Cableizer Flyer 2016

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the online cable optimizer is a web-
based platform for the
design and calculation of
energy cables.
Cableizer provides a fresh
and accurate approach
for the calculation of
cable ampacity, magnetic
fields fom multi-frequency
systems, soil temperature
distribution and solar

The rating of insulated cables

depends on the material Key Features
properties, the construction Running on secure and fast -ÊâÕÀiÊÃiÀÛiÀÃ
of the cable and the laying Ê ÊVœ““Õ˜ˆV>̈œ˜ÊˆÃÊencryptedÊ>˜`Ê--ÊViÀ̈wi`
arrangement with adjacent No installation, no dongle
heat sources or sinks. All
this can be addressed in a Ê vvœÀ`>LiÊ܈̅Êno initial costs and
no longterm service agreement
smart and convenient way
with Cableizer. Continuous development of new features
Automatic updates are included
The results are accurate and
provide valuable engineering Support by experts in cable engineering
information for the design Ê œ}ˆV>Ê>˜`Êintuitive graphical user interface
of new cable systems or the Comprehensive reports with formulas

Web-based Calculations
Simple but good Ampacity of cables in air
Êbrowser and an internet connection is Êœ«Ìˆœ˜ÃʜvÊ
>ÊޜÕʘii`°Ê œÊ`œÜ˜œ>`ÃʜÀÊň«“i˜ÌÃÊ in air can be used plus cables in pipes and
of software, no installation through your IT grouped cables with solar radiation.
department, no special hardware or dongle,
no complicated server license.
let‘s do ampacity calculations on your iPad.
Strong and secure
ÊvœÀÊv>ÃÌÊ Ampacity of buried cables
access worldwide. ʏ>ވ˜}Ê>ÀÀ>˜}i“i˜ÌÃÊV>˜Ê…>ÛiÊÕ«Ê̜ʣÓÊ
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in parallel using multiple browser tabs. or multiple single-core cables. Cables can
Library of sample cables Liʈ˜ÊÃi«>À>ÌiʜÀÊVœ““œ˜Ê`ÕVÌðÊÊÀiVÌ>˜-
՘`Ài`ÃʜvÊÃ>“«iÊV>LiÃÊL>Ãi`ʜ˜ÊÃÌ>˜- }Տ>ÀÊ`ÕVÌÊL>˜ŽÃʜvÊ>˜ÞÊÈâiÊ܈̅ÊL>VŽwÊ
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for easy integration in your projects. Using independently with separate frequency and
̅iÊwÌiÀÃʅi«ÃÊޜÕÊw˜`Ê̅iÊV>LiÃʵՈVŽÞ° œ>`Êv>V̜À°Ê-ÞÃÌi“ÃÊV>˜ÊLiÊVœ«ˆi`Ê>˜`Ê
activated or deactivated for calculations.
We use sophisticated code to visualize the
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Ó °ÊÊ}À>«…ˆVÃÊ>ÀiÊ}i˜iÀ>Ìi`ÊLÞʓ>̅i-
matical code minimizing data traffic. Our
website uses the world‘s most popular web
`iÈ}˜ÊvÀ>“iܜÀŽÊ œœÌÃÌÀ>«°

Soil temperature
The temperature distribution in the soil can
be calculated and depicted.

Share and collaborate

whole projects with your colleagues, clients
or our support Ìi>“ÊvœÀÊivwVˆi˜ÌÊܜÀŽ°
Magnetic fields Solar radiation calculator
9œÕÊV>˜ÊV>VՏ>ÌiÊ̅iʓ>}˜ïVÊwi`ÃʜvÊ Calculate the intensity of solar radiation for
multiple systems with different frequencies, a given day and location. Coordinates and
load-flow directions and optional phase >ÌˆÌÕ`iÊV>˜ÊLiÊÌ>Ži˜ÊvÀœ“Êœœ}iÊ>«Ã°
ňvÌÃÊL>Ãi`ʜ˜Ê̅iʏ>ÜʜvÊ ˆœÌ‡->Û>ÀÌ°
The magnetic field strength is plotted as
an impressive and meaningful two-dimen-
sional colormap with contours of selected
µT-values, and in the classic, simple one-
dimensional distribution over ground.

New features
The Cableizer team and its partners are
improving the capabilities of the platform.
we have implemented many new features
and improvements, some requested by our
clients, including:
UÊ Calculation of magnetic fields from
multi-frequency systems (by request)
Comprehensive reports UÊ Àވ˜}‡œÕÌʜvÊ܈Ê܈̅ʓՏ̈«iÊÃÞÃÌi“Ã
The simulation results are being displayed UÊ œÀ“Տ>Ãʈ˜Ê̅iÊÀi«œÀÌÊ­LÞÊÀiµÕiÃÌ®
online and you can download them in the UÊ *…>ÃiÊ돈Ì̈˜}Ê܈̅Ê>Õ̜“>̈VÊÃiÌÕ«
vœÀ“ÊœvÊ>˜Êˆ˜ÌiÀ>V̈ÛiÊ* °ÊÊ«>À>“iÌiÀÃÊ UÊ œÕÀÊV>LiÃʈ˜ÊVœ““œ˜Ê`ÕVÌÊ̜Ê܏Ûi
are printed including name, symbol, unit Ê «…>Ãi‡Ã«ˆÌʜvÊ
and values of all phases. Parameters are UÊ 6>Àˆ>̈œ˜ÊœvÊë>Vˆ˜}Ê­LÞÊÀiµÕiÃÌ®
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Formulas in the report UÊ œ˜‡ˆÃœÌ…iÀ“>Êi>À̅ÊÃÕÀv>Viʈ˜VÕ`ˆ˜}
Optionally, formulas used by the solver spe- point-source correction
cifically for each system and cable in the UÊ
calculation can be included in the report. for each system
Online Documentation Coming soon
The online documentation is written auto- UÊ “«>VˆÌÞʜvÊV>LiÃÊVÀœÃȘ}ÊiÝÌiÀ˜>Ê
matically by the software and is always up heat sources
to date and consistent with the calculation. UÊ “«>VˆÌÞʜvÊV>LiÃʈ˜ÃÌ>i`ʈ˜ÊÛi˜Ìˆ‡
>V…Ê«>À>“iÌiÀʈÃʈ˜VÕ`i`Ê܈̅ʈÌÃʘ>“i]Ê ated tunnels (requested)
description, unit, standard values, formulas UÊ -…œÀ̇VˆÀVՈÌÊV>VՏ>̈œ˜ÃÊvœÀÊVœ˜`ÕV̜À
and reference to related parameters. and screen
Soil temperature calculator UÊ
Ã̈“>ÌiÊ̅iÊ>“Lˆi˜ÌÊ܈ÊÌi“«iÀ>ÌÕÀiÊ>ÌÊ>Ê Do you have a specific application in mind?
particular lying depth and day of year. Let us know about your idea!
With a Cableizer subscription you can run The Cableizer platform was developed
an unlimited number of rating calculations œˆ˜ÌÞÊLÞÊ̅iÊ-܈ÃÃÊVœ“«>˜ÞÊ À>>ۜÃÊ“L
for any number of projects. With different >˜`Ê̅iÊ-Üi`ˆÃ…ÊVœ“«>˜ÞÊ “i̜ÀÊ Ê>˜`Ê
pricing alternatives, Cableizer is well suited
both for your occasional projects, as well Our mission is to provide our clients with
as for continuous use in your organization. state-of-the-art support in the design of high
voltage cable systems.
Your Benefits 7iÊ>ÀiÊ>Ü>ÞÃÊܜÀŽˆ˜}ÊVœÃiÊ̜ʜÕÀÊVˆi˜ÌÃÊ
UÊ >ˆ˜Ê>VViÃÃÊvÀœ“ÊܜÀŽ]ʅœ“iÊ>˜`ÊVˆi˜ÌÊ when further developing the Cableizer
offices to design or present your project «>ÌvœÀ“°Ê-iÛiÀ>ÊÕ«}À>`iÃÊÜiÀiÊiÝ«ˆVˆÌÊ
whenever you need ÕÃiÀÊÀiµÕˆÀi“i˜ÌÃʜÀÊ«Àœ«œÃ>Ã°Ê iˆ˜}Ê>Ê
UÊ -…>ÀiÊV>LiÃÊ>˜`Ê«ÀœiVÌÃÊ܈̅Êteam “i“LiÀʈ˜Ê̅iÊ
members, suppliers and clients electric cables we participate in the review
UÊ œÊˆ˜ÃÌ>>̈œ˜ÊˆÃʘii`i`]Ê̅iÀiʈÃʘœ process of the relevant standards and have
maintenance agreement, no dongle or Û>Õ>LiÊVœ˜˜iV̈œ˜ÃÊ܈̅ÊV>LiÊiÝ«iÀÌÃÊ
CPU licensing worldwide.
UÊ iÌÊ>Õ̜“>̈VÊÕ«`>ÌiÃÊ>˜`ÊÕ«}À>`iÃÊÊÊ 7iÊV>˜Ê>ÃÈÃÌÊޜÕʈ˜Ê“>˜Þʜ̅iÀÊÜ>ÞÃʏˆŽiÊ
and competent support engineering, studies and project manage-
UÊ œÜ˜œ>`ʜvÊVœ“«Ài…i˜ÃˆÛiÊÀi«œÀÌà ment. We have more than a decade of
including all parameters and formulas iÝ«iÀˆi˜Viʈ˜ÊV>LiÊ«ÀœiVÌÃÊܜÀ`܈`iÊ
UÊ iÌÌiÀÊ`iÈ}˜ÃÊ`iˆÛiÀi`Êv>ÃÌiÀÊ܈̅ÊÊ Õ«Ê̜Êxxäʎ6°ÊPlease contact us in order to
minimal investment discuss your specific needs.

Get your free two-week trial today on

cableızer Braavos GmbH xÈänÊ-ÌiÌÌi˜N-܈ÌâiÀ>˜`
+41 79 717 23 71
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