. (Ro 14:10-13) 3. Then why are you looking
at the speck in your brother’s eye, but you do not perceive the beam in your eye?
4. Or how will you say to your brother, ‘You must let me cast the speck from your
eye,’ and there is this beam in your eye? 5. Hypocrite! First you must cast the
beam from your eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from your
brother’s eye. 6. Do not give the sacred things to the dogs and do not cast your
pearls before the swine, lest they will trample them with their feet, then when
they turn they will tear you to pieces.”
Ask, Seek, Knock
(Lk 11:9-13)
7:7. “You must regularly ask and it will be given to you, you must
continually seek and you will find, you must knock habitually and it will be
opened to you: 8. for everyone who asks takes, and the one who seeks finds, and
it will be opened for the one who knocks. 9. Or what man is there of you, who
when his son will ask for bread, will give him a stone?1 10. Or then will ask for
a fish will give over to him a snake? 11. Therefore if you, being evil yourselves,
know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more your Father, the
One in the Heavens, will give good things to those who ask Him. 12. Therefore
everything that you would want that people would do to you, in this way you
must also do to them: for this is the Torah and the Prophets.”2
The Narrow Gate
(Lk 13:24)
7:13. “You must immediately enter through the narrow gate: because
wide is the gate and broad is the way leading into destruction and many are those
who enter through it: 14. how narrow the gate is, and the way that leads to life is
constricted, and few are those who find it.”
A Tree Known by Its Fruit
(Lk 6:43,44)
7:15. “You must consistently beware of the false prophets, who are
1 (v.3) Anyone touching a leper would be unclean, but Jesus gives evidence of His Deity
because He cleansed the leper, and the leper did not make Him unclean. “Seven days you shall
make an atonement for the altar, and sanctify it; and it shall be an altar most holy; whatever touches
the altar shall be holy.” (Ex 29:37)
2 (v.5) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
3 (v.6) This indicates a male child, referred to in Lk 7:2 as a slave. Most likely he was a
young indentured servant.
4 (v.11) The Hebrew word for heaven is always plural. See Heavens in Glossary.
The Would-be Followers of Jesus
(Lk 9:57-62)
8:18. And when Jesus saw a crowd around Him He ordered1 them to go
over to the other side of the lake. 19. And having approached, one of the scribes
said to Him, “Teacher, I will follow You wherever You would go.” 20. Then
Jesus said to him, “The foxes have dens and the birds of the sky have nests, but
the Son of Man does not have anywhere He could lay His head.” 21. And another
of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, You must allow me to leave first and to bury
my father.” 22. But Jesus said to him, “You must follow Me now and you must
let the spiritually dead bury their own dead.”
The Calming of a Storm
(Mk 4:35-41, Lk 8:22-25)
8:23. When He went into the boat His disciples followed Him. 24. And
behold a great storm came on the lake, so the boat was covered by the waves,
but He was sleeping. 25. And then they came and woke Him saying, “Lord, You
must immediately save us, we are lost.” 26. Then He said to them, “Little faiths,
why are you cowards?” Then after He got up He rebuked the winds and the lake,
and a great calm came. 27. And the men marveled saying, “What sort is this that
even the winds and the lake will obey Him?”
The Healing of the Gadarene Demoniacs
(Mk 5:1-20, Lk 8:26-39)
8:28. Then after He came to the other side in the territory of the Gadarenes,
two demon possessed men met Him when they came out from the tombs. They
were greatly savage, so that no one was able to come through that way. 29. And
behold they cried out saying, “What do You have to do with us, Son of God?
Did You come here to torment us before our time?” 30. And there was a herd
of many swine feeding a considerable distance from them. 31. And the demons
were begging Him saying, “If You cast us out, You must right away send us into
the herd of swine.” 32. Then He said to them, “You must now go.” And when
they came out they went into the swine: and behold the whole herd rushed down
the steep bank into the lake and they died in the waters. 33. And the herdsmen
fled, then having come into the city they reported everything and what happened
with the demon possessed men. 34. Then behold all the city came out for the
purpose of meeting Jesus and when they saw Him they begged that He would go
from their territory.
The Healing of a Paralytic
(Mk 2:1-12, Lk 5:17-26)
9.1. Then after He got in the boat He crossed over and came into His
1 (v.18) The Greek word keleuo, translated ‘ordered,’ is used only for someone of rank
issuing an order.
own city. 2. And behold they were bringing Him a paralytic who was lying on
a stretcher. And when Jesus saw their faith He said to the paralytic, “You must
be courageous, child, your sins are forgiven.” 3. And behold some of the scribes
said among themselves, “This One is blaspheming.” 4. Then since Jesus knew
their thoughts He said, “Why are you thinking evil in your hearts? 5. For what
is easier, to say, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘You must rise and you must
continually walk?’ 6. But so that you would see that the Son of Man has authority
upon the Earth to forgive sins”1 - then He said to the paralytic, “When you get up
you must take your stretcher and immediately go into your house.” 7. Then after
he got up he went into his house. 8. And when the crowds saw this, they feared
and praised God; the One Who gave authority such as this to mankind.
1 (v.6) It is interesting that Jesus says He has authority to forgive sins, yet His statement to
the paralytic is “Your sins are forgiven,” something we can say to any repentant person.
2 (v.9) As a tax collector, Matthew would have been wealthy, upper class. He left every-
thing to become a disciple and follow Jesus.
3 (v.10) Reclining to eat had been a Jewish custom for some time, because reclining was
a sign of freedom, that they were no longer Egyptian slaves. See Reclining in Glossary.
4 (v.12) The Greek word kakos literally means evil though it is often translated “sick.”
The Ruler’s Daughter and The Woman Who Touched Jesus’ Prayer Shawl
(Mk 5:21-43, Lk 8:40-56)
9:18. After He said these things to them, behold, one leader who came
knelt at His feet saying that, “My daughter is now dying: but after You come
You must lay Your hand upon her, and she will live.” 19. Then, after he got up,
Jesus and His disciples followed him. 20. And there was a woman, who was
suffering with a hemorrhage for twelve years, when she came up behind Him she
touched the fringe1 of His prayer shawl: 21. for she was saying within herself “If
only I could touch His prayer shawl2 I will be delivered.” 22. And when Jesus
turned around and saw her He said, “Be of good cheer, daughter: your faith has
delivered you.”3 And the woman was delivered from that moment. 23. Then
after Jesus came to the house of the leader and when He saw the flute players and
the troubled crowd 24. He was saying, “You must go away now, for the girl is not
dead but she is sleeping.” Then they were laughing at Him. 25. And after the
crowd was thrown out, He entered and took hold of her hand, and the girl got up.
26. Then this report came out into that whole country.
The Healing of Two Blind Men
9:27. And as He was going away from there two blind men followed
Jesus, crying out and saying, “You must now have mercy on us, Son of David.”4
28. And after He went into the house the blind men came to Him, and Jesus said
to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to Him, “Indeed,
Lord.” 29. Then He touched their eyes saying, “According to your faith it must
now be for you.” 30. And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus warned them
sternly, saying, “You must see to it that no one knows.” 31. But after they left,
they spread this in that whole country.
The Healing of a Mute Person
9:32. And while they were coming out behold they brought to Him a man
who had a deaf and mute demon. 33. Then after He cast out the demon the mute
man spoke. And the crowds were amazed saying, “Never has this been known in
Israel.” 34. But the Pharisees were saying, “He casts out demons by the prince
of the demons.”
The Compassion of Jesus
9:35. And Jesus was going around all the cities and the villages teaching
in their synagogues and proclaiming the Good News of the kingdom and healing
every disease and every sickness. 36. And when He saw the crowds He was
1 (v.20) The corner fringe of the prayer shawl, called tsitsit in Hebrew, represents all the
commands and promises of God. See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
2 (v.21) The prayer shawl worn by an anointed man of God was known to have an anoint-
ing for healing. See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
3 (v.22) See Lk 8:47 and its footnote for more detail.
4 (v.27) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
sympathetic concerning them, because they were weary and laying down like
sheep that did not have a shepherd. 37. Then He said to His disciples, “On one
hand the harvest is great, but on the other hand the workers are few: 38. so you
all must immediately appeal to the Lord of the Harvest so that He would send out
workers into His harvest.” (Rev 14:15)
The Mission of the Twelve
(Mk 3:13-19, Lk 6:12-16)
10.1. Then after He summoned His twelve disciples He gave them
authority over unclean spirits, so that they could cast them out and heal every
disease and every sickness. 2. And the names of the twelve apostles were these,
first Simon, the one called Peter, and Andrew his brother, and Jacob1 the son of
Zebedee, and John his brother, 3. Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew
the tax collector, Jacob the son of Alpheus, and Thaddaeus, 4. Simon the Zealot,
and Judas from Iscariot, the one who gave Him over.
The Commissioning of the Twelve
(Mk 6:7-13, Lk 9:1-6)
10:5. Jesus sent these twelve, after He commanded them, saying, “On
the way do not go to the heathens and do not enter a Samaritan city: 6. but you
must rather go regularly to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7. And while you
are going you must preach, saying that ‘The kingdom of the heavens2 has come
near.’ 8. You must continually heal sicknesses, raise the dead, cleanse lepers,3
cast out demons: you took freely, you must now give freely. 9. You can acquire
neither gold nor silver nor copper in your belts, 10. nor a knapsack for the way
nor two tunics nor sandals nor a staff: for the worker is worthy of his food. 11.
In whatever city or town you would enter you must at once examine to determine
who in it is worthy: remain there in that house until whenever you would leave.
12. And when you enter a house you must immediately greet it: 13. then if the
house would be worthy, your peace must come upon it: but if it would not be
worthy, your peace must return to you. 14. And whoever would not take you in
and would not listen to your message, when you come outside the house or that
city you must right away shake off the dust from your feet. 15. Truly I say to you,
it will be more bearable in the region of Sodom and Gomorra on Judgment Day
than in that city.”
Coming Persecutions
(Mk 13:9-13, Lk 21:12-17)
10:16. “Behold I am sending you as sheep in the midst of wolves: therefore
you must become as prudent as serpents and as innocent as doves. 17. And you
1 (v.2) The name in the Greek text is Iakob, which is Jacob in English.
2 (v.7) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew. See Heavens in Glossary.
3 (v.8) This is not the disease known as leprosy today. See Leprosy in Glossary.
must be on guard from men: for they will give you over to sanhedrins1 and they
will scourge you in their public gatherings:2 18. and you will be led before rulers
and even kings because of Me, in witness to them and to the heathens. 19. And
when they would arrest you, do not be anxious how or what you would say: for
what you should say will be given to you at that moment: 20. for you will not
be those speaking but it will be the Spirit of your Father, the One Who speaks
through you. 21. And a brother will betray a brother into death and a father a
child, and children will rise up in rebellion against parents and they will put them
to death. 22. And you will be hated by all because of My name: but the one who
has persevered to the end will be saved. 23. And when they would persecute you
in this city, you must flee to another: for truly I say to you, you would not finish
the cities of Israel until the Son of Man would come.3
10:24. “For a disciple is not above his teacher and a servant is not above
his master. 25. It is sufficient for the disciple that he would become like his
teacher and the servant like his master. If they called the master of the house
Beelzebub, how much more those of his household.”
Whom to Fear
(Lk 12:2-7)
10:26. “However you should not fear them: for there is nothing which
has been concealed which will not be revealed and no secret which will not be
known. 27. What I am saying to you in the darkness, you must now say in the
light, and what you are hearing in your ear you must immediately proclaim on
your roofs.4 28. And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but they are not
able to kill eternal life: but you must rather fear the One able to destroy both life
and body in Gehenna.5 29. Do not two sparrows sell for a sixteenth of a denarius?
And not one of them will fall on the Earth without the knowledge and consent of
your Father. 30. And of you, even all the hairs of your head are numbered. 31.
Therefore stop being afraid! You are worth more than many sparrows.”
Confessing Messiah before Men
(Lk 12:8,9)
10:32. “Therefore everyone who will confess Me in front of people, then
I will confess him before My Father, the One in the heavens: 33. but whoever
would deny Me before people, then I will deny him before My Father, the One in
1 (v.17) Sanhedrins are community councils responsible for maintaining law and order and
deciding local issues.
2 (v.17) While this word could be translated synagogues, “a gathering of people” is the
primary meaning and no one would be scourged in a synagogue. Lk 4:28 tells of Jesus being driven
from the city when the congregation was enraged. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.23) Every generation is to believe that it is in the end times. See Coming of Messiah in
4 (v.27) Houses and public buildings in ancient Israel had flat roofs that were often used
for storage and other purposes, such as the prophet’s room built for Elisha.
5 (v.28) See Gehenna in Glossary.
the heavens.”
Not Peace, but a Sword
(Lk 12:51-53, 14:26,27)
10:34. “Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the Earth: I
did not come to bring peace but war. 35. For I came to set one against another
‘a man against his father
and a daughter against her mother
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law,
36. and a man’s enemies will be of his household.’ (Mic 7:6)
37. The one who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and
the one who loves a son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me: 38. and
who does not take his cross1 and follow behind Me, is not worthy of Me. 39. The
one who has found his life will destroy it, and the one who has lost his life for
My sake will find it.”
(Mk 9:41)
10:40. “The one who receives you is receiving Me, and the one who
receives Me is receiving the One Who sent Me. 41. The one who receives a
prophet in the name of a prophet2 will take a prophet’s reward, and the one who
receives a righteous person in the name of a righteous person will take a righteous
person’s reward. 42. And whoever would give a cold drink to one of the least
of these, only in the name of a disciple,3 truly I say to you, would not lose his
11.1. And it was when Jesus finished directing His twelve disciples, He
went from there to teach and to preach in their cities.
The Messengers from John the Baptist
(Lk 7:18-35)
11:2. And when John, in the prison, heard about the works of the Messiah,
after he sent his disciples, 3. they said to Him, “Are You the One Who is coming
or should we be looking for another?” 4. And Jesus said to them, “When you go
you must report to John what you are hearing and seeing: 5. blind are regaining
sight and lame are walking, lepers4 are being cleansed and deaf are hearing, and
dead are being raised and the repentant5 are being brought the Good News: 6.
and blessed is whoever would not be caused to fall away because of Me.” 7. And
after they left, Jesus began to talk to the crowds about John, “What did you go out
1 (v.38) This is a prophetic call by Jesus, noting how He would later be killed.
2 (v.41) Because he is called a prophet.
3 (v.42) Because he is called a disciple.
4 (v.5) This is not the disease called leprosy today. See Leprosy in Glossary.
5 (v.5) Literally, the poor
into the desert to see? A reed being shaken by a wind? 8. But what did you come
out to see? A man dressed in soft clothes? Behold those wearing soft clothes are
in the houses of kings. 9. But what did you come out to see? A prophet? Indeed
I say to you, even more than a prophet. 10. This is concerning whom it has been
‘Behold I am sending My messenger ahead of You,
who will prepare Your way before You’. (Ex 23:20, Mal 3:1)
11. Truly I say to you: there has not been born of women greater than John
the Baptist: but the least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he. 12.
From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of the heavens is taken
by violence, and shares in the heavenly kingdom are sought for with the most
ardent zeal and the most intense exertion and violent men are seizing it, each one
claiming eagerly for himself. (Lk 16:16) 13. For all the Prophets and the Torah1
prophesied until John: 14. and if you want to accept it, he is Elijah, the one who
was going to come. (Mal 4:5) 15. The one who has ears must continually listen.
11:16. “But what is this generation like? It is like children sitting in the
markets calling out to the others 17. saying,
‘We played the flute for you and you did not dance,
we sang a lament and you did not mourn.’
18. John came neither eating nor drinking, and they are saying ‘He has a demon.’
19. The Son of Man came eating and drinking,2 and they are saying, ‘Look, the
man is a glutton and a wine-bibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’ But
wisdom was made right3 by her works.”
Three Parables
13:44. “The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure box hidden in the
field, which when a man found he hid, then out of his joy, went and sold all that
he had and bought that field.
13:45. “Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a merchant seeking
good pearls: 46. and when he found one very precious pearl, he left and sold
everything that he had and he bought it.
13:47. “Again the kingdom of the heavens is like a fishnet2 cast into the
lake gathering from every kind of fish: 48. which when it was filled, after they
pulled it up on the shore and sat down, they gathered the good into a vessel, but
they cast the bad3 outside. 49. And so it will be in the end of the age: the angels
will come out and they will separate the evil ones from the midst of the righteous
50. and they will cast them into the fiery furnace: there will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth in that place.”
1 (v.41) This could be stated “doing without Torah,” not doing what is taught in Scripture.
2 (v.47) This net is a drag net, a very large net with stone weights to fish commercially in
deep water. See Fish Nets in Glossary.
3 (v.49) The bad fish were those that were not fit to eat because they did not have both
scales and fins.
4 (v.52) “Kingdom of the heavens” can refer to God. Heavens is always plural in Hebrew
because in Hebrew there are seven levels of heaven. See both Heavens and Kingdom in Glossary.
5 (v.52) New refers to being fresh as opposed to being stale. Both fresh interpretation and
established principles must be taught.
The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
(Mk 6:1-6, Lk 4:16-30)
13:53. And it happened that when Jesus finished these parables, He went
away from there. 54. Then when He came into His hometown He taught them
in their synagogue, so that they were amazed and said, “From where do this
wisdom, and the miracles, in this One, come? 55. Is this not the carpenter’s Son?
Is not His mother called Mary and His brothers Jacob and Joseph and Simon and
Judas? 56. And are not all His sisters with us? Therefore from where in this
One are all these things?” 57. And they were offended because of Him. But
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and
in his household.” 58. And He did not do many miracles there because of their
The Death of John the Baptist
(Mk 6:14-29, Lk 9:7-9)
14.1. In that time Herod the Tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, 2. and he
said to his servants, “This is John the Baptist: he rose from the dead and because
of this the miracles are operating in him.” 3. For after Herod arrested John he
bound him and put him away in prison because his wife Herodiah had been the
wife of Philip his brother: 4. for John was saying to him, “It is not permitted for
you to have her.” 5. And while he wanted to kill him he was afraid of the crowd,
because they held him as a prophet. 6. And when it was a birthday celebration
of Herod, the daughter of Herodiah danced in their midst and pleased Herod, 7.
then with an oath he promised to give her whatever she would ask. 8. And she,
urged by her mother, said, “You must immediately give me the head of John the
Baptist here upon a plate.” 9. Then although the king was saddened, because of
the oaths and those who were reclining together with him, he commanded it to be
given, 10. so then he sent and beheaded John in the prison. 11. And his head was
brought on a platter and was given to the girl, and she brought it to her mother.
12. Then after his disciples came they took the body and they buried it and when
they came to Jesus they reported what happened.
The Feeding of the Five Thousand
(Mk 6:30-44, Lk 9:10-17, Jn 6:1-14)
14:13. And after Jesus heard He went away from there in a boat to a
wilderness place by Himself: but when the crowds heard they followed Him by
land from the cities.2 14. And when He came out He saw an enormous crowd
and had sympathy on them and He healed their sick ones. 15. And when it was
evening the disciples came to Him saying, “The place is wilderness and the hour
has now come: You must dismiss the crowds immediately so that after they leave
1 (v.58) The only place where He is referref to as not having the power is in Nazereth. See
Mk 6:5 and Lk 5:17.
2 (v.13) See Location of the Feeding of the Five Thousand in Glossary.
for the towns they could buy food for themselves.” 16. And Jesus said to them,
“They do not need to leave. You must now give them something to eat.” 17.
But they said to Him, “We do not have anything here except five loaves and two
fish,” 18. Then He said, “Bring them here to Me.” 19. And after He ordered the
crowds to recline on the grass, having taken the five loaves and the two fish, He
looked up into the sky and praised God, then when He broke the bread He gave
it to the disciples, and the disciples gave it to the crowds. 20. And all ate and
were satisfied, and they took up twelve baskets1 full of left over broken pieces.
(2Ki 4:42-44) 21. And those who were eating were about five thousand men, not
counting women and children.
Walking on the Water
(Mk 6:45-52, Jn 6:15-21)
14:22. Then He at once compelled the disciples to embark in the boat and
go before Him to the other side, until He could dismiss the crowds. 23. And after
He sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. And
when evening came only He was there. 24. And now the wind was hindering
the boat many stadia2 distant from the shore, being harassed by the waves, for
the wind was against it. 25. Then in the fourth watch3 of the night He came to
them as He walked on the lake. 26. But, when the disciples saw Him walking on
the lake, they were disturbed saying that “It is a ghost,” and they cried out from
fear. 27. And Jesus spoke to them at once saying, “You must be courageous! I
AM! Stop being afraid!” 28. And answering Him Peter said, “Lord, if it is You,
You must right now order me to come to You on the waters.” 29. And He said,
“You must now come!” And when Peter came down from the boat he walked on
the waters and came toward Jesus. 30. But when he saw the strong wind he was
afraid, and as he began to sink he cried out saying, “Lord, You must now rescue
me!” 31. And immediately Jesus, stretching out His hand, took his hand and said
to him, “Little faith, why did you doubt?” 32. Then when they got up in the boat
the wind stopped. 33. And those in the boat paid homage4 to Him saying, “Truly
You are the Son of God.”
The Healing of the Sick at Gennesaret
(Mk 6:53-56)
14:34. Then after they crossed they came to shore in Gennesaret.5 35. And
when they recognized Him the men of that place sent into that whole neighboring
region and they brought to Him all those who had evil6 36. and they were begging
1 (v.20) The basket is smaller than the hamper used in the feeding of the four thousand.
2 (v.24) One stadion is about 200 yards.
3 (v.25) This is Roman time, between 3:00 AM and 6:00 AM. See Day in Glossary.
4 (v.32) To pay homage is to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground or deck of the
boat in this case. See Pay Homage in Glossary.
5 (v.34) Gennesaret is a plain on the northwest side of the lake of Galilee, near Caper-
naum. The plain is very fertile, about three miles long by one mile wide and is named in Mk 6:53.
6 (v.35) The Greek word kakos literally means evil, but is used to refer to any affliction,
Him to just touch the tsitsit1 of His prayer shawl: and they who touched were
The Tradition of the Elders
(Mk 7:1-23)
15.1. Then Pharisees and scribes from Jerusalem came to Jesus saying,
2. “Why are Your disciples breaking the tradition of the elders? For they are not
washing their hands when they eat a meal.” 3. And Jesus said to them, “Then
why are you breaking the commandment of God because of your tradition? 4.
For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ (Ex 20:12) and ‘The one who
speaks evil of father or mother must end in death.’ (Ex 21:17) 5. But you say,
‘Whoever would say to his father or mother, “Whatever gift from me that would
have helped you has been devoted to God.”’ 6. He will not honor his father: so
you made void the word of God because of your tradition. 7. Hypocrites, Isaiah
rightly prophesied about you saying,
8. ‘This people honors Me with their lips,
but their hearts are far distant away from Me:
9. and they are worshipping Me in vain
teaching teachings3 that are commandments of men.’” (Is
15:10. Then after He summoned the crowd He said to them, “You must
listen and understand: 11. that what is entering the mouth does not defile a
person but that going out from the mouth.4 This defiles the person.” 12. Then
the disciples, having come to Him, said, “Do You know that when the Pharisees
heard the statement they were offended?” 13. And He said, “Every plant which
My Heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted. 14. You must leave them:
they are blind guides of blind: and if blind would guide blind, both will fall into
a pit.” 15. And Peter said to Him, “You must now explain this parable to us.”
16. And He said, “Are you even now senseless? 17. Do you not understand that
everything that enters the mouth and the stomach comes out and is thrown out in
a latrine? 18. But the things that go out from the mouth come out from the heart,
and these things defile the person.5 19. For out of the heart come evil thoughts,
murders, adulteries, immoralities, thefts, false witnesses, blasphemies. 20. These
things are the things that defile a person but to eat with unwashed hands does not
defile a person.”
1 (Caption) The term Canaanite refers to anyone from west of the Jordan River. Her home
is more closely defined in Mk 7:26 as Syrophoenecian, from the northern coastal area of Canaan.
2 (v.22) Asking for mercy was an idiom for asking for forgiveness. The people understood
that sickness was caused by sin.
3 (v.22) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
4 (v.26) Probably only puppies could get under the tables, which were generally low with
the diners reclining on cushions.
up the leftovers, seven hampers1 full of the pieces. (2Ki 4:42-44) 38. And those
who ate were four thousand men2 not counting women and children. 39. And
after He dismissed the crowds He embarked in the boat and came to the region
of Magadan.
The Demand for a Sign
(Mk 8:11-13, Lk 12:54-56)
16.1. Then the Pharisees and Sadducees came testing Him. They
demanded He show them a sign from heaven. 2. And He said to them, “When
it becomes evening you say, ‘Fair weather, for the sky is fiery red:’ 3. then early,
‘Today will be bad weather,’ for the gloomy sky becomes red. On the one hand
you know how to judge the appearance of the sky, but on the other hand are you
not able to judge the signs of the times? 4. An evil and adulterous generation
demands a sign, but a sign will not be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then
departing from them He went away.
The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees
(Mk 8:14-21)
16:5. And when the disciples went to the other side they forgot to take
bread. 6. And Jesus said to them, “You must watch out and pay attention on
account of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”3 7. And they were
discussing among themselves saying that “We did not take bread.” 8. But since
Jesus knew He said, “What are you discussing among yourselves, little faiths, that
you do not have bread? 9. Do you not yet understand, and do you not remember
the five loaves of the five thousand and how many baskets you took? 10. And
not the seven loaves of the four thousand and how many hampers4 you took? 11.
How do you not understand that I did not speak to you about bread? But you
must pay attention to, be wary of, the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
12. Then they understood that He did not say to be wary of the leaven of the bread
but from the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus
(Mk 8:27-30, Lk 9:18-21)
16:13. And after Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi He was
asking His disciples saying, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14.
And they said, “Some indeed John the Baptist, and others Elijah, and others
Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15. He said to them, “And who do you say I
am?” 16. And Simon Peter said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living
1 (v.37) The hamper was large, being used in Acts 9:25 to describe Paul’s being lowered
through the Damascus city wall. See Mt 16:10, Mk 8:8, 20.
2 (v.38) See Census in Glossary.
3 (v.6) The leaven of Pharisees is legalism, the leaven of Sadducees is Hellenism, apos-
tasy. See Hellenism in Glossary.
4 (v.10) See note on v.37.
God.” 17. And Jesus said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, because,
not flesh and blood, but My Father, the One in the heavens,1 revealed this to you.
18. And I am saying to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My
congregation2 and gates of Hades will not prevail against the congregation. 19.
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of the heavens, and whatever you would
bind3 upon the Earth will already have been bound in the heavens with ongoing
effect, and whatever you would loose4 upon the Earth will already have been
loosed in the heavens with ongoing effect.”5 20. Then He was commanding the
disciples that they should not say that He was the Messiah.
Jesus foretells His Death and Resurrection6
(Mk 8:31-9:1, Lk 9:22-27)
16:21. From then on Jesus began to show His disciples that it was
necessary for Him to go away to Jerusalem and to suffer greatly from the elders
and high priests and scribes and to be killed, then to be raised on the third day.
22. Then Peter, after he took Him aside, began to reprove Him saying, “God
forbid, Lord! This will not happen to You.” 23. And He, turning about, said to
Peter, “You must go behind Me,7 Satan!8 You are tempting Me, because you are
not thinking the things of God but the things of men.” 24. Then Jesus said to His
disciples, “If someone wants to come after Me he must deny himself and he must
immediately take his cross and he must continually follow Me. 25. For whoever
would want to save his life will lose it: and whoever would lose his life for My
sake will find it. 26. For what will a man profit if he would gain the whole world
but would forfeit his very being? Or what will a man give in place of his life? 27.
For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels,
and then He will give back to each according to his actions.9 28. Truly I say to
you that there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death
until they would see the Son of Man coming with His kingdom.”10
The Transfiguration of Jesus
(Mk 9:2-13, Lk 9:28-36)
17.1. Then after six days Jesus took Peter and Jacob and John his
1 (v.17) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew and the Hebrew Scriptures name seven levels
of heaven. See Heavens in Glossary.
2 (v.18) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.19) To Bind is a Hebrew idiom meaning forbid. Binding and loosing here refer specifi-
cally to the judicial applications for all the dietary, Sabbath, and other regulations, including civil law,
and extend to the spiritual realm as well.
4 (v.19) Loose is a Hebrew idiom meaning permit.
5 (v.19) The italicized words are added to express the tense used here by the Greek text.
6 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
7 (v.23) The word translated go is hupago, which means to go back where you came from.
8 (v.23) See Satan in Glossary.
9 (v.27) See Jas 2:14. See both Mitsvah and Righteousness in Glossary.
10 (v.28) Even Jesus was expecting His Messianic reign momentarily. See Mt 24:36.
brother and brought them up on a high mountain by themselves. 2. And He was
transformed before them, and His face shone like the sun, and His garments
became white1 as the light. 3. And behold Moses and Elijah were seen by them
conversing with Him. 4. And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to
be here: if You are willing, I will make three booths, one for You and one for
Moses and one for Elijah. 5. While he was still speaking, behold a radiant cloud
overshadowed them, and there was a voice from the cloud saying, “This is My
beloved Son, with Whom I have been well pleased: you must habitually listen to
Him.” 6. And when the disciples heard they fell upon their faces and they were
exceedingly afraid. 7. Then Jesus came and after He touched them He said, “You
must get up at once and you must stop being afraid.” 8. And when they opened
their eyes they saw no one except only Jesus Himself.
17:9. Then while they were coming down the mountain Jesus ordered
them saying, “Do not tell what you saw until the Son of Man would be risen from
the dead.” 10. Then the disciples asked Him saying, “Then why are the scribes
saying that it is necessary for Elijah to come first?” 11. And He said, “Elijah
is indeed coming and will restore all things: 12. but I say to you that Elijah has
already come, but they did not recognize him and they did with him what they
wanted: so also the Son of Man is going to suffer under them.” 13. Then the
disciples understood that He spoke to them about John the Baptist.
1 (v.2) White garments represent being in a state of spiritual preparedness, from Ecc 9:8,
“Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.”
2 (v.15) Asking for mercy was an idiom meaning to ask for forgiveness. The people under-
stood that sickness was caused by sin.
3 (v.20) V. 21 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
Jesus again Foretells His Death and Resurrection
(Mk 9: 30-32, Lk 9:43b-45)
17:22. And when they gathered in Galilee Jesus said to them, “The Son
of Man is going to be given over into the hands of men, 23. and they will kill Him,
and on the third day He will be raised.” (Mt 16:21) Then they were exceedingly
Payment of the Temple Tax
17:24. And after they came into Capernaum2 those who were collecting the
two drachma3 then said to Peter, “Does not your Teacher pay the two drachmas?”
(Ex 30:13, 38:26) 25. He said, “Indeed.” And, after he came into the house, Jesus
spoke first to him saying, “What do you think, Simon? From whom are the kings
of the Earth taking a tax or head tax? From their sons or from the others?” 26.
And then he said, “From the others,” Jesus said to him, “Consequently the sons
are indeed free. 27. But so that we would not offend them, on going to the lake,
you must right away cast a hook and take the first fish coming up, and when you
open its mouth you will find a coin: taking that you must at once give it to them
for Me and you.”
The Greatest in the Kingdom
(Mk 9:33-37, Lk 9:46-48)
18.1. In that hour the disciples came to Jesus saying, “Who is the greatest
in the kingdom of the heavens?”4 2. And after He called a child to Himself, He
stood him in their midst 3. and He said, “Truly I say to you, unless you would
change and become like the children, you could not enter the kingdom of the
heavens. 4. Therefore whoever will humble himself like this child, this one is the
greatest in the kingdom of the heavens. 5. And whoever would receive one such
child in My name, receives Me.”
Temptation to Sin
(Mk 9:42-48, Lk 17:1,2)
18:6. “Whoever would cause one of the least of these who believe in Me
to sin, it is better for him that a millstone worked by a donkey5 would be hung
around his neck and he would be drowned in the open sea. 7. Woe to the world
for those who cause sin: for it is necessary for the temptation to sin to come, but
woe to the man by whom the temptation comes. 8. And if your hand or your foot
1 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
2 (v.24) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
3 (v.24) This is the half-shekel temple tax from Ex 30:13, 38:26.
4 (v.1) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew and the Hebrew Scriptures name seven levels
of heaven. See Heavens in Glossary.
5 (v.6) It was necessary for Jesus to state that the stone was one worked by a donkey be-
cause households often had smaller six to ten pound stones for grinding small quantities of grain.
causes you to sin, you must immediately cut it off and cast it from you: it is better
for you to enter life1 crippled or lame, rather than having two hands and two feet
to have been cast into the eternal fire. 9. And if your eye causes you to sin, you
must immediately pluck it out and cast it from you: it is better for you to enter
life one-eyed rather than having two eyes to have been cast into the Gehenna2 of
The Parable of the Lost Sheep
(Lk 15:3-7)
18:10. “You must continually see that you do not despise one of the least
of these children: for I say to you that their angels in the heavens, for the sake of
all children, do see the face of My Father, the One in the heavens.3 12. What do
you think? If it would happen to some man who has one hundred sheep and one
of them would go astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and
then go seek the one that strayed? 13. Then if he happens to find it, truly I say
to you that he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine, those that have not
strayed. 14. Thus it is a desire before your Father, the One in the heavens, that
not one of the least of these would be lost.”
A Brother Who Sins
(Lk 17:3)
18:15. “And if your brother sins against you, you must go, you must
show him the error between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have
gained your brother: (Lv 19:17) 16. but if he would not listen, you must take with
you yet one or two, so that ‘by a mouth of two or three witnesses every word
would stand:’ (Dt 19:35) 17. and if he refuses to listen to them, you must speak at
once to the congregation:4 then if he refuses to listen to the congregation, he must
be to you even as the heathen and the tax collector.
18:18. “Truly I say to you: whatever you would bind5 upon the Earth will
already have been bound in heaven with ongoing effect, and whatever you would
loose6 upon the Earth will already have been loosed in heaven with ongoing
effect.7 19. Again truly I say to you that if two of you on the Earth would agree
concerning any matter, whatever would be asked, it would happen for them
before My Father, the One in the heavens. 20. For where there are two or three
who have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst.”
1 (v.8) Jesus several times refers to what we call death as entering life, a clear reference
to the wonderful eternal life that awaits us.
2 (v.9) See Gehenna in Glossary.
3 (v.10) V. 11 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
4 (v.17) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
5 (v.18) To bind is a Hebrew idiom meaning to forbid. Binding and loosing refer specifically
to the dietary, Sabbath, and other regulations, including civil law, as well as to spiritual things.
6 (v.18) To loose is a Hebrew idiom meaning to permit.
7 (v.18) The tenses here mean that the effect of the binding or loosing goes on forever.
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
18:21. Then when Peter came he said to Him, “Lord, how often will my
brother sin against me and I shall forgive him?1 As many as seven times?” 22.
Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you until seven times but until seventy times
seven. 23. Because of this the kingdom of the heavens has been made like a man,
a king, who wanted to settle accounts with his servants. 24. And when he began
to settle, one debtor of ten thousand talents2 was brought to him. 25. But, when
he did not have it to repay, the master ordered him and his wife and children
and all that he had to be sold at once, and to be repaid. 26. Then the servant fell
prostrated before him, saying, ‘You must now be patient on my account, and I
will pay you back everything.’ 27. Then having pity, the master of that servant
released him and forgave the loan to him. 28. And when that servant came out he
found one of his fellow servants, who owed him a hundred denarii,3 and having
taken hold of him he was choking him saying, ‘You must right now pay what you
owe.’ 29. Then his fellow servant, falling to his knees, begged him saying, ‘You
must be patient with me, and I will repay you.’ 30. But he was not willing and
when he left he cast him into prison until he would pay the debt. 31. Therefore
when his fellow servants saw what was happening they were exceedingly grieved
and having come to their master they made known everything that happened. 32.
Then, having summoned him, his master said to him, ‘Evil servant, I forgave you
all that debt because you begged me: 33. so was it not necessary for you to be
merciful to your fellow servant, as I was merciful4 to you?’ 34. And his master,
being filled with wrath, gave him over to the jailers until he could pay back all
that was owed. 35. So also My Father, the One in the heavens, will do to you, if
you, each one, would not forgive his brother from your hearts.”
Teaching about Divorce
(Mk 10:1-12)
19.1. And it happened when Jesus finished these teachings, He went
away from Galilee and He came into the district of Judea on the other side of the
Jordan. 2. And great crowds followed Him and He healed them there.
19:3. And Pharisees came to Him, testing Him, and saying, “Is it
permitted for a man to divorce his wife for any reason?” 4. And He said, “Have
you not read that the One Who Created, from the beginning ‘He made them male
and female?’” (Gn 1:27) 5. Then He said, “‘Because of this a man5 will leave
father and mother and will be joined together with his wife,6 and the two will be
1 (v.21) See Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary.
2 (v.24) One talent, weighing 75 lb., equaled 6,000 drachmas or denarii, with 300 denarii
about a year’s wages. With one talent being 20 years’ wages, 10,000 talents is a truly awesome
3 (v.28) Several months’ wages
4 (v.33) To be merciful is to forgive: this could also be translated “as I forgave the debt..”
5 (v.5) The word used here is anthropos and can appropriately be translated “person.”
6 (v.5) Both husband and wife need to leave their parents and join together. In ancient
in one flesh.’ (Gn 2:24) 6. Thus they are not two but one flesh. Therefore what
God united man must not divide.” 7. They said to Him, “Then why did Moses
command ‘to give a certificate of divorce and to divorce her?’” (Dt 24:1) 8. He
said to them that “Moses on account of your hardness of heart permitted you to
divorce your wives, but from the beginning it has not been so. 9. But I say to
you that whosoever would divorce his wife not on account of fornication1 and
would marry another is committing adultery.” 10. His disciples said to Him, “If
the case of the man with the wife is thus, it is not profitable to marry.” 11. And
He said to them, “Not all grasp this message but for whom it has been given. 12.
For there are eunuchs who were born so from a mother’s womb, and there are
eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have
made themselves eunuchs because of the kingdom of the heavens. The one who
is able to grasp, must grasp this truth.”
Little Children Blessed
(Mk 10:13-16, Lk 18:15-17)
19:13. Then children were brought to Him so that He could place hands
on them and pray: but the disciples rebuked them. 14. But Jesus said, “You must
at once permit the children, and you must not forbid them to come to Me, for the
kingdom of the heavens is of such as these.” 15. Then after He placed His hands
on them He went away from there.
The Rich Young Man
(Mk 10:17-31, Lk 18:18-30)
19:16. And behold one who came to Him said, “Teacher, what good must
I do so that I would have eternal life?” 17. And He said to him, “Why do you ask
Me concerning the good? Only One is good: and if you desire to enter life,2 you
must keep the commandments.”3 18. He said to Him, “Which ones?” And Jesus
said, “You will not murder, You will not commit adultery, You will not steal, You
will not bear false testimony, 19. Honor your father and mother, and You must
love your neighbor as yourself.” 20. The young man said to Him, “I did keep
all these: what yet do I lack?” 21. Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect4
you must immediately go, sell your possessions, then give that to the poor, and
you will have treasure in the heavens, then come, you must habitually follow
Me.” 22. But after the young man heard the statement he left grieving: for he
had abundant property.
Israeli society the wife would join the husband’s family. A modern interpretation of this verse would
say, “A person will leave father and mother and will join together with his (or her) spouse.” Gn 2:24
says a man will leave his parents when he marries. See Wedding in Glossary.
1 (v.9) Any immorality
2 (v.17) Jesus several times refers to what we call death as entering life, a clear reference
to the wonderful eternal life that awaits us.
3 (v.17) These commandments are those in the first five books of the Bible, summarized in
verses 18, 19.
4 (v.21) Fully developed in a moral sense
19:23. Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you that only with
difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of the heavens.1 24. And again I
say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle2 than a rich
person to enter the kingdom of God.” 25. And when the disciples heard they
were greatly amazed saying, “Then who is able to be saved?” 26. And Jesus,
looking at them, said, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are
possible.” (Gn 18:14, Jr 32:17, 27, Job 42:2) 27. Then Peter said to Him, “Behold
we have left everything and we followed You: what then is for us?” 28. And
Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you that you who follow Me, in the restoration
of all things3 when the Son of Man would sit upon the Throne of His Glory,4 then
you will be seated upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Dn
7:9,10) 29. And all who left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or
children or fields for the sake of My name, will take a hundred times as much and
will inherit eternal life. 30. And many first will be last and last will be first.”
The Workers in the Vineyard
20.1. “For the kingdom of the heavens5 is like a man, master of a house,
who came out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2. Then,
after the workers agreed on a denarius for the day, he sent them into his vineyard.
(Tob 5:5) 3. And when he came out about the third hour,6 he saw others standing
in the market unemployed 4. and he said to those, ‘You also go into the vineyard,
and I will give you whatever would be just.’ 5. And they went. And when he
came out again at about the sixth and ninth7 hours he did likewise. 6. Then
when he came out about the eleventh8 hour, he found others standing and he
said to them, ‘Why have you stood here unemployed the whole day?’ 7. They
said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘Go into the vineyard
yourselves.’ 8. Then when it was evening the master of the vineyard said to his
foreman, ‘You must now call the workers and pay them the wage beginning from
the last until the first.’ 9. And those who came about the eleventh hour took one
denarius. 10. Then when the first came they thought that they would take more:
but they took the one denarius also for themselves. 11. And after they took they
were complaining against the master 12. saying, ‘Those last ones did one hour
1 (v.23) This statement is contrary to the teachings of the Pharisees, who said that obedi-
ence to the legalistic rules, traditions, would be rewarded with wealth in this life, parallel to the pres-
ent day faith prosperity teachings. See Wealth in Glossary.
2 (v.24) The eye of a needle also refers to a small door in a city gate to let someone in or
out when the gate was shut. A camel could get through only after having its saddle and packs taken
off, then kneeling to go through. See Lk 14:33.
3 (v.28) Resurrection life
4 (v.28) The throne of the King of the Universe is made of Glory. Jr 14:21 speaks of the
Throne of Your Glory and Jewish commentary has many references to Throne of Glory. Mt 25:31
has Throne of His Glory.
5 (v.1) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew and the Hebrew Scriptures name seven levels
of heaven. As used here the phrase refers to God. See Heavens in Glossary.
6 (v.3) 9:00 AM
7 (v.5) Noon and 3:00 PM
8 (v.6) 5:00 PM
of work, and you made them equal to us, who bore the weight of the day and the
burning heat.’ 13. And he, responding, said to one of them, ‘Friend, I am not
doing you wrong: did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14. You must now
take yours and go. And I desire in this to give to the last as also to you. 15. Or
is it not permitted for me to do what I wish with what is mine? Or is your eye
evil1 because I am good?’ 16. In this way the last will be first and the first will
be last.”
A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection2
(Mk 10:32-34, Lk 18:31-34)
20:17. Then while Jesus was going up to Jerusalem He took the twelve
disciples by themselves and on the way He said to them, 18. “Behold we are
going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be given over to the high priests
and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death 19. and they will give Him over
to the heathens to ridicule and to scourge and to crucify Him, and on the third day
He will be raised.”
The Request of Jacob and John
(Mk 10:35-45)
20:20. Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Him with her
sons. While she was paying homage3 to Him she was asking something from
Him. 21. And He said to her, “What do you want?” She said to Him, “You
must now say that these two sons of mine would sit one on Your right and one
on Your left in Your kingdom.” 22. And Jesus said, “You do not know what you
are asking. Are you able to drink the cup which I am going to drink?” They said
to Him, “We are able.” 23. He said to them, “Indeed you will drink My cup, but
to sit on My right and on My left this is not Mine to give, but for whom it has
been prepared by My Father.” 24. Then after the ten heard they were indignant
concerning the two brothers. 25. And Jesus, having summoned them, said, “You
know that leaders of the heathens lord it over them and the great ones exercise
authority over them. 26. It will not be like this among you, but whoever among
you would desire to become great will be your minister,4 27. and whoever among
you would desire to be first will be your servant:5 28. just as the Son of Man did
not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.”
The Healing of the Two Blind People
(Mk 10:46-52, Lk 18:35-43)
20:29. Then when they went from Jericho a huge crowd followed Him.
1 (v.15) Having an evil eye means to be greedy. See Dt 15:9, Pr 23:6, 7 and 28:22.
2 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
3 (v.20) To pay homage means to greet a superior by kneeling and touching the forehead
to the ground. See Pay Homage in Glossary.
4 (v.26) Or servant, see Servant in Glossary.
5 (v.27) Or slave, see Servant in Glossary.
30. And behold when two blind people sitting by the way heard that Jesus was
passing by, they cried out saying, “You must immediately have mercy on us!
Lord! Son of David!1 31. Then the crowd rebuked them so that they would be
quiet: but they cried out more saying, “You must now have mercy on us! Lord!
Son of David!” 32. And after Jesus stopped He called them and said, “What
do you want Me to do for you?” 33. They said to Him, “Lord, that our eyes
would open.” 34. And Jesus, having compassion, touched their eyes,2 and they
immediately regained their sight and they followed Him.
The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
(Mk 11:1-11, Lk 19:28-38, Jn 12:12-19)
21.1. And when they approached Jerusalem and came into Bethphage3
at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples 2. saying to them, “Go into
the village opposite you, and you will immediately find a donkey4 tied and a colt
with it: after you loosen them lead them to Me. 3. And if someone would say
something to you, you will say that ‘The Lord has need of them: and He will
send them back immediately.’” 4. And this happened so that what was said by
the prophet would be fulfilled saying,
5. “You must say to the daughter of Zion,
Behold your king is coming to you
humble and mounted upon a donkey
even upon a colt, a son of a donkey.” (Zch 9:9)
6. And then the disciples went and did just as Jesus directed them. 7. They led
the donkey and the colt and they placed their cloaks5 upon them, and He sat on
them. 8. And the very large crowd spread out their cloaks6 on the road, and others
were cutting off branches from the trees and were strewing them on the road. 9.
And the crowds going before Him and those who were following were crying
out saying,
“Hoshea-na7 Son of David:8
Blessed be the One Who comes in the name of the Lord:
Hoshea-na in the highest.” (Ps 118:25,26)
10. Then when He entered Jerusalem the whole city was stirred up saying, “Who
1 (v.30) When they said “Son of David” they were speaking of the reigning Messiah.
2 (v.34) This word for eyes, omma, (used only here and in Mk 8:23) also means “eyes of
the soul.”
3 (v.1) Bethphage is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew Beit-Pag, meaning Place of Unripe
Figs, which was close to Bethany.
4 (v.2) See Donkey in Glossary.
5 (v.7) Most, if not all, of these cloaks were prayer shawls.
6 (v.8) These too would have included prayer shawls.
7 (v.9) This is the Hebrew that they would have been speaking. It means Salvation now!
Or Deliverance now! It is usually written Hosanna, the Greek spelling, although it has no meaning in
Greek. This was a traditional celebration on the sixth day of Succot. See Hosanna in Glossary.
8 (v.9) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
is this?” 11. And the crowds were saying, “This is the prophet Jesus, the One
from Nazareth of Galilee.”
The Cleansing of the Temple
(Mk 11:15-19, Lk 19:45-48, Jn 2:13-22)
21:12. Then Jesus entered the temple and He threw out all those who
were selling and buying in the temple, and He overturned the tables of the
moneychangers and the chairs of those who were selling doves, 13. and He said
to them, “It has been written,
‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ (Is 56:7, 60:7)
‘but you are making it a den of robbers.’” (Jr 7:11)
21:14. And the blind and lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed
them. 15. And when the high priests and the scribes saw the miracles that He did
and the children who were crying out in the temple and saying, “Hoshea-na to the
Son of David,”1 they were indignant 16. and they said to Him, “Do You hear what
they are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Indeed. And did you never read that
‘I prepared praise out of the mouths of infants and those nursing?’” (Ps 8:2) 17.
Then leaving them He went outside the city to Bethany2 and He found lodging
The Cursing of the Fig Tree
(Mk 11:12-14, 20-24)
21:18. And when He returned to the city early in the morning He
was hungry. 19. And, when He saw one fig tree on the way, He came up to it
and found nothing on it except only leaves, and He said to it, “Fruit could no
longer ever come from you.” And the fig tree immediately withered. 20. Then
when the disciples saw that they marveled saying, “How did the fig tree wither
immediately?” 21. And Jesus said to them, “Truly I say to you, if you would
have faith and you would not doubt, not only will you do what was done with
the fig tree, but even if you would say to this mountain, ‘You must be removed
at once and you must immediately be cast into the sea,’ it will happen: 22. And
everything you will ask in prayer, when you believe, you will receive.” (Mk
The Authority of Jesus Questioned
(Mk 11:27-33, Lk 20:1-8)
21:23. Then when He came into the temple the high priests and the elders
of the people came up while He was teaching, saying, “By what authority are
You doing these things?” And “Who gave You this authority?” 24. And Jesus
said to them, “And I will ask you one question, whatever you would say to Me
1 (v.15) See note on v.9.
2 (v.17) Bethany is the Greek spelling of Beit-Anyah, meaning House of Sighing in Hebrew.
then I will tell you by what authority I do these things: 25. from where was the
baptism of John? From heaven or from men?” And they were discussing among
themselves saying, “If we would say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say to us, ‘Then
why did you not believe him?’ 26. And if we would say, ‘From men,’ we are
afraid of the crowd, for they all consider John as a prophet.” 27. Then answering
Jesus, they said, “We do not know.” And He said to them, “Then I am not telling
you by what authority I am doing these things.”
The Parable of the Two Sons
21:28. “And what does it seem to you? A man had two children. And
having come to the first he said, ‘Child, you must immediately go today and work
in the vineyard.’ 29. and when he answered he said, ‘I do not want to,’ but later
because he repented he went. 30. When he went to the other he said likewise.
But when he answered he said, ‘I will, sir,’ but he did not go. 31. Who of the two
did the will of the father?” They said “The first.” Jesus said to them, “Truly I
say to you that the tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of
God before you.1 32. For John came to you in a way of righteousness, and you
did not believe him: but the tax collectors and prostitutes did believe in him: and
although you saw later, you did not repent of it to believe him.”
The Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants2
(Mk 12:1-12, Lk 20:9-19)
21:33. “You must now listen to another parable. A man who was master
of a house planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a wine press in
it and built a tower, then he leased it to farmers and he went away to a foreign
country. 34. And when the time of the fruit was near, he sent his servants to the
farmers to take his fruit. 35. And the farmers, having taken his servants, beat
some, and others they killed, and others they stoned. 36. Again he sent other
servants greater in number than the first, and they did likewise to them. 37. Then
later he sent his son to them saying, ‘They will respect my son.’ 38. But when
the farmers saw the son they said among themselves, ‘This is the heir: come let
us kill him, then we would have his inheritance,’ 39. and when they took him
they cast him outside the vineyard and they killed him. 40. Then when the master
of the vineyard would come, what will he do to those farmers?” 41. They said
to Him, “He will destroy those badly evil people and he will lease the vineyard
to other farmers, who will pay to him the fruits in their time.” 42. Jesus said to
them, “And then have you never read in the Scriptures,
‘A stone which the builders rejected,
this became a cornerstone:
1 (v.31) Their answer is correct, but the high priests and elders are like the second son,
who spoke the right words, but did not do the will of the Father. See Mt 23:3.
2 (Caption) Each of these parables about the vineyard uses the picture of greedy farmers
to speak of the High Priest and other Jewish leaders.
this was done by the Lord
and is it a wonder in our eyes.’? (Psalm 118:22,23)
43. Because of this I say to you that the kingdom of God will be taken from you
and it will be given to a people making its fruits. 44. And the one who falls upon
this stone will be dashed to pieces: and on whomever it would fall, it will crush
21:45. And when the high priests1 and the Pharisees heard His parables
they knew that He was speaking about them: 46. then although they were seeking
to arrest Him they were afraid of the crowds, since the crowds considered Him as
a prophet.
The Parable of the Marriage Feast
(Lk 14:15-24)
22.1. Then when He answered, Jesus again spoke to them in parables
saying, 2. “The kingdom of the heavens2 is like a man, a king, who made a
marriage feast for his son.3 3. And he sent his servants to call those invited to
the feast, but they did not want to come. 4. Again he sent other servants saying,
‘You must say to those invited, “Behold I have prepared my meal, since my bulls
and fattened calves have been killed, indeed everything is prepared: come to the
marriage feast.”’ 5. But they, who did not care, left, one on the one hand to his
own field, and another to his business: 6. then after the rest seized his servants
they insulted and they killed them. 7. And the king was angered and having sent
his soldiers he destroyed those murderers, and he set their city on fire. 8. Then
he said to his servants, ‘On one hand the feast is prepared, but on the other those
who have been invited were not worthy: 9. therefore you must go on the streets
of the way and whomever you would find you must invite to the feast.’ 10. And
those servants went out on the roads and they gathered together all those whom
they found, both evil and good: then the feast was filled with those reclining.4 11.
But when the king entered to see those who were reclining, he saw there a man
not wearing a wedding garment, 12. and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you
enter here not having a wedding garment?’ But he was silent. 13. Then the king
said to his servants, ‘After you bind his feet and hands you must cast him into the
furthest darkness: in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth.’
14. For many are invited, but few are chosen.”5
1 (v.45) The high priests were Sadducees. See Hellenists in Glossary.
2 (v.1) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew, and often in the Greek. In Hebrew Scripture
there are seven levels of heaven, which is why Paul referred to the third heaven in 2 Cor 12:2. See
Heavens in Glossary.
3 (v.2) See Wedding in Glossary.
4 (v.10) This is a reference to dining. Reclining at a meal was a symbol of being free. See
Reclining in Glossary.
5 (v.14) “Many are invited but few are chosen” has several possible interpretations. Among
the possibilities are these three: it could be related to Mt 7:21, “Not everyone who says to Me,
‘Lord. Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of the heavens,” or it could be a reference to kingdom living
here on Earth before THE kingdom comes, because few are able to live the abundant life He has
Paying Taxes to Caesar
(Mk 12:13-17, Lk 20:20-26)
22:15. Then after the Pharisees went they plotted how they could trap
Him with a question. 16. And they were sending their disciples to Him with the
Herodians1 saying, “Teacher, we know that You are true and You are teaching the
way of God in truth and You do not court anyone’s favor: for You do not look at
who someone is. 17. Therefore You must tell us what You think: is it lawful to
pay a tax to Caesar or not?” 18. But Jesus, because He knew their evil intent,
said, “Hypocrites! Why are you testing Me? 19. You must show Me the coin of
the tax.” And they brought Him a denarius. 20. Then He said to them, “Whose
image and inscription is it?” 21. And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” Then He said
to them, “Therefore you must pay to Caesar what are Caesar’s and to God what
are God’s.” 22. And when they heard they were amazed, then, having given up,
they left Him.
The Question about the Resurrection2
(Mk 12:18-27, Lk 20:27-40)
22:23. In that day Sadducees, who said there was no resurrection, came
to Him and they asked Him 24. saying, “Teacher, Moses said, ‘If someone would
die not having children, his brother will marry his wife and he will raise his
brother’s seed.’ (Dt 25:5) 25. And there were beside us seven brothers: and the
first married one died, and since he did not have an heir he left his wife to his
brother: 26. then likewise the second and the third until the seventh. 27. And last
of all the wife died. 28. Therefore in the resurrection of the seven, whose wife
will she be? For they all had her.” 29. Then Jesus said to them, “You are misled,
since you do not know either the Scriptures or the power of God: 30. for in the
resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but they will be like
angels in heaven. 31. And concerning the resurrection of the dead did you not
read what was spoken to you by God saying, 32. ‘I AM3 the God of Abraham and
the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob?’ (Ex 3:6) He is not the God of the dead
but the living.” (4 Macc 7:19) 33. And when the crowds heard that they were
amazed by His teaching.
The Great Commandment
(Mk 12:28-34, Lk 10:25-28)
22:34. But when the Pharisees heard that He silenced the Sadducees they
gathered together against Him, 35. and one of them, a teacher of Torah,4 testing
made available to us. The word ‘chosen’ is the problem. Chosen by whom? By one’s self? Could
‘eklektoi’, the word translated chosen here take on the meaning of excellent or preeminent as in 2
Jn 1 and 13? Then it would read, “Many are called but few are excellent (worthy?).”
1 (v.16) Herodians were Hellenists and would have included Sadducees. See Hellenists in
2 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
3 (v.32) This is the great I AM, Anokhi in the Hebrew text. See Anokhi in Glossary.
4 (v.35) Torah means teaching, instruction and refers to the first five books of the Bible.
Him asked, 36. “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Torah?” 37.
And He said to him, “‘You will love the Lord your God with your whole heart
and with your whole being’ (Dt 6:5) and with your whole mind: 38. this is the
greatest and first commandment. 39. And the second is like it, ‘You will love
your neighbor as yourself.’ (Lv 19:18) 40. The whole Torah and the Prophets1 are
hanging on these two commandments.”
The Question about David’s Son
(Mk 12:35-37, Lk 20:41-44)
22:41. And, when the Pharisees gathered, Jesus asked them 42. saying,
“What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is He?” They said to Him,
“David’s.” 43. He said to them, “Then how does David in the Spirit call Him
Lord saying,
44. ‘The Lord said to my Lord,
You must sit at My right hand,2
until I would place Your enemies beneath Your feet?’3
(Ps 110:1)
45. Therefore if David calls Him Lord, how is He his son?” 46. And no one was
able to answer Him a word, and no one had any courage from that day to ask
Him anything.
The Denouncing of the Scribes and Pharisees
(Mk 12:38-40, Lk 11:37-52, 20:45-47)
23.1. Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples 2. saying, “The
scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ chair in the synagogues.4 3. Therefore
everything which they would say to you, you must do and you must keep, but you
must not do according to their works: for they are saying but not doing. 4. And
they bind a heavy, hard to be borne burden and they place it upon the shoulders
of people, but they are not willing to lift a finger to help. 5. And they do all their
works in order to be seen by people: for they make their phylactaries5 broad and
they make their fringes6 long, 6. and they love the place of honor7 in the banquets
1 (v.36) The Greek word for clothed refers to the outer garment or prayer shawl.
2 (v.40) This passage gives the real heart of God, “To love your neighbor as yourself.” (Lv
3 (v.6) Bethany is the Greek spelling of Beit-Anyah, meaning House of Sighing in Hebrew.
4 (v.6) This is not the disease called leprosy today. See Leprosy in Glossary.
a good deed1 for Me: 11. for you always have the poor with you (Dt 15:11), but
you do not always have Me: 12. for when she poured this ointment on My body,
she did it to prepare Me for burial. 13. Truly I say to you, wherever in the whole
world this Good News would be proclaimed, then what she did will be spoken in
her memory.”
Judas’ Agreement to Give Jesus Over to the High Priests
(Mk 14:10,11, Lk 22:3-6)
26:14. Then when one of the twelve, the one called Judas, from Iscariot,
went to the high priests 15. he said, “What do you want to give me, so I will give
Him over to you?” And they paid thirty pieces of silver to him. (Zch 11:13) 16.
And from then on he was seeking an opportune moment so that he could give
Him over.
The Seder2 with the Disciples
(Mk 14:12-21, Lk 22:7-14, 21-23, Jn 13:21-30)
26:17. And before3 the Feast of Unleavened Bread the disciples came
to Jesus saying, “Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Seder?”
18. And He said, “You must go into the city to a certain man and you must say
to him, ‘The Teacher says, “My time is near, I will celebrate the Seder with My
disciples at your house.’” 19. Then the disciples did as Jesus directed them and
they prepared the Seder. 20. And when it was evening He reclined with the
twelve.4 21. Then, while they were eating, He said, “Truly I say to you that one
of you will give Me over.” 22. Then, becoming extremely sad, they began, each
one, to say to Him, “It is not I, Lord?” 23. And He said, “The one who is dipping
his hand in the bowl with Me will give Me over. (Ps 41:9) 24. Indeed the Son of
Man is going just as it has been written about Him, but woe to that man through
whom the Son of Man is given over: it would be better for him if that man would
not have been born.” 25. And answering, Judas, the one who was betraying Him
said, “It is not I, Rabbi?” He said to him, “You said it yourself.”
The Seder
(Mk 14:22-26, Lk 22:15-20, 1Cor 11:23-25)
26:26. And as they were about to eat, Jesus, after He took bread and
praised God, broke it and when He gave it to the disciples He said, “You must
take this and you must now eat, this is My body.” 27. Then having taken a cup,
after He gave thanks He gave the cup to them saying, “You must all drink from
1 (v.28) The use of the present tense indicates that His blood is still being poured out
2 (v.30) Ps 113 through 118, which are still sung toward the close of a Seder. See Hallel in
3 (v.32) See Resurrection in Glossary.
must sleep and from now on you must take your rest:1 but see the hour has come
near and the Son of Man is being given over into the hands of sinners. 46. You
must get up so we could go: behold the one who is giving Me over has come
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
(Mk 14:43-50, Lk 22:47-53, Jn 18:3-12)
26:47. And while He was still speaking, behold Judas, one of the twelve,
came, and a large crowd was with him, with small swords and clubs, from the
high priests and elders of the people. 48. And the one who was giving Him over
gave a sign to them saying, “Whomever I would kiss is He, you must arrest
Him at once.” 49. Then immediately coming to Jesus he said, “Hail, Rabbi,”
and he kissed Him. 50. And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do that for which you
have come.” Then, having come, they put their hands on Jesus and they arrested
Him. 51. And behold one of those with Jesus drew out his sword in his hand and
striking the servant of the High Priest he cut off his ear. 52. Then Jesus said to
him, “You must return your sword into its place: for all those who take a sword
will die by means of a sword. 53. Or do you think that I am not able to call for
My Father, and He will at once place at My disposal more than twelve legions2
of angels? 54. Then how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that this is necessary
to happen?” 55. In that instant Jesus said to the crowds, “Did you come upon Me
to seize Me with swords and clubs as upon a robber? I was sitting day by day
in the temple teaching and you did not arrest Me.” 56. But this all happened so
that the writings of the prophets would be fulfilled. Then all the disciples were
fleeing, leaving Him.
Jesus before the Council
(Mk 14:53-65, Lk 22:54,55, 63-71, Jn 18:13,14, 19-24)
26:57. And those who arrested Jesus led Him to Caiaphas the High Priest,
where the scribes and the elders were gathered. 58. And Peter was following
Him from a great distance as far as the courtyard of the High Priest, and after he
entered he was sitting inside with the servants to see the outcome. 59. And the
high priests and the whole Sanhedrin were seeking false witnesses against Jesus
so they could put Him to death, 60. but they did not find many false witnesses
coming forward. But later two who came forward 61. said, “This One said, ‘I
am able to destroy the sanctuary of God and to build it in three days.’” 62. Then
when he got up, the High Priest said to Him, “And are You not answering what
these are testifying against You?” 63. But Jesus kept silent. And the High Priest
said to Him, “I charge You under oath according to the Living God that You
should tell us if You are the Messiah, the Son of God.” 64. Jesus said to him,
“You said it. Nevertheless I say to you,
1 (v.45) This is the short, coffee break rest. See Rest in Glossary.
2 (v.53) A legion at full strength was 6,826 men.
From now on you will see ‘the Son of Man
sitting on the right hand1 of the Power (Psalm 110:1)
and coming upon the clouds of the sky.’” (Dn 7:13)
65. Then the High Priest tore his garments saying, “He blasphemed. What further
need do we have for witnesses? Behold now, you heard the blasphemy: 66. what
does it seem to you?” And those answering said, “He is deserving of death.” 67.
Then they spit in His face and they struck Him with their fists, and they slapped
Him 68. saying, “You must prophesy to us, Messiah, who is the one who is hitting
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
(Mk 14:66-72, Lk 22:56-62, Jn 18:15-18, 25-27)
26:69. And Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard: and one maid came
to him saying, “And you were with Jesus of Galilee.” 70. But he was denying it
before all saying, “I do not know what you are saying.” 71. Then when he went
out into the gateway another maid saw him, and said to those there, “This one
was with Jesus of Nazareth.” 72. And again he denied with an oath “I do not
know the Man.” 73. And after a little while, as those who were standing around
approached, they said to Peter, “Truly then you are one of them, for even your
dialect gives you away.” 74. Then he began to curse and to swear, “I do not
know the Man.” And immediately a cock crowed. 75. Then Peter remembered
the remark Jesus had spoken that “Before a cock crows you will deny Me three
times.” And going outside he wept bitterly.
1 (v.64) The right hand is a symbol of power, from Ex 15:6. See Right Hand in Glossary.
2 (v.6) Offering to God. See Korban in Glossary.
took counsel they bought with these1 the field of the potter for burying strangers.
8. On this account that field is called “Field of Blood” until today. 9. Then
the word through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled saying, “And they took the
thirty pieces of silver, the price which had been set for Him, which they set by
the children of Israel, 10. and they gave it for the field of the potter, according as
the Lord directed me.” (Jr 32:6-9 & Zch 11:12,13)
1 (v.7) Acts 1:18 says that Judas bought the field, but who bought it is less important than
that it was purchased with the thirty pieces of silver.
2 (v.16 & v.17) Several ancient manuscripts have the name Jesus Barabbas.
3 (v.20) See Hellenists in Glossary.
The Soldiers Mocked Jesus
(Mk 15:16-20, Jn 19:2,3)
27:27. Then, when the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the praetorium,1
they gathered the whole cohort2 around Him. 28. And after they stripped Him
they put a scarlet cloak on Him, 29. and having woven a crown from thorns they
placed it upon His head and a reed in His right hand, and falling on their knees
before Him, they mocked Him saying, “Hail, King of the Jewish People.” 30.
Then after they spit on Him they took the reed and beat on His head. 31. And
when they had mocked Him, they stripped the cloak from Him and they dressed
Him with His garments and they led Him away to be crucified.
1 (v.52) One of a number of references to what we call death as sleep. See Death in Glos-
2 (v.52) Who were these saints? Notice their release came immediately after the death of
Jesus’ body, before His resurrection.
3 (v.53) See Resurrection in Glossary.
4 (v.57) After 3:00 PM
5 (V.62) See Preparation Day in Glossary.
28.1. And after Sabbaths, on the First Day of the Week at dawn, Mary
Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb. 2. And behold there was a
great earthquake: for there was an angel of the Lord, who descended from heaven,
and after he came he rolled the stone away and was sitting upon it. 3. And his
appearance was like lightning and his clothing white2 as snow. 4. And those who
were guarding trembled from fear of him and became as dead. 5. And the angel
said to the women, “You must not be afraid, for I know that you are seeking the
crucified Jesus: 6. He is not here, for He has risen just as He said: come. See the
place where He was laid. 7. And go quickly, you must tell His disciples, ‘He has
risen from the dead, and behold He is going before you into Galilee, for you will
see Him there:’ behold I told you.” 8. Then they left quickly from the tomb with
fear and great joy, and were running to report to His disciples. 9. And behold
Jesus met the women saying, “Greetings.” And they, who had approached Him,
took hold of His feet and they paid homage3 to Him. 10. Then Jesus said to them,
“You must not be afraid: you must go, report to My brothers so they would go
into Galilee, they will see Me there.”
1 (v.1) Sabbaths is plural because it denotes a feast day, and is a Sabbath, the first day of
Unleavened Bread. See Lv 23:7.
2 (v.3) White garments represent being in a state of spiritual preparedness, from Ecc 9:8,
“Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.”
3 (v.9) See Pay Homage in Glossary.
4 (v.18) Including authority over death, Is 25:8, Ho 13:14, 1Cor 15:54, 55.
5 (v.19) See Matthew 28:19 in Glossary.
5:11. And there was a large herd of pigs feeding beside the hill: 12. and
the unclean spirits were begging Him saying, “You must now send us into the
pigs, so that we could enter them.” 13. And He permitted them. And after the
unclean spirits left they entered the pigs, and the herd, about two thousand, rushed
down the steep slope into the lake and they were drowning in the lake. 14. And
those who were tending them fled and were reporting in the city and in the fields:
and the people came to see what it was that happened, 15. and they were coming
to Jesus and when they saw the demon-possessed man sitting dressed and of
sound mind, the one who had the legion, then they were afraid. 16. And the ones
who saw were telling them how it happened to the demon-possessed man and
about the pigs. 17. And they began to beg Him to leave from their district. 18.
And when He got into the boat, the demon-possessed man was begging Him that
he could be with Him. 19. But He did not allow him, but said to him, “You must
now go into your home with your kin and you must report to them what the Lord
has done for you and that He was merciful to you.” 20. And he left and began
to proclaim openly in the Ten Cities3 what Jesus did for him, and everybody was
The Daughter of Jairus and The Woman Who Touched Jesus’ Prayer Shawl
(Mt 9:18-26, Lk 8:40-56)
5:21. And when Jesus crossed back over to the other side in the boat, a
large crowd gathered around Him, and He was beside the lake. 22. And one of
the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came seeking Jesus and when he saw Him
he fell at His feet 23. and begged Him repeatedly saying that “My little daughter
is at the point of death, so if You come You could lay hands on her so she would
be saved and would live.” 24. And He left with him.
And a huge crowd was following Him and pressing upon Him. 25. And
1 (v.6) He got down on one knee, touching his forehead to the ground. See Pay Homage
in Glossary.
2 (v.9) In Jesus’ day a legion was 6,826 troops at full strength.
3 (v.20) See Dekapolis in Glossary.
a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years 26. and suffered much under
many physicians and spent everything beyond her means and was not helped but
rather became worse: 27. having heard about Jesus, as she came from behind the
crowd she touched the fringe of His prayer shawl:1 28. for she was saying “If I
could just touch His prayer shawl I will be saved.” 29. And immediately the flow
of her blood dried and she knew that her body was healed from the plague. 30.
And immediately Jesus perceived in Himself that the power left Him. Turning
in the crowd He was saying, “Who touched My prayer shawl?” 31. And His
disciples were saying to Him, “You see the crowd pressing around You and You
say, ‘Who touched Me?’” 32. And He was looking around to see the one who
did this. 33. And the woman, who was afraid and trembling, since she knew what
happened to her, came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth. 34.
And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has saved you: you must continually go
in peace. You are cured from your affliction.”2
5:35. While He was still speaking they came from the home of the
synagogue leader, saying that “Your daughter has died: why are you still bothering
the teacher?” 36. But when Jesus overheard the message being spoken, He said
to the leader, “You must stop being afraid, you must only continually believe.”
37. And He did not allow anyone to accompany Him except Peter and Jacob
and John, the brother of Jacob. 38. Then they came to the house of the leader,
and He saw turmoil and crying and much wailing, 39. and when He entered He
said to them, “Why are you distressed and weeping? The child did not die but is
sleeping.” 40. And they were laughing at Him. And, after He threw them all out
He took along the father and the mother of the child and the ones with Him and
they went in where the child was. 41. And when He took the hand of the child He
said to her, “Prayer shawl rise!”3 42. Then immediately the girl rose and walked:
for she was twelve years old. And they were right then greatly astonished. 43.
And He gave them strict orders so that no one might know this, and He said to
give her something to eat.
The Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth
(Mt 13:53-58, Lk 4:16-30)
6.1. And He went out from there and came into His hometown and His
disciples followed Him. 2. And when the Sabbath came He began to teach in the
synagogue, and many, when they heard, were amazed saying, “Where did He get
this authority and knowledge, and what wisdom has been given to this One, and
powers such as these that come through His hands? 3. Is this not the carpenter,
1 (v.27) The fringe is the tsitsit on the prayer shawl. See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
2 (v.34) See Lk 8:47 and its footnote for more detail on this miracle.
3 (v.41) The Greek text says “Talita coum!” then includes a statement saying “which is
translated ‘Girl, I say to you, rise.’” This purports to be a translation of “Talita coum!” and must
have been added by a well-intentioned copier who did not understand, mistaking talitha, the Greek
spelling of talit, for the Aramaic talyiata, meaning young woman. “Talita coum” is Hebrew for “Prayer
shawl rise!” See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
the son of Mary and brother of Jacob, and Joey and Judas and Simon? And are
not His sisters here with us?” And they were offended by Him. 4. And Jesus was
saying to them “A prophet is not without honor except in his home town and
among his relatives and in his house.” 5. And He was not able to do anything
powerful there, except He healed a few sick when He laid hands on them.2 6.
And He was amazed because of their unbelief.
The Mission of the Twelve
(Mt 10:1, 5-15, Lk 9:1-6)
And He was going through villages all around teaching. 7. And He
summoned the twelve and began to send them two by two and He gave them
authority over the unclean spirits, 8. and He ordered them that they should take
nothing for the journey except a staff only, not bread, not a knapsack, not a copper
coin in a belt, 9. but when they put on sandals, then He said, “You are not to wear
two tunics.” 10. And He was saying to them, “Whenever you would enter a
house, remain there until whenever you would leave from that town. 11. And that
place which would not receive you, and would not listen to you, when you leave
from there you must shake the dust from under your feet in witness to them.” 12.
And after they left they were preaching so that the people would repent, 13. and
they were casting out many demons, and they were anointing many with olive
oil3 as they were healing the sick.
The Death of John the Baptist
(Mt 14:1-12, Lk 9:7-9)
6:14. And King Herod heard, for His name became known, and they
were saying that John the Baptist had risen from the dead and because of this the
miracles were working in Him. 15. But others were saying that “He is Elijah:”
and others were saying, “He is a prophet as one of the prophets.” 16. And when
Herod heard he was saying, “John whom I beheaded, this one has risen.” 17. For
Herod had sent and arrested John and bound him in prison because of Herodiah
who had been the wife of Philip his brother, because Herod married her: 18. for
John was saying to Herod “It is not permitted for you to have the wife of your
brother.” (Lv. 18:16) 19. And Herodiah had a grudge against him and wanted to
kill him, but she was not able: 20. for Herod was fearing John, since he knew
him to be a righteous and holy man, and he was protecting him, and as he heard
him much he was uncertain, but he listened to him gladly. 21. And a suitable day
came when Herod for his birthday celebration made a banquet for his courtiers
and the military leaders and the leading people of Galilee. 22. And when his
1 (v.3) The Greek text has the name Iosetos, a nickname for Joseph, with Yossi the He-
brew and Joey the English equivalent. See Mk 15:40, 47.
2 (v.5) The only place where He is referred to as not having the power is in Nazereth. See
Mt 13:58 and Lk 5:17.
3 (v.13) In the Talmud, olive oil symbolizes knowledge of Torah, which provides spiritual
illumination. Oil is also the symbol of joy, from Is 51:3, so it is called the oil of gladness.
stepdaughter by Herodiah came in and danced she pleased Herod and those
reclining. The king said to the maiden, “You must ask me whatever you would
wish, and I will give it to you:” 23. and he swore insistently to her, “Whatever
you would ask, I will give unto half of my kingdom.” 24. Then after she left she
said to her mother, “What should I ask?” And she said, “The head of John the
Baptist.” 25. Then as she immediately entered eagerly to the king she asked,
saying, “I want that you would right now give me the head of John the Baptist
on a platter.” 26. Then the king became very sorrowful but, because of the oaths
and those who were reclining, he did not want to refuse her. 27. And so the king
immediately sent an executioner, and commanded to bring his head. And after
he went he beheaded him in the prison 28. and brought his head on a platter and
gave it to the girl, and the girl gave it to her mother. 29. Then when they heard,
his disciples came and took his corpse and placed it in a tomb.
1 (v.21) Immoralities consist of all forms of idolatry, including heresy.
2 (v.22) Literally ‘evil eye’ which is a Hebrew idiom for being greedy or stingy.
3 (Caption) Syriophoenecia was the northwestern corner of Canaan, on the Mediterranean
4 (v.27) The children are the children of Israel.
5 (v.28) Little dogs are puppies and only very small dogs could be under most tables. The
standard table was low and diners reclined on cushions.
6 (v.31) Ten cities, nine east of the Jordan plus Beit-Sh’an, were declared “Free Cities” by
Rome. These cities are all south and/or east of the lake, while Tyre and Sidon are northwest of the
lake, about fifty miles away. See Dekapolis in Glossary.
7 (v.33) The spittle of the first-born son of the father was believed to have healing power.
8 (v.34) This is the word in the Hebrew Scripture of Is 61:1 “to open the prison..” It refers
specifically to opening eyes and ears, both physical and spiritual.
The Feeding of the Four Thousand
(Mt 15:32-39)
8.1. In those days there was again a large crowd and since they did not
have anything they could eat, after He summoned the disciples He said to them,
2. “I feel sorry for the crowd, because now they have been staying with Me three
days and they do not have anything they could eat: 3. and if I will dismiss them
hungry to their houses, they will give out on the way: and some of them have
come from afar.” 4. And His disciples answered Him that “From where in a
wilderness will anyone be able to satisfy these people here with loaves of bread?”
5. And He asked them, “How many loaves do you have?” And they said “Seven.”
6. And He instructed the crowd to recline on the ground: then taking the seven
loaves, after He gave thanks He broke them and gave them to His disciples so that
they could set the bread before the people, and they did set it before the crowd.
7. And they had a few little fish: and after He praised God for them He said to
also set these before them. 8. And they ate and were satisfied, and they took up
seven hampers1 of scraps of crumbs. (2Ki 4:42-44) 9. And there were about four
thousand. And He dismissed them. 10. Then, having immediately embarked in
the boat with His disciples, He came into the province of Dalmanuta.2
The Demand for a Sign
(Mt 16:1-4)
8:11. And the Pharisees came out and began to dispute with Him, seeking
a sign from heaven from Him, testing Him. 12. And sighing deeply in His spirit
He said, “What sign does this generation seek? Truly I ask you, will a further
sign be given to this generation?” 13. And after He dismissed them, having
embarked again, He left for the other side.
The Leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod
(Mt 16:5-12)
8:14. And they forgot to take bread, except one loaf they had in the boat
with them. 15. And He ordered them saying, “You must continually take care, you
must continually beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.”3
16. And they were discussing with one another that it was because they did not
have bread. 17. And since He knew, He said to them, “Why are you discussing
that you do not have bread? Do you not yet consider and not understand? Have
you hardened your heart? 18. Although you have eyes do you not see and ears do
you not hear? And do you not remember, 19. when I broke the five loaves for the
five thousand how many baskets full of crumbs did you take?” They said to Him,
1 (v.8 & v.20) The hamper was quite large, being used in Acts 9:25 describing Paul’s being
lowered through the Damascus city wall. See Mt 16:10.
2 (v.10) Dalmanuta is on the west side of the lake, just north of Tiberias.
3 (v.15) The leaven of Pharisees is legalism, the leaven of Herod is Hellenism. See Hel-
lenism in Glossary.
“Twelve.” 20. “When the seven loaves among the four thousand, how many
hampers1 full of broken pieces did you take?” And they said to Him, “Seven.”
21. And He was saying to them, “Do you not yet understand?”
The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida
8:22. And they came into Bethsaida.2 And they brought to Him a blind
man and begged Him that He would touch him. 23. Then taking the hand of the
blind man, He led him outside the village and having spit3 in his eyes,4 after He
placed His hands on him, He was asking him, “Do you see anything?” 24. And
when he looked up he was saying, “I see men that are as trees I see walking.”
25. Then He again laid hands upon his eyes, and he stared straight ahead and he
was restored and he was looking at everything clearly. 26. And He sent him to
his house saying, “And do not enter the village.”
Peter’s Declaration about Jesus
(Mt 16:13-20, Lk 9:18-21)
8:27. And Jesus and His disciples came out to the villages of Caesarea
Philippi:5 and on the way He was asking His disciples, saying to them, “Who
do people say that I am?” 28. And they spoke to Him saying, “John the Baptist,
and others, Elijah, and others that You are one of the prophets.” 29. Then He
asked them, “Who do you say I am?” Peter answering said to Him, “You are the
Messiah.” 30. And He warned them so that they would not say anything about
Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection6
(Mt 16:21-28, Lk 9:22-27)
8:31. And He began to teach them that it was necessary for the Son of
Man to suffer many things, and to be rejected after testing by the elders and the
high priests and the scribes, and to be killed, and after three days to be raised: 32.
and He was speaking the message openly. And Peter, after he took Him aside,
began to reprove Him. 33. And when He turned around, as He saw His disciples,
He rebuked Peter and said, “You must return to where you came from, Satan,7
because you do not think the things of God but the things of men.” 34. Then after
He summoned the crowd along with His disciples He said to them, “If someone
wishes to follow after Me, he must immediately deny himself and take up his
1 (v.20) Hampers were quite large. Paul was lowered through the Damascus city wall in a
hamper, Acts 9:25.
2 (v.22) Bethsaida is the Greek spelling of Beit-Tside, which means House or Place of
Fishing (literally hunting, but also used for fishing) in Hebrew.
3 (v.23) The spittle of a man who was the first-born son of his father was known to have
healing power. See Mt 20:34.
4 (v.23) The word translated eyes is omma, which means both natural and spiritual eyes,
used only here and in Mt 20:34.
5 (v.27) Caesarea Philippi is over thirty miles north of Bethsaida, a great distance to walk.
6 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
7 (v.33) See Satan in Glossary.
cross1 and he must constantly follow Me. 35. For whoever would wish to save
his life will lose it: and whosoever will lose his life because of Me and the Good
News, he will save it. 36. For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and to forfeit his very being? 37. For what might a man give in exchange for his
life? 38. For whoever would be ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous
and sinful generation, then the Son of Man will be ashamed of him, when He
would come in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.”2 (Mt 25:31, 1Thes
3:13, Jude 14, Re 19:14)
9.1. And He was saying to them, “Truly I say to you that there are some
of those who stand here who would not in any way taste death until they would
see the kingdom of God when it comes in power.”
The Transfiguration of Jesus
(Mt 17:1-13, Lk 9:28-36)
9:2. Then after six days Jesus took Peter and Jacob and John and led
them to a high mountain privately, alone. And He was transformed before them,
3. and His garments became shining very white, such as no bleach upon the Earth
is able to whiten in this way. 4. And Elijah was seen by them with Moses and
they were speaking together with Jesus. 5. And Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is
good for us to be here, so we could make three booths, one for You and one for
Moses and one for Elijah.” 6. For he did not know what He would answer, for
they became terrified. 7. And it happened a cloud overshadowed them and there
was a voice from the cloud, “This is My beloved Son, you must habitually listen
to Him.” 8. Then suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone
but only Jesus with them.
9:9. Then while they were coming down from the mountain He gave
orders to them that they should not discuss what they saw, except at the time that
the Son of Man would have risen from the dead. 10. And they kept the word
to themselves, not discussing what that was until He rose from the dead. (See
Lk 9:36) 11. And they were asking Him, saying that, “Why do the scribes say
that it is necessary for Elijah to come first?” 12. And He said to them, “Indeed
when Elijah came first he restored everything:3 and how has it been written that
in the time of the Son of Man that He would suffer many things and would be
treated with contempt? (Ps 22:1-18, Is 53:3) 13. But I say to you that even Elijah
has come, (Mal 4:5,6) and they did to him what they wanted, just as it has been
written before him.”
The Healing of a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
(Mt 17:14-20, Lk 9:37-43a)
9:14. And when they came to the rest of the disciples they saw a large
1 (v.34) This is a prophetic word by Jesus, noting how He would be killed.
2 (v.38) This is Judgment Day. See Re 20:4, 11-14.
3 (v.12) See Mt 17:10-13.
crowd around them and scribes carrying on a discussion with them. 15. And
immediately when the whole crowd saw Him they were thoroughly amazed
and as they were running up they were greeting Him. 16. And He asked them,
“What are you discussing with them?” 17. And one from the crowd answered
Him, “Teacher, I brought my son to You because he has a mute spirit. 18. And
wherever it would seize him it throws him down and he foams at the mouth and
he gnashes his teeth and is stiff: and I asked Your disciples to cast it out, but they
were not able.”1 19. And answering them He said, “O unbelieving generation,
until when will I be with you? How long am I to endure you? Bring him to Me.”
20. And they brought him to Him. And when it saw Him the spirit immediately
convulsed him, and then he fell on the ground, and he was rolling, foaming at the
mouth. 21. And He asked his father, “How long a time has it been like this with
him?” And he said, “From childhood: 22. and it also frequently threw him into
a fire and into water so that it could kill him: but if You are able, You must now
help us, if You have pity on us.” 23. And Jesus said to him, “If you would be
able to believe, all things are possible to the one who believes.” 24. Immediately
crying out, the father of the child was saying, “I believe: You must continually
help my unbelief.” 25. And when Jesus saw that the crowd was running together,
He rebuked the unclean spirit by saying to it, “Mute and deaf spirit, I command
you, you must come out from him at once and never again can you enter into
him.” 26. And after it cried out and the boy had many convulsions it left: and
he became as dead, so that many of those said that he died. 27. But Jesus, when
He took hold of his hand, raised him, and he got up. 28. And when He entered
the house His disciples asked Him privately, “Why were we not able to cast it
out?” 29. And He said to them, “This kind is in no way able to come out except
in prayer.”2
Jesus Again Foretells His Death and Resurrection3
(Mt 17:22,23, Lk 9:43b-45)
9:30. And after they came out from there they were passing through the
Galilee, and He did not want that anyone might know: 31. for He was teaching
His disciples and was saying to them that “The Son of Man is being given into
the hands of men, and they will kill Him and, when He is killed, after three days
He will rise.” 32. But they did not understand the statement, and they were afraid
to ask Him.
Who is the Greatest
(Mt 18:1-5, Lk 9:46-48)
9:33. And they came into Capernaum.4 And while He was in the house
1 (v.18) Or strong enough
2 (v.29) Other texts say “prayer and fasting.” The editors of the Greek text believe the
phrase “and fasting” was added. “And fasting” has been found on a fragment from the 3rd century,
and may well have been in the original. It has Biblical support, in Is 58:6.
3 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
4 (v.33) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
He was asking them, “What were you discussing on the way?” 34. But they were
being silent: for with one another on the way they discussed who was greater.
35. And after He sat down He summoned the twelve and said to them, “Whoever
wishes to be first, will be last of all and a servant of all.” 36. And taking a child
He placed him in the middle of them and after He took him into His arms He said
to them, 37. “Whoever would receive one of these children in My name, receives
Me: and whoever would receive Me, does not receive Me but the One Who sent
He Who is Not against Us is for Us
(Lk 9:49,50)
9:38. John said to Him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons
in Your name and we stopped him, because he was not following1 us.” 39. But
Jesus said, “Stop hindering him! For no one who will do a miracle in My name is
then able quickly to speak evil of Me. 40. For they who are not against us, are for
us. 41. For whoever would give you a cup of water to drink in My name because
you are from Messiah, truly I say to you that he would not in any way lose his
Temptation to Sin
(Mt 18:6-9, Lk 17:1,2)
9:42. “And whoever would cause one of the least of these who believe in
Me to sin, it is better for him if a millstone turned by a donkey2 were placed around
his neck and he were cast into the sea. 43. And if your hand would cause you to
sin, you must immediately cut it off: it is expedient for you to enter life3 crippled
rather than, having two hands, to go into Gehenna,4 into the unquenchable fire.5
45. And if your foot would cause you to sin, you must immediately cut it off:
it is better for you to enter life lame rather than having two feet to have been
thrown into Gehenna.6 47. And if your eye would cause you to sin, you must
immediately cast it out: it is more profitable for you to enter the kingdom of
God with one eye rather than having two eyes to have been cast into Gehenna,7
48. where their worms do not die and the fire is not put out. (Is 66:24) 49. For
everyone will be salted with fire. 50. Salt is good: but if the salt would become
salt-less, with what will you season? You have salt8 in yourselves and you must
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
1 (v.38) This means that this person is not a disciple of Jesus.
2 (v.42) The millstone turned by a donkey is an important distinction because many house-
holds had one or more small hand-sized stones for grinding small quantities of grain.
3 (v.43) Jesus several times refers to what we call death as entering life, a clear reference
to the wonderful eternal life that awaits us.
4 (v.43) See Gehenna in Glossary.
5 (v.43) V. 44 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
6 (v.45) V. 46 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
7 (v.47) Gehinnom in Hebrew, Valley of Hinnom, see Gehenna in Glossary.
8 (v.49) Salt is a preservative and speaks of permanence, the meaning of the Covenant of
Salt, Nu 18:18,19.
continually live in peace with one another.”
Teaching about Divorce
(Mt 19:1-12)
10.1. Then when He went up from there He came into the territories of
Judea and beyond the Jordan, and again crowds were going with Him and He
was yet again teaching them as He was accustomed. 2. And Pharisees who came
were asking Him if it was permitted for a husband to divorce a wife, testing Him.
3. And He said to them, “What did Moses command you?” 4. And they said,
“Moses permitted ‘To write a certificate of divorce and to divorce.’” 5. And
Jesus said to them, “On account of your hardness of heart he wrote this precept
for you. 6. But from the beginning of creation ‘He made them male and female:’
(Gn 1:27, 5:2) 7. because of this ‘a man will leave behind his father and mother
and will be united with his wife, 8. and the two will be in one flesh:’ (Gn 2:24) so
that no longer are they two, but one flesh. 9. Therefore what God joined together
man must not divide.” 10. And again in the house the disciples were asking
Him about this. 11. And He said to them, “Whoever would dismiss his wife and
would marry another commits adultery on account of her: 12. and if she, having
divorced her husband, would marry another she commits adultery.”
Little Children Blessed
(Mt 19:13-15, Lk 18:15-17)
10:13. And they were bringing children before Him so that He would
touch them: but the disciples rebuked them. 14. And, when Jesus saw that, He
was indignant and said to them, “You must allow the children to come to Me, you
must stop hindering them, for the kingdom of God is of such as these. 15. Truly I
say to you, whoever would not receive the kingdom of God as a child, could not
enter it.” 16. Then, after He took them into His arms, He blessed them, laying
hands on them.
The Rich Man
(Mt 19:16-30, Lk 18:18-30)
10:17. And while He was going out on a journey, one who ran up to
Him, after he fell on his knees, was asking Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do
so that I will inherit eternal life?” 18. And Jesus said to him, “Why do you call
Me good? No one is good except One, God. 19. You know the commandments:
‘Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness,’
do not defraud, ‘honor your father and mother.’” (Ex 20:12-16) 20. But he said
to Him, “Teacher, I have kept all these things from my youth.” 21. And Jesus,
looking at him, loved him and said to him, “One thing fails you: you must go, sell
what you have, and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, then
come, you must continually follow Me.” 22. But being shocked at the message,
he left grieving: for he had many possessions.
10:23. Then Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, “How difficult
it will be for those who have riches1 to enter the kingdom of God.” 24. And
the disciples were amazed2 at His words. And Jesus again answering said to
them, “Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God: 25. it is easier
for a camel to go through the hole of the needle than for a rich man to enter
the kingdom of God.”3 26. And they were very much amazed, saying among
themselves, “Then who is able to be saved?” 27. Looking around at them Jesus
said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for all things are possible in
the power of God.” (Gn 18:14, Jr 32:17, 27, Job 42:2) 28. Peter began to say to
Him, “See, we left everything and have followed You.” 29. Jesus said, “Truly
I say to you, there is no one who left house or brothers or sisters or mother or
father or children or farms because of Me and because of the Good News, 30.
who would not take one hundred times as much now in this time, houses and
brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, with persecutions, and
in the coming age eternal life. 31. And many first will be last and the last will be
first.” (Mt 20:16, Lk 13:30)
A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection4
(Mt 20:17-19, Lk 18:31-34)
10:32. And they were on the road going up to Jerusalem, and Jesus was
going before them, and they were amazed, and those who were following were
afraid. And again taking aside the twelve He began to tell them what was going
to happen to Him 33. that “Behold we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of
Man will be given over to the high priests and the scribes, and they will condemn
Him to death and they will give Him over to the heathens 34. and the heathens
will mock Him and spit upon Him and they will scourge Him and they will kill
Him, and after three days He will rise.”
The Request of Jacob and John
(Mt 20:20-28)
10:35. And Jacob and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to Him, saying
to Him, “Teacher, we wish that if we would ask You something, You would do
it for us.” 36. And He said to them, “What do you want Me to do for you?” 37.
And they said to Him, “You must now grant to us that we could sit one on Your
right and one on Your left in Your glory.” 38. And Jesus said to them, “You do
not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup which I am drinking
1 (v.23) This contradicted the commonly accepted belief that prosperity was an appropriate
reward for obedience to Torah and traditions such as the legalism of the Pharisees. We have similar
prosperity teachings today.
2 (v.24) Pharisees taught that keeping tradition was rewarded with wealth.
3 (v.25) The hole, or eye, of a needle was also used to refer to the small door in the gate
of a city that could let people in or out when the gate was closed. A camel could go through only by
removing the saddle and any load it was carrying, then by kneeling down to squeeze through the
door. See Lk 14:33.
4 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
or to be baptized in the baptism with which I am baptized?” 39. And they said to
Him, “We are able.” And Jesus said to them, “The cup which I am drinking you
will drink and in the baptism which I am baptized, you will be baptized, 40. but to
sit on My right or left is not for Me to give, but for whom it has been prepared.”
41. And when they heard, the ten other disciples began to be disturbed about
Jacob and John. 42. And after He summoned them Jesus said to them, “You
know that those who are considered to lead the heathens are lording over them
and that the great ones of them tyrannize them. 43. But it is not so among you,
but whoever would wish to become great among you will be your servant,1 44.
and whoever among you would wish to be first will be servant2 of all: 45. for
also the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as
a ransom in exchange for many.”
The Healing of Blind Bartimaeus
(Mt 20:29-34, Lk 18:35-43)
10:46. And they came to Jericho. And as He and His disciples and a
large crowd were going out from Jericho a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the son
of Timaeus, was sitting beside the road. 47. And when he heard it was Jesus of
Nazareth he began to cry out and to say, “Son of David!3 Jesus! You must right
now have mercy on me!”4 48. And many were rebuking him so that he would
be silent: but he was crying out much more, “Son of David, You must right now
have mercy on me!” 49. Having stopped, Jesus said, “Call him.” And they
summoned the blind man saying to him, “Be cheerful! Rise, He is calling you.”
50. And as he threw off his official beggar’s cloak,5 and jumped up, he came to
Jesus. 51. And responding to him Jesus said, “What do you want Me to do for
you?” And the blind man said to Him, “My Rabbi, that I would regain my sight.”
52. And Jesus said to him, “You must now go, your faith has delivered you.” And
immediately he regained his sight and was following Him on the way.
The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
(Mt 21:1-11, Lk 19:28-40, Jn 12:12-19)
11.1. And when they were drawing near to Jerusalem, in Bethphage6 and
Bethany7 beside the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples 2. and said to
them, “You must go to the town opposite you, and immediately when you enter
1 (v.43) This is diakonos and can mean servant, minister, or deacon. See Servant in Glos-
2 (v.44) This is doulos and means either servant or slave. See Servant in Glossary.
3 (v.47) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
4 (v.47) ‘Have mercy on me’ is a Hebrew idiom asking for forgiveness, since he believed
his blindness was punishment for sin.
5 (v.50) Everyone begging was required to get approval from a priest, who gave a special
cloak signifying that the beggar was authorized. Throwing off this cloak showed his faith that he
would be healed and no longer had a need for that cloak.
6 (v.1) Bethphage is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew Beit-Pag, meaning Place of Unripe
Figs, which was close to Bethany.
7 (v.1) Bethany is the Greek spelling of Beit-Anyah, meaning House of Sighing in Hebrew.
it you will find a colt1 tied upon which no one ever before of men has sat: loose
it and bring it. 3. And if someone would say to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’
Say ‘The Lord has need of it, and He is sending it straight back to this place.’” 4.
And they left and found a colt tied to a gate outside on the street and they loosed
it. 5. And some of those standing there were saying to them, “What are you doing
loosing the colt?” 6. And they said to them just as Jesus said, and they permitted
them. 7. And they brought the colt to Jesus and laid their prayer shawls on it, and
He sat on it. 8. And many spread their garments2 on the road, and others who
had cut spreads of leaves from the fields spread those. 9. And those who were
leading and those who were following were crying out,
Blessed is He Who comes in the Name of the Lord:”
(Ps 118:25,26)
10. “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David:
Hoshea-na in the highest.”
11. And He entered Jerusalem and after He had looked around at all the things in
the temple, since it was now a late hour, He went to Bethany with the twelve.
The Cursing of the Fig Tree
(Mt 21:18,19)
11:12. And the next day when they came out from Bethany He was
hungry. 13. And when He saw a fig tree from afar, which had leaves, He came
to see if perhaps He would find some fruit on it, then when He came upon it
He found nothing except leaves: for it was not the season of figs. 14. And He
said to it, “Nevermore may anyone eat fruit from you.” And His disciples were
The Cleansing of the Temple
(Mt 21:12-17, Lk 19:45-48, Jn 2:13-22)
11:15. Then they came into Jerusalem. And entering the temple He began
to throw out those who were selling and those who were buying in the temple,
and He overturned the tables of the money-changers and the chairs of those who
were selling doves, 16. and He was not allowing anyone to carry goods through
the temple. 17. And He was teaching and was saying to them, “Has it not been
written that,
‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? (Is 56:7)
‘but you have made it a den of robbers.’” (Jr 7:11)
1 (v.2) This is the foal of a donkey. See Donkey in Glossary.
2 (v.8) These were probably prayer shawls because the men would have been wearing
prayer shawls and they knew that they were welcoming the Messianic reign.
3 (v.9) Hoshea-na means “Deliver us now!” or “Save us now!” They thought Messiah had
come to take the throne, throw out the Romans and begin the Messianic reign. See Hosanna in
18. And the high priests and the scribes heard and they were seeking how they
could destroy Him: for they were afraid of Him, because the whole crowd was
amazed over His teaching. 19. And when it was late, they went outside the city.
The Lesson from the Withered Fig Tree
(Mt 21:20-22)
11:20. And in the morning when they passed by they saw the fig tree
withered from the roots. 21. And Peter, remembering, said to Him, “Rabbi, look!
The fig tree which You had cursed has become withered.” 22. And Jesus said
to them, “You must have faith in God. 23. Truly I say to you that whoever
would say to this mountain, ‘You must immediately be removed and you must
immediately be cast into the sea,’ and would not doubt in his heart but would
believe that what he is saying is happening, it shall be to him. 24. Because of this
I say to you, you must continually pray for everything, then for whatever you are
asking, believe that you have taken it, and it will be there for you. 25. And when
you are standing praying, forgive whatever you have against anyone,1 in order
that your Father Who is in the heavens would forgive you your trespasses.”2
The Authority of Jesus Questioned
(Mt 21:23-27, Lk 20:1-8)
11:27. And they came again into Jerusalem. And while He was walking
in the temple the high priests and the scribes and the elders came to Him 28. and
they were saying to Him, “By what kind of authority are You doing these things?”
Or “Who gave You this authority so that You could do these things?” 29. Then
Jesus said to them, “I will ask you one question, and you must answer Me, then
I will tell you with what authority I am doing these things. 30. The baptism of
John, was it out of heaven or from men? You must answer Me right now!” 31.
And they were discussing among themselves saying, “If we would say, ‘From
heaven,’ He will say, ‘Then why did you not believe him?’ 32. But if we would
say, ‘From men?’” - they were fearing the crowd: for all were maintaining that
John really was a prophet. 33. And answering Jesus they said, “We do not know.”
And Jesus said to them, “Then I am not telling you by what sort of authority I am
doing these things.”
The Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants3
(Mt 21:33-46, Lk 20:9-19)
12.1. And He began to speak to them in parables, “A man planted a
vineyard and placed a fence around it and he dug a pit for the wine press and
he built a tower and he leased it to tenant farmers and he went away. 2. And in
1 (v.9) While this Greek word, “sunagoga” could be translated synagogues, “a gathering of
people” is the primary meaning of the word, and no one would be scourged in a synagogue. Lk 4:28
tells of Jesus being driven from the city when the congregation was enraged. The gathering would
have been related to the Sanhedrin, which was the local court. See Lk 21:12. See Congregation in
2 (v.13) Or saved
3 (v.16) The cloak would have been a prayer shawl. To leave a cloak behind would not
have been anywhere near as significant as a man leaving his prayer shawl.
26. And then they will see ‘The Son of Man coming in clouds’ with great
power and glory. (Dn 7:13) 27. And then He will send the angels and gather
His elect out from the four winds from the end of the Earth to the extremity of
The Lesson of the Fig Tree
(Mt 24:32-35, LK 21:29-33)
13:28. “But you learned from the parable of the fig tree: when its branch
would already be tender and the leaves would grow out, you know that summer
is near: 29. in this way also you, when you would see these things happening,
you know that it is near at the doors. 30. Truly I say to you that this generation
would not pass until all these things would happen. 31. The sky and Earth will
pass away, but My words will not ever pass away.”
The Unknown Day and Hour
(Mt 24:36-44)
13:32. “But concerning that Day and the hour no one knows, not even
the angels in heaven and not the Son, only the Father. 33. You must watch out!
You must continually be alert: for you do not know when the time is. 34. As a
man went away to a foreign country, having left his house, after he gave authority
to his servants for each to do his work, then he commanded the doorkeeper that
he should be watchful. 35. Therefore you must constantly be watchful: for you
do not know when the master of the house is coming, either evening or midnight
or when the cock crows or morning, 36. so that if he comes suddenly he would
not find you sleeping. 37. And I say this to you, I say to all of you, you must be
continually watchful.”
The Plot to Kill Jesus
(Mt 26:1-5, Lk 22:1,2, Jn 11:45-53)
14.1. And it was two days before Passover and the Feast of Unleavened
Bread. And the high priests and the scribes were seeking in treachery, how, after
they arrested Him, they would kill Him: 2. but they were saying, “Not during the
Feast, lest there will be an uproar of the people.”
Dedication to Theophilus2
1.1. Since many set their hands to organize a narrative concerning the
matters that have been accomplished among us, 2. just as the eye-witnesses with
Him from the beginning gave over to us who were then becoming servants of
the message, 3. and it seemed to me, after I carefully investigated everything
successively from the beginning, that I should write to you, most excellent
Theopholis, 4. so that you would understand the certainty about the things which
you were instructed.
The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
1:5. In the days of King Herod of Judea there was a certain priest named
Zechariah from the division Abijah,3 and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron
and her name was Elizabeth.4 6. And they both were righteous before God, going
blameless in all the commandments and requirements of the Lord. 7. But there
was not a child for them because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced
in their days. 8. And he was in the office of the priest in the succession of his
division before God, 9. according to the custom of the service, appointed to burn
incense when he entered the sanctuary5 of the Lord, 10. and all the multitude of
people was outside, praying at the hour of the incense.6 11. And an angel of the
Lord appeared to him, standing by the right of the altar of incense. 12. And when
1 (Title) Written about 59-63 AD, the book of Luke uses many medical terms. There are
more healings, not just more technical terms in Luke than in any other Gospel. Luke also includes
more allusions and more incidents or events, but there is less detail in any one incident than in Mat-
thew. Compare the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer in Luke and in Matthew to see this. His style of
writing concentrates on facts. See Book Order in Glossary.
2 (Caption) Theopholis means ‘loves God’ in Greek. Whether this letter is to a person
named Theopholis or to believers is not clear, but the prevailing view is that it is to a person.
3 (v.5) Abijah was one of twenty-four divisions of the Aaronic priesthood. See Division of
Abijah in Glossary.
4 (v.5) Elizabeth is taken from the Greek spelling of the Hebrew name Elisheva, which was
also the name of Aaron’s wife.
5 (v.9) The Greek word naos, meaning sanctuary, is often translated temple, but sanctuary
is correct. See Sanctuary in Glossary.
6 (v.10) The hour of incense refers to one of the two times each day that incense was
burned in the Holy Place. Ex 30:7, 8 order the burning of the incense in the morning when the priest
dresses the lamps and afternoon when he lights the lamps.
Zechariah saw him he was disturbed and fear fell upon him. 13. And the angel
said to him, “Do not fear, Zechariah, because your entreaty has been listened to
and your wife Elizabeth will bear a son to you and you will call his name John.
14. And for you there will be joy and gladness and many will rejoice over his
birth. 15. For he will be great before the Lord, and he should not drink wine
or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while he is still in his
mother’s womb, 16. and he will return many of the children of Israel to the Lord
their God. 17. And he will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, he
will cause the hearts of fathers to return to their children and the disobedient
to an understanding of righteousness, to prepare a people being made ready by
the Lord.” (Mal 4:5,6) 18. Then Zechariah said to the angel, “How will I know
this? For I am an old man and my wife is advanced in her days.” 19. And the
angel said to him, “I am Gabriel, the one who stands before God, and I was sent
to speak to you and to give you this good news: 20. now behold, you will be
silent and not able to speak until the day these things happen because you did not
believe my words, which will be fulfilled in their time.”
1:21. And the people were expecting Zechariah and they were wondering
what was delaying him in the sanctuary. 22. But when he came out he was
not able to speak to them, and they understood that he had seen a vision in the
sanctuary: and he was beckoning to them and was remaining mute. 23. And it
happened as the days of his service were completed he went to his house. 24.
And after these days Elizabeth his wife conceived and she concealed herself five
months saying, 25. “Thus the Lord has done for me, in the days in which He
considered to take away my reproach among men.”
The Birth of Jesus Foretold
1:26. And in the sixth month of her pregnancy the angel Gabriel was
sent down from God to a city of Galilee by the name of Nazareth, 27. to a virgin
betrothed to a man by the name of Joseph out of the house of David, and the
name of the virgin was Mary.1 28. And when he came to her he said, “Hail,
highly favored one, the Lord is with you.” 29. But she was confused over the
message and was wondering what sort of greeting this might be. 30. And the
angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
31. And behold you will conceive in your womb and you will bear a Son and will
call His name Jesus.2 32. This One will be great and He will be called Son of
the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of David His father,
33. and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will not
end.” 34. And Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I have not had
intimacy with a husband?” 35. Then the angel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will
come upon you and power of the Most High will cover you: for this reason then
1 (v.27) Mary is the English spelling of the Latin Maria. The Greek spelling is Mariam. See
Section II in Glossary for more on names.
2 (v.31) See Jesus in Glossary.
the Holy One Who is birthed will be called the Son of God. 36. And behold your
kin Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age and this is her sixth month
from her being called barren: 37. because with God nothing is impossible.” (Gn
18:14 Jr 32:17, 27, Job 42:2) 38. And Mary said, “Behold the servant of the Lord:
may it be according to your word.” Then the angel left from her.
1 (v.56) It was a custom in the Middle East to have complete rest during the first three
months of pregnancy.
The Birth of John the Baptist
1:57. And the time for Elizabeth to bear was completed for her and she
gave birth to a son. 58. And the neighbors and her kin heard that the Lord showed
her great mercy, and they were rejoicing with her. 59. And it happened on the
eighth day they came to circumcise the boy and they were calling him by the
name of his father Zechariah. 60. Then his mother said, “No, but he will be called
John.” 61. And they said to her “There is no one of your kin who is called by this
name.” 62. But they were nodding to his father to see whatever he might want
him to be called. 63. Then after he asked for a writing tablet he wrote saying,
“His name is John.” And all were amazed. 64. Then at once his mouth and his
tongue were opened, and he was speaking, praising God. 65. And reverential
fear came upon all those who lived around them, and in the whole hill country
of Judea they were discussing all these reports, 66. and all those who heard kept
saying in their hearts, “So what will this child be?” For indeed the hand of the
Lord was with him.
The Prophecy of Zechariah
1:67. Then Zechariah his father was filled with the Holy Spirit and he
prophesied saying,
68. “The Lord God of Israel be praised, (Ps 41:13, 72:12, 106:48)
because He looked upon and made redemption for His people,
(Ps 111:9)
69. and He raised a horn of salvation for us, (Ps 18:2)
in the house of His child David,
70. just as He spoke through the mouth of His holy prophets
from the earliest times,
71. salvation from our enemies and out of the hand
of all those who hate us, (Ps 106:10)
72. to show mercy with our fathers
and His holy covenant is to be remembered, (Ps 106:45,46)
73. the oath which He swore to our father Abraham, (Ps 105:8,9, Gn 17:7)
to give to us 74. when without fear we were
rescued out of the hand of enemies (Gn 22:16,17)
to serve Him 75. in piety and righteousness
before Him all our days.
76. And also you, child, will be called ‘Prophet of the Most High:’
for you will go on before the Lord to prepare His ways,1 (Is 40:3,
Mal 3:1)
77. to give knowledge of salvation to His people
in forgiveness of their sins,
78. because of the inner kindness of mercies of our God,
1 (v.76) To get us ready for His manner of thinking, course of conduct
with which mercies the rising sun looks down upon us
from on high, (Mal 4:2)
79. to bring light to those in darkness and sitting in the shadow of death,
to direct our feet into the way of peace.” (Is 9:2, 58:8, and
1:80. And the child grew and was becoming strong in spirit, and he was
in the desert places until the day of his commissioning to Israel.
Judging Others
(Mt 7:1-5)
6:37. “And if you do not judge, then you would not be judged: and if you
do not condemn, then you would not be condemned. You must set free, then you
will be set free: 38. you must give, then it will be given to you: they will give
a good measure, pressed down, shaken, poured into your bosom: for, in which
measure you measure, it will be measured to you in return.” 39. And He also
told a parable to them: “Is a blind person able to lead a blind person? Will not
both fall into a pit? 40. A disciple is not above a teacher: but after he has been
prepared everyone will be like his teacher. 41. And what is the chip you see in
your brother’s eye, but you do not perceive the beam in your own eye? 42. How
are you able to say to your brother, ‘Brother, you must permit me to remove the
chip in your eye,’ when you do not see the beam in your own eye? Hypocrite,
you must first take the beam out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to
remove the chip in your brother’s eye.”
The Two Foundations
(Mt 7:24-27)
6:46. “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord. Lord!’1 and do not do what I say? 47.
For everyone who comes to Me and hears My words and does them, I will show
you what he is like: 48. he is like a man building a house who dug and made deep
and placed the foundation upon the rock: and when the flood came the river burst
upon that house and it was not able to shake it because it was well built. 49. But
the one who heard and did not do is like a man who built a house upon the ground
without a foundation, which the river beat against and it immediately collapsed
and there was a great ruin of that house.”
The Healing of a Centurion’s Servant
(Mt 8:5-13, Jn 4:43-54)
7.1. After He finished all His words2 in the hearing of the people, He
entered Capernaum.3 2. And a certain servant4 of a centurion, who was dear to
the centurion, having evil,5 was going to die. 3. And when he heard about Jesus
he sent elders of the Jewish people to Him asking Him that if He came would
He cure his servant. 4. And those who came to Jesus were urging Him earnestly,
saying that “This one is worthy for whom You should offer this: 5. for he loves
our nation and he built the synagogue for us.” 6. And Jesus was going with them.
But now when He was not far distant from the house, the centurion sent friends
who said to Him, “Lord, You must not be bothered, for I am not worthy that You
should come under my roof: 7. on this account I was not worthy to come to You
myself: but You must say a word, and my child must be healed. 8. For I am also
a man under authority, and in authority, as I have soldiers under me, and I say
to this one, when I order, ‘You must now go,’ and he goes, and to another, ‘You
must come,’ and he comes, and to my servant, ‘You must now do this,’ and he
does.” 9. And when He heard these things Jesus was amazed at him and after He
turned to the crowd that was following Him He said, “I say to you, not in Israel
have I found so much strong faith.” 10. Then when they returned to the house,
those who were sent found the servant in good health.
The Raising of a Widow’s Son at Nain
7:11. Then it happened on the next day He was going into a city called
Nain, and His disciples and a great crowd were going together with Him. 12.
And as He approached the gate of the city, then behold an only son of his mother,
1 (v.46) The doubling of a salutation indicates emphasis, really needing to get His atten-
tion. See Double Name in Glossary.
2 (v.1) This message is rhema, translated words, with the emphasis on speaking, on the
sounds. See Logos/Rhema in Glossary.
3 (v.1) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
4 (v.2) This apparently was a young male indentured servant because here in v. 7, and in
Matthew and John he is called a child.
5 (v.2) A synonym for being sick
who died, was being carried out, and she was herself a widow, and a crowd of
that city was with her. 13. And when He saw her, the Lord had pity upon her and
said to her, “Stop crying!” 14. Then when He went over He touched the bier,1
and those bearing it stood still, and He said, “Young man, I say to you, you must
rise immediately!” 15. Then the dead boy sat up and began to speak, and He
gave him to his mother. 16. And reverential fear took all and they were glorifying
God saying that “A great prophet has risen among us” and that “God cared for
His people.” 17. And this message about Him went out in all Judea and in every
neighboring region.
The Messengers from John the Baptist
(Mt 11:2-19)
7:18. And his disciples reported about all these things to John. Then
having summoned a certain two of his disciples John 19. sent them to the Lord
saying, “Are You the One Who is coming or should we expect another?” 20. And
when they came to Him the men said, “John the Baptist sent us to You saying,
‘Are You the One Who is coming or should we expect another?’” 21. In that hour
He healed many from sicknesses and torments and evil spirits and He granted to
many blind to see. 22. Then He said to them, “When you go you must report
to John what you saw and heard: blind are regaining sight, lame are walking,
lepers2 are being cleansed and deaf are hearing, dead are being raised, repentant3
are receiving the Good News: 23. and blessed is whoever would not be made
to stumble because of Me.” 24. And after John’s messengers left He began to
talk to the crowds about John, “What did you come out into the desert to see? A
reed being shaken by the wind? 25. But what did you come out to see? A man
clothed in soft garments? Behold those in glorious and luxurious garments are
living delicately in palaces. 26. But what did you come out to see? A prophet?
Indeed I say to you, even greater than a prophet. 27. This one is about whom it
has been written,
‘Behold, I am sending My messenger before Your presence,
who will prepare Your way before You.’ (Mal 3:1)
28. I say to you, no man born of women is greater than John, but the least in
the kingdom of God is greater than he.” 29. And when all the people, even the
tax collectors, heard, they acknowledged God’s justice by being baptized the
baptism of John: 30. but the Pharisees and those learned in Torah rejected the will
of God for themselves, not being baptized under him.
7:31. “Therefore to what will I compare the people of this generation and
who are they like? 32. They are like the children, those who sit in a market and
call to one another, who say,
1 (v.14) The bier was a pallet on which the body was placed, then the body was slid from
the bier into the grave.
2 (v.22) This is not the disease called leprosy today. See Leprosy in Glossary.
3 (v.22) Literally poor, which is a Hebrew idiom for repentant.
‘We played flutes for you and you did not dance,
we sang a lament and you did not weep.’
33. For John the Baptist has come not eating bread and not drinking wine, and
you say, ‘He has a demon.’ 34. The Son of Man has come eating and drinking,
and you say, ‘Behold the man is a glutton and a wine bibber, a friend of tax
collectors and sinners.’ 35. And wisdom was declared right by all her children.”
The Parable of the Sower
(Mt 13:1-9, Mk 4:1-9)
8:4. Then a great crowd gathered and while they were going down with
Him to another city He spoke to them through a parable, 5. “The sower of the
seed came out with his seed. And among what he sowed, some on the one hand
fell by the way and it was trampled under foot and the birds of the sky ate it up.
6. And other fell upon the rock, and it grew, then withered because it did not have
moisture. 7. And other fell in the middle of thorn-plants, and grew up and thorn-
plants choked it. 8. And other fell on good ground and as it grew it made fruit
one hundred times as much.” After He said these things He called out, “The one
who has ears to hear must constantly listen!”
The Purpose of the Parables
(Mt 13:10-17, Mk 4:10-12)
8:9. But His disciples were asking Him what this parable could be. 10.
And He said, “It has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of
God, but to the rest in parables, so that
‘Seeing they would not see
and hearing they would not understand.’” (Is 6:9,10)
The Parable of the Sower Explained
(Mt 13:18-23, Mk 4:13-20)
8:11. “This is the parable. The seed is the Word of God. 12. Those by
the way are those who hear, then the devil comes and takes the word from their
hearts, so that they who may have believed would not be saved. 13. And those
upon the rock, when they would hear they receive the message with joy, but they
do not have a root, so they believe for a time, then in a time of trial or testing
they fall away. 14. And the one that fell among the thorn-plants, these are those
who hear, then while they are going, under worries and riches and pleasures of
life, they are choked and they do not bear fruit to maturity. 15. But the one in the
good soil, these are those with good and upright hearts, as they have listened to
the Word and they are bearing fruit with patience.”
Herod’s Anxiety
(Mt 14:1-12, Mk 6:14-29)
9:7. And Herod the Tetrarch heard all that was happening and he was
perplexed because it was said by some that John was raised from the dead, 8. and
by some that Elijah appeared, and others that some prophet of the ancients had
risen. 9. But Herod said, “I beheaded John: but Who is this about Whom I hear
such things as these?” Then he was seeking to see Him.
1 (v.14) Nu 1:3 instructs to count only men between the ages of twenty and fifty. See Cen-
sus in Glossary.
2 (v.17) The basket is smaller than the hamper used in the feeding of the four thousand.
3 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
4 (v.25) He forfeited his chance for eternal life.
5 (v.26) The Greek word here is logos. See Logos/Rhema in Glossary.
6 (v.26) This is on Judgment Day. See Re 20:4, 11-14.
The Transfiguration of Jesus
(Mt 17:1-8, Mk 9:2-8)
9:28. And it was about eight days after these messages, and taking Peter
and John and Jacob He went up to the mountain to pray for Himself.1 29. And
it happened while He was praying, the appearance of His face was different and
His cloak2 was white, gleaming like lightning. 30. And behold two men were
speaking with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, 31. while those who had been
seen in glory were speaking about His death, which He was going to fulfill in
Jerusalem. 32. And Peter and those with him were burdened in sleep: but as they
kept awake they saw His glory and the two men who had stood with Him. 33.
Then it happened while they were being separated from Him, Peter said to Jesus,
“Master, it is good for us to be here, now let us make three booths, one for You
and one for Moses and one for Elijah,” although he had not understood what he
was saying. 34. But while he was saying these things a cloud came and covered
them: and they were afraid while they entered the cloud. 35. Then a voice came
from the cloud saying, “This is My Son, the One Who has been chosen, you must
continually listen to Him.” 36. And, after the voice came, Jesus was found alone.
And they kept silent and no one reported in those days anything that they had
The Healing of a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
(Mt 17:14-18, Mk 9:14-27)
9:37. And it happened the next day when they came down from the
mountain a huge crowd met Him. 38. And behold a man from the crowd called
out saying, “Teacher, I beg You to look at my son, because he is my only child,
39. and behold a spirit takes him and suddenly it cries out and convulses him with
foaming at the mouth and it goes away from him with difficulty, wearing him out.
40. And I urged Your disciples to cast it out, but they were not able.” 41. And
Jesus said, “O unbelieving and perverted generation, how long will I be with you
and will I endure you? You must bring your son here at once.” 42. But while he
was coming the demon threw him down and convulsed him: but Jesus rebuked
the unclean spirit and healed the child and gave him to his father. 43. And all
were amazed at the majesty of God.
1 (v.6) The son of peace is a very Godly person, as Mordecai is described in the Midrash
Rabbah 10:3, “For Mordecai the Jew was.. seeking the good of his people and speaking peace to
all his seed. Of him Scripture says, “Mark the man of integrity and behold the upright; for there is a
future for the man of peace.” (Ps 37:37)
2 (v.6) The word, epanapauomai, used for rest means to lean upon or to trust in some-
thing. In the NT used only here and in Ro 2:17.
3 (v.13) Bethsaida is the Greek spelling of Beit-Tside, which means House or Place of
Fishing (literally hunting) in Hebrew.
4 (v.15) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
5 (v.15) This is not a question in Is 14:13. See Memorization in Glossary.
6 (v.15) This is Sheol in the Hebrew text. See Gehenna in Glossary.
The Return of the Seventy-two
10:17. And the seventy-two returned with joy saying, “Lord, even
the demons are subject to us in Your name.” 18. And He said to them, “I was
watching Satan1 while he was falling as lightning from heaven. (Is 14:12, Rev
9:1) 19. Behold I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions,
and upon every power of the enemy, and nothing could harm you. 20. But, you
must not rejoice in this because the spirits are subject to you, but you must rejoice
because your names have been written in the heavens.”
The Rejoicing of Jesus
(Mt 11:25-27, 13:16,17)
10:21. At this time He rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I praise
You, Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, because You concealed these things from
the wise and understanding and You revealed them to children: indeed, Father,
because in this way it was good pleasure before You. 22. All things were given to
Me by My Father, and no one knows Who the Son is except the Father, and Who
the Father is except the Son and to whomever the Son would wish to reveal.” 23.
Then, after He turned toward the disciples by themselves, He said, “Blessed are
the eyes that see what you are seeing. 24. For I say to you that many prophets and
kings wanted to see what you are seeing but they did not see, and to hear what
you are hearing but they did not hear.”
The Good Samaritan
10:25. Then behold some master of Torah2 stood up testing Him saying,
“Teacher, what will I have to have done to inherit eternal life?” 26. And He said
to him, “What has been written in the Torah? How do you read it?” 27. And
he said, “‘You will love the Lord your God out of your whole heart and with
your whole being and with your whole strength’ and with your whole mind, and
‘love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Dt 6:5, Lv 19:18) 28. And He said to him,
“You answered correctly: you must do this and you will live eternally.” 29.
But because he wanted to justify himself he said to Jesus, “Who in fact is my
neighbor?” 30. When He replied3 Jesus said, “A certain man went down from
Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, and then they stripped him, and
after inflicting wounds went away, leaving him half dead. 31. And by chance
there was a priest who came down by that way and when he saw him he crossed
over to the other side: 32. and likewise also a man who was a Levite, as he came
by the place, and when he saw him he crossed over. 33. And a certain traveling
Samaritan came by him and when he saw him he was moved with compassion,
1 (v.18) See Satan in Glossary.
2 (v.25) Torah means teaching, instruction. See Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.30) This is a parable, a story that Jesus made up. On a tour to Israel our guide pointed
out a small building on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho, saying that it was the inn where the man
in this parable was taken. We should be careful to stick to facts, not elaborating, making false state-
34. and then he came over to him and bound up his wounds, pouring olive oil1
and wine, and after he put him on his own animal he led him to an inn and took
care of him. 35. Then on the next day when he had to leave he gave two denarii
to the innkeeper and said, ‘You must take care of him, and whatever in addition
you would spend, I will repay to you on my return.’ 36. Who of these three does
it seem to you had become a neighbor of the one who fell among the robbers?”
37. And he said, “The one who had mercy on him.” And Jesus said to him, “You
must go and you must do likewise.”
Visiting Martha and Mary
10:38. And while they were going He entered a certain village: and a
woman named Martha hosted Him. 39. And she had a sister called Mary2 and
after Mary seated herself at the feet of the Lord she was listening to His teaching.
40. But Martha was overburdened about so much serving: and standing by she
said, “Lord, does it not concern You that my sister leaves only me to serve?
Therefore, You must tell her that she should help me.” 41. And the Lord said to
her, “Martha. Martha!3 You are anxious and troubled concerning many things,
42. but one is a necessity, indeed Mary chose the good part which will not be
taken away from her.”
Teaching about Prayer
(Mt 6:9-15, 7:7-11)
11.1. Then it happened while He was in a certain place praying, as He
finished, one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, You must now teach us to pray,
just as also John taught his disciples.” 2. And He said to them, “When you pray
you must say,
‘Father, Your name must now be sanctified:
Your kingdom must now come:
3. You must continually give us day by day the things4
necessary for our existence: 5
4. And You must immediately forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves also forgive everything owing to us:6
And do not lead us into a trial.’” 7
11:5. Then He said to them, “Who of you will have a friend and will go
to him at midnight and would say to him, ‘Friend, you must now lend me three
1 (v.34) In the Talmud, olive oil symbolizes knowledge of Torah, which provides spiritual
illumination. Oil is also the symbol of joy, from Is 51:3, so it is called the oil of gladness.
2 (v.39) The name in Greek is Mariam, also in v. 42.
3 (v.41) The name repeated in this instance is a stern rebuke in Hebrew. See Double
Name in Glossary.
4 (v.3) The text has bread, but that was an idiom that meant whatever was needed.
5 (v.3) The Greek word translated “necessary for our existence” is found only in Lk 11:3
and Mt 6:11. The meaning is not certain. See Daily Bread in Glossary.
6 (v.4) See Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary.
7 (v.4) Or temptation
loaves of bread, 6. since my friend came to me from a journey and I do not have
anything to set before him:’ 7. and answering from inside, he said, ‘You must not
cause me trouble: the door has already been shut and my children are with me in
the bed: I am not able to get up to give it to you.’ 8. I say to you, even if he will
not get up to give to him because he is a friend, but because of his shamelessness,
when he gets up, he will give him what he needs. 9. And I say to you, You
must continually ask and it will be given to you, you must continually seek and
you will find, you must continually knock and it will be opened to you: 10. for
everyone who asks takes and the one who seeks finds and for the one who knocks
it will be opened. 11. And which of you if a son will ask his father for a fish will
he then give him a snake instead of a fish? 12. Or also, if he will ask for an egg,
will he give a scorpion to him? 13. If therefore you, who are evil yourselves,
know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more the Father from
heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.”1
Jesus and Beelzebub
(Mt 12:22-30, Mk 3:20-27)
11:14. Then He was casting out a demon and this one was deaf and mute:
and it happened, after the demon came out, the mute person spoke and the crowds
were amazed. 15. But some of them said “He is casting out the demons by means
of Beelzebub the leader of the demons:” 16. but others, testing, were seeking
a sign from heaven from Him. 17. And because He knew their thoughts He
said to them, “Every kingdom that is divided against itself is laid waste and a
house divided against a house falls. 18. And if in fact Satan2 is divided against
himself, how will his kingdom stand? Yet you say that I cast out demons by
Beelzebub. 19. But if I am casting out demons by Beelzebub, by whom are your
sons casting them out? Because of this they will be your judges. 20. But if I am
casting out demons by a finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon
you. 21. ‘When the strong one, since he was equipped, would guard his house,
his possessions would be in peace: 22. but when one stronger than he attacked
he would overcome him. He takes his armor from him in which he placed his
confidence and they would distribute his booty.’ (Ps Solomon 5:4) 23. The one
who is not with Me is against Me, and the one who does not gather with Me is
The Return of the Unclean Spirit
(Mt 12:43-45)
11:24. “When the unclean spirit comes out from a person, it goes through
dry places seeking rest,3 but when it does not find any: then it says, ‘I will return
to my house from which I came: 25. and when it comes it finds that its house has
1 (v.13) From this we can conclude that we are to ask the Father to give us the Holy Spirit.
2 (v.18) See Satan in Glossary.
3 (v.24) This word for rest means just a short break, so demons cannot even get a coffee
been swept and decorated. 26. So then it goes and takes along seven other spirits
more evil than itself and, after it enters, it dwells there: and the last days of that
person become worse than the first.”
True Blessedness
11:27. And it happened while He was saying these things some woman
from the crowd, as she lifted her voice, said to Him, “Blessed is the womb which
bore You and with whom You nursed.” 28. And He said, “On the contrary, blessed
are those who hear and observe1 the Word of God.”
The Demand for a Sign
(Mt 12:38-42, Mk 8:12)
11:29. And, when the crowds gathered even more, He began to say,
“This generation is an evil generation: it seeks a sign, but no sign will be given it
except the sign of Jonah. 30. For just as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also
will the Son of Man be to this generation. 31. The queen of the South2 will be
raised in judgment with the people of this generation and she will condemn them,
because she came from the ends of the Earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon,
and behold greater than Solomon is here. 32. Ninevite men will rise in judgment
with this generation and will condemn it: because they repented because of the
preaching of Jonah, and behold greater than Jonah is here.”
The Light of the Body
(Mt 5:15, 6:22,23)
11:33. “No one who has lit a lamp places it in hiding and not under a peck
measure but on the lamp stand, so that those who go in would see the light. 34.
Your eye is the lamp of your body: when your eye would be sound,3 then your
whole body is full of light: but when it would be evil4 then your body is dark.
35. Therefore you must not ever consider that the light in you is darkness. 36.
Then if your whole body is full of light, since it does not have any part which is
darkness, the whole body will be full of light as when the lamp would illuminate
you in the gleam of light.”
The Denouncing of the Pharisees and Scholars
(Mt 23:1-36, Mk 12:38-40, Lk 20:45-47)
11:37. While He was speaking a Pharisee asked Him to dine with him:
and after He entered He reclined. 38. But when the Pharisee saw he wondered
because He did not first wash before dinner. 39. And the Lord said to him, “Now
you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and the dish but the inside of you is
1 (v.28) This Greek word, fulasso, means to guard, protect, take care not to violate.
2 (v.31) Queen of Sheba
3 (v.34) A good, or sound, eye is a Hebrew idiom for being generous.
4 (v.34) An evil eye is a Hebrew idiom for being stingy, selfish: See Dt 15:9, Pr 23:6, 7 and
full of greediness and wickedness. 40. Foolish ones, did not the One Who made
the outside also make the inside? 41. Nevertheless, you must now give gifts for
the poor of what is inside you, then behold all is clean in you. 42. But woe to you
Pharisees, because you tithe1 the mint and the rue and every vegetable but you
neglect justice and the love of God: and it was necessary to do these things, tithe,
but not to neglect the other, alms. (Lv 27:30) 43. Woe to you, Pharisees, because
you love the chief seat2 in the synagogues and the greetings in the market places.
44. Woe to you, because you are like unseen graves, and people who walk over
the graves do not know it.”
11:45. But when he responded, one of the scholars3 said to Him, “Teacher,
when You say these things You even insult us.” 46. Then He said, “And woe to
you Torah scholars, because you load people with difficult burdens, then you do
not even lift one finger to help with the burdens. 47. Woe to you, because you
are building the tombs of the prophets, and your fathers killed them. 48. Now
you are witnesses and you approve of the works of your fathers, because they
indeed killed them, and indeed you are building their tombs. 49. Because of
this the wisdom of God also said, ‘I am sending prophets and apostles among
them, and they will kill some of them, and they will persecute others,’4 50. so
that the blood of all the prophets, that which has been shed from the foundation
of the world, would be required from this generation, 51. from the blood of Abel
until the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the house:5
indeed I say to you, it will be sought out, required, from this generation. 52. Woe
to you Torah scholars because you took away the key of knowledge: you did
not enter and you held back those who were entering.” 53. And then when He
came out from there the scribes and the Pharisees began to be very hostile and to
interrogate Him concerning more things, 54. plotting to catch Him by something
He would say.
A Warning against Hypocrisy
12.1. Meanwhile as the crowd of so many thousands gathered, so they
trampled one another, He began to say to His disciples first, “You must be on
guard for yourselves from the leaven of the Pharisees,6 which is hypocrisy. 2.
But there is nothing that has been concealed which will not be revealed and
hidden which will not be known. 3. Because what you said in the darkness will
1 (v.25) The eye of a needle was also a reference to the small door in the city gate so
someone could get in or out when the gate was shut. A camel could go through only after the
saddle and any pack were removed. See Lk 14:33.
2 (v.25) The Pharisees taught that doing righteous deeds, obeying God’s teachings would
be rewarded in this life, very much like the prosperity message in today’s church. See Wealth in
A Third Time Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
(Mt 20:17-19, Mk 10:32-34)
18:31. And taking the twelve He said to them, “Behold, we are going up
to Jerusalem, and everything which has been written by the prophets for the Son
of Man will be fulfilled: 32. for He will be given over to the heathens and He will
be mocked and He will be treated shamefully and He will be spit upon 33. and
after they scourge Him they will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised.”
34. But they did not understand these things and this message was being hidden
from them and they did not comprehend what was said.
The Healing of a Blind Beggar near Jericho
(Mt 20:29-34, Mk 10:46-52)
18:35. And it happened while they were approaching Jericho, a certain
blind man was sitting by the road, begging. 36. And when he heard the crowd
passing through he asked what this might be. 37. And they were reporting to
him that “Jesus of Nazareth is coming by.” 38. Then he shouted saying, “Jesus,
Son of David,2 You must right now have mercy on me!” 39. Then those who
were going before Him were ordering him to be quiet, but he cried out much
more, “Son of David, You must right now have mercy on me!” 40 And when He
stopped, Jesus ordered him to be led to Him. And when he came near He asked
him, 41. “What do you want Me to do for you?” And he said, “Lord, that I will
recover my sight.” 42. Then Jesus said to him, “You must now receive your
sight: your faith has delivered you.” 43. And he immediately received his sight
and he was following Him, glorifying God. And when all the people saw the
miracle they gave praise to God.
Jesus and Zachaeus
19.1. Having entered Jericho He was going through it. 2. And there was
a man named Zachaeus, and he was a chief tax collector3 and he was wealthy: 3.
and he was seeking to see Who Jesus was but he was not able on account of the
crowd, because his stature was short. 4. And as he was running before them, in
front of the crowd he went up in a sycamore fig tree so that he could see Him,
because He was going to pass by there. 5. Then as He came to the place, when
Jesus looked up He said to him, “Zachaeus, because you have been zealous for
the Lord you must now get down, for today it is necessary for Me to stay in your
house.” 6. Then as he made haste he got down and received Him rejoicing. 7.
And when all saw they were complaining saying that “He entered to find lodging
with a sinful man.” 8. And when Zachaeus stood up he said to the Lord, “Behold
half of my possessions, Lord, I am giving to the poor, and if I extorted someone I
1 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
2 (v.38) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
3 (v.2) Every tax collector in Israel was very well connected in Israeli society, born to the
right family and wealthy to start with.
am repaying fourfold.” 9. And Jesus said to him that “Today salvation has come
to this house, because this one also is a son of Abraham: 10. for the Son of Man
came to seek and to save the lost.”
The Parable of the Ten Minas1
(Mt 25:14-30)
19:11. And while they were listening to these things He again told them
a parable because He was near Jerusalem and they thought that the kingdom of
God was going to be revealed at once, as soon as He reached Jerusalem. 12.
Therefore He said, “A certain man, a nobleman, was going to a far away land
to take a kingdom for himself, then to return. 13. And after he called his ten
servants he gave ten minas to them and said to them, ‘You must do business
while I am gone.’ 14. But its citizens hated him and they sent ambassadors after
him saying, ‘We do not want this one to reign over us.’ 15. Then it happened
when he returned, after he took the kingdom, that he said to summon to him
those servants to whom he had given the money, so that he might know what they
had earned. 16. And the first one appeared saying, ‘Lord, your mina earned ten
minas.’ 17. Then he said to him, ‘Well done! Good servant, because you were
faithful in the least, you must continually have authority over ten cities.’ 18.
Then the second came saying, ‘Your mina, lord, made five minas.’ 19. And he
said to this one also, ‘Then you must continually be over five cities.’ 20. Then
the other one came saying, ‘Lord, behold your mina, which I have put away in a
handkerchief: 21. for I was fearing you, because you are a severe man, you take
what you did not put away and you harvest what you did not sow.’ 22. He said
to him, ‘From your mouth I judge you, evil servant. Had you known that I am a
severe man, taking out what I did not put in and reaping what I did not sow? 23.
Then why did you not give my money on a changer’s table? Then when I came
I would have exacted with interest.’ 24. And to those who were standing by he
said, ‘You must now take the mina from him and you must give it at once to the
one who has ten minas’ 25. - then they said to him, ‘Lord, he has ten minas.’ - 26.
I say to you that to everyone who has it will be given, but from the one who does
not have even what he does have will be taken. 27. ‘Moreover my enemies, those
who do not want me to reign over them, you must right now lead them here and
you must slaughter them in front of me.’”
The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
(Mt 21:1-11, Mk 11:1-11, Jn 12:12-19)
19:28. Then after He said these things He was going before them, going
up to Jerusalem. 29. And it happened as He neared Bethphage2 and Bethany3
1 (Caption) A mina equals 50 shekels or about 100 drachmas or 100 denarii, a few months’
2 (v.29) Bethphage is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew Beit-Pag, meaning Place of Unripe
Figs, which was close to Bethany.
3 (v.29) Bethany is the Greek spelling of Beit-Anyah, meaning House of Sighing in Hebrew.
by the mount called Olives, He sent two of the disciples 30. saying, “You must
go into the village opposite,1 when you enter it you will find a colt2 tied, upon
which nobody has ever sat. Then after you loose it you must lead it here. 31.
And if someone asks you, ‘Why are you loosing it?’ You will say thus, that ‘The
Lord has need of it.’” 32. And when they went, those who were sent found just
as He said to them. 33. And while they were loosing the colt its owners said to
them, “Why are you loosing the colt?” 34. And they said, “The Lord has need
of it.” 35. Then they led it to Jesus and after they put their prayer shawls3 on the
colt they put Jesus on it. 36. And while He was going they were spreading their
prayer shawls on the road.
19:37. And while He was now nearing the slope of the Mount of Olives
the multitude of disciples, rejoicing, were all beginning to praise God in a loud
voice concerning all the miracles which they had seen, 38. saying,
“‘Blessed is the One Who comes,
the King in the name of the Lord:’ (Ps 118:26)
peace in heaven
and glory in the highest.”
39. Then some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him, “Teacher, You must
immediately rebuke Your disciples.” 40. And answering them He said, “I say to
you, if they are silent the stones will cry out.” (Hab 2:11)
19:41. Then as He neared, when He saw the city He wept for it 42. saying
that “If you even knew in this day the things pertaining to peace: but now it has
been hidden from your eyes. 43. Because days will come upon you and your
enemies will cast up palisades4 about you and they will surround you and they
will attack you from all sides, 44. then they will dash you and your children
with you to the ground, and they will not leave a stone upon a stone among you,
because you did not know the time of your visitation.”
The Cleansing of the Temple
(Mt 21:12-17, Mk 11:15-19, Jn 2:13-22)
19:45. And when He entered the temple He began to cast out the sellers,
46. saying to them, “It has been written,
‘And My house will be a house of prayer,’ (Is 56:7)
but you have made it a cave of robbers.” (Jr 7:11)
19:47. And He was teaching daily in the temple. And the high priests
and the scribes and the leaders of the people were seeking to kill Him, 48. but
they did not find what they could do, because all the people were hanging upon
1 (v.30) Across the valley
2 (v.30) This is a foal of a donkey. See Donkey in Glossary.
3 (v.35) The Greek word imatia, meaning cloak or outer garment, is used here and in v. 36,
and the cloak of a Jewish man was his prayer shawl. See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
4 (v.43) Siege works
what they were hearing from Him.
The Authority of Jesus Questioned
(Mt 21:23-27, Mk 11:27-33)
20.1. Then it happened on one of the days while He was teaching the
people in the temple and proclaiming the Good News, the high priests and the
scribes were standing near with the elders 2. and they spoke, saying to Him, “You
must immediately tell us by what authority You are doing these things, or who is
the one who gave You this authority?” 3. And He said to them, “And I will ask
you a question, and you must immediately tell Me: 4. ‘Was the baptism of John
from heaven or from men?’” 5. Then they were discussing among themselves
saying “If we would say, ‘From heaven,’ He will say, ‘Why did you not believe
him?’ 6. But if we would say, ‘From men,’ all the people will stone us, for they
are persuaded that John was a prophet.” 7. Then they answered that they did not
know from where. 8. And Jesus said to them, “And I am not telling you by what
authority I am doing these things.”
The Parable of the Vineyard and the Tenants1
(Mt 21:33-46, Mk 12:1-12)
20:9. And He began to tell this parable to the people: “A certain man
planted a vineyard, then leased it to farmers and went on a journey for a long
time. 10. And in time he sent a servant to the farmers so that they would give
him from the fruit of the vineyard: but the farmers, after they beat him, sent him
out empty-handed. 11. Then he again sent another servant: but after they beat
and dishonored that one also, they sent him out empty-handed. 12. And again he
sent a third: and after they also wounded this one they threw him out. 13. And
the master of the vineyard said, ‘What shall I do? I will send my beloved son:
they will probably respect him.’ 14. But when they saw him the farmers were
discussing with one another saying, ‘This one is the heir: we should kill him,
so that the inheritance would be ours.’ 15. Then after they threw him outside
the vineyard they killed him. What therefore will the master of the vineyard do
to them? 16. He will come and he will destroy these farmers and he will give
the vineyard to others.” When they heard they said, “May it not be!” 17. And
looking at them He said, “Then why has this been written:
‘A stone which the builders rejected,
this has become the cornerstone.’ (Ps 118:22)
18. Everyone who falls upon that stone will be dashed to pieces: on whomever it
would fall, it will crush him.” 19. And the scribes and the high priests sought to
get their hands on Him in that hour, for they knew that He spoke against them in
this parable, but they feared the people.
1 (Caption) Each of these parables about the vineyard uses the picture of greedy farmers
to speak of the High Priest and other Jewish leaders.
Paying Taxes to Caesar
(Mt 22:15-22, Mk 12:13-17)
20:20. Then because they were watching Him closely they sent spies
who were pretending to be righteous themselves, so that they could catch Him in
something He said, in order to give Him over to the leader and to the authority
of the governor. 21. And they asked Him saying, “Teacher, we know that You
are speaking and teaching correctly and You do not show favoritism,1 but You
are teaching the way of God in truth: 22. is it proper for us to pay taxes to Caesar
or not?” 23. But when He considered their craftiness He said to them, 24. “You
must now show Me a denarius: it has whose likeness and inscription on it?” And
they said, “Caesar’s.” 25. And He said to them, “So you must pay to Caesar
what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” 26. And they were not able to lay
hold of Him by what He said before the people, so they were silent, amazed at
His answer.
The Question about the Resurrection2
(Mt 22:23-33, Mk 12:18-27)
20:27. And some of the Sadducees came, those who were saying there
was not to be a resurrection. They asked Him 28. saying, “Teacher, Moses
wrote for us, if some brother would die, if he had a wife, and this one would be
childless, that his brother would take the wife and he would raise up a seed for
his brother. 29. Then there were seven brothers: and the first, after he took a
wife, died childless: 30. then the second 31. and the third took her, and likewise
also the seven did not leave a child when they died. 32. Later the wife died
also. 33. Therefore the wife, in the resurrection, whose wife does she become?
For seven had her as wife.” 34. Then Jesus said to them, “The children of this
age are marrying and being given in marriage, 35. and those of that age, and
found worthy to reach the resurrection of the dead, neither marry nor are given
in marriage: 36. for they are not able to die again, because they are like angels
and are children of God, being children of the resurrection. 37. But since the
dead are rising, and Moses revealed this at the bush, as he said, ‘Lord, the God
of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’ 38. Thus He is not the
God of the dead but of the living, for all should be living in Him.” (Ex 3:6,15,16)
39. Then some of the scribes said, “Teacher, You said well.” 40. For they were
no longer daring to ask Him anything.
The Question about David’s Son
(Mt 22:41-46, Mk 12:35-37)
20:41. Then He said to them, “How do they say the Messiah is a son of
1 (v.21) Literally this is “take the appearance of a man,” a Hebrew idiom meaning He is
does not play favorites, Dt 10:17.
2 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
David?1 42. For David himself says in a scroll of Psalms,
‘The Lord said to my Lord,
You must be seated at My right hand,2
43. until I would make Your enemies a footstool
under Your feet.’ (Ps 110:1)
44. So David calls Him Lord, then how is He his son?”
Exhortation to Watch
21:34. “But you must take heed for yourselves that your hearts would not
be carried away in carousing and drunkenness2 and cares of life, and that Day,
Judgment, would appear over you, unexpected 35. as a trap: for it will rush in
suddenly and forcibly upon all those who inhabit the face of the whole Earth. (Is
24:17) 36. And you must continually be watchful at every time or every season
asking that you would prevail to escape all these things that are going to happen
and to stand before the Son of Man.”
21:37. And during the days He was in the temple teaching, and the nights
when He came out He was staying on the mountain called Olives: 38. and all the
people rose early on account of Him, to listen to Him in the temple.
1 (v.33) The word translated sky could also be translated heaven, but that is misleading.
God is eternal and so is His throne. The Earth and the solar system may well pass away but the
heavens are eternal.
2 (v.34) The word translated drunkenness refers to use of any intoxicant. See Sorcery in
3 (v.3) See Satan in Glossary.
The Preparation of the Seder
(Mt 26:17-25, Mk 14:12-21, Jn 13:21-30)
22:7. And the day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread came, in which it
was necessary to kill the Passover: (Mk 14:12) 8. and He sent Peter and John
saying, “When you go you must immediately prepare the Passover meal for us so
that we could eat.” 9. And they said to Him, “Where do You want us to prepare
it?” 10. And He said to them, “Behold, when you have entered the city a man
who is carrying a jar of water will meet you: you must at once follow him to the
house that he enters 11. and you will say to the master of the house, ‘The teacher
says to you, “Where is the guest room, where I could eat the Seder with My
disciples?”’ 12. That one will show you a large furnished upper room: you must
prepare it there right away.” 13. After they left they found just as He had told
them and they prepared the Seder.
The Last Seder
(Mt 26:26-30, Mk 14:22-26, 1Cor 11:23-25)
22:14. Then when the hour came, He and the apostles with Him reclined.2
15. And He said to them, “I have greatly desired with a longing to eat this Seder
with you before I suffer: 16. for I say to you that I would not eat it again until this
would be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” 17. Then having taken a cup,3 after
He gave thanks, He said, “You must take this and you must immediately share it
among yourselves: 18. for I say to you, that from now on I am not drinking from
this product of the vine until the kingdom of God would come.” 19. Then having
taken bread, after He gave thanks, He broke it and gave it to them saying, “This
is My body which is being given on your behalf: you must continually do this in
My remembrance.” 20. Then likewise the cup after they ate,4 saying, “This is the
cup of the New5 Covenant (Jr 31:31-346) in My blood which is being poured out
on your behalf. 21. Nevertheless, behold, the hand of the one who is giving Me
over is with Mine on the table. 22. The Son of Man is indeed going to that which
has been appointed, but woe to that man through whom He is given over.” 23.
Then they began to argue among themselves who of them might consequently be
the one who is going to do this.
The Dispute about Greatness
22:24. And there was a dispute among them, which of them seemed to be
1 (Caption) Seder is the name of the Passover meal. See Seder in Glossary.
2 (v.14) They reclined as a reminder that they were free, not slaves in Egypt. See Reclin-
ing in Glossary.
3 (v.17) The first cup at a Seder, called The Kiddush, meaning sanctification, sanctifies the
table for the evening.
4 (v.20) At a Seder a total of four or five cups are served. See Seder in Glossary.
5 (v.20) Both the Greek word used here and the Hebrew word in Jr 31 have a basic mean-
ing of renew, building on the previous covenants. See New Covenant in Glossary.
6 (v.20) In v. 33 the Hebrew word for sin is khatah, meaning sin committed in error, care-
lessly. See Sin in Glossary.
greater. 25. But He said to them, “The kings of the heathens are lording it over
them and those who have authority over them are called benefactors. 26. But
you are not thus, but the greatest among you must continually become like the
younger, and the one who rules like the one who serves. 27. For who is greater,
the one who reclines or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines? But
I AM in your midst as the One Who serves. 28. And you are the ones who have
stood by with Me in My afflictions: 29. and I am assigning to you, just as My
Father assigned a kingdom to Me, 30. so that you would eat and you would drink
at My table in My kingdom, and you will be seated upon thrones judging the
twelve tribes of Israel.”
Peter’s Denial Foretold
(Mt 26:31-35, Mk 14:27-31, Jn 13:36-38)
22:31. “Simon. Simon!1 Behold Satan2 demanded to sift you all3 like
wheat: 32. but I asked concerning you4 that your faith would not fail: and you,
when you have returned5 must at once strengthen your brothers.” 33. And he said
to Him, “Lord, I am ready to go with You even to prison and to death.” 34. But
He said, “I say to you, Peter, a cock will not crow this very day until you would
three times deny knowing Me.”
Purse, Bag and Sword
22:35. Then He said to them, “When I sent you without purse and
knapsack and sandals, did you lack anything?” And they said, “Nothing.” 36.
And He said to them, “But now the one who has a purse must take it, and likewise
a knapsack, and the one who does not have must sell his clothing right away and
must immediately buy a sword.6 37. For I say to you that this which has been
written must be fulfilled in Me, ‘And He was counted with the lawless:’7 (Is
53:12) for in fact the purpose pertaining to Me has come.” 38. But they said,
“Lord, behold, here are two swords.” And He said to them, “That is adequate.”
The Prayer on the Mount of Olives
(Mt 26:36-46, Mk 14:32-42)
22:39. And when He came out, He was going according to custom to the
Mount of Olives, and then the disciples followed Him. 40. And, when He came
to the place, He said to them, “You must continually pray not to come into trials.”
41. Then He withdrew about a stone’s throw from them, and having knelt, He
was praying 42. saying, “Father, if You are willing You must now take this cup
1 (v.31) The salutation doubled is very strong, demanding immediate attention. See
Double Name in Glossary.
2 (v.31) See Satan in Glossary.
3 (v.31) This “you” is plural.
4 (v.32) This “you” is singular, referring to Simon.
5 (v.32) Repented
6 (v.36) The reference here is to the small, curved, personal sword.
7 (v.37) The word translated lawless refers to intentional sin. See Sin in Glossary.
from Me: nevertheless not My will, but Yours must continually be done.”1 45.
Then after He rose from the prayer and came to the disciples, He found them
sleeping from the grief, 46. and He said to them, “Why are you sleeping? After
you get up you must pray persistently, so that you would not enter a trial.”
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
(Mt 26:47-56, Mk 14:43-50, Jn 18:3-11)
22:47. While He was still speaking, behold a crowd came to them, and
the one called Judas, one of the twelve, was going before them and he approached
Jesus to kiss Him. 48. But Jesus said to him, “Judas, are you betraying the Son
of Man with a kiss?” 49. When those who were with Him saw this they said,
“Lord, shall we strike with a sword?” 50. Then one of them, Peter, struck the
servant of the High Priest, and cut off his right ear. 51. And Jesus said, “You must
now permit this:” and then, as He touched his ear, He healed him. 52. And Jesus
said to those present before Him, the high priests and soldiers of the temple and
elders, “Have you come out with swords and clubs as against a robber?2 53. Day
after day, while I was with you in the temple you did not lay your hands on Me,
but this is your hour and the authority of the darkness.”
Peter’s Denial of Jesus
(Mt 26:57,58, 69-75, Mk 14:53,54, 66-72, Jn 18:12-18, 25-27)
22:54. And having seized Him they led Him and brought Him to the
house of the High Priest: and Peter was following at a distance.3 55. Then after
they kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard, when they sat together Peter
was sitting in the midst of them. 56. And when she saw him, a maid who was
sitting toward the light, after she looked at him intently, said, “And this one
was with Him.” 57. But he denied it, saying, “I do not know Him, ma’am.”
58. Then after a short time when another saw him he said, “And you are one of
them.” But Peter said, “Man, I am not.” 59. Then after about one hour went by
another one insisted, saying, “In truth then this one was with Him, for he is also
of Galilee.” 60. But Peter said, “Man, I do not know what you are talking about.”
And immediately, while he was still speaking, a cock crowed. 61. Then, when
He turned, the Lord looked at Peter, and Peter was reminded of the word of the
Lord as He said to him that “Before a cock crows this very day4 you will deny Me
three times.” 62. Then after he went outside he wept bitterly.
The Mocking and Beating of Jesus
(Mt 26:67,68, Mk 14:65)
22:63. And the men holding Him were mocking and beating Him,
1 (v.42) Verses 43, 44 are omitted because they were not in the earliest manuscripts.
2 (v.52) This Greek word is also translated revolutionary or insurrectionist.
3 (v.54) John was not with Peter, but another disciple was nearby. See Jn 18:15.
4 (v.61) This is evidence of the Jewish day, since the Jewish day began at sundown, be-
fore the Seder meal during which Jesus spoke of Peter’s denial.
64. then after they blindfolded Him they were asking Him saying, “You must
prophesy now, who is the one who hit You?” 65. And they were saying many
other blasphemous things to Him.
1 (v.69) “At the right hand” is a Hebrew idiom that speaks of power and strength, from Ex
15:6. See Right Hand in Glossary.
Jesus Sentenced to Die
(Mt 27:15-26, Mk 15:6-15, Jn 18:39-19:16)
23:13. And Pilate, having summoned the high priests and the leaders1
and the people, 14. said to them, “You have brought this man to me as defrauding
the people, and see, I, having judged before you, found no guilt of which you
accuse against Him. 15. And neither did Herod, for he sent Him back to us, and
behold nothing which was done by Him is worthy of death: 16. therefore after I
whip Him I will release Him.”2 18. But they were crying out all together saying,
“You must raise3 this One, and you must now free Barabbas for us.” 19. He,
Barabbas, was thrown in jail because of being in some insurrection and murder
in the city. 20. And again Pilate called out to them, wanting to free Jesus. 21.
But they were shouting saying, “You must crucify, you must crucify Him right
now!” 22. And the third time he said to them, “For what evil did He do? I do not
find guilt deserving of death in Him: therefore after I scourge Him I will release
Him.” 23. But they were pressing upon him in loud voices asking for Him to be
crucified, and their voices prevailed. 24. Then Pilate decided to do their request:
25. and he freed the one who was thrown in jail because of insurrection and
murder, for whom they were asking, and he gave Jesus over to their wishes.
1 (v.13) The high priests and the leaders were Hellenists and most likely the leaders sum-
moned by Pilate were also. See Hellenists in Glossary.
2 (v.16) V. 17 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
3 (v.18) Crucify
the evildoers there, one on His right hand1 and one on His left. 34. And they cast
lots, dividing His garments.2 35. And the people stood looking. And they and
also the leaders were ridiculing, saying, “He saved others, let Him save Himself,
if He is the Messiah, the chosen One of God.” 36. And the nearby soldiers also
mocked Him, bringing sour wine to Him 37. and saying, “If You are the King of
the Jewish People, You must now save Yourself.” 38. And it was inscribed over
Him, “This is the King of the Jewish People.”
23:39. Then one of the evil ones who was hanging there was blaspheming
Him saying, “Are You not the Messiah? You must now save Yourself and us.”
40. But the other said, rebuking him, “Do you not yourself fear God, because you
are in the same sentence? 41. But we indeed justly, for what we did is worthy
of what we are receiving: but this One did nothing improper.” 42. Then he was
saying, “Jesus, You must right away remember me when You would enter Your
kingdom.” 43. Then He said to him, “Truly I say to you, this very day you will
be with Me in Paradise.”
The Death of Jesus
(Mt 27:45-56, Mk 15:33-41, Jn 19:28-30)
23:44. And it was now about the sixth hour and it became dark on the
whole Earth until the ninth hour3 45. as the sun was darkened, and the veil in
the middle of the sanctuary was split. 46. And having spoken in a loud voice
Jesus said, “Father, into Your hands I entrust My spirit.” Then after He said this
He breathed out His last. 47. And when the centurion saw what happened he
glorified God saying, “Truly this Man was righteous.” 48. And all the crowds
that came together on this site, when they saw what happened, were returning,
and beating their chests. 49. But all the known acquaintances of His and the
women who had accompanied Him from Galilee had stood from a distance to see
these things.
The Burial of Jesus
(Mt 27:57-61, Mk 15:42-47, Jn 19:38-42)
23:50. Then behold, a man named Joseph who was a member of the
council4 and a good and righteous man 51. - this one was not agreeing with the
resolution and with what they did - from Arimathea, a Jewish city, who was
waiting for the kingdom of God, 52. after this one came to Pilate he asked for
the body of Jesus 53. and when he took Him down he wrapped Him in fine
linen and placed Him in a tomb hewn in the rock where no one had lain. 54.
1 (v.33) The right hand here is a symbol of God’s salvation, from Ps 20:6. The left hand is
a symbol of calamity and judgment.
2 (v.34) V. 34a, the sentence “Jesus said, Father forgive them for they do not know what
they are doing.” is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
3 (v.44) From Noon to 3:00 PM
4 (v.50) Sanhedrin
And it was the day of preparation for it was approaching the Sabbath. 55. And
the women followed, because they, who were traveling together with Him from
Galilee, saw the tomb and how His body was placed, 56. and when they returned
they prepared spices and ointments.2
The Resurrection3 of Jesus
(Mt 28:1-10, Mk 16:1-8, Jn 20:1-10)
But, since it was the Sabbath, they rested according to the commandment.
24.1. And on the First Day of the Week,4 they came to the tomb very early,
bringing the spices which they prepared.5 2. And they found that the stone had
been rolled away from the tomb, 3. but when they entered they did not find the
body of the Lord Jesus. 4. And it happened; while they were at a loss concerning
this, then behold two men in radiant clothing stood by them. 5. And because the
women had been thrown into fear and they were bowing their faces to the ground,
the men said to them, “Why are you seeking the living with the dead: 6. He is
not here but He has risen. You must remember when He spoke to you while He
was in Galilee 7. saying ‘It is necessary for the Son of Man to be given over into
the hands of sinful men and to be crucified and to be raised on the third day.’” 8.
Then they remembered His words. 9. And after they returned from the tomb they
reported all these things to the eleven and to all the rest. 10. And they were Mary
Magdalene and Joanna and Mary mother of Jacob and the rest of the women with
them. They were telling these things to the apostles, 11. but these words seemed
in their sight as nonsense and they did not believe them. 12. But Peter, when he
got up, ran to the tomb and when he stooped he saw only the cloth, and he left,
wondering to himself what had happened.
The Walk to Emmaus
24:13. Then behold this day two of them were going to a distant village;
it was named Emmaus, sixty stadia6 from Jerusalem. 14. And they were speaking
with one another about all these happenings. 15. And it was, while they were
speaking and discussing these things that Jesus Himself, having approached,
was going with them 16. but their eyes were being hindered so they did not
recognize Him. 17. And He said to them, “What are these accounts which you
are exchanging with one another while you are walking?” And they stood still,
1 (v.54) The day before a Sabbath when the men immersed for purification before sun-
down, which began the Sabbath. See Jn 19:14. See Preparation Day in Glossary.
2 (v.56) “They” are a few of the women who followed Him, named in v. 10 of Chapter
24. Their bringing spices is mysterious because women would never anoint a male corpse and
because the body was always prepared before being placed in a tomb. Jn 19:39 says that Nicode-
mus brought a hundred Roman pounds of myrrh and aloe and the linen with which he and Joseph
wrapped the body.
3 (Caption) See Resurrection in Glossary.
4 (v.1) This is the Hebrew expression for Sunday, which begins at sundown Saturday.
5 (v.1) See Note on v.56 above.
6 (v.13) About seven miles
being sad and gloomy. 18. And one named Cleopas1 said to Him, “Are You the
only one living in Jerusalem and not knowing what happened in her during these
days?” 19. And He said to them, “Of what sort?” And they said to Him, “The
things about Jesus of Nazareth, Who was a man, a prophet powerful in work and
in word, in the presence of God and of all the people, 20. how our high priests
and our leaders gave Him over in judgment of death and they crucified Him. 21.
But we were hoping that He was the One Who was going to redeem Israel:2 but
even with all these things, this third day has passed since these things happened.
22. And even some of our women amazed us, since they came to the tomb early
in the morning, 23. and when they did not find His body, they came saying then
that in a vision they saw angels, who were saying ‘He is alive.’ 24. Then some
of those with us left for the tomb and also found thus just as the women said, but
they did not see Him.” 25. But He said to them, “O foolish and slow in heart
to believe all that the prophets were saying: 26. for was it not necessary for the
Messiah to suffer these things, then to enter His glory?” 27. And beginning
with Moses and with all the Prophets He explained to them with all the writings
concerning Himself.
24:28. Then they approached the village to which they were going, and
He pretended to go farther on. 29. But they urged Him saying, “You must now
stay with us because it is toward evening and the day is already over.” And He
came in to stay with them. 30. And it happened while He reclined with them,
when He took the bread He praised God and after He broke it He gave it to
them, 31. and their eyes were opened and they recognized Him: then He became
invisible3 for them. 32. And they said to one another, “Was not our heart burning
in us as He was speaking to us on the way, as He was explaining the Scriptures
to us?” 33. Then after they got up they returned to Jerusalem4 the same hour and
found the eleven and those gathered with them, 34. saying that truly the Lord had
risen and was seen by Simon.5 35. And they were recounting the things discussed
by Jesus on the way and as He was recognized by them while He was breaking
the bread.
The Appearance to the Disciples
(Mt 28:16-20, Jn 20:19-23, Ac 1:6-8)
24:36. And while they were saying these things He stood in the midst
of them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 37. But becoming terrified and
1 (v.18) The Greek spelling of Cleopas is Kleopas, while the spelling of Clopas, Jn 19:25,
is Klopa. The “O” in Klopa is an Omega, while the “O” in Kleopas is an Omicron. Both words are in
the genitive case, with Klopa masculine, Kleopas feminine. See note for v. 34.
2 (v.21) His disciples expected the ruling Messiah. See “Coming of Messiah” in Glossary.
3 (v.31) See Resurrected Body in Glossary.
4 (v.33) From Emmaus
5 (v.34) This identifies Simon, clarified by Paul in 1Cor 15:5 as Peter, not Simon the Zealot,
as one of the disciples walking with Him to Emmaus. V. 18 names Cleopas as the other disciple.
While most people assume Cleopas is a man, the Greek spelling has a feminine genitive ending, so
some scholars speculate that this could have been Peter’s wife on the road to Emmaus with him.
afraid they were thinking that they saw a spirit. 38. Then He said to them, “Why
are you disturbed and why are the doubts going up in your heart? 39. You must
now look at My hands and My feet because I AM He: you must now touch Me
and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bone just as you see Me having.”
40. Then having said this He showed them His hands and feet. 41. But they
still did not believe from the joy, and marveling He said to them, “Do you have
something here to eat?” 42. And they gave Him a portion of broiled fish: 43. then
after He took it He ate in front of them.
24:44. And He said to them, “These are the messages I told you while I
was still with you, that it is necessary for everything to be fulfilled that has been
written about Me in the Torah of Moses and in the Prophets and the Psalms.”1
45. Then He opened their minds and they understood the Scriptures: 46. and
He said to them that “Thus it has been written that the Messiah would suffer
(Is 53:5, et. al.) and be raised from the dead on the third day (Ho 6:2), 47. and
repentance would be preached in His name for forgiveness of sins for all the
heathens. Beginning from Jerusalem 48. you are witnesses of these things. 49.
Then behold, I, Myself, am sending My Father’s promise2 upon you: but you
must now stay in the city until you would be clothed in power from on high.”
1 (v.4) Literally “what to you and to me,” a Hebrew idiom also used in Lk 8:28.
2 (v.6) Stone was used for the water of purification because stone vessels do not become
ritually unclean.
3 (v.6) The rite of purification is what we call baptism. Normally, only a synagogue would
have a ritual bath, so this wedding was apparently at a synagogue. The water for purification had to
be running water, such as from a stream, a spring, or rainwater caught in a cistern. See Baptize in
4 (v.6) Twenty to thirty gallons, which means the water weighed at least 150 pounds plus
the weight of the stone jar.
5 (v.12) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
the sanctuary of His body.1 22. However, when He was raised from the dead, His
disciples remembered that He said this, and they believed in the Scripture and in
the message, which Jesus spoke.
He distributed to those who were reclining, likewise also of the fish, as much as
they wanted. 12. And as they were filled, He said to His disciples, “You must
gather the leftover broken pieces, so that none would be left.” 13. Therefore
they gathered and filled twelve baskets2 of pieces from the five barley loaves,
which satisfied those who had eaten. (2Ki 4:42-44) 14. Then after the people saw
that He had done a sign they were saying that “This One is truly the Prophet,
the One Who is coming into the world.” 15. Then, since Jesus knew that they
were intending to come and to seize Him so that they could make Him king, He
withdrew again to the mountain, by Himself alone.
1 (v.10) Only men were counted because of Nu 1:3. See Census in Glossary.
2 (v.13) The basket is smaller than the hamper used in the feeding of the four thousand.
3 (v.17) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
4 (v.19) Three to three and a half miles
5 (v.24) See note on v. 17.
believe1 in Whom that One sent.” 30. Then they said to him, “Then what sign
are You doing, so that we could see and we would believe in You? What work
are You doing? 31. Our fathers ate manna in the wilderness, just as it has been
written, ‘He gave bread from heaven for them to eat.’” (Ex 16:15, Nu 11: 7-9,
Ps 78:24) 32. Then Jesus said to them, “Most certainly I say to you, Moses has
not given you the bread from heaven, but My Father is giving you the true bread
from heaven: 33. for the bread of God is that which descends from heaven and
gives life to the world.”
6:34. Then they said to Him, “Lord, You must always give us this bread.”
35. Jesus said to them, “I am the bread2 of life: the one who comes to Me would
not hunger, and the one who believes in Me will not ever thirst. 36. But I said
to you that you have seen Me and you do not believe. 37. Everyone the Father
would give to Me will come to Me, and I could not cast outside the one who
comes to Me, 38. because I have not descended from heaven so that I would do
My will, but the will of the One Who sent Me. 39. This is the will of the One
Who sent Me, that I would not lose any of His He has given to Me, but I will raise
him on the last Day.3 40. For this is the will of My Father, that everyone who sees
the Son and believes in Him would have eternal life, and I will raise him on the
last Day.”
6:41. Therefore the Jewish people were murmuring concerning Him
because He said, “I AM the Bread that descends from heaven,” 42. and they
were saying, “Is this not Jesus, the Son of Joseph, Whose father and mother we
know? Now how does He say that ‘I have descended from heaven?’” 43. Jesus
answered and said to them, “Stop murmuring with one another. 44. No one is
able to come to Me unless the Father, the One Who sent Me, would draw him,
then I will raise him on the last Day. 45. It has been written in the Prophets, ‘And
all will be taught by God:’ (Is 54:13) everyone who has heard and learned from
the Father comes to Me. 46. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the One
Who was with God, He has seen the Father. 47. Most assuredly I say to you, the
one who believes4 has eternal life. 48. I AM the Bread of Life. 49. Your fathers
ate manna in the wilderness and they died: 50. this One is the Bread that descends
from heaven, so that whoever would eat of it would not then die. 51. I AM the
Living Bread that descended from out of heaven: if anyone would eat of this
Bread he will live forever, and also the Bread which I will give on behalf of the
life of the world is My flesh.”
6:52. Then the Jewish people were fighting with one another saying,
“How is He able to give us His flesh to eat?” 53. Then Jesus said to them, “Most
1 (v.29) Jesus’ Jewish understanding of ‘believe’ requires a change of behavior as evi-
2 (v.35) Bread means not only bread, but all food and clothing, shelter, even spiritual
3 (v.39) Judgment Day. See Re 20:4, 11-14.
4 (v.47) The Hebrew understanding of “believe” requires a change in behavior.
certainly I say to you, unless you would eat the flesh of the Son of Man and you
would drink His blood, you do not have life in yourselves. (Mt 5:6) 54. The one
who chews My flesh1 and drinks My blood2 has eternal life, and I will raise him
on the last Day. 55. For My flesh is true food and My blood is true drink. 56.
The one who chews My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me and I in him.
57. Just as the living Father sent Me and I live because of the Father, then the
one who chews Me, even that one will live because of Me. 58 This is the Bread
which has come down from heaven, not just like the fathers ate and died: the one
who chews this Bread will live forever.” 59. He said these things teaching in a
synagogue in Capernaum.3
The Words of Eternal Life
6:60. Then many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, “This
message is hard: who is able to hear it?” 61. But Jesus, since He knew within
Himself that His disciples were murmuring about this, said to them, “Does this
give offense to you? 62. Then what if you could see the Son of Man going up
where He was before? 63. The Spirit is that which gives life, the flesh does not
profit anything: the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life.
64. But there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the
beginning there were some who did not believe and who was the one who would
give Him over. 65. And He was saying, “Because of this I have said to you that
no one is able to come to Me unless it has been given to him by the Father.”4
6:66. For this reason many of His disciples left for the things behind them
and they were no longer walking with Him. 67. Then Jesus said to the twelve,
“Now do you want to go?”5 68. Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom will
we go? You have the words of eternal life, 69. and we have believed and we have
known that You are the Holy One of God.” 70. Jesus answered them, “Did I not
choose you, the twelve? And one of you is a devil.” 71. And He was speaking
of Judas son of Simon Iscariot: for this one, one of the twelve, was going to give
Him over.
The Unbelief of Jesus’ Brothers
7.1. And after these things Jesus was going about in Galilee: for He was
not wanting to spend time in Judea, because the Jewish leaders were seeking to
kill Him. 2. And the Feast of Booths6 of the Jewish people was near. 3. Therefore
1 (v.54) To chew His flesh is to break the Word into small pieces, study, discuss, and medi-
tate on it. See Jr 15:16, Jn 1:14.
2 (v.54) To drink His blood is to swallow, digest the Word of God, translating it into changes
in behavior. The life is in the blood (Lv 17:11), in transforming the Word into action. From ancient
times rabbis used wine to express covenant, with wine representing blood.
3 (v.59) Capernaum is the Latin spelling of the Hebrew name Kafer Na-um. Kafer means
town or village and Na-um means pleasant.
4 (v.65) Ephesians 1:11 says we are chosen by lot. Not one of us has been chosen on
5 (v.67) The Greek construction anticipates a negative reply.
6 (v.2) This is the Feast of Succot, which some English translators have called Taberna-
His brothers said to Him, “You must leave from this place and You must go to
Judea, so that Your disciples will see Your works which You do: 4. for no one
does anything in secret when he is seeking to be conspicuous. If You must do
these things, You must go where You will reveal Yourself to the world.” 5. For
His brothers were not believing in Him. 6. Therefore Jesus said to them, “My
appointed time has not yet come, but your time is always ready. 7. The world is
not able to hate you, but it does hate Me, because I testify about it that its works
are evil. 8. You must go up to the feast: I am not going up to this feast, because
My appointed time has not yet been completed.”1 9. And having said these things
He was staying in Galilee.
Spiritual Blindness
9:35. Jesus heard that they threw him outside, and when He found him
He said, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” 36. That one answered and said,
“And Who is He, Lord, so that I could believe in Him?” 37. Jesus said to him,
“You have even seen Him. In fact the One Who is speaking with you is that
One.” 38. And he said, “I believe, Lord:” and he fell down and prostrated himself
before Him. 39. And Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment, so that
those who do not see would see and those who see would become blind.”
9:40. Those of the Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and
said to Him, “Then are we blind?”3 41. Jesus said to them, “If you were blind,
you would not have sin: but now because you are saying that ‘We are seeing,’
your sin remains.”
The Parable of the Sheepfold
10.1. “Most assuredly I say to you, the one who does not enter through
the door into the sheepfold of the sheep, but goes up from another place, that one
is a thief and a robber: 2. but the one who enters through the door is the shepherd
of the sheep. 3. The doorkeeper opens for this one, and the sheep hear his voice
and he calls his own sheep by name and he leads them out. 4. When he would
bring out all his own sheep, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him,
because they know his voice: 5. and they will not follow a stranger, but they will
flee from him, because they do not know the voice of the strangers.” 6. Jesus
told this proverb to them, but they did not know what it was that He was saying
to them.
Jesus the Good Shepherd
10:7. Then Jesus said again, “I most definitely say to you that I AM the
1 (v.34) They believed that sin was the cause of his blindness.
2 (v.34) Excommunicated him
3 (v.40) The Greek construction anticipates a negative reply.
Door of the sheep. 8. All who came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the
sheep did not hear them. 9. I AM the Door: if someone would enter through Me
he will be saved and he will enter and he will go out and he will find pasture.
10. The thief does not come except that he would steal and he would kill and
he would destroy: I came so that they would have life and they would have
abundance.1 11. I AM the Good Shepherd.2 The Good Shepherd lays down His
life on behalf of His sheep: 12. and the hireling, not being a shepherd, whose
sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming and he leaves the sheep and flees -
and the wolf seizes and scatters them - 13. because a hireling does not even care
in himself about the sheep. 14. I AM the Good Shepherd and I know My sheep
and My sheep know Me, 15. just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father,
and I lay down My life on behalf of the sheep. 16. But I also have sheep that
are not from this sheepfold:3 and it is necessary for Me to lead those and they
will hear My voice, and they will become one flock,4 one Shepherd. (Eze 34:23,
37:24) 17. For this reason the Father would love Me, because I am laying down
My life so that I could again take it. 18. No one takes this life from Me, but I lay
this life down by Myself, willingly. I have authority to lay it down, and I have
authority to take it again: I did take this commandment from My Father.”
10:19. Again there was division among the Jewish people because of
these statements. 20. And many of them were saying, “He has a demon and He is
mad: why are you listening to Him?” 21. Others were saying, “These are not the
words of one possessed by a demon: is a demon able open eyes of the blind?”5
1 (v.13) This crowd, including the disciples, thought He was the reigning Messiah. See Son
of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
2 (v.14) This is the foal of a donkey. See Donkey in Glossary.
3 (v.21) Bethsaida is the Greek spelling of Beit-Tsaida, which means House or Place of
Fishing (literally hunting, but also used for fishing) in Hebrew.
4 (Caption) This refers to both the crucifixion and the need for us to lift up, exalt the risen
(Jn 14:30) will be cast outside: (Re 20:1-3) 32. and if I would be exalted/lifted1
up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself.” 33. And He was saying this,
making known by what kind of death He was going to die. 34. Then the crowd
answered Him, “We heard from the Torah2 that the Messiah remains forever, (Is
9:7, Dn 2:44, 7:14) and how do You say that it is necessary for the Son of Man
to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?” 35. Then Jesus said to them, “Yet a
short time is the Light among you. You must continually walk while you have
the Light, so that darkness would not overtake you: and the one who walks in
darkness does not know where he is going. 36. While you have the Light, you
must believe in the Light, so that you could become children of Light.”
13. And now I am coming to You but I am saying these things in the world so that
within themselves they could have My joy that has been made complete. 14. I
have given them Your message and the world hated them, because they are not
from the world, just as I AM not from the world. 15. I do not ask that You would
take them out of the world, but that You would protect them from the evil one.
16. They are not of this world just as I AM not of the world. 17. You must now
make them holy by means of the truth: Your Word is truth. 18. Just as You sent
Me into the world, I sent them into the world: 19. and I consecrate Myself to You
on their behalf so that they would also have been consecrated by the truth.
17:20. “I do not ask concerning them only, but also concerning those
who believe in Me because of the disciples’ message, 21. so that all would be
one, just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also would be in Us, so
that the world would believe that You sent Me. 22. And I have given them the
glory which You have given to Me, so that they would be one just as We are One:
23. I in them and You in Me, so that they would have been brought into unity,
so that the world would know that You sent Me and You loved them just as You
loved Me. 24. Father, the One Who gave to Me, I want that where I am those
would be with Me, so that they would see My glory, which You have given to Me
because You loved Me before the foundation of the world. 25. Righteous Father,
even though the world did not know You, but I did know You, and these knew
that You sent Me: 26. and I made Your name known to them and I will make
known, so that the love with which You loved Me would be in them and I would
be in them.”
The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
(Mt 26:47-56, Mk 14:43-50, Lk 22:47-53)
18.1. After Jesus said these things He came out with His disciples on the
other side of the ravine of Kidron where there was a garden, which He and His
disciples entered. 2. And Judas, the one who gave Him over, had also known
the place, because Jesus often gathered there with His disciples. 3. Then Judas,
as he took the cohort2 and the attendants from the high priests and from the
Pharisees, came there with torches and oil lamps and weapons. 4. Then Jesus,
since He knew all these things that were coming upon Him, went and said to
them, “Whom are you seeking?” 5. They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.”
He said to them, “I AM.” And Judas, the one who was giving Him over, had
also stood with them. 6. Then as He said to them, “I AM,” they went into those
behind and they, the entire arresting party, fell to the ground.3 7. Then again He
asked them, “Whom do you seek?” And they said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” 8. Jesus
answered, “I told you that ‘I AM.’ Therefore if you are seeking Me, you must let
1 (v.12) The one who is destined for destruction.
2 (v.3) A Roman army cohort normally had 600 men.
3 (v.6) They were slain in the spirit by the anointing as the “I AM” spoke.
these go:” 9. so that the word would be fulfilled which said, “I did not lose one of
those You have given to Me.” 10. Then Simon Peter, since he had a small sword,
drew it and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear: and the
name of the servant was Malchus. 11. Then Jesus said to Peter, “You must put
the sword in its sheath: the Father has given the cup to Me, would I not drink
Jesus before the High Priest
(Mt 26:57,58, Mk 14:53,54, Lk 22:54)
18:12. Then the cohort1 and the commander and the attendants of the
Jewish leaders seized Jesus and they bound Him 13. and led Him to Annas first:
for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year. 14. And
Caiaphas was the one who advised the Jewish leaders that it is profitable for one
man to die on behalf of the people. (Jn 11:49-51)
1 (v.31) The day before a Sabbath, when the men were to immerse for purification.
2 (v.31) This is difficult to understand, because there is a Great Sabbath, Shabbat HaG-
adol, which is the Sabbath immediately preceding Pesach. To say “a great day of that Sabbath” is
an awkward way to put it, when John could have said “great Sabbath.” Could John have meant the
Great Sabbath?
3 (v.34) Blood represents life (Lv 17:11, Jn 6:54) while water represents Torah, the Word of
God (Ex 14:22, Is 55:1).
4 (v.39) This is equivalent to about seventy-five English pounds, a great quantity used only
for royalty. His body had to be prepared by men. A woman could not prepare a man’s body nor a
man prepare a woman’s. Mk 16:1, saying three women brought spices is probably a later addition
to the text by someone who did not know Jewish practice.
5 (v.41) Bodies were buried in family tombs, and then after the body had decayed, the
bones were placed in a stone box called an ossuary, for permanent storage in that tomb. That way
it would make room for another corpse, and a fairly small tomb cut in the rock could easily contain
several generations.
6 (v.42) See Preparation Day in Glossary.
The Resurrection of Jesus
(Mt 28:1-10, Lk 24:1-12)
20.1. And on the First Day of the Week2 Mary Magdalene came to the
tomb early, while it was still dark, and saw that the stone had been rolled away
from the tomb. 2. Then she ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple
whom Jesus loved and she said to them, “They took our Lord from the tomb and
we do not know where they put Him.” 3. Then Peter and the other disciple left
and they were coming to the tomb. 4. And the two were running together: and
the other disciple quickly ran ahead of Peter and he came to the tomb first, 5. and
when he stooped sideways he saw the linen cloths lying, nevertheless he did not
enter. 6. Then Simon Peter also came, following him, and he entered the tomb,
and saw the cloths lying, 7. and the face cloth, which had been on His head, not
lying with the cloths but being folded up separately in one place. 8. Then when
he and the other disciple, the one who came to the tomb first, entered, he saw and
he believed: 9. for they had not yet understood the Scripture that it was necessary
for Him to be raised from the dead. (Ps 16:9) 10. Then the disciples went again
to those at their house.
The Appearance of Jesus to Mary Magdalene
20:11. And Mary stood outside at the tomb weeping. Then as she was
weeping, she bent over into the tomb 12. and saw two angels in white, sitting,
one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying. 13.
And those angels said to her, “Ma’am, why are you weeping?” She said to them
that “They took my Lord, and I do not know where they put Him.” 14. After she
said these things she turned to those behind and saw Jesus standing but had not
recognized that it was Jesus.3 15. Jesus said to her, “Ma’am, why are you crying?
Whom are you seeking?” Because she thought that He was the gardener she said
to Him, “Sir, if you removed Him, you must tell me where you carried Him and
I will take Him.” 16. Jesus said to her, “Mary.” After she turned to that One
she said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabbi,” which means Teacher. 17. Jesus said to her
“Stop touching Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father: you must go to My
brothers and you must say to them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father
and My God and your God.’” 18. Mary Magdalene came and then announced to
the disciples that “I have seen the Lord,” and that He said these things to her.
The Appearance of Jesus to the Disciples
(Mt 28:16-20, Lk 24:36-49)
20:19. Then when it was late, from 3:00 to 6:00 PM, on that day, on the
1 (v.3) The Greek word here is hupago, meaning to go back were you came from.
2 (v.3) This continuing action is a characteristic of the Greek present tense.
3 (v.3) This meant that they were going back to secular jobs, even while the resurrected
Jesus was on the Earth.
4 (v.5) The construction here indicates He anticipates a negative answer to His question.
5 (v.7) It had been some time since His last appearance and the disciples did not know His
6 (v.8) About one hundred yards
7 (v.14) Paul lists three times He was seen by at least all the apostles in 1Cor 15:5-7.
8 (v.16) Tend refers to the ministry of the Good Shepherd. See Son of David/Son of Jo-
seph in Glossary.
must continually feed My sheep. 18. I most certainly say to you, when you were
younger, you were girding yourself and you were walking where you wanted: but
when you grow old, you will stretch your hands and another will clothe you and
will carry you where you do not want to go.” 19. And He said this indicating by
what kind of death he will glorify God. And after He said this He said “You must
continually follow Me.”
1 (v.20) This is literally “upon His chest” which means he reclined next to Him. See Reclin-
ing in Glossary.
5:33. And when they heard this, they were infuriated and wanted to kill
them. 34. But someone in the council got up, a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a
teacher of Torah,1 held in honor by all the people, and he ordered them to put the
men outside a short time. 35. Then he said to them, “Men of Israel, pay close
attention to what you are going to do to these men. 36. For before these days
Theudas rose saying that he was somebody, to whom a number of men, about
four hundred, attached themselves: who was killed, and all, as many as were won
over to him, broke up and became nothing. 37. After this Judas of Galilee rose in
the days of the census and he caused people behind him, his followers, to revolt:
that one also died and all, as many as were won over to him, were scattered. 38.
And now I say these things to you, you should go away from these men and
let them be: because if it would be from human origin, it will be brought to an
end, 39. but if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them, and you would
1 (v.34) Torah here refers to the Tanach (Old Testament) and oral teachings. See Torah in
Glossary. Saul, who later was called Paul, attended the yeshiva, school, of Gamaliel.
never want to be found resisting God.” And they were persuaded by him. 40.
And after they summoned and beat the apostles, they warned them not to speak
about the name of Jesus and released them. 41. Then they indeed went from the
presence of the council, rejoicing that they were considered worthy to have been
dishonored on behalf of the name, 42. and they were not ceasing all day teaching
and proclaiming the Good News of Messiah Jesus in the temple and house to
The Appointment of the Seven
6.1. And in those days as the disciples were increasing in number there
was a complaint of the Hellenists1 against the Hebrews, because their widows
were being neglected in the daily service.2 2. And when the twelve summoned
the multitude of disciples, they said, “It is not pleasing that we have neglected the
Word of God to look after tables. 3. And you, brothers, must now provide seven
approved men from yourselves, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we
could appoint for this need, 4. and we shall persist in prayer and in service of the
Word.” 5. And the request pleased the whole multitude and they chose Stephen,
a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip and Prochoros and Nicanor and
Timon and Parmenas and Nicolas, a proselyte from Antioch, 6. whom they stood
before the apostles, and when they prayed they laid hands on them.
6:7. And the Word of God was spreading and the number of disciples was
multiplying greatly in Jerusalem, and a great crowd of priests was submitting in
the faith.
The Arrest of Stephen
6:8. And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and
signs among the people. 9. But some of those from the synagogue called Freed
Slaves, those from Cyrene and Alexandria and those from Cilicia and Asia, rose
up disputing with Stephen, 10. but they were not able to resist the wisdom and
spirit with which he was speaking. 11. So they incited people by saying that “We
have heard him speaking blasphemous words against Moses and God:” 12. and
they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes and so they came upon
him and seized him suddenly by force and led him to the Sanhedrin, 13. and
they set up false witnesses saying, “This man does not stop speaking messages
against this holy place and the Torah: 14. for we heard him saying that this Jesus
of Nazareth will destroy this place and will transform the customs which Moses
gave to us.” 15. And when all those who were sitting in the council looked
intently upon him they saw his face was like a face of an angel.
1 (6:1) These were Israelis who were nominally Jewish but had adopted Greek ways. See
Hellenists in Glossary.
2 (6:1) The word service refers to the food, clothing, and other necessities provided by the
Stephen’s Speech
7.1. And the High Priest said, “Are these things so?” 2. And he said,
“Men, brothers and fathers,1 you must listen. The God of glory (Ps 29:3) was
seen by our father Abraham while he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in
Haran 3. and He said to him, ‘You must now leave your country and your kin, and
come2 into the country wherever I will show you.’ (Gn 11:31-12:1) 4. Then when
he left the land of the Chaldeans he settled in Haran. From there, after his father
died, He resettled him in this land in which you are now living, 5. and He did
not give him an inheritance in this land, not even a foot of ground, but promised
‘to give it to him and to his seed after him for a possession,’ (Gn 12:7, 13:15, et
al.) although there was not a child for him. 6. And God spoke in this way that
‘His seed will be alien in a strange land and they will enslave his descendants
and they will mistreat them for four hundred years: 7. and I will judge the nation
wherever they will be enslaved,’ said God, ‘and after these things they will come
out and they will worship Me in this place.’ (Gn 15:13,14, Ex 3:12) 8. And He
gave him a covenant of circumcision: and so he fathered Isaac and circumcised
him on the eighth day, (Gn 17:10-14) and Isaac fathered Jacob, and Jacob the
twelve patriarchs.
7:9. “And the patriarchs, being jealous, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God
was with him 10. and set him free from all his afflictions and gave him favor
and wisdom before Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he appointed him governor over
Egypt and over his whole house. 11. And a famine and great affliction came
upon all Egypt and Canaan, and our fathers did not find food for their needs.
12. But when Jacob heard that there was food in Egypt, he sent our fathers on
their first trip. 13. And on the second trip Joseph was recognized by his brothers
and the nationality of Joseph was known by Pharaoh. 14. And then Joseph sent
and summoned his father Jacob and all the seventy-five living relatives. 15.
And Jacob went down into Egypt and he and our fathers died there, 16. and
Jacob’s body was transferred to Shechem and they placed him in the tomb, which
Abraham bought with a price of silver from the sons of Hamor in Shechem.
7:17. “And just as the time was drawing near for the promise which God
had made to Abraham, the people increased and multiplied in Egypt 18. until ‘a
different king rose over Egypt who had not known Joseph.’ (Ex 1:7,8) 19. This
one, dealing treacherously with our people, mistreated our fathers by making
them expose their infants so they could not live. 20. During which time Moses
was born and he was acceptable to God: who was cared for in his father’s house
for three months, 21. and after he was set out the daughter of Pharaoh adopted
1 (7:2) Referring only to males does not mean that only males were present. There was
no need, as we have in the last few years, to be politically correct, so each statement, such as
‘brothers’ included sisters without having to say that. Men outnumbered women because men were
commanded to attend services while women could be excused to care for children.
2 (v.3) Note that the Lord said to come, not to go because the Lord was going with Abra-
ham, as He goes with each of us today.
him for herself and raised him as a son. 22. And Moses was educated in all the
wisdom of Egypt, and he was powerful in words and in his deeds.
7:23. “And as he completed forty years of time in this education, it rose
upon his heart to care for his brothers, the children of Israel. 24. And when he
saw one being injured, then by slaying the Egyptian he made vengeance for the
one who was treated roughly. 25. And he thought his brothers would understand
that God would give them salvation by his hand: but they did not understand. 26.
And on the next day he was seen while they were quarreling and he was trying
to reconcile them so they would be peaceful saying, ‘Men, you are brothers: why
are you doing evil to one another?’ 27. But the one who was doing evil to his
neighbor pushed him aside saying, ‘Who appointed you leader and judge over
us? 28. Do you want to kill me the same way you killed the Egyptian yesterday?’
29. And Moses fled at this statement and became a stranger in the land of Midian,
where he fathered two sons.
7:30. “And after forty years were completed ‘in the wilderness of the
mountain’ of Sinai ‘an angel was seen by him in a flame of a burning bush.’
(Ex 3:2,3) 31. And Moses, when he saw the vision, was amazed, and when he
approached to look at it, the voice of the Lord came, 32. ‘I AM1 the God of
your fathers, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.’ (Gn 3:6) And Moses,
trembling, was not daring to look at it. 33. And the Lord said to him, ‘You must
now untie the sandals from your feet, for the place upon which you are standing
is holy ground. 34. Because I saw, I really saw, the ill-treatment of My people,
the one in Egypt, and I heard their groaning, and I came down for them to come
out: and now come,2 I am sending you to Egypt.’ (Ex 3:4-10) 35. This Moses,
whom they rejected when they said, ‘Who appointed you leader and judge?’ God
has also sent this leader and redeemer accompanied by the hand of the angel of
the One Who was seen by him in the bush. 36. He led them out after he made
wonders and signs in the land of Egypt then in the Red Sea and in the wilderness
for forty years. 37. This is Moses, the one who said to the children of Israel, ‘God
will raise a prophet for you from your brothers as He raised me.’ (Dt 18:15) 38.
This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the angel who
spoke to him on Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living words
to give to us, 39. to which our fathers did not want to become obedient, but they
rejected them, and in their hearts turned back to Egypt 40. when they said to
Aaron, ‘You must right now make gods for us, who will go on before us: for this
Moses, who led us out from the land of Egypt, we do not know what happened
to him.’ (Ex 32:1,23) 41. And they made a calf in those days and they brought an
offering to the idol and rejoiced in the works of their hands. 42. And God turned
away and gave them over to serve the host of the sky,3 just as it has been written
1 (v.32) The great I AM, Anokhi in Hebrew in the verse referenced here. See Anokhi in
2 (v.34) Here, too, as in v. 3, the Lord is coming with Moses in his assignment.
3 (v.42) Stars, long the focus of false religions
in the scroll of the prophets,
‘Did you not bring victims and offerings to Me
forty years in the wilderness, house of Israel?
43. And you took up the dwelling of Moloch
and the star of your god Rephan,
the images which you made’ to worship them,
‘and I will deport you beyond’ Babylon. (Am 5:25-27)
7:44. “Our fathers had the tabernacle of the testimony in the desert, just
as the One Who spoke to Moses ordained to make it, according to the pattern
which he had seen: (Ex 27:21, Nu 1:50) 45. which also when our fathers received
it, in turn they brought it in with Joshua when they took possession of the land of
the heathens, whom God expelled from in front of our fathers until the days of
David, 46. who found favor before God and he asked to find the dwelling place
for the God of the descendants of Jacob. 47. And Solomon built a house for Him.
48. But the Most High does not dwell in that which has been made by human
hands, just as the prophet says,
49. ‘Heaven is My throne,
and the earth is the footstool of My feet:
what kind of house will you build for Me, says the Lord,
and what is the place of My rest?1
50. Did not My hand make all these things?’ (Is 66:1,2)
7:51. “Stubborn and uncircumcised hearts and ears, you always oppose
the Holy Spirit, your fathers and you alike. 52. Which of the prophets did your
fathers not persecute? And they killed those who announced beforehand about
the coming of the Righteous One, of Whom now you have become betrayers and
murderers, 53. you who took the Torah by ordinances of angels but you did not
keep it.”
The Stoning of Stephen
7:54. And hearing these things infuriated their hearts and they gnashed
their teeth over this. 55. But, being filled with the Holy Spirit, when he gazed
into heaven he saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God
56. and he said, “Behold I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing
at the right hand of God.” 57. And crying out in a loud voice they held together
their ears with their hands and in one accord rushed upon him 58. and after they
threw him outside the city they were stoning him. And the witnesses put their
prayer shawls beside the feet of a young man called Saul, 59. and they were
stoning Stephen who then, as he called out, was saying, “Lord Jesus, You must
now take my spirit.” 60. Then he knelt and cried out in a loud voice, “Lord, do
1 (v.34) Literally, “does not look at the face,” a Hebrew idiom commonly translated “not a
respecter of persons.”
2 (v.35) Mitsvot. See both Mitsvah and Righteousness in Glossary.
3 (v.37) The immersion for purification. See Baptize in Glossary.
4 (v.43) To Peter and all those with him belief requires a complete change in behavior.
5 (v.44) God can do anything He wants, any way He wants. This is the only example of
this spontaneous, unexpected baptism of the Holy Spirit, as much as anything else to give credible
evidence to the apostles of God’s acceptance of the non-Jewish converts. When the disciples were
waiting for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they did not know what was going to happen, but they
were waiting for something spectacular.
Peter’s Report to the Congregation at Jerusalem
11.1. And the apostles, and the brothers who were throughout Judea,
heard that even the heathens received the Word of God. 2. And when Peter
went up to Jerusalem, those of the circumcision disputed with him 3. saying that
“You entered with uncircumcised men and you ate with them.” 4. And when
Peter began he explained to them point by point saying, 5. “I was in the city of
Joppa praying and I saw in amazement a vision, a vessel being let down from the
sky by four corners, something like a great sheet, and it came to me. 6. When
I looked intently upon it I observed and I saw the four-footed creatures of the
earth and the wild beasts and the reptiles and the birds of the sky. 7. And I also
heard a voice saying to me, ‘When you rise, Peter, you must kill and you must
eat right away.’ 8. And I said, ‘Not me, Lord, because the common or unclean
never entered my mouth.’ 9. Then a voice answered a second time from heaven,
‘What God cleansed you must stop declaring defiled!’ 10. And this happened
three times, and then everything was again taken up into the sky. 11. And behold
in that instant three men stood by the house in which we were, having been sent
to me from Caesarea. 12. And the Spirit said for me to accompany them and not
to make a distinction. They and these six brothers came with me and we entered
the man’s house. 13. And he reported to us how he saw the angel standing in
his house saying, ‘You must immediately send to Joppa to summon Simon, the
one called Peter, 14. who will speak a message to you by which you and all your
house would be saved.’ 15. And while I was beginning to speak, the Holy Spirit
fell upon them just as upon us in the beginning. 16. And I remembered the word
of the Lord as He was saying, ‘John indeed baptized in water, but you will be
baptized in the Holy Spirit.’ 17. Therefore if God gave the same gift to them, as
also to us believers in the Lord Jesus Messiah, who was I to be able to hinder
God?” 18. And when they heard these things they remained silent, then glorified
God saying, “So then God also gave the heathens the repentance into life.”
The Congregation at Antioch
11:19. Then indeed those who were scattered on account of the
persecution that took place against Stephen went as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus
and Antioch, but not speaking the Word except only to Jewish people. 20. But
some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who when they came into Antioch
were speaking then to the Hellenists1 preaching the Good News of the Lord Jesus.
21. And the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed
turned to the Lord. 22. And the report concerning them was heard in the ears
of the congregation that was in Jerusalem and they sent out Barnabas to come
through as far as Antioch. 23. Who, when he arrived and saw the favor of God,
greeted and encouraged all to continue with purpose of heart in devotion to the
Lord, 24. for Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Spirit and faith. And
1 (v.20) These were Israelis who were nominally Jewish and had adopted Greek ways.
See Hellenists in Glossary.
a huge crowd was added to the Lord. 25. Then he came out to Tarsus to look for
Saul, 26. and when he found him brought him to Antioch. And he was then with
them a whole year, to meet with the congregation and to teach a great number of
people, and in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.
11:27. And in these days prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.
28. And one of them, named Agabus, (Acts 21:10) when he got up, was reporting
through the Spirit that a great famine will be going on against the whole world,
which happened in the time of Claudius.1 29. And of the disciples, just as any
was prospered, each of them designated to send support for those brothers living
in Judea: 30. and they did, sending to the elders by the hand of Barnabas and
Saul. (Gal 1:18, 2:1)
Jacob2 Killed and Peter Imprisoned
12.1. And at that time Herod the king arrested any of those from the
congregation to abuse them. 2. And he killed Jacob, the brother of John, with
a sword. 3. And because he saw that it was pleasing to the Jewish leaders, he
proceeded also to arrest Peter, - and they were the days of Unleavened Bread3 - 4.
whom he placed in jail after he seized him, having given him over to four squads
of soldiers to guard him, since he wanted to bring him before the people after
Passover. 5. So indeed Peter was being kept in jail: but there was fervent prayer
to God being made by the congregation concerning him.
Peter Delivered from Prison
12:6. But when Herod was going to bring him out, that night Peter was
sleeping between two soldiers, bound by two chains, and there were guards by
the door, guarding the prison. 7. And behold an angel of the Lord stood and
a light shone out in the prison: and as he struck Peter’s side, he woke him up
saying, “You must get up quickly.” And his chains fell off from his hands. 8.
And the angel said to him, “You must immediately gird yourself and put on
your sandals.” And so he did. Then he said to him, “You must put on your
cloak4 and follow me.” 9. Then after they went out he was following and he was
not knowing that what was happening through the angel was real: but he was
thinking he was seeing a vision. 10. And then they came through the first guard
then a second and they came upon the iron gate leading one into the city, which
was open to them by itself and after they came out they went down one alley,
then immediately the angel left him. 11. And when Peter came to himself he
said, “Now I know truly that the Lord sent out His angel and delivered me from
Herod’s hand and every expectation of the Jewish leaders.” 12. And when he
understood what was going on he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John,
1 (v.28) Claudius was Emperor from 41-54 AD.
2 (Caption) The Greek text has Iakob, which is Jacob in English. See Jacob in Glossary.
3 (v.3) Passover
4 (v.8) The cloak of every Jewish man was his prayer shawl. See Prayer Shawl in Glos-
the one called Mark, where many were gathering and praying. 13. And when he
knocked on the door of the vestibule a maid named Rhoda came to open, 14. and
when she recognized Peter’s voice, on account of her joy she did not open the
gate, but running in reported that Peter was standing at the gate. 15. But they said
to her, “You are mad.” But she insisted it was so. And they were saying, “It is
his angel.” 16. And Peter was continuing to knock: and when they opened they
saw him and they were amazed. 17. Then after he made a sign to them with his
hand that they should be silent he described to them how the Lord led him out
from the jail and said, “Report these things to Jacob, the brother of Jesus, and to
the brothers.” Then when he came out he went to a different place.
12:18. And when it became day there was not a little consternation among
the soldiers about what really became of Peter. 19. And when Herod searched
for him and did not find him, after he questioned the guards he commanded them
to be led away for punishment, and going down from Judea he spent time in
The Death of Herod
12:20. And he was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon: who of
one mind were present with him and after they persuaded Blastus, the chamberlain
of the king, they were asking peace because their country was to be fed from that
which belonged to the king. 21. At the appointed time of day Herod put on his
royal robe and when he sat on the judicial bench he was delivering an address to
them, 22. and the people were crying out, “A voice of a god and not of a man.”
23. And immediately an angel of the Lord hit him because he did not give the
glory to God, and then he became eaten by worms and expired.2
12:24. And the message of God was growing and spreading. 25. And
Barnabas and Saul returned to Antioch, since they had accomplished the ministry3
to Jerusalem, having taken along John, the one called Mark.
Barnabas and Saul Commissioned
13.1. And there were prophets and teachers among the congregation
which was in Antioch, Barnabas and Simon, the one called Black, and Luke
the Cyrene, and Menachem, a childhood companion of Herod the tetrarch, and
Saul. 2. The Holy Spirit said while they were serving the Lord and fasting, “Now
separate right away for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called
them.” 3. Then after they fasted and prayed and laid hands on them they left.
The Apostles Preach in Cyprus
13:4. Then indeed as they were sent out by the Holy Spirit they went
down into Seleucia, from there they sailed to Cyprus 5. and while they were
1 (v.19) At this time Caesarea was the capital of Judea, so how could you go from Judea
to Caesarea? Only rabbis used the phrase “came down from Judea to Caesarea.”
2 (v.23) This was in the year 44 AD. Herod Agrippa I reigned from 37-44 AD.
3 (v.25) The ministry was the delivery of the gift to the congregation in Jerusalem.
in Salamis they were proclaiming the Word of God in the synagogues of the
Jewish people. And they had John1 as a servant. 6. And after they went through
the whole island as far as Paphos they found a certain man, a sorcerer, a false
prophet, a Jewish man by the name of Bar-Jesus 7. who was with the proconsul
Sergius Paulus,2 an intelligent man. Then after he summoned Barnabas and Saul,
he sought diligently to hear the Word of God. 8. But the sorcerer, Elymas, for
thus his name was translated, was opposing them, seeking to turn the proconsul
away from the faith. 9. And when Saul, or Paul3, having been filled with the
Holy Spirit, fixed his eyes on him 10. he said, “O you, full of every deceit and
every villainy, a son of the devil, enemy of everyone righteous, would you stop
perverting the right ways of the Lord? 11. And now behold the hand of the Lord is
upon you and you will be blind, not seeing the sun for a time.” And immediately
mistiness fell upon him, then darkness, and he was seeking someone to lead
him about by the hand. 12. Then, when the proconsul saw what happened, he
believed, being amazed at the teaching of the Lord.
Saul and Barnabas at Antioch of Pisidia
13:13. And when they set sail from Paphos those with Paul came into
Perga of Pamphylia, and then John left them and returned to Jerusalem. 14. And
after they left from Perga they went to Pisidian Antioch, and having entered the
synagogue on the day of Sabbaths4 they sat down. 15. And after the reading from
the Torah and the Prophets5 the synagogue leaders sent for them saying, “Men,
brothers, if someone among you has a word of encouragement for the people,
speak.” 16. Then when Paul got up, he signaled with his hand and said:
“Men of Israel and God-Fearers,6 you must listen. 17. The God of this
People Israel chose our fathers and lifted the people high during the sojourn in the
land of Egypt and led them out from her with an upraised arm, 18. and in the same
way he put up with them forty years in the wilderness 19. and after He conquered
seven nations in the land of Canaan He distributed their land as an inheritance 20.
after about four hundred fifty years from going to Egypt. And after these things
He gave them judges until Samuel the prophet. 21. And afterward they asked for
a king and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man from the tribe of Benjamin,
for forty years,7 22. and after He removed him He raised David for them as king,
1 (v.5) John Mark
2 (v.7) A large stone inscribed “Sergius Paulus, Proconsul” was found a few years ago in a
town near Paphos.
3 (v.9) This is the first time the name Paul is used in the New Testament.
4 (v.14) The plural being used here probably indicates that it is one of the feast days. See
Sabbath in Glossary.
5 (v.15) This is the first five books of the Bible, plus Jsh, Jd, 1 & 2 Sam, 1 & 2Ki, Is through
Mal, but not including Dn. See Prophets in Glossary.
6 (v.16) God-Fearer was the name given to those non-Jewish believers who were attend-
ing synagogue and learning Judaism, but were not full proselytes. In Neh 7:2 God-Fearing is used
in reference to Jewish leaders.
7 (v.21) The forty years is mysterious because Saul’s reign was twenty-one years, from c.
1030-1009 BC.
of whom He also said when He bore testimony, ‘I found David the son of Jesse, a
man according to My heart, who will do all My will.’ (1Sam 16:12,13, Ps 89:20,
Is 44:28) 23. From the seed of this one, God, according to the promise to Israel,
led a savior, Jesus, 24. while John proclaimed the baptism1 of repentance to all
the people of Israel before His coming. 25. And as John was fulfilling the course
of life, he was saying, ‘Who do you suppose I am? I am not He: but behold after
me He is coming of Whom I am not worthy to loose the sandal of His feet.’
13:26. “Men, brothers, sons of the family of Abraham and those God-
Fearers among you, the message of this salvation was sent out in us. 27. For
those who dwell in Jerusalem and those who lead them because they have not
known this One and the voices of the prophets, those who are read every Sabbath,
the leaders fulfilled the prophecies when they condemned Him, 28. and although
they found nothing deserving of the death penalty they asked Pilate to condemn
Him to death. 29. And as they brought to completion everything that was written
about Him, taking Him down from the cross they placed Him in a tomb. 30. But
God raised Him out from the dead, 31. Who was seen on many days by those who
went up with Him from the Galilee to Jerusalem, who now are His witnesses to
the people. 32. And we are bringing you the Good News, the promise that was
made to our fathers, 33. that God has fulfilled this for their children, since He
raised Jesus for us as it has also been written in the second Psalm,
‘You are My Son,
today I have begotten You.’ (Ps 2:7)
34. And that He raised Him from the dead, no longer being about to abandon Him
into decay, just as He has said that
I shall give ‘to You the faithful holy things of David.’ (Is 55:3)
35. And therefore in another He says,
‘You will not give Your Holy One to see decay.’ (Ps 16:10)
36. For indeed David, after he served his own generation in the will of God,
fell asleep and was placed with his fathers and saw corruption: 37. but the One
Whom God raised did not see corruption. 38. Therefore let it be known to you,
men, brothers, that through this One forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you,
and cleansing from all things by which you were not able to be put into a right
relationship with God by means of the tradition of Moses, 39. everyone who
believes3 in this One is put into a right relationship with God. 40. Therefore you
must beware that what was spoken by the prophets would not come,
41. ‘Behold, scoffers,
1 (v.24) Immersion for purification, which had been a Jewish custom for over 1,000 years.
See Baptize in Glossary.
2 (v.26) God-Fearer was the name given to those non-Jewish believers who were attend-
ing synagogue and learning Judaism, but were not full proselytes. In Neh 7:2 God-Fearing is used
in reference to Jewish leaders.
3 (v.39) The Jewish understanding of “believe” required a change in behavior as evidence.
and marvel and perish,
because I am doing a work in your days,
work which you would not in any way
believe if someone would tell you in detail.’” (Hab 1:5)
13:42. And when Paul and Barnabas were leaving, they1 were urging
them to speak about these teachings to them the next Sabbath. 43. And after
being dismissed from the synagogue many of the Jewish people and the devout
proselytes3 followed Paul and Barnabas, who, as they spoke to them, were
persuading them to continue in the grace of God.
13:44. And when the Sabbath came nearly all the city gathered to hear
the word of the Lord. 45. And when the Jewish people4 saw the crowds they were
filled with jealousy and were speaking against him, blaspheming the things being
spoken by Paul. 46. Paul and Barnabas, speaking freely, said, “It was required to
speak the Word of God to you first: since you reject it and do not judge yourselves
worthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the heathens. 47. For so the Lord
did order us,
‘I have placed you for a light to heathens
for you to be bringing salvation to the very ends of the earth.’”
(Is 49:6)
48. And the heathens, hearing this, were rejoicing and praising the message about
the Lord and as many as were believing were being set into eternal life: 49. and
the message about the Lord was being spread through the whole country. 50.
But the Jewish leaders aroused elegant women who were worshipping and the
leading men of the city and they stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabas
and they expelled them from their region. 51. And after they shook off the dust
from their feet they went to Iconium, 52. and the disciples were being filled with
joy and the Holy Spirit.
Paul and Barnabas at Iconium
14.1. And it happened in Iconium they entered the synagogue of the
Jewish people together and spoke in such a way that a great number of the
congregation5 of both Jewish and Greeks believed. 2. But the disbelieving Jewish
people aroused and angered the minds of the heathens against the brothers. 3.
Yet they indeed stayed for a long time speaking out boldly for the Lord, Who
was continually bearing testimony on the message of His grace, giving signs and
wonders that came through their hands. 4. And the population of the city was
divided, and there were on the one hand those with the Jewish people and on the
1 (v.42) Jewish members, God-Fearers, and proselytes in the synagogue.
2 (v.42) Paul and Barnabas
3 (v.43) Proselytes were the full converts to Judaism.
4 (v.45) Those Jewish people who did not accept Paul’s message the week before.
5 (v.1) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
other those with the apostles. 5. So then there was a hostile movement of the
heathens, and also Jewish people with their leaders, to do them harm and to stone
them. 6. When they became aware they fled down to the cities Lystra and Derbe
of Lyconia and the neighboring regions, 7. and there also they were proclaiming
the Good News.
Paul and Barnabas at Lystra
14:8. And in Lystra a certain man who never walked, without strength in
his feet, was sitting, lame from his mother’s womb. 9. He heard Paul speaking:
who when Paul fixed his eyes on him, since he saw that the man had faith to be
delivered, 10. he said in a loud voice, “You must get straight up on your feet right
now.” And he did spring up and he was walking. 11. And when the crowds saw
what Paul did they raised up their voices saying in Lyconian, “The gods, having
become like men, came down to us,” 12. and they were calling Barnabas Zeus,
and Paul Hermes, since he was the one leading the speaking. 13. And the priest
of Zeus, who was just outside the city in the temple, and who brought bulls and
wreaths, was, together with the crowds, wanting to sacrifice by the city gate.
14. But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard, as they tore their garments,
they rushed into the crowd crying out 15. and saying, “Men, why are you doing
these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, proclaiming the
Good News to you, to turn you from these vain things to the living God, Who
made heaven and earth and the sea and all the things in them: 16. Who in past
generations permitted all heathens to go their own ways: 17. and yet He did not
leave Himself without witness, showing kindness, giving you rain from heaven
and fruit-bearing seasons that satisfy your hearts with food and joy.” 18. And by
saying these things, with difficulty they restrained the crowds from sacrificing to
14:19. But Jewish people came from Antioch and Iconium, and then
they persuaded the crowds to stone Paul, then after they stoned Paul they were
dragging him outside the city thinking he had died. 20. But, after the disciples
circled him, he got up and entered the city.1 And the next day he went out with
Barnabas to Derbe.
The Return to Antioch in Syria
14:21. And, after they preached in that city and made many worthy
disciples, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Antioch 22. strengthening
the lives of the disciples, encouraging them to persevere in the faith, and that it
was necessary for us to enter the kingdom of God through many troubles. 23.
And, after they appointed elders for them in each congregation, with prayer and
fasting they committed them to the Lord in Whom they had believed. 24. And
having gone through Pisidia they came into Pamphilia 25. and after they gave
1 (v.20) Could it be that Paul had died and when the disciples circled him, praying, that he
was restored to life? It certainly seems impossible that someone taken for dead could simply get up
and walk away. Could he have had the out of body experience described in 2 Cor 12:2?
the message in Perga they went down to Attalia 26. and from there they sailed
away to Antioch, where they were originally given over by the grace of God
for the work that they fulfilled. 27. And when they arrived and gathered the
congregation1 they reported what God had done with them and that He opened a
door of faith to the heathens. 28. And they were spending no little time with the
The Council at Jerusalem
15.1. And some who came down from Judea were teaching the brothers
“Unless you would be circumcised in the custom of Moses, (Lv 12:3) you are
not able to be saved.” 2. But when there was strife and no little debate by Paul
and Barnabas with them, they appointed Paul and Barnabas and some others to
go up from them to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem concerning this issue.
3. Therefore now when they were sent on their way by the congregation, they
were passing through Phoenicia and Samaria, telling in detail the conversion of
the heathens and they were giving great joy to all the brothers. 4. And when they
arrived in Jerusalem they were welcomed by the congregation and the apostles
and the elders, and they were reporting what God did among them. 5. And
some of them from the party of the Pharisees, who believed, stood saying that
it was necessary to circumcise them and to command them to keep the Torah of
15:6. Both the apostles and the elders were gathered to see about this
matter. 7. And after there was ample discussion, when Peter got up he said
to them, “Men, brothers, you understand that from the beginning days of the
congregation among you that God chose that the heathens should hear and believe
the message of the Good News by my mouth. 8. And God, Who knows the heart,
testified when He gave the Holy Spirit to them just as also to us 9. and nothing
differentiates between us and them, since He cleansed their hearts by faith. 10.
Now therefore why are you tempting God by placing a yoke on the necks of the
disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were strong enough to bear? 11. But
we believe that we are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, in the same way as
also they are.”
15:12. Then all the multitude stopped speaking and was listening to
Barnabas and Paul describing what signs and wonders God did through them
among the heathens. 13. And after they were quiet Jacob2 responded saying,
“Men, brothers, you must now listen to me. 14. Simon explained how God first
showed His concern to take a people from the heathens in His name. 15. And in
this the words of the prophets agree just as it has been written,
16. ‘After these things I shall return
1 (v.27) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
2 (v.13) The Greek text has Iakob, which is Jacob in English. This Jacob is Jesus’ half
and shall build up again the booth of David1 that has fallen down
and the things that have been destroyed, I will build up its ruins
and I will restore it,
17. to the end that the remnants of the Jewish people and all the heathens2
upon whom My name would have been
invoked would seek out the Lord,
says the Lord Who does all these things’ (Am 9:11,12) 18. known
from eternity.
19. On this account I judge that we should not cause difficulty for those of the
heathens who are turning to God, 20. but to instruct them to abstain from the
pollutions of the idols and from immorality3 and from the meat of strangled
animals and from the blood.4 21. For throughout every city from ancient
generations Moses has those who preach him, since he is read in the synagogues
on every Sabbath.”
The Reply of the Council
15:22. Then it seemed best to the apostles and elders, with the whole
congregation, to send men chosen from among them to Antioch, with Paul and
Barnabas, Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, men who were leaders among the
brothers, 23. having written by their hand, “The apostles and the elders, brothers
to those down in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, to the brothers5 from the heathens.
Greetings. 24. Since we heard that some who came out from us, whom we had
not ordered,6 disturbed you with their messages, tearing down your inner beings,
25. it was decided, with our being of one mind, to send chosen men to you with
our beloved Barnabas and Paul, 26. men who have given their lives on behalf
of the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah. 27. We therefore have sent Judas and
Silas and they are reporting the same things by word of mouth. 28. For it was
considered by the Holy Spirit and by us to place no more burden on you except
these necessary things, 29. to abstain from meat offered to idols and from blood
and strangled animals and immorality,7 you will do well to keep yourselves from
1 (v.16) Succah in the Hebrew text is not tabernacle, but booth, speaking of the personal
booth of the feast of booths. The booth of David represents two things, the restoration of the Da-
vidic kingdom, which will be the Messianic reign, and the sovereignty of David, the establishment
of the kingship authority, which is the legitimacy of David’s -- and the Messiah’s -- reign. That also
clearly states the legitimacy of the national sovereignty of the state of Israel.
2 (v.17) Raising the Booth of David is tied to evangelism to the heathen peoples.
3 (v.20) This must be immorality in the broadest sense, including the whole of Jewish
Scripture regarding our relationships with one another. That is, judging by Paul’s statements in Ro
1:28-32, 9:29-31, 13:9, 1Cor 5:9,10, Gal 5:19-21, Col 3:8,9, 1 Tim 1:8-11, and others.
4 (v.20) In the USA we consume huge quantities of meat with blood in it, going against this
5 (v.23) The word Brothers often includes all members of the group, both men and women,
as it does here, but in v. 22 brothers refers specifically to males.
6 (v.24) These are apostles who did not report to any controlling authority, people who
claimed to report to “God alone” just as we have some of these today.
7 (v.29) See note on immorality for v. 20..
these. Farewell.”
15:30. So then, when they were sent, they went down to Antioch, and
after they gathered the assembly they delivered the letter. 31. And on reading
it they rejoiced after the exhortation. 32. Both Judas and Silas, who were also
prophets, encouraged and strengthened the brothers through a great message,
33. and after they spent time they were released with peace from the brothers to
return to those who sent them.1 35. Paul and Barnabas, also with many others,
were remaining in Antioch teaching and proclaiming the Good News, the Word
of the Lord.
Paul and Barnabas Separate
15:36. And after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Now that we have
returned we could visit the brothers in every city in which we preached the Word
of the Lord to see how they are doing.” 37. And Barnabas was wanting to take
along also the John called Mark: 38. but Paul thought not to take him along,
since this one deserted them in Pamphilia (Acts 13:13) and did not come with
them into this work. 39. And there was a sharp disagreement so that they were
separated from one another, and then Barnabas took Mark to sail to Cyprus, 40.
and Paul, having chosen Silas, departed after he was commended by the brothers
in the grace of the Lord. 41. And he was passing through Syria and Cilicia
strengthening the congregations.2
Timothy Accompanies Paul and Silas
16.1. And he then went down to Derbe and Lystra. And behold a certain
disciple named Timothy was there, son of a Jewish woman, a believer, but a Greek
father, 2. who was well spoken of by the brothers in Lystra and Iconium.3 3. Paul
wanted this one to go on with him, and so he took him and circumcised him
because of the Jewish people who were in those places: for they all had known
that his father was Greek. 4. And as they were passing through the cities, they
delivered over to them to keep the decrees which had been judged by the apostles
and elders in Jerusalem. 5. So indeed the congregations were strengthening in
faith and growing greatly in number day by day.
Paul’s Vision of the Man of Macedonia
16:6. And they went through the regions of Phrygia and Galatia because
they had been prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the Word of God in
Asia: 7. and when they came down to Mysia they were trying to go into Bithynia,
but the Spirit of Jesus did not let them: 8. and after they went through Mysia they
went down to Troas. 9. And during the night a vision was seen by Paul, a man of
1 (v.33) V. 34 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
2 (v.41) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.2) Lystra and Iconium were about twenty miles apart, a full day’s journey in the first
century, which shows that synagogues that far apart had enough contact for both synagogues to
know Timothy and that Timothy’s father was Greek.
Macedonia who was standing and urging him and saying, “You must now come
over into Macedonia and help us right away.” 10. And when he saw in the vision,
we1 immediately left to go out into Macedonia because we concluded that God
had called us to evangelize them.
The Conversion of Lydia
16:11. And when we set sail from Troas we ran a straight course to
Samothrace, and to Neapolis the next day 12. and from there into Philippi, which
is a leading city of that part of Macedonia, a colony of Rome. And we were
staying in this city some days. 13. So on the day of Sabbaths2 we came outside
the city gate by a river, which we thought to be a place of prayer, and having
sat, we were speaking to those women who had gathered together. 14. And a
certain woman named Lydia, a dealer in purple cloth of the city of Thyatira, a
worshipper of God,3 was listening, whose heart the Lord opened to pay close
attention to those things being spoken by Paul. 15. And as she and her household
were baptized,4 she urged, saying, “If you have judged me to be faithful in the
Lord, come to my home, you must stay there:” and she prevailed on us.
The Imprisonment at Philippi
16:16. And it happened while we were going into prayer, a certain servant
girl who had a spirit of divination met us, who, acting as seer, was bringing a lot
of profit to her masters. 17. She, following Paul and us, was crying out saying,
“These men are servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming a way of
salvation to you.” 18. And she was doing this over many days. And since Paul
was disturbed, then, after he turned, he said to the spirit, “I command you in the
name of Jesus Messiah to come out from her:” and it came out from her at that
moment. 19. And when her owners saw that the hope of their profit came out,
having caught hold of Paul and Silas they dragged them into the market place
to the officials 20. and bringing them they said to the chief magistrates, “These
men, who are Jewish, are agitating our city 21. and they are proclaiming customs
which are not lawful for us since they are not for Romans to accept or to do.”
22. And the crowd rose up together against them and the magistrates, having
torn off their prayer shawls, were commanding that they beat them with rods, 23.
and after they put many strokes on them they threw them in jail, having given
orders to the jailer to keep them under guard. 24. He, when he received such a
command, then took them, threw them into the inner prison and secured their feet
in the shackle.
1 (v.10) This is the first time Luke uses the pronoun “we.” Perhaps he joined Paul, Silas,
and Timothy at Troas.
2 (v.13) This could have been a feast day or an indication that he routinely did this every
Sabbath. See Sabbath in Glossary.
3 (v.14) Lydia was Jewish. Apparently she and other Jewish women met here routinely
for prayer, keeping their faith strong in corporate worship. Could it be that Philippi did not have a
4 (v.15) Immersed for purification according to Jewish custom. See Baptize in Glossary.
16:25. And at midnight while Paul and Silas were praying, they were
singing hymns of praise to God and the prisoners were listening to them. 26.
Then suddenly there was a great earthquake so as to shake the foundations of
the prison: and all the doors were immediately opened and the bonds of all were
loosed. 27. And as the jailer became aroused and when he saw the doors of the
jail were opened, after he drew a sword he was going to kill himself because he
thought the prisoners had escaped. 28. But Paul cried out in a loud voice saying,
“Do not do this evil to yourself, for we are all here.” 29. Then after he asked
for lights he rushed in and he fell down trembling before Paul and Silas 30. and
leading them outside he said, “Sirs, what must I do so that I would be saved?”
31. And they said, “You must believe1 at once in the Lord Jesus and you and your
household will be saved.” 32. And they spoke the word of the Lord to him with
all those in his house. 33. And then he took them along in that hour of the night
and he washed their wounds, and immediately he himself and all those of his
household were baptized2 34. and when he led them into the house he set a table
before them and he rejoiced with the whole family because they had believed in
16:35. And when it became day the magistrates sent the policemen
saying, “Release those men.” 36. And the jailer reported these words to Paul that
“The magistrates sent so that you would be released: therefore now as you leave,
go in peace.” 37. But Paul said to them, “After they beat us publicly without
trial, men who are Roman, they threw us into jail, and now they throw us out
secretly? No indeed, but when they come to us they must lead us out.” 38. And
the policemen reported these words to the magistrates. And they were afraid
when they heard that they were Romans,3 39. and so when they came they called
Paul and Silas and when they led them out, they asked them to go away from the
city. 40. And when they left the jail they went to Lydia and when they saw her
they encouraged the brothers4 who met there, then they left.
The Uproar in Thessalonica
17.1. And after they traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonis they
came into Thessalonica where there was a synagogue of the Jewish people. 2.
And according to the custom with Paul, he went in to them and on three Sabbaths
spoke to them from the Scriptures, 3. explaining and pointing out that it was
necessary for the Messiah to suffer and to be raised from the dead and that “The
Messiah is this Jesus” Whom I am proclaiming to you. 4. And some of them were
persuaded and joined with Paul and Silas, a great many of the Greek worshipers5
1 (v.31) Paul’s Jewish understanding of “believe” required a change in behavior as evi-
2 (v.33) Immersed for purification according to Jewish custom. See Baptize in Glossary.
3 (v.38) They were afraid because it was against the law to beat (v.22) or chain (v.24)
a Roman citizen who had not been convicted in a fair trial. Paul and Silas could have pressed
4 (v.40) In the Hebrew manner of speaking this refers to all the people who met there.
5 (v.4) Converts to Judaism
and not a few of the leading women. 5. But the Jewish leaders, because they
were filled with jealousy, then took along some men of the rabble, and when they
formed a mob of those evil people they were setting the city in an uproar. Since
the mob believed Paul and Silas were in the house of Jason they were seeking
to lead them out into the mob: 6. and when they did not find them they dragged
Jason and some brothers to the city magistrates crying out that “These are the
ones who have disturbed the inhabited world and they are present here, 7. whom
Jason has welcomed: and all these are acting contrary to the decrees of Caesar, to
a different king, by saying Jesus is king.” 8. And when they heard these things
the crowd and the magistrates were stirred up, 9. then, after they took security1
from Jason and the rest, they set them free.
The Apostles at Berea
17:10. And immediately the brothers sent Paul and Silas away through
the night to Berea, and when they arrived, they were going into the synagogue
of the Jewish people. 11. And these were more noble-minded than those in
Thessalonica, who received the message with all willingness, examining the
Scriptures day by day to see if they might have these things to be so. 12. So
indeed many of them did believe, and not a few of the prominent Greek women
and men. 13. But when the Jewish people from Thessalonica knew that the
Word of God was also being proclaimed in Berea by Paul, they went there also,
shaking and stirring up the crowds. 14. And then immediately the brothers sent
Paul away to go to the sea, but both Silas and Timothy remained there. 15. And
those who brought Paul led him as far as Athens, then they went away, since they
had taken a request for Silas and Timothy that they should come to him as soon
as possible.
Paul at Athens
17:16. And while Paul was waiting for them among the Athenians his
spirit was greatly upset when he saw that the city was full of many idols. 17. So
then he was discussing in the synagogue with the Jewish people and with those
God-Fearers who were worshipping, and in the market place day after day with
those he was meeting by chance. 18. And also some of the Epicurean and Stoic
philosophers were meeting with him, and some were saying, “What might this
babbler want to say? He even thinks he is an announcer of foreign demons,
because he is preaching Jesus and the resurrection.”2 19. After they took hold
of him they led him before the High Council saying, “Can we know what this
new teaching is that is being spoken of by you? 20. For you are bringing some
strange things into our ears: therefore we want to know what these things might
mean.” 21. And then all the Athenians and foreign visitors had leisure, nothing
to do other than to hear and to speak what is newer.
1 (v.9) Bail
2 (v.18) See Resurrection in Glossary.
17:22. And after he stood in the middle of the Aero Pago, the High
Council, Paul said, “Men, Athenians, I observe that in every way you are very
religious. 23. For as I was going around examining your objects of worship I
even found an altar on which was written, ‘To an Unknown God.’ What then you
worship without knowing it, I proclaim this to you. 24. The God Who created the
world and everything in it, this One, Who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not
live in sanctuaries made by human hands. 25. Neither is He served1 by human
hands, as if He needed anything, because He gives life and breath and everything
to everyone. 26. From one man He made every nation of men to settle upon all
the face of the earth, after He determined fixed times and the boundaries of their
habitations. 27. God is seeking to find whether they would even seek after tokens
of Him and find Him, and truly He is not far from any one of us. (Ps 145:18, Jr
28. ‘For in Him we live and move and have our being,’2 as also some of your
own poets have said,
‘For we are also the offspring.’ (Aratus, Phaenomena 5)
29. So, since we are offspring of God we ought not to think that the divine is like
gold or silver or stone, a mark of skill, or thought of man. 30. So then, although
God has overlooked a time of ignorance, now He is ordering people everywhere
to repent for everything 31. because He established a Day in which He is going to
judge the world in righteousness, by a man Whom He appointed, when He gave
assurance to all the faithful by having raised Him out from the dead.”
17:32. And after they heard of the resurrection of the dead, some began
mocking, but others said, “We will also hear you again concerning this.” 33. In
this way Paul went out from their midst. 34. But some people were on his side
and believed, among whom were Dionysius of the High Council and a woman
named Damaris and others with them.
Paul at Corinth
18.1. After these things he left from Athens and went to Corinth. 2. And
when he found a certain Jewish man named Aquila, a native of Pontus who came
recently from Italy with Priscilla his wife, because of the order of Claudius to
separate all the Jewish people3 from Rome, Paul came to them 3. and because
they were in the same trade he was staying with them, and he was working:
for they all were prayer shawl makers4 by trade. 4. And he was discussing in
1 (v.25) The Greek word translated served is therapeuo, which is usually translated heal.
Serve is the primary meaning of therapeuo.
2 (v.28) There are multiple references of secular Greek authors for this quote, one being
Epimenedes’ de Oraculis, another, Aratus Phaenomena 5, still another Cleanthes.
3 (v.2) In 49 AD the Emperor Claudius forced all the Jewish people living in Rome to leave.
4 (v.3) Prayer shawl making required rabbinic training that all three had. The word ske-
nopoioi, translated prayer shawl makers or tent makers, is not found anywhere else in Scripture or
secular Greek writing. Jewish men referred to the prayer shawl as a tent or prayer closet because it
was placed over the head to shield the eyes while praying. See Prayer Shawl in Glossary.
the synagogue throughout every Sabbath and he was winning over both Jewish
people and Greeks.
18:5. After both Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia, Paul was
wholly absorbed in preaching, bearing witness to the Jewish people, that Jesus
was the Messiah. 6. But after they resisted and blasphemed, he shook his garments
and said to them, “Your blood is upon your head: I am clean from this. From now
on I shall go to the heathens.”1 7. And when he went from there he entered the
house of someone named Titus Justus, a worshipper of God,2 whose house was
next door to the synagogue. 8. And Crispos, the leader of the synagogue, with
his whole house, believed in the Lord, and many of the Corinthians, when they
heard, were believing and were being baptized.3 9. And the Lord said to Paul at
night through a vision, “You must not be afraid! But you must be speaking and
do not be silent, 10. for I AM with you and no one will be able to lay hold of you
to harm you, for many of My people are in this city.” 11. And he stayed4 among
them a year and six months teaching the Word of God.
18:12. And while Gallionos5 was proconsul of Achia the Jewish people,
with one mind, rose up against Paul and led him to the judicial bench 13. saying,
“This one induces men to worship God contrary to the Torah.”6 14. When Paul
was about to open his mouth Gallionos said to the Jewish people, “If indeed it
was a wrong or evil crime, O Jewish people, according to reason then I would
put up with you, 15. but if on the other hand it is a question concerning doctrine
and names according to your Torah, you will see to it: I do not wish to be judge
of this.” 16. And he drove them away from the court. 17. And then they7 all laid
hold of Sosthenes, the leader of the synagogue, and were striking him in front of
the bench: but none of these things was concerning Gallionos.
Paul’s Return to Antioch
18:18. And yet Paul stayed many days, then he said farewell to the
brothers,8 then Priscilla and Aquila set sail for Syria with him. Aquila, because he
was fulfilling a vow, had cut the hair of his head in Cencrae. 19. And they came
into Ephesus, and Paul left them there, but he, when he went into the synagogue,
reasoned with the Jewish people. 20. And when they asked him to remain for a
1 (v.6) This statement apparently was specific to the Corinthians, as the statement in Anti-
och (Acts 13:46) had pertained only to Antioch. See v. 19 of this chapter.
2 (v.7) He was a convert to Judaism.
3 (v.8) Immersed according to Jewish custom. See Baptize in Glossary.
4 (v.11) The word translated stayed literally means sat, other places translated dwelt or
inhabited. This is a Hebrew idiom as in Psalm 22:3, which is literally, “enthroned on the praises of
Israel” but the KJV has “inhabitest the praises of Israel.”
5 (v.12) A fragmented stone found at Delphi has part of a letter from Emperor Claudius to
“Gallio, my friend.” Claudius reigned from 41-54 AD.
6 (v.13) Torah here refers at least to the first five books of the Bible, but probably also the
entire Tanach (Old Testament) and all the oral teachings. See Torah in Glossary.
7 (v.17) It is not clear who “they” are, whether Jewish or Greek. Sosthenes could well be
the person in 1Cor 1:1.
8 (v.18) From the Hebrew usage, this refers to both male and female believers.
longer time he did not consent, 21. but after he said farewell he also said, “I will
return to you again, God willing,” and he set sail from Ephesus. 22. And when
he arrived in Caesarea, after he went up to Jerusalem for Passover and paid
respects to the congregation,1 he went down to Antioch. 23. And after he spent
some time he left, going through one place after the other, in the Galatian region
and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
Apollos Preaches at Ephesus
18:24. And a certain Jewish man, named Apollos, a native of Alexandria,
a learned man who was strong in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus. 25. He was
teaching the Way of the Lord and being fervent in the spirit. He was speaking
and teaching accurately the things about Jesus, although he knew only the
baptism2 of John: 26. and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. And when
they heard him Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and carefully explained the
Way of God to him. 27. And when he desired to go to Achia, after the brothers
encouraged him they wrote to the disciples to accept him, and when he arrived he
helped many of those who, through grace, had believed: 28. for he was refuting
vigorously with the Jewish people, publicly demonstrating by the Scriptures that
Jesus was the Messiah.
Paul at Ephesus
19.1. And it happened while Apollos was in Corinth, after Paul went
through the interior parts he went down to Ephesus and found some disciples,
2. and he asked them, “Did you take the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And
they said to him, “But in fact we did not hear whether there is a Holy Spirit.” 3.
So he said, “Then in what name were you baptized?”3 And they said, “In John’s
baptism.” 4. Then Paul said, “John did baptize a baptism of repentance to the
people, saying that they should believe in the One Who was coming after him,
that is in Jesus.” 5. And when they heard they were baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus, 6. and when Paul laid his hands upon them4 the Holy Spirit came
upon them, and they were speaking in tongues and they were prophesying. 7.
And there were about twelve men.
19:8. And going into the synagogue he was speaking boldly for three
months discussing and persuading the things about the kingdom of God. 9. But
as some were hardening and disobeying, speaking evil of the Way in the presence
of the throng, when he left from them he took the disciples,5 discussing daily in
1 (v.22) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
2 (v.25) Baptism, immersion for purification, had been practiced by the Jewish people for
over 1,000 years by this time. What Apollos was teaching was the call to repentance of John. See
Baptize in Glossary.
3 (v.3) That is, immersed in water according to Jewish custom.
4 (v.6) The laying on of hands for baptism in the Holy Spirit comes from this. See Acts
5 (v.9) This is the first split of a congregation recorded in the NT, justified in this case to
the yeshiva1 of Turannus. 10. This went on for two years, so that all those who
were living in Asia, both Jewish and Greek, heard the message of the Lord.
The Sons of Sceva
19:11. God was doing extraordinary miracles by the hands of Paul, 12.
so that even face cloths or aprons were taken away from his skin and placed
upon those who were sick and their diseases left from them, and the evil spirits
departed. 13. And also some of the Jewish exorcists who were going around
tried to speak the name of the Lord Jesus over the ones who had evil spirits
saying, “I implore you by Jesus Whom Paul preaches.” 14. And seven sons of a
certain Sceva, a high priest of Judea, were doing this. 15. But when the evil spirit
answered it said to them, “Indeed I know Jesus and I am acquainted with Paul,
but yourselves, who are you?” 16. And the man in whom was the evil spirit,
leaping upon them, was strong, overpowering all of them so that as they were
wounded and nearly naked,2 they had to flee away from that house. 17. And this
became known to all, both Jewish and Greeks, who were living in Ephesus, and
fear fell upon them all and the name of the Lord Jesus was being glorified. 18.
And many of those who believed were coming, confessing and reporting their
evil doings. 19. And many of those who had been practicing magic, after they
brought their scrolls of the magic they were burning them before everyone, and
they counted up the value of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.3
20. In this manner the word of the Lord was increasing mightily and growing in
The Riot at Ephesus
19:21. And as these things were finished, Paul resolved in his spirit to go
through Macedonia and Achia, then to go to Jerusalem, saying that “After I am
there, it is then necessary for me to see Rome.” 22. And after he sent two of those
who served him, Timothy and Erastus, to Macedonia he stayed a time in Asia.
19:23. And there was at that time a not small commotion concerning the
Way. 24. For someone named Demetrius, a silversmith, was making no small
profit for himself by making silver shrines of Artemis. 25. And when he gathered
those with similar work, he said concerning such things as these, “Men, you
must understand that our prosperity is from this business, 26. and you see and
hear that not only in Ephesus but in nearly all Asia, this Paul, when he induced
by his persuasion, caused a large crowd to change their minds, saying that those
gods created by human hands are not gods at all. 27. And not only is this trade
in danger of coming into disrepute, but also the temple of the great goddess
Artemis, to be counted for nothing, and Artemis, who is worshipped in all Asia
bring people to a deeper walk with the Lord.
1 (v.9) Jewish talmudic college
2 (v.16) The Jewish people were modest and wore underclothes, loincloths, so they would
not have been naked, although this is frequently translated as naked.
3 (v.19) About $10,000
and in the civilized world, is even going to suffer the loss of her magnificence.”
19:28. And when they heard this then they were full of anger. They were
crying out saying, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians.” 29. And the city was
filled with confusion, and they rushed with one mind into the theater, seizing
Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, fellow travelers of Paul, by force. 30. And
although Paul wanted to go into the mass of people, the disciples did not let him:
31. and then some of the consuls, who were friends with him, when they sent
to him, they were urging him not to go into the theater. 32. Then indeed others
were crying out something different: for the assembly was confused and did not
know why they had gathered. 33. And they brought Alexander out of the crowd,
because the Jewish people put him forward: and Alexander, who waved his hand,
was wanting to defend himself to the crowd. 34. But when they perceived that
he was Jewish, one voice came from all for about two hours crying out, “Great is
Artemis of Ephesus.” 35. And after the city clerk quieted the crowd he said, “Men
of Ephesus, who in fact is there who does not know that the city of Ephesus is the
temple keeper of the great Artemis, also fallen from Zeus? 36. Therefore these
things are undeniable. It is proper, now that you have been quieted, to remain
so, and in no way to act rashly. 37. For you brought these men, who are neither
temple robbers nor blasphemers of our goddess. 38. Now then if Demetrius and
those craftsmen with him have a ground of action against anyone, court days are
in session and there are proconsuls, they could bring court charges against one
another. 39. But if you want to know further, it will have to be decided in a legal
gathering. 40. For we also run a risk of being accused of rebellion concerning
this today, and there is no reason which we are able to give to account for this
disorderly gathering.” And having said these things he dismissed the gathering.
1 (v.22) Lucias would come down from the 3,000-foot elevation of Jerusalem, south of
2 (v.4) In authority, qualified to go
the Torah of the Jewish people nor in the temple nor in Caesarea was I sinning.”
9. And Festus, wishing to grant a favor to the Jewish people, answering Paul said,
“Do you want to go up to Jerusalem to be judged there by me concerning these
things?” 10. But Paul said, “I am standing before Caesar’s court, where it is
necessary for me to be judged. I have done nothing wrong to the Jewish people,
as even you very well know. 11. Then if indeed I am wrong and deserving
of death I do not refuse to die: but if there is nothing to these accusations, no
one is able to give me to them: I appeal to Caesar.”2 12. Then Festus, after he
consulted with the council, answered, “You have appealed to Caesar, you will go
to Caesar.”
Paul Brought before Agrippa and Bernice
25:13. And after several days passed, Agrippa the king and Bernice
arrived in Caesarea greeting Festus. 14. And as they were remaining there more
days, Festus referred the things regarding Paul to the king saying, “Some man
is here, who has been left bound by Felix, 15. concerning whom, when I was in
Jerusalem, the high priests and the elders of the Jewish nation made these things
known, asking about a sentence of condemnation against him. 16. I answered
them that it is not a custom of the Romans to hand over any man before the
one who was accused might face his accusers in a place where he might defend
himself concerning the charge. 17. Therefore when they came here with me,
then I did not delay any longer sitting on the judicial bench, and the next day I
ordered the man to be brought: 18. concerning whom, when the accusers stood,
not one accusation they were revealing was of the evils I was expecting, 19. since
they only had some questions about their own religion with him and concerning
a certain Jesus Who had died, Whom Paul was alleging to live. 20. And I was at
a loss concerning these charges. I asked if he might want to go to Jerusalem to
be judged there concerning these things.3 21. But after Paul appealed to be kept
under guard for the purpose of the decision of Augustus,4 I called for him to be
guarded until I could send him up to Caesar.” 22. And Agrippa said to Festus, “I
too have been wanting to hear this man.” “Tomorrow,” he said, “You will hear
25:23. Therefore the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice came with
much pomp, and after they entered the hearing room with the commander and
prominent men of the city, then Festus ordered that Paul should be led in. 24.
And Festus said, “King Agrippa and all men present with us, you see this one
1 (v.8) Torah, meaning teaching, refers specifically to the first five books of the Bible, but
can also refer to the entire Tanach (Old Testament) and even the oral teachings. See Torah in Glos-
2 (v.11) This is to bring about his testimony in Rome, Acts 23:11.
3 (v.20) Why did Festus consider taking Paul to Jerusalem, to be judged again, when he
had already determined that Paul had done nothing deserving of death? Apparently it was only to
curry favor with the Jewish leaders, but it did serve God’s plan. See Acts 19:21, 20:22,23.
4 (v.21) Augustus was a title and not a reference to Caesar Augustus who had died about
40 years earlier.
concerning whom all the multitude of the Jewish community in Jerusalem
petitioned me, even calling out here that it is necessary for him not to live any
longer. 25. But I understand he did nothing that is worthy of death, but because
he appealed I decided to send him to the emperor. 26. Concerning which I have
nothing firm to write to the sovereign, on which account I brought him before
you all and especially to you, King Agrippa, so I would have something I could
write of the coming investigation: 27. for sending a prisoner and not to indicate
the charges against him seems unreasonable to me.”
The Shipwreck
27:39. And when it was daylight, they did not know the country, but they
noticed a certain bay, which had a beach on which they wanted to drive the boat,
if they were able. 40. And when they removed the anchors, letting them fall into
the sea, then at the same time they loosened the ropes of the rudder and raised the
foresail to the blowing wind, heading toward the beach. 41. But then they struck
a sandbar, running the ship aground and the prow having jammed fast, it remained
unmoved, but the stern was being broken to pieces by the force of the waves. 42.
And the intention of the soldiers was that they would kill the prisoners, so no one
could escape by swimming away. 43. But the centurion, wanting to save Paul,
prevented them from carrying out their plan, and he ordered those able to swim
to go forth first, throwing themselves overboard to escape to the land, 44. then the
rest followed, some indeed on a plank, and some on things from the ship. And so
1 (v.28) Twenty fathoms is 120 feet, fifteen fathoms is 90 feet.
it was all were saved on the shore.
Paul on the Island of Malta
28.1. And after we were saved we then understood that the island was
called Malta. 2. And the natives were granting uncommon hospitality to us, for
after they kindled a fire, they accepted us all because it had begun to rain and
because of the cold that had set in. 3. And when Paul gathered some quantity of
sticks and placed them upon the fire, a viper that came out from the heat seized
his hand. 4. And when the natives saw the beast hanging from his hand, they were
saying to one another, “Certainly this man is a murderer, whom, although he was
saved from the sea, justice does not permit to live.” 5. However, he just shook
the beast into the fire and suffered nothing evil, 6. and they were expecting that
he would become swollen from it, and then suddenly fall down dead. And yet
many of them, expecting and watching, when nothing unusual was happening to
him, they changed their minds and were saying he was a god. 7. And among the
farms around that place was land of the chief of the island, named Poplio, who,
having welcomed us into his home, showed us hospitality in a friendly manner
for three days. 8. And it happened that the father of Poplio was suffering, lying
down from a fever and dysentery, for whom Paul, when he came and prayed, laid
hands on him and healed him. 9. And after this happened the rest of the people
of the island, those who were sick, were coming to him and being healed, 10. and
they were rewarding us with much honor and when we put to sea they gave us
the things we needed.
Paul Arrives at Rome
28:11. And after three months, we set sail in a ship that wintered on
the island, Alexandrine, marked with an image of Dioskuri.1 12. And when we
put into Syracuse we stayed three days. 13. Going on from there we came into
Rhegium. And after one day a south wind came up, then on the second day we
came into Puteoli, 14. where we then found brothers and we were encouraged
by them to stay seven days:2 and thus we came into Rome. 15. And when the
brothers3 from there heard things about us they came to a meeting with us from
as far as Appii Forum4 and Three Taverns.5 When Paul saw them he gave thanks
to God, and took courage.
28:16. When we came into Rome, it was allowed for Paul to stay by
1 (v.11) The Dioskuri are Castor and Pollux, twin sons of Zeus and Leda.
2 (v.14) What kind of a prisoner was Paul? Could he delay the ship’s departure? Verses 16
and 30 tell of his being in a rented house, with one soldier to guard him. We know he had friends
with him, which would certainly be a strange privilege for a prisoner today. While Roman citizens did
have privileges, for instance they could not be beaten or placed in chains until they had been tried
and convicted, Paul seems to have had extraordinary privileges.
3 (v.15) These were apparently some of those to whom Paul had written the book of Ro-
4 (v.15) Forty-three miles away
5 (v.15) Thirty-three miles away
himself with the soldier guarding him.
1 (v.17) Paul arrived in Rome some time after writing the letter to the Romans, but that
letter was not written to Jewish people. It is interesting that Paul summoned Jewish leaders rather
than the non-Jewish people to whom he had written.
2 (v.23) Torah, meaning teaching, refers to the first five books of the Bible, while the Proph-
ets refers to Jsh, Jd, 1 & 2 Sam, 1 & 2Ki, Is through Mal, except for Dn. See both Prophets and
Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.27) Repent
28. Therefore let it be known to you that He has sent this salvation of God to the
heathens: and they will listen.”1
28:30. And he remained two whole years in his own rented house
and was welcoming all those who were going in to him, 31. proclaiming the
kingdom of God and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Messiah
with all boldness and without hindrance.
1.1. Paul, a servant2 of Messiah Jesus, a called apostle, who has been
set apart to preach the Good News of God. 2. This was the promise from the
beginning through His prophets in Holy Scripture 3. concerning His Son, the One
Who was from a seed of David with regard to the flesh, 4. the designated Son of
God, in power, according to a spirit of holiness by resurrection3 of the dead, Jesus
Messiah our Lord, 5. through Whom we took grace and apostleship in obedience
of faith to all the nations for the sake of His name, 6. among whom you too are
called by Jesus Messiah, 7. to all the beloved of God who are in Rome, called
saints, grace and peace to you from God our Father and Lord Jesus Messiah.
1 (Title) Written about 57 AD, several years after Thessalonians, and at least two years
after Corinthians. Written to former heathens although this was during the first five years of Nero’s
reign when Jewish people were allowed back in Rome. (See Ro 16:3).
2 (v.1) Or slave, see Servant in Glossary.
3 (v.4) See Resurrection in Glossary.
4 (v.13) Apparently these were not the Jewish leaders he summoned in Acts 28:15, be-
cause the message of this letter is primarily to non-Jewish believers.
The Power of the Gospel
1:16. For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God
for salvation for everyone who believes, Jewish first and then Greek.1 17. For the
righteousness of God is revealed in this, coming out of faith for greater faith, just
as it has been written, “And the righteous will live by faith.” (Hab 2:4)
1:24. For this reason God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts
into uncleanness, their bodies to suffer disgrace among themselves: 25. who
exchanged the truth of God for the false and worshipped and served the created
thing contrary to the Creator, Who is blessed forever, amen. 26. Because of
this God gave them over into vile passion of disgrace, and indeed their females
exchanged the natural function for that contrary to nature, 27. and likewise
also the males who neglected the natural function with the females. They were
inflamed in their lustful passion with one another, males performing the unseemly
deed with males and receiving the reward which was necessary for their deceit in
repayment for their sin. 28. And since they did not see fit to have true knowledge
of God, God gave them over into an unrighteous mind, to do the shameful things,
29. since they were filled with every unrighteousness, wickedness, avarice,
desire to injure, full of envy, murder, contention, deceit, evil habits, whisperers,
30. slanderers,2 God-haters, insolent, arrogant, braggart, contriving evil, refusing
to obey parents, 31. without understanding, covenant breaking, without natural
affection, without mercy: 32. who, although they know the ordinances of God
thoroughly, because they are practicing such things as these that are worthy of
death, not only are they doing them but they are also applauding others who do
1 (v.16) Did Paul think the Gospel had more power for a Jewish believer than for a former
heathen? Why does he write “Jewish first?” It could be because of the advantage Jewish people
had from learning the Jewish Scriptures at a very early age, starting with Leviticus at three to five
years old. See Memorization in Glossary. See Ro 2:9, 10.
2 (v.30) See Gossip/Slander in Glossary.
The Righteous Judgment of God
2.1. On this account you are without excuse, O Man, everyone who
judges: for by what you are judging the other, you are condemning yourself. For
you, the one who judges, are doing the same things. 2. But we know that the
judgment of God is according to truth upon those who perpetrate things such as
these. 3. And do you take this into account, O Man, the one who judges those
who practice such things as these and does them, that you will not escape from
the judgment of God? 4. Do you despise the riches of His kindness and His
forbearance and His patience, being ignorant that the kindness of God leads you
into repentance? 5. According to your hardness and your unrepentant heart you
are storing up for yourself1 wrath on the Day of wrath and the revelation of God’s
righteous judgment 6. Who will reward each according to his works:2 7. on the
one hand according to the steadfast endurance of good work, glory and honor
and immortality to those who seek eternal life, 8. but on the other hand to those
who are persuaded out of a desire to put themselves forward, and not allowing
themselves to be persuaded in the truth, then they will be in the wrath and fury
for their unrighteousness. 9. Trouble and affliction upon every person’s life, the
one who performs evil, and first for a Jewish person,3 then a Greek: 10. but glory
and honor and peace to everyone who does what is good, and first for a Jewish
person,4 then a Greek: 11. for there is no partiality before God. (Dt 10:17) 12. For
however many sin without Torah,5 will also perish without Torah, and however
many who sin in Torah, will be judged through Torah: 13. for it is not the hearers
of Torah who are righteous before God, but those who do the commandments of
Torah will be declared righteous.6 (Jas 2:14-26) 14. For when heathens, the ones
who do not have Torah, would, guided by their natural sense of what is right
and proper, do the things of Torah, these who do not have Torah are a Torah to
themselves: 15. those who demonstrate that the work of the Torah is written in
their hearts, when their conscience, accusing or even excusing, bears witness
with them and between one another, as their thoughts will be 16. in the Day when
God judges the hidden things of people through Messiah Jesus according to my
1 (v.5) Every “you” so far in this chapter is singular.
2 (v.6) Mitsvot. See Mitsvah in Glossary.
3 (v.9) This is a reference to the responsibility once someone has been taught Scripture.
Jewish children were taught Scripture from three to five years old on up, beginning with Leviticus.
See Memorization in Glossary.
4 (v.10) This indicates that those who have studied Scripture longer have greater benefit,
God’s presence and peace. The more mature believer should have a greater measure of God’s
gifts, especially peace.
5 (v.12) Torah, which means teaching or instruction, refers specifically to the first five
books of the Bible, but can also refer to the entire Jewish Bible and sometimes even the oral teach-
ings. See both Prophets and Torah in Glossary.
6 (v.13) Righteousness is action. It is doing for others, even though we are made righ-
teous by faith. See Righteousness in Glossary.
7 (v.16) This is the gospel the apostles from the congregation in Jerusalem were teaching,
not the false apostles.
The Jewish People and the Torah1
2:17. But if you would call yourself Jewish and would cause yourself to
rest2 upon Torah and to take pride in God 18. then you know His will and since
you are instructed in the Torah, you are testing the things that differ, holy and
profane,3 19. and you have persuaded yourself to be a guide of the blind, a light
for those in darkness, 20. an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of infants, since
you have the essence of the knowledge and of the truth in the Torah: 21. then, why
do you, the one who teaches another, not teach yourself? The one who preaches
not to steal, are you stealing? 22. The one who says not to commit adultery, do
you commit adultery? The one who detests idols, do you rob temples? 23. You
who boast in Torah, you are dishonoring God by violating the Torah: 24. for
just as it has been written, “The name of God is being blasphemed among the
heathens because of you.” (Is 52:5, Ez 36:20) 25. For what does it profit if on
the one hand you would practice Torah in circumcision: if on the other hand you
would be breaking Torah. Your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26.
Therefore if the uncircumcised one would keep the things established in Torah,
will not his uncircumcision be credited to his account as circumcision? 27. And
the physically uncircumcised,4 who are keeping the Torah will condemn you,
although you have Scripture and circumcision, you are a violator of Torah. 28.
For the Jewish person is not the one to be plainly recognized by what he wears,
his prayer shawl or Kippah, and neither is circumcision just openly in the flesh,
29. but one is Jewish inwardly, and circumcised in his heart (Dt 10:16, Jr 4:4;
9:25) in spirit not letter, whose praise is not from people but from God.
3.1. Therefore what is the superiority of the Jewish person or the
advantage of circumcision? 2. Much in every way; because indeed they were
entrusted first with the words5 of God. 3. So what if some failed to believe? Will
their unbelief cancel the faithfulness of God?6 4. May it not be! But God must
be true, even if every man is a liar (Ps 116:11), just as it has been written,
“So that you would be declared righteous by your words
and you will be victorious when you are being judged.”
(Ps 51:4, Mt 12:37)
1 (Caption) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, refers primarily to the first five books
of the Bible, but here it also means the entire Tanach (Old Testament) plus the oral teachings. See
both Prophets and Torah in Glossary.
2 (v.17) The word, epanapauomai, used for rest means to lean upon, to trust in something,
in this case in the Word of God. In the NT used only here and in Lk 10:6.
3 (v.18) The things that differ are the holy and profane, from an indictment of the priests in
Eze 22:26. Each one of us is a priest – we are a kingdom of priests. (Ex 19:6, 1Pe 2:9, Re 1:6,
5:10) The things that differ are defined in Lv 10:9-11.
4 (v.27) The Talmud teaches that non-Jews are subject to the covenant with Noah. Noah’s
covenant has seven laws: Promote justice, prohibitions of idolatry, immorality, blasphemy, murder,
cruelty to animals, and theft. Noah’s covenant does not include circumcision. See Dt 10:16, 30:6, Jr
4:4; 9:25, and Eze 44:7 for circumcision of the heart.
5 (v.2) This Greek word, logion, frequently translated oracles, refers to the spoken word of
God’s promises to the Jewish people; that is, all that God spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai.
6 (v.3) The Greek construction anticipates a negative reply.
5. But if our unrighteousness brings out the righteousness of God, what shall
we say? Is God, the One Who inflicts the wrath, unrighteous? I am speaking
according to man. 6. God forbid! For otherwise how could God judge the world?
7. But someone says, “If by my falsehood the truth of God overflows to His glory,
why am I still being judged as a sinner?” 8. And just as we are maligned and
just as some declare that we say that “Should we do evil, so that the good things
could come?” For whom the sentence is just. 9. What then? Are we protecting
ourselves? Are we making excuses? By all means no! For we accuse ourselves
beforehand, all, both Jewish and Greeks are under sin, 10, just as it has been
written that
“There is not even one righteous person,” (Ps 14:3)
11. “there is no one who has gained insight,
there is not one seeking God.” (Ps 14:2)
12. “All turned aside together, and became depraved:
there is not one doing goodness,
there is not even one.” (Ecc 7:20)
13. “Their throat is as a grave which has been opened,
they were deceiving with their tongues,” (Ps 5:9)
“there is poison of asps under their lips:” (Ps 140:3)
14. “whose mouth is full of bitterness and a curse,” (Ps 10:7)
15. “Their feet are swift to pour out blood,
16. destruction and misery are in their ways,
17. and they did not know a way of peace.” (Is 59:7,8)
18. “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” (Ps 36:1)1
19. But we know that what the Torah2 speaks it says to those in the Torah, so
that every mouth should be closed and the entire world would become liable to
judgment by God: 20. because no flesh will be justified before Him by works of
Torah, for knowledge of sin is through Torah.
Righteousness through Faith
3:21. But now without Torah the righteousness of God has been revealed
in being witnessed by the Torah and the Prophets,3 22. and the righteousness of
God is through faith, for all those who believe4 in Jesus Messiah. For there is no
distinction, 23. for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (1Ki 8:46)
24. being made righteous freely by His grace5 through the redemption that is by
means of Messiah Jesus: 25. & 26. Whom God put forth as a propitiation through
1 (v.18) This string of quotes shows that Paul had indeed memorized Scripture, as had all
the apostles as well as many other Jewish people. See Memorization in Glossary.
2 (v.19) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, here refers to the Tanach, the Jewish
Bible. See Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.21) The Prophets are Jsh, Jd, 1 & 2 Sam, 1 & 2Ki, Is through Mal, but not the Book of
Dn. See both Prophets and Torah in Glossary.
4 (v.22) Paul’s Jewish understanding of “believe” required action, a change in behavior.
5 (v.24) This is not a contradiction of Ro 2:13. We are made righteous by grace and by
faith, but righteousness is action. Righteousness is doing right, being just.
faith by His blood in proof of His righteousness,1 in God’s forbearance, because
He had not punished the former sins before the evidence of His righteousness up
to the present time. For He is righteous, even making righteous the one who has
faith2 in Jesus.
3:27. Where therefore is the boasting? It has been shut out. Through
what sort of Torah? Works? No, but through Torah by faith. 28. For we consider
a man to be made righteous by faith without works of Torah. 29. Or is He God
only of Jewish people? And not also of heathens? Indeed also of heathens,
30. since God is One, He will make righteous the one circumcised by his faith,
and the one uncircumcised through his faith.3 31. Therefore do we cancel Torah
through faith? God forbid! But we cause Torah to stand.
4:13. For the promise, that he was the inheritor of the world, was not
through legalism to Abraham or his seed, but through righteousness by faith. 14.
For if the heirs were from legalism, faith has been made empty and the promise
1 (v.25, v.26) God patiently let pass the sins committed prior to Jesus’ atoning death.
2 (v.26) To Paul and the other Jewish people, faith must be accompanied by new behavior.
3 (v.30) See 1Cor 7:17-24.
has been destroyed: 15. for legalism produces wrath: but where there is no law,
then neither is there transgression. 16. Because of this it is by faith, so that
through grace the promise is certain for every seed, not only for the one from the
Torah but also by faith to Abraham, who is father of us all, 17. just as it has been
written that “I have appointed you a father of many nations,” (Gn 17:5) before
which he believed God, the One Who brings the dead to life (Is 26:19) and calls
those things that are not as though they are1 and they come into being. (Is 48:3)
18. Who by hope upon hope, when the situation appeared to be hopeless, did still
believe in it, he became “father of many nations” according to what was said,
“So will your seed be,” (Gn 15:5) 19. And by faith he considered his own body
not weak now, although it was as good as dead, being then about one hundred
years old, and considering the deadness of Sarah’s womb: 20. but because of the
promise of God he did not waver in unbelief, but he was strengthened in faith,
when he gave glory to God 21. and because he was fully convinced that what He
has promised He is also able to do. 22. And for this reason “it was counted to
him as righteousness.” (Gn 15:6) 23. But it was not written that it was counted to
him for his sake only 24. but also for us, to whom it is going to be counted, who
believe in the raising from the dead of Jesus our Lord, 25. Who was given over
because of our sins and raised because of our need for righteousness.
Results of Justification2
5.1. Therefore, since we have been made righteous by faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus Messiah 2. also through Whom we have
had access by faith into this grace in which we stand and we boast in hope of the
glory of God. 3. And not only that, but we also boast in the afflictions, knowing
that affliction brings about perseverance, 4. and patient endurance brings tried
character, and character brings hope. 5. And hope does not disappoint, because
the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit which
has been given to us. 6. For, although we are weak, yet Messiah died in the
appointed time on behalf of the ungodly. 7. For very rarely will someone face
death on behalf of the righteous: for possibly someone also would dare to die
on behalf of a good person: 8. but God demonstrates His love for us Himself,
because, although we were still sinners, Messiah died on our behalf. 9. Then
much more now, because we have been made righteous by His blood, we shall be
saved by Him from the wrath. 10. For if while we were enemies of God we were
reconciled to God through the death of His Son, we shall be saved all the more,
since we have been reconciled by means of His life: 11. and not only that, but we
also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Messiah through Whom we took the
reconciliation in our time.
1 (v.17) See Psalm 57:5-12 to see how David handled a potentially depressing situation.
2 (Caption) Justification means to be declared just or right by what you do. The verb ‘to
justify’ is from the Latin, ‘just + faoere (to make)’ which is the translation of the Greek ‘dikaio.’ We
are justified, declared righteous by faith, but our actions, not our beliefs, confirm the fact. See Righ-
teousness in Glossary.
Adam and Messiah
5:12. Because of this, just as sin came into the world through one man
and death through sin, and thus death passed through all mankind, on account of
which all sinned: 13. for until Torah1 sin was in the world, but sin was not being
counted, there not being a Torah, 14. and death reigned from Adam until Moses
even upon those who have not sinned in the likeness of the transgression of
Adam, who is a type of the One Who is coming.
5:15. But the gift is not like the sin: for if many died in the sin of the
one, how much more the grace of God and the gift to the many did abound in the
grace of the one Man, Jesus Messiah. 16. And the gift was not like that through
the one who sinned, Adam: for indeed judgment in condemnation was by means
of one man, but the gift brought us from many misdeeds into righteousness. 17.
For if death reigned by the one transgression of the one man, how much more
those who take the abundance of the grace and the gift of righteousness will
reign in life through the One, Jesus Messiah. 18. So then just as through one
transgression with respect to all men; they were in condemnation, so also through
one righteous act, righteousness of life became available for all mankind: 19. for
just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were declared sinners,
in this manner also, through the obedience of the One, the many will be declared
righteous. 20. But legalism slipped in,2 so that transgression would increase: but
where sin did abound, grace did super abound, 21. so that just as sin reigned in
death, so also grace would reign through righteousness into eternal life through
Jesus Messiah our Lord.
Dead to Sin but Alive in Messiah
6.1. Then what shall we say? Shall we remain in sin, so that grace would
abound? 2. God forbid! We who died to sin, how shall we still live in it? 3. Or are
you ignorant that, we, as many as were baptized3 in Messiah Jesus, were baptized
into His death?4 4. Therefore we were buried with Him through immersion into
death, so that just as Messiah was raised from the dead through the glory of
the Father, so also we could walk in newness of life. 5. For if we have become
joined together in the likeness of His death, then we shall also be united with the
likeness of His resurrection:5 6. knowing this, that our old unregenerate man was
1 (v.13) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, refers specifically to the first five books of
the Bible, but can also refer to the entire Bible and even all the oral teaching. See Torah in Glos-
2 (v.20) This verb means to sneak in or slip in, as experience shows that legalism comes
from good motivation, an attempt to define Scripture so all believers agree and understand. See
Legalism in Glossary.
3 (v.3) Baptize comes from the Greek word baptidzo, which means immerse. See Baptize
in Glossary for this and the next note.
4 (v.3) Jewish baptism by someone calls for the one baptizing to hold under water the
head of the one being baptized, to represent dying to self, then in the struggle to rise the one com-
ing out of the water parallels an infant coming out of the amniotic fluid at birth.
5 (v.5) See Resurrection in Glossary.
crucified together with Him, so that the body of sin would be condemned, and we
are no longer serving sin: 7. for the One Who died has been made righteous apart
from sin. 8. Then if we died with Messiah, we are believing that we will also
live with Him, 9. because we know that Messiah, Who has been raised out from
the dead, no longer dies, death no longer rules over Him. 10. Truly therefore
He died, He died once for all in sin: but Who lives, lives for God.1 11. And in
the same way count yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but living for God in
Messiah Jesus.
6:12. Therefore sin must not reign in your mortal body to obey its
lustful desires, 13. and you must stop presenting your bodily members to sin as
instruments of unrighteousness, but you must immediately present yourselves
to God as living, raised out from the dead, and your members as instruments
of righteousness to God. 14. For sin will not rule you: for you are not under
legalism but grace.
Slaves of Righteousness
6:15. Then what? Should we sin, because we are not under legalism but
under grace? May it not be! 16. Do you not know that you are slaves to whom
you submit? You are in submission to whom you present yourselves as servants,
either to sin, which leads into death, or to righteousness. 17. But thanks be to
God because you were slaves of sin but you obeyed from your hearts for which
you would be given over a new image from the teaching, which embodies the
sum and substance of your beliefs, 18. and since you have been set free from sin
you must now be enslaved to righteousness. 19. I am speaking in human terms
because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you would formerly present
your members as slaves to the unclean and without Torah into lawlessness, so now
you must present your members to righteousness as slaves in holiness. 20. For
while you were slaves of sin, you were free with reference to righteousness. 21.
Therefore what fruit were you then bearing? Over which you are now ashamed,
for the end of those is death. 22. But now since you have been set free from sin,
and because you are servants of God, you have your fruit into sanctification, and
the end is eternal life. 23. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is
eternal life in Messiah Jesus our Lord.
An Analogy from Marriage
7.1. Or are you ignorant, brothers, the fact is I am speaking for those
who know Torah,2 that the Torah rules the man for as long a time as he would
live? 2. For the married woman is bound to the living husband by Torah: but
if the husband would die, she is released from her husband by the Torah. 3.
Consequently then while the husband is living will she not be called an adulteress
if she would become a wife to another husband: but if her husband would die,
1 (v.6) The repetition of the verbs “die” and “live” emphasize His death and resurrection.
2 (v.1) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, refers to the first five books of the Bible, but
can also refer to the whole Bible and the oral teachings. See Torah in Glossary.
she is set free by the Torah, she is not an adulteress when she becomes a wife
to another husband. 4. So then, my brothers, you also died to legalism through
the body of the Messiah, now you belong to another, to the One Who has been
raised from the dead, so that we would bear fruit for God. 5. For when we were
in the flesh, the passions of the sins, those through legalism, were working in our
members so that we would bear fruit in death: 6. but now we have been released
from legalism, since we died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in
newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter.1
God’s Love
8:31. Then what shall we say pertaining to these things? If God is for us,
who can be against us? 32. He in fact did not spare His own Son but gave Him
over on behalf of us all, then how will He not freely give us all things with Him?
33. Who will accuse against the chosen people of God? God is the righteous
One: 34. who is the one who condemns? Certainly not Messiah Jesus the One
Who died, but rather, has risen, and Who is on the right hand of God, and Who
is interceding on our behalf. 35. What will separate us from the love of the
Messiah? Affliction or distress or persecution or famine or destitution or peril or
death by sword? 36. Just as it has been written that
“Because of You we are put to death the whole day,
we were counted as sheep for slaughter.” (Ps 44:22)
37. But in all these things we would have a glorious victory through the One Who
loved us. 38. For I have been persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor
rulers nor present circumstances nor things coming nor powers 39. nor height
nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Messiah Jesus our Lord.
God’s Election of Israel
9.1. I am telling the truth in Messiah, I am not lying, while my conscience
is bearing witness with me by means of the Holy Spirit, 2. because grief is great
for me and pain is unceasing in my heart. 3. For I could wish to be accursed to
God myself, separated from the Messiah on behalf of my brothers, my kinsmen
according to the flesh, 4. who are Israelis, of whom are the adoption and the glory
and the covenants1 and the giving of the Torah2 and the worship and the promises,
5. of whom are the Fathers3 and out of whom is the Messiah according to the
flesh, the One Who is the only God over everyone, blessed forever, amen.
9:6. But by no means has the Word of God fallen powerless. For not
all those from Israel are Israel:4 7. because neither are all children the seed of
Abraham, but, “In Isaac shall your seed be called.” (Gn 21:12) 8. That is, these
children of God are not the children of the flesh, but the children of the promise
are looked upon as seed.5 9. For this is the word of promise, “According to this
time I will come and there will be a son for Sarah.” (Gn 18:10,14) 10. And not
only that, but also Rebecca, who had twins from one conception, by Isaac our
father. 11. For although they were not yet born and had not done anything good
or evil, so that the plan would remain according to the chosen purpose of God,
12. not because of works, but the calling, it was said to her that “The older will
serve the younger,” (Gn 25:23) 13. just as it has been written,
“I loved Jacob,
but I hated Esau.”6 (Mal 1:2,3)
9:14. Then what shall we say? Is there injustice by God? May it not be!
15. For He said to Moses,
“I shall be merciful to whomever I would be merciful
and I shall have compassion on whomever
I would have compassion.” (Ex 33:19)
16. So then not for desire and not for effort, but by the mercy of God. 17. For
the Scripture says to Pharaoh that “I raised you for this reason, so that I could
show My power in you and so My name could be proclaimed in all the earth.”
(Ex 9:16) 18. So then He is merciful on whom He wishes, and He hardens whom
He wishes.
God’s Wrath and Mercy
9:19. Therefore you will say to me, “Then why does He still blame us?
For who resisted His will?” 20. O Man, indeed who are you, who answers back
to God? That which is molded will not say to the mold, “Why did you make me
like this?” 21. Or does the potter not have authority over the clay to make from
1 (v.4) Note that Paul uses the plural, covenants, implying that each covenant builds on the
previous covenants, but does not replace them.
2 (v.4) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, refers to the first five books of the Bible, but
sometimes refers to the Tanach (Old Testament) and even the oral teachings. See Torah in Glos-
3 (v.5) Patriarchs
4 (v.6) Not every Israeli is a committed servant of God.
5 (v.8) This word for seed is singular, yet refers to many people. See Gal 3:16, 29.
6 (v.13) The Rabbis say this means that Jacob was loved more than Esau, that this is not
literal hatred.
his lump, a vessel on the one hand into honor, or on the other hand into dishonor?
22. And if God, wanting to show anger and to make known His power, bore, with
much patience, vessels of wrath which were prepared for destruction, 23. so then
would He make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He
prepared before hand for glory? 24. And whom He called, not only us from the
Jewish people but also those from the heathens, 25. as also He says in Hosea,
“I shall call those not My people, My people
and she who has not been loved, My beloved:” (Ho 2:23)
26. “And it will be in the place of which He spoke to them, ‘You who are
not My people,
there they shall be called children of the Living God.’” (Ho
27. And Isaiah cries out on behalf of Israel, “Though to her the number of the
children of Israel is as the sands of the sea, only the remnant will be saved: 28. for
when He brings the expedited prophecy to pass the Lord will do what has been
decreed upon the earth.” (Is 10:22,23) 29. And just as Isaiah spoke beforehand,
“If the Lord of Hosts had not left a seed in us,
we would have become as Sodom
and we would be like Gomorrah.” (Is 1:9)
Israel and the Gospel
9:30. Then what shall we say? That heathens, those who did not pursue
righteousness, did obtain righteousness, but righteousness by means of faith, 31.
but Israel, pursuing a Torah that teaches righteousness,1 did not attain it in Torah.
32. Why? Because it was not from faith but as from works: they stumbled on the
stumbling stone, 33. just as it has been written,
“Behold I place in Zion (Is 28:16) a stumbling stone and a rock causing
stumbling, (Is 8:14)
and the one who believes upon Him will not be put to shame.”
(Is 28:16,2 54:4)
10.1. Brothers, indeed the desire of my heart and my prayer to God
concerning Israel is on behalf of their salvation. 2. For I am bearing witness
to them because they have zeal for God, but not from real knowledge: 3. for
since they do not know the righteousness of God but are seeking to make their
own righteousness stand, they have not submitted to the righteousness of God:
4. because the purpose of Torah is Messiah in order to provide righteousness for
everyone who believes.
1 (v.31) We are not saved because we do good works, but we do good works because we
have been transformed. See both Righteousness and Mitsvah in Glossary.
2 (v.33) The Greek says “put to shame,” but the Hebrew says, “Let the one who believes
not expect it soon.” A 12th Century rabbi wrote, “He (the believer) will remain steadfast in his faith
however long realization may be delayed.” See Is 28:16 in Glossary.
Salvation for All
10:5. For Moses wrote of the righteousness that is from the Torah that
“The man who does these things will live by them.” (Lv 18:5) 6. But righteousness
is from faith, consequently he said, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will go up to
heaven?’” This is to bring Messiah down to earth: 7. or, “Who will descend into
the abyss?” This is to lead Messiah up from the dead. (Dt 9:4, 30:12-14) 8. But
what does it say?
“The word is near you
in your mouth and in your heart,” (Dt 9:4)
this is the word of faith which we are proclaiming openly. 9. Because if you1
would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and you would believe in your
heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved:2 10. for he believes
for himself in his heart into righteousness, and confesses for himself with his
mouth into salvation.3 11. For the Scripture says, “No one who believes in Him
will be put to shame.” (Is 28:164) 12. For there is no distinction between either
Jewish or Greek, for the same One is Lord of all, and He is rich, abundantly
blessing all those who call upon Him: 13. for everyone who will call upon the
name of the Lord will be saved. (Jl 2:32)
10:14. Then how will they call upon Whom they did not believe? And
how could they believe what they did not hear? And how could they hear without
preaching? 15. And how could they preach unless they would send preachers?
Just as it has been written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the
Good News of the good things.” (Is 52:7) 16. But they did not all obey the one
preaching the Good News. For Isaiah said, “Lord, who believed our report?” (Is
53:1) 17. So then faith is from hearing, and hearing through the message from
Messiah. 18. But I say, Did they not hear? Absolutely not,
“Their voice went out into all the earth
and their words into the ends of the inhabited world.” (Ps 19:4)
19. But I say, did Israel not understand? Moses first said,
“I will provoke you all to jealousy by those not a nation,
by a foolish nation I shall make you angry.” (Dt 32:21)
20. And Isaiah is very bold and says,
“I was found among those who were not seeking Me,
I became visible to those who were not looking for Me.” (Is 65:1)
21. But to Israel he said, “I held out My hands the whole day to a disobedient and
obstinate people.” (Is 65:2)
1 (v.9) This is singular.
2 (v.9) The Jewish understanding of belief requires a change in behavior. If I say I love
you, but do not give aid when needed, I lied when I said that I loved you. See Mt 7:21, 1Jn 2:4.
3 (v.10) The word translated salvation could also be translated deliverance.
4 (v.11) See Isaiah 28:16 in Glossary.
The Remnant of Israel
11.1. Therefore I ask, did not God reject His people? May it not be! For
also I myself am an Isreali, from the seed of Abraham, tribe of Benjamin. 2.
God did not reject His people whom He knew beforehand. Or do you not know
with Elijah what the Scripture says, as he intercedes with God with reference
to Israel? 3. Lord, “They killed Your prophets, they tore down Your altars, and
only I was left and they are seeking my life.” (1Ki 19:10,14) 4. But what does
the divine statement say to him? “I reserved seven thousand men for Myself,
who did not bend a knee to Baal.” (1Ki 19:18) 5. Then, just as also in the present
time, a remnant1 has come into being according to the election of grace: 6. and if
by grace, it is no longer by means of works, because, if it were, grace would no
longer be grace. 7. Then what? What Israel is seeking, this it did not obtain, but
the election did obtain: and the rest grew callous, 8. just as it has been written,
“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
their eyes to not see
and their ears to not hear,
until this very day.” (Dt 29:4,2 Is 29:10, see also Is 6:10a)
9. And David said,
“Their table3 must become a snare” and a trap
“and into a stumbling block and for a repayment to them,
10. their eyes must darken so they could not see (Ps 69:22, 23 & 35:8)
and their back must now always bend.”4
The Salvation of the Pagans
11:11. Therefore I say, did they stumble so they would fall forever? God
forbid! But by their transgression the salvation for the heathens is to provoke
them to jealousy. (Dt 32:21) 12. And if their transgression is riches for the world
and their loss riches for heathens, how much more will their fulfillment be
11:13. But I am speaking to you heathens: then as long as I am indeed
an apostle for heathens, I honor my ministry, 14. if somehow I could provoke
my flesh to jealousy and I could rescue some of them. 15. For if their rejection
of Him means reconciliation of the world, what is their acceptance by God if not
life out of death? 16. And if the first fruits5 is holy, the whole batch6 is also: and
if the root is holy, the branches are also.
1 (v.5) This remnant is referred to as the Humble in Is 61:1. See Humble in Glossary.
2 (v.8) This is v. 3 in the Tanach.
3 (v.9) The Hebrew is plural, tables, an imprecatory prayer, a curse speaking of the dining
tables of those who persecuted David in v. 22.
4 (v.10) The Greek literally says, “You must now always bend their back.” a strong request
for God to punish them.
5 (v.16) This refers to the first portion of dough that was used for the Bread of the Pres-
ence in the Sanctuary.
6 (v.16) Body
11:17. But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, since you
are a wild olive, were yourself grafted into them, then you would be a participant
for yourself of the richness2 of the root of the olive tree. 18. Stop boasting of the
branches: but, if you do boast, you do not support the root, but the root supports
you. 19. Therefore you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I could be
grafted in.” 20. Just so: they were broken off by unbelief, but you have stood by
faith. Do not be proud, but you must continually fear for yourself: 21. for if God
did not spare the natural branches, neither will He in any way spare you. 22. You
must now see the goodness and severity of God: on the one hand severity upon
those who fell, but on the other hand goodness of God upon you, if you would
remain in the goodness, otherwise you would be cut off. 23. And even these, if
they would not remain in unbelief, they will be grafted in: for God is able to graft
them in again. 24. For if you were cut off from the naturally wild olive tree and
contrary to nature you were grafted into the cultivated olive tree, how much more
will these natural branches be grafted into their own cultivated olive tree.3
The Restoration of Israel
11:25. For I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, lest
you become conceited,4 because dulled perception in part has come upon Israel
until the fullness of the heathens5 would come in6 (Lk 21:24) 26. and in this way
all Israel will be saved, just as it has been written,
“The One Who rescues will come out of Zion,
He will banish ungodliness from Jacob.
27. and this is the covenant for them with Me,
when I would take away their sins.” (Is 59:20,21)
28. On the one hand regarding the gospel they are enemies on account of you, but
on the other hand regarding the election they are beloved because of the Fathers:
29. for the gifts and the calling7 of God are irrevocable. 30. For just as you
yourselves were once disobedient to God, but now you have been shown mercy
by their disobedience, 31. then in this way now they have become disobedient,
so that also they could now receive mercy themselves because of the mercy
shown to you. 32. For God will completely shut up together all those who are in
disobedience, so that He could be merciful with them all.
11:33. O the depth of riches and wisdom and knowledge of God: in the
1 (v.17) Every “you” in this paragraph, verses 17-24, is singular, so each one of us is indi-
vidually grafted into the cultivated, Jewish olive tree. See Is 44:5.
2 (v.17) This literally means to grow fat.
3 (v.24) This is the same olive tree into which you have been grafted.
4 (v.25) Literally, “that you were not wise in the power of relying on your own wisdom.”
5 (v.25) Another verse that could well be translated this way is Gn 48:19, when Jacob
blesses Ephraim, the Hebrew literally speaks of the “fullness of the heathens” (m’lo goyim) which is
translated “group of nations” (NIV) or “multitude of nations” (Amp).
6 (v.25) The heathens are to join with Judaism into one body by means of Messiah Jesus.
7 (v.29) We have multiple gifts, but one calling.
same manner His judgments are unfathomable and His ways are inscrutable,
34. “For who knew the mind of the Lord?
or who became His councilor?” (Is 40:13, Job 15:8, Jr 23:18)
35. “or who has given in advance to Him,
so He should repay him?” (Job 41:3)
36. Because all things are from Him and through Him and in Him: to Him be the
glory forever, amen.
The New Life in Messiah
12.1. Therefore I urge you, brothers, through the compassion of God, to
present your bodies holy, living offerings, pleasing to God, your spiritual service:
2. and stop being conformed to this age,1 but you must from the inside continually
be changed into another form,2 by the renovation of your mind, to prove what is
the good and pleasing and perfect will of God for you.
12:3. For I say, through the grace that has been given to me, to everyone
who is among you, not to think too highly of yourselves beyond which it is
necessary to think,3 but to think to put a moderate estimate of yourself, in the
same manner as God divided to each a measure of faith. 4. For just as we have
many members in one body, but all the parts do not have the same function,
5. in this way, we, the many, are one body in Messiah, but each one part of
one another. 6. And having different gifts according to the grace given to us,
whether prophecy according to the proportion of his faith, 7. or ministry4 in his
service, or the one who teaches in the teaching, 8. or the one who encourages in
encouragement: the one who shares,5 (Eph 4:28) in sincerity without grudging,
the protector or guardian giving aid in diligent eagerness, the one who is merciful
in cheerfulness.
Rules of the Christian Life
12:9. Love must be sincere. Abhorring evil, clinging to the good, 10.
devoted to one another in brotherly love, trying to outdo one another in showing
respect, 11. in eagerness not sluggishness, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord, 12.
rejoicing in hope, persevering in affliction, persisting in prayer, 13. sharing what
you have in the needs of the saints, pursuing hospitality, 14. you must continually
bless those who persecute you, you must continually bless and you must stop
cursing. 15. To rejoice with those who rejoice, to weep with those who weep.
16. Being of the same mind with one another, not being proud but yielding to the
lowly menial tasks. Do not ever become wise in your own estimation. 17. And
1 (v.2) World order
2 (v.2) See Son of David/Son of Joseph in Glossary.
3 (v.3) Each person is to have self-confidence, an assurance of who he is in Messiah.
4 (v.7) The Greek word, diakonia, could also be translated service. See Servant in Glos-
5 (v.8) The Greek word, metadidous, means to share with someone. It is also used to
express imparting knowledge of Scripture, as in Lk 3:11, Ro 1:11.
by not paying back evil against evil, taking thought for good before all mankind:
18. if able from yourselves, living in peace with all mankind: 19. not avenging
yourselves, beloved, but you must now give place to the wrath of God, for it has
been written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” (Dt 32:35) says the Lord. 20.
But “If your enemy hungers, you must continually feed him: if he thirsts, you
must continually give him drink: for doing this you will heap coals of fire upon
his head.” (Pr 25:21,22) 21. I do not overcome evil by doing evil but I overcome
evil by doing good.1
Obedience to Rulers2
13.1. Every person must continually submit to governing authorities.
For there is no authority except under God, and those who are in authority are
appointed by God. 2. So that the one who resists his authority has opposed
the ordinance of God, and the ones who have opposed will bring judgment on
themselves. 3. For those who rule are not to be feared by the one who works
good, but by the one doing evil. And you want to be unafraid of authority:
whoever does good things, then you will have praise from the authority: 4. for
a servant of God is for doing good for you. But if you would do evil, you must
fear: for he does not bear the sword without cause: for a servant of God is an
avenger to the one who does evil. 5. For this reason it is a necessity to be subject,
not only because of the wrath but also through conscience. 6. For because of this
you must also pay taxes: for magistrates are ministers of God who are steadfastly
attentive, serving God in this itself. 7. You must immediately pay back your
debts to all, the tax to whom the tax is owed, the customs to whom the customs
duties are owed, respect to whom respect is due, honor to whom honor is due.
Brotherly Love
13:8. You must continually not owe anything to anyone except love to
one another: for the one who loves the other has fulfilled Torah.3 9. Truly “You
shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not
covet,” (Ex 20:13-15, 17) and if there is any other commandment, it is summed
up in this word, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Lv 19:18) 10. Love
does not work evil to the neighbor: therefore love is fulfillment of Torah.
Personal Greetings
16.1. And I am introducing our sister Phoebe to you, since she is also a
minister of the congregation3 in Cenchrea,4 2. so that you would welcome her in
the Lord as befitting the saints, and you would stand by her in whatever matter
she would have need of you: for she has also become a patroness5 of many, even
of me.
16:3. You must greet Prisca and Aquila,6 my fellow workers in Messiah
Jesus, 4. who risked their own necks for the sake of my life, for whom not only
I, but also all the congregations of the heathens are thankful, 5. and greet the
congregation in their own house.7 You must greet my esteemed Epaenetus,
who is first fruits of Asia in Messiah. 6. You must greet Mary, who labored
much, teaching among you. 7. You must greet Andronikus and Junia8 my kin
and my fellow prisoners, who are prominent among the apostles, and they were
in Messiah before me. 8. You must greet Ampliatus, my esteemed in the Lord.
9. You must greet Urbanus, our fellow worker in Messiah, and my esteemed
Stachus. 10. You must greet Appeles, proved in Messiah. You must greet the
household of Aristobulus. 11. You must greet Herodion my kin. You must
greet those from Narkiss who are in the Lord. 12. You must greet Tryphena and
Tryphosa, those women who are laboring much in teaching in the Lord. You must
greet the esteemed Persida, a woman who labored much in the Lord. 13. You
must greet Rufus, the chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. 14. Greet
Asincritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobus, Hermas, and the brothers with them. 15.
Greet Philoligon and Julia, Nerea and his sister, and Olympia and all the saints
1 (v.28) The donation for the congregation in Jerusalem
2 (v.32) A brief respite from Paul’s heavy schedule.
3 (v.1) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
4 (v.1) Cenchrae was on the west side of the very narrow piece of land connecting north-
ern Greece to southern Greece. Corinth was on the east side, just a short distance away.
5 (v.2) Literally, a woman set over others
6 (v.3) Listing Priscilla first indicates a greater ranking for her in Paul’s mind. Paul had met
them a few years earlier in Corinth, recorded in Acts 18:2.
7 (v.5) Their living in Rome makes this during the first five years of Nero’s reign. Claudius
expelled the Jewish people from Rome in 49 AD. Nero succeeded him in 54 AD, permitting them to
return, and then five years later expelled them.
8 (v.7) A woman
with them.1 16. Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the congregations of the
Messiah greet you.
16:17. And I urge you, brothers, to look out for those who make
dissensions and draw you away from the true doctrine contrary to the teaching
which you learned, and you must continually turn away from them: 18. for such
as these are not serving the Lord our Messiah but their own gluttony, and through
smooth talk and flattery they could deceive the hearts of the innocents. 19. For
your submission has been heard by all: so I rejoice with you, and I want you to
be wise in the good things, and pure in respect to evil. 20. And the God of peace
will shortly crush Satan2 under your feet.3 The grace of our Lord Jesus be with
16:21. My fellow worker Timothy, and Luke and Jason and Sopater, my
relatives, greet you.4
22. I, Tertius, the writer of this letter, greet you in the Lord. 23. Gaius my
host and the whole congregation greet you. Erastus the city treasurer and brother
Kouartus greet you.5
16:25. And to the one who is able to establish you according to my gospel
and the preaching of Jesus Messiah,6 according to the revelation of the mystery
that was kept hidden for long ages, 26. but is now being revealed through the
prophetic writings according to the command of the eternal God, Who has been,
in faithful obedience, made known to all the heathens, 27. to the only wise God,
through Jesus Messiah, to Whom be the glory forever, amen.
1 (v.15) These 15 verses refer to 14 men and 10 women, a higher proportion of women
than many might expect, and more than are named in any other letter from Paul. That he knew so
many working in ministry there is an indication of the effort of the Jerusalem council to reach the
seat of power across the Roman Empire.
2 (v.20) See Satan in Glossary.
3 (v.20) You have been given awesome power. See Footstool in Glossary.
4 (v.21) Paul frequently referred to Timothy as “My fellow worker..” From this I believe v. 21
should be a separate paragraph, while the editors of the Greek text have placed it with the state-
ment of Tertius.
5 (v.23) V. 24 is omitted because it was not in the earliest manuscripts.
6 (v.25) His statement “my gospel” followed by the message of Jesus Messiah, means the
gospel of the Jerusalem council, as opposed to the false teachings referred to in other letters. See
2 Cor 4:5.
1 (Title) Written from Ephesus (16:8) about 55 AD, after Thessalonians, but before Ro-
2 (v.2) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.8) Cannot be called to account, not accused
4 (v.12) Cephas is the Latin spelling of the Aramaic word Kefa. See Cephas in Glossary.
5 (v.13) The Greek verb baptidzo means to immerse, and this was the immersion for purifi-
cation that had been a Jewish custom for more than 1,000 years. See Baptize in Glossary.
I Corinthians
you were baptized in my name. 16. But I also baptized the Stephanus household;
I do not know the rest, if I baptized any other one. 17. For Messiah did not
send me to baptize but to proclaim the Good News, not relying on wisdom in a
message, so that the cross of Messiah would not be destroyed.
1 (v.11) The Greek word translated drunkard refers to drunkenness from too much of any
intoxicant. See Sorcery in Glossary.
2 (v.1) Synagogues had judges in the first century, so Paul was using the pattern with
which he was so familiar. See Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.4) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
4 (v.10 This refers to drunkenness from any intoxicant, but for more on the subject, see
Sorcery in Glossary.
5 (v.11) The Greek verb is apolouo, meaning to wash away, which is a reference to bap-
I Corinthians
Glorify God in Your Body
6:12. All things are permitted to me but not all things are profitable: all
things are permitted to me but I am not mastered by anything. 13. The foods
for the stomach and the stomach for the foods, but God will even do away with
this stomach and these foods. And the body is not for immorality but for the
Lord, and the Lord is for the body: 14. and God even resurrected the Lord and
He will resurrect us through His power. 15. Do you not know that your bodies
are members of Messiah? So then could the members of Messiah be members
of a prostitute? God forbid! 16. Or do you not know that the one who is joined
with a prostitute is one with her body? For “It will be,” it is said, “the two are
one flesh.” (Gn 2:24) 17. But the one who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with
Him. 18. You must continually flee immorality. Every sin that a man could do
is outside the body: but of immoralities he sins against his own body. 19. Or do
you not know that your body is a sanctuary1 (Eph 2:21,22) of the Holy Spirit in
you, which you have from God, and you do not belong to yourselves? 20. For
you were bought with a price: now you must glorify God with your body.
1 (v.19) The Talmud teaches that non-Jews are subject to the covenant with Noah. Noah’s
covenant has seven laws: Promote justice, prohibitions of idolatry, immorality, blasphemy, murder,
cruelty to animals, and theft. Noah’s covenant does not include circumcision.
2 (v.19) The essential circumcision is of the heart, Dt 10:16, 30:6, Jr 4:4; 9:25, and Eze
3 (v.26) Paul says this because he believes Messiah is to come soon, shown by his state-
ment in v. 29, “the time is short.” Each generation is to act like it is the last generation before the
Lord’s return, but not to follow Paul’s advice here. Jacob wrote in Jas 5:8 “You too must now be
patient, you must strengthen your hearts, because the coming of the Lord has drawn near:” 1 Jn
2:18 says, “ is the last hour..” See Coming of Messiah in Glossary.
I Corinthians
buying as if they do not possess, 31. and those who are making use of the good
things of this world as those not making full use of it: for the present form of
this world is passing away. 32. But I want you to be free from anxieties. The
unmarried one cares for the things of the Lord, how he could please the Lord:
33. but the one who has married cares for the things of the world, how he could
please his wife, 34. and he has been divided. And the unmarried woman and the
virgin care for the things of the Lord, so that she could be holy in both the body
and the spirit: but the married woman cares for the things of the world, how she
could please her husband. 35. And I say this for your own benefit, so that I would
not put a noose on you but toward good order and devotion to the Lord without
7:36. But if someone thinks he is behaving indecently toward his virgin,
if she would be past the bloom of youth, then in this way he is obligated to
become her husband, he must do what she wishes, he does not sin, they must
marry. 37. But who has stood steadfast in his heart, not having compulsion, but
has power over his own desires and has judged this in his own heart, to keep his
virgin, will do well. 38. So also the one who marries his virgin does well but the
one who does not marry will do better.1
7:39. A wife has been bound for so long a time as her husband would live:
but if the husband would sleep,2 she is free to be married to whom she wishes,
only in the Lord. 40. And it is more blessed if she would remain unmarried,
according to my judgment:3 and I think I have the Spirit of God.
14:20. Brothers, stop being children in your thinking! But you must be
infants with evil, and you must become mature in your thinking. 21. It has been
written in the Torah that
“In other tongues
and with other lips
I will speak to this people
and thus no one will obey” Me, (Is 28:11,12, Dt 28:49)
says the Lord. 22. So tongues are a sign not for the believers but for the unbelievers,
and prophecy is not for the unbelievers but for the believers. 23. Therefore if the
whole congregation would come together at the same time and all would speak
in tongues, and uninstructed people or unbelievers would enter, will they not
1 (v.16) This could be either one who does not have the gift of interpretation or one sitting
among those who have not been taught in Scripture, in the manner in which seating was segre-
gated in the synagogue.
I Corinthians
say that you are mad?1 24. But if all would prophesy, and some unbeliever or
uninstructed person would come in, he is convicted by all, he is called to account
by all, 25. the hidden things of his heart become revealed, and so falling on his
face he will worship God, proclaiming, “God is really among you.”
1.1. Paul, an apostle of Messiah Jesus through the will of God, and
brother Timothy to the congregation2 of God which is in Corinth, with all those
saints who are throughout Achia,3 2. grace and peace to you from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Messiah.
Paul’s Thanksgiving after Affliction
1:3. Blessed be4 God and Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah, the Father
of all compassion and God of every encouragement, 4. the One Who comforts us
in our every affliction by enabling us to comfort those in every affliction through
the exhortation with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5. Because
just as the suffering of the Messiah abounds in us, so through the Messiah our
comfort also abounds. 6. But, if we are afflicted it is on behalf of your comfort
and salvation: or if we are comforted it is on behalf of your comfort, which is
being worked in patience by the same sufferings which we are also suffering. 7.
And our hope on your behalf is firm, since we know that, as you are sharers of
the sufferings, so also are you sharers of the comforting.
1:8. For we do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning our
distress while we were in Asia, because we were burdened beyond measure,
beyond ability so we despaired even of living: 9. but we have had the sentence of
death on ourselves, so that we could not have trusted in ourselves, but in God, the
One Who raises the dead: 10. Who rescued us and will cause us to escape from
so great a death, in Whom we have hoped because yet still He will deliver us,
11. and, by your joining in helping us with your prayer on our behalf, that thanks
could be given by many people for our deliverance from great peril to life.
The Postponement of Paul’s Visit
1:12. Now our boasting is this, the witness of our conscience, that we
1 (Title) Written about 56 AD, after Thessalonians and 1Corinthians, but before Romans.
2 (v.1) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.1) Achia is a major section of Greece, including Athens and Corinth.
4 (v.3) This is commonly translated “praised,” but Blessed is more in keeping with Jewish
prayers and is the primary meaning of the Greek word, eulogatos, used here.
II Corinthians
have conducted ourselves with sincerity in the world in holiness before God, not
with earthly wisdom, but by the grace of God, and far more toward you. 13. For
in fact we are not writing to you except what you have read and what you know:
and I hope that you will understand fully, 14. then just as you knew us in part, that
we are boasting of you just as even you of us on the Day of our Lord Jesus.
1:15. And I wanted the same confidence to come to you earlier so that
you would have a second gift of grace, 16. and to come through you on my way
to Macedonia, then again to come to you from Macedonia and to be sent on my
way by you to Judea. 17. So when I wanted this did I then vacillate? Or what
I want do I want according to the flesh, so that it would be by me definitely yes
and definitely no? 18. But God is faithful because our message to you is not Yes
then No. 19. For the Son of God, Jesus Messiah, Who is in you, since He was
proclaimed by us, by me and Silas and Timothy, it did not become Yes and No
but it became Yes in Him. 20. For however many promises of God there are,
they are “Yes, indeed!” in Him: on this account we also say through Him “Amen,
glory to God.” 21. And God is the One Who establishes us with you in Messiah,
and Who has anointed us, 22. and the One Who has sealed us and has given the
pledge of the Spirit in our hearts.
1:23. But I call upon God as a witness in my spirit, that I did not again
come to Corinth, sparing you. 24. Because we are not lording over your faith but
we are fellow workers of your joy: for you have stood in faith. 2.1. For I decided
this for myself to not again come to you in sadness. 2. For if I would grieve you,
then who is the one who cheers me, except the one who has been grieved by me?
3. And I wrote this same thing, so that when I come I would not have grief from
whom it was necessary for me to bring joy, confident in you all that my joy is
of you all. 4. For from much tribulation and distress of the heart I wrote to you
through many tears, not so that you would be grieved but especially so that you
would know the love which I have for you.
1 (v.1) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
2 (v.4) Donation, ministry, to the believers in Jerusalem.
3 (v.12) Don’t give beyond your means.
II Corinthians
have rest, and you affliction, but from equality: 14. at this time your abundance
1 2
for those needs, so that later then their abundance could come for your needs, so
equality could come about, 15. just as it has been written,
“The one who had much did not have too much,
and the one who had little did not have less.” (Ex 16:18)
II Corinthians
of the Messiah, 15. not boasting excessively in others’ labors, but having hope of
your increasing faith magnified superabundantly in you according to our limits
16. to evangelize those beyond you, not to boast in a province, sphere of activity,
belonging to another, in congregations founded by others. 17. But “The one who
boasts must boast in the Lord:” (Jr 9:24) 18. for the one who commends himself,
that one is not approved, but whom the Lord commends.
1.1. Paul, an apostle not from men and not by man, but through Jesus
Messiah and God the Father, the One Who raised Him from the dead, 2. and all
the brothers with me, to the congregations2 of Galatia, 3. grace and peace to you
from God our Father and Lord Jesus Messiah 4. the One Who gave Himself on
behalf of our sins, so He could deliver us out from the present evil age according
to the will of our God and Father, 5. to Whom be the glory forever and ever,
There is No Other Gospel
1:6. I am amazed that you are turning away so quickly to a different
gospel from the One Who called you in grace, Messiah, 7. which is not another
gospel, unless some deceivers are troubling you and want to turn around the
gospel of the Messiah. 8. But if even we or an angel out of heaven would bring
a gospel to you contrary to the one we brought to you, he must be doomed to
destruction, an accursed thing. 9. As we told beforehand, now I also say again, if
anyone brings you a gospel contrary to what you received, he must be accursed,
doomed to destruction.
1:10. For now do I try to win over men or God? Or do I strive to please
people? Yet, if I were pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Messiah.
How Paul Became an Apostle
1:11. For I make known to you, brothers, the gospel which was proclaimed
by me that it is not according to man: 12. for neither did I take it from a person
nor was I taught it, but I was given it through a revelation by Jesus Messiah.
1:13. For you have heard about my earlier conduct when in Judea,3 that
I persecuted beyond measure the congregation of God and was destroying it, 14.
1 (Title) Written about 48-57 AD.
2 (v.2) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary. There were a number of congregations in Galatia because in the
first century it was a Roman province in Asia Minor, including the cities of Antioch, Iconium, Lystra,
and Derbe. There was another Antioch in Syria, on the Mediterranean coast.
3 (v.13) This Greek word Ioudaismos, normally translated Judaism, means “of or pertaining
to Judea.” The modern use of the word “Judaism” came centuries later.
and I was advancing in Judaism over many contemporaries in my class, since I
was a zealot of the traditions of my ancestors to a much greater degree. 15. But
when God chose, the One Who appointed me from my mother’s womb and Who
called me through His grace, 16. to have revealed His Son to me, so that I would
proclaim Him to the heathens, I did not immediately consult flesh and blood 17.
and I did not go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went
to Arabia, then again returned to Damascus.
1:18. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to get to know
Cephas and I stayed with him fifteen days, 19. but I did not see another of the
apostles except Jacob,2 the brother of the Lord. 20. And about which I write to
you, behold before God that I am not lying. 21. Then I went through the regions
of Syria and Cilicia: 22. but I was not known in person by those congregations
of the Jewish people in Messiah. 23. But they were only hearing that “The one
formerly persecuting us is now proclaiming the gospel of faith which he was
formerly destroying,” 24. and they were praising God because of me.
1.1. Paul, an apostle of Messiah Jesus by the will of God, to those saints
who are in Ephesus and faithful in Messiah Jesus, 2. grace and peace to you from
God our Father and our Lord Jesus Messiah.
Spiritual Blessings in Messiah
1:3. Blessed be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah, the One Who
blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies by Messiah, 4. just as
He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, for us to be holy and
blameless in His presence in love, 5. because He predestined us into adoption
through Jesus Messiah into Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,
6. into the commendation of His glorious grace by which He favored us with
the Beloved One. 7. By Whom we have the redemption through His blood,
the forgiveness of sins,2 according to the wealth of His grace 8. from which He
furnished richly, abounding to us, wise and understanding in everything, 9. when
He made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure,
which was planned by Him 10. for the arrangement of the fullness of the times
of immaturity,3 everything is to be brought together in the Messiah, the things
over the heavens and the things upon the earth in Him. 11. In Whom our lot is
cast4, since we have been predestined according to the purpose of the One Who
works all things according to the purpose of His will 12. for us to be a praise of
His glory, the ones who were the first to hope in the Messiah. 13. In Whom also
yourselves, because you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation,
in which also as you believed, you were sealed by the promised Holy Spirit, 14.
Who is a down payment of our inheritance, salvation, for a redemption of the
purchased possession, in praise of His glory.
Paul’s Prayer
1:15. And I because of this, since I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus
1 (Title) Written about 60 AD.
2 (v.7) See Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary.
3 (v.10) When this sinful time has been brought to completion and Satan is bound.
4 (v.11) The meaning of this verb is to appoint by lot. Have we been chosen because we
earned it and deserved it? If so, then it is not by grace. See Jn 6:65.
and your love for all the saints, 16. I have not ceased giving thanks concerning
you, making mention of you in my prayers, 17. in order that the God of our Lord
Jesus Messiah, the Father of glory, would have given you a spirit of wisdom
and revelation for your knowledge of Him, 18. that the eyes of your heart have
been enlightened for you to have known what is the hope of His inheritance, the
riches of His glory, of His inheritance for the saints, 19. and which exceeds the
greatness of His power in us, those who believe, according to the working of the
might of His strength. 20. Which He worked in the Messiah when He raised Him
from the dead and He seated Him on His right hand1 in the heavenlies 21. far
above every rule and authority and power and dominion and then He was named
above every name, not only in this age, but also in the one that is coming: 22. and
He made all things subject under His feet and gave Him authority over everyone
in the congregation,2 23. which is His body, the extension of the One Who fills
everything in every way.
From Death to Life
2.1. And you, because you are dead to your transgressions and to your
sins,3 2. in which you formerly walked, conforming to the wicked age to which
this world belongs, according to the prince of the authority of the air, the spirit
which is now working in the sons of disobedience: 3. in which we all also formerly
lived in the desires of our flesh, doing the desires and the impulses of the flesh,
and in nature we were children of wrath, even like the rest: 4. but God, Who is
rich in mercy, through His great love with which He loved us, 5. and, while we
were dead in our sins, He made us alive in Messiah, - you have been saved by
grace - 6. and He raised us together and caused us to sit down together in the
heavenlies with Messiah Jesus, 7. so that He could demonstrate in the coming
ages the exceeding riches of His grace in kindness for us in Messiah Jesus. 8.
For you are saved by grace through faith. And this is not from yourselves, it is
the gift of God: 9. it is not from works, so that not anyone could boast. 10. For
we are His workmanship, as we have been created in Messiah Jesus for good
works4, which God prepared before hand, so that we would walk in them, the
good works.5
One in Messiah
2:11. On which account remember that formerly you were heathens in
the flesh, the ones who were called uncircumcised by the one who called himself
circumcised in the flesh by human hands, 12. that you were at that time without
1 (v.20) “At the right hand” is a Hebrew idiom that speaks of power and strength, from Ex
15:6. See Right Hand in Glossary.
2 (v.22) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
3 (v.1) See Sin in glossary.
4 (v.10) Mitsvot, see Mitsvah in Glossary. We are saved by grace, but our behavior has to
5 (v.10) The pronoun here refers specifically to good works.
Messiah, having been alienated from the citizenship of Israel and aliens of the
promise of the covenants,1 since you did not have hope and you were in the world
without God. 13. But now you are in Messiah Jesus, you who were formerly far
away, you have come near by means of the blood of the Messiah.
2:14. For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one2
and Who has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His
flesh, 15. by His nullifying the tradition of the commandments by decrees, so that
He could create the two, Jewish and non-Jewish, into one new race, establishing
peace 16. so He could reconcile both in one body to God through the cross,3
as God killed their enmity4 by means of Jesus. 17. And when He came He
proclaimed the Good News of peace to you, to those far away, and peace to those
near: 18. because through Him we both have the introduction to the Father by
means of one Spirit. 19. Therefore then, you are no longer aliens and strangers,
but you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God,
20. building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Jesus
being His cornerstone, 21. in Whom the whole building being constructed is
being fit together into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22. and in Whom you are built
together into a habitation of God by the Spirit.
Paul’s Ministry to the Pagans
3.1. For this reason I, Paul, the prisoner of the Messiah Jesus on behalf
of you heathens - 2. and if you heard the plan of the grace of God which was
given to me for you, 3. that according to a revelation, the mystery was made
known to me, just as I wrote before in brief, 4. by means of which, when you
read, you were able to perceive my understanding in the mystery of the Messiah,
5. Who was not made known to the sons of men in different generations, as
He has now been revealed to His set apart apostles and prophets by the Holy
Spirit, 6. that the heathens are fellow heirs and members of the same body and
sharing with them the promise in Messiah Jesus through the gospel, 7. Whose
servant I became according to the gift of the grace of God which was given to
me according to the working of His power. 8. To me, the least of all the saints,
was given this grace, first to preach the inscrutable richness of the Good News of
the Messiah to the heathens 9. and, second, a plan which is to bring to light all of
the mystery, which has been hidden from the beginning of time by God, the One
Who created everything, 10. so that the many-sided wisdom of God would now
be made known, through the congregation,5 to the rulers and to the authorities in
1 (v.12) Notice that Paul uses the plural, covenants, implying that each covenant builds on
the previous covenants, in contrast to some translations of Hb 8:13. See Ro 9:4.
2 (v.14) Grafted the Church, the wild olive tree, into the domestic olive tree, Ro 11:17, 18,
Jn 10:16
3 (v.16) The cross is mentioned several times in this passage, but the cross did not
become a Christian symbol until the fourth century, when the Romans stopped using the cross for
4 (v.16) Heathens versus Jewish people. See Replacement Theology in Glossary.
5 (v.10) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
the heavenlies, 11. according to the eternal plan which He made using Messiah
Jesus our Lord, 12. in Whom we have boldness and access in confidence through
faith in Him. 13. For this reason I ask you not to lose heart because of my
distresses on your behalf, which are an honor to do for you.
To Know the Love of Messiah
3:14. On this account I bend my knees to the Father, 15. from Whom
every family in the heavens and on the earth receives its name, 16. so that He
would give to you according to the riches of His glory to be strengthened in
power by His Spirit working in your inner man, 17. to make the Messiah live in
your hearts through faith, when you have been rooted and established in love,
18. so that you would be able to seize, with all the consecrated ones, what is the
breadth and length and height and depth, 19. and to know the love of the Messiah
that surpasses our knowledge, so that you would be filled with all the fullness of
3:20. Now to the One Who is able to do beyond measure far more than we
ask or we imagine according to the power which works in us for our benefit, 21.
to Him be the glory in the congregation and in Messiah Jesus for all generations
forever and ever, amen.
The Unity of the Body
4.1. Therefore I, a prisoner of the Lord, urge you to walk worthily in the
calling to which you have been called, 2. with all humility and gentleness, with
patience, and bearing with one another in love, 3. being diligent to keep the unity
of the Spirit in the bond of peace: 4. one body and one spirit, just as also you were
called in one hope of your calling: 5. one Lord, one faith, one immersion,1 6. one
God and Father of all, the One over all things and through all things and in all
4:7. And the grace was given to each one of us according to the measure
of the gift of the Messiah. 8. For this reason it says,
“When He ascended into the high places He turned the tables on your
enemies in warfare.2
He gave gifts to mankind.”3 (Ps 68:18)
4:9. And He went up. What is this ascending, unless He also descended
into the lower parts of the earth? 10. The One Who descended is the same One
Who also ascended high above all the heavens,4 so that all things would be filled
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
1 (v.5) Immersion is the translation of the Greek word baptisma. See Baptize in Glossary.
2 (v.8)The literal is “turned captivity captive” which is a Hebrew idiom for “turn the tables on
your enemies in warfare” This idiom is also used in Am 9:14, “V’shavti veyish’vu” in the Hebrew.
3 (v.8) This is from the Greek text, the Hebrew saying, “You (God) took gifts from men,”
referring to God’s taking of Judea and its spiritual advantages, thus making Israel the home of His
people forever.
4 (v.10) Heavens is always plural in Hebrew, with seven Hebrew words describing seven
with His presence. 11. And He gave some to be apostles, some prophets, and
some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12. for the equipping of the
saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of the Messiah, 13. until
we would all attain in the unity of faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,
into a mature person, to the measure of the full maturity of the Messiah, 14. so
that no longer would we be infants, being tossed about and carried by every wind
of teaching in the craftiness of men, in cunning with deceitful scheming, 15. but
that being truthful in love we would bring to maturity all the things in Him, Who
is the Head, Messiah, 16. from Whom the whole body of Messiah is being joined
together and uniting through every ligament that serves for support, according
to working in a measure by each individual part, He is making the body grow,
building itself up in love.
The Old Life and the New
4:17. Therefore I say this, and I bear witness in the Lord, that you no
longer walk as the heathens walk in the futility of their minds, 18. since they have
been darkened by being in their understanding, because they have been alienated
from the life of God through the ignorance which is in them, because of the
insensibility of their hearts, 19. who, when they became callous, gave themselves
over to licentiousness in practice of every impurity, with a desire to have more.
20. But you did not learn Messiah in this way, 21. if you really heard about Him
and were taught by Him, just as truth is in Jesus, 22. you laid aside the old man,
according to your former behavior, in accordance with the destruction of your
deceitful desires, 23. then to have been renewed in the spirit of your mind 24.
and to have put on the new man, the one which has been created corresponding
to God in the righteousness and holiness of the truth.
Final Greetings
6:21. & 22. And so that you would also know that with regard to me,
what I am doing, Tychikus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord,
whom I sent to you for this purpose, will make everything known to you, so that
you would know the things concerning us and it would comfort your hearts.
6:23. To the brothers (and sisters), peace and love with faith from God
our Father and our Lord Jesus Messiah. 24. Grace be with all those who love our
Lord Jesus Messiah with never diminishing love.
1 (v.16) Burning in the past with the effects still felt today.
2 (v.17) A small sword for personal defense.
3 (v.17) The Greek word is Rhema, specifically referring to the spoken word. See Logos/
Rhema in Glossary.
4 (v.19) Paul asked everyone in Ephesus (and probably everyone else) to intercede for
1.1. Paul and Timothy, servants of Messiah Jesus, to all the saints in
Messiah Jesus who are in Philipi with elders and deacons, 2. grace and peace to
you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Messiah.
To Me to Live is Messiah
1:12. And I wish you to know, brothers, that things have turned out in
my case for the advancement of the Good News, 13. so that the revelations of my
being in chains for Messiah came to the whole palace guard and to all the rest, 14.
and through my bonds most of the brothers in the Lord have been made confident
to more exceedingly dare to speak the Word fearlessly.
1:15. Some indeed then, because of envy and strife, but some because
of good will, are proclaiming the Messiah: 16. and the latter indeed out of love,
since they know that I have been appointed for the defense of the gospel, 17.
but the former are proclaiming the Messiah publicly from partisanship, not
with sincerity, supposing to raise trouble for me in my bonds. 18. So what? In
1 (Title) Written about 60 AD.
any case, because in every way, and in this time, whether in pretext or in truth,
Messiah is proclaimed publicly, and in this I rejoice. But then I will rejoice, 19.
for I know that this will turn out for my salvation through your entreaty and the
support of the Spirit of Jesus Messiah 20. according to my persistent expectation
and hope, that I will not be put to shame by anything. But I will be in free and
fearless confidence as always. And now Messiah will be magnified in my body,
whether through my life or through my death. 21. For to me to live is Messiah
and to die is gain. 22. But if I live in the flesh, this is for me the fruit of my labor,
and which1 I will prefer for myself I do not know. 23. And I am hard pressed
by the two, since I have the desire to depart from life and to be with Messiah,
indeed rather much better: 24. but to remain in the flesh is a more necessary duty
because of you. 25. And because I have believed this, I know that I remain and
I am staying beside you all, for your progress and joy in your faith, 26. so that
your glorying in Messiah Jesus would overflow in me because of my coming to
you again.
1:27. Only you must continually be worthy of being made a citizen of
the Good News of the Messiah, so that, whether, because I have come and seen
you, or, if I depart, I would hear everything about you, that you have stood in
one spirit, one being, contending together in unity for the faith of the gospel 28.
and not being frightened in anything by those who oppose you, which is proof
to them of their destruction, but for you of salvation, and this from God: 29.
because it was given freely to you on behalf of Messiah, not only to believe in
Him but also to suffer on His behalf, 30. since we have the same struggle, which
sort you saw in me and now you are hearing in me.
4:2. I urge Euodia and I urge Syntych to be in agreement in the Lord.
3. Yes indeed I also ask you each, genuinely yoked together, you must each
continually help these women, who came together with me in the evangelism
also with Clement and the rest of those who work with me, whose names are
in the Scroll of Life. 4. You must continually rejoice in the Lord always: again
I say, rejoice! 5. Your gentleness must always be known to all people. The
Lord is near. 6. And you must at no point be anxious about anything, but your
requests must quickly be made known to God in every prayer and entreaty, with
thanksgiving. 7. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will
keep your hearts and your thoughts and purposes on Messiah Jesus.
4:8. The rest, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are
honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever
is spoken with good will, if there is any moral excellence and any praise, you
must continually consider these things for yourselves: 9. and whatever you have
learned and you took1 and you heard and you saw in me, you must faithfully do
these things: then the God of peace will be with you.
1.1. Paul, an apostle of Messiah Jesus by the will of God, and brother
Timothy 2. to the saints and believers in Colossae, brothers in Messiah, grace and
peace to you from God our Father.
Paul Thanks God for the Colossians
1:3. We always give thanks to God, Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah,
when we pray on your behalf, 4. because we have heard of your faith in Messiah
Jesus and the love which you have for all the saints 5. because of the hope which
is stored up for you in the heavens, which you heard before in the message of
truth from the gospel 6. of that at hand in you, just as also in every place in the
world the Gospel is bearing fruit and causing to grow just as also in you, since the
day you heard and you knew the grace of God in truth: 7. just as you learned from
Epaphras our beloved fellow servant, who is a faithful servant of the Messiah on
your behalf, 8. and the one who has shown us your love by the Spirit.
1.1. Paul and Silas and Timothy to the congregation2 of Thessalonikeon3
in God the Father and Lord Jesus Messiah, grace and peace to you.
I Thessalonians
highly in love because of their work. You must habitually keep the peace among
yourselves. 14. And we urge you, brothers, you must regularly admonish the
disorderly, you must constantly encourage the discouraged, you must continually
help the weak, you must always be patient with all. 15. You must see that no one
ever repays evil for any evil, but you must always steadily pursue good then for
one another and for all.
5:16. Always be rejoicing, 17. you must pray unceasingly, 18. you must
continually give thanks in everything: for this is the will of God in Messiah
Jesus for you. 19. You must habitually not ever quench the Spirit, 20. you must
continually not ever despise prophecy,1 21. but you must constantly prove all
things; you must incessantly hold fast the good, 22. you must faithfully keep
yourselves away from every form of evil.
5:23. And may the God of Peace Himself purify you all completely in all
respects, and would He keep your spirit and inner being and body blamelessly
whole, with no part unsound, for the coming of our Lord Jesus Messiah. 24. The
One Who calls you is faithful, Who also will do what He has said.
5:25. Brothers and sisters, you must also continually pray for us.
5:26. Greet all the brothers2 with a holy kiss. 27. I solemnly charge you
in the name of the Lord to read the letter to the entire congregation.3
5:28. The grace of our Lord Jesus Messiah be with you.
1.1 Paul and Silvanus and Timothy to the congregation3 of Thessalonians
in God our Father and Lord Jesus Messiah, 2. grace and peace to you from God
our Father and our Lord Jesus Messiah.
Pray for Us
3.1. Finally, brothers, concerning us, you must continually pray that the
message of the Lord would proceed quickly and be acclaimed, causing the value
of the message to become manifest, just as it did also with you, 2. and that we
would be rescued from evils and from evil men: for faith is not for everybody. 3.
But the Lord is faithful, Who will strengthen you and will guard you from the evil
1 (v.3) This can also be translated “ the one without Torah.”
2 (v.7) The lawless one
3 (v.9) See Satan in Glossary.
II Thessalonians
one. 4. And we are certain in the Lord in your case, because we are instructing
and you are doing and you will do what we suggest. 5. And may the Lord direct
your hearts in the love of God and in the steadfastness of the Messiah.
3:16. And may He, the Lord of peace, give peace to you through
everything in every situation. The Lord be with all of you. 3:17. The greeting in
my hand, Paul, is a sign in every letter: I write in this manner. 18. The grace of
our Lord Jesus Messiah be with all of you.
1 (v.9) See Romans Chapter 7. Although not perfected, he was still a good example for
~ 1 TIMOTHY1 ~
1.1. Paul, an apostle of Messiah Jesus, according to a command of God
our Savior and Messiah Jesus, our Hope, 2. to Timothy, a true child in faith,
grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and Messiah Jesus our Lord.
Qualifications of Deacons5
3:8. Likewise deacons/ministers must be serious, not deceitful, not
addicted to much wine, not fond of dishonest gain, 9. keeping in mind the mystery
of the faith with a clear conscience. 10. And they must also be proved first, then
they must serve if they are blameless. 11. Likewise wives must be serious, not
slanderous,6 temperate, faithful in everything. 12. Ministers must be husbands of
one wife, managing children and their own households well. 13. For those who
have served well acquire for themselves good standing and much confidence in
faith in the Messiah, Jesus.
The Mystery of Our Religion
3:14. I write these things to you hoping to come to you quickly: 15. but, if
I am delayed, so that you would know how it is necessary to behave in the house
of God, which is a congregation of the living God, a pillar and foundation of the
truth. 16. And the mystery that is held and nourished by godliness is undeniably
Who was revealed in flesh,
He was proved to be right in spirit,
He was seen by angels,
1 (Caption) The Greek word Episkopos is often translated Bishop. Episkopos was the
Greek title for the office of Elder, the Hebrew title of leaders. A Jewish Elder was to be at least sixty
years old to be eligible for leadership.
2 (V.3) The verb translated “not prone to drinking much wine” can be translated, “abusive.”
3 (v.5) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
4 (v.7) Testimony, reputation
5 (Caption) The Greek word is diakonos. See Servant in Glossary.
6 (v.11) See Gossip/Slander in Glossary.
I Timothy
He was preached among heathens,
He was believed in the world,
He was taken up in glory.
Prediction of Apostasy
4.1. And the Spirit expressly says that in the last times some of the faithful
will turn their minds to following deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, 2.
of liars, who have seared their own consciences in hypocrisy, 3. by forbidding to
marry, keeping away from food, which God created for the faithful, and for those
who know the truth, to receive with thanksgiving. 4. Because everything created
by God is good and nothing is to be rejected after being taken with thanksgiving:
5. for it is sanctified through the Word of God and supplication.
1 (v.18) Righteousness, good deeds, mitsvot are all synonyms that fit here. See both Mits-
vah and Righteousness in Glossary.
2 (V.20) Ps 118:8 “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.”
~ 2 TIMOTHY1 ~
1.1. Paul, an apostle of Messiah Jesus through the will of God according
to a promise of life in Messiah Jesus, 2. to Timothy, beloved child, grace, mercy,
peace from God the Father and Messiah Jesus our Lord.
An Approved Workman
2:14. You must continually recall to mind these things being charged
before God, not to dispute about words, which does nothing beneficial, but is
to the ruin of the listeners. 15. You must now be diligent to present yourself
approved to God, a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, teaching the
doctrine of the Truth correctly and directly. 16. And you must now avoid profane
discussions of vain and useless matters: for they will advance ungodliness more
17. and their message will have growth like cancer. Of whom are Hymenaeus and
Philetus, 18. who departed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection1 has
already happened, and they are overturning the faith of some. 19. Nevertheless
1 (v.18) They were saying Jesus’ second coming had taken place.
II Timothy
the firm foundation of God has stood, having this seal: “The Lord must now
know those who are His,” (Nu 16:5) and “Everyone who names the name of the
Lord must depart at once from unrighteousness.” (Nu 16:26) 20. And in a great
house are not only gold and silver vessels but also wood and clay, and one for
honor but the other for dishonor: 21. therefore, if someone would cleanse himself
from these profane discussions of vain and useless matters, he will be a vessel for
honor, since he has been sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good
work. 22. And you must steadily flee youthful desires, and you must habitually
pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace, with those who call upon the Lord out of
clean hearts. 23. And you must steadily avoid foolish and stupid controversies,
because you know that they would beget strife: 24. and a servant1 of the Lord
must not be quarrelsome but gentle toward all, skillful in teaching, bearing evil
without resentment, 25. in humility correcting those opposing you. Perhaps God
would give them repentance into a knowledge of truth 26. and they would come
to their senses, to do the will of that One, escaping from the snare of the devil,
because they have been captured alive by him.
Personal Instructions
4:9. You must now be diligent to come to me hastily: 10. for Demas
abandoned me, because he loved the present age and he went to Thessalonica,
Crescens to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia: 11. only Luke is with me. After you pick
up Mark you must right away bring him here with you, for he is useful to me in
ministry.7 12. And I sent Tychikus to Ephesus. 13 When you come you must
bring the cloak that I left in Troas with Carpus, and the scrolls, especially the
parchments. 14. Alexander the coppersmith did much evil to me: the Lord will
grant to him according to his deeds: 15. and against whom you must continually
1 (v.15) Timothy’s grandmother Lois and mother Eunice were trained in Scripture. This
training was mandatory for Jewish boys, but optional for Jewish girls in Jesus’ day.
2 (v.16) The emphasis was on what is now contained in the Tanach (Old Testament), but
also included the oral teachings and the inter-testament writings. See Torah in Glossary.
3 (v.16) Righteousness is action: doing and saying the right things, being just.
4 (v.17) Each of us who is committed to the Living God has already been equipped per-
fectly through knowledge of His Word!
5 (v.8) Judgment Day. See Re 20:4, 11-14.
6 (v.8) His walk on earth or second coming. See Coming of Messiah in Glossary.
7 (v.11) Mark had truly matured and grown into a valuable minister. See Acts 15:36-39.
II Timothy
guard, for he vehemently opposed our message.
4:16. In my first defense no one stood by me, but they all abandoned me:
may it not be reckoned to them: 17. but the Lord stood by me and He strengthened
me, so that, through me, the preaching would be completed and all the heathens
would hear, so I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. 18. The Lord will rescue me
from every evil work and will save me for His heavenly kingdom: to Whom be
the glory forever and ever, amen.
4:19. You must now greet Priscilla and Aquila and the household of
Onesiphorus. 20. Erastos was staying in Corinth but I left Trophimus behind in
Mileto because he was sick. 21. You must now be diligent to come before winter.
Eubolos and Pudens and Linus and Claudia1 and all the brothers greet you. 22.
The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you.
1 (v.21) Pudens and Claudia are women. The word Brothers includes sisters as well and
does not mean only men.
~ TITUS1 ~
1.1. Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Messiah, of God’s
elect according to faith and knowledge of truth according to godliness 2. upon
hope of eternal life, which God, Who is always truthful, promised before time
began, 3. but He has revealed in their own times by preaching His Word, the
care of which I was entrusted according to the command of God our Savior, 4. to
Titus, a genuine child according to common faith, grace and peace from God the
Father and Messiah Jesus our Savior.
Titus’ Work in Crete
1:5. I left you in Crete for this purpose, so that you would correct what
still remains to be set in order and you would ordain elders in every city, as I
directed you, 6. if someone is blameless, husband of one wife, has children who
are believers, with no charges of debauchery or being undisciplined. 7. For it is
necessary for an elder to be above reproach as a steward of God, not self-willed,
not quick tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious and combative, not
fond of dishonest gain, 8. but hospitable, loving what is good, self-controlled,
righteous, holy, disciplined, 9. holding fast the word of faith according to the
doctrine, so that he would be able to exhort with sound teaching and to convict
those who speak against it.
1:10. For there also are many undisciplined people, idle talkers (Mt
12:36,37) and deceivers, especially those from the circumcision. 11. It is
necessary to silence them, who because of dishonest gain are overturning whole
houses by teaching what is not proper. 12. A certain prophet of their own said of
“Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, idle gluttons.”
(Epimenedes, “de Oraculis”)
13. This testimony is true. For which reason you must continually disprove them
sharply, so that they would be sound in the faith, 14. not giving heed to Jewish
1 (Title) Written about 64-66 AD. This was not written from prison, see Chapter 3:12.
2 (v.1) Or slave, see Servant in Glossary.
myths or to commandments of men when they turn away from the truth. 15. All
things are pure to the pure: but to those who have been defiled and without faith
nothing is pure, but they and their mind and conscience have been defiled. 16.
They profess to know God, but they are contradicting themselves by their works,
being detestable and disobedient and unfit for every good work.
1 (v.8) Notice that this exhortation to be busy with good works comes just after a verse
saying that we are saved by grace. We do not do good works in order to be saved, but we do them
because we have been saved. Righteous behavior is the result of being saved.
1. Paul, a prisoner of Messiah Jesus, and Timothy our brother, to the
esteemed Philemon, our fellow worker 2. and Apphia our sister and Archippus
our fellow soldier and to the congregation2 at your house, 3. grace and peace to
you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Messiah.
1 (v.7) These sins are those committed in error, without thinking. See Sin in Glossary.
2 (v.10) Immersions or baptisms for purification. See Baptize in Glossary.
3 (v.22) Torah means teaching or instruction and here refers to the first five books of the
Bible. See Torah in Glossary.
4 (v.25) Holy of Holies, see Sanctuary in Glossary.
foundation of the world: but now He has appeared once for all time by setting
aside sin through His offering. 27. And just as it is destined for people to die
once, and after this, Judgment, 28. thus also, when the Messiah was offered once,
He took the sin of many upon Himself. He will be seen a second time without
any relation to sin by those waiting eagerly for Him for their salvation.
10.1. For the Torah1 is a shadow of the coming good things, not the
form of things themselves, never able to perfect those who come year by year
with these offerings which they offer continually: 2. otherwise would they not
have ceased being offered, after they had once been cleansed, because those who
worship would not still have consciousness of sins? 3. But with these yearly
reminders of sins: 4. it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to permanently
take away sin, by a single offering.2
10:5. On account of which, when He came into the world He said,
“You did not want sacrifices and offerings,
but You did make ready a body for Me:
6. and You did not take pleasure in a whole burnt offering
on behalf of sin. (1 Sa 15:22, Hos 6:6, Ps 51:18)
7. Then I said,
‘Behold! I come,
in the roll of a scroll which has been written about Me,
to do Your will O God.’” (Ps 40:6-8)
8. After saying first that “You did not want sacrifices and offerings and You did
not delight in whole burnt offerings on behalf of sin,” (Ps 40:6) which were being
offered according to Torah, 9. then, He said, “Behold! I am coming to do Your
will.” (Ps 40:7) He takes away the first so that the second would stand, 10. in
Whose will we are, since we have been sanctified through the offering, once and
for all, of the body of Jesus Messiah.
10:11. And truly every priest stood day by day, serving and offering the
same offerings many times, which were never able to entirely take away sin,3
with which we are enveloped, 12. but this One, when He offered a sacrifice on
behalf of sins, sat down continually at the right hand4 of God, 13. from now on
waiting until His enemies would be made a footstool for His feet.5 14. For He has
perfected forever, in one offering, those who are being sanctified.
10:15. And the Holy Spirit is testifying to us: for after it He said,
11:13. These all died while trusting, although they did not take the
promises but saw them fulfilled from a distance and received them joyfully even
while they confessed that they were strangers and sojourners on the earth. (Gn
23:4, 47:9, Ps 39:12) 14. For those who said such things as these were making
clear that they were seeking their true native land. 15. And indeed if they were
thinking of that country from which they had come down, they had ample time to
turn back. 16. But as a matter of fact, they were striving for a better way, this is
of the heavenly. For this reason God is not ashamed of them, (Ex 3:6, 15:4&5)
or to have been called God by them: for He prepared a city for them.
11:23. By trusting, after Moses was born, he was hidden three months by
his parents, because they saw a beautiful child and were not afraid of the edict
of the king. 24. By trusting, after Moses became great, he denied to be called a
son of Pharaoh’s daughter, 25. because he chose to suffer with the people of God
rather than to have a temporary life in the pleasure of sin, 26. since he considered
reproach suffered for the anointed One a greater wealth than the treasures of
Egypt: for he looked forward to the reward. (Ex 2:10-12, 15) 27. By trusting,
he left Egypt although he did not fear the wrath of the king: for he was steadfast
while looking at the invisible One. (Ex 12:21-30) 28. By trusting, he had instituted
the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroying angel of the
first-born would not touch them. 29. By trusting, they passed through the Red
Sea as through dry ground, which when the Egyptians tried to do that, they were
swallowed by the sea. (Ex 14:21-31) 30. By trusting, the walls of Jericho fell
after they were encircled for seven days. 31. By trusting, Rahab the idolatress,1
after she received the spies with peace, was not destroyed with those who were
disobedient. (Jos 2:11,12, 6:12-25)
11:32. And yet what am I saying? For time will fail me telling about
Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, and also Samuel and the prophets.
33. They overcame kingdoms through trusting, they worked righteousness, they
obtained the Good News, they stopped mouths of lions, (Jdg 14:6,7, 1 Sa 17:34-
36, Dn 6:1-27) 34. they quenched fire in power (Dn 3:23-25), they escaped the
edges of swords, they were strengthened from weakness, they became strong
in war, they caused armies of others to fall. 35. Women received their dead by
resurrection:2 (1Ki 17:17-24, 2Ki 4:25-37) but others were tortured, (2 Macc
6:18-7:42) rejecting deliverance, so that they would obtain a better resurrection:
36. and others took mockings and scourgings, trials, and still others chains and
prison: (1Ki 22:26,27, 2 Chr 18:25,26, Jr 20:2, 37:15, 38:6) 37. they were stoned,
(2 Chr 24:21) they were sawed in two, (Ascension of Isaiah 5:11-14) they died by
being murdered with a sword, still others went around in sheepskin, in goat skins,
being in need, experiencing persecution, being maltreated, 38. wandering about
in deserts and mountains and in caves and in the holes of the earth, of whom the
world was not worthy.
11:39. And these all, having been praised for their trusting, did not
obtain the promise for themselves, 40. because God selected something better
concerning us, so that they would not be perfected without us.
1 (v.21) Dt 9:19 says Moses was afraid for the people because of the severe wrath of the
Lord against them, but no Scripture says Moses was terrified to face God.
2 (v.23) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
12:25. See that you would not reject for yourselves the One Who speaks:
for if those who refused to hear did not escape the warning on earth by a man,
how much more we, if we reject the One from the heavens, 26. Whose voice
shook the earth then, but now He promises saying, “Yet once again I will shake
not only the earth but also heaven.” (Ex 19:18, Jdg 5:4, Ps 68:8) 27. And “Yet
once again” shows the transfer of the shakings as having been done, so that those
that are not being, and cannot be, shaken would remain. 28. On this account
we should be thankful, since we are receiving an unshakable kingdom, through
which we could serve God in an acceptable manner with reverence and awe: 29.
for our God is also a consuming fire. (Dt 4:24, 9:3, Is 33:14)
Service Well-Pleasing to God
13.1. Brotherly love1 must continually remain. 2. You must habitually
not neglect hospitality, for through this some who entertained angels were not
aware of it. (Mt 25:35-40) 3. You must continually remember the prisoners as if
you were bound yourselves, those who are being mistreated as they also are in
the body. 4. Marriage is honorable with all and the marriage bed undefiled, for
God will judge fornicators and adulterers. 5. Do not in any way love money, but
be satisfied with your possessions. For He said, “I will not abandon you and I
will not ever forsake you,” (Dt 31:6, Jos 1:5) 6. so that we are confident to say,
“The Lord is my helper,
and I will not be afraid,
what will man do to me?” (Ps 118:6)
13:7. You must constantly remember your leaders, who spoke the Word
of God to you, whose faith you must habitually imitate by observing carefully
the result of their way of life. 8. Jesus Messiah is the same yesterday and today
and forever. (Ps 102:27, Mal 3:6) 9. You must stop being carried away by various
and strange teachings: it is good for the heart to be established in grace, not in
discussions of foods2, which are of no benefit to those who live that way. 10. We
have an altar from which those who serve in the tabernacle do not have authority
to eat. 11. For while the blood of these animals is brought into the Holies by the
High Priest to atone for sin, the bodies of these are burned outside the camp. 12.
For this reason then Jesus, so that He would sanctify the people through His own
blood, suffered outside the gate. 13. So we should come out to Him outside the
camp where He bore His reproach: 14. for we do not have a permanent city, but
we are diligently seeking the one city that is coming. 15. Through Him therefore,
we should continually bring an offering of praise to God by everyone, (Ps 50:14)
which is the fruit of lips that confess His name. (Ho 14:2) 16. But you must
1 (v.1) Brotherly love is broad, including unbelievers as indicated in v. 3, referring to prison-
ers. The word brother refers to both men and women any time it is not specifically referring to a
person’s natural brothers.
2 (v.9) While the primary meaning is about what is fit to eat, this also has spiritual applica-
tion in that you are what you eat, that is what you read, study, watch in movies and television: is it
spiritual to bring you closer to God, or is it worldly, to take you further from God?
not ever forget to do good things and to be generous:1 for God takes delight in
offerings such as these.
13:17. You must continually comply with your leaders and you must
yield to them, for they keep watch over you as people who will give an account
on behalf of your lives, and they could do this with joy if you do not complain:
for this complaining is harmful to you.
13:18. You must regularly pray concerning us: for we are convinced
that we have a good conscience, as we wish to behave rightly in all things. 19.
And I urge you all the more to do this, so that I would be restored to you more
Benediction and Final Greetings
13:20. May the God of peace, the One Who led up from the dead the
Great Shepherd of the sheep by the blood of an eternal covenant, our Lord Jesus,
21. make you complete in every good thing to do His will, while He makes us
pleasing in His judgment through Jesus Messiah, to Whom be the glory forever
and ever, amen.
13:22. And I urge you, brothers, you must constantly bear the word of
encouragement, for I just wrote briefly to you. 23. You know that our brother
Timothy has been released to come to me, with whom I shall see you, if he would
come quickly.2
13:24. You must now greet all your leaders and all the saints. Those
from Italy greet you. 25. Grace be with you all.
1 (v.16) The word translated generous means to share, that this is not speaking of donat-
ing extra money, but sharing whatever you have with someone in greater need.
2 (v.23) If he comes soon enough, he will be with me when I come to be with you.
~ JAMES1 ~
2 3
1.1. Jacob, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Messiah, greetings
to the twelve tribes4 in the Diaspora.
Faith and Wisdom
1:2. Consider it all joy, my brothers, when various trials light upon
you, 3. knowing that the proving of your faith produces endurance. 4. And the
endurance must attain its purpose, so that you would be mature and complete
and not falling short in any way. 5. But if anyone of you lacks wisdom, he must
continually ask from God, the One Who gives generously, without reproaching,
and it will be given to him. 6. But he must always ask in faith without doubting:
for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, being moved by the wind and
blown here and there. 7. For that man must not expect to receive anything from
the Lord, 8. since he is a double-minded man, unsettled in all his ways.
1 (v.9) Torah here refers to the first five books of the Bible. See Torah in Glossary.
2 (v.10) See Sin and Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary.
3 (v.13) The full meaning of the word translated mercy is: kindness or good will towards the
miserable and afflicted, joined with a desire to relieve the afflicted. See Mt 25:35-40.
4 (v.14) Mitsvot. See Mitsvah in Glossary.
5 (v.14) The Greek construction anticipates a negative answer, faith will not be able to
save him.
not only by faith.1 25. And likewise also Rahab the idolatress,2 was she not made
righteous by works, when she gave hospitality to the messengers and then sent
them out another way? 26. For as the body is dead without a spirit, so also faith
without works is dead.
The Tongue3
3.1. Not many of you will become teachers, my brothers, since you know
that we shall take greater judgment. 2. For we all stumble in many things. If
someone does not stumble in the act of speaking,4 this is a perfect man, able to
bridle his whole body. 3. And if we put bridles in the mouths of horses for them
to obey us, we also guide their whole body. 4. And look at the ships, which are
so large and are driven by a strong wind, they are guided by a very small rudder,
where the helmsman wishes, 5. in the same way the tongue is also a little member
and boasts great things.
Behold how small a fire sets ablaze a large forest: 6. the tongue is also a
fire: a world of unrighteousness, the tongue, is sitting for itself among the parts
of our body, defiling the whole person and destroying the wheel5 of life, and is
itself set on fire by Hell.6 7. For every species of beasts, and also of birds, and
of reptiles, and even of sea creatures, is tamed and has been tamed by humans,
8. but no one is able to tame the tongue of men, unstable, evil, and full of deadly
poison.7 9. With this we bless the Lord and Father and with this we curse people,
those who have been made according to the likeness of God, 10. from this mouth
come forth blessing and curse.8 It ought not be, my brothers, that these things
happen like this. 11. Does the well pour forth water, both the sweet and the bitter,
from the same opening?9 12. Is a fig tree able, my brothers, to bear an olive or
the grapevine a fig? Nor is bitter water able to make sweet.
Judging a Brother
4:11. You must not ever speak evil1 of one another, brothers. The one
who speaks evil of a brother or judges his brother is speaking against Torah2 and
is judging Torah: if you judge Torah, you are not a doer, but a judge of Torah. 12.
There is only One Torah-giver and Judge Who is able to save or to destroy: but
who are you to judge your neighbor?
Warning against Boasting
4:13. Come now! Those who say, “Today or tomorrow we shall go
into this city and we shall work there a year and we shall carry on business and
we shall make a profit:” 14. yet you do not understand what your life will be
1 (v.11) See Gossip/Slander in Glossary.
2 (v.11) Torah, meaning teaching or instruction, here refers to the Old Testament. See
Torah in Glossary.
tomorrow: for you are vapor, appearing briefly, then also being made invisible.
15. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills and we will live, then we will do
this or that.” 16. But now you boast in your arrogance: all boasting such as this
is evil. 17. So then someone who knows that he should do good but does not do
it, it is sin for Him.
Warning to the Rich
5.1. Come now! You rich people, you will weep, crying aloud over
the miseries that are coming upon you. 2. Your wealth has decayed and your
garments have become moth eaten. 3. Your gold and silver have become covered
with rust and their corrosion will be testimony against you and will consume
your flesh as fire. You stored up treasure for the last days.1 4. See! The wages of
the workers, of those who reap your fields, what was stolen by you calls out, and
the cries of those who reaped have come into the ears of the Lord of Hosts.2 5.
You have lived a life of merriment upon the earth and you have lived luxuriously,
you have nourished your hearts for a day of slaughter, 6. you have condemned,
you have murdered the righteous one, he offers you no resistance.
1 (v.3) The way you have lived counts. From the time you made Him the Lord of your life,
what you have done and said determines your reward (Re 20:12).
2 (v.4) Some translations say Lord Sabaoth, which is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew
word for Hosts. See Lord of Hosts in Glossary.
3 (v.8) See Coming of Messiah in Glossary.
4 (v.12) The absolute dependability of your word should make an oath unnecessary. See
Double Yes in Glossary.
must summon the elders of the congregation and they must pray over him, after
they anoint him with olive oil2 in the name of the Lord. 15. And the prayer of
faith will save the ill and the Lord will raise him: and if he had committed sin, it
will be forgiven for him. 16. Therefore you must continually confess3 your sins
for yourselves with one another and you must continually pray for yourselves on
behalf of one another so that you would be healed. The plea of a righteous person
is very powerful, working effectively. 17. Elijah was a man with the same nature
as us, and he prayed fervently for it not to rain and it did not rain on the earth for
three years and six months: 18. then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain and
the earth produced its crops.
5:19. My brothers, if any among you would be deceived from the truth
and someone would turn him around bringing him back to the Lord, 20. he must
know that the one who converts a sinner from his way of error has rescued his
life out from death and covered a multitude of sins.4
1 (v.14) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
2 (v.14) In the Talmud, olive oil symbolizes knowledge of Torah, which provides spiritual
illumination. Oil is also the symbol of joy, from Is 51:3, so it is called the oil of gladness.
3 (v.16) This does not mean to repeatedly confess the same old sin, because once the sin
has been forgiven it is gone! It never happened! See Jeremiah 31:33. See Sin and Sin, Forgive-
ness of in Glossary.
4 (v.20) Received a pardon from God, speaking of the new convert.
~ 1 PETER1 ~
1.1. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Messiah to the chosen sojourners of the
Diaspora,2 of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia,3 Asia, and Bithynia, 2. according to
Father God’s foreknowledge of us in holiness by the Spirit in obedience and
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Messiah, may grace and peace increase in you.
A Living Hope
1:3. God and Father of our Lord Jesus Messiah be praised, the One Who
has begotten us anew4 according to His great mercy into living hope through
the resurrection5 from the dead of Jesus Messiah, 4. into an incorruptible pure
and unfading inheritance, which has been kept in the heavens for you, 5. those
who are guarded by the power of God through faith into salvation, ready to be
revealed in the last time. 6. In which you must continually rejoice, even if it must
be for a short time now, you are grieved in various trials, 7. so that the testing
of your faith will be more valuable than gold, which perishes even though it is
tested by fire, and your faith would be found in praise and glory and honor at the
revelation of Jesus Messiah: 8. Whom you love, although you have not seen Him,
in Whom now, not seeing but still believing, you are rejoicing with unspeakable
and glorious joy 9. carrying off for yourselves the goal of your faith, salvation of
your very beings.
1:10. Concerning which salvation prophets, those who prophesied about
the grace in you, sought out and inquired carefully, 11. searching for what or what
sort of time the Spirit of Messiah testified beforehand predicting the sufferings
of Messiah and of the glories after these sufferings. 12. To whom it would be
revealed that they were not caring for themselves with these things but for you,
which now would be disclosed to you through the Good News, by means of
the Holy Spirit, Who was sent from heaven, into which things even angels are
1 (Title) Written about 65 AD.
2 (v.1) This too, along with Hebrews and James, is addressed to the Jewish people scat-
tered by persecution to the various regions of the Greek and Roman empires.
3 (v.1) Cappadocia is referred to as Gammadim in Eze 27:11.
4 (v.3) Caused us to be born again
5 (v.3) See Resurrection in Glossary.
I Peter
desiring to look carefully.
A Call to Holy Living
1:13. On this account, you, when you have girded up the loins of your
minds, perfectly calm and collected in spirit, must immediately hope upon that
grace which is brought to you by the revelation of Jesus Messiah. 14. As children
of obedience, not being molded in ignorance by your former desires 15. but just
as the One Who called you is holy, so now you must be holy in all your conduct,
16. because it has been written that “You will be holy because I AM1 holy.” (Lv
11:44,45, 19:2, 20:7)
1:17. And if you call upon Him as the Father, the One Who judges
impartially according to the work of each, you must live the time of your
sojourning in reverent fear, 18. knowing that you have been redeemed, not with
corruptible things like silver or gold from futile living handed down from your
fathers 19. but by the precious blood of Messiah, as of the unblemished spotless
Lamb, 20. because He was indeed known before the foundation of the world,
but has been revealed for the last of times for your sakes, 21. those Who believe
through Him in God, the One Who raised Him from the dead and gave glory to
Him. Therefore your faith and hope are in God.
1:22. Since you have purified your inner beings by your obedience to
the truth in genuine brotherly love, you must now earnestly, constantly love one
another out of clean hearts 23. because you all have been born again, not from
a perishable seed but imperishable, through the Word of the living and forever
enduring God. 24. For
“All flesh is like grass
and all flesh glory like a flower of grass:
the grass withers
and the flower falls:
25. but the Word of the Lord remains forever.” (Is 40:6-8)
And this is the Good News message that was proclaimed to you.
1 (v.8) This means to love not only all believers, but to love your neighbor as yourself.
2 (v.17) This is a rabbinic teaching. See Suffering in Glossary.
3 (v.19) The Holy Spirit
4 (v.21) This is the Greek word baptisma, which means immersion. See Baptize in Glos-
5 (v.21) See Resurrection in Glossary.
I Peter
Good Stewards of God’s Grace
4.1. Therefore since Messiah suffered in the flesh, then you must now
arm yourselves with the same thought, that the One Who suffered in His flesh has
stopped sin 2. with mankind not to live any longer in desires but for the remaining
time to live in the will of God in the flesh. 3. For sufficient time has passed for
you to be doing what the heathens like to do, as they go in licentiousness, lusts,
drunkenness, carousing, drinking bouts, and lawless idolatries. 4. In which they
are astonished at your not running together with them in this flood of debauchery,
so they revile you. 5. They will render an account to the One ready to judge the
living and the dead. 6. For this reason the Good News was proclaimed to the
dead,1 so that they could be judged in the flesh according to men but they could
live in the spirit according to God.
4:7. But the end of all things has come near. Therefore you must now
be serious and exercise self-restraint to help you pray: 8. above all things having
constant love among yourselves, because love hides a multitude of sins (Pr
10:12). 9. So be hospitable to one another without complaining, 10. just as each
took a gift for himself, ministering this as good stewards of a diversified grace
of God. 11. If someone speaks, let it be as words and admonitions of God: if
someone serves, as from strength which God supplies, so that in all things God
would be glorified through Jesus Messiah, to Whom be the glory and the power
for ever and ever, amen.
Suffering as a Christian
4:12. Beloved, you must not ever be surprised at the burning2 within
you, which is for a trial in you as if a strange thing were happening in you, 13.
but rather in so far as you are sharing in the sufferings of Messiah, rejoice, so
that also in the revelation of His glory you would shout for joy. 14. If you are
reproached because of the name of Messiah, you are blessed, because the Spirit
of the glory, even the Spirit of God, rests3 upon you. 15. For none of you must
suffer as a murderer or a thief or evildoer or as a spy: 16. but if as a Christian,
he must not be ashamed, but he must glorify God in this name.4 17. Because the
time to begin the judgment of the house of God is at hand: and if with us first,
what is the end of those who are disobedient to the Good News of God?
18. And “If the righteous is scarcely saved,
how will the godless and sinner appear?” (Pr 11:31)
19. So also those who suffer according to the will of God must entrust their lives
to the faithful Creator while doing good.
1 (v.6) See Jn 5:25.
2 (v.12) Fiery ordeal, painful test, refining fire
3 (v.14) This rest is temporary, referring both to our sojourn on earth and the possibility of
losing that rest.
4 (v.16) This name refers first to a Christian, then to the name of the Lord. We are to glorify
His name, not profane it, by the way we live, no matter what the circumstances.
I Peter
Tending the Flock of God
5.1. Therefore I, the fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of the
Messiah, as well as a sharer of the glory to be revealed, urge elders among you:
2. you must continually shepherd the flock of God among you, not overseeing by
compulsion but voluntarily according to God, and not in fondness of dishonest
gain but willingly, 3. and not as lording it over your charges, but becoming patterns
for the flock: 4. and when the Chief Shepherd is revealed you will receive the
unfading crown of glory.
5:5. Likewise, young men, you must always be subject to elders: and
with one another you must continually clothe yourselves with humility, because
“God is opposed to the arrogant,
but gives grace to the humble.”1 (Pr 3:34)
5:6. Therefore you must now be humble under the powerful hand of
God, so that He could lift you up in time, 7. immediately casting your every care
upon Him, because He cares about you. (Ps 55:22)
5:8. You must now be sober, you must now be watchful. Your adversary,
the devil, walks like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour: 9. whom you
must immediately resist, strong in faith, since you know that the same sufferings
are laid upon the brotherhood throughout the world. 10. But the God of every
grace, the One Who called you into His eternal glory by means of Messiah Jesus,
after you have suffered a short time, will Himself put in order, will establish, will
strengthen, will lay the foundation. 11. To Him be the power forever, amen.
Final Greetings
5:12. Through Silas, the faithful brother, as I consider, I wrote to you
briefly, urging and bearing witness that this is the true grace of God, in which you
must now stand. 13. The fellow elect in Babylon and my son Mark greet you.
14. You must now greet one another with a kiss of agape love. Peace to all you
who are in Messiah.
1 (v.5) Humble is a metaphor for the faithful remnant. See Humble in glossary.
2 (v.12) Silas was Peter’s scribe for this letter. Silas did not act as scribe for 2 Peter.
~ 2 PETER1 ~
1.1. Simon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Messiah, to those who
have received a like precious faith with us by divine allotment through the
righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Messiah, 2. may grace and peace be
multiplied to you through knowledge of the only God and of Jesus our Lord.
3:14. For which reason, beloved, since you expect these things you must
now make every effort to be found spotless and blameless in Him in peace 15.
and you must always consider the patience of our Lord for salvation, just as also
our beloved brother Paul wrote to you, according to the wisdom given to him, 16.
as also in all his letters when he speaks in them about these things, in which some
things are hard to understand, in which the unlearned and unstable people are
twisting them as they also do the rest of the Scriptures to their own destruction.
17. Therefore you, beloved, since you know beforehand, must habitually guard,
so that you would not lose your own steadfastness, being carried away in the error
of the lawless, 18. but you must continually increase in grace and in knowledge
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Messiah. To Him be the glory both now and to the
eternal Day. Amen
1 (v.10) The sky and the earth, meaning the solar system, will be consumed, but not the
universe. See Re 21:1.
2 (v.10) Literally Found, meaning exposed, judged
3 (v,12) This could be the entire solar system, but not the whole universe.
~ 1 JOHN1 ~
God is Light2
1:5. And this is the message, which we have heard from Him and are
making known to you, that God is light and there is no darkness at all in Him.
6. If we would say that we have fellowship with Him and we would walk in
darkness, we are lying and we are not practicing the truth: 7. but if we walk in the
light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of
Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin. 8. If we say that we do not have sin,
we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9. If we confess our sins,3 He is
faithful and righteous, so that He would forgive our sins and He would cleanse us
from all unrighteousness. 10. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a
liar and His Word is not in us.
Messiah Our Advocate
2.1. My little children, I write these things to you so that you would
not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus
Messiah, the righteous: 2. and He is the means by which our sins are forgiven,
not concerning ours only but also on behalf of the whole world. 3. And by this
we know that we have known Him, if we keep His commandments.4 4. The one
who says, “I have known Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar
1 (Title) Written about 85-90 AD.
2 (Caption) Light had for a long time been known as a representation of the Living God.
3 (v.9) See Sin, Forgiveness of in Glossary
4 (v.4) To John His commandments refers to all those in the Tanach, the OT.
I John
and the truth is not in him: 5. but whoever keeps His Word, truly the love of God
would have been completed in him, because we know that we are in Him. 6. The
one who says he remains in Him is obligated to walk the same walk just as that
One walked.
The New Commandment
2:7. Beloved, I am not writing a new commandment to you but an old
commandment, which you had from the beginning: the old commandment is the
message that you heard. 8. Moreover, I am writing a new commandment to you,
which is true in Him and in you, because the darkness is passing away and the
true light is already shining.1 9. The one who says he is in the light but hates his
brother is in the darkness until now. 10. The one who loves his brother remains
in the light and offense is not in him: 11. but the one who hates his brother is in
the darkness and he is walking in darkness and does not know where he is going,
because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
12. I write to you, little children,
because your sins have been forgiven because of His name.
13. I write to you, fathers,
because you have known Him from the beginning.
I write to you, young people,
because you have overcome the evil one.
14. I have written to you, children,
because you know the Father.
I have written to you, fathers,
because you have known Him from the beginning.
I have written to you, young people,
because you are strong
and the Word of God remains in you
and you have overcome the evil one.
2:15. Do not love the world or the things in the world. If someone loves
the world, the love of the Father is not in him: 16. because everything in the
world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and pride in one’s position and
possessions, is not from the Father but is from the world. 17. And the world and
its lust pass away, but the one who does the will of God remains forever.
The Anti-Messiah
2:18. Children, it is the last hour, and just as you heard that anti-Messiah
is coming, even now many anti-Messiahs have come, from which we know that
this is the last hour.2 19. They went out from us but were not really of us: for
1 (v.8) The message has now been revealed by the Light that Jesus gave to the com-
2 (v.18) A number of verses show that Jesus and the disciples felt they were living in the
end times. See Coming of Messiah in Glossary.
I John
if they had been of us, then they would have remained with us: but so that they
would be revealed because they all are not of us. 20. And you have an anointing1
from the Holy One as you all know. 21. I did not write to you because you do
not know the truth but because you do know it and because every lie is not from
the truth. 22. Who is a liar, except the one who denies for himself by saying that
Jesus is not the Messiah? This one is the anti-Messiah, the one who denies the
Father and the Son. 23. Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father,
the one who confesses the Son also has the Father. 24. What you heard from the
beginning must continually remain in you. If what you heard from the beginning
would remain in you, then you will remain in the Son and in the Father. 25. And
this is the promise, which He promised to us, eternal life.
2:26. I wrote these things to you about those who deceive you. 27. And
about the anointing of the Holy Spirit, which you took from Him, which remains
in you, and you do not need someone to teach you, but as this anointing for the
gifts of the Spirit (1Cor 12:4-11) teaches you about all things (Jr 31:34) and is
true and is not a lie, so just as He taught you, remain in Him.
Children of God
2:28. And now, little children, remain in Him, so that if He would be
revealed we would have boldness and we would not be shamed by Him at His
coming. 29. If you know that He is righteous, you also know that everyone who
does righteousness would have been begotten by Him. 3.1. You must now see
what manner of love the Father has given to us so that we could be called children
of God, and we are. Because of this the world does not know us, because it has
not known Him. 2. Beloved, now we are children of God. But it has not yet been
revealed what we shall be. We know that if He would be revealed, we shall be
like Him, because we shall see Him for ourselves just as He is. 3. And everyone
who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as that One is pure.
3:4. Everyone who commits a sin then is doing a lawless deed, for sin
is lawlessness.2 5. And you know that He was revealed, so that He would take
our sins, and sin is not in Him. 6. Everyone who remains in Him does not sin:
everyone who is sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him. 7. Little children,
you must not be deceived by anyone: the one who does righteousness is righteous,
just as that One is righteous: 8. the one who continues sinning is from the devil,
because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The Son of God was
revealed for this, so that He would destroy the works of the devil. 9. No one who
has been begotten from God continues sinning, because His seed remains in him,
and he is not able to sin, because he has been born of God. 10. The children of
God and the children of the devil are made known by this: everyone who does not
God is love, and the one who dwells in love dwells in God and God lives
in him. 17. By this, love has been made complete among us, so that we would
have fearless confidence in the Day of Judgment, because just as that One is, we
ourselves are like Him in this world. 18. There is no fear in love but complete
love casts fear outside, because fear has to do with punishment, and the one who
fears has not been made complete in love. 19. We can love, because He loved us
first. 20. If someone would say, “I love God” and he would hate his brother, he
is a liar: for the one who does not love his brother whom he has seen, is not able
to love God Whom he has not seen. 21. And we have this commandment from
Him, that the one who loves God would also love his brother.
5:16. If someone would see his brother committing a sin not to death, if
he will ask then He will give life to him, to those who do not sin to death. There
is a sin to death: I am not saying that he should ask concerning that. 17. Every
unrighteousness is sin, but there is sin not to death.4
5:18. We know that everyone who has been begotten from God does not
sin, but the one who has been begotten from God keeps himself by observing the
commandments and the evil one does not take hold of him. 19. We know that
we are of God and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. 20. And we
know that the Son of God has come and He has given us understanding so that we
would know the Genuine One, and we are in the Genuine One, by means of His
Son Jesus Messiah. This One is the true God and eternal life. 21. Little children,
you must now keep yourselves from the false gods.5
1 (v.6) Water refers to at least three things: amniotic fluid of His birth, baptism, and also to
Torah, for which water is a metaphor, from Is 55:1 and Ex 14:22.
2 (v.6) This is the blood of our covenant. The life is in the blood, Gn 9:4.
3 (v.9) There are two ways by which the Father testified about Jesus: in Jn 5:36 Jesus
says “the works which I do testify..” and several times the Father Himself spoke, such as at Jesus’
baptism and at His transfiguration.
4 (v.17) Jesus identifies food as one example of a sin not unto death, Mt 15:11, Mk 7:15.
5 (v.21) False gods, idols, are a very real threat to each of us, tempting us to seek material
things and to focus on distractions such as sports. Sports are not evil, but it is wrong to focus on
sports more than on God.
~ 2 JOHN1 ~
1. The elder to the chosen lady2 and her children, whom I love in truth,
and not only I, but all those who know the truth, 2. because the truth which
remains in us will be with us forever. 3. Grace, mercy, peace will be with us
from God the Father and from Jesus Messiah, the Son of the Father in truth and
in love.
Truth and Love
4. I rejoice greatly because I found your children walking in truth, just as
we were commanded by the Father. 5. And now I ask you, lady, not as writing a
new commandment to you, but which we have had from the beginning, that we
would love one another. 6. And love is this, that we would walk according to His
commandments: the commandment is this, just as you heard from the beginning,
that you should walk in this, love. 7. Because many deceivers have come out in
the world, those who do not confess that Jesus Messiah has come in the flesh:
this person is the deceiver and the anti-Messiah. 8. You must watch out for
yourselves, that you would not lose what we all worked for, but that you would
receive a full reward. 9. Everyone who goes further than is right or proper and
does not remain in the teaching of the Messiah does not have God: the one who
remains in the teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son. 10. If someone
comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house
and do not speak to greet him: 11. for the one who is speaking to greet him is
sharing in his evil works.
Final Greetings
12. Since I have many things to write to you I was not wanting to speak
through paper3 and ink, but I was hoping to come to you and to speak face to face,
so that our joy would be full. 13. The children of your preeminent sister4 greet
1 (Title) Written after 96 AD.
2 (v.1) Lady could be a certain person or this could be a general letter to one or more con-
gregations. Since the Greek word ekklesia, translated congregation, is a feminine noun, lady could
be a reference to a congregation.
3 (v.12) The Greek word here is xartou, referring to a sheet of paper made from papyrus.
The ink is black, made with lamp-black and gum.
4 (v.13) This could be a sibling or another congregation.
~ 3 JOHN1 ~
1. The elder to the esteemed Gaius, whom I love in truth.
2. Beloved, I pray that concerning everything, for you to do well and
to be in good health, just as your inner being is well. 3. For I rejoiced greatly
when the brothers came and testified about your living in the truth, how you are
walking in truth. 4. I have no greater joy than this, when I hear that my children
are walking in the truth.
Cooperation and Opposition
5. Beloved, you are doing faithfully. Whatever you would do be faithful
among the brothers,2 even when they are strangers. 6. They have testified of your
love in front of the congregation,3 and you will do well if you send them forward
in a manner worthy of God: 7. for they came out for the sake of the Name, not
taking anything from the heathens. 8. Therefore we ought to support such as
these, so that we would become fellow workers in the truth.
9. I wrote something to the congregation: but the one of them who
desires to be first, Diotrephes, does not accept our authority. 10. Because of
this, if I should come, I will bring up what he is doing when he slanders us with
evil words, and, not being content with that, neither does he accept the visiting
brothers, but he keeps back those who want to welcome them and throws them
out of the congregation.
11. Beloved, you must not ever imitate evil but imitate good. The one
who does good things is from God: the one who does evil has not seen God. 12.
Demetrius has been spoken well of by all and by this truth: and also we testify,
and you know that our testimony is true.
Final Greetings
13. I have many things to write to you but I do not want to write to you
1 (Title) Written after 96 AD.
2 (v.5) Every reference like this to the brothers refers to all believers.
3 (v.6) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
III John
through pen and ink: 14. but I hope to see you presently, and we will speak face
to face. 15. Peace to you. Our friends here greet you. You must greet our friends
there by name.
1 (v.13) This is the Greek word kalamou, meaning reed pen. Different color inks were often
used, but in this case melanos means black ink, made with lamp-black and gum.
~ JUDE1 ~
1. Judas, a servant of Jesus Messiah, brother of Jacob,
To those who have been loved by Father God and who have been kept,
called by Jesus Messiah: 2. may mercy and peace and love be multiplied in you.
1 (v.21) Or in
1 (Title) Written about 89-96 AD. See Book Order in Glossary for insight to interpreting
2 (v.2) See Testimony of Jesus in Glossary.
3 (v.3) The one who reads is the one who takes the only copy of a scroll and reads it to the
4 (v.4) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church is used in the
NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
5 (v.6) There will be one kingdom, only One King, and all its citizens will be priests.
6 (v.8) Alef is the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet, tav is the last. Together alef and tav
make a word that is placed in front of the direct object of the verb. See Alef in Glossary.
Who was and Who is coming, (Ex 3:14, Is 41:4) the Lord of Hosts.”
A Vision of Messiah
1:9. I, John, your brother and partner in affliction and in kingdom and
in patient expectation in Jesus, I was on the island called Patmos because of the
Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. 10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s
Day2 and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet 11. saying, “You must
write in a book3 what you see and you must send it to the seven congregations,
in Ephesus and in Smyrna and in Pergama and in Thyatira and in Sardis and in
Philadelphia and in Laodicea.”
1:12. And I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me, and when
I turned I saw seven golden lamp stands 13. and in the middle of the lamp-stands
I saw someone like a Son of Man (Dn 7:13) clothed to His feet and girded at the
chest with a golden belt. (Eze 9:2, Dn 10:5) 14. And His head and hair were white
as wool, white as snow, (Dn 7:9) and His eyes as flame of fire (Gn 49:12) 15. and
His feet like a metal more precious than gold4 (Dn 10:6) as heated thoroughly in
a furnace and His voice as a sound of many waters, (Eze 1:24, 43:2) 16. and Who
had in His right hand seven stars and there was going out from His mouth a large
sharp two-edged sword5 (Is 49:2) and His face was as the sun shines in its power
at noon.
1:17. And when I saw Him, I fell toward His feet as dead, and He placed
His right hand upon me saying “Do not fear: I AM6 the First and the Last (Is
44:6, 48:12) 18. and the One Who is living. And I died, but look! I am living
forever and I have the keys of death and Hades. 19. Therefore, you must write
what you have seen and what is happening and what is going to happen after
these things. (Is 48:6, Dn 2:28,29,45) 20. The mystery of the seven stars which
you saw in My right hand and the seven golden lamp stands: the seven stars are
messengers7 of the seven congregations and the seven lamp stands are the seven
1 (v.8) Coming with His angels on Judgment Day
2 (v.10) This is the Sabbath, from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. See Sabbath in
3 (v.11) These letters were written on papyrus, made in sheets ranging in size from six
by nine to twelve by fifteen inches. The sheets were pasted together, end to end, in rolls of twenty
sheets. The rolls were vertical, not horizontal, and rolled from left to right, then unrolled from the
right for Greek and Latin, which read from left to right. The Greek word biblos, generally translated
book or scroll, means pith, referring to the pith of the papyrus planFt.
4 (v.15) This is commonly translated burnished bronze, but the Greek word refers to a
metal even more precious than gold. See 2:18.
5 (v.16) This large, broad sword, often used by barbarians, required a great deal of
strength to use.
6 (v.17) The verses referenced use the Hebrew word ani for I AM. See Anokhi in Glossary.
7 (v.20) Each church member is to be like each of these messengers, a light in the dark-
ness, whose light is to be seen by those in darkness. Although not perfect, each one of us is to be a
good example to others.
8 (v.20) Each congregation is to be like these lamp stands, which represent the Holy Spirit
and the Torah, empowering each member to shine like a beacon, filled with the Spirit and the Word
The Message to Ephesus
2.1. “To the messenger of the congregation1 in Ephesus you must now
‘The One Who holds the seven stars in His right hand, the One Who
walks among the seven golden lamp stands, says these things: 2. I know your
works and toil and your patience and that you are not able to bear evil, and you
tested those who say they are apostles and they are not and you found them false:
3. and you have patience and you endured because of My name and you have
not wearied. 4. Nevertheless I have against you that you left your first love. 5.
Therefore you must remember from where you have fallen and you must now
repent and you must do the works you did at first: and if not, I am coming to you
and I will remove your lamp stand from its place, if you would not repent. 6.
But you have this, that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans,2 which I also hate.
(Ps 139:21) 7. The one who has ears must now listen to what the Spirit is saying
to the congregations. To the one who conquers,3 I will give him permission to
eat from the tree of life, (Gn 2:8, Eze 28:13, 31:8,9) which is in the Paradise of
The Message to Smyrna
2:8. “And to the messenger of the congregation in Smyrna you must
‘The First and the Last, (Is 44:6, 48:12) Who died then was restored to
life, says these things: 9. I know your affliction and poverty, but you are rich, and
I know the slander of those who say they are Jewish, and they are nothing but a
synagogue of Satan.4 10. And you must not fear what you are going to suffer.
Behold the devil is going to cast you into prison so that you would be tested and
you will have distress ten days. (Dn 1:12,14) You must be faithful until death,
and I will give you the crown of life. 11. The one who has ears must now listen
to what the Spirit is saying to the congregations. The one who conquers cannot
be injured by the second death.’”
The Message to Pergamum
2:12. “And to the messenger of the congregation in Pergama5 you must
of God.
1 (v.1, v.8, v.12, et al) Although often translated “church,” no Greek word meaning church
is used in the NT. See Congregation in Glossary.
2 (v.6) Nicolaitans taught compromise with the world system, materialism and tolerance of
3 (v.7) Overcomer is the traditional translation, but it really means to be victorious, to con-
quer, so as you read the letters to the cities whenever you see overcomer, think conqueror!
4 (v.9) See Satan in Glossary.
5 (v.12) Pergama was the city where the process was later developed for making fine
parchment, which in the fourth and fifth centuries AD replaced papyrus as the choice for written
documents. The word parchment is derived from the name Pergama.
‘The One Who has the large sharp two-edged sword is saying these
things: (Is 49:2) 13. I know where you live, where the throne of Satan is, and
you are holding fast My name. You did not even deny My faith in the days of
Antipas,1 My faithful witness who was killed in your sight, where Satan dwells.
14. But I have against you a few things because you have some there who hold
the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block in front of the
children of Israel, to eat meat offered to idols and to practice idolatry.2 15. In this
way then you have likewise held the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16. Therefore
you must now repent: and if not, I am coming to you quickly and I will fight with
them with the great sword3 of My mouth. 17. The one who has ears must now
listen to what the Spirit is saying to the congregations. To the one who conquers,4
I will give the manna which has been concealed (Ps 78:24) and I will give him a
white amulet, and a new name (Is 62:2, 65:15) written upon the amulet which no
one knows except the one who takes it.’”
1 (v.13) This Antipas was a Christian martyr in Pergama, no kin to Herod Antipas.
2 (v.14) Or practice immorality. See Nu 31:16 & 25:1,2.
3 (v.16) This large, broad sword, often used by barbarians, required a great deal of
strength to use. It is the most powerful personal weapon, and here in coming from His mouth it
defeats our enemies as He fights for us. The Word of God is the most powerful personal weapon
we can use, if we know the Word and have faith.
4 (v.17) Overcomer is the traditional translation, but the Greek really means to be victori-
ous, to conquer, so as you read the letters to the cities in other translations whenever you see
overcomer, think conqueror!
5 (v.18) This is the same word for a metal more precious than gold, used in Re. 1:15.
6 (v.20) This refers to any sin and definitely includes greed -- putting your desires before
the needs of others.
who did not know the depths of Satan1 as they were speaking it: I am not placing
another burden upon you, 25. nevertheless you must hold what you do have until
whenever I would come. 26. And the one who conquers and the one who keeps
My works until the end,
“I will give him authority over the heathens
27. and he will shepherd them with an iron rod
and shatter them as the vessels made of clay shatter,”
(Ps 2:8,9, Ps Sol 17:23,24)
28. just as I have taken this power from My Father, so will I give him the Morning
Star. 29. He who has ears must now listen to what the Spirit is saying to the
The Message to Sardis
3.1. “And you must write to the messenger of the congregation in
‘The One Who has the Seven Spirits of God and the seven stars says
these things: I know your deeds and that you have a reputation, that of life, but
you are dead. 2. You must become watchful and you must strengthen the rest
who are about to die, for I have not found your works to have been completed
before My God.2 3. Therefore you must remember what you have received and
heard and you must continually pay attention to it and you must at once repent.
But if you would not be watchful, I will come as a thief, and you will not know
what sort of time I will come upon you. 4. But you have a few people in Sardis
who did not stain their garments, and they will walk with Me in white, because
they are worthy. 5. The one who conquers3 will be clothed in this way, in white
garments,4 and I will not wipe out his name from the Book of Life (Ex 32:32,33,
Ps 69:28, Dn 12:1) and I will confess his name before My Father and before His
angels. 6. The one who has ears must now listen to what the Spirit is saying to
the congregations.’”
The Message to Philadelphia
3:7. “And to the messenger of the congregation in Philadelphia you must
‘The Holy One, the True One, says these things,
“the One Who has the key of David,
the One Who opens and no one will shut
and closes and no one opens:” (Is 22:22, Job 12:14)
1 (v.24) See Satan in Glossary.
2 (v.2) You have not done those things you ought to have done. Jas 2:14-24
3 (v.5) Overcomer is the traditional translation, but it really means to be victorious, to con-
quer, so as you read the letters to the cities whenever you see overcomer, think conqueror!
4 (v.5) White garments represent being in a state of spiritual preparedness, from Ecc 9:8,
“Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.”
8. I know your deeds. Behold! I have caused a door to open in front of you
and no one is able to shut it. For you have little power but you kept My word
and you did not deny My Name. 9. Behold! I am causing to come forth from
the assembly of Satan1 those who say they are Jewish, but they are not, they are
lying. Watch! I will make them so that they will come and fall down to pay
homage before your feet (Is 45:14, 49:23, 60:14) and they will know that I have
loved you. (Is 43:4) 10. Because you observed My lesson of patient endurance,
I will protect you from the time of the testing, which is about to come upon the
whole inhabited world, to try those who dwell upon the earth. 11. I am coming
quickly: you must steadily hold what you have, so that no one could take your
crown. 12. The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the sanctuary of
My God and he would not go outside the sanctuary and I will write upon him
the name of My God and the name of the city (Ez 48:352) of My God, the new
Jerusalem, the one which descends from heaven from My God, and will also
write My new name. (Is 62:2, 65:15) 13. The one who has ears must now listen
to what the Spirit is saying to the congregations.’”
1 (v.4) This is a large model of the small personal sword and could have resembled a
2 (v.6) A day’s pay
3 (v.8) This is the large, broad sword.
4 (v.9) Breaths or force of life
earth?” (Dt 32:43, 2Ki 9:7, Ps 79:10) 11. And a white robe was given to each of
them and it was told to them that they will rest2 yet a little time, until the number
of their fellow servants3 and their brothers would be completed, (Ro 11:25) those
who are going to be killed as also they had been. (Rev 20:4)
6:12. And I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and there was a great
earthquake and the sun became black like sackcloth made of hair and the whole
moon became like blood (Jl 2:31) 13. and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as
the fig tree shaken by a strong wind casts its summer figs, (Is 13:10, Eze 32:7,8,
Jl 2:10, 3:15) 14. and the sky was separated like a scroll rolling up (Is 34:4) and
every mountain and island was moved out of its place. 15. And the kings of the
earth and the great men and the military leaders and the rich and the powerful and
every slave and the free people hid themselves in caves and in the rocks of the
mountains (Is 2:10,19,21, Jr 4:29) 16. and they were saying to the mountains and
to the rocks, “You must fall on us and you must hide us (Ho 10:8) from the face
of the One Who sits upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb, 17. because
the great Day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Jl 2:11, Na
1:6, Mal 3:2)
The 144,000 of Israel Sealed
7.1. After these things I saw four angels standing upon the four corners
of the earth, holding the four winds (Jr 49:36, Eze 37:9, Dn 7:2, Zch 6:5) of the
earth so that the wind could not blow upon the earth and not upon the sea nor
even upon any tree. 2. And I saw another angel going up from the east, having
a seal of the living God, and in a loud voice he cried out to the four angels to
whom it was given to destroy the earth and the sea 3. saying, “Do not harm the
earth or the sea or the trees, until we could seal the servants of our God upon their
foreheads.4 (Eze 9:4, Re 9:4, 14:1, 22:4) 4. Then I heard the number of those who
had been sealed, a hundred forty-four thousand, that they had been sealed from
every tribe5 of the children of Israel:
5. having been sealed from the tribe of Judah twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Gad twelve thousand,
6. from the tribe of Asher twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Naftali twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand,
1 (v.11) White garments represent being in a state of spiritual preparedness, from Ecc 9:8,
“Let your garments be always white; and let your head lack no ointment.”
2 (v.11) This is the short break as the attached phrase makes clear. See Rest in Glossary.
3 (v.11) The references to servants in Revelation could also be translated slaves. See
Servant in Glossary.
4 (v.3) According to John’s style of writing “Emet” (Truth) is the name that will be sealed on
the foreheads. See John in Book Order in Glossary.
5 (v.4) The tribe of Dn is missing from this list.
7. from the tribe of Simon twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Levi twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand,
8. from the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand,
from the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand having been sealed.
1 (v.21) The Greek word translated witchcraft is pharmakon, referring to the use of drugs to
cause visions and messages from spirits. See Sorcery in Glossary.
2 (v.21) Or immorality
3 (v.4) This and Re. 11:2 refer to the same time period, from 70 AD to 1967 when Israel
was scattered and did not have authority over Jerusalem. From 1948 to 1967 Jordan controlled half
of the city, including the temple mount.
4 (v.6) Or heaven
The Two Witnesses
11.1. And a reed like a rod was given to me, the angel saying, “You must
rise and you must measure the sanctuary of God and the altar and count those
who worship at it.” (Eze 40:3, Zch 2:1,2) 2. And you must exclude the court
outside the sanctuary1 and do not measure this outside, because it has been given
to the heathens, and they will tread upon the holy city forty-two months. (Ps 79:1,
Is 63:18, Zch 12:3) 3. And I will give My two witnesses power, and they will
prophesy one thousand two hundred sixty days clothed in sackcloth. 4. These
are the two olive trees and the two lamp stands that are standing before the Lord
of the Earth. (Zch 4:3,11-142) 5. If anyone determines to injure them fire goes out
from their mouth and devours their enemies: yes, if someone would purpose to
injure them, it is necessary for him to be killed in this way. (2Sm 22:9, 2Ki 1:10,
Ps 97:3, Jr 5:14) 6. These have the authority to close the sky so that rain would
not fall the days of their prophecy, (1Ki 17:1) and they have authority upon the
waters to turn them into blood, (Ex 7:17,19,20) and to strike the earth with every
plague (1Sm 4:8) as often as they would want. 7. And when they finish their
testimony, the beast that ascends from the abyss (Dn 7:3) will make war with
them, and will overcome them (Dn 7:7,21) and he will kill them. 8. And their
corpses will be upon the streets of the great city, which is called spiritually Sodom
and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. 9. And they from the people and
tribes and languages and nations will see their corpses three and a half days and
they will not allow their corpses to be placed in a tomb. 10. And those who dwell
upon the earth will rejoice over them and they will be happy and they will send
gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented those who dwell upon
the earth. 11. And after the three and a half days the breath of life from God
entered them, and they stood upon their feet, (Eze 37:5) and great fear fell upon
those who saw them. 12. Then the two heard a loud voice from heaven saying
to them, “You must ascend to this place.” Then they ascended into heaven (2Ki
2:11) in the cloud, and their enemies watched them. 13. And in that hour there
was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell and seven thousand named of
mankind were killed in the earthquake and the rest of the people became terrified
and gave glory to the God of heaven. (Eze 38:19,20)
11:14. The second woe has passed. Behold the third woe3 is coming
The Seventh Trumpet
11:15. Then the seventh angel trumpeted: and there was a loud voice in
1 (v.2) The outer court welcomed heathens and others who had not dealt with sin. The
sanctuary is only for priests, and only those who have dealt with sin. See Sanctuary in Glossary.
2 (v.4) Zch 4:14 refers to the “two anointed ones” who are Joshua and Zerubbabel in the
literal, restored second temple, but the sages say these will be Moses and Aaron or David and
Aaron to represent the restoration of the kingdom and the priesthood.
3 (v.14) This is the only mention of the third woe. Could the destruction of Babylon in Re
18:10, 15, & 19 be the third woe?
heaven saying,
“The kingdom of the World of our Lord
and of His Messiah has come,
and He will reign forever and ever.”
(Ex 15:18, Ps 10:16, 22:28, Dn 2:44, 7:14, Ob 21, Zch 14:9)
16. Then the twenty-four elders who were sitting upon their thrones fell upon
their faces before the throne of God and they paid homage to God 17. saying,
“We give thanks to You, Lord God of Hosts,
Who is and Who was,
Because You have taken Your great power
and You have come to reign.
18. And the heathens were enraged, (Ps 2:1, 46:6)
and now Your wrath has come
and the appointed time of the dead to be judged
and to give the reward to Your servants the prophets
(Dn 9:6,10, Am 3:7, Zch 1:6)
and to the saints and to those who fear Your name,
both the small and the great, (Ps 115:13)
and to destroy those who destroy the earth.”
19. Then the sanctuary of God, the one in heaven, opened and the ark of His
covenant (1Ki 8:1,6, 2Chr 5:7) was seen in His sanctuary, and there were
lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake (Ex 19:16, Est 1:1, Eze
1:13) and a violent hailstorm. (Ex 9:24)
1 (v.3) The dragon is the giant, earth-girdling serpent-fish called Leviathan. Some say it
symbolizes the great world powers, such as ancient Rome in Dn 7:7 and others as Egypt. See Is
27:1, Re 12:9.
12:7. And there was a war in heaven, Michael (Dn 10:13,21, 12:1) and
his angels made war with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels battled, 8.
but he was not strong enough and a place for them was still not found in heaven.
9. And the great dragon, the old serpent, the one called Devil and Satan,1 the one
who deceived the entire inhabited world, was cast to the earth, (Is 14:12) and his
angels were cast with him. 10. And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying,
“Now has come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God
and the authority of His Messiah,
because the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down,
the one who had accused them before our God
day and night. (Job 1:9-11, Zch 3:1)
11. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb
and because of the word of their testimony
and they did not love their life even to the enduring of death itself.
12. Because of this you, the heavens and those who dwell in them,
must constantly rejoice.
Woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has come down to you
having great wrath,
since he has known that he has little time.”
12:13. And when the dragon saw that he was thrown to the earth, he
pursued the woman who gave birth to the male child. 14. And the two wings of
the great eagle were given to the woman,2 so that she could fly into the desert to
her place, where she was fed there a time and times and a half time, (Dn 7:25,
12:7) away from the presence of the serpent. 15. And the serpent spewed water
like a river from its mouth behind the woman, so that it could make her be swept
away by a stream, drowned in the waters. 16. Then the earth helped the woman
and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed the river that the dragon cast from
its mouth. 17. And the dragon was angered on account of the woman and left
to make war with the rest of her seed, of those who keep the commandments of
God and have the testimony of Jesus.3 (Dn 7:7,21) 18. Then he stood upon the
sand of the sea.
The Two Beasts
13.1. Then I saw a beast rising from the sea, (Dn 7:3) which had ten horns
and seven heads and upon its horns ten crowns and slanderous names4 upon its
heads. 2. And the beast that I saw was like a leopard and its feet like a bear and
1 (v.9) See Satan in Glossary.
2 (v.14) This is a parallel to Ex 19:4 when God said He bore the children of Israel on the
wings of eagles when He brought them out of Egypt.
3 (v.17) See Testimony of Jesus in Glossary.
4 (v.1) There are ancient texts that have name, singular, so scholars are not sure whether
this is more than one slanderous name or the same name on every head.
its mouth like a lion’s mouth. (Dn 7:4-6) And the dragon gave to it its power and
its throne and great authority. 3. And one of its heads was as if it had been slain
in death, then its fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was astonished
and followed the beast 4. and they paid homage1 to the dragon, because he gave
his authority to the beast and they paid homage to the beast saying, “Who is like
the beast and who is able to war against him?”
13:5. And the power of speech was given to him, speaking loud and
blasphemous things, (Dn 7:8,20,25, 11:36) and authority was given to him to do
miracles2 during forty-two months. 6. And his mouth opened in blasphemies to
God to revile His name and His tabernacle, those who live in His tabernacle in
heaven. 7. Then it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome
them, (Dn 7:7,21) and authority was given to him over every tribe and people
and language and nation. 8. And all those who live on the earth will pay homage
to him, whose name is not written (Ex 32:32,33, Ps 7:10, 69:28) in the Lamb’s
Book of Life, the book of the One Who has been slain from the foundation of the
universe. ( Is 53:7)
13:9. If someone has an ear he must now listen.
10. “If someone is to go into captivity,
he is taken into captivity:
if someone is to be killed by means of a sword
he is killed by a sword.” (Jr 15:2, 43:11)
Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
13:11. Then I saw another beast rising from the earth, and he had two
horns like a lamb and he was speaking, roaring, like a dragon. 12. And he carried
out all the authority of the first beast before him, and he caused the earth and
those dwelling in it to bow down and pay homage to the first beast, whose fatal
wound was healed. 13. And he performed great miracles, so that he would make
fire descend from the sky to the earth before mankind, (1Ki 18:24-39) 14. and he
deceived those who lived on the earth by the miracles which were given to him
to do in the sight of the beast, saying for those who lived on the earth to make
an image to the beast (Dt 13:2-4) that had the wound from the small sword, but
still lived. 15. And it was given to him to give a spirit to the image of the beast,
so that the image of the beast could also speak and could cause as many of those
that would not pay homage to the image of the beast, that they would be killed.
(Dn 3:5,6) 16. And he forces everyone, the small and the great, and the rich and
the poor, and the free and the slaves, so that he could give them a mark upon their
right hand or upon their forehead 17. and so that no one would be able to buy or
to sell except the one who had the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of
its name. 18. Here is the wisdom. The one who has understanding must count
1 (v.4) Fall down on their knees, touching their foreheads to the ground. See Pay Homage
in Glossary.
2 (v.5) The beast will even have authority to change times, affecting natural laws, Dn 7:25.
the number of the beast, for it is a number of mankind, and its number is six
hundred sixty-six.
The Song of the 144,000
14.1. Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing upon Mount Zion
and with Him one hundred forty-four thousand having His name and His Father’s
name written upon their foreheads.1 (Eze 9:4,2 Re 7:3, 9:4, 22:4) 2. Then I heard
a sound from heaven like a sound of many waters (Eze 1:24, 43:2) and like a clap
of great thunder, and the sound which I heard was like harpists playing on their
harps. 3. And they were singing a new song (Ps 33:3, 40:3, 96:1, 98:1, 144:9,
149:1, Is 42:10) before the throne and before the four living creatures and the
elders, and no one was able to learn the song except the one hundred forty-four
thousand, those who had been purchased from the earth. 4. These are those who
had not been stained with women, for they were virgins, these are those who
follow the Lamb wherever He would go. They were purchased from mankind,
first fruits to God and to the Lamb, 5. and a lie was not found in their mouth (Ps
32:2, Is 53:9, Zph 3:13), they are without blemish.
The Messages of the Three Angels
14:6. And I saw another angel flying in mid-sky, having everlasting Good
News to proclaim to those who are dwelling temporarily, sojourning, upon the
earth, and for every nation and tribe and language and people, 7. saying in a loud
voice, “You must now fear God and you must now give glory to Him, because the
hour of His judgment has come, and you must immediately pay homage3 to the
One Who made heaven and earth and sea and fountains of waters.” (Ex 20:11, Ps
14:8. And another, a second angel, followed saying, “She has fallen, she
has fallen! Babylon the Great, by whom all the heathens had been given to drink
from the wine of the wrath of her idolatry.4” (Is 21:9, Jr 51:7,8)
14:9. Then another, a third angel, followed them saying in a loud voice,
“If someone pays homage to the beast and his image and takes his mark on his
forehead or upon his hand, 10. then he will drink from the wine of the wrath
of God which has been poured undiluted in the cup of His wrath (Ps 75:8, Is
51:17,22, Jr 25:15) and he will be tortured in fire and sulfur before holy angels
and before the Lamb. (Gn 19:24, Ps 11:6, Eze 38:22, 3Macc 2:5) 11. And the
smoke of their tormenting fire ascends forever, (Is 34:10) and those who pay
homage to the beast and his image do not have rest5 day or night, even if someone
just takes the mark of his name. 12. Here is the need for patient endurance by the
1 (v.1) The name on the foreheads will be “Emet”. See John in Book Order in Glossary.
2 (v.1) Eze 9:4-6 says to mark the saints, strike the sinners, and to begin at the sanctuary.
3 (v.7) Fall down on their knees, touching their foreheads to the ground.
4 (v.8) All forms of idolatry, see Harlot in Glossary.
5 (v.11) The Greek word for rest here refers to a short break, like a coffee break. In their
torment they will not have even a moment’s rest.
saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.”
14:13. Then I heard a voice from heaven saying, “You must now write:
‘Blessed are the dead, those who die in the Lord from now on.’” “Indeed,” says
the Spirit, “that they will rest1 from their labors, for their works are following in
company with them.”
The Harvest of the Earth
14:14. Then I looked, and there was a white cloud, and sitting upon the
cloud like a Son of Man, (Dn 7:13) Who had a gold crown on His head and a sharp
sickle in His hand. 15. Then another angel came out of the sanctuary crying in
a loud voice to the One Who was sitting on the cloud, “You must now send your
sickle and you must now reap, because the time to reap has come, because the
harvest of the earth has withered.”2 (Jl 3:13; 4:13 in Tanakh) 16. Then the One
Who was sitting on the cloud threw His sickle forcefully over the earth and the
earth was harvested.
14:17. Then another angel, who also had a sharp sickle, came out of the
sanctuary, the one in heaven. 18. And still another angel, who had authority over
fire, came out from the altar, and he called in a loud voice to the one who had
the sharp sickle saying, “You must now send your sharp sickle and you must at
once gather in the bunches of grapes of the vine of the earth, because its grapes
have ripened.” 19. Then the angel threw his sickle forcefully to the earth and he
gathered in the vine3 of the earth and he cast it into the great winepress of the
wrath of God.4 20. And the wine press was trod outside the city and blood came
out from the wine press as far as the bridles of the horses for one thousand six
hundred stadia.5 (Is 63:3, Lm 1:15)
The Angels with the Last Plagues
15.1. Then I saw another great and marvelous miracle in heaven, seven
angels having seven final plagues, (Lv 26:21) because with them the wrath of
God is completed.
15:2. And I saw like a glassy sea that had been mixed with fire, and those
who overcame the beast and his image and the number of his name were standing
upon the glassy sea with harps of God. 3. And they were singing the song of
Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb saying, (Ex 15:1)
1 (v.13) This is just a short break from their labors -- those in heaven will be busy. See
Rest in Glossary.
2 (v.15) God has been patient. See 2Peter 3:9.
3 (v.19) The vine is used to represent numerous things, but there are two kinds of vines:
Holy and strange. Strange represents Sodom, the evils with which the wrath of God is dealing in
this passage.
4 (v.19) The winepress of the wrath of God is from Jl 4:13, while Jl 4:2 says the nations will
gather at the Valley of Jehoshaphat, the Valley of God’s Judgment, from v.12. This valley is about
twelve miles south of Jerusalem.
5 (v.20) About 180 miles. See Re. 16:16
“Great and wonderful are Your deeds, (Ex 15:11, Ps 92:5, 111:2, 139:14)
Lord God of Hosts:1
righteous and true are Your ways, (Dt 32:4, Ps 145:17)
O King of the nations:2 (Jr 10:10, Theodotion, Tob 13:7, En 9:4)
4. who would not fear You, Lord,
and will not glorify Your name? (Jr 10:6,7)
because only You are undefiled by sin,
because all the nations will come
and bow down to pay homage before You,
(Ps 86:9, Mal 1:11)
because Your righteous deeds have been revealed.”
15:5. Then after these things I looked, and the sanctuary of the tabernacle
of the testimony in heaven opened, (Ex 38:21, 40:34) 6. and seven angels, holding
the seven plagues, came out from the sanctuary clothed in pure brilliant linen,
and gold belts had been fastened about their chests. 7. And one of the four living
creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden vials filled with the wrath of
God, the One Who lives forever and ever. (Ps 75:8, Is 51:17,22, Jr 25:15) 8. And
the sanctuary was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power,
(Ex 40:34, 1Ki 8:10,11, 2Chr 5:13,14, Is 6:4, Eze 44:4) and no one was able to
enter the sanctuary until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.
16:12. Then the sixth poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates
and its water dried up, (Is 11:15, 44:27, Jr 50:38, 51:36) so that the way of the
kings from the east could be prepared. 13. And I saw three unclean spirits like
frogs come from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast and
from the mouth of the false prophet: 14. for spirits of demons were performing
miracles, which were going out over the kingdoms of the whole inhabited world
to gather them into the war of the great Day of the God of the Hosts. (Mt 25:31)
15. “Behold I am coming as a thief. Blessed is the one who is awake and keeps his
garments ready, so that he would not walk naked2 and they would see his shame.”
16. And He gathered them into the place called in Hebrew Har Megiddo.3 (Jdg
5:19, 2Ki 9:27, 23:29, Zch 12:11)
16:17. Then the seventh poured out his vial upon the air and a loud
voice came out of the sanctuary (Is 66:6) from the throne saying, “It is finished.”
18. And there were lightnings and sounds and thunders and there was a violent
earthquake, such as had not happened since mankind came upon the earth, so
powerful an earthquake as this. (Dn 12:1) 19. Then the great city was split in three
parts and the cities of the heathens fell. And Babylon the great was remembered
before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the wrath of His punishment.
(Ps 75:8, Is 51:17,22, Jr 25:15) 20. Then every island fled and mountains were
not found. 21. And great hail as heavy as talents4 came down from the sky
on mankind, and mankind blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail,
because this plague is exceedingly great.
1 (v.1) This refers both to the light of glory and to the light of understanding.
2 (v.2) This last line of v. 2 was dropped by a number of ancient manuscripts, but included
by the 4th Ed. UBS Greek text.
3 (v.3) Or immorality, see Harlot in Glossary.
because the Lord God Almighty is the One
Who is judging her.” (Is 47:7-9, Jr 50:34)
18:9. Then the kings of the earth, those who committed adultery1 with
her and lived luxuriously with her, will weep and mourn, when they see the
smoke of her burning, (Eze 26:16, 27:30-35) 10. standing from afar because of
fear of her torment, saying,
“Oh! It can’t be!2 The great city,
Babylon the powerful city,
because your judgment came in one hour.” (Eze 26:17, Dn 4:30)
18:11. And the merchants of the earth were weeping and mourning over
her, because no one is buying their cargo any longer, (Eze 27:36) 12. cargo of
gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple cloth and
silk and scarlet, and every vessel of citron wood and every ivory vessel and every
vessel of very precious wood and copper and iron and marble, 13. and cinnamon
and amomum3 and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive
oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and horses and carriages and
slaves,4 and lives of men. (Eze 27:12,13,22)
14. And the ripe fruits from your craving for life’s forbidden things
have been taken away from you,
and all the luxuries and brilliance
have been lost, taken from you
and no longer will they find these things.
15. Their merchants who became rich from her will stand from afar because of
the fear of her torment, crying and mourning, (Eze 27:36) 16. saying,
“Oh! It can’t be!5 The great city,
the one clothed in fine linen
and purple and scarlet
and adorned in gold
and precious stone and pearl,” (Eze 28:13)
17. because in one hour so much wealth was laid waste.
And every pilot and everyone who sails along the coast and sailors and
as many as are working the sea stood from afar (Eze 27:27-29) 18. and they were
crying out while they were watching the smoke of her burning saying, “What
other city is like the great city?” 19. And they were throwing dirt on their heads
1 (v.9) Any form of idolatry, see Harlot in Glossary.
2 (v.10) Literally the text has, “Woe, woe,” which is a gasp of horror, doubled for emphasis.
3 (v.13) Indian spice
4 (v.13) This Greek word is literally “bodies,” referring to slaves in the Greek and Roman
sense. See Slaves in Glossary.
5 (v.10, v. 16 & v.19) Literally the text has, “Woe, woe,” which is a gasp of horror, doubled
for emphasis, here translated “Oh, it can’t be!” Could this be the third woe of Re 11:14?
and they were crying out weeping and mourning saying,
“Oh! It can’t be! The great city,
in which all those who had ships in the sea
had gained great wealth from her expensive things,
that in one hour she was laid waste.” (Eze 27:30-34)
20. Heaven, and saints and apostles and prophets,
you must perpetually rejoice in her,
because God condemned her judgment of you. He has
vindicated you.
18:21. And one strong angel brought a stone like a great millstone and
cast it forcefully into the sea saying,
“Like this, the great city Babylon
will be cast in violence
and it would never again be found. (Jr 51:63,64, Eze 26:21)
22. Then the sound of harpists and musicians
and flute players and trumpeters
will never again be heard in you, (Is 24:8, Eze 26:13)
and no craftsman of any skill
will ever again be found in you,
and a sound of a millstone will never again be heard in you,
23. And a light of a lamp
will never again be visible in you
and a voice of a bridegroom and a bride
will never again be heard in you, (Jr 7:34, 16:9, 25:10)
because your merchants were the great men of the earth, (Is 23:8)
because all the heathens were deceived by your sorcery,1
(Is 47:9)
24. and in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints
and all those who had been slain upon the earth.”
(Jr 51:49, Eze 24:7)
19.1. After these things I heard like a great sound of an enormous crowd
in heaven saying,
“Hallelujah: (Tob 13:18)
the salvation and the glory and the power of our God!
2. For His judgments are true and righteous:
(Ps 19:9, 119:137)
because He has judged the great harlot
1 (v.23) The Greek word translated sorcery is pharmakeia, referring to the use of drugs.
See Sorcery in Glossary.
who was corrupting the earth with her fornication,
and He did avenge the blood of His servants
out of her hand.” (Dt 32:43, 2Ki 9:7, Ps 79:10)
3. And they said a second time,
and her smoke rises forever and ever.” (Is 34:10)
4. Then the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell and worshipped
God, the One Who sits upon the throne, (1Ki 22:19, 2Chr 18:18, Ps 47:8, Is 6:1,
Eze 1:26,27, Sir 1:8) saying,
“Amen Hallelujah,”
1 (v.6) This could also be translated Almighty, but see Lord of Hosts in Glossary.
2 (v.7) The bride having to prepare herself means that individually and collectively each
one of us must prepare for the supper. Each of us must do the things in Mt 25:35-40. See Mt 7:21.
3 (v.8) There is no robe for the person who has not done righteous deeds. See Mitsvah in
4 (v.9) See Wedding in Glossary.
5 (v.10) See Testimony of Jesus in Glossary.
The Rider on the White Horse
19:11. Then I saw heaven opened, (Eze 1:1) and there was a white horse
(Zch 1:8) and the One Who sits on it, called Faithful and True, and He judges in
righteousness (Ps 96:13, Is 11:4) and He makes war. 12. And His eyes are like a
flame of fire, (Dn 10:6) and upon His head many crowns. He has a name written
which no one knows except Himself, 13. and is clothed in a garment dyed in
blood, (Gn 49:11, Is 63:1-3) and His name has been called the Word of God. 14.
And the troops in heaven1 were following Him on white horses, being clothed in
pure fine white linen.2 15. And a large sharp sword3 was going out of His mouth,
(Is 49:2) so that with it He could slaughter the heathens, and He will shepherd
them with an iron rod, (Ps 2:9) and He treads the wine press (Is 63:3, Lm 1:15, Jl
3:13) of the wine of the burning wrath of the God of Hosts, 16. and He has upon
His garment, even over His thigh4 a name that has been written: “King of Kings
and Lord of Lords.”5 (Dt 10:17, Dn 2:47, 2Macc 13:4, 3Macc 5:35, En 9:4)
19:17. Then I saw one angel standing in the sun and he cried out in a
loud voice saying to all the birds flying in the sky,6 “Come, you must gather for
the great supper of God 18. so that you could eat the flesh of kings and flesh of
commanders of thousands and flesh of mighty men and flesh of horses and of
those who sit upon them and flesh of all both freeborn and slaves, both small and
great.” (Eze 39:17-20) 19. And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their
soldiers gathering to make war with the One Who was sitting on the horse and
with His army. (Ps 2:2, Mt 25:31) 20. Then the beast was seized and with him the
false prophet, the one who did the miracles in front of him, by which he deceived
those who took the mark of the beast and those who paid homage to his image:
the two were cast alive into the lake of fire which was burning in brimstone. (Is
30:33) 21. Then the rest were killed with the sword7 which was coming out from
the mouth of the One Who was sitting upon the horse, and all the birds were fed
from their flesh. (Eze 39:17,20)
1 (v.1) This could also be translated Heaven, but Heaven is eternal. The planet Earth and
even the Solar System may well pass away, but the Universe will remain. See 2Peter 3:10.
2 (v.2) From the Hebrew usage this could be renewed. This also applies to Re. 3:12 &
3 (v.6) The great I AM, ani in Hebrew in the verses referenced here: See Anokhi in Glos-
4 (v.6) Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, tav is the last. They spell a word that is
placed in front of the direct object of a verb. See Alef in Glossary.
5 (v.8) The Greek word translated sorcerers is pharmakois, referring to people who pre-
pare drugs to cause visions or messages from spirits. See Sorcery in Glossary.
on the north three gates and on the south three gates and on the west three gates.
(Eze 48:30-35) 14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations and upon
them twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
21:15. And the one who was speaking with me had a golden measuring
rod, so that he could measure the city and its gates and its wall. 16. And the city
is lying square with its length as great as the width. And he measured the city
with the reed to twelve thousand stadia,1 the length and the breadth and its height
are equal. 17. Then he measured its wall one hundred forty-four forearms of a
man,2 a measure men use, which the angel was using. (Eze 48:16:17) 18. And the
material of its wall was jasper and the city pure gold like pure transparent glass.
19. The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with every precious
stone: (Is 54:11,12) the first foundation jasper, the second sapphire, the third
chalcedony, the fourth emerald, 20. the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the
seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the
eleventh hyacinth, the twelfth amethyst, 21. and the twelve gates were twelve
pearls, in the midst of each one of the gates was a door made out of one pearl.
And the wide street of the city was pure gold like translucent glass.
21:22. And I did not see a sanctuary in it for the Lord God of Hosts3 and
the Lamb are its sanctuary. 23. And the city has no need of the sun nor of the
moon, that they would give light to the city, for the glory of God, and the light
of the Lamb, did illuminate it. (Is 60:19,20) 24. And the multitudes will walk by
its light, (Is 60:3, Ps Sol 17:34) and the kings of the earth will bring their glory
into it, 25. and its gates would never be shut all day, for there will not be night
there, (Is 60:11, Zch 14:7) 26. and they will bring the glory and the honor of the
nations into it. (Ps 72:10,11, Ps Sol 17:34) 27. And no unclean thing and no one
doing a detestable thing or telling a lie could enter it, (Is 52:1) only those whose
names have been written in the Scroll of Life of the Lamb. (Ex 32:32, Ps 69:28,
Dn 12:1)
22.1. Then the angel showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal,
going out from the throne4 of God and the Lamb.5 (Eze 47:1, Jl 3:18, Zch 14:8)
2. In the middle of its street, also on each side of the river, is a tree of life making
twelve fruit, yielding its fruit each month, and the leaves of the tree are used for
the healing of the multitudes.6 (Gn 2:9, 3:22, Eze 47:12) 3. And there will no
1 (v.16) One thousand five hundred miles
2 (v.17) The forearm is a cubit and 144 equal 216 feet.
3 (v.22) This could also be translated Almighty, but see Lord of Hosts in Glossary.
4 (v.1) There is one throne because God and the Lamb are One, Jn 10:30.
5 (v.1) See Re 3:21.
6 (v.2) Some say this must be translated nations, not multitudes or heathens because
the former things such as sickness have passed away. If sickness has passed away, then other
evils, such as national pride and prejudices, would also have passed away. The leaves take away
the results of every evil thing that has come against any person or group. In the same way that a
person who has been healed of polio still has the crippling effect, those who have been healed from
various evils carry the scars. The leaves of the trees will remove even the scars. See Tree of Life in
longer be anything there that is cursed. And the throne of God and of the Lamb
will be in it, and His servants will serve Him 4. and they will see His face, (Ps
17:15, 42:2) and His name will be upon their foreheads.1 (Eze 9:4, Re 7:3, 9:4,
14:1) 5. And there will no longer be night and they will not need the light of a
lamp or the light of the sun, (Zch 14:7) because the Lord God will give light upon
them, and those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will reign2
forever and ever. (Is 60:19,20, Dn 7:18,27)
22:8. And I am John, the one who heard and saw these things. And when
I heard and I saw, I fell to pay homage before the feet of the angel, the one who
showed me these things. 9. But he said to me, “Stop! I am a fellow servant of
yours and of your brothers the prophets and those who keep the words of this
scroll: you must now pay homage to God.” 10. And he said to me, “Do not seal
the words of prophecy in this scroll, for the time is near. (Dn 12:4) 11. Let the one
who does wrong still do wrong and the one who is filthy still be filthy and let the
righteous still do righteousness and let the holy still be holy.”
1 (v.17) Water is a metaphor for the Torah, based on Ex 14:22 & Is 55:1.
Section I
Section I is general, Section II lists an English name with its original Hebrew
Adultery The verses from John 7:53b-8:11 were added to the New Testament
in the fifth century and teach a valuable lesson, which is that we are not
to be quick to condemn others, but each of us must know and do what is
right. The textual scholars determined that these verses were added by
examining ancient manuscripts rather than by criticizing content, but here
the content too tells us the person who wrote these verses was not familiar
with Jewish Scripture and practice. If you catch someone in adultery, you
have to catch two because one person cannot commit adultery: Yet only
the woman was brought to be stoned. That was the practice of the societies
of the ancient world, except for Judaism. In all the other societies, except
for a few that were matriarchal, the wife was a chattel, a possession of
the husband, so if she was caught in adultery it was a crime against her
husband and he could punish her any way he wished. She was just like
any other possession, to be treated like furniture or a slave. Adultery to
those societies was not sin. It was a crime against the husband. Only in
Judaism was adultery a sin against God. Because it was a sin against God
both participants were to be stoned -- it was not a lesser sin for one than
for the other. Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22 say “If a man is
found lying with a woman married to a husband, then they shall both of
them die, both the man who lay with the woman, and the woman; so shall
you put away evil from Israel.”
Although the verses, John 7:53b-8:11, were added long after the Scriptures
were written, we need to keep the basic message of the addition, that we
are to love the sinner, but hate the sin. It is more important for each of
us to focus on his own shortcomings rather than on the shortcomings of
Agapao is an ancient Greek verb used well over one hundred times in
the NT. Its meaning in Classic Greek was to welcome, entertain, and,
in reference to things, to be content. In first century Israel the meaning
was love, as in “love your neighbor” in Matthew 5:43. Other forms of
agapao are: agape, a noun meaning love; agapemai, a noun indicating
the object of love; agapenor, meaning loving manliness, manly, used to
refer to heroes; agapesis, a noun meaning affection; agapetikos, a noun
meaning affectionate; and agapetos, an adjective meaning worthy of love,
beloved, esteemed.
Of the above only the verb agapao, the noun agape, and the adjective
agapetos are used in the Greek New Testament. The feminine noun agape
uses case endings that are not used in any classic Greek literature. Case
endings on Greek nouns and adjectives varied depending on how the word
was used in a sentence.
Agape apparently was in common usage by the Hellenists for several
centuries before Jesus’ birth because it is used more than a dozen times in
the Septuagint, the 250 BC Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures. At
least four forms: the feminine agape, a neuter agape, agapesis, and agapao,
are used in the Septuagint. The feminine agape is used in the Septuagint in
2 Samuel 13:15, Ecclesiastes 9:1 & 6, and Song of Songs 2:4, 5, 7, 3:5, 10,
5:8, 7:6, 8:4, 6, 7. Since the word agape is used by every New Testament
author except Mark and is used about one hundred fifteen times in the
New Testament, it must have been common throughout the Roman world,
wherever the Epistles were sent. Koine Greek was the common language
of the Roman Empire, not being replaced by Latin until the third and
fourth centuries AD. The people spoke Greek in Rome, Corinth, Galatia,
Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae, Thessalonika, and the various cities written
to by the authors of Hebrews, Peter, Jude, and John.
Phileo, a synonym of agapao, is used only twenty-four times in the New
Testament. It is used in John 5:20 and 16:27 of God loving Jesus and of
His loving us. It is used to speak of Jesus’ love for us in John 11:3. 11:36,
20:2, and Revelation 3:19. Phileo is used in the Septuagint in similar
proportion as in the New Testament.
in front of the direct object of a verb to show the object of the action. For
more on this see John under Book Order.
Apostle is the English spelling of the Greek word used to describe someone
who is sent. There was a position in the ancient synagogues for someone
who was sent from that synagogue to another or to authorities in Jerusalem
or to some school in order to get the correct interpretation of a Scripture or
point of oral law. The Hebrew name of this office is Shelakhim, meaning
the “ones sent.” Shelakhim is plural. The apostles in the New Testament
were sent from Jerusalem to outlying areas to bring correct interpretation
to early Christian congregations. Some of these apostles were promoting
themselves and not focusing on the Jerusalem agenda. Paul referred
to them in 2 Corinthians 3:1 as using letters of recommendation to get
invitations. Since Corinth was a wealthy city, those seeking large offerings
would have coveted ministry there. Paul also referred to false apostles in
2 Corinthians 11:12. “But what I am doing, and I will keep on doing, so
that I will cut off the opportunity of those who want opportunity, so that in
whom they are boasting they would have been found just like us. 13. For
such false apostles as these are deceitful workers disguising themselves
as apostles of Messiah. 14. And no wonder: for Satan disguises himself
as an angel of light. (Is 14:12) 15. Therefore it is not great if his, Satan’s,
servants also are disguised as servants of righteousness: whose end will be
according to their works.” Today we still have ministers who do not report
to anyone, but each of us needs to be accountable to some organization or
board so we do not go off in error like those Paul wrote about.
The first century apostles did not have organizations other than the
council in Jerusalem; they simply went out, with more than one going
to the same synagogues. In the first century there were no churches, just
synagogues and home congregations, even if a congregation was all
non-Jewish. While there was not a formal organization, there was order.
Notice that Paul reported to Jacob and the council in Jerusalem, as in Acts
15 and Acts 21:23. The false apostles were those who answered to no one.
We still have rebels today, those who report only to God Himself. Just
what Phoebe’s responsibilities were is not clear, but Paul refers to her in
Romans 16:1 as being from Cencrae, the sister city of Corinth, and being
set over others, even himself.
The Latin word for apostle is missionare, meaning to send, which gives us a
better handle on the role of the apostle. Missionaries are those who are sent
to take the Gospel message to new peoples. We generally have missionary
organizations to supervise missionary activity, whether denominational or
some separate organization. Some of these organizations are very tightly
run, while others are more open, like first century Jerusalem. Our Western
minds require organizations with managers and organization charts, but
that is not what the Middle Eastern mind requires, so it is not what Paul
and other NT authors understood the word translated Apostle to mean.
Baptize is the English spelling of the Greek word, baptidzo, which means
to immerse. The Jewish people had practiced immersion for purification
after repentance, or being defiled, for more than 1,000 years before the
birth of Jesus. The Jewish people call this immersion a mikveh. All the
people that John’s and Jesus’ disciples baptized were thoroughly familiar
with immersion, which we call baptism. We do not see baptism in
Christian translations of the Old Testament because the Hebrew word that
could appropriately be translated baptize is translated with some other
word. Often our Christian translators, as in Leviticus 16:4 NIV, say “
he must bathe himself..” The word translated bathe is rakhats, meaning
immerse, which is the same meaning as the Greek word baptidzo.
As in modern Judaism, most baptisms in the NT were self-immersion.
John and the disciples who baptized by the Jordan River would stand on
the bank preaching, then as people became repentant, they would wade
into the river and immerse, with the one preaching still standing on the
bank. The same would be true of Peter’s messages at the temple in Acts
2:14-42. After Peter’s call to repentance the three thousand saved could
have immersed in about twenty minutes because there were so many
immersion pools under Solomon’s Porch at the temple.
Certainly many in the NT were baptized by others, as Philip baptized the
eunuch in Acts 8:38. When this was done, the person doing the baptizing
placed a hand on the head of the one being baptized to hold him under
water, forcing a struggle to come out of the water as a reminder of the
dying to self and the new birth, paralleling a newborn baby’s struggle in
Each synagogue in Jesus’ day had one or more ritual baths, baptismal
pools, for immersion. These were to be filled with “living water” from a
stream or even roof cisterns to catch rainwater. In John 2:6 we see stone
jugs used to carry the water of purification to the immersion pool. Stone
jars were used because stone did not become ritually unclean. Metal and
glass containers became unclean, but could be cleansed. Pottery vessels
that became unclean had to be destroyed.
Most Christians are baptized just one time, but Judaism calls for baptism
whenever someone has become defiled by contact with a dead body, or
blood, or even when going someplace defined as unclean, such as entering
the governor’s residence in John 18:28. Immersion was called for to
prepare for the Sabbath (see Preparation Day elsewhere in this Glossary).
Paul immersed as part of his purification in Acts 21:26.
Some denominations now immerse, as did the first century church,
while others sprinkle. The early churches always immersed, but in later
centuries some began to pour water over someone being baptized, then
still later some of those churches began to sprinkle the one being baptized.
Sprinkling was made official at the Council of Ravenna in 1311 AD.
Blood of Bulls and Goats did take away sin. Hebrews 9:13,14 say “For
if the blood of goats and bulls and sprinkling the ashes of a heifer sanctify
those who have been defiled, making their flesh clean, 14. how much
more the blood of the Messiah, Who through the eternal Spirit presented
Himself as an offering to God, cleanses our conscience from dead works
in service to the living God.” The following statement is made ten times
just in the book of Leviticus “..and the priest shall make atonement for him
with the ram of the guilt offering, and it shall be forgiven him.” (Leviticus
5:16b) In Jesus’ day books were very expensive, so people memorized
worthwhile writings. For Jewish children that meant memorizing
Scripture. When a child was five years old the father would start teaching,
giving a section to memorize every day. The book they started with was
Leviticus; the book of purity, holiness, so every New Testament author
and those receiving the letters Hebrews, James, and Peter had as children
memorized the verses referred to above. We can deduce from that the
author’s emphasis in the tenth chapter of Hebrews is on the permanence
of Jesus’ sacrifice, that He had only to offer His blood one time for all
mankind. “For the Torah is a shadow of the coming good things, not the
form of things themselves, never able to perfect those who come year by
year with these offerings which they offer continually: otherwise would
they not have ceased being offered, after they had once been cleansed,
because those who worship would not still have consciousness of sins?
But with these yearly reminders of sins: it is impossible for blood of bulls
and goats to permanently take away sin, by a single offering.” (Hebrews
From ancient times rabbis used wine to express covenant, with wine
representing blood.
Book Order The traditional book order is used in The Power New Testament,
but try reading through in a different order. The Gospels have a natural
progression based on principles established by rabbis. These principles
provide a progression from the simplest, most easily understood, to the
most mystical of the books. They give us insight to the writers as well as
to the writings by taking us inside the authors and by giving us a natural
progression in the proper book order. Each author came from a different
background and it is helpful to know something about the author’s
perspective. The four styles are listed here and we suggest reading through
the Gospels in this order.
Author Description
Mark: Rabbi Hillel wrote seven laws, called P’shat, for the
average layman. Peshat means simple. This is the style of the
Mishnah studied by modern Judaism today. Mark, in this style,
is very basic, factual, getting right to the meat, not presenting
background information like Luke and Matthew. In Scriptural
interpretation this is the literal reading. Rabbi Hillel formulated
these principles late in the first century BC at the age of seventeen.
He was from Galilee and was teaching during Jesus’ lifetime.
Many of the teachings of Jesus were similar to Rabbi Hillel’s,
whose yeshiva in Galilee continued after his death.
C The letter C was not in either the Greek or the Hebrew alphabet.
It was introduced in the Latin language, so when you see a letter C in a
name, you know that that word was copied from a Latin text. Actually,
Wycliffe made the first English translation of the Bible from the Latin
Vulgate manuscripts that were the standard texts of the Roman Church.
Thessalonika, Makedonia, and Kefa are examples of the Greek spelling.
Census was to be taken according to Scripture, so only men able to go forth to war
were counted, even at the feeding of the 5,000 and the 4,000. Numbers
1:3 is the defining verse so only men older than twenty, but not over fifty,
were to be counted. Women, children, aged, and handicapped were not to
be counted, restrictions not applying to the Roman census.
Cephas is the Latin spelling of an Aramaic word for rock. The word for
rock is Kefa, which is used in John 1:42, 1 Corinthians 1:12, 3:22, 9:5,
15:5, and Galatians 1:18, 2:9, 11, & 14. This is evidence that the apostles
called Peter by the Aramaic name given to him by Jesus and that the
apostles did not normally speak Greek. That Hebrew was widely spoken
in Israel in Jesus’ day has been substantiated by recent archeological
finds. The Hebrew word for rock is kaf which is used well over 100 times
in the Hebrew Scriptures, most often with its basic meaning as sole of
the foot or palm of the hand, but not with the meaning of rock. Kaf is
simply a rock, small enough to be lifted in one hand. Three other Hebrew
words speak of God or Messiah as a Rock. They are tsor, referring to a
sheer rock cliff; sali, referring to a huge rocky cliff; and even (pronounced
eh-ven) speaking of a cut stone as used in construction, particularly the
corner stone.
Chapter and Verse Numbers were added long after the NT was written. Bishop
Stephen Langton added the chapter numbers around the year 1205. His
text was the Latin Vulgate, but his divisions were applied to both the
Hebrew and the Greek texts. Robert Estienne, a printer who used the pen
name Stephanus, added the verse numbers with his 4th Edition of a Greek
text printed in 1551. The Greek text in use at that time contained many
additions and some other changes from the early texts, so chapter and
verse numbers are sometimes quite out of place. Acts Chapters 22 and
23 are examples of chapter numbers out of place. See Manuscripts in this
Christ is the English spelling of the Greek word Xristos. The meaning of
Xristos is Messiah or Anointed One, so this translation uses Messiah.
Coming of Messiah We see many signs that lead us to believe that Jesus
could return any day now. Many of us remember “88 Reasons..” why
Jesus would return in 1988, which had very scientifically set a given day
in September of that year for His return. An engineer who had spent his
life savings and many hours in research to establish the time wrote that
book. There are several “End Times” ministries who feel that His return
is just a few years away. There certainly are many signs today that Jesus
mentioned in Matthew 24. In verse 36, “But no one knows about that Day
and hour, and neither do the angels of the heavens nor the Son, except
the Father only.” While the word translated hour is commonly translated
hour, it can also be translated as follows: a certain definite time or season
fixed by natural law, such as winter, spring, etc., any definite time, point
of time, or moment, or a fit or opportune time.
Just a few years ago much End Time talk related to the millennium, when
our calendar turned the year 2,000. Some of the leaders of the Roman
church said the same things that we heard in the 1990’s as the world
approached the year 1,000. However, Jesus used the Jewish calendar,
which in the year 2000 was in the year 5760, not 6000. The New Year 5760
began on September 10, 1999, at sundown. Our calendar based roughly
on the year of Jesus’ birth was not used until somewhat later, although
except for the year, the calendar we use today was decreed in 46 BC by
Julius Caesar, using the plan of the Egyptian astronomer Sosigenes. A
side note is that England used March 25th as the New Year until 1752.
The point is that it takes considerable rounding off to make our year 2,000
a true millennium.
It is also useful to look at some of Jesus’ statements about His return. Read
all of Matthew 24, and then note verses 36, 42-44, which say, “36. But no
one knows about that day and appointed time or hour, and neither do the
angels of the heavens or the Son, except the Father only. 42. Therefore
you must steadily be watchful, because you do not know what sort of day
your Lord is coming. 43. But you know it, that if the house owner had
known what sort of watch when the thief was coming, he would have
been watchful and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
44. Because of this then you must always be prepared, because in this you
must not continually think of the time the Son of Man is coming.” This
is really a definitive command: we are to be about His business, feeding
the hungry, caring for those less fortunate, and not to be focused on His
return, but on Him.
Mark 13:32 states, “But concerning that day and the hour no one knows,
not even the angels in heaven and not the Son, only the Father. 33. You
must watch out! You must continually be alert: for you do not know when
the time is.” In Luke 12:40 He says, “..the Son of Man is coming in a time
you do not think He is coming.” Then He talks of the coming Kingdom of
God in 17:20-37. Verse 20 includes “The kingdom of God does not come
by means of, or in company with, close observation.” Watching for Him
will not speed up His coming. If anything can speed up His coming, it
would be feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and so on as listed in
Matthew 25:35-40.
Matthew 10:23 “And when they would persecute you in this city, you
must flee to another: for truly I say to you, you would not finish the cities
of Israel until the Son of Man would come.” 24:32 “Truly I say to you
that this generation would not pass until all these things would happen.”
Since these words were written in the first century each generation has
had advocates that THIS is the generation that will see His coming. Paul
believed He was coming soon as we can see in his remark, “And I say
this, brothers, the time is short:” talking about not getting married, in 1
Corinthians 7:29.
Matthew 24:45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom the
owner appointed over his household servants to give them food in due
season? 46. Blessed is that servant who when his master comes will find
him doing this: 47. truly I say to you that he will place him over all his
possessions. 48. but if that evil servant would say in his heart, ‘My lord
lingers,’ 49. and he would begin to beat his fellow servants, and he would
eat and he would drink with the drunkards, 50. the master of that servant
will come in a day in which he does not expect and in a moment that he
does not know, 51. and he will punish him severely and his lot will place
him with the hypocrites: there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in
that place.”
In Luke 9:27, Jesus says “But I say to you truly, there are some of those
who are standing in this place who will not taste death until they would
see the kingdom of God.” This is evidence of Jesus’ statement in Mark
13:32 that no one but the Father knows.
John wrote in 1 John 2:18, “Children, it is the last hour, and just as you
heard that anti-Messiah is coming, even now many anti-Messiahs have
come, from which we know that this is the last hour.”
Clearly, we need to be taught about the end times, but just as clearly,
we need to focus on the task at hand, to raise up mature believers and
to evangelize, to feed the poor, and bring deliverance to the world. Each
generation is to believe the time is at hand as Jacob (James) wrote in
James 5:8 “You too must now be patient, you must strengthen your hearts,
because the coming of the Lord has drawn near.”
What is written here is not in any way to be thought of as putting down
those who are teaching about the soon coming of the Messiah. They
are being obedient to their call and are keeping many occupied as good
servants as well as bringing many converts to the Lord. Then too, He
might come tonight!
Congregation is the appropriate translation of the Greek word Ekklasia,
meaning “a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some
public place; an assembly.” (New Thayer Greek-English Lexicon) This
is a group called for some particular purpose, such as a political meeting
or social occasion. For Christians it meant to gather for worship or
No Greek word meaning Church is used in the Greek NT. The other
Greek word sometimes translated Church, in James 2:2, is Sunagoga, now
written synagogue in English. Sunagoga means a gathering of people, an
assembly. Church is not an appropriate translation of either word because
that in our minds refers to an organization or to a building, while both
Greek words, Ekklasia and Sunagoga, refer to people, but not to buildings
or organizations. The people are far more important than the organization
or the building. Therefore in The Power NT Ekklasia is always translated
congregation, and Sunagoga is translated synagogue or gathering. Since
the authors of the NT did not use a word for Church, the word Church
does not appear in this volume.
Daily Bread from the Lord’s Prayer is not clear. The word often translated
daily is epiousion, which is found only in Matthew 6:11 and Luke 11:3
and not in any other ancient documents. Since it was not part of the Koine
Greek vocabulary, the scholars have had to determine the meaning from
the components of epiousion. They are not unanimous, but the consensus
is that it means enough food and other necessities to last a day or so.
Dates given for the writing of each book are commonly accepted but
not universally accepted. There are scholars who put dates for writing
these books from the second through the fourth centuries. To me the
many Hebrew idioms and Jewish customs woven throughout the NT are
evidence that every author was Jewish, which would not have been the
case if it were written later than the first century.
Day Days began at sundown. The night hours were divided into
watches, with the first watch extending from sundown until midnight. The
second watch was from midnight until 3:00 AM, and the third from 3:00
AM to 6:00 AM. Matthew 14:25 and Mark 6:48 use the Roman time of
the fourth watch, since the Romans divided the night into four equal parts,
from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM. Late in the day and evening meant between
3:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
Death is spoken of with two idioms, one being “is not” in Matthew 2:18
and Revelation 17:8 & 11. This idiom is used rarely in the Tanach as
well, in just Genesis 5:24 and Jeremiah 31:15. The other idiom for death
is used very frequently and that is to “sleep” as in John 11:11-16 with
Lazarus. When this mortal body dies we are only sleeping until He comes
for us. Acts 7:60 tells us that Stephen slept after the religious people
stoned him. Psalm 17:15 “And I -- in righteousness I shall behold Your
face: upon awakening I will be sated by Your image.” Awakening refers
to the hereafter. Song of Songs 7:9, speaking of the sleeper, is used by the
Rabbis as one of a number of verses speaking of resurrection. Another
idiom, not appearing in the NT, is used in Isaiah 58:8, saying, “Then your
light will burst out like the dawn and your healing will speedily sprout;
your righteous deed will precede you and the glory of the Lord will gather
you in.” To be gathered in is to enter eternal life.
Dekapolis is a Greek word meaning Ten Cities. These ten cities were set
apart after Pompey conquered Israel in 63 BC. Nine of these are east of
the Jordan, between Galilee to the north and the Dead Sea to the south.
The tenth is Beit Sh’an, an important Israeli city today, a few miles west
of the Jordan, south of the Lake of Galilee. These ten were declared “Free
Cities” by Rome, a great honor for each of the cities.
Disciples refers to all those who traveled with Jesus or who believed in
Him whether or not they were able to travel with Him. The twelve apostles
had a great deal of company much of the time, including both women
and men. The replacement for Judas Iscariot came from this group that
traveled with Him. Sometimes the twelve were referred to as Disciples,
sometimes as Apostles. See Mark 4:10, 14:12 & 17, Luke 6:13-16, 8:1-3,
than of the sons of Ithamar; and thus were they organized. Among the sons
of Eleazar there were sixteen heads of fathers’ houses, and eight among
the sons of Ithamar for the houses of their fathers. 5. Thus were they
organized by lot, one sort with another; for the officers of the sanctuary,
and the officers of God, were of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of
Ithamar.” The sixteen heads from Eleazar and the eight from Ithamar
made twenty-four divisions, so each division served in the temple one
week at a time, with two times of service each year. Zechariah, of the
Division of Abijah, which had the eighth lot, most likely served in June
and December, although that could vary some. That would have the birth
of John the Baptist in March-April or Sept.-Oct. Since Jesus was born six
months after John, His birth would also have been March-April or Sept.-
Oct. The wild card is the Hebrew leap year because there are fifty-one
weeks in the lunar year of the Jewish calendar, three divisions served a
third time each year, and four additional divisions served in leap years.
Since this system of leap years was initiated in the fourth century AD,
we do not know with certainty the dates of the first century. See Jewish
Calendar in this Glossary.
Lord!” would certainly not be stern, but would be making a strong plea.
This idiom is still used in modern conversational Hebrew.
First Fruits of the three harvest festivals are joyful celebrations, filled with
thanksgiving. The quantities of produce brought were not specified, and
were never a great quantity; a basket carried a family’s offering, although
a king brought a basket that required two to carry. Deuteronomy 26:2 tells
us the offering should be brought in a basket. Deuteronomy 26:1. “And it
shall be, when you come in to the land which the Lord your God gives you
for an inheritance, and possess it, and live in it; 2. That you shall take of
the first of all the fruit of the earth, which you shall bring of your land that
the Lord your God gives you, and shall put it in a basket, and shall go to
the place which the Lord your God shall choose to place his name there. 3.
And you shall go to the priest who shall be in those days, and say to him, I
declare this day to the Lord your God, that I have come to the country that
the Lord swore to our fathers to give us. 4. And the priest shall take the
basket from your hand, and set it down before the altar of the Lord your
The offering was presented as described in Deuteronomy 26:2, then the
one presenting would make this statement from Deuteronomy 26:5. “And
you shall speak and say before the Lord your God, ‘A wandering Aramean
was my father, and he went down into Egypt, and sojourned there with a
few, and became there a nation, great, mighty, and populous; 6. And the
Egyptians dealt ill with us, and afflicted us, and laid upon us hard slavery;
7. And when we cried to the Lord God of our fathers, the Lord heard our
voice, and looked on our affliction, and our labor, and our oppression; 8.
And the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an
outstretched arm, and with great awesomeness, and with signs, and with
wonders; 9. And he has brought us to this place, and has given us this
land, a land that flows with milk and honey. 10. And now, behold, I have
brought the first fruits of the land, which you, O Lord, have given me.’
And you shall set it before the Lord your God, and worship before the
Lord your God; 11. And you shall rejoice in every good thing which the
Lord your God has given to you, and to your house, you, and the Levite,
and the stranger who is among you.” The quotation in verses 5-10 was
repeated by each one bringing a First Fruits offering to the temple.
The produce offered at First Fruits are defined in Deuteronomy 8:8. “A
land of wheat, barley, vines (grapes), fig trees, and pomegranates; a land
of olive oil, and date-honey.” These were the only crops offered for First
Fruits. During the Feast of Unleavened Bread barley was the crop that
was being harvested, so that is what would have been brought, although
someone who had not been able to come to the previous First Fruits could
bring that offering at the next First Fruits. This modest offering from just
a few crops expresses commitment to God and thanksgiving to Him for
His provision. First Fruits offerings were in addition to the tithe, which
was offered separately.
Fish Nets The Greek word for net in Matthew 13:47 is Sag’ene, referring
to the large net used in commercial fishing, which was done at night.
For weights this net used round stones, each stone having a hole drilled
through the middle, resembling a doughnut or bagel. The stones were
usually flint, which is very hard and how the holes were drilled is not
known. Thousands of these 2,000 – 2,500 year old stones have been found
around the lake we call Galilee. Sag’ene is used only once in the NT,
but there are other references to this net, referred to by the Greek word
diktuon, which is a generic reference to nets, not specifying the type of net
used. The twenty-first chapter of John describes the use of a large net used
at night that would have been a sag’ene, because only the commercial net
could have held 153 fish. Mark 1 and Luke 5 also have descriptions of
nets, but those cannot be identified with certainty as to type.
The other type of net was used by one person for daytime fishing and was
round, about twenty feet in diameter. It had lead weights. This type was
used until the middle of the last century when nylon nets replaced it. It is
not directly referred to in the NT, but probably was used by some of the NT
fishermen, either in Mark or Luke. A man named Mendel Nun, a Galilean
fisherman, has for years studied the fishing on Galilee. He believes that
the nets described in Luke 5 are the small casting nets, so while it cannot
be proven from the Greek text the net used could well have been the
smaller net. A net twenty feet in diameter can hold quite a few fish.
Footstool is a tough place for an enemy to be. “The Lord says to my Lord,
‘Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.’” (Ps
110:1) Jesus cited this verse in Luke 20:43. The full meaning of making
your enemies your footstool is “..Joshua called for all the men of war
who went with him, ‘Come near, and put your feet upon the necks of
these kings.’ And they came near, and put their feet upon their necks. And
Joshua said to them, ‘Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good
courage: for thus shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom you
fight.’ And afterwards Joshua smote them, and slew them, and hanged
them on five trees:” (Josh 10:24) When he smote them he cut off their
heads, completely removing the enemy - the meaning of “make your
enemies your footstool.” God put everything under Jesus’ feet, and Jesus
gave us all authority. We are obligated to put the spiritual enemies under
our feet.
Gehenna is the Greek spelling of the Hebrew term, Ge Hinnom, for valley of
Hinnom, the place outside Jerusalem where garbage, trash, dead animals,
and even executed criminals were disposed of. Fires continually burned to
get rid of the trash and also the bodies. Worms lived in whatever had not
been consumed by the fires. The smoke, fires, and worms were a constant
reminder to the residents and visitors to Jerusalem of the description of
Sheol, so Gehenna was used as a synonym for Sheol. From early in the
history of Israel this valley was used for human sacrifices, offerings of
babies to the heathen god, Moloch. Joshua 15:8 is the earliest reference,
then Joshua 18:16, 2 Chronicles 28:3, and Jeremiah 7:32, 19:2,6, 32:35.
2 Kings 23:10 uses the full name of the valley, Valley of the Sons of
Hinnom. Hinnom means wailing, lamentation.
The Talmud varies some from some traditional Christian views of
hell. Regarding Gehenna Talmud Mas. Nedarim 8b says, “There is no
Gehinnom in the world to come, but the Holy One, blessed be He, will
draw forth the sun from its sheath: the righteous shall be healed, and the
wicked shall be judged and punished thereby.” A footnote on Gehenna
says, “Gehinnom (Gehenna) as an equivalent of hell, purgatory, takes its
name from the place where children were once sacrificed to Moloch, viz.,
ge ben Hinnom, the valley of the son of Hinnom, to the south of Jerusalem
(Josh. XV, 8; 11 Kings XXIII, 10; Jer. VII, 32-32; XIX, 6. 13-14).” Note
that in the Talmud purgatory is the same as hell, not a temporary holding
Gentile is a word that is not used in The Power New Testament because
the Greek word often translated gentile means heathen. Gentile is actually
the English spelling of the Latin word for heathen, so other translators
have for centuries chosen the politically correct term, gentile, instead of
what the authors wrote, heathen. The Latin word was used because the
earliest English translations were made from the Latin Vulgate text. Those
early translators chose not to translate the Latin word gentilis, instead just
spelling the word in English.
divine statement say to him? “I reserved seven thousand men for Myself,
who did not bend a knee to Baal.” (1Ki 19:18) 5. Then, just as also in the
present time, a remnant has come into being according to the election of
grace: 6. and if by grace, it is no longer by means of works, because, if
it were, grace would no longer be grace. 7. Then what? What Israel is
seeking, this it did not obtain, but the election did obtain: and the rest
grew callous, 8. just as it has been written,
“God gave them a spirit of stupor,
their eyes to not see
and their ears to not hear,
until this very day.” (Dt 29:4, Is 29:10, see also Is 6:10a)
God gave them a spirit of stupor so they could not recognize the Incarnate
God, but He did not rescind His covenants. Ro 11:25. For I do not want
you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, lest you become conceited,
because dulled perception in part has come upon Israel until the fullness
of the heathens would come in (Lk 21:24) 26. and in this way all Israel
will be saved, just as it has been written,
“The One Who rescues will come out of Zion,
He will banish ungodliness from Jacob.
27. and this is the covenant for them with Me,
when I would take away their sins.” (Is 59:20,21)
Christians assume YHVH and Jesus are two different Beings, especially
as Father and Son. This has led to a basic conflict with Judaism, which
says, God is One, and Christianity referring to the Trinity of Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit. The Apostles Creed talks about three persons. While the
elements of the Trinity are in Scripture, with references to the Holy Spirit
as roaming to and fro over all the earth ( 2Chron. 16:9), the Trinity is an
oversimplification of our unfathomable, awesome God.
The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter in John 14:15, but YHVH says I
AM your Comforter in Isaiah 51:12. The Spirit of God is within us (John
17:23). YHVH Goes Before us and is our Rear Guard, all at same time.
God is complex with some attributes man has credited to Jesus that are God
Himself. Look at these shared names: God Incarnate, Jesus, and YHVH
are known as Savior, Deliverer, Husband or Bridegroom, I AM, Help,
Y’shua, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Redeemer, With you, Messiah.
The last named is the most significant, when YHVH touches down on the
Mount of Olives in Zech. 14:3,4, to begin His reign as King over all the
earth. YHVH and Jesus are One and the same.
Truly, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.
Hallel means praise and refers to the Seder Haggadah after the meal is
eaten. During the Hallel Psalms 113-118 are sung, so these Psalms are
called Hallel. They are also sung each week in the home during a mini-
Seder welcoming the Sabbath on Friday evening.
Harmony of the Gospels is very real, but as you read the Lord’s Prayer
or the Beatitudes in both Matthew and Luke or parables in any of the
Gospels, remember that Jesus would have taught any given message more
than once. He was teaching principles that did not require word-for-word
repetition, so when you notice differences make notes to see where and
to whom each teaching was given. The Sermon on the Mount is a good
example. In Matthew 5 Jesus went up on a mountain to teach. In the
parallel passage beginning with Luke 6:17 Jesus went down and stood on
a flat place to teach, so we know that these are two distinct messages, not
a differing report of the same message.
Havdalah is the name of the service at the beginning of the day after the
Sabbath. Havdalah means separation in Hebrew. One hour after sundown
ends the Sabbath, there is a service at the synagogue to make the transition
back to the secular workday. The one-hour delay is to be absolutely
certain that the Sabbath is over, no fudging allowed. Some congregations
make that a two-hour delay. This separation between holy and profane is
discussed in the Zohar, Vayikra Section III, “we should say at the close
of Sabbath, ‘who divideth between holy and profane’, the separation
consisting in the fact that holiness is something apart, and the rest issue
from it.”
After the Havdalah service money can be discussed and used because the
worshippers have returned from their separation with God to the secular,
work-a-day world. It was after a Havdalah service that Paul instructed the
Corinthians (1 Corinthians 16:2) to set aside their money. The Havdalah
service is also the reason Paul spoke so late in Troas, when Eutuchus fell
out the window (Acts 20:7). Acts 20:6 tells us that Paul and those with him
left Philipi after the Feast of Unleavened Bread, so allowing for the travel
time, from Philippi to Troas, of five days, this was likely sometime from
mid April to early May. That would put sunset at 7:00 PM or later, so the
Havdalah service would have started sometime after 9:00 PM. Allowing
time for the service and the meal it could have been 11:00 PM when Paul
began to speak, making it easy for him to go on past midnight.
Hebraisms are those elements of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary that show
up in the Greek text. It is interesting that the writings of Luke contain
the most Hebraisms in the New Testament. One of the Hebraisms he
used is to speak of going “from Judea to Caesarea.” He is the only New
Testament author to write of going from Judea to Caesarea, and that at
a time when Caesarea was the capital of Judea. The Rabbis considered
it profane to think of any city other than Jerusalem as the capital and
any alien government was also profane. The expression “from Judea to
Caesarea” was only used by Rabbis.
Hosanna is the English spelling of Hoshea-na, meaning Deliver Us Now!
This comes from the same Hebrew root as Yeshua, the Hebrew name of
Jesus. The ending, “na,” is something we do not have a translation for,
in English, a demanding “NOW!” that is not rude or impertinent. It is
properly translated “Please!” or “I pray you!” or “Behold!” and always
needs the exclamation point to convey the urgency. The shouting of
“Hoshea-na” at Jesus’ triumphal entrance in Jerusalem with the waving of
palm fronds and branches were traditionally done on the sixth day of the
Feast of Succot, welcoming the reigning Messiah to assume the throne in
Jerusalem. All those shouting “Hoshea-na!” knew this and believed Jesus
was the Messiah Who had come to claim His throne, then and there. See
Matthew 21:8,9, Mark 11:8,9, Luke 19:37,38, and John 12:13.
appropriate for today. The most prominent of these concern animal
sacrifices. The Jewish people stopped making animal sacrifices when
the temple was destroyed and the Jewish people were deported to other
countries in 70 AD. Deuteronomy 12:14 commands Israel to offer
sacrifices in just one place: “But only in the place which the Lord shall
choose in one of your tribes, there you shall offer your burnt offerings,
and there you shall do all that I command you.” The place chosen by
God is in Jerusalem on what is now called the Temple Mount. There
are some in Judaism who are preparing to resume sacrifices in the Third
Temple, but others say animal sacrifices are no longer appropriate. This is
in reference to verses such as Hosea 6:6 “I desire kindness, not sacrifice;
and knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” Other verses saying
something similar are 1 Samuel 15:22, Psalms 81:18, 90:7, and Isaiah
Paul includes circumcision with commands that are no longer to be
adhered to. Romans 2:28. “For the Jewish person is not the one to be
plainly recognized by what he wears, his prayer shawl, and neither is
circumcision just openly in the flesh, 29. but one is Jewish inwardly, and
circumcised in his heart in spirit, not letter, whose praise is not from people
but from God.” He wrote in Galatians 5:2, referring to heathen converts,
“Behold, I, Paul, say to you that if you would be circumcised, Messiah
will profit you nothing. 3. And I am testifying again to every circumcised
man that he is obligated to do the whole tradition.” Paul did not come
up with this on his own, but knew his Scriptures: Deuteronomy 10:16.
“Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiff-
necked.” Jeremiah 4:4 “Circumcise yourselves unto the Lord – remove
the barriers of you hearts” Jeremiah 9:25. “Egypt, and Judah, and Edom,
and the Ammonites, and Moab, and all who dwell in the wilderness; for
all these nations are uncircumcised, and all of the house of Israel are
uncircumcised in the heart.”
In regard to all the commandments, we are to give our hearts to the Lord,
to walk in repentance, and speak through our actions, by the way we live
to give evidence that we have an ongoing relationship with the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Isaiah 28:16 is quoted in Romans 9:33, 10:11, and 1Peter 2:6. The last
sentence of verse 16 is often translated similarly to the Greek rending,
“and the one who believes upon Him will not be put to shame.” The NIV
has “..the one who trusts will never be dismayed.” The Hebrew is stronger
and deeper than that. “..the one who believes will not make haste.” The
word translated ‘one who believes’ or ‘one who trusts’ is ma’amin, which
has a root meaning that speaks of both training and loyalty or faithfulness.
There is a difference between just believing and being loyal through hard
times. James 2:19 says, “You believe that God is One, you do well: the
demons also believe and shudder.” The demons know God and His power,
but are not obedient and faithful to Him.
The two words translated “dismayed” or “make haste” are more difficult,
but refer to something not done quickly. The twelfth century rabbi, Ibn
Ezra, wrote, “He (the faithful one) will remain steadfast in his faith
however long realization may be delayed.” Each of us must understand
that when the Lord has given us a vision for ministry, that the timing is
His, not ours, and we need to hold strong in faith while He brings all things
in His timing. If we get ahead of His timing the ministry becomes our
ministry, not His. That ministry may have financial success but will not
have spiritual success. When He gives any of us the vision for a ministry
there may be years of preparation before we are to begin.
What to us seems to be a delay may be something the Lord is doing in
us. Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11-13: “Not that I am talking on account
of a great need, for I learned to be content with what things I have. And
I know how to submit myself to want, and I know how to be abundant:
in everything and in all things I have learned the secret, both how to be
filled and how to be needy and how to be affluent and how to suffer want:
I have strength to overcome all things in the One Who strengthens me.”
Psalm 105 says: v. 17 “...Joseph was sold as a slave.” Then verse 19 says:
“Until the time that His word came to pass, the decree of the Lord had
purified him.” (Artscroll Tanach) This refers to the time Joseph spent in
slavery and in prison. The word translated purified comes from a root
which means to refine, purify, test, or burn. The time spent waiting for the
Lord’s timing has a purpose, whether to purify the minister or to prepare
other elements, a true refining process. We need to be like Paul, content
in this season of lack. The lack can be money, as Paul wrote about, or it
may be in ministry. Each of us has a ministry, with or without ordination.
Remember, each of us is a priest. We are a “... kingdom, priests to His
God and Father..” (Revelation 1:6). It is important to be obedient; to wait
contentedly, to keep the faith and grow spiritually while He works His
will in us.
There are many promises in His Word for Israel and for end times, but
we cannot put our timetables on them. If you listen to tapes made ten or
more years ago about end times, or read end time books written at least
that long ago, you will see that the speakers/authors did not have a handle
on God’s timing. There are many prophecies for Israel today that we hold
in faith, even though they may not be fulfilled in my lifetime. They will
be fulfilled in His timing. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews dwells on this
Italics are words that have been added to the translation to make
smoother reading or to complete a statement. Many times the verbs is,
are, were, etc. are inserted because Hebrew does not use a verb of being,
so the Hebrew speaking authors of the NT did not use them.
Jacob is the name used in this translation wherever the Greek name
Iakob appears in the text. English Bibles and Bibles translated to another
language from those English Bibles are the only ones not spelling Iakob
in their language. Tradition has other English translations using James,
but this translation uses the English spelling of Iakob.
Jesus is the English spelling of the Greek Iesous. The J came into Old
English from the German language and was used for the English spelling
of names from the Latin. Wycliffe made the earliest English translation,
from the Latin Vulgate. The German language pronounces the “J” as a
“Y” which is why the German Jesus would be pronounced the same as the
Greek Iesous and Latin Iesus. His Hebrew name was Yeshua, the Galilean
pronunciation of Yeshu. The root word of Yeshu is YShA, a verb meaning
save, deliver from. Since Greek has no “sh” sound, that was changed to s
in Iesous. The final s in Greek is there for what is called the declension of
the noun, and in the first use in the New Testament of the name Jesus, in
Matthew 1:1, Jesus is spelled Iesou in Greek, as close as Greek can come
to Yeshua. In the November-December 2002 issue of Biblical Archeology
Review there was a report of a burial box found in Jerusalem, bearing the
inscription “Jacob, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus.” The burial box, made
of stone, has been authenticated as a first century burial box. This is the
first object known to refer directly to Jesus.
Yeshu is very interesting because it was a common enough name that it
has been found at several archeological digs. There is a noun, Yeshuah,
pronounced the same as His Galilean Yeshua, that is used about seventy-
five times in the Old Testament, and is translated Victories, Welfare,
Health, Saving Health, Deliverance, Salvation, and is transliterated in
New Testament Greek as Hosanna. Hosanna means Deliverance Now!
Or, Salvation Now! The people were actually shouting “Yeshuah-na!” or
“Hoshea-na!” from the same Hebrew root. The Na suffix is a demanding
“Now” or “Please!” that would be rude to our Western minds. The meaning
of Yeshuah is deliverance more than salvation and where hosanna is used
in Matthew 21:9, 15, Mark 11:9,10, and John 12:13, as Jesus rides the
donkey into Jerusalem, the people were looking for deliverance from the
Roman conquerors. They viewed Jesus as the Messiah Who had come
to sit on the throne in Jerusalem and restore Israel to full independence.
That was on the mind of each one who called Him “Son of David” as
Bartimaeus did in Mark 10:47.
Jewish Calendar Our New Testament authors and Jesus Himself went by
the Jewish calendar, which still times the spiritual lives of our Jewish
friends and neighbors. It is one of those things that we need to know
more about and to teach in our churches so we can return to the appointed
seasons of the Lord.
The Jewish calendar is based on the phases of the moon, meaning that
the beginning of each month coincides with the appearance of the new
In the fourth century AD, Hillel II established a fixed calendar based on
mathematical and astronomical calculations. This calendar, still in use,
standardized the length of months and the addition of months over the
course of a nineteen-year cycle, so that the lunar calendar realigns with
the solar years. Adar II is added in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and
19th years of the cycle. The current cycle began in Jewish year 5758 (the
year that began October 2, 1997). Before this schedule was set the leap
year was determined each year by examining the barley crop on the first of
Adar. If the crop was not going to be ready to harvest in two weeks, then
the second month of Adar was called for, because the barley harvest was
needed for the First Fruits of Unleavened Bread. Also the spring equinox
always fell in the month Adar.
In addition, Yom Kippur should not fall adjacent to Shabbat because
this would cause difficulties in coordinating the fast with Shabbat, and
Hoshanah Rabba, the seventh day of Sukkot, should not fall on Saturday
because it would interfere with the holiday’s observances. The adjustment
is made by adding a day to the month of Kheshvan (or Heshvan) or
subtracting a day from the month of Kislev of the previous year.
In the leap years, since there are two months Adar, Purim is celebrated in
Second Adar to keep its proper perspective four weeks before Passover.
Purim as a feast exposes persecution with Haman representing those
trying to destroy the Jewish people. Esther 9:24. “Because Haman the
son of Hammedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had plotted
against the Jews to destroy them, and had cast Pur, that is, the lot, to
consume them, and to destroy them;” At Purim the Book of Esther is read
to recount God’s miraculous works that saved the Jewish people from
certain death.
Purim is similar to Passover because both holidays celebrate the miraculous
deliverance of the Jewish people. At the Passover meal the story of the
Exodus is told (ordered in Ex 13:8), reminding all of the deliverance from
Egyptian bondage and of the call of God upon their lives, with the giving
of the Torah. The destination of the Exodus was the Promised Land. The
purpose of the Exodus, the goal, was the creation of the Kingdom of
Priests (Ex 19:6, Is 61:6), the Holy People (Ex 19:10, Le 20:24, 26:12, Dt
7:6, 14:2,21, 28:9).
The New Year of the Jewish calendar begins on the first of the month
Tishrei, the seventh month, which comes sometime in late August to mid
September. It is called Rosh HaShannah, meaning New Year, but the
Scriptural name of the Holy Day is the Day of Remembrance. This is the
anniversary of the creation of the world and the day that is set aside to
remember all that God has done for each one of us. It is a call to repentance
in preparation for Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. Even though the
year begins six months earlier with Tishrei, the months are counted from
Nisan, because when God spoke to Moses commanding the Passover and
Exodus He said “This month shall be the beginning of months: it shall be
the first month of the year to you. Speak to all the congregation of Israel,
saying ‘On the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man
a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for a house:..’”
(Exodus 12:3)
The natural assumption is that this means the first of Nisan is New Year’s
Day. Not so. Who are we to question God? Until 1752 England and its
colonies celebrated the New Year on March 25th.
Leprosy in Scripture is not like the disease known by that name today. The
Hebrew word ‘Tsara-at’ is translated into Greek by the word ‘Lepra’ which
is the source of our word leprosy, but the Scriptural rash and contagion are
not the same as the symptoms of the disease now called leprosy. Leprosy
is perhaps the least contagious of all contagious diseases and is today
generally treated on an outpatient basis. The Biblical disease translated
leprosy was obviously very contagious, as are a number of skin rashes
still with us. See Gossip/Slander in this Glossary.
Life as in John 10:10 refers both to life on Earth and in the hereafter.
Jewish commentators, in reading Psalm 34:13. “Who is the man who
desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good? 14. Keep your
tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking guile. 15. Depart from evil,
and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” say “life” refers to the World
to Come, and “days” refers to man’s years in this world, which are only
days by comparison to the eternal life of the next world. Then Moses
describes how to have the abundant life in Deuteronomy 30:15. “See, I
have set before you this day life and good, and death and evil; 16. In that I
command you this day to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and
to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that you
may live and multiply; and the Lord your God shall bless you in the land
which you are entering to possess.” These verses speak of the dual life,
having a rewarding life in the here and now, but looking forward to the
ultimate goal of eternal life with our heavenly Father. Many people have
rewarding lives without having an abundance of material goods. Jesus says
in Luke 12:15. “And He said to them, ‘You must continually understand
and guard yourselves from all covetousness, because someone’s life is
not abundant from his possessions.’” Then He adds in Luke 14:33. “So in
this way every one of you who does not renounce all his own possessions
is not able to be My disciple.” Live every day to the fullest, knowing that
doing His perfect will is the greatest reward of all, both in the here and the
Lord’s Prayer This is the prayer Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew
6:9-13. Some say that this should not be called the Lord’s Prayer, but the
Disciples’ Prayer, because it is what Jesus instructed His disciples to pray.
It is appropriate to call it the Lord’s because He taught this prayer, but
then whatever the prayer is called should not be our concern, but that we
do pray this and do pray it with the positive thrust that Jesus taught.
“Our Father,” This is an immediate statement of our relationship with the
King of the Universe, at once bringing to mind His love and concern for
us and our submission to Him, as a small child should be submitted to his
father. The Pharisees frequently started their prayers with “Our Father”
(Avinu in Hebrew) and cited Hosea 11:1 as the Scriptural basis for that.
That verse starts “When Israel was a child I loved him.” In Isaiah 63:16
and other verses He is called “Our Father.” When they began a prayer
with that they went on,
“Who art in the heavens,” recognizes His role as Creator and King of the
Universe. We need in every prayer to acknowledge Him, to praise Him, to
give Him all the glory. Prayers of the Pharisees used this phrase, which is
Sh’ba shamayim in Hebrew. Psalm 115:16 says, “As for the heavens, the
heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to mankind.”
“Your name must immediately be made holy” is a command for us, those
who are praying, not just to refrain from profaning His name, but for us to
do those things that make His name holy during this day. In Is 29:23 God
tells us “sanctify My name.” We sanctify His name by what we do. This
is not an option, but every word we speak and every single thing we do
must glorify the King of the Universe.
“Your kingdom must now come:” is a call for the reigning Messiah to
begin His rule on earth. Jesus said that we are to know that the kingdom
has come upon us when He casts out demons by a finger of God. (Lk
11:20) He also said “..the kingdom of God is within you.” (Lk 17:21)
Therefore this is another command for us to be aggressive about living
in the kingdom of God right here, right now. That does not mean that
this is all we will ever see of the kingdom, but He is telling us to believe
that we have the authority He has given us, and He is telling us to use
that authority. We have barely grasped the principles of spiritual warfare
and have a long way to go to live as the overcomers that we should be.
This agrees with Jewish thought as Rabbi Ben-Yehuda wrote August 11,
2000, “We cannot accept the lowest common denominator, for it hits rock
bottom. We are challenged and called to achieve a world that is loftier and
more spiritual, to rise and to raise, to elevate and establish His kingdom,
right here, right now. Nothing less will do - nothing less will insure our
“Your will must immediately be done, also on earth as in heaven.” Who
is here at this time to do His will? Is it not each one of us? This is not an
appeal for the Lord to do things for us, but for us to be motivated to do
absolutely everything that He would want us to do. We are His agents on
earth, the ones through whom He works. Once again we are not asking
this of God, but stating to Him that we have to be determined to do all we
can to walk in His perfect will. It is up to each one of us to be all we can,
in every relationship, in every way.
This first half of the prayer is entirely for us to do. Each of these lines is
an individual, not a corporate responsibility, so Jesus gave us this prayer
to strengthen each believer. As you do these things, incorporating the
worship and the doing of His will into your personal walk with God, you
lay the ground work for the Lord to be able to do the things that are to be
done on your behalf in the second half of the prayer.
“You must immediately give to us (the) bread necessary today for
our existence.” The word translated “necessary for our existence” seems
to have been coined by the early evangelists and in Scripture is used only
here and in Luke 11. Some scholars translate it “daily,” others “tomorrow”
and others as “necessary for our existence.” But the real thrust of this
request is the command, a statement of our covenant relationship with our
heavenly Father, coming as a small child to say, “Daddy, you have to..”
Jesus was teaching us to speak boldly with our heavenly Father, the King
of the Universe. See Daily Bread in this Glossary.
“You must immediately forgive our sins as we have already completed
forgiving everyone of every little thing each has done to me.” This
accurately brings out that we cannot ask God to forgive our very real sins
until we first forgive everyone of every little thing that has irritated us.
This is an individual requirement, even though it is written in the plural.
No one can do this for someone else. Each believer must forgive everyone
of every little thing and of every big thing. Once we have finished totally
forgiving everyone of everything, then we are to ask boldly that all our
sins will be forgiven.
“And do not lead us into temptation, but You must continually rescue us
from the evil one.” The word translated lead means to bring or to carry
in. The word translated temptation means test, trial, or temptation. When
we go through difficult times we often think that God is testing us, and
sometimes He is. A test is for the one being tested to prove to himself
that he can do what is required. God already knows what he will do.
Many times though He has given us an assignment, because we have
been called into service, not into rest and relaxation. We complain about
our circumstances when we should be charged up like Green Berets on
being given a tough assignment. We need to be as thoroughly trained for
spiritual warfare as a Green Beret or Special Forces soldier is for modern
warfare. God does not tempt us, but He does test us, as Jesus tested Philip
when He asked Philip where he could buy bread to feed the crowd. (John
6:6) Not to abort an assignment or wheedle our way out of a test, but to
get out of a true satanic attack, we are to address God in the imperative,
saying, “You must rescue me from the evil one!”
In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught us to first of all acknowledge the Father
as the Creator, the King of the Universe, the One to Whom we owe
everything and to Whom we submit everything we have. When that is
done we are to express our need in the same way a two year old addresses
a parent, saying, “You have to do this for me!” He does supply all our
needs, including deliverance from all evil spirits, sickness, poverty,
relationships with others, virtually every need. While this prayer is in the
plural “we,” it brings out the need for individual relationship. No one can
make up for your lack of faith or lack of asking. Jesus said, “And I say
to you, You must continually ask and it will be given to you, you must
continually seek and you will find, you must continually knock and it will
be opened to you: for everyone who asks takes and the one who seeks
finds and for the one who knocks it will be opened. And which of you if a
son will ask his father for a fish will he then give him a serpent instead of
a fish? Or also, if he will ask for an egg, will he give a scorpion to him?
If therefore you, who are evil yourselves, know how to give good gifts to
your children, how much more the Father from heaven will give the Holy
Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 11:9-13) This is one example of this
principle that is in each Gospel. However, we should not judge the faith of
another saint when we see a saint fail in some way, or call him unspiritual
because of a failure to overcome. Remember that neither Ezekiel nor his
wife had shown sin or lack of faith when the Lord took her.
Note that this prayer in Matthew is included in His Sermon on the Mount,
given to a large crowd. The prayer He taught in Luke 11:1-4 was given
in a private place just to the twelve, so the two prayers would not be
Manuscript The text used for this translation is the 4th Revised Edition
of Greek manuscripts edited by Barbara Aland, Kurt Aland, Johannes
Karavidopoulos, Carlo M. Martini, and Bruce M. Metzger, published
by the United Bible Society. This group used the methods of Textual
Criticism to determine the versions closest to the original, first century
manuscript. The methods of Scriptural Textual Criticism are similar to
traditional methods used to determine the proper texts of the ancient
secular classics.
We like to think that the New Testament has been preserved exactly as
it was originally written, every word perfectly preserved. However, this
is not the case since we do not have even one fragment of an original
document. What we do have though is about 5,000 documents, some the
complete NT, others fragments, with some dating to the second century.
This massive volume of literature confirms all the facts of Jesus’ life
and ministry and the basic tenets of Christianity, even though there are
numerous differences in the various manuscripts.
The differences are there for several reasons. First of all, the authors of the
NT did not realize that they were writing Scripture, and neither did the first
century readers. To all in the first century, Scripture was what Christians
call the Old Testament and our Jewish brothers call the Tanach. The first
NT books to be copied were not copied by professional scribes, but by
anointed people who simply wanted to share some really good news with
a friend or associate. From second and third century fragments we know
that they did not feel compelled to make exact copies and they felt free
to insert explanatory notes. They harmonized the Gospels in places and
added explanations.
A spoken language evolves, as we know from reading Shakespeare and
historical documents by the founding fathers of the United States. As the
common Greek spoken in the early centuries of the Christian era evolved,
the copiers of what later became Scripture made changes that would make
the language more contemporary, so it would be more easily understood.
Even after the NT was canonized in the fourth century, the monks who
copied manuscripts added quite a bit, in explanations, in words to smooth
out a reading, and in adding passages such as the woman caught in adultery
(John 7:53b-8:12). The monks were less demanding of accuracy than
professional copiers and Jewish scribes, so some mistakes were made,
but the greatest numbers of changes were additions. The important thing
is that these changes did not alter the basic gospel message. One way to
look at it is to examine the thirty or so different English translations that
we have today. Each one has its merit. No one translation completely
captures all that the Holy Spirit put in those Scriptures.
Jewish scribes set the standard for copying accuracy. They applied
Masorah, meaning tradition, in their copying and were called Masoretes.
They were responsible for memorizing the sounds of the words since
vowels have never been written in Torah scrolls and were not commonly
written in other Hebrew documents until the eighth century, although they
were developed centuries earlier. The Masoretes counted every letter on
each line and every use of a word on each line and in each passage. The
oldest Masoretic text that is known today is from the tenth century, located
in a St. Petersburg, Russia, library, with Jewish scholars now having
access to it. When the book of Isaiah from St Petersburg is compared with
the Dead Sea Scrolls there are only a few letters that have been changed.
The scrolls used in today’s synagogues are hand copied, without vowels,
to the same standards used by the ancient copiers. One mistake on a scroll
and the scroll is destroyed. Printed Jewish Bibles, Tanachs, do have the
vowels added.
In contrast to the reverence that the Jewish copiers have for Scripture,
look what an expert on the ancient manuscripts found in a monastery just
over one hundred fifty years ago. The expert’s name was Tischendorf and,
in 1849, he was walking down a hallway in St. Catherine’s Monastery
in the Sinai Peninsula when a monk coming in the opposite direction
passed him. Tischendorf noticed that the monk was carrying an armload
of manuscripts and recognized that the writing was very old script. He
was curious and wanted to see the text so he stopped the monk and asked
to look at it. The monk agreed and said he was taking it to burn it. Can you
imagine that? That manuscript happens to be the oldest nearly complete
text of the New Testament that we have. It is called the Aleph and is now
in a library in London, England. We have to wonder how many priceless
manuscripts were destroyed in a similar disregard for their value.
If you have noticed that chapter and verse numbers sometimes seem
out of place, it is because a Bishop Stephen Langton added the chapter
numbers around 1205, and a printer named Robert Estienne, who used the
pen name Stephanus, added the verse numbers in 1550. The editors of the
various texts added punctuation much later. The manuscripts had many
additions, which kept growing through the years. See Chapter and Verse
in this Glossary.
Also there was no standard manuscript before the invention of the printing
press. What they had were several “families” of manuscripts and the
family with the most additions was the Byzantine, the manuscripts used
by Bishop Langton and Robert Estienne.
While we like to think that the Scriptures are unchanged from the 1st
century, this is simply not the case. My feeling is that the closer we can get
to the original texts, the more revealed truths we will have. There is power
that is lost in trying to make a smooth reading, aggravated by various
translators’ not appreciating spiritual warfare, healing, deliverance, etc.
As stated previously every translation of Scripture has its merit.
Matthew 28:19 in the Greek text contains a reference to Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. There is considerable evidence that this phrase was added at
the Nicean Council in 325 AD. Several early Christian theologians, who
had seen the complete book of Matthew, attested that the early copies of
Matthew did not contain the phrase. Eusebius was one of those and even
though he believed in the Trinity, he wrote that the phrase, “baptizing in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost” was not in
the early texts. Today there are only two copies of Matthew earlier than
the 4th C and the last page of each of those was destroyed.
William R. Conner, Litt.D. writes, “While no manuscript of the first
three centuries is in existence, we do have the writings of at least two
men who did actually possess, or had access to manuscripts much earlier
than our earliest now in existence. These bring forward evidence from
the following, either to direct quotation from their writings, or indirectly
through the writings of their contemporaries, viz. Eusebius of Caesarea,
the unknown author of De Rebaptismate, Origen, Clement of Alexandria,
Justin Martyr, Macedonius, Eunomius and Aphraates.” Dr. Connor’s
discussion of these covers twenty-one pages so it is not included here, but
the evidence he cites is overwhelming that the original Matthew 28:19
did not include the phrase “baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” For that reason the phrase does not
appear in the text of this translation.
rendered in different contexts as ‘good deed,’ ‘law’ or ‘command,’ can
also be taken to mean ‘duty’ or ‘obligation’ - a concept which becomes
the key to Jewish law.”
The expression in the Greek is normally translated either good deeds or
good works, but can include righteousness, because doing righteousness
is a common usage. Charitable giving, as in Matthew 6:2, in the Hebrew
language is either Tsedekah or Mitsvah. Tsedekah is from the root tsadak,
to do right, to be just, and specifically refers to charitable giving. Our
salvation is not the result of our works, but it is the cause of our works.
You are not made righteous by your works, but do good works because you
are righteous. Mitsvot are evidence that you have been made righteous by
faith (Genesis 15:6). Good deeds are the evidence of our relationship with
God. Jesus said, “You will recognize people by their fruit.” (Matthew
7:16) Paul said, defending himself in Acts 26:19. “For which reason, King
Agrippa, I have not been disobedient to the heavenly vision 20. but first
to those in Damascus and then in Jerusalem, and in every region of Judea
and to the heathens, bringing a call to repent and to turn back to God,
doing works worthy of repentance.” Works worthy of repentance are also
called mitsvot or righteousness. See Mt 7:21, 16:27, Lk 3:8, Jn 5:29, Ac
26:20, Ro 2:10,13, 1Co3:8, Eph 2:10, 2Ti 4:14, Ti 1:16, 2:14, 3:8, Heb
10:24, Jas 2:14-26, 2Pe 1:5, 3:10 1Jn 2:4, 3:16-18,22, 5:2,3, Rev 2:5,
19:8, 20:12,13, 22:12. See Righteousness in this Glossary.
Names are not written consistently in English, so this translation uses the
traditional English names, which came from Latin more than Greek, and
not from Hebrew. For the Hebrew names, see Section II in this Glossary.
Peter is a good example of what has happened to names. He is introduced
to us in Matthew 4:18 as Simon Peter, with the Greek work word Simon.
In 2 Peter 1:1 it is written Sumeon, as is the witness at Jesus’ presentation
at the temple in Luke 2:25. Several others are also spelled Sumeon in the
Greek. The only time Sumeon is written Simon in English is in 2 Peter
In John 1:42, and then five times by Paul, Peter is called Kefas in Greek.
Kefa is a Hebrew/Aramaic word for rock. In English that became Cephas
because that is the Latin spelling. Any name with the letter “C” in it came
from Latin, because neither Hebrew nor Greek has the letter “C.”
Mary is another name taken from Latin since the Greek is Mariam and the
Hebrew is Miryam.
Throughout Scripture it is difficult to make sense of the English names,
especially from Hebrew, as one glance of the listing in Section II will
show. Traditional names are used here because correct English spelling of
the Hebrew and Greek names in too many cases are very different from
what we are used to and could be confusing to many readers.
Pentecost the Greek word for fifty, is the Greek name for the Feast of
Shavuot, or weeks. This celebrates the wheat harvest and at two days is
the shortest major feast. The major feasts are Unleavened Bread, Shavuot,
and Succot, each one celebrating a First Fruits. The names Pentecost and
Shavuot come from the command to count the time from the First Fruits
during the Feast of Unleavened Bread to this First Fruits. Shavuot is
the Hebrew word for weeks, for the seven weeks plus one day for the
time from the First Fruits of Unleavened Bread to the next First Fruits.
That time is called counting the Omer, which is the day after the seventh
week, or fifty days. See Leviticus 23:15. See Shavuot elsewhere in this
Peter is the English spelling of the masculine form of the Greek word
petra. The feminine form, petra, means rock. See Cephas.
Prayer Shawl is given in Numbers 15:37-41 where Moses is told, “Speak to the
children of Israel, and bid them that they make them fringes in the corners
of their garments throughout the generations, and that they put upon the
fringe of each corner a thread of blue: and it shall be to you as a fringe, that
you may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord,
and do them: and that you may remember, and do all My commandments,
and be holy to your God. I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of
the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the Lord your God.” The fringes,
called tsitsit in Hebrew, kraspedon in Greek, were placed on the corners
of the outer garment, which was larger than the current prayer shawl and
looked like a poncho with tsitsit. This was like a sheet with a hole in the
middle for the head. The front piece was tied behind the back, and then
the back was lapped over and tied in front. This is the seamless garment in
John 19:23. Recent archeological digs have found a number of these from
Biblical times.
The garment now made to these specifications is the talit, also spelled
tallit, called a prayer shawl in English. There two sizes, one a little larger
than a man’s scarf, the other about twice as wide as the smaller. The
purpose for it is for everyone, including the wearer, to look at the corner
fringe and remember all the commandments of the Lord. Rabbis centuries
ago made a list of 613 commandments, including the promises of God, so
in Jesus’ day people would see all the power of God in that fringe, called
tsitsit in Hebrew, when the prayer shawl was worn by an anointed man of
God. That is why the woman with the bloody issue reached for the fringe
in Matthew 9:20 and Luke 8:44 and why many sought to touch the tsitsit
of His talit in Matthew 14:36 and Mark 6:56. We know this is the tsitsit
because the Jewish translators who translated the Hebrew Scriptures into
Greek used the Greek word kraspedon for tsitsit and kraspedon is used in
the Gospels where tsitsit would be appropriate.
Jesus used the prayer shawl in Mark 5:41, the raising of Jairus’ daughter.
We know that Jesus was wearing a talit at the time because of the reference
to it regarding the woman with the bloody issue, after Jesus and Jairus had
started on the way to Jairus’ home. At Jairus’ home Jesus took the girl’s
hand and said “Talitha coum!” This is Hebrew for “Talit rise!” The verse
goes on and says “..translated means ‘maid arise’” (KJV) and “my child
get up.” (NIV) The Greek word translated maid or child is talitha, the
Greek spelling of talit. Coum is the Hebrew word for rise, or get up. Some
Greek texts say coumi, the feminine form, which is the correct word for
this verse, since talitha is a feminine noun. There is an Aramaic word
similar to talitha that was taken for talitha. That is talyetha, which means
young woman. That would require the misspelling of talyetha instead of
talitha in all the manuscripts. We know that His use of the talit in this
miracle and His speaking to the talit would have been appropriate and
would have been understood by those with Him. In that case He would
have placed His prayer shawl over the girl, then spoken to the prayer
shawl. There is another Aramaic word that some say is the correct word
for this verse. It is taly’tah, meaning lamb. This would have Jesus address
her as “Lambkin” a not unreasonable assumption. Coumi would also
be the correct verb because it is the same in Aramaic and Hebrew. My
personal feeling is that Jesus would have been speaking Hebrew, so I will
stick with the talit, which is the closest word to the Greek spelling.
Prayer shawl making required Rabbinic training which Paul, Priscilla,
and Aquila had. (Acts 18:2,3) The Greek word skenopoioi, translated
prayer shawl makers or tent makers, is not found anywhere else in
Scripture or secular Greek writing. Perhaps Luke coined the word
or possibly skenopoioi was used by Jewish people when speaking of
making prayer shawls. Jewish men referred to the prayer shawl as a tent
or prayer closet because it was placed over the head to shield the eyes
while praying.
The Greek Lexicon by Bauer Arndt and Gingrich devotes nearly an entire
column to skenopoioi. Bauer does not identify the trade, but says that it
was of a technical nature and it would not have been in making ordinary
tents, leather working, or erecting tents, possibilities suggested by other
scholars. The technical training that we know all three had was rabbinic
training, which was required to make another item referred to as a tent.
That is the prayer shawl, which when it was pulled over the head to shield
the eyes while praying, was called a tent or prayer closet. Making prayer
shawls is an occupation that Paul could have pursued in any metropolitan
area without having to haul various tools and supplies as he traveled.
While Bauer leaves the trade an open question, prayer shawl making
stands out as the most likely single prospect.
A prayer shawl reference not often recognized is in Matthew 25:35 “For
I was hungry and you gave Me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me to
drink, I was a stranger and you took Me in, 36. and I was poorly clothed
and you clothed Me,” The Greek word for “you clothed” is peribaleo,
referring to putting on the outer garment, which would have been the
prayer shawl of a Jewish man. The fact that it was just the outer garment to
be put on shows that the person had not been naked, as some translations
say, but the stranger was poorly clothed. The fact that it was a prayer
shawl indicates that the person who gave the garment ministered to the
spiritual needs of the stranger while meeting the material needs.
Another reference to the prayer shawl is in 1Corinthians 11:15. This
Greek word, peribolaiou, means wrapper or covering in reference to a
garment. The NIV translates it as covering. Deuteronomy 22:12 says
“You shall make twisted cords upon the four corners of your covering,
wherewith you cover yourself.” The twisted cords are the tsitsit of the
prayer shawl. The word translated covering is k’sootkha, and simply
means “your covering.” There are no alternative meanings for k’soo(t)
(the kha suffix is the pronoun “your”). In the Septuagint peribalou is the
word used to translate k’soo(t) in Deuteronomy 22:12. Paul was clearly
saying that women were given long hair instead of a prayer shawl. The
word k’soot-ho, meaninig “his covering” is used in Exodus 22:26. There
it shows the use of this large garment as a blanket.
Preparation Day refers to the things that must be done in the daylight
hours leading to the Sabbath, which begins at sundown. This is mentioned
in Matthew 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, and John 18:28 & 19:14, 31,
42. Some say there is a conflict in dates between the Synoptic Gospels of
Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and the Gospel of John because the Synoptic
Gospels describe the Last Supper, calling it a Seder, but John does not
call it a Seder. Although John does not call it a Seder, his 13th chapter
describes the Last Supper. The confusion comes because the text in John
refers to Preparation Day, the day before the weekly Sabbath, but the text
also refers to eating the Seder and to Passover. Since Passover is not a
Sabbath, immersion is not required.
Modern Judaism celebrates Passover on the 15th of Nisan, the first day
of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. To have Passover on the 15th requires
translating the Hebrew word for dusk as afternoon in Leviticus 23.
However, dusk is after sundown, not before sundown. Both Exodus 12:6
and Leviticus 23:5 use the same expression for dusk, “bain harba’im.”
This expression refers to the time between light and darkness, which is
twilight or dusk, the time between sunset and darkness. 1 Chronicles 33:3
says, “They journeyed from Ramses in the first month, on the fifteenth
day of the first month: -- on the day after the Pesakh-offering.” The
Pesakh-offering is the Passover lamb that had to be eaten the evening of
its sacrifice, the fourteenth of Aviv or Nisan. Thus we can surmise that
in Jesus’ day Passover was celebrated at the eve of Preparation Day and
the change for eating the Seder to the first day of Unleavened Bread was
made sometime later. Exodus 12:18, Numbers 28:16-18, and Joshua 5:10
say the Pesakh is eaten on the fourteenth.
The fact is that the Passover is not a Sabbath, unless it happens
to fall on the weekly Sabbath. The Scripture says in Leviticus 23: 5. “In
the fourteenth day of the first month at evening is the Lord’s Passover. 6.
And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened
Bread to the Lord; seven days you must eat unleavened bread. 7. In the
first day of Unleavened Bread you shall have a holy gathering; you shall
do no labor in it. 8. But you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord
seven days; in the seventh day is a holy gathering; you shall do no labor
in it.”
The Sabbaths of the Feast of Unleavened Bread are the first day, which
is the day after Passover, and the last day. Feast day Sabbaths, except for
Yom Kippur, are not full Sabbaths, but only prohibitions of doing your
normal work. The Hebrew text in Leviticus calls the weekly Sabbath,
“Shabbat Shabbaton,” translated as “complete rest” in some texts. Work
in feasts is “M’labet Avodah” referring to whatever is done for a living.
Cooking in the home is permitted on a feast day. Mark 15:42 and Luke
23:54 clearly show the regular weekly Sabbath. Mark 15:42. “And now
when it became evening, since it was the day of preparation, that is the
day before a Sabbath,” Luke 23:54 “And it was the day of preparation
for it was approaching the Sabbath.” John also ties preparation day to the
Sabbath, 19:31. “Then the Jewish people, since it was preparation day, so
that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, for it was
to be a great day of that Sabbath, they were asking Pilate that the soldiers
would break their legs so they could remove the bodies.” These are all
speaking of the full Sabbath that does require preparation, especially the
mikveh, which is immersion for purification, also called sanctification.
In Jesus’ day all observant Jewish men immersed as preparation for the
Sabbath. Some time later the mikveh started being used to prepare for
feast days as well as the Sabbath.
Besides the mikveh, the Talmud speaks of food preparation for the
Sabbath because food to be eaten on the Sabbath had to be prepared before
sundown brought the Sabbath. Food eaten on Passover was to be prepared
on that day, per Exodus 12:16. “And in the first day there shall be a holy
convocation, and in the seventh day there shall be a holy convocation to
you; no kind of work shall be done in them, save that which every man
must eat, only that may be done by you.” From this verse we know that the
day before Passover and the day before the first day of Unleavened Bread
were not preparation days. Preparation was for the weekly Shabbat.
The Seder was to be prepared after sundown on Nissan 14, then eaten that
same night. Exodus 12:6. “And you shall keep it up until the fourteenth
day of the same month; and the whole assembly of the congregation of
Israel shall kill it in the evening.” 8. “And they shall eat the meat in that
night, roast with fire, and unleavened bread; and with bitter herbs they
shall eat it.” 10. “And you shall let nothing of it remain until the morning;
and that which remains of it until the morning you shall burn with fire. 11.
And thus shall you eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet,
and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s
Passover.” There was not a day of preparation.
John’s text refers twice to the Seder, in 18:28. “Then they led Jesus
from Caiaphas to the praetorium: it was early: but they did not enter the
praetorium, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Seder.”
and in 19:14. “And it was preparation day for Passover, it was about the
sixth hour. And he said to the Jewish people, ‘Behold your king.’” The
preparation to be done was immersion for purification, which we call
baptism. This was to de done during daylight hours, for the Sabbath that
would begin at sundown. Since those at the home of Caiaphas were there
during darkness, if this were Preparation Day, they would not yet have
immersed, so the phrase “but could eat the Seder” is incorrect. Either the
Seder had already been eaten or it was too early to have immersed for
purification. The Passover would be eaten at the beginning of Preparation
Day, so the meal that Jesus and the disciples had eaten was the Passover
Seder. Later that day during daylight hours each one would go to one of
the pools for immersion. The temple had many pools under Solomon’s
Porch and many of the hundreds of synagogues in Jerusalem would have
had immersion pools to accommodate the thousands coming for the
John describes a meal in Chapter 13:21-30 when Jesus washed the feet
of the disciples before reclining to eat. This meal must have been the
Seder. For that to be the case the references to the Seder in John 18:28
“but could eat the Seder” and Passover in 19:14 “for Passover” would
have to be later additions to the text, the copier who added those words
assuming that Passover was a Sabbath, and not knowing that Preparation
Day required immersion during daylight but before the Sabbath began at
sundown. Whoever added those words also did not understand that the
Seder was eaten in the home and that entering the Praetorium would not
prevent anyone from eating the Seder with his family, but would prevent a
priest from performing his Sabbath duties in the temple. Matthew, Mark,
and Luke are all clear that Jesus was crucified on Preparation Day, in the
daylight hours following the Seder.
As much as we would like to think that every word in the NT
was written by the 1st century author, such is not the case. Early copiers
were sending Good News to a friend, not knowing that what they were
copying would later be Scripture. There was no need for professional
copying, which had exacting standards. An additional problem was that
Koine Greek was a group of dialects based on the Greek language, but
with regional variations. A traveler from Greece who found a believer in
Syria, when copying his friend’s notes would not just feel free, but would
feel obligated to change Syrian Koine to Greek Koine.
Look at English, the language common to both US and England, with
fewer differences than the various 1st century Koine dialects.
US England
Hood of car Bonnet
Trunk of car Boot
Sedan Saloon
Napkin Serviette
Diaper Napkin
Men’s suspenders Braces
Women’s garters Suspenders
You can see that Koine Greek would have had its differences, too, as it
was used in various regions. In the first century there was considerably
less communication among various communities than today with our
mass media.
Even after the 2nd century changes in the manuscripts were made
continually until the first Greek texts were printed in the 16th century. The
NT as it was copied was never subjected to the standards of the Hebrew
Massoretic text, copied by Jewish scribes, or of classic literature, which
was copied by professional copiers. Most of the changes in the NT were
additions, added with the intention of bringing clarity, but there were also
mistakes in copying and misspelling. Since NT copiers were not Jewish,
many of the additions showed a lack of knowledge of Jewish Scripture
and Jewish customs, such as with the woman caught in adultery. Whoever
inserted that passage, John 7:53b-8:11, did not know that each person,
both man and woman, caught in adultery was to be punished. (Leviticus
20:10, Deuteronomy 22:22) These additions still leave the basic Gospel
message intact, but the closer we can get to the original text the better off
we will be. See Adultery and Manuscript in this Glossary about additions
to the New Testament.
Preparation Day is subject to some confusion. Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, and
John 19:31 properly record that the preparation was for the Sabbath. Mark
and Luke record that it was after the Seder. John records that Preparation
Day came after the Last Supper in John Chapter 13, although John does
not refer to that meal as the Seder. There is no conflict in Mark, Luke,
and John, except we have to see that apparently the words “but could eat
the Seder” in John 18:28 and “for Passover” in John 19:14 were added
sometime later by a copier who was not familiar with Jewish customs.
The timing of the Seder on Thursday evening, then His arrest, trial, and
crucifixion during the daylight hours, with His burial before sundown
Friday, has Jesus entombed before the Sabbath started. Sundown Friday
is the start of the second day, the regular Sabbath, which that year also
was the first day of the Feast of Unleavend Bread. Sundown Saturday
starts the third day, which happened to be First Fruits that year. This had
Jesus in the tomb for two nights and parts of three days. His resurrection
coming by sunup of the third day goes with the following verses, which
say “the third day:” Matthew 16:21, 17:23, 20:19, 27:64, Luke 9:22,
18:33, 24:7,46. Only Matthew 12:40 quoting Jonah 1:17 says “three days
and three nights.” The other eight references to His resurrection say “the
third day.” Since we have no manuscripts from the first century we cannot
know these things for a certainty, but this is a likely scenario. If Jesus had
been in the tomb for three nights, He would have been resurrected on the
fourth day.
This chart puts the timing in perspective:
Date Happenings Chronology
Nissan 14
Thursday sundown Start of Passover 1st Day
Jesus’ Arrest
Next morning Crucifixion
Afternoon Preparation Day,
preparing for weekly Sabbath
Nissan 15
Friday sundown; Weekly Sabbath Day 2nd Day
Unleavened Bread, 1st Day
Jesus in tomb entire day
Nissan 16
Saturday sundown; First Fruits 3rd Day
During night Resurrection
An interesting point is that the Jewish sages said long ago that the
resurrection of the righteous would take place during the Feast of
Unleavened Bread, just as we see here with Jesus.
Prophets in the Jewish Bible refers to the Books of Joshua, Judges,
1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, then the
Twelve Prophets. The Book of Daniel is placed with the group of books
called The Writings. The Jewish Bible is called The Tanach, an acrostic of
the names of the three sections, Torah, Neviim (Prophets), and Ch’tuvim
(Writings). The last books of the Writings are 1 & 2 Chronicles, which
were the last books of the Tanach to be written.
Reclining to eat was the standard practice and was a symbol of their being
free, not slaves as in Egypt. At the Last Supper as at every Seder they
reclined and they reclined at the various meals described in the Gospels.
Sometimes there is no mention of the meal because when it was written
that they reclined, the meal was understood. The couches they reclined
on were angled at the table, so each only took up a small space at the
table, not the full length of a couch. The person who reclined in front of
someone was spoken of as reclining or leaning on the bosom, or chest,
or, more commonly, the lap of that person, as John was at the Last Seder,
John 13:23 & 25. To be in Abraham’s bosom meant to have the place of
honor at a banquet. Luke 16:23 tells of Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom,
referring to his being a partaker of the same state of bliss as Abraham in
Replacement Theology is the term used for the doctrine saying that the
Church has replaced Israel as God’s chosen people, that the Church is now
Israel in Old Testament prophecies. One of the prime NT verses used for
that theory is Hebrews 8:13, which is sometimes translated as saying the
OT, old covenant, has been made obsolete. If, as many scholars believe,
the book of Hebrews was written before 70 AD, obsolete could not have
been what the author had in mind. The first time the idea that the new
covenant replaced its predecessors was put forth was in the middle of the
second century AD by Marcion, who was a heretic. Therefore if the author
meant to say obsolete, the book of Hebrews could have been written no
earlier than the middle of the second century. There are scholars who date
the letter from that time.
Another reason for thinking that the author of Hebrews did not believe the
old covenant, or Old Testament, was obsolete, is the use of so many OT
references. The author would have restricted OT verses to those that made
the case for saying that the OT was now obsolete. The number of Biblical
references and the familiarity with priestly duties indicate the author was
Jewish and the reference to Timothy (Hebrews 13:23) indicates it was
written in the first century.
No NT author suggested in any way that the OT was obsolete, and neither
did Jesus. Jesus is quoted in John 10:16 as saying, “But I also have
sheep which are not from this sheepfold: and it is necessary for Me to
lead those and they will hear My voice, and they will become one flock,
one shepherd.” Jesus was speaking to the Jewish people referring to the
heathens as the other flock. Paul wrote in Romans 11:17. “But if some of
the branches were broken off, and you, since you are a wild olive, were
yourself grafted into them, then you would be a participant for yourself of
the richness of the root of the olive tree. 18. Stop boasting of the branches:
but, if you do boast, you do not support the root, but the root supports you.
19. Therefore you will say, ‘Branches were broken off so that I could be
grafted in.’ 20. Just so: they were broken off by unbelief, but you have
stood by faith. Do not be proud, but you must continually fear for yourself:
21. for if God did not spare the natural branches, neither in any way will
He spare you. 22. You must now see the goodness and severity of God: on
the one hand severity upon those who fell, but on the other hand goodness
of God upon you, if you would remain in the goodness, otherwise you
would be cut off. 23. And even these, if they would not remain in unbelief,
they will be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again. 24. For if
you were cut off from the naturally wild olive tree and contrary to nature
you were grafted into the cultivated olive tree, how much more will these
natural branches be grafted into their own cultivated olive tree.” He goes
on to say in verse 26 that “..all Israel will be saved.” See Matthew 5:17,18,
John 11:52, Ephesians 2:14-16, Isaiah 44:5.
If we are grafted in, then we are part of the original covenants God made
with Abraham and the successive covenants made through the centuries.
Rest There are three Greek words translated rest. One, epanapauomai,
means to lean upon, to trust in something and is used only twice in the
NT, in Lk 10:6 and Ro 2:17. The other two are used much more often, but
there is a major difference between the two.
Katapausis is the permanent rest of the eternal kingdom, used in Hebrews
3:11,18, 4:1,3,5,10, & 11. It is also used in Acts 7:49, in reference to the
eternal kingdom. Katapauo is the verb form and is used in Hebrews 4:4,8,
& 10. It is also used one other time, in Acts 14:18 regarding restraining a
crowd. In Revelation 6:11 we see this temporary rest which is evidence
that we will have duties even in our eternal rest. That is because in eternal
rest we will not have any evil influences to harass us as we go about His
Anapausis is a temporary rest, like a coffee break at work. This is the
type of rest we are to have in this life to keep us from getting stressed.
This rest is what we find in Matthew 11:29, 12:43, Luke 11:24, and
Revelation 4:8 & 14:11. The verb anapauo is used in Matthew 11:28
when Jesus says, “I will give you rest.” For all of us are to take breaks, to
be sure we do not overextend ourselves to our physical and, especially,
spiritual detriment. If you are too busy to spend time with God you need
to change your priorities so you do not break communication with God
and become stressed. Anapauo is used another eleven times in the New
Testament, Matthew 26:45, Mark 6:31, 14:41, Luke 12:19, 1Corinthians
16:18, 2Corinthians 7:13, Philemon 7 & 20, and Revelation 6:11, 14:13.
In 1&2Corinthians and Philemon it is translated refresh or refreshed. The
use of anapauo in Revelation is interesting because it indicates that we will
have work to do, that the rest promised in both those verses is temporary.
When we enter God’s eternal rest we will still have assignments.
Paul discussed the resurrected body in 1 Corinthians 15. Beginning with
verse 35, “But some will say, ‘How are the dead raised?’ And ‘What sort
of body is coming?’ 36. Foolishness! What you are sowing does not live
unless it would die first: (John 12:24) 37. then what you are sowing, you
do not sow what will be the body, but a naked seed. Perhaps it will turn
out to be wheat or some of the other grains: 38. but God would give it a
body just as He wished, and to each of the seeds its own body. 39. But not
all flesh is the same, but there is one kind of flesh for people, and another
kind of flesh for domestic animals, and another flesh for birds, and another
for fishes: 40. then there are heavenly bodies, and earthly bodies: another
of the splendor of the heavenlies, but another of the earthlies. 41. With
another kind of splendor for the sun, and another kind of splendor for
the moon, and another splendor for the stars: for star differs from star in
15:42. “So also the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in
corruption, it is raised incorruptible: 43. it is sown in dishonor, it is raised
in magnificence: it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power: 44. a body
is sown fleshly, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a fleshly body, there
is also a spiritual. 45. And so it has been written, ‘The first man was Adam
in living life,’ (Gn 2:7) the last Adam has become a life-giving spirit. 46.
But the spiritual was not first but the physical, then the spiritual. 47. The
first man is from dust of the earth, the second man out of heaven. 48. What
sort of earthly man, and such as these earthly ones, and what sort of the
heavenly One, then such as these born of the heavenly nature: 49. and just
as we bore constantly the image of the earthly, we shall bear constantly
also the image of the heavenly One.” According to verse 44 the spiritual
body is different from the physical.
they had been resurrected.
Deuteronomy 31:16 says “And the Lord said to Moses, Behold, you shall
sleep with your fathers; and this people will rise up.” There are many
Scriptural references to the dead as sleeping. This is why Jesus said “I am
the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob: He is not
the God of the dead but the living.” (Matthew 22:32)
Isaiah put it straight out there when he said “The dead men of your people
shall live, my dead body shall arise. Awake and sing, you that dwell in
dust: for your dew is as the dew on herbs, and the earth shall cast out the
shades of the dead.” (Isaiah 26:19)
The most beautiful reference to resurrection is more subtle. Job 1:2 &
3 say “And there were born to him seven sons and three daughters. His
possessions also were seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels,
and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she donkeys, and very
many servants: so that this man was the greatest of all the men of the
east.” Job 42:12 & 13 say “So the Lord blessed the latter end of Job more
than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand
camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she donkeys. He
also had seven sons and three daughters.” If Job was given twice the
flocks and herds after his ordeal, why did the Lord give him the same
number of children that he had before the ordeal? The answer has to be
that in the hereafter Job does have twice the children, fourteen sons and
six daughters. That is a great comfort to all those who have lost children in
this life. My wife had a miscarriage about a year after our second son was
born. We know that we will be with that child some day. As David said, “I
shall go to him, but he will not come back to me.” (2 Samuel 12:23)
Jesus referred to resurrection in Matthew 22:31. “And concerning the
resurrection of the dead did you not read what was spoken to you by God
saying, 32. ‘I AM the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God
of Jacob?’ (Ex 3:6,15,16) He is not the God of the dead but the living.”
This is also reported in Mark 12:27 and Luke 20:38
Resurrection is the reason why Jesus spoke numerous times about entering
life when he was referring to the time after this body dies. He said “And
if your hand causes you to sin, you must immediately cut it off and cast it
from you: it is better for you to enter life maimed than having two hands
or two feet to have been cast into the eternal fire.” (Matthew 18:8 & 9)
Sanctuary is the name of that part of the Temple and also the
Tabernacle that was set apart for the Lord God. It consisted of two rooms,
the first being the Holy Place. The Holy Place held the lamp stand, the
table of the Bread of the Presence and the Incense Altar. This was where
the priests ministered to the Lord. To enter the Holy Place the priest
needed to be sanctified first. Any priest entering the Holy Place who had
not already dealt with sin would have been struck dead at the doorway.
The second, or inner room was called the Holy of Holies or the Most
Holy Place. The Holy of Holies held only the Ark of the Covenant except
on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when the Altar of Incense was
placed in it. Only the High Priest could enter and he could only enter on
Yom Kippur. In this room the High Priest interceded for the people, for
the Lord God to forgive their sins and his sins.
The temple had an outer court where sinners, even heathens, were welcome
and an inner court, which had the altar where people would deal with sin.
Only a priest could enter the Sanctuary and then only after he had dealt
with sin, by making the appropriate offerings, washing, and wearing the
holy garments. Washing or immersing is what we call baptism.
When Jesus said “Tear down this temple and I will rebuild it in three
days, speaking of His body,” in John 2:19-21, He did not say “temple”
but He said “sanctuary.” Most translators say temple, but sanctuary is
correct. The Greek word is naos, meaning sanctuary. The word for temple
is hieron. No one can deny that Jesus’ body was without sin and was
We too have bodies that are sanctified by the blood of the Lamb, so our
bodies are called sanctuaries. We are not to be like the temple or tabernacle,
with an area where sin is welcome. This is why Paul wrote that our bodies
are sanctuaries of the Holy Spirit in I Corinthians 3:16, 17, 6:19, and 2
Corinthians 6:16, and John was told to exclude the outer court when he
measured the sanctuary. (Revelation 11:2) Psalm 119:48 “and I will lift
my hands to Your commandments..” The rabbinic commentary on that
says that lifting your hands means to practice, do, His commandments.
Psalm 134:2 repeats that theme.
2 Peter 1:14 uses the metaphor for our temporary bodies, the tabernacle
or tent, which is temporary. Our sanctuaries are spiritual bodies that are
An interesting point is that in the Gospels and Acts there are many references
to the temple, but after those books the word hieron, for temple, is only
used one time. That is in I Corinthians 9:13 in a reference to the temple in
Jerusalem. So, from the book of Romans on, now you know that with one
exception wherever you see the word temple in another translation the
author was actually talking about the sanctuary. Now you also know that
your body is a sanctuary, requiring you to walk in repentance every day,
because sin must be dealt with prior to entering the sanctuary.
Satan The Hebrew language has two spellings for Satan, samech-tet-
nun and sin-tet-nun. The latter is the one used in Scripture, in Numbers
22:22,32, 1Samuel 29:4, 2Samuel 19:22, 1Kings 5:4, 11:14,23,25,
1Chronicles 21:1, Job 1:6,7,8,9,12, 2:1,2,3,4,6,7, Psalm 109:6, and
Zechariah 3:1,2. The former, which does not appear in Scripture, means
slander, slanderer, accuser. The latter means adversary, archenemy, foe,
devil, the Evil One, and hinderer, accuser. The verb form means to hate,
denounce, condemn, speak against and is used several times in Scripture.
The difference between these words is not great, but it is significant that
Scripture uses the stronger word because it includes, but is not limited to,
accusing, but goes far beyond that in actively pursuing evil ends.
Creatures, including the dragon and serpent of Revelation 12:9, symbolize
the results of Satan’s endeavors. In Isaiah 27:1 those symbols are called
Leviathan, referring to the evils of the modern world. The Stone Edition
Tanach comments, “Leviathan, the giant, earth-girdling serpent-fish,
symbolizes the great world powers. Isaiah uses the death of the Leviathan
to allude to the eventual downfall of all the enemies of Israel (Radak). The
Three descriptions -- bar-like, twisting, in the sea -- allude to the different
natures of the world powers (Rashi).” See Isaiah 27:1.
Sea of Galilee is the phrase we are used to. However it is a lake, a body
of fresh water that supplies most of Israel’s drinking water, about 15
miles long by 7 miles wide. The Greek word thalassa is translated sea
in the traditional English translations. Thalassa was used by the Jewish
translators of the Septuagint, from Hebrew to Greek, to translate lake. In
the New Testament the lake is referred to by four names, Galilee, Kinneret,
Tiberias, and Genesseret.
Seder is the name of the Passover meal. This meal may be called a feast but it
really is a modest, but ample, meal, frequently featuring roast chicken
and not the overeating we associate with Thanksgiving dinners. Seder
means order and is a reminder of the Passover meal eaten in Egypt at the
deliverance of the chosen people from bondage as Egyptian slaves. To
start the Seder a cup of wine is raised and a blessing recited to sanctify
the table so it can serve as the altar for the evening’s service. This cup is
called the Kiddush, which means Sanctification and is seen in Luke 22:17.
The blessing over the meal is referred to in Luke 22:19 when Jesus raised
the bread. Each blessing He said started “Blessed are You O Lord our
God King of the Universe..” The blessing over the bread continued with:
“Who brings forth bread from the earth.” Bread in this context means
everything we need.
Before eating, the story of the Exodus is told, then after the meal songs are
sung, glorifying God and blessing Israel. Included in these songs are the
Hallel, Psalms 113-118. The Seder closes with a cup of wine for Elijah,
coming to announce the coming of Messiah. A mini-Seder is held in every
Orthodox Jewish home every Friday evening to welcome the Sabbath.
Exodus 6:6,7 set the pattern for the Seder, each cup representing a
promise in those verses. These are referred to as the “Four expressions of
Cup 1. “I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.” This
is the promise to remove the children of Israel from their bondage. This
first cup of wine is called the Kiddush, meaning the sanctification. Since
the Seder is a family gathering, the Kiddush sanctifies the family table so
the table can serve as the family’s altar for the evening’s celebration. This
was the cup that Jesus drank in Luke 22:17 and the blessing He said as He
gave thanks was “Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe,
Who creates the fruit of the vine.” This is the same blessing said in the
Kiddush today in Jewish homes and synagogues around the world.
Cup 2. “and I will deliver you out of their bondage..” tells of the exit
from Egypt, from the slavery. Some translations say “I will save..” but
deliverance is the primary meaning of the Hebrew and for Christians this
is an interesting parallel that should be in the walk of each of us. As each
receives the promise to be taken out of bondage and receives salvation by
faith, the next step should be deliverance from all that bondage. Very few
churches come through with deliverance, with the result that church after
church is filled with the walking wounded. This is a cup that we surely
need. This cup is drunk during the meal and represents our walk at this
Cup 3. “and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm, and with great
judgments:” Redemption came to Israel when they walked through the
Red Sea. The only redeemer in Hebrew is the kinsman redeemer, the one
who pays the price to redeem his kin. This is the cup that Jesus drank in
Luke 22:20 when He said that this was the New Covenant in His blood.
Cup 4. A separate cup is filled, reserved for Elijah, then this verse is read:
“and I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God: and
you shall know that I am the Lord your God, Who brings you out from
under the burdens of Egypt.” This represents the crossing of the Jordan
into the Promised Land, and spiritually, the crossing into eternal life. It is
called the cup of Elijah and is poured, but not drunk. It can only be drunk
after Elijah comes, heralding the return of Messiah and the beginning
of the Messianic reign. Could this have been the cup in Luke 22:20?
Some rabbis have taught that there are five cups, by inserting one after
the third cup, but before the cup of Elijah. The cup of Elijah announces
the Messianic reign, but we have not yet had the Messianic reign bringing
peace to all mankind, so we cannot yet drink the cup of Elijah.
When you take COMMUNION remember these cups and remember what
the Lord has done for you. This puts Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians
11:17-26 in perspective. Verse 17. “But when I give these instructions I
do not praise you, because you come together, not for the better but for
the worse. 18. For indeed to begin with when you gather in a congregation
I hear there are divisions among you and I believe it in part. 19. For it is
necessary there should even be dissension among you, so that also the
proved ones would become revealed to you. 20. Therefore when you
come together for this it is not the Lord’s supper you eat: 21. for each
takes his own supper to eat beforehand, and indeed one is hungry and
another is drunk. 22. Do you not have homes in which to eat and to drink?
Or do you despise the congregation of God, and do you shame those who
do not have enough? What could I say to you? Shall I praise you? I do not
praise you in this.
11:23. “Now I received from the Lord, which I also gave over
to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night in which He was betrayed, took
bread 24. and after He gave thanks He broke it and said, ‘This is My body
being given on your behalf: you must regularly do this in remembrance of
Me.’ 25. Likewise also the cup after supper saying, ‘This cup is the New
Covenant by means of My blood: you must continually do this, as often as
you would drink it, in remembrance of Me.’ 26. For as often as you would
eat this bread and you would drink the cup, you are proclaiming publicly
the death of the Lord until He would come.” We need to come in humility
with repentant hearts, truly seeking to be better in the coming days than
we have been so far.
Counting the days between them ties the two First Fruits together, just as
Jesus ties His resurrection, ascension, and the giving of the baptism of the
Holy Spirit at the Feast of Weeks, called Pentecost by many Christians.
Exodus 19:1 tells us that in the third month, the month of Shavuot, the
people were at Sinai. The rest of the chapter tells how He gave the Torah
to His people there. For this reason Weeks, Shavuot, also celebrates the
giving of Torah. The emphasis on Torah brings to mind the statement
“..You shall have no other gods before Me.” This means we must leave
all our idols behind, which is hard to do in this materialistic, Nicolaiton,
Humanist, pleasure-filled age. Old habits die hard, seen with the children
of Israel in the wilderness, and in our focus on material things instead of
doing the things Jesus brings out in Matthew 25:35. “For I was hungry
and you gave Me to eat, I was thirsty and you gave Me to drink, I was
a stranger and you took Me in, 36. and I was poorly clothed and you
clothed Me, I was sick and you visited Me, I was in prison and you came
to Me.”
Because in Exodus 19:8 all the people answering said, “All that the Lord
has spoken we will do..” and this was on Shavuot; this day is likened to a
wedding, tying His people permanently to Him.
Shavuot is important for Christians because it ties deliverance and salvation
celebrated at Passover with Jesus’ crucifixion, to His resurrection on First
Fruits of Unleavened Bread, His ascension forty days later, then, ten days
after that, His sending the baptism of the Holy Spirit on the first Fruits
of Shavuot. This gives us the power to live victorious lives, so we can
witness to all non-believers by the way we live.
The time of waiting for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit parallels the
Counting of the Omer, from the First Fruits of Unleavened Bread to the
First Fruits of Shavuot. Just as the farmers could not use the wheat crop
until the offering of the loaves, so also Jesus, the Bread of Life, had to
ascend before the rest of the grain, His disciples could take the Holy Spirit
and be used in such awesome power. After their baptism in the second
chapter of Acts they healed the sick, delivered the oppressed, and raised
the dead.
Shofar One Greek word was used to translate both shofar and trumpet.
The shofar is used to call to repentance and many think that the feast
referred to as the Day of Memorial in Leviticus 23:24 will be Judgment
Day, which is a call to repentance. We call this the Feast of Trumpets, but
the Hebrew Scripture has neither the word feast nor the word trumpet. The
shofar is the instrument used. The Power New Testament in 1 Corinthians
15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 translates this word, salpiggi, as shofar.
Most other translations say trumpet, but from the context of resurrection,
the shofar would be used because resurrection is for judgment. The
rabbis say resurrection takes place during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Whether it takes place during Unleavened Bread or the Day of Memorial,
resurrection will probably be called by a shofar. If Paul, in 2 Corinthians
5:10, meant trumpet the reference would be to the Feast of Booths
(Tabernacles) calling for the celebration of the eternal kingdom.
Sin is spoken about in the Old Testament with six different Hebrew words.
The first three are general, speaking of any wickedness or evil.
Avel, meaning wickedness, injustice, wrong
Rasha, wicked, cruel, evil
Zadon, wickedness, evil, insolence, malice
These last three involve intent, which is how God classifies sin.
Avon, translated Iniquity, Avah is the root word of avon, simply meaning
“to sin,” and which is used in Scripture for Intentional Sin.
Fesha, translated Willful Sin. Fesha comes from the root pesha, which
means to sin or to rebel. Pesha is used to describe sin committed with the
Intention of Angering God.
Khata-ah, translated Error. Khata is the root for khata-ah and means to sin,
transgress, or miss. Khata-ah is used in Scripture for Unintentional Sin,
sin that is committed in carelessness.
We can better understand how these words regarding sin were used by
Jewish translators of Exodus 34:7 into Greek. See both Hellenists and
Septuagint elsewhere in this Glossary.
A-von = Greek anomia; iniquity or workers of iniquity.
Fesha = Greek adikia; injustice, unrighteousness, or wickedness.
Khata-ah = Greek amartia; failure, fault, sin
In the NT amartia is the most frequently used of those three words.
A fourth Greek word comes from a Hebrew idiom for sin and is used
only three times in the NT: astokheo. The literal meaning is to miss
the mark, which is a Hebrew expression for sin. Stokhos means target,
mark. Astokheo is used only in 1 Timothy 1:6, 6:21, and 2 Timothy 2:18.
Man tends to rate sins, with some more serious than others. The closest
God comes to rating sins is in Proverbs 6:16. (K) “There are six things
which the Lord hates, seven which are an abomination to him; 17. An
arrogant look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18.
A heart that plots wicked plans, feet that swiftly run to evil. 19. A false
witness who speaks lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.”
Note that pride and arrogance, then lying are listed even before murder.
God’s rating system is by intent, not the specific sin.
Sin, National National sin is a problem for Israel that crops up throughout
history from the book of Numbers on. Ezekiel 34 is dedicated to this
theme, with the shepherds representing the leaders of Israel. National sin
does have individuals who are set apart for God, as the Lord spoke in 1
Kings 19:18, when God spoke to Elijah, after Elijah complained to God
that he was alone in worshipping God. “Yet I will leave seven thousand
in Israel, all the knees that have not bowed to the Baal, and every mouth
that has not kissed him.” Even though the nation was doomed, the saints
were not. In the exiles of the Northern Kingdom, then later the people of
Judea, the good were punished with exile along with the idolaters, but
God placed the blame on the leaders, as expressed in Ezekiel 34 and other
In our democratic society, the elected leaders and the bureaucrats will bear
punishment, but with a democracy all eligible voters bear responsibility.
Saints will be saved, but will go through hardship, as did the Godly
people of the times of exile, whether they were taken out of the country
or left behind. Those left behind were the poor, the laborers and servants
of the new hierarchy. The United States is now on the fence between
righteousness and wickedness. All eligible voters have a share in whether
our leaders at every level of government steer us toward the holy or
toward the profane. Will we be a Godly nation? Will we have a society
that adheres to God’s Word? Will we care for the poor, the widow, the
sick? Will we encourage or discourage abortion? Will we encourage or
discourage homosexuality? Will we permit the teaching of God’s Word
in schools? Will we continue the current political correctness where the
teaching of witchcraft in our schools is more acceptable than prayer or
Bible clubs?
In standing by Israel the United States could be in line for a great blessing.
It is time for every believer to persist in prayer and to actively work for
the godliness of this nation. The alternative is not pretty.
is intense and includes eleven tasks forbidden on the Sabbath. These
are sowing, plowing, reaping, gathering, threshing, winnowing, sorting,
grinding, sifting, kneading, and baking. Of the shepherd’s duties only
shearing and processing wool or milk are forbidden for the Sabbath.
With his transformation of the land, the Son of Joseph brings material
blessings, while the Son of David, also known as Judah, guards the past.
In Ezekiel 37:15-17 we have the two sticks, one representing Judah and
the other Ephraim, being joined together. Since David is a son of Judah
and Ephraim a son of Joseph, the elements are there for the merger of
all believers, both Jewish and Christian, all segments of Judaism and
Christianity coming together in a Messianic celebration.
It is interesting that the rabbis say that neither Judah nor Joseph can prevail
alone. The two brothers need each other because a world of Josephs would
lose sight of the old in its pursuit of the new, and a world of only Judahs
could trap Judaism in a web of irrelevances.
Another expression of two Messiahs is with the terms “suffering
Messiah” and “reigning Messiah.” Jesus suffered in His first coming, but
will reign on His next appearance. We can see both Judah and Joseph in
His ministry, with many references to shepherding and many to being
transformed. Examples of being transformed include the parables of
the sower and statements such as “You will know them by their fruit.”
(Matthew 7:16) Paul also referred to our transformation in Romans 12:2
“ the renovation of your mind.” When Jesus reigns it seems that His
reign will be more like Joseph’s as the Prime Minister under the King of
the Universe. Another similarity to Joseph is His physical absence from
us for a season. The current Church is more under David than Joseph,
being maintained more than transformed. Satanic forces still have power,
much of it conceded by the Church, since very few teach and minister
deliverance and spiritual warfare. Messiah’s reign will be without Satan
while he is bound for a thousand years (Revelation 20:2). Only then,
without Satanic influences, will people be totally transformed and be able
to be all that they can be. In that sense the current status is more like
the Davidic reign and the Messianic reign will be more like the reign of
Joseph. By that we can readily see that Jesus is both Son of David and Son
of Joseph, whether 2,000 years ago or in His reign. What do you think?
person who either prepares the drugs or uses them. Pharmakos, used in
Revelation 22:15, refers to one who is devoted to this use of drugs. From
these we have compelling proof that what is now euphemistically called
“recreational drug use” is sinful.
Numerous verses tell us that drunkenness is sinful and three, Luke 21:34,
Romans 13:13, and Galatians 5:21 tell us that any intoxicant is wrong.
The Greek word used in those verses is methai, which is nearly always
translated drunkenness. Methai literally means intoxicant, so in the three
verses mentioned here the reference is to any intoxicant, not just alcohol.
Intoxication from any source is a sin and is to be avoided completely.
Sowing and Reaping Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 9:6. “And this, the
one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows
bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7. Each just as he chose in his heart,
not reluctantly or from compulsion: for God loves a cheerful giver, 8. And
God is able to abound all grace in you, so that in all things always having
sufficiency you would abound in every good work, 9. just as it has been
‘He scattered, he gave to the poor,
his righteousness remains forever.’ (Ps 112:9)
10. But the One Who supplies seed to the sower also provides bread for
food and He will increase your seed and will increase the yield of your
Paul is speaking of sowing money into the congregation in Jerusalem, and
this principle applies to all giving to ministries and charities. We often
use this symbol of sowing for financial gifts, but we sow much more than
money as we go about our business every day. In all sowing we need to be
careful what we sow, where we sow, and how much we sow. Seed should
not be wasted by sowing too much or too little, or by sowing on ground
that will not give a return.
While finances are an obvious application of the metaphor of sowing, the
primary seed we sow is not money, but action – that is, the things we do
and say throughout each day. A teaching by R. Eleazar holds, “Greater
is he who performs charity than [he who offers] all the sacrifices, for
it is said, To do charity and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than
sacrifice.” (Proverb 21:3)
“He further stated, ‘Practice of Kindness is greater than charity, for it is
said, “Sow to yourselves according to your charity, but reap according to
your loving kindness;” (Hosea 10:12) if a man sows, it is doubtful whether
he will eat [the harvest] or not, but when a man reaps, he will certainly eat.
R. Eleazar further stated, ‘The reward of charity depends entirely upon
the extent of the kindness in it, for it is said, “Sow to yourselves according
to charity, but reap according to the kindness.”
“Our Rabbis taught, In three respects is Practice of Kindness superior
to charity: charity can be done only with one’s money, but Practice of
Kindness can be done with one’s person and one’s money. Charity can
be given only to the poor, Practice of Kindness both to the rich and the
poor. Charity can be given to the living only, Practice of Kindness can be
done both to the living and to the dead (by speaking well of the person or
tending the grave).”
“R. Eleazar further stated, He who executes charity and justice is
regarded as though he had filled all the world with kindness, for it is
said, He loves charity and justice, the earth is full of the loving kindness
of the Lord. (Psalm 33:5)
“They are worthy, in His sight, because they ‘sow above all waters’, that
is to say, they sow ‘according to righteousness’ (Hosea 10:12), for of
him who sows according to righteousness it is said: ‘For thy mercy is
great above (’al) the heavens’” (Psalm 108:5). (The quotes in the four
paragraphs above are from The Talmud of the Judaic Classics Library)
We need to remember that we are sowing with every word we speak,
everything we do. A missed opportunity is a seed not sown.
Testimony of Jesus The key verse is Revelation 19: 10. “Then I fell
before his feet to pay homage to him. And he said to me, ‘Stop! Don’t
do that: I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who have the
testimony of Jesus: you must now pay homage to God. For the testimony
of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.’” The testimony means two different
One is that we are to testify about Him. We certainly are to testify about
Him in both word and deed. We are to show our family, friends, neighbors,
co-workers, and everyone we meet that we are different, set apart from
the world. We are to show by the way we live that we are committed
wholeheartedly to the Lord.
The second and deeper meaning speaks of Jesus as the Word of God, as
in John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.” Revelation 1:2, 9, and 20:4 use the expression
“the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus,” using a Hebrew form of
repetition to emphasize the statement, in effect saying “He is Scripture.”
Psalm 119:2 has “Praiseworthy are those who guard His testimonies,
they serve Him wholeheartedly.” Jewish Commentary says that “His
testimonies” “refers to the Torah and mitzvot, which bear testimony to
God’s relationship to Israel.” Those who serve Him wholeheartedly know
His Scripture and do His mitzvot, which are His commandments. The
phrase, “His testimonies,” is used ten times in the Tanach (OT). John
recorded in Revelation 19:10 “Then I fell before his feet to pay homage
to him (the angel). And he said to me, ‘Stop! Don’t do that: I am a fellow
servant with you and your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus: you
must now pay homage to God. For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of
Spirit of Prophecy is action, putting God’s Word to work and turning His
commandments into deeds. Doing His commandments is the Spirit of
Prophecy; that is, the goal, the fulfilling of all prophecy, as His people
are doing all that He has commanded, bringing His perfect will into being
so that all He has spoken has come to pass. We are to be so committed
to knowing His Word and to doing His will, that we move in perfect
synchronization with Him, just as His Incarnate Body, Jesus, did while
He walked the earth. Spirit of Prophecy is a term used by Torah scholars
from ancient times, so John would have understood the meaning when the
messenger spoke this to him. Rabbinic commentary lists many examples
of people being led by the Spirit of Prophecy, with a few examples here:
• The 70 elders to help Moses carry the load in the wilderness
• The ten spies to the valley of Eshcol to get the grapes that they brought
• Rahab to instruct the two spies that their pursuers would turn back in
3 days
• Ruth to the field of Boaz
The Testimony of Jesus is the very Spirit of Prophecy. Each of us has
been given the gift of prophecy and each of us is to live by that, to be so
in tune with the perfect will of God that we follow the examples cited
above to bring His perfect will here to earth. Romans 13:14. “but you will
become so possessed of the mind of the Lord Jesus Messiah that you will
resemble Him and you must not be concerned for desires of the flesh.” To
be possessed of or to have the mind of the Lord is to have your spirit so
in tune with the Lord that you understand what He means, what He would
have you do. That is also the primary meaning of 1 Corinthians 2:16. See
Lord’s Prayer in this Glossary.
This commentary on the Testimony of Jesus was written by June Rice,
author of inspirational books: “The Hebrew references all had one thing
in common. In each instance cited, they relate to His Consummate Plan
for the Ages. Each event moves, and is prompted, according to Prophetic
Time, so there are actually two Time Lines here, the natural and Prophetic
Time (personal prophecy included) because both move along according
to and with God’s Prophetic Time, with increasing frequency, like labor
pains coming faster, toward the final crowning of that particular birth.
“The testimony of Jesus is Himself reigning now in us, and ultimately
on the new earth. This shows me why we need one another, and why
the move of the saints is so critical. In each of your Hebrew references
cited in OT it had to do with others; such as the 70 elders (government of
God) the ten spies getting the grapes (this can refer to the abundance of
the final harvest, but not all are willing to step out in faith for it) or Ruth
going to the field of Boaz that resulted in the birth of Jesus, a daring new
thing, and also bore witness to the new man birthed from both Gentile and
Jew which should be the new pattern birthed in the Church, which is also
quite startling.”
commanded me; I have not transgressed your commandments, nor have
I forgotten them;”
The statement of Deuteronomy 14:28 “At the end of three years you shall
bring forth all the tithe of your produce in that year..” is confusing because
it might lead some to think that it is an accumulation of three years’ tithe.
What is to be brought is the tithe of that year, the third year.
Tithing in Israel was to operate in a seven-year cycle:
First year to the local priest (if there is one) and the local Levites.
Second year to the priest in Jerusalem. This tithe was to feed the tither and
his household while in Jerusalem for the feast, but the remainder went to
the priest. If the tither was wealthy and could afford to pay for his party’s
meals in Jerusalem, he was still to eat something symbolic from his tithe,
such as one olive.
Third year to the Levite and the poor, according to Deuteronomy 14:29.
“And the Levite, because he has no part nor inheritance with you, and the
stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are inside your gates, shall
come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the Lord your God may bless
you in all the work of your hand which you do.” This is called the Tithe
of the Poor.
A second set of three years is identical to the above.
Seventh year, no tithes because that is the Sabbath year and no crops were
Numbers 18:26. “Thus speak to the Levites, and say to them, When you
take of the people of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them
for your inheritance, then you shall offer up an offering of it for the Lord,
a tenth part of the tithe. 27. And this your offering shall be reckoned to
you, as though it were the grain of the threshing floor, and as the fullness
of the wine press. 28. Thus you also shall offer an offering to the Lord of
all your tithes, which you receive from the people of Israel; and you shall
give from it the Lord’s gift to Aaron the priest.”
The Hebrew word for tithe is M’ASER, which is the word for ten, ASER,
pronounced ah’sair’, plus the prefix, M. The M prefix indicates a projection
of the noun, so in the case of the tithe that tells us that the tithe is to be
given freely, cheerfully, that the tithe is no big deal - here is more for the
Lord’s work. Giving beyond the tithe is summarized by Nehemiah.
Nehemiah 10:33. “Also we made ordinances for us, to charge ourselves
yearly with the (1) third part of a shekel for the service of the house of
our God; 34. (2) For the bread of display, and (3) for the continual meal
offering, and (4) for the continual burnt offering, (5) of the sabbaths, (6)
of the new moons, (7) for the appointed feasts, and (8) for the holy things,
and (9) for the sin offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and (10)
for all the work of the house of our God. 35. And we cast lots among the
priests, the Levites, and the people, (11) for the wood offering, to bring
it into the house of our God, after the houses of our fathers, at appointed
times year by year, to burn upon the altar of the Lord our God, as it is
written in the Torah; 36. And to bring the (12) first fruits of our ground,
and the first fruits of all fruit of every tree, year by year, to the house of
the Lord; 37. Also the (13) first born of our sons, and (14) of our cattle,
as it is written in the Torah, and (15) the firstlings of our herds and of our
flocks; and to bring to the house of our God, to the priests who minister
in the house of our God; 38. And that we should bring the (16) first fruits
of our dough, and (17) our offerings, and the (18) fruit of all kinds of
trees, of wine and of oil, to the priests, to the chambers of the house of
our God; and the tithes of our ground to the Levites, for they, the Levites
receive the tithes in all the cities of our tillage. 39. And the priest, the son
of Aaron, shall be with the Levites, when the Levites take tithes; and the
Levites shall bring up the tithe of the tithes to the house of our God, to
the chambers, into the treasure house. 40. For the people of Israel and
the Levites shall bring the offering of the grain, of the new wine, and
the oil, to the chambers where the utensils of the sanctuary are, and the
priests who minister, and the gatekeepers, and the singers; and we will not
forsake the house of our God.”
Some of these offerings are rather small, like first fruits, which are
brought in a basket by each worshiper. Others are considerable, like the
firstborn son, redeemed for five shekels (the third of a shekel was worth 2
drachmas, two days pay in Jesus’ day, from Matthew 17:24, so 5 shekels
equaled 30 days wages), based on Numbers 18:15, 16. It is obvious that
God intends for us to make frequent offerings and to be generous in our
giving. As David said, “All things come of thee, and of thine own have we
given Thee.” (1 Chronicles 29:14)
We are to give such offerings as thanksgiving, peace, and vow whenever
something is a special blessing to us. The wood offering is interesting
because it was by lot and even the priest, who had no land, was eligible.
By lot was fair in an agricultural society in which almost everyone had
wood lots from which to cut the wood, but today if this were carried out it
would have to be an assessment for utilities – hopefully not by lot.
The goal for each congregation should be to return to God’s Word
regarding giving. We should not be legalistic, but be open to the Holy
Spirit to be guided so that our stewardship would line up with His will.
We know that more of the tithe should be going for missions, to ministry
workers, and to feeding and caring for the poor. To restructure any church’s
finances will take time and sacrifice. The beginning is to understand God’s
principles - His teachings - and to know that changes need to come. Many
pastors and many ministry workers are grossly underpaid. As believers
put these truths in their spirits, to tithe and then go well beyond the tithe
as Nehemiah wrote. As boards and pastors understand God’s plan for
distribution of church funds, finances will accomplish all that God has
ordained for them.
Torah The word Torah appears over two hundred times in the Old
Testament, and the word Nomos over two hundred times in the Greek
New Testament. Nomos is the word that was used by the translators of the
Septuagint to translate the Hebrew word Torah into Greek. Our Christian
translators to the best of my knowledge always translate both Torah and
Nomos as Law, even though that is not the meaning for either the Hebrew
or the Greek.
Torah means teaching or instruction, not law. Please make a conscious
effort to erase what you have heard about “LAW” in Biblical teachings.
In the Jewish Bible the first five books are referred to as Torah, but
that name is sometimes loosely applied to all Scripture and even the
rabbinical teachings. The emphasis is on the teachings in Genesis through
Deuteronomy so that we can live the kind of lives that God wants us to
The Greek word Nomos refers to anything that has been established and
can mean law, but would more accurately be translated Torah most of the
time in the New Testament. That it can mean either teaching or law seems
baffling to us, but there is a valid reason.
Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda wrote, “Jewish religious law is based upon
morality, and deals with every aspect of human life. A Jew’s contemplations,
abstractions, reflections, intentions, private conduct, even when they have
no social consequences — all are included, for in our religious law one is
always seen as standing under God’s watchful eye. In our creed, all law
is an attempt to make us better servants of the Lord - and since the world
is His - we must act in concert with the needs of this world. God acts in
grace out of love for His world - can we, dare we do anything less?
“Thus, the law is concerned not with protecting society, nor even with
defending the rights of people, but rather with the basic question of what
is a person’s duty. The Hebrew word ‘Mitzvah’ - which has no exact
translation, and is rendered in different contexts as ‘good deed,’ ‘law’ or
‘command,’ can also be taken to mean ‘duty’ or ‘obligation’ - a concept
which becomes the key to Jewish law. So Jewish law concerns itself not
with what is ‘legal,’ but with what it is that God wants us to do, what is
our duty. The Torah judge does not sit on the bench as an inquisitor, nor as
a symbol of governmental powers, he sits on his tribunal as a teacher, as
one to whom has been given the privilege of interpreting in human terms
God’s will and God’s word.
“Another characteristic of Jewish law is that it is community-oriented.
While the origin of Jewish law is in the Torah, its details come from the
Mishna and the Gemara - texts that were written and edited outside of Eretz
Yisrael, after the Jewish homeland had been destroyed, and the Jewish
people no longer had any sovereignty or independence. The great code
of Maimonides in the twelfth century, and the code of Juda Caro in the
sixteenth century, were produced on ‘foreign’ soil, where this law, mitsvot,
became the only guardian of Jewish integrity. In a chaotic world deprived
of order and civility, the Jews had an established code that allowed them
to travel and to conduct business - which made possible their survival.
Mitsvot also kept the Jews united in all their far-flung lands of exile. East
and West, North and South were united in respect of Mitsvot.
“The Jewish legal system functioned without any coercion; it could not
exercise any physical or penal sanctions. There were no prisons alongside
the academies or the synagogues where the Jewish tribunal would convene.
There were neither policemen nor bailiffs prepared to carry out the orders
of the court. The judge sat completely disarmed. He had nothing, not any
powers -- except for the reverence of Torah and the conscience of the
people. Jewish law addressed itself to developing the character of a people,
to refining individuals as human personalities, to replacing the lack of
external force with the presence of inner sanctity. The law was obeyed not
because there were jails, but because a people inwardly accepted it and its
decisions. Consequently, its decisions and decrees were carried out with a
fidelity and dispatch that no penal system ever inspired. Further, I believe
that the law was obeyed because the people realized and accepted that it
was righteous, humane, considerate, and motivated by love of God and
total surrender of vanity and self-interest to the principles of His teaching
of the inviolate nature of Tzedek - true teaching of God’s justice.”
The Christian concept of LAW is not at all close to the meaning of Torah,
so please mark your Bibles, changing the word law to Torah.
There are several commonly used metaphors for Torah in Scripture.
Water is one, based on Isaiah 55:1 “Ho, every one who thirsts, come to
the waters, and he who has no money; come, buy, and eat; come, buy wine
and milk without money and without price.” and on Exodus 14:22 “And
the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground;
and the waters were a wall to them on their right hand, and on their left.”
This gives added meaning to many verses such as Ephesians 5:26 “so that
He, Jesus, would sanctify his wife (congregation), making her pure by
washing with the Word of the Torah.”
Another metaphor for Torah is light, based on Proverbs 6:23 “For a
commandment is a lamp and the Torah is light; and reproving discipline is
the way of life.” The Talmud says that knowledge of Torah brings spiritual
illumination. Torah lights our path, showing us the way to go, our spiritual
illumination. A third metaphor is olive oil, from Isaiah 51:3, with oil as
the source of illumination and also the source of joy. It is called the Oil
of Gladness.
Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6.1 “Does someone of you dare having a
lawsuit with another, to be judged by the unrighteous and not by the
saints? 2. Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? (Daniel
7:22, Wisdom 3:8) And if the world is to be judged by you, are you not
competent in trivial cases? 3. Do you not know that we will judge angels,
let alone ordinary matters? 4. Indeed if you are having lawsuits over
ordinary matters, do you appoint as judges men who have no standing in
the congregation? 5. I am saying this to shame you. So, is not one among
you wise? Who will be able to judge between one and his brother? 6. But
is brother judged with brother and this by unbelievers? 7. Surely now
then these are an utter loss for you that you are having lawsuits with one
another. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be defrauded?”
In ancient Israel both criminal and civil law were handled in the synagogue
and the temple. Paul was telling the early church to follow that example,
that Christians had no business going before the heathen courts, but
were to resolve their differences within the body of believers. Each first
century synagogue had an appointed judge, whose primary qualifications
were knowledge of Torah and application of those principles in the lives
of the members. The Torah was their legal code, their guide for every
legal decision, based on the 613 commandments in the first five books
of the Bible. Although the commands had been known for some time, it
was not until the 3rd century AD that the count of 613 was first written.
Rabbi Simlai gets credit for that, with 248 positive and 365 negative
We have not understood some of these passages. Most of the 613
commandments deal with personal relationships and many deal with the
spoken word. Thus it was not a surprise to His listeners when Jesus said
“And I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be
guilty in the judgment. And whoever would say to his brother ‘Empty-
headed,’ that one is guilty to the Sanhedrin: whoever would say, ‘Stupid’
is guilty in the Gehenna of the fire.” (Matthew 5:22) There was a local
Sanhedrin in each community as well as the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.
Each one was a council of elders that served to determine local matters
according to Torah.
The Rabbis had long before Jesus’ day determined that the references
such as “an eye for an eye” and a “tooth for a tooth” (Exodus 21:24) were
not to be taken literally. They said this because the basic premise was that
God is just, and if a one-eyed man knocked out the eye of someone with
two eyes, then to take the second eye from the other man would make him
blind. This would not be just. If a toothless man knocked out someone
else’s tooth then he would escape punishment. This would not be justice.
Therefore these and other scriptures were used as the base for establishing
monetary punishment - fines.
This use of Torah for legal decisions is why Jewish writers sometimes
refer to Torah as Law. This is a whole different context from the mind-sets
that we have acquired from our Christian teachings. Remember, Torah
means teaching or instruction, so substitute the word Torah for law as you
read different translations.
Trials “A trial has not taken you except what is common to mankind:
but God is faithful Who will not permit you to be tested beyond what
you are able, and therefore He will then in the test make you to be able to
patiently bear the way out.” (I Corinthians 10:13) While some translations
of this verse talk about escape or the Lord providing a way out, this is the
literal translation. As much as we would like an escape, most of us know
that escape has not been typical of our Christian experience. We all have
seasons that have been uncomfortable or even downright painful, but God
has always enabled us to endure the way out. It is a process, a process of
maturing in the Lord, as we learn to stand in faith and pursue the things of
God. A trial is a heavenly test that forces a person to choose between God’s
will and his own nature or understanding of what is right. By standing in
faith we serve as witnesses to the world of His power working through us.
God knows how you will respond before the test begins.
Remember “And he called the name of the place Massa and Meriva,
because of the strife of the children of Israel, and because they tempted
the Lord, saying, ‘Is the Lord among us, or not?’ Then came Amelek
and fought with Israel in Refedim..” (Exodus 17:7, 8) Two major things
happened here that we need to avoid: first, the people questioned the
presence of the Lord. The second is the coming of Amelek. If you question
the presence of the Lord, you can be sure that Amelek will come on the
heels of the question. “Remember what Amelek did to you by the way,
when you were come out of Mitzrayim (Egypt): how he met you by the
way, and smote the hindmost of you, all that were feeble in your rear,
when you were faint and weary: and he feared not God.” (Deuteronomy
25:17,18) Satan will attack you where you are weakest, and you will cry,
“Why are You not here, Lord?” which will invite more trouble: a cycle
we all want to avoid.
Keep your faith level high, bearing in mind at all times that “..He (God)
Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave
you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree
leave you helpless, nor forsake nor let [you] down, [relax My hold on you].
- Assuredly not!” (Hebrews 13:5 Amp) In the Greek language repeated
use of a negative strengthens the statement, so the author of Hebrews is
saying God will not in any way ever, under any circumstances, leave you
or forsake you for even a moment. A rabbi wrote centuries ago “A just
God does not impose trials that are beyond the capacity of the individual
- God tests only the righteous people who will do His will, not the wicked
who will disobey.” (Nahmanides, 13th Century)
“..because the wrestling is not with blood and flesh, but with the rulers,
with the powers, with the world rulers of the darkness, with the spiritual
(powers) of the wickedness in the heavens.” (Ephesians 6:12) “Through
every prayer and entreaty, praying in every time in the Spirit, and being
alert in Him, by means of every perseverance and entreaty concerning all
the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18) “Have not I commanded you? Be strong and
of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be dismayed: for the Lord your
God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Keep your faith level high. Know that there will be seasons when you are
being challenged and stretched. But be absolutely certain that the Lord
your God is with you wherever you go, that He will never abandon you
or forsake you. Never, never say “Is God among us or not?” You can be
sure that He is with you and that He will make you to be able to endure,
to patiently bear the way out.
Unleavened Bread This feast begins on Nissan 15, the day after
Passover. The symbol of Unleavened Bread is matzah bread, which is
made without yeast. Matzah is eaten throughout the entire seven days of
the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Today Passover and Unleavened Bread combined are often just called
Passover. The emphasis of this feast is on freedom from bondage, the
release from Egyptian bondage for the purpose of worshipping God.
The Rabbis teach that resurrection for judgment takes place during the
Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jesus was resurrected during Unleavened
Bread, on First Fruits. Please note that Judgment Day takes place several
months later, on Rosh HaShannah, the Day of Memorial.
Wealth is neutral to our salvation. It is neither evil nor good of itself, but
it is a great factor in many lives. Paul wrote to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10)
that “ of money is a root of all the evils..” so it is not the money
itself that is evil, but loving money can certainly cause evil. Greed is the
enemy. Many who are wealthy have put their faith in wealth and not in the
Lord. Many have acquired or retained inherited wealth because money
was their god. You do not need to have money to love money, so there are
many poor who have money as their god.
The kingdom of God here on earth benefits from the wealth of those
who are not greedy and who give generously to God’s work, but not
everyone is to be wealthy. We should all be prosperous enough to have
respectable housing and the other necessities of life, but we should not
expect more than that simply because we are believers. Jesus said “You
must continually see and guard yourselves from all covetousness, because
someone’s life is not abundant from his possessions.” (Luke 12:15) Paul
wrote to the Philippians (4:11) that he had “..learned to be content with
what things I have.”
The story of the Rich Ruler in Luke 18:18-23 tells about a young man to
whom his possessions were more important than the kingdom of God.
Jesus saw that quality in him so He told the man to sell all his possessions,
give the money to the poor, and then follow Him. We all have to view our
possessions, no matter how small or how great, as less important than the
kingdom of God. See Harlot elsewhere in this Glossary.
Yod and Vav are the two smallest letters in the Hebrew alphabet. In
Matthew 5:18 the text says “For truly I say to you: until the sky and the
earth would pass away, not one yod or one vav could pass away from
the Torah, until everything would come to pass.” Luke 16:17 is similar
but lists only the vav. We know that every Rabbi taught in the Hebrew
language from the earliest days in Israel all the way up to modern times.
The Hebrew language was preserved because Scripture was in Hebrew
and Hebrew was and still is the language of the synagogue. Jesus would
have used the Hebrew letter yod, which was recorded in Greek using the
comparable Greek letter, iota.
The Hebrew letter vav has no comparable Greek letter since there is no
“v” sound in Greek. Both Matthew and Luke overcame the problem with
the Greek word keraia, which some say refers to decoration of the Torah
manuscript, but it actually means little horn or little hook. The Hebrew
word vav, the name of the letter, means hook, so this is how we know that
Jesus was speaking of the letter vav. It is not likely to refer to decoration
because the Dead Sea Torah scrolls, dating from the days of Jesus, show
that scrolls of that era were not decorated. Besides being the two smallest
letters in the Hebrew alphabet the yod and the vav are also called soft
letters because under some circumstances either letter can be left out of a
word and the word would still be spelled correctly. So Jesus was saying
that even the letters that can properly be left out of a word would not be
omitted from the Torah as long as the Earth exists. We need to learn more
about the Torah, the first five books of the Bible.
Yoke is mentioned by Jesus “Come to Me all those who work and are
burdened, and I will give you rest. 29. You must immediately take My
yoke upon you and you must now learn from Me, because I am gentle and
humble in My heart, and you will find rest in your lives: 30. for My yoke
is pleasant and My burden is insignificant.” A yoke is a heavy wooden
frame for harnessing together a pair of oxen or other draft animals. The
rabbis teach that the Lord’s yoke means total commitment, total surrender
to His perfect will for your life. All your idols must be destroyed - there
can be no pride, no love for possessions, fame, sports, or any other thing
that could interfere with His plan for your life. Having nice things and
enjoying some sporting event are not evil, but neither are they to interfere
with the Lord’s plan for your life. He will provide for all your needs. This
does not necessitate a vow of poverty because He does take good care of
His saints.
The yoke has other significance since it is made for two. For the vast
majority of us that means a spouse fills the other side, but for some the
Lord is the spouse. What is significant about the yoke is that each animal
must pull its own weight. Often in ministry one has had the pride to
feel he or she could go it alone, that the spouse was the provider or the
cheerleader, or some other non-involved position. In this metaphor Jesus
was saying that each couple is yoked, that if each is not pulling his own
weight the ministry would not achieve all that could be done. We need to
understand that God instituted marriage when He built Eve. He made Eve
equal to Adam and adequate for any task assigned to Adam, based on the
word translated meet in Gen. 2:18, KJV. The NIV translates it suitable,
which is much closer to the Hebrew meaning. A couple is to act as one,
but with each one carrying his load - they are not to be identical, but
The yoke can refer to any two joined together in any endeavor. As Paul
said not to be unequally yoked referring to marriage with an unbeliever,
so also any ministry or business yoking must be in line with God’s perfect
The yoke belongs to the owner of the oxen, not the oxen. Each animal
must be in total submission to the driver’s will, obeying every command.
If one animal is spirited and continually presses ahead it will wear itself
out, but not go any faster than the mate. It’s pressing will also tire the
driver, who continually is pulling back on the reins. Obedience is the
desired character.
The word for Rest in Matthew 11:28 & 29 means a temporary rest. It is a
break, like a coffee break at work, or a brief respite from battle. Whenever
possible, army units at the front are pulled back every few days so the
soldiers can rest and clean up. They are not far from the battle, but are back
far enough to get good food, sleep, clean their weapons, and prepare to go
back into battle. This temporary rest is what Jesus is talking about here.
A different Greek word is used for the permanent rest in His kingdom,
spoken about in Hebrews, Chapters 3 & 4.
The yoke of the Lord is pleasant. The word translated pleasant is used
seven times in the New Testament and this is only place the KJV translated
it as easy. It is a word that always means something good and is sometimes
used in talking about food. Pleasant is appropriate in this case regarding
His yoke. We know from experience that doing His ministry may not
always be easy, but it is pleasant. We are acquainted with missionaries
who live under what anyone in this country would consider difficult
conditions, but they love where they are and they are uncomfortable in
the US because of all the materialism and pleasure seeking.
There is a prayer, called the Sh’ma, said three times each day by observant
Jewish people. This is from Deuteronomy 6:4, “Hear O Israel, the Lord
is our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with
all your heart and mind, with all your being, and with all your might.”
(Amp.) The rabbis refer to this as “acceptance of the yoke of heaven.”
The burden of the Lord is so light it is insignificant. The Greek word
translated light in Matthew 11:30 indicates the burden is so light that its
weight cannot be detected. When the weight seems heavy it must mean
that something is out of line, as when Jesus told Paul he was kicking
against the goad, the cattle prod. Paul had been busy with his ministry,
not His ministry.
Yom Kippur and Day of Memorial are not named in the NT, but
there is a definite reference to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. That
Day is referred to in Acts 27:9, where it is called the Fast. Yom Kippur
comes five days after the Day of Memorial, which most Christians call
Feast of Trumpets. However, the Hebrew does not mention either a feast
or a trumpet for this day. This is a call to repentance, which calls for
a shofar, not a trumpet. The day spoken about in Matthew 24:31, Acts
27:9, 1 Corinthians 15:52, and 1 Thessalonians 4:16 with the phrase “last
trumpet” is probably during the Feast of Unleavened Bread and not the
Day of Memorial, also known as Rosh Hashanah.
Section II
Hebrew Names
The Biblical names we use today were first written in English nearly a thousand
years ago, taken from the Latin Vulgate texts then in widespread use. The
English alphabet frequently used the “J” from the German alphabet for the “I”
giving us Jesus instead of Iesous, the Greek and Latin spellings. The German J
is pronounced as Y, the same as the I in Latin or Greek. Other names on this list
are radically different from the Hebrew for similar reasons, because they were
filtered through Latin and/or Greek.
Note: the Hebrew ch or kh is pronounced as an H with a slight guttural
English Hebrew
Abiathar Avyatar
Abiud Avichud (ch pronounced with a very faint guttural “H”)
Abraham Avraham
Akeldama Chakal D’ma
Alpheus Chalfai (every “Ch” pronounced as above)
Amminadab Amminadav
Amos Amotz
Anna (see Hannah) Chanah
Ananias Chananyah
Annas Anan
Arimathea Ramatayim
Armageddon (See Harmageddon)
Babylon Bavel
Barabbas Bar-Abba
Barnabas Bar-Nabba
Barsabbas Bar-Sabba
Bartholomew Bar-Talmai
English Hebrew
Bartimaeus Bar-Timai
Beelzebul, Beelzebub Baal-Zibbul
Bethany Beit-Anyah, meaning house of sighing or lamenting
Bethesda Beit-Hesed, meaning House of Mercy
Bethlehem Beit-Lechem, meaning house of bread
Bethphage Beit-Pagey
Bethsaida Beit-Tsaidah
Bethzatha Beit-Zata
Balaam Bil’am
Belial B’liya’al
Benjamin Binyamin
Caiaphas Kayafa
Cain Kayin
Cainan Keinan
Cana Kanah
Canaan Kanaan
Capernaum Kafer Nachum, meaning Pleasant Village
Cherub (sing.) K’ruv
Cherubim (plural) K’ruvim
Clopas Klofah
Eber, Heber Ever
Egypt Mitzrayim
Eli Heli
Eliezer, Lazarus El’azar
Elijah Eliyahu
Elizabeth Elisheva
Emmaus Ammaus
Enoch Chanoch
Enos Enosh
Ephraim Efrayim
Esli Chesli
Eve Chavah
Fringe on corner
of Prayer Shawl Tsitsit
Gabriel Gavriel
English Hebrew
Gehenna, Hell Gey Hinnom
Gethsemane Gat Sh’manim
Gideon Gid’on
Gomorrah Amora
Hamor, Emmor Chamor
Hannah Chanah
Haran Charan
Harmaggedon Har Meggido, meaning Mount Meggido (The correct
English spelling of the Greek word is Harmaggedon.)
Hezron, Esron Chetzron
Issachar Yissass’khar
Isaac Yitzchak
Jacob Ya’akov
Jaffa, Joppa Yafo
Jairus Ya’ir
Jared Yered
Jeconiah, Jehoiachin Y’khanyahu
Jehoshophat Y’hoshofat
Jericho Yericho
Jerusalem Yerushalayim
Jesus, Jose Yeshua
Jeremiah Yirmeyahu
Jesse Yishae
Joanna Yochannah
Joey Yosi, nickname for Yosef
Joel Yoel
John Yochannan
Jonah Yonah
Jordan Yarden
Joseph Yosef
Joshua Y’hoshua
Jotham Yotam
Judah, Judea, Judas Y’hudah
Julius Iulio
Korah Korach
Isaiah Yeshayahu
English Hebrew
Iscariot K’riot
Levi L’vi
Manasseh M’nasheh
Martha Marta
Mary Miryam in Hebrew, Mariam in Greek, Maria in Latin
Matthew Mattityahu
Manaen Menachem
Methuselah, Mathusala Metushelach
Michael Mikha’el
Midian Midyan
Moses Moshe
Nahor Nachor
Nashon, Nasson Nachson
Nagge Naggai
Nahum Nachum
Nain Naim
Naphtali Naftali
Nathan Natan
Nazarenes Natsratim
Nazareth Natseret
Nicodemus Nakdimon
Noah Noach
Obed Oved
Passover Pesach
Pentecost Shavuot, Feast of Weeks
Perez Perets
Peter Kefa, meaning rock. Spelled Kefa in Greek, Cephas in
Pharisee Parush, P’rushim (plural)
Prayer Shawl Tallit, Tallitot (plural)
Psalms Tehillim, meaning Praises
Rahab Rachav
Ram, Aram Ram
Rebecca Rivkah
Rehoboam Rechavam
English Hebrew
Rephan Reifan
Reuben Re’uven
Rhesa Reisha
Ruth Rut
Sabbath Shabbat
Sabbaths, Weeks Shabbatot
Sadducees Ts’dukim
Salem Shalem
Salome Shlomit
Samaria Shomron
Samson Shimshon
Samuel Shmuel
Sapphira Shappirah
Satan Satan, meaning Adversary, Arch Enemy
Saul Sha’ul
S’dom Sodom
Seder Pesach Meal, the Last Supper
Semein Shimi
Seth Shet
Shealtiel Sh’altiel
Sheol, Hell Sh’ol
Silas Sila
Siloam Shiloach
Simon Shim’on
Simeon Shim’on
Solomon Shlomo
Susanna Shoshanah
Sychar Sh’khem
Tabitha, Dorcas Tavita
Terah Terach
Thaddeus Taddai
Thomas T’oma
Timaeus Timai
Torah Torah, meaning Teaching, Instruction: Name of First
Five Books of the Bible
Tyre Tsor
English Hebrew
Unleavened Bread Matzah
Uriah Uriyah
Uzziah Uziyahu
Vav Vav, 2nd smallest Hebrew Letter
Village Kafer
English Hebrew
Yeshiva Yeshiva (Talmudic College)
Yod Yod, smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet
English Hebrew
Zacchaeus Zakkai
Zadok Tsadok
Zarephath Tsarfat
Zebbedee Zavdai
Zerah, Zara, Zarah Zerach
Zerubbabel Zerubavel
Zion Tsion
Zebulun, Zebulon Z’vulun
Zechariah Z’kharyah
Book Abrev. Verses NT Verses
Ascension of Isaiah 5:11-14 Heb 11:37
Assumption of Moses Jude 9
Baruch Bar 4:7 1Cor 10:20
4:35 Rev 18:2
Enoch En 1:2 1Pet 1:12
1:9 Jude 14,15
9:4 Rev 15:3, 17:14, 19:16
14:22 Rev 5:11
25:5 Rev 15:3
27:3 Rev 15:3
46:3 Col 2:3
51:2 Lk 21:28
60:8 Jude 14
63:10 Lk 16:9
69:27 Jn 5:22
70:1-4 Heb 11:5
1 Esdras 1:32 (LXX) Mt 1:11
Judith 11:19 Mt 9:36, Mk. 6:34
16:17 Jas 5:3
1Maccabees 1Macc 1:54 Mt24:15,Mk.13:14
2:60 2Tim 4:17
3:45,51 Lk 21:24
4:59 Jn 10:22
6:7 Mt 24:15
2Maccabees 2Macc 3:26 Lk 24:4
6:18-7:42 Heb 11:35
Book Abrev. Verses NT Verses
2Maccabees (cont’d) 2Macc 13:4 1Tim 6:15
Rev 17:14, 19:16
3Maccabees 3Macc 2:5 Rev14:10, 20:10, 21:8
5:35 1Tim 6:15
Rev 17:14, 19:16
4Maccabees 4Macc 2:5 Rev 7:7
7:19 Mt 22:32
Psalm of Solomon Ps Sol 5:4 Lk 11:21,22
5:9-11 (LXX) Mt 6:26
7:6 Jn 1:14
17:23, 24 Rev 2:26, 27
17:34 Rev 21:24, 26
Sirach Sir 1:8 Rev4:2,9,10,5:1,5:7,
5:13, 6:16, 7:10, 15,
9:4, 21:5
1:10 1Cor 2:9
5:3 1Thes 4:6
5:11 Jas 1:19
11:19 Lk 12:19, 20
15:11-13 Jas 1:13
16:14 Ro 2:6
23:1 Mt 6:13
23:4 1Pet 1:17
25:23 Heb 12:12
27:6 Mt 7:16
28:2 Mt 6:12
28:18 Lk 23:24
29:11 Mt 6:20, Lk 18:22
33:1 Mt 6:13
35:19 Mt 16:27
37:28 1Cor 6:12
38:18 2Cor 7:10
44:16 Heb 11:5
44:21 Gal 3:8, Heb 6:14,
48:10 Lk 1:17
Book Abrev. Verses NT Verses
Susanna Sus 46 Theodotion Mt 27:24
Tobit Tob 4:6 (LXX) Jn 3:21
5:15 Mt 20:2
7:17 Mt 11:25
11:9 Lk 15:20
13:7, 11 Rev 15:3
13:18 Rev 19:1
14:4 Mt 23:38
14:5 Lk 21:24
Wisdom Wsd 2:11 Ro 9:31
2:18-20 Mt 27:43
2:23 1Cor 11:7
3:8 1Cor 6:2
4:10 Heb 11:5
5:5 Ac 20:32, 26:18
5:22 Lk 21:25
6:18 Jn 14:15
7:1 Ac 10:26
7:7 Eph 1:17
9:1 Jn 1:3
9:16 Jn 3:12
12:12 Ro 9:20
12:13, 14 Ac 5:30
14:3 1Pet 1:17
15:3 Jn 17:3
15:7 Ro 9:21
16:9 Ro 9:3
16:13 Mt 16:18
16:22 Rev 8:7
18:1 Ac 9:7, 22:9
Other Writings:
Aratus, Paenomena 5 Ac 17:28
Epimenides, de Oracalis Ac 17:28, Ti 1:12
Menander, Thais (218) 1Cor 15:33
About the Translator
Rev. William J. Morford
graduated from Hobart Col-
lege in 1953 and was a mem-
ber of the 1955 class of the
University of Minnesota’s
graduate school in hospital
administration. Until 1989
Mr. Morford owned and op-
erated a medical adminis-
tration services company in
South Carolina.
Reverend Morford and his wife, Gwen have traveled to Israel several times and
expect their ministry to take them back for extended periods.
He has written three books: The Power New Testament, God’s Rhythm of Life,
and This God We Serve and has been just completed a fresh edition of the Bible,
The One New Man Bible, expected to be released in 2011.
From 1993 through 1999, Reverend Morford studied Hebrew under Rabbi Eliezer
Ben-Yehuda, grandson of the Eliezer Ben-Yehuda whose lifetime work made
Modern Hebrew the national language of Israel.
The One New Man Bible
(from the Preface of The One New Man Bible)
The goal of The One New Man Bible is to bring a greater understanding of
and appreciation for the power given to believers – the power in which we are
all supposed to walk. The One New Man Bible also makes the Jewish Roots of
Christianity come to life .... Hebrew is a very expressive language, so this transla-
tion brings out much of the power that has commonly been omitted ... An effort
has been made to keep the text as free as possible from denominational biases
and doctrinal interpretations.
For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one and Who
has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His flesh, by
His nullifying the tradition of the commandments by decrees, so that He could
create the two, Jewish and non-Jewish, into One New Man, establishing peace
so He could reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, as God killed
their enmity by means of Y’shua. And when He came He proclaimed the Good
News of peace to you, to those far away, and peace to those near: because
through Him we both have the introduction to the Father by means of one Spir-
it. Therefore then, you are no longer aliens and strangers, but you are fellow
citizens of the saints and members of the household of God, building upon the
foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Y’shua being His cornerstone,
in Whom the whole building being constructed is being fit together into a holy
sanctuary in the Lord, and in Whom you are built together into a habitation of
God by the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:14-22