This rubric evaluates a demonstration teaching session based on 7 criteria: lesson plan, lesson presentation, knowledge of subject matter, communication skills, poise/confidence, method of presentation, and activity-based/student-centered presentation. For each criterion, the teacher's performance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "beginning" and 5 being "exemplary". The rubric provides descriptions for performance at each level to guide scoring. The total score across all criteria is also calculated.
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This rubric evaluates a demonstration teaching session based on 7 criteria: lesson plan, lesson presentation, knowledge of subject matter, communication skills, poise/confidence, method of presentation, and activity-based/student-centered presentation. For each criterion, the teacher's performance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "beginning" and 5 being "exemplary". The rubric provides descriptions for performance at each level to guide scoring. The total score across all criteria is also calculated.
This rubric evaluates a demonstration teaching session based on 7 criteria: lesson plan, lesson presentation, knowledge of subject matter, communication skills, poise/confidence, method of presentation, and activity-based/student-centered presentation. For each criterion, the teacher's performance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "beginning" and 5 being "exemplary". The rubric provides descriptions for performance at each level to guide scoring. The total score across all criteria is also calculated.
This rubric evaluates a demonstration teaching session based on 7 criteria: lesson plan, lesson presentation, knowledge of subject matter, communication skills, poise/confidence, method of presentation, and activity-based/student-centered presentation. For each criterion, the teacher's performance is rated on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being "beginning" and 5 being "exemplary". The rubric provides descriptions for performance at each level to guide scoring. The total score across all criteria is also calculated.
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Rubric Scoring for Demonstration Teaching of Mr./Ms.
Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary
CRITERIA Rubric Score 1 2 3 4 Lesson Plan 1. Standards (Timeliness) 2. Objectives 3.Materials/Technology 4. Introduction 5. Procedures 6. Assessment 7.Closure 8. Differentiation 9. Correctness/Neatness 10.Quality writing Did not meet Below Meets Exceeds Greatly Exceeds Lesson Presentation expectation Expectation expectation Expectation expectation Total ( Criteria) 1 2 3 4 5 Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates s ve mastery s below above/adequat above average masterful of subject average e knowledge of knowledge of knowledge of !.Knowledge of Subject matterry knowledge of subject matter subject matter subject Matter Matter poor subject matter Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a s poor ability s below average ability above average superior ability to to average to ability to communicate/the 2.Communication Skills communicate ability to communicate communicate teacher is easily ( clarity) with the communicat with the bwith the audience understood audience e with the audience audience Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates an s an poor s below an average above average extremely poised display of average display of poise and and confidence 3.POISE /cONFIDENCE confidence display of confidence confidence demeanor confidence
s poor ability s below averageability above average superior ability to to use average to use creative ability to use use creative and creative and ability to use and effective creative and effective teaching 4.Method of Presentation effective creative and teaching effective teaching methods teaching effective methods methods methods teaching methods Speaks using Speaks using Speaks using Speaks using above Speaks using poor below average average level of superior modulation average modulation of modulation of modulation of 5. Voice of volume modulation volume and volume and with volume and with and with of volume with clarity clarity clarity clarity and with clarity The teacher The teacher The teacher has The teacher has The teacher has has has below average ability above average superior ability to poorability to average to use IMs for ability to use IMs use IMs for 6. effective use of use IMs for ability to use effective for effective effective conduct Materials/Technology effective IMs for conduct of class conduct of class of class conduct of effective class conduct of class The teacher The teacher The teacher has The teacher has The teacher has has poor has below average ability above average superior ability to ability to average to conduct ability to conduct conduct student- conduct ability to student- student-centered - centered - 7. Activity-based/student student- conduct centered - differentiated differentiated class centered presentation centered - student- differentiated class activity activity differentiated centered - class activity class activity differentiate d class activity