Article - Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis - SemiotiX
Article - Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis - SemiotiX
Article - Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis - SemiotiX
Critical Discourse Monuments
Analysis Memorials in
Halliday’s work has also Societies: A
contributed many of its Semiotic and
analytical tools for the
kind of linguistic
analysis carried out in
Critical Discourse By Federico Bellentani
Analysis (CDA). CDA is Monuments and
probably the most memorials are built
Andrea Mayr comprehensive attempt forms with
to develop a theory of commemorative as
the inter-connectedness of discourse, power well as political
and ideology. The term ‘critical’ principally functions. They can
means unravelling or ‘denaturalizing’ ideologies articulate selective
expressed in discourse and revealing how power historical narratives
structures are constructed and negotiated in focusing attention on
and through discourse. CDA research specifically convenient events and
analyses institutional, political, gender and individuals, while
media discourses which ‘testify to more or less obliterating what is
overt relations of struggle and conflict’ (Wodak discomforting […]
2001: 2). Because of its solid analytical
foundation, Halliday’s work helps CDA
practitioners to ground concerns about power
and ideology in the detailed analysis of
language. Both fields also share the view of
language as socially constructed: language both
shapes and is shaped by society.
Although the general thrust in CDA has been GESTURES
towards the analysis of linguistic structures, – in the past, present,
more recently there has been a visual turn and future The special
inspired by scholars who have incorporated exhibition “Gestures –
visual images into concepts of discourse and in the past, present,
have moved towards broader multimodal and future” will run
conceptions (Kress and van Leeuwen 1996; from 17 November
Machin 2007). This extension of CDA into visual 2017 to 4 March 2018
semiotics also has its origins in early Hallidayan at the Saxon Museum
theory which maintains that language is only of Industry. It looks at
one semiotic resource out of many and that […]
several forms of representations, linguistic and
non-linguistic, are used in the construction of
discourse. For example, while political and
ideological views of newspapers can be
expressed in the choice of different vocabularies
(e.g. ‘resistance fighters’ vs. ‘insurgents’) and
different grammatical structures (e.g. active vs.
passive constructions), visual structures in the
form of images just as much can convey Ecosemiotic
ideological meanings. Applying some of the Paradigm for
linguistic principles found in SFL, Multimodal Nature and
Critical Discourse Analysis (MCDA) therefore Culture:
shows how images, photographs, diagrams and
graphics also work to create meanings
communicated by a text, which are often more
implicit or indirect than language. Explorations
in the
The work of Kress and van Leeuwen (1996) in Cybernetics of
particular has developed a set of tools derived
from SFL that allows us to study the choices of
visual features as well as lexical and
grammatical choices in language. One of these
tools is social actor analysis (van Leeuwen, 1996), g & Knowing.
a linguistic and visual inventory of the ways we During the days from
can describe and classify people and some of July 9th to 12th, 2018
the ideological effects that these classifications in The Silesian
can have. According to van Leeuwen, people can Botanical Garden the
be personalized or impersonalized, represented conference will be held
as specific individuals or as generic types. under the title:
Certain naming strategies therefore foreground Ecosemiotic Paradigm
aspects of a person’s identity while for Nature and Culture:
backgrounding others. To illustrate this, let us Transdisciplinary
briefly look at media representations of young Explorations in the
people which often construct them as a Cybernetics of
problem. For example, in the following Learning, […]
headlines taken from British (tabloid)
AT 3:21 PM
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