Determining F Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness Numbers: Standard Test Method For

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The document describes the procedure and calculations for determining floor flatness and levelness numbers based on ASTM standard E1155M.

The document is describing the procedure and calculations for determining floor flatness and levelness numbers based on raw elevation data collected from a concrete test pad.

The steps involved in calculating the F-numbers include determining the mean and standard deviation for each test line, calculating the Ff and Fl numbers for each line, and determining the composite and overall F-numbers.

Standard Test Method for

Determining F F Floor Flatness and

F L Floor Levelness

Based on the
ASTM International Designation
E 1155 M - 96 (Reapproved 2001)

Excel Sheet Developed

April 2003

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

Alignment Engineering Group
Type I Flatness Raw Data
(height units = mm)

Test Sample j=0 Test Sample j=1

Reading Points Elevation Reading Points Elevation
Name hi Name hi
P 0 418.617 P 0 418.592
P 1 419.938 P 1 421.081
P 2 421.894 P 2 422.072
P 3 423.748 P 3 421.513
P 4 425.221 P 4 420.040
P 5 424.739 P 5 421.132
P 6 423.799 P 6 420.675
P 7 424.307 P 7 421.640
P 8 425.425 P 8 421.894
P 9 424.688 P 9 421.538
P 10 423.164 P 10 421.183
P 11 422.758 P 11 421.894
P 12 420.472 P 12 419.684
P 13 416.738 P 13 420.040
P 14 P 14 417.982
P 15 P 15
P 16 P 16
P 17 P 17
P 18 P 18
P 19 P 19

Test Sample j=2 Test Sample j=3

Reading Points Elevation Reading Points Elevation
Name hi Name hi
P 0 418.338 P 0 418.617
P 1 419.659 P 1 418.973
P 2 419.227 P 2 419.100
P 3 419.227 P 3 420.878
P 4 418.668 P 4 419.989
P 5 418.186 P 5 419.227
P 6 418.973 P 6 419.684
P 7 419.379 P 7 420.751
P 8 420.141 P 8 420.065
P 9 419.532 P 9 421.259
P 10 418.643 P 10 421.386
P 11 418.719 P 11 418.846
P 12 416.763 P 12 419.887
P 13 414.782 P 13 418.363
P 14 P 14
P 15 P 15
P 16 P 16
P 17 P 17
P 18 P 18
P 19 P 19

Type I Raw Data

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Type I Raw Data Continued
(height units = mm)

Test Sample j=4 Test Sample j=5

Reading Points Elevation Reading Points Elevation
Name hi Name hi
P 0 418.846 P 0 419.735
P 1 418.135 P 1 420.370
P 2 418.998 P 2 421.640
P 3 419.405 P 3 422.199
P 4 420.294 P 4 423.342
P 5 420.370 P 5 423.748
P 6 421.640 P 6 423.875
P 7 421.259 P 7 424.688
P 8 422.910 P 8 423.672
P 9 423.926 P 9 423.672
P 10 424.053 P 10 424.282
P 11 423.164 P 11 422.148
P 12 422.732 P 12 420.624
P 13 422.834 P 13
P 14 421.513 P 14
P 15 P 15
P 16 P 16
P 17 P 17
P 18 P 18
P 19 P 19

Test Sample j=6 Test Sample j=7

Reading Points Elevation Reading Points Elevation
Name hi Name hi
P 0 P 0
P 1 P 1
P 2 P 2
P 3 P 3
P 4 P 4
P 5 P 5
P 6 P 6
P 7 P 7
P 8 P 8
P 9 P 9
P 10 P 10
P 11 P 11
P 12 P 12
P 13 P 13
P 14 P 14
P 15 P 15
P 16 P 16
P 17 P 17
P 18 P 18
P 19 P 19

Type I Raw Data

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Type I or II Flatness: Procedure and Calculations

(Height Units = mm)

Data Entry Field
Section 7 Tests: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)

Slab Dimensions
Width (m) 3.36 Pass 7.2.1 Area (m2): 20.53 Pass 7.2.1
Length (m) 6.11 Pass 7.2.1

Applicable Tests and Warnings

Section Comment Calcs
7.3.1 Make sure no sample line < 3.3 meters in length NO 600 mm edge restriction <= Area excluded (m2) => 15.21
7.3.3 Make sure no sample lines closer than 1.2 meters to each other
7.4, 7.5 Slab is large enough <= Max # points on longest diag => 16
7.6 Minimum number of zi values has been met <= (Nmin): => 10
7.7 Construction joints are not presently accounted for

Section 8 Procedure and Tests: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)

8.1 Name of Subject Building

SPEAR3 Concrete Test Pad

Building Location
Behind Fort Apache on hill top

Installation Date of Subject Floor (MM/DD/YY)


Floors Specified F f and F l Values

Composite Values for Entire Floor Minimum Values For Any Section
Ff 30 Ff 15
Fl 20 Fl 10

Instrument Make, Model and Serial Number

K+E Site Level, PC14688, SN 71-1111 with K+E 40 Rod

Date of Test (MM/DD/YY)

Note 5: Ref. ACI 117-90 requires
Crew tolerances be check within 72 hours
Banuelos, Griffin, Gaudreault of concrete pour.

Procedure and Calculations

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Section 8 Procedure and Tests: (continued)

8.2 Lay out the test surface.

8.2.1 Divide entire test surface into test sections. (i.e. divide large area into sub-areas)
Assign unique ID number to each test section and note locations

ID Number Location Details


- - - if more rows are needed, continue entering values on the "Overall F-Numbers" TAB section - - -

8.2.2 Determine number and location of all sample measurement lines

Assign different number for each line in test area starting with j = 0
Record locations of all line starting and stopping points and mark on surface

8.2.3 Test section width < 7.5 so orient sample lines 45° to longest const. joint
Do NOT orient sample lines corner to corner

8.3 Collected Type I or Type II raw data ===> Type: I

Type I: Instruments that measure point elevations (see 6.1.1)

Type II: Instruments that measure change in elevations (see 6.1.2)

8.3.1 Ensure each sample measurement line subdivided into 300 mm intervals
Starting point is designated as P0 for each line

8.3.2 TYPE I Data Entered: Measure and record in sequence the elevations (mm) of all points

Procedure and Calculations

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Section 9 Calculations: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)

9.2 The chart below is a subjective quality control check for gross anomalies
Check each profile to ensure it really represents the actual floor

0 1 2 3 4 5
ASTM E 1155 M Section 9.2 Straight Line Graph


Height (mm)

0 1
2 3 4
4 5
6 7 2
8 9 10 Sample Line
Point (Pi)
11 12 0

9.4 For each test sample line j the profile curvatures are calculated pos = trough
neg = crest

0 1 2 3 4 5
q2 0.635 -1.499 -1.753 -0.229 1.575 0.635
q3 -0.102 -1.549 0.432 1.651 -0.457 -0.711
q4 -0.381 -0.914 -0.559 -2.667 0.483 0.584
q5 -1.956 2.565 0.076 0.127 -0.813 -0.737
q6 -0.457 -1.549 1.270 1.219 1.194 -0.279
q7 1.448 1.422 -0.381 0.610 -1.651 0.686
q8 0.610 -0.711 0.356 -1.753 2.032 -1.829
q9 -1.854 -0.610 -1.372 1.880 -0.635 1.016
q10 -0.787 0.000 -0.279 -1.067 -0.889 0.610
q11 1.118 1.067 0.965 -2.667 -1.016 -2.743
q12 -1.880 -2.921 -2.032 3.581 0.457 0.610
q13 -1.448 2.565 -0.025 -2.565 0.533
q14 -2.413 -1.422

Procedure and Calculations

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Section 9 Calculations: (continued)

9.5 For each test sample line j the elevation differences zi are calculated. Points are
separated by 3 meters

Positive = uphill change in elevation Negative = downhill change in elevation

0 1 2 3 4 5
z10 4.547 2.591 0.305 2.769 5.207 4.547
z11 2.819 0.813 -0.940 -0.127 5.029 1.778
z12 -1.422 -2.388 -2.464 0.787 3.734 -1.016
z13 -7.010 -1.473 -4.445 -2.515 3.429
z14 -2.057 1.219

9.6 For each test sample line j the mean qij is calculated (from section 9.4)
9.7 For each test sample line j the standard deviation S q j is calculated (from section 9.4)

0 1 2 3 4 5
qij (mm) -0.421 -0.350 -0.275 -0.157 -0.047 -0.196
Sq j (mm ) 1.201 1.776 1.026 2.039 1.175 1.207

9.8 For each test sample line j the mean zij is calculated (from section 9.5)
9.9 For each test sample line j the standard deviation S z j is calculated (from section 9.5)

0 1 2 3 4 5
zij (mm) -0.267 -0.503 -1.886 0.229 3.724 1.770
Sz j (mm ) 5.148 2.134 2.048 2.192 1.602 2.781

9.10 For each test sample line j the F f j Flatness Number is calculated (sec. 9.6 and 9.7)

0 1 2 3 4 5
FF j 28.8 20.4 34.6 18.5 32.4 30.4
r 12 13 12 12 13 11

9.11 Calculation of the COMPOSITE F F Flatness Number estimate

Based upon 73 readings of 600 mm profile curvatures, the test section

has an estimated Flatness F -Number of =====> F F 25.2

Procedure and Calculations

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Section 9 Calculations: (continued)

9.12 For each test sample line j the F L j Levelness Number is calculated (sec. 9.8 and 9.9)

0 1 2 3 4 5
FL j 20.0 45.6 39.2 46.2 36.9 31.1
r 4 5 4 4 5 3

9.13 Calculation of the COMPOSITE F L Levelness Number estimate

Based upon 25 readings of 3 m elevation differences, the test section

has an estimated Levelness F -Number of ====> F L 32.5

9.14 Calculation of the 90% confidence intervals, CI90%

CI90% ==> 14.6

F -Number 90% Confidence Interval ===> 21.5 to 28.8

CI90% ==> 25.3

F -Number 90% Confidence Interval ===> 24.3 to 40.8

9.15 Enter all test section (sub-section) area and F values on "Overall F-Numbers"
TAB page to compute the overall F F and F L Numbers for the entire test surface

Overall F F ====>
Overall F L ====>

Section 10 Report: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)

10.1 Summary of each test section results: (Namely 9.1, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.10 to 9.14)
To satisfy this condition, print all TAB pages in this report for this concrete test
section and all TAB pages in every other sectional report

10.2 Final F -Numbers for this particular test section at 90% confidence

F f 25.2 ( 21.5 - 28.8 )

F l 32.5 ( 24.3 - 40.8 )

Procedure and Calculations

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Section 10 Report: (continued)

10.3 Maximum qi for each straight section (choose construction joints if applicable)

0 1 2 3 4 5
qmax 1.448 2.565 1.270 3.581 2.032 1.016

10.4 Overall F-Number results for entire test surface

Warning: The values below may not include all test surfaces. See "Overall F-Numbers"

Overall FF =>
Overall FL =>

Sections 11 and 12 Precision and Bias Factors: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)

11.2 On very level floors the F -Numbers could be computed as functions of only the
standard deviations if the sample size is large enough. For interest only all test
sample lines are computed using this criteria in the following table:

11.3 99.73% of all q i and z i readings have absolute max q and z values less than of
equal to:


0 1 2 3 4 5
FF 32.1 21.7 37.6 18.9 32.8 32.0
FL 7.5 18.1 18.9 17.6 24.1 13.9
qmax (mm) 3.605 5.330 3.078 6.119 3.527 3.622
zmax (mm) 15.450 6.404 6.145 6.579 4.808 8.347

12.1 The repeatability standard deviation for both F F and F L is less than 0.25

12.2 ASTM Test Method E 1155 has no bias by definition

Procedure and Calculations

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