Smith 1982

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Title no. 79-22

Shear Strength of Deep Beams

by K. N. Smith and A. S. Vantsiotis

Results of tests on 52 deep reinforced concrete beams under two forcement, as well as the concrete and steel properties.
equal symmetrically placed point loads are reported. The investiga- This investigation was undertaken to provide more in-
tion's objectives were to study the effect of vertical and horizontal
web reinforcement and shear span-to-effective depth ratio on in- formation on shear failure and study web reinforce-
clined cracking shear, ultimate shear strength, midspan deflection, ment's effect on ultimate shear strength and behavior
tension reinforcement strain, and crack width. of deep reinforced concrete beams.
Test results indicated that web reinforcement produces no effect
on formation of inclined cracks and seems to moderately affect ul- TEST PROGRAM
timate shear strength. Addition of vertical web reinforcement (e, =
0. I8 to I .25 percent) improves ultimate shear strength of deep
Fifty-two simply supported deep reinforced concrete
beams. However, addition of horizontal web reinforcement (Q,h = beams were tested to failure in the laboratory investi-
0.23 to 0.91 percent) had little or no influence on ultimate shear gation. They consisted of four series A, B, C, and D
strength. Considerable increase in load-carrying capacity was ob- of 15, 16, 19, and 2 beams, respectively. Ratios of
served with increasing concrete strength and decreasing shear span- shear span to effective depth a! d of 0. 77, 1.01, 1.34,
to-effective depth ratio.
and 2.01 were used for each series, respectively. All
beams tested had a rectangular cross section. Each
Keywords: beams (supports); compressive strength; cracking (frac!Uring); deep
beams; failure; loads (forces); reinforced concrete; reinforcing steels; shear
beam was loaded directly on the top compression face
strength; span-depth ratio; web reinforcement. with two equal concentrated loads four inches from the
midspan and supported at the bottom (Fig. I). The
Because of their proportions, the strength of deep ends of all beams extended 12 inches (305 mm) beyond
beams is usually controlled by shear, rather than flex- the supports' centerline to provide adequate anchorage
ure, provided normal amounts of longitudinal rein- for the longitudinal steel in the concrete. The longi-
forcement are used. On the other hand, deep beams' tudinal steel consisted of straight bars without bent
shear strength is significantly greater than that pre- ends or hooks; different types of reinforcement used
dicted using expressions developed for slender beams, are shown in Fig. 2. Bearing plates of 4 x 4 x I in. (102
because of their special capacity to redistribute internal x 102 x 25 mm) were used at the supports and the two
forces before failure and develop mechanisms of force points of loading.
transfer quite different from beams of normal propor- Five beams were without web reinforcement. The re-
tions. As reported in literature'' for beams with ordi- maining 47 beams contained both horizontal and ver-
nary shear span-to-effective depth ratios (a! d > 2.5), tical reinforcement. Vertical web reinforcement was
inclined cracking shear is essentially ultimate shear ca- made up of closed U-shaped stirrups (#2 bars), while
pacity of a beam without web reinforcement. How- horizontal web reinforcement consisted of straight #2
ever, in deep beams aid< 2.5 without web reinforce- bars. Vertical and horizontal web reinforcement was
ment and loaded directly on the top or compression uniformly spaced in each beam, but different spacings
face, ultimate strength far exceeds inclined cracking were used for different beams. Physical properties of
shear:·• all beams tested are shown in Table I. A constant rate
Still no accurate theory exists for predicting ultimate of loading used for all beams was approximately 2 kip/
shear strength of deep reinforced concrete beams. The min (8.90 kN/min).
greater number of parameters affecting beam strength
has led to a limited understanding of shear failure.
Received May 19, 198 I. and reviewed under Institute publication policies.
These parameters include the proportions and shape of Copyright f;;J 1982, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, including
the beam, loading and support conditions, amount and the makmg of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright pro-
prtetors. Pertinent discussion will be published in the March-April 1983 ACI
arrangement of tensile, compressive, and web rein- JouRNAl if received by Dec. I, 1982. 002-8061/82/030201-13 $2.50.

ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 201

A CJ member K. N. Smith is a professor of civil engineering at the University
of Waterloo, Waterloo, Onl., Canada. He is also a partner in the consulting All tests were performed by using a closed loop MTS
firm McNeely Engineering and Structures Limited. testing system. The test setup is shown in Fig. 3. Beams
ACI member A. S. Vantsiotis received his master's degree in civil engineering
were loaded in 10 kip (44.5 kN) increments corre-
from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont., Canada in 1980. He is cur- sponding to 5 kip (22.23 kN) increments of shear in
rently a structural engineer with Morrison, Hershfield, Burgess & Huggins, the shear spans. At each load increment the total ap-
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
plied load on the beam, two end reactions, midspan
deflection, maximum crack width, and longitudinal
steel strains at midspan and points of load application
Designation of test specimens were measured. The cracks were then plotted and
Each test specimen is described by five characters. marked. The procedure was repeated for a number of
The first character is the number 0, I, 2, 3, or 4 in- load stages, until failure of the specimen occurred. A
dicating the number of vertical stirrups in the shear test was terminated when the total load on the speci-
span. The second character is the letter A, B, C, or D men started to significantly drop off. Total load input
defining the four beam series of different a/ d ratios of and midspan deflection were also recorded continu-
0.77, 1.01, 1.34, and 2.01, respectively. The third char- ously through the test and plotted on an x-y plotter. A
acter is the number 0, I, 3, 4 or 6, representing the photograph showing the cracking pattern was taken for
number of horizontal bars used for horizontal web re- each beam at the end of each test.
inforcement (bars used for longitudinal tension or
compression reinforcement are not included). The last TEST RESULTS
two characters are numbers from 01 to 52, indicating Behavior under load and failure mode
the sequence number in which the beam was tested. All 52 beams tested failed in shear. All beams were
taken to failure, i.e., the span collapsed due to exces-
sive destruction of concrete in the shear span. Photo-
Materials and testing details graphs of test specimens that show typical observed
The concrete mix contained high-early-strength port- cracking patterns and failure mode are shown in Fig.
land cement and local river aggregates. The main prop- 4 and 5. The numbers written along the cracks on the
erties (by weight) per batch were: cement 42 to 44 lb photographs indicate the termination of cracks ob-
(19 to 20 kg), sand 192 lb (87 .I kg), gravel 192 lb (87 .I served at the end of a particular load stage. The large
kg), water 32 to 40 lb (14.5 to 18.1 kg); maximum ag- numbers represent the specimen number. No cracking
gregate size Yz in. (12.7 mm). The water amount was was observed in any beam up to about 20 percent of
varied to obtain approximately the same workability ultimate load. The first vertical flexural cracks were
and slump for each batch. Concrete strengths are based formed in the region of maximum bending moment.
on 6 x 12 in. (150 x 300 mm) cylindrical test specimens, Between 40 and 50 percent of the ultimate load a sud-
cast and tested simultaneously with the beam. High den major inclined tension crack formed almost in the
strength deformed bars were used in all test beams. A middle of the shear span. Inclined tension crack angle
summary of the properties of the reinforcing bars used with respect to the horizontal plane was about 50 to
is given in Table 2. Specially manufactured steel molds 60 deg for series A, 45 to 50 deg for Series B, 40 to
were used to cast the specimens, and the concrete was 45 deg for Series C, and 35 to 40 deg for Series D
compacted by a vibrator. All beams were cured for 7 beams. In some beams these inclined cracks appear to
or 8 days before testing. The beams were painted white initiate by flexural cracks that also originated at about
on one face to facilitate crack observation. the shear span's middle. With increasing load the in-


•' a" SERIES A
x = 14• SERIES C
x = 21" SERIES 0



f----'I~Z·_•-f---~~~~~~ ~ ~ ;::·. ;~::~; ~ ~~~~-+--=--~~

Fig. 1 - Loading and supporting conditions for test beams

202 ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982
COMP.REINF 1"20]l"
TENS REIN F. 3 t5 e e I 1/8"
I TYP l e I '/4 00

# 2 TIES


i]l 5

1 00
1~ oo
1 18 . .
I 1/4


2 3;4"
HOR .WEB REIN F. 2 3/4"
3#2 2 3/4"
2 3/s"
I liB"
I 1/4"

3 11116"

3 11116 ..

1 1/8"
I I I I 1/4"


2 3/4"
2 3;4"
s'2 23r'4

------ ] 2 3/s"
I 1/B



Fig. 2 - Types of web reinforcement used

dined crack propagated backwards until it reached the identified by sudden shortening of the load increment
beam bottom at the support block's edge. In the mean- marks on the cracks that were easy to identify on the
time, the crack propagated forwards until it reached a beams. At about 85 to 90 percent of ultimate load, new
distance equal to about 0.20 of the total depth from inclined cracks were formed parallel to the line joining
the top of compression zone, underneath the loading the load edge and support blocks. Also at about the
point, and stopped there. With further increase in the same load level a tension vertical crack appeared over
applied load, the existing vertical flexural and inclined the supports. This is the result of the thrust's eccen-
shear cracks propagated very slowly while new inclined tricity which essentially acts along the inclined crack.
cracks were formed parallel to the original inclined Finally, beam failure occurred by concrete destroyed in
cracks in the shear span. An almost stable position of either the reduced compression zone at the head of the
all existing cracks was observed at approximately 60 to inclined crack and the region adjacent to the loading
70 percent of ultimate load. The stable position was block, or by fracture of the concrete along the inclined
ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 203
Table 1 - Physical properties of beams tested
Vertical web reinforcement Horizontal web reinforcement
f,:, Bar s, A. Bar s,, Avh
A" e.=-- Avh• Qvh = --
Beam a/d in/d psi size in. 2 in. sb size in. 2 in. s2 b
Series A beams

OA0-44 0.77 2.33 2970 - - - - - - -

OA0-48 0.77 2.33 3035 - - - - - - -
IAI-10 0.77 2.33 2710 #2 0.10 9 0.0028 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
IA3-II 0.77 2.33 2615 #2 0.10 9 0.0028 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
IA4-12 0.77 2.33 2330 #2 0.10 9 0.0028 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
IA4-51 0.77 2.33 2980 #2 0.10 9 0.0028 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
IA6-37 0.77 2.33 3055 #2 0.10 9 0.0028 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
2AI-38 0.77 2.33 3145 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
2A3-39 0.77 2.33 2865 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
2A4-40 0.77 2.33 2950 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
2A6-41 0.77 2.33 2775 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
3AI-42 0.77 2.33 2670 #2 0.10 2 0.0125 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
3A3-43 0.77 2.33 2790 #2 0.10 2 0.0125 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
3A4-45 0.77 2.33 3020 #2 0.10 2 0.0125 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
3A6-46 0.77 2.33 2890 #2 0.10 2 0.0125 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
Series B beams
OB0-49 1.01 2.75 3145 - - - - - - - -
IBI-01 1.01 2.75 3200 #2 0.10 10.50 0.0024 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
I B3-29 1.01 2.75 2915 #2 0.10 10.50 0.0024 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
IB4-30 1.01 2.75 3020 #2 0.10 10.50 0.0024 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
IB6-31 1.01 2.75 2830 #2 0.10 10.50 0.0024 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
2BI-05 1.01 2.75 2780 #2 0.10 6 0.0042 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
2B3-06 1.01 2.75 2755 #2 0.10 6 0.0042 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
2B4-07 1.01 2.75 2535 #2 0.10 6 0.0042 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
2B4-52 1.01 2.75 3160 #2 0.10 6 0.0042 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
2B6-32 1.01 2.75 2865 #2 0.10 6 0.0042 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
3BI-08 1.01 2.75 2355 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
3BI-36 1.01 2.75 2960 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
3B3-33 1.01 2.75 2755 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
3B4-34 1.01 2.75 2790 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
3B6-35 1.01 2.75 2995 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
4BI-09 1.01 2.75 2480 #2 0.10 ' - -2- - - - -0.0125 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
---- ---- I~ -

Series C beams
-- -- -- ,~
OC0-50 1.34 3.33 3000 - - - - - - - -
ICI-14 1.34 3.33 2790 #2 0.10 14 0.0018 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
IC3-02 1.34 3.33 3175 #2 0.10 14 0.0018 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
IC4-15 1.34 3.33 3290 #2 0.10 14 0.0018 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
IC6-16 1.34 3.33 3160 #2 0.10 14 0.0018 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
2CI-17 1.34 3.33 2880 #2 0.10 8 0.0031 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
2C3-03 1.34 3.33 2790 #2 0.10 8 0.0031 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
2C3-27 1.34 3.33 2800 #2 0.10 8 0.0031 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
2C4-18 1.34 3.33 2965 #2 0.10 8 0.0031 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
2C6-19 1.34 3.33 3010 #2 0.10 8 0.0031 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
3CI-20 1.34 3.33 3050 #2 0.10 4.5 0.0056 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
3C3-21 1.34 3.33 2400 #2 0.10 4.5 0.0056 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
3C4-22 1.34 3.33 2650 #2 0.10 4.5 0.0056 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
3C6-23 1.34 3.33 2755 #2 0.10 4.5 0.0056 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
4CI-24 1.34 3.33 2840 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
4C3-04 1.34 3.33 2690 #2 0.10 4 0.0063 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
4C3-28 1.34 3.33 2790 #2 0.10 I 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.05 2.75 0.0045
4C4-25 1.34 3.33 2685 #2 0.10 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.10 3.70 0.0068
4C6-26 1.34 3.33 3080 #2 0.10 I 3.25 0.0077 #2 0.10 2.75 0.0091
Series D beams
OD0-47 2830 - - - - - - -
401-13 2.01
4.50 2330 #2 0.10 6 #2 0.05 5.50 0.0023
All beams contained 3 #5 bars as longiiUdinal tension reinforcement; A,= 0.93 in. 2 , 11 = ~ 100 = 1.94 percent.
All beams contained I #2 bar as longitudinal compression reinforcement; A;= 0.05 in. 2, 11' = ~ !00 = 0.10 percent.
All beams had an overall depth h = 14 in., an effective depth d = 12 in., and a width b = 4 in.
I psi = 6.895 x 10· 3 MPa; I in. = 25.4mm.

crack. Crushing always occurred at a position other ance of a tied-arch system to the beams, with the ten-
than the region of maximum moment. sion reinforcement acting as the tie rod and portions
The failure mode of all beams was similar. No sig- of the beams outside the inclined cracks as compres-
nificant modes of failure changes were observed be- sion struts. This arch-type behavior was apparent in all
tween beams with or without web reinforcement. Ob- test specimens with or without web reinforcement.
served patterns of the inclined cracks gave the appear- Beams with web reinforcement exhibited considerably

204 ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982

1aote 2 - Properties of reinforcing bars
Bar size #2 #5 #5*
Cross-sectional area A in. 2 (mm 2) 0.05 (32.2) 0.31 (200) 0.31 (200)
Upper yield strength, ksi (MPa) 70.12 (483.5)
Lower yield strength, ksi (MPa) 63.43 (437.4) 62.50 (431) 61.13 (421.5)
Ultimate tensile strength, ksi (MPa) I 84.28 (581.1) 93.02 (641.4) 106.50 (734.3)
Strain at yield, percent 0.2349 0.2140 0.2170
Strain at Ultimate, percent - 16.30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _L _11.14
_ __ 10.66
------- -'------------ --

*Bars used only in beams OA0-48, OB0-49, OC0-50, and OD0-47.

I. ,. -

Fig. 3 - Test setup

44 I_
Fig. 5 - Beams with web reinforcement after failure

less damage at failure than beams without web rein-

forcement. Beams with web reinforcement exhibited
more uniform cracking and smaller crack widths at
corresponding load levels and failure. The longitudinal
bars were properly anchored at the beam ends, pre-
venting the bars from pulling out of the supports. All
end anchorages functioned properly during testing and
did not affect the mode of beam failure.

Inclined cracking and ultimate loads

Inclined cracking load is defined as the load at which
the first major inclined tension crack appears in the
shear span. This was a sudden crack that usually orig-
inated in the middle of the shear span and propagated
toward the support and loading point from a subse-
quent increase in applied load. Results of all beams
tested are summarized in Table 3. The load values are
live load only; the beam's weight was less than 400 lb
(181.5 kg). Inclined tension cracking load was observed
to be considerably less than ultimate load for tested
beams, with or without web reinforcement. Inclined
cracking and ultimate loads (twice the shear) for the
beams are plotted in Fig. 6 versus shear span-depth ra-
Fig. 4 - Beams without web reinforcement after fail- tio ald. Fig. 6 indicates a definite decrease in inclined
ure cracking and ultimate loads with increasing aid ratio.
ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 205
Test results reported in literature•·' 0 ·" also show a large are shown in Fig. 7. Inclined cracks had the greatest
increase in shear capacity beyond the inclined cracking influence on the beam behavior. Formation of the first
shear for aid < 2.5. This increase in ultimate shear major inclined cracks significantly reduced beam stiff-
strength observed in deep beams a/ d < 2.5 is mainly ness, with this effect more evident in beams with higher
attributed to the arch action that seems to decrease shear span-depth ratios (a/d).
with increasing aid ratio. In general there was little difference in deflection
manner between beams of the same series. Deflections
Deflections of beams with higher shear span-depth ratios were gen-
Total applied load (twice the shear) versus midspan erally higher for corresponding load levels. However,
deflection curves for beams without web reinforcement midspan deflection at failure was less than en/200 for
and typical curves for beams with web reinforcement tested beams.

Table 3 - Test results


Total load
(twice the shear) Midspan Maximum Maximum
Inclined Ultimate deflection crack width tensile steel
crack, load, at failure, (M,)r
of failure strain
Beam kips I (kips) in. (XIO-l in.) (xi0- 6 in./in.) M,
Senes A beams
OA0-44 33.20 62.74 0.115 32 1878 0.69
OA0-48 29.20 61.20 0.113 32 1848 0.67
IAI-10 26.00 72.50 0.154 29 2072 0.83
IA3-ll 25.20 66.70 0.132 28 1980 0.77
IA4-12 26.50 63.50 0.133 27 1840 0.77
1A4-51 35.00 76.86 0.140 30 2181 0.85
1A6-37 33.60 82.77 0.140 27 2339 0.91
2AI-38 32.20 78.46 0.145 30 2368 0.85
2A3-39 32.80 76.70 0.123 24 2267 0.86
2A4-40 32.20 77.30 0.119 27 2218 0.86
2A6-41 28.80 72.80 0.121 26 2135 0.82
3AI-42 27.00 72.40 0.125 28 2361 0.83
3A3-43 32.70 77.66 0.122 26 2272 0.88
3A4-45 25.85 80.28 0.137 25 2246 0.88
3A6-46 32.10 75.60 0.133 27 2108 ~~-
Senes B beams
080-4 9 25.50 67.00 0.173 59 2440 0.88
IBI-0 I 24.20 66.30 0.139 24 2258 0.87
183-29 24.70 64.55 0.148 29 1967 0.87
184-3 0 25.60 63.10 0.143 28 1979 0.84
186-3 I 25.80 68.95 0.142 27 2019 0.94
281-0 5 25.20 58.00 0.139 29 1968 0.79
283-0 6 27.40 59.00 0.127 27 1925 0.81
284-0 7 24.10 56.70 0.144 24 1915 0.80
284-5 2 25.80 67.40 0.145 37 2080 0.88
286-3 2 28.50 65.30 0.146 22 2070 0.88
381-08 23.90 58.80 0.155 22 2316 0.86
381-3 6 26.50 71.47 0.148 27 2387 0.96
383-3 3 25.40 71.20 0.153 25 2789 0.97
384-3 4 23.90 69.70 0.159 25 2560 0.95
386-3 5 26.10 74.70 0.163 25 2691 0.97
481-0 9 25.20 69.00 0.172 20 2506 0.96
Series C beams
OC0-50 22.25 52.00 0.207 60 2041 0.87
ICI-14 19.40 53.50 0.184 28 2740 0.91
IC3-02 26.90 55.50 0.169 28 2390 0.90
IC4-15 25.20 58.90 0.164 27 2780 0.95
IC6-16 24.50 55.00 0.168 28 2140 0.90
2CI-17 23.10 55.80 0.177 26 - 0.94
2C3-03 22.10 46.60 0.165 28 1804 0.79
2C3-27 19.00 51.85 0.157 30 2058 0.88
2C4-18 26.20 56.00 0.165 26 2190 0.93
2C6-19 22.10 55.80 0.175 24 - 0.92
3CI-20 23.40 63.30 0.210 27 2016 1.04
3C3-21 19.90 56.20 0.180 29 2280 0.99
3C4-22 23.80 57.40 0.183 18 2430 0.98
3C6-23 23.80 61.70 0.193 27 2170 1.04
4CI-24 24.60 65.90 0.220 28 2620 1.10
4C3-04 23.70 57.80 0.203 22 2380 0.98
4C3-28 23.10 68.50 0.218 . 27 - 1.15
4C4-25 23.00 68.60 0.210 24 2416 1.14
4C6-26 25.10 71.70 0.215 26 2446 1.17
Senes D beams
1 0. 78
~--- --
I kip = 4.448 kN; I in. = 25.4mm.

206 ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982


~ 0

8 0
70 ~
(300) 0 i 8
§ 0
•• 0 0
~ 0

(250) 0 8
z 50

-"' 40 0

0 t •
30 If .
' t ~

20 I .

<t CD u c
(50) en en en en
10 41 ~ ~ ~
0:: 0:: 0:: 0::
41 41 41 41
en en en en

0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2-0 2.5 3.0

Fig. 6 - Ultimate and inclined cracking loads (twice the shear) versus aid

Longitudinal steel strains beam. Maximum crack widths along the major inclined
Test results indicate that strains in the region of crack in the shear span occurred almost at middepth
maximum bending moment are almost uniform at of the beam. Beams without web reinforcement exhib-
every load level, and failure of test beams occurred ited considerably larger crack widths at failure. Web
near yielding of the main longitudinal bars. Tensile reinforcement was effective in reducing crack widths at
steel strains increased at almost a constant rate with no all corresponding load levels and particularly in beams
sudden increase observed at or after major inclined with a/d > I .0.
crack formation. No attempt was made to measure
steel strains near the supports, the location of the ma- ANALYSIS OF TEST RESULTS
jor inclined cracks. Effect of concrete strength
Studying concrete strength's effect on ultimate shear
Crack width strength of deep reinforced concrete beams was not the
Curves of the total applied load (twice the shear) intent of the investigation. However, during testing it
versus the observed maximum crack width for beams was noted that within the same series, beams with
without web reinforcement and typical curves for higher amounts of web reinforcement but lower con-
beams with web reinforcement are presented in Fig. 8. crete strengths failed at lower loads than beams with
Tests indicate that crack widths tend to increase with lower amounts of web reinforcement and higher con-
load, especially at loads higher than inclined cracking crete strengths. Examples are beams IAI-10 and 1A3-
loads. Cracks are almost uniform on both sides of the ll; 2Al-38 and 2A3-39; 2A4-40 and 2A6-41; 3A4-45
ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 207




(300) ~------
12001~ Pu •11.37+ 0-022 f~
..__.,:._.......··~ -
70 1 \ OB0-49 20 1100 I a ld • 0.11, ~nld • 2-33

/ 0
,'/'/(TYP.)SERIES C 14001
z 80!
60 • - ••• • - . - .......--··
~ 40 12001 ~Pu•27.32°+0.013f~
z 50
...: 20 a/d •1·01, fnld• 275
(200} :> CORRELATION COEF. • 0-533
0.. 0
~ 40 (TYP.l SERIES D ~ 80!14001

Cl //f>D0-47 ~ 60 ~-- ~ -~ ••- - -

0 ---- ~ 40 12001----c- pu • 46 63 + 0.003 f~ •

5:::!: 20
aid •I 34, !nld •3 33

----BEAMS WITH WEB old • 2·01 , .fn/d • 4.50

10_; LOAD

0 (~ (~2--,--_(_1_3_} --,-(4j_l_ _ _(5L_l_ (6~ 1171

IIBI 119) 1201

1211 1221 1231

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 t(; , psi ,(MPol

Fig. 9- Ultimate load P. versus concrete compressive

Fig. 7 - Load (twice the shear) versus deflection strength f',

and 3A6-46; 2B4-07 and 2B4-52; 3Cl-20 and 3C3-21;

and 4Cl-24 and 4C3-04 (Table 3). This observation in-
dicates that concrete strength could have considerable
80 influence on ultimate shear strength of deep reinforced
/ (TYP.) SERIES A concrete beams.
/ Plotting measured failure loads P. (twice the shear)
70 // ooo-q versus ~~ and Vf: for beams with constant aid ratio
(300} /
(TYP.) SERIES B -----------
// , " OAO- 4 4 ---------------
(Fig. 9 and 10) shows good correlation exists between
// _..-' OA0-48
the test data. Results from a linear regression analysis

I .-
indicate that plots of P. versus f..' result in higher cor-

relation coefficients than plots of P. versus Vf:, es-
pecially at lower aid ratios. Also, slopes of the plotted
z...: 50 I I

(200} /
lines seemed to decrease significantly with increasing
en I I aid ratios. This indicates that the influence of concrete
c. 1 I
40 I I strength on ultimate load capacity of deep reinforced

Cl I/ concrete beams is more noticeable at lower aid ratios

<( II
0 II and diminishes as the aid ratio increases. This may be
_J 30 I
I explained by the presence of dominant arching action
I in beams with low aid ratios. The beam behaves as a
(100} I
20 I short strut and tie system. Assuming that anchorage
REIN FORCE ME NT failure will not occur if adequate anchorage is provided
at the supports for the main longitudinal steel, failure
10 of the strut and tie system will be governed by concrete
compressive strength f,_' and/or by yield strength of the
(025} (050} (0.75} (1.00} (125} (1.50} main longitudinal steel. Therefore, before substantial
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 yielding of the main longitudinal steel occurs in deep
MAXIMUM WIDTH OF INCLINED CRACK in. (mm} reinforced concrete beams failing in shear, ultimate ca-
pacity of such beams is proportional to concrete com-
Fig. 8 - Load (twice the shear) versus maximum crack presive strength (' . However, because this study was
width directed at web reinforcement's effect, the range of f,_-'

208 ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982

in Fig. 9 and 10 is too restricted to be absolutely def- roo
inite regarding concrete strength's effect. 80 ~.,......._.....-­

40 12001 cPu·- 34.779 + 2-07fic

20 11001 D/d •0.77, lnld • 2·33

Effect of web reinforcement 0

The problem is calculating web reinforcement's ac-
tual contribution when a member is required to resist z ____:.! • • - . .. ;--- --·

a collapse load greater than the load that will cause 12001 --r- . ---;- ..
collapse of the same member without web reinforce- Ul
\_ Pu • - 10-40 + 1,42 R
20 otd • r.or • fn ld • 2.15
ment. Use was made of ultimate shear strength of -"" CORRElATION COEF. • 0.535
beams without web reinforcement to predict the actual
contribution of vertical and horizontal web reinforce- ~ 80}14001
ment to ultimate shear strength of deep beams with C3 60 -~ ·-·~-·---
web reinforcement. 12~
The following is assumed to be true for beams with
·-· \_ Pu • 37.98 + 0-33Rc

!;:( 20 old•l·34. 1n/d•3.33

web reinforcement :::!: O CORRElATION COEF. • 0.181

( V.), = ( VJcAL< + ( VJ Eq. (1) 80

where ( V.), = measured ultimate shear strength of 20 o/d•0,77, ~nld•4.50
beam with web reinforcement
( VJcAlc = shear strength due to concrete
( V,) = shear strength due to web reinforce- kc
Fig. 10 - Ultimate load P, versus concrete compres-
The term ( VJcALc in Eq. (I) was calculated by using sive strength Vf:
the following expression

- (('), v ' Eq. (2)

Effect of vertical web reinforcement
( VJCA/( - (('), ( .), Plots of V, versus e. for constant values of e.h are
shown in Fig. 11 to 13 for beams tested. Results of
where (('), = concrete compressive strength of beam linear regression analysis are also shown on the figures.
with web reinforcement Correlation coefficients were generally high. The low
((), = concrete compressive strength of beam correlation coefficients observed in some cases are
without web reinforcement at same aid mainly due to experimental error in the test data.
ratio The plots in Fig. 11 to 13 indicate that:
( V,)/ = measured ultimate shear strength of 1. In Series A beams, increasing vertical web rein-
beam without web reinforcement at forcement amount from e.= 0.28 to 1.25 percent seems
same aid ratio to increase slightly total shear strength provided by
web reinforcement V,. This increase was more notice-
Rearranging Eq. (1) we can express web reinforce- able in beams with lower amounts of horizontal web
ment's contribution V, to the ultimate shear strength reinforcement (e,h = 0.23 to 0.45 percent). In beams
of deep beams as with higher amounts of horizontal web reinforcement
(e,h = 0.68 to 0.91 percent), little or no increase was
Eq. (3) observed in V, with increasing vertical web reinforce-
Eq. (3) was used to evaluate the shear carried by web 2. In Series B beams vertical web reinforcement's ef-
reinforcement. Test results indicate that the ratio of fect on V, was more pronounced than in Series A
web reinforcement's total contribution to ultimate beams. Increasing vertical web reinforcement amount
shear strength of beams with web reinforcement V/ from e. = 0.23 to 0. 77 percent considerably increased
(V .), varied from 0.0 to 0.30. This shows that web re- V, for beams with horizontal shear ratios of up to e.h
inforcement increases ultimate shear strength of deep = 0.68 percent). A lower increase of V. with increasing
reinforced concrete beams. Maximum observed in- e. was seen in beams with a higher percentage of hor-
crease in ultimate shear strength was not more than 30 izontal web reinforcement (e. = 0.91 percent).
percent, even in beams with e. = 1.25 percent and e.h 3. In Series C beams, the influence of e. on V, was
= 0.91 percent. Contribution of web reinforcement more evident than either Series A or B beams. The in-
(vertical and horizontal) to ultimate shear strength crease of V, with increasing values of e. was about the
never exceeded the limiting value of 4v'f7 bd. same for all beams with low (e,h = 0.23 percent) and
ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 209
10 (40)
___v 5 • 8·1 + 0.6 Pv - - • -
140) • 8

Pvh • 0.23 Of,

6 ?
-I '!I• • Pvh • 0·23 "to

6 120)
4 COEF. •0.959
4 120) CORRELATION COEF. •0.341

6 5 .. 3.5 p~ __--r
10 (40) Pvh•0.45"f.
140) • 'Is:..::::.:-- Pvh •0.45 "to 8 ,o-'> COEF. •0.874

Jlf. 6 ,

--- - 4
(20) -I '!I

:.;: 2

0 /
0 u
..!:! 0 -2

0 ~u (40) CORRELATION COEF.• 0.969
u 10
2 Pvh'
-:Y 8
6 ./
Pvh • 0.68 "t,
(20) ~~~
CORRELATION COEF.•0.994 ;.!- 4
. ~:1~

~ 2


_ _ _ v5
•9.22 _ _ 8

._ __ --v;:-. CORRELATION
Pvh •0·91 "to

Pvh' 0.91 "f. 120) 'l,.5 .. 3·\ p~

6 4
4 2
2 0
0.0 0.50 1.00 1.50
0 0
o.o 0.50 1.00 1.50 Pv = Av/sb , /o
Pv =Av/sb,%

Fig. 11 - influence of vertical web reinforcement, Se- Fig. 12- Influence of vertical web reinforcement, Se-
ries A (a/ d = 0. 77) ries B (aid= 1.01)

high (e,h = 0.91 percent) amounts of horizontal web The plots in Fig. 14 to 16 indicate that:
reinforcement. 1. In Series A beams, a small increase in V, was ob-
In summary, Fig. 11 to 13 indicate that increasing served with increasing e.h and particularly in beams
vertical web reinforcement from e.= 0.18 to 1.25 per- with low amounts of vertical web reinforcement (e, ~
cent increases total shear strength provided by web re- 0.63 percent). In beams with high amounts of vertical
inforcement V,. The average increase observed in V, reinforcement (e.= 0.91 percent) no increase was ob-
with increasing e. was 1.40 e.. 8.60 e.. and 15.20 e. for served.
Series A, B, and C, respectively. These values indicate 2. In Series B beams, horizontal web reinforcement's
that increase in V, was small in Series A beams, but influence on V, was slightly higher than observed in
considerably higher in Series B and C beams. There- Series A beams. Increasing horizontal web reinforce-
fore, it can be concluded that effectiveness of vertical ment amount from e.h = 0.23 to 0.91 percent slightly
stirrups diminishes as shear span-depth ratio aid de- increased the V, for beams with vertical shear ratios up
creases. The y intercept in Fig. 11 to 13 indicates hor- to e. = 0.42 percent. A lower increase of V, with in-
izontal web reinforcement's contribution to V,. By ob- creasing e.h was seen in beams with higher percentages
serving the change in value of the y intercept, hori- of vertical web reinforcement (e, = 0. 77 percent).
zontal web reinforcement's influence on V, is shown to 3. In Series C beams, little or no increase was ob-
be more pronounced in Series A beams with aid< 1.0. served in V, with increasing amounts of horizontal web
reinforcement from 0.23 to 0.91 percent.
Effect of horizontal web reinforcement Fig. 14 to 16 indicate that increasing horizontal web
Plots of total shear strength provided by the web re- reinforcement Q,h = 0.23 to 0.91 percent slightly in-
inforcement V,, calculated using Eq. (3) versus hori- creases total shear strength provided by web reinforce-
zontal shear ratio percentage e.h for constant values of ment V,. The average increase observed in V, with in-
e•. are shown in Fig. 14 to 16 for beams tested. Results creasing e.h was 1.10 e,h, 3.80 e,h, and 1.10 e.h for Series
of a linear regression analysis are also shown. Corre- A, B, and C, respectively. These values indicate that
lation coefficients in general were significantly lower the increase in V, with increasing e,h was considerably
than coefficients obtained for plots of V, versus e•. less than that observed with increasing e•.
210 ACl JOURNAL I May-June 1982


Pvh • o.z3 "4

• __ ..!----,
·1·1+2.· ~- -
COEF. • 0.514
yo" •
2 4
z 2

10 0
:\· Pvh" 0.45 "4
"'Q. 10
8 :.;;:

/•' ... -

pv • 0.63 "4
.9- 2 ./ ;;;> 4 (20) CORRELATION COEF. • 0.327

:/. 2

Pvh • o.68 "4
u (40) :I
> 10 .....- _ _ _ ..__ _ _vs•9.6
8 ~: CORRELATION COEF. • 0.983
;;;> 8
-l >"' 6 Pv • 1·25 "'•
-1- 4
(20) CORRELATION COEF. • -0.442


/ 4

> 10 0.0 0.50 I.QO I.SO
(40) Pvh • 0.91 "4
8 Pvh= Avh 1 S2b ,%
6 ~~~""
(20) :J; Fig. 14 - Influence of horizontal web reinforcement,
Series A (a/ d = 0. 77)

0.0 1.00 1.50
pv=Avlsb, o/o

Fig. 13 - Influence of vertical web reinforcement, Se-

ries C, (aid = 1.34) (40)
pv • 0.24 "4

Shear strength versus flexural strength 0

(M),I M" was computed for beams tested and is -2

shown in Table 3. (M), is the computed moment at z 8 Pv. 0.42 "4

failure based on the measured load input, i.e., - CORRELATION COEF. • 0.87 7

(MuJr = (VuJ, (Distance from centerline of support to "'
Q. (20)

v •• \.6 .. ~7 Pvtl
centerline of load) 2
.!--- __.;-
0 0
M" is the flexural strength computed according to con- ~
ventional ultimate strength theory. The computed ratio ~ (40) pv • 0·77"4
(MuJrf M" varied from 0.67 to 1.17. The average ratio
• "s~.5~
...--- _.......-
-..!" 6
was 0. 78 for beams without web reinforcement, 0.82 :I (20)
0.86 for Series D beams. These values show that all > 4

beams tested had not reached their full flexural capac- >V) 2

ity at failure. However, for a few beams in Series C 0

with high amounts of vertical and horizontal web re- -2
inforcement, (M),I M" was approximately 1.0 or p • 1.25 "4

t~l f'
higher. This indicates that although these beams failed
in a mode similar to all other beams, these beams had
reached, for all practical purposes, their full flexural
Test results indicate that (M),I M" was lower for 0.0 050 1.00 1.50
beams without web reinforcement. Increasing amount
of vertical and horizontal web reinforcement increased
(M),I Mh, showing that presence of web reinforcement Fig. 15 - Influence of horizontal web reinforcement,
seems to restore normal flexural action (beam action) Series B (aid = 1.01)
ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 211
pv • 0·18 ~. loads vary between 40 and 50 percent of the ultimate
8 CORRELATION COEF. •- 0·754 loads.
6 5. Presence of vertical (Q,. = 0.18 to 1.25 percent) and
(20) horizontal (Q,.h = 0.23 to 0.91 percent) web reinforce-
ment had no effect on inclined cracking load.
0 -.-- 6. In general, web reinforcement increased ultimate
shear strength for all beams tested. Addition of up to
z 1.0
pv • 0.31 "to
1.25 percent and 0.91 percent horizontal web reinforce-
ment increased ultimate shear strength by not more
VI 6
.9- than about 30 percent. Web reinforcement's contri-
4 bution to ultimate shear strength never exceeded the
u 2 • v5 •1.57 limiting value of 4VT: bd.
_u 0 7. Presence of vertical web reinforcement increases
>u ultimate shear strength of deep beams. However, ver-
- -2

Pv • 0.56%
I tical stirrups' effectiveness seems to diminish for beams

.- .
::: y5 • ~.4 .. 1-6 Pvtl with a/d < 1.0.

>-::. 8. Horizontal web reinforcement appears to have lit-
tle influence on the ultimate shear strength. Its influ-
ence is more noticeable in beams with a/d < 1.0.

9. Increasing concrete strength increased the beam's
10 • 73~
(40) ~. ultimate load (twice the shear) capacity. This increase
P. •0.77 "to
was more pronounced in beams with low a/d ratios
and seems to diminish as a/d ratio increases.
4 (20) A subsequent paper will compare the test results with
2 present building code provisions for design of deep
reinforced concrete beams.
o.o 0.50 1.00 1.50

Pvh = Avh I s2 b ' % ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Fig. 16- Influence of horizontal web reinforcement, This study was made possible by a grant from the Natural Science
and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
Series C (a/ d = 1. 34)


A, = area of longitudinal tension reinforcement

and reduce arch action observed in deep reinforced area of longitudinal compression reinforcement
area of vertical shear reinforcement within distance s
concrete beams. area of horizontal shear reinforcement within distance
CONCLUSIONS a shear span, distance between concentrated load and face
The following conclusions can be drawn based on of the support' (distance between the center of concen-
the test results: trated load and center of support 4 ), but not more than
I .15 the clear distance between the face of the support
l. Beams generally failed in shear. Measured ulti-
and loading blocks
mate loads were considerably lower than the ultimate b width of member's compression face
loads predicted by the flexural beam theory. d distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
2. No significant change in failure mode was ob- tension reinforcement
served between different series of beams tested. Crack- f/ compressive strength of concrete measured using 6 in. by
12 in. cylinders, in psi
ing patterns were essentially the same for beams with
square root of measured compressive strength of con-
or without web reinforcement. However, less damage crete, psi
at falure was observed in beams with web reinforce- fy reinforcement's yield strength
ment. h overall depth,
3. A significant decrease in beam stiffness was ob- en = clear span measured face to face of supports
served with the major inclined crack formation in the Mn = nominal moment capacity
(M.,), = computed moment at failure based on measured load in-
shear span. But presence of a minimum amount of ver-
tical and horizontal web reinforcement Q, = 0.18 per- actual recorded inclined cracking load on beams
cent and Q,h = 0.23 percent) was effective to consider- actual recorded ultimate load on beam (twice the shear)
ably reduce crack widths and deflections after inclined spacing of vertical web reinforcement in direction par·
cracking. Therefore, a minimum percentage of web re- allel to longitudinal reinforcement
inforcement should be used for crack control. s, = spacing of horizontal web reinforcement in direction per-
pendicular to longitudinal reinforcement
4. Inclined cracking loads were considerably lower Vcr = cracking shear
than ultimate loads for beams with or without web re- ( VJcALc. shear strength provided by the concrete, calculated in ac-
inforcement. Test results show that inclined cracking cordance with Eq. (2)

212 ACI JOURNAL May-June 1982

V, shear strength provided by web reinforcement (vertical 6. ACI-ASCE Committee 426, "The Shear Strength of Reinforced
and horizontal) calculated in accordance with Eq. (3) Concrete Members, Chapters 1-4," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 99,
( Vu)r measured ultimate shear strength of a beam with web ST6, June 1973, pp. 1091-1187.
reinforcement 7. MacGregor, J. G., and Hawkins, N. M., "Suggested Revisions
measured ultimate shear strength of a beam without web to ACI Building Code Clauses Dealing with Shear Friction and Shear
reinforcement in Deep Beams and Corbels," ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 74, No.
A,! bd = longitudinal tension reinforcement ratio II, Nov. 1977, pp. 537-545.
A,! bd = longitudinal compression reinforcement ratio 8. MacGregor, J. G., and Gergely, P., "Suggested Revisions to
A~lsb = vertical web reinforcement ratio ACI Building Code Clauses Dealing with Shear in Beams," ACI
A~hl s2 b = horizontal web reinforcement ratio JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 74, No. 10, Oct. 1977, pp. 493-500.
9. ACI-ASCE Committee 426, "The Shear Strength of Reinforced
Concrete Members, Chapter 5 - Slabs," Proceedings, ASCE, V.
100, ST8, Aug. 1974, pp. 1543-1591.
10. Fereig, S. M., and Smith, K. N., "Indirect Loading on Beams
with Short Shear Spans," ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 74, No. 5,
REFERENCES May 1977, pp. 220-222.
I. Bresler, Boris, and MacGregor, James G., "Review of Concrete II. Kani, G. N. J., "The Riddle of Shear Failure and Its Solu-
Beams Failing in Shear," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 93, STI, Feb. tion," ACI JouRNAL, Proceedings V. 61, No.4, Apr. 1964, pp. 441-
1967, pp. 343-372. 467.
2. Kani, Mario W.; Huggins, Mark W.; and Wittkopp, Rudi R., 12. Park, Robert, and Paulay, Thomas, Reinforced Concrete
Editors, Kani on Shear in Reinforced Concrete, University of To- Structures, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1975, pp. 270-343.
ronto Press, 1979, 225 pp. 13. Fereig, S. M ., "Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with
3. ACI-ASCE Committee 326, "Shear and Diagonal Tension," Short Shear Spans Under Bending Moment and Shear Force," (PhD
ACI JoURNAL, Proceedings V. 59, No. 2, Feb. 1962, pp. 277-333. thesis, University of Waterloo, 1975), 240 pp.
4. dePaiva, H. A. Rawdon, and Siess, Chester P., "Strength and 14. ACI Committee 318, "Building Code Requirements for Rein-
Behavior of Deep Beams in Shear," Proceedings, ASCE, V. 91, ST5, forced Concrete (ACI 318-77)," American Concrete Institute, De-
Part I, Oct. 1965, pp. 19-41. troit, 1977, 102 pp.
5. ACI-ASCE Committee 426, "Suggested Revisions to Shear Pro- 15. ACI Committee 318, "Commentary of Building Code Re-
visions for Building Codes," (ACI 426.1R77), American Concrete quirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-77)," American Con-
Institute, Detroit, 1979, 84 pp. crete Institute, Detroit, 1977, 132 pp.

ACI JOURNAL I May-June 1982 213

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