This is a revision (Feb. 13, 2017) of the prior steps doc. This is the
entire process except tax forms W-8 BEN-E and 1099 A, B, and C. We are
still trying to get clarity on the need for these forms from Patrick. The
latest revision 11 of the cover letter included is holding the IRS agents
accountable for any possible alterations or additional forms needed. I
personally am sending my package without IRS forms. The humanitarian
projects are optional. I have heard from several sources that they look
favorably on Humanitarians. In addition to the action group calls I
recommend listening to the Patrick calls from mid-October thru Dec18.
There are also some more recent calls from January and February where
Patrick has come on briefly that discuss the IRS forms but without definite
The steps
A. Get copies of Certified COLB (you will be sending one certified copy and one
scanned copy. The scanned copy will be the one you endorse.
B. Make a copy of front and back side of SS card on one side of paper. You will
endorse the back of this paper. (see provided endorsement stamp)
C. Read Establishing UCC Contracts, Public Private Trusts, Article 4 Eminent
Domain, and The Monetary Truth docs till you know them fluently.
D. Go online to get your Nonprofit EIN (this number will go on all your future
docs as applicable)
E. Create your *Article 4 American Public Citizen docs… (Proof of Insurance and
ID). Mail both registered mail (one mailing) to yourself.
F. Create your NON UCC doc and mail it to yourself Registered Mail.
I. Mail package with cover letter per instructions on Establishing UCC doc.