Measuring Bilingual Corpus Comparability

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c Cambridge University Press 2018 1

Measuring bilingual corpus comparability†

B O L I 1 , E R I C G A U S S I E R 2 and D A N Y A N G 3
1 Department of Computer Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
2 CNRS-LIG/AMA, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France

3 China Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, China


(Received 2 March 2017; revised 14 December 2017; accepted 15 December 2017 )

Comparable corpora serve as an important substitute for parallel resources in cases of under-
resourced language pairs. Previous work mostly aims to find a better strategy to exploit
existing comparable corpora, while ignoring the variety in corpus quality. The quality of
comparable corpora affects a lot its usability in practice, a fact that has been justified by
several studies. However, researchers have not been able to establish a widely accepted and
fully validated framework to measure corpus quality. We will thus investigate in this paper a
comprehensive methodology to deal with the quality of comparable corpora. To be exact, we
will propose several comparability measures and a quantitative strategy to test those measures.
Our experiments show that the proposed comparability measure can capture gold-standard
comparability levels very well and is robust to the bilingual dictionary used. Moreover, we
will show in the task of bilingual lexicon extraction that the proposed measure correlates well
with the performance of the real world application.

1 Introduction
A bilingual corpus is an important resource used to cross the language barrier in
multilingual Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks such as Statistical Machine
Translation (SMT) (Och and Ney 2003; Bahdanau, Cho and Bengio 2015) and
Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) (Ballesteros and Croft 1997). Parallel
corpora, i.e., document collections comprised of texts that are translation of one
another, have been broadly used in cross-language NLP tasks. Their availability
remains however limited, especially for minority languages (Markantonatou et al.
2006). Parallel corpora publicly available only exist in narrow domains and between
a few language pairs. For example, the Europarl corpus (Koehn 2005) widely used
in SMT research was built by retrieving parallel texts from the proceedings of the

†This work was co-supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61300144
and 61572223), State Language Commission of China (No. YB125-132), Humanity
and Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (No. 15YJC870029)
and the Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities (No. CCNU16A06015,
CCNU15A05062, CCNU17GF0005, CCNUSZ2017024).

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European commission. Other parallel corpora such as the United Nations corpus
and the Hansard corpus1 suffer from the same problem.
As another type of bilingual corpora, a comparable corpus is in general easier
to obtain as the only requirement is that documents cover related content in
different languages. Previous work has shown that comparable corpora can be
successfully used in such applications as bilingual lexicon extraction (for example,
refer to Rapp (1999) and Chebel, Latiri and Gaussier (2017)), enhancement of
SMT systems (Munteanu, Fraser and Marcu 2004; AbduI-Rauf and Schwenk 2009;
Hazem and Morin 2016), enhancement of CLIR systems (Talvensaari et al. 2007),
as well as the modeling of topics across languages (Boyd-Graber and Blei 2009; Ni
et al. 2009). There is thus more and more evidence that comparable corpora can be
used to bridge the language barrier in applications where parallel resources are not
In all these studies, the definition of what is a comparable corpus is rather
vague. For example, Ji (2009) defines a comparable corpus as a text collection
consisting of documents describing similar topics. In Munteanu et al. (2004) and
Hewavitharana and Vogel (2008), a comparable corpus is defined as a text collection
covering overlapping information. Sharoff, Rapp and Zweigenbaum (2013) state
that comparable corpora are less parallel corpora. Based on discussions in former
literature, we define here comparable corpora as document sets in different languages
that cover similar topics. Comparable corpora can thus be quite different from each
other, depending on the extent to which two monolingual parts of the comparable
corpus are related to each other. Intuitively, a parallel corpus can be seen as a
special case of the comparable corpus, corresponding to the highest comparability
Data driven NLP tasks depend a lot on the quality of the resources used,
and the better the corpus is, the better knowledge one can extract from it.
We thus conjecture that comparable corpora of higher quality3 will yield better
performance of applications relying on them, a fact that has actually been validated
in several previous studies (Li and Gaussier 2010; Skadina et al. 2010). Existing work
mining comparable corpora mostly builds and uses comparable corpora according
to humans’ simple intuitions. For instance, Robitaille et al. (2006) construct a
comparable corpus by using the search engine to retrieve web pages highly relative
to a set of queries given in two languages. Munteanu and Marcu (2006) build the
comparable corpus by using the existing new corpora in the same period and the
CLIR system to retrieve related document pairs. These studies are reasonable, but
there is still a risk that one might obtain and use a corpus of poor quality, leading
to unpredictable performance, since there has not been any method one could use

Both the United Nations corpus and the Hansard corpus are available from
By definition, the parallel corpus could consist of documents in quite different
topics/domains. In practice, parallel corpora normally consist of documents in a special
The quality of a multilingual corpus is normally affected by several factors, for instance
volume, parallelness and novelty. In this paper, we will mostly concentrate on parallelness.

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 3

to tell the corpus quality in a quantitative way. Without such a measure, one could
not build and use a comparable corpus with full confidence.
The task of measuring text similarity has attracted much attention in the NLP field.
The Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) shared task, held as part of SemEval, 4 aims
to automatically predict the similarity of a pair of sentences. The classic strategies
for measuring monolingual text similarity could be extended to the cross-language
settings (e.g., Mathieu, Besancon and Fluhr (2004), Luong, Pham and Manning
(2015)), which is the most direct approach to realize the comparability measure. The
European FP7 project ACCURAT5 has proposed several comparability measures
according to this intuition. Besides, there are several other possibilities to investigate
the comparability. These studies will be discussed in more details in Section 2.
However, previous work has not been able to propose a systematic approach to
measure the corpus quality and to test the comparability measures themselves.
We will first establish in this paper measures to capture different comparability
levels. The proposed measures will then be examined on gold-standard comparability
levels to show their coherence with gold standards. In addition, the measures will
be tested in the task of bilingual lexicon extraction to show its correlation with the
performance of real world tasks. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows:
• In Section 2, we define more precisely the notion of comparability and develop
several comparability measures. Several other measures are also considered
in this section for comparison purposes.
• The comparability measures are evaluated, in Section 3, in terms of correl-
ation with gold-standard comparability levels and robustness to dictionary
coverage. In addition, the comparability measures are used in a practical
application, bilingual lexicon extraction, to show that the measure correlates
well with its usability.
• Several aspects of this study are discussed in Section 4, and the paper is
concluded in Section 5.

2 Comparability measures
A fine-grained comparability measure is important when one needs to choose the
best one from several comparable corpora prepared from different resources or when
one needs to enhance the quality of a given corpus of low quality in a systematic
way. We thus plan to develop in this section a quantitative measure to capture
various comparability levels.
As we have discussed in Section 1, comparable corpora serve as the substitute for
parallel resources in case of under-resourced language pairs. The ideal comparability
measures should rely, as less as possible, on parallel resources that are expensive to
obtain for under-resourced languages. Moreover, computationally cheap measures
are preferred, which can lead to feasible solutions for such tasks as corpus quality
enhancement (Li, Gaussier and Aizawa 2011).


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There have been only a few works trying to investigate the formal definition or
quantification of the quality of comparable corpora. Such works as Rayson and
Garside (2000) and Kilgarriff (2001) are early attempts to quantify how similar
two corpora in the same language are in terms of lexical content. Sharoff (2007)
investigates automatic ways of differentiating web corpora in terms of domains
and genres. Saralegi, San-Vicente and Gurrutxaga (2008) attempt to measure the
degree of comparability of two corpora in different languages by inferring a global
comparability from the similarity of all cross-language document pairs. This measure
is however computationally infeasible if the corpora contain a large number
of documents. Under the seventh European framework,6 researchers involved in
the project ACCURAT (Skadina et al. 2010) have studied several measures and
metrics for assessing corpus comparability and document parallelism of under-
resourced languages. In addition to the above studies devoted to comparable
corpora, researchers have recently developed several cross-lingual models of word
embeddings (Hermann and Blunsom 2014; Luong, Pham and Manning 2015; Vulic
and Moens 2015), which could be used to model cross-lingual semantic similarity.
The word embedding approaches however rely on a training procedure on parallel
or comparable corpora, which is computationally expensive. We will use some of
these measures as baselines for comparison purposes only.
We first introduce below a set of measures that are extensions of the ones proposed
in our former work (Li and Gaussier 2010). All the measures we are going to consider
can be classified into one of the following categories:

• Vocabulary overlapping. These measures aim at assessing to which extent the

vocabularies of two corpora overlap with each other. They require mapping
the vocabulary of one monolingual corpus to the language of the other
monolingual corpus, prior to comparing them. In this study, we make use of
bilingual dictionaries to bridge the language barrier and detail the measures
in Section 2.1.
• Vector space mapping. These measures, based on a bag-of-words represent-
ation of the two monolingual parts of a comparable corpus, make use of
standard similarity measures between vectors (see for example Gaussier,
Renders, Matveeva, Goutte and Déjean (2014)). This approach will be
described in section 2.2.
• Machine translation. An alternative to the above approaches is to use machine
translation (MT) system to translate one corpus into the language of another
corpus, resulting in two corpora in the same language that can be compared
using standard approaches in monolingual settings. This approach will be
introduced in Section 2.3.
• Cross-lingual word embeddings. Unsupervised learned word embeddings have
been exceptionally successful in many NLP tasks. We directly make use here
of the cross-lingual version of skip-gram model (Luong, Pham and Manning
2015) as comparability measures.


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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 5

MT approaches use parallel corpora for training, which are rare for under-resourced
language pairs. Cross-lingual word embedding approaches make use of the training
procedure on parallel or comparable corpora, which is computationally expensive.
Those approaches are presented here as baselines only for the purpose of comparison.
For convenience, the following discussions will be made in the context of French–
English comparable corpora.
Comparability measures can be defined on various levels such as sentences,
documents or whole corpora. Comparability measures on the document or sentence
level simply amount to measuring the similarity of sentences/documents across
languages, which is a classic task in NLP (e.g., Luong, Pham and Manning (2015)).
It is not clear whether these classic techniques can be directly used to capture the
differences between various comparable corpora. We intend to define comparability
so as to reflect the usability of the comparable corpus in NLP tasks. It is generally
considered that different types of multilingual corpora display different levels of
comparability. For example, the following comparable corpora have decreasing
comparability levels7 :

(1) Parallel corpora;

(2) Parallel corpora with noise;
(3) Non-parallel corpora covering overlapping topics (i.e., strongly comparable);
(4) Non-parallel corpora covering different topics (i.e., weakly comparable).

A good comparability measure should correlate well with the different compar-
ability levels above. In other words, it should be able to capture (fine-grained)
differences on the levels of comparability. We will return to this issue in Section 3.
Prior to that, we first introduce several comparability measures below.

2.1 Comparability measures based on vocabulary overlapping

The measures proposed in this section are extensions of those proposed in our
former work (Li and Gaussier 2010). They are based on the assumption that it
is easier to find translation pairs between documents that are more comparable
to each other, since authors tend to use similar words to depict similar topics in
different languages (see Morin et al. (2007) for a related analysis). This fact is also
supported by the four types of comparable corpora presented above, as translation
pairs are common in parallel corpora, and not so much in corpora covering different

2.1.1 Context-free measures

A natural way to estimate the number of translation pairs in a bilingual corpus is
to rely on the mathematical expectation of finding such pairs. Let us assume that we
have a French–English comparable corpus C consisting of a French part Cf and an

A similar list of decreasing comparability levels can be found in Sharoff et al. (2013).

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English part Ce . If we consider the translation process from the English part to the
French part, the comparability measure Mef can be defined as the expectation of
finding, for each English word we in the vocabulary Cev of Ce , its translation in the
vocabulary Cfv of Cf . The definition for Mef directly reflects our intuition. As one
can note, a general English–French bilingual dictionary D, independent from the
corpus C, is required to judge if two words are the translation of each other. Let σ
be a function that indicates whether a translation from the translation set Tw of a
word w is found in the vocabulary C v of a corpus C, i.e.,:

1 iff Tw ∩ C v = ∅
σ(w, C ) =
0 else

Mef is then defined as

Mef (Ce , Cf ) = E(σ(w, Cfv )|w ∈ Cev ) = σ(w, Cfv ) · Pr(w) (2)

As assumed above, the comparable corpus and the general bilingual dictionary are
independent from one another. It is thus natural to assume that the dictionary D
covers a substantial part of Cev and this substantial part can well represent the whole
vocabulary. It means the expectation of finding the translation in Cfv of a word w in
Cev can be approximated by that in Cev ∩ Dev . This assumption leads to equation (3):

Mef (Ce , Cf ) = σ(w, Cfv ) · Pr(w) (3)
w∈Cev ∩Dev

where Dev is the English vocabulary of the given bilingual dictionary D. The
derivation from equations (2)–(3) seems trivial. It does help us bring up the notion
of dictionary coverage and the robustness measure in Section 3.2.3.
There are several possibilities to estimate Pr(w) in equation (3). However, the
presence of common words suggests that one should not solely rely on the number
of occurrences (i.e., term frequency), which is a broadly used approach in other
fields like unigram language models, since the high-frequency words will dominate
the final results. For example, in the Europarl corpus, the English word Europe and
the French word Europe are very common words. It means that even if one piece
of English text and one piece of French text are randomly picked from the Europarl
corpus, we can still expect to find many translation pairs Europe–Europe. To avoid
the bias common words can introduce in the comparability measure, one can weight
each word w as ρw through TF-IDF or through the simple Presence/Absence (P/A)
criterion. In this case, the part Pr(w) can be estimated as
Pr(w) =  (4)
w∈Cev ∩Dev ρw

With the P/A criterion, the weight ρw is 1 if and only if w ∈ Cev ∩ Dev , otherwise
the value is 0. Alternatively, considering the TF-IDF weight for each word w, the
weighting function ρw can be defined in a standard TF-IDF style (Salton, Wong
and Yang 1975).

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 7

Similarly, when considering the translation process from the French part to the
English part, the counterpart of Mef , Mfe , can be written as

Mfe (Ce , Cf ) = σ(w, Cev ) · Pr(w) (5)
w∈Cfv ∩Dfv

where Pr(w) is defined in the same way as in equation (4).

The two asymmetric measures Mef and Mfe above reflect the degree of compar-
ability when considering the translation process in only one direction. They can be
combined to form a comprehensive measure M by reviewing the two directions as
a whole. The difference between Mef in equation 3 and Mfe in equation (5) comes
from the part which estimates the probability of a word in the corpus vocabulary.
We denote C v as the whole vocabulary of C and Dv as the whole vocabulary of
D. Following the same idea, considering the English and French vocabularies as a
whole, one can directly obtain Pr(w) for each w in C v ∩ Dv by replacing Cev ∩ Dev with
C v ∩ Dv in equation (4). The combined measure M, considering the translation in
both directions, can then be written as

M(Ce , Cf ) = σ(w, C v ) · Pr(w) (6)
w∈C v ∩Dv

We give here additional comments on the P/A criterion. With this criterion, Pr(w)
for each w in C v ∩ Dv is directly |C v ∩D
v | . One can then obtain the combined measure

M as
w∈Cev ∩Dev σ(w, Cf ) + w∈Cfv ∩Dfv σ(w, Ce )
v v
M(Ce , Cf ) = (7)
|Cev ∩ Dev | + |Cfv ∩ Dfv |

which corresponds to the overall proportion of words for which a translation can
be found in the comparable corpus. One can notice from equation (7) that M is a
symmetric measure.

2.1.2 Context-based measures

The previous development has left aside an important problem, namely the one of
polysemy. Due to polysemy, two words can be treated as the translation of each other
according to the dictionary but might hold different senses in the corpus. We can
make use of the simple assumption that words in parallel translation usually appear
in similar contexts to disambiguate the translation candidates in the dictionary. This
same assumption has been broadly exploited in the bilingual lexicon extraction tasks.
We will embed the assumption in the function σ in equation (1) to build a context-
sensitive version of the previous measures. Let us assume that the English word
we (resp. French word wf ) appears in the context word set Se (resp. Sf ) consisting
of the words surrounding we (resp. wf ) in a certain window in the corpora. Then
the similarity of the two context sets is measured by the overlap of the two sets
which is directly the proportion of words of which the translation can be found in
the counterpart set. Formally, the similarity of we and wf , in terms of their context

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similarity, can be written as

w∈Se ∩Dev σ(w, Sf ) + w∈Sf ∩Dfv σ(w, Se )
sim(we , wf ) =
|Se ∩ Dev | + |Sf ∩ Dfv |
The enhanced version of the function σ in equation 1 is then defined as

1 iff ∃w  ∈ Tw ∩ C v , sim(w, w  ) > δ
σc (w, C ) =
0 else
where δ, empirically set to 0.3 in our experiments, is the threshold for the similarity.
A word w is deemed to be translated, according to the function σc , if at least one of
its translations w  identified by the function σ in the corpus, is similar to w based
on the context similarity measure sim(w, w  ). Replacing σ with σc in equation (1)
will lead to the context versions of the comparability measures above, which are
c c
respectively denoted as Mef , Mfe and M c .
Besides the simple idea used in above context-based measures, there are definitely
several other possibilities to improve it. First, the window-based co-occurrence
context can be improved by using surface-distance model proposed in Washtell
(2009). Second, such techniques as LSA and LDA (Deerwester et al. 1900; Blei and
Jordan 2003) are usually considered to be more efficient than the simple context
vector approaches according to the experiences. However, as we will show, the simple
measure M c or even its context-free version M have already shown very satisfactory
performance and are enough for practical usage. Moreover, the simple ideas are
computationally much cheaper. The possible enhancements are thus not the prior
direction of this paper and will not be investigated further.
The above measures rely on the intersection between bilingual corpora and
dictionary. One can tell from the intuition that the corpus vocabulary tends to
cover all the words in the dictionary while the corpora are long enough, since the
dictionary vocabulary is generally smaller compared to that of the corpus. It is to
say, those measures could be sensitive to corpus length. Taking the measure Mef in
equation (3) as an example, once the French part Cf is long enough, it might be able
to cover all the French dictionary vocabulary, meaning that Mef could be high even
if the French part and the English part are not really comparable. We will review
this problem in Section 3.2.2 and give a formal analysis on dictionary coverage in
Section 3.2.3.

2.2 Measures based on vector space mapping

It is common practice to represent documents as vectors consisting of words
occurring in the documents. The weight of each dimension, i.e., a word, is determined
by methods such as TF-IDF. In the cross-language settings, one needs to compare
two vectors in different languages, i.e., one vector in the source language needs to
be mapped to a vector in the target language. Let us assume one English text set is
represented as a vector ve , whereas a French text set is represented as a vector vf . vf
can then be mapped to ve by accumulating the contributions from words in vf that
yield identical translations. Let us further assume that f(we ) (resp. f(wf )) denotes

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 9

the weight of the word we (resp. wf ) in the vector ve (resp. vf ). In this paper, the
weight is defined in a standard TF-IDF style. The dot product between the vectors
ve and vf is given by
< ve , vf >= f(we ) f(wf ) (8)
we ∈
ve wf ∈Twe ∩

where Twe is the translation set of we in the bilingual dictionary. Different measures
can be derived from the above dot product. We make use here of the standard
cosine similarity, which yields the comparability measure M v :
< ve , vf >
ve , vf ) = 
M v = cos( 
2 2
ve (f(we ) + (
we ∈ vf f(wf )) )
wf ∈Twe ∩

The vector space model has shown rather satisfactory performance in classic tasks
such as document classification and clustering. The content we will model in this
work is corpus but not document, where the most significant difference is that a
corpus usually consists of documents in many different topics. According to the idea
of topic models (Blei and Jordan 2003), each document can be seen as a mixture of
separate topics. So the vector representation of the whole corpus can then be seen
as a rather complicated mixture of various topics, making the vector comparison
not as accurate as that in the case of documents.

2.3 Measures based on machine translation

In addition to the previous measures, we propose here a direct approach for
measuring the comparability based on MT systems. However, this approach, contrary
to the previous ones, cannot be applied on all language pairs as it requires state-of-
the-art MT systems. The idea here is to translate the source language corpus into the
target language prior to comparing the two corpora in the target language. Several
comparison measures can be used for this latter purpose. For the translation task,
we make use here of the google MT tool8 that is often considered as state-of-the-art.
The BLEU score (Papineni et al. 2002) was initially developed to automatically
evaluate MT systems with reference translations, where a good translation candidate
should share many n-grams with the reference translation. In order to compare the
two target language corpora, we will make use here of a similar idea. We thus
represent the corpus as a vector of n-grams. Each dimension of the vector is the
weight of the corresponding n-grams computed in the same TF-IDF style as before
(by setting n to 1, one will actually obtain a vector space representation). The two
vectors of n-grams are then compared with a standard cosine similarity. In order
to limit the computational complexity, n is set to 1 and 2, corresponding to the
comparability measures M g1 and M g2 .


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3 Validation of comparability measures

In this section, we aim at assessing the performance of the proposed comparability
measures. The materials used in the experiments are firstly given in Section 3.1.
We then design several comparable corpora with gold-standard comparability levels
in Section 3.2.1. Following that, we evaluate the performance of the measures
in terms of correlation scores in Section 3.2.2 and robustness in Section 3.2.3.
Last, the comparability measure is further tested in a real world task to estimate
the consistency of comparability levels and the performance of bilingual lexicon

3.1 Resources in the experiments

For the experiments designed to compare and validate the comparability measures,
several corpora are used: The parallel English–French Europarl 9 corpus, the TREC10
Associated Press corpus and the corpora used in the multilingual track of CLEF,11
which includes the Los Angeles Times, Glasgow Herald, Le Monde, SDA French 94
and SDA French 95. In addition to these existing corpora, two monolingual corpora
from the Wikipedia dump12 are built. For English, we obtain the corpus Wiki-
En by retrieving all the articles below the root category Society. For French, the
corpus Wiki-Fr is built by getting all the articles below the category Société. Those
two categories are connected by a cross-language link in Wikipedia and consist of
articles of similar topics, although the French word Société has a stronger focus on
the company meaning. The information of all the corpora used in the experiments
is detailed in Table 1. Since the Europarl corpus in use has been aligned on the
sentence level and stored as sentence pairs, the number of documents (Nr. docs) is
not available in the table.
The bilingual dictionary used in our experiments is extracted from the google
online dictionary. It consists of 33k distinct English words and 28k distinct French
words, which constitutes 76k translation pairs. Such standard preprocessing steps
as tokenization, POS-tagging and lemmatization are performed on all the corpora
using the tool Treetagger (Schmid 1995). We directly work on lemmatized forms of
content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs).

3.2 A methodology for evaluating comparability measures

We evaluate comparability measures along the following lines:

(1) Whether the designed comparability measures can capture different comparab-
ility levels in the corpora;
(2) Whether the proposed measures are robust to dictionary coverage.

The Wikipedia dump files can be downloaded at

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 11

Table 1. The information of the corpora used in the experiments in Section 3 (k =

1,000, m = 1,000k)

Name Short name Language Nr. docs Nr. words

Europarl Europarl English ... 51 m

French ... 55 m
Associated press AP English 243 k 126 m
Los Angeles times LAT94 English 113 k 71 m
Glasgow herald GH95 English 56 k 27 m
Le monde MON94 French 44 k 24 m
SDA French 1994 SDA94 French 43 k 13 m
SDA French 1995 SDA95 French 43 k 13 m
Wiki-En Wiki-En English 368 k 163 m
Wiki-Fr Wiki-Fr French 378 k 169 m

3.2.1 Constructing test corpora

In order to test the comparability measures introduced before, one needs to have
some corpora of known comparability levels, which does not exist according to
our knowledge. One possibility is to construct such corpora with gold-standard
comparability levels by human annotators, which is a costly task. Moreover, it
is much harder for people to assign a precise score on corpus level than on
sentence/document level as done in the Semantic Textual Similarity shared task
of SemEval. Due to the lack of annotated corpora, existing works (e.g., Upadhyay
et al. (2016)) have to employ such indirect tasks as dictionary extraction, document-
classification and syntactic dependency parsing in order to test its semantic similarity
Without human annotators, the feasible choice is to build such test corpora
automatically. The idea is to introduce noise into high-quality comparable corpora
so as to obtain artificial corpora with decreasing comparability levels, which might
not be as accurate as human annotation. We construct three such groups of corpora
from the parallel Europarl corpus and the monolingual AP corpus, as follows:
• Ga : All the comparable corpora in Ga are built from the parallel corpus Euro-
parl. One starts from the parallel corpus Europarl, considered as having the
highest comparability level, and gradually decreases its quality by replacing
larger parts with some non-parallel parts also present in Europarl. In other
words, noise is added to the parallel corpus, however covering topics similar
with the ones in the original parallel corpus;
• Gb : As before, one starts with the parallel corpus Europarl. The difference
here is that one exchanges parallel parts of Europarl with content extracted
from the AP corpus. That is to say, the noise brought to the parallel corpus
covers different topics from the original parallel corpus.
• Gc : The comparable corpora obtained in Ga correspond to non-parallel
corpora covering similar topics. In Gc , one starts from corpora with the lowest
comparability levels in Ga , i.e., the ones containing no parallel parts, and
exchanges some of their parts containing similar topics with content from

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Fig. 1. Constructing the test corpus group Ga with gold-standard comparability levels.

the AP corpus, meaning that parts covering different topics are introduced,
leading to comparable corpora belonging to the class non-parallel corpora
covering different topics.
We now give more details on this construction process. The first group Ga is built
from the Europarl corpus through the following two steps:
(1) The English (and its corresponding French) part of the Europarl corpus is split
into ten equal parts in terms of number of sentences, leading to ten parallel
corpora denoted as P1 , P2 , . . . , P10 . The comparability level of these ten parallel
corpora are arbitrarily set to one (i.e., the highest level);
(2) For each parallel corpus, e.g., Pi (i = 1, 2, . . . , 10), we replace a certain proportion
p of the English part of Pi with content of the same size, again in terms of
the number of sentences, from another parallel corpus Pj (j = i), producing
a new corpus Pi likely to contain less translation pairs and thus be of lower
comparability. For each Pi , as p increases one obtains a series of comparable
corpora with decreasing comparability scores. In our experiments, p is increased
from 0 to 1 with a step of 0.01. All the Pi and their respective descendant corpora,
according to different values of p, constitute the group Ga , the comparability
score of each corpora being set to 1 − p. As a result, we have 1,000 comparable
corpora in Ga . This process is illustrated in Figure 1.
The difference between building the corpora in Gb and in Ga is that, in Gb ,
the replacement in Pi is done with documents from the AP corpus and not from
another parallel corpus Pj from Europarl. Compared with the corpora in Ga , we
further degrade the parallel corpus Pi in Gb since the AP corpus covers different
topics from Europarl.

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 13

In Gc , we start with ten comparable corpora Pi from Ga having the lowest
comparability score (i.e., 0). They thus contain documents from Europarl that are
not the translation of each other. Each Pi is further altered by replacing certain
portions, according to the same proportion p used before, with documents from
the AP corpus. Although Pi itself is comparable and not parallel, its English and
French parts are likely to cover similar topics embedded in the Europarl corpus.
Replacing certain parts of Pi with the content from AP will thus further degrade
the comparability levels of Pi .
From the process of building the comparable corpora in Ga , Gb and Gc , one can
note that the gold-standard comparability scores in different groups, e.g., Ga and
Gc , cannot be compared with each other directly, since the comparability scores
are normalized between 0 and 1 in each group of corpora. These comparability
scores do not represent absolute judgements on the comparability of the corpora
considered, but rather relative scores within each group of corpora.

3.2.2 Correlation with gold-standard comparability levels

The goal here is to assess whether the comparability measures we have introduced
can capture the differences in comparability levels in the three different groups Ga ,
Gb and Gc . As the comparability levels are set arbitrarily in these groups, we are
interested here in assessing whether the measures yield the correct ranking (in terms
of comparability scores) or not. In order to quantify this, we use Pearson Correlation
Coefficient, defined as

(Xi − X)(Yi − Y )
r =  i 
i (Xi − X) i (Yi − Y )
2 2

where Xi denotes the comparability score provided by one measure on a given

bilingual corpus and Yi is the arbitrary comparability score (i.e., gold standard)
assigned to this corpus in the construction process. X represents the average of Xi s
over all the bilingual corpora considered in Ga , Gb or Gc (and similarly for Y ).
Let us first recall the measures we have proposed in Section 2:

• Measures based on vocabulary overlapping. These measures are defined as

the mathematical expectation of finding the translation for each word in the
corpus vocabulary. Corresponding to the English/French/whole vocabulary
of the corpus, we have the measures Mef , Mfe , M and their contextual
c c
versions Mef , Mfe and M c . For the six measures, we will consider both the
versions with the P/A weighting criterion and the versions with TF-IDF
weighting schema, amounting to twelve measures in total.
• Baseline measures. These measures correspond to the vector spaces mapping
and MT approaches discussed before: the measure M v is based on the
bilingual vector space model and the measures M g1 and M g2 are based on
a MT system and n-grams representation. In addition, we use as baselines
the recently proposed bilingual skip-gram model BiSkip (denoted as M s ) in
Luong, Pham and Manning (2015).

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14 B. Li et al.

Table 2. Correlation scores of the vocabulary overlapping measures with the gold
c c
Mef Mfe M Mef Mfe Mc

Ga TF-IDF 0.634 0.724 0.786 0.980 0.974 0.980

P/A 0.897 0.770 0.936 0.976 0.966 0.972
Gb TF-IDF 0.950 0.434 0.973 0.989 0.982 0.995
P/A 0.955 0.190 0.979 0.975 0.977 0.978
Gc TF-IDF 0.964 −0.292 0.962 0.980 0.934 0.991
P/A 0.940 −0.595 0.960 0.984 0.968 0.990

The rows TF-IDF correspond to the TF-IDF weighting schema, and the rows P/A correspond
to the Presence/Absence weighting method.

We first make comparisons between measures based on vocabulary overlapping.

The correlation scores are listed in Table 2. Each column in the table, e.g., Mef ,
corresponds to the correlation scores between the specific comparability measure Mef
and the gold-standard comparability levels on different corpus groups, namely Ga , Gb
and Gc . Let us first pay attention to the measures without context, i.e., Mef , Mfe and
M. One can find that M together with the P/A weighting schema performs the best
and correlates very well with the gold standard on all the three groups of corpora, as
the Pearson coefficient is close to 1. Mfe performs worst among the three measures
with one exception: using TF-IDF weighting, Mfe performs better then Mef . One
can also conclude, for the best measure M, that using IDF to reduce the effects of
frequent words does not help to solve the problem of too frequent words, and the
P/A weighting schema works better with M than the TF-IDF one. Although the
TF-IDF weighting schema seems to be efficient for Mfe on Gb and Gc , the measure
Mfe together with TF-IDF still performs far from the other two measures.
c c
We then turn to the measures with contextual information, i.e., Mef , Mfe and
M . One can find from Table 2 that all the context-based measures, weighted by
either TF-IDF or P/A, perform very well, and are slightly better than the best
performing measure M in the context-free family. Among the three measures with
context, M c performs slightly better than Mef c
and Mfec
. The measures Mef c
Mfe , with contextual information, are better than their corresponding context-free
versions Mef and Mfe . These findings are in agreement with the assumption that
using contextual information helps to disambiguate translation candidates and thus
leads to better performance of the measures.
Deeper analysis is given here in order to explain the different performance of
the different measures. We will only consider here the P/A weighting scheme so
as to simplify the discussion. Figure 2 plots the measures M, Mef , Mfe , M c , Mef c
Mfe on ten comparable corpora and their descendants in Gc with respect to their
gold-standard comparability scores. We first compare here the three context-free
measures Mef , Mfe and M. One can notice from Figure 2(c) that the comparability
scores from Mfe decrease at a certain point even though the gold standard scores
increase. The reason for the different performances is that asymmetric measures Mef
and Mfe are sensitive to the relative length of the corpus. Given a single English

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 15

(a) Mef (b) Mef

(c) Mf e (d) Mfce

(e) M (f) M c
v v
Fig. 2. (Colour online) Evolution of the measures Mef , Mfe , M, Mef , Mfe and M v w.r.t.
gold standard on the corpus group Gc (x -axis: gold-standard comparability scores, y-axis:
c c
comparability scores from the measures). (a) Mef . (b) Mef . (c) Mfe . (d) Mfe . (e) M. (f) M c .

document and a large French document collection, it is very likely that one can
find the translations for most of the English words, even though the two corpora
are lowly comparable, because the English vocabulary in consideration is very small
and it is easy to find all the translations even if the French corpora are not really
comparable to the English content. In our case, since the average sentence length in
AP is larger than that of Europarl, we increase the length of the English part of the
test corpora remarkably when degrading the corpora in Gb and Gc , leading to poor
performance of Mfe . In order to further support our judgement, we have also tried

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16 B. Li et al.

Table 3. Correlation scores of the baseline comparability measures with the gold

Mv M g1 M g2 Ms

Ga 0.698 0.724 0.492 0.824

Gb −0.611 0.479 0.228 0.762
Gc −0.744 0.311 0.210 0.703

to manually control the sentence length in the AP corpus, namely that we intend to
choose in AP those sentences of which the length is similar to that in the original
corpus. The results then show that Mfe works well under the new settings without
a biased length. The length related problem can be overcome by M that considers
the translation in both directions.
c c
We now turn to the contextual versions Mef , Mfe and M c . All of the three
measures perform very well on the three groups of corpora. Let us pay attention
to the measure Mfe and its context version Mfe . The former one is sensitive to the
corpus length, whereas the latter one is far less sensitive. We conjecture here that
contextual information helps identify the correct translations in cases where they
are a lot of possible translations (as is the case with unbalanced, in terms of size,
collections), and thus can still capture different comparability levels. Furthermore,
as the results show, M and all the context-based measures are able to capture all the
differences in comparability artificially introduced in the degradation process we have
considered in Section 3.2.1. Last, one can conclude from the results that it is easier to
capture the different comparability levels in Gb than in Ga and Gc . This is due to the
fact that the differences in Ga (based on the same corpus) are less marked, and thus
more difficult to identify. On the opposite, Gc comprises corpora with low levels of
comparability, also more difficult to separate out. Gb based on a parallel corpus with
additions from a different corpus, displays comparability levels easier to identify.
We finally list in Table 3 the results from the baseline measures. The results
shown here are obtained in the same way as the ones for the vocabulary overlapping
measures in Table 2. From the results one can find that the recently introduced
bilingual skip-gram measure M s performs the best on all the three groups of
corpora, the measures M g2 and M v performing worse. All these baseline measures
do not perform as well as the measures M (weighed by P/A) or the three context-
based measures only relying on the vocabulary overlapping approach. The standard
vector space is broadly used to represent textual elements in previous studies aiming
at capturing similarity at the sentence or document levels. What our experiments
reveal here is that this approach does not yield interesting performance (compared
to other approaches) for measuring comparability on the corpus level. The reason is
probably that noise involved in dictionary-based mapping in equation (8) destroys
the capability of monolingual vector space model. This finding is also partially
supported by a recent report of the ACCURAT project13 that vector representation

Related materials can be found on the deliverables of the project. The project website is:

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 17

Table 4. Real world comparable corpora and experimental results

Group no. First corpus Second corpus Results

1 Wiki-En+Wiki-Fr Wiki-En+MON94 Y
2 Wiki-En+Wiki-Fr Wiki-En+SDA94 Y
3 Wiki-En+Wiki-Fr LAT94+Wiki-Fr Y
4 Wiki-En+Wiki-Fr GH95+Wiki-Fr Y

One could conjecture that the first corpus should be more comparable than the second one in
each group according to the intuition, which constitutes the gold standard. The last column
corresponds to the experiment results where Y denotes a coherence with gold standard.

is an appropriate method for capturing document-level similarity in a cross-language

environment. The measure based on cross-lingual word embeddings is inferior to the
measure M, which is probably due to the same reason that it is weak at measuring
similarity on corpus level. We will give more discussion on these measures in
Section 4.
Artificial test corpora built using the above methodology may not fully reflect
characteristics of all comparable corpora, although it is the most direct approach
by which one could obtain quantitative levels. In addition to those experiments,
we make use here of the comparability measure on real world comparable corpora
without quantitative levels. The pairs of comparable corpora we will consider are
listed in Table 4, which are in accordance with one’s direct intuition. In comparison
to artificial corpora constructed in Section 3.2.1, gold-standard comparability levels
in Table 4 are qualitative rather than quantitative.
We use the best-performing measure M to test if the differences between each
pair of comparable corpora in Table 4 can be differentiated. The results are listed
in the last column of Table 4 where Y denotes experimental results agree with
one’s intuition (i.e., the gold standard). One can find from the results that all the
comparability levels can be captured correctly by the measure M, which further
proves the reliability of M in real world cases.

3.2.3 Robustness of comparability measures

Since the two measures M and M c perform the best in their respective classes of
measures, i.e., measures without context and measures with context, we choose to
compare them in terms of the robustness w.r.t. the change of the dictionary that
is the only resource used to cross the language barrier. To simplify the discussion
here, we follow the same consideration as in Section 3.2.2 and only use the P/A
weighting schema. It is important that the comparability measure one retains remains
consistent when the dictionary coverage of the corpus changes slightly, as this is
a necessary condition to distinguish between different comparability levels. Indeed,
if a slight change in the dictionary coverage entails an important change in the
comparability score, then it becomes impossible in practice to compare different
corpora, as they will likely have a different coverage with respect to the dictionary.

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18 B. Li et al.

We say, informally, that a comparability measure is robust at certain dictionary

coverage range if the measure can distinguish between different comparability levels
when the dictionary changes in this range. The experiments and analysis below try
to assess the robustness of the retained measures.
To do so, several dictionaries of different sizes, corresponding to different coverages
on the corpus vocabulary, are built by randomly choosing the subparts from the
original dictionary. The coverage here is simply defined as the proportion of unique
words in the corpus vocabulary that are covered by the dictionary. This definition
is coincident with the definition of M and M c , which corresponds to the proportion
of words translated in the part of vocabulary covered by the dictionary in the whole
vocabulary. In order to bridge the language barriers, a dictionary that is sufficient
large is necessary. We thus choose to randomly pick certain proportions, from 50%
to 99% with a step of 1%, of our original dictionary. For each proportion, 30
different dictionaries are built by randomly sampling the original dictionary 30
times at this same proportion. These 1,500 dictionaries (i.e., 50 × 30) are then used
to compute M and M c on different corpora with decreasing comparability scores in
Ga , Gb and Gc .
As we have discussed in the corpus construction process in Section 3.2.1, in each
of Ga , Gb and Gc , one tries to obtain a series of decreasing comparability levels
starting from ten parallel corpora (in Ga and Gb ) or ten high quality comparable
corpora (in Gc ). In order to estimate the robustness, it is natural to perform several
times the experiments in Section 3.2.2 together with various dictionaries. Then one
can judge the robustness directly from correlation scores with different dictionaries.
The problem exists in the fact that the dictionary coverage might be different on
various test corpora, which prevents us from drawing a clear conclusion based on a
uniform coverage level.
We will design here another set of experiments to clarify the impact of dictionary
coverage on measure performance. For the clarity of analysis, we only take here
the first parallel corpus P1 from (P1 , P2 , . . . , P10 ) together with its ten descendant
corpora that are built by setting the proportion p to 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1.0 in Ga . That
is to say, we exchange 10%, 20%, . . . , 100% of the content in the high quality
corpora with noise from other corpora. In this case, we obtain eleven comparable
corpora P1 , P10.9 , P10.8 , . . . , P10 with the gold comparability scores from 1 to 0,
with a step of 0.1. Last, for readability reasons, we only plot in Figure 3 the
comparability scores for some of the eleven comparable corpora, i.e., P1 , P10.7 , P10.4
and P10.1 , w.r.t. the different coverages (but the results are the same for the other
From Figure 3(a), one can find that when the dictionary coverage lies above a
certain threshold (inspected from the figure, roughly set to 0.62), the differences
between the four different comparability levels14 can be captured very well, as
the different data points are well separated. In other words, the different compar-
ability levels can be captured very well by the measure M when the dictionary

This is also true for all the eleven comparability levels, although we only plot 4 in the

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 19

(a) M

(b) M c
Fig. 3. (Colour online) Evolution of M and M c w.r.t. different dictionary coverages on
comparable corpora P1 , P10.7 , P10.4 and P10.1 in Ga (x -axis: different dictionary coverages;
y-axis: comparability scores from M or M c ). (a) M. (b) M c .

coverage is roughly above 0.62. The same conclusion can be drawn from the
inspection of Figure 3(b). One can thus conclude from this qualitative analysis
that both M and M v are robust to the changes of the dictionary after a certain
We have drawn for comparability measures the intuitive conclusion regarding
robustness from Figure 3. In order to analyze the results quantitively, we will first
try to define the degree of robustness of a comparability measure.

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20 B. Li et al.

Fig. 4. (Colour online) The frequency histogram of the comparability scores (from M) on P10.1
between the coverage 0.56 and 0.58 (x -axis: comparability scores; y-axis: frequency), with the
associated normal approximation.

Definition 1
Let us assume that we have different comparable corpora C1 , C2 , . . ., Ck , with gold-
standard comparability levels that are increasing, which can be written as: C1 ≺ C2 ≺
. . . ≺ Ck (the symbol ≺ is used here to denote the relation less in the gold-standard
comparability levels). We further assume to have a bilingual dictionary D such that the
coverage of D on all the k corpora Ci (i = 1, 2, . . . , k) belongs to a range [r, r +], with 
being a small fixed value. Then, we define the degree of robustness of a comparability
measure M w.r.t the dictionary coverage r as
χ(M, r) = avg Pr(M(Ci+1 ) > M(Ci ))

Through the above definition, one measures to which extent a certain measure,
associated with a certain coverage value r, can well separate different comparability
levels in the average case.
We now turn to the problem of estimating the degree of robustness of the
comparability measures M and M v . Let us first focus on the measure M. We notice
from Figure 3 that, for each of the test corpora, e.g., P10.1 in Figure 3(a), the
comparability scores corresponding to a certain coverage range (e.g., from 0.56 to
0.58, identified by the circle in the figure) follow a normal distribution, according to
the Shapiro–Wilk test (Shapiro and Wilk 1965) at the significance level 0.05. This
fact is also illustrated by the frequency distribution histogram in Figure 4. Thus, in
a coverage range of size 0.02 (i.e., the value  in the Definition 1), the comparability
scores of M for a specific corpus can be modeled as a normally distributed variable
Z. Hence, on each span, the scores of M on two bilingual corpora, say P10.1 and P10.2 ,
can be described as two normally distributed variables denoted as Z0.1 and Z0.2 of

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 21

Table 5. The degree of robustness with two measures M, M c and different dictionary
coverages on all the eleven comparability levels

r 0.46 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56

χ(M, r) 0.70 0.69 0.73 0.76 0.79 0.83

χ(M c , r) 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.89 0.93 0.92

r 0.58 0.60 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68

χ(M, r) 0.82 0.85 0.90 0.92 0.95 1.00

χ(M c , r) 0.95 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.00 1.00

The coverage range is set to [r, r + ] as in Definition 1 with  being fixed to 0.02.

which the parameters (i.e., the mean μ and variance σ 2 ) can be estimated from the
samples, i.e., all the comparability scores on P10.1 and P10.2 in the specific coverage
range. With the estimated parameters, we can write:

Z0.1 ∼ N(μ0.1 , σ0.1

), Z0.2 ∼ N(μ0.2 , σ0.2

To compute the degree of robustness in Definition 1, one needs to obtain all the
probability Pr(M(Ci+1 ) > M(Ci )). Taking here the corpora P10.2 and P10.1 as an
example, one needs to estimate Pr(Z0.2 > Z0.1 ). With the independence assumption
between variables Z0.1 and Z0.2 , the new variable Z0.2 − Z0.1 satisfies:

Z0.2 − Z0.1 ∼ N(μ0.2 − μ0.1 , σ0.1

2 2
+ σ0.2 )

and computing Pr(Z0.2 > Z0.1 ) amounts to the computation of Pr(Z0.2 − Z0.1 > 0),
which can be done through tabulations of the normal distribution. In Table 5, we
list, for different coverage ranges, the robustness values for both comparability
measures M and M c on all the eleven comparability levels. Let us first pay
attention to robustness of the measure M. One can find from the results that
the higher the dictionary coverage is, the more reliable M is to distinguish between
different comparability levels. Furthermore, when the dictionary coverage is above
a certain threshold (e.g., 0.60), we have a high confidence (≥ 0.85) that the different
comparability levels between the corpus pairs can be reliably captured by M, so
that the measure is robust in a given coverage range, here set to 0.02. The same
conclusions can be drawn for the other comparable corpus pairs we have constructed
(from Gb and Gc ).
One can further conclude from Table 5 that, compared to M, it is easier to
achieve high confidence, and thus higher robustness, with M c . Even when the
dictionary coverage is only 0.50, the confidence is larger than 0.86 that M c captures
the different comparability levels. However, the computation complexity of the
context-based measures is usually very expensive. For this reason, we will only make
use, in the remainder of this study, of the measure M weighted by the P/A criterion.

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22 B. Li et al.

3.3 Experiments of bilingual lexicon extraction

In addition to experiments in Section 3.2, we will use here the measure M in a real
world task to show its efficiency. We will make use of bilingual lexicon extraction
to show that comparable corpora of higher quality, measured by M, truly result in
better lexicons extracted.
For bilingual lexicon extraction, we will make use of the approach developed in
Li and Gaussier (2010) to produce several comparable corpora of different quality.
This approach consists of two steps: (1) extract a high-quality subpart from the
original corpus; (2) enhance the low-quality subpart, the part left in the original
corpus after removing the high-quality subpart, with the external corpus. We do
not plan to go into the details of this algorithm which is not the focus of the
paper. Two comparable corpora are needed in order to use the algorithm in Li and
Gaussier (2010):
• Original corpus: the comparable corpus of which the quality to be improved;
• External corpus: the comparable corpus used to enhance the low-quality
subpart of the original corpus.
The test corpora here are built in a manner different from that used to evaluate the
comparability measures in Section 3.2.1, intending to show that the measure M is
not over-fitting test corpora artificially introduced in Section 3.2.1.
Corpora used in this part have been introduced in Table 1 in Section 3.1. We
use here GH95 and SDA95 as the original corpus C 0 . In order to enhance the
low-quality subpart, we consider two external resources: (a) CT1 made of LAT94,
MON94 and SDA94, and (b) CT2 consisting of Wiki-En and Wiki-Fr. We run the
algorithm in Li and Gaussier (2010) with two groups of input corpora, namely
C 0 + CT1 and C 0 + CT2 , resulting in two corpora C 1 and C 2 , respectively. Considering
the comparability scores by M, the comparability of C 1 is 0.912 and the one of C 2 is
0.916. Both of them are more comparable than the original corpus C 0 of which the
comparability is 0.882.
In order to measure the performance of the bilingual lexicon extraction on C 0 , C 1
and C 2 , we follow the standard practice in previous work and rely on the approach
proposed in Fung and Yee (1998). In this approach, each word w is represented as
a context vector consisting of the weight a(w c ) of each context word w c , the context
being extracted from a window running through the corpus. Once context vectors
for English and French words have been constructed, a general bilingual dictionary
D can be used to bridge them by accumulating the contributions from words that
are translation of each other. Standard similarity measures, as the cosine or the
Jaccard coefficient, can then be applied to compute the similarity between vectors.
We then divide the original dictionary in Section 3.1 into two parts: 10% of the
English words (3k words) together with their translations are randomly chosen and
used as the evaluation set, the remaining words being used to compute context
vectors and similarity between them. For each English word in the evaluation set,
all the French words in the corpus are then ranked according to their similarity with
the English word. To evaluate the quality of the lexicons extracted, we first retain for
each English word its N first translations, and then measure the precision of the lists

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 23

Table 6. Precision of bilingual lexicon extraction on different corpora

C0 C1 C2

WL 0.114 0.136 0.181

WM 0.233 0.345 0.401
WH 0.417 0.568 0.633
All 0.205 0.258 0.310

The comparability scores (by M) of C 0 , C 1 and C 2 are 0.882, 0.912 and 0.916, respectively.

obtained, which amounts in this case to the proportion of lists containing the correct
translation (in case of multiple translations, a list is deemed to contain the correct
translation as soon as one of the possible translations is present). This evaluation
procedure has been used in previous work (e.g., Gaussier et al. (2014)) and is now
standard for the evaluation of lexicons extracted from comparable corpora. In this
study, we consider bilingual lexicon extraction with potential usage in CLIR and set
N to 20 following previous studies as Gaussier et al. (2014). Furthermore, several
studies have shown that it is easier to find the correct translations for frequent
words than for infrequent ones (Pekar et al. 2006). To take this fact into account,
we distinguished different frequency ranges to assess the impact of corpus quality
measured by M for all frequency ranges. Words with frequency less than 100 are
defined as low-frequency words (WL ), whereas words with frequency larger than
400 are high-frequency words (WH ), and words with frequency in between are
medium-frequency words (WM ).
The results obtained are displayed in Table 6. They show that the standard
approach performs significantly better on the improved corpora C 1 /C 2 than on the
original corpus C 0 . The overall precision is increased by 5.3% on C 1 (corresponding
to a relative increase of 26%) and 9.5% on C 2 (corresponding to a relative increase
of 51%). It should also be noticed that the performance of the standard approach
is better on C 2 than on C 1 . When considering different frequency ranges, one could
come to the same conclusion. In a word, those results reveal that performance of
lexicon extraction is coincident with the comparability scores computed for the three
corpora, which further proves that the comparability measure M is able to quantify
the corpus quality precisely.

4 Discussion
The quality of the comparable corpus is an important feature affecting its usability
in NLP tasks. Our work presented in this paper is a first attempt that systematically
investigates a set of approaches to measure the corpus quality. We would like to
give additional comments on some parts of the work described in previous sections.
In order to evaluate the comparability measures, we have designed in Section 3.2
novel evaluation schema where corpora of gold-standard comparability levels are
produced based on the parallel corpus and another monolingual corpus. We believe
this design to be the most direct one that one can think of in order to obtain

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24 B. Li et al.

quantitative comparability levels. We are aware of no former studies trying to

build gold-standard comparability levels. With the test corpora obtained through
this design, we found that the comparability measure M, based on vocabulary
overlapping and the P/A weighting schema, can capture different comparability
levels very well and is robust to changes in dictionary coverage. The measures we
have developed could capture the differences between various corpora introduced
As for the evaluation of proposed measures in Section 3.2.2, we have mostly
cared about relative differences among various test corpora rather than the absolute
comparability scores. The reason is that one only knows the relative rather than the
absolute comparability levels of test corpora constructed by gradually introducing
noise to existing corpora in Section 3.2.1. In addition, as we have discussed before,
it is hard for people to assign precise comparability scores on corpus level than on
sentence and document level.
The standard vector space approach for text representation has been used
successfully in previous studies dealing with documents and sentences (Salton et al.
1975). It is however inferior, in the context of comparable corpora, to the simple
measure M we have proposed. In our opinion, the cosine measure on top of vector
representation is not appropriate to deal with long texts covering a broad collection
of topics. Documents and sentences cover a single or only a few topics, making the
vector representation comparable with each other, which is not the case for sets of
documents. In addition, the direct vector mapping via bilingual dictionary brings in
much noise affecting performance of the classic vector space model. This judgment
has also been supported by such studies as Deshmukh and Hegde (2012).
We have also noticed that the MT-based measures do not perform well, which is
contrary to our intuitions. The reason is the same as the above analysis: the vector
space model is weak in dealing with text at corpus level. It is possible to alert the
original VSM by considering the impact of text length. However, as we have shown,
the simple measure M we have proposed shows quite satisfactory performance.
There is not a strong drive to further explore the possibility of using VSM-based

5 Conclusion
In this paper, we have first reviewed the notion of comparability in light of the
usage of various bilingual corpora. This notion motivates the introduction of several
comparability measures, as well as experiments designed to validate them. We find
from those experiments that the measure M, together with the P/A weighting scheme,
correlates well with gold-standard comparability levels and is robust to the dictionary
coverage. Moreover, this measure has a low computational cost. The measure M
is then validated in bilingual lexicon extraction to show its correlation with the
performance of real tasks. We have made in this paper two main contributions:
(1) A systematic approach to test if a comparability measure is reliable. We could
not find in previous work such strategies that provide quantitative evaluation for
a comparability measure, since it is difficult to construct comparable corpora of

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Measuring bilingual corpus comparability 25

known comparability levels. (2) A comparability measure that correlates well with
gold-standard comparability levels and is robust to dictionary coverage.

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