Vinegar From Pineapple

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Production of vinegar from pineapple peel

Article · January 2012


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4 authors, including:

Yusuf O. Raji Jibril Mohammed

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University


Idris Misau
Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University


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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954


Yusuf .O. Raji1, *Mohammed Jibril2, Idris .M. Misau3 and Baba .Y. Danjuma4
1, 2 ,3,4
Chemical Engineering Programme, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, P. M. B.
0248, Bauchi-Nigeria.

* Corresponding Author, Mohammed Jibril Tel: +60167657458


This research is aimed at producing vinegar from fermented pineapple peel. The process was
carried out in two-stage fermentation with baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) and other
reagents. Pineapple peel was allowed to ferment for 48hrs for conversion of sugar to ethanol.
Then a chanced approach was applied for the conversion of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria
(Acetobacter aceti) to vinegar with continuous aeration for nine days. The results indicated that
vinegar yield increased with an increasing acidity. The results also revealed that pineapple peel
produced the desired and optimum yield of vinegar. Hence, the following parameters; pH,
density, refractive index, viscosity, % acetic acid and acid value were evaluated and recorded
as; 2.80, 1.08 g/ml, 1.390, 0.94cp, 4.77 and 0.0477 respectively, these values compare well with
the standard values. The conversion of pineapple peels (waste) to vinegar (useful product) will
reduce environmental pollution and in addition yield value added product.

Key words: Production, Vinegar, Pineapple peel, Saccharomyces cerevisae, Acetobacter aceti.


The high increase in food deterioration is due to the contamination of food microorganism since

the microorganisms colonize the entire environment in which we live. These microorganisms

include bacteria, yeast, and mould. Their beneficial aspect can be noted in the production of

‘‘vinegar’’, spirit, wine and some antibiotics. This product enables the utilization of pineapple

peels, which are usually discarded during the processing or consumption of the food (fruit) [1, 8-

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

10]. Pineapples are produced in many tropical regions Africa where rainfall is adequate and most

are consumed locally, it is an important luxury fruit of tropical regions. The plants mature

between the age of 12-18 months and fruit are harvested at intervals [2, 11]. The product enables

the utilization of pineapple peels which are usually discarded during the processing or

consumption of the fruit [3]. Fermentation microorganisms are capable of degrading all organic

substances present in fruits and vegetables. Vinegar can be made from any non-toxic material

that has a sugar juice or can be made with sugar juice. Theoretical, 1 gram of glucose will

produce 0.67 grams of acetic acid. The figure is never achieved because yeasts and bacteria grow

during the process; at least 2% sugar is required for every 1% of acetic acid in the final product

[4, 12-14]. Acetobacter could be used to produce vinegar because of their ability to oxidize

ethanol to acetic acid [5, 15]. Brown (1990), stated that oxygen has to be made available for the

production of acetic acid whereas with wine it is essential to exclude oxygen to prevent oxidation

of the alcohol and spoilage of the wine [6]. Vinegars are made from a wide variety of fruits,

pineapple peel, and cereals. Over the past several decades there has been a growing trend toward

adding value to raw agricultural by- products, the raw material used in the case is a pineapple

peel which is a relatively low – cost raw material. Vinegar was used earlier as a preservative for

other fruits and vegetables. Vinegar is an inexpensive commodity, therefore economic

considerations requires that a relatively low- cost raw material like pineapple peel be used in its

production. All commercial vinegars are used primary in the food processing industry [7].

1.1 Composition of Pineapple Peel

The flavors in pineapple are due to the presence of small quantity of esters and essential oils

distributed throughout pulp. The presence of organic acids also contributes to the flavors. The

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

nature and quantity of sugar present in fruits depends largely upon the ripeness and the degree of

acidity. The Table below showed various composition of pineapple peel.

Table 1.0 Composition of Pineapple Peel

Contents Composition (weight %)
Cellulose 19
Hemi-cellulose 22
Lignin rbhc5
Cell soluble matters:
Sucrose 5.2
Glucose 3.1
Fructose 3.4

1.2 General Properties of Vinegar

Vinegar is a dilute solution of acetic acid; it has same chemical formula as acetic acid. The below

Table 1.1 showed general properties of vinegar.

Table 1.1 General Properties of Vinegar

Parameter Value

Density and phase 1.01gcm-3, liquid; 1.266gcm-3, solid

Solubility in water fully miscible
In toluene, hexane fully miscible
In ethanol, acetone fully miscible
Freezing point -20C (28 OF)
Acidity (pKa) 4.76 at 25 OC
pH 2.4
Viscosity 0.92 cp at 27 OC
Dipole moment Dipole moment
Refractive index 1.370

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2.1.1 Sobourand Dextrose Agar (SDA)

This was carried out by dissolving 65g of commercially powdered SDA and 0.5g of

chlorophenical powder into 4 litres of distilled water into conical flask. It was shaken and corked

with cotton wool. The autoclave was then used to sterilize it at 121OC for 15 minutes. It was

taken out the autoclave and allowed to cool between 450 OC and 50OC. Petri dishes were then

washed, and dried using hot dry oven at 150OC for 1 hour. They were also allowed to cool. The

liquid SDA was dispersed into three dishes aseptically and allowed to solidify.

2.2.2 Inoculums Preparation

After solidifying, the stock yeast was prepared and taking aseptically using a disposable syringe

and needle. For each Petri dish 2ml of stock yeast was inoculated in it by pouring it on top of the

medium (SDA) with a sterilized wire loop. After inoculation it was incubated at 35 OC for 48

hours. After a while, growth were observed and recorded.

2.2.3 Microscopy

1% lactopherol (2ml) was poured in top of a clean slide and sterile wire loop was used to pick

the yeast from the agar, placed on a glass slide cover slip. It was then views under the

microscope at X40 objective. The observations were recorded. This procedure was then carved

out on the two remaining Petri dishes. The results were also recorded and compared.

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

2.2 Raw Material Preparation and Processing

One average size pineapple of 5.0 kg was purchased at the fruit stand in Minna Gwari market.

Ripe healthy pineapple fruit was selected from the stand. The pineapple was peeled with a well

sterilized knife. The peels were cut into thin strips and weighed 179 g and put into Buckner

conical flask (1000 ml). 20.0 g of sugar and 800 ml of distilled was added. This then followed by

addition of 3.0 g of viable yeast and yeasts nutrient (ammonium phosphate) of 6.0 g. And sodium

bicarbonate was added to adjust the pH to 4.0. The fermenter was then corked and adhesive tape

was held round it. The fermentation was allowed to take place at 25 - 28 OC for two days.

After two days alcohol was first formed by baker yeast then the residue was filtered and the

filtrate was then covered with cheese cloth to allow Acetobacter to come in by chanced approach

method. This was then allowed to ferment for eleven days with continuous aeration of the filtrate

on magnetic stirrer machine. The aeration and agitation in the fermenter would serve to provide

oxygen for microbial respiration, to suspend and mix the sludge and other particulates and to

strip out volatile non- metallic product such as CO 2.

2.3 Determination of Density

This is important in controlling sample purity. It is the measure of the mass (weight of the

sample relative to its volume ml). Certain quantity of sample produced was measured with the

aid of hydrometer.

2.4 Determination of Acid Value

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

100 g of sample was weighed into a 250 ml conical flask, 50 ml of previously neutralized

mixture of toluene and ethanol was added and the content was titrated against 0.1 mol/ litre

solution of Ethanoic potassium hydroxide solution until the indicator changes pink colour:

56.1 × 𝑉 × 𝐶

Where V= volume of Ethanoic Potassium Hydroxide solution

C= Exact concentration Ethanoic Potassium Hydroxide solution used

M= mass of test samples

56.1 = molar mass expressed in gram per mole of Potassium Hydroxide solution used

2.5 Determination of Viscosity

The viscometer tube was charged with the sample of vinegar produced by inserting the tube’s

thinner arm into the liquid sample and by the help of prepared filler, drawn up above the upper

timing mark of the viscometer. The flux timing the flow of the sample as it flowed freely from

the upper timing mark to the lower timing mark as noted and recorded.

2.6 Determination of Refractive Index

A refractor was used to determine the refractive index of the sample. The surface of the prisms

were cleaned with ethanol and allowed to dry before use because of the sensitive nature of the

index of refraction to a small of contaminant. The liquid sample was placed on the lower prism

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

and it was ensured that it covered the entire width of the prism plate; a dropper was used for this

purpose. The upper prism was brought into contact with the lower prism so that the poly-phenol

formed an unbroken layer between the two prisms. The controls were manipulated to bring the

light and dark fields into focus with the cross hairs. The readings were then taken and recorded.


3.1 Results Obtained

3.1.1 Sobourand Dextrose Agar (SDA)

This is the first stage of the confirmatory test on the viability of the dry beaker yeasts purchased

from Bosso market. Saccharomyces cerevisae is well adapted to surviving in the dextrose agar

and it metabolizes this sugar for growth and multiplication. The result is shown in Table 3

3.1.2 Microscopy

Isolates from the Petri dishes are observed using a microscope and it was observed that the cell

oval in shape; like eggs of chicken, which is the normal shape of yeast.

3.1.3 Growth Observed in Yeast Isolate

The bottle containing the yeast, after 5 days at 35 0C in the incubator, when observed amount of

yeast cells making the liquid cloudy and this continued when still left in the incubator.

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

3.1.4 Colonial Morphology

Colonial morphology of the isolate in the plate after 48 hours was observed to be as in Table 3


Table 3: Colonial Morphology of Isolates

Color Constituency Edge Odor Shape

creamy mucoid spherical fermented odor like that of palm wine oval

Table 4: pH Measurement and Corresponding Temperature Readings

Days pH Temperature 0C

1 7.00 28.5
2 6.89 28.5
3 6.44 27.8
4 5.78 28.6
5 5.45 27.9
6 5.25 28.5
7 4.67 28.6
8 4.35 27.5
9 3.89 27.5
10 3.35 28.5
11 2.80 27.0

The Table 4 revealed that the product became increasingly acidic to the desired and optimum

value of 2.80 with temperature varied considerably within the room temperature.

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954

3.2 Density of Vinegar Obtained

The density of the vinegar obtained in this experiment was 1.08 g/ml. this value compares

favorably with the standard value of 1.049 g /ml

3.3 Determination of Acid Value

Table 5: Sample of Vinegar produced

Sample Mass of 1st Titre 2nd Titre Mean Acidity Acetic acid
Vinegar Sample used (g) used (ml) used (ml) titre (ml) value (%)
100 0.90 0.80 0.85 0.0477 4.77

The Table 5 also revealed that the vinegar produced contain at least 4.77 grains acetic acid per

100 concentration i.e 4.77%. This however indicates that 0.0477 of acetic acid molecules

dissociated. And more so the grain strength of vinegar amount to 10 x the acetic acid

concentration, so 4.77% will produce 4.77 grain vinegar.

3.5 Summary of Measured Properties and Standard Values

Table 6: Measured properties and standard values

Properties Measured Standard

pH 2.80 2.4
Density 1.08 1.049
Refractive index 1.390 1.370
Viscosity 0.94cp 0.92cp
Acidity value 0.0477 0.04 - 0.05
% acetic acid 4.77 4.5

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ISSUE 2, VOLUME 3 (JUNE- 2012) ISSN: 2249-9954


The results of this research work have revealed that it is possible to produce vinegar from

pineapple peels. This was done via the use of baker yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae) as an

aerobic degradation of sugar to ethanol and Acetobacter aceti oxidizers ethanol to acetic acid

(vinegar). The various parameters evaluated compared favorably with the standard values. The

study also revealed that while cleaning the environment, an added value can be achieved through

recycle or conversion of supposed wastes into useful products which is a basic principle of

Chemical Engineering.


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