Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
Abstract—In this paper the performance of a partial combin- obstacles in the channels. Reflections from these obstacles
ing equalizer for Multi-Carrier Code Division Multiple Access degrade the transmitted signal before it reaches the receiver.
(MC-CDMA) systems is analytically and numerically evalu- Hence, channel equalization is required to reduce the Bit
ated. In the part of channel identification, authors propose Error Rate (BER) of the receiver as small as possible. In
a blind algorithm based on Higher Order Cumulants (HOC) fact, the goal of the equalization techniques is to reduce
for identifying the parameters representing the indoor sce- the effect of the fading and the interference while not en-
nario of Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN A) chan-
hancing the effect of the noise on the decision of what data
nel model normalized for MC-CDMA systems. Theoretical
analysis and numerical simulation results, in noisy environ-
symbol was transmitted. Therefore, the problem of channel
ment and for different Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), are pre- identification appears.
sented to illustrate the performance of the proposed algo- In this paper, authors propose an algorithm for blind chan-
rithm in the one hand, and the other hand the impact of par- nel identification, using higher order cumulants. There are
tial combining equalizer on the performance of MC-CDMA several motivations behind this interest [6]. Firstly, higher
systems. order cumulants are blind to all kinds of Gaussian noise that
is, the additive noise Gaussian will vanish in the higher or-
Keywords—bit error rate, blind channel identification, higher
order cumulants, MC-CDMA systems, partial combining equal- der cumulants domain. Secondly, cumulants are useful in
izer. identifying non-minimum phase channels when the input is
non-Gaussian and is contaminated by Gaussian noise.
The problem of the blind identification of the Broad-
1. Introduction band Radio Access Network (BRAN) channels, normal-
ized by the European Telecommunications Standards Insti-
Fourth generation (4G) technology allows user to efficiently tute (ETSI) [7]–[8], and downlink MC-CDMA equaliza-
share common resources. However, the exponential growth tion using higher order cumulants was proposed by several
of multimedia users request fast data rates and reliable authors [9]–[12].
transmission. The 4G wireless systems utilizing available
In this contribution, authors present a partial combining
limited bandwidth in a spectrally efficient manner. To at-
equalizer for downlink MC-CDMA systems equalization,
tain these aims, there are two principle contending tech-
for that is in the one hand, the problem of the blind identi-
nologies, i.e. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
fication of (BRAN A) channel using the proposed algorithm
(OFDM) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).
is considered, and in the other hand the presented equal-
Therefore, OFDM-CDMA and MC-CDMA gain a lot of
izer after the channel identification to correct the chan-
attention for wireless mobile communication [1]–[2]. The
nel’s distortion is used. The numerical simulation results,
principles of MC-CDMA [3] is that a single data symbol
in noisy environment, are presented to illustrate the accu-
is transmitted on multiple narrow band subcarriers. In-
racy of the proposed algorithm, and the performance of
deed, in MC-CDMA systems, spreading codes are applied
in the frequency domain and transmitted over independent
subcarriers. However, multicarrier systems are very sen-
sitive to synchronization errors such as carrier frequency
offset and phase noise. Synchronization errors cause loss 2. Channel Identification using Higher
of orthogonality among subcarriers and considerably de- Order Cumulants
grade the performance especially when large number of
subcarriers presents [4]–[5]. The MC-CDMA modulator 2.1. Channel Model
is an effective technique for combating multipath fading
over highly dispersive wireless channels. The problem en- The term channel refers to the transmitting space (medium)
countered in digital communication is the synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver antennas as shown
between the transmitter and the receiver; there are many in Fig. 1.
Mohammed Zidane, Said Safi, and Mohamed Sabri
Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
• the measurement noise sequence n(k) is assumed The system of Eq. (15) can be written in matrix form as:
zero mean, i.i.d., Gaussian and independent of x(k)
with unknown variance. C4,y (q + 1, 0, 0) ... C4,y (2q, 0, 0)
C4,y (q + 1, 1)−α ... C4,y (2q, 1, 0)
The problem statement is to identify the parameters of the . . .
system h(i)(i=1,...,q) using the cumulants of the measured . . .
. . .
output signal y(k).
C4,y (q + 1, q, 0) ... C4,y (2q, q, 0)−α
3. Proposed Algorithm . 0
−C4,y (q, 1, 0)
By substituting n = 4 and m = 2 into Eq. (9) the following .
equation can be obtained: .
× h(i) = , (16)
q . .
∑ h( j)C4,y ( j + τ1 , τ2 , τ3 ) = .
j=0 −C4,y (q, q, 0)
q h 3 i h(q)
= µ ∑ h(i) ∏ h(i + τk ) C2,y (i + τ1 ) , (10) where α = C4,y (q, 0, 0). Or, in more compact form, the
i=0 k=2
Eq. (16) can be written as follows:
Mhe = d, (17)
∑ h( j)C4,y ( j + τ1 , τ2 , τ3 ) = where M is the matrix of size (q + 1) × (q) elements, he
is a column vector constituted by the unknown impulse re-
sponse parameters h(i)i=1,...,q and d is a column vector of
= µ ∑ h(i)h(i + τ2)h(i + τ3 )C2,y (i + τ1 ), (11)
size (q + 1) as indicated in the Eq. (16). The least squares
solution of the system of Eq. (17), permits blindly identifi-
ξ4,x cation of the parameters h(i) and without any information
where µ = ξ2,x .
of the input selective channel. Thus, the solution will be
The autocorrelation function of the (FIR) systems vanishes written under the following form:
for all values of |τ | > q, equivalently:
he = (M T M)−1 M T d .
b (18)
6= 0, |τ | ≤ q;
C2,y (τ ) =
0 otherwise.
If we suppose that τ1 = q the Eq. (11) becomes:
4. MC-CDMA Model
The multicarrier code division multiple access (MC-
CDMA) system is based on the combination of code di-
∑ h( j)C4,y ( j + q, τ2, τ3 ) = µ h(0)h(τ2)h(τ3 )C2,y (q), (12)
vision multiple access (CDMA) and orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM), which is potentially robust
and for τ3 = 0 the Eq. (12) becomes: to channel frequency selectivity. However, the complex
symbol ai of each user i is, firstly, multiplied by each chip
ci,k of spreading code, and then applied to the modulator
∑ h( j)C4,y ( j + q, τ2 , 0) = µ h2(0)h(τ2 )C2,y (q) . (13)
Mohammed Zidane, Said Safi, and Mohamed Sabri
of multicarriers. Each subcarrier transmits an element of possible to express G – the diagonal matrix composed of
information multiply by a code chip of that subcarrier. the coefficients gk equalization:
Figure 2 explains the principle of the MC-CDMA systems.
g0 0 ... 0
0 g1 ... 0
4.1. MC-CDMA Transmitter
. . . .
G= .
The MC-CDMA signal is given by: . . .
. . . .
N p −1 0 0 ... gNp −1
x(t) = p ∑ ci,k e2 jπ fkt , (19)
Np k=0
Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
The estimated received symbol, abi of symbol ai of the user i • all subchannel parameters are added, to construct the
is described by: full BRAN A channel impulse response.
N p −1 N p −1 The simulation is performed with Matlab software and for
|hk |2 h∗k
abi = ∑ c2i,k ai + ∑ ci,k nk . (32) different SNR.
k=0 |hk |1+β k=0 |hk |1+β
6. Simulation Results
In this section the numerical results for blind identifica-
tion and equalization in MC-CDMA systems are presented.
For that we consider the BRAN A model representing the
propagation in an indoor case. The Eq. (35) describe the
impulse response of BRAN A channel:
h(τ ) = ∑ Ai δ (τ − τi ) . (35)
i=0 Fig. 4. Estimated of the BRAN A channel impulse response, for
different SNR and a data length N = 5400.
In the Table 1 the measured values corresponding the
BRAN A radio channel impulse response are summarized.
This figure shows clearly the influence of Gaussian noise
Table 1 on parameter estimation of the BRAN A impulse response.
Delay and magnitudes of 18 targets of BRAN A channel This influence is clear principally for the last five values,
where the estimated parameters do not follow those mea-
Delay τi [ns] Mag. Ai [dB] Delay τi [ns] Mag. Ai [dB] sured. But, before the last fifth values, the 13th first es-
0 0 90 −7.8 timated values are closed to those measured are observed.
10 −0.9 110 −4.7 This due that the additive Gaussian noise vanished in the
20 −1.7 140 −7.3 higher order cumulants domain.
30 −2.6 170 −9.9
40 −3.5 200 −12.5
50 −4.3 240 −13.7
60 −5.2 290 −18
70 −6.1 340 −22.4
80 −6.9 390 −26.7
• the parameters of each subchannel are estimated in- Fig. 5. Estimated of the BRAN A channel impulse response
dependently, using the proposed algorithm; using all target, for different SNR and a data length N = 5400.
Mohammed Zidane, Said Safi, and Mohamed Sabri
6.2. Magnitude and Phase Estimation of BRAN A A model was used representing the propagation in an indoor
Channel using the Proposed Algorithm case normalized for MC-CDMA systems. To estimate the
coefficients of this equalizer, the authors have proposed an
In Fig. 5 we represent the estimation magnitude and phase algorithm based on fourth order cumulants. The proposed
of the impulse response of the BRAN A channel using the algorithm shows their efficiency in the impulse response
proposed algorithm, for an SNR varying between 12 dB channel identification with very good precision. In the part
and 20 dB, the data length is 5400. of the equalization for the MC-CDMA systems using the
The estimated magnitude and phase have the same form. presented equalizer, it has been demonstrated that the par-
In the fact, one can see a low influence of the noise on the tial combining equalizer is very adequate for correcting the
estimation of the magnitude and phase principally when the channel distortion for 0.7 ≤ β ≤ 0.9.
noise is SNR > 12 dB, and we have not more difference
between the estimated and the true ones.
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Compensation of Fading Channels Using Partial Combining Equalizer in MC-CDMA Systems
Mohammed Zidane received tional School for Applied Sciences, Tangier Morocco, from
the M.Sc. in Electronic En- 2003 to 2005. Since 2006, he is a professor of applied
gineering from Sultan Moulay mathematics and programming at the Faculty of Science
Slimane University, Beni Mel- and Technic, Beni Mellal Morocco. In 2008 he received the
lal, Morocco, and M.Sc. in Ph.D. degree in telecommunication and informatics from
Optoelectronics and Laser In- the Cadi Ayyad University. His general interests span the
strumentation from Faculty of areas of communications and signal processing, estimation,
Science and Techniques Has- time-series analysis, and system identification-subjects on
san first University, Settat, Mo- which he has published 10 journal papers and more than
rocco. He has Ph.D. in Digital 40 conference papers. Current research topics focus on
Telecommunications and Signal transmitter and receiver diversity techniques for single- and
Processing from Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni multi-user fading communication channels, and wide-band
Mellal, Morocco. His research interest includes digital wireless communication systems.
communications and signal processing, linear and non- E-mail:
linear Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN) chan- Department of Mathematic and Informatic
nels identification, higher order statistics, blind identifica- Polydisciplinary Faculty
tion and equalization in MC-CDMA systems, subjects on Sultan Moulay Slimane University
which he has published 8 journal papers and 4 conference PO box 592, Beni Mellal, Morocco
E-mail: Mohamed Sabri received the
Department of Physics Ph.D. degree in Signal Proc-
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques essing and Telecommunica-
Sultan Moulay Slimane University tions, from Rennes I University,
PO box 523, Beni Mellal, Morocco France. His current research
interests are communication
networks evolution and human
Said Safi received the B.Sc. face detection and recognition.
degree in Physics from Cadi He is currently working as
Ayyad University, Marrakech, a Professor in Department of
Morocco, in 1995, M.Sc. and Physics, Faculty of Sciences
Ph.D. degrees from Chouaib and Techniques, University of Sultan Moulay Slimane,
Doukkali University and Cadi Beni Mellal, Morocco.
Ayyad University, Morocco, in E-mail:
1997 and 2002, respectively. Department of Physics
He has been a professor of in- Faculty of Sciences and Techniques
formation theory and telecom- Sultan Moulay Slimane University
munication systems at the Na- PO box 523 Beni Mellal, Morocco