Design of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger: NPTEL - Chemical Engineering - Chemical Engineering Design - II

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NPTEL – Chemical Engineering – Chemical Engineering Design - II

Module # 2
2.1.Design pressure and temperature
2.2.Materials of construction
2.3Design components
2.3.1. Shell diameter and thickness
2.3.2. Shell cover
2.3.3. Channel covers diameter and thickness
2.3.4. Pass partition plate
2.3.5 . Tube sheet thickness
2.3.6. Impingement plates or baffles
2.3.7. Nozzles and branch pipes
2.3.8. Gaskets
2.3.9. Bolts design
2.3.10. Design of flange
2.3.11. Design of supports
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Lecture 1: Mechanical Design Standards


Mechanical design of heat exchangers includes design of various pressure
and non-pressure parts. The structural rigidity and satisfactory service of
heat exchangers depends on the appropriate mechanical design. Mechanical
design is generally performed according to the design standardsand codes.
Some mechanical design standards used in heat exchanger design are:
TEMA (United States), IS:4503-1967 (India);BS: 3274 (United Kingdom)
and BS: 20414 (United Kingdom). The design structure of IS: 4503-1967 is
provided in Table 2.1 [1].
Most countries of the world follow the TEMA (Tubular Exchanger
Manufacturers Association) standards for the mechanical design of unfired
shell and tube heat exchangers. The TEMA standards are applicable for the
maximum shell ID and wall thickness of 60 and 2 inch, a maximum design
pressure of 3000 psi and a maximum nominal diameter (inch) × design
pressure (psi) of 60000 lb/in, respectively[2].
Three basic classes of TEMA standards are: ‘C’, ‘B’ and ‘R’.
- The class ‘C’ specifies the standards for general service exchangers.
- The class ‘B’ specifies the standards of heat exchangers for chemical
- The class ‘R’ specifies the standards of heat exchangers for more
application in petroleum and related processes.
Seven types of shells are standardized by the TEMA. The TEMA standards
also specify the types of front-end, shell, and rear-end of shell and tube
exchangers as shown in Figure 2.1. For example, a fixed tube-sheet type
BEM exchanger is illustrated in
Figure1. 2 of module #1.
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Table 2.1. Structure of IS: 4503-1967[1].

Part 1 Scope Part 13 Baffles and support plates
Part 2 Types and nomenclature Part 14 Floating heads
Channels and channel
Part 3 Terminology Part 15 covers
Classification and permitted
Part 4 pressures Part 16 Nozzles and branch pipes
Part 5 Material of constructions Part 17 Gaskets and gland packings
Part 6 Design stress Part 18 Flanges

Part 7 General design Part 19 Supports

Part 8 Corrosion and corrosion allowance Part 20 Inspection
Part 9 Shells Part 21 Testing
Part 10 Tubes Part 22 Marking
Part 11 Tube sheet Part 23 Preparation for dispatch
Part 12 Shell covers Part 24 Certificates of compliance
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Figure 2.1. Types of shells, front end and rear ends (TEMA classifications) [3].

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2.1. Design pressure and temperature
Design pressure of a heat exchanger is the gage pressure at the top of the
vessel. This pressure is used to determine the minimum wall thickness of the
various pressure parts. The IS: 4503 species that the design pressure should
at least 5% greater than the maximum allowable working pressure. Usually a
10% higher value is used. The maximum allowable working pressure is the
gage pressure for a specified operating temperature that is permitted for the
service of the exchanger units. According the IS: 4503, the shell and tube
sides pressure should be specified individually. The design pressure
specification is at 250, 120 and 65ºC for carbon steel, stainless steel and
non-ferrous metals respectively. The maximum permissible stresses for
various heat exchanger components should not be exceeded at the allowable
The design temperature is used to determine the minimum wall thickness of
various parts of the exchanger for a specified design pressure. It is normally
10ºC greater than the maximum allowable temperature.
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2.2. Materials of construction

All materials used construction of shell and heat exchangers for pressure
parts must have the appropriate specification as given in IS: 4503 Appendix
C. The materials of construction should becompatible with process fluids
and others parts of materials and also should be cost effective. The
maximum permitted operating fluid temperatures should not exceeds for the
various pressure-retaining components as specified by IS:4503 given
inTable 2.2 [1].High chrome-Mo-Ni alloys (Cr content 12-27%)can be used
for high temperature services upto 2100ºC. Useof any carbon or low alloy
steel is not recommended for the construction of heat exchangers forthe
service below 0ºC.
Table 2.2. Materials of constructions [1].

Materials of Allowable fluid temperature, °C

construction (°F)

Carbon steel 540 (1004)

C-Mo steel 590 (1094)
Cr-Mo steel 650 (1202)
Low alloy steel (< 6 %
Cr) 590 (1094)
Alloy steel (<17 % Cr) 590 (1094)
Austenitic Cr-Ni steel 650 (1202)
Cast iron 200 (392)
Brass 200 (392)
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Lecture 2: Design Components

2.3 Design components
The major mechanical design components of shell and tube heat exchangers
are: shell andtube-sheet thickness, shell cover, flanges, nozzles, gaskets,
stress calculations and design of supports.
2.3.1. Shell diameter and thickness
The nominal diameter (outside diameter in millimeters rounded is to the
nearest integer) of the heat exchanger is specified inIS: 2844-1964 in case of
shells manufactured from flat sheet. The following diameters (in mm) should
be preferably used in the case of cylindrical pipe shell: 159, 219, 267, 324,
368, 419, 457, 508, 558.8, 609.6, 660.4, 711.2,762, 812.8, 863.6, 914.4 and
The shell thickness ( ) can be calculated from the equation below based
on the maximum allowable stress and corrected for joint efficiency [2]:

= +

=shell thickness

= design pressure
= Shell ID

=Maximum allowable stress of the material of

construction =Joint efficiency (usually varies from
0.7 to 0.9)
The minimum shell thicknesses should be decided in compliance with the
nominal shell diameter including the corrosion allowance as specified by IS:
4503. Usually the minimum shell thicknesses are in order for various
materials for the same service:Cast iron> Carbon steel≥ Al and Al-alloys (up
to 700°C)> Cu and Cu-alloys≥ Ni≥ Austenitic stainless steel= Monel
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2.3.2. Shell cover

There are different types shell covers used in shell and tube heat exchangers:
flat, torispherical, hemispherical, conical and ellipsoidal. Out of various
types of head covers, torispherical head is the most widely used in chemical
industries for operating pressure up to 200psi.The thickness of formed head
is smaller than the flat for the same service [2].Accordingthe IS: 4503, the
minimum thickness of the shell cover should be at least equal to the
thickness of the shell.
The required thickness of a torispherical head ( ) can be determined by:

(2 fJ 0.2 
th  p) c

 R
1 i
W  3 
 
4 i 
= Crown radius, =Knucle radius, =corrosion allowance
2.3.3. Channel coversdiameter and thickness
The outside diameter of the channel shall be the same as that of the shell.
The thickness of the channel shall be greater of the two values: (i) shell
thickness or (ii) thickness calculated on the basis of the design shown below
The effective channel cover thickness ( in mm) is calculated from the
formula (IS:4503 section 15.6.1)[1]:
=1 10

= diameter of the cover [mm] usually same as the outside shell diameter
1= a factor which is 0.25 when the cover is bolted with fullfaced gaskets
and 0.3 when bolted with narrow faced or ring type gaskets = design
pressure in kgf/cm2and
= allowable stress value in kgf/mm2 at design temperature
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2.3.4. Pass partition plate

IS: 4503, specifies that the minimum thickness of channel pass partition
plates including corrosion allowance should be 10 mm for both carbon steel
and alloy upto channel size of 600 mm. For higher channel size, the same
should be 13 mm carbon steel and 10 mm for alloy.
2.3.5. Tube sheet thickness
Tube sheet is a circular flat plate with regular pattern drilled holes according
to the tube sheet layouts. The open end of the tubes is connected to the tube
sheet. The tube sheet is fixed with the shell and channel to form the main
barrier for shell and tube side fluids. The tube sheet is attached either by
welding (called integral construction) or bolting (called gasketed
construction) or a combination of both types. The typical tube sheet
construction is in Figure 2.2.
The minimum tube-sheet thickness (TEMA standard) to ‘resist
bending’can be calculated by [2]:
 p P
ts 3 kf

Where, =1 for fixed tube and floating type tube sheet; =1.25 for U-tube tube
=diameter over which pressure is acting (for fixed tube sheet heat
exchanger = , shell ID; is port inside diameter for kettle type, for floating
tube sheet shall be used for stationery tube sheet).

= allowable stress for the tube sheet material

Mean 0.907
ligament efficiency ( ):
=1− for triangular pitch

= 1 − 0.785 for square or rotated pitch

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The effective pressure, = + or = + when the tube sheet is extended as a

flange for bolting heads.
= shell side pressure, = tube side pressure, = equivalent bolting pressure

For fixed tube sheet and U-tube tube sheet, is effective shell side or
effective tube side pressure as defined by TEMA standards[3].
The effective tube sheet to ‘resist shear’ is given by:

4 is the equivalent diameter of the perforated
Where,= tube sheet

is the perimeter measured by connecting the center to center of the

outermost tubes of tube layout.
=Total area enclosed by
The shear formula does not control the tube sheet thickness when:
< 1.6 1 −

The effective thickness of the tube sheets also can be calculated by the
method given in Appendix Eof IS:4503, by trial and error approach. IS:4503
specifies that the minimum tube sheet thickness should be between 6 and
25.4 mm based on the outside tube diameter.

shell shell l
channel channel channel

tube tube tube

tube sheet tube sheet tube sheet
a). b). c).

Figure 2.2. Tube sheet connections: a) Integral construction on both

sides, b). one side integral construction and other side gasketed
construction, c). both side gasketed construction.
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2.3.6. Impingement plates or baffles

Impingement plates are fixed on the tube side between the tube bundle and
inlet nozzle to deflect the liquid or vapor-liquid mixture to protect the tubes
from erosion. According to the IS:4503, the protection against impingement
may not be required for the services involving non-corrosive, non-abrasive,
single phase fluids having entrance line values of 2 <125, where is the linear
velocity of the fluid in m/s and is the density in g/cm 3. In all other cases, the
tube bundle at the entrance against impinging fluids should be protected.
Usually a metal plate about ¼ inch (6 mm) thick is used as the impingement
2.3.7. Nozzles and branch pipes
The wall thickness of nozzles and otherconnections shall be not less than
that defined for the applicableloadings, namely, pressure temperature,
bending and static loads (IS:4503). Butin no case, the wall thickness of
ferrous piping,excluding the corrosion allowance shall be less than (0.04 +
2.5) mm,where is the outside diameter of the connection. The typical nozzle
size with shell ID is provided in Table 2.3.
Table 2.3. Nozzle size with shell ID.
Shell ID, inch Nozzle ID, inch

<12 2
12 to 7.25 3
19.25 to 21.25 4
23.23 to 29 6
31-38 8
>39 10

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Lecture 3: Design Components

2.3.8. Gaskets
Gaskets are used to make the metaltometal surfaces leak-proof. Gaskets are
elasto-plastic materials and relatively softer than the flange materials.
Deformation of gaskets under load seals the surface irregularities between
metal to metal surfaces and prevents leakage of the fluid.For design
pressures<16 kgf/cm2 and when there is no contact with oil or oil vapor, the
compressed asbestos fiber, natural or synthetic rubber or other suitable
gasket and packing materials having the appropriate mechanical and
corrosion resisting properties may be used (IS:4503).
A preliminary estimation of gaskets is done using following expression:
= –( )
The residual gasket force should be greater than that required to prevent
the leakage of the internal fluid. This condition results the final
expression in the form of:
= − (2.10)

( +1)
=outside gasket diameter [mm]
=inside gasket diameter [mm]; usually, =
+0.25 =design pressure

Y= minimum design seating stress (Table 2.4)

= gasket factor (Table 2.4)
Calculate the width of the gasket width, =( − )/2 (2.11)
[The IS:4503 specifies that the minimum width of peripheral ring
gaskets for external joints shall be 10 mm for shell sizes up to 600 mm
nominal diameter and 13 mm for all larger shell sizes]
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Table 2.4. Gasket factors and minimum gasket seating force [4].
Gasket materials Gasket Maximum design seating
factor stress ( ), kgf/mm2
( )
Flat l Soft Al 3.25 3.87
asbestos Soft Cu or brass 3.50 4.57
fill Iron or soft steel 3.75 5.35
Monel 3.50 5.62
Chrome 4-6% 3.75 6.33
Stainless steel 3.75 6.33
Solid flat metal Soft Al 4.00 6.19
Soft Cu or brass 4.75 9.14
Iron or soft steel 5.50 12.65
Monel 6.00 15.32
Chrome 4-6% 6.00 15.32
Stainless steel 6.50 18.28
metal Soft Al 2.50 2.04
with asbestos
fill Soft Cu or brass 2.75 2.60
Iron or soft steel 3.00 3.16
Monel 3.00 3.87
Chrome 4-6% 3.25 3.87
Stainless steel 3.50 4.57

2.3.9. Bolts design

The bolt design procedure is as follows:
The minimum initial bolt load ( 1) at atmospheric pressure and
temperature is given by:

W bGY
1 (2.12)
The gasket is compressed under tight pressure. The required bolt load ( 2) is
given by:
 H   2bGmp 
m H  G2 p
2 P 4
Where, mean gasket diameter,
Total hydrostatic end force, 2
= (2.15)
Total joint contact surface compression load,= 2 (2.16)

Effective gasket seating width, 1inch (6 mm) and

= for< =0.5 for>

1inch (6
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Basic gasket seating width= /2 for flat flange (2.17)

Determine the controlling load: the greater value of2or 1
Calculate the required (minimum) bolt crosssectional area, based on the

2 1
= (2.18)

= allowable bolt stress at design temperature, = allowable bolt stress

at ambient temperature
Select the number ofbolts (usually a multiple of 4 is used), bolt circle
diameter ( ), root diameter ( ) and bolt edge distance ( )(follow IS: 4864-
1968, to select bolts details). From the number ofbolts chosen, find out the
actual bolt area ( ). Always should be greaterthan .

Check for the minimum gasket width,= (2.19)

should be greater than.
2.3.10. Design of flange
Calculation of flange
Hydrostatic end force on area inside of the flange is
given,= (2.20)

Where, is the centre line to centre line bolt-spacing can be taken same as
outside shell diameter)
Pressure force on the flange face,= − (2.21)
Gasket load under operating conditions,= − (2.22)
For gasket seating condition,= (2.23)
Calculation of flange moment:
Calculate the summation of flange moments for the operating
= + + (2.24)
Moment due to ,=; where= ( − )/2 (2.25)
Moment due to,=; where= ( + )/2 (2.26)
Moment due to,=; where= ( − )/2 (2.27)
+ for gasket seating condition
The flange bolt load,= and, (2.28)
= 2forthe operating condition (2.29)
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Calculate the flange moment for the gasket seating ( −)

condition:= (2.30)

Calculate the flange thickness ( ) based on the maximum value for the
gasket seating condition or operating condition given by:

= which one is greater (2.31)

= allowable flange stress at design temperature, = allowable flange stress

at ambient temperature.
You can determine Y as a function of . The value is available in standard
pressure vessel design book. You may find from reference [4] (page 238,
Figure 12.22).
= ; where flange OD, =bolt circle ( ) diameter + 2

[The standards of flanges, gaskets, and flange faces design are given in IS:
1968 to IS: 4870-1968]
2.3.11. Design of supports
The selection of the type of support for a pressure vessel depends on various
parameters like the vessel elevation from the ground, materials of
construction, wall thickness, operating temperature, external loads (such as
wind loads, seismic condition etc).Supports for The vertical pressure vessels
units are supported generally by i). skirt supports, ii). ring supports and
iii).lug supports. Whereas, the horizontal pressure vessels are supported by
i). saddle supports, ii). leg supports and iii). ring supports. Saddle supports
are widely used in horizontal heat exchanger units.
IS:4503 specifies that the horizontal heat exchanger units shall be provided
with at least two supporting saddles with holes for anchor bolts. The holes in
at least one of the supports shall be elongated to provide for expansion of the
shell. The vertical units shall be provided with at least two supports of
sufficient size to carry the unit in a supporting structure of sufficient width to
clear shell flanges.

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Lecture 4: Hand on Calculations

Part 2: Mechanical design
(Part 1: Thermal design calculation is given in module #1)
The process design of shell and tube for single phase heat transfer solved in
module #1 is continued for the mechanical design.
The minimum information required for the mechanical design of some
important components of shell and tube exchanger is summarized below:
a. Shell side and tube side passes: 1 shell pass and 6 tube passes.

b. Number, type, size, and layout of tubes: Number of tubes 318; tube
length 20΄
(6.096 m as per IS: 4503-1967 and IS:2844-1964 standards); tube OD
(25.4 mm); tube ID: 0.834΄΄ (21.2 mm); square pitch ( = 114");
fixed tube sheet.

c. Shell diameter and head: Shell ID 31΄ (787.4 mm); torispherical

head is selected;carbon steel for both shell and head.

d. Corrosion allowance: Corrosion allowance of 3 mm for carbon

steel is taken as per IS:4503 for the service in the petroleum

e. Design temperature and pressure: design temperature

1.1×160=176°F (80°C) (10% greater than the highest process fluid
temperature is taken); design
pressure 0.38 N/mm2 (55 psia) (10% higher than the inlet pressure
of both the streams).

f. Permissible stress, =100.6 N/mm2 for carbon steel.

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i. Shell thickness calculation (refer to section 2.3.1)

= + ; = 0.8

=3.72 mm
Including corrosion allowance 6.72 mm, use 8 mm thickness
(This value is in accordance to IS:4503 corresponding to the shell diameter)
ii. Torispherical head (refer to section 2.3.2)
Crown radius, Ri = 787.4 mm (crown radius, Ri = Ds is considered)
Knuckle radius ri =0.06 of Ri = 47.24 mm (knuckle radius ri =6% of Ds is taken)
Inside depth of the head ( ) can be calculated as:

 
 D D   12
s s
h R R  2
 R  r
   i
 2 2
ii  i  i  
= 105.4
Effective exchanger length  2h = 6.096 m +
( Leff ) = Lt 2×0.1054 m
= 6.306 m

Thickness of (2 fJ 0.2  c ; =1 is taken for head
head t h  p) design

 R
1 i

W  3 
  =1.77 for r =0.06× R
4  i i
= 2.63; Including corrosion allowance 5.63 mm, use same thickness as for
shell, i.e., 8 mm

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iii. Channel cover thickness (refer to section 2.3.3)

Channel cover material: carbon steel
=1 10

=Outside shell diameter=803.4 mm; 1 =0.3; =3.88 kgf/cm2 (0.38 N/mm2)
=10.26 kgf/mm2 (100.6 N/mm2)
=8.5 mm; Use 12 mm including the corrosion allowance

iv. Tube sheet thickness (refer to section 2.3.5)

The tube sheet thickness is calculated based on the bending and considering
the design pressure only. It is assumed that shear does not control the design.
Carbon steel is used for tube sheet material.
 p P
ts 3 kf

=1 for fixed tube sheet;=0.5 (square pitch)
=22.8 mm (satisfies the IS:4503 specification for 1΄΄ outside diameter tube)

v. Impingement plate (refer to section 2.3.6)

The density (ρk) of the tube side fluid (kerosene) =0.8g/cm3 (800 kg/m3);mass flow
rate (
mk ) of kerosene =18.91 kg/s (150000 lb/h)
k 18.91 =0.73
Kerosene velocity,= = m/s
2 ×0.20
32 2
4 4
Where, nozzle diameter, = 203.2 mm=0.2032 m
The impingement parameter, 2 = 0.8 × 0.732 =0.426<<125
Therefore the impingement protection is not required.
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Wm1  bGY

vi. Nozzle thickness ( ) (refer to section 2.3.7)

Use carbon steel for the nozzle (same material)

Considering diameter of nozzle ( ) to be 203.2
mm (8 inch) (Table 2.3); =0.8

tn c=0.48
 pDn mm
2 fJ 
Use 6 mm thickness including the corrosion allowance.

The pressures at the entry point of both shell side and tube fluid are same.
Therefore, the same nozzle specification can be used for tube side fluid

vii. Design of gaskets (refer to section 2.3.8)

= −

( +1)
Gasket factor =3.75, minimum design seating stress Y= 5.35 kgf/mm2
(for flat iron jacketed, asbestos fill) (Table 2.4)
= 1.05; =787.4 + 0.25=787.65 mm
≈830 mm
Gasket width, = ( − )/2=22 mm, Use 35 mm
Mean gasket diameter = + = 808 mm
Basic gasket seating width = /2 =17.5 mm
Effective gasket seating width, =0.5 = 2.09
viii. Bolts (refer to section 2.3.9)
The bolt load due to gasket reaction under atmospheric conditions is given:

=278515 N

The bolt load under tight pressure:
Wm2  2bGmp  4 G2 p  15120  194848  209968 N

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Therefore, 1 is the controlling load because 1> 2

The minimum bolt cross sectional area (bolt material carbon steel and =
= 1 = 278515 = 2769 mm2

M16 nominal thread diameter with bolt circle diameter ( ) of 860 mm, 32
bolts and 18 mm root diameter ( ) are selected from IS:4866-1968.
Corresponding actual bolt circle diameter, = 4 2 × . =8143 mm2 > ;
Therefore the selected bolts are suitable. The minimum gasket width,
= 28143×100.6×5.35×808 =30.1 mm (compared to 35 mm selected gasket width)
ix. Flange thickness (refer to section 2.3.10)

i. For the gasket seating condition (no internal load applied)

+ ×100.6=548874
= = N
2 2
( −) −808) =14270714 N-
= = mm
2 2

ii. For operating condition

.38 = 192635
= = N; = ( − )/2=1/2(860-803.4)=28.3 mm;

4 4
==5451570 N-mm
( =Outside shell
diameter=787.4+16=803.4 mm)
= − ; = = =194848;= = 207870 N (2.27)
4 4
= − N

= = (860-808)/2=26 mm; = =338572 N-mm

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= − =194848-192635=2213 N, = ( + )/2=(28.3 +26)=27.15 mm

= =60083 N-mm
Summation moments under operating condition = + + =5850225 N-m
Therefore is the controlling moment ( > ).

Flange thickness (carbon

steel): =

= = 803900.4=1.12 mm; =18
( = ~900mm for the chosen bolts: IS:4866-1968)
= 14270714 ×18 =56.4 mm

Practice problem:Perform the mechanical design of the condenser and

Kettle type reboiler thermal design problem provided in the module #1.

[1]. Indian Standard (IS: 4503-1967): Specification for Shell and Tube
Type Heat Exchangers, BIS 2007, New Delhi.
[2]. Kuppan T. Heat Exchanger Design Handbook, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
2000, New York.
[3]. Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
(TEMA), Inc. 18 ed., 1999, New York.
[4]. Brownell L.E. and E.H. Young, Process Equipment Design, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1959. New York.
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