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The passage discusses how consciousness is shaped by one's focus of attention and emotions. It also talks about gaining awareness of how we utilize our consciousness.

The passage states that what we direct our attention to is what directs the flow of consciousness. It discusses the need to fall in love with our powers of consciousness.

The narrator realized they should be thankful for their ability to get around rather than focusing on their limitations. They recognized they were not as incapacitated as they thought.


Transcriptions from Ann Davies' Class Lectures

Occult principles are basedupon knowledgeof the powers of consciousness.This is

the fundamental principle of every esotericschool,whether it be Unity or New Thought,
Yoga or Vedanta. Any school of thought founded upon metaphysicaltradition teachesas its
basic conceptthat consciousnessis that which builds-consciousnessis that which has the

If you look back to the time when you first entered upon the study of metaphysics or
occultism,you may recall that your heart was firlledwith inspiration. The powers of the
mind were new to you, and for some strange reasonyou were able to accomplishmuch more
initially than later. You have probably wondered why this was so. Many of our members
write to us asking, "Why is it that I was able to hold to specificstates of mind, to hold my
emotions, to keep my aspirations pointed beautifully for a time, and now suddenly I can do

When you were first introduced to the conceptof consciousnessas the creator, you
began to experiment to see if it were so; you had enthusiasm,that child-feeling of miracle.
Do you remember as a child feeling the wonder, the sensationof the magical in a new
recognition or realization? It is this magic, this wonder more basic to faith than we often
realize, that makes it possibleto utilize these laws and principles effectively. "Except ye
becomeas little children...." Withfamiliaritytherecomes stalenessif notcontempt. As
you becomeaccustomedto the idea that consciousness is the creator, you lose this early
feeling of wonder and miracle. You tend to fall back into old habit patbernsand unhappily
thereby to recreate that which is frustrating in your environment. This relapse is due to
the fact that while it is our emotions that are the fuel of consciousness, it is that to which
we direct and on which we hold our attention that directs the @ of consciousness.

In Tarot Key 1, The Magician, you have depictedsymbolically the principle of

attention, the ability to hold in your mind specificthoughts or ideas unswervingly. But how
many of us can sit down and concentrateor meditate for one hour without our minds and
hearts swerving from the thought which we are trying to hold?

Yet, have you ever had difficulty in holdingyour beloved in your mind? It is an
interesting principle and a basic idea in occultism (overlookedby too many aspirants) that
we have to fall in love with the powers of our own consciousness, in recognizingwhat these
powers are. That is why the meditation on Key 1 in the Book of Tokens says, "Not thine,
but Mine is the power of attention. . ." The reason we have such difficulty in holding our
minds and our attention fast on somethingthat we want is becausewe are not truly in love,
either with our powers of consciousness or with that which we think we want!

It is true that what you want is yours, but this is a statement easily misunderstood.
Before you can begin to work practically with the Tarot, you must grasp what is involved
here and see how you can utilize this power, how you can attain what you want, and first of
all how you can be sure of what it is you really want. You will remember that the very first
thing that the aspirant was told to do in our first courseof lessonswas to write down what
he wants. But the problem is that in thinking that you know what you want, you are
deluding yourself. You have to learn how to discoverwhat you reall]r want, and whether it

is worth having. Many membersrespond when they are told that this is the first thing they
must do by saying, "I don't really want anybhingexceptillumination." Was that your
reaction? Did you say to yourself, "I don't want anybhingbut illumination, or spiritual
development,or to serve?"

In all the metaphysicalschoolsof thought there is one thing that every aspirant has
drummed into him: "Fulfill your desires;you can have what you want!"

We tell you-the same thing, an echo of what you have read and heard. However,
what you want is dependenton your knowing "Who am I?" That is why all schoolstell you
that if you do not know who or what you are--or if at least you are not ready to go on tlie
assumption that you are something specific-all the wanting in the world is not going to do
any good. We tell you this too, but we do not stop there! It is not that you do riot
St *h"t
you want--you do! It is that, in most cases,you do not recognizethatyor getting what
you want! You must learn to recognizethat everything in ytur enviro-nment, "t" &erytfring
that you think and feel, every unhappy relationship as weli as every happy on", aetait
ofyour life that you yourselfhave created,both thejoyous and the-unhappy,both "rr"ry
frustrating and the fulfilling, is of your own creating. You must disco".. fto* it is that you
have created these things, and what it is that you are doing in order to discover what yJu
are and who you are.

In the Book olTokens you will find expressedthe underlying conceptthat there is
One, The Indivisible Essence.Somepeopleobjectto the word "God." Which is a pity,
because"God" is a brief word and it takes a bit longer to say "The Lord of the Llniverse"
even though it is a more poeticphrase. "The One," "the Indivisible," "God," ,,The Lord of
the Universe," "the Universal Spirit," "the Life Principle," it doesn'tmatter what we call

An occultist who wants truly to utilize consciousness consciouslymust be able to say,

"I know what I want." In working toward this goal, he has first to ."t an assumption.
He must do what the scientist does. The scientist says,"If such-and-such " is true, then
such-and-suchshould result. Let us test this." We say to you, "If it is true that there is
only the One Life and that this One Life has many aspectsof ltself, (which we call you and
me, Tom, M"ry, Dick and John), and if that one universal principle is the One Selfithen
that Self knows exactly what it is about and exactly what it has in store for you as its center
of expression."

Some students are disturbed at the idea of beingjust a part of a Universal Self.
They fear the loss of indjviduality. Our answer is that though one may be a mother, a
daughter, a sister, a student, a teacher,though one may be parts of many relationshipr, on"
is still oneself. Therefore, the fact that it is said in esotericphilosophy that there is only
One Being, One Will, and that all that exists is an aspector an .*p".mion of that Will, ioes
not lessenthe eternal individuality of any one aspect. If you have had this fear, the concept
that one Universal Self takes arilay from your own individuality or the eternalnessof your
selfhood as a unique individual, we hope that this analory will help to eliminate that fear.

This One Self is evolving or growing and experiencingItself through Its various
aspects. If you have studied the way in which consciousness
works, you must know that it

does this through what is held in the mind, what is held as the desire. When you are asked,
,,What do you dlsire?" it is fruitless for you to reply that you do not know what you want or
to answerihat you want to receivespiritual developmentor to serve, In actuality, he who _
lives with the intensity of the moment knows that it is through the differentiation of varied
and various things--through the working toward the fulfillment of his various wants--that
the meaningfulnessof life comesto him.

Those who have read the literature of the Eastern Tradition are apt to hear that the
desire for a nice house to live in, or for good health, or for this or that profession,or for a
pretty dress is beneath the dignity of spiritual aspirations,below spiritual levels. All that
*r say to this at the moment (though we shall have more to say later), is that they have
made the mistake of separating from God certain things that they call materialistie, as
against that which they call spiritual. This error is one of the reasonswe have problems in
di-scoveringwhat it is that we want and how to bring it into being. We think that to enjoy a
good meal-or a beautiful dress is immature or unspiritual, that he who walks with his head
in the clouds, uttering platitudes such as "God is peace,"is a beautiful, spiritual being.

But when you look out at life and seethe variegatedplumage of the bird, when you
seethe diversity in the dress of the flowers, when you seethat every leaf on every tree has
different form, when you seethe colors and the different shapesand shadings of the
mountains, when you consider all the manifold things that man has learned to give
expressionto, you must realize that true spirituality is in being able to love and see and
experienceGod in each and every little "material thing," and in recognizing that these
things are not so "material" after all. A great mistake that spirituai aspirants oiten make is
in trying to make a distinction betweenphysical aspiration and spiritual aspiration. Yet,
m*ny an enlightened adept or Master of Wisdom walks the earth in a body.

There are some who say that a Master does not need a body who go to a great deal
of trouble to communicatewith these Masters via Ouija boards or other psychic sources.
Sometimesthey can achievecontact with very highly evolvedsouls or even rarely with
Masters, but on the whole the vast mqjority of those aspirants who think that spiritual
enlightenment makes it unnecessaryto deal in or with the physical universe or that one
shoutd evolve beyond that and who look with disdain upon physical or material things are
making one of the gravest of errors.

The Inner School,through instruction in the Holy Qabalah,teachesand stressesthat

the physical universe is the flowering of God's desire,that the entire universe comesabout
becausl God, the One Life, desiresto experienceItself in all the myriad ways and means
that are. The Self experienceof God comesthrough the desire of God to expressin and
through form. This view is not at all similar to the creed of the materialist, who believes
that there is no creative spirit, that man lives only from birth to death, and ends. He who
lives by that materialistic creed usually lives selfishly, taking advantageof his fellow man,
feeling that the end justifies the means. He is neither a happy nor a pleasant person. It is
not materialistic, however, to recognizethat what is called the physical universe is in effect
the dress or. garb of God; that everything that occurs,everything that comesinto physical
being is an eipression of the Primal Will of God, of the One Life, expressingitself in and
through form, becausethis is what God desires.

If that which is, is God's desire,we cometo the question: "Does God want all of the
horrors that go on?" When we say that God apparently knows what He wants, and that we
do not, we mean that accordingto true esotericteachingswhich we have verified, the
human consciousnessis an infantile power of the Lord of Life. When you start to teach a
baby how to eat, it will spill food all over itself becauseit has not masteredmuscular
coordination and cannot eat properly. The results will be sloppy, yet it is not of itself evil.
The reason you have experiencedproblems in seekingto fulfill your heart's desire and have
found it difficult to manifest that which you attempt to bring into experience,is becauseyou
have been letting your powers of consciousness or mind operate at an infantile level--sloppy
attention wandering.

You must make up your mind to choosesome goal, even a tentative one, or else you
will get nowhere. If you do not know where you are going, you will wander in circles, It is
better to make up your mind to go anJrwhere just in order to developyour muscles. That is
why it is vital to make up your mind to a specificthing toward which your desire will drive
you and to work at it.

We shall try to show you what you really want and how to have the insight, the
intelligence and the ability to recognizeyour mistakes,becauseoften after you decideyou
want somethingyou discoverit was not what you wanted at all. You must learn to have the
courage and the agility to change,to switch to the next thing that you develop as a goal,
resulting from re-evaluation. You must learn to utilize these shifts in direction and to keep
yourself pointed with your consciousness towards an ever more evolved desire.

The feeling which some hold that to want a pretty dress is materialistic and that to
want to attain to spiritual heights is very important, results only in wandering in circles.
Here is an example of what happens: We know of a woman who felt that she had outgrown
the need for all physical things. She was not interested in clothes or a goodjob. She
wanted to attain to completeillumination, to be releasedfrom the pain and suffering of
having to reincarnate. She commencedto meditate continually on the idea of obtaining
illumination and to look down on an5rthingthat had to do with physical needs or physical
expression. She had a great deal of power. Whatever she wanted to think and feel she was
able to think and feel intensely. The result was that she lost her job, for obviously if it was
not good enough for her, she was not good enough for it. She had no living. She tried to
obtain anotherjob but could not. She becamedestitute, this spiritual aspirant, still
clutching the idea that these were the tests and trials that God was bringing to her in order
that she might overcomeand do away fully, finally, and forever with the terrible physical
universe. As she continued to meditate on this idea, she found that she was becoming more
and more divorced from life. Originally she had had quite a loving feeling towards people,
but with her desire to escapefrom life, her emotionswithdrew, and she began to move
through life hungry, as unspiritual an individual as you could flrnd,and without friends. If
you withdraw from life, life will withdraw from you in accordancewith the principle that
consciousnesscreates. In this instance,fortunately this woman was intelligent enough to
eventually recognizethat she had been creating with great ability, that she had had
excellent success. One could certainly say of her, "What did she want?" An objective
observer would ask, "Is this what you would call the spiritual path? Look what happenedto
this person." And would that not be a fair question? This is rather extreme,but everyone
of us has been guilty of exactly that sort of action in one way or another.

We think, becausewe have read it somewhere,that we should kill out desire. We

think that the way to attain spirituality is to trample down our desires. Indeed, what
actually happens, is that we becomemore and more fearful of our desires,we press them
down, we bury them. Yet, if we have no desire,we are unable to have love. There is an
inseparablerelationship between the two. In Qabalah desire is assignedto the planet
Venus, and Venus is the goddessof love. Desire is somethingthat must be treasuredl man
must not kill out desire; man must nurture desire like the most precious of living things.
Man must learn how to listen to his heart, to study his feelings,to call from the depths of
his being his truest, most sacreddesire and fan it into a flame so that the desire will take
completepossessionof him.

This sounds the oppositeof what we usually hear, and yet it is not. There is much
more involved here than appearson the surface. We must learn to know what we want, if
we are going to be true sons and daughtersof God, if we are to develop our ability to direct
our consciousnessconsciously,instead of being washedhither and thither in the currents of
subconsciousness.We must discoverwhat we want and fan the flame. We must be willing
to make a few mistakes, even to decidethat what we thought we wanted, we did not.

Some who have been in occultism for a while go through a period in which they
becometerrified. This happenedto me. I wanted a thing and I got it, and it was terrible.
Then I becameafraid to want anything. I was one of those who created too rapidly. Many
of us are fortunate enough to do it more gradually, but others have such intensity in their
nature that whatever they decideto desire comesupon them like an avalanche. They find
themselvesoverwhelmed. We must be willing, however,to desire,to work with desire, to
learn and utilize the techniquesof desiring properly, even though at times we make
mistakes and must reap the consequences.This is what teachesus to desire more
intelligently the next time. How can we be co-creatorswith God if we are not willing to
strive, to develop, and to acceptthe sore musclesof emotional exercise?

Those who do not know what they want must look into their hearts and ask, "Am I
afraid of what I might get if I got what I want, or am I afraid that if I work on what I want
and it comesto me, I will discoverthat I am tied to it, it is an attachment?" This is a real
danger, over-attachmentto the manifestationsof our desires. We shall have to learn to
bring about manifestations by understandinghow to lose our attachmentsto the things that
are here and now, which is one of our greatestdiffrculties. We keep tomorrow's good from
coming to us by hanging on to today's frustrations! We shall show you how to ceasedoing
this, as it is one of the reasonsthat you fail so often. You cannot put any thing in a pot
already filled to the brim. That is what we try so often to do. We are not willing to let life
flow through.

My own experiencehas shown me the results of clinging to yesterday's beliefs.

When I was 21, I had a very serious illness which left one of my legs very weak. I had to
walk on crutches or with a cane and a heavy brace. Being completelyimmersed in
occultism, I spent day and night in study. I made all the usual mistakes, thank God, for
only when we make mistakes are we in a position to understand what it is we do with our
consciousness,what we need to learn about it. Then we are in a position to help others
avoid the error, or at least to recognizeit more rapidly. For that reason I am very grateful

to the Lord of Life that I made these mistakes. I was guided definitely and specifically to
learn from them.

I was relatively helpless,physically, at this time, and the disablementwas also very
painful. I foolishly kept my attention focusedon my unhappinessbecauseI resented not
being able to get around. We little rcalize what the porversof consciousnesscan do. My
attention and my emotions were foeusedhypnotically on the fact that I was disabled, that I
could not get around without crutchesor a cane,that I was kept from all sorts of activities.
The result was that I led, for a time, a very circumscribedlife and was very unhappy. A
time came when suddenly I receivedan insight. I recognizedthat instead of keeping my
consciousnessand attention focusedon the disability, I should be thanking the Lord of the
Universe that I could get around. After all, I could, with a brace and crutches cover quite a
bit of territory. I used to drag ten books at a time home from the library, wearing the
crutches and the brace, so I was not really incapacitated. I had not recognizedthat.

When it occurred to me that I should be happy and grateful that I could get around
at all, I began to sing praises to the One Life. It was Tarot and Qabalah that awakened me
to this. I had just entered this flreldof training and teaching,and it was an illumination,
this recognition of what I had been doing and what I neededto do, The realization was so
deep and profound that despite the fact that I was suffering physical pain, despite the fact
that I was living on top of a very steephill, I managedto rejoice at the fact that I could get

Then an astonishing thing happened. I was already working with Dr. Case at this
time under his private instruction and training. A student told me that another student
had heard that I was on crutches. He did not know what the problem was, but he was a
doctor and felt intuitively that he could help me. He asked that I be brought to him. All
that he was to me was a name on a card.

I was taken to him and he helped me so that within a few weeks I was off the
crutches, off the cane, off the brace! I could walk for long distances;I could get around with
easeand without pain. I had been in constantpain, when on my feet, for many years.

What brought about such an occurrence?First of all, I stopped using my emotions

negatively in that particular area. Somewill ask how one can hold a positive thought when
he knows that a negative situation exists. In occultism,you must learn that no matter what
the condition is today, no matter how dark, no matter how dreary, no matter how painful,
today is merely the passing transitory result of yesterday'snonsense. How you chooseto
react today, what you chooseto feel and give your attention toward, that is what builds
tomorrow! Some who have studied deeply in the easternschoolsfrequently err in this way.
There is much beauty in the Eastern Tradition, but it lends itself to certain
misinterpretations, such as the belief that everything sad or painful is the result of earned
karma. It is, in a sense,but they do not quite understand what is meant by karma. We
sigh and moan and say, "This is my karma; I'm washing out a great deal of bad karma!" If
that is what we are holding our attention on, we are building more unpleasant karma,
though it is not necessarilybad karma.

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