Macintyre Privatization of The Good
Macintyre Privatization of The Good
Macintyre Privatization of The Good
An Inaugural Lecture
AUtsdalr Macintyre
Alasdair Macintyre was installed in 1989 as the first occupant of the
McMahon/Hank Chair in Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. On April
18, 1990, he delivered his inaugural lecture, "The Privatization of Good," before
a large and appreciative audience in Notre Dame's Center for Continuing Educa-
tion. He invited three Notre Dame colleagues to comment on his presentation:
Donald P. Kommers, Professor of Law and Government, and Editor of The Review
ofPblitics; William David Solomon, Associate Professor of Philosophy; and Richard
McCormick, S.J., John A. O'Brien Professor of Christian Ethics. The following
pages include the inaugural address, the remarks of two of the three commen-
tators, and Professor Maclntyre's response. The editors wish to thank Professor
Macintyre for his cooperation in publishing his inaugural address.