Determining F Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness Numbers: Standard Test Method For
Determining F Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness Numbers: Standard Test Method For
Determining F Floor Flatness and Floor Levelness Numbers: Standard Test Method For
Based on the
ASTM International Designation
E 1155 M - 96 (Reapproved 2001)
Slab Dimensions
Width (m) 3.36 Pass 7.2.1 Area (m2): 20.53 Pass 7.2.1
Length (m) 6.11 Pass 7.2.1
Building Location
Behind Fort Apache on hill top
8.2.1 Divide entire test surface into test sections. (i.e. divide large area into sub-areas)
Assign unique ID number to each test section and note locations
- - - if more rows are needed, continue entering values on the "Overall F-Numbers" TAB section - - -
8.2.3 Test section width < 7.5 so orient sample lines 45° to longest const. joint
Do NOT orient sample lines corner to corner
8.3.1 Ensure each sample measurement line subdivided into 300 mm intervals
Starting point is designated as P0 for each line
8.3.2 TYPE I Data Entered: Measure and record in sequence the elevations (mm) of all points
9.2 The chart below is a subjective quality control check for gross anomalies
Check each profile to ensure it really represents the actual floor
0 1 2 3 4 5
ASTM E 1155 M Section 9.2 Straight Line Graph
Height (mm)
0 1
2 3 4
4 5
6 7 2
8 9 10 Sample Line
Point (Pi)
11 12 0
9.4 For each test sample line j the profile curvatures are calculated pos = trough
neg = crest
0 1 2 3 4 5
q2 0.635 -1.499 -1.753 -0.229 1.575 0.635
q3 -0.102 -1.549 0.432 1.651 -0.457 -0.711
q4 -0.381 -0.914 -0.559 -2.667 0.483 0.584
q5 -1.956 2.565 0.076 0.127 -0.813 -0.737
q6 -0.457 -1.549 1.270 1.219 1.194 -0.279
q7 1.448 1.422 -0.381 0.610 -1.651 0.686
q8 0.610 -0.711 0.356 -1.753 2.032 -1.829
q9 -1.854 -0.610 -1.372 1.880 -0.635 1.016
q10 -0.787 0.000 -0.279 -1.067 -0.889 0.610
q11 1.118 1.067 0.965 -2.667 -1.016 -2.743
q12 -1.880 -2.921 -2.032 3.581 0.457 0.610
q13 -1.448 2.565 -0.025 -2.565 0.533
q14 -2.413 -1.422
9.5 For each test sample line j the elevation differences zi are calculated. Points are
separated by 3 meters
9.6 For each test sample line j the mean qij is calculated (from section 9.4)
9.7 For each test sample line j the standard deviation S q j is calculated (from section 9.4)
0 1 2 3 4 5
qij (mm) -0.421 -0.350 -0.275 -0.157 -0.047 -0.196
Sq j (mm ) 1.201 1.776 1.026 2.039 1.175 1.207
9.8 For each test sample line j the mean zij is calculated (from section 9.5)
9.9 For each test sample line j the standard deviation S z j is calculated (from section 9.5)
0 1 2 3 4 5
zij (mm) -0.267 -0.503 -1.886 0.229 3.724 1.770
Sz j (mm ) 5.148 2.134 2.048 2.192 1.602 2.781
9.10 For each test sample line j the F f j Flatness Number is calculated (sec. 9.6 and 9.7)
0 1 2 3 4 5
FF j 28.8 20.4 34.6 18.5 32.4 30.4
r 12 13 12 12 13 11
9.12 For each test sample line j the F L j Levelness Number is calculated (sec. 9.8 and 9.9)
0 1 2 3 4 5
FL j 20.0 45.6 39.2 46.2 36.9 31.1
r 4 5 4 4 5 3
9.15 Enter all test section (sub-section) area and F values on "Overall F-Numbers"
TAB page to compute the overall F F and F L Numbers for the entire test surface
Overall F F ====>
Overall F L ====>
10.1 Summary of each test section results: (Namely 9.1, 9.3, 9.4 and 9.10 to 9.14)
To satisfy this condition, print all TAB pages in this report for this concrete test
section and all TAB pages in every other sectional report
10.2 Final F -Numbers for this particular test section at 90% confidence
10.3 Maximum qi for each straight section (choose construction joints if applicable)
0 1 2 3 4 5
qmax 1.448 2.565 1.270 3.581 2.032 1.016
Overall FF =>
Overall FL =>
Sections 11 and 12 Precision and Bias Factors: (See ASTM E 1155M for details)
11.2 On very level floors the F -Numbers could be computed as functions of only the
standard deviations if the sample size is large enough. For interest only all test
sample lines are computed using this criteria in the following table:
11.3 99.73% of all q i and z i readings have absolute max q and z values less than of
equal to:
12.1 The repeatability standard deviation for both F F and F L is less than 0.25