Implementation Project Plan Template
Implementation Project Plan Template
Implementation Project Plan Template
In this section, describe the purpose of the plan and identify the system to be implemented.
o Schedule
o Budget
o Resource availability and skill sets
o Software and other technology to be reused or purchased
o Constraints associated with product interfaces
Project Organization
Provide a description of the project structure and the major components essential to its implementation. It
should describe both hardware and software, as appropriate. Charts, diagrams, and graphics may be
included as necessary to provide a clear picture of the system.
2. Management Overview
In this section, provide a description of how the implementation will be managed and identify the major
tasks involved.
Description of Implementation
Describe the planned deployment, installation, and implementation approach.
Points of Contact
Identify the Strategy Director, and the name of the responsible organization(s), titles, and telephone
numbers of the staff who serve as points of contact for the project implementation.
Add or delete additional lines as needed to the table. If the applicable team members are listed in the
Project Management Plan, reference the appropriate section within that document.
Business Sponsor
Government Project
System Developer or
System Maintainer
Quality Assurance
Management Manager
Security Officer
Database Administrator
Site Implementation
IV&V Representative
3. Major Tasks
In this section, provide descriptions of the major system implementation tasks. Add as many sections as
necessary to this subsection to describe all the major tasks. The tasks described in this section should not
be site-specific, but generic or overall project tasks that are required to install hardware, software, and
databases, prepare data, and validate the system.
If several implementation approaches are being reviewed, identify the advantages, disadvantages, risks,
issues, estimated time frames, and estimated resource requirements for each option considered. These
options could include the following:
Include the following information for the description of each major task, if appropriate:
Consider addressing the changes that may be necessary once the system has been implemented.
4. Implementation Schedule
Provide a schedule of activities to be accomplished. Show the required tasks (described in section 3.
Major Tasks) in chronological order, with the beginning and end dates of each task. Although you may
not have a finalized schedule, it is appropriate to include a project Gantt chart. If applicable, include any
milestones from other projects that are dependent on this project, or that this project depends on.
6. Implementation Support
Describe any support hardware, software, facilities, and materials required for the implementation, along
with the documentation, necessary personnel and training requirements, outstanding issues, and
implementation impacts to the current environment.
Provide a list of support equipment: This hardware may include computers, servers, peripheral equipment,
simulators, emulators, diagnostic equipment, other non-computer equipment as well as any network and
data communication requirements. The description should include the specific models, versions,
configuration settings, and the equipment owner. Also include information about manufacturer support,
licensing, and usage and ownership rights, and maintenance agreement details. If you are implementing
software, also include any hardware necessary for installation and testing.
Provide a list of non-hardware components (software, databases, and compilers, operating systems,
utilities, etc.) required to support the implementation. Identify the component by specific name, code, or
acronym, identification numbers, version numbers, release numbers, and applicable configuration
settings. Also, include information about vendor support, licensing, usage, and ownership rights, along with
any required service and/or maintenance contract costs and associated payment responsibility. Identify
whether the component is commercial off-the-shelf, custom developed, or legacy.
Identify the physical facilities, accommodations, and their location(s) required during implementation.
Specify the hours per day needed, number of days, and anticipated dates.
Identify any other consumables (i.e. technology, supplies, and materials) required to support your project.
Provide the names, identification numbers, version numbers, release numbers, owners, and any
associated maintenance or operational costs.
7. Documentation
In this section, list additional documentation needed to support the deliverable system. Include all security
or privacy protection considerations associated with the systems use.
8. Performance Monitoring
Here, describe the metrics you will use to monitor and measure performance. Include techniques and
how they will be used to help determine if the implementation is successful. Additionally, list any tools or
programs that you will use to monitor and track performance.
9. Acceptance Criteria
In this section, establish acceptance criteria for transitioning from implementation to execution. Identify
the criteria that will be used to determine if the deliverables outlined in the implementation plan are
acceptable, and whether there are required technical processes, methods, tools, or performance
benchmarks required for product acceptance.
10. Glossary
Include this section to list any terms and abbreviations used in this plan. If it is several pages in length, it
may be placed in an appendix.
11. References
Insert the name, version number, description, and physical location of any documents referenced in this
document. Add rows to the table as necessary.
The undersigned acknowledge that they have reviewed the <Project Name> Implementation Plan and
agree with the information presented within this document. Changes to this Project Implementation Plan
will be coordinated with, and approved by, the undersigned, or their designated representatives.