Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium and Extraction Using Mathematica: Computers in Education Journal September 2005
Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium and Extraction Using Mathematica: Computers in Education Journal September 2005
Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium and Extraction Using Mathematica: Computers in Education Journal September 2005
3 368
1 author:
Binous Housam
University of Carthage
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All content following this page was uploaded by Binous Housam on 22 August 2015.
xi1 i1 xi2 i2 i 1,2,3 (3) We will now study the separation of acetic
acid from water using isopropyl ether as a
We also have additional relations such as the solvent. This separation is usually difficult to
summation rules and material balances: realize with distillation due to the presence of a
severe tangent pinch at high compositions of
water which prevent the distillate from being
i 3 1 i 3
x 1 and
i 1 i i 1
xi2 1 (4) acid-free. A graphical solution performed by
hand calculation has been presented by
L1 L2 1 and L1 xi1 L2 xi2 X i i 1,2 (5) Wankat[1]. We will show how one can use
Mathematica to solve this problem more
Equations 1-5 can be solved simultaneously easily and accurately using the graphical
using the built-in Mathematica approach of Hunter and Nash[2] as well as the
function, McCabe-Thiele diagram. Equilibrium data, at 1
FindRoot, in order to get the eight unknown, atm and 25°C, are given by Wankat[1], they can
xi1 , xi2 , L1 and L2 , which are the mole fractions be used to plot the following diagram where the
tie lines has been drawn (see Figure 2). Note
in both liquid phase for the three components that the conjugate line can be easily constructed
and the total number of moles in the two liquid using the equilibrium points.
phase in equilibrium. If we solve this system of
equations for different values of X 1 and X 2 , we
wt. frac . acetic acid
get Figure 1. Tie lines are obtained by joining 100
with lines the equilibrium points, the extract and
raffinate curves are also plotted. The system
considered in this study is a Type I where the a
plait point is marked as a bold dot in the figure.
1 40
0.8 20
wt. frac . water
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 2 - Equilibrium data for the ternary
wt. frac water
-50 -25 25 50 75 100 /?search_results=1;search_person_id=1536 .